#lazurus pit
batfambyval · 8 months
okay. So.
Serious Red Robin theory coming.
Tim wasn’t put in the Lazarus Pit. But. That doesn’t mean they didn’t use it on him. The pit’s healing properties have been shown to work in small portions. Like, the healing is proportional to the amount of lw used.
The cave with the pit isn’t exactly a sterile environment. So either the pit was needed or it was an attempt to put Tim off balance, a psychological weapon. Though the White Ghost’s reaction to the assumption seems to dispute that. If the pit’s healing is proportional to the amount used it makes sense that the psychological effects are to, along with the duration of those side effects.
Ra’s had serious reasons to use the pit on Tim, between the additional room for emotional manipulation and Tim’s life threatening injury which wasn’t immediately treated and was in fact exacerbated like, a lot… yeah. Tim lost a lot of blood. He lost was stabbed in the organ that filters blood: meaning all your blood passes through your spleen. He was bleeding out, he should have died, he dragged himself and another person to a car, drove said car back to the city, and got them both up to the penthouse. Recovering from that would take a long time, he shouldn’t have survived at all. But he healed quickly and well, it isn’t an issue, it happened and it was over. I know we as a fandom like to have fun with Tim’s missing spleen and what that means but… canon didn’t and looking back I feel like there was a lot pointing at the pit being used in a much more insidious was, not just in the logistics of Tim’s recovery.
Ra’s was insanely trusting of Tim. Not just in his ability to do what he wanted but in his belief that Tim would ultimately come around to his way of thinking. Now, I can obviously see that Tim was in a very vulnerable position and if Bruce hadn’t actually been alive Ra’s could definitely have succeeded. But it feels like more than that, especially with Tim’s ensuing behavior. A lot of his time with the league is glossed over or seen from Tam’s perspective, but Tim was acting different. It’s easy to attribute this to the objectively terrible situation and the year he’s had, but his behavior isn’t the same as it was at the beginning of the run either. And the difference in behavior fades. As Red Robin Tim is more ruthless and pragmatic, mostly due to necessity. Even stealing from a museum and fighting for it makes him incredibly uncomfortable. He still did it. But he was still acting like Tim, making jokes and doing his best to diffuse the situation and keep everyone alive. After the surgery his focus gets even more single minded. He barely puts up a fight about leading the league. Of course partly for Tam, and he tried to keep killing to a minimum but cmon. He was leading the league of ASSASSINS. There were assassinations happening. People died when he blew all the league bases and he barely registered that beyond thinking that the council of spiders probably made it out, implying part of him knew death was a possibility and he didn’t care. But he didn’t think about the moral implications of that in a way that was very reminiscent of Jason’s selective morality. If he had stopped to think about it he wouldn’t have done it, but he was focused to much on beating Ra’s, on not compromising, that the complexity of the situation didn’t sink in. The obvious effects of his actions, the possible deaths and injuries of anyone inside a league stronghold wasn’t acknowledged while the underlying message sent to his opponent was the only thing he could think about. Just like when Jason attacked Tim at Titans Tower to send a message to Bruce despite his hardline stance against hurting kids.
So. The League did use the pit on Tim, just a little. Maybe two tablespoons in the wound to accelerate recovery and weaken his morals a bit. It would certainly make a lot of sense. And the writer did change when Tim came back to Gotham so it’s entirely possible that it was meant to be touched on later but was discarded.
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camo-wolf · 8 months
Want to share my lazurus Damian au
Damian was born sick and weak and wasn’t expected to make it
Talia desperate to save her son had him drink from the Lazarus waters and he lived
However because he drank from it he got ability’s of regeneration of any wounds
As well as turning his blood into healing properties
He’s basically a walking lazurus pit
This puts him as a target because there’s lots of enemies who would want this power
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reyskitchensink · 4 months
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I am slowly but surely making my way through all the batman tv shows and movies.
Sheesh there are a lot....
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blueboybot · 20 hours
Birds Of A Feather Fight Ghost Together
Danny is now a bird. No, he did not transform willingly and yes it did have something to do with Vlad's new weapon because creepy old men who have acess to advanced tech will try anything on unsuspecting teenagers these days. It's not all that bad though, he can still fight pretty good as a weird pigeon (the ghost learned very fast that sharp talons to the face were not worth it) and the only downside was his attraction to shiny things, which has only distracted him a few times (no Jazz he was not hording the fancy and shiny forks, he was just holding onto them incase he needed them for a bigger dinner later).
Anyways he was flying through the GZ on his way to either find more shiny things or peck out another ghost's eyes, he doesn't mind which comes first, when a glint caught his beady bird eyes.
"Shiny thing first it is."
As Danny flew closer he realized two things. One, the shiny thing was infact a shiny sword. Two, the shiny sword was being wielded by a child in the middle of fighting a ghost.
He quickly flew down opening his beak and produced a small coo wail that immediately popped the creature. Danny needed to figure out how the boy ended up– Wait! HE HAS FRIES!
He'll figure out that later but now he needs those fries.
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mochinek0 · 5 months
Daminette December 2023:30-Save Some for Me
Many people of the Justice League were summoned for a mission. Some were hiding in the shadows, others were stuck as civilians. Everything was going fine in the mission until Damian Wayne was suddenly thrown into building. That was the day he learned his two sunshine would go to hell for him.
Damian lay aginst the building. His vision was foggy, at best.
'Concussion. Labored breathing; likely a broken rib or two.'
He hadn't noticed people had started running away and were screaming. He hadn't even noticed Jon and Marinette calling his name until they got to his side.
'Hearing impairment.'
"Don't touch him!" Jon shouted, "He has some broken bones and some bad bruising."
"Concussion. Hearing impairment. Labored breathing." Damian whispered out, "Tired."
" Stay awake. I'll get a medic as fast as I can." Jon remarked, "I'm staying with you. I'll protect you from any more damage."
'That's good. His body can shield me from anymore debris or if there's any bullets.'
Damian felt wet drops fall on him.
It wasn't until he heard the sob that he realized it was Marinette.
"Angel. I will be fine." he spoke.
He saw her hand turn into a fist and drop her precious earrings into her purse. She shoved it into Jon's arm.
"Marinette?" Jon asked.
He saw Marinette place a small ring on her hand.
"Claws out." she snarled.
Before his eyes, his angel looked like a small version of Selina in her CatWoman outfit. Her hair had turned jet black and was tied in a long braid down to her ankles. Her suit was now black. She was wearing thigh high heels with a green sash wrapped around her waist. Her hands had turned claws. She no wore a black domino mask the looked like his own robin mask and upon her head, were a pair of cat ear, trimmed with green. Then, she was gone.
"You might want to make sure Angel doesn’t kill anyone." Damian spoke, before passing out with a smile.
Jon turned to see Marinette lunging at people and blood splattering everywhere. It reminded him of watching his best friend train with his swords.
'Oh, shit! There's two of them!'
Jon quickly rushed away and grabbed ahold of her, locking her arms. She still managed to move with him holding her.
'I was wrong. She's scarier!'
The Bats quickly rounded everyone up as the rest of the Justice League avoided Ladybug, now turned Cat. She was hissing and clawing, trying to get away from Superboy. He had scratches on him from holding her back and was bleeding. Superman quickly rushed over and knocked her out. Superboy huffed and handed her over to Batman.
"Your son's girlfriend is just as deadly as he is." he huffed.
Plagg released himself from the ring.
"Do you have any cheese?" he questioned.
"What?" replied Superman.
"Another alien?" asked Green Lantern.
"Rude." Plagg answered, "I am the God of Destruction."
"Yep. That fits the bill." Red Hood responded, "Demon Spawn dating a person of destruction."
"Oh, you have it all wrong." Plagg declared "She only used me because she was pissed and you should be grateful, she did."
"She killed ten people." Batman spoke.
The kwami shrugged, "Could have been worse."
"How?" asked Nightwing.
"She could have been weilding her usual, my other half: Tikki, the Goddess of Creation. She created the universe." Plagg explained, enthusiastically, "When she gets pissed, she creates weapons of mass destruction. Instead of ten people, it could have been half the planet."
All the heroes looked at Marinette unconscious in Batman's arms.
"Who's the bad one now?" Plagg smirked, "At least she didn't used Kalki. Could have just teleported them over a volcano or a pit of death."
"So, do you have cheese?" Plagg asked again.
Jon was quick to warn the medical team about Damian's injuries and the extent of them, as he was placed on a stretcher.
"Ah, Loverboy." Plagg declared.
The Kwami of Destruction tapped on the downed Robin and let the green aura wash over him.
"Is that-?" Tim shouted.
"My magic." Plagg stated, absorbing it, "Seems he has a lot of it in him. Not as goo as cheese, but it helps. I'll talk to the bug and she can give my ring to him, for awhile. I should be able to absorb the rest. Same with Helmet Head."
"Really?" questioned Red Hood."
Plagg nodded, "Yep."
"Are you perhaps talking about the Lazarus Pits magic?" Batman asked.
"I don’t know what you people call it now, but that is our magic." Plagg explained, "Someone wished for it so we made it. It's why she works so hard to makes sure it doesn’t happen."
Red Hood shook his head, "They're a perfect match."
"Huh?" asked Wonder Woman.
"Demon Spawn and his 'Angel'. We all know if Batsy, here, wasn't around, he'd be leaving Gotham painted red. Hid girlfriend is the same way, if he gets hurt. You can't honestly tell me if she got hurt, he'd go back to being an assassin." he explained.
The Justice League loked between the unconcious couple.
"I say it's Batman's problem, now." Green Lantern stated, "His kid and future daughter-in-law."
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events@animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #147
Danny was looking for a place to hide away from his bully Dash. He had gotten a bad grade on his math test and even though Danny didn’t sit in that class with him at all Dash still blamed him for it. They turned another hallway and as Dash lunged both of them tumbled to the ground. But before they could hit the ground a portal opens up and both of them fall through.
They wind up in a place called Gotham and while they’ve never heard of the city or the vigilantes they decided to stick together even if they hated each other. They find one of the vigilantes and Dash described the portal to them. The vigilantes are shocked at the description of what sounds like a natural lazurus pit and that horrified them a little. Unfortunately the only way to get them through a pit was to travel across the world to Nanda Parbat.
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thats-a-real-mood · 1 year
One of my favorite things about the DcxDP crossovers is when Danny refers to the Lazarus pits or their waters as the ghost zones Sewer water
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ricecakerybakery · 7 months
I feel like we’re forgetting someone
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emma-d-klutz · 1 year
You know, I feel like Batman is really into riddles and solving them. So he actually low key enjoys the hell out of whatever utterly convoluted games Nygma sets up. However, they also involve property destruction and putting people's lives at risk so he has to be like….
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Now you've gotten me started.
I see it as so much more ridiculous than just that. Batman loves puzzles and mysteries and trivia, so he should be having fun. However, he is on the job doing Batman hours, so he must dedicate his time to stopping threats which endanger people, and he does not have time for any distractions from this very important work. They only serve to irritate him and slow him down. So he ignores the Riddler's stuff until Eddie goes, "Do I need to kill people for you to come play riddles? Because I will kill people if you will come play riddles. I can get a bomb collar within the hour, fucko." You're either ignored or you're thrown in Arkham, and he never stays for the lobstar; there's no winning with this guy! He's not friendly no matter what, even if you're offering to help.
Bruce can't have intricate fun. He's Batman. He's on the clock. He's got three other violent rogues actively terrorizing different boroughs and three more planning a team up somewhere. Oh shit two of the former group met in the middle, and now Harvey's gang is shooting in the fucking street! "Bluebird, come in. Evacuate everything below 112th and... what do you mean you're busy with Punchline? What's she doing?"
If only they weren't frenemies at best with loads of identity stuff and bad blood in the way, I think Eddie could've just publicly abducted Bruce Wayne from Gotham Fashion Week and thrown him in a death maze (with the tacit understanding that nothing he does here gets out), and both of them would have a funtastic time. They should invent the most convoluted board game to ever exist together and play it in a basement sometime. They can have the upstairs bugged. They can multitask. They can talk to each other in their own little codes. The amount of times Riddler opens the door for them to infodump to each other that the big, brooding Bat just will never take... tragic. If only he had got him in his off hours. His down time. If only they had that sort of trust. If only he had asked Bruce Wayne, found mostly asleep and delirious faceplanted in a Belgian waffle at the Gotham Majestic Diner, about the hound symbolism in S3E12 of the old 70s Grey Ghost tv show and how it ties into the infamous H fantheory.
They are the bestest buddies that never were to me.
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rarepears · 2 years
Batman the jujutsu sorcerer... without realizing it
Having a brainstorming session with @astranne and here are the highlights:
Gotham is a weird AF place where even all the normal people can see curses. That's why Joker keeps coming back; he's a curse.
None of the American jujutsu sorcerers even know they are sorcerers... by which I mean that Batman is a jujutsu sorcerer and he doesn't realize it.
The heroes just think the cursed spirits are OP villains. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
More in this AU
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years
So you know how in some fics the Lazurus Pit is corrupted ectoplasm, basically sewage for ghosts and how in other fics the Pit is the fucking best source of booze for ghosts? Well what if both were true at the same time? Like the Pit in Nanda Parbat is fucking sewage because it's been corrupted by Ra's testing, experimenting, and bathing in it. However, pretty much all the other Lazurus Pits in the world are some fine fucking booze. So to all other ghosts, Jason smells like a drunk sewer rat, but they wanna know where he got that sweet sweet alcohol
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gennydreams · 1 year
A continuing list of Lazurus Pit descriptions from fanfics:
Zombie rage juice
Pit of Green
Neon green jacuzzi
Evil Mountain Dew
Demonic Mountain Dew
Glowing green pools of evil
Very angry, very green swimming pool
Lemon-lime kool-aid
Magical radioactive Jamba Juice
Green bathwater
Evil Zombie Surge
Thank you fanfic writers for coming up with the most creative ways for Jason to troll people
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camo-wolf · 1 year
Random dc pokemon au headcanon
Ra’s has a full grass team and his partner is Avery old venasaur that he got as his starter as a bulbasaur he’s used the lazurus pit on him throughout the years so he can live alongside him
He loves him very much
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timbourinedrake · 1 year
reread the last few issues of Batgirl (2000) today and then went and saw The Dark Knight at the cinema
the parallels between Cass and Bruce are giving me brainrot. the fight to save everyone no matter who they are, only to end up getting more and more people killed leaving them to question whether there's any point to their moral code at all
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dykesbat · 2 years
how 2 explain that cass and jason are both two of the most interesting batfam characters to em and the way that they work as foils is super super interesting and I would die (positive) to see them fight but also would die (negative) if they fought
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deadgodjess · 11 months
Do I think Batman is "overprotective" in the traditional sense we talk about with parents wrt to their kids? No.
Do I think he has a special file on every creature any of them have interacted with more than twice? Yes.
But like, he's not giving shovel talks, and hes' not gonna go harass someone who made one of the Robins cry.
But... he does probably encourage them to have contingencies for everyone they know, especially other superheroes, especially people they're dating.
Like, Batman isn't afraid of them getting their feelings hurt, he IS afraid of them getting compromised (because he projects on them SO HARD and is ALWAYS getting compromised because of his penis and emotional immaturity).
This isn't like, just him being a cold heartless asshole, imho. I think this comes from a place of real love and care but he's, you know, Batman. He formed his core identity at 8 years old from a movie about masked heroes.
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