romanian-atease · 1 month
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🔵 PRESENT 🔵 eu continui - I continue tu continui - you continue el/ea continuă - he/she continues noi continuăm - we continue voi continuați - you continue ei/ele continuă - they continue
🟡 PAST 🟡 eu am continuat - I continued tu ai continuat - you continued el/ea a continuat - he/she continued noi am continuat - we continued voi aţi continuat - you continued ei/ele au continuat - they continued
🔴 FUTURE 🔴 eu voi continua - I'll continue tu vei continua - you'll continue el/ea va continua - he/she will continue noi vom continua - we'll continue voi veţi continua - you'll continue ei/ele vor continua - they'll continue
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mondlylanguages · 6 months
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Afraid of vampires? 🧛 Learn Romanian with Mondly and start speaking their language! ⚰️
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octavstudio · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxdQ8K34AZU)
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Learning ROMANIAN but can´t stop yawning! Lesson #2
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red-number-one · 6 years
Need help with collab project & Learn few words in #Romanian #learnromanian
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tramp963 · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj_MXF3ZnbI)
#Sunetele #Animalelor / The #AnimalSounds - #Animation / #RomanianClass https://youtu.be/hj_MXF3ZnbI via @YouTube #learnRomanian
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mondlylanguages · 6 months
Learn Romanian with Mondly. 🧄 Dracula’s no. 1 reason for sparing your neck. 🧛🏼
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mondlylanguages · 1 year
Happy National Day, Romania! 🇷🇴 We're learning some of your wackiest expressions to celebrate your special day. 🤪
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romanian-atease · 2 years
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A călători - to travel
Am venit în interes de serviciu - I'm here on business
Am o întâlnire cu... - I have a meeting with...
Mâine am o întâlnire cu... - Tomorrow I have a meeting with...
Unde este...? - Where is...?
Unde este centrul de afaceri? - Where's the business center?
Unde este sala de conferințe? - Where's the conference room?
Unde este sala de ședințe? - Where's the meeting room?
Sunt aici pentru... - I'm here for...
Sunt aici pentru un seminar - I'm here for a seminar
Sunt aici pentru o conferință - I'm here for a conference
Sunt aici pentru o întâlnire de afaceri - I'm here for a business meeting
Sunt aici pentru o întâlnire - I'm here for a meeting
Luați loc, vă rog - Take a seat, please
Dați-mi voie să vă prezint... - Allow me to introduce...
Aș vrea să fac o fotocopie - I would like to make a photocopy
Aș vrea să trimit un e-mail - I would like to send an e-mail
Aș vrea să trimit un fax - I would like to send a fax
Mi-a făcut plăcere să vă cunosc - It was a pleasure to meet you
Mă bucur să te cunosc - Nice to meet you
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mondlylanguages · 1 year
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It's a fine line between giving a compliment and offending someone. 😂
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mondlylanguages · 8 months
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Romanian is the quirky cousin at the Romance language family reunion. 😆
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romanian-atease · 3 years
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Romanians have their own traditional Valentine’s Day. Dragobete is the Romanian equivalent of Valentine's day. It is celebrated on the 24th of February, a few days later than its Western counterpart, and it’s said to have been born in Dacian times (first century AD).
întâlnire (fem) - date
iubită (fem) - girlfriend
iubit (masc) - boyfriend
a iubi - to love
a săruta - to kiss
sărut (neut) - kiss
trandafir (masc) - rose
inimă (fem) - heart
Te iubesc - I love you
Îți dau inima mea, îți dau sufletul meu - I give you my heart, I give you my soul
M-am îndrăgostit de tine - I fell / have fallen for you
Te voi iubi mereu - I will always love you
Inima mea îți aparține - my heart belongs to you
Aș vrea să te sărut - I want to kiss you
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romanian-atease · 3 years
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Oferiți reduceri pentru copii? - do you offer discounts for children?
Îmi puteți recomanda o bonă? - can you recommend me a nanny?
Îmi puteți recomanda ceva pentru copii? - can you recommend something for children?
Aveți un scaun pentru copii? - do you have a child seat?
Nu este periculos pentru copii? - isn't it dangerous for children?
Se potrivește și pentru copiii de 5 ani? - is it suitable for 5 year old?
Aveți alimente pentru copii? - do you have baby food?
Aveți un cărucior? - do you have a stroller?
Aveți un pătuț? - do you have a crib?
Pot alăpta bebelușul meu aici? - can I breastfeed my baby here?
Unde aș putea alăpta bebelușul meu? - where can I breastfeed my baby?
Copilul meu este alergic la... - my child is allergic to...
Copilul meau s-a pierdut - my child is missing
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romanian-atease · 3 years
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🔵 PRESENT 🔵 eu decid - I decide tu decizi - you decide el/ea decide - he/she decides noi decidem - we decide voi decideţi - you decide ei/ele decid - they decide
🟡 PAST 🟡 eu am decis - I decided tu ai decis - you decided el/ea a decis - he/she decided noi am decis - we decided voi aţi decis - you decided ei/ele au decis - they decided
🔴 FUTURE 🔴 eu voi decide - I'll decide tu vei decide - you'll decide el/ea va decide - he/she will decide noi vom decide - we'll decide voi veţi decide - you'll decide ei/ele vor decide - they'll decide
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romanian-atease · 3 years
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Sunt diabetic/diabetică - I'm diabetic
Sunt vegetarian/vegetariană - I'm vegetarian
Sunt vegan/vegană - I'm vegan
Am intoleranță la lactoză - I'm lactose intolerant
Sunt alergic/alergică la... - I'm allergic to...
Nu pot mânca gluten - I can't eat gluten
Nu pot mânca nuci - I can't eat nuts
Nu pot mânca produse lactate - I can't eat dairy products
Nu pot mânca alimente picante - I can't eat spicy food
Este cușer? - Is it kosher?
Aveți lapte de soia? - Do you have soya milk?
Aveți lapte degresat? - Do you have skimmed milk?
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mondlylanguages · 3 years
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Romance languages share so many similarities. But some of them might be misleading. Like this one! 🕵️
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