#romanian langblr
romanian-atease · 1 month
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🔵 PRESENT 🔵 eu continui - I continue tu continui - you continue el/ea continuă - he/she continues noi continuăm - we continue voi continuați - you continue ei/ele continuă - they continue
🟡 PAST 🟡 eu am continuat - I continued tu ai continuat - you continued el/ea a continuat - he/she continued noi am continuat - we continued voi aţi continuat - you continued ei/ele au continuat - they continued
🔴 FUTURE 🔴 eu voi continua - I'll continue tu vei continua - you'll continue el/ea va continua - he/she will continue noi vom continua - we'll continue voi veţi continua - you'll continue ei/ele vor continua - they'll continue
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shrews-studies · 2 months
Hiii I've recently started being active here again but my dash is painfully empty of language learning posts so please interact if you post about:
Any of the following languages: Russian, Hungarian, Romanian, Arabic, Serbian and Korean
Just generally language learning resources, study tips, advice, about your progress, anything
Literature, best if Slavic <3
Other kinds of humanities related studies
Art!! While this isn't my art blog, I'm always looking to find cool fellow artists 🌸
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er-cryptid · 9 months
Am / Is / Are (Romanian)
I am = eu sunt
you are = tu esti
he is = el este
she is = ea este
we are = noi suntem
you (plural) are = voi sunteti
they (m) are = ei sunt
they (f) are = ele sunt
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europeanlanguages · 2 years
Resource List for Learning Romanian
Hi Language Enthusiasts,
Do you want to learn Romanian but don’t know where to start? Then I’ve got the perfect resource list for you and you can find its links below. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it. I hope everyone can enjoy it and if anyone notices any mistakes or has any questions you are free to PM me.
Here is what the resource list contains;
Handmade resources on certain grammar concepts for easy understanding.
Resources on learning pronunciation.
Websites to practice reading.
Documents to enhance your vocabulary.
Notes on Colloquial Language.
Music playlists
List of podcasts/audiobooks And a compiled + organized list of websites you can use to get hold of grammar!
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doumadono · 6 months
I was just looking at your pinned post and when I saw that you have 2 more accounts, one being to learn romanian. I squealed like a delphin 😩😩
Aww, dear Nonnie, your message just made my day! Learning Romanian has been a delightful journey to me. Your language is undeniably beautiful, and diving into it is an absolute pleasure 💖 Unfortunately, I got caught up with a busy schedule and lost a bit of motivation to prepare more Romanian learning posts. However, I'm making an effort to get back on track and post regularly again on Romanian At Ease and its Facebook page. Thank you for your warm words and encouragement – they mean the world to me! 💖🌟
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predispusalascandal · 2 years
Can you believe that Romanian still has some very common words from the time of the Dacians. Words as common as mămăligă and cioc and leagăn, words as beautiful as pururea and jilț, words as sweet as brândușă and prunc, words as funny as morman and burtă, words as cold and heartless as curma and viscol, words as simple as copil and brad.
Whenever we speak these words, and many more, we honor them, we honor their presence, their bravery. They aren't forgotten nor obsolete. We just remember them differently.
Here's an article containing a full list:
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avonapil · 2 years
Objectifs linguistiques pour 2023
Les langues et compétences sont classées par ordre d'importance.
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• Être capable de lire n'importe quel texte à voix haute, de manière claire et fluide.
• Pouvoir prendre part à des conversations de la vie courante, en tant que voyageuse.
• Comprendre la majeure partie des propos tenus dans les vidéos russophones que je regarde.
• Identifier le thème des chansons que j'écoute, et interpréter leurs paroles (écrites) les plus simples.
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• Saisir l'intégralité des vidéos roumanophones qui m'intéressent.
• Pouvoir prendre part à des conversations de la vie courante, en tant que voyageuse, voire expatriée.
• Connaître enfin le fonctionnement de ces mots joints par un tiret.
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• Dégager, à l'écrit et à l'oral, le sens des dialogues dans des œuvres de fiction.
• Prononcer de manière intelligible les mots que je connais.
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• Comprendre, à l'oral, l'essentiel des dialogues dans des œuvres de fiction.
• Saisir, en majeure partie, les propos des vidéos nippophones qui m'intéressent.
• Lire les kanas sans faute ni hésitation, ainsi que les kanjis les plus courants.
• Être capable de prendre part à des conversations simples sur des sujets variés.
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• Pouvoir lire fluidement n'importe quel texte.
• Connaître les expressions courantes.
• Deviner le sens des énoncés les plus simples.
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Français : ma langue maternelle
• Être en mesure d'écrire rapidement en français soutenu, voire littéraire, sans recours au français familier.
• Savoir manier adroitement un vocabulaire enrichi.
• Ne plus avoir à vérifier l'orthographe d'un verbe conjugué, ni la présence d'une consonne muette ou double.
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• Savoir lire les inscriptions que je croise dans ma vie quotidienne.
• Comprendre la majeure partie de n'importe quel texte.
• Pouvoir faire de courts récits, oraux et écrits, de façon spontanée.
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Égyptien ancien
• Lire les hiéroglyphes les plus communs.
• Arriver à comprendre le thème de la plupart des textes.
• Créer de nouvelles phrases grâce à de solides connaissances en grammaire.
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• Savoir relater un fait passé, si complexe soit-il.
• Être apte à transmettre n'importe quelle information entendue ou lue.
• Maîtriser tout le vocabulaire me permettant de nuancer un propos.
• Saisir l'intégralité des textes que je lis.
• Converser avec aisance et clarté quelle que soit la situation.
Crédits photographiques : 1. Lac Baïkal, Russie · Eszter Miller 2. Delta du Danube, Roumanie · Andrei Prodan 3. Badamier, Chine · nyochi 4. Kyoto, Japon · Jordy Meow 5. Hanok, Corée du Sud · Irun Bong 6. Monts du Cantal, France · Maxime Thibault 7. Rome, Italie · djedj 8. Louxor, Égypte · Katarzyna Biernacka 9.Forêt-Noire, Allemagne · Elias
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naranaraba · 1 year
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Not gonna tag him.
You know.
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salvadorbonaparte · 1 month
Romanian is actually a really beautiful language and I wish more people would appreciate it. I hate that whenever I tell people I'm learning Romanian they either barely know what it is or, at least here in Germany, joke about how I'll be able to talk to immigrant farmhands.
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mortola · 10 months
hey im new to language learning on tumblr but can anyone rec me the best way out of romance languages? like what non-romance lang to start learning if ik or am already working on like spanish french portuguese?
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romanian-atease · 2 years
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A călători - to travel
Am venit în interes de serviciu - I'm here on business
Am o întâlnire cu... - I have a meeting with...
Mâine am o întâlnire cu... - Tomorrow I have a meeting with...
Unde este...? - Where is...?
Unde este centrul de afaceri? - Where's the business center?
Unde este sala de conferințe? - Where's the conference room?
Unde este sala de ședințe? - Where's the meeting room?
Sunt aici pentru... - I'm here for...
Sunt aici pentru un seminar - I'm here for a seminar
Sunt aici pentru o conferință - I'm here for a conference
Sunt aici pentru o întâlnire de afaceri - I'm here for a business meeting
Sunt aici pentru o întâlnire - I'm here for a meeting
Luați loc, vă rog - Take a seat, please
Dați-mi voie să vă prezint... - Allow me to introduce...
Aș vrea să fac o fotocopie - I would like to make a photocopy
Aș vrea să trimit un e-mail - I would like to send an e-mail
Aș vrea să trimit un fax - I would like to send a fax
Mi-a făcut plăcere să vă cunosc - It was a pleasure to meet you
Mă bucur să te cunosc - Nice to meet you
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shro0msquid · 7 months
Looking for Blogs to follow
Hi if you post about any of the following:
Climate / ecology
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er-cryptid · 9 months
Psychological Disorders (Romanian)
anxiety = anxietate
depression = depresie
trauma = traume
schizoaffective = schizoafectiv
dysphoria = disforie
narcissism = narcisism
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detective-werewife · 1 year
im sorry for not adding specific dialects but there are too many and it didnt seem right to pick and choose
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