#leatherhead 2003
vdragon-creations · 29 days
TMayNT Day 8: Favorite Turtle Ally Dynamic
Day 8 of @tmaynt Prompt: Favorite Turtle Ally Dynamic! I know i already talked about it during Day 6's prompt, but like, come on! These two are the cutest! Sweet smart boi's that can kick ass together! And after Good Genes Part 1&2, and seeing how determined he was to save him was just so sweet! And his "You will not touch my friend! If he must be subdued, then I will do it! Not you Fiend! "
Just, AHHHHHHHH! My baby bois! I just wish we got to see these two interact way more after that. (Lucky for me that I have my own stories where they do just that! Bro's nights in the lab, let's GOOOOO!)
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lilearts06 · 3 months
Leatherhead has founded Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs in the outlet.
(The audio was originally from the actor Fredrick B. Owen's post on Instagram that I thought was funny and couldn't help myself)
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foxsoulart · 3 months
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Leatherhead practice I don't think I've shared
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hunter-husky · 1 year
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"maybe Leatherhead (2003) in boxing setting? This big nerd wobbling, barerly standing on his feet and struggling a lot to keep his guard up? Ofc all steaming up, sweaty and bruised up heavily, with shuted eye and swelling cheek maybe?" shortless version: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fn7FcvkagAEWr-9?format=jpg&name=large I really liked the way I sketched his body so you get one without shorts. its sfw hes normaly naked
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sweeneydino · 2 months
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Soft Leather.
Back at it with the babies, with leatherhead since our traumatized doctor needs more love.
You know, testing their new toy for them is meaningless when they find a new gym to climb.
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heckitall · 8 months
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Same As It Never Will Be
Part 3 - (Part 4) - Part 5
a little interlude to show the passing of time
dont worry we'll be back to our regularly scheduled comic strip next time~
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ruija · 12 days
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Underdark 2: The Undarkening! Aka @plothooksinc blessed us all with a sequel to Underdark; Chiaroscuro which focuses on Raph and Donnie's side of the story and the rescue operation. Obviously, I enjoyed it greatly. I sketched the first doodle immediately after KJ showed me the first wip of the story. The 2nd is for celebrating her finishing the fic <3 And as an extra, here's a couple Mikey&Leos from the regular story. One of them I published with my first Underdark fanart, but I feel it might been too hidden under Read More. The other one is new ✨
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tmntkiseki · 4 months
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Illustrations of the turtles' memories from the seventh episode of Back to the Sewer, "Identity Crisis." Minor bits of trivia
Leonardo and Donatello only have seven memory illustrations whereas Raphael and Michelangelo have eight (I double checked this in my files.)
The memories based on the Fast Forward season feature their associated turtles with white slits for eyes rather than irises and pupils like the other illustrations based on previous seasons.
Leonardo is the only turtle not to have a memory associated with the Fast Forward season, although his memory involving Renet does depict his eyes as white slits like the other Fast Forward memories
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crownedcrowrow · 9 months
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(Posting this for now till school slows down and I can draw ask responses)
Recently people might have noticed I'm drawing LH and the babies for Papadile and Croctots very differently. That is just me me being silly and having fun designing stuff. For the main story they look how I usually draw them. The only reason I made these alternate designs is because I heavily restricted myself for story purposes because neither LH or the bois have any markings in 2003 and for the fic to fit into canon more. And I love markings so I kept it limited. For this alternate version I pretty much branched out more so this is what they all would have looked like with an original backstory story/ designs withough those restrictions. I might do something with them in the future but idk ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Ill probably talk more bout them later...
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camarilla-arts · 9 months
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More various TMNT sketches done while rewatching. Surprisingly few actual turtles. Rise!Karai is my fave version of Karai and I am so glad to see at least one universe have some kind of healthy family relationships. If they ever make another good crossover I want all the Karai's to meet. I need that.
having fun with different brushes too.
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annomalysstuff · 7 days
Day 30 of TMayNT: favorite human villain
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"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Nietzsche
⬆️that sentence reminds me so much of Bishop
I made this drawing some days ago and now I can finally publish it 😌
I love agent bishop’s concept, like, he fights everything that’s not human loosing his humanity in the process
Plus, he represents the threat of being discovered by the government, emphasizing the fact that they cannot rely on anyone (though in tmnt 03 they do get a lot of allys like the justice force, but you know what I’m trying to say)
Plus he’s a really cool character on his own (i love him and the narrative that he creates, but I hate him so so much)
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vdragon-creations · 1 month
TMayNT Day 6: Favorite Mutant Ally
Day 6 of @tmaynt Prompt: Favorite Mutant Ally! 2003 Leatherhead, hands down! Best baby! I loved him so much! His relationship with Don was pure serotonin, and I just couldn't get enough!
His first VA wasn't my favorite honestly, they tried too hard to make him sound...growly (???) I guess. Cause instead of that, we got someone who sounded breathy and exhausted. Tho his second VA was soooo much better! The intro he gave at the beginning of Good Genes Part 1 always makes me feel sad and hits me hard when talking about how sad he was to see Donnie turned into a monster, and how much he related to such a problem.
It upsets me then that he plays such big role in bringing Don back, but then....we just never see him again! Not for another 2 seasons and it's in the final episode, for a few seconds, and with a completely new VA and design. It's honestly irritating, and i wish we could've at least seen him (and Usagi too honestly) take part in the final battle of season 5! I mean, how badass would it have been to see Leatherhead smashing the fuck outta some demons with Usagi as back up!
Missed opportunity honestly, especially since it seamed that they had every ally and enemy working together for that battle!
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aealzx · 6 months
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Working on Raph’s leg with Don was a fascination that left Leon grinning constantly behind his surgical mask. He’d seen so many videos, but those didn’t compare to the real thing. And with Don there almost all of the stress of the procedure was gone. Pushing back the muscle, clamping it in place, using saline to clean the wound and critically inspect it for residual debris. All the while Don was calmly talking him through the steps, letting Leon learn at the same time. It took hours to get the injury clean, stabilized, packed with antibiotics, and wrapped up, but Leon hardly noticed. Even the enthusiastic chatter beyond the curtain couldn’t distract him from Don’s directions.
“Aaaand we’re done,” Don’s concluding comment came as soon as Leon secured the final bandage wrapping in place. It was such a stark contrast from before to have the clean, beige colored bindings around Raph’s now straight leg, but Leon was mostly feeling like they hadn’t spent nearly enough time to fix that mess.
“Wait- really?” Leon asked, gaze snapping up to look at Don.
Don could only chuckle, having been incredibly impressed by Leon’s single minded focus the entire time. He was hardly surprised at the question now. “Yes- But! Let’s clean up everything else before we pull the curtain down. Okay?” he confirmed, reaching out a hand to block Leon from snatching the curtain excitedly, then gesturing to the bloodied mess of tools around them.
“O’oh… Right,” Leon laughed weakly, the mess fully registering in his mind now as he looked around. It could have been a lot worse, but it would probably still be alarming for others to see. At least it didn’t take too long to clean up the area. The tools and other bloodied items were placed in a bin to take back to the sinks to be washed and sterilized. Then the areas that couldn’t be moved easily were wiped down with antiseptic soaked cloths, and their surgical coverings taken off. Only then did Don give Leon the go ahead to pull the curtain back.
Beaming with an excited smile, Leon poked his head around to look at the others. “Hey Raphie,” he beckoned, noting how April was dozing like a cat curled up around Raph’s head as he and Raphael were a little more quietly watching movies on a tablet Leo had fetched for them.
“Yeah?” Raph asked immediately, shifting his gaze over to Leon. He was exhausted, it was easy to tell. But Leon was expecting that considering none of them had really had proper sleep in the past day and more.
Flinging the curtain aside with a dramatic flair, keeping it held out of the way, Leon beamed proudly. “All done!” he chimed.
Raph took a moment to fully register what Leon was showing him, but then twitched into a half sit up with a small gasp. “Ohmigosh, Raph’s okay!” Raph hushed, sitting up fully and awkwardly jerking his still numb leg towards himself. “I hardly noticed. That’s amazing Leo!”
The movement roused April fully out of her dose, and she quickly oriented herself with a glance around before focusing on the bandages as well. “Woah! Heeeyy lookit that big guy!” April added to the cheers, wrapping her arms around Raph’s bicep and shaking him a little.
“Heheee,” Leon chuckled, rubbing his nose and basking in the praise. “Just be careful still. You still shouldn’t walk on it, so we’ll have to find some crutches for you. How are you feeling?”
“...Mostly just hungry now,” Raph admitted, giving a sheepish smile. His leg didn’t hurt, he couldn’t even feel it. And the medicine and IV fluids helped the fever and rest of his aches. Now he just needed to fill his empty stomach. And probably get some sleep. “And sleepy,” he added, ending up causing himself to yawn after voicing the feeling.
“That’s good. We’ll see about getting you to a bed, and get some food for you,” Leon chuckled, ignoring his own stomach protesting its gaping emptiness.
“Allow me to be of assistance with that.”
The new voice caused the three newest visitors to whip their heads towards the entrance of the infirmary where Leatherhead and Mikey were entering with trays full of food in various dishes. Leatherhead had been the one to speak, and definitely caught the teens’ attention.
“WOAH!” April blurted.
“Ohmigosh you’re STILL SO COOL!” Leon gushed, being kept in place only by politeness and his irritated knee. He remembered Leatherhead from when he first got there, but he hadn’t been able to appropriately address him then.
“Ohhhhh…. You’re bigger than Raph is,” Raph noted, a coo very similar to Lil Mikey’s leaving his mouth as his eyes also shined with awe.
Leatherhead could only chuckle in mildly confused embarrassment, not used to people being drawn to him favorably in any manner. Normally people were either scared of him, or aggressive towards him. It was a lovely change, even if he wasn’t sure how to handle it.
“Sounds like we have perfect timing. Who’s ready for… well I guess it’s breakfast now, huh?” Mikey chimed in, laughing at the kids’ antics towards their friend. They must not be used to seeing a crocodile mutant. “I was starting to get worried all my work was gonna go to waste. I had to warm it back up,” Mikey chuckled, pausing at an unmarked distance away from the surgery area. He’d been scolded too many times by Don for bringing food where surgery was done.
“You wanna get the kid this time, Leatherhead? I can take the food,” Raphael offered, getting to his feet to take the tray. He could easily lift Raph, but he still understood it would probably be more comfortable for him if someone the same size or bigger than him picked him up.
“It would be my pleasure,” Leatherhead agreed, letting Raphael take the tray before approaching the others and kneeling in front of them. “My apologies for not introducing myself sooner. Normally I assist Donatello with surgery, but as the role was already sufficiently fulfilled I didn’t want to crowd. My name is Leatherhead. Am I correct in assuming you two are also known as Raphael and Leonardo?”
“Pff- yeah, but, Leo is fine,” Leon huffed with a smile, mildly uncomfortable with the use of his full name. “Or Nardo as Donnie likes to say. Leon. Face man. Anything but my full name. I feel like I’m in trouble.”
The response ended up earning a snicker from Raphael, giving Leo a nudge as he brought up the rear with another tray of food. “There’s a welcome change,” he teased, earning a slight glare from Leo.
“Wait- did I hear that right? Face man?” Mikey asked, excitement bubbling under the surface.
“Well yeah. Who else would you put in the front but the one with the best looks,” Leon confirmed, framing his face with his hands and raising his chin with a dashing smile.
The flaunting earned snickers from April, and a fond smile from Raph. But Raphael let out a loud honk laugh as Leo’s expression scrunched in disoriented confusion. “Oh my gosh, it’s like Leo and I got spliced!” Mikey laughed, beaming from ear to ear. “I like this Leo. I like him a lot.”
As the others messed around a little, Leatherhead looked back to April to finish introductions before he moved Raph. “May I ask your name, little miss?”
Giving a chuckle at how polite Leatherhead was, April nodded, reaching her hand out for a handshake. “Sure. April O’Neil. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Leatherhead.”
The response was mildly surprising, and Leatherhead chuckled as he gently took her hand. “The pleasure is all mine, Miss O’Neil.”
“You’re remarkably well adjusted to… all of this,” Leo admitted, rolling his head at everything since his hands were full.
“Well yeah, it’s pretty much normal for me,” April answered. “I’ve known these guys since I was eight, we grew up together. And things just kept getting crazier and crazier as we got older. Dimension hopping is probably up there with finding out we had a whole hidden city under New York. It’s just another place to go.” She gave a shrug, scooting out of the way as Leatherhead scooped Raph up after getting permission to do so from him while she had been talking to Leo.
“Oh… I see,” Leo blinked, having so many answers to unasked questions in his head given. That explained a lot about all of their behavior. “Do they… walk around on the surface then? Among people?”
“Uhhh no… Not really. We still stick to non populated areas just in case. But if we do get caught we just pretend we’re going to a science convention and they’re all dressed up in cosplay,” April explained, trying to converse with Leo but inevitably getting distracted again. “Hang on, I gotta get pics of this too,” she excused, digging her phone out of her dress pocket and scooting off the table.
Unlike the last time he’d been picked up Raph had no fear of squishing the one carrying him, and therefore was much less tense. Leatherhead had scooped him up under his knees and back, and Raph could only tuck his hands close to his chest as a big smile squished his cheeks. It was a foreign feeling, but it was actually kind of nice. Just being slung around so gently. Moving somewhere without having to go there himself. It was bringing back faint memories of Splinter carrying him to bed a very long time ago, and he felt he could understand now why his little brothers loved to climb on him so much.
“Gosh, picked up twice in one day. You’re gonna get spoiled here Raph,” Leon laughed, squeezing in next to Raph to beam a smile at the camera as April took a picture of them. Looking down at the short she got, April had to coo a little at the adorable smile and tiny wave Raph had given her. He really was enjoying himself. “You can put him with Mikey,” Leon directed, guiding Leatherhead over to where Lil Mikey was drooling on the pillow.
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I rushed a lil on the last bits of the pic so I could get it up today X'D So excuse if there are missing details |D
This was my first time drawing a crocodile face, and Leatherhead ended up looking like a nice grandpa to me X'DD oh well, I wanted him to look softer.
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 1 month
TMayNT Day 6: Favorite Mutant Ally
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Sixth day of @tmaynt! As far as mutant allies go, Leatherhead is definitely a good one to have! This drawing sort of ended up as a cross between 2003 Leatherhead, and what I imagine he might look like if he was in Rise (apparently, a bit similar in build to Rise Raph).
(TMayNT 2024 Masterpost)
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leisi-lilacdreams · 8 months
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Edit: whelp tumblr killed the quality and I don't know how to fix it >:T
It looked fine on desktop but seeing on my phone makes it look like poop
If you download the image and open it in your gallery the quality looks fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
OTL how do people have the drive to make comics??
not for me -100/10
anyway i love @aealzx 's comic/fanfic Cross Dimension Kidnapping
i love that you get art with every chapter
very unique
i imagined this extra dialog while reading chapter 19 and i wanted to get it done before they posted chapter 20 but aealzx is so fast ;;
ah well
this don has such pretty blue eyes and i'm a sucker for golden eye raph
i fell for the comic since chapter 1 ;;
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casual-avinoctic · 10 months
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So I took screenshot from Exodus Part 1 from the TMNT 2003 series, then redid in to make this. Loved Leatherhead from this show and decided to make this in celebration of the new movie coming out. Made in Krita if anyone is curious.
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