#let him be litol for once
kisses-4-loki · 1 year
I adore dashingfrost
I just love the concept of Fandral being in love with loki, unable to say anything because loki is his Prince and thors little brother, except loki is fond of him as well. And even though fandral knows he really couldn't be with loki because of the all father and thor and the crowns reputation, when loki looks up at him he really really wants to kiss him.
Loki's bright and innocent eyes peering the couple of inches up at him through his dark lashes, yet to reach the growth spurt he needs to only be a little shorter (because I love taller fandral). A small but *knowing* and *adoring* smile tugging at his lips, and the balm he wears to care for his lips as well as he cares for his skin makes them shiny. Fandral wants to know if they'd be soft against his own.
Equally, Loki loves how kind fandral is, even loves that he refuses to kiss him even though they both know he wants to. It's sweet, that fandral cares so much for his reputation that he refuses to do what he wants. But honestly, if the charming fool doesn't so something soon loki will just pull him into some unused hall and lean up to kiss him himself.
That's almost what happens- though it's fandral that pulls loki aside. He invites him on a walk through a quiet and disrepaired part of the gardens, summons flowers with the small spark of seidr that he has and, when loki accepts them with a shy look and a flush on his cheeks, he leans down to gently press a kiss to his lips. Loki kisses back, of course, because *finally* he is getting what *he* wants for a change and not what his father wants or "what's best for him".
There's a lot of sneaking around but they don't mind. Loki loves to be mischievous, and fandral is good at blending in in plain sight.
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l0uterstella · 5 months
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surprise surprise its me again. there isnt a set theory on this one this time i think? just expanding on the previous theories (hence why the header says analysis and not theory)
read these to understand this post: Ever Red theory, Cielomort's death
Last updated: Jan 15 2024
Full English lyrics
No One Is Recalling + Make it "NOIR"
No one remembers the Noir Bouquet OR Noir Bouquet doesn't want to be remembered. The SEEDs affected their continent too much. They've been fighting them off for years, but fail once they reach Hallritt, leading to the overall disaster. Notice how "NOIR" is in quotations. "Make it so that no one remembers."
"Six souls are worth a hundred." Six souls could save hundreds of lives, but hundreds of lives could also end because of the actions of the Six souls.
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Badobarm isn't letting himself be corrupted by SEEDs, even though it seems to already be overwhelming him.
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The damage has already been done to Noir's continent. Now, they're spectators to what will happen to the Red and Blue bouquets like a show.
They also mention being "upside down" a few times. Being upside down usually means that things aren't as they seem which definetely fits Noir. They're hiding something from the other bouquets.
Both Ever Red and All So Bad have glitch effects, while Aozora no Memory doesn't. The damage has already been done to the Blue Bouquet with Cielomort's death, leaving Red and Noir being spied on by SEEDs.
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There's a quick shot of a moon probably in the first quarter. A first quarter moon can mean a call to action.
The sun (Hallritt) brings warmth and comfort, guiding the way, but the moon (Badobarm) is always chasing behind the sun, carrying the weight of the dark and scary things night brings (unwanted memories). They stay in the same sky (Cielomort), who watches over both them.
This whole clip. Just watch it. Please I love it so much oh my god. I don't even need to explain it it speaks for itself
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This line really threw me off when translating but. I swear this makes more sense if you're in the discord server but. We got Jesus Cielomort comparisons. So. Biblical meaning for oil
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"We're out of stock on oil" = We're out of luck and solutions
Summary of the "Eldritches"
Eldritt - The cause of everything
Cieldritch - Wants his friends to forget his death and live peacefully, possibly killed by Hallritt
Badoritch (aka el bado <3) - He holds his friends close and is his motivation to fight. Especially if Hallritt killed Cielomort, Badobarm represents the guilt and consequences Hallritt has to face for it
Almost all of Arupek's lines are suspicious he's definetely more important to the plot and isnt just a litol babyboy
Hangyon says "ごめん/Sorry" in its kanji form that I don't really see being used often (御免な) and this is what each kanji means
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im watching you old man .
"We won't you go away" can be interpreted either way "won't let you go away" or "we want you to go away"
Can't stop to go my way Follow me glow my way Come with me go my way We won't you go away Where have you gone away?
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skullsnbruises · 9 months
hello i have decided to become fully cringe so here is uh uh uh my bugbo vore fic, i am, just a litol guy. sob sob ue ue ue soung of crying i purpsefully didnt wanna put much effort into this cause idk i feel silly /neg
i apolgize in advance </3
[Ao3 Link]
Taglist: @poprockpanda @brick-a-doodle-do @local-squishmallow @dingbatnix @da3dm
(i am cringe but free)
(967 words) [attempted murder]
Gradient Joe carries Gerbo and Bugbo on opposite shoulders, walking casually as they enjoy bugsummer. Gerbo sways his many limbs joyfully as he enjoys the scenery, and Bugbo smiles, social battery recharging from the day’s events. They all remain silent, simply taking in their environment spending time together. It’s a pleasant moment, but nothing good lasts forever.
Suddenly, the world is shaken as another being drops down, thud as his legs met the ground. The flyswatter person raised his arms to the sky, loudly announcing, “IT IS I, ONCE AGAIN!”
Bugbo’s antenna twitched impatiently, “Who are you again?”
He stuttered, taken aback, “YOU- Thomas Flyswatter, your enemy! How many times will you forget me?!”
Gerbo frowned, “We were enjoying our time alone…” “NOT ANYMORE!” Thomas screeched, pulling out a weapon of some sorts, “I’VE FOUND THE PERFECT WAY TO EXTERMINATE YOU PESTS! And this time, I won’t let you get away!”
Bugbo grimaced, “Leave. We don’t want you here.”
The flyswatter laughed maniacally, “MWAHAHA, yes! Be annoyed, and now-” he readied the gun, “Be destroyed!!”
“Joe,” Bugbo didn’t need to give any instruction, as Joe swat the gun out of Flyswatter’s hands. 
Thomas stared down defeated, “HOW?? No need- you can’t best me that easily, I have ANOTHER!” Then he proceeded to pull out a bigger gun. He struggled to hold it, and his body quivered under it’s weight, but it was aimed directly at Bugbo’s head.
Again, Joe simply swiped the gun from Thomas’ grasp, and crushed his hopes again.
“Excellent job, Joe. Now, let’s leave.”
Gerbo cheered, and Joe turned around and started to walk away.
“WAIT!” Thomas interrupted them once more. They dejectedly looked back at the ‘fiend’. 
“THIS ONE WILL SURELY WORK! NOW, prepare to die, you bug… bo!” He brandished a much smaller handgun, and pointed it at his nemesis. 
Joe’s gray flickered, and he scooped the ant and spider into his palm now, lifting the bugs to his face.
Suddenly, Joe’s sphere head opened up, and a hidden mouth was revealed, lined with pointed fangs.
“Oh my,” Bugbo glanced over the teeth, observing with a studious expression, “how unpredictable.”
Gerbo oohed, “Joe does have a mouth?”
Then, like nothing, Joe popped the two into the newfound mouth, and then the sphere shifted back to normal.
Bugbo and Gerbo peered around the new space. The inside of Joe’s mouth… head?, was gradient just like the outside. The roof being the lightest, slowly fading to the throat being black. The opening laid in front of them, and they were pushed closer and closer to it as Joe’s tongue prodded the bugs back.
Bugbo raised an eyebrow, “I’ll really have to communicate boundaries with Joe after this.”
“I’m scared, Bugbo!” Gerbo frowned, wrapping limbs around a flushed Bugbo.
“Gerbo. Touching,” he scolded, making the spider keep his legs to himself, “And there’s no need for that. Remember that Joe is our friend, and we should keep trust in him, even in odd scenarios like this. All will be explained in time.”
Gerbo thought, “Oh, you’re right, Bugbo. I’m sorry for doubting Joe!”
The ant nodded, “Excellent. Now, time to figure out a way out of this uncomfortable position.”
They were jostled around as, presumably, Joe was walking. Distantly, and muffled, the bugs could hear Thomas Flyswatter shouting, something about begging Joe to come back and let him kill Bugbo. At least they didn’t have to deal with that mild annoyance now. As the screaming grew further away, and eventually to a halt, Bugbo assumed it was now safe to be outside, and knocked on the inside of Joe’s mouth as if it were a door.
“Joe? Let us out now.”
Obviously, no response was given, but the exit did not reappear either.
“Did you hear me, I want out.”
Now, the dark tongue was pushing once more, shoving the bugs around the space and drenching them in saliva. Gerbo whined as he was swished around, bumping into a grumpy Bugbo occasionally. Bugbo was pinned underneath the wet appendage and he felt unpleasant inside, an odd hard-to-identify feeling in his chest. Then, the bug could hear a swallow, followed by Gerbo’s cries. 
Bugbo groaned, “Joe. You’re meant to let us out, not swallow Gerbo.”
The spider was already gone, supposedly now in Joe’s stomach. Bugbo was surely next, and the ant felt at the very least annoyed with how the day was turning out. He tried to picture what Joe was thinking, what his reason for this was. Very little came to mind, but a few explanations were dug out of the baffling situation. 
Joe was protecting him from that forgettable fiend. But he was supposedly gone now, so what was the point of this?
Joe had betrayed their friendship and was going to kill him and Gerbo. Incredibly unlikely.
Now that they were away from whatshisname, Joe wanted to return to their parallel play, and this was simply the safer option now, with whoeverswatter stalking them.
That last one made the most sense.
Bugbo gave up fighting, and let the muscle play around with his body, rolling over him and pressing Bugbo to the back of the gradient throat. He sighed, letting Joe swallow him down past the esophagus and into his stomach.
He met Gerbo inside the organ, and the spider was curled up between his eight legs, looking quite sad. Bugbo attempted to get his comfort words around for him, “Stop frowning, Gerbo. It’s fine.”
“But, we got eaten!”
“Yes,” Bugbo adjusted himself in their new room, “but it’s fine. We can go back to our quiet time.”
Gerbo stared down in deep thought, “Okay, Bugbo.”
“Well, this was annoyingly eventful. I’m glad we can rest once more. I’m taking a nap, goodnight Gerbo.”
The spider smiled, “Goodnight!”
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nacregames · 1 year
How would the Ros react if they were talking and moving their arms and MC came up behind them just in time to get smacked by Ro on accident lmao
askdasjdkdkas would highly depend on MC's reaction tbh, but let's say it was a hard smack...
Clay: "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU EVEN STAND THERE?!" *proceeds to baby MC and looks how bad the wound is*
Lei: immediately apologizes, gets them some ice, prepares something to drink and apologizes again. might kiss it okay regardless of the relationhsip shashjfsagf
Chal: feels guilty, but doesn't really show it; she falls silent in those moments. would get them some ice tho and say sorry
Mel: "*laughing* are you okay..? " wouldn't feel rly bad except MC was like...dying lol
Arrow: "Oh noooo! MC sorry!! Are you hurt!!" *proceeds to drag them behind him to either Chal or Lei, whoever is closest rly
Mercy: depends on their relationship; if romanced: p a n i c and apologizes like 10 times, if not: it's your own fault, stupid (only feels a litol bit bad; enough to get some ice, but not enough to apologize more than once)
Candy: "you fucking moron, what were you even doing there? shall i kiss it okay?" says silly things like 'booboo' but isn't overly concerned
MS Gab: a very dry and not at all apologetic sounding "sorry", tho she actually means it
Falito: "are you fucking kidding me?" doesn't even know how to respond lmao
Camus: same as Falito, tho he just stares at them
Polly: panics and tells MC to allow her to look at it; if it's nothing major she'll just tell them to get over it and that it was an accident lmao (it's actually funny how her mood changes once she's made sure they're okay)
Ara: oops, sorry hahaha
Mac: "are you alright??" kind of freezes up and just stands their while MC wallows in pain sahgafuhg but then it clicks and he gets them some ice
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ruershrimo · 7 months
like it’s the old love. | part 1.2 | "hot chocolate, and when you know you know"
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masterlist | prev | next
features albedo, alice (in this chapter) and klee (in this chapter). also the lnhs student groupchat but you’ll see them quite often, anyway.
warnings: I’m sorry but this is probably the most ooc I’ve ever written any of the characters here (what am I saying, everything I write is ooc). please tread with caution ;v;. once again, we’ve got fem!reader and a few ships like ganqing and xingyun :). please lmk if you want me to add anything here!
notes: and we’re back in business!! done with exams now woo 💗 (let’s hope I can get back to tiatt soon… the first parts of litol are already longer than the entirety of tiatt)
summary: hugs and hot chocolate; the lnhs student groupchat! in the midst of that, you realise something, too.
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That night, Alice orders some takeout from Good Hunter. It has all of your favourites from Mondstadt cuisine. Klee excitedly gobbles all her food, while Albedo enjoys a Sunshine Sprat (and feeds Klee some of it as well). 
Alice’s hand lies on your shoulder. “Did you like the food?” 
“I do! Thanks, Auntie.” 
“No problem.” And then she brings her hand up to gently rub your shoulder. “You know, I love you as if you were my own daughter. I know that I probably will never match up to your real parents, but over the years I’ve really loved taking care of you every holiday you got. I really loved watching you grow,” she smiles, and in that moment she’s more of a mother than your real one has ever been, because she may not have bore witness to your first steps or first words, but she was there when each part of you took shape. She was there to see how each part of you was made, and is seeing you become your own person. You were under her care when you first visited that beach in the winter, you were under her roof when you read your first novels, and in a year you’ll be under her guidance when you’ll have to bid your childhood here farewell. “I’m happy that if you leave, you’ll get to be your own person, your own adult, but… well. You’ll be an adult, so you can do whatever you want, but if you’ve got anything you want settled, don’t hesitate to call Auntie Alice up,” she continues, and then jokes, “There’s nothing that a bit of my ‘magic’ can’t fix!” 
It’s so pleasantly warm, like some tea in your favourite mug (the plain-coloured one at their house). 
“Thank you, Auntie Alice,” you dive in for a hug, which is reciprocated with glee. 
Klee seems to have finished her food by now, because she cheers, “I wanna join too!”, and rushes to get in, Albedo in tow behind her. 
You think you’d like the world a bit more if it were always like this— the light rubbing of wool against wool, the warm breaths fanning on each others’ skin, the snugness of everyone’s arms. At home the times when this would happen were few and far between, if they had ever occurred in the first place (you’re not sure if you could recall one time when it did). 
“You kids are great, really,” Alice whispers. “Don’t let people tell you otherwise. Where can you ever find people who hug so well?” 
“I’ll make some hot chocolate later,” Albedo promises. His hand reaches yours, and he holds it, just a bit tighter than anyone ever has to you. He runs his lower thumbs across your knuckles, and on his ever-stolid face you catch his smile as his gaze turns to meet yours. For a moment you could have felt your face get a bit warmer, but it’s just as comforting as everyone’s shared hug. You like it. “With everyone’s favourite mugs, of course.” 
Klee grins, accidentally pulling herself away from the hug to strike a little happy pose of hers. “Really? Yay, big brother Albedo is the best!” 
The fireplace crackles slightly stronger with each passing second. He drops the chocolate bar into the pot, letting it melt into the milk, and you watch him as you sit on the sofa with Klee, waiting for the hot chocolate as promised. Alice had gone to bed early, assuring that she would “wake up as early as she slept”, and said no to a cup of Albedo’s hot chocolate (“Then there’ll be more for the rest of you!”, she told Albedo.) 
Suddenly, Klee lets out a big yawn, and she wraps her tiny arms around you. 
“Are you tired, Klee? Do you want to rest for a while first?” 
Klee sits back up. “But we have to drink the hot chocolate!” 
You offer, “Then why don’t I wake you up once Albedo’s done?” 
“No, I’m okay…” and then she drifts off to sleep. 
Careful as to not wake her, you help her undo her ribbons and comb through her hair, before lifting her up in your arms. 
Albedo starts to pour the chocolate out into everyone’s mugs. “She fell asleep,” you whisper, and he chuckles. 
“I’m done now, though,” he says after pecking Klee on the forehead. Then, he sweeps the hair off her forehead, his thumb circling over the spot where her hair and face meet. 
“Klee?” he calls soothingly, bending down as his hands reach his knees. “Klee, I’m done making the hot chocolate.” 
“Should I shake her?” you ask, voice low and cautious. 
He rests his palm on the back of her head, before pulling it back. “Gently.” 
So you rock the adorable little girl as gently and sweetly as you can, and she stirs until she wakes up, gasping. “The hot chocolate!” 
(“The hot chocolate that Albedo makes is always tasty!” she smiles after clearing through her share of the drink. 
“Why, of course!” you agree. You look up, and mug in hand and eyes peering toward you, Albedo smiles. His mouth is still on the rim of it, yet you can see it in his eyes. 
Maybe you should get some time later to think about the “fake dating” thing alone.) 
After the three of you had finished the hot chocolate, and Albedo had gotten Klee to bed (“If you go brush your teeth and go to sleep now, I’ll be able to make more tomorrow, Klee.”), the two of you sit on the sofa together, watching the fireplace with nothing but a comfortable silence. 
And it’s warm. As it’s always been. 
Klee has always been a happy, energetic and lively child, ever since she was born. In the summer she was born, you remember waiting with a rather excited Albedo (you remember how he still retained his usual expression at that time: big, bug-like eyes and a constant lack of a smile or frown or any sort of emotion, yet shook his leg as if he wished to make it fall off— as a Liyuean, you told him to stop, of course, though he never could) in a waiting room, while Alice pushed through hours of labour before finally delivering her daughter. When the two of you had been called in, Alice beamed through the fatigue of her first delivery and held up her beautiful Klee to you. She’d been crying, and her face was as wrinkled as a raisin, but she smiled once she looped her tiny hand around Albedo’s index finger— and then yours, too. 
“Klee’s such a good kid,” you start. “She’s growing up so quickly.” 
“She is,” he sighs. “Whenever Klee grows at least a little bit more, I understand how Alice feels when she says she doesn’t wish for me to go, whether mentally or physically.” 
You place a hand on his. “It’s hard to let people go.” You squeeze it. “But you have to do so, sometimes. We’ll have to let each other go, too.” 
It will be hard. The hardest thing you would have ever done in your life. 
“I’m not willing to let you go,” he promises. “Whether I’m your fake significant other, or not. I’ll always be here.” 
For a moment he slides his hand away from yours, and you fear that you could be sweating in the winter. Then his fingers meet yours. And you almost laugh incredulously at yourself because what is he going to do after promising to be by your side forever, leave you? 
You smile at him like you’ve done for years, you smile into those rich-hued eyes, as pretty as any of the places he’s painted. 
Then suddenly he pulls—
Eyes widening you shriek, probably waking both Klee and Alice up. His other arm guides you to balance from the back of your waist. “What was that for, though?” You try your best to keep your volume low. 
“It’s the first snow,” he notifies you, hand still with yours as he leads you to the window. “We’ll have a white Christmas this year.” 
Like rain a velvet blanket of snow has gathered outside on Alice’s porch, fragile and fleeting and falling like shaved ice, as if the weather wasn’t completely snow-free just a few hours ago. You feel like you’re in a snow globe, hidden and unnoticed amidst the largeness of the world. The snowflakes and snowdrops remind you of a music box’s twinkles. Pure magic in the air for only the two of you to witness. When you look back at him it’s all reflected in his eyes, and then your vision pans back down to your feet. All is quiet and you don’t ask for his phone. You don’t rush to take a picture. 
“Let’s discuss the terms for this tomorrow,” you suggest. He hums in agreement. 
You feel a brief chill on your finger, pulling your fifth finger from your fourth, before looking down. 
“I’ll intertwine them like this,” he says, raising them up. “Would that be alright?” 
You wake up on the sofa, the blaring light of day and its pressing force against your eyes causing you to wince as you turn your head back to the window. Instinctively you shield your vision with your arm, squinting. 
When you notice the arm around your shoulder, you turn with a jolt to your left. For the first time in 10 years you see him sleeping, before he wakes up to see you first: his chest rises and falls ever so slowly, as his other arm rests on top of his stomach. 
Even now he looks perfect, and as much envy as you may have towards him for that, you can’t deny that at any moment he seems to have originated from some grand painting, brushed onto paper on a canvas with the finest, most exquisite paints. But the person in front of you now is real. If you touch his face, your fingers will be greeted with soft skin that gets colder the longer your fingers remain. If you look at his hair, you see strands of silk that rival those of Rumpelstiltskin’s work. If you listen to his voice (or get as close to him as you can while caught by his sleeping arm and the restrictions of movement arising from one’s sitting on a sofa), you can be lulled back to sleep by his peaceful, light snores, as his chest falls, and rises, and rises, and falls. 
Careful as to not move at all, you reach into your pocket and pull out your phone. 08:41, it said. And you snap a quick picture— there was nothing behind it, really. You only wanted to take a photo of him, and was it not already part of your agreement with him? Couples did this too, no? 
Soon, you hear something, akin to the purring of a cat. 
“Morning,” you whisper through the hoarseness of your morning voice. In your hand you show him the picture. “It’s you.” 
“Good morning,” he whispers back. He rubs his eyes before squinting them slightly, probably just to verify whether what you had shown him really was whatever it had been.  
“Can I post this?” you ask. “On Twitter, I mean. Do you even have a Twitter account?” 
He shakes his head. “No, I don’t. But you can post that picture there, I don’t mind. If we want to make this convincing enough, I think that doing this should be part of their terms. The people we know will start suspecting instead of having to be told of this ‘relationship’ by us,” he says, voice getting raspier. 
“...do you want some water?” 
“Oh, alright. Yes, please.” 
Once you’ve got a glass for the two of you, you pass it to him, which he thanks you for with a “Thank you, love” in that soft voice of his. 
“…you’re alright with that, right?” 
Despite the cold of the winter, heat rushed toward every part of your body, your heart pumping rapidly as it dashed from your face to your arms. For a moment you pause as if your mind is frozen, dead, at a standstill, in a stalemate with whatever war it had been waging against the more prominent thoughts in your life. 
“I’m going to go brush my teeth.” 
You scurry away. 
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You thought that would be the end of it. After brushing your teeth you would remain flustered for a while, and then you would apologise to Albedo— maybe, if it got too bad, you would just break the thing off with him and go as you’d done before. Maybe you’d just forget, because romantic butterflies were too difficult to bear— both too far from what you were used to and also too hard for you to let go (maybe). 
Until your phone starts to ping again: it couldn’t have been Albedo, would it? Then you would have to rush back and apologise. Maybe it was your mother, or your father, or Zhongli— 
Dear God. 
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It’s nice to have friends, at least. Or to talk to them again. 
The door sounds, the din of knocks against it like a Monday alarm. “[name]?” he calls. “May I come in, [name]?” 
Your feet stumble across the carpet before you hastily open the door with what modicum of gracefulness you could muster. “Yeah?” And his mouth opens, but before you hear what he has to say you keep repeating the same words along the lines of, “I’m sorry for running away just now,” and “I just didn’t know how to respond,” as your eyes break contact with his own. “It was so embarrassing.” 
“I didn’t expect you to get so flustered,” he chuckles, and there’s something princely in it, boyish yet elegant. 
There’s something really attractive in it, too. 
“I really was okay with it, alright…” you pause, “Just embarrassed.” 
“Could you do it again?” 
The two of you are sitting on the edge of your bed (technically, it was the guest room bed, but after years and years of annual visits it became normal that you would spend your holidays with them, and that soon enough that room was reserved for you and you alone, the only guest they’d always have). It’s freezing cold outside yet the inside of the room feels as cosy as a warm drink. You suppose it’s how you’ve been feeling for the past few days, anyway.
“Call me that again? Please?” 
“Why?” he chuckles. Because it sounds nice in your voice. 
“Just because.” You lean back towards the bed, hands pressed onto the mattress. It would be embarrassing to say it aloud, no matter how romantic it would seem in a novel, or maybe an old film. “I thought you would indulge me…” 
He strokes the back of his fingers against your cheek and nose, his touch delicate and gentle, even if you’re not sure if this is normal. In books and movies and such, characters would go on and on with their charades, even with an arrangement like yours. There would be the ever-present sensation of “will they or won’t they”, keeping you on tenterhooks the entire time, your fingers flipping through every page; your eyes unmoving through every scene. Those were usually the more popular, conventional stories, after all: ones where the leads pranced around each other for a while, or had bouts of self-discovery with each other before discovering that the other was the one. 
It sounded nice to you back then and still does now. It sounded like something you couldn’t have. 
That’s how you ended up here in the first place. That’s why you had to ask your best friend— your only close friend?— to act as a lead for you. Just for your own enjoyment, your own passions for living before you would resign yourself to a perpetual cycle of tedious, monotonous dullness, forever hunched over a computer on an office desk, not even conscious of the sterile sky. Then you’d die, cold and forgotten like an old toy. 
Are you exploiting him, taking advantage of his kindness by doing this? Sometimes you feel as if he had always been indulging you, wasting his time to keep you smiling and to take care of you when he had so many other things to attend to. If that were the case, then how much time had he been wasting each holiday for you? How much of his time had you unknowingly stolen? After all, he was so much better than you in every way. Talented, smart, beautiful— the pinnacle of perfection. And you’re sure he has so many other friends, too: sometimes when you leave the house you meet people with names like Jean and Lisa and Kaeya who wave at him without a second thought as he waves back and lets a fond wisp of a smile slip past his lips. 
(Sometimes you wish you could go back to when you were the only one who could cause this, when you were the only one who could see. Then you admonish yourself for even thinking that in the first place, because how could you not wish for his happiness?) 
How could you still be there for him, to say that you could take care of him when he had done much better for himself? God, did he even need you anymore— 
“I’ll always indulge you, love.” 
It’s just a nickname, dear god. 
“Why did you do that?”
“What?” he asks, again, this time cocking his head to the side a little. 
“You touched my face before you called me love and I think you’re taking this very seriously and I honestly just meant it as something that could be more casual because I didn’t want to set you down, and, like. Ah,” you ramble, stopping tersely. 
There’s something slightly hesitant about what he does next, though you’ve done it so many times before: he lifts his hand from the sheets before raising them for a while. For the next moment it wanders aimlessly, before finally landing on your hand, like a biker reaching their destination in the depths of the night. “I think…” he starts, “...that sometimes you think I indulge you too much, that I’m being nice and trying to entertain you. In reality, however, everything I’m doing here is genuine. I can promise you that, at least.” 
“Same to you,” you manage to push out, “I guess.” 
Then it’s that smile again, his smile. You should have brought your phone up. Should have taken a photo. Though, it would have ruined the moment, would it not? “Thank you, [name].” 
“Those terms I mentioned, by the way. Let’s… let’s just forget them and figure them out, step by step. But I like this. I don’t think I regret our arrangement, now.” 
You pull him closer to you, both hands pulling on the fabric of his clothes. You could get through this. Even if he was leagues above you, and deserved so much better. For now, you could get through this. And you could enjoy it, too. The dream you had always wanted, that coming-of-age-romance adventure, like something you would have read or watched. 
He comes closer and it makes sense. Why you didn’t want to resist the idea of this in the first place, why you wanted to hear him treat you like you were precious again, why even if he had denied this from the very start you would have still spent every holiday you could have with him if you could stay this age forever. And while you understand why some people don’t want to grow up— you don’t want to be yourself, after all— you can’t understand those who don’t want to fall in love, because, oh. 
Oh— that’s all you think, all you can say in your head when you’ve finally got it, and it’s in no way some kind of epiphany to you: it doesn’t feel like cracking a befuddling code, nor does it feel like the solution to an unsolvable equation hitting you or reaching the climax of a story. It’s a quiet realisation, one that brushes past you comfortably like a beach breeze, or gentle chills at the start of winter, almost comfortably. The result of a long— too long— unspoken truth. It reminds you of a cup of hot chocolate after a walk on the beach at the start of winter, or a warm nap in the car as someone watches over you and the cold from their jacket decorates your skin in delicate kisses. 
You’re in love with Albedo, your best friend. 
You probably have been for a while. 
You don’t think you’ll ever stop, now. 
(In your comfortable position, you’ve wrapped your arms around Albedo’s torso as the two of you just smile at each other. Do you think he’s had those same thoughts, like the ones you had, too?)
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okay so a few more notes here if I’ve made things awfully confusing (so sorry)
-when in high school reader used to have a thing for keqing (this was hinted towards in the prologue). however, she never confessed and soon enough ganyu and keqing started dating.
-reader spends every holiday she has with albedo, though (except for the short ones), since their busy parents can’t take care of them. reader’s brother (zhongli) and other relatives can’t take care of them either. so, their parents send them to alice’s where she’ll be cared for and where she has a friend in albedo. over time, this continued even when she learned to take care of herself since she couldn’t find a friend group to spend time with anyway.
-the lnhs students groupchat was created by reader in her second year of high school, but each was part of their own clique so the whole group has never been able to go out and spend time together during school holidays for several reasons.
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taglist: @sn1perz , @n3r0-1417, @kika-a, @chalksdreams
(please send in an ask if you’d like to be in the taglist! <3)
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garoujo · 2 years
hi emmiieeeee i've returned to visit my cute litol wife once more <3 hope you've missed and have been thinking about me as much i have for you :) also good luck on your interview!!! giving you a kiss of good luck right neoww MWAAHH! also, i love love love love ur banner! i've been obsessed with viv westwood planet jewelry since the summer EEEEK!
also i have come to offer you a thought: a little brotherly rivalry between sae and rin itoshi where they're competing over you and your sobbing little cunt :( seeing who can make u moan and mewl and cry the most </3 sniffles. sure ur sae's pretty girl but he just can't get over how rin constantly tries to talk to you and be all 'good-natured'. "he's just trying to be better friends sae, there's nothing to worry about. besides i'm dating you, not him. i didn't think you were the type to get jealous so easily." you'd tease him a little with that last bit, earning you a 'tch' noise and a hard glare, with no real venom behind it. if only you saw the subtle mirth in rin's eyes, the slightest smirk on his lips when he went to hug you goodbye and he saw shooting daggers at the both of you. sae knew he was enjoying this, enjoy him getting irritated whenever his younger brother came within 3 feet of you, because he knew rin might try something and then cover it up with a shy, innocuous smile. you didn't realize because you were too nice like that, but sae saw through his brother. it was like looking through glass. course rin didn't actually think he could steal you from his older brother, but damn was it fun it piss him off a little, and let off a little of the hidden animosity he held towards him.
and man did it pay off, because now rin got to feel you clench and squeeze around him, got to feel the tight pussy that his older brother got to dive into every single day, whenever he wanted to. it was almost unfair that this pretty little thing was all his. rin threw his head, groaning loudly when you starting matching the pace of his thrusts, and throwing the globes of your ass back on his pelvis. back vice grip on the plush fat of your hips grew tighter, his teeth sunk deeper into his bottom lip. "f-fuck... s-so goood. t's so tight."
an irritated sneer pulled at sae's top lip hearing his brother enjoying being balls deep in your warm, luscious pussy, when that was his spot. that was his pussy. but he supposed he couldn't focus too much on that because but right now, he had to carve out your little throat first, a sort of punishment for doubting him when he told you that rin was getting too close, even though he knew deep down you didn't actually do anything wrong. feeling you gag around this thick length, seeing the tears cascade down your cheeks and disappear in between the valley of your breasts (and admittedly, seeing you get your back broken by his brother) turned him on even more, leading him to have a tighter grip in the roots of your hair. "nasty little minx.... this was you wanted." he huffed as he continued to fuck your throat, his hardened abs flexing with each thrust and movement. "t-this what my pretty girl wanted all a-along huh? hope you're happy."
UMMMFMLSDFIJLD anyways um yes i will now continue working on my hw ily lawts ! come home pweaaseeeee
SOSA IVE BEEN SELFISH & KEEPING THIS ASK ALL 2 MYSELF ! it’s cause it’s a gold mine i want 2 keep it in my pocket .. i want sae 2 call me a little minx i wud literally melt in 2 a puddle id cream sooooOoooo much o_O but ofc i have missed u always ! thinking bout u all the time >///< & fank yew 4 the good luck ilysmmm >o< aaaaaaa yes ! yes ! it’s all so pretty .. as soon as i seen it i was like dis neeeeds 2 be my silly lil tumblr banner the colours n everything r so <3_<3 anyways gonna reread this drabble now cause ! i’m loooosing my mind !!;;;!/!/&
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hanniejji · 2 years
AHHH THE ANON WHO DID THE VACATION THING I THOUGHT OF KAZUHA COMING BACK TO MAPLE AT THE AIRPORT wakajajakak imagine maple being so happy to Kazuha and hugging him so tightly and end up crying because they just missed big brother kazu soooo much >:(
litol maple standing on their tippy toes honey, that's not gonna do shit but you do you and then having the biggest smile there's ever been once they see kazuha from the distance and all eyes on them because they just squealed the cutest "ONII-SAN!" in the whole fucking world
kazuha better get his stance ready because he better catch maple once they jump into his arms
that and also a handkerchief because they're going to burst to tears once they get to hug him again "THE SCREEN WON'T LET ME HUG ONII-SAN :("
rest assured that his friends are filming this moment and he's gonna be on his knees asking for a copy :')
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diorsbrando · 1 year
YEAH WE DO ! we haven’t even talked about isshin + masaki OR ICHIGO in the last episode !? the final scene w his lil zangetsu you are me omg omg omg i need to punch him in the face or smth ykwim !! he’s just … aughhh !!! what are we gonna do until july :(
EJ !!!! hi snookums <3 i’m so late to answering this GRRRRR I’M SORRY! let’s discuss the last two episodes bc WOOWW!!! that was literally amazing and i’ve been sayin that with every episode but it truly was amazing!! bleach eats every single time!! bleach spoilers below !!!
okay so. let’s talk isshin and masaki. OMGGGGGGG EVERYTHING BUT THE RAIN WAS SUCH A BEAUTIFULLY CRAFTED EPISODE(S) !! literally every damn thing was perfection !!! i could have cried fr they did that whole thing so beautifully i don’t even know where to start 🤧isshin, masaki, and ryuuken all looked so so gorgeoussss like i was mesmerized by masaki because she’s just so pretty and she looks really really good in that animation style; i’m actually a little jealous. and her growing love for isshin was just so wonderful to experience, i definitely felt my bottom lip tremble when isshin said “masaki is like the sun” cause hello?????? who thinks of things like that to say to a woman? he was so in love with her entire being it made me ill in the best way possible. it’s just so nice bc they’re two spiritual beings that are supposed to hate each other but ended up falling in love :((( ugh and isshin looked even more like a himbo when he was younger, my pussy is watering just thinking about it sobs.
and RYUUKENNNNN HNNGGHHHHH EEK DADDYYYYYY! sorry but UNFFF he looked even more handsome and dashing when he was younger as well, i wanna kiss tf outta his pretty face🥺🥺🥺he’s so cold and strict but i know i can soften up his litol heart i just  know it!!! even tho it was a tense moment when he slammed kanae against the wall upon finding out she told ryuuken’s mom about masaki’s battle, I WISHED TO BE KANAE IN THAT MOMENT bc he was so close to his face. she is better than me bc i would have kissed him LOLOL. oh to be sandwiched in between ryuuken & isshin :((((
AND LET’S DISCUSS MY SKRUNKLY BOYFIE ICHIGOOOOOOO MMMM! omgomomgomgomg pls there’s still so much simping energy i have left for him he’s so gorgeous <3 tell me u also shed a tear when “old man zangetsu” faded away and the way he said he was proud of ichi’s progress! when ichi said “you are me” with both zangetsu and white floating above him THAT WAS THE PERFECT WAY TO END THE FIRST COUR IT WAS MAGNIFICENTTTT SUPER WELL DONE !! what the hell are we supposed to do until july :(( 
actually well......this gives me the perfect opportunity to finish the manga once and for all and then start reading the novels 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️ AND AND AND WE CAN REWATCH OUR FAVORITE ARCS !! i need to see daddy aizen again bc his total 5 minutes of screen time in this arc wasn’t enough </3 oh oh oh i can revisit my baby ulquiorra <3 oh and grimmy ! and ginjou and tsukishima !! 
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2ynjns · 3 years
enhypen's s/o babying them headcanon
pairings: ot7 x gn!reader
word count:
notes: fluff! profanity..
request states “enhypen reaction to their s/o babying them"
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huh (•ิ_•ิ)?
"heeddeungie~ come here my litol baby!"
you run towards him and hugs him
dont lie heeseung we know you like it stop acting up
"did-- did you just call me--"
"you don't like it?" (╯︵╰,)
"no no! i do like it!"
next think you know he's smiling like a idiot
he likes it
he lays on your chest and you start rubbing and playing with his hair and whisper sweet nothings
im going crazy
he loves you for that
his guilty pleasure is being babied
hear me out
he doesnt hate it
he actually do like it
but you do too much
"did my baby had a bad day? ⊂(・ω・*⊂)"
you waddles towards him and pats his head and cups his face
"hey uhm,,, not in front of the members...."
(。•́︿•̀。) "i thought you like being babied?"
leans towards you
"yes, i do but.. not in front of the members..."
he comes of as that more domestic, cool boyfriend in public
but a little prick in private jdfbfhbhdf
moments later when youre alone, you still feel a little sad that jay is ashamed of getting babied in front of the members
so youre sitting at the corner with your phone
jay slides towards you and puts your hard on his cheeks
"can you... baby me now... sorry for how i acted earlier..."
another giggly mf
he's cute how can you even blame him
loves back rubs
you would hug him, or sit next to him he expects back rubs
whether its rubs or just circles, he loves it
shamelessly ashamed
doesnt mind being babied in front of members AS LONG AS the members does not tease him
"okay you little shits, if i hear any of you making fun of how i baby jake, yall are gonna meet my fist, respectfully" ((╬◣﹏◢))
so the members dont say anything
dont worry you mean it but they're used to with you.
loves when you cuddle him
imagine big spooning jake
im devastated </3
another in denial boy
stays quiet
would let you do your thing and baby him
slight smile outside
his favorite thing you do is the way you look at him and the way you compliment him
"youre improving so much!"
"youre stage presence was good to begin with, but today was extravagant!"
"your visuals... i love you so much."
one time you just couldnt hold it in
you squished his cheeks
in front of
the members
and the staffs
SUNGHOON (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
so cute </3
still denial of it
the shameless mf
you dont baby him
"aaaaannnggg~ just pat my head please!"
"im craving for attention."
"i want affection"
"hug me"
"if you don't look at me right now my cheeks are gonna be sad."
"sunoo stop it, im busy"
but once you baby him, he gets genuinely happy
his love language is quality time and to him a way to express love is by actually interacting and affection
so he loves if so much
"you wuv me right" (ノ≧∀≦)ノ ‥…━━━★
"sigh,,, yes my ddeonu i wuv you bery much."
confused 2.0
he likes it too
goes along with your antics
you would pull him toward you and he would lay on your lap by himself
and sleeps
hed let you squish his cheeks
or bite him (not in a mean/nasty way) (i mean lik ethe cute way)
shameless too
he doesnt mind if the members see
to him, theres nothing to be ashamed of because if thats what you like to do, then hell lets you
plus he likes it too duh
"wonie, say ah~"
opens his mouth and takes a big bite of onigiri you made
"is it good??"
*nom nom nom*
"good job!!"
the "uhm wtf?" reactor
he doesnt like it
but doesnt hate it
like jungwon would let you do your thing
and would take a little effort to get used to
ofc you wouldnt do it excessively, you would do it if you want to and theres a good time and place to actually baby him
he thinks
"hmmm... not actually bad to get babied"
once you baby him
he wants you to baby him from time to time if youre alone
and you give him it because why wouldnt you baby niki come one now
"i saw you accidentally twist your ankle while dancing, do you want me to massage it?"
*puppy eyes* "yes please..."
"tsk, i dont want my baby to get hurt again. i know you stretch and warm up before dancing but warm up sufficiently."
"okay :)"
one time
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oshicakes · 3 years
when your classmates tease you with other guy
pairings. kageyama tobio x reader, suna rintaro x reader, kenma kozume x reader
genre. fluff
an. to anon, this is your request. hope you'll like it hehe. its kinda long, im sorry sksksks have a nice day!
other: shirabu and futakuchi, kunimi and hoshiumi, sakusa and oikawa, miya twins, aone and yamaguchi, konoha and semi
Kageyama Tobio
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your relationship with him is still new, like a weeks. so not a lot of people knew about it.
it was a fine day when someone from the other section confessed to you infront of your classmates.
it was embarassing, to the point you don't know what to do. the guy made you accept the letter he gave you and ran away.
leaving you alone with your teasing classmated and the knowing look of some students from other section and year.
you didn't miss the look that kageyama have when your eyes met with his. he knew that guy who confessed to you, it's his classmate.
althroughout the class, he stared intently at the guy's back. if looks can kill, that guy's already dead by now.
in your case, everyone around you is teasing you. you already told them about having a boyfriend, it's kageyama.
"stop lying, y/n. we just went to karaoke last week and you said you're single. besides we didn't hear about him courting you or even confessing, he's only interested in volleyball, so it's impossible."
you're really offended with what they said about him but instead of arguing with them, you just keep your mouth shut.
it's been three days, and you are forced to accept the love letter within those days. at the same time, kageyama's really in the foul mood. his teammates talked to you about this. so you came up to the solution of talking to the guy even if he ran away gain.
"can we talk, please?" you talked to him. he vigorously nodded and followed you until you reach a more peaceful surroundings. you also didn't miss the knowing looks and the teases that were thrown at you by your classmates.
"im sorry, but i can't accept your confession. i already have a boyfriend."
he just stand there with now a blank face. "but you took the letter i made."
"you forced it in my hand then ran away before i could reject you."
"just one date, y/n. then i'll leave you alone." he desperately said.
"im really sorry, i can't do that."
before anything could happen, a ball hit his back. it was not hard and not that soft too, just enough to make him flinch away from him.
you we're about to check on him when someone grab your wrist. it was kageyama. wearing a scary aura around him. "what do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?"
"k-kageyama? he's your boyfriend, y/n?"
"yes, got a problem with that?" he said. "if you don't have anything to say, go home. leave y/n alone or else you'll get to taste another spike on you. but this time its more harder and it'll land on your face."
the guy was about to say something when kageyama glared at him then the guy just walked away. it was weird but it somehow relieved you. "are you okay? are you hurt?"
"im okay, tobio."
"ill walk you home."
"okay. but please refrain from hitting someone with that ball. i know how powerful you are."
"i won't promise you anything, y/n."
"tobio." you said in a warning tone.
"okay, okay." he surrendered. you kiss his cheeks as a thank you for somehow saving you. he blushed profusely. see, he's a cute litol bean.
the next day, the news about you and kageyama spread around your class and his class. all day, kageyama just wear his smirking but scary but still smirking beacuse of happiness face.
Suna Rintarou
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your relationship was a secret, to spare you to the chaotic twin. he doesn't want you to be bothered by them. although you told your classmates that you're in a relationship with your mom's friend's son, which is true.
knowing that you're taken, they didn't stop shipping you with your classmate who always talks to you.
ofcourse, you denied and said you have a boyfriend but they keep on teasing the both of you. it lasted like two weeks and each day, you just want to shout to them to stop.
welp, you didn't know that this day would come. he eventually spread that your his lover now.
it you confronted him infront of your classmates. although he whispered to you that he was just messing around and he just see you as a friend. which made you sigh in relief.
you tried to make him stop with what he's doing but he cut you off and laughed. he pulled you next to him. "come on, y/n. just play along with this. look how funny their faces are." he whispered to you. "sorry, my girlfriend is a not in the mood."
"she's your what?" a voice coming from your behind. oh no, you know that voice. you glance behind you and saw your boyfriend standing there. the guy face him and made you too.
"she's my girlfriend." he confidently said, he even put his arms around your shoulder.
his eyes are now menacing, jaw clenched and fist are closed tightly. you gulped because of that. "really? if you're y/n's boyfriend, then did you know that i slept at their house yesterday? y/n cooked me a breakfast, also prepared a bento for me, and we kissed before coming here."
the guy and your classmates we're speechless, like their mouths and eyes are literally wide open. you mentally face palmed, and you could also feel your face heat up.
he grabbed you away from the guy and claim you infront of them by encircling his arms around my waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. he even kissed your cheeks.
"don't claim other's girlfriend, got that? you're lucky we're not in the gym or else a ball will hit you directly on your face."
after that, he held your hands and walked away from your classmates. before the both of you could get away completely, the twins and some of his teammates blocked the way. "oh great."
"damn! you have a cute girlfriend and you didn't even bother to tell us?" osamu said.
in the end, both of you got cornered by his teammates and made you answer their questions and listen to their rants for an hour. while you classmates specially the guy keep on apologizing to you and him. you assure them that it's okay, but don't do it again.
"stop using your phone, y/n. give me your attention."
"okay, okay. what do you want to do?"
"sleep." then he pulled you and made you lay beside him and locked you between his arms.
Kenma Kozume
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both of you never intended to make it a secret, it's more like you date privately. you know.
you don't know if your classmates know that you and kenma are a couple. but you mostly hang out whenever it's break and lunch along with the other volleyball players.
it was a usual day where your classmates invited you to play with them in a game called valorant. and your in kenma's house.
the game ended after a few rounds. they keep pairing you up with this boy in your class. they keep teasing you with him like, "you two have a good chemistry in this, why don't you just date", "you'd be a great duo!"
it happens that the issue was brought to your class, now all of your classmates tease the both of you to each other.
you explained that you already have a boyfriend, but they acted like didn't hear you, instead they said that "oh really! he's your boyfriend, y/n?!" now, you don't know if they misheard it or they're just being dumb. it goes on for weeks.
you're in kenma's house once again. both of you are playing when that guy invited you to play. so you accepted, you tag kenma along.
as the game was going, your classmate that was playing too keep on teasing the both of you. they didn't know that your boyfriend can here them. you looked at him and you can't read his face.
however, who ever tease you with that guy, they end up being dead. the game ends, your team wins thanks to kenma but what shook you was, "hey, y/n. would you mind going out with me?"
"im sorry but i have a boyfriend already."
"it's just a date and he wouldn't know about it." he already know! he's beside me looking intently on the screen and his grip on the mouse are tight, you wanted to say to him.
kenma muted his and your mic. "tell him you'd agree but in one condition, he needs to win against you. 1v1. and if he lose tell him to get lost. but ill play it instead of you." then he umute your mic.
his brows we're almost meeting, waiting for you to say it. you cleared your throat. "ill agree of you win against me in a 1v1 game."
"sure!" that made them shout and cheer. kenma pushed your chair and move his infront of your pc.
the game ended with kenma winning the game. "one more time, y/n. ill be serious this time." the guy said. you looked at kenma and he just nodded. "okay."
and again, kenma won. "hey, uhm.. are you serious about it, y/n? you know we can still go out if you want."
this time kenma answered him. "you lose, so get lost! don't bother my girlfriend anymore." after that he disconnected.
"kozume." you caressed his arms when you saw how he grip his mouse tightly. "calm down, please. even if you lose or win, i wouldn't dare to date him. i love you, okay?"
he faced you and buried his face on your chest. "im sorry, i lost my cool. he just got into my nerves." you're now caressing his soft hair. "its okay. let's eat dinner at my house, mom made something for us."
the next day he walked you to your class which is new to you but you have a hint on what's going on with his mind. it's a great timing that the guy opened the door so he saw you kissing kenma's cheeks. you instantly pulled away.
"you're the one i defeated yesterday, right?" he looked at the boy. "before you date and steal y/n away from me, make sure you're strong enough to win against me, got that?"
everyone went silent, including your classmates. he looked inside your classroom. "enablers." then looked at you. "wait for me later, okay? mom's home so she wants to see you. see you later."
after that he walked to his class which is just next to yours. he glared one more time at the guy before going in.
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littlemystolemypie · 3 years
Headcanon for future Snufmin and/or Snorkmyden? Like, how are they once they become old and spend their time on the verandah staring into the sky, just enjoying life?
this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a while, im so sorry i forgot i had asks kdjdkf
wELL. *cracks knuckles*
if i were to headcanon this, im p sure for snufmin, they would be living by themselves in a litol cottage with a few floffy children ahHAHAH and they would just yknow, be soft and like hold hands, while snufkin rambles about his old journeys south that he cant do anymore bc his limbs hurt him no wait im making this sad
/j /j
okay nevermind lets say both of them hold paws and watch the birbs fly and the sun set while just being there, enjoying each others prescence?? also !! i feel like snufkin would be continually going on about his journeys south whilst moomin and the floffs listen in awe, and he makes it dramatic sometimes and moomin has to tell him to get back on track xD
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i wanted to do snorkmyden too so im just gonna dump.
i feel like they would be the cutesy kind of old couple ^^ like snorkmaiden would probably spend her time embroidering and my would just encourage her while yeeting compliments as she goes along with her work
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i hope you like my headcanons ! >:D and doodles
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ellitx · 3 years
In honor of Father's Day, could we get some headcanons of the twins (separately) as parents?
Venti as a Father:
It would be really chaotic and a mess when it’s him watching over the kids
Just feeding them and bringing the spoon to their mouth like an airplane, and if one of his children happens to playfully throw the food to his face, it’ll be a food fight.
Of course, it didn’t last long when you entered the room and you see everything is so cluttered and dirty.
Venti can be strict with them if he has to but most of the time he’s carefree and lively with them. Often going outside to play, gliding, and maybe just a leisurely family time with you, him, and the children.
He’s not really restricting them but if they wanna play outside they have to ask his permission first so he’ll know where they are or so that he can watch over them
Venti likes it if his kids ask him to carry them! He’ll carry them on his shoulders so they can see the beautiful view of Mondstadt's scenery!
Or if he’s laying on your lap and they’re asking to be carried, he’ll lift them up and act like they’re flying in the sky. He’ll use his vision to make it really breezy so they can feel what it’s like to soar in the air.
When it’s time for dinner, he has to call for them. But the problem is they’re so mischievous that they even hide from him. It’s easy to find them but for the sake of entertaining them, he pretends he doesn’t have a single clue as to where they are.
“Now where’s my little sweetie hiding again? Looks like Detective Venti is starting another case of Disappearing Angel.” He takes his cape and flips them in the air for a dramatic effect and boy does he hear that stifled laugh behind the sofa.
He takes out his lyre and starts singing about the clues he had gathered and for suspense, he stopped strumming his instrument and stood still. Their kid covered their mouth to quiet themselves and it was unfortunate for them they didn’t notice their father was already behind them.
Venti’s hands slipped underneath them and hoisted them to his shoulder causing them to shriek and wiggle around while giggling.
“Papa, that’s unfair!!”
“Another point for Detective Venti~”
Aside from playing detectives, he’s pretty much dramatic around them if they’re playing house or prince and princess together.
“Oh, sweet child of mine, call the fairest maiden for I, Venti the Most Handsome, Charming, Powerful, and Talented Bard has fallen down because of the great dark dragon’s compelling attack.”
Your child first thought of you, immediately rushing to where you are and tugging at your sleeves.
“Mama! Mama! Help Papa come back alive! He said the only way to regain his powers is that you have to kiss him!”
You choked at your own spit, your face burning hot hearing another ridiculous idea venti started for you to kiss him. You didn’t want to disappoint them so you obliged and followed them to the living room.
There you saw venti laying down, his hands on his chest with his eyes closed, and sure you’d mistaken him as some kind of princess if not for your daughter asking you to help him.
Clearing your throat and readying yourself in acting mode, you kneeled down beside him and clasped his hands with yours.
“Oh, my darling Venti. All your power has been drained, the energy within you has been stolen by the greatest and fearful creature that has been ever lived. But fear not, for I have come to aid you by… by caressing you with a true love’s kiss.”
You slowly leaned forward and ran your finger on his face before closing your eyes until his lips brushed with yours. The tips of your ears were turning red when your child awed and watched closely, and for sure you felt your husband’s lips tugging upwards. His hand reached up behind you to hold you close to him and let the kiss last longer.
His eyelids flutter open, revealing the marvelous emerald orbs he has that were the same as your little angel, and he turned at you with clouded eyes, his cheeks beginning to tint with warm red.
Before he could latch his lips with yours once more, your child jumped at his back and cried,
“You’re alive! You’re finally alive! Quick, defeat the dark dragon before it destroys the castle!”
Venti almost forgot he was playing with them. All of a sudden, you felt your feet weren't on the ground anymore and in instinct, you held onto his shoulder and gaped at him. Venti's arm was underneath your bottom, carrying with such ease as if your weight was as light as a feather.
“Of course, my dear! Now that my power has been replenished thanks to this lovely maiden, I can finally stop the dragon’s outrage through the power of wind and freedom!”
His right hand glowed, unleashing a gentle yet powerful wind to knock down the mini dvalin stuffed toy that was standing in front of the blocks. The toy’s balance was gone, causing it to fall onto the ground as a sign the enemy’s disturbance was no longer present. Peace, harmony, and freedom were settled back to the small kingdom you, your child, and your husband had created.
Himmel as a father:
Himmel’s a househusband! Due to his frail body, he’s more inclined to work inside the house which he doesn’t mind. So all the cooking, cleaning, laundry is handled by him.
Househusband Himmel doesn’t really mind at all! In fact, he really enjoys it because he gets to watch over his kyut litol beybis playing around the house and spend time with them!
He knows you’re already home when he hears his babies screaming “MAMA!!”, it’s either a playful chase with his children on who gets to hug you first or he let them hug you first before he kisses you as a greeting of welcome home.
Whenever he goes to the grocery, he brings his children with him and they’re in the twin stroller. Everything is prepared; the pacifiers and two bottles of milk, and perhaps some extra diapers in case the line is too long and they need a bathroom break.
Himmel always takes a morning stroll and he also brings his babies with him so they can get that vitamin from the sunlight for them to be healthy. Don’t want them to risk being so unhealthy when they grow up now do we?
Maybe after the stroll, he stops in a nearby park to rest, maybe even allowing them to have some fun as long as they’re in his sight. Himmel will start planning on having a picnic time as family bonding on weekends so you can also take a break as well as you can get in touch with your own kids
While at home, carrying his two kids in his arms is no biggie for him. He can even multitask with it, though he prefers if they are in the crib just in case he doesn’t accidentally step on some toys and slip while carrying them.
He loves holding them and carrying them with him after he finishes the household chores! He’ll play with them, shower them with kisses, keep on telling them how much papa loves them and how he’s so happy they’re part of his life. When they run out of milk, he has to take the new supply you’ve readied in the refrigerator.
The babies will crawl up to him, stretching out their short arms towards their father because they wanted to be carried. Himmel chuckles then picks them up before making their drink. He hums a song while warming the milk and leaves small kisses on their head and nuzzles his nose against it as he waits
His little ball of sunshine is full of energy so he can be quick to get exhausted, but he’s trying his best to stay awake to make sure nothing dangerous happens to them. he lets them crawl up to him and play with his hair and when they also get sleepy and clings to him, it brings a smile to his face and holds them close to his chest protectively before laying them back down in the crib
Himmel may have taught them many things, from a simple reading, talking/cooing, walking, and maybe even singing. He has bought many things that can help them like rattles, squeeze toys, picture books, and also some stuffed toys they can play with.
Over the months, he’ll buy different toys for them so they can start the process of learning simple stuff like ABC blocks and even more plushies.
His kids love it when he sings or reads them a bedtime story. If you’re free, you and Himmel will reenact the story to maybe entertain them, and oh their cute little smiles and giggles tug their parents’ hearts.
Once they reach the age of three, Himmel is so excited for them that they can meet new friends. It’s the start of their preschool and he prepared everything. Now he’s the type of father who’ll take a picture of them every single year and some memorable moments to be added in the album
After school, he’s there to pick them up with you. All the mothers were gawking when he was standing near the door and looking for his cute babies. Perhaps he’s a brother to pick his siblings up?
Lol nope
Their jaws dropped when they heard a scream of papa from the running children. He opened his arms and caught them easily as they jumped at him for a hug. The mothers/guardians can’t believe Himmel's a father. Such a youthful face he has and having two children?!
He gives them a kiss on their forehead and asks how their day went. When he told them that mama was waiting outside, the twins immediately left their father’s side and ran out of the school to see you there smiling and waving.
“Mama!! Look, look, my teacher gave me a stamp that I did well!”
“I have five stars on my booklet!!”
Your eyes sparkled at their wonderful achievements and patted their head. Himmel stood next to you and smiled, admiring the wonderful warm feeling in his heart to see this growing family.
Kneeling before one of his kids, he whispered something next to them causing them to gasp out and looked at you with big curious eyes.
“I’m going to be a big sister/brother?!!”
You look at your husband with an astonished face and pout before playfully shoving his shoulder.
“That was supposed to be a surprise!” You whined. Himmel laughed and pecked your lips, whispering “I can’t help it,” before taking the hands of his child then yours. You take the other twin’s small hand and walked side-by-side with your husband and children back home
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toriowlfluff · 3 years
But consider, scar doesn't get all the way fixed and is still a shfiter.
Ooooo!! I love that but I can do one better!
(forgive my writing btw- I'm in a bit of a writing mood :D)
After Scar got turned back his initial reaction was pure happiness, he's finally back to "normal"...
The first week he had a blast re-experiencing the life of a normal sized person and all the others are just ecstatic aswell!
Except for Grian- who was there when Scar was turned back by Doc. It was wierd to see his best bitty friend to suddenly be human sized again. He never knew Scar in human form- only when he was tiny so the shift has been quite...big.
The second week in, Scar noticed that many places where he could go and hang out before aren't accessible to him anymore. Not to mention the lack of Grian made it feel like he switched sides.
Only after talking to Mumbo and Iskall did he finally connect the dots and the days of being back to human height turned into days of missing his bitty pals. Of course he still hung out with them but it felt off. The friends he once could be on eye level with seem so far away now.
So Scar did something about it. As in- "let's ask Doc- he knows what to do!"
With that Scar, with a little bit of funky tinkering on Docs side had access to shifting! Only one who didn't know was Grian at this point.
It didn't take long for the winged tiny to finally approach Scar himself tho. It didn't feel right to shut his friend out like that only because he's human now.
So after having a heart to heart conversation, Scar said "oh and one last thing, G,". Grian didn't even have time to react when Scar just shifts down to his height.
Sneaky litol Scar man got the birb boy monologuing.
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cr0g-0 · 3 years
Fluffy noms with big tommy and little phil? I don't really see alot of that where it's just the two of them
New Nest
Tw-Safe Vore, Fluff, litol angst-its just a wittle bit-its barely there, don't even think I need an angst warnibg-
For you Blue! Probably isn't that good and I don't know how long/Short it is but I hope you like! P.s Your my second favorite >:)
"Phil you look like your freezing your feathers off seriously-" Tommy looked at the tiny avian, frowning as he saw how much the blonde was shivering.
It had been raining a lot and Phil had been flying about through it all which lead to the soaking wet, waterlogged person on his windowsill.
Phil smiled a little and shrugged, trying to hide his shivers with his dark gray wings. "I'm fine mate, really-" he was cut off by a loud sneeze and covered it with his elbow.
The human sighed and chuckled, gently scooping Phil up into cupped hands and bringing him up to his face. Phil let put a noise but got comfortable in the hands and looked at Tommy.
"Tommy I swear if you-"
The blond human licked Phil's face, giggling a little as he watched the avian make a disgusted face before rolling his eyes.
"Really?" "Yes really let me take care of you for once dad you barely let anyone take care of you."
The blond sighed and nodded. "Alright fine buddy go ahead." With the all clear Tommy gently placed his dad into his mouth and started to lick at him, coating him with saliva and eliciting a few giggled and shoves from Phil
He gently sucked on the older blond, humming a little as he felt a light patting on his tongue. "I'm ready when you are Toms."
Tommy stopped sucking on Phil and tilted his head back, gently starting to swallow as he felt a few squirms come from his dad as he entered his throat and soon landed in his storage stomach.
Phil landed inside and snuggled into the walls, rubbing at the stomach walls as he got comfortable inside his new nest. It was just for today and then he could go back to babying his sons.
"Night dad..." Tommy whispered as he rubbed at the spot where his dad was, feeling the avian already dose off.
Fffffrrrr hope this was to your liking homie Blue-I've never really written Phil and i was jsut chbdbdjdnd
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I have some assorted Gecko hcs!!!
Xe use xe/xem pronouns, and also have absolutely no concept of what a "gender" is.
Building off the lack of gender concept, xe could also be biologically genderless!
We've all assumed that xe're green, like a normal gecko, but our litol friend is anything but a normal gecko! So maybe instead of a green boi, xe're a sunset boi :3
Xyr full tag is "Lost-Little-Gecko".
I know that I said that xyr 2ft tall, but I've changed my mind. Xyr 1ft 3in now, and xe also weigh 25-30lbs. Smol.
While Xisuma is the first hermit xey actually spoke too, Mumbo is the first they xey interacted with. What can xey say? He's a gentle, charismatic giant.
Of which, Gecko didn't even know how to talk, read, or write when xey first spawned. Like you said, Shade, xe only knew the instincts to stay near water and punch trees. So, after Mumbo realized that xey literally have no idea how to communicate, he gathered up the other Architechs + Cleo [I think she's a teacher irl???] to teach the little lizard some English!
Iskall might have also tought xem some Swedish when left alone with xem.
By proxy, xyr accent is a mix between British and Swedish.
Xyr voice [aside from accent] is this raspy, soft, and quiet lil thing. And I really do mean quiet. Xisuma had to ask xem to speak louder when xey finally went to him!
Xe're actually rlly into anime, so xe end up bonding with Kakashi Etho over a shared love for Japanese animation.
Xe have a terrible navigation skills. You want xem to go somewhere? Either go with xem yourself or get someone to guide xem to the location.
Gecko likes Etho's bag. Gecko falls asleep in his bag a lot. Gecko doesn't understand the dreams xey have in Etho's bag, but they are fun. Gecko keeps forgeting to ask Etho what a "shinobi" is.
The more scientific hermits love doing labs on lil Gecko. Xyr a completely new species as far as they know, so why wouldn't they wanna know more about xem from a biological and scientific perspective?
When Gecko sheds for the first time, xe're rlly care with the shedded skin, preserving it as best xe can. Afterward, xey neatly fold it and wrap it in some paper tied with string. Why would xey do this? Well, xey wanna make it look nice when xey give it to xyr scientific friends for testing!
Gecko wears an oversized hoodie and nothing else. Mumbo tried to take xem to the Interdimensional Tailor once, but Ranboo scared xem [much to Boo's dismay]. After that, Mumbo just got xem an xs hoodie. Yes, xs is big on xem.
Xe're a point of interest to the technical players, as a new mob hybrid that hasn't been seen before, but given how many mob hybrids there already are xey don't feel out of place. Xey just let xemself be studied, make sure to inform the others about xyr boundaries, and enjoy a wealth of new Minecraft knowledge in return.
- Mod Shade
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hematomes · 2 years
Hellooo hope you're goind well :) idk if the post about hdc team compo is still available? And idk what exactly is the inbox? But my team is Razor-Chongyun-Bennett-Xingqiu or Razor-Kaeya-Bennett-Childes if you have some ideas about them :)
HI THERE SORRY FOR THE WAIT hhhh yeah the inbox is. the asks im just not very good with words
i don't want my gay heart to corrupt my judgment but that first team is a queer high-school au. also was my first team but this isn't abt me SO
chongyun/xingqiu and razor/bennett are already obvious so let's see how they mingle. xingqiu is the jester in that whole thing, he keeps pranking everyone - but razor doesn't really understand the concept, and bennett doesn't need to be pranked bc his bad luck already does the trick, so he comes back to chongyun as his primary victim
they all sleep curled up together and razor is the one who watches over them bc it's his pack and he has to protecc
bennett kept apologizing about his luck and xingqiu and chongyun had to reassure him a lot for him to stop - once, his bad luck literally overrode chongyun's positive energy and they got to see a spirit, which scared tf out of benny and razor but made chongyun extremely happy. chongyun adores benny since then!!!
not saying a polycule would be adorable but im just gonna put this here and curse my gay heart
SO FOR THE OTHER ONE, kaeya and childe are the big brothers and razor and bennett the litol ones. honestly they just work too well together, it's really wholesome and heartwarming and both kaeya and childe sometimes get emotional - kaeya bc he hasn't felt this way since his fight with diluc, childe bc he misses his own siblings. found family with co-parenting and weird ass kids? sign me in i want a tv show about the four of them
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