shsl-fujoshi · 11 months
Going Forward
Back in the livejournal days, I wrote a lot more posts that were long and involved, more thought out, and more personal.
I think all of us-- fandom and nerds and geeks specifically, but along with us everyone in the world-- I think we have been immeasurably harmed by corporate social media.
We have been harmed by conforming to an arbitrary word count, by the pressure to post short, “content” multiple times a day, for that content to be “relatable”, tepidly ‘family (advertiser) friendly’, and in the service of getting as much shallow ‘like/share/reblog’ attention to this “content” as possible. In service to our own egos, yes, but beyond that, in service to the desires of the vast, money hungry corporations who graciously allow us to provide free “content” for their vast, money hungry machines of social media.
We have been harmed, too, by the social pressures these corporate machines of mass communication create. The pressure not to be too cringey, too weird, too arrogant; the anti-intellectual pressure never to be “pretentious”.
Well fuck that my posts are not “content” and they are not created for the money hungry corporate machine, and they are not for it to drip feed to a mass audience like baby birds with their mother’s heavily digested pap.
My posts are weird, they are pretentious, and they are not fucking advertiser friendly.
They have contorted our minds to demand constant attention of the mass-communication money making machine they’ve created, and I don’t want to be part of it any more.
Back on Livejournal we were thrilled if a post made it to a few dozen comments.
And you know what? A few comments is leagues and lightyears better than hundreds of nothing-interactions. “Likes” and “reblogs”.
Shallow interaction for the machine to fill a few more milliseconds of scrolling for a few more people.
My posts are worth more than that.
YOUR posts are worth more than that.
I’m in the middle of a vast self-exodus to my own hosting-- as twitter is destroyed from within, and reddit eats itself, and AO3 is the victim of mass campaign of canibalization by fucking normies who are the front of useful idiots for conservative christians, and for terfs-- I am leaving.
Social media is a corpse on the ground, and we “””content creators””” are the soul of it. That soul will not die, we will simply all find new bodies to inhabit and infuse. 
But until that corpse is gone, I intend to be one damned annoying poltergeist for the scavengers to deal with while they rip apart the corpse of social media.
Fuck corporate interests. Fuck the money machine. Fuck the christian conservatives and the TERFs and everyone else who wants to hold you down and make you conform and lay still while they eat your corpse.
I’m pretentious. I’m long winded. And I’m not safe for advertisers.
Rattle those chains, baby. Rattle those chains.
appendix beneath the cut
related links:
Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things By Cat Valente
The Enshittification of TikTok by Cory Doctorow
Special note: X-Posted to my personal offsite blog
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This time<3
Hello everyone, I hope you all doing well. Only a few days are left for the medical exam date, it is very close and the situation is getting little worse. I also want a college this time. I know that once I get college, it will be very good for me and all the doors will open for me. Because being a girl, I have to live in this society especially in my society where girls are not given so much…
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tagedeszorns · 7 months
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This .. this was unexpected!
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https-kirstenikita · 1 year
I'm not shit at this.
Writing is something that I’ve always enjoyed, but never felt good at. I remember getting a notepad and pens for Christmas one year as a child and deciding to write a story about fairies, and later on that year our school had a competition which involved “writing a book” so I translated it and submitted it. I never heard anything back.
I loved reading when I was younger, like many Jacqueline Wilson was my queen. I had nearly the entire collection and would read them over and over (and over) again. I had a lot of the original disney books as well, they were read a million times as well as a few others. I just loved reading, I would stay up all night reading and falling asleep with the book in my hand. As I entered secondary school it was the same, and sort of ended when I went into sixth form. I just loved reading, I still do, but after years of heavy academic work it was/is hard to enjoy. 
I wrote a LOT in my early teens. Fiction, non-fiction, blogs, mostly fan-fiction. I absolutely loved it, I’d have to stop myself from posting so much. Fan-fiction was my most successful, one of them has 1.6million reads on wattpad which just feels insane because that was just a little 14 year old me? I also have a plethora of diaries, journals etc that I continue to this day. Other than the physical diaries, this all stopped when school got more intense and sixth form started. I found myself either at school, working or doing schoolwork and lost the passion for writing, I also had a massive confidence knock during year 12. 
Even though I enjoyed writing, I didn’t feel like I was good at it. I never shared it with anyone apart from one friend, Emilie, who I bonded with a lot over music and writing and it was just something we always shared together even if it was shit. Other than that, my writing was mine, a secret to everyone but myself. When my GCSE exams were marked, it was a year where they had a massive shortage of examiners so they had teachers marking work in subjects they knew nothing about. This resulted on me barely scraping passing my English language GCSE despite having *almost* straight A’s in my coursework. At the beginning of year 12, one of my English teachers decided to bitterly tell me this information in front of the class, resulting in me storming out and screaming bloody murder in the sixth form block . I felt stupid, confused, cheated, like I’d been led on the whole of my GCSE’s. How on earth have I got A’s on nearly all of my coursework but a U (ungradable) on my exam when I did everything I was told to do? What? Honestly, it was one of the most confusing and heartbreaking moments of my educational career. I couldn’t believe it. 
I started doing English literature in sixth form, and after that incident it really knocked me. Year 12 was also a really difficult one for me because there was so much going on at home, this definitely added to things. I felt like nothing I did was right, whenever I’d ask for help I got hit with a snarky remark or to “google it” (yes, I will never get over this). I quit the course after 1 year because the drive and confidence was gone. I described myself as someone who’s “shit at English”. I would be that person constantly asking people to proofread, double check things, asking repeatedly if my work made sense and those people would make adjustments. 
It wasn’t until my second year of university that I really found my understanding for writing, and could see for myself that I’m good at it. I studied theatre and performance at university which was an accumulation of many things theatre-related but academically driven. We did acting, production and academic research but everything was heavily based on research and a big part of our coursework was how our research made a difference on our work. In my first year I passed with good grades, everyone says the first year of uni is a bit of a doss and it kind of was. Despite this, I wasn’t used to the amount of research and writing which was because I’d done a BTEC during sixth form which is more vocational (practical) so I spent more time on my feet than reading and researching. In the first year, we didn’t get to choose the subjects we did but it was divided up equally into acting, production and academic stuff, then from second year we got to choose what we wanted to focus on. I decided to take a leap and pick mostly academic modules for the entire year. In this, I decided to do 2 independent research modules - not a common choice.
I was hesitant at first but I loved independent research. That is the module that made me realise I’m good at research and writing. Finding something you love and pursuing it really shows your skills, and you don’t know until you’re in it. It absolutely helps that I had an amazing, open-minded tutor who I’d have fantastic 1-1 meetings with, she was brilliant. She was real and honest with me about my work. She taught me how to write, how to structure things but using my topic as the stimulus and when I say that put two and two together, it put two and two together. Suddenly my essay quality went up by miles, for every other subject I was doing I suddenly just knew how to write. This was because I had done it within a subject that was so familiar to me and it just clicked, I had a moment of realisation: I’m not shit at this. Everything came together and it was one of the most impactful moments of my life. My grades shot up as did my confidence. 
Since then, I’ve felt far better about my writing skills. I’m still slowly getting back into reading (despite graduating nearly 3 years ago…), but writing is definitely something I want to really make a habit of. I work as a receptionist and spend most of my day typing up emails, communicating and writing generally which secures that more. I even have people coming up to me now asking me to write stuff up for them and it makes me so happy because an 18-year-old would have never seen this coming.
Kirsten x
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becauseeiloveyou · 16 days
past - present - future
it used to scare me how deeply i feel about things; in those days it felt as if my heart could be ripped off my chest. there was a lot of yearning, there was a lot of remembering, and hurting, and hating. strangely, though there is a lot more happiness these days, somewhere deep down there is a void. it feels as though a core part of me- an instinct? primitive? fundamental? part is missing.
those were dark days, yet the plethora of emotions i felt then made me feel alive. i feel almost like a walking zombie now. day by day, i live feeling uninspired. i am surrounded by people i know do not care about me, and other people who only care enough to pick my flaws.
i desperately scramble to explore different art forms to find an outlet to let these emotions flow. but it is difficult, and life has been really dreary.
the hardest part of it all, is feeling like i’m trapped, and something invisible is blocking the emotions from flowing. i have trained myself to be so logical that now it is hindering the way of my feelings, and i can’t really feel myself anymore.
it is scary- because i know something is lingering in the undercurrents, and i can’t seem to see the signs. it’s like my heart doesn’t belong to me anymore.
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ultralowoxygen · 1 year
Yorkshire Dales/ March 22 by film diary
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rogerrcoyle · 2 months
i hear your voice
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sen-art-acc · 2 years
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went back to my lifejournal/early tumblr teenage/college era and i regret NOTHING. this is why i even created tumblr acc again
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theslashpile · 5 months
Rec: After the Storm
Title: After the Storm
Author: H Birchwood, Key Dyson & Raymond Roach
Format: Text  (with art!)
Published/Free: Both
Length: 194,299 words
Status: Complete
Rating: Mature
Warnings: past sexual assault, trauma, abuse, alcohol use, food insecurity, violence, consent issues
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/213099434-after-the-storm
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1003186
Summary: After four years of hell on a ship with a deadly crew, all Rich wants is a second chance. Get some sun, relax, maybe hook up with a cute guy. But old scars, bad habits, and an insane AI aren’t going to make it easy…  Rich Merrill, gene-tweaked supersoldier by birth and AI support technician by vocation, is done fighting. Finally reassigned after four hellish years aboard the Sympatico, a dysfunctional ship with a deadly crew, all he wants is to make the most of his second chance. The survival skills that got him through his last posting aren’t going to help him on the Reliant, though. In among a kinder, gentler crew, Rich’s old scars and bad habits are just as much of a problem as vengeful ex-crewmates, or the Sympatico’s corrupted AI, which wants him back. Rich wants to be a better person. He wants to make some friends, finally. He’d especially like to be friends–or more–with Basil Wright, a brilliant teen rival who’s grown up captivatingly handsome; or Liam Beaker, a beautiful, mercurial botanist and fellow tweak. Rich wants to reconnect with what’s left of his family, pick up some hobbies, get some sun, learn to relax. But if he can’t learn how to leave his old life behind, his new life won’t be worth living.
Review: This story is sweet and comforting. The characters distinct and endearing. The world building is interesting and feels alive.
Submitter note: I really miss the Slash Pile from its Lifejournal days and have trouble finding more original fiction. Maybe we can breath some new life into it? I saw some AO3 stats and Original Works is on the rise! So here’s a recommendation I got on my dash by pure coincidence.
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wolfstarwarehouse · 2 years
hi!! i don’t know if you are still active but im looking for this fic i read ages ago. i don’t remember if it’s on ao3 or lifejournal, but it’s about remus being newly transferred to this private school (no magic) and sirius, james&peter were already roommates, and immediately upon entering his new dorm s+j+p were all there and james introduced all of them and said to remus and that sirius was queer and if he had any issue with it. that’s basically all i remember lmao im sorry if it’s not specific enough. thank you for all that you do!!!
Not sure if there are others that start this way, but my favorite fic does:
A Cure For Nightmares by picascribit
1976-1978: There's a mysterious new boy at St Godric's boarding school, and Sirius can't stop thinking about him, but the secret Remus is keeping might break Sirius's heart.
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onlinepiracy · 1 year
what the fuck is lifejournal i just got an email congratulating me to my 6th anniversary of lifejournal i dont remember having made an account there??
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tagedeszorns · 5 months
(Violetbirdie here) I think it's complicated due to a variety of issues. 40k as a franchise is huge, but it isn't the sort of thing that tends to have overlap with tumblr type fanspaces. It also doesn't help that 40k is a fractured fandom featuring tons of different factions, so it's not like a standard fandom where there are main characters and a main story that people will always flock to. The primarchs are the closest thing we have to that, which is why there is naturally more content for them. In addition, fandom itself is in a bit of a flux state and has been ever since the 2018 nsfw ban which caused a lot of people to leave for twitter, which is now undergoing its own huge changes right now (and I just hate twitter on principle).
I suppose the one thing I think would help, would be somehow getting the 40k tumblresque fandom space more consolidated as a whole. Like, somehow have a blog that is popular for all factions that posts headcanons about everything, thus getting people interested in parts they don't normally think about. Because 40k is a huge time investment to learn about. I've been listening to audiobooks for what feels like nonstop for over a month, and even then I could only ever feel confident telling people about Emperor's Children. So it naturally is harder for new people to get into the fandom and focus on some of the smaller things because there is just so much. It's almost how I view your blog. I check it daily for fun art/headcanons/just general character stuff, and you made me more interested in some of the captains and such. But even then, you have your focuses. So a space even more general where someone would reblog art from everything 40k would likely be nice? Maybe I just miss the livejournal days of fandom. As far as more engagement, I think having silly things like character weeks which encourages people to draw or write or talk about specific aspects is a huge benefit. It sets a schedule and makes people feel like they are shouting less into the void.
But as someone new here, maybe its my weird perspective, but I don't feel like things are getting less popular. If anything, from just checking AO3, it seems like things are only getting more popular for less of the reddit type and more for the Tumblr wanting to see hot dudes and their complicated feelings type. Also more people are getting into 40k in this side of the space through rogue trader. Like people I never talked to about 40k are starting to look into the series because they played Baldurs Gate 3, and needed a new RPG to play, and conveniently Rogue Trader is filling that for them. So, I'm optimistic if anything. Sorry about the long ramble! Just kinda dumping my thoughts out.
I love Tumblr because, unlike Twitter or Bluesky, it allows for way longer, way more elaborately structured posts. I love it when artists don't just slap their pics into a post and be done with it, but instead add stuff like maybe "I read this book, here's a quote, and it gave me this mighty need to draw this". Or "please listen to this music here while looking at my pic! It goes perfectly with it!". Or just a multi-paragraph-essay (preferably very unhinged) about the character in the upper left corner.
This in advance, so you can see I'm totally with you on the "miss Lifejournal"-thing, because blogs are so much better than just 500 characters, four pics and nothing else. And why I think Tumblr is a very good replacement for Lifejournal.
The multitude of Tumblr-blogs with their many different angles are such a treat and provide such a rich ecosystem! I follow artists posting exclusively admech-stuff, others solely Drukhari, some writers focussing on just one Astartes Legion ... it's phantastic and the depth of their niche-knowledge is mindblowing.
I agree with you that this will be overwhelming for new fans coming from rather monolithic stuff like Rogue Trader. And the key to keeping those new people involved and making them feel welcome is showing them all this variety without scaring them away.
Maybe this new feature Tumblr is working on, can be helpful here. I haven't read much about it yet, but it seems the "Community"-feature has the potential to bundle stuff in a way that's more approachable for new and old fans alike. Maybe there's room for your idea of having "character weeks" (I like that! Sounds very MacDonald's. I'll have Fabius with extra pickles, please! 😁).
I'm sharing your optimism that both the new games and maybe the new series/movies will bring a lot of new fans over and some of them may even stick around. I am a bit wary that there's the possibility of a MCU-situation starting to build up, but since Warhammer-lore is in a constant state of flux anyways this might just add some spice to the mix.
So, yeah, hope for the darkest of futures!
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stelartex · 2 years
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vergess · 2 years
Right so I'm like pretty high on account of the amount of pain I am in today, so bear with me but I'm going to talk about FFXIV in a very silly way okay rad
I miss when lifejournal let me put little titles for my cutaway link instead of 'just read more nerd~' and yeah dreamwidth still lets you but
oh my god I should crosspost this to the FFXIV dreamwidth (link)
Okay right okay so moral compulsion upheld let's chat
When I write my WOL characters (which it's a different wol per fic because I do NPCships) I find myself subconsciously emphasizing that the ones who are casters are are Openly Weird and the ones who are "physical" are Stoic (TM)
This is a fairly identifiable trend across major NPCs too, so that's likely what I am mimicking.
Casters are just very Openly Conspicuous (And Kind Of Weird). In comparison the melees are more reticent and try not to reveal their whole Deal.
Alphinaud and Alisaie are conspicuously rich, foreign twins. They sound like they learned English solely to imitate private school students on news casts. Or whatever, Eorzean.
I say this, and my estinaud heart compels me, to talk about why Estinien calls Alphinaud "little lord."
I know US audiences aren't great at picking up on this stuff, but Alphinaud specifically acts like he is a peer in standing with the highest house of Ishgard despite being a weird foreign child (16 is underage in Ishgard because of catholicism as confirmed in the AST job quests where this is pointed out as being kinda like weird according to Civilized Peoples [Eorzea, Sharlayan, Garlemald, the irony abounds] but anyway the point is Estinien would probably think under 21 is a child).
Little Lord Alphinaud is on that Yes, Master Wayne shit like 'okay little man I will do what you say but you are baby' okay I love it.
Back to other major casters: Y'shtola literally wears a Weird Scientist Outfit in ARR; like she goes around with those ridiculous goggles asking random people intense science questions (magic is a science).
Then she gets a costume change to something a little more iLVL 170, and in exchange she gets aether poisoning in her eyes that make them glow. She just walks around with glowing eyes okay. We as the player just see them as a weird white, but that's because we have different eyesight, that filter means they literally glow (see: dunesfolk lalafell eyes, wood and fibercraft 90 role quest).
So obviously her next step in being the most Visibly Magical Bitch On Hydaelyn is to fall into a coma and then start dressing like the Wicked Witch Of The First.
So yes that's a pretty conspicuous Vibe.
Though at least Black is arguably a reasonable camo colour in the deep woods.
Unlike Alisaie, who goes out in a bright red tailored coat on the battlefield and then stabs people with roses made of firelight this fucking Utena acting ass nonsense.
You see my point, I am sure. Conspicuous.
I didn't play a Gridanian starter I do not know how Papalymo fits into this because I never met him (I understand that you meet him in ARR, but he's not exactly a major character after Heavensward let alone after Stormblood).
Forchenault kind of almost makes a play for stoicism when you first meet him in his diplomatic robes and his sneering, but like actually he just dresses like that. Imagine if you just saw some guy in like full Judges Robes with Wig And Shit in regular daily life that's Forchenault he wears them everywhere he goes to fucking tromp around in the Garlean (Siberian) tundra wearing his judge outfit okay.
And then you've got Urianger (Urianger).
I was just going to leave it at that because like... how do you capture whatever the fuck Urianger has going on. The gender of this bitch is unfathomable. I am constantly callign him a he/him lesbian but since he marries Thancred there's some degree of bi at play there too but on the other hand how do you describe his decision to go become a tarot reading goth GF in the land of rainbows and fairies than "he learned what a they/them is and immediately became a he/him lesbian, like a pokemon evolving".
Anyway he has a tattoo of his university on his fucking face and speaks like he got kicked out of the Society for Creative Anachronism for not taking his period grammar seriously.
Conspicuous. Not just super visible, but super visibly themselves. A poison dart frog honesty.
Compare these Extremely Visible Acting Bitches to our Melee types.
Thancred is so fucking... IDEK man he's on that PTSD repression shit and has been since before we met him, with both his Stoic War Dad vibes in Shadowbringers and his Extreme Slut vibes preceding it being equally unhealthy coping mechanisms for his constant self worth issues. Like, someone resurrect Louisoix, I have my own phoenix summon I'm immune and I just want to talk about why your children are all so insane Louisoix because Thancred and Fourchenault show similar signs of juvenile abuse. It's fine Louisoix I just want to talk.
Lyse makes an argument just by virtue of her name not being Yda.
But also there's the fact that she convinced immigration that she was a white girl at 3 different naturalization systems for different countries and then the absolute MOMENT the fucking SECOND she heard the war was turning immediately became the most hardcore violent liberationist conceivable? (Fortunately, with a strong focus on rebuilding and stability).
Even ranged pDPS fall into this, tending to be very visibly and loudly Something Else to disguise their intentions. G'raha's bardic braggadocio did a far better job hiding his intentions (gap year) and nature (nerd) than the Exarch's ~I AM KEEPING A SECRET; PLEASE DO NOT LOOK FOR MY SECRET; THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMPLIANCE~ nonsense.
Anyway literally hiding who they are etc.
Aymeric is the pope's son and boy howdy did he throw himself into being a paladin (dark knight but that's a different fight for a different day) to make sure no one ever questioned his made up heritage with some non-Pope parents that For Sure Gave Birth To Him It's Fine Really.
Ryne also uses the Yda defense by not being named Minfilia, and takes her transformation one step further to have a completely different hair and eyes (and implicitly other features).
Hien much like Aymeric was also trying to hide his parentage hmmmmmmmmm lotta daddy issues in this game.
Wait... Gaius... Ranjit... Louisoix...
Actually wait.
Okay I'm updating my hypothesis.
Casters=demandant; Melee=avoidant is OUT
Melee=Daddy issues is IN.
Anyway I wanted to talk about the types of stereotypes people would have of casters vs melee in the setting because of this difference in personalities but actually instead I just reminded myself that the fundamental truth of FFXIV is that Dads Cause A Lot Of Trauma
In conclusion: I miss Homestuck.
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ultralowoxygen · 1 year
Spring 2022 by film diary
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starlsssankt · 2 years
How long have you been roleplaying?. Ten, fifteen years. I can’t remember when I started, exactly, but it’s been at least a decade. 
What platforms have you played on?. LifeJournal, AIM, Skype, Discord, Tumblr, and chatzy, I think it was called? That’s all I can remember, at least. 
Do you make other fanworks, or just roleplay?. I used to write fic; it’s been awhile since I’ve written straight fic, but I like making edits and graphics, icons, etc. when the mood strikes. 
Do you prefer canon, divergent or au?. Canon is fun, but limiting in some ways. Divergent and AU allows for a lot more "what if" situations to take place. 
How many languages do you write in?. I’m an American; all I know is English ;) (I do wish I connected better with the foreign language classes in school, because I’d love to be fluent enough to write in another, though...)
Where you do you get your inspiration?. Anywhere and everywhere, to be honest. 
Do you write with music?. Sometimes; if I do, it’s gotta be instrumental (film scores, classic piano/jazz pieces, etc.) Lyrics make me wanna sing along and I can’t do that while I’m trying to write. 
How many characters do you write?. Currently? There’s Sasha here, then Billy Russo on another blog, Lucifer on another, and a few lit muses on a multi from fantasy-ish books. I used to have another multi where I wrote several other characters, and an OC multi for a couple of my own creations, but they kinda... died. 
Who was your first rp muse?. The first one I can really remember writing in great detail was canon-centric Lucifer in SPN. (My Luci has since long developed past canon things of course; he’s mine now.)
Who is your most recent muse?. Most recently created? Probably either Billy or one of muses on the lit multi. Most recently written was Sasha here. 
Which three (3) OCs do you wish got more attention?. I wish my OC blog had gotten more focus. Then I might have kept it going, but the girls never got much attention and it was harder to develop them without that interaction. -shrug-
Which three (3) canons do you wish got more attention?. Rhysand and Lucifer and maybe... Feyre? Or Elain? IDK, probably some on the lit multi. 
What song always reminds you of a character? Which one?. I’ve never really connected song-to-character that way. Sorry. 
Do you have character playlists?. I used to make some when I was in the SPN and the OUAT fandom; I don’t anymore and it’s been a LONG time since I made one. 
Do you have characters you used to write, but don’t anymore?. Oh definitely. Lucifer’s changed drastically, and there was a time I went without writing him (when I started playing with Sasha and Billy and all the Ben Barnes effects ;)  ) but um... I wrote Killian Jones and Emma Swan for a while, while OUAT aired. I wrote Regina Mills, I’ve written Loki AND Thor at different times, and I know there’s others, but that’s what I’m remembering right now. 
Any you’d love to bring out of retirement?. Maybe my OCs... one day. 
Characters you love, but could never write?. I love LOTR, but I don’t feel like I could ever write any of them. Even if I wanted to. That’s probably the main one.   
Do you like shipping?. Definitely! 
Single or multiship?. Multiship. I mean, I have faves, but definitely multiship on my blogs now. 
What was your first ship?. Oh god, I don’t remember. Some of the earlier ones were Michifer (Michael and Lucifer) or Samifer (Lucifer and Sam); I liked the angst and drama and how messed up it all was, sue me. Sirius/Remus was a big one too. Hermione/Draco had an appeal to me too, when I was younger. 
Which ship have you always wanted to try writing?. I don’t know, to be honest. I think most of the ships I’ve wanted to write, I find a way to do so? I mean, if I can’t RP it, I’ll write a short ficlet or something. -shrug- 
Are there any popular ships you love?. Right now? Or in general? Because right now, Darklina takes the top. I’m also fond of Darkling/Zoya and Darkling/Nikolai. For reasons. General speaking, I’ve never really kept up with the popularity of a ship, so I don’t know for certain, but I loved Captain Swan for the longest time. 
Ones you hate?. It wasn’t so much the SHIP, but the fandom that made it unbearable, but Swan Queen was one that for the longest time I couldn’t STAND. I don’t mind it so much now that I’m not deep in the fandom anymore. Funnily enough. 
Any guilty pleasure ships?. I’m sure some of them are, but like, I don’t care? It’s a ship and let ship zone here. And if it’s something I don’t like, I just *gasp* ignore it! 
Do you ship anything ‘problematic’?. Oh gosh yes. In one way or another, there are many. But like, I LIKE that aspect of them? Does that make sense? If it was all perfect and fluffy, I’d be damn bored REALLY quickly. I like exploring the mess and problems. 
Do you have any ships you miss?. I don’t think so. I’ve had some Lusander (Darkling/Luda) that aren’t around anymore... I had some awesome ships with Lucifer too that aren’t around anymore. 
Do you prefer common or rare pairs?. I don’t really mind one way or the other. As long as I can see the chemistry, it’s being shipped ;)
How many fandoms have you written in?. Hmm... Off the top of my head I can think of Harry Potter, Supernatural, Once Upon a Time, The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies, Grishaverse, ACOTAR series, Netflix/Disney+ The Punisher... 
What was the first fandom you wrote in?. I think it was Harry Potter. I’m pretty sure it was HP.   
What fandom do you wish more people knew? (And tell us a bit about it!). Um... I don’t really have an answer to this one. 
Do you like crossovers?. If we can make it work, sure. 
Which fandom have you always wanted to write in?. Shadowhunters. I liked the show well enough, and the books I HAVE read I’ve enjoyed, but I’ve got so many more to read and I just.. haven’t gotten to it yet? 
Do you prefer animated, text, or real life media?. Not a huge animated fan, but otherwise, I really don’t care. 
What is your favourite genre?. Fantasy. Easily fantasy. And angst. Romantic angst and drama! 
Least favourite?. Fluffy romance all the time with now problems-- and comedy. I like a good snark, but that buddy/dumb comedy stuff--I can’t stand it. 
What tropes do you love?. Enemies to Lovers is a good one. (Or a good Friends to Lovers to Enemies to Lovers heh). I’m sure there are others, but like... I can’t think of their names right now? 
Which do you hate?. Childhood Friends to Lovers just... bores me? I don’t HATE it, but it doesn’t hold my interest like the sexual tension of other tropes. 
Do you write in any dead fandoms?. I don’t think so, right now? I’m not sure.
tagged by: I stole it from @bottledmoonlight  tagging: @ anyone who wants to
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