#lightyear premiere london
londonspirit · 2 years
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Taika at the Lightyear premiere in London, June 2022
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nostxlgia18 · 2 years
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Chris Evans at the #Lightyear premiere in London, UK.
There is no way this man just turned 41 ❤️‍🔥
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nicolarobertson89 · 2 years
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Sweet mother of mercy 🥵
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chrisquartet · 2 years
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This is special
Credit to chris_online81 on twitter
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allthingschrisevans · 2 years
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enibas22 · 2 years
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Thank you for the screencaps and collage Nelya - Tumblr nelyft.  🚀
Tom Wlaschiha (Buzz‘s German Voice) at the LIGHTYEAR premiere in London in June 2022. 
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mathildemetchris · 1 year
I feel like doing this post on these two gifs from Chris that I love ! I love them simply because you can see me right behind him ! 💙✨
These videos were taken right after I met him, and the funny thing is that on the first gif, it really looks like I'm at the end of my life, putting my hand on my head, when not at all, I was just recovering from the emotions of my meeting with him ! 🤣🤣🤣
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And if you look at the 2nd gif, you realize that I'm not at the end of my life at all, but simply fixing my hair ! 🤣🤣🤣
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I wanted to share this because I think it's iconic to see myself right behind Chris ! 🤩
I also have a video of my interaction with him when he signs my autograph, which I watch every day because that moment with him is so dear to my heart, although I still have a hard time realizing that I actually met Chris Evans in person ! 🥰❤️✨
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noconcessions · 2 years
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buchanans · 2 years
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CHRIS EVANS & TAIKA WAITITI 'Lightyear' UK Premiere, June 13, 2022 Leicester Square, London, England
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chrishemsworth · 2 years
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CHRIS EVANS “Lightyear” UK Premiere, London June 13, 2022
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majaloveschris · 2 months
Favorite Chris appearances part 33
Year: 2022
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chrisevansedits · 2 years
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CHRIS EVANS at the Lightyear premiere in London, June 2022. 
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chrisquartet · 2 years
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Chris at the UK Premiere of ‘Lightyear’ (6/13/22)💥
Twitter credit to chris_online81
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It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to - Chris Evans x Reader
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE SOON TO BE SEXIEST SILVER FOX IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!! I hope Chris has a fabulous time in London for his birthday, and we brits are very proud to host him on this very special day 🥰
Summary: Chris had loved every moment of the Lightyear press tour right up until today
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Angst! Fluff! Allusion to Smut! Language!
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Chris normally hated having a big fuss made over his birthday. He didn’t need a big party or lots of presents. He just enjoyed spending some time with his family, drinking a couple beers and relaxing. Something he’d done on Saturday in his LA home.
But waking up completely alone in a London hotel, with not even dodger around still felt pretty crappy.
He knew it was going to be this way, and he knew it couldn’t be helped. But he still wished the London premier of Lightyear hadn’t fallen on his birthday. A day that if he was back in Boston it wouldn’t matter if his family was busy, and his niece and nephews were at school, because he’d still see everyone in the evening.
What he hated the most though was that you weren’t here, and he only had himself to blame. He was the one who convinced you it was fine, that it didn’t bother him. You had a big meeting with a client today and it would look bad if you moved it for him. So he told you to stay at home and smash your meeting and he’d see you on FaceTime later.
God why was he such a selfless meatball
Reaching over to the bedside table he grabbed his phone. He saw a few text messages from his UK based friends. So far nothing from his family or you but it was 3am back in Boston and midnight in LA so he couldn’t really blame them.
A pang of homesickness hit him as he thought about you, knowing you’d be curled up fast asleep in bed, arm probably outstretched to his side of the bed. So he pulled up the text chain with his manager and asked her to sort the earliest flight back, he didn’t care if he had to fly coach, he just wanted to be back with you.
With a long sigh Chris pushed himself up from bed and started to get ready for a day of press junkets. When he got out of the shower, walking back into his room he saw his phone light up. Grabbing it hoping it was his manager confirming the flights but to his delight it was you.
Y/N: Happy birthday sweetheart, I know you’re probably busy already but have a great day and I’ll talk to you later xxx
Chris: Thank you sweetheart, can’t wait to talk to you later, now get some sleep I know its late in LA and you need to smash that meeting xxx
Y/N: don’t worry I have my stand in snuggle buddy xxx
Chris smiled as you attached a photo of you curled up in bed with Dodger fast asleep lying next to you.
Chris: glad to see it, and only slightly jealous 😂 good luck with your meeting and I’ll talk to you later xxx
Chris continued to get ready for the day, putting on the outfit his stylist had set aside for the press junkets. Letting out another long sigh Chris mentally prepared himself for the day. He’d been enjoying doing press for Lightyear, the LA premier was the first premier he’s actually enjoyed being at in years. He felt like a kid going to the cinema for the first time. But today he was back to dreading it, wishing he was doing something else instead.
The day went by painfully slowly, alternating between zoom interview and in person ones. Every person he met was lovely, wishing him a happy birthday, but he just didn’t want to be there. It didn’t help that the ended up running behind too.
By the time Chris was making his way back to the hotel room he was exhausted. All he wanted was to collapse in bed and call you, talk to you until he fell asleep but he couldn’t. He had to start getting ready for the premier, his call with you still hours away.
He was so tired that when he opened the door to his room, the fact that the lights were on didn’t alarm him. He just didn’t even notice, letting out a long sigh as he dropped the key and his phone down on the small table by the door.
“I was beginning to worry you weren’t coming” he then heard making him jump.
He looked up eyes widening is disbelief as he saw you sat on his bed smirking over at him. He blinked a couple of time taking a few hesitant steps forward trying to work out if this was really happening or if this was jet lag catching up with him.
You smiles at him warmly standing up from the bed and closing the gap. Chris remained completely still as you rested your hands on his chest smiling up at him.
“Yes I’m really here and no this isn’t jet lag” you tell him with a gentle shake of the head “Happy Birthday sweetheart” you smiled cupping his cheek and gently kissing him.
It wasn’t until he felt your lips on his that he actually believed you were here. Snapping back to reality he instantly responded, fingers running through your hair as he cupped the back of your head. His other hand gripping your hips possessively closing any remaining distance between you.
Chris wasn’t expecting to see you like this until tomorrow at the earliest. He’d thought about your reunion all day, what he’d do when he saw you again, to the point he was struggling to hold himself back as he deepened the kiss. Feeling you hum in content as he grabbed your ass.
“As much as I love where this is going” you pant, your voice barely above a whisper as Chris attacked your neck “the team are literally just outside and I don’t think they’ll appreciate us being late to the premier” you finally get out.
Chris lets out a light chuckle, dropping his forehead against your shoulder as he nods “okay, okay” he pants catching his breath “but as soon as the premier is over we are coming straight back here and I’m having my way with you” he smirks pressing another deep kiss to your lips.
“Anything for you birthday boy” you smirk.
Chris smiles down at you shaking his head in disbelief “i still can’t believe you’re here, what happened to your meeting?”
“He called late last night saying he had a family emergency and had to postponed the meeting so I booked the earliest flight I could and here I am” you smile running yours hands over his shoulders.
“But you texted me from bed” Chris pointed out.
“I took that photo hours before I sent it, I was actually boarding the plane when I was texting you” you explain making Chris laugh in disbelief.
“You must be exhausted” Chris sigh, reaching up to push some hair off your forehead.
“I am but it was worth it, now c’mon we have a premier to get to” you smile spurring him into action, your presence giving him more energy than he’s had all day.
The entire time he got ready for the premier he couldn’t help but steal glances at you, as if you could disappear at any moment. It didn’t help that you looked incredible too, your dress perfectly complimenting his outfit. He had to give it to his stylist, because if he didn’t know any better it appeared as if you were meant to be here this entire time.
When you stepped onto the red carpet together Chris had his arm around you as soon as he could. He had no plans to let you leave his side all evening. Chris had gone to bed last night completely dreading today, but it had turned out so much better all thanks to you.
“Thank you so much, you’ve made this the best birthday ever” Chris smiled as soon as you stepped inside the cinema away from the crowds.
“Anything for my space ranger” you smile hand cupping his beard cheek, thumb cascaded through the grey patches you loved so much.
“Fahk I love you” Chris grins, his Bostonian accent slipping out as he leant down to kiss you deeply.
Needless to say as soon as the premier was over and the credits rolled, Chris led you back to the hotel to have his wicked way with you. If anything he was proud of the restraint he showed not to jump you in the car ride back.
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enibas22 · 2 years
from You Tube FLIP YOUR WIG - 18th June 2022
#TomWlaschiha #Lightyear #strangerthingsseason4
 It was such a nice surprise to bump into #TomWlaschiha #Lightyear premiere!! Dude is so happy for @KateBushMusic and loving being in #strangerthingsseason4 #nospilers.
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rob-pattinson · 2 years
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CHRIS EVANS, TAIKA WAITITI 2022 | “Lightyear” Premiere, London (June 13)
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