#like glitch
starryjoy · 9 months
im gonna cry why does my tumblr just fucks up and unlikes posts i like the moment i like them
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binary-bird · 1 month
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to no one's surprise i ended up liking the character struggling with her own fictionality
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zytes · 1 year
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look alive, sunshine
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macbethz · 7 days
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sabertoothwalrus · 10 days
Literally every character in dungeon meshi gets mischaracterized and whatever whatever it happens it’s inevitable I’ll move on. It’s just really sad to see the way Mithrun is sometimes portrayed cause he’s such a cool character!!
He’s not naive. He’s not gullible. He’s not ignorant of how to do things. He’s not confused all the time. He understands social cues. He doesn’t take things literally, or just at face value. He still understands humor and sarcasm. He’s not forgetful. He has an impeccable memory. He doesn’t have shame. He’s incapable of being hypnotized— when Cithis tried to kiss him or told him to eat out of a dog bowl, he was fully capable of saying no, and just saw no reason to. He’s stubborn (he’s a taurus <3). He used to secretly be a Huge Asshole and thought poorly of those around him (this is one of my favorite aspects about him) but he was really just insecure and struggled with jealousy. He’s now outwardly an asshole because he’s blunt and no longer has the ability to care if it hurts people’s feelings. It matters to him that other people don’t fall victim to the demon. He’s thoughtful.
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He’s strong!!!! He’s smart and analytical. He became the captain of the canaries after his recovery. The thing that motivated him to recover was because all be wanted was to rejoin the canaries. When he met the demon, his deepest desire was to live a life where he never joined the canaries to begin with. He didn’t even want that much, and that’s why the demon’s appetite wasn’t satisfied. The demon intentionally left him with the desire for revenge so that he would have a reason to come back, fresh with new desires. He wants to make noodles. He wants to make noodles!
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FNAF game Vanessa is doing her best to play nice,,
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so how about that update, huh
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lostwords-found · 4 months
So. Norris! Buddy. Is there any particular reason you decided to read that particular file for everyone?
You know, the file about a man consumed by fear and guilt because he murdered the person he loved?
The file about a man who finds himself trapped in a walled garden, cut off from the outside world, with his murdered lover's voice forever whispering in whatever remains of his ears?
The file about a man who finds himself gradually losing his humanity as his new prison transforms him, slowly and painfully, into a part of itself?
The file about a man who finds that even as this transformation ultimately brings him serenity on the surface, even as he can no longer remember what he once was, "deep inside [him] beneath the roots there is something that still shakes with terror"?
Look, I'm just asking, here, but is there anything you'd like to say to the class, Norris?
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melthedumdum · 1 year
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Google maps new baltimore glitch that happened in 2013
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nerdpoe · 5 months
Dan hates his Nicer Self.
He does. He really, really does.
The kid is naïve, cocky, strong in the weirdest ways that don't make sense-
And he's such a busybody! Always helping, always jumping into things, and always saying that he's definitely not trying to be a hero.
It's annoying.
It's so annoying.
For instance, Phantom got called in by the JL for an all-hands-on-deck situation right before a super important test. Phantom accepted the call.
But the JL had dealt with threats like this before, a million times-there was literally no need to answer the call.
Yet the little dumbass had.
And now Dan was at home, staying on the other side of the room away from Vlad, and watching the fight on TV.
Phantom takes a hit. Then another. Then another.
Good; he'll learn not to jump when the JL says jump, then.
Phantom goes down, disappears behind some rubble.
Dan doesn't care. He doesn't. Let the kid learn a lesson.
Phantom doesn't get up.
Just like Jazz didn't get up.
Or Sam, or Tucker, or his mom or his dad-
Dan sees red.
He barely hears Vlad as he rips a portal to the fight and steps out, in his own ghost form, and decks the bad guy-some demon named Trigun or whatever, fucking weeb-so hard he knocks the guy back.
The fight pauses.
"You touched the twerp," Dan growls, voice distorting and allowing his powers to manifest at full capacity for the first time in years, "So you get to lose your head."
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skizz-that-man · 1 month
Imp and Skizz talk about kissing each other
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juiche · 5 months
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I would like to apologise, I was doing a perfectly normal drawing but then I thought wait, he’d definitely lick that 😂
get your own print here ❤️
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danikatze · 22 days
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[ID in alt text]
Guys he's so pretty..
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elegantmarigold · 2 months
Sam being immediately called out for lying about being done with the "Magnus stuff" is so funny. Absolutely no one believes you. The computers don't believe you. Alice doesn't believe you. You don't believe yourself. You are in a series titled "the Magnus protocol". This is the most obviously incorrect statement in the entire podcast so far.
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kagoutiss · 2 months
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stardew 1.6 secret cutscene
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lilianade-comics · 10 months
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snippets of post AGIT Cheese Melt because, well, I'm predictable. Also featuring post AGIT Dan because I love him~
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