#like her activism is pushing generally very basic ideas to the masses
onceintwentylifetimes · 4 months
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
god I'm so mad about PE ALL THE TIME
for a long time I felt bad about being mad about PE bc I was like. oh it's just that as an overachiever academically I Could Not Cope with not being good at a subject. how silly. this is probably how maths class feels for people who are bad at maths etc.
but I really don't think it is. because the goal of a maths teacher is to teach you maths. the standard they're being held to is to give you the tools to get better at it. if they don't we understand that as a failure of teaching, at least conceptually.
PE/gym teachers do not seem to be held to the same standard. the main role of PE teachers seems to be to Force Children To Exercise rather than to Teach Them How. it's like if the full extent of maths class was just giving you pages of equations and saying 'do these until you know how to' and if you say 'I don't understand this' they say 'try harder' and at no point do they even briefly explain what an equation is, the basic idea of how to do it, or what success would look like. and when they do a test they don't mark your answers individually or tell you where you went wrong or the right answer, you just get told 'you're bad at this.' (tbh not even 'you're bad at this do better' honestly just 'you're bad at this and will never be good at it')
I've talked to so many ppl from so many different school settings who are like 'I was awful at sports and then after I left school someone pointed out one very simple and obvious thing I was doing wrong and suddenly I found it super easy'.
if somebody can't do a pushup, teaching doesn't mean yelling at them to try harder, it means taking them through the process of building up to a pushup. if someone sucks at running, teaching means saying 'you're wasting all your energy on kicking your heels up, you need to be pushing down into the ground' not 'haha this guy sucks at running everyone look how slow they are'. if somebody has an asthma attack every time they play football, teaching probably looks more like 'here are some lower-impact exercises you can do on the side of the pitch while we play' not 'ugh fine sit out'
the point of PE being a compulsory subject is a) to keep kids active and b) to instill habits of exercise they can take into adult life. possibly c) to play Team Sports and develop socially from that.
but almost everyone I know who is afraid of or doesn't think they can do exercise learnt that at school. because the way PE tends to be taught consistently prioritises people who are already good at sports, and tells everyone who isn't that that's something inherent to them.
I tell this anecdote a lot but my mum was a world class athlete in the 70s and 80s. literally she has 3 world championships in women's rowing under her belt. she was invited to compete at the Olympics. she's good. but she spent her whole school career being told she couldn't do sports, couldn't run, was only good in hockey for standing at the back looking threatening etc. she found PE miserable and she was fully convinced sports just wasn't it for her. then she discovered archery and slapped at it. then she went to uni, joined the rowing team and within her first term learnt from other rowers how to fix her running, how to do pushups and situps in a way that worked for her, how to get to a place where she could comfortably do weights - because her teammates were working with her, not getting mad that she didn't fit the PE box made for her.
it's just fucked imo how much of a site of misery PE is for so many of us. and we're made to feel like that's a reflection on us being Unfit Lazy Sloths who Don't Want To Exercise and not a reflection on how it's taught. most kids want to exercise if you help them find an exercise that's fun for them and a way to do it that meets their needs. most of us like to be active. it feels good.
but PE teachers en masse, and I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions but in general, aren't interested in fitting the exercise to the child but in fitting the child to the exercise. and so exercise becomes this site of shame and inadequacy and anxiety.
I'M NEARLY 30 AND I KEEP DISCOVERING EXERCISE I LIKE! stuff that I have done before and hated! but in a setting where I'm being encouraged and guided towards succeeding instead of shamed for failing I'm having a whale of a time! I've learnt to like swimming again, dancing, climbing, running (still bad at it though), straight up working out (situps and pushups still injure me so I talked to a PT and they helped me design around that instead of telling me to do it more)
it is fucking insane. that the vast majority of us found specifically PE this immense site of trauma and distress and overwhelming negativity and yet. we're just fine with that as a society? we're like hmmm yes sounds like it's the kids' fault for being lazy and unfit and not instinctual athletes. all of them, including ones who are very fit out of school or later in life, and despite the fact that this is so much more across the board than hatred of literally any other single subject. yes. it's the children who are wrong.
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thedivinedemom · 3 years
An AU of DC with a mass crossover of PS4 properties.
Provisional name: Players Searching for Detectable Changes (Get the pun?)
The setup:
This is the future of DC, a world where the old guard has slowly withdrawn and the newer generations have risen to the occasion. The original Titans in particular, most of which have formed the new Justice League while many other, very similar teams had started to form across the world. One of which was a resurgence of the Teen Titans, led by an older and purified Raven. She wanted to make the Teen Titans something akin as it was for her, a place to belong and learn to use one's powers.
The first 'class' of such individuals include:
Stargirl (of the now-disbanded JSA and still getting used to the Starrod)
Blue Beetle III (Freshly attached to his alien symbiote and freaking out a bit)
Robin V (to work on his anger issues, mostly at the new Batman's request)
Kaldur (a half Atlantean half metahuman who is struggling with his identity and the surface world, Aquaman feels a kinship for the boy seeing their similarities)
Static Shock (a promising new hero but little experience working outside his city or in groups)
Mary Marvel (she's... she's going through alot. Fresh from a coma, her brother is distant as he acts as the new Wizard, and she may be, sorta kinda, being corrupted by Black Adam's gifted power)
The team was rough and there was plenty of head butting (Mostly between Stargirl and Robin/Damian as one is almost the unanimous leader while the other thinks he should be) but they were getting there. They were more of a clean up crew for the Justice League, they did more than the "kiddie missions" that the Outsiders didn't do, and they meant more than the PR grab that was the International team. Though they didn't seem to amount to more than that. They still did their best, pushing past the silent ridicule, as they went about their missions.
This may be why tempers were so high that day.
One day, outside a little city by the name of Weller's Point, the prisoner transport for the villain Plasmus had an "accident". Released and awakened the creature went on a rampage, heading ever closer to the populated area. Luckily, the mentor of the New Teen Titans could teleport. The new team did fairly well in the fight, though they did struggle a bit as Plasmus was not a being where simple brute force would work. It made the fight tricky and more than a bit... messy.
Messy enough that juvenile and emotionally compromised Mary Marvel lashed out against the downed villain but was stopped by her teammates... things escalated from there. Restraint turned blows and the whole team struggled to stop their powerhouse without hurting her. The ones who do the best are Raven, Stargirl, Blue Beetle, and oddly Static.
While both of the former could use their abilities to restrain her to a very effective degree Static was actively draining her of strength, or at least of the electic aura she was radiating and blasting with. Frustrated, done with the situation, and a bit petty Mary launched her largest attack yet by saying her magical word.
Virgil did what he did best, he handled that lightning as it came crashing down towards Mary and the Titans restraining her. Well, he tried. The bolt was just too powerful, too unlike anything he had ever encountered. He could not handle it and it was dissipating, if anything it clung to him or tried to jump towards the girl. He had to get rid of it and he had to get rid of it quickly, safely too if he could help it.
He shoved it into the ground, into the power lines. He did it as carefully as he could, trying to prevent overload or flashover as guided the charge into the power grid.
What happened next was a combination of a few things. 1. The Mystic and transformative properties of the Lightning, 2. It is effectively being filtered through a bang baby, 3. The kryptonite power plant owned by, provided by, and operated by Lexcorp.
This interaction, this new charge, cycling through the power grid interacted strangely with a number of devices but none more so than PlayStation 4s and the devices connected to them. This new electricity changed things, literally. It brought fantasy into reality.
Whatever game was loaded into became a part of our reality in a small way. Sometimes TVs, Controllers, and even the system changed to reflect items from the game but the bigger change came with the Players. If a person was playing their console during the surge then they would become a metahuman with abilities based on the playable character they were playing.
The city, the county even, was now flooded by an abundance of metahumans and items of varying power of devastation. Static felt horrible.
He couldn't help but compare what has happened here to what happened in Dakota City but on a wider scale. And this time it was his fault. His sense of responsibility wouldn't, couldn't, let that stand. He had to fix his mistake and his team was dragged along for the ride.
The story to follow is a mix of Final Crisis and Kingdom Come with a bit of the Young Justice cartoon in events and themes, a few twists and likely a bit lighter in tone but to the DC geeks this should give a rough idea… Maybe a bit of Marvel's Civil War but hopefully not the rushed knee-jerk mess that that ended up being.
But it's here that I start having issues with my planning. One part in worry as outside the set up we start to follow the perspective of OCs (something rarely smiled upon) and another part in wondering which OC to focus on.
Now, one thing I love in fiction is progressive powers and the conflict escalating from the different paths people take in said progression. In that vein, I have a pair of protags in mind as well.
The main two/co-protagonists:
The Lawkeeper- a cop before the change and now a member of a task force made up largely of those affected by the surge. A gamer, a man of color, and a believer of the spirit of the law. He doesn't always get along with his fellow officers but he believes in what the blue does. He believes that an organized response is what is best.
His abilities are based on those of Jesse Fades of Control. Meaning he has tremendous psychic potential but he needs 3 things to reach his full potential.
1.Items to bond to so he can generate these psychic abilities. Jesse's used altered items of her universe to get thematic abilities from them (ex: a safe to generate a shield, a carousel horse for a dash ability, ect). Here he can use items generated by the surge.
2. A patron/partner entity to help guide, give insights, and empower. It also let's the user enforce reality, basically becoming an anti reality warper.
3. A bonded morph weapon or a weapon to come to his hand when called.
The knight- a recent college graduate who instantly decided to go the route of the caped hero. She, after figuring out how to get her powers to work, instantly went the route of a caped crusader. Going out to the streets, saving lives, stopping instances of surge item abuse, and (in the humble opinion of the local Police Department) getting in the way of operations. In her opinion they were taking too long to get things done.
Her abilities are based on those of Prince Noctis of Final Fantasy XV. This means she has tremendous physical and magical potential but like the above she has a number of check marks needed to gain access to the character's full power.
1. A gem/crystal to draw power from.
2. 13 magical weapons to boost strength. The generated game weapons will do and I have most picked out in a way that likely would help the plot progress.
3. The blessing of 5-6 gods.
4. A power ring of some king to channel all this power.
I keep debating the two above as I do like the idea of both of them climbing in power and clashing over conflicting ideals of what to do with their power. At the same time, I think that just smooshing aspects of both into one (which is actually where they started, a single character) and play off the different ideologies of how best to help people from within her friend group and precinct along with internal conflict. Maybe have the one be a fellow officer they butt heads with because of the... precarious nature
Another OC I was thinking on, keeping with the theme of what to do when you have power, is a thief who played Persona 5. Like both of the above they would be crippled in their ability to use their abilities without a way to fake the connection to. In this case, without the Mementos App, they would need an item that could affect or enter the hearts of others. Luckily, more unlucky really, there are plenty of items floating around that can do just that. Namely Keyblades.
Most other Players are an odd mix but most are variations of the Shooter build. Peak physical humans who heal quickly and often have bullet time. But there are enough other variations to cause trouble. Demigods of unreal strength, men and women who can easily tap into a patron for powers from the outside, 2 variations of spider powers, cat eyed men and women who can cast magic with simple gestures, and so much more. But the real issue was the first two, the demigods without a parent to protect them and those easily connected to a divine source.
The disembodied New Gods of Apocalypse were very happy with those groups. For how bad this can be please look at what happened to Mary Marvel in canon Final Crisis.
Thoughts and opinions would be appreciated.
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murasaki-murasame · 3 years
Thoughts on Higurashi Gou Ep20
In which Satoko gets sent to gay baby jail for crimes against the aristocracy.
Also I’m finally vindicated in talking so much about Umineko spoilers, lmao.
Thoughts under the cut.
Oh boy where do I even begin with this one, lol.
Well, firstly, I actually like how relatively subdued this episode was, compared to my expectations. Like, Satoko getting sent to a literal on-site prison center is extremely fucked up, but I kinda expected something like her straight up murdering someone. Instead it all started when one of her normal traps ended up giving someone minor injuries, and then after she spent a while in prison, she just went back to school, and ended up going on a trip back to Hinamizawa with Rika and the gang where she stumbled her way into the meta world because haha Featherine go brrr.
Which feels a lot less over the top than I was expecting, but I think it’s a good thing that it didn’t turn into some sort of psychotic mass-murder event or something.
Also, the whole angle of miscommunication leading her to think that Rika ratted her out and got her sent to prison is really neat, and helps make the situation way more messy and complicated without making anyone unrealistically evil or anything. It at least makes it a bit more understandable that Satoko would genuinely blame Rika for her current misery.
I still think they’re both more or less equally in the wrong, though, and they both contributed to the miscommunication. Satoko is basically refusing to adjust to the culture of St Lucia’s, and she’s actively pushing away Rika out of stubbornness, while Rika is leaving Satoko alone to go hang out with her new rich friends, and is giving up on reaching out to Satoko at the slightest bit of resistance from her. So neither of them are really doing enough to communicate or compromise, but it fits with how Satoko is unwilling to change herself, while Rika is desperate to have a place where she can stop putting on a childish act all the time.
It’s kinda interesting how many people seem to fall really strongly into the category of either blaming Rika or blaming Satoko for everything going on here. It probably says a lot about each person’s own personality and their own previous friendships.
I’ve seen people disagree about this, but I actually like that the ‘big incident’ ended up just being that one of Satoko’s normal traps ended up hurting someone. It’s way more minor than pretty much anyone expected, and it feels kinda jarring when compared to all the slapstick comedy stuff in this whole series, but I think that sense of contrast is intentional, and it goes to show just how much Satoko isn’t fitting in with her new environment. She comes from a countryside village where this sort of rough-housing is normal, and everyone’s familiar with Satoko’s traps, and she’s trying to apply the exact same things to a stuck-up boarding school full of rich kids who don’t even know her. Back in Hinamizawa the other club members would just brush off having a metal pot land on their head as part of Satoko’s traps, but in this sort of environment it’s something unprecedented and shocking.
There’s also the fact that Satoko usually sets these traps up in rooms that have much lower ceilings, whereas here she had the pots fall from a chandelier high up in a fancy entrance hall, so it’s likely that they fell a lot further than they usually do, and thus picked up more speed and caused more damage. Which in it’s own way goes to show how Satoko just isn’t used to her new environment, and is still trying to act like she’s back in Hinamizawa where everything’s small and cozy and everyone’s willing to put up with some bumps and bruises as part of having fun.
I still feel like there has to be more that goes on to show how Satoko gets to the point of straight up being willing to repeatedly murder Rika across multiple time loops, as well as hurting all of her other friends along the way, but this whole flashback still isn’t over yet.
I’m also getting more and more convinced now that it actually took a while for her to get to the point of actively trying to murder Rika. I think that throughout the first arcs, she was going through her own whole arc where her motives and methods changed as she became more aware of what was going on.
I’m not 100% sure about a lot of this, but I think that in Onidamashi she didn’t even do anything until the very end. I think that arc was her attempting to just go back to how things used to be, and the stuff with Rena and Keiichi wasn’t planned by her at all. She might have done a murder suicide with Rika to start a new loop afterward, but I don’t think she was trying to kill anyone, or even hurt Rika at all. At least not in that arc.
Watadamashi’s one of the more confusing arcs, but I also get the feeling there that she wasn’t really trying to hurt Rika or anyone else. I don’t think she’s the one who killed Rika in that timeline, and I think her going to the Sonozaki estate at the end of the arc was due to her genuinely trying to figure out what happened to her. Same with her suspicion toward Keiichi.
Tataridamashi’s kinda weird in general, and even after all these flashbacks it still feels weird. But with what we’ve seen of Satoko lately, I really don’t thinks he was spending that whole arc just intentionally lying to everyone about the abuse while not actually being abused by Teppei for some reason. Unless she got told about what to expect from Featherine, a post-Matsuribayashi Satoko shouldn’t even have any experience with a timeline where Teppei shows up, and he doesn’t show up in the first two Gou arcs either, so I think everything with her in Tataridamashi was actually genuine.
The stuff at the end of that arc with Ooishi is still a bit of a mystery, though. Maybe that’s where she first starts actively sending people to go kill Rika, but I’m not sure. The question of why she’d change her motives and methods partway through if she started off with innocent intentions is a bit of a mystery, but I get the feeling that Tataridamashi might have been the turning point, since it would have been the point where Satoko really started to realize just how much pain she herself was going to have to deal with in these loops. So that might have pushed her to try and be more forceful in her methods to try and make Rika change her mind about the village, because she wants to get out of the loops as fast as possible, and she’s also stuck in them until she can ‘win’ against Rika. Which would fit with how in Nekodamashi she seems genuinely distressed and conflicted about having to kill people. I think that rather than her just being some kind of sadist, she’s just trying to brute-force her win condition as fast as possible while dealing with the escalating stress of being stuck in this loop.
And even if she got cured of her syndrome over time after Matsuribayashi, being sent back in time to her pre-teen body might mean that she started slowly developing it again as the loops went on, which might have made her more willing to resort to violence to try and escape.
So basically I think the story boils down to Satoko being given the ability to go back in time with time-looping powers, in a way that’s structured as a game between her and Rika where her goal is to convince Rika to stay in the village forever instead of leaving for St Lucia’s. So at first Satoko didn’t really have any reason or motive to be violent about it, but as time went on and she became exposed to all of the different scenarios with her friends going crazy and killing each other, and in general all the trauma that she basically side-stepped in the Matsuribayashi timeline, she got more and more desperate, and more and more violent.
I at least like the idea of Satoko basically taking for granted that she happened to wind up in the good timeline where everything went well and nobody went crazy and killed each other, and now her attempt to go back and ‘fix things’ has caused her to trap herself in the same hellish loop that Rika was trying to escape from in the first place.
I could also totally see Featherine setting this up and watching it unfold because she knew it’d be fun to watch, lol.
And yeah on that note, Featherine’s officially in the story now. So that’s a thing.
I guess we’ll see how things go next week, but I think it’s kinda fruitless to try and deny that this is Featherine. I could see them not using her name explicitly, but for all intents and purposes this is literally just Featherine, and at some point we’d just be arguing about meaningless semantics.
They did adjust her design a little bit to fit the Japanese mythology vibe of Higurashi more, but I’d say her design is still about 80% the same, and they still included both her distinct memory device and the green sash with the medal on it that has nothing to do with Japanese mythology. They just replaced her cane with a staff, adjusted part of her dress to look more like Hanyuu’s outfit, and gave her some eye-shadow.
I get the feeling she’ll just introduce herself to Satoko as ‘Oyashiro-sama’, to explain what Satoko meant about meeting Oyashiro-sama and being made into their new miko, but she’d still be Featherine at the end of the day.
One detail that might go a long way to explain things one way or another is how Featherine mentions having met Satoko at some point in the past. Which might mean that she’ll just straight up say that she’s a version of Hanyuu and reference the events of Matsuribayashi. I know people still disagree on if Hanyuu and Featherine are the same person, but I think that for all intents and purposes they are. If anything, ‘Gou!Featherine’ might exist to show how that transition happened in the first place. Which is probably along the lines of Hanyuu ‘going to sleep’ after Matsuribayashi, physically maturing and having her personality adjust, and then going on to straight up ascend into witch-hood. But we’ll see how it goes.
I’ve also seen people suggest that it might tie in to the hypothetical connection between Satoko and Lambda, which might just cut straight to the chase and directly bring Featherine’s role in Umineko into this, but that seems less likely. I still like the idea of Lambda being relevant to this somehow, but I’m not sure if she’ll come into play just yet.
It might annoy some people, but I hope that they just commit to having Satoko and Lambda literally be the same person, and just have it be a bit of a time paradox where maybe Satoko becomes Lambda after going through this loop, and she then goes back in time and gives Takano her blessing to trigger the original events of Higurashi. Which might be a bit of a clunky retcon that’d annoy people who don’t like paradoxes, but honestly at this point it’d be the most satisfying way to actually explain who Lambda is, and how her relationship with Bern even started in the first place.
This also feels like exactly the sort of situation where Featherine would grant Satoko the powers of a witch as part of setting up this whole loop, like what Lambda did with Takano and Beatrice. Satoko gets to become a new witch of Hinamizawa for the duration of the time loop, and maybe at the end of it, both she and Bern ascend into full-fledged witches who leave their game board and become voyagers.
Though, like with how I think they’ll avoid outright using the name ‘Featherine’, they might just use the word ‘miko’ as a sort of analogue for the concept of witches, so it fits Higurashi’s setting more.
There’s also the point that, as Satoko mentioned, she had broken into the Saiguden as a child, but I dunno if Featherine is referring to that. Honestly that whole plot point still feels super weird to me. She brings it up in this episode, so it’s not like Ryukishi forgot about it, but then we see that even in this loop, the statue is unbroken, which just raises the question of if it’s some kind of major oversight or retcon about what Satoko did when she broke into the Saiguden as a child.
Anyway, the real question with all this super heavy-handed Umineko stuff is whether or not this is actually going to lead to something along the lines of an Umineko anime remake [or a Gou-style sequel]. It really feels like they’re risking alienating people on both sides of the aisle if they bring in Umineko elements without doing a whole lot with them.
I have a lot of thoughts about how some kind of new Umineko anime could work, but I’ll just make a separate post about that if I want to go into it in detail.
I’m also wondering more and more whether or not they’re even going to be able to wrap up Gou’s story itself in just four more episodes, or if we’ll get some kind of second season. I still feel like we’re in an awkward situation where four episodes doesn’t feel like enough to wrap things up, but even one more cour feels like more than we need, considering how deep we are into the end-game. Unless things massively switch course for a second season, I dunno if there’s that much material left. Considering that this isn’t even acting like a remake anymore, I doubt they’ll go back and cover some of the stuff they’ve glossed over like Meakashi and Tsumihoroboshi. But who even knows.
One option is that Gou could directly lead into a new Umineko anime, especially if they go down the route of doing a Gou-style sequel to Umineko rather than a regular adaptation. There’s a lot of ways they could handle it.
Also, we STILL haven’t seen the animation for the new ending theme, so unless we’re just never getting any, I think it’s probably going to include stuff like Featherine that would have been a spoiler before this episode. The way that they only played the last section of the OP visuals also makes me wonder if maybe they’re going to adjust those as well, even if the song stays the same. I could at least see them explicitly showing Featherine rather than having her be a silhouette.
Anyway, I’m still enjoying this arc a lot, and I think it actually serves as an interesting continuation of the VN’s story, but as a whole I think it says a lot about Gou that it feels more interesting to just speculate about the Umineko references going on, lol.
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mlpdestinyverse · 4 years
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Destinyverse - History of Magic and Tech
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*cries in world-building* Well then...for the first time, let's get into just a small piece of actual Destinyverse lore. I think that first panel alone gives away that there's a lot more to be known about this universe, but that information is for a later time. So! Beyond this point will be the finer details on the workings of rune enchantments and Sunset Shimmer's company, Uni-Tech~! 
Info Under The Cut
Magic (cont.)
Magic exists all around. It is within every creature, the atmosphere, and more importantly, the earth itself. Granted passive magic, earth ponies were designed to tend to the earth, and pegasi the weather and the expansive skies. But unicorns were intended to utilize and protect the very knowledge and power of spellcasting.
At first unicorns kept their findings to themselves, but after the three pony tribes united, mages shared their household light enchantments and magic barriers with society. Over time, Princess Celestia and Luna came into power, and Nightmare Moon’s defeat brought about a millennium of peace. Technology developed, as did wind turbines and hydropower for electricity. Both ultimately contributed to the declining necessity of rune enchantments. Only some studied mages utilized the art sporadically (Twilight Sparkle when enchanting Tank’s helicopter. Starlight Glimmer when creating a vault to seal away cutie marks).
Unicorns also no longer had a dire need to study and utilize spells for their own safety. Growing comfortable in modern society over the years, the average unicorn now only tends to learn basic spells for everyday living like telekinesis and light. Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, however, continues to pass down knowledge to newer generations of young ponies, encouraging young colts and fillies to dive into the mysteries and wonder of magic through study. Only a hoofful of ponies have managed to truly hone their talents and go on to become knowledgeable and trained mages, such as Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer.
While normal spellcasting is typically instantaneous, rune enchantments tend to be used for long-term purposes:
For spell usage over an extended period of time without a need for concentration (ie. Light spells)
For casting on specific items or areas (ie. enchanted relics, magic traps, energy barriers)
Rune-etchings are also often written to have a trigger, (ie. motion, pressure) which requires specific rune combinations to accomplish.
While convenient, the art of rune-etching and enchanting is complex and requires a steady mind to guide one's magic into making clean and precise carvings with a tool. It also requires the intellect to create the best rune combinations and formulas for the desired result.
Rune-etchings alone hold no power. The true power comes from the magical energy poured into them, which allows them to trigger and work as instructions for said magic. Unicorns need to concentrate and pour in magic for varied periods of time to enchant a spell into an item or area of choice. Unless a specific trigger is written into the runic spell formula to tell the runes when and how to react, rune-etchings will activate the moment they reach their full energy capacity, which differs depending on the complexity of the spell. The more extra magic that is enchanted and stored into runes, the more energy the runes will have for multiple uses. Alternatively, a spell will have more time to stay active in one usage.
Ancient relics created by olden wizards are known for carrying powerful spells. It's been hypothesized that such high-magical artifacts were either enchanted by multiple wizards or by one wizard over the course of months.
If the magic within rune-etchings completely expends, it can be recharged periodically by a unicorn or with long concentration to store up magical energy. This tends to be dependent on the strength and complexity of the spell and the spell usage required by the user.
The rise in technology in modern-day Equestria really began with Sunset Shimmer's return to her homeland. After refreshing herself on her magical studies in an effort to rediscover her purpose, the mare found herself missing the modern tech back in the alternate human universe. As someone who dabbled in multiple fields, from music to art to science, Sunset decided to try a hoof in contributing to what she felt were the beginnings of a tech evolution in Equestria. Using human builds as inspiration, Sunset helped introduce the first equestrian digital cameras, monitors, and computers. These creations first aided medical and scientific fields, but were quickly picked up by more creative fields. Seeing this, and by pushing festering ideas in the right direction, Sunset was able to inspire other creative minds. She helped encourage the creation of animated and live-action movies, shows, and major advancements in the videogame industry (to her utter nerdy delight). On the flip side, Sunset has also very meticulously worked to keep other human inventions away from Equestria. Through her experiences, she has come to hold one solid belief; just because one can, doesn't mean one should.
While she felt she was on the right path, Sunset believed there was more she could offer. A missing piece. Observation led her to notice a rise in the cost of electricity with the increase of household appliances and electronics. Her mind began churning through ideas of energy-efficiency, convenience, and - through personal-experience once upon a time - availability and affordability for families who were not so well-off. Deep down, Sunset knew incorporating magic would be the way to go. Recalling her old studies on the history of runic spell enchantments from her filly days, Sunset picked up old books, drew up blueprints for her ideas, and approached Twilight for further wisdom.
Twilight provided the knowledge of rune-etching and worked with Sunset to think up different spells for her ideas. Having never attempted rune-etching before, Twilight offered her friends lessons. For Sunset, who once had fiddled around with different spells and potions under Celestia's tutelage, carving runes had been a new and exciting experience. It took practice, but weeks of effort had the craft feeling almost natural for the mare.
If ancient artifacts from eras long past had proven anything, different natural materials such as metals and even gems possessed inherent magical properties that were especially reactive to magical interaction. Aiming to understand which materials could hold and even enhance spell enchantments best, both Sunset and Twilight dove into their experimentation. The two gathered a small group of practiced unicorns who had tampered with rune-etching before for their research team, including Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, and Moondancer. As they researched the best materials for Sunset's tech inventions and improvements, Sunset found herself naming their little team "Uni-Tech", the beginning stages of magitech in Equestria.
Prototypes followed. However, realizing the runes in their tech could only be powered by a unicorn's magic, Sunset and Twilight were momentarily stumped on how non-magical creatures would be able to recharge runes without aid. Sunset recognized the lack in convenience, however, a new discovery quickly came to them. As traces of magic exist in nearly everything within their world, Sunset discovered that the small amounts of magic within the very electricity that powered their tech created a unique reaction with the magic components in their metal builds. Alongside electricity powering their machines, the reaction created a steady build-up of magical energy for the added runes.
The discovery worked well with machines and tech-powered via cord to electrical socket. Even when unplugged, a machine’s runes would still hold the built-up magic it had stored previously until plugged back in again and used. Upon initial installation, the machine simply required to be plugged in for a number of hours for the initial storing of magic.
The Uni-Tech team grew with the need for professional engineers to finalize their builds and mass-produce products. And thus, Uni-Tech took off, greatly contributing to the booming era of technology with the union of magic and electronics. A facility for Uni-Tech was built not far from Twilight's own castle, and in time, they even developed a secondary location in Canterlot, overseen by Moondancer.
With the correct metals and the positive reactions to magic, Sunset was happy to observe the resulting amplification of power for her runic spells. This meant an increase in power output and a decrease in actual electricity usage in the long run. However, when it came to the concept of developing and improving portable devices (ie. laptops, handheld consoles), Sunset and Twilight ran into an issue. Even if made rechargeable, once a device's magical energy was spent, there was a huge inconvenience in the slow, gradual trickle of charging magic that would lead to far too many hours of waiting to even utilize the magical aspects of a device.
Thankfully a ground-breaking discovery was uncovered; information on elemental runes that had been lost to time was regained by chance. As it turned out, elemental arcane runes were unique in how they consumed the energy of their respective element when in proximity of it. More specifically, they converted this energy into magical energy. In old books, ancient ponies recalled attempting to build fires in uncharted areas, only for their fire to suddenly be snuffed out, followed by an explosion of flames from an undiscerned source. Hidden traps or forgotten runes, Sunset and Twilight had settled. In Sunset's case, electricity runes, when introduced to a steady source of electricity, could quickly charge up with magical and electrical energy.
That single discovery lead to the creation of the magi-battery. The magi-battery not only charged up devices with electricity, but with the correct rune formulas, allowed other spell runes to draw from its storage of magic. It proved to be fast-charging, powerful, efficient, environmental-friendly, and overall revolutionary to their efforts. Because of its huge success during its initial launch, Uni-Tech is now a supplier for companies in Canterlot and beyond.
Sunset continues to lead projects with her company to this day. With new ideas, she often works with Twilight to refine and brainstorm possible spell enchantments. Though they founded the company together, Sunset Shimmer is the true CEO of Uni-Tech, with Twilight assisting when she isn't busy with her own duties.
Uni-Tech inventions include and are not limited to:
Fireplaces lit by unique fire runes, fueled by electrical power. Fire behaves more like magic fire than real fire, thus heating the room without the need of a chimney for smoke release. Low maintenance, provides the experience of a real fireplace, and reduces air pollution. The addition of a gem (thanks to Astral Dusk’s research) allows runes to store more energy for usage if the power were to go out.
Microwaves using fire glyphs formulated for heat radiation as opposed to actual fire. Proven to provide better-balanced heating overall. 
Light runes in ceilings, which lessen the need for disposable light bulbs. Easy to control dimming. 
Shower installation of tankless water heaters, using water and fire-heating runes. Water runes transfer water directly from a reservoir and expel it, lessening the worry of pipe bursts. Instant and consistent warm showers, even in black-outs. 
 Security cameras that possess a complex spell that magically records, making recordings not as easy to alter or delete.  
This universe's Luster Dawn, who I'm nearly convinced is probably Starlight and Sunburst's kiddo, started working for Uni-Tech as a young and talented intern and has continued to work as a valued member of the company!
For clarification; while Astral Dusk's gem research aids his mother's company, he's technically not a worker for Uni-Tech and is generally just a royal scientist serving Princess Twilight alongside Sunset Shimmer.
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morningsound15 · 4 years
I agree with you that the whole political system in the US is rotten to its core. I don't know what it is, but it's not a democracy. And yes, Biden won't bring the structural change that's needed. However, don't you think it'll be easier to get any change at all if after the election we get a blue house, senate and president? (Not to mention the supreme court seats won't fall into Republican's hands.) I mean, at least this way there's a chance progressives can get some of their causes through.
okay, so this is like the only ask i’m going to answer about this because i do NOT want this page to turn into this, this blog is the only part of the entire internet for me that isn’t entirely devoted to politics, organizing, radical education, theory, community-building, mutual aid, agitation, etc. i do that on literally every other social media platform and i do not want to do it here. that said i will answer this ask, i guess, though not exactly in the way you asked it i’m just gonna dump my thoughts on electoralism & this election here and i apologize in advance for how long this is going to be
to your general ask: yes, some people believe that. that is a reason many people are participating in this election (i go into that further down). my objection is not to the idea of participating in this election, the idea of voting, or the idea of voting for joe biden. it’s the entire framing of the situation & it’s the complete disregard for any people who have decided not to participate in this election, or who have decided to participate in this election & not vote for joe biden (i am NOT talking about republicans or trump supporters, that is a party of fascists & white supremacists & i am NOT talking about them, i’m talking about young people and the disaffected left). i’ll explain (under the cut so it doesn’t clutter y’alls feeds & so hopefully i won’t get as much hate because if there’s one thing i know it’s that no one on the internet reads)
what i object to is the framing of joe biden as anything less than an active enemy of the left & progressives. (the left & progressives are not the same thing, but they are both to the left of the dem party so i am putting them together for the sake of this argument but progressives are not leftists, though some leftists do describe themselves as progressives & vice versa, just want to put that out there to start.)
what i object to is the framing of joe biden as an ally. this kind of “at least he is willing to be pushed” “at least he’s already been pushed to the left by progressives” “at least he’s willing to listen & maybe with enough pressure we can get him where he needs to be!” “at least maybe a biden administration will support the policies we want them to!” because he’s not willing to learn, he’s not willing to help, he’s not willing to listen, he’s not willing to support progressive policies to tackle the healthcare/climate/war/imperialism crises or do any of that stuff. his policy goals, his entire campaign is basically to figure out what is the absolute bare MINIMUM thing he needs to do in order to say that he’s “moving the country in the right direction” so he can get elected & so he can get political cover from well-meaning but ultimately extremely sheltered dem figureheads while at the same time actively standing in the way of any real reform, progress, change, abolition, justice, etc. that’s his goal, he’s been very clear about that fact, i do not need to go into all the ways he’s already said & proved that! it’s obvious in his speeches, in the entire dnc (i watched every night of the dnc hoping for someone to lay out a good reason for me to vote for biden & i came up with 0 thanks democratic party), the people he has running his campaign, the donors he has, the lobbyists he hires to write his policy platform, the way he cozies up to billionaires, racists, segregationists, war criminals, and the way he always has in order to ‘maintain the order of politics’ & it’s gross & we don’t really need to go into it. he’s a capitalist, he’s a corporatist, he takes $$ from pharmaceutical companies and oil lobbyists and he is not a good person. BUT! many progressives know this and believe this, & still are voting for him. that is fine.
but we have to remember that joe biden is not our friend, he is not our ally, he is an enemy of the left, he is an active obstacle stopping us from achieving what we want to achieve (liberation, equality, justice, the dismantling of capitalism). so let’s not get it fucking twisted, like we need to be clear about that from the jump. we shouldn’t talk about him like he wants those things, like he’ll help us achieve those things, because he doesn’t, and he won’t, so we do not need to talk about him like he does. it is damaging to the progressive left of the democratic party to talk about biden like he’ll help us achieve any of our goals, because he won’t. we will need to fight just as hard if not HARDER under a biden administration to get the things we want, because we’ll be fighting with the people supposedly in our own party too, and they (along with the political machine they worship & kill themselves to support) are going to do everything they can to demonize and push out the young progressive diverse left, to break their spirits & destroy the political potential of the few politicians they actually do like, because that’s what they’ve always done, because the progressive left represents a threat to institutional capitalist white supremacist power. so our job would not be EASIER under a biden administration. it will just be different. we have to be very clear about that when we talk about what might happen in november.
now, that’s NOT TO SAY that there are not good reasons people have for voting for joe biden. i’m not telling people not to vote for joe biden and i am not telling people not to vote. that’s not what i’m saying. you just have to understand what this country is, what these politicians are, what they want, and what they are going to do to achieve what they want. just don’t lie about it. and only when you understand all of that can you make a truly informed decision about this upcoming election.
you can support joe biden for a lot of reasons. there are a lot of people whose politics don’t align with mine who want me to vote for joe biden, and there are people whose politics do align with mine who are making the choice to vote for joe biden. and the things that the latter group says, stuff that i find persuasive, is stuff like “joe biden is an enemy. donald trump is also an enemy. putting joe biden into office is better for the cause of liberation/leftists/revolution because he is a weaker enemy. he is a weaker opponent. we might be able to do things with him in office to help us tinker with the way our system is structured that will ultimately be for the benefit of the true left wing of this country, which will help future political actors survive in our rigged electoral system and maybe actually gain & maintain political power.” (stuff like abolishing the filibuster, getting rid of the electoral college, packing the courts, systemic changes that we need to make if we want to wrest control of this broken political system from the hands of fascists and white supremacists - many of whom sit inside the democratic party too, so let’s not get that twisted. all of these proposed changes, by the way, it’s important to note (unless i’m incorrect which i don’t think i am) joe biden doesn’t openly support or advocate for ANY of them, so let’s not get THAT twisted either.)
here’s the argument i think you’re making anon, from the mouth of comrade Angela Davis (libs love to weaponize angela davis’ words on biden without comprehending any of her politics or supporting her abolitionist policy positions, also there are other abolitionists who do not agree with davis here but i digress):
“In our electoral system as it exists, neither party represents the future that we need in this country. Both parties remain connected to corporate capitalism. But the election will not be so much about who gets to lead the country to a better future, but rather how we can support ourselves and our ability to continue to organize and place pressure on those in power. And I don’t think there’s a question about which candidate would allow that process to unfold… if we want to continue this work, we certainly need a person in office who will be more amenable to our mass pressure. And to me, that is the only thing that someone like Joe Biden represents.”
i don’t know if i fully agree with that argument per se! but i understand it, and i think it’s valid and valuable, and i understand arguments like that, and they are persuasive to me in many ways. because the republican party maintaining power is the way we slow-march into fascism, but also the democratic party getting/maintaining power is the way that we continue to slow-march to neoliberal destruction of the planet. so they’re both bad, obviously. but there are people who think (maybe they’re right! i’m swayed by this argument) that the biden administration would be easier to manipulate, easier to transform, than a trump administration.
(the counter-argument would maybe be that there are a lot of fucking liberals paying attention & even showing up in the streets right now because donald trump is the president, and if donald trump is no longer the president they’re gonna go home and be quiet and go back to brunch and close their eyes and plug their ears like they did with obama, just like they did during standing rock and ferguson and occupy, and be like “oh kamala harris wore CHUCKS on an AIRPLANE look at how COOL she is don’t you remember when there was a COOL war criminal in the white house?” there are people who are going to do that if biden/harris win, and that’s risky to me! like that is a risk we need to be talking about. i see that as dangerous. now, that’s not to say that’s more or less dangerous than what we currently have, it’s just a different kind of danger we need to be cognizant & wary of. and it’s people who post statuses like “fuck you all if you don’t vote for biden you privileged snowflake how dare you look at everything biden’s ever said done or promised he will do and decide that you don’t like that and you don’t want a part of it how dare you you fucking cuck you fucking idiot you support fucking fascists you fucking idiot” who make me lose my mind because like shut up! you don’t know what you’re talking about. there are people who know what they’re talking about who have decided they’re going to vote for joe biden and there’s people who know what they’re talking about who have decided they are not going to vote for joe biden, and you know what they don’t do? they don’t fucking fight each other, they don’t attack each other, they understand & support the reasons their comrades have for taking the action they are taking. and that is just what this is about. stop yelling at people that you don’t know who are making choices you don’t understand just because you don’t understand their choices.)
(this is even assuming biden will win, which is unlikely, or that trump will relinquish power, which is unlikely, or that there will be a peaceful transference of power and not a full-scale right-wing armed militia explosion of violence on american streets after november 3rd, so let’s all really be prepared for what might be coming in the next couple months!!!! all of these arguments mean next to nothing when we don’t even know what kind of violence awaits us in november)
it’s just psycho to think that joe biden is anything but an enemy. he is an enemy. and you can vote for an enemy and you can have your reasons for voting for an enemy, but don’t sell me shit and tell me it’s gourmet.
that’s mostly what i object to. the framing of this. and i’m not telling people not to vote for joe biden i’m not telling people not to vote. i think people should vote, because for those of us who are able & haven’t had that right stripped away from us or stolen from us by our own government, voting is easy, it’s literally the easiest thing that you can do because it’s also the LEAST politically effective thing that you can do. it’s like step fucking 1 because its impact is so low. that’s not a reason not to do it! that is not a reason not to do it. voting is important because any functioning society needs to have an engaged citizenry and an engaged electorate. now we don’t have that here, but you know what i’m saying. electoralism is a conditionally useful tool of enacting change and what we choose to do with that tool is an individual choice and there are people who are making different calculations than you, and they’re coming to different answers. and those people are often radicals, they’re often poor, they’re often black, or indigenous, or undocumented, or incarcerated. they’re often the most marginalized people in this society who are making these kinds of non-voting decisions, and it’s racist and misogynistic to assume that it’s all privileged white kids who are making that choice, because it isn’t, okay? it fucking isn’t.
and it’s so crazy because it’s always white cis libs who are talking about how important it is to get out and vote and to vote for people who aren’t like you and to vote for someone who isn’t you and it’s like, the black radicals i know are not voting for biden! they just aren’t. they do not see the electoral system or the fucking presidency as the thing that’s going to help & protect their communities. so instead they’re organizing on the ground, they’re distributing food & funds & housing comrades & fighting the police & helping elders shop and pick up medicine & making sure kids have internet access so they can go to school and that is what people are doing on the ground. they aren’t all up on instagram or tumblr sharing voting memes & telling people to hold their nose & “just vote for biden he’s the best choice we have” because they understand that for their communities, that’s not what liberation looks like. that’s y’all doing that goofy social media shit.
political power lies with the people always. the people collectively will prove whether or not the biden electoral strategy (of appealing to older, conservative/moderate, white voters in the midwest instead of young voters, poor voters, and voters of color all over the country, but i digress) is successful. whether or not his strategy is successful, the responsibility for the outcome of this election lies SOLELY with the biden campaign, capitalism, voter suppression, white supremacy, and our undemocratic election system — NOT the individual voters. know your enemy & know which system you need to fight. hint: it’s not apathetic or disengaged voters.
vote for whoever you want to vote for. don’t vote for trump, obviously, he’s a fascist do not vote for him. but for people who are not fascists or white supremacists, just try to understand what you’re doing and your position in the world & in this political system & act accordingly. not voting is not an excuse to do nothing; if you are choosing not to engage in electoral politics the expectation is you should be working twice as hard to make sustained impacts and improvements in your community. and if you ARE choosing to engage in electoral politics, the expectation is you should be working twice as hard to make sustained impacts and improvements in your community.
if what you think the liberation fight is is making sure you turn out at the ballot box on november 3rd, if that’s how you think you are being the most helpful, it isn’t and you’re not. you’re doing something, sure, and it’s not bad. like i did this, this was my job for a year, my job was to register voters and get young people to vote. i don’t have that job any more because i don’t believe that’s the solution. i just don’t believe it’s the solution. i don’t believe we should be talking about this upcoming election like it’s a solution, because it’s really just another problem we’re going to have to face and tackle, and we can’t talk about this election like anything is going to be solved if joe biden is president instead of trump because it’s not, and it won’t be, and these people are all our enemies, and we have to treat them like they are. that’s not to say don’t vote for them, if you understand all that & that is the decision you come to! just know what you’re voting for, and know what it means.
whatever, i’m not gonna keep going on this, rant over forever just had to spit that out somewhere and if i put that shit on my Facebook i would get unfriended by every white lib i went to high school with so fucking quick…
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bubblegum-idiot · 5 years
Klancetober Day 5/6: Haunted House
The Daibazaal Cult
| AO3 | Prompts |
Summary: Pidge makes the gang explore a haunted house that once belonged to cult leaders.
TW: Mentions of cults and murder
Lance’s bedroom door swung open with a high pitched squeak as Pidge and Hunk came bursting in, Pidge’s hands full of papers. “Okay! I have tonight’s spooky activity planned!” Pidge shouted, dumping her papers onto Lance’s bed, startling Lance and Allura as they pushed themselves back the tiniest bit to make room for the mess.
“We’re not playing the ouiji board!” Lance immediately assumed, pushing the papers away from him, making a few pictures fall onto the floor.
Pidge glared at him as she reached down to pick up the photographs, she took a seat on the edge of the bed next to Allura, who was looking through the papers. “While that is an excellent idea, it’s not what I had in mind.” Pidge said with a mischievous smile, folding her arms and opening her mouth to continue.
“Why do you have all these reports about the Daibazaal house?” She chimed in still still sifting through the pages before Pidge could further elaborate on her idea.
Pidge grinned again, turning to Allura and snatching the papers from her grasp “Because! Today, my dear princess, we are going to the most haunted house in town!” Allura giggled at the nickname that had been given to her because of her accent.
Hunk sighed, leaning over to whisper to Lance in a tired voice “I tried to talk her out of it, but she’s very determined.”
“Wait, wait, what’s the Daibazaal house?” Lance held up his hands with a puzzled look on his face, he reached out to grab a picture in hopes of understanding better; it was a dark, dusty basement, but the picture only made him more confused.
They all stared at him in disbelief, the first to say anything was Pidge; “How have you lived here your whole life without knowing about Daibazaal?” Lance opened his mouth to answer, a smug look already on his face, but Pidge continued; “As the story goes, there was once this crazy war general named Zarkon Daibazaal and—apparently—while he was away at the Galarian war, his wife convinced their son that she was getting too old and weak to carry on, and that she needed his help to take the youth of others. So, the son basically started a cult to lure people into ‘giving their life’ to some sort of savior that he made up, but in reality they were being killed in the basement and their blood was being used in like potions to help his mom. And once ol’ Zarkon came back home he also wanted in on the crazy youth action, unfortunately for him some cult member escaped before getting killed and told the police everything, just a few weeks after Zarkon returned!”
Lance stared at the girl dumbfounded and jaw slack, “How did I not know this?!” He yelled at no one in particular, “And why do youwant us to go to some creepy, witchy, cult house? We’re definitely getting killed there!” He exclaimed with wide eyes, staring at Pidge like he didn’t already know she was crazy enough to go to places known for mass murders.
“Why are we getting killed?” Keith asked, voice quiet as he opened the bedroom door, still on the other side of the doorway and his hand on the doorknob.
Lance sighed in relief at the sight of the black haired boy, jumping off his old squeaky bed and marching over to Keith with quick strides, “Keith, please tell Pidge that going to the haunted Daibazaal house is a terrible idea!” He said, draping himself over Keith dramatically.
Keith laughed, pushing Lance off of him, but held onto his wrist as he noticed the taller boy stumble. Once Lance was perfectly on his feet, Keith made his way to the bed; sitting in the exact spot Lance had just given up. “I actually think it’s a great idea. My dad’s told me that I’m a tiny part Daibazaal thanks to my mom, so I think it’d be fun to see where my family lived hundreds of years ago.” He answered with a shrug and a small chuckle, making the bed’s headboard thump against the wall as he leaned back comfortably.
“Great, now Keith’s going to be the one that kills us all! He’s probably using witch powers to convince us all to go!” Lance accused, pointing an index finger in Keith’s face to poke at his forehead, the hand was quickly swatted away with a huff.
“I’m not killing anyone,” Keith glared at Lance before saying; “Yet.” The brunette backed away from him, deciding to hide behind Allura with a frown, forced to stand instead of sit because there was no more room on the bed, but that didn’t stop him from resting his arms and chin atop Allura’s head.
Allura laughed, pinching at Lance’s cheek lightly, but letting him stay where he was.
“Okay, can we go now?” Pidge asked annoyed at Lance’s and Keith’s usual bickering, throwing a glare to each of them.
Allura clapped her hands excitedly, a smile on her face; “Yes! I’m excited to see the house, Altea never had such interesting stories!” She said as she sprang up from the bed, the floorboards creaking from the sudden weight and Lance once again scrambling to not fall on his face. “Sorry!” The white haired girl said as she gave him an apologetic smile.
“You’re too pretty to be mad at, princess.” Lance cooed, flashing a smile that was abruptly interrupted by someone jamming their shoulder into Lance’s.
“Come on loverboy, don’t wanna be late for your murder.” Keith quipped, a smirk on his face as he followed Pidge and Hunk out the door. Lance rolled his eyes with a groan, trying to think of some witty remark while him and Allura made their way out of the small room.
“I won’t be late to my murder if you get murdered first!” Lance exclaimed, shoving into the car seat next to Keith, who gave him a blank stare and rolled his eyes, pushing himself away from Lance.
The old wooden stairs cried out under the pressure of five teenagers making their way to the old house. The large door’s lock no longer worked due to it’s old age, creaking slowly and low as Pidge gave it a slight push, her flashlight and the setting sun drowned the house in light, showing how everything was in place; furniture was still positioned in comfortable and practical spots throughout the house, covered in many layers of dusts and spiderwebs, while the walls were covered in graffiti markings.
Pidge stepped forward slowly, examining more of the house, everyone quietly followed behind her, going in separate directions. Pidge started to examine the living room closer, shining her flashlight on everything and taking pictures with her phone. Hunk stayed close to the door, observing from afar. Allura explored the whole first floor of the house; Lance tried to stay with her to ‘protect her’, but also to bother her, but she was much more invested in the house. Eventually Lance noticed Keith making his way upstairs and decided to follow him, hoping to get a chance to scare him.
With each heavy step Keith took, Lance made sure to do so at the same time, hoping Keith wouldn’t hear him stalking behind him. Keith kept his flashlight on the floor, making sure not to trip over anything or step in any possible holes; Lance had switched his own light off for his brilliant plan, he noticed Keith step over something, Lance kept his eyes on the floor, hoping to see whatever Keith had avoided; it was an empty bottle of beer.
As Keith rounded the corner into one of the rooms, Lance decided this was his moment to scare him. He took light and slow steps, peeking his head into the room to see if Keith was turned around; he was, looking at the desk on the right side of the room, seeming very interested in whatever was on desk.
“Boo!” Lance yelled, jumping into the room, reaching out to grab onto Keith’s arm; Keith jumped a few inches into the air with a startled yell, turning around and grabbing Lance’s arm, preparing to throw him onto the floor, but saw who it was before it was too late.
The black haired teen took a deep breath, clutching his chest, “Dammit Lance, I was ready to kill you.”
“That’s the second time you’ve threatened to kill me today!” Lance pointed out, giving Keith a playful shove. “Hey, what were you looking right now? You seemed really interested in it.”
“This” Keith held up an old wooden picture frame, the glass that was supposed to protect the picture was completely shattered into tiny fragments, but you could still see hints of the picture underneath; a family of three, a father sporting his army uniform, a mother wearing a long, burgundy dress, and a sweet looking little boy with long shining hair.
“The Daibazaals” Lance whispered, the slightest hint of fear in his voice. Keith returned the photograph to its original placement, nodding as he turned to Lance with an unreadable expression on his face. "So, did your dad ever explain how your mom was related to them?"
"A very distant uncle was some kind of direct grandchild of the son's, apparently he had a bunch of kids with women in the cult." Keith clarified awkwardly, he cleared his throat and said: “We should probably go back with the others now.” Lance nodded immediately, turning to walk out the door quickly, but noticed it was closed, “When did the door close?” He asked, a lump forming in his throat as he glanced back at Keith in hopes of a confession.
“It probably closed when you jumped in here trying to scare me.” The shorter boy answered, giving Lance a playful smile to try to cheer him up.
“Oh, haha, yeah.” Lance let out a fake laugh, walking towards the door, but looking at Keith once again before he turned the knob, “And I totally succeeded in scaring you though.” He said with a taunting smile.
The door knob twisted slightly, but the door wouldn’t open. “Keith” Lance gulped, voice shaking. “The door’s not opening.” Keith pushed him away lightly, taking hold of the door knob and trying to open it once again.
And again.
And once more.
“Fuck.” Keith whispered under his breath, finally letting go on the doorknob.
Lance leaned against the door with a groan, “This has to be a joke right?” He asked rhetorically, before turning around to pound on the door, which now seemed a lot sturdier than before, the old wood only echoed the bangs of Lance's fist. no longer whining under the pressure like it would have before. “Pidge! This isn’t funny! Open the door right now!”
Keith soon joined Lance in banging in the door and shouting their friends’ names in hopes of something.
They don’t know how long they had been trying to get their friends’ attention, shouting, trying to call, trying to text, but nothing, there was no service in the room and for whatever reason, they couldn’t be heard downstairs. Lance leaned his back on the door and slid down, bringing his knees up to his chest with a heavy sigh.
“I knew this was a bad idea, but I came anyways and now I’m stuck in some creepy, probably sound proof room.” Lance rambled, weaving his hands through his hair in frustration.
“Lance, buddy, calm down. Eventually they’ll notice we’re gone and they’ll come look for us.” Keith reassured him, though he didn’t seem very convinced by his own words.
Lance shook his head, eyes staring off into space, “But like what if—what if this room makes everyone forget about us?”
“Lance, don’t be ridiculous, this isn’t a horror movie, it’s just bad luck.” Keith sat down next to Lance, racking his brain for ways to calm him down. “Let’s just get our minds of this whole house, let’s talk about something else.” Keith rolled his eyes at his own suggestion, feeling like he really was in some cheesy horror movie.
Lance let out a laugh, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so optimistic.” He looked at Keith, another laugh escaping his lips. “What do you suggest we talk about?”
The black haired teen shoved his shoulder into Lance’s, laughing with him. “I’m trying to help you, asshole. Just talk to me about whatever; school, family, love, Allura, I don’t know.” Keith’s tone changed by the end of his sentence, looking away from Lance slightly.
A thin eyebrow lifted on Lance’s face, “What do you mean Allura?” He asked, confusion filling his eyes, but a smirk growing on his lips
Keith cleared his throat with a fake cough, “Well you’re always flirting with her, so I just figured something was going on there...” He trailed off with a shrug, turning to look back at Lance and immediately rolling his eyes at the other’s amused face. “What?”
“Dude, Allura’s crazy for your friend, Romelle! She’s too shy to say anything about it to you so she talks to me about it instead, but I think it’s pretty obvious; I mean even Pidge and Hunk have asked me about them.” Lance told him with a small laugh laced into each word.
Keith gave Lance a blank stare, feeling dumb about his own assumptions, “Oh. Well I hope everything works out for her.” He said dumbly, unsure of how to respond.
Lance laughed loudly, leaning on the other teen; and though Keith tried not to, he soon joined in on the laughter, filling the eerie room with their laughs.
After a while of sitting in silence once their laughing died down, the brunette teen looked around the room, flashing his flashlight over everything slowly, “Who’s room do you think this was?” He asked without thinking.
Keith’s eyes followed the flash of light, “I’d guess it was the son’s room, because of the desk, ya know? But weren’t you too scared to function just a few minutes ago? Why are you suddenly interested in the room?”
“You thinking something was going on between me and Allura made me laugh too much to be scared right npw. Anyways I was going to guess that it was the parents’ room because it’s fucking huge, but your reason makes sense too.” “Nah, the dude was a war general, their room has to be twice as big.”
“Maybe we’ll find out if we ever get out of here.”
And suddenly—almost comically—the door was being pushed open, the two boys jumped to their feet, feeling the floor wobble under their feet. Lance pointed his flashlight at the door, half expecting nothing to be on the other side of the door, but instead Allura stood there, a pale, caught-in-headlights kind of look on her face.
“Allura!” They both yelled in unison, running towards her to hug her in relief.
“I thought we were never getting out!”
“The door locked by itself!”
They both yelled at the same time, only further confusing Allura, she gave them a puzzled look, then looked at Lance with a smirk and a wink. “I don’t know what you two are talking about, but I’ll just go explore the other room with Pidge and Hunk, have fun you two!” She giggled, walking off towards another door.
“What was that about?” Keith asked, staring at Allura’s fading figure.
Luckily for Lance, the darkness hid his burning face, he shrugged and gave a nervous chuckle “I don’t—I don’t know. But we should join them” He turned away from Keith, going in the same direction that Allura had disappeared into, with Keith following suit.
As they walked into the other room, they discovered Keith was right, the parents’ room was twice as big as the one they had gotten locked in.
“Wow” Keith whispered, taking a quick glance over the whole room.
Pidge turned at the sounds of more people shuffling into the room, immediately taking quick strides towards the two boys. “Where were you guys? You should have seen the basement! It’s so creepy, look!” She ranted, taking out her phone to show them pictures she had taken of the infamous room.
The pictures were bright thanks to the flashlight, you could see every detail on the walls and floors; like the small splatters of blood that could no longer be removed from the walls or the strange symbols the cult would use, painted on the floor, other pictures showed partially empty shelves, the only things left on them were empty glass bottles, probably left behind by the Daibazaals, and garbage from other visitors.
“While that’s fun and all, we got locked in the son’s room for who knows how long!” Lance bragged, catching the attention of Hunk and Allura.
“What?” Pidge yelled, as Hunk and Allura made their way over to the three. “Tell me everything!”
“Hey Lance” Keith called out to the taller boy, Lance slowed down to walk next to him as the gang was finally making their way out of the house, “I was just wondering, what you’d think about going to my house, maybe playing with my dog while watching some movies to forget about getting locked in the room of a haunted house?”
“I would love that.” Lance replied with a radiant smile.
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makiema · 5 years
A different take on Titan Science and Paths
I know I include a lot of religious spiel in my SnK rambles but, this time, I'd like to point out some of the scientific or rather, sci-fi tropes associated with the plot. Most of the generic shows tend to pull in the same old LSD bs to try and justify that the mind can possibly access a different dimension or plane when nerves are stimulated in a certain way. Now, often these dimensions are there all along but invisible and inaccessible to normal people for a variety of reasons. It is all an elaborate theoretical physics ass pull but, SnK has actually left plenty of hints down the line. So, I'd just throw in a few proofs of conventional sci-fi motifs which indicate that all the mysteries in the SnK verse will be resolved by logic in the end rather than the endgame being a pragmatic win of humanity over the devil.
• In Episode 6 of Season 1, where we actually see the 'awakening' of the Ackerman power, we get a glimpse of the brain.
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Mikasa's brain is shown to be getting 'charged'. It's indicative of greater ion activity in the nervous system and therefore, the body is now basically capable of super human actions. It becomes overtly sensitive, more aware and muscle power increases considerably. This is probably the most common method of showing how the mind can enter a state of hypersensitivity and when it does so, it can open 'gates' into a different dimension. I think something similar happens to Mikasa here. Her Ackerman instincts are activated and she can 'draw power' via Paths from a dimension where the source of superhuman powers, i.e. OG Ymir resides.
• Next, when talking about Paths, Eren comments that PATHS connects all the Subjects of Ymir but are invisible to them.
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So, it is fair to assume that Paths is in a different dimension that we cannot access. But, some people are privileged enough to open a gate in this dimension and draw strength from it when in a dire situation. That'd be the Ackermans. We know Kenny went full rage mode on the MPs because he was pushed to the edge during the Ackerman oppression period. Mikasa activated her powers when Eren's words struck a chord in her. The powers cannot be accessed only when an Ackerman is in danger. They have to consciously work their brain, focus and put up a real fight in order to open the gate. It could mean that Ackermans have special sensory organs that can somewhat perceive Paths and draw strength from there, unlike other Eldians. They have inherent superior abilities, thanks to their fundamental genetic make up.
• Now, let's come to the Titan Serum. The whole act of making a person a lab rat dates back to the World Wars when the idea of biological warfare first emerged. There's a lot of controversies regarding illegal researches that supposedly took place during the War era. War prisoners were often injected with narcotics and experimented upon. So, in light of SnK that has war references galore, it can be assumed that the Titan Serum is actually a super strong narcotic; it can work the nervous system even to an extent where it is possible to access a different dimension. Hence, the Subjects of Ymir (actually subjects of Titan experiments) are connected via Paths that run through that dimension. It can be said that the serum is a drug that helps to draw tremendous power from an alternate world. Opening such a portal would need or produce a lot of energy. This justifies both the lightning striking down and the heat generated during a Titan transformation. Lightning occurs because of charge flow. If there's a big enough created potential difference in the nerves owing to the effect of narcotics, it isn't improbable for a lightning discharge to take place. And, flowing of this huge amount of charge/electricity is what emits the heat/fire.
• Also, let's examine how Titans are killed and how Reiner's plot armor was used during RTS. Titans can be killed only by cutting their napes with a clean stroke. The nape is the pivotal part of the Nervous System. Consciousness, connection, coordination- the nape governs everything. So, severing the nape is equivalent to cutting off the body's ability to work by interpreting signals given off by the brain. Therefore, the effect of the drug is lost and hence, the grotesque flesh that supposedly comes from "thin air" sublimes as nothing can sustain it in this dimension anymore.
But, here Eren confirms they don't just appear from thin air but are actually sent through Paths. The mind or consciousness, under the effect of the serum, controls this passage. So, it's natural for this transmission to stop if the anatomical structure that deals with consciousness transfer throughout the body is ripped off. We know in RTS Levi impaled Reiner's neck with his blades but, he pulled one on Levi using the "consciousness transfer" trick. This theory explains the deus ex machina Isayama employed in that arc using Reiner. After all, it's the consciousness that's only important because the serum is primarily involved with that.
• Now, how does wounds invoke the Titan Power? We know wounds are a sign that the body is in some danger and that it needs power to overcome it. So, this is a valid cause for the brain to try to draw power out of desperation. The rest is just like how I explained regarding Ackermans. However, since Ackermans don't have the serum injected, they can only awaken muscle strength. Their bodies become more agile and hypersensitive but, they cannot access the Paths or wake up in a different dimension altogether. This is because even though their genetic make up sort of entitles them with superior reflexes and great agility, the serum (which actually has the drug) is required to open the portal to the World of Titan Power.
• The World of Titan Power sounds so far fetched but , these all are already very controversial speculations so I might as well roll with it. In my opinion, the World of Titan Power is nothing but the dimension that OG Ymir opened when she first consumed "the source of all organic matter". There actually is a certain mixture that is considered a source of all organic matter. It is a composition of some gases that when charged with electricity can produce amino acids which bind to form proteins and which then morphs into muscles. So, if Ymir did in fact ingest something like that we can say that when the lightning hit, it caused her to morph into a big grotesque mass of protein chunks, namely the First Titan. In Frankenstein, something similar happened - there's this fateful lightning strike which suddenly gives life to the monster Victor created out of scratch. We cannot entirely discard the possibility of this to have occured. This also explains why all Subjects of Ymir are connected. Given that Ymir had digested something that powerful, her genes must have been permanently mutated. This led all the subsequent generations of her race to have the ability to exercise the power she gained from "the source of all organic matter".
• The non-linearity of time : I'm no science expert but in Einstein's theory of relativity he mentioned something about time being non - linear and space-time being essentially four dimensional. What I suspect Paths is, is basically the connector in this 4D realm.
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This panel is further corroboration to the claim that Paths has no existence in the 3 dimensional reality we're familiar with. Therefore, the concept of time doesn't exist, at least not as being linear. Rather, there is no clear distinction between past and future. Eren Kruger can see the future, Eren can see moments into the future, there's this overriding dejá vu feeling. The relativity theory or Lagrangian logic ( which works along the lines of relativity) considers the future to influence the past. Of course, all these theories are valid only in the quantum level, but even so, sci-fi tends to accept it to work even at a normal level. This comes with a catch of course - it requires the mind to be under the influence of powerful drugs or chemicals that are associated with incredible nerve activities or the beginning of life, etc. Even besides Einstein, some Eastern cultures apparently believe in the non-linearity of time. The concept has been traditionally hypothesized for a long, long time judging from Mayan calendars, ancient tribal relics, etc. So, one may say that Isayama is drawing from all this rich history associated with time travel or time being non - linear. It is a top-notch plot device that is known to shock the readers when explained, whatever be the perspective.
• The existence of a different dimension can mean tampering with any and all known realities we find acceptable. That OG Ymir is active in that dimension isn't much of a surprise. Because, even though she's dead in this realm, her consciousness that posseses the "source of all organic matter" cannot be called dead. Rather, it can be said that it is passed on to that dimension and will live there eternally.
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In fact Eren is hinting at that dimension when he talks about the single coordinate. After OG Ymir died in this world, we know her powers are divided by means of cannibalism as seen in the Season 2 ending. Now the Founding Titan, which I believe is sort of like a pure-breed member of the bloodline, is the domineering one given the closest semblance to OG Ymir's DNA. Therefore, she is established as the main overseer of Paths that allow for the inter-dimensional travel. Given that her powers are superior, it doesn't come as a big surprise that she can access the consciousness of her other descendants and delete memories and stuff. A similar thing can be said about Zeke's screams which gives him control over mindless titans. Zeke posseses royal blood and all of this is possible only because the Founding Titan, containing OG Ymir's blood, is actually the gate keeper of the gate that helps draw power from this dimension that belongs to her. Also, let us take note of how Isayama specifically talks about "spinal fluid". I mean it's not just any other body part or fluid or not even blood, but always the spinal fluid that is at the centre of the Titan transformation thing. This indicates that everything is essentially depended on the consciousness or the nervous system. So, the serum may as well be a strong stimulator that makes it possible for the mind to tread on Paths which lead to the dimension where OG Ymir is looming, where all her powers (and the Founding Titan) are looming.
• So what about Zeke's rebirth? Well, the whole rebirth or respawn ass pull is Christian symbolism at it's absolute best. It is very clearly suggestive of Jesus Christ and His resurrection. But, in the context of this being part of a time hack or dimension hack or whatever, it still boils down to the fact that "the source of all organic matter" that Eldians posses is actually dormant, parasitic life form so, when its host is in danger and about to die, it'll cause the brain of the host to take a leap into Ymir's dimension where she can give first-aid treatment to her Subject. (Lol this sounds so sketchy but anything happens in sci-fis once you can sneak into a different dimension). This, also explains why when a Titan shifter dies, another, yet unborn, baby inherits the power. The "source of all organic matter" can be thought of as the earliest primordial parasitic life form that seeks to survive no matter what. So, when one host dies, it enters another host via Paths that connect all the host bodies.
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In Eren's words, distance and blood has nothing to ditch the transmission. This is even more evidence that everything has to do with consciousness and the 4D plane wherein lies Paths that can establish connections with all the Subjects that bear the same genes.
In conclusion, one of the themes, albeit minor, in SnK is Science Vs Religion. With the advent of science and technology in modern day Marley, it is very likely that the story will be scientifically resolved. We have heard Magath say time and again that they cannot depend on Titan powers forever and that there has to be other technological advancements. In fact, with blimps and everything and even the military thinking of "flying Titans" there's no knowing how greatly progressive Science was in that timeline. If we go back to the early chapters, we have the instances of the Order of the Church, the hegemonic insiders of Wall Sina, the so called peace-keepers in the MP. And then, in Willy Tybur's speech we have the story of Helos (the hero) and the Devil (the root of all evil). All of it is can be categorised under religious brain washing that is essential to veil the truth and to carry on with oppression. However, the SC has always fought against conventions; they dared to go outside the walls, both literally and metaphorically. The upper echelons in Marley brainwashed the public into believing that erasing a whole race off the face of Earth is peace. Willy Tybur can be said to have pulled in all the Helos and Devil crap to stage a fake didactic ideal for the Marleyans. They're made to believe that they'd be mini Helos-es if they supported genocide, much like how the Nick would tell the masses that the walls are apparently God's creations and humans aren't supposed to tinker with them. But, we see how the plot progressed by discarding such myths and by relying heavily on reason, rationale, logic and science the SC would finally tear down these walls that were hiding the truth of the world. So, it's very likely that the Devil plus Helos was just Willy Tybur's creation and in reality everything actually has to deal with science and reason (like warping of time-space or some shit like that). And, true freedom can be achieved only when Eren breaks down the walls of ignorance, unlocks these truths and reveal to the world the falseness in Willy Tybur's little fairy tale. Remember in Chapter 112 how Eren said that ignorance is the biggest impediment to freedom?
Well, it might have been a foreshadowing all along. The key to freedom is knowledge. As long as the world is ignorant and buying whatever bullshit is thrown at them, it'll remain a slave to falsehood and fantasies. All the problems of racism, oppression, etc. will continue if people keep believing whatever they're fed by the upper brass of the society when they're confused. Only when the world is aware, educated and knowledgeable can it tear down the walls of misunderstanding between the two races and stop the oppression. This would consequently lead to the freedom Eren has always hoped to achieve- the freedom to live in this world that belongs to them without being ostracized by anyone because "everyone is special from the moment they are born".
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theorynexus · 4 years
We now begin 51, which will likely take us to an entirely different perspective. Thanks, Monty Python!
On a random note, though... 
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Man, this is fricking crazy, from a dramatic irony perspective. I do appreciate that Homestuck is written such that that spreads from not only the author’s possession, but to that of the audience via rereads.  As... macabre as this particular example is.
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Finally, Dorothy is gone, and all that is left is the Witch (and her little dog too)?
Well, maybe not even that. Certainly, Bec’s powers are muted, and I wouldn’t be too terribly surprised if his instincts are too; on the other hand,they could be strongly contributing to this. This sequence strongly reminds me of the sequence wherein Jade’s destiny to become fused with him was first alluded to. “You eat a weird bug, and don’t even care,” and whatnot.  Certainly, 
Words slough from the busy mind like a useless dead membrane as a more visceral sapience takes over. Something simpler is in charge now, a force untouched by the concerns and burdens of the upright, that farcical yoke the bipedal tow. It now drives you through the midnight brush ...  as you and your new friend must claim the night with piercing howls moonward.
seems reminiscent to me of all of her thoughts of her former existence fading as she is beckoned by the call-- not of a moon, but of another reflection of the light of the sun: the Void-y remains that come with its demise. Obviously her “new friend” in this case would seem to refer both to Bec (who is a part of her, now, thus explaining the uniform motion) and through allusion, to the Alt!Calliope that her other version of herself had already befriended, who would be the one beckoning in the first place. It should also be said that shoes could be taken as a symbol of civilization, in this case, beyond just the obvious symbolism that is being pointed out to the viewer.  Regardless, whether this similarity was intended or not doesn’t actually matter. It’s just that this scene vaguely made me think of that.
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What irony, considering this is coming from the one who just bewitched the Seer (which, I would just like to say, is honestly some nice narrative symmetry, considering this is almost exactly like what Doc Scratch did before him [not that I don’t still feel disgust toward him, even if this might turn out in Rose’s favor, in the long run]).                    Oh, yes, and by the way... very nice confirmation of the fact that the Green Sun Black Hole is Void-oriented. I appreciate that coming from an in-story source. (Even if you don’t connect emptiness with Void, which you should, the fact that the Ocean is connected with it is almost indisputable. That’s part of the reason why Rose’s quest was to bring life to the dead ocean by Playing the Rain. It was about using her inner Light to counteract her tendencies toward its equal opposite.)
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Which is part of the reason why Alt!Calliope and Jade get along so well, and why there’s a connection between them, I’m sure. (Both of their lifestyles/life histories emphasized thematically their inner Space orientation. [This may also be why Kanaya lived in them middle of a desert, with no one but her Virgin Mother Grub to directly keep he company.])
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Yes, way to downplay one of the core Aspects of reality just because it doesn’t necessarily always function in the way that perception would suggest it does. This doesn’t make it illusory, nor does it invalidate the continuum aspect of it:  that it is intrinsically relevant to how life persists and interacts with the world itself demonstrates the importance of this part of Time. It’s like suggesting an iceberg is an illusion just because you can’t see the depths hidden away below the surface (Void hides it from your eyes [read: Light is blocked]).   Gah, you are so bloody irksome and pride-projecting in your demeanor just because you managed to pick something up that the Trolls basically illuminated to the Beta Kids way back when they were all 13.  Congratulations.
Fool. (Oh, and I would argue that time continuing to be relevant conceptually, despite its non-linearity, helps to emphasize its importance as a pillar of reality. That it is an existence persisting independent of its consequent internal signifiers [entropy, {temporal} causality, direction] allows for it to play the very important role of acting as a medium for general interaction and consequence; particularly, it allows for the persistence and simultaneous activity of all possible states of being within its domain [e.g.: reality or the meta-narrative Existence within the context of MSPA, or whatever set of other works which would necessarily include all relevantly connected miscellany] which are additionally allowed for via the logical intermingling it has with the other Aspects.            In other words: Time is one of the two necessary present architectonic forces that undergird the Narrative.   Your suggesting that it is given disproportionate attention and that loneliness is therefore an illusion is just the sort of insulting, crass, and perspective-locked claptrap that I’d expect from someone who’s so enthusiastically embraced a departure from humanity, and who thus has lost mooring in the solid, political existence which sapient, physically-connected beings dwell in by nature.   I suspect that your distraction and loss of perspective will eventually come back to haunt you.  ) Yes, I realize that the Ultimate Self is a timeless construct, but this does not mean time is irrelevant to it or the limited forms it girds itself with when connecting to physicality. (On a random note:  I do appreciate his decision to call Aspects ideas.)
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Along with the creepiness with regards to Dirk pushing thoughts into Jade’s head (which is honestly par for the course in Homestuck, and at least he’s mostly trying to remind her of something he believes she already knows, so it’s somwhat benevolent), we get this interesting snippet.  Seems he wants to foreshadow difficulties between Dave, Jade, and Karkat in the future.   I suppose the only logical question is whether Jade will break their hearts in turn.   Love is hard. It’s hard and everybody (with actual experience) understands.
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Ha ha, “How much of Homestuck was actually illusion seen in the perspective of the characters involved, a la the kids’ rooms before Gamzee’s Chucklevoodoo curses were disrupted,” ha ha. On a more important note:   I very much appreciate Dirk’s well-arranged metaphors relating to time, to Calliope’s Muse-inspired-powered Spatial-influential music. Dirk is indeed quite bad at distracting hyper-focused people with thoughts he thinks they will reasonably find seem similar to thoughts she might have.
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Hey, man, don’t give up. Your breaking from the narrative of trying to help her is making it seem like your nervousness is throwing you off, meaning we won’t know if your attempts to help her had any chance to succeed in general! Way to go, “hero!”
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“Time is an illusion,” you say?   Yet here’s your narration, there’s Jade.  Oh!  There she goes, persisting to fly off into the dead sun, just as linear time would demand of her!  What’s wrong?  Couldn’t make the time to properly put your thoughts together or try until you got it right?   Gasp!         My word!  It’s almost like Time is pretty fricking important to the narrative and reality of the story!
HEEHEEHAHAHAHA!!!        Serves you right, getting spooked like that, you incompetent, over-confident knave!
... Now, let’s see how the rest of this goes, now that I have a better handle on my humours.
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You’re dealing with the Grim Reaper, inspirer of great woe and terror, as well as happy children drawings and stories everywhere.  Obviously, you were overmatched. Perhaps you should have tried focusing on Jade initially, rather than John?  That might have given you a little bit more time.   I am reminded of a group of trolls who didn’t properly think through their attempts to mock and cajole those they perceived to be the artificers of their downfall.  Perhaps this will turn out as well.
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Demiourgos, your pride showeth. Your composure runneth down and streaketh thine face like free-flowing ichor. Hubris, doth it become thee?   Thou reflecteth thine flaws, and by thy own hand. Revealeth thou not the weakness of thine breast with Rage-filled uproar?   A lion in thine face we see, but at this flickering of that glamour, a snake in masquerade is spotted. Foul wretch, I pity thee:  for it is truly painful to behold the disheartening of the ambitious, and the glorious in the midst of downfall. What do you fear?  What compels such panic into one normally so serene?
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I suppose I should have known. A mechanist always fears uncontrollable variables.    (I do wonder if his fear is truly warranted, though. Certainly, things aren’t as bad as they could be, but there is much to be depressed about in these outcomes as they have emerged so far, you know?)
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And thus, a new star was born?   Well, we’ll see.   I certainly do appreciate the physics of black hole mechanics being involved, though I am not 100% sure that this is accurate to how such an ultra-massive construct would actually work. I know super-massive black holes effect objects differently than normal ones, when they approach the event horizon, so it seems rather reasonable to guess that one the mass of multiple universes would behave a bit differently from either.  I do not know, however.  ... All in all, a pretty great page, I guess.  It was nice to see the Narrator lose control so badly.  A bit sad that the consequences of that were as they were, but I knew that this would likely be the case, regardless. I wonder when John and Terezi will be back in focus~ ... P.S.:  I am pretty sure that subtle interference with the narrative is the normal role of a Muse, and that her Mastery over Jade in particular makes a great deal of sense, given who Jade is. I wonder what has compelled her to speak in such a manner that her voice is actually visible in the text, rather than subtly bending it to her will as presumably has been the case over the course of Homestuck, generally.  Could it be that she did this specifically to teach the Narrator a lesson?  Shall we ever find out?
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meditativeyoga · 5 years
Wrist Pain During Yoga? 4 Tricks to Eliminate Discomfort
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Experience wrist pain throughout yoga? You're not alone. Wrist pain or discomfort is among the most common issues from yoga students (and those are simply the ones that talk up!).
Asana technique, particularly Vinyasa Circulation Yoga, requires a whole lot of the wrists (a facility as well as somewhat delicate joint). In between the consistent weight bearing on the hands as well as extensive series of motion (ROM) demanded by the postures, it isn't unusual wrist discomfort or pain is a typical component of yoga technique. It does not have to be.
Wrist Pain in Yoga = Red Flag
Wrist discomfort of any type of kind is a red flag, nothing to be extremely distressed over (though if relentless it's smart to see a doctor), however not something to be ignored either.
As pointed out over, the wrist is an intricate joint with numerous bones and also articulations that permit movement on 2 planes: flexion (flexing the palm of the hand toward the lower arm), extension (raising the back side of the hand up), adduction (bending the wrist towards the little finger when the palm is facing upwards), and also abduction (flexing the wrist towards the thumb when the hand is encountering upward). There are likewise ligaments that knit the wrist together, tendons that attach the forearm muscle mass to the fingers (for mastery), and three nerve branches. These fragile joints are not something you wish to mess around with and also potentially damages long term.
If you are experiencing wrist discomfort in your yoga exercise practice, the reasons can be lots of. Your wrists may already be stressed or harmed for a selection of reasons, just to be worsened by weight-bearing on your hands, something from above (i.e. shoulders and also neck) might be the wrongdoer for your wrist pain, your wrists and also hands might be weak and not used to weight bearing, as well as so forth and so on.
Or, it could simply be the anatomy of your wrists.
Wrist Extension ROM
Not everybody's wrist joints encompass the ROM being asked in a lot of yoga classes. That's since every person's structure and joint biomechanics are different (even from entrusted to appropriate side). Really couple of bodies fall under the flawlessly lined up shape of the yoga exercise impersonates they are currently existing in a lot of courses. You can relax guaranteed that there's nothing wrong with you.
The range of activity is the full activity potential of a joint. There are essentially three groups of ROM: minimal, functional, and previous feature. Regular wrist expansion falls someplace in between 65 as well as 85 levels (the angle between the back of the hand and forearm), while practical ROM lands at 70 degrees. Postures like Bharmanasana (Table Top Posture) on your hands and knees and Phalankasana (Slab Pose) call for 90 levels of wrist extension (mildly past functional), while postures such as Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) and also Bakasana (Crow Pose), along with other arm balances demand approximately 110 levels of wrist expansion. So if your wrists merely do not bend to 90 degrees, requiring them to pass by their healthy and balanced variety is going to result in uneasy feeling, such as pain.
Redrafting Positioning for Your Structure
So what do you do?
You redraft as well as align the postures according to your special structure, paying very close attention to wise/productive feeling in addition to unwise/unproductive sensations. Essentially you wish to be able to secure your hands easily and also equally, pushing down with the pads of your index fingers to take some of the weight out of the outer heels of your hands, without experiencing strange sensations in your wrists, elbow joints, shoulders, or neck. For optimum security, you also want your elbow joints-- as opposed to your hands-- stacked up and down under your shoulders and your arms facing rather forward.
Tip # 1 Area Your Elbow Joints-- Instead Of Your Hands-- Under Your Shoulders
Ever marvel why your joints look amusing on all fours? Practically every person's arm joints have a minor carrying-angle (5 to 15 degrees), suggesting that the arms will not go flawlessly straight.
Standing with the arms prolonged down by the sides of the body and also the palms encountering forward, the bulk of individuals's hands angle out far from the body (5 to 15 degrees generally) so that the hands are really broader than the shoulders. (This permits the turning movement of the arms as we walk). When the hands are put directly under the shoulders (an usual add a lot of yoga exercise courses), the arm joints angle in towards each other, as well as the arm bones are not up and down piled for optimum stability. The wrists take the burden of the load.
Start by visually establishing each of your elbow joints' lugging angles. Standing, increase your arms right out in front of your body to the height of your shoulders. Turn your hands up, and also as ideal you can align your wrists with your shoulders. Are your arms entirely right, or do your joints angle in towards each other any quantity? Does one elbow joint have a larger bring angle? Make a mental note.
Then on your hands and also knees in Tabletop Posture, place your hands straight under your shoulders, as well as have fun with slowly walking your hands larger up until your joints remain in line with your shoulders. Opportunities are one elbow joint has a larger bring angle than the other, consequently, that hand ought to ultimately be positioned wider.
Once you have actually put your arm joints directly beneath your shoulders, notice if you feel a lot more stable (probably with much less effort) through the shoulders as well as arms.
Tip #2 Spin Your Hands Outward
The typical sign of "wrist folds alongside the front of the mat" doesn't benefit a great deal of body structures. In order for the arms to face somewhat onward and the hands to support equally, the hands typically require to be a little ended up so that the wrist creases are no much longer parallel however angle away from the leading edge of the mat.
Once you've explored the width of your hands, piling your elbow joints beneath your shoulders, play with turning your give out bit by bit until your biceps face fairly ahead and your whole hand is secured. Pay interest to any type of counterproductive sensations. There need to be no discomfort in your wrists, elbow joints or shoulders.
Tip # 3 Decrease the Amount of Extension in Your Wrists
If you're still experiencing wrist discomfort as soon as you've expanded as well as turned your hands out, it's highly likely your wrists just don't like to reach 90 degrees, and also are being forced past their healthy and balanced series of motion in Table top or Slab Pose. Try strolling your hands onward, somewhat before your shoulders, lessening the angle extension required upon the wrists. As well as if that still doesn't work, get a yoga exercise wedge to area under your hands, lifting the heels of your hands.
Easily ordered online, a wedge is the ideal prop for wrists that don't gladly expand past an useful variety of movement. Bear in mind, this has whatever to do with the structure of your wrists as well as absolutely nothing to do with your capabilities as a yoga exercise trainee, so why suffer via your method? A wedge is a total game changer, and also a lot a lot more sensible than trying to exercise on your lower arms or fists.
( Idea: Cut your wedge in half so that you have 2, one for each and every hand. This way you can position your hands larger than your shoulders, as well as transform them out as essential).
Tip # 4 Quit Spreading Your Fingers Wide Apart
While the cue to "spread your fingers broad" is meant to get you to involve and secure your whole hand (and also often offered to stop wrist pain), actively spreading your fingers also wide can strain your wrists. Some individuals's fingers just do not spread!
If you've been instructed to actually expand your fingers apart, or claw into the mat, as well as are beginning to experience discomfort in your wrists, try discovering the ideal quantity of activation through your fingers as well as hands that doesn't put undue strain on the wrists. This is going to be different for every individual. Basically you wish to spread your fingers sufficient to secure the whole hand without activating any kind of unproductive feelings.
It's unworthy experiencing with wrist pain in your yoga exercise practice. Not just is it extremely irritating, but the health and wellness of your wrists is likewise at stake. And also as my educator always claimed, "There suffices suffering on the planet, why concerned your mat and experience?"
More tips to aid reduce wrist discomfort - The Technique to avoid Wrist Pain: Ways to Decrease Repeated Stress.
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Meagan McCrary is a skilled yoga exercise educator and writer with a passion for aiding people find even more convenience, quality, compassion, and pleasure on the floor covering as well as in their lives. She is the writer of Pick Your Yoga Exercise Technique: Checking Out and Comprehending Different Styles of Yoga Exercise. Her work has been featured in Yoga Journal, Rule Publication, Yoga Exercise Magazine, as well as Om Yoga exercise, in addition to lots of on-line websites, consisting of 24Life. com. Currently staying in Southern The golden state, Meagan works privately with customers and also leads retreats worldwide. You can discover her most current offerings at www.MeaganMcCrary.com.
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anti-marxistcult · 5 years
Oh so the Depopulation agenda is real. Not like I didn’t doubt it given the Left’s push and glorification of abortions and alternative lifestyles through indoctrination, social engineering and mass media propaganda activism since the 1960s. It all comes together and serves their end goal. 
But they only push it in western nations... white people are only about 8%-10% of the whole world’s population, under half and this agenda is being promoted to them specifically. It is no secret the Marxist Left hate whites and heterosexuals and want nothing more than to have complete control over every single natural aspect of our lives.
Something is seriously wrong with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
During an off-the-rails Instagram Live session on Sunday night, the 29-year-old lawmaker argued that people should consider not having children due to climate change.
“Our planet is going to hit disaster if we don’t turn this ship around and so it’s basically like, there’s a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “And it does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question, you know, ‘Is it okay to still have children?'”
Ocasio-Cortez then attacked Sen. Dianne Feinstein over an incident that that took place in the California Democrats office last week.
A far-left group called the Sunrise Movement brought a group of young kids into Feinstein’s office to demand her support for Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal.
Feinstein stood firm, refused to endorse the socialist measure, and told the kids that she was not going to be bullied into supporting something.
Ocasio-Cortez was not too happy about that, and argued that Feinstein’s response was “not good enough” because climate change is “going to kill us.”
“This idea that ‘I’ve been working on this for x-amount of years,’ um, it’s like not good enough,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “Like, we need a universal sense of urgency, and people are like trying to introduce watered-down proposals that are frankly going to kill us. A lack of urgency is going to kill us.”
“The issue has gotten worse,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “So I don’t think that working on an issue for 30 years alone is what qualifies as, as what someone qualified to solve an issue.”
“That said, there are a lot of people that have been doing this work for decades that have proposed ambitious solutions for years and have not been listened to,” Ocasio-Cortez added.
She continued, “So it’s not just, ‘I’ve been doing this for 30 years,’ so we need to listen to them because frankly people have been failing at the same things for 30 or 40 years. What we need to do is say, ‘What solutions have not been tried yet? And what ambitious scale have we not shot at yet.’ And let’s do it.”
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Beyond her own ignorance, most Americans do not support her socialist Green New Deal because it could literally bankrupt the nation over time.
A new study reveals that the price tag for socialist measure comes out to $7 trillion.
In fact, a recent study from PJ Media found that the estimated $7 trillion projected cost is painfully low, and that it could actually cost nearly $50 trillion, which would be roughly seven — SEVEN — times more than that.
The “Green New Deal” will cost approximately $49.109 trillion in the first ten years, enough to fund Trump’s border wall 8,616 times over. The president is requesting $5.7 billion for the wall.
Ocasio-Cortez has also called for a smart power grid to replace the U.S. power grid, an estimated cost of $338 billion on the low-end ($476 billion on the high-end), according to the Electric Power Research Institute. This kind of transition may be a good idea in general, but it drives up the cost of the “Green New Deal.”
All that “free” stuff Ocasio-Cortez keeps promising sure is expensive, but she probably doesn’t care so long as Soros is providing a ton of funding behind the scenes.
Sick degenerate fucks these pathetic excuses for human beings are. Garbage stains. And they call other people “nazis and extremists” and a “threat” ?? That is a very unfunny bad joke from you PC control freaks. The typical far-left ideologues always seeking more power and control over others and lie saying it is for the “greater good” yeah we’ve heard that bullshit before by dictators who held the same utter trash outdated beliefs as you and it leads to mass murder. Drop dead AOC and all that follow you. Ignorant cunts.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
How Tsuyu Got Big
Some time after they had become proper adult heroes, Izuku had figured out a way to imbue the power of One For All into others, and he’d found that it had an… unusual effect on the heroines.
They didn’t just get powered up. They got big.
His mother had grown bigger than their entire street. Uraraka could hold their old academy in her hands. Jiro made skyscrapers look small. Mina was even bigger than that. And all of them, by some process Izuku didn’t understand but suspected had something to do with One For All giving them a body capable of sustaining its granted power indefinitely, became outrageously, impossibly curvaceous. Inexplicably hyper-milky breasts growing bigger than a huge portion of their bodies, hips wider than several feet across (proportionately, at least), and monstrously big backsides.
And they had the same amount of power One For All could manifest at its peak, available all the time and expressed in their massive bodies, merging with their Quirks. He felt it was his duty to make all his friends the very best they could be.
Tsuyu, Froppy, deserved that.
Izuku very gently held Tsuyu’s hands, gazing up into her inhuman eyes; big, adapted for the dark and the depths, heavy black hair hanging long over her face and with the slightly unreal sheen of unique hydrophobic strands.
She was hunched over, her spine curved in such a way that her shoulders were just pushed out like that, her chest thrust down and her head tilted up. Her body seemed built to be at least try to be quadrupedal all the time. And factor in the inhuman projection of her face, the toxic smell of the slime upon her skin, the webbing between her fingers or the way a tongue as wide across as her arm had a habit of poking from her lips…
The deck was stacked against heteromorphs like her. There was a reason that so many villains were people whose Quirks marked them as other to the rest of the world, even in this beautiful new age of uniqueness. Tsuyu was a frog woman, and she didn’t look conventionally human, or entirely photogenic. The modern camera lingered on heroic bodies not so different from the humans of the past, and shied away from those with bodies even more unique than their Quirks were.
There was an assumption that villain equaled heteromorph.
Izuku swallowed, his hands gently cradling Tsuyu’s much larger hands. No, perhaps not the right image, he thought. Her hands were wider than his, the fingers longer, but they were also slimmer. They didn’t have that much mass, and when she squeezed back, it was genuinely surprising how strong her grip was.
How did he even say it, he wondered? How to get across how much he admired her, even idolized her, for never giving up no matter how badly she was treated as a heroine for being a heteromorph? How to say something like that, without implying he thought her Quirk counted as a disadvantage? Without offending her, or being cruel…?
He had no idea how to say it, and he was too scared to try.
He was also a little bit distracted by how pretty Tsuyu was – or at least, seemed to him. Familiarity, it is said, breeds contempt, but it also breeds love; affection; and every feature blossoms into perfect loveliness. The heart can be like its own magnifying glass.
“It’s okay,” Tsuyu said softly.
He swallowed. How did she know what he was thinking…?
Gently, softly, she leaned upwards, taller than him even hunched over and built for crouching and four legs, and kissed him on the forehead.
Her lips made his skin tingle. Faint traces of poison sunk into his skin, not painful but, electrifying, like his blood was several degrees warmer. He felt a little bit woozy, not just from Tsuyu kissing him.
Focus! He told himself.
“I...” he started. He shook his head and started again. “I don’t know anyone who deserves this more than you. But… are you sure?” he hesitated. “I haven’t done this with someone whose Quirk is built in, like yours. I don’t really know what will happen.”
Tsuyu’s expressions could be hard to read, but she seemed unsurprised. “I always wanted to be the biggest hero I could be, do everything I could to help other people.” She looked at her hands. Broad, webbed, shining slightly with her bodily secretions. She’d always loved herself, even when it marked her as other in this day and age. A freak, a villain to be. And, if she had been born in older days, an inhuman monster.
They were, all the same, hands that could swim fast to people drowning. Her leg muscles could propel her farther, her body breath underwater. She could do things no one else could, and she would never be ashamed of what she was.
“It amplifies Quirks,” she said thoughtfully. “Right?”
“Yeah,” Izuku said. He let go of her hands, and he thought of the crystalline network of power stretching back from him, to the first user of his own Quirk. “My Quirk stockpiles power and while the basic use is to boost my strength, it can do the same to Quirks. And when I share it with others, it boosts their Quirks.” And, for reasons he wasn’t entirely clear on, when he did it to women, they always became extremely big. A latent gigantification Quirk that became active when he powered them up, perhaps? “To about the same level that it does for my own abilities, but, uh, I haven’t done it with anyone with powers like you, Tsuyu.”
The implication was clear: it might super mutate you. You get treated bad enough as you are now. Are you okay with this?
Tsuyu nodded grimly. “I want to be the best heroine I can be. Don’t care if I look like a villain, or what people think a villain looks like. I want...” she looked at her mutant hands again. “...I want to make a world where being a villain is always about what you do, not because you look different from everyone else.”
She is the best heroine, Izuku thought faintly, his heart fluttering. “Then, if you’re sure…?”
Tsuyu nodded. “I am.”
He swallowed, taking her hands once more. “Then, um. All I have to do is touch you, or if you’re touching me, so, I suppose this is fine...”
Tsuyu tilted her head. Her eyes were fixed upon him and he had a vague feeling of a what a fly might feel like. “May I kiss you.”
The question was so unexpected he blurted out, “Um, okay!”
Her mouth closed around his own. Not a kiss to the forehead or cheek, something chaste and platonic. This was… very much not platonic at all. Her arms at the moment were bare, her cheek and neck slid against his skin, and she gripped him in a light hug, and her skin made his body sing in a sweet, painless burn.
Her poisons, as gentle and loving as Tsuyu herself, seeped into his body, digging in and anchoring there, and he felt his body relax as her kiss deepened. A passionate kiss, an intense kiss; her hands squeezed around him even though her fingers didn’t move, the same sticky pad modifications that she could use to cling to walls anchoring onto his arms. She could squeeze without even gripping!
Her body was cooler than normal, strong and sliding against him like she intended on simply keeping him there forever; her breasts pressed heavily against his torso, his skin locking against them and sealed to her, and her lips oozed a frothy, delightful substance that made his head light, his tongue fizzle.
He relaxed against her, into her, and as Tsuyu straightened up, allowing her body to hold him up with her sticking-to-things ability, he let the power of One For All flow into her.
Nine generations of power, including his own refinement of the generational flame, went from him, and the flames of it flowed into her. A sun-power, a blazing engine of heroic ability with the resolve of heroes on the same level of goodness as All Might himself, their determination and will alive in these embers-
For a moment, Tsuyu thought she felt nine minds regarding her. One, very close at hand, still kissing her and she felt the worshipful and naked admiration that shook her, in a pleasant way. Another was distant, burning but not yet there, and yet familiar, and doing the spiritual equivalent of giving her a thumbs up.
Seven others were there. Old. Bright and strange, regarding her with a cool intensity honed over many years of being heroes in some of the darkest times of recent history. She felt their power, felt that they were real, and they pressed upon her mind, examining her minutely, passing their judgment
And she thought she saw shadowy figures, burning with great light from within, and they raised their hands in affirmative salute. “You got this,” said the voice of a woman.
Power flooded into Tsuyu like a dam abruptly filled to maximum capacity; light – no, fire – not that either, a sun bursting inside her, she didn’t have words for what it felt like but all her muscles swelled up and were glowing, she felt plugged into the grid of the entire world, she was gazing right into the secret mind of the cosmos and it gave her a high five, her mind blazed and her heart beat fast and something in her grew.
Tsuyu gasped, breaking the kiss and stepping back on her webbed, flipper-like feet. Her body glowed a brilliant green, the power settling down.
There was a slight sense of pressure within her. It wasn’t insistent or painful, a delightful flow around her, like a big blanket slowly being peeled away so she could flex herself.
“What is this...” Tsuyu took a breath, sighing in wonder. “Oh, Izuku… is this how you feel all the time, it feels so… nice...”
And the pressure broke, and she became… herself.
Tsuyu felt the world pull away from her. Her bones, her muscles, her skin tingled and shimmered as she glowed a brighter green, and then she grew upwards!
Up Tsuyu grew, going from a fairly average height (not counting how she had to hunch) to a far greater size, her new power amplifying her body’s stature to one that could properly contain what had been given to her. In moments she became taller than the buildings around her, homes and businesses and skyscrapers very quickly below her face – no, her shoulders. She ascended past them, her sides and hips soaring above them, her body growing bigger and bigger and BIGGER and showing no signs of stopping, glowing so brightly she was like a gentle secondary sun, closer to hand.
Izuku had already taken many steps back, familiar with what the change would do (his mother, Uraraka and several heroines had already gotten very big, very fast), but he wasn’t prepared for her going almost instantly from her original size to this spectacle. The area went dark: ‘where did the day go?! Why is everything dark!? Oh, oh!
How big is she getting now!?’
Tsuyu hit her full size fast, ballooning almost instantly to a new size that cast a shadow over much of Japan, shrouding mountains and cities behind her. It was beyond any biological possibility, her power so great she was making the square-cube law a joke. Even the biggest skyscraper in all Japan was shorter than her knee, and seemed no bigger than a stick toy to her. Izuku, carried up on her expanding foot and now resting on a webbed toe bigger across than several street, looked up and saw nothing of the sky but Tsuyu.
She had been averaged sized. Now she was at least a mile tall. Five thousand, two hundred and eighty feet of Froppy.
Beneath her, the city was unharmed, her body pressing against it so softly that though it should have been annihilated by her growth, her skin simply sank around every building and person and the smallest animals to even the ants, making quite sure it wasn’t doing any harm. Izuku, later, would wonder if it was a function of One For All to limit the collateral damage potential or Tsuyu’s own subconscious forcing her body to do no harm, or perhaps both mixing up in a shield against their own potential effect on the world.
Traffic stopped cold as people halted and stared up at the monumental sight above them and around them; her thighs filled up the sky, her hips blocked out the sun, her hair was a monstrously vast curtain above. Izuku couldn’t even make out most of her now, just a general sense of her outline and an impression of bigness, but he knew it wasn’t done yet.
The height was just one growth stage.
Those powerful legs, capable of delivering wall-shattering kicks or propelling her across a street, began to swell. The power granted to her settled down and now that her body was at the right scale to express it, One For All went to work finishing up the renovation. Her legs expanded, with a faint tearing noise as her clothes rode up! Her legs were already pretty big, and they went from just big to smacking together as they swelled outwards. Thigh muscles grew heavy and thicker around than her arms, the soft fat of her legs making them look like a deceptively solid chunk.
Out they went, and up rode her pants; the legs shredded off entirely, leaving only a slim section of new shorts now riding up really high, and stretched to the limit. Tsuyu shifted slightly as her hips, widening just as much as her thighs, finished growing out to their full size, and she wobbled in a brief stagger as one side stabilized, and then the other. Her hands came down, and rested against hips broader across than four whole Tsuyus! Her whole body became significantly thicker, even at the waist, so that she was enormously curvy, but her hips were the biggest part of her.
There was a faint sound; Tsuyu’s calm face still betrayed a hint of her embarrassment as her butt expanded to the same obscene degrees as her hips, swelling out into two gigantic globes rising as high as her elbows, consuming most of  her thighs. The huge shelf wobbled behind her, and her shorts vanished into a kind of improbable thong. It was a miracle it even survived.
Izuku, from his view below, saw her body growing and blotting out more of the sky, and her pants just… disappearing, for the most part, and more Tsuyu wobbling into view. He was extremely red and in no position to comment on anything.
She wasn’t done yet, either. While her hips had finished growing, legs disproportionately slim below the knee compared to her huge thighs and hips but still very strong, her bust wobbled. Her breasts swelled too, overtaking her shirt and growing several dozen cup sizes in seconds… and then three dozen after that, beyond the limit of any conventional bra size; they flopped out, so heavy she almost fell forwards, their massive swells curving from chest to belly, covering that part of her body completely, and projecting out almost four feet from her point of view, and perhaps six feet around each.
Below, two additional shadows, not quite so huge as the mountain-spanning one behind her, grew at the front of her shadow. The people gaped; no giant heroine had ever been this big! Some were more proportionately buxom, yes, but… this tall, with this much combined curves? It was just unheard of!
Now her Quirk was harmonizing with the power given to her, and her throat bulged. Her mouth opened impossibly wide as her lips thickened, expanding so large they dominated most of her face but for her flattened nostrils, and the bulge in her throat got bigger; Tsuyu panted, slime dripping out in huge globs that rained down and captured whole streets in a crystallizing ooze that left the people quite woozy and happy. And a hint of tongue rolled out of her mouth, a lot bigger than usual, and slid it. It looked bigger than before, larger than her arm. It kept extending out, and the bulge in her throat just got bigger.
It flopped out of her mouth. Thicker than her arm… bigger than her head, no. Wider than her whole body. No, bigger than that, a massive and prehensile slab of tongue curling with inhuman dexterity, and she unfurled it to its full length, and it stretched out over a full mile into the sky. She then slurped it back up, just a little edge poking out into her huge lips, and somehow she managed to pack it all away.
The rest of her froggy traits got amplified as well; her skin turned a faintly shimmering tone that suggested sliminess, or at least a moist touch; her jaws flexed more easily as she adjusted it around her tongue, briefly stretching wide enough that she could have swallowed something as big as she was. A set of feathery gills like an axolotl, unnecessary but perhaps for show or something from One For All, appeared on her sides. And her body continued to change, mostly internal; it would be sometime, for example, before anyone learned that her stomach had been converted into a kind of extra dimensional storage space, bigger on the inside, or that her poisons were now strong enough to affect a whole continent with a single droplet and overwhelm them with soothing euphoria.
Her breasts swelled again, heavy with something that wasn’t exactly milk but was close enough. Wet spots appeared at the front of her shirt, but she wasn’t entirely aware of it, nor just how productive she’d abruptly become. Her body wobbled again, as if for emphasis, and then the green glow faded.
And like that, it was done.
Tsuyu took a moment or two as the sensations of change stopped and she looked down at herself, and how much more of her there was. Wonderingly, she touched a massive breast, yelping at how sensitive it felt, and the liquid packed inside. She turned and made a soft, curious rumble at how far back her butt extended, taking up so much mass!
Then she looked down, and down, and further down. She squinted, trying to make out the city below.
Izuku, getting an idea of what was going through her mind, called out, “Think small! Like, like an egg in a microwave! Spread it out and imagine the power being turned down, as much as you can!”
She shouldn’t have been able to hear him, but it seemed One For All accounted for that as well. Tsuyu slowly dwindled, and gradually the sky was revealed once more. Over the span of several minutes, she shrank down to a more manageable size, descended past skyscrapers and apartment buildings, back down to street level, until she was about twelve feet tall or so. Incredibly big, but manageable. The same couldn’t be said of her outrageous curves.
Tsuyu glanced down, looking very disoriented by the experience. She absently put a hand on one oversized breast, and it sloshed at her touch. “Hrm,” she said. “Uh, that didn’t get any smaller.” Her power-engorged curves had gotten smaller, in all honesty, but from her point of view it may not have been apparent. Her backside was still a shelf dominating the street, and her breasts wouldn’t have been able to fit into even the roomiest doorway designed for the Quirkless. Her clothes were marginally roomier, though.
“Eep,” Izuku squeaked.
“Thank you for this,” Tsuyu said, leaning over – providing a huge view of her cleavage in the process – and gently picking him up. She kissed him again.
It took not long after that to make the news; the giant heroines, all whom were known to be acquaintances of the hero Deku, had been something of a mystery for a while, expanding from nowhere to become absolutely massive buxom giants unrelated to their Quirks at all. Their huge personalities and engorged assets had made them highly popular, but until this point…
Absolutely none of them were as big as Tsuyu, and it was a revolution in thought when she rose up from her full size, rising from the ocean, and cradled in her hands was an entire fleet, sunk and feared lost.
The world’s biggest, strongest heroine was here. Froppy had already made her debut, but the sight of her striding across the horizon, one mile tall and gently swallowing the ships whole only to spit them back out ashore, their passengers ecstatic to thank their heroine…
Well, it was a small wonder she hit Number One Hero in the global rankings, almost instantly.
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forthebetterevil · 5 years
the fattest personal ramble i’ll ever post on this hellsite coz i need to get it out of my system
about heart flutters and confusion from an asexual who has yet to figure out (or is very close to figuring out through this ramble?) her romantic orientation
okay so let me get this out of the way: i’m asexual. specifically autochorrisexual. shipping brings me joy and those nasty (but not TOO nasty...) E-rated fics are what i’m down for, but i balk at the thought of my own self being involved in any sex-related activity. i have never wanted to engage in sexual acts with anyone in my life, and i swear i have TRIED to think about it, daydream about it, to “test” if my mind can really fathom the act of sex upon my own body.... i can’t. my mind literally snuffs out the mental image of sex when i am the subject, as if it isn’t possible, and especially since i don’t desire it. (i’m pretty okay with imagining 2 OTHER people getting down on each other tho.) i’m asexual so i don’t actually know what sexual attraction is, but i did try to search a bit on what that feeling is, and i’m not gonna lie, i can’t relate a single bit fam, which further helps me solidify my asexual identity.
that solidification didn’t come easy. i had to go through countless rounds of considerations, to try to pick apart the str8 agenda that society and mass media have been feeding me for as long as i lived. but once i realised this label worked far better for me than any other label in the lgbtq spectrum, i was like, yes! i found it! i found me. and i have never found anything contradictory to the label that i found for my sexuality. so that’s gr8 m8 8/8 coz that gave me the feeling of security of knowing myself, and i could read up on similar experiences through other asexual people online and not feel like i’m just immature for my age or whatever crap people think of asexuals (i didn’t read what aphobes on tumblr have to say because why would i want to make myself upset when i’m just living my life...).
whoops i rambled but YEAH SO I’M ASEXUAL. (thanks tumblr for introducing this concept to me, for once, because without tumblr i would just be confused and irritated i’m not feeling things that i “should”)
as some of you might know, if you’ve done some digging about your sexuality, a common theme that pops up in explanations is the distinction between romantic attraction and sexual attraction. i already got the latter nailed down, hooray for me.
what’s romantic attraction then? this question would push me down the rabbit hole and end in me still pummelling but now into a bottomless water body where the surface i hit is the question, “what’s LOVE, then?”
i lazily decided i wouldn’t need to deal with romantic attraction if i never experienced it, so i just didn’t define my romantic orientation. lol. i mean, i only had a crush once in my life and that was when i was 9-years-old but that little “infatuation” lasted for about 10 years because that’s how fixated i get on things (and as it turns out, people) i favour LMAO so...?? during the period of my asexuality discovery and general maturation, i figured i only liked him for that long because of the IDEA of what i THOUGHT he was like --- i didn’t speak to him for extended periods of time during those 10 years, so clearly who my heart wants isn’t him, but just what i thought he would be like (something like the “perfect man”, but mixed in with his “flaws” i knew i could tolerate, because he’s human too and i try to be reasonable).
and it was also then that i learnt Love was a Choice. SO. i let go. i still look up to him and stuff, but i’m not going to let that millennium-long crush take up unnecessary space at the back of my mind anymore.
i was putting my bets on grayromantic or demiromantic, but this time i wasn’t, and couldn’t be, as sure of my identification as i was when i knew i was asexual. i don’t know. i can’t say it’s because i yearn for affection because frankly speaking i can go without it, i can be quite detached and can remain that way for a long time. maybe it’s because i didn’t want to dismiss the possibility of experiencing a (generally) positive feeling poets wax lyrical about. i mean nothing wrong if you’re aromantic, but i felt like i had the CAPACITY to love romantically. whatever that meant.
k i’ve rambled enough. long story short, someone new caught my eye (not literally lmao looks ain’t shit to me), and i don’t know what to make of it. so here’s my confusion.
(pardon me for coming off like a 13-year-old with a crush, but i legitimately thought about all this shit over the past few weeks)
his personality is lively and charming (to me!). his humour isn’t totally in sync with mine, but i can still chuckle along. he’s not a toxic hetero dude (yeah low bar but i just had to put it out there), he supports the LGBTQ+ community (i don’t know his sexual orientation but it doesn’t matter to me). he has Intellectual Opinions that aren’t obnoxious or are spewed to seem like a smartass or edgelord. he puts effort into his endeavours, he has a good attitude in general. oh and here’s the best part: i can’t properly gauge if i caught HIS eye, but if i did, he’s not showing it in creepy ways that other boys have. (small example: we all stay in something like a hostel. i offer to buy a snack from the convenience store for this dude who happened to be studying in a common area on my level at 2am (lol what’s a sleep schedule m’pals), because i’m going to go there at that very moment. mind you this dude and i have only recently been acquainted. dude says no thanks. i’m like okay. i go to the convenience store. i picked my items from the shelf, turn around, and BAM, HE’S RIGHT THERE. “um didn’t you say you didn’t want anything?” “oh no i just thought of following you here. it’s late.” you think it’s sweet or some shit but no because the convenience store is located within the university grounds and our country has one of the lowest crime rates ever so the reason he was giving was pretty illogical, no one does this shit. now i’m socially obligated to feel thankful for your chivalry or some shit??? i hate that. these dudes don’t ever fucking consider the context of chivalry before acting on it, did you legitimately think i would be comfortable and safer with you, a mere acquaintance, “accompanying” me to the store. ugh. ok whoops i digressed.)
here i admit, my heart flutters when i see him. so now i ask myself... is this infatuation, or do i legitimately want to be in a romantic relationship with him? wait, what’s a romantic relationship? WAIT, WHAT IS LOVE? (tw1ce kpop fans gtfo of my post lmao)
i proceed to analyse my behaviour towards him to try to determine if it’s legitimate romantic attraction. heart flutter, check. stumble over words, check. spew dumb shit in front of him, check. try to subtly catch his attention in a group setting, check. actually play along with his teasing, check. actually initiating conversations with him with HIM as the subject, check. (please note that after one too many creepy dudes’ advances after i try to be friendly and open and bubbly and polite because that’s just how i am, i consciously made an effort NOT to ask questions about THEM in any conversation i had to engage in with them because i frankly dgaf about their lives and i don’t want to make them think i did. i only used to ask out of courtesy because they asked me something first. but now i’m like fuck that. in my current situation, i actually still do not really care about what he does if it doesn’t concern me LMAO, but i ask just to give the impression that i do.) wishing i could see him for one more time, check.
BUT WAIT! i could wave that away with the explanation that i’m infatuated with him. i don’t know what romantic attraction REALLY is, but i’m going to take a leap of faith and guess it entails stuff like, do i want him to be my confidante and vice versa, do i want to hang out with him at the end of a long day - is that more tiring for me, or is that going to be rejuvenating, etc etc i’m basically basing my expectations of a romantic relationship on behaviours of a happily and healthily married couple, which i suppose COULD be misguided, but i don’t know any better...
so, do i?
but FUCK, BECAUSE I DON’T EVEN KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION. i don’t know my own preference. “um yeah that’s why you date, to get to know the other person better and shit” ssSSHHH!! i don’t jump into Big Things like relationships unless i’m REALLY sure it’s not going to end in a disaster (plus depleted social capital that i could’ve avoided depleting... ugh We Live In A Society)
right now the issue i’m griping about isn’t whether i’m gonna end up happily ever after with him. i’m venting my confusion here because i don’t know how seriously i should take these feelings towards another person. it’s occupying a LOT of space in my mind and it’s honestly getting in the way (mental effort, time, focus) and i have other things to do. i just want peace of mind.
confusing emotions are useless.
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avitello28-blog1 · 5 years
The Story of Toni & Toyota
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Abby Vitello
22 February 2019
The Story of Toyota and Toni: Working Together for One Goal
In the 2019 Super Bowl, many ads were presented to a mass of people across the country, presenting many different products, stories & shows. Although many of the companies producing these ads had a cautious approach in regards to controversial subjects, some still provided the audience with a deeper meaning than what is shown. With the current events in the United States being mostly centered around race, immigration and Women’s rights, Toyota goes above and beyond to portray the gender and race issues throughout America in a subtle yet informative commercial about an aspiring athlete.  Amongst all the glamorous, celebrity packed commercials, a few companies honed in on “hometown heroes” stories. In midst of all these other commercials, Toyota implemented the hometown feels for their new RAV4 Hybrid. [1] While some may associate cars brand with mostly males, Toyota includes people of all genders, ages, and races in their latest commercial. This not only eliminates the idea that men are typically more worried about their cars, but also that cars can empower women. Toyota’s goal of this commercial is to diminish most of the gender stereotypes by revealing the way society views women of color, women in sports, and lastly how women carry themselves tells the story of who they are. While there are many races represented in the professional sport field, some of them are held to a higher standard than the rest and have a harder time showing they are just as successful as the rest.
As the commercial opens up, a young black women is shown loading sports gear and getting in the brand new Toyota RAV4 Hybrid. Scenes of the car driving flash by while scenes of Antoinette “Toni” Harris are played as well. In the scenes of her being a women and the athlete she has always aspired to be, she is seen wearing black and grey, baggy clothing. As she is a little girl in the neighborhood and a regular high school girl, she is shown in tighter, colorful clothing. The narrator begins to list off all the things people said about Harris, such as “she was told she was too little, too slow, too weak.” Harris was perfect for this advertisement because, just like the car, she is aiming to prove everyone wrong and show just how strong she is and how the hybrid car does not have to be a “weak” car. The car is shown basically overcoming these by speeding up a hill and being a bigger model of a hybrid. Both of these ideas, Harris and Toyota are meshed together in one commercial to prove a point of two “underdogs” coming together and making a brand new self, which is an improved version.  In a sense, they are comparing the stereotypes of  Harris to the ones said about Toyota as a brand itself.  Based on the commercial, both of them are defying the assumptions made on what they think women should say and do versus how a car should look and the functions of that car. Harris is seen getting a spot on the football team as a position other than a kicker and getting a football scholarship, all of which have not been done by women in past years. Along with making history in collegiate sports, Harris is able to spread her message on a large scale. Toyota is basically comparing the message of perseverance of an athlete to the perseverance of the car brand. Although  Toyota is not viewed as a “luxury” car brand, it brings a lot more to the table than most people think, which is similar to Harris’ athletic ability. By doing this, Toyota is alleviating stereotypes through Harris when she is seen driving their car, people will realize that not all car brands target men in their advertisements.  
In a deeper meaning of this commercial, Toyota is challenging the stereotypes of race and gender. Women typically not taken seriously when it comes to being athletes because some think that women are weaker and not capable of taking the same amount of physical exhaustion it requires to play sports. Although most women are genetically built smaller than men, they are still able to do the same things as men are doing in sports and everything else in life. As the young girls begin to grow up, the division between what things girls can do and what boys can do is very different. When boys are given toys or sporting equipment, it is usually monsters, trucks, legos and things that require building are more “masculine.” That being said, the way she is dressed when being portrayed as manly, or as “one of the boys”, she is dressed in the baggy clothes. This hints to the idea that even as a woman she is able to do what men are capable of doing too.  On the other hand, girls are given dolls, makeup and sparkly stuff that embraces the femininity of each toy. When is she is shown as a little girl, she is shown in both girly, tight clothing and football/workout attire. With such a contrast versus male and female clothing patterns, this is alluding to the idea of ending the stereotypes. In the still photo provided, Harris is seen with a black hoodie sweatshirt on and in a dress and heels, which conveys their ultimate goal of showing her as a strong female, just as the Hybrid does that can do both; be a trailblazing force and an empowerment of females. From an early age, they get this idea that boys have their likes and girls have theirs and they are not to mingle with each standard. When it comes to sports, girls and boys play similar sports except when it comes to football. This creates another barrier for girls while trying to coexist in a world with gender roles. Harris, in this commercial, is going against what everyone says against girls and sports. With the boys in the ad picking on her, it exemplifies how with a strong mindset, any girl or even women can get through the gender roles set by society. By using Harris in a mass audience, Toyota is assisting in breaking down the differences in genders. This is done by supporting the claim that Harris, being the first female professional football player, is comparable to what some people may consider to be a “girl” brand of car. Both defy the standards create a competitive environment.
The next component that Toyota uses to spread a deeper message in this years Super Bowl ad is the race of  Harris. She is shown being picked on by the other boys and then the next scene is her adding black face paint to her cheeks. At this moment in the commercial, Harris begins to work even harder to compete with the standards of the society. Often in today’s world African-Americans are misrepresented due to the way the media is portraying them to the rest of the masses. In this Toyota ad, Harris is pushed to overcome both her gender and skin color stereotypes. The underlying message in regards to race is that no matter what anyone says or tries to make another person do or not do, a strong, independent women will not back down. If anything, the doubts of others motivates them to do better and to prove the people wrong. African-American girls have to go through obstacles everyday and in a lot of activities they do throughout their lives. All the stereotypes she was held to throughout her life, she found a way to challenge them, whether it be working out more, practicing harder than the rest or in this case, driving a Toyota. Toward the end of the commercial, the narrator says “shattering perceptions.” With saying this, the audience can tie together the main argument of the ad and the story behind the car and commercial. By using a young, black girl, Toyota is raising the bar for other companies as to who they use to represent their company. Harris worked harder than any other athlete who was trying to go professional or even to the next level because she had to get through her gender barrier and overcome any ideas that others may have had because of her skin color.
Overall, Toyota’s 2019 RAV4 Hybrid commercial truly exemplified what the company stands for while promoting a new car. By telling her story, viewers are able to also see how just one girl with a dream can impact more than just the people around her. She was able to overcome most things people would not even try to do. According to the commercial, Toyota is “Built for Speed” which connects the criticism for Harris’ ability to continue her football career, to the car. Toyota is spreading a message of perseverance in a generation where when it gets tough, most just give up. Harris teamed up with Toyota to erase any ideas that society has pushed upon the group advertised by spreading her positivity and her perseverance in a world where everyone and everything is so heavily criticised. With so many different opinions on women in sports, Toyota nicely advertises their values a company and informs the public of their latest model in cars.
Toyota. “Toyota RAV4 Hybrid Super Bowl 2019 TV Commercial, ‘Toni’ Featuring Antoinette Harris.” Ispot.tv. 2019. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/IS18/toyota-rav4-hybrid-super-bowl-2019-toni-featuring-antoinette-harris-t1#.
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thezomblr-blog1 · 6 years
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NAME .      Brian. NICKNAME(S) .      Bri, asshole, fuckbench, Bri-guy, etc ALIAS(ES) .      Only those he uses for work when he has to. Aliases that he tosses out right after. AGE .      Only been active for the past 4 or 5 years. Although judging from his looks he could have been 20 or 21 before he ‘died’. BIRTHDATE .      He woke up December 21st  BIRTHPLACE .      Woke up in the desert just outside Reno Nevada  GENDER .     Male ORIENTATION .     panromantic pansexual . SPECIES .     [ REDACTED ] ( he actually has no idea what he is. That terrifies him. Most people assume he is a zombie or a ghoul -- but he knows that doesn’t quite fit.) OCCUPATION .      student. professional hitman. SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS .      working class. CURRENT RESIDENCE .      shitty bottom floor apartment in the rough side of  Monstropolis. He has a nice porch backing onto a park though.
PARENTS .      He doesn’t know who they are. He might not have known in “life” either. Wink Wink nudge nudge.   UPBRINGING .      He was raised in [ REDACTED ] as a [ REDACTED] for [ MEMORY TERMINATED ] BIRTH ORDER .      None. SIBLINGS .      None. PETS .      Ugly - a Barghest that followed him home one day. She’s less of a pet and more like a roommate. Sometimes she leaves for weeks at a time to go do her job as a death omen and drag souls down to Hell. He does find it amusing given his line of work that he’s attracted a death omen to his door step.
MORAL ALIGNMENT .      lawful good    /   neutral good   /   chaotic good    /    lawful neutral    /    true neutral    /    chaotic neutral    /    lawful evil    /    neutral evil   /   chaotic evil    . RELIGION .      None. Is disdainful of religion as a whole. His best friend is a demon too which doesn’t warm him to any sort of Judeo-Christian or Abrahamic religions. Just generally doesn’t trust it as a whole.   PHILOSOPHY .      cynicism    /    idealism    /    realism    /    apathy . SINS .      greed    /    gluttony    /    sloth    /    lust    /    pride    /    envy    /    wrath . VIRTUES .      chastity    /    charity    /    diligence    /    humility     /    kindness    /    patience    /   justice . SECRETS .      He’s got quite a few. He’s after all for the first time let someone ( @hellrager ) into his home. None of his friends even knew where he lived for the longest time. His other major secrets include -- his lack of a sense of touch. It gets so bad sometimes he can barely walk. He hides this major weakness do to his rough lifestyle (while it also explains it). He can’t remember anything about his life before or why he woke up outside of Reno of all places. This scares him. He has no idea WHAT he is. Which is even more terrifying. He has night terrors almost every night -- but even if he were to tell someone about this -- he can’t remember what they are about when he wakes up. Only that he’s terrified. He’s scared that whatever made him will eventually come back for him. Which is why he pushes away anyone who gets too close. He thinks that one day he might become a thrall to someone else’s will and believes that if he has less to lose... then when the time does come it wont hurt as bad. Lastly he wants to become a tattoo artist and do body mods. Although due to the last secret he doesn’t pursue it because he doesn’t think there is a point.  STRENGTHS .      creative , tenacious, determined, loyal, laid back, grounded, non-judgemental, supportive, adaptive, devoted to his friends, protective,  WEAKNESSES .      enigmatic , competitive , stubborn , wrathful, murderous, selfish, standoffish, introverted, impulsive, aloof, sadistic, liar, cunning     
KNOWN LANGUAGES .      English . EDUCATION .      All his education had been at [REDACTED] in ‘life’ and afterwards has been obtained at Spooky High.  MENTOR(S) .      Teachers at Spooky high. He’s also actually learned quite a bit about art from secretly watching @ciiclops work.  INTERESTS .      Tattoos, Scarification, body mods such as piercings or other cosmetic procedures (like dermals, or branding, or  gauges). Animals - he really is fond of animals in an almost cute way. Murder - something he genuinely enjoys taking part in. He’s unapologetic about it. It’s not just business - or because he has to. Brian kills people because he likes to. Making fun of shitty horror movies. Taking part in mass brawls.  
FACECLAIM(S) .      Canon appearance, for his human self Nicolas Brown from Gangsta. HAIR .      Black and surprising thick. It doesn’t have a proper style or anything right now. He cuts his hair himself when it starts to get in his way and that’s it. He doesn’t like strangers touching his scalp as it is the one place where he has retained a lot of feeling. EYES .     He’s got pretty long, almost feminine lashes. Thick like his hair. Black sclera with an icy silver iris.   SKIN .      Pale Green, at times almost ashen toned due to his blood being very dark. BUILD .     scrawny    /    bony    /    slender    /    fit    /    athletic    /    curvy    /    full - figured    / herculean    /    pudgy    /    average . HEIGHT .      6′0 WEIGHT .     I’m so bad with weights. Brian is however made of lean muscle tone. SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS .     many. Main ones are: on his face - his cheek has been ripped off. Also has a scar on the bridge of his nose. His shoulder is also torn. Parts of his spine are exposed as well. And on his chest he has three huge gashes from a werebear. Full scar listing is here.  CONSTITUTION  /  FITNESS .      He’s like a machine with how fit he is. He has a strict work out routine and as of currently never gets sick. His body doesn’t even decay. But it doesn’t heal either. He has to patch things up on his own with fleshcrafting magic.
DISH(ES) .      Brian is a carnivore. He only eats meat based dishes. He’ll eat other things occasional for the pleasure of the taste -- but tends to stay away from breads. He likes strong tasting foods. Spicy or Sour.  DRINK(S) .      Anything with alcohol in it . PIZZA TOPPING(S) .      meat lovers. COLOR(S) .     Black. Grey.  Dark Red. Browns. Silver. Gold.  MUSIC GENRE(S) .     classic rock. Metal.  BOOK GENRE(S) .     horror, action adventure, lore books. MOVIE GENRE(S) .      horror, action.  CURSE WORD(S) .      fuckstick, cunt, bitch, fuck,  SCENT(S) .      fire, gun smoke, cigarette smoke, spicy scents, musky scents. Damien. QUOTE(S) .      “Talk Shit, Get Bit.” or “Whatever doesn’t kill me better start running.”
TOP , BOTTOM , OR SWITCH .      Switch. But he’s bottom leaning even if he wont admit it.  SINGS IN THE SHOWER .     VERY occasionally.  LIKES PUNS .      Yes. He can’t help himself. Murder + puns. yes. HOGWARTS HOUSE .      Surprisingly enough? He’d probably be Gryffindor because he is loyal, passionate, and an arrogant asshole. If not that then Sytherin - while he’s not ambitious which is what would keep him out of that house I think -- he IS cunning.  MBTI .      I really should do that test for my muses. It’s just so long I haven’t done it yet. TEMPERAMENT .      Angry at the world. Hostile towards strangers. Warm to friends.  ENNEAGRAM .     what?? ABILITIES  /  POWERS .      Brian is functionally immortal. This means that even if he is torn apart he can still survive the encounter. He one put himself halfway through a wood chipper to find out if he would die or not. It took him two weeks to put himself back together. Other than that he has super strength. Full posting of his skillset can be found here.  
tagged  by .    @seaprofound tagging . @hellrager @loveyourfears @doviilove @purpleshopkeep @shadow-of-fear-and-doubt / @lady-grey-vicky-blue / @a-poisonous-gamble @beesquad / @howlbrother @searegal @lioncovrt @a-goofy-zombie @just-scared-of-everything @oz-answers @ciiclops
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