#like i have so many ideas but it's like my brain cant focus on putting them into words
obwjam · 9 months
i humbly present: giant!spider-noir and tiny!peni parker
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anons, i am sure you are THRILLED that i am FINALLY getting around to your asks after a... decent amount of time lol and i still dont feel like i'm fully out of my g/t writers block but we take what we can get. everyone please enjoy some long-overdue peni and noir content 🫶
“Oh, no… kiddo…”
Peni didn’t know what to do. It was like all the air had been sucked from her lungs and her ears were ringing and her brain was going a mile a minute. The tiny girl continued to sob, head in hands, and the imposing figure of Noir could only look down in discomfort, for so many reasons.
First of all, he hated the way Peni looked so helpless and fragile as she simply sat on a tabletop. It was some experiment gone wrong, she told him – as she tried to find a way to retrofit the dimension-hopping bracelets without having to go through HQ, a calculation must have been off, or she just didn’t account for dimensional differences, because she landed right where she wanted to – in Noir’s world – but when she came to, everything was gigantic and she couldn’t handle it.
“I don’t… I don’t believe it… Peni…?”
It was starting to get dark out, but even in the middle of the day, there was no mistaking the flashing colors of the portal ripping open. Noir had sensed it and positioned himself right next to it, but… nobody emerged.
At least that’s what he thought. As he glanced down in deep thought after the portal collapsed in on itself and disappeared, something was nagging at the back of his brain.
Something familiar… intertwined with burning fear.
Peni, for her part, didn’t even know what was going on. Her bracelet showed that she was exactly where she wanted to be – Earth 90214.
So why did everything feel so… heavy?
Maybe it’s because this place was devoid of any color, and that always threw her for a loop. No, no, that’s not it. She’s been here before, and that never truly bothered her beyond the cosmetics. Maybe her calculations were slightly off, and the inter-dimensional journey was particularly taxing this time.
She got to her feet and immediately wobbled, blinking rapidly as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing. This is weird… I can’t see a thing.
The first footstep was like thunder. Peni winced, shutting her eyes on instinct as she staggered backwards. The subsequent footsteps were no better, and she soon found herself dizzy as she spun around trying to figure out what was happening.
Noir’s heart lurched at the tiny girl’s reaction. He hated the way she looked so helpless on the ground, and his chest suddenly filled with a cocktail of stress, anger and the pure urge to protect.
Through her disorientation, Peni was able to discern that the dark shadow that was cast over her was suddenly getting darker. The sinking feeling of being loomed over was almost overwhelming her spidey senses, but something told her she had to look up.
She didn’t expect the massive, imposing figure of Spider-Noir to be right in front of her.
Her eyes widened as she realized what was going on. No – no – this can’t be happening – how did this happen! – I – I can’t let him see me like this!
“Peni, wait!” Noir cried as the tiny girl took off, forgetting how loud his voice was to her now. “It’s me, it’s Noir! Wait!”
Peni sprinted as fast as her little legs would take her. No time to look back, she thought. I’ve got to get out of here.
Noir’s heart sank. Peni was clearly desperate to escape. He just couldn’t let her do that. The world was dangerous enough for a normal spider person, but now that one of them could fit in the palm of his hand? It was a disaster waiting to happen.
Peni was so focused on getting out of there that she didn’t notice Noir bending down to snatch her up. It wasn’t until his fingertips practically brushed her back did she notice, and by then, it was too late.
A piercing scream echoed up from Peni, causing Noir to wince as he slowly lifted his tiny friend up from the ground. He cringed at the way she kicked and screamed and punched to try and escape, but he knew he had to do this. He did his best to ignore her protests, plopping her in his palm as gently as he could before curling his fingers over her, shrouding her in darkness.
Inside, Peni was panicking. Logically, being with Noir while she was now tiny was the best possible outcome, but everything about her current situation defied all logic. She desperately hurled her fist at the walls of her new prison, but she simply bounced backwards every time. She wasn’t even sure Noir could feel anything, considering he was wearing thick gloves.
Oh, Noir could feel it. Every small impact against his gloved hand sent a shiver down his spine as he ran back to his hideout. There were so many questions swirling around in his brain – questions he knew Peni would have the answer to… if she could work up the courage to talk.
After what felt like hours of movement, Peni felt Noir lurch to a stop. She swallowed and closed her eyes as light flooded her vision. Once she adjusted, her trembling eyes scanned her surroundings and horror filled her senses. She knew this place, but almost none of it was recognizable. Various weapons and pieces of technology looked positively alien, and almost everything looked like it was capable of killing her in an instant.
Thoroughly terrified and definitely embarrassed, she refused to meet Noir’s gaze as he took a seat and kept his hand hovering above the tabletop. Underneath his mask, Noir’s eyes were flickering to a new thing every few seconds – her panicked eyes, her heavy breathing, the small cuts and bruises she sustained in the crash landing.
“Peni… are… are you okay?” he finally asked. He didn’t want to startle her more than he already had, but even the rumbling of his voice made her cower. She crossed her arms and kept her gaze forward.
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to feel when he held her, but now that he had a moment to process the situation, he felt… protective. This was a tiny life he was holding, and he had all the power in this situation. His stomach jumped when he felt her start to tremble. She was at his disposal, and that was terrifying to Noir. He didn’t like thinking of her as helpless, and it was all exacerbated by the fact that she wouldn’t even look at him.
“Peni… please… I need you to talk to me.” He tried to conceal his own shaking voice. “Tell me what happened.”
Eventually, she did, but it took a lot of coaxing and a lot of waiting. Peni tried her best to repair her watch, but she was trying to exhaust every single option at her disposal to avoid having to admit what she did to Miguel. Noir did what he could to help, but mostly, he would just keep Peni company and reassure her that everything was going to be fine.
Today, things were not fine.
It had been nearly a month that Peni had been stuck like this, and it was starting to weigh down on her. She lay awake on the makeshift bed that Noir had made for her, staring up at the ceiling that was impossibly far away. Noir was off on a mission, and he insisted that she wasn’t allowed to come with him. It was too dangerous.
So she was alone.
For some reason, it felt worse today than any other day. She was tired – tired from working nonstop, tired at having to look up at everything, tired from trying to keep it together. She didn’t even get a good night’s sleep last night because, as much as he hates to admit it, Noir snores.
That, and she just had another nightmare.
She was in distress, couldn’t Noir see that? She thought it was obvious. Maybe he really didn’t notice, or he pretended not to because it made him uncomfortable. Like this whole thing didn’t make Peni uncomfortable! Why did he have to go on that stupid mission? She needed him here.
For the next hour, with her hands folded on top of her stomach, Peni lay there, staring, thinking. Every time she closed her eyes, she could see Noir’s gloved hand completely encompassing her vision and she grew smaller and smaller in its presence. The one person she felt that she could count on was a hundred times her size and could kill her in an instant. As much as she tried to take her mind off of everything, the same thing kept echoing in her head: My dad would know what to do.
She barely noticed when Noir returned, twisting gracefully down the pole from above ground and landing with a thud that normally would have made her jump. The spider giant brushed off his coat and glanced over at the tabletop, dismayed to see Peni still laying in bed.
He padded over and bent down to her height, squinting to see if she was awake or asleep.
“Hey, kiddo…” he said softly, afraid of startling her. “You, uh… you alright?”
To Noir’s surprise, Peni rolled over and glared at him before emphatically flipping around so her back was now facing him.
Noir’s eyes widened. It was moments like these that reminded him that she was just a teenager.
“Is... something bothering you?”
Peni didn’t answer, which was effectively an answer.
Noir racked his brain. It wasn’t like he had extensive experience dealing with teenage girls at a normal height. “Do you, uh… do you want to… talk about it?”
Peni let out a small humph, which just made Noir’s heart leap.
“Come on, kid, you can talk to me, you know that.”
Peni was utterly embarrassed, but she had no choice. It wasn’t like she could walk away. Slowly, she turned back toward Noir, whose expression brightened underneath his mask when her tiny, delicate eyes met his. Peni’s cheeks flushed red as she sat up and crossed her arms in protest.
“There. You happy now?”
“Hey, what’s gotten into you?” Noir asked, trying to sound genuine but instead sounding accusatory. A full day out in the field certainly wasn’t helping.
Peni was dumbfounded. “Oh, nothing, I’m just stuck like this and I don’t know how to fix it and I’m – I’m all alone!”
Noir felt a pang in his heart. “Alone? You… you have me.”
“You’re off on missions all the time, though!”
“Well, yeah! I have a job to do! I’m sorry, Peni, I… I can’t just stay home all the time because you want me to!”
Tears began to prick the corner of Peni’s eyes. Why was she so angry?
“It–it doesn’t matter, okay? Forget I said anything! You’re – you’re not my father, and you never will be!”
Both spider people gasped. Noir never thought of himself as her father – after all, he was only 19 years old, so he was more like an older brother. But he always felt this connection to Peni, however inexplicable, given the respective dimensions they each come from. He had this… insatiable need to protect her from the inherent trauma that all spider people experienced. Like he could shield her from all the pain he once went through. He almost forgot that he really couldn’t do that.
Once the first tear fell, the floodgates burst open. She could barely hear Noir go “Oh, no… kiddo…” from high above her, watching helplessly as the girl he saw as family was breaking down because of him.
“Peni, I…” Noir was at a loss for words. Consoling people was not really his strong suit. But something told him that right now, she didn’t need to be lectured at or reprimanded. She needed comfort.
Peni let out a small gasp when she suddenly felt herself being lifted. Noir had gently cupped his hands around her shaking form and, ever so slowly, brought her over to his chest and held her close.
The low drumming of Noir’s heartbeat was enough to snap Peni back to reality. She looked around to confirm that yes, she was being cupped in his hands and yes, he was holding her by his heart.
“It’s okay, kiddo. I gotcha,” his deep voice rumbled from above. The sound waves traveled with ease though his body and into hers, giving her a sense of grounding and warmth that enveloped her like a blanket.
With shaking hands, she was able to wipe the tears from her face until they no longer fell. She allowed the rhythm of his heartbeat to calm her down, and she felt her trembling begin to subside, too. Soon, she had brought her legs up to her chest and curled into Noir’s fingers, allowing herself to melt into his palms.
Noir had to bite his tongue to keep from awwwing.
They sat in silence for a while, with Peni focusing on her breathing and Noir trying his best not to move. Eventually, he felt her stretch out and twist up to look at him.
“Thanks, Noir,” she squeaked, barely audible even to him. “For being here for me.”
“Anytime, kid,” he said back lowly. “Look, uh. I know I’m not the best with… uh…”
Noir chuckled. “Yeah. Those. But, you know, you can come to me anytime… about anything. And you don’t have to talk, if you want, but –”
“–Noir,” she cut him off with a chuckle of her own. “I get it.”
“Oh. Good, good.” He fell into a comfortable silence. “Would you, uh, would you like to go lay down? On the couch?”
“I’d… I’d love to,” Peni replied between yawns.
Peni lightly bounced to the rhythm of Noir’s footsteps until the two were settled on the couch with no more words to be said. It was hard for her to realize but Peni wasn’t alone – she had Noir. Sure, she was somehow four inches tall in this universe, and the sheer darkness and drab of his dimension was in stark contrast to her entire existence… but she had someone to care for her, even if it wasn’t the exact way her dad did it.
That was new for her. But she could get used to that.
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justmwahstruly · 29 days
WH Zombie Au!!!
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*dead parts on the body are parts that can twist and bend unlike usual; essentially, the bone there is broken or missing, allowing the part to move however as the person pleases.
So!! The case with this au is that there are THREE basic types of person. There are the (losers) Uninfected, who are just normal people. Then there are the Feral, which are your stereotypical, people-eating zombies. Lastly, there are the Sentient, like Molly in this au! The Feral are often killed off for being dangerous, though some just have them locked up and fed with animals because they cant stand the idea of killing off someone they once knew and loved. Many Sentients can turn Feral, sometimes only temporarily (like Molly) and sometimes permanently.
I think the whole thing would center around this little diner with mostly Sentient employees and likewise mostly Sentient customers. Molly, Julie, and Howdy are employees there! Friendly for all, of course!
please, take a doodle where I didn’t fully draw Howdy bc i didn’t want to 🫶
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Many Uninfecteds tend to keep distanced from Sentients, since they obviously can go feral unexpectedly. Which is why mostly Sentients are customers at the diner.
For those exact reasons, Sentients often aren’t allowed to go to university and have important jobs like construction or medical if they have any history of going feral, because of the risk it puts the Uninfecteds. Sometimes they don’t even let them if they haven’t got any history of going feral, because what if they do? They deem it too dangerous.
(Also, the Feral don’t simply bite people or eat brains or whatever. They full on EAT PEOPLE. Hence the danger n stuff)
I think the AU would be people adjusting from the outbreak and the Sentients fighting for rights. Simple! (And also a slight focus on Molly trying her very best not to go completely feral because she has her moments. She’s doing her best)
So now, have some doodles!
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and also.,….,…. me n my homie @twolitwicksinatrenchcoat decided our ocs would be literally so wonderful for each other in this au and it’s great
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they love each other and i want to do more infodumping sbout them alone but later 🫶
I hope y’all enjoy this AU! It’s very fun and silly and it’s my newest hyperfixation as of right now heahhehahehah
(I’m lowkey nervous to post this hehe)
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showtoonzfan · 2 months
Just want to preface this by saying i love ur analysis sm- u put my exact thoughts into words when i cant verbalise whats wrong with a particular writing decision 🥲🥲
Anyway, smth ive noticed is how... little time vivzie actually spends on writing or characterizing or fleshing out her characters.
Which has to be the weirdest thing so far bc every writer and artist ive met agree that its the best part of making an oc! Its so fun to think of backstories and tie that into their current personality and generally just figuring out random details to get to know your characters!
Like, my ocs are my best friends, i know everything abt them from their trauma and childhoods, to their favourite food and music.
But time and time again she proves that her characters are at best acquaintances... the fandom fleshes out the characters so well and with so much love and care and thought that vivzie herself cant do and its just sad.
Not even mentioning the hundreds of retcons and how characters will just change personality randomly or act out of character which results in the work feeling like a fanfic of itself. (Ironic considering some fanfics have better and more consistent characterisation)
It feels like shes making it up as she goes, instead of having an actual plan. Just shoving random ideas she likes or picks up from the much more creative fandom into the 2 shows without actually stopping and thinking abt the consequences or implications.
Theres so many decisions shes made that irk me so bad... the ideas individually have potential but they either dont fit the show or have to make huge retcons and result in the plot not making any sense.
Also, ngl but she has the worst case of tell dont show ive ever seen my god 😭😭 like... you realise you have to show things instead of just fucking singing it or having a character say it??? Or is that another thing that the fandom has to do so they can convince themselves that the show has good characters??
Atp idk how to salvage the show... i keep finding more and more plotholes and unless i literally turn my brain off and only focus on haha funny dick joke or pwetty colors, these questions keep popping into my head making it a painful unenjoyable experience.
Again, if the fandom has to justify your bad nonsensical hypocritical worldbuilding then you failed. Massively.
Anyway im very sleepy rn just wanted to rant a bit bc im a writer and artist myself and it pisses me off how someone gets their show on the air and still doesnt care abt putting in effort into their plot or characters beyond aesthetics and random ideas that dont go well together...
You’re speaking facts! And it’s honestly like..kinda funny too that people who have their own OC’s can flesh them out and deep dive into their arcs/backstories ect, yet a professional showrunner who’s had these characters for YEARS can’t even give the majority of her characters flaws or quirks, or even consistency, same goes for Helluva Boss.
Viv is a really good example at letting inspired writers know what not to do when making a story and characters so at least they have that lol.
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megamindsecretlair · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin , im never sure if ppl look forward to whats upcoming from me, but these keep me honest 🤣😭
Step one: Post snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet)
Step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on, then prioritize the one with the most votes.
Step three: Ask me about my WIPs! Don't be shy, I love talking about my fics! We don't create or share in a void, we want to hear from you lovelies!
Well, Mega, what can we look forward to 👀
1) Beauty and the Beast Inspired Stunna: I have severe Yahya Abdul Mateen II brainrot and baby, 🥲 the way I want to write literally everything for him. This will be a precursor to a novella I wanna write with original characters and lots more action, but Id love extra feedback for it. It will have vampires, toxic staff, and naughty bits.
2) Mea Culpa: I have been debating how much time I wanna dedicate to rewriting that monstrosity of a movie 🤭 okay, thats not fair. The idea was there, the execution wasn't because TP wouldnt know what's sexy if it slapped him in his face. Who am I fooling? I won't be satisfied until I write the whole thing and satisfy my brain. So yeah, prepare for a rewrite according to what I would've done. Think corruption kink, think court drama, think Zyair being the toxic mess we know and love.
3) Mob Boss Tyrone: I feel like ive been teasing this for years 🥲😭🤣 and thats because the ask was specifically for a one shot and I plotted out 7 parts 🤭🤣 at this point, yall know how I am. I tried to conform to short fics for my sanity and I just cant 🤷🏽‍♀️ some ideas require one part, some require several. It will include hella angst, hella smut, hella toxcity, but at the end of the day, hes always going to love his baby girl. I also think im going to switch it to Fontaine chuz thats a prettier/grittier name and would suit the story better.
4) A Watchmen fic for Cal (Yahya): lissen, ive finally went back to finish Watchmen. Not because it was a bad show, but because it requires 100% of my focus and I aint had it. But for Yahya? Ill make the time. I feel like that is 100% a soft dom and I just wanna be his cute lil princess, sue me 🤷🏽‍♀️ I love a man I can't tell what to do 🤣
Theres more but for the sake of brevity, Ill keep it at the 4 most occupying my brain at the moment. Soooo, which one yall want first? And yes 🥲 im aware of how many series I need to update 🥲
No pressure tags: @nerdieforpedro @harmshake @notapradagurl7 @ellethespaceunicorn @miyuhpapayuh
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draconic-hazard · 10 months
Im bored and currently afflicted with terminal brain rot so here is my post about Which TMA Entity I Think WordGirl Characters Would Belong To. This post caters to me and me only bc idk how many wordgirlies like TMA
I might make another post later with more characters if i feel like it
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Becky Botsford, AKA Wordgirl - The Eye
Lets put aside her superpowers for a second and focus on her main shtick: Words. It seems like she knows every word in the english language. Eye avatar behaviour 👁️👁️.
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Dr Two-Brains - The Corruption
Alright some may disagree with me but hear me out. First of all he’s a mouse, which are generally associated with filth and disease and other nasty corruption things. Secondly, he has a second brain attached to his head. One could argue he and Squeaky have a parasitic type of relationship, classic calling card for the Corruption. Thirdly (and admittedly the weakest point on this list) he eats cheese and only cheese, which is basically just edible mold
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The Butcher - The Flesh
Do… do i need to explain? Meat is his whole thing. I wish i could write more but like. This is pretty much self explanatory
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Granny May - The Web
The web is all about manipulation, and Granny May has this down pat. Every single episode with her in it she is making people trust her because ‘oh look shes just a sweet old lady she cant possibly be robbing the banks 🥺🥺🥺’. Also her main attack is her yarn balls which some could argue is similar to the spiderweb thing that most Web avatars have going on
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Mr Big - The Web
Ok so i have less of an argument for him than i did Granny May, but! There is still a case here. Mind Control is his thing, his brand, heck its even in his company’s mission statement. That sounds like Web behaviour to me. Also he’s a capitalist and name one thing more manipulative than capitalism
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Tobey McCallister III - The Extintion
WAIT WAIT WAIT HEAR ME OUT! Tobey is all about robots, and destroying things with said robots. Now that may sound kinda slaughter-y, but a lot of the times the episodes conflict is also about Tobey thinking robots can do a better job and everything than humans, be it painting, sports, or even being his mom. One part of the Extinction that is slightly overlooked imo is the idea that after the apocalypse, a new, and inhuman species will inherit the nuclear wasteland of an earth we’d leave behind. And who else to rule that wasteland than an army of giant robots? Plus he’s the youngest of the (main) villains, which could be a little nod to the fact that the extinction is the newest of the fears
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Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy - The Buried
This one was kind of a struggle, because sandwiches aren’t very scary so how would one draw a connection to fear entities there? But i believe i have a case here. So! His main attack is his condiment gun, which sprays mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise, which seems to solidify around the target, thus trapping them as they are unable to move. Plus, a machine that we see him use several times in the series is his giant sandwich press, which works by crushing down a target. Awful lot of claustrophobia, wouldn’t you say? Also idk why but he has the same vibes as i feel most buried avatars have (no offence intended)
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soloorganaas · 2 years
Talk dirty to me about Sirius Black and bpd
I've been headcanoning the Blacks (Walburga, Sirius and Regulus all) as bipolar but I've been too. cautious? to write them as such explicitly
but I'd like to
anon my beloved im sorry this took me so long but it gets me in the FEELS talking about bipolar sirius so i gotta ration it out
(i'm gonna make a separate post about writing sirius/the house of black generally as bipolar bc i know its something people are cautious about and is worth discussing itself)
okay heres some little bipolar sirius headcanons. cw for some intense mental health stuff
when sirius is manic as a kid he associates that come down with clashes with his parents. and bc he knows its going to happen he makes it happen. he pushes the boundaries as far as he can and chases the adrenaline and ends up in huge fights until he's locked up in his room, which he will forever associate with a terrifying, all-consuming sadness
he doesn't REALISE that other people's families dont have breakdowns every other week and when he does figure it out he just puts it down to his family being uniquely crazy bc they're just evil like that
he has absolutely zero emotional regulation which gives him a quick reputation of being dramatic and over the top so he leans into it hard
he has more intelligence than he knows what to do with and if he doesnt have something to do with it he'll direct it towards self-destructiveness instead
james is one of the best things to ever happen to him for this reason. james is just as smart and high energy and bc they both obviously have adhd they cant sit and focus on anything that isnt extremely interesting and rewarding (so not classes) for a single moment. thus the most daring and ingenuitive pair of pranksters is born
james is the first and for a long time only person to see sirius when he slips into deep depression. he never for a second judges. after a couple of years he knows how to predict it, and is already waiting with food that will drag sirius out of bed, pranks to plan at the back of the classroom that stop him missing so many classes it raises eyebrows, and an endless stream of jokes and games and distractions that stop sirius sinking into his head too much
james understands sirius at his highs and is there for him at his lows, but remus is the first person who truly understands how deep and dark those lows go
part of the reason sirius is so entranced with remus is bc they share a darkness inside of them they're determined to hide bc the world already expects it to mean they're evil
sometimes when sirius is especially manic to the point of losing his mind he wonders if he is
full moons are oddly the most regulating thing for sirius (which he would never ever admit to remus even if he had the words, but remus notices anyway) because it gives him a fixed, predictable up and down. one night a month he knows he can go wild and break the rules and let his energy out in the safety of his friends
sirius seems like he doesn't want to read bc most of the time he just doesn't have the patience. but whenever he's sitting at the back of the classroom or kept up at night or wandering aimlessly through the grounds and conjures up some idea by his brain working a mile at a minute that obviously needs to be explored, he will, at those points, spend hours upon hours pouring through books to find what he wants
this is large part of how the animagi idea comes up
sirius is on a high for most of september after finally leaving his house for his home. he crashes for most of october (the odd shift in seasons and long dark days don't help). he usually picks up by the time quidditch season and pre-halloween prank season begins
remus is the only one who can calm sirius down. bc he's calm himself, bc he actually understands why sirius is driving himself crazy from his own energy, bc sirius knows this and doesn't feel belittled or dismissed by remus
as such some of sirius's worst moments are when remus isn't speaking to him, or worse, is so angry he's terrified he's going to lose him, bc it's not just heartbreak, it's also his whole anchor
sirius was actually terrible at school until he met james bc he simply couldn't concentrate locked in a room for 8 hours with reg and his tutor. but james is exactly the same and they discover within a couple of months they can learn the entire syllabus partly through picking it up by ear through professors, partly the essays they finish in one sitting in the early morning hours before its due, but mostly through figuring out the magic themselves by pranking each other (and everyone else)
at some point snape does something to terrify the shit out of sirius so much he can't think straight. maybe snape threatens him, or james, or remus, or reg. whatever it is, sirius's mind narrows to the single goal of somehow terrifying snape even more than he did sirius, and he follows every ounce of manic adrenaline without heed to consequences to do so. this is the first time james is truly furious at sirius for something manic he did. it's not the first time remus is, but it's the first time sirius truly thinks he won't forgive him
sirius is more scared than anyone during the war, because he has absolutely no ability to regulate the extreme emotional onslaught he's subjected to. his only support network is remus, and remus simply cannot handle that alone
destroying relationships with people you love out of nowhere in a whirlwind of self-destruction is a peak bipolar symptom that's pretty much all i have to say about the war
sirius doesn't really have manic episodes like he used to during azkaban, bc they suck all of the good emotions out of him. but he does get occasional waves of frustration, of restless energy, of an urge to just do something. its quickly weighed down by the futility of it all, by the reminder he's lost everything and it's all his fault and there's nothing he can do. until he sees peter's photo in the prophet, and from then on he is single-mindedly devoted to that task. there's no sense of what's possible or dangerous or his own limitations, just a manic drive to get out of here
mania is pretty much what drives sirius over the next few months bc he hasn't felt it in so long its uncontrollable. he would never cross hundreds of miles, evade the ministry, track harry down, keep himself alive without it. but he also spends most of that time as a dog because his human thoughts are just too much
he falls into deep deep depression as soon as he stops running which coincides with the exact time someone convinces him he needs to stay locked up in grimmauld place for his own good
now however its 1995, and even if the wizarding world remains stuck in time, the muggle world actually knows what bipolar disorder is. remus, who spent a good amount of the past fourteen years living in the muggle world with chronic depression, and andromeda, who grew up surrounded by people with a similar condition to sirius, is also well connected with the muggle world, and has a husband who's a healer, both figure out that sirius is very ill. sirius is proud and stubborn and also utterly uncaring about his own wellbeing whilst harry is in danger, but remus and andromeda are used to all of this and know how to get sirius the help that he needs, and the result is that he actually does
there are potions for growing bones there are absolutely potions to regulate moods
everything is shit and impossibly hard to deal with for a long long time, not least because azkaban alters your brain so much you have to rewire it through endless positive reinforcement to get anywhere close to healing, and who can do that in a war? but now he has actual medical help, and words for what's going on in his brain which is brilliant now he's actually certifiably crazy moony, but there's so much relief at some point he breaks down crying bc finally he understands even a small part of all the madness people have accused him for a lifetime of
remus is still his anchor even if it takes months to get to a place where they can trust each other beyond loyalty to the order and to harry, and much longer to be as vulnerable as they were before 1981. but when they get there its a thousand times better because now they know themselves and each other enough to slowly, slowly build the stability and peace they both always needed
harry has a kid who has adhd and sirius is the first person to figure it out ❤️
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stiffyck · 1 year
Ya know what I give up. I can't focus on TIES enough to write this, my brain keeps going back to Boatem. Hit me with it Stiff! I'm ready to have yet another AU in my brain while I'm supposed to be doing math! :D
Not sure if you wanna hear about the DP au or the Phantom scar au but i have thoughts for both.
danny phantom au: the phandom already loves itts angst and oh boy have you seen how many vivi/dissection fanfics there are??? Danny getting cut open by his own parents because they dont believe ghosts feel pain???? Apply that to scar.
Thats a quick thought, but you know the episode of DP where danny future version kidnaps his family and friends and threatens him and stuff???? Imagine scar seeing himself in the future. Imagine scar thinking hes gonna he a hero in the future! Still saving people! But then he gets hit the reality that hes the villain. Hes the one people have to be protected from. He's the one people fear and scream when they see him.
Imagine scar seeing himself, with no human half. Its just a vengeful ghost who enjoys hurting and killing people. The same people hes supposed to protect.
Another thought: imagine scar constantly having to hear and see his parents talk about ghosts like theyre unfeeling evil spirits. Talk about hotguy like hes the same.
I just have a lot of thoughts about this sncjfkskss
Now the phantom au: scars wings being all torn and messed up. He hides them and he doesnt want to deal with them.
Now imagine grian seeing his wings and actually taking care of them. Grian preening his wings.
He carefully straightens them put, touches them so gently as he works them back into the correct shape. As he bandages and takes care of all the tears with such delicate touch-
Phantom scar being intangible and wanting nothing more than to hug and cuddle jellie but he cant touch her... jellie trying to rub against his legs, trying to press her head into his palm but she cant...
Some of the phantom ideas were by my friends so go check them out:
@/whilmsy @/wren-pineapples and @/chemdisaster
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potatomountain · 9 months
So uh- what should i work on?
so proud i got a chapter out but now im sitting here staring at all my wips and ideas like "What write next?" and my adhd is putting me in a state of existential dread :')
Like i have too many options, and its so hard to focus on what i want to write cuz i cant pick and i wanna write them all T^T so uh, yall let me know what i should work on?
this might just be my brain being too tired cuz i did work 12 hours straight today and like- me tired but me wanna write T^T
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
for the fanfic asks: 1, 8, 13, 20, 23, 25, 29, 43, 46, 72, 79 💚
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike? most fics come to me in forms of dreaming while im trying to sleep, so yes. the one good thing about insomnia currently is that i get to rotate so many blorbos and scenarios in my head that i have a lot of content to write lol
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip. i have like. one current wip in docs that i might work on again at some point so here. technically its not a spoiler since its the whole premise of the fic buuuut
Tumblr media
13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently? pretty much always? i focus better when i have matching vibes, unless im having a sensory moment but usually then i cant really write either honestly. "puppet master" is my current playlist on loop, its just my two kip playlists combined into one to fit the mood of immortal fears lol
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics? pretty much all my stuff in canon divergent on some level honestly, so i guess aus? not in a very obvious sense of aus but yeah. tho i do love me some extra sad aus too, post apocalyptic aus my beloved.....
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest? middle part is the easiest, ending is the hardest cause i either never know when to end a story or how to end a story like. i want to have that final impact and sometimes its so hard to pinpoint where that should be. middle is just a good flow usually if i get that far and thats where all the good ideas usually happen so its my favorite <3
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)? probably the writing itself. like i can have a shit ton of good, even great ideas while brainstorming or outlining things, but usually the biggest things happen while im actually putting the words down. i really enjoy it when the story just flows and how it comes together. also i have discovered i absolutely loathe the editing part LOL
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of? personally i think i can bring emotions to life really well. be it happy or sad (mostly sad tho i love my sad depressed uncomfortable bitches), i feel like i have the words for them that fit
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet? hmmmmm i dont really know? i mean i have plenty of ideas sitting in my drafts and in my brain and stuff, but i dont really think i have a lot that i absolutely NEED to write. maybe that one bunnelope fic i wanted to do about a love potion gone wrong cause girls need to be gay or something
46. If you could only write one type of AU for the rest of your life, what would it be? once again - post apocalyptic au my beloved. anything that takes place "after the world ends" in one way or another is my shit. gimme all the post apocalyptic hell i crave for
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten? basically every time someone says i nailed a character im writing for the first time. cause i take a lot of pride and put in the effort to try to give them each their own voice and i study my materials and yeah. ..hence also why im so hesitant so often to write about new people cause i am a perfectionist when it comes to characterization especially ajksdnkjasd
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share? this we discovered last week to be a really functional advice so: if you dont know how to start writing a scene, put someone in a room. make them enter a space, and start from there - why are they there, who else is there, what is their purpose in that space, what is that space?
also first drafts dont need to be perfect, everything can be edited in post, even after you post the thing if youre planning on doing so. hell some published novels have typos in them, let alone nonsensical writing and storylines. you dont need to be perfect, as long as you are writing
and obviously you are your own audience first and foremost. write for yourself yo fuck the rest (unless the rest are into it too then thats great but you should still write for yourself first and consider everything else second lol)
fanfic writing asks ~
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starwell-tarot · 1 year
hello darling!!! 🐿️🐢
hope your gloomy day still went pretty well, tell me about it!
some advice i can concentrate better on - as a mentionned yesterday it is definitly true that i like challenge and i got motivated by the idea of trying to find a way to make concentrating in class smth stimulating for my brain ofc i still need to find ways to it right but its a really charming idea to me! i also need to focus at home and get work done there to be able to concentrate better in class so its a whole process that im ready to try out with the method your proposed to me
motivation - feeding my soul, how poetic wow it is true that im very lucky to study what im studying rn and its actually stuff that are useful in life and if i dont find it interesting then maybe it can still be informations that i can share with others right? there is an enormous amount of material in every law classes so i wont be able to memorize everything but your advice made me see things differently and i actually want to try to remember most of it on the LONG TERM and not only for exams! once again it is an advice that really speaks to me and that i will think about when studying
balance - i actually LOVE lists/ plannings/ etc like writing everything i want to do for the day and packing my schedule with many different stuff like seeing many friends, doing productive stuff for school, doing my hobbies it really helps me see how i spend my time and share out the different things i do (so i dont do the same thing over and over again) and i cant believe i FORGOT about it like i actually stopped doing it and i forgot i am so grateful for this advice
relationships - my friends often complain that i dont share intimate things with them like my daily problems and all but i actually just dont see what they could do about it? anyway i still struggle with these things i'll try to question myself more often to see whats the right thing to do for everyone when im in a bad spot like you adviced
avoid stress - im really not good at dealing with negative emotions lmaooo its also gonna be a challenging point i'll try to believe as much as i can that stress is not an end its just a signal just like you said once again thank you for your works i'll try my best
self care - its so beautiful! i live in the city so im not that much in contact with nature but its true that whenever i go help my grandmother in the countryside it feels refreshing i just need more time to do so! now that i know its smth that could help me i'll keep that in mind and prioritize doing in these situations! im a taurus after all! even tho earth is only my third dominant element im an earth sign lmao
words of encouragement - everyone seems to be wrong about everything its crazy ajkdhdbnzev i really should be more humble its a problem but anyway yes even tho i think some people are stupid deep down i'll still take their opinion into consideration just in case when in fact i shouldnt with your advice i'll try to accept that sometimes peoples advices just arent for me and maybe they'll help someone but its not my case! thanks
daydreaming - yes in my experience heavy daydreaming has been because STRESS, bored in my life and obligations i have that i dont want to do the problem is that it really put me in problematic positions everything comes down to stress at the end so if i understand how to deal with my stress i wont feel the need to escape like this :/ i'll definitily think about your advice and when i notice im starting to daydream heavily ill try to ask myself why and to resolve the issue
THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR READING!!!!! everything really spoke to me and ill make sure to apply it well in my life from now on i'll think about your kind words and do my best!
Hello! My gloomy day was comfy 😁
Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a lengthy feedback 🖤 it means a lot and it's very helpful.
I'm also glad to hear you're enjoying the perspectives and ideas the cards gave 🤔
I went on a whim with the challenge thing and then I was like ... Wait a sec .. didn't they say they have Aries placements? It just clicked at that point. I knew i was right on the money 😂
I was so taken aback by that high priestess card. Truth be told I too had the same mentality in high school! I studied just to know things. To grow wiser as an individual. (Went to a science college (it's a high school despite the name)) So I can kinda see it! Law is very very broad of a subject and there's a lot to study. But it's also so so useful in life! I actually had some law students save my ass when I had a very bad boss at a workplace once they helped me with the contract lol So yeah i definitely think you can become very wise as a law student!
Glad I can help you get back to your lists, too! And uhm, I don't think any human is ever GOOD at dealing with negative emotions. I mean, they're meant to make us uncomfortable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But being gentle and understanding and honest with yourself does make it better!
And I mean yes I see your point. Maybe your friends will not be able to DO anything about your problems but here's the thing. Keeping things hidden creates more stress in the human mind. It's like an extra layer. It's not just "I'm frustrated and confused" It's "I'm frustrated, confused, and keeping it to myself." If you talk to someone, it gets easier 😁 Plus, talking about what goes on inside your mind can actually put you on the spot in such a way you unconsciously organize your thoughts and find the answers yourself. (Like those scenes in movies when a character goes to rant to another one and they literally spend the entire time talking to themselves, giving themselves advice and thanking the other person although they did absolutely nothing 😂)
Literally when I was doing your reading i had "Go touch some grass, bro." In my head 😂 But yes, as an earth sign you probably could feel so much more grounded and peaceful if you interact with nature. 😁
And just wanted to remind you I answered your ask about the double interpretation tarot reading and you can send it to me anytime!
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fandxmslxt69 · 5 months
🤔 + 💥
HI CUTIE !!!!!!!!!
🤔 Are there any new characters you want to write about?
girl i just want to finish 1 Marc Spector fic so I can let my boy rest in peace. I HAVE SO MANY CHARACTERS I WANT TO WRITE ABOUT!!! I want to finish my Daredevil fic. I want to write that stupid Marc Spector fic. I'm constantly plagued by thoughts of Jonathan Levy I need to put them on paper or i will explode!!!! it absolutely does not help that the silly discord server is constantly feeding me thoughts and ideas abt so so many characters, i feel my brain frying!!!!
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
oooooh my fucking god ahaha okay . OKAY I HAD TO LEAVE THEM TO DO NOW CUZ IT WAS SO LATE LAST NIGHT okay okay hmmm. Oh, well obviously there's the infamous Loki Throne Smut that i literally talk about to all my Loki moots here yet it has not seen the light of day (it has literally. been a work in progress for A YEAR.) one day one day one day I will actually finish it and then. I will rest knowing i've satisfied my fantasy. It's HELLA long though lmao i cant stop myself from including banter in my fics and SOME plot so it went from PORN to Plot Banter and a side of Porn. WHOOPS ????
Other than that, i've got another Loki song-fic series I actually need to work on??? Whoops. I can't focus enough on anything else now bc I started working on an old fic series (like ANCIENT.) again and I've become obsessed and so now I have tunnel vision. Sorry folks :/
i actually do not know if that answered the question. I usually don't write series or plan any of my fics- series mostly bc I literally cannot keep up and when I DO work on one (for example this old one im reworking and loving) i typically leave to myself.
there's definitely a lot of other stuff i'm excited to write but thats out of fanfics so i'll shut up here lmao
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purplespaceace · 3 years
very few characters actually have adhd in media, and when they do, what people mean by that is just that they fidget a lot, not that they have adhd. the only character with adhd I can think of where I’ve watched/read it and I’ve gone, “oh, this character actually has adhd” is Jake peralta from Brooklyn 99. so, here’s my take on how to write adhd, with examples from Brooklyn 99.
I’ll do the best I can to separate them into three categories; the three things people look for in adults with ADHD, which are rejection sensitivity dysphoria, an interest-based nervous system, and emotional hyperarousal.
I’ll also randomly bold and italicize bits so people with ADHD can actually read it.
Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria, or RSD
Rejection sensitivity dysphoria makes people with ADHD overly sensitive to criticism, even if they perceive a rejection and there actually isn’t one. Their emotions are also very strong generally. Because of RSD, people with ADHD become people-pleasers and can develop anxiety because they’re so eager to please.
For me, RSD makes me cry an embarrassing amount for any little reason. in your writing, make your characters overdramatic, criers, and/or people-pleasers. They’ll have trouble saying no. They may also be over competitive, as their perceived rejection may include losing.
how does Jake show this in b99? When Jake comes up with a catchphrase and Rosa says it’s terrible, jake is far more hurt than he should be. He hates losing, and he gets overly upset whenever someone says they don’t like him or don’t trust him, etc. he’s also a people pleaser who has trouble saying no.
An interest-based nervous system
An interest-based nervous system includes hyperfocuses and an inability to pay attention. It stems from the fact that we can’t make as much dopamine as neurotypicals. This means that while neurotypicals get dopamine after completing a task, people with ADHD don’t. That means that people with ADHD don’t have any reason to do tasks, especially those they don’t like. This leads to executive dysfunction—people with ADHD will know they have to or want to do something, but they can’t seem to do it. people with ADHD hyperfocus on things that bring them dopamine. I was obsessed with warrior cats for three years. But hyperfocuses can also last a short amount of time—I’ll have a drawing idea in the middle of class and won’t be able to concentrate on anything else before I finish it. this is where our impulsiveness comes from. we can leap into things we think will give us dopamine without thinking, which can lead to injury. We also tend to tell people personal things they don’t want to hear because of this, and don’t have very good boundaries. We sometimes say whatever comes into our head, which can also result in us being rude on accident. Our voices can also get very loud or we can interrupt people frequently because we’re so impulsive. When people with ADHD hyperfocus, they can forget about anything else. I’ll forget to eat if I’m busy reading a Wikipedia article about feminism in the 1850s, and won’t go to the bathroom or drink water either. It’s also important to note that taking away distractions doesn’t help, because we can do things like pick at our skin and daydream—something that people with ADHD do a lot of. Because of executive dysfunction, people can call people with ADHD lazy or irresponsible.
people with ADHD can also be extremely indecisive because ADHD affects our executive functioning, and making decisions requires planning and prioritizing, and task initiation, which are both executive functions!
people with ADHD also have poor memory for important things, but tend to remember random bits of trivia. Poor memory leads to object permanence problems, which means people with ADHD can forget to call a friend back for weeks, forget that they need to read library books in a closed cabinet, or forget that the vegetables they got will go bad. People can sometimes say that people with ADHD don’t care about anything because of this.
people with ADHD can also be prone to depression because of under or overstimulation. Boredom feels painful for people with ADHD. If we’re overstimulated, we can experience sensory overload—if things are too bright or too loud, if too many things are touching us at once—often it’s not because the thing is too intense, but because too many things are happening at once.
We also have something some people call dolphin brain, where we jump from one thing to another. From the outside, it looks really random, but I find that when I’m talking to another neurodivergent communication is generally easier. For instance, someone with ADHD might see a bee at a baseball field and tell their team about the time they saw whales at seaworld because their little brother was also stung by a wasp there. people will see no connection on the outside, but it makes perfect sense to the person with ADHD.
people with ADHD can also be overachievers, either because they hyperfocus on schoolwork or their RSD makes it so that failing at something isn’t an option. people with ADHD can also be very controlling and stubborn, probably because we hyperfocus on something and cant handle it being any different, and any change to our plans can be seen as rejection.
we can also have a hard time ordering our thoughts or doing stuff like math in our head. a lot of the time I number my thoughts like, 1. this reason, 2. this reason, etc. even if theres only two or sometimes I just need the 1. as a transition for my brain. when I don’t write it down or organize it like that it feels like I’m trying to grasp ropes that have been covered in oil (it’s not going to happen) and then my brain gets all jumbled and I have to restart at the beginning. this is probably just me, but it feels the same way when I’m reading long paragraphs of something uninteresting, or even short bits of historical documents because the way they phrase things is really pompous and hard to process.
also, stuff like caffeine calms us down and helps us focus. people who don’t take medication (me) often drink coffee or caffeinated sodas to focus.
another random tip, but if your character with ADHD also is genderfluid or genderflux, they might have a hard time figuring out their gender sometimes, because we can be known to have a hard time putting our feelings into words or our brains will just go, “nope, not thinking about that right now” and move on, which can be pretty frustrating.
people with adhd also have a trait called time blindness, where we have no idea how long something takes and therefore can’t manage our time very well. this often results in us being late or just sitting around the house because we got ready way too early.
we also have something called consequence blindness—we do things and are completely unaware of the consequences. if I don’t brush my teeth, I get cavities. but I don’t think about that when I’m deciding I’m too tired to brush my teeth.
in b99, jake regularly stays up all night solving cases and watches documentaries on random topics. He’s also very distractible—when they’re trying to find the person who sent Captain Holt death threats in the train yard, Jake says he and captain holt should take a train trip together sometime. Jake says that he’ll forget Amy if they don't work together because he’s like a goldfish.
Emotional hyperarousal
This is the only thing people tend to include when writing characters: the fidgeting. People with ADHD tend to need more stimulation than others, so we’ll do things like draw during class and chew on pens.
people with ADHD can also have apd, or auditory processing disorder. we tend to watch shows with subtitles on and may take a second to process what you’re saying, or hear it wrong. The subtitles thing may be partially do to creating just the right amount of stimulation, but if I don’t have subtitles, me and my other friends with ADHD will watch tv with the volume turned up very high. People with ADHD also can have a hard time interpreting other people‘s tone and have a hard time controlling their own. They can be bad at social cues and have poor manners because we don’t pick up on that stuff.
people with ADHD also tend to observe everything or nothing at any given time, mostly based on the amount of stimulation they have—if they dont have a lot in their main task, they’ll need to take in something else at the same time. Likewise, if I’m hyperfocusing on something I often don’t notice anything else, like if someone asks me a question.
in b99, Jake fidgets with things a lot. In the intro, he’s picking up and examining a figurine on his desk, likely because he was bored with paperwork or some other task.
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ashestospace-fics · 3 years
Hi! Can I please request hcs of the obey me brothers as submissive with a Dom Mc?
A/n: damn this is so messy 🥴☠️💦💦 pls excuse me-
Warning: E/smut
Reader: Male
Tags: whips, toys, Master/kink, edging, pet play, breeding kink. Blowjobs, chocking, daddy kink 
He thought he was gonna Dom you the first time you guys got down together, oh how wrong he was. You practically flip a switch inside of him and he was left flabbergasted when you two were done together.
A part of him was overly embarrassed that his voice could go that high and react the way he did.
But never the less, he just ends up loving being submissive for you.
A brat, there's no doubt he will be one, he just wants you to put him in his place and make him think about your dick only when you're done with him.
There's just something about you getting so serious and holding him still, neglecting his attempt to get you inside of him that just makes his whole body shake. It has his body shivering when you pull out the whips or cuffs to discipline him. He just has to learn his place.
But he does like being your good boy, in the end, praise him and call him a "good boy" or say "you're taking me so well baby," that just has his eyes rolling when he's just so close to cumming. Stroke his pride or ego a bit and his puddy in his hands.
Submissive as fuck, he loves being your good boy. You don't even have to touch him for him to be dripping wet.
As soon as you call him "good boy" or give him any sort of praise for acting well throughout the day, he already has his knees bucking waiting for his reward.
Gets overwhelmed easily, even if you're telling him that's he is doing great on taking you, it just makes him even more aroused.
Even if your get rough on him, he is always thanking you for it. He just wants you to feel him up completely.
Would try to act up at first but is easy to quiet him down with a single hand around his neck or any part of his body. Edging him with a wand until he blabbering that he learn his lesson is enough to get him to drop it quickly.
A big whiner, while sucking you up or when you're stretching him out, just can't control himself.
The most obedient but has zero patience, he craves your touch so much that it's insane. So training him with either butt plugs or vibrators came quickly into place for him to learn how to wait.
Always asking for permission if he can touch himself or stretch himself out when you're away. Using the toys you bought for him of course.
Degrade him and praise him at the same time and he confusedly aroused cause he just doesn't know if he should feel embarrassed or not.
Crumbles under your touch so easily, it's embarrassing how wet he gets just by a little foreplay or orders.
"how gross, you ruin this set already? I haven't even touched you" it has him whining and whimpering.
Stuttering and whimpering mess when you ask him what he wants.
Very obedient, he loves it when you take full control of him and make him forget everything.
Calls you Master/sir, being called "pet" or "kitten" the first time had him flustered up and hard. The idea of being it just had him on his knees asking to please you so quickly.
Tell him to be good and he'll get to wear his favorite leach or tail. Getting him those cat butt plugs had him desperate the first few times.
Milking you is one of his favorite treats but you telling him if he does good you'll breed him and filled up just makes him the most submissive when you play with insides.
Sneaky brat will cause trouble so you can either fuck him silly or get punished. Either outcome is fun for him either way.
"oh I'm sorry Daddy I won't do it again" lies, you both know it, but it's fun this way.
Get him all overstimulated as you keep fucking him orgasm after orgasm. That just has his eyes rolling feeling you deep inside.
Will not give you a break, is sneaky for many reasons, as in sending you pictures or videos of him playing with himself. "My cunt is all wet and empty when are you coming home?" 
He loves it when your roughy but when your sweet and gentle at times is when he gets overly submissive at the contrast. Slow and loving? Telling him how much you adore him? It has him whimpering at every single word and touch.
Lives to serve, Does his best to make you feel good and just wants to taste you 24/7.
Run your hands through his hair and tell him how great he's doing and he gets more into it. Low rumbles coming from his throat as he drools all over you, his very messy. "Am I doing go-good?"
Focus on making you feel good mainly and listening to you then getting off.
But it's very common for Beel to cum untouched just by just sucking you off. He just cants help himself, the smell of you and the taste just get that poor baby dizzy.
There's a mix of roughness and gentleness that drives him insane. Let it be you covering his body with bite marks and just pounding into him like there's no tomorrow to changing it up to thrusting into him slowly while covering his face with kisses as you hold his face.
Edging him when your hands it's pure torture for him, but loves the aftershocks of how hard he cums.
Does it even surprise you that he's bratty? He refuses to listen to you just to spite you and get you to come to his room or the attic. He mostly does it to get your attention all for himself.
Does the absolute most when you leave, he just enjoys you punishing him too much for his own good. Fucking him stupid until his whole body is shaking and jolting. That's enough for his brain to go swimming.
Let it be a mess of your room, humping your pillows, making sure his arousal covers everywhere. Taking your clothes and underwear and calling at the wrong moments just to moan in the call about what's he's doing.
Will try to play innocent. "Why's daddy so mad? I been in my room all day like a good boy" the sly smirk on his face is enough to tic you off easily.
Spank him, pinch his nipples and just do more foreplay until he starts begging, he'll be dripping shamelessly on your lap saying sorry and that he'll be good. crumbling down to a whiny desperate mess. 
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merakiui · 2 years
What do you do when you've lost motivation in writing something? Or How do you come up with ideas?
Ive been tasked with writing a certain piece but i just cant seem to get into writing it, my brain is just blank..
When it comes to gaining lost motivation, I find that it’s best to review what you’ve written so far, whether it’s a paragraph, +1k words, or even just a concept blurb. Try considering the idea from a different angle, editing parts you aren’t content with, or getting insight from another perspective. It’s completely okay if certain parts don’t work out, and sometimes hearing another voice weigh in on the matter can help spark some motivation.
Take breaks from writing and do other things to give your mind a rest. Whether it’s by listening to music, taking a walk or a nap, or playing games, doing something else can refresh your brain and potentially strike a creative nerve within you when you aren’t actively thinking about writing. If there’s a deadline and breaks aren’t something you can afford to take, you might have to force yourself to put words on paper. Even if it isn’t up to your standards, you can review and revise it later.
You can also try to set the atmosphere while writing. For example, if you’re writing a piece that’s meant to be eerie or dramatic, listening to music that fits those moods can get the cogs in your brain turning! Having a tidy workspace might also restore your motivation and will help you focus on writing. Additionally, visualizing the scene/overall story is a good way to keep yourself motivated. I’ve found that if there’s a particular scene I’m excited to write my motivation will be very high as I work towards that scene!
As for coming up with ideas, you can use word generators, writing prompts, music, and just about anything else to get inspiration. Try finding the most mundane activities and twisting them. Consider the what-ifs of various situations no matter how boring or simple they may seem. Something like: what if [insert crazy thing here] happened while you were doing [insert activity here]? Sometimes you’ll be able to write lots when you’re really inspired and sometimes you just need the right idea to hit and stick with you. The good news is that there are so many things out there that can spark your creativity! Hopefully many ideas will come to you.
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i-bring-crack · 2 years
Well anyways after I had suddently died from the inside whilst looking at my grades, I had been given an epiphany.
Quite the storm of ideas about isekai manwhas and decided to put it on here in the shortest ways possible cuz It looked fun why not. And because its otome isekai manwhas, most of them have our dearl girl protagonists.
1. Kanao centric, Shinogiyuu fic.
Kanao was killed by her father because she had poisoned another illegitimate, more favored son than her, and now she had to turn back in time to when she was only seven years old. A week after her Aunt Kanae's death. Kanao doesn't want to die again by her father so she decided to run away, and surprising the emperor(her father) had immediately gone out to search for her. Once she finally gets more time to spend with her own father, she begins to notice why he had distanced himself away from her, and that was because Kanao still reminded him a lot like the late empress Shinobu.
2. Shinobu centric. ShinoSabiGiyuu trio of trying to escape deathflags, and sharing a single braincell.
Oh dear it seems that a poor student has died on her way to her entrance ceremony. Or so it seems! Appereantly instead of maggots eating her brains or her soul acending to the afterlife, she is now an evil eeevil scheeming witch who will try to hurt our dear main protaginst because she is so eeeevil and meeeaan.
Well whatever she only wants to focus on her studies but a certain BOY wont shut up about how cool prince Sabito is as he looks from the window of the libary godammit. Let. Her. Study.
3. Mitsuri centric. Modern ShinoMitsu AU
Oh my dear girl mitsuri has been isekaid into a... modern novel romance setting? Well all of her characters are here but she was sure this was a fictional book. When ahe goes online she cant find the book now? What?! Well her family isn't here too and... she is the main hero's best friend!-- what but who is the protagonist!?-
Oh well it seems she meets the protagonist on the first day and... yeah she understands why so many are falling for her. She is just so pretty... Wait a minute what was that feeling just now—
4. Nezuko centric
Reincarnated back again after the series of unfortunate events that had unfolded until the end, Nezuko is now determine to bring everyone alive until her 16th birthday! (When she presumably died before.) The thing is she is running out of time and is literally right in the middle of Rengoku's death scene come on!
(It's in a fantasy setting but you know what... It could also be a timetravel fix it.)
5. Kanae centric. Sanekana
The story of a girl who sacrificed herself for the main lead in order to defeat the demon queen who lusted after our main lead. And when the demon queen is defeated, both protagonists reunite in the afterlife. A touching story really, though it isn't as touching for her to know that she is the demon monarch they so talk about. And as much as she wants to finish the storyline, she is not a competent demon queen as seen by how she just adopted a few (lots) of kids of the streets.
And unfortunately, one of them was the little boy Genya, Younger brother of the soon white knight aka male lead.
Well the boy was lying around so he is adopted either way.
*ensue the sanekana fight for adoption papers*
6. Makomo centric
Where one small young girl is reincarnated as the damsel in distress but instead of using her healing powers for any good of the kingdom, she and the peach dragon trapped in the same tower as her, go out into the world of!.... becoming pirates.
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quitetheketch-moved · 4 years
so I’ve been seeing bad taste in youtubers, not like in my mutuals or anything but in general but it made me want to make a like, recommended list of youtubers i like who are pretty chill if not full on comrades so here we are - not prompted by anything specific but an itch I got here some of the channels I like:
BORE.D - Fun cooking channel with a stylish presentation 
Chinese Cooking Demystified - Like it says on the tin, informative authentic Chinese dishes from all over the country. 
David Seymour - started with buzzfeed taste tests but now covers most big cooking channels seeing if he can recreate them and how they are
Maangchi - Plz cook for me, like i’m begging feed me it all looks amazing 
My Name Is Andong - fun cooking videos from all over, especially the ones about Russian food.
Simply Sara Kitchen  - good home style cooking 
Souped Up Recipes - Traditional Chinese cooking
Accented Cinema - a video essay channel with a focus on Asian cinema
Folding Ideas - Not strictly about film but I tend to watch a lot of essayists who fall into multiple things and I kinda just have to lean into their main aesthetic but Dan is a gif so check him out.
Jack Saint  - Jack and Joel have a lot of similar style of content but Jack leans into media stuff more so i’m moving him over here. (although i’ve been working on this post for over an hour going through my alphabetical yt sub list and i’m starting to regret trying to categorize them)
PushingUpRoses  - a must watch if you love old tv especially Murder She Wrote
Renegade Cut - Does games too, and frankly they are some of their best work, but quality media analysis.
Ryan Hollinger - Horror movie analysis
Scaredy Cats  - More horror movie analysis but my favorite channel of this kind
Gaming Essays:
Adam Millard - video essays about video games - really recommend the video on Frog Fractions and the Longing
Curio - I’m putting them here because theres been a big focus on games lately and they recently started twitch streaming which is fun but really it’s all media essay. Just please check out their four part Witcher series adfkj it’s the most recent so easy to find.
Errant Signal - I dont have much to add other than please check out Errant Signal, they dont post much but I am in love with this channel.
Game Maker's Toolkit  - in depth essays about elements of game design
Jim Sterling  - Okay not essays but gaming news - if you dont check out anyone else here you should still check out Jim. Especially if you care about the rights of workers in the gaming industry. 
Gaming Play:
Biffa Plays Indie Games - mostly does Cities Skylines but sometimes other, great videos to relax to.
GaLm - GaLm deserves so much much than he gets, Love him been watching him for forever and honestly he’s enough of a workaholic that there’s so much content you WILL find something you like. All complete with critical analysis.
GrayStillPlays - one of the few like, non overtly left-os here but listen, if you want some slightly silly slightly more edgy style of video game videos to kinda turn off your brain and just enjoy you cant get much better than grey. He’s chaos but chaos that doesn’t rely on racism. Maybe one too many jokes about addiction but they aren’t usually punching down so???
John Wolfe - chill horror youtuber - not much to say but one of my favorites.
KatherineOfSky - want the most soothing voice ever to gently play hardcore logistic games at you? Well holy fuzzy cats, you’re home.
Many A True Nerd - Partner to Claire in the category below, known for his fallout but plays just about anything. Also loves grand strategy and paradox games. Good playlist management too do easy to find what you need.
Wanderbots - A just, massive amount of indie game content.
Claire Rousseau - Books youtuber who is just a delight, I dont know how else to describe her but even tho I dont read anymore i’d still die for her.
Courtreezy -  just the queen of being bubbly and fun (some of these I dont have good sales pitches for just *shoves them at you* give em a shot)
D'Angelo Wallace and dangelowallace - Main and second channel, both the same kind of content but the formats are different. Dont always agree with all his opinions but man, theres no fault in the way he presents and researches them - solid essayist but also just oozes charisma and good times.
Drawfee Show - one of the bigger channels here save D’Angelo above so you may already be familiar with them but just a fun weekly drawing show. Good times.
Foo the Flowerhorn  - Watch fish be fed bits of blanched vegetables, like that either sells you or not but it’s Good.
Jarvis Johnson and Jarvis Johnson! GOLD - primary and secondary channels, pure commentary channel on a wide range of topics - i recommend the videos on 5 min crafts and the bachelor.
Life in Jars? - Eco-spheres and terrariums oh me :0
MacDoesIt - Gay chaotic energy, just chock full of Moods and fun times.
Sarah Z - Unofficial tumblr historian
Big Joel - kinda variety content, plenty of media analysis but through a strongly leftist lens. Torn between here and commentary but the balance is slightly more overtly political than just media commentary through a political lens so here we go.
Black Red Guard - A black leftist commentary/essay channel focused on black issues and self described as a “New Afrikan Maoist”, this is fairly new channel I found so I’m not as good at describing his content def not better than he does but solid stuff through a perspective I wouldn’t normally get.
hbomberguy - Just watch his video on Pathologic please. Or like, watch 20 mins then go play Pathologic then come back after you’ve beaten it and Pathologic 2 and finish the video.
Innuendo Studios  - Frankly I had no idea where to put this one, because it’s a little of everything but mostly media analysis but also please watch the alt-right playbook if you like, want to understand more about how radicalization happens.
KAR - Black anarchist channel, solid political videos but shorter than most of the ones here so better for consuming when you dont have much time.
Leslie Exp - Videos about disability
Luna oi! and NonCompete  - frankly best agitprop communist duo. A good place to start learning about mutual aid and what anarchism is, beginner friendly videos on leftist theory.
Philosophy Tube - Videos are super polished and well made essays about philosophy, super theatrical and flashy. Honestly cannot stress enough how fun the production value of these are.
Professor Flowers - Nuanced important discussions about race, media, and the political landscape.
Some More News - Like it says on the tin, news but told to you by a disheveled fed up leftist (I joke because i’m running out of things to say in the comment for each but really, Cody and his entire team deserve a lot of credit for their well researched videos on current events)
Thought Slime  - Agitprop but make it a little silly because tbh we all need some jokes rn
Honorable mentions of some slightly bigger channels you may already know but I enjoy: UpIsNotJump , Steve1989MREInfo , SmallishBeans , RTGame , Primitive Survival Tool  , Mumbo Jumbo ,  emmymadeinjapan ,  Kurtis Conner ,  Danny Gonzalez , Drew Gooden  , How To Cook That , JunsKitchen , Defunctland 
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