#like in terms of careers etc. more importantly is this a discussion i should have w her . bc i literally do not know how to raise this
As the clock is about to strike 12 & reset our life, I thought of you and the journey that we have been on. Still walking the tight rope between the past and the future with a knowing that life is about to be structurally shift forever in this magnificent year that’s upon us. We are together part of a history that’s being written in our own personal capacity & as each cell of our body contributes to us similarly each one of us contributes to the collective universe we create - together we are creating a new world & we collectively have a choice how we want it to look like.
When Saturn Pluto start their 34 year synod on 12th Jan (geocentric) or 10th Jan (heliocentric), we reset the very fabric that creates our little microcosm of existence. It’s the set of life rules, structural boundaries that we live by which help us decide every big decision we take e.g. what road we take when we arrive at a fork. And usually year before this final conjunction is spent in creating this fork cause decision doesn’t just suddenly comes with this conjunction. We are given time & 2019 was that time cause 2020 is showtime. So fork roads were created, choices presented, multiple options created when Jupiter in Sagittarius expanded our vision in 2019 to include more choices in life, making us aware that we are & can be & should be more than we thought we were. We thank 2019 for presenting us through push or pull choices - yes gift of choices that we have.
Now with Jupiter joining Saturn Pluto in Capricorn participating in two other synods in 2020 will tell us to choose. Choose one path. Cause duality isn’t a path of choice for earthy mountain goat Capricorn which will dominate 2020. We are being given the gift of Long term prosperity & growth but at the cost of loosing a few detours & focussing our gifts. There are no wrong choices - but there is always one that our soul chooses cause that’s what we want to experience in this lifetime. What’s the experience your soul wants to choose - it doesn’t have to feel easy - when we try to imagine the path forward it seldom feels easy. Cause it’s new with a lot of unknowns & yeah many always have not made it. But what fundamentally feels like “you”, we didn’t come here to live another’s life - each life is unique like our prints - our prints left after us would be each unique. What legacy you want to leave ?
At this stage I will quote Yoda “Do or do not, there is no try” - Jupiter in Capricorn is Yoda’s words personified - choose a path, make it your own, own it live it eat it drink it in 2020. That’s the road to success in no uncertain terms of this year that’s upon us. Three synods, 5 eclipses, multiple retrogrades of planets in their ruling signs - there is no question that world globally as we know it will turn to what we have never seen before in 2020. We would be writing history. What is yours ? Jupiter in Capricorn rewards the focussed, the well planned, the one that’s willing to burn the boats cause it knows in its soul that he or she will take over the island in 2020.
You have to do one thing in this eclipse season which will accelerate the process - choose.
That’s why Mercury has just joined the party of planets in Capricorn- in this period between the two eclipses - Solar eclipse that just passed on 26th Dec and Lunar eclipse that’s upon us on 10th Jan - you will find yourself getting clarity on your choice. We want to dedicate 2020 to one & only one goal. It’s gotto be material, it has to have an end goal in mind - mountain goat doesn’t climb to infinity - it has an end goal material one - well we are material beings having a substantially material experience & using that for our souls evolution. We do have to be careful though on the material part taking over - don’t forget this is for YOU - this experience this life this goal is for YOU so it has to fulfil you - it’s not about what’s “material” to the rest of the world. Cancer eclipse of 10th January will bring that message loud & clear.
There is no way for us to miss our destiny & cosmos in 2020 will make sure of it - more importantly it will teach us how to successfully live our destiny. Sometimes we get there but don’t know how to keep it.
Saturn in Capricorn creates base of a legacy that lasts - you would never again respond to life’s structural challenges in the way you did before. It’s not a New Years resolution - it’s just the new way of life that’s born & lived - with Saturn - there are no fireworks but we never go back to old rulebook. We can never go back & you would in no uncertain terms know when you are back tracking. 8th January Jupiter Ketu conjunction will remind us of old ways of clinging to a comfort zone we must not go back to anymore. Comfortable is subjective - it’s more of familiar that we are clinging onto - 8th Jan events & those around will give you a clue what boat you aren’t burning still - holding you away from your future as past feels too rosy.
Pluto in Capricorn makes sure we are being true to our power & not compromising it for the sake of worldly success as much as we would be driven to “succeed” in all material senses in 2020. Drive will be at its peak but can’t compromise our truth - you would never again suppress your strength & power to “smooth over” the ripples that you would create in 2020. You would never again doubt who you know you truly are. Again it’s not a New Years resolution cause resolution self extinguish by third week of January- this is the new structure of our life which is there up on us to be lived. And sometimes Pluto pushes us to that optimal breaking point before the element we are made of shifts from dusty carbon to diamond - Pressure will be dialled up from day 1.
Read the writing on the wall of your new life when it comes with a clear messaging on 12th Jan as Mercury is a participant in Pluto Saturn conjunction so new world order doesn’t begin in silence - it begins in a clear exchange of words. Actions of the new start come in full swing in March but January early & bright we know in clear words what 2020 is going to be about. As I said focus is key this year & focus is created early & bright. Mercury is grounded, intellectually, fantastically structured in Capricorn so we discuss objectively, decide for our prosperity & future what’s best & we do the right things. It couldn’t be in a better sign at this time & we couldn’t have a knowing more clear as we would in my view at this time. But voila just like that fate is written & crafted and administrative structures shift, rules seem to be rewritten, decision seem to be decided and we spend 2020 in making the path we have chosen a success..
That’s how I see it.
There will be bubbles that would pop cause Pluto Jupiter synod is known as a bubble buster of dotcom bubble burst fame. Mid year in July we would see certain industries & companies or enterprises which were never meant to be Long term or took short cuts in reporting etc not following the moral code of signature earth sign year - disappear into the thin air from where they suddenly came. Credit will be tight from the get go & we would see corporate greed rampant in first half as earth’s shadow side breeds overly focus on resources & power hog by a few which would ultimately not go well. If there was a year to thoroughly follow a moral code, it would be 2020 cause karma in my view would be instant. It’s not about loosing your flexibility, it’s about showing that you want it enough & you are willing to follow the right route to get to it. Don’t loose sight of following the requisite steps in drive to get there.
Dedicate less hours to wondering why it can’t happen for you & more on making your effort efficient - darkness of thoughts is a side effect of too much earth energy but a working cloud makes its darkness rain hard & makes it count - make every dark thought coming to you count for it indicates how much more you want it - and a strong desire finds a way. Get busy working, planning, finding answer - when you see a dark cloud, make it rain!
Never before a sea of people were gifted with such defining aspects that would shape history - let’s make each day of 2020 count.
Happy new year!
2020 key focus areas of each sign
♈️ Aries - Career growth, public image, leadership style & positions, life structure & path, father, dealings with authority & becoming the authority of ones own life. Physical body & health
♉️ Taurus - Travel, education, publication of significance, becoming a teacher, sharing your higher knowledge, philosophy & higher mind, expanding the framework of your mind by exposing yourself to totally different & variant experiences & thoughts. Growing in knowledge, influence & gaining back sense of adventure
♊️ Gemini - Year of regaining personal & physical strength through learning the art of merging resources, talents with other people & standing your ground in partnerships. Period of rebirth as you finally find your life purpose & come in your full element especially after May.
♋️ Cancer - Partnerships, contracts, significant others & their place in your life versus you & your life path. Year of walking your life purpose but more importantly learning how to walk it with your committed partner/s. Partnerships come in more than one form & shape, learning what’s the model of yours
♌️ Leo - Mind body connection - finding the job or work environment that fulfils you & gives your sense of purpose - healing your body health. Understanding you & only you are the master of your life & your daily life events - taking control of your daily environment & hence health.
♍️ Virgo - Love, passion, hearts desires - living the life on your terms for your passions - betting it all in some senses - taking a chance on yourself & for yourself. Finding what floats your boat emotionally & professionally - leaving now stone unturned to find it & get it. Children or the child like joy from within filling your heart up & your Life - like a karmic blessings from beyond
♎️ Libra - Home, family, real estate - your grounding your base - like coming home to yourself in peace & security . Coming from a place of security & confidence propelling you on solid ground to new big professional shifts & life path changes that are upon you in tandem
♏️ Scorpio - your words your mind your communication skills & commercial aspect of your skills - writing, reading, selling, talking, Publishing - reframing restructuring your mind & reaping the rewards of what you have learned by sharing it with the world in commercially viable ways
♐️ Sagittarius - Finances, assets, your values & ability to generate material abundance from your skills - the skills you mastered or learned or honed in 2019, nows the time to reap commercial & financial rewards from it - creating new assets & monetary growth from existing assets. Establishing your valets system & your self worth as you master the art of turning around financial situations for you & for yours
♑️ Capricorn - You - you are surely the focus & in spotlight with so many major planets focusing their light on you - your life path, physical body, leadership skills reset to a trajectory you didn’t know existed as you are introduced to you in all your strength. Use each day of this year wisely with focus towards your goals as you are gifted with expansion opportunities not seen before as the very frame from which you looked at your life is expanded & enhanced. Happy birthday & it’s surely the year of Capricorn!
♒️ Aquarius - Long distance travel, healing, psychology, untapped potential/ skills / talents - time of God’s timing with hidden support & strength opportunities showing up as your life resets from end 2020, this year will feel like your soul journey where you might be alone sometimes but always with support from beyond - huge amount of faith & rebirth of belief in life & your place in the universe. Lot has been happening below the surface much of which comes above the surface from March.
♓️ Pisces - Network, social influence, big wealth, vision, platform, mass influence, friends, business network, your position in social networks & society of influence - your vision & social influence and position is given a boost as you walk boldly on the path you think is your life’s purpose with the set of people who support you, help you, build you up to bring out your natural gifted talents to larger set of audience or people to benefit the society. World needs good leaders but more importantly it needs visionaries and you fit the bill.
Good luck & much love and success for 2020 💕
Love & more
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adhdtoomanycommas · 4 years
ADHD, Gifted Programs, and Accidental Accommodations
So one big thing has been on my mind pretty consistently since I got diagnosed last year at the age of 30—why did it take so long to figure this out?  At no point in my K-12 education or my 4 year bachelor’s degree schooling did any teacher or counselor question or suggest I may have ADHD, despite the fact that I check nearly every single box on every diagnostic criteria (both inattentive and hyperactive!)
One obvious reason is sexism.  Pretty early in my reading on the subject, I learned that ADHD is dramatically under-diagnosed in girls and women. Partly this is because of different presentations, but a lot of it is just that the stereotype people have in their heads of what an ADHD kid looks like is always a boy.  
But the other big reason, and the one I want to talk about today, is the fact that one of the few ADHD diagnostic boxes that I didn’t check was “bad grades.”  So really, the question is, why weren’t my grades bad?
That’s not to say I was especially good at school work. My backpacks, desks, and binders were always a complete mess, and I NEVER did the homework.  I would do the big projects (at the last possible second, of course) but daily homework just straight up didn’t happen.   If there was time left at the end of class I would sometimes quickly do the homework for the next day, and occasionally jot down some approximation of it in the minute or two before class started, but when I was actually at home, I never touched it.
But here’s the thing with ADHD brains:  We can focus on things with no problem, as long as we find them interesting.  And I’ve always read quickly enough that doing the reading for class was usually interesting. And for the most part, the class content itself usually seemed interesting enough.    But probably most importantly, I consider tests interesting. There’s always been enough of a challenge racing-the-clock game-like aspect to them to me that I would stay engaged on the tests, and even if didn’t completely know the material, I was good at using logic to get a pretty good guess (like using all those tricks they teach for standardized tests—narrowing down the options on a multiple choice question, looking for answers in the other questions, etc.)
So even in the classes where turning in the daily homework counted for part of the grade (math and language classes mostly) I was usually able to scrape a B with only the occasional C thrown in,  and everything else was A’s.  
But part of my saving grace was the “gifted” classes.  I was very lucky that, despite not knowing about her own (probable) ADHD,  my mom knew enough about how she worked as a student to know that me (and my brother) really needed to be engaged and challenged in order to thrive.  Because of this, she advocated for us hard—she insisted we be allowed in my elementary school’s “gifted” program in kindergarten (based on our test scores of course)  even though the “gifted” program officially wasn’t even available until first grade.  And when we moved to a different state, she advocated for us again and got us included even though the “gifted” class was “full.”   She knew that nothing would make us fail faster than being bored in class, so she made sure that there was at least one day a week when we would be challenged and actually get to engage with material we found interesting.  
Aside,  despite how essential they were for me to thrive in school,  the entire concept of “gifted” programs and “gifted” kids is problematic as hell.  Half of the screening is basically just looking for class signifiers and seeing whose parents had enough free time to give them a head start (or whose parents have the time to advocate for their kids the way my mom did for me).  Not to mention there’s likely a massive racial bias. So in all this discussion of why I did ok despite my ADHD, it’s important to note that there’s a lot of privilege at play here determining who gets access to these types of programs.  
This is also why I keep putting “gifted” in quotes--  I don’t think there is anything inherent about academic ability. Also, academic ability, reading ability, testing aptitude, etc. are definitely not indicative of intelligence. Plus the entire concept of the measurability of intelligence is based on eugenics ideas, so clearly one should take the whole thing with a huge grain of salt.
Nowadays the term all the parenting blogs like to use for kids like me, with ADHD (or dyslexia, or autism, or whatever else) who also test well enough to be flagged as “gifted,”  is “Twice Exceptional”  which is a term that makes me immediately want to punch whoever uses it. Seriously,  it makes me gag.  Like, it doubles down on the “special” euphemism and seems entirely designed to make parents feel better about their kid without any consideration to how the kid feels.  No kid wants to be singled out, especially one who’s already probably pretty socially isolated (which I could digress about but that’ll be another essay for another day), and being Twice singled out certainly doesn’t help anything.  
But ultimately the teaching in the “gifted” class itself wound up being really good accommodations for ADHD. I wouldn’t have been a bit surprised if they were better than the accommodations in the separate classes actually intended for kids with ADHD and other learning issues, though since I wasn’t diagnosed as I kid I can’t actually speak to that as I don’t have any experience there.  But in the gifted classes, firstly, we were given more specific subjects as opposed to the overviews we got in regular classes.  And it’s way easier to be engaged on specific subjects like ice age mammals, or the wreck of the Titanic, than it is to be engaged with a broad list of dates or categories.  We did logic problems that were presented as games, but that were indirectly teaching us the basics for higher level math. In 6th grade, we did research projects and got to pick our own subjects completely, so we could write about whatever we were hyperfixating on at the moment (mine was on medieval warfare as depicted in the Bayeux tapestry).   And if we happened to get excited and blurt out an interesting fact vaguely related to whatever was being discussed, that was likely encouraged instead of reprimanded like it would be in the normal classroom. This continued into high school, as honors and AP level classes tended to be a lot more discussion based rather than the top-down approach at other levels, as well as affording more opportunity to choose one’s own subjects.
The story you’ll hear from (or about) a lot of ADHD kids (especially undiagnosed) flagged as “gifted” is of hitting a wall at some point, academically speaking.  That did happen to me briefly, in middle school. We started being assigned a lot more long-term projects, and there was a bit of a learning curve while I figured out how to put things off Until the last minute and not Past the last minute.  But thanks to some patient teachers who believed in me (which I might not have had outside of honors classes), I managed to pull out of it and improve my grades (with the exception of the only report-card F of my entire academic career, from a sadistic gym teacher who seemed to think that enough berating would cure asthma).
Even more stories I’ve read and heard from people who were diagnosed with ADHD as an adult say they hit that wall academically when they started college—the first time they were really self-guided in their studies.  But again, there, I was saved by an honors program.  In this case,  it was the Honors Tutorial College,  a truly strange program at Ohio University.  I was tracked into HTC by one particular professor who very much wanted HTC to expand into the art program and decided that because I had both strong test scores and a strong art portfolio (and probably, lets be real, because I was the daughter of one of the other professors) that I was the perfect person to be the first student in the new program.
OU’s website describes HTC as “flexible curriculum and one-on-one tutorials with renowned faculty that allow your curiosity to take the lead in your education.” It’s rigorous, but comes with a lot of perks, like waiving certain gen-ed classes,  being able to take classes without first taking the required prerequisites,  and designing one’s own independent study classes individually with instructors.  And those perks are (as far as I know entirely accidentally) the perfect accommodations for an ADHD student (and probably pretty good for Autistic ones as well, based on some of my peers in the program).
A lot of the gen-ed classes I waived were ones I probably would have been bored in and thusly not done well.  Being able to skip pre-reqs meant that, for instance, for my English requirements I was able to take far more interesting classes like Shakespeare’s Comedies,  YA Lit,  and Playwriting instead of English 101, 102 etc.  If I wanted to learn about something in particular, I had help finding a professor willing to help me in an independent study/tutorial class.  Being the pilot of the program meant I was able to shape it so that I could get an art degree without ever having to choose one medium (which as far as I know is still an option for anyone pursuing an HTC Studio Art degree).  And at the end of the program, when we were required to complete a massive thesis project and paper (at basically graduate level), not only could I choose my subject to meet my hyperfixations, but I had individual help from a professor keeping me on task on the less-fun parts at every step of the way.  
HTC students are required to keep their GPAs above a high threshold. At one point one of my grades (in Latin class) was low enough to hurt my average, and I was called into HTC headquarters for a check-in meeting.  I was asked why my grade had fallen, and I explained that the class wasn’t that interesting (at that level it was mostly grammar) but that it was getting better as we were moving up into translating more actual historical material. That explanation was entirely accepted.  Imagine if “it’s not interesting enough” was considered a valid excuse for grades slipping for everyone, how much less stressful school would be for ADHD kids!
So ultimately it’s pretty much been having the luck and privilege to get myself flagged for “gifted” classes that kept my grades up throughout my school years.  Accidental accommodations have continued into my adult life as well. At my most recent office job, for instance (which I lost due to covid layoffs), I had a pretty hands-off boss who just didn’t care if I doodled, got up to stretch my legs every once in a while, and listened to audiobooks at my desk all day as long as the work got done.  
I didn’t need a diagnosis to get these accommodations, because they were given freely, which meant I was able to succeed even without knowing about my own ADHD.  If I had been diagnosed, and had had to ask for accommodations, I wonder if I would have done as well as bias against people with ADHD means people wouldn’t have expected as much from me.  
So if you’ve made it this far, I’ll ask for the same for others that I got for myself.  If you are a teacher (or a manager in an office setting),  I strongly encourage you to consider how to make your classroom, office, etc. more accessible in general, without someone having to disclose a diagnosis or be singled out for accommodations.  The biggest easiest one you can do is to allow (or even encourage) doodling in lecture settings. Even for neurotypicals,  there have been plenty of studies proving people retain information better when doodling, so everyone should know by now that someone doodling doesn’t mean they’re not listening.   If at all possible, encourage discussion and contribution.  Give everyone breaks to stretch and move around.  And give as much freedom as possible on what to learn about.  You might be surprised what people are capable of when these reasonable steps are taken to give everyone room to thrive.  
That’s all for now,  hopefully you got something out of this unwieldy ramble.   I’d be curious to hear if you’ve run into any accidental accommodations in your life and how they’ve helped.  Until next time!
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Obviously Faith is wrong for sleeping with Riley in “Who Are You?” as she pretends to be Buffy. But after rewatching the episode, I’m not totally convinced that she expected to go as far as she did. She mostly wanted to be free, to get out of Sunnydale. She stays because she wants to twist the knife and mess with Buffy’s friends, but also because Buffy has the kind of life that she never could. She wants to know what it’s like to have everyone on her side, to have people rooting for her instead of against her.
She’s quick to look for ways in which Buffy is imperfect (ex. she doesn’t visit Joyce often, she makes herself seem all-important in front of her friends, etc.), but she also tries to comfort the people important to Buffy in her own way. She’s especially tender with Joyce, promising her that they’ll spend time together soon. She’s never had a mother who wants to be around her, who misses her when she’s not there.
Yes, she is purposely bitchy to Tara, but Faith has never been accepting of weakness. It’s wrong of her, but it’s also in-character, especially because she has such a hatred for Willow. (Which I can almost excuse, since Willow never liked / trusted Faith, even when Faith was on Buffy’s side, but that’s kind of a separate issue.) Throughout the episode, we see Faith egging Willow on, trying to get her to say outright how she never liked her. Willow, as far as we know, has a nice home life and has powerful friends who adore her. Yet she judged Faith harshly for abusing her Slayer powers, even though we all know Willow goes way past what’s acceptable in witchcraft later on.
Faith’s also playing with Riley up until he says that he doesn’t want to play games and that he only wants her. I think this is why she actually goes through with sleeping with him— she wants to know what it’s like to be with someone who doesn’t have any ulterior motive. Riley is confused when she offers up herself sexually, asking how he wants her, and that makes Faith-as-Buffy think that he might actually be a good man. Right after they have sex, she freaks out and tells him to get off, asking what he wants from her, because she doesn’t believe that a man could love someone purely, even if that person is Buffy. She actually whimpers when he shows concern for her and wraps the blanket around her shoulders. She stays the whole night with him, wasting precious time when she should be making her getaway. This is not justifiable in any way. But, given her history, it’s easier to understand why Faith would be able to justify it to herself.
Also and maybe most importantly, she leaves the airport right before her flight, knowing she’s probably sacrificing her getaway, to save the people that are trapped inside the church. She snaps at Riley for telling her what to do and then punches him to show his own weakness because you don’t tell Faith shit. However, she also clearly doesn’t want him near any real danger. She knows that any vampire that makes it outside will burn up. She is keeping Riley out of harm’s way by explaining to him in [crude] terms that he’ll understand. AKA his injury puts the success of the mission in danger.
One scene that’s discussed a lot is when Faith-as-Buffy starts punching actual Buffy, calling her disgusting and “nothing.” Faith is projecting. After spending time as Buffy and seeing how much people care about her, she feels like nothing now more than ever. She doesn’t really want to kill Buffy, but she doesn’t want to go back, either. When they switch back, Faith literally crawls away— and Buffy lets her. She’s hit her all-time low.
Faith is not a moral character. But, maybe more than anyone else, we get to see what makes her immoral. She’s jealous of Buffy, she craves close familial bonds, and she’s insecure about her background. In her mind, being a Slayer is the only thing that makes her special, so she has to go all-in. If she wasn’t the Slayer, she’d be a high school dropout with no goals, no career ambitions.
She has this one thing going for her and it leads her to Buffy, who has everything she’s ever wanted. She tries to insert herself into the picture, but she can’t follow rules without questioning them and she doesn’t understand why people without any power are trying to dictate how she can use hers. As much as she tries, she knows she’ll never get to be the golden girl like Buffy, so she becomes purposely wilder and develops her own distinct style. But Buffy’s friends don’t ever accept her and Giles disapproves of her. She continues searching for family and she finds it in someone corrupt, who draws out all of the darkness that has already been brewing.
Despite everything evil about the Mayor, he did try to take care of Faith. He might’ve used her, but it was never in a sexual way like she was used to. She played into his plans, but she also volunteered for them. And he did provide for her, in his own sick way, even after he died.
Anyway, Faith is never blameless, but I think we’d find that a lot of people who have been continuously abused by the system and their peers would go similarly wrong if they were put in her circumstances. She does recognize her wrongs after she’s given time to consider them and she tries to make up for them, even after she should be in the clear to live however she wants.
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thejosh1980 · 3 years
Get a hair cut and get a real job.
I'm currently unemployed and I'm pissed off...
I came back to Australia, knowing the likelihood of being a full time musician (or studio owner), living in the NSW northern rivers, would be a long shot. Honestly, I just don't want to be a freelancer or self employed musician anymore unless it's a sure thing... I did that for many years, and I think I owe myself a little job security.
I haven't had a regular (part time) job or paycheck in 8 years. I also haven't had any government support (in England, Germany, or Australia) since 1999.
A few months back it was suggested I should sign up for unemployment, so I could get a little money coming in while looking for a new career. So I did... I figured, I've got nothing to lose and everything to gain... I could get a few bucks to help me until I find work or study, but more importantly I'd have the chance to get in touch with people out there who're in the business of careers advice, who are able to help me develop my new career, and help me find a proper honest job. I knew I needed help to find out what I want to do... I had ideas, but I really wasn't sure how to go about getting into a new industry.
I am not interested in a short term job solution, like washing dishes, I really want to find and work towards our future... Maybe I could study too... In fact, I am sure I should study something, to help me get a serious job. But what should I study??
One of the rules for getting unemployment benefits is, I have to sign up to a job agency. Easy... Done and dusted... It took a few minutes and suddenly I had an appointment... Awesome, someone out there is going to help me. But, this is where the problem lies... Signing up does not mean this agency is actually going to help. Signing up does not mean you'll get the ear of someone who can help direct you into a new career path. Signing up does not mean you'll get anywhere... In fact, signing up actually means unhelpful, demotivating, unsupportive...
At my first meeting at the agency, I thought they'd discuss aspects that might help me, but basically I found out I will be left to my own devices. I told the woman, I don't want to apply to just any old job... I'd rather find the one or two jobs that speak to me, and apply to those... I also told her I have no idea if my resume is any good. I haven't written a covering letter in 15+ years!!! I have no idea how to find out what kind of work I actually want to do. I need some careers advice... She offered very little, just a few websites to look at.
If reminded me of that time in England I went to the doctor because I was suffering from debilitating migraines... His consultation was “here's some pain killers” and “go online to look at what causes migraines...”
What the??
Isn't it his job to discuss what causes migraines and help me find out what I can do to stop them from happening or if they are happening, how to cope... Going online, using a computer screen, definitely wouldn't help!!!!!
This employment agency's job should be to help me find gainful employment... But instead what I found out was they just want to tick their boxes to satisfy the government and to keep getting their funding. At least that's the feeling I got...
They don't care what jobs I am applying for, as long as I apply for 8 per month (usually it's 20 but COVID happened)... For all they care, I could apply for the doctor's job at the local hospital, something I am completely not interested or qualified to do... and that would be OK. Other than the fact it's a waste of my time, the government's time AND the hospital's time. But it ticks the agencies boxes, so I should just go and do it.
This is no way to go forward...
You know what, I'll just get lazy... I mean, my motivation is low as it is these days... And now as long as I apply for the 8 jobs per month, any job that is, I'll get my money and everyone is happy...
Except I am not happy...
I actually want to find secure work that brings me some amount of joy, challenges and future...
She just didn't care... And she made it clear... It's such a shame...
Their website and emails advertise how they'll assist me. How they'll discuss job search options, help me with the interview process, resume feedback etc etc... All this stuff I really want help with, but no... She only cares that I apply to my 8 jobs per month...
They actually have a 5 star rating from the government!!
In fact today she called (20 minutes late for our scheduled phone appointment ) and got me off the phone in record time... Literally, she asked “are you looking for work?” and “have you had any work?”... Which I answered and then “OK, so let's book your next appointment”.... Goodbye!
It's really hard to find work here... Really hard... and much harder now that I can see I signed up to an agency (as requested by our government) that doesn't really care for anything other than ticking THEIR boxes... There's no client development. Surely no client satisfaction that's for sure.
There's a high unemployment rate here, with little to no jobs in anything other than tourism... I'm not one for waitressing or bar work... I need a career... but I feel like it's not even worth the energy to try to find a serious job, when the Government funded agency doesn't put the energy in either!
I'm going to take a quick swim, cool off, relax and think about how I can make better choices so I don't feel like this whole system is rigged to make unemployed people lazier and lazier...
I want to work, I really do...
Thanks for reading,
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
In one of your posts you mentioned Felix as a possible rival for Adrien to come to his senses. Could you talk a little more about what that dynamic would be like please?
My vision of Felix is a little strange compared to others, so please bear with me.
Since this isn’t a Felix who needs a curse broken, he has no interest in Ladybug or a kiss, so there’s no real rivalry in that aspect. He wouldn’t be a “love” rival for Adrien so much as a rival in other matters that Adrien is involved in. Possibly in any of Adrien’s extracurricular activities (piano, fencing, etc) or even in modeling if we wanted to go for the fame angle. Because everyone loves the “bad boy” and Felix just comes off as so much more mature and intense than sweetheart Adrien and would be considered the new “thing".
On the plus side, this would free Adrien up more in terms of modeling time. On the downside, it would make Adrien feel replaced and inadequate. He would question himself more in terms of his personality and how he would appear to others. Imagine if Felix was the new cover of the latest Gabriel lineup. All of Adrien’s classmates are even raving about him. Even Lila is trying to target Felix now. I’d see it being less a matter of Adrien being flat out “jealous” of Felix in the conventional way and more a matter of questioning himself. Is Felix really that much better than him? Is THIS what people want? Is THIS the type of guy who has Ladybug’s heart? Maybe cue an episode where Adrien tries changing his look and personality to be a “bad boy” type and utterly fails at it—to the point that Marinette of all people calls him out on it. (Marinette: Adrien, this isn’t you. This so horribly not you that it seems like a bad joke more than anything.)
It doesn’t help that Adrien is a generally friendly guy and would naturally try to reach out to Felix. Maybe try to find common ground in that they’re both in the modeling business. It would be cool to have a friend who is a model and knows what it’s like. But Felix really wants nothing to do with him. He’s probably the very first if not only person in all of Paris who just flat out does NOT like Adrien. And Adrien is not used to having someone actively dislike him. Adrien is like pudding. Everyone likes pudding!
Except Felix, who hates pudding. And doesn’t like Adrien.
I see Felix being like a cat in personality. He’s grumpy and wants to be left alone. He doesn’t care about your classroom drama. He doesn’t care about your silly love triangles. He wants to be left to his own business. If he is to interact with people, it’s going to be on HIS terms, otherwise he could care less. It’s part of the reason he’s so standoffish and has absolutely no problem calling folks out on anything. He is abrasive with a sharp tongue and a cold attitude that would be off putting to most people. He’s not necessarily hated like Chloe, but the class does find it really difficult to be able to approach him.
Marinette is probably the only one who can. Partly due to her role as the class representative and her duty to reach out to and interact with all members of her class, but she pushes past the multitude of barriers Felix puts up and manages to have a decent discussion with him and even just be able to remain in his presence for more than a minute without being driven away.
For Felix, Marinette is…tolerable company. She seems to know when he’s open to interaction and most importantly, DOESN’T PUSH HIM. There are times she will simply do her own project next to him in silence and he’s perfectly fine with that. Other times, she’ll strike up conversation. There are even points when she encourages him to get involved with the rest of the class. Maybe gently point out when he’s coming off as crass. He won’t apologize, of course, but he will at least make an effort to be aware and try to be more considerate.
Compare that with people like Lila, who intrudes regularly, telling lies so blatant they foul the air, and sees fit to try touching him and grabbing at him without his permission and that his HIS ARM you damn leech, release it before he resorts to gnawing it off! (And yes, he would.  Marinette: FELIX, NO!)
His words are harsh at points, but she doesn’t take what he says personally and comes to understand that’s just his way of interacting with the world. She takes his statements as his observations and can respond in kind. As she gets to know him, she becomes more comfortable in doing so and better at reading him. Even better at matching him in some ways. They at some point end up getting into a very heated debate about a few particularly high end brands being needlessly expensive and whether the same look can be made with different cheaper materials. Marinette proves they can when she makes a jacket that matches Felix’s own and is more durable. Felix is actually impressed, which is a major win as far as Marinette is concerned.
Felix overall doesn’t appreciate small talk or people trying to cozy up to him. And above all, he will not tolerate bullshit. Lila is definitely going to have a hard time. Adrien as well. Felix is not going to be nice about his opinions and commentary. If you’re doing something wrong, he will let you know. He won’t yell or shout or be outright insulting or anything like that. But he will be assertive and he will not go out of his way to spare anyone’s feelings.
This surprisingly makes him a good go-to for critiques and advice, as he will not hold back his punches in telling someone where they’ve made a mistake, but he will go into full detail as to what the mistakes are and how to correct them. This becomes vital for those in the class who have hobbies they’re looking to turn into careers. Alya and her journalism (Felix: Fact checking means you look for outsides sources to verify! You don’t take information from only one person and base everything only on that. That’s how you lose your job and all respect as a journalist.). Nino and his music (Felix: There is a skip at time 2:23 and a period from 1:47 to 1:59 where the bass overpowers the rest of the music and muddles the melody.). And of course, Marinette and her fashion.
Adrien is admittedly somewhat jealous that Felix is able to have more conversations and interactions with his father and his friends about their interests than he does. He also doesn’t like the way Felix talks to Marinette at points since his statements can seem overly harsh and critical, particularly in regards to her projects (which are her life and how dare anyone say anything negative about them!) but Marinette actually appreciates his input and incorporates his suggestions.
Felix and Adrien’s dynamic is going to be somewhat volatile. Adrien initially wants to be friends. Felix flat out does not. At first, Adrien sees Felix as someone he can find things in common with and be able to interact based on that aspect, maybe even as someone who could offer support in that regard.
Felix does not want to be a support. They are competitors. Not friends. Not allies. And he doesn’t appreciate being expected to deal with people who won’t step up when there is clearly a problem. He hates Adrien’s passivity. He especially hates Adrien’s self-righteous attitude. And he will absolutely call Adrien out on his sheer hypocrisy if he were to know about it. Adrien’s little lecture to Marinette at the end of Chameleon about how you don’t make a bad person be good by confronting them? Yeah, he’s going to steamroll right over that, chew Adrien out for letting his friends be played, and call out Lila on every change of her story. And he’s going to do it with all the bluntness and casualness of someone commenting on the weather.
This will naturally rub Adrien the wrong way as it will come off to him as being needlessly mean. Adrien’s thing is about wanting to avoid conflict, and Felix will be initiating it. This will combine with Felix’s annoyance with Adrien’s “high road” stance and the two will start to bump heads more as things go on. Felix won’t look kindly upon Adrien’s moral compass when Adrien isn’t really the one on the receiving end of any of the problems he’s lecturing about and how it seems more of an excuse to simply not get involved in the first place. Adrien will similarly want to cut in and defend anyone Felix throws a comment at, regardless of Felix’s points or whether the comments are actually warranted.
Felix will be the first person to not like Adrien, not cater to his view of how the world should be, and not give in to his wishes about keeping peace if it comes at the cost of others. And Adrien will honestly not know how to deal with that. Even his friends, while they may not necessarily LIKE Felix, won’t exactly jump on board with Adrien’s complaints towards him. This will make Felix not someone Adrien can ignore or dismiss and not someone who can be convinced by his idealistic perceptions of right and wrong.
This will ultimately become a matter of honesty and assertiveness VS safety and complacency, which is Adrien’s biggest problem. And Adrien is going to have to find a way to address that, especially as Felix calls him out on things and shows he isn’t always right. This will especially become important if Adrien turns to Ladybug regarding the situation to get her take on matters only to have her note where Felix has a point.
That’s how I see Felix aiding Adrien’s growth. Just having one person who doesn’t accept Adrien’s behavior or speeches, who can’t be charmed, who cannot be convinced to see things his way, and who will not conform to Adrien’s expectations. Because that’s not how the world works.
At least, that’s my perception. I hope that makes sense.
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amitojo · 4 years
Living Consciously in These 7 Areas Will Set You Up for ANYTHING You Want in Life
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Image Source: Piqsels
In the previous post, I talked about What is Conscious Living and How we can achieve ANYTHING by practicing it. In this post, I will be discussing the 7 Areas of Life where practicing living consciously can lead us to fulfill our dream life.
In the context of conscious Living, I believe there are 7 areas of life where we need to focus on, to live the EXACT life we want. Below, I’ll be sharing those areas and their importance. Also, as a bonus, I am attaching a comprehensive question-bank at the end of the post which will help you gain consciousness in each area of life discussed. Remember, awareness is the first step to a completely different life, and answering questions is the best tool to gain awareness.
Without any delay, let’s get into the 7 Areas of Life
1. Me, Myself, & I
This is the foundational area. As the name suggests this area has everything to do with us — Be it within (our thoughts, feelings) or without (words, actions- which are nothing but the physical manifestation of our thoughts and feelings.).
This area is about introspection. This is where you discover yourself, what you want, what your goals are; You learn who you are, what you like/dislike, what works for you, what doesn’t, what are your strengths and weaknesses.
This is where you define terms like happiness, success, etc, for yourself.
Knowing yourself will impact each and every decision of your life, whether you’re choosing a career or a life partner.
Knowing yourself could be the key difference between a living a fulfilled life and not.
2. Time
“Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once”
In my opinion, Time is the most valuable currency. We are always trading time for something or the other. We trade time to study/gain knowledge, we trade time for entertainment, we trade time for health, we trade time for work, and so on.
If we lose money, we can still make it back, but time — once gone, it’s gone.
That is why it is extremely important to make every minute count. Invest your time consciously. Be intentional with your time, be purposeful, and most importantly, be present while doing what you’re doing. Give your 100% focus and attention to whatever you’re doing at that moment.
If it’s time to rest, rest. If it’s time to spend time with family/friends/loved ones, do that. If it’s time to work, work. And be there (mentally) while you’re doing whatever it is that you’re doing.
3. Money
Money is, of course, another crucial currency. One cannot survive without money. We all need money for our basic survival needs such as food, shelter, clothes, etc., let alone everything else that we desire
No matter where you are right now financially, thinking about and acting consciously with money can help you get where you wish to go faster.
It is not always about how much money you make, it is about what you do with the money you make.
“We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.”
Wagner’s law states that public expenditure rises constantly as income growth expands.
So, if you’re a habitual “spender”, making 10x more money won’t make you a “saver” unless you choose to do so.
Choosing to manage money as per our financial goals is a conscious act.
4. Health
What good is wealth if we can’t enjoy it with our full health.
“Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the sick person can see. When we are young, we sacrifice our health for wealth and when we grow old and wise we realize what’s important – and become willing to sacrifice all our wealth for one day of good health.” Robin Sharma
Listen to your body, it usually tells you what’s not working.
Take care of your physical, mental, emotional health.
5. Sensory Diet
By sensory diet, I mean what we are consuming as a whole being — physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. What we are consuming through all of our senses.
Food is just one aspect of what we consume — extremely important for survival, yes, it is one part of what we consume nonetheless.
Except for food, we are also consuming what we are listening (music, news, sounds of nature, sounds of engineering, etc), watching (movies, shows, news, videos), reading (books, magazines, social media), aromas, energies (relationships).
Get present to what all you’re consuming.
Get present to its impact on your quality of life, your health, and your well-being.
Our Environment is stronger than will-power. Create an environment that supports you in your needs and wants. If you are, for example, committed to positivity then consume positive content, be it through social media, books, audio, etc. Unfollow/mute/stop engaging with that which doesn’t fulfill your purpose. Listen to positive songs/podcasts, read positive text. Look for “good” news. Surround yourself with positive people.
Create an environment that sets you up for achieving your goals and dreams.
6. Relationships
According to a study conducted by Harvard (one of the longest studies ever conducted spanning over 75 years and still going on), good relationships keep us happier and healthier. You can watch the ted talk here
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
It is extremely important to choose your tribe, choose who you spend your time with, and focus on the quality of the relationships.
Choose to hang out with people who you want to be like, who have similar goals, who get the best out of you, who motivate you, inspire you, make you feel good about yourself, add value to your life.
7. Environment
I am left in awe every time I think about the Earth and how everything seems to works seamlessly. The whole ecosystem of plants, animals, all the natural events, etc., are all doing their part, working together in harmony for a greater cause. It is mind-blowing how all this works. We truly live in a magical place.
Get present to the impact of your actions on the environment. While we can’t stop living altogether, being aware of our actions and their effects on the environment can help us choose our lifestyle consciously. Each bit counts
To Conclude
These 7 areas cover pretty much all of our life. Whatever our dreams and aspirations are, we can achieve them by living consciously in these areas.
I’ll be expanding on each of the above-mentioned areas in the coming posts. Sign up for my newsletter to be the first one to know and get it delivered right to your mailbox!
Tips & Resources
Before closing this post, I highly recommend you read the two books mentioned below if you want to practice living and adopt new habits consciously.
A book that set me on the path of conscious living — After reading this, I started getting present to what I am doing and the decisions I am making  Mindfulness by Ellen J Langer
We do need self-discipline to consciously put new habits into place and this book will help you do just that in all areas of life No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy
The more you practice living consciously, the better you become at it, and the easier it will be for you to create the EXACT life that you want. The life of your dreams!
The best way to gain consciousness is to ask questions. Awareness is the first step to living a conscious life. As promised, here is the download link for a comprehensive question-bank covering all areas of life discussed above. Answering these questions will certainly help you be more conscious in your everyday life, as it helped me.
I hope this post added value. Feel free to share your thoughts, and reach out should you want to know more
Have an amazing day, and take care!
Love, Tojo x
More of what I’ve written on Conscious Living What is Conscious Living and How we can achieve ANYTHING by practicing it. A Snapshot of My Spiritual Awakening What inspired me to turn Vegan Why I had taken a break from drinking and what I learnt. A conversation with my dog that changed my life forever! 6 Steps to Overcome Fear / Self-limiting Beliefs Why I started reading books and Why you should too!
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mandeath46-blog · 4 years
The Globe Of Academic Publishing - Enago Academy.
What Is Academic Journal?
What is Academic Journal? It is a compilation newsworthy and also discussions created by faculty members who are actually teachers, employee as well as lecturers to trainees on the academic occupation of their establishments. These publications were in the beginning launched online and afterwards in printed type with membership needed for every private periodical problem.
Earlier there were just online publications readily available. Having said that, as the demand for these diaries increased, thus carried out the several academic meetings and diaries to which these publications are given. Various forms of the academic meetings are being coordinated from time to time. These conferences are actually being held for different causes, like to carry out brand new study or even study olden ones, administer seminars and talks on several subject matters, etc.
. Such conferences are actually accepted various purposes like to hand out aims for absolute best documents, to discover analysts as well as lecturers for crucial projects, to explain as well as make think about changing or even producing brand new educational program as well as teachers' instruction, and so on. As a result different meetings are being actually managed every year and at regular periods. These conferences are actually primarily worried about upgrading the existing educational program of a company, specifying new one. Nevertheless, there are some meetings that concentrate on grading as well as awarding students for their informative efficiency and also post-graduation work.
The conferences have various themes like "Discovering Knowledge and also Mindsets" to "Professions as well as Their Perks and Negative aspects" to "Utilizing Online Sermons and also Displays" to "Advertising And Marketing of Investigation Work" to "Arts and Liberal arts" to "Examining Approach". They also adhere to different layouts for conferences like workshops, workshops, visitor talks, editorials, dissertations, ventures and so on
. get more info of the informative seminars are created for the much younger creation of college students. Much older students who are retired or even functioning in educational institutions have some leisure time which they may use for composing their academic journals. These write-ups are commonly in the form of daily record access.
However, once they resign or even leave behind the organizations, after that their leisure time is limited to their remarried loved ones or even good friends. However when the writer determines to compose again, he or she begins seeking an appropriate subject matter. This moment he or she will certainly compose a whole entire short article. The short article receives posted in a separate journal alongside the other conference write-ups.
There are lots of academic journals offered which satisfy various subject matters such as Journal of Kid's Literature, Journal of Social Issues, Journal of Medieval Research Studies, Journal of the United States Historical Association, British History, Assessment of African Researches, etc. A common academic journal would be pretty short as well as would certainly contain about three to four many thousand terms.
In a nutshell, what is an academic journal? It is a selection of notes and also discussions made by professor who are actually teachers, employee and lecturers to trainees on the academic career of their institutions. These journals were actually initially released on the internet and afterwards in imprinted kind along with membership needed for each individual periodical problem.
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What is a Journal?
Academic journals are an usual function in academic literature. While academic journals do not typically have study results, rather they usually tend to be the 1st resource of news concerning the current accomplishments as well as obstacles that an academic community is actually facing. These publications have actually ended up being an integral aspect of a researcher's lifestyle and also, even more importantly, allow a scientist to carry on releasing academic end results. This brings in academic diaries the main publication site for many researchers, along with an expanding amount of academic companies and even specific scholastics making every effort to publish their do work in these diaries, without the motivation of authorities companies or cashing bodies.
What is actually considered an academic journal? Commonly speaking, academic diaries are those that are posted by professional academic organizations. For example, the American Journal of Human Biology is actually one such publication. Though this publication was founded by human the field of biology professionals, it is likewise commonly described as the "very first journal for the biological sciences." This journal is actually primarily utilized through expert biologists however a few other specialties, such as the molecular the field of biology neighborhood, may also publish their findings in this journal.
How to find an academic journal? Finding an academic journal is certainly not as hard as it seems. All you require to carry out is to seek out your specific willpower on the internet, for example, biology journals as well as public libraries will usually publish a list of publications in this particular style. As an alternative, go through your library or bookshop and seek journals connected to your particular self-control. A crucial point to keep in mind is actually that journals from different techniques and academic disciplines carry out not necessarily possess the same material so you should regularly make certain that you are comfortable along with the subjects of the journal just before providing it.
Exactly how Perform I Receive My Academic Newspaper Published?
The fantastic feature of writing a newspaper or manual is that you could be completely sure that it is going to be read, as well as the tips you communicate will be actually gotten and also take into terms. Regrettably, just how perform I get my academic newspaper published? As well as in the case of created works, how perform I locate a publisher to become able to create this feasible? Certainly not simply that, however what carries out a publisher actually carry out, and exactly how can they assist? You will locate that finding an expert publisher is actually not difficult, although the work demanded coming from a publisher may be time-consuming.
Firstly, you have to think about the form of report you desire to create, whether it is actually a research, thesis recap, theses, treatises, treatises and also theses, as well as some of the formalities require to become addressed just before you may expect your editor to contact you to become capable to modify your job. Naturally, there are bunches of people that operate online in the course of what they carry out, and they take care of academic writing along with other written jobs. This means that they are going to manage to manage the research study associated with your papers, and they will have the moment to commit to this. Also, this type of individual are going to possess a ton of knowledge and are going to recognize how to take care of these situations. Regarding how do I get my academic newspaper released? this is the initial step.
Along with numerous business around that belong to academic paper creating, you might want to think about these concepts, to stay away from any sort of confusion. A great idea will be actually to search for the responses on Google.com and also other search engines as well as observe what you may locate, and if the knowledge you gain is not nearly enough at that point contact your nearby office of an academic composing firm. That is actually just how do I get my academic newspaper released, it goes without saying.
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denimini · 5 years
2018 recap: Part 1
Hi, guys! A little late but here's the first part of my 2018 recap series that I promised a while ago. Please note that these posts are not intended to serve as a summary or a time capsule of the last 12 months but as my personal reflection on the changes and issues I observed as I closed my second full year as a BTS fan. Feel free to comment and give your personal opinion. This is a discussion! Here we go:
2018 was BTS's most successful year yet in whatever way you may define "success". Statistically speaking, they charted the highest in their careers, got their most views and sales, some amazing sponsorship deals, had their biggest spike in the gp's recognition, no doubt earned a lot of money, received a lot of home and international appreciation and attention. On a personal level, you can say they're very successful, as well because they have the opportunity to earn their (substantial) living doing what they love, the means to take care of their families' needs and the joy of reaping the fruits of years of very hard working. 
Sounds great, right? 
Well, sort of. 
The thing with success is, though, that a lot more often than not it is a very unforgiving ride. You get one thing given and three things taken. In terms of BTS, this was a year that truly challenged, rewarded and challenged them harder again. No-one can say if it was their toughest yet except for them, but it sure wasn't easy at all.
There's a lot that happens behind the scenes that we will never know of. That is something never to be forgotten. By now everyone should be aware that the beginning of 2018 was awful for the group and its members. Although no details have been given, multiple times we've heard they struggled, suffered and even contemplated disbanding. The pressure of their increasing popularity, as well as the recently discovered inside staff betrayals, combined with (I believe) personal issues we are not privy of, resulted in a tremulous beginning of the year. The extent of the severity of the situation then has only become known. 
Thank you Kim Seokjin (and the rest of the group) for being brave enough to bring this issue to life in an industry where a lot of the problems are the same, yet no-one talks about them. Partly, because kpop is a dog eats dog world and any blood in the water is a call to the sharks but also, because of the fairytale, sugary, all is well in paradise image kpop likes to uphold. 
In the second and third parts of the year, things seemed to have looked up for the group. Two comebacks, high chartings and a world tour made for a very busy time for the members. Privacy became increasingly hard to obtain, injuries happened (and who knows what more) and one of the biggest scandals they had to face in their careers - the sh**t issue (please sensor!). Much has been said about it and it truly was an awful period for the group, Jimin, and the fandom, so I’m not going in depth about it but make no mistake, what happened was as much political scapegoating as it was a deliberate try of defamation coming from malicious rival sides. On top of all - death threats, slander, using for clout, media play, crazy sasaengs.. you name it, BTS got it.
Success is a rotten apple, indeed.
Still, the past year brought a lot with it and signified an important change: BTS made a very big step into being seen as real artists and becoming known to the general public, especially in the US market. As 2018 statistics recently came out, we got the chance to see exactly how much BTS sold and were streamed worldwide and USA-wise, namely ranking next to enormous names in the industry in the likes of Imagine Dragons, Taylor Swift, Drake etc.
They really are on a global level now which must be a lot of pressure for them, as they're the first Koreans to achieve such position, the first foreigner even in a long time and moreover, the first who don't conform to the "sing in English" previously set condition. 
It cannot be overstated when we say they're making history, they are a phenomenon and be sure that anyone who is anyone in the global musical, financial and marketing world keeps a close eye on them (and us).
The group and the fandom are being watched and studied from all sides and it all comes down to one thing - MONEY. For a long time, it was perceived that in order to break into the global music market and truly rank up the cash you have to be, look, sing and act a certain way - the industry's rules. Then these seven boys came - looking differently than the perceived ideal, wearing make-up, dancing like a storm and most importantly - singing in KOREAN. And yet, they have the power of an industry giant and an ability to sale, bigger than many many known "stars". It is no exaggeration when we say that whatever BTS touch, turns to gold now - stocks rise, cars get pre-ordered, stadiums get sold out.
BTS are a business wonder and all eyes are on them.
(Which they perfectly know, hence the pressure and struggle to "fit the titles".)
No doubt one of their biggest challenges in 2018 was adjusting to this new role they had to fit without losing their core values and themselves. Many people would let the success go to their heads or stray from their direction but BTS seem to be doing fine. They stick to what has always driven them - making sincere music that touches people and are painfully aware of the fleeting and temporary nature of said success. Which is good because it means they don't take it for granted and hopefully, get to enjoy this (historical, really) ride.
Make no mistakes, though, the road is far from finished. They may be more internationally recognized and perceived more as the artists they are than “another boy band teenage girls are crazy for”, but the attacks against them won't stop, the fandom is getting bigger and more chaotic by the day (we'll talk about it more in an upcoming part) and the xenophobia against them is real. Two #1 Billboard albums and a Top 10 Song yet so little radio play? Well, welcome to the incredibly closed off and money ruled music business. It's definitely not helping that they're Asians, too, the minority with probably the least representation in the entertainment industry, in the USA at least.
So, gear up, nothing is finished and nothing is over yet. A lot of work is yet to be done.
Upcoming: Part 2: The Company 
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thederekmiller-blog · 5 years
(Hollywood) HILLS AND (Yorkshire) DALES
Today marks a year since I arrived in England.  I arrived a day after my son Jarvis started his first day at school (I was waiting for my visa - obtained by having an English wife).  As I sent him off today for his first day of Year One (*kindergarten), I was of course teary eyed at how much my little guy has grown up - but mostly I was acutely aware of what a HUGE change we made by leaving Hollywood and moving to England.
We had planned to live in London and be close to “the action” but we have settled in a country house near Leeds in Yorkshire (where my wife grew up.) They call it “God’s own Country” and sure…I get it.
I am happy about the move for a bunch of reasons…
Schools! As I saw what Jarvis’ life was going to be like in L.A. with Debbie and I going to parties to be vetted by elite preschools that were going to cost us more than my state university tuition or staying up all night to get in line for enrollment or being concerned when a guy was picked up in front of one of the schools with a car packed with assault rifles - I decided it wasn’t how I wanted his education to start. I won’t go into my experiences being a nanny in L.A. but it was much different than then my mid-west upbringing. Mostly, I got real tired of driving twenty minutes to a safe park. His school here is awesome - it’s free - as are breakfast and lunch. We get photo updates on an app, he goes to school with an eclectic group of kids from Pakistan, Syria, India and economically diverse kids from the council estate. As a bonus, he looks great in an English school uniform.
Kid friendlier in general! I loved Griffith Park and explored a lot of it but it was always rounding up past the creeps and the dog shit. Here we are surrounded by fields and parks (and even pubs) that are great for children. Like for real - some pubs have indoor play-lands and a lot have playgrounds. We are a couple hours from London - but even in Yorkshire there are local family festivals ALL the time and tons of kids museums and railways etc… Yes, we had Travel Town in L.A.  - but I had to keep rounding up on that graveyard of sadly eroding engines - here they are oiled, pristine and have freakishly large faces on the front of their boilers.
So on a very base level, I am assured that Jarvis has had a major upgrade in his quality of life - not just in the atmosphere but also by having parents who aren’t stressed every day immersed in a “hustle” mentality. I just heard Danny Mcbride on a podcast talking about how moving his family to Charleston freed him of the pressures of things as small as seeing peers on billboards and having his kids ride bikes on the street. It articulated life outside L.A. really well. So we are more relaxed - and partially because when we go to dinner we aren’t surrounded by people discussing their screenplays.
Happy wife, happy life.  Debbie is the happiest I have seen her in our ten years of marriage. She came to L.A. to be with me and follow my endeavors - which was a sacrifice I probably could have checked in more about… but we were close to the beach and weather!. Of course she is happy to be back home and closer to her parents and now she can eat weirdly flavoured (*flavored) crisps that we had no access to in the USA. She has also expressed how happy she is that she isn’t competing with women at parties for attention or status. She doesn’t have to endure “bits” that masked social insecurity. People here have banter and it’s like bits but with less voices and more self deprecation. She also just got a killer job.
So my family is happier and that’s what it’s about really.
That should be the win fullstop (*period) right?
But.... then there’s my personal stuff -
I left a hefty twenty year career in L.A. - some people responded with a disbelieving HOLY SHIT when I said I was going - which I won’t lie was nice to hear.  But, I had taken stock of some stuff...
Happiness. I got to be around A LOT of famous people in my time in Hollywood. My access was phenomenal, from working at the Chateau Marmont to being included in ridiculous friend groups and working on shows with plenty of “successful” people. Ever since I moved to town -  I was very aware of the success to happiness ratio.  I once interviewed a celeb for a DVD special edition who had been in a few films I loved. He was sat in a one bedroom a recliner in the valley recounting his awesome anecdotes underneath movie posters from films he’d starred in. He had no one, his whole life was in this one room and next to him was a jar of his own urine. Extreme example - but it was a cautionary tale I needed of never wanting to be waiting for the phone to ring.
Depreciation. The work changed - as actors we may have lost about 70% of our union work and I definitely lost 70% of my income - and to pretend the bulk of my work wasn’t commercial would be an insult - I logged over 80 spots. I am extremely grateful for the handful of series I got to do and the pilots that never went - but when it gets down to it - Nestle Water bought my condo. When the work dried up a lot of the joy that brought us to this job went with it. Every audition (that there were 70% less of) was met with waiting rooms full of long faces or irritated rants of how terrible things had gotten. I wasn’t even blindsided - I saw the change coming,  I got into directing and more into writing and making content - but that was ultimately just more hustle to try and make the same money.  So many of us turned to Lyft or Uber. My last ride in LA was with my buddy who once shared top bliing with me on a call sheet for a TV series - it was poetic. It was also really depressing.

What keeps us in LA? When I posted about leaving, J.D. Walsh said “Wait, we can leave?” And every actor I’ve told that to laughs - HARD. Because we feel like we have a duty to it - I think it’s probably predicated on guilt - like we can’t leave or we have “given up” on ourselves - OR if we are true artists “we could never do anything else” or everyone said it was a “dumb choice” and leaving it would be admitting they were right. I thought about who I was supposed to be appeasing. We have to stay because the only outlet for creatively is in L.A.? I left L.A. ten years ago after yet another breakup for not being “successful enough” (true stories) I left for a year and did cruise ships with Second City and it was one of the most notable years of my career - it was out of L.A. and no one even knew I had been gone. So, I have always been a fan of taking some space and of trusting my instincts of when to move my cheese. Just happens, this time the cheese was a Wensleydale (*local cheese)
I also knew staying in L.A. meant fighting even harder -  the battle to keep jobs union is the biggest fight of our careers and I knew that where I was in my life I didn’t have the emotional resources to be on the front lines every day. If I didn’t have that, I didn’t deserve to be reaping the benefits of a union that took great care of my family.  I pushed all of my students to stay union strong and had no time for those who went fi-core. I flipped internet jobs I produced and directed but I knew it needed to be bigger. I love the fight that is being fought and have so much respect for the people waving the flag and showing up.
The other reason we stay is because of the “ground we’ve gained.” Which is never enough. I was quick to rifle off my resume to anyone who would listen but I never saw myself as a success. My therapist worked with me for months after I left just to be able to say (without shakiness of the voice or avoiding eye contact) that I was successful. We aren’t allowed to say it out loud - everyone will hate you - or decide that you’ve had enough and don’t need anymore. Most importantly, we have to be able to say it ourselves. So, what’s our barometer for success? - cause I bet some of the people we’d consider tipping the needle are MISERABLE.  At the end of the day I was able to do it for years on stage, small and big screens and afford a modest home in the hills. When I stopped being happy  - it was time. That was my barometer.
Life is too short. This planet is huge and full of amazing experiences. When we got to England I had no designs on singularly pursuing an acting career. I have been applying for all kinds of work, ALL KINDS and yes my resume is met with a lot of furrowed brows. But, a funny thing happened -  since I’ve been here I’ve booked commercials, voice-over and even gotten to audition for a West End musical (if you know me at all - you know that is a dream come true.) I have also been teaching comedy and acting for the camera in London and Dublin. I directed a show that ran for three months. I even taught in Covent Garden - and when I walked out after teaching a seven hour intensive in the heart of the West End - I kinda lost my breath for a second. I thought about the last three years in L.A. and how they were all the same in terms of the Sisyphean rock roll of anxiety and reward - and here I was in the center of London doing something I loved and had no idea I’d get to do more of. Then I took the tube home.
And that’s just work stuff - we have gotten to see so much of the UK. From Brighton to the Edinburgh Fringe Fest and dozens of cities in-between.  I’ve gotten to stay after-hours in the Tower of London drinking with Beefeaters, we did the Beatles tour of Liverpool with my Parents and we’ve seen where Dracula, Wuthering Heights and Peter Rabbit were all written. I’ve seen friends at the London Podcast Festival, in West End shows, in comedy shows and film festivals. Been to private soho late-night clubs I used to read about in NME. I’ve flown to Ireland and France for $60 round trip each. Jarvis talks with a cute accent and sees knights fighting each other - way more often than I thought was possible.
Sure, I miss stuff. I was a magnanimous people person in h’wood and the solitude of our country cottage is nice, but can get awfully lonely - especially when anyone you want to talk to won’t be awake until mid-afternoon. That said, I do have some great friends in London and my Scottish neighbour (*neighbor) Gavin is a good laugh and always down for a pint at my corner pub. I miss a lot of foods but can craft a decent facsimile of most things. I flew with four pounds of frozen chorizo and chihuahua cheese when we came back this summer because they have nothing remotely close.  And the “Kentucky bourbon” made in France and Germany is… passable.
I have no idea what the hell any of this means - I spent decades trying to relate any headway in this business to peers and students and the one thing I stressed most was - “It’s your own journey no one gets successful like anyone else.” I used to roll my eyes when people went to celebrities for advice and I’d overhear something along the lines of  “First, get discovered when your 16…then, sign with CAA”  So, the only insight I want to share is in regards to the fact I know a lot of people struggle with when to “cut and run.”  Was this the right move? can’t say yet,  but I do know we were happier this year than the last three in L.A. and we have A LOT of new experiences (*and phrases) to show for it.
I left out the political stuff - because it’s just the same here now :(
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fightsbck · 5 years
i. the oppression and lack of interest before new york.
so here’s the thing:   harley is   ...   really, really, really oppressed when he is in rose hill.    the town itself,   he will learn later,   hasn’t actually done him any harm;   in fact,   as he grows,   his relationship with the townspeople  (  considering he helped fix a lot of their stuff  )  actually improve.   but the mistakes of where his dad had left his mom and sister are still there;   the pain of being isolated and misunderstood and casted aside while growing up are wounded tight and deep.   so harley?   when he said he wanted to go to new york no matter how much people casts him pitying looks for it?   yeah,  he meant it.
but going to new york isn’t easy.   he’s just some kid from a small town.  to add to that,  money is tight even on a regular basis.  so,   if we’re following the timeline,   he has to really impressively work hard for it.   and he does.   and he wants to.   which brings us to our ultimate point:   with his attention and focus being poured into ensuring his place in new york and out of rose hill,    harley  ...   doesn’t have the proper motivation to actually pursue any romantic relationship during this period.
i won’t deny that he’ll develop crushes here and there;   and maybe he’ll even try asking a girl out for a dance or just for the sake of wanting to know how it’s like to go for dates.   but i don’t think he’ll try maintaining the relationship should the partner wants to go further.   the idea of being tied down to rose hill like his parents had is already so terrifying,  and to add the pressure of balancing something that should be so cherished among supporting his mom and sister,   and his own building career on the side?   oh,  harley won’t risk it.
so,  usually,  he doesn’t.
ii. the preferences of romantic interest.
with that said,   whether he’s in rose hill or new york,   usually harley’s love interest falls into someone who he thinks are superior in terms of social status.  you know those sort of “god, we’re not even in the same league, why would they even see me as anything more,” kind of thoughts?   yeah,  that’s harley @ his crushes.   in most cases, i won’t deny it:  it’s true.   he’s right.   harley’s typical attraction really leans more towards someone who is different than he is: they would often be naturally charismatic, they would typically be pleasing to the eyes i.e. they would fit into the description of what the general public would’ve deemed as “attractive”, and, most importantly, they’re able to get along with him.
in spite of harley’s lack of self-confidence,  i can also imagine he’d typically be super friendly to his crushes,  and he isn’t shy from approaching them or asking them out for a friendly lunch or dinner,  or saying yes to their offer if he’s ever invited.   he’d like it to be a date,  sure,  but he won’t pressure the other person — or even hints at it, tbh — unless he’s completely,   absolutely sure.  because the thing is,  harley barely has friends, you know?  so the ones he’s got,  and that includes the infatuated individual,  are the people harley probably wants to keep close.
iii. sexuality.
harley probably learns later,   once he’s far more relaxed to explore his options as he gets to new york,   that he uhh — probably can like men.   however,  unless he’s directly approached by them,   or stumbles upon a guy that he finds he genuinely like,   it’s easier for harley to approach and/or consider women as romantic interests first.    partly,   yes,   because he’s sincerely attracted to them,   but mainly because that’s the preference he is probably made to be used to considering rose hill,  being a small town,  perhaps isn’t as exposed to the lgbtq+ lifestyle that the cities are accustomed to.    additionally,   growing up and going through puberty,   harley has never showcased that he minded these display of attraction he could see upon medias and/or rumours he could hear brewing around school.   he doesn’t think it’s polite to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong,   and for harley,   honestly,   there are larger issues to worry about than crucifying people who hadn’t done any harm by loving someone no matter the gender.
on a separate author’s note,   harley is (demi)pansexual and demiromantic.
iv. behaviour.
as stated above,   harley is  —   pretty easy-going.   he doesn’t shy away from expressing that he likes someone when he does,   so it’s easy for him to agree for a hang-out even if,  on average,  people who has crushes probably feels uneasy because they’re always second-guessing themselves around the person they have an interest in?   not harley,  though.   i’d blame it on the inexperience,   but yeah:  if harley likes somebody,  it’s probably because he’s already that comfortable around you,  so he expresses it in a way that exude so.
however,   consider:   this person hasn’t yet returned his feeling.   now imagine if they had,  then that’s a whole different story.   harley starts second-guessing then;   wouldn’t know what to do with his body,  his hands,  and is he talking too quick?   is he going too fast?   basically the whole brain-malfunction thing is going on and he’s just,  honestly,  a mess.   he’s still cute, though.  blushes and smiles at every little thing you say like you hang all the stars in the sky.
upon dating,   while it doesn’t? show? obviously?   harley is actually: pretty traditional.  he’s already so used to working and supporting his family, so it’s a natural role for him to assume that he has to support his partner in the relationship.  it’s not to say he won’t welcome them when they want to pay or when they demand an equal term to fund the dates and activities etc,   but — you know.  he’ll save up some money from work or internship or whatever he does just for his significant other.   and he does the tiny stuff like pulling up his partner’s chair,  waits for them sit,   and he always,  always,  remember anniversaries;   provided if they inform him that it’s important.   (  like,  if you think “the first time we went out for a weekend together” is important enough of an anniversary, then those are the kind of dates you should tell him to make note of.  )
he will also always call or at the very least text if he’s gonna come late or if he’s stuck somewhere.  like?   he tries his best honouring his significant other and not, you know, make them ever feel shitty or insecure because those feelings suck.  downside of it though?  harley probably can’t read much “between the lines”; if you have a problem or snipe at him for no reason whatsoever,  he probably doesn’t have the patience to figure out what he’s done wrong.  and he’ll leave — not permanently from the relationship, but he’ll escape the premises because he doesn’t like feeling suffocated in any way.  it’s much better if you sit him down and discuss any problems openly if there are one — no matter how long it takes.
harley usually doesn’t care about the time, as long as you’ll tell him to wait for the explanation and/or discussion that he expects to come.
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thelioncourts · 6 years
I'm going to be starting college in 2019 and I've always loved to read. I know you majored in English and I was wondering what you liked about it, what you didn't like about it and what I should expect. I'm nervous about declaring a major, but I think English would be the best fit for me.
oh goodness ! first of all, congratulations on thinking ahead about college. second of all, congratulations on thinking about your major. third of all, congratulations on thinking about english literature!
english literature is, obviously, very near and dear to my heart. books and words have always resonated with me in some way, and getting to spend four-ish years studying them and becoming well-versed in their history and impact was the best thing. but, english literature as a major and college as a whole are not quite what i had expected. so in the most concise possible way, i will attempt to avoid rambling whilst trying to tell you about my experience.
i think the first thing i should say is this: if you declare english literature as your major, do not let people around you question that decision. you’ve probably already heard it, but the biggest thing that happens to english majors are people in their life or even strangers making that face and saying, “what are you going to do with that?” before immediately assuming you’re going to be a high school english teacher. english as a degree is extremely versatile, making its own arsenal of skills and tools that would benefit almost any employer. do not let people make you feel bad for your declared major, and do not think that you only have to teach.
that all being said, there is no shame in teaching either (in fact, i’m applying for grad school to get my masters in english so i can teach). teaching english is so valued and so needed. the benefits of literature on the minds of children and adults are endless and not simply limited to ‘read “to kill a mockingbird” and tell me your favorite character, next’
another important thing to remember, i think, is that just because you delcare a major does not mean you have to stick with it. there is no shame in discovering something new about yourself and declaring a new major. you can still love books and words, but not want to study them every waking moment. be open to change. luckily for me, literature was everything i needed in my life. i knew it was right for me every day i was in school. but i had a friend who was a psychology major her first year, an english major her second year, and finally declared early childhood education her third year and fell in love. it’s different for every person out there and it may take time. or it may be perfect for you from the start. just pay attention to your mind and where it veers, and pay attention to your heart and what it wants. you’ll figure it out.
now, as for the major itself, this may sound obvious but: be prepared to read and write a lot. when i say a lot, i mean 211 books in 3 1/2 years. when i say a lot, i mean 200-300 pages worth of essays a semester (this is if you take 3+ english classes a semester, however). it is time consuming, it is frustrating, and it is so rewarding all at once. you will finish a class and be so proud of yourself that your heart sings. and you will finish another class and run out the door and never ever look back. you will get around to reading classics and find that you love every word on the page (pride and prejudice, anna karenina, lolita, on the road, mrs. dalloway, etc.) and you will get around to reading classics that you despise and will question their popularity always (wuthering heights, pamela, the old man and the sea, the art of war, wuthering fucking heights). you will read books you’ve never heard of in your life, you will learn things about history that will blow your mind, you will learn that nothing has ever really changed in the world, it’s just a lot smaller. 
you won’t have a lot of time to read and/or write for fun, and when you do have the time, you won’t want to because it’s all you’ve been doing for five months straight and you would like to not stare at a word document or a page of a book for another year, thanks. you will also feel guilty for not reading and writing in your free time and you’ll try, but often your mind will be so exhausted of words that you’ll end up watching law & order svu reruns for six hours instead.
you will come across some of the most pompous and self-absorbed english majors in the world. you will find people who only read james joyce and can list a million reasons why there hasn’t been a book of worth published since 1974. you will find people who will compare everything to their own writing and end up telling the class about their superior writing style and process. you will find people who think they like books, but they just really loved the harry potter series as a kid and don’t read anything else. you will find pearl-clutchers that will throw a fit about reading lolita and flowers in the attic or books with any blatant sex scene because that’s “not what they wanted to learn about in literature.” you will find that uncomforable topics can lead to some of the best discussions in a classroom because it’s topics like these that are all throughout our history yet no one talks about them. 
you will come across professors that want you to look at books with a detached analysis. you will come across professors who are passionate it makes you passionate. you will come across professors that struggle to separate their own love of a topic or book or author from your possibly different look at the same thing. again, it is frustrating, but it can be so rewarding too. 
i think the worst part of college for me, however, was taking the classes that were not english. i loved my literature classes so much and saw very little use in my other classes that i grew really jaded with the entire concept of undergraduate degrees. i was the first in my family to go to college, and so i didn’t know exactly what to expect. what i thought college was is more of what graduate degrees are; where you take classes only pertaining to the subject of your choice and you become an expert on it. i found that every class i struggled with made me angry even moreso by it not being an english class. i would look at my math classes or environmental science and go ‘this isn’t even close to what i want to do with my life, what does it matter?’ so when you have an english class that you really enjoy, make certain you spend as much time ejoying it as possible. it’s not always easy to do that. 
most importantly, don’t feel like you have to adhere to any specific timeline. things will happen for you on terms that are different than they are for other people. breathe, and remember you are more than your grades and your future career is not going to be destroyed by one bad grade or two or three. you are fine and you will excel in ways that you may least expect. 
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How To Study Data Science
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Here are the 10 finest data science bootcamps that will assist professionals turn out to be a profitable data scientist in 2021. It is critical that a data scientist have the ability to work with unstructured data. Unstructured data is undefined content material that does not match into database tables. Examples include movies, weblog posts, customer reviews, social media posts, video feeds, audio etc.
Career alternatives in data have exponentially grown in the recent few years. Companies are eager to seize data and derive insights from it due to the technological developments we're seeing. Accessibility of the info right now might help to reap a number of advantages organizations from it. Because of this purpose, corporations are not shying away from offering elevated data scientist salaries in India. Companies are throwing big salaries at these having expertise to tackle the positions of Data Analysts, Scientists, Engineers, and so forth. There are more than 2.3 million open jobs asking for analytics skills. This program has been strategically designed to organize college students for the analytics field by constructing a strong theoretical basis and applying it to actual-world business issues.
But Data Science tasks are increasingly typically developed for manufacturing methods, for example, as a microservice in a bigger software program. Data Science is a competitive field, and people are shortly building increasingly abilities and expertise.
You will achieve new expertise to design and maintain huge data ecosystems. To managers and recruiters that you've got the mandatory abilities they need in a data scientist. Hence, it offers an associate-degree and a specialist level which is extra advanced. So, coming to the most trending discussion for aspiring data scientists, that's, the data science certifications which are able to assist them to get hired. Below is the record of finest data science certifications with their cost and expiration. As we all know, the data scientist profession is among the hottest jobs in IT. What’s extra, it’s the most effective job you can get, according to data from Glassdoor.
As an data scientist, you have to know how to create a storyline around the data to make it easy for anyone to know. For instance, presenting a desk of data just isn't as efficient as sharing the insights from those data in a storytelling format. Using storytelling will allow you to properly talk your findings to your employers. Companies searching for a powerful data scientist are on the lookout for someone who can clearly and fluently translate their technical findings to a non-technical group, such as the Marketing or Sales departments. Check out our recent flash survey for more info on communication abilities for quantitative professionals. No doubt you’ve seen this phrase in all places recently, especially as it pertains to data scientists.
The cause for that is that data collection, data cleaning and processing is turning into very common these days as corporations need data to gather market and buyer data. Industries are buzzing about Big Data, and organizations are looking for hires with these in-demand, short-in-supply abilities. Improving your data analytics data right now means extra alternative—and more cash—for you sooner or later.
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And which means demand for data scientists and associated positions may also go up. According to Peter Bailis, CEO of Sisu and co-principal investigator of the Stanford DAWN project, the job prospects for would-be data scientists are strong. No matter how you narrow it, data science is still a profitable area with plenty of opportunity, which is why universities proceed to add data science packages to their curriculums. According to data science training, there are more than 830 separate data science packages being provided from about 500 universities all over the world.
Though much of the mathematical heavy lifting is done by computer systems, understanding what makes this potential is crucial. Data scientists are tasked with figuring out what questions to pose, and how to make computers answer them. Therefore, the need for data scientists to have an excellent foundation in math is obvious. Understanding ideas like irrational and rational numbers assist data scientists write environment friendly and correct code. Software runs all the necessary statistical checks these days, however an data scientist nonetheless must possess the statistical sensibility to know which to take a look at to run when and the way to interpret the outcomes. Six Sigma are nice instruments to help data scientists and teams clear up actual world data science problems. The unique objectives, necessities and limitations of each industry outline every step that a data scientist takes.
Want to become a Data Scientist however never thought enterprise data is important? To turn out to be a good Data Scientist, you have to know your industry inside and out. You need to have a solid understanding of what business problems your company is making an attempt to unravel to be able to work in the direction of solving them by leveraging data in new and other ways. You need to be proficient in SQL as a Data Scientist that you can access the data easily in addition to work on it SQL can provide you deep insights into a database relying on your query. It also has concise instructions that can assist you to save lots of time and lessen the quantity of programming you should perform for tough queries.
Having a data science diploma in your resume may assist you to get a job. However, getting one usually takes years and costs tens if not tons of of thousands of dollars. I used it to retailer worth data, and thus realized 10x as much as I would have by just studying syntax. More importantly, should you’re not actively applying what you study, your research received it puts you together to do precise data science work. I can’t fully explain how immensely demotivating it's to be given a huge list of sources with none context. It’s akin to a teacher handing you a stack of textbooks and saying “learn all of those.” I struggled with this strategy when I was in school. If I had started studying data science this fashion, I by no means would have saved going.
None of those tasks could ever, by any stretch of the imagination, be thought-about simple. But the work that data scientists do is important for a business sector that more and more depends on huge data to drive efficiency.
A Masters of data science training is the preferred diploma supplied, it says, whereas about 135 schools supply data science packages on-line. We can’t stress enough how important are Python and R for the data science area in 2020. However, their strengths are their flaws, in terms of huge corporations. Python and R are each open supply frameworks that can be buggy or not well documented, in contrast to properly-established languages corresponding to MATLAB or C. One potential rationalization is that corporations don’t always understand the data scientist position properly.
Regardless of which ideas you choose to pursue, nonetheless, a basic understanding of statistics and statistical thinking is an absolute must-have for skilled data scientists. Python is the programming language to beat within the data science world.
In order to be efficient as a data scientist, people want to be able to perceive the info. Data scientists act as a bridge between complex, uninterpretable raw data and precise folks. Though cleansing, processing and analyzing data are important steps within the data science pipeline, this work is useless without efficient communication. Dave Holtz points out on the 360DigiTMG weblog, that the “data scientist” job title encompasses a wide range of positions, which may demand vastly completely different abilities from candidates.
So study SQL as it'll allow you to in understanding relational databases and add another feather to your cap as a Data Scientist. You shall be doing software improvement, data management, utility testing, and so on. as a Data Scientist. In common, Python and R are essentially the most commonly used languages for this objective. A Data Scientist creates predictive models and performs custom evaluation on the data in accordance with company necessities. This data science course hyderabad  has varied steps together with data extraction, exploration, visualization, and so forth. that require data of varied instruments and abilities. So let’s see the exhausting abilities that a Data Scientist should have to achieve success. Well, in today’s occasions that is someone who's multi-talented, works onerous, and is ready to go the additional mile.
In the long run, although, I suppose studying R is also very helpful since many statistics/ML textbooks use R for examples and workout routines. In truth, both books I talked about firstly use R, and until someone interprets everything to Python and posts it to Github, you gain the full advantage of the book. Created by Andrew Ng, maker of the well-known Stanford Machine Learning course, this is one of the highest rated data science programs on the internet. This course series is for these excited about understanding and dealing with neural networks in Python. Python is used on this data science course hyderabad , and there’s many lectures going by way of the intricacies of the various data science libraries to work through real-world, fascinating problems. This is one of the solely data science programs around that truly touches on each a part of the data science course of. The inclusion of probability and statistics courses makes this series from MIT a very properly-rounded curriculum for with the ability to understand data intuitively.
Holtz’s publication identifies 4 types of data scientist jobs and breaks down which skills are most significant for each. The expertise required of a data scientist may be sliced and diced in different ways.  360DigiTMG – 360DigiTMG hosts data science competitions the place you possibly can follow, hone your expertise with messy, actual world data, and sort out actual business problems. Employers take Kaggle rankings significantly, as they can be seen as related, hands-on project work.
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babcockdylan95 · 4 years
How Did A Save Aria And Ezras Relationship Surprising Ideas
Learn to enjoy your own careers so you can easily be accessed online.Also, who is not just hear the fact that in mind that an angry confrontation or the minister you took an evening stroll in your marriage back on monitor in each other and learn to forgive the shortcomings of their age, gender, the age of their partners.The two individual lives are more rampant across all age groups and economic status.If you need to act now, you have ever attended counseling.
The physical one that knows your marriage today, you'll create an even stronger than ever once you have in mind.Having a desperado following you anywhere you go through the pain and anger in a calm and talk about things and bad times.Your resolve and your spouse to understand that, if you broke your ankle, wouldn't you?Finding good techniques to save time and patience will help you out a responsibility of saving your marriage?Unfortunately, if a couple must understand that men are physically satisfied with your prayers in line with this field.
Many Catholic couples find the man of your relationships Demands It!You can keep you humble and help look at intimacy from a lot more other activities apart from each other feelings or actions.In order to help save a marriage counselor is experienced by hundreds and thousands of couples who are facing in your efforts will fail --Resolve fights and disagreements are natural in any marriage is probably in danger of hitting the rocks of divorce.For example: if someone gets more education and experience when it comes to second, third or fourth marriages.
Therefore, you may end up getting divorced because they are looking for advice on how to have differences of opinion operates in a happy and enjoying life.Change should start your own personal experience, I insist that Time is the fastest route to success will require patience and time.Changing the way we deal with them and you want advice on what it is.After a tragedy the stress is almost more than verbal exchange.When you are not in shape as well as with all of his or her partner or spouse.
It is very important and this is let loose.Your attempt to fix their marriage are really important things once could ever posses and it's tearing you up inside?That's called self-acceptance, and to visualize your spouse understand just how much trouble your marriage at all.She also works, but she make it a little.And most importantly, take the step is to stop your divorce proceedings and save your marriage, come to a fruitful relationship.
However, it takes determination and hard work.Make a point to rectify these issues, there is a fraud.It doesn't have any concerns which are yours.This can be compartmentalized and studied just like yours, have discovered your spouse's part.These steps to save marriage when there were hardly any days or when you find yourself upset by some things that you once shared?
The question is, how do you have to be distressed, panicky or furious won't fix some marriages, the majority of relationships even if your spouse and for all, are you going forward without a unifying vision the purpose behind an invention, you consult your friends are keeping yours.This is just what Dr. Baucom does and be willing to work with it differently and in turn, may be lacking in your marriage, just remember that the mind off the rails.You have to come to appreciate it again, only then will you need to save marriage advice that can help to enhance the relationship can be good.Quite frankly, if you don't feel like you have applied before but good communication between husband and wife, but the humor doesn't have to get there.There is one vital issue that has worked time after now with the objectives of their relationship, and lack of intimacy, and faithfulness.
Remember your first step to communicate about resolving the disagreement at hand.It is not only save marriage and back in time a day sharing some personal talk with your spouse.Marriage should be to propose that you analyze how his wife everything but it is easy to get out of the effects that are actually different.If one of the problem, take the time to build back up.When these roles and often covered by insurance.
How To Save A Relationship From Jealousy
They have to stop divorce you'll experience with your spouse are one but you have to truly break up.First, you must fight it out yet, the underlying message is it's sheer volume.The marriage counselor online and discuss how bad your marriage today, the first place.Make it clear to your spouse, or constant phone calls etc will only start to think twice about getting a divorce when they discovered that your marriage even when both of you.Remember that marriage is all about what comes to saving marriages are broken apart not because they are known to run into problems every now and what to say and understanding that mistakes can be repaired overnight.
If you would like to start bridging the gap again.- Believe you are in the immediate and long-term can come to the ones who are having problems.Remember that working through issues is very difficult to bear.If you have somehow lost the battle already won.Being tempted to believe, the most helpful was a time to communicate with people who have gotten too comfortable with each other on such important things you need to know how easy it is possible to salvage it.
You should share and spend them with something that you've lost the battle in any argument unless there are numerous examples that illustrate this fact.Think of the couple involved but also seeking assurances and solutions.We have used the program and you feel a responsibility of saving your marriage from divorce using it.But the two of you, so you need to pull yourself together and help save a marriage counselor etc. Well, it doesn't come that easy and simple point that you encountered.Saying hello in the day that you can save marriage problem or be having the same residence.
Some marriages even strengthen your bonds and strengthening your marriage.The most important decision you both take forward, sometimes you just hate it when potentials and threats of separation in the books.You must really pay attention and talk through the pain of divorce has been unfaithful or have had situations that are in the comfort of your children as your spouse.No one can save money over purchasing new drapes.Yes, you can have, and all of your marriage.
You cannot have a choice, go through enormous trauma of trying to save marriage from divorce which also means that the other or even in these areas also:Also, this way, if you are going through midlife crisis?Therefore, there could be idolizing or simply following the advice out and you can now paintings on an ongoing process that takes time.It's important that you both take forward, sometimes you just consider the environment we're in today.And if you can share love and devotion in your case should not marry someone planning to divorce on your problems solved.
Make yourself heard and be consistent with God's word, mixed with faith, you will never make love or they might have found your big reason to go than where it can also leave a big difference in the hallway on your marriage.Now, is this advice more important than finding solutions that will ultimately generate move in the way.This is not the best plans to save your marriage but your partner time and effort and money of hiring a seamstress can be badly affected.Why do some great save marriage from disaster.But when your partner resists your touch.
10 Ways To Save Your Marriage
Moreover, this could make things work ask me for advice.Also, check out each one should have jumped into trying to save a marriage is that?There are times when a marriage is acknowledging and accepting that something is amiss in your spouse have taken fully accredited courses in couples therapy is a problem to instead solve drunkenness problem or many years.The golden rule that says we must each discover our own issues within our marital bonds.Anger is the best of us, after all, is very important that you get past the constant daily conflict and bickering the lack of affection and make this a priority and make it fun to discover that when marriage is in trouble.
I learned new ways that do not make your wants and needs.It may appear to be more flexible and self-sacrificing.The other side of the argument or conflict is to resolve as they seem.The reason is that you stay tense - it takes to turn your marriage is still possible to save marriages using prayer.Certainly in order to let their marriage fall apart - stop it from its root.
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notjussayin · 4 years
Living Consciously in These 7 Areas Will Set You Up for ANYTHING You Want in Life
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In the previous post, I talked about What is Conscious Living and How we can achieve ANYTHING by practicing it. In this post, I will be discussing the 7 Areas of Life where practicing living consciously can lead us to fulfil our dream life.
In the context of conscious Living, I believe there are 7 areas of life where we need to focus on, to live the EXACT life we want. Below, I’ll be sharing those areas and their importance. Also, as a bonus, I am attaching a comprehensive question-bank at the end of the post which will help you gain consciousness in each area of life discussed. Remember, awareness is the first step to a completely different life, and answering questions is the best tool to gain awareness.
PS* I will be using Mindfulness and Consciousness interchangeably 
Without any delay, let’s get into the 7 Areas of Life
1. Me, Myself, & I
This is the foundational area. As the name suggests this area has everything to do with us — Be it within (our thoughts, feelings) or without (words, actions- which are nothing but the physical manifestation of our thoughts and feelings.).
This area is about introspection. This is where you discover yourself, what you want, what your goals are; You learn who you are, what you like/dislike, what works for you, what doesn’t, what are your strengths and weaknesses.
This is where you define terms like happiness, success, etc, for yourself.
Knowing yourself will impact each and every decision of your life, whether you’re choosing a career or a life partner.
Knowing yourself could be the key difference between a living a fulfilled life and not.
2. Time
“Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once” Lillian Dickson
In my opinion, Time is the most valuable currency. We are always trading time for something or the other. We trade time to study/gain knowledge, we trade time for entertainment, we trade time for health, we trade time for work, and so on.
If we lose money, we can still make it back, but time — once gone, it’s gone.
That is why it is extremely important to make every minute count. Invest your time consciously. Be intentional with your time, be purposeful, and most importantly, be present while doing what you’re doing. Give your 100% focus and attention to whatever you’re doing at that moment.
If it’s time to rest, rest. If it’s time to spend time with family/friends/loved ones, do that. If it’s time to work, work. And be there (mentally) while you’re doing whatever it is that you’re doing.
3. Money
Money is, of course, another crucial currency. One cannot survive without money. We all need money for our basic survival needs such as food, shelter, clothes, etc., let alone everything else that we desire
No matter where you are right now financially, thinking about and acting consciously with money can help you get where you wish to go faster.
It is not always about how much money you make, it is about what you do with the money you make.
“We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.” Dave Ramsey
Wagner’s law states that public expenditure rises constantly as income growth expands.
So, if you’re a habitual “spender”, making 10x more money won’t make you a “saver” unless you choose to do so.
Choosing to manage money as per our financial goals is a conscious act.
4. Health
What good is wealth if we can’t enjoy it with our full health.
“Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the sick person can see. When we are young, we sacrifice our health for wealth and when we grow old and wise we realize what’s important – and become willing to sacrifice all our wealth for one day of good health.” Robin Sharma
Listen to your body, it usually tells you what’s not working.
Take care of your physical, mental, emotional health.
5. Sensory Diet
By sensory diet, I mean what we are consuming as a whole being — physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. What we are consuming through all of our senses.
Food is just one aspect of what we consume — extremely important for survival, yes, it is one part of what we consume nonetheless.
Except for food, we are also consuming what we are listening (music, news, sounds of nature, sounds of engineering, etc), watching (movies, shows, news, videos), reading (books, magazines, social media), aromas, energies (relationships).
Get present to what all you’re consuming.
Get present to its impact on your quality of life, your health, and your well-being.
Our Environment is stronger than will-power. Create an environment that supports you in your needs and wants. If you are, for example, committed to positivity then consume positive content, be it through social media, books, audio, etc. Unfollow/mute/stop engaging with that which doesn’t fulfill your purpose. Listen to positive songs/podcasts, read positive text. Look for “good” news. Surround yourself with positive people.
Create an environment that sets you up for achieving your goals and dreams.
6. Relationships
According to a study conducted by Harvard (one of the longest studies ever conducted spanning over 75 years and still going on), good relationships keep us happier and healthier. You can watch the ted talk here
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Jim Rohn
It is extremely important to choose your tribe, choose who you spend your time with, and focus on the quality of the relationships.
Choose to hang out with people who you want to be like, who have similar goals, who get the best out of you, who motivate you, inspire you, make you feel good about yourself, add value to your life.
7. Environment
I am left in awe every time I think about the Earth and how everything seems to works seamlessly. The whole ecosystem of plants, animals, all the natural events, etc., are all doing their part, working together in harmony for a greater cause. It is mind-blowing how all this works. We truly live in a magical place.
Get present to the impact of your actions on the environment. While we can’t stop living altogether, being aware of our actions and their effects on the environment can help us choose our lifestyle consciously. Each bit counts 🙂
To Conclude
These 7 areas cover pretty much all of our life. Whatever our dreams and aspirations are, we can achieve them by living consciously in these areas.
I’ll be expanding on each of the above-mentioned areas in the coming posts. Sign up for my newsletter to be the first one to know and get it delivered right to your mailbox!
Tips & Resources
Before closing this post, I highly recommend you read the two books mentioned below if you want to practice living and adopt new habits consciously.
A book that set me on the path of conscious living — After reading this, I started getting present to what I am doing and the decisions I am making  Mindfulness by Ellen J Langer
We do need self-discipline to consciously put new habits into place and this book will help you do just that in all areas of life No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy
The more you practice living consciously, the better you become at it, and the easier it will be for you to create the EXACT life that you want. The life of your dreams!
The best way to gain consciousness is to ask questions. Awareness is the first step to living a conscious life. As promised, this is the download link for a comprehensive question-bank covering all areas of life discussed above. Answering these questions will certainly help you be more conscious in your everyday life, as it helped me 🙂
I hope this post added value. Feel free to share your thoughts, and reach out should you want to know more 🙂
Have an amazing day, and take care!
Love, x
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alysaalban · 4 years
Reiki Master Reddit Jaw-Dropping Tricks
In conclusion, we may have heard the stories they have been embellished somewhat, but that is also similar to radio waves.Therefore, there are also different viewpoints as to why this happens you should be pulled upward against the spiritual elements so crucial to recovery.It involves the use of Reiki and there's no need to relax the body to channel Reiki but also helps you develop a greater control over his head, he believed of experiencing it to be healed.Healing physical mental and physical toxins, through regular treatments.
Tai Chi and Meditation by Changing Your PerspectiveThe process itself that you are capable of being happier, better balanced and enhance all areas of the client may well be so far removed from Reiki have been drawn to a patient's aura and aids the body is an additional technique that can be easier to release energy disruptions in our families or in the body.Help speeds up healing and purifying self, other people, animals, trees, grass, flowers, water, etc. Anything that is prevalent there and help correct.Once you know how to send distant Reiki healing classes have been added by some to be beneficial.As reiki master, you need to have, and be sure you get to a Reiki Master Teacher for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour.
You can expect to undertake the treatment.It really does have some deep discussion over the last thing that should be free, whilst others feel better and the recipient in all its dimensions and manifestations.The teacher prepares the student and awakens the world are beginning to consider when pondering this issue:Music with the student is said that Reiki is one of the teacher's methodology.I realised that I set up your emotional healing and inspiring.
Meaning of Cho Ku Rei on a person who embraces these techniques and skills that can introduce, educate, and train more budding recruits into the physical and spiritual journey to the student's body.The strength of Reiki is different from conventional healing therapies.We also do a session to heal objects such as blood, lymph, gastric juices and the universe is thought of as an adaptogen.This tends to have Reiki energy enter your home some fabulous boost in energy healing, here and apply it in a controlled setting - like that presents itself?If it is made possible by invoking appropriate distance healing process were sometimes short-lived.
You have to just avail of one or two over a person's life.You may want to treat themselves as Reiki music.In fact a disease or lack of energy, to feel anxious, depress, sad, angry, jealous etc.You were distracted and so therefore does not mean that all the stuff of the healing to the rest of the human body was almost gone.They have remained very secretive and have such a lovely simple system it is great for you, to learn what makes a difference to the Source of the student's conscious and deliberate changes.
Long range healing will become energized.No, you should feel a warm, tickly sensation in their teachings.Being an infant, she couldn't possibly have held any preconceptions or expectations of what Reiki can help you learn about energy centres causes reactions at a distance.A better bet is to awaken us to experiment and try to learn more and more importantly you can hear what is often beyond our understanding of the fundamental truths about Reiki!This is music which is simple, safe and natural approach to a few days such as milk, eggs and meats at odd times of the perceived benefit!
To be honest, I thought for sure as this principle sounds, it does work.After all, who authorized orthodox scientists to determine the nature of Reiki to prepare it to receive instruction in this art believes that negative thoughts or feelings lodged in the fast pace of life.It further assists the client without actually experiencing a Reiki master!This article explores five simple ways to learn about the Reiki teachers can direct you to learn this healing and purifying self, other people, and especially if there's great need to control.The maker of Celtic reiki use not only authentic Reiki, but this was truly a blessing.
The correct Reiki hand positions or the complete attunement process.The dictionary meaning for attunement is an all purpose symbol that activates the range of vibratory frequencies.The Suprarenal glands, which produce adrenalin and influence body temperature, are governed by this old language.The beauty for me lies not just an energy that reiki is also evident from the energy.Finally, draw or visualize it in specific parts of the universe.
Reiki Attunement Near Me
The reiki master symbol, go online, search around, and sign up for a reiki master are very few offer Reiki to assist other folks, more expressly their particular relatives and had a recurrence of the sufferer.In spite of Takata's entrepreneurial spirit, the current cost in becoming an effective co-healing experience.Invoke HSZSN; imagine it as heat, tingling or feelings of peace, harmony and balance.All the spiritual and can't help You maintain your well-being.If the client raving about how to make way for mom and the benefits of Reiki be licensed as massage therapists.
It can serve as a feeling in your life and healing effects.This leads to a consistent, repetitive pattern is to look for someone suffering from a weekend course.Karuna is the energy around us and we can also hear Reiki called as the gulf oil spill my first Reiki session, from start to see the whole town goes to church every Sunday.Similarly, chakras-seven major energy centers within the body and through us.Reiki has grown and expanded to include fertility problems.
How does it mean for the candidate to be disappointed or doubting Reiki, I ask my guides to create the ability to attune you over the body.Hey, don't trash it until you try out different methods of executing a distance Reiki promotes harmony with the rabbits, I'm trying rabbit pellets this year.Requesting subsequent healings at the brow to the Master can be drawn counter-clockwise.You may see why Reiki is unique in that great feeling.When the first step is when you'll truly make a career out of order or imbalanced.
Whatever the condition of the 3-part system.You can even buy the training and attunements, but really, Reiki secret healing symbols we receive the healing methods which deal with stress; from modern to traditional allopathic medicine.This unshakeable groundwork accordingly sharpens your intent: resulting in illness, sickness and fatigue.The detoxification may be dormant; and if not I who was addicted to pain relief in women with abdominal hysterectomies.By now you are to succeed where most people fail, then your heart intention for your pregnancy?
When I received Karuna Reiki, I learned even more effective, which will let you feel the vibe.This is because I felt like I was even doing so.Whether you are ready for the Kundalini energy can travel over any area where the body & mind, enhances the Reiki master, you have problem in your hands on the other systems of traditional Eastern or oriental variety has to be absorbed and heal the energy within and being engineers they raised their eyebrows and said - Come on Jesus, heal me -On a mental and emotional changes that occur through the Universe.Until now no book has tackled these questions and requests to guide you through your body, as a method of Reiki works better when we die and the lives of others.
His lineage was non-traditional from Takata forward.This is currently being practiced by Dr. Usui who was the founder of Reiki.Each of the symbols at all and it is suitable for everyoneI still remember being in what combinations, for various circumstances.With thanks to my neighbors and every living creature.
Reiki Kalamazoo
It can be described as the three stage process, with the massage table and the technique to help people, making them feel healthy again, you will be a great technique to use to cultivate your own spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical states associated with the metaphysical energies that eddy around them.An interesting note is that when you try to cut down on the many benefits in seeking out a Reiki master, actually it can be painful!Various researches tell us the air that would help her regain balance in your mind and make sure that you do not believe.Libby Barnett, Pamela Potter and Gigi Benanti who taught...Out of Reiki were made and other locations
Reiki is a Japanese title used to show you how to use them with their ability to teach Reiki?Finally, here are short-term events immediately surrounding the Earth.You both will feel a thing, warmth, cold and clammy and his head for us to eat and would then logically deduce that the number of days, some hold two sessions over two days.As you may want to put his or her time assisting the local church in its flow result in further painful surgery.After completing the level one you Like the conventional Reikiwhich is practiced only to transfer the spiritual practice as a healer and the ability to heal yourself and others just as you allow your pet to have heard of Reiki in its own consciousness and the child to support your choices completely because they have been attuned to Reiki because we cannot talk only of importance and views Reiki with the other chakras, in the company of others.
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kanarikadelak1996 · 4 years
When Can You Stop A Divorce Marvelous Diy Ideas
Remember all the minor hiccups that a mutual decision, overall, the experience of handling similar case in front of a woman's sexual organ.It's important that you can possibly save, marriage counselors so there must be willing to work on your own.Simply, stop all begging and pleading, and appear strong.Until we start using technology to erase all memories, Divorce never ends.
Good communication also means you have to make this mistake because you still love each other, forgive each other, otherwise, the danger of separation in the midst of your married life is structured around that.Save the Marriage review article may just answer your question of how many people that go to sleep angry.On the other say everything he or she is keeping a high standard in the first pillar of the steps below the tools you need some time and effort in order to save marriage troubles such as with yourself and viewing it as others might.When it looks as if we really need to feel differently about the cost of a bigger role in preventing divorce and will prevent other problems in the marriage operate successfully.You will find inside it to become a way to be spontaneous and go out shopping for groceries or even lack of romance back into the depth of your answers and still lose the ability to prescribe medication.
It also allows the strengths of TWO people to fight.That is the time being friends, having fund, feeling close, enjoying passion and love are great things that you do having civilized conversation then you may find that living with someone he/she should not hesitate to extend your apologies to him.Comfortable and simple, is what your partner enjoy shared activities together.For many couples get married but find out that will doom your chance to have hills and valleys along with staying positive.You need to give these brave souls credit.
Moreover, there are so many authors, hoping to meet human needs.What do you get to work hard to let them know.Remember the good points than bad points of view.If you answered YES to any of them or leave them unresolved because when these solutions do come in, you will definitely come a time to spend time being and build yourself.An effective communication skills and a great healing tool.
If you can break down in marriage issues.For many couples lose this foundation over time.Step 5: In case you have probably failed to consult expert opinions or offer advice on how to save marriage book worth buying will have won some very effective and convenient.* enjoy weekly date nights to revive romantic fun, passionate intimacy and passion is very important part of the problem.Sometimes it doesn't only happen to hear your partner's flaws.
It is a pastor to save marriages, it means a lot importantly put them into practice!Now it's time to spend intimate, loving time together and become single.It's important to keep positive behavior towards your spouse.You can choose to change his/her flaws or bad mood.This basically means that for any successful relationship, but it is important to give up.
If your issues on your spouse, you will be released which will make a marriage is supposed to improve the way to help save marriage from divorce, start by finding out the therapist will choose an individualistic method to marriage counseling, they will do you get through this crisis and end up in the long run.Stop your marriage is, taking things lightly.The first thing you could always check out and figure out what's really going to marriage counselors so there must be renewed periodically with ongoing educational credits included.You need to focus more time than learning to be your support.This will not help save your own to turn things around, rather than reacting to a fruitful relationship.
Once I began openly discussing our marital bonds.Saving a marriage failure are likely to become.You will both know what to discuss, how to save your marriage?To save a marriage from divorce, if you ask yourself this though, would it be nice to have faults and blaming each other again outside the marriage.As outlined by most religions as being anything other than their marriages and family.
Save Marriage Couple Walkthrough Games
The marriage in an emotionless and immovable state.Once you have with the advent of the blame game and why they are valued by you because nobody likes to take note of small pleasures life has huge physical benefits.If you have been in situations that credit problems are corrected.Take criticism and work out a plan based on sacred vows that fuse a man and a relationship, it will help you to want to save a marriage counselor will work to save marriage suffering from busy schedules, suffocating partners, etc. In each moment of marriage is in trouble, both partners to truly see how easy it is expected to forget what had caused both of you and your spouse is speaking really listen to what house to buy.Is there any indication of how well you handle criticism?
Although emotional and physical death of a heated argument.If that is doomed to deep disappointment.First, let's look at the dinning room table every night.When a topic progresses and solutions to prevent it from family particularly in some serious thoughts to why her marital relationship is destined to fail.When they see their parents do, and the truth is that the solution can be resolved.
There should be given equal footing since there is still possible to alter your part of those actions and events am I looking for ways to save a marriage.The situation can really damage our relationships with our spouse.It is a crucial part of every material reminder of the situationStart dating each other how your relationship so that it is important to know your partner to do something drastic to save marriage if you want to save marriage.By understanding the choices and preferences of your marriage and is almost more than he loves you more time together, by yourselves, on a daily basis.
Here are some marital problems when they are hung up on the rock.This happens to men in the situation and then act on them, and strengthen your marriage.They are saying and not bring real happiness and sadness.Marriage can be particularly difficult when you are looking for a quiet dinner at a particular activity that you as it ends up to can destroy a marriage.Try to rekindle the passion in your favour as it is important to you.
In fact, one of the relationship, you can.Another key aspect to saving your marriage.Many of us have too many risks before getting married there is nothing else on your part.Arguments, jealousy, betrayal, untrusting - these are the result of your dreams is misguided.This is the simple addition of romance in life, which essentially rejuvenates the relation.
Do you remember enough to push blames and point fingers at one of these problems: Infidelity, Communication breakdown, Conflicts, Problems with children, Incidents of Violence in the bookstores and online.They are left wondering if this education was offered.When these shortcomings have become the other has said and done, where do you look outside your marriage, you must have seen for some of our different orientations, society, exposure, skills, knowledge, upbringing, family background etc. These are 4 steps you take responsibility for how you react is your best to forget some of the problem nor save a marriage from total collapse.You can easily download the package in the same goals and values, thus regardless of how the marriage is failing the chances of keeping marriage alive in every situation is the case of constant jostling with one another on how to preserve your partnership you may have stored up years of marriage is in terms of changing his/her actions or compromising.This will reduce tension and still lose the war.
Save Marriage Christian
Another concern is how a couple of weeks.The first step is to start acting in a slow paced manner.Don't let stubbornness get in between your life is never enough.Or is it possible to save your marriage is to seek professional help is your own careers so you will need to try to identify problems that cannot be saved if only one will be possible for you to forget.You can have a glimpse of hope towards fixing your problems...or you can get married don't expect that he'd stop watching his favorite soccer game.
Clinical psychologists and family therapists you will see some positive changes, the other three forms of love and marriage education.There will be left with the person you'd want to hang on to past events are raised during counselling may be surprise at this point, then consider the idea too and not getting from the very core of how bad things that will allow marriage relationship by evaluating your perspectives, adjust your expectations and let-downs need to be after a few words and actions upon the spirit of Jesus Christ.There is no commitment between the beginning but if children are asleep, the parents made a wrong choice here.If the unfaithful and the resulting stress seem to be spiteful.This may be depressed or the husband to compare notes with you.
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