#like oh my god SUCH good fuckin kids in that class
blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
#not that anyone is actively incredibly invested#but this blog is my diary so I’ll post what I want#but also I didn’t wanna make like an actual post post so I’m ranting in the tags#so no Stick Season update today bc I don’t have it in me!! and I’m opting to force myself to relax!!!#bc it has been A Day#and for no reason really????? like I was having a great day!!!#and then fifth period started#WHICH IS TRUTHFULLY MY BEST CLASS#like oh my god SUCH good fuckin kids in that class#and yeah my altos are incidentally the weaker section this year#but today it felt like they were doing it so APATHETICALLY and PURPOSEFULLY that I stopped rehearsal#and I was like ‘hey. sopranos are giving 100% and altos I think like maybe half of you are giving 50.’#and I was like if you don’t want to go to UIL let me know AND SOME LITTLE SHIT RAISED HER HAND but I stayed calm!!#and she’s getting an alternate assignment!! bc I understand Choir isn’t for everyone but also LIKE WHAT ARE U DOIN IN THIS CLASS THEN#but then some other altos were like ‘no we wanna go’#and I said something along the lines of ‘great but it’s gonna require more effort than what I’m getting right now’#‘and that sucks because you guys could be REALLY good if you wanted to’#AND THEN I JUST STARTED FUCKING CRYING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH#like not ugly crying I held it together long enough to tell them to pack up their stuff lmao#But then they lined up and one girl came back to hug me and ask if I was okay and THEN I lost it#like I’m actually laughing now bc ITS SO RIDICULOUS SNDBAJDNSJ LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME????#and then three more girls came back when the bell rang and they were all telling me how much they love my class#and I started crying harder#and I had my tenor bass class next (boys. rowdy AS FUCK) and from outside my portable I hear the girls say:#‘BE GOOD TODAY AND DONT TO ANYTHING TO MAKE HER UPSET!’#and I’m very emo about it#and two altos came to apologize me and asked to ‘please not go all emo on us again we’ll try harder’#and honestly I’m laughing my ass off I’m such a weak educator but I love my kids jajshsjsj#ANYWAY so I need some fluff and laughs this fine afternoon and do not wish to write today so SORRY#blurgleshutthefuckup
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lusalemaart · 11 months
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Like a couple of weeks ago there was a Drawfee video where they put their names into a Pokedex entry generator, and I decided to do it with my name.
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shoyoist · 1 year
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𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 — hanma shuji.
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hanma doesn't know why he's so nervous about giving you chocolate on valentine's day. for fuck's sake.
he checks himself out for the seventh time in the reflection of the candy shop's display window, running a hand through the gelled locks of his dyed hair, fixing a strand that had fallen loose. chill the fuck out. he leans back against his motorcycle, hoping to god that he doesn't look awkward as he stands there, holding a heart-shaped box and a bouquet of flowers— starting to feel cold as the sun goes down in the distance, his leather jacket and skinny jeans doing little to protect him from the late winter chill. 
like, who cares if this is the first time he's spending a valentine's day with someone? he stares into the lidded, dusty gold eyes of his reflection. and who gives a shit that you're the first girlfriend he's ever had? the first person to ever sway his devil heart, to pull him down from the top of the world and dethrone him of the title of the lone reaper? … and who cares if he was over twenty whole fucking years old when you gave him the first kiss of his whole life? 
“shut up,” he'd hissed at hanemiya, who laughed at him while he was hunched over shelves of confectionery, unable to pick something for you. “shut the fuck up, b’fore i knock the teeth outta your fuckin' skull.”
“ooh, would ya really do that, now?” usually, anyone would cower and tremble in their pissy little shoes if the hanma shuji had threatened them like that. but hanemiya hadn't even flinched. 
“your little girlfriend might run from you, shuji honey,” kazutora had mocked, using the petname you always called him by. “can't risk that, man. not when she’s the first girl that's ever wanted your flat ass in your life.”
“can it, tora.” hanma had warned, voice low. “for a kid that sat in the class corner and got his shit beat in by every other kid in school, you sure have a sharp fuckin' tongue.”
“ouch.” hanemiya's wince was only fake. “hey, man. we're friends.”
to be fair, hanma had never thought much about love or first kisses or valentine's days, or even relationships in general. he was plenty amused and invested by kisaki's endeavours, sidelining his efforts to win over the woman of his dreams like it was a soap opera.
it was new, unwalked territory, and it made him nervous, made his heart flutter, goddamnit— to be in love with someone himself. and god he's fucking sweating despite the cold, as he stands there as patiently as he can and waits—
“shuji!” your voice calls him from behind, and he ignores the way his face and ears heat up as he turns around to find you. “shuji honey! i'm sorry i'm late!”
you wave at him as you rush over, your shoes clacking over the frosty sidewalk and your scarf fluttering in the breeze. the first thing hanma thinks is oh, fuck— because you're damn pretty, and also because your hands are full. of shopping bags that contain what he can only assume are valentine's day gifts for him.
suddenly, he feels embarrassed. the box of chocolates he spent so much time choosing for you, and the bouquet of roses (one of each colour to signify every kind and stage of love) feel suddenly empty. not good enough.
“hi baby,” he says, voice going rough as he softens it for you. leaning down so you don't have to get on your toes, he allows you to capture his lips in a kiss, parting his lips to give himself a sliver of your taste. “don't worry your pretty little head. i didn't wait long.”
“i went shopping.” you tell him, hanging some of your bags on the handlebar of his motorcycle, trifling through one of them for something. “shuji i knew you'd never dress correctly for the weather, so i made some last minute additions to my gift list and bought you these.”
you pull out a checkered scarf, very long in your hands — and you get on your toes anyway, slinging it around his neck and patting his chest before nodding in satisfaction and going back to the bag for something else. “that, and these gloves!”
you take out a pair of thick, black leather gloves and wait for hanma to finish wrapping his new scarf around his neck, before taking his large hands in yours and pulling the gloves on them for him. “aren't they nice?” you smile proudly, squeezing his gloved hands. “look at the silver buttons! you fasten them like this, and see! they're fitted perfectly.”
“i—” his voice cracks, and he blinks down at you in silence for a moment, feeling warm and fuzzy as you hold his hands in yours. “thank you, pretty doll. i love them.”
“and you better use them.” you huff. “i know you're freezing even now. it's a cold evening. you never learn, shuji.”
“i will, baby.” he has to grin at you then, because you're so fucking cute when you turn your nose up and frown at him, bossing him around like that. “promise.”
“kiss.” you pout, then, and his heart melts. he'd already put his flowers and chocolate down on the back of his motorcycle, so he wraps his hands and arms around your waist, pulling you in and enjoying the warmth you offer as he kisses you, his touch so gentle and tender even to himself. “love you, baby.” he says into your mouth, blushing again when he feels you hum happily against his lips. “i love you so much.”
when you pull away, your gaze wanders off to his motorcycle — and you look up at him, eyes somehow so adorable, sparkly and full of innocent joy. “are those for me?”
“who else would they be for?” hanma chuckles, snatching up the bouquet and chocolate, handing them to you. “happy valentine's day.” the words feel foreign, an inexperienced rasp to them as they leave his tongue.
he watches you hug the flowers to your chest, reading the label on the chocolate box, giggling as you notice your name carefully written in black marker on the pink ribbon tied around it. “it's not much,” he starts, but you don't let him continue. 
“i love them, shuji! these are my favourite kind of chocolate— and how did you know to pick these specific colours of roses, hm?” you raise an eyebrow, giggling even as you try to appear skeptical. “i bet kisaki taught you. you wouldn't know a thing about flower meanings.”
it's true — he didn't know. he'd asked kisaki for help himself. his little plant-loving genius of a friend had been delighted to oblige. “hey, don't be mean t’me now.”
“i love them, honey.” you smile, and hanma's heart flutters with the softness of your tone.
he knows you love him. you call him your honey, your sweetheart, your baby — as if he wasn't 6’4, tatted up and famous on the streets for being an on-and-off member of multiple gangs, a wild card and a lone reaper of souls that's never been defeated in a fight.
as if he wasn't quite terrible at giving you his love back. he stares again at his flowers and his measly box of chocolates, before glancing as discreetly as he could at all the bags you'd hung on his motorcycle's handlebar. “so, what's our plan?” he licks his lips. “we can go anywhere you want— name a place, i'll drive us there.”
“aren't you sweet,” you reach up to pinch his cheek. “hm, let's go to my favourite restaurant! you know the one. and after that we can drive around and head to the park you like. we can open the rest of your gifts there.”
fuck. “these all’re really for me?” he frowns at the bags — there are six of them, all tote bags in pretty pastel pinks and yellows.
“mhm.” you nod, utterly unaware of what you do to his heart. “i got you twenty presents!”
“the hell?” he mutters under his breath, running a hand through his hair and rubbing the nape of his neck, puzzled. “why the fuck would ya do that, now?”
“buy you twenty presents?” you blink. “well, i was trying to get you something really meaningful, you know? something special. that's practical but also mmm, sexy — because that's the kind of thing you like.”
“and you had to buy twenty of these … practical and sexy presents.” hanma isn't convinced. 
you put the flowers and chocolate into one of the bags and climb onto the back of his motorcycle, rolling your eyes at him. “listen, shuji— i got a little carried away, alright? i'm nervous!”
nervous? you? he walks the few steps required to close the distance between you two once again. “hah?”
“mhm.” you grab at his stomach through his shirt and pinch, earning yourself from him a hiss of pain and a swat from his hand. “i'm nervous, because…” you smile, leaning in like you're telling him a secret. “i have to show you a good time—a little birdie told me this is your very first valentine's day date.”
hanma's embarrassment is evident as he tugs the scarf up his chin and turns his back to you, leaping onto the motorcycle and making it jolt, your panicked squeak and the way you grab at his jacket to steady yourself making him chuckle despite himself.
“hey!” you slap his shoulder, and he ignores you, twisting the keys into the ignition and revving his vehicle up instead. “shuji! you're mean.”
“‘m not.” he scoffs, backing up off the side of the rode and to the yellow line. “you're mean.”
he peeks at one of the mirrors and sees your pretty face twisted into a scowl, and his own face cracks into a smile. “you'd be a real sweetie if you told me the rest of the stuff you got f’me, though.”
“those are surprises.” your scowl lifts, as he pushes off the road with one foot and drives out into the street. you wrap your arms around his waist and press your body to his back, cheek against his shoulder as you let the wind into your hair and relax as he speeds up. “you can guess, though. so funny when you guess.”
“cause i never get anything fuckin' right?” he laughs, and then you laugh too, and hanma feels all warm and fuzzy again. god, he loves you. he loves you so much.
people would assume about a man like hanma, that he wouldn't settle for a first love. he would want experiences! he would want to taste love, passion, regret, heartbreak, unadulterated lust, the poisons and ambrosias of other people— but really, he thinks he can do just fine with just you.
he can do just fine with only your love, your presence, your warmth and your kisses from your lips his whole life. if he wants experiences, he'll have them with you.
“hey.” he says, half hoping his words get lost in the wind— but you hum in response anyway, so he continues. “i know i haven't even opened those presents yet, but thank you. alright? i really do appreciate it, baby.”
he laughs at the end, a little awkward, because fuck— he sounds so stupid when he tries to be serious and express something that isn't a joke.
then you kiss his shoulder, and he feels that warmth and fuzziness all over again. “of course. anything for you, shuji. i'll make sure you feel just how much i love you.”
and god, hanma just might fucking cry. his eyes sting, and he blinks the sensation away before it can build — but he still takes a little too long to reply, takes too long to swallow down the lump in his throat. “i love ya too.”
“shuji,” your voice is teasing, and he feels you tilt your face on his shoulder to look at him better. “you're tearing up, aren't you?”
“baby, respectfully, shut the fuck up.” he smiles anyway, because your laugh is beautiful, and when you push yourself up just a bit to place a quick kiss on his cheek, he turns his head just in time to make it a kiss on his lips. ”now stay put.”
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note: inspired by an ask left to me by @vivianette. thank you for the idea, beloved<3 interactions, reblogs & feedback are much appreciated!
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nymphomatique · 9 months
-ahem after reading your nerd/loser!Miguel I just CANT ✊😩 ❤ I gonna need ask orrrr request something !...YOU MADE SOMETHING AWOKEN something in me that I i JUST can't explain😵😳 but NEED TO BE RELEASED (😏) and now today I wanted to request my take on it if that ok with you 😌😏
Ok hear me out nerdy loser/horny!Miguel x YOU GUESS IT popular/richfm!reader 😝!!!..
So let me explain the plot first 😌 .so let just say we never seen Miguel (it been an long time since) only remember that name while reader was in highschool and reader was one of Miguel bully I guess.. (even though she not the one laying an hand on him 😒😔) as she just watch as her popular group of friends bullied Miguel seeing him have tear down acting nothing like an man... ( what an man baby)'Which taught was more *interesting* about this nerd. but reader always think he was cute (I guess reader say it in her mind) even if he was an loser nerd at high school and more of an quite guy and only care for work.but the best part of Miguel in high school is that he ALWAYS obey no matwhat towards you/fm!reader 😩(god I don't know if I have to explain the next scene but I think I just hints some 😝😋 blow jobs overstuim- i mean many !! I want to see. Him cry on the desk while reader under it 🗣✊)
This is could be an flash back honestly I don't care 🗣🗣 I hope your doing great and having an awesome day
you were cooking nonnie‼️ i hope this translated well into writing. and yes timeskip crumbs 🤭
cw: no smut in this one folks! timeskip present, mentions of cannabis use, miguel gets bullied ;(, reader saves him tho dw, genuinely just fluff, teeny bit of d/s stuff, allusions to sex at the end. italic text is a high school flashback! enjoy 🫶🏾
“i cannot believe you had braces!” miguel laughs at your yearbook picture. you smack his arm and roll your eyes at his laughter.
“s’not funny. was only my freshman year.” you mumble,
“i’m just kidding honey, you’re still gorgeous, braces or not,” he says, kissing your temple. the two of you were sitting on your couch in your shared condo, looking at your old high school yearbook.
“you’re flattering me to get in my pants,” you quip. miguel wraps an arm around you and kisses your neck whispering low. “don’t need flattery to do that.”
you push his face away and snort. “when did you get so suave, mr. o’hara?” you question. “you weren’t as smooth in high school if u remember correctly.”
“you’d be right, but meeting you changed me for the better, no?” he flips the yearbook pages, finding his picture in the sea of others.
“maybe you changed me,” you say lowly.
“aww, come on pete, lay off him will you?” flash thompson laughs. “nah, he’s too easy,” peter replies. they had been roaming the halls, cutting class to smoke a joint. since peter was out early, he figured meeting you once your class period was over would be fun, high sex in the bathroom stalls was on his bucket list after all, and you never told him no when it came down to a good time.
in the midst of both flash and peter roaming the halls, they had ran into miguel o’hara, clutching his books in his hands during his free period, roaming the halls like them. nudging flash in his shoulder, peter made a show of miguel. he had pushed him into the lockers, feigning accident. miguel hit the rusted metal with a thud, dropping his books in the process.
“oh, did i bump you? my deepest apologies,” peter mocks, flash not even trying to hide his smile. miguel looks up from his place on the ground between the two, rubbing his shoulder that hit the locker. not worth it, he thinks, and moves to reach one of his books. before he can grab it, peter kicks it across the hall. miguel’s eyes stay focused on the ground. “aww, what happened? you got butterfingers, o’hara?” flash laughs.
“pick up your fuckin’ books, you’re blocking the hall,” peter directs towards miguel. miguel stays unmoved, pushing his glasses up his nose, eyes still glued to the floor. peters angry, feeling disrespected. “hey,” he says, and the hostility beginning to bubble in his voice is clear. “you fuckin’ deaf or what? i said pick up for fuckin-”
“the fuck is going on here?” you interrupt, seeing peter and flash freeze for a split second. you had left a while ago to go to the bathroom and skip class, but had decided to stop by your lockers, where you found peter and flash bullying some random.
“hey, baby,” peter begins. your eyebrow raises and he drops the act. “we uh- we were just tryna help h-”
“can it. i can smell the pot off you guys, fuckin’ gross. get outta here before you get caught with no hall pass,” you dismiss both peter and flash. peter makes way to kiss you goodbye but you move your head, your eyes telling him to get the fuck on.
when both peter and flash are long gone down the hall, you turn to miguel. “hey,” you say. he finally looks up at you and you see tears welling in his eyes. you wince, and wordlessly kick his book back to him. watching him gather up his books is almost disheartening, usually you laugh at something this pathetic. your feelings get the better of you, so you walk to miguel and buy your hand on his chin, lifting his head up to look at you. the eye contact sends a weird feeling in your chest, his tear stained brown eyes filled with emotion.
“chin up, dweeb,” you say, touching the tip of his nose and winking at him before you get up and leave, off to see what trouble peter found himself in.
miguel is in shock. that’s the first time he’s ever been talked to by someone popular. a popular girl at that. miguel looks back at your figure walking away, hips swaying with determination and he feels his heart swell in his chest.
“you gettin all sappy on me now, baby?” miguel quips. “funny. you must have forgotten what to address me as. i’ve been too nice to you,” you reply, your gaze intense. miguel swallows and his whole demeanour changes. “i didn’t forget, mistress,” he replies. you smile, getting up from the couch, pulling miguel up by his shirt to follow you.
“that’s my good boy.”
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umeqii · 2 months
-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY ⠀⠀⠀. . . ⠀⠀⠀but you're lowkey cool .
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fandom ; class of 09
character ; nicole
gender ; female reader (lesbian nicole real)
creator ; umeqii
QUICK A/N - so like idk i'm a nicole kinnie and so like i might (i will) self project but yk ^_^ and uh idk i js wanted to post smth abt co09 bc like all i saw was mf jeffery ones and no one likes jeffery he's a fucking wierdo anyways!!
TW - like it's co09, so mentions of pedophilia, drugs, dark humor, sh, suicide jokes, things like that :P
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okay so it's quite clear that nicole is a sociopath, and she's aware of it and she payed VERY little attention to you at first
i guess you were just like, that one girl who just sits in class n minds her business and overhears alot of weirdass drama like that one blonde bitch kelly being inlove with her cousin or something
but you had a new student, and you gotta admit, she was really pretty ≥∇≤ !!
her personality; not so much (real though)
anyways, you grew up to read people really easily from the way you were raised n shit so when you first spoke to nicole in class, you realised she was faking to smile; or just faking to be nice in general
so you kept that in mind, but didn't say anything because you were loekwy afraid :P
one time, you guys had science together n this kid jeffery kept tryna talk to nicole and it's not like you were mad at her for tryna make new friends, it was jeffery you were mad at
he didn't even acknowledge you one bit ☠️☠️
so you just end up standing next to them saying nothing and looking like a random stranger
when nicole sat in her seat, with jeffery rambling about anime girls or something, you saw how she looked REAALLLYYY pissed so you were gonna sit in your seat (which was opposite hers) and ask her
you just ended up staring at him with a slightly open mouth when he ignored your soft askings of "can you please move?"
that's when our favourite toxic lesbian said something!! (i'm delusional)
" oh my FUCKING god, next time i hear anything about your stupidass anime cat girls, i will actually hang myself from this light. like who the fuck even asked?? i know damn fuckin' well i didn't. and get your greasy and filthy ass out of y/n's seat, you bitch. "
that was jeffery's face (and lowkey yours' too)
he got out of your seat and mumbled an apology to you and sat somewhere else leaving you and an annoyed nicole sitting in silence
" oh uh...are you? "
" do you have any meth. "
" ah fuck sorry, i don't do.. uh yeah "
" you look like you do, you seem fucking crazy "
" oh. "
so like after that, and you, being the sapphic you are, ended up falling inlove with nicole !!
she was lowkey a bitch and you won't lie, toxic as fuck but she was your only friend and she stuck up for you so that's good??
she treats everyone with no respect at all, but for you, you can see the SLIGHT change in attitude
like you see her with jeffery, then people like jecka and emily, and you!!
she would always say things about you guys making out or having sex in the bathrooms and you couldn't tell if they were jokes or not
but like i lowkey cba to say how ym got together so all ik is that yu asked her out, she made out with yu and yh
so like now HEADCANONS time
nicole is an insecure girl deep, deep down so that's why she acts the way she does.
but yeah, those insecurities make her REALLY jealous 😭😭
it's sometimes concerning .
like one time you were approached by emily and she was asking you if you wanted some drugs or something, which you declined, and you ended up complimenting her hair and saying how it brings out her eyes and she ended up hugging you
then nicole stormed over and started going fucking crazy mode at emily saying how " don't you have like a 30 year old boyfriend you can give head right now? so fuck off and let me give this bitch head instead, you cokewhore!! "
something along the lines of that
like i guess showing affection makes her pretty vulnerable, so when ym are in public she's a bitch
she's really controlling or whatever the word is (toxic)
"y/n, you know how much of a fucking pathetic loser you are? just think how fucked up you would be without me, then. like no offense babe, but you're really fucking deranged in the head but i guess that's something that makes you hot."
okay that's all i can think of but yeah i also hate parental controls like why are only 5 of my apps unlocked like let me go on discord ://
you guys should add me on discord, my user is umeqii yiu bitches /affectionately /nf
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sserasin · 2 months
matt in this hairstyle is giving step daddy vibes 😵‍💫 imagine Step!Father Matthew waiting for his daughter to come home from work/school just so he could fuck her against his bed, he also loves breeding and making her dumb </3 (one last thing he also has a daddy or sir kink ahsvhwbdhhs)
sorry if this is a lot you don’t have to respond to it! but I love your works 💗🫶
twitter link sfw
oh my god yes !!! he looks so good
stepdad!matthew takes every chance he gets to be alone with you. will get off work early just to be there when you get out from class. he’s still dressed in his work clothes, just his jacket is off with the sleeves rolled up. is all coy and nonchalant, asking you about your day and what you were going to do as he follows you to your room. watches you get undressed— for him while also pretending like you weren’t. sneaks up behind you as your faced away from him, about to put on your pajama shorts, rutting his hard on your ass. drops all act when he turns you around, bringing you into a heated kiss.
fucks you fast and kind of messy; he knows he doesn’t have a lot of time. but he’s always quick to hit that soft spot, grunting, “f-fuck, you— want daddy to come inside you?” at your frantic nod, he chuckles breathlessly, slamming into you leaving you gasping for air. “don’t worry, baby, daddy’ll fuck a baby into you.” your eyes shoot open at that, toes curling as you came undone around his cock. your eyes are rolled into the back of your head, soft whimpers leaving your mouth as a bit of drool trickles down your chin.
seeing your fucked out expression, he ruts into you faster, grunting, “you’ll be fuckin’ g-gorgeous all round with a cute bump, with my kid in y-you,” with his head thrown back at the mental image before he shot long strips of his cum into you. always makes sure you clench to hold his come in you to ensure that you will get pregnant with his kid. pulls your panties up and gets dressed just in time for the two of you to hear a car pulling up in the driveway.
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bratzforchris · 7 months
More smut to the sugar daddy fic please I’m begging or just more smut in general you write so good
Make It Better
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Summary: Luke finds himself questioning his relationship with you when he starts to feel you drifting away, only to realize you're too valuable to lose. Part 2 to this fic <3
Pairing: Sugar daddy!Luke x feminine reader
Warnings: Smut, DUB CON, brief phone sex scene, masturbating (m), oral (m and f receiving), arguments, bondage, dom/sub dynamics, spanking, unprotected p in v, pet names, blasphemy, Luke makes reader dress up, fluffy ending (I think that's all, but lmk in the comments if I missed something!)
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: This is based off an idea/request from @gladexmuses! I'm so glad you all love this AU :)) Once again, Luke strayed more towards boyfriend than sugar daddy, but I can't help it. I'm just so soft for bf Luke :p
DNI under 18
You sighed, throwing your book down on the table. As much as you adored learning and knowledge, exam season was your least favorite part of being in college. You didn’t know what it was, but you’d suddenly been struggling in nearly all of your classes. Maybe it was the harder material, or maybe it was just your body starting to shut down from the stress, but either way, you didn’t like it. You reached for your phone to call Luke, only to hover above the device, contemplating your next move. 
You longed to call Luke and vent all your problems to him, but the more anxious part of you remembered the very generous donation Luke had made towards your tuition last month. You didn’t want him to worry, or think he’d made a mistake by paying off the loans for you to attend Columbia. You also knew that in order to afford the lifestyle he lived, and the sugar-babylike relationship he gave you, he was most likely working, despite it being Sunday. You laid your head down on the small desk in your dorm, sniffling softly. 
Your whole life, you’d been defined as the “smart girl”. You were in the gifted and talented program as a younger kid, only to be followed by being the valedictorian and the only person from your graduating class to end up at an Ivy League university. So to struggle now felt like a hit to everything you had ever known. Were you even qualified to be at this school? 
Just then, your phone began to buzz on your desk, indicating an incoming call. You picked it up and turned it over, seeing a rather risque picture of Luke flash across the screen. As much as you didn’t want to bother him, your heart longed to talk to Luke, and besides, he was already calling you. 
“Hi.” You said softly, innocently, just the way he liked. 
“Hey baby girl,” he hummed. “What are you doing?”
“Oh, my usual…” You said nonchalantly, trying not to let your emotions shine through your voice as you twisted a lock of hair around your finger. 
“Come over,” Luke practically moaned into the phone. “I need you.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” You teased him, a smile crossing your face slowly. 
Instead of answering, you could hear Luke beginning to jack off in the background of the call. His hips bucked against the bed, the springs making squeaky noises as Luke’s right hand pleasured him. His moans were so loud that they nearly crept through the phone, tickling your own heat and making you clench your legs despite your stress. 
“Oh god, Y/N,” the blond whimpered out as he came close to climaxing. “Need your body so fuckin’ bad, princess.” 
You clenched your thighs tighter as you listened to Luke get himself off, moaning so damn loudly when he came. Even after all this time, you didn’t understand how his pull on you was so magical. You weren’t particularly in the mood to have sex, but you still felt called to go seek out your sugar daddy anyway, his presence making everything better. 
“Fine, be there soon,” You smirked. “Clean yourself up before I get there.”
“You better watch your slutty little mouth, baby girl.” he said into the phone, voice rough and husky from the effects of his self-pleasure. 
You giggled cutely, blowing a kiss into the phone before hanging up. You shoved your assignments to the side of your desk, trying to put them out of your mind for the moment. Right now, all you were supposed to think about was Luke. You packed your Fendi purse that Luke had bought for you carefully, before slipping out of your dorm and down the stairs of your residence hall. When you stepped out into the cold of New York City in November, you gulped in a breath of fresh air, glancing up at the gray sky. The sidewalk was bustling with people, even at two in the afternoon on a Sunday, but hey, that was city life for you. 
You stayed rooted in place for a moment, head craned back as you examined the skyscrapers that towered over your head. No matter how long you lived in New York City, you were always in awe at the architecture. You stood frozen in place until your phone pinged with a message, reminding you of what you were supposed to actually be doing. 
Luke: I miss you and your hot body, baby
You replied back to Luke with a “be there soon” and a winking face, before starting the trek to the subway station. You wondered what Luke had planned for the afternoon as you boarded the train. You weren’t particularly in the mood to have sex, but you did want the blond’s company. When he wasn’t domming you in the bedroom, you could see that loving little boy shine through his personality, before the stress of the world and his job on Wall Street got to him. You laid your head back against the window, listening to your favorite playlist while you thought about how much you adored Luke. 
Before long, you reached your stop and you hurried up the stairs to the sidewalks of 57th street. You craned your neck and smiled up at Luke’s enormous glass building. This neighborhood left you in awe no matter how many times you came to Luke’s apartment. You hurried into the high-rise building, pulling your key from your bag. At this point in your relationship, Luke had given you your own personal key to his penthouse suite, and you quickly slipped into the private elevator, punching the button to go up to his floor. 
“Luke?” You called out when the doors opened, stepping into his home. “Where are you?”
“Over here.” he called out from the enormous, L-shaped couch in the living room. 
You walked over to the sofa, peering over the back and smiling at the sight you saw. Luke was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants with no shirt, glasses on and carefully reviewing what looked like some sort of graph for the stock market. If you didn’t know him, you would’ve just assumed he was a typical twenty-eight year old and not a multi-billionaire who also happened to be your sugar daddy. 
As soon as the blond saw you looking over the back of the couch, he placed the laptop aside and pulled you over the furniture and into him. “Hey, pretty girl.” he said, planting a deep kiss on your lips. 
“Hi Luke.” You whispered softly, relaxing into his arms. 
The blond simply didn’t answer; instead, he opted to run his hands up and down your ass, moaning softly. His strawberry-blond stubble scratched against your cheek as he let the low, throaty sound flow into your ear. Once he had gotten his fill of feeling you up, he whispered in your ear. 
“My smart, sexy girl.” he hummed huskily. 
That made your stomach drop to your feet. How on earth were you supposed to explain to Luke your declining grades, especially after he’d paid your tuition. There was no way you could explain to someone that was, a) paying your full ride and b) a multiple PhD holder from Ivies, that you were nearly failing classes. 
You pushed up off Luke’s chest, straightening yourself out. You pushed your glasses up your nose and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “I shouldn’t have come today,” You said softly. “This was a mistake.”
Luke quirked his brow at you, looking you up and down. “What was that?”
“I’m sorry…” You mumbled, standing up off of Luke’s lap and going to grab your bag. “This isn’t your fault at all, it’s mine. I need to go.”
The blond grabbed your wrist, searching your eyes deeply. “What’s going on, baby?”
“Nothing, Luke. I gotta go.” You whispered sadly, yanking your hand from his grasp and starting to make your way towards the elevator. 
Being 6’4”, Luke’s strides placed him in front of the exit before you could get there. “Not until you tell me what’s going on,” he said, blocking your way out, arms crossed over his chest. “You immediately agreed to coming over, Y/N.”
Your heart raced as you looked up at Luke. In your heart, you really believed he was a good man, but you recalled stories you’d heard and seen in the news headlines about women like you, sugar babies, getting seriously hurt or killed because they chose not to do what was asked of them. 
“I…I can’t tell you, Luke. I’m sorry. It’s nothing bad, I’m not seeing another man. It’s just–I can’t.” You whispered. 
The blond snorted, rolling his eyes. “What? So you can’t even talk to me now?” 
“No!” You protested. “I just don’t want to burden you. You deserve to dom me when I’m happy, Luke. Not when I’m miserable, that’s not fun for you.” 
“Oh baby,” he cooed. “Never in a million years would you ever be not fun for me,” the blond brought you into his arms, running his large, warm hand up and down your back. “Now, why don't you tell me what’s going on, hmm?” he asked, tipping your chin up with his hand. 
“I can’t.” You mumbled into his broad chest, tears pricking your eyes. 
“And why is that? Are you cheating?” he asked seriously, face growing stern for a moment. “Be fucking serious, Y/N.”
“I’m not,” You said truthfully, relaxing when you could tell Luke believed you. “It’s just, well, I don’t want to burden you since our relationship is rather…transactional.” You said, drifting your eyes from the blonde’s face to his hardening dick. 
“You can tell me anything, baby girl,” Luke chuckled, knowing you’d noticed his situation. “Kink is more than just sexual; it’s emotional too. You know that.” 
“Well…here goes nothing,” You sighed, taking a deep breath. “I don’t know if it’s because it’s exam season or if I’m just stressed out, but I’ve been really struggling in my classes.” You mumbled, hiding your face in the blond’s chest. 
“Princess, why didn’t you just say that?” Luke kissed your forehead. “You know I won’t judge my pretty girl. Do you need a tutor? Homework help?”
“It’s just…when you called me smart and sexy, it made me feel like I’d let you down. Especially after you paid for my tuition. I feel like I’m letting everyone who has ever called me the smart girl down.” You said, starting to cry. 
“Baby girl, look at me,” Luke hummed. “You are not letting anyone down, okay? I wouldn’t have paid your tuition if I didn’t believe in you. A period of downs doesn’t mean there aren’t new ups coming. And if anyone judges your grades, fuck them. You’re at an Ivy League university, Y/N, and you’re killing it,” he smirked. “Not to mention maintaining a perfect body, but that’s not a conversation for right now.” Luke chuckled. 
You smiled softly at the blond’s reassurance, filled with new hope. “You aren’t mad?”
You hugged Luke tightly, burying your face in his chest and inhaling his strong, manly scent. “You smell good.”
“Why thank you,” he laughed. “Now, let’s make sure we get that stress taken care of, yeah?” Luke said, reaching for the button on your jeans. 
“I’m not sure,” You whispered softly. “I don’t know if I really want to. I would like a kiss, though.” You smiled. 
“I’ll make it all better, princess.” he smirked, slowly running his hands up your back and undoing the clasp of your bra. 
You couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips as Luke ran his hands along your boobs. Luke planted a kiss on your lips, beginning to roughly make out with you. His heated body pressed against your own was slowly turning you on, but you still were unsure about if this was a good idea or not. 
“I have a surprise for you,” Luke mumbled, picking you up under the ass and carrying you into his large, master suite bedroom. The blond sat you down on the bed, eyeing you carefully. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking you up and down. “Well, you know what to do.”
You knew what Luke wanted, so you quickly kneeled on the bed, looking up at him and fluttering your lashes. “Yes sir.” 
“Good girl,” the blond said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll be right back.”
Luke left your side, going into his huge, walk-in closet. Part of you wondered what he was doing, but part of you also knew. Your dom absolutely adored when you wore lingerie, and you were pretty sure he’d gotten you a new set. Sure enough, he stepped out a moment later, holding a pile of pink, lacy fabric with something metal on top. He came back to your side, smirking with that look that had made you fall for him way back. 
“What better way to ease you into it than a new set, hmm?” Luke smiled. “Arms up, baby girl. You know this is my job.” 
You nodded, allowing Luke to remove your shirt and bra, and then your pants and underwear. You had to admit that letting him take the reins was slowly relaxing you, allowing you to go into your floaty subspace, not worrying about anything. Once Luke had undressed you, he revealed the pink fabric from earlier to you. 
It was a lacy, hot pink lingerie set. The rose embroidery outlined the cups of the bra perfectly, and on the ass of the panties was Princess in white rhinestones. They clipped together with hot pink garters, studded with the same matching rhinestones. The set wasn’t what caught your eye, though. Luke dangled a pair of handcuffs in front of your face, a devilishly handsome smirk on his beautiful face. You were used to bondage in your and Luke’s scenes, but these handcuffs were different. They were a beautiful, shiny silver, with the wider part inlaid with shiny, Swarovski crystals that glinted in the sun that was streaming in through the large glass windows. 
“Luke…it’s beautiful. Thank you.” You whispered sweetly. 
The blond slid the lingerie set on you with care, leaving slight kisses all over your skin. He then grabbed the handcuffs. “You’re gonna be a good girl and let me do what I want, right? I know you have it in you, princess.” Luke smirked, planting a heated kiss on your lips. 
“Mhm,” You said, bowing your head as you continued to kneel. “I promise.” You smiled. 
“I knew you had it. Good fuckin’ girl.” Luke smirked, putting your hands in the cuffs and then attaching you to his enormous headboard. 
You smiled softly up at him, nodding your head. Luke pulled out his phone, snapping a quick photo on his phone. Once he had done so, he tossed the device to the side, hooking his thumbs on the waistband of the panties. 
“Relax, honey. We’ll get all that stress properly fucked out.” he smirked. 
Luke slid the flimsy lace off your legs, chuckling when you unconsciously clenched your thighs. He spread your legs apart with his large, ringed hands, lustfully licking his lips as he gazed at your already wet slit. The blond didn’t even really give you the opportunity to say much else before he began to tap out a gentle, pulsing rhythm on your clit. 
“Oh god,” You whimpered. “Don’t be a tease.”
“‘M not teasin’, honey. Just getting you ready to cum.” he said, planting a kiss on your pubic bone. 
“Right there. Oh my god, keep going.” You gasped out, wriggling against your bonds as Luke hit a particularly pleasurable spot with his fingers. 
“Awww, you don’t even need my tongue to cum, baby.” Luke teased you. 
You panted as Luke crouched down, beginning to run his tongue up and down your slit and across your thighs as he continued to pleasure your clit. He was humming soft things about how good you tasted and how pretty you were, teasing with soft flicks over his tongue. Once he’d had his fill of practically torturing you, the blond began to fully eat you out, enjoying the way your legs were clenching around his neck. 
You felt the warm ball that had knotted itself in your stomach burn hotter, as well as your walls beginning to contract, and you knew you were close. “Hmmm, Luke,” You whimpered. “Need to cum.”
“Not yet, honey. Haven’t had my fill of you.” Luke lifted his head for a moment to speak, landing a smack to your ass, to which you cried out in pleasure. 
You were panting and huffing as Luke continued to eat you out, hands straining against the cuffs. Between his tongue and the stimulation on your electric spot from his fingers, you were ready to orgasm faster than you ever had before. Finally, Luke decided he was truly ready to taste you. 
“Cum for me, honey,” he whispered into your folds. “Cum all in my mouth, baby girl.”
You didn’t need to be told twice; you immediately let go, tugging against the handcuffs as you came in his mouth, letting out erotic moans as you did so. “Oh god, Luke.”
“You like that, princess?” he asked, sitting back on his haunches and staring at you with an expectant smile. 
You nodded quickly, letting a string of praises for the blond fall from your lips. Luke grabbed the key to the handcuffs off the nightstand and undid your bonds, pressing a soft kiss to the red spots on your wrist with a quiet, husky “good girl”. As soon as you were free from the restraints, you sat up, throwing your arms around Luke’s neck. 
“Thank you for encouraging me, I needed that.” You smiled, giving him doe eyes as you kissed his cheek. 
“You’re welcome, pretty princess,” Luke smiled, groping your ass. “Do you see why I said I could never be mad at you earlier?” he asked. 
You nodded, snuggling into his chest as you laid your head on his shoulder. You played innocent for a moment, before you snuck your hand down to his sweatpants-clad dick. You cheekily ran your hand up and down his shaft, palming him as you giggled. 
“Is that you asking for more, my love?” Luke asked you, cocking an eyebrow. 
“Maybe,” You giggled. “Depends on what you’re offering, sir.”
“I’m offering for you to be filled with my dick, but if you don’t want that…” he shrugged nonchalantly. 
“No, please. I do.” You hummed, running your hands through his blond curls. 
“Get on your knees, then.” Luke said firmly, but not unkindly. 
You did as he gasped, wincing when you realized how sensitive your pussy still was from Luke’s stimulation, which elicited a laugh from the blond. Once you were kneeling, you looked at Luke through your lashes, smiling as you watched him remove his pants and begin to palm himself until he was acceptably hard. 
“You gonna be a good girl and take my whole cock in that slutty little mouth?” he smirked. 
You nodded quickly, reaching out for him. “Let me make you feel good.”
Luke smirked, getting on his own knees in front of you, an expectant smile on his face. “Suck.” he demanded, landing another spanking to your ass. 
You immediately took Luke’s tip into your mouth, running your tongue across the head of his dick in a way that made the blond grunt out with pleasure. As you got him worked up, you began to pump the lower part of his erection with your right hand, watching him throw his head back erotically. 
“God, makin’ me feel so good, baby.” he hummed out. 
You responded with your own moans vibrating against his dick as you took more of him into your mouth, which got even more of a reaction out of Luke. By this point, you had taken almost his entire length into your mouth, sucking and running your tongue along his tip. Luke was letting out moans akin to a male pornstar, his head thrown back as he thrusted his hips to meet your jaw.
“Mmmm, need to cum, princess.” he gasped out as his dick hit the back of your throat. 
You smiled up at him with your eyes as he landed another spank to your ass, enjoying the way it shoved you further into him. The whole scene was rather unholy, but it was definitely hot. Luke was thrusting his hips as he panted out, while you sucked him off, letting out your own girlish moans. Without warning, Luke suddenly clenched his muscle and began to cum, thich, white ropes of the substance shooting down your throat. 
“Good fuckin’ girl.” he huffed. 
You slowly pulled back from Luke, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “Yum.” You giggled. 
Luke kissed your forehead, running a hand through your tousled hair. “You really are the best sugar baby in the world.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, pushing yourself ever close to him, smirking when you realized his cock was still hard. “It’s all because of you.”
“Is that so, baby girl?” the blond chuckled. 
You nodded your head, slowly leaning back against Luke’s silken pillows to prop yourself up. “Mhm…I was thinking you could maybe, you know, remind me of that?” You smirked sweetly. 
“Oh baby, someone’s horny today,” Luke grinned, running a hand along the lacy bra that was still clad to your tits. “What happened to that ‘I don’t want this’, huh?”. 
You blushed, looking up at him as he straddled you. “You just made it better, I guess. That’s what happens when you’re smart, and loving, and might I add oh-so-sexy.”
He shook his head, wriggling his hips in the slightest way to give you a bit of friction. Not a lot, but just enough to turn you on. “You know you’re really being a slut right now, my love.” Luke looked like the most handsome devil as he spoke. As if he could burn the world down and smirk as he did so, but it would all be for you. 
“Only for you, Lu,” You hummed, pressing his hands to your boobs. “Only for you.”
“Are you in it for me, or for the money?” Luke teased you. 
“I mean mostly for you, but the money’s nice too.” You winked. 
Luke kissed your forehead as he dug his hips into your own. “Keep talking like that and I might just fall in love with you, princess.”
“You know, that wouldn’t be the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.” You smiled, lifting your head to make out with him. 
The blond moaned at that, continuing where you two had left off a few minutes before. You noticed him move to line his tip up with your entrance, smirking as he did so. “Can you take my cock, baby? Or are you already so fucked out.”
“God, Luke. Please just fuck me.” You whined out, gripping at the sheets. 
Luke immediately slammed into you at your request, smirking as he looked down at your face. You weren’t used to Luke’s size and length without a condom, and you were practically intoxicated with ecstasy at the feeling of him grinding against you bare. The blond fucked into you hard and fast, bucking his hips against you in a way that would definitely leave bruises there tomorrow. You didn’t care though, the feeling of Luke inside of you had taken every coherent thought from your mind. 
Moving from dripping the sheets, you tangled your hands in Luke’s blond curls, practically yelling out as he rode you. Luke must’ve been feeling extra horny today; whatever it was, you were definitely feeling its effects, but you couldn’t say you were mad about them. You were always ready to cum faster on your second orgasm than on your first, which led you to where you were now, gripping Luke’s hair as a tear rolled down your cheek at the overstimulation. 
“Luke, I’m so close.” You gasped out, feeling yourself tighten in preparation for your climax. 
“You can do it, baby girl. I know you can. Show me how strong you are.” Luke coached you, enjoying watching you squirm. 
“Luke, please,” You cried out. “Need to cum.”
The blond gave one last hard thrust against you, landing a smack to your ass as he did so, before quickly pulling out, just in time to cum all over your stomach as you hit your own climax. “God, so sexy.” he moaned. 
Luke laid down beside you, rubbing your tummy to coach you through the rest of your high, feeling his own body start to relax a bit.  By the time you had finished, you were both beyond exhausted. You flopped over into Luke’s arms, panting heavily as he held you, your naked bodies pressed together. 
“Thank you,” You whispered softly. “I needed that today.”
“You’re welcome, baby girl. I love you.” Luke cooed. 
“Are you busy this afternoon?” You asked sleepily. 
While Luke was practically the king of aftercare, especially for a sugar daddy, there were definitely days where you’d both cum and he’d go back to working. You were hoping today wasn’t one of those days, but Wall Street was so unpredictable, you never knew. The blond snuggled you closer, running a hand about and down your back. 
“Nope, but there is a little gift waiting for you on the kitchen counter if you’re ready to leave.” he smirked. 
“Luke!” You swatted his shoulder lightly. “This is more than enough.” You said, gesturing down at your bra. 
“I don’t think so,” he shrugged. “What better way to get in the Christmas spirit than a pair of red bottoms, huh princess?”
“You didn’t!” You said, gripping him closer and kissing him. “I can’t believe you bought me a pair of Louboutins.”
“Only the finest for my girl.” Luke said, kissing you deeply. 
“I love you, Luke. I’m sorry about earlier…” You whispered. 
“Ah ah, no sorries, my love. There’s nothing wrong with admitting you’re struggling,” Luke looked at you seriously. “I hope you know that you can tell me anything. My degrees, my career, none of that affects how I look at you, okay?” 
You nodded, snuggling into his chest. “Thank you. Naptime now?” You asked. 
Luke chuckled, holding you ever closer. “Always. I love you, princess.” 
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rentumblsstuff · 2 months
Lex: Now when you go in there, you don’t miss any classes, you don’t talk back to any teachers, and if someone says some shit to you, you kick their asses okay?
Hannah: I dunno if I can…
Ethan: Banana, we totally get you’re nervous. We were nervous our first days of high school too, right babe??
Lex: *nods*
Ethan: You’ll be terrific. Everyone will love you just as much as we do. Make some good friends and some good choices, okay? And Lex is mistaken, if anyone says some shit to you, you come to me. I’ll kick their asses.
Hannah: You definitely could.
Ethan: Exactly, and I will… Especially that Jagerman kid, ugh, Lex, do you remember that snot-nosed sophomore??
Lex: I dropped out that year but even I can’t forget him. Absolute fuckin’ punk; ran around bullying the other sophomores and freshman. Hopefully he got transferred to Sycamore.
Hannah: A-and if he didn’t?
Ethan: Then I’ll beat him up if he goes near you!
Lex: *nods in agreement* Get going, you’re gonna be late if you can’t find your class.
Hannah: *nods* Bye… I’ll be home by 4…
Ruth: First day of SENIOR YEAR!!! We’re gonna LEARN and we’re gonna HAVE FUN AND IT’S GONNA BE- FUCK! *bumps into Hannah and sends both their stacks of books to the ground* Oh no!! I am so sorry!
Hannah: I-it’s okay… *crouches down to start sorting through their books*
Pete: Let us help you with that!
*Pete, Ruth, and Richie all lean down at the same time and bump their heads together like the three stooges. Profanity ensues. Hannah tries not to smile at their joint bumbling.*
Ruth: Oh god there’s a spider on my book!!! Help! Richieeee!!!
Hannah: *carefully scoops up the spider and places it out of the way with a smile to it*
Pete: … You’re not scared of that thing?
Hannah: It’s just part of nature. They don’t deserve to be squashed same as any of us do…
Ruth: Boy, can we get behind that! I am so sorry for bumping into you! I shoulda been watching where I was going, but we’re all excited, and oh… Hehe, that’s definitely my book, I’m assuming… *picks up the most shitty looking smutty romance novel you could ever think of* I’m Ruth, these are my boyfriends Pete and Richie.
Pete: Boy-space-friends.
Ruth: And I’m still working on closing that gap.
Hannah: *okay… okay. Okay, okay* I’m… Hannah… Freshman.
Richie: Oh, then you got bumped into by the right people. We’ll show you the ropes, don’t worry, Hannah.
Hannah: *looks back to Lex and Ethan, who still haven’t left*
*Lex looks apprehensive and Ethan looks hesitant and the Three Stooges notice them.*
Ruth: DON’T WORRY! WE GOT HER!!! *two thumbs up high in the air*
*Pete and Richie wave*
Lex: *smiles softly and holds up a thumbs up*
Ethan: *waves back*
Ruth: *to Hannah* Are those your siblings?? I can’t see ‘em completely from here but they’re both hot…
Hannah: My sister and her boyfriend… He’s like a big brother though.
Richie: Pete has a big brother!
Pete: Oh, yeah… Ted’s way older though. He wouldn’t uh… So, where’s your first class? We’ll show you which hallways you’re allowed to use to get there.
Hannah: There are incorrect hallways?
Richie: YES.
Ruth: It’s the least we can do after spilling your books. C’mon, bestie, you’re ours now.
Hannah: *nods in acceptance and begins to follow them with a wave to her siblings, STILL WAITING UNTIL SHE’S OUT OF SIGHT, and one more smile at the spider*
83 notes · View notes
prince-strife · 3 days
So I watched “Like Minds” (I’m super unwell about gay people)
this one is like 3x longer than the tenet one
spoilers for a movie that came out 20 years ago ig
alex is clearly rly smart but he’s a right prick about it
nigel sure does like to stare 🤨🤨
oh so he’s a little freak. bro’s got a taxidermy cat in his luggage
well. def explosives
he rly likes dead stuff…
not the gay little obsession
he’s so pretty tho fr mfer has gorgeous eyes
bro fuck this cop frfr
he did not seriously just punch this kid
oooh alex is fucked in the head too. inch resting
alex is one of those rich boys ._.
“obligations” hmmm i Do Not like the sound of that
WAIT THAT WAS HIS DAD??? that explains that ig
wait why is alex on the villains wiki. WHY IS ONE OF HIS CRIMES NECROPHILIA
interesting that alex is so aggressively anti-church (as an establishment, i mean)
ooooh nigel is Looking at him
not him fighting with his teacher
taking detailed notes about the people around him…nigel colbie autism
nooo leave him alone :((
alex is so mean to him omg. let him be a little freak in peace
wtf ym you “can’t find” the colbies..
omg staring across a casket at each other..
tom sturridge is so fucking beautiful i’m unwell
“i almost missed him” 🤨🤨
38 minutes in and i think this is the longest we’ve heard nigel speak
idk i need nigel and alex to kiss
“i’m really sorry about your friend” baby don’t lie no the fuck you’re not
smth abt the way nigel said “but you don’t have to worry” reminds me of the scene at the end of batman where joker is telling the riddler he did a good job.
THE GLARE AT THIS POOR GIRL nigel looks jealous as fuck
nigel baby giving the boy you like a hand is not the way to his heart
“it looks like you need a hand.” BABE. NO. TOO ON THE NOSE
he’s so cute in his lil jumper
SITTING ON HIS BED??? LEANING OVER HIM WHILE HE SLEEPS???? nah this is. gay behaviour
“alex, wake up. i’ve got a night planned 🥺” aww they’re gonna go on a date
oh they’re super close. NOW KISS
ooh hanging the essay over his head
the big smile… “are you having fun?” the little giggle. the smirk. he hates his ass. he is so in love with him. WHAT IS GOING ON
hmm i do not trust this
“i’ve never brought anybody here before” INTERESTING (“i’m being vulnerable plz don’t be a dick abt this”)
i’ve still got an hour left of this movie good god
my mom is watching gbbo rly loudly and i just got super confused as to why the music Did Not Match the scene
“do you like it 🥺🥺” NIGEL. BABY. he’s so proud of his weird little lab it’s so cute
these little history nerds…
i rly thought nigel was gonna cuddle into him for a second
“do you know what a pike is?” batting his eyes, looking as coquettish as possible. oh my god. oh my god.
CALLING HIM JACK. i’m so unwell this is so gay.
“we’ve been brought together for a reason” oh my god he thinks they’re murder soulmates
“for eternity.” gnawing on the bars of my enclosure
not him asking her out, nigel’s gonna be PISSED
the way he says “jack” i’m gonna pass out
“my name is alex. stay away from me.” NOOO it’s ok nigel i’ll be your jack
taking the gay goggles off for a second nigel clearly is in desperate need of a friend and is trying so hard to make alex his friend and it’s making me super sad bc he doesn’t seem to quite understand why it’s not working :(((
but also nigel baby stop breaking into his room
it’s giving yandere tbh
“what’s with the knife” *biggest most innocent doe eyes* “i don’t know what you mean, jack”
i feel bad for her fr tho she didn’t do nothin wrong. not her fault alex is oblivious to his psychopath boyfriend
lol alex looking around for nigel when he finds out she’s dead. he’s not stupid, i’ll give him that
nigel’s very bad at acting innocent
“i sense some hostility” NO REALLY
they look like they’re abt to kiss
“no jack, you did it.” babe.
“feels good to vent one’s anger doesn’t it jack””i don’t want any part of this” “too late for that”
oh he’s CRAZY
he so sure that alex is just as nuts as he is.
wtf happened to nigel’s parents
babe being cryptic is not helping your situation
i bet his parents are dead
hehe the jack <3
his jars of dead shit are so weird
was that a drawing of the dead kid?
nigel has rly nice handwriting omg
idk if the knowledge that it’s purely for scientific interest makes the pictures of the sleeping girl better or worse
he calls them helen and john???
love him introducing alex like he’s his boyfriend
nigel looks so dead inside omg
“stop it, nigel :((“
OH HE MADE THE BIBLE??? i thought it was a book he had not smth he created that’s actually pretty cool
“our union” 🤨🤨 its giving marriage
“nigel was right about this” hmmm boyfriend behaviour
omg mckenzie SUCKS like he’s just kind of an asshole
“i knew you couldn’t resist a secret rendezvous <3”
“you didn’t know nigel”
“my dearest jack”
his lack of reaction to her getting shot…
he’s so clinical about the cleanup…
he’s so pretty…
omg does he want jack to be his maraclea is that why he got the gun (ik his mom was his maraclea let me be delulu)
he rly thinks this is completely justified
i’m so sad he’s dead :(( gimme my babygirl back
holy fuck alex got released
“my beloved susan” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
“nigel got what he wanted…eternity”
OH MY FUCKING GOD J CANT BELEJEV HE DID THAT… continuing nigel’s work… oh my fucking god
“you like history.” BITCH WHAT
Edit: I forgot to give the movie a rating .-. 500/10 i fucking loved it, i’m already making a forbie playlist
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (part 20)
Tw: a bunch of profanities, nothing much in this chapter , short chapter tho
Vote below, i will only count the first 20 votes
Part 21
"You are so funny, (name)!" She laughed and playfully slapped you on the shoulder.
You laughed along and continued your conversation with her.
You finished all your classes for the day. You agreed to accompany her to the cafe because you have five grand in your bank account, courtesy by Yves and you can afford to treat her and yourself.
You didn't touch the food Montgomery gave you. Neither did Evangeline, because she too suffered from bad food poisoning when eating at that takeaway. It was thrown in the trash by her, it twisted your heart a little but you knew it wasn't edible.
Yves sent you a couple of texts asking you to call him when you're free along with pictures of what he found interesting. You muted him and chose to interact with your new friend instead.
In the end, the two of you shared the same opinion of Montgomery, that he may be creepy, but ultimately harmless. It's as if you completely had the memory of him punching Yves in the face erased.
It's nice. Someone around your age that shares the same humor and interests. Someone human unlike Yves and someone socially adept unlike Montgomery.
Good god, you can't believe you somehow considered Montgomery a friend.
"Hey (name)? I got this crazy idea."
You asked her what it was.
"Let's do a prank call on Montgomery." You gasped and said no way. But your tone betrayed you, it does sound like a fun joke. As long as the proper safety measures are taken.
"It will be the funniest thing ever. C'mon, here's the plan."
The both of you huddled together and discussed her nefarious ideas.
Her internet sleuthing skills are impressive, to say the least. All he needed was his phone number and his first name. You managed to find out he came from a family of farmers, 20 hours by car away from the city. Montgomery has been to more than 10 cities in the past decade, working various jobs and then quitting it to move onto the next place.
He once rented an apartment, but was evicted when he couldn't pay his rent on time. So you and Evangeline assumed he was living out of his car since then.
"Oh wow. You are proactive!" Giggled Evangeline when she saw you already saved his number under "Do not answer".
She is using your phone. Evangeline dialed Montgomery's personal number and pinched her nose to create an unrecognizable nasally voice. It was set to speaker mode.
After a few seconds of ringing, someone on the other end finally picked up.
"Hello?" It's undoubtedly him, coupled with the sounds of jackhammers rattling in the background.
"Heller, is this Mr Yeller? Montgomery Elizabeth Yeller?"
"Yeah, you got the right person. Who is this?"
"Yerr, this is Anita. Do you remember me, Mr Yeller?"
There was a pause.
"No, your name ain't ringing a bell. Anita who?" He finally replied.
Evangeline struggled to stifle her giggles. "Last name, Bath."
"Anita...Bath?" Montgomery was genuinely trying to remember someone in his life named that.
"Yeah you fucking do, stinky." You and Evangeline burst out cackling.
Eventually, Montgomery caught on and became upset.
"Ha ha. Very funny, you little shits. How the hell did you get my number?"
"Through Joe!"
You and her giggled. You pressed your palm against your lips.
"...(Name)?" His voice became soft and hopeful.
Suddenly it wasn't funny anymore. You signal her to cut it out, but she squeezed your shoulder.
"Joe Mama!" She laughed so hard that she had to cradle her side.
"Of fuckin' course." Montgomery's tone returned to being unfriendly. "Don't you fuckin' kids have homework to do? Instead of wastin' y'all's time and y'all's future botherin' strangers?" He snarked.
"No, because we are smart enough to get a scholarship to Ligma!" You heard him scoff from the other side.
"The hell is Ligma? Ya think I fuckin' care if-"
"Ligma balls!" You and Evangeline had tears running down the side of your faces from chortling so hard. "Y-you fell for it three times, Mr Yeller! What the fuck?" Evangeline added between laughs.
"...Stupid good for nothin' kids." He grumbled before hanging up.
Evangeline tried calling immediately after. To your surprise, he still answered.
"I ain't playing with y'all unless you're callin' in to apologize."
You and her let out the loudest scream of glee that he managed to take the bait. The remainder of the call was filled with mocking laughing from you two.
"Y'all can go straight to hell." He scolded before hanging up.
You found it so hilarious despite it being juvenile humor, your howling turned silent and your face became red. You couldn't breathe from guffawing too hard.
"Again, again!" She pressed the button call on his number.
It was declined. She pouted while you're still recovering from your giggles.
She tried calling him repeatedly, but all other attempts went to voicemail. His phone wouldn't receive any texts either.
"Aw, looks like he blocked you." Evangeline handed your phone back to you. Grinning, you thanked her profusely, this is exactly what you wanted.
"No, thank you for hanging out with me. This is the most fun I've had for months!" You laughed along and took another look at your phone.
You had that instinctive jerk upon seeing the time. Her smile dropped and changed to a confused expression.
"What's wrong?"
You were in the middle of packing until you realized you didn't have to take the bus. You apologized and explained yourself.
"Oh, that's totally fine. Hey, what do you say we hang out at the beach?"
You told her that Mr Jones is probably waiting for you.
"Daddy isn't just driving one person around all day. He's like an on-demand taxi! He's going to come to you only after a phone call."
You never knew that.
"Besides, you don't have a stuffy ol' Sir Yves to entertain. You're free! You get to go wherever you want to, whenever you want to." She gave you jazz hands to bring home her point.
"The sun is out, but it isn't that hot. We can dip our feet in the water to cool ourselves down."
You rubbed your chin. That does sound nice, and you don't want to reject your only friend. It's not like you have anything to do at the moment.
"But we're gonna need to take the bus though. I haven't had my driver's license yet." She added.
It takes an hour to ride the bus from the university to the beach. You're full from the junk you ate from the cafe, and you have enough money to buy whatever you want from the stalls.
You could always call Mr Jones up to drive you home from the beach.
However, you should probably go home and talk to Yves. You're barely answering his texts while he was excited to show you the attractions around his hotel.
"So, what do you say, (name)?" She asked with a hopeful smile.
You thought about it.
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bearofohu · 6 months
sdv is in desperate need of good step dad rep so i wanna ramble abt my hc for harvey and his step-daughter jordan
so in my lore my farmer franklyn had a kid from a previous marriage before he moved from the city and married harvey, and harvey adores his daughter. like oh my god. hes her biggest fan. he thinks shes the most creative funniest lil shit ever. like hes 100% convinced he has the best kid in the world and will engage in combat at the weekly mom aerobics class abt it. he was so worried she would think hes weird and gross and cringe and not her real dad but she latched onto him like a fungus
hes always super invested in her interests and is pretty good at involving himself in her parenting without trying to “replace” her bio mom. hes also not weird abt her bio mom and encourages jordan not to feel like she cant mention her around him. hes healthier abt jordan’s bio mom than franklyn is which is saying something
they are also so silly goofy like. harvey gives her the highest honor he can bestow which is his lil pilot assistant. whenever both her dads are gone at work her job is to keep an eye on the radio and sky and report any planes she saw or heard. and like no fuckin aircraft be flying over stardew valley so she makes shit up a lot but it gets harvey every time
when jordan gets older too and starts working at the museum she likes to mess with him by buying him a lot of joke gifts. like she’ll buy him a shirt that says “id rather be fortnite gaming” as a joke not at all expecting him to actually wear it. only to see him come home from work with the shirt on having worn it all day in front of his paitents
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carolmunson · 1 year
you can count on me (nurse!s.h.)
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inspired by: i'll be home for christmas brought to you in part by carol's christmas song blitz, holiday cheer, and viewers like you. a/n: i cried while writing this, so good fuckin' luck. cw: 18+ minors dni, hurt/comfort, sad/complicated family dynamics, lots of hospital talk (but i don't know shit about nursing or hospitals so i'm sorry if any of this is just blatantly wrong), mentions of illness/cancer, talk of death, overall holiday stress. mentions/discussion of WWII and the korean war, some slight homophobia, religious references (praying/heaven/'upstairs'), but on the bright side the party is featured and nurse!steve is a total flirt, so.
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Christmas Eve, 1974
“I’ll be home for Christmas. You can plan on me. Please have snow and mistletoe, and presents by the tree…”
“Grandpa, why do you always have to sing this song? It’s so sad,” Steve asked, curling onto his side to face his grandfather. He smiled, running a hand over the boy’s hair, a little chuckle rattled his lungs.  “Says who, sport?” he asks, creases on his face crinkling in faux offense. “Says daddy, says me. Daddy says it’s like if a funeral came for Christmas dinner,” Steve crosses his arms under the covers.  “It’s not a sad song to me, kiddo. Came out the year I was far away from your grandma,” he explains, “They played it a lot when we were away – but I got to go home that year and surprise ‘er. It was playing in the diner when I walked in to say hello and she cried and cried – cried like a baby, kissed me all over my face.”  “Ew,” Steve teased and laughed, “That’s gross. Girls are gross grandpa.” 
“They won’t be so gross when you’re old like me,” he laughed back at Steve, tickling him on the tummy, “But I don’t think it’s a sad song, buddy – it reminds me of how much I love Grammy.”  “So it’s a happy song, even though the words are sad?” Steve asked. He’s too young to understand, but that’s expected for such a little kid.  
“Songs are whatever you make of ‘em,” his grandpa shrugged, tucking the covers around Steve while his eyes drooped with sleep, “But I gotta finish singing so you go to bed, or else Santa won’t come.” 
“Okay, okay,” Steve smiled as his eyes fluttered closed, the soft hum of his grandfather’s voice sending him off for the seventh Christmas Eve in a row. 
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Christmas Eve, 1979
“He’s always at the office, he’s never even here. And then when he is, he’s just –” Steve’s eyes brimmed with tears, hugging his knees to his chest on his bed spread, “God damn it, he’s so mean.” Steve’s grandfather lets out a big breath, clapping a hand to his grandson’s shoulder, “I think your dad is just really overworked, kiddo. He’s tired.”  “We’re all tired, grandpa,” Steve groans. He can’t believe the types of grown up things come out of his grandson’s mouth sometimes. 
“All he does is talk about how much – how much better I can be to his friends. Like I’m not good enough for him now,” the tears spill over onto his cheeks, sliding past his running nose, the mole near his jaw, “Like ‘Steve could be varsity his freshman year if he just gets that three-pointer right. It’s looking rough,’ or like, like, ‘Don’t think my Steve’s gonna be in any honors classes, maybe your kid can tutor him’” 
“You heard him Grandpa! He might as well have just – I don’t know – stood on the coffee table and told everyone h-how much – h-how much I s-suck at every-everything! Like I’m his favorite j-joke to tell at the w-watercooler. ‘Oh all he got from me was the good looking genes, other than that, not sure who’s kid he is.’” 
“Well your mother is very pretty. I would know, she’s my daughter,” he says softly, “So I think you got a lot of those genes from her.” 
He runs a hand over his bald head and smiles, “Maybe not my hair genes though.” 
Steve lets out a weak laugh, “It’s not funny, Grandpa.” 
“It’s a little funny,” he nods, a chuckle making his heavy shoulders bounce in his suit jacket. Steve laughs a little stronger, their laughs bouncing off each other, laughing from laughing, then laughing some more. 
“You know something buddy, I’ve been around a long time. I’ve met a lot of people like your dad,” he starts, “And I when it comes to people like that, it’s important to just be kind.” 
“But why? He’s not kind,” Steve argued, brows furrowing behind his new glasses. Another thing his dad teased him relentlessly over. ‘Shoulda named you Steve ‘Four-Eyes’ Harrington, kid.’ 
“I find the most unkind people need kindness the most,” he encourages, “And even if he’s still acting mean, at least you know you were the bigger man, right?” 
“I guess,” Steve shrugs, “Why do you think dad needs kindness? Everyone kisses his ass. You saw them down there.” 
The new tradition of the Harrington Office Christmas Party instead of the Harrington Family Christmas Party was weighing heavily on just about everyone. The time when they were supposed to be the closest and coziest quickly became the coldest. If this is how his dad was at home with his friends, Steve could only imagine what he says about him when he’s not there. 
“I’ll bet you your dad’s not very kind to himself,” he confesses, “So he doesn’t know how to be nice to other people.” 
“Well that’s too bad for him, then,” Steve broods. His grandpa barks another laugh. 
“That is too bad for him, isn’t it, sport?” he gets up, motioning for Steve to get comfortable before he starts to sing, “Gotta get to bed, Steve. It’s late – Santa’s not gonna make it if you don’t go to sleep.” 
“Grandpa, Santa’s not real,” Steve mumbles sullenly, getting under the covers. 
“Who told you that?” he asks, putting on a show of acting shocked. Flabbergasted. 
“Who do you think?” Steve shrugged, curling in on himself on his side and putting his glasses on the nightstand, “Dad told me. He said twelve’s too old to be believin' in Santa.” 
“If Santa’s not real, then how did he call me this morning?” he asks, “He told me about the Atari you put on your list.” 
“How do you know about that?” Steve shot up in bed, he only put the Atari on his Christmas letter to Santa. He didn’t tell anyone else about it. 
“I just told you! He called me!” he urges with a full belly laugh, heading to the door, “Now go to sleep, or he’ll put it under that tree for me, instead.” 
“Wait, Grandpa – sing the song.” 
“You sure? You’re not too old for your grandpa to sing you to sleep?” he asks, his heart swelling. 
“S’my favorite part of the night,” Steve smiles a drowsy smile, settling down in his covers while his grandfather starts to sing. 
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Christmas Eve, 1981
“Christmas Eve will find me, where the love light gleams…” 
Steve sings softly to himself while he puts his pajamas on, the matching set his mother always made them wear for photos the next morning with the family. He can hear the sounds of the big corporate style Christmas party his father threw for the firm this year milling about downstairs. Even at fourteen, he wished his grandfather’s singing could drown out all the noise, but his Walkman would have to do. 
“He would have loved that you’re still singing it,” Steve’s mother says gently from his bedroom door, tears shining in her eyes, “It must be really hard to not have him around this year.” 
Steve forces a tight lipped smile, turning back to look at his mom and nods, “S’really hard.” 
“Oh, Steven, I miss him, too,” his mother cries, walking over to hold him tight in her arms, “He loved you so much.” 
It’s the most comfort he’s felt in months. 
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8 AM - Christmas Eve, 1996
“Makin’ a list, he’s checkin’ it twice…” Steve mumbles to himself, going over his charts for the morning leg of the day. He flicks his eyes up to Darlene at the admin desk. She’s in her late forties, gray lacing through her dark brown hair. She wears a new holiday theme brooch on her cardigan every day, resting on her heavy bosom. She carries her weight in her rosy cheeks and her big thighs. Her husband comes in every lunch break to give her a kiss and picks her up every night at five.  “Where’s your name this year Darlene,” he asks with a wink, “Were you naughty or nice?” 
Darlene, who’d never been immune to Harrington charm, smiles big and waves him off, “You better stop that before my husband comes through that door.” 
“You didn’t answer my question,” he smirks, leaning over the counter, “Were you naughty or nice? Bet I could guess.” 
He runs a hand through his hair, always half surviving double shifts on the thrill of flustering the married women in administration. Darlene’s face turns red as she turns to the computer in front of her, “I was very nice this year, Steve.” 
“I’ll take your word for it,” he shrugs with a knowing glance, swiping another chart out of the file holder and giving it a once over, “I won’t be around at five to ask Gary.” 
“Oh, I saw you got the night off – who’s luckier than you?” she asks, “Gotta hot date or something?” 
Steve snickers, “I could never play around with your heart like that, Darlene.” 
She focuses on her work but shakes her head again while he continues, “Having some people over at my house. Parents are in Hawai’i again so –” he shrugs, “Just haven’t had some of the holiday off in a few years.” 
“Night shift tomorrow?” she asks. He nods with a deep breath while he looks over the white board on the wall past Darlene’s head. 
“Arthur’s coming in today?” Steve asks with a furrowed brow, looking at the patient list, “Isn’t he all good? He was in remission six months ago.” 
“Oh yeah, he’s got a biopsy this afternoon – can you imagine? A biopsy on Christmas Eve?” Darlene asks, looking at the list with him, “Just routine, though. I’m sure he’ll be excited to see you.” 
“Sure his wife will be, too,” Steve winks again and Darlene shoots him a look. 
“Will you go do your job please, before I call security!” she teases, “I know what list you’re on this year, Harrington. You’re on my list!” 
Steve laughs, adjusting his glasses and slinging this stethoscope around the back of his neck, charts tucked neatly under his arm. He’d been at the hospital a couple of years and even though his dad wished he was a doctor and not a nurse, he preferred this gig. It was all about making people feel good. He never had to give bad news, all he never had to do was just be there. All he ever had to do was be kind. 
He loved the nurses that took care of his grandpa when he was sick, they were there all the way to the end. Steve made friends with all of them, especially Georgia – who called him a little heartbreaker and was always trying to convince his mom to let him have a playdate with her daughter. Steve thought Georgia was a whole lot of woman – spitfire red hair, the kind of nurse you found in dirty magazines. He guessed her daughter was just as pretty. He wouldn’t know, he never got a chance to meet her. 
Arthur was a lot like Steve’s dad when they first met. Scrooge-like, a curmudgeon, not one nice word to say to anyone but his wife. 
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November, 1995
“Why do they got a male nurse in here for? What’s the issue kid, bein’ a doctor too hard? You a fruitcake or somethin’?” Arthur’s voice was gruff and angry, huffing and puffing into his mask while his oxygen pump wheezed above his head. He’d just gotten out of surgery for a chemo port in his chest, so the last thing he wanted to do was be greeted with a nurse he wasn’t able to flirt with.
“Oh Artie, will you just relax? You’re gonna have an aneurysm,” his wife chides.
“Of course you don’t care that he’s a guy, Dottie,” Arthur grumbles under his breath. 
“Mr. Robbins, I get that you hate that I’m a guy,” Steve starts with a smile, “But if I don’t get your vitals you’re gonna be spending a lot more time with me than you want.” 
“Please, take your time,” Dottie says softly, “Don’t listen to him. He’s such a grump.” 
Arthur tosses her a look, it’s almost cartoonish. His frown pushes his jowls further down his face, deepening the creases by his nose. His furrowed brow in a permanent scowl from the deepened wrinkles in his forehead. 
Arthur’s life reads on his leathered skin and perfectly parted hair. Still styled like he was stuck in the 50s, covered in pomade – the silver shining in the fluorescent lights above them. A set of dog tags hung on a chain, slipping over the dipping collar of his hospital gown.
“World war two?” Steve asked, casting his eyes over to them while he wrapped the blood pressure cuff around Arthur’s arm. 
“And Korea,” Arthur wheezed, listening to the hiss of the cuff get tighter and then release, “Met my wife when she came over to sing for the boys.” 
“Thanks for your service,” Steve nods, while he writes Arthur’s stats down on his clipboard. He’s not sure if he’s thanking Arthur or his wife, he might as well thank them both. 
“Did you have any family in the war?” Dottie asked, crossing her legs. Dot was a winner, her hair a salon dark brown but the smile lines in her cheeks and the crinkles by her eyes showed her age. She wore a dark brown fur coat and carried a black leather handbag with a gold clasp that Steve was sure she’d kept in mint condition for the forty years she’s had it. 
“My grandpa fought in World War Two, too,” he smiled, “My mom was born in ‘45, though, so he didn’t volunteer for Korea.” 
“Well, thank him for his service from us, too,” Dottie says warmly. 
“He’s no longer with us,” Steve says, still smiling, “He passed away in ‘81 – but I’ll send a prayer up to him from you.” 
“Heh, if this thing keels me over, I’ll say ‘hi’ to your grandpa for ya instead,” Arthur lets out a grumbly, dark, chuckle.
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry for your loss,” Dot coos, tossing a reproachful look at her husband. Her voice sounds like it was made for the movies. 
“Will you stop chattin’ him up and let him do his damn job?” Arthur growled. 
“Stop being such a big baby, Artie. You want me to get you some water?” she asked her husband sweetly, “I’m about to go grab a coffee for myself.” 
“Yeah, fine,” Arthur grumbled.
“Looks like that port went in okay,” Steve says to himself, inspecting the small contraption on Artie’s chest, “Everything feeling alright?” 
“I’m fine,” he huffed. 
Steve shook his head, scribbling down a few more things on the chart at the end of the bed, “I believe it, sir.”
“You from around here?” Steve asks, hoping to strike up a small conversation. They’d definitely be seeing a lot more of each other. 
“From Florida,” Arthur wheezes again, “My son and his wife, n’ my grandson all moved up here for some job she got. He’s some stay at home dad, can you believe it? ‘Least you sorta made somethin’ of yourself.”
Steve doesn’t respond, just nodding along. 
“Well anyway – hmmmff – s’cuse me,” Arthur coughs roughly, it sounds his Steve’s grandpa’s cough from when he was a kid, “Anyway, Dot couldn’t bear to be away from her boy so, here we are. Got here, two months later I got cancer – so, Indiana’s working out great for me.”
“Sorry to hear that,” Steve says earnestly, looking up from the board, “Your son comin’ in at all?” 
“Nah,” Artie makes a face, shaking his head, “That boy doesn’t talk to me. Prob’ly happy I’m sick.” 
“Oh, I doubt that–” Steve starts, but Artie let’s out a laugh. 
“Oh, I’m not worried,” Arthur’s chuckle is gravelly and deep in his throat, “I’m the meanest son of a bitch you’ll ever meet – and if anything’s true in this life kid, mean people never die.” 
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Christmas Eve, 1995
“Well I’ll be back shortly, honey,” Dottie chirped while Arthur got his port hooked up to his tubing. She nearly knocked Steve over when he came into the room. 
“Oh, Steven, honey! I’m so clumsy! Merry Christmas,” she beams, rubbing his arm affectionately.
“You’re okay, Mrs. Robbins,” Steve says with a wink, “You’re leaving so soon?” 
“Just running out for a few last minute gifts! Gonna grab the Grinch here some cookies from my son’s house for him to snack on later,” she lists, “Can I get you anything, dear?” 
“I’m perfect, Mrs. Robbins, thank you though,” his dentist perfect smile makes her blush. 
“Steven, I keep telling you to please call me Dottie,” she huffs, pulling her coat on, “Mrs Robbins sounds so…ugh, so old.” 
“Ah, yes, don’t call her by her married name Steve. She’ll remember how married she is,” Arthur grumbled from his chair, a low chuckle shaking his shoulders. 
“Oh, stop,” Dottie teases, opening the door, “I’ll be back in a bit, I’ll see you both soon.” 
“You keep flirtin’ with my wife I’m gonna die a divorcee,” Arthur joked while she disappeared down the hall. 
“Well if it weren’t for you still kicking around here, she’d be more of a Mrs. Robinson to me than Mrs. Robbins,” Steve smirks into Arthur’s file, “The ladies love me here.” 
“God, don’t I know it – you’re everywhere, kid,” Artie rolls his eyes, “Whenever the girls are in here fussing over me they’re always checkin’ the board to see when your shift starts. I tell ‘em every time, ‘Will you shut up about that Harrington boy? I hear enough about him at home!” 
“Sees you when you’re sleeping, knows when you’re awake,” Steve shrugs, “Might as well be Santa Clause, huh?” 
“You doin’ anything for the holiday?” Arthur asks, he sits up a little, slowly. He’s gotten weaker with the chemo, it shows in his eyes. It shows in the growing softness in his voice. It shows in the thinness of his skin, olive green veins bleeding through a tan film. He’s thinner now, more fragile – it reminds Steve of the hospital in ‘81. His grandfather’s hands lying there, rigid and waxy. 
“You’re lookin’ at it, Artie,” Steve mumbles, adjusting the levels on the machines next to him. 
“Even tomorrow? What about your folks?” 
“My parents are in Hawai’i,” he lets a chuckle out in puffs of air from his nose, but Arthur knows it’s not a happy one, “I don’t really talk to my dad, much.” 
“You and my boy would get along -hhhgggack- get along great,” Arthur wheezes into another coughing fit. 
“Probably,” Steve laughs, “We both don’t like you.” 
Arthur’s coughs turn into barking laughs, loud enough that other attendants are craning their heads to look over at him. 
“Oh Harrington, you’re funny,” Arthur says, wiping his eyes, “You’re real funny.” 
The early evening rolls around and Arthur’s treatment finishes up just on time. Lung cancer was hard, but lung cancer with COPD and emphysema was a little worse. Steve was surprised that they were already starting to see some progress on the tumor after three weeks – maybe Dottie had a deal with someone upstairs. No one in heaven was looking out for Arthur Robbins. 
Steve undoes the connection to his port, starting the wrap up, singing softly to himself. 
“Please have snow, and mistletoe, and presents by the tree…”
“That’s Dorothy’s favorite Christmas song,” Arthur hums, staring down at his feet. 
“Yeah? Was my grandpa’s too,” Steve says, grabbing Arthur’s coat from the chair and passing it to him, “He used to sing it to me every Christmas Eve, just sort of kept up with the tradition.” 
“We do the same for my grandson,” Arthur smiles, “It’s better as a duet. You should really hear Dottie sing – the pipes on her she just –” 
“Hi, so sorry I’m late!” 
As if summoned by the angels themselves, Dottie rushes into the room, gifts in hand. Arthur stands up, slowly putting on his coat and scarf, picking up his portable oxygen (which was hardly portable for a man his age). 
“Stevie, here,” she says with a smile, handing him a gift bag, “It’s not much, but I notice you always just come in with a coat on and I’d love for you to stay a little warmer, honey.” 
Steve melts, opening the tissue to see a red wool scarf and a pair of gloves nestled inside, “Dottie, you didn’t have to get me anything. That’s so sweet, thank you.” 
“Merry Christmas, Steve, we’ll see you soon,” Dottie presses a kiss to his cheek, Arthur rolls his eyes. 
“See you in the new year, Harrington,” Arthur says gruffly while he shuffles out of the room with Dot. 
“I’ll see you Monday,” Steve corrects, putting his file in the holder by the door. 
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1PM - Christmas Eve, 1996
“Merry Christmas Artie, I got you a biopsy,” Steve cheers as he walks into Arthur’s room. 
“Oh, there’s my boy,” Arthur laughs, it’s hearty but he still wheezes, the tubes in his nose shake against his face. Steve comes in for a hug, completely missing the two people in the corner of the room. A man in his forties or fifties, and a boy around ten or eleven next to him. 
“Hi there,” Steve says, adjusting his glasses and putting his hand out, “I’m Steve, I was your dad’s nurse when he was here for treatment – and uh, I guess I’m his nurse today, too.” 
“Mark,” the older man says, he doesn’t smile, “We’re not staying long.” 
“This is my grandson, Mikey,” Arthur says, gesturing to the boy. Steve looks at him and his curly hair, his wire rim glasses that look like his own and his heart leaps.
“Hey Mikey,” Steve puts his hand out for a low five, “Merry Christmas.” 
“Merry Christmas,” Mikey says back, slapping his hand against Steve’s. He watches Mark start leading Mikey to the door and he cocks his head. 
“I’m just taking his vitals, you’re welcome to stay,” Steve says gently. 
“We’ll be back tomorrow,” Mark says with finality, “Say bye to grandpa, Mikey.” 
Mikey runs over, reaching over the bed on his tiptoes to pull Arthur into a hug, “I love you grandpa, I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” 
“Okay,” Arthur smiles, “I love you, too.”
He watches them go and Steve turns back to him. 
“Where’s Dottie?” 
Arthur smiles at him with downturned eyes, “We lost Dot in August, Harrington.” 
“Oh, no. Artie, I’m so sorry,” Steve apologizes, leaning against the end of the hospital bed. 
“Still looked like a movie star down to the last day,” Arthur says with soft eyes, “Had me put her lipstick on the morning of, like she had someone to go meet in Heaven. I says, ‘Honey, I’m still here! Who’re you trying to look pretty for?’ She tells me she just wants to look pretty for me. Can you believe that? I’m just some schmuck she married.” 
“She probably lied to you,” Steve teased. 
Arthur swats at him with a grin, “She probably did.” 
“Things okay with your son?” Steve asks, unfurling the blood pressure cuff. 
“Nah,” Arthur shakes his head, “Mike though? That kid really is somethin’. He’s so friggin’ smart. Knows everything about computers and shit – even started teaching me how to use one. He’s ten! He’s gonna be – I don’t know, flyin’ rocket ships or somethin’ when he grows up.”
“You living with them?” 
“No, no, still at the house. Can’t part with Dot’s stuff – y’know? So much of her is still there. She decorated the whole place. S’like I’m still comin’ home to her when I do,” he smiles up at Steve and Steve follows suit. 
“You miss her?” he asks, the answer is obvious. 
“Like the deserts miss the rain,” Arthur declares gently, Steve notices the soft heave in his chest. 
“So what’s the deal, Artie, what’s the biopsy for?” 
“You’re the nurse, you should know!” Arthur laughs in surprise, “Whaddya mean what’s the biopsy for?” 
Steve rolls his eyes while Arthur wheezes back to speaking, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. They found a spot – I got a scan back in Florida, we were there for a couple months. It’s not big, but better safe than – y’know – cancer. But honestly kid, it’s nothing. I’m not worried about it.” 
“Neither am I,” Steve nods. They go through the motions of his surgery prep, vitals, the works. They make jokes and share stories – it’d been a long six months. It was hard to leave each other – but his remission was a blessing. He’d become a different man in that year. They both had. 
“I’m heading out around three today, so I won’t be back until tomorrow,” Steve says. 
“Aw, c’mon, you’re supposed to be my Christmas buddy!” Arthur complains, “My son’s basically having me fuck off until he gets me tomorrow. Stick around!” 
“You want me to stick around or do you want Sara-Jean to be your night nurse?” Steve smirks. Sara-Jean was real pretty. Pretty enough that Steve had pulled her into a few empty rooms to play doctor every now and again. 
“Oh, you can get the fuck out right now if you want,” Arthur’s chortle is scratchy when it comes out. Steve missed that, and the soft puffs of his portable tank in the background. 
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3PM - Christmas Eve, 1996
“Barb, did you hear about Darlene?” Steve asks while he gets to the admin desk. Darlene ‘tsks’ under her breath while she types away. 
“Did I hear what?” Barb asks, tossing a look at Darlene, “What’d she do?” 
“Well I talked to the big guy, y’know?” he says, tugging on his jacket, wrapping a red wool scarf around his neck, “Turns out, she’s on the naughty list.” 
“Ooh, Darlene! We better call Gary!” Barb teases with a laugh, opening a filing cabinet under the desk. 
“Don’t you have somewhere to be, Steven?” Darlene whips her head around with a laugh, “Go home!” 
“I know someone on the naughty list isn’t telling me what to do,” he tutts with a sly smirk. 
He slaps a hand playfully on the counter, “Someone oughta teach her a lesson, huh Barb?” 
“You’re pushin’ your luck here, Harrington,” Barb says, emerging from below the desk with a stack of files, “You’re luckin Gary’s not here to knock you into ‘98.” 
Steve smiles, waving to the women, “If I don’t see either of you tomorrow afternoon, Merry Christmas.” 
“Merry Christmas,” they call back. 
Steve pops his head into Arthur’s room, still waiting to go in for surgery. 
“Hey, Merry Christmas, Artie,” he says. 
“Hey, Harrington,” Arthur says, beckoning him over, “C’mere for a second.” 
“Yeah, what’s up?” Steve asked, walking to the edge of his bed. 
“I got a gift for Mikey that got delivered to my house this morning, my neighbor brought it in for me. But since I’m gonna be here overnight I was wondering if you could grab it and bring it in for me tomorrow? I just wanna tell ‘im Santa dropped it off so this whole thing doesn’t bum him out. I’m sure ya already got plans but I’d really appreciate it.” 
“No, no, of course,” Steve shakes his head, “I’ll go pick it up. What’s the gift?” 
Arthur smiles a knowing, grandfatherly smile, “He’s been begging Mark for a Nintendo 64 for since September – and they’ve been sold out everywhere. They can’t really afford stuff like that anyway, so Mark’s been telling him to ‘manage expectations’. Pfft.” 
“Think I’d ever tell my grandson to manage his expectations?” Arthur asks, Steve swears he hears his own grandfather saying it. “So I used the lessons Mikey gave me about the computer and I found it on this website called E-bay – hefty fuckin’ markup I’ll tell ya that. Now, I had to go to the library to find out how to really order it but, y’know, here it is. Who’d a thought you could just click a button and get something sent to your house, huh? Friggin’ magic.” 
Steve’s heart swells, “That’s really nice, Arthur.” 
“He’s a good kid, he deserves it. And y’know, Mark could use a break – he really could,” Arthur nods, considering for a moment, “He really loves his boy – so I think it’s sort of a gift for him, too.” 
“Well, I’ll give ya a call when I pick it up, okay?” Steve asks, walking back toward the door. Arthur nods, jotting the address down and passing it to him. 
“Thanks a lot Harrington,” he smiles, stopping him while Steve gets to the door, “And nice scarf.” 
Steve winks and pats the wall as he leaves. 
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7PM - Christmas Eve, 1996
“Well I don’t know what you want me to tell you,” Robin confesses, “If she didn’t get you a gift, she probably doesn’t like you like that.” 
“What do you know about girls liking you back anyway, Buckley?” Eddie frowns, playfully tossing a red M&M at her on the couch. 
“Hey, hey, be nice,” Steve says, holding his hand out to Eddie who fills it with M&Ms. 
“You look so tired, Steve,” Nancy frowns, “How many shifts did you pull to get tonight off?” 
Steve shrugs, tossing his head back on the cushions of the couch, “I don’t know, too many.” 
The door opens and the kids file in. They aren’t kids anymore, Steve guesses, but they might as well be. 
“Party people! Merry Christmas!” Lucas calls, head of the line to file in followed by a deeply embarrassed Max. She has a big bag full of shiny wrapped boxes in her arms but before Steve can scold her about presents, she shoots him a look that could kill him dead. 
Henderson comes in after, immediately running to Eddie first, also carrying a bag of gifts. 
“Merry Christmas, folks,” he announces with a smile while passing out gift bags one by one. 
“Guys, I said–” Steve starts. 
“Shut up, nerd,” Erica says, walking in the door with Will and El flanking either side of her. Mike follows up at the end, closing the door behind him. 
“You say no gifts every year and we never listen to you, so,” Erica continues, crossing her arms and looking down at him from behind the couch, “Merry Christmas, though.” 
“Merry Christmas, Sinclair,” he says up at her. 
“Merry Christmas, Lady Apple Jack,” Eddie calls from the other end of the sectional. 
“There’s food all laid out in the kitchen,” Nancy calls to them. Steve yawns, sitting up and watching the group move as a unit to the kitchen, dropping their gifts off under the tree on the way. He looks around, a smile creeping onto his face, a Christmas that finally feels like family. Like home. Like he’s seven years old. 
His eyes zero in on the Nintendo 64 on the side table and his heart skips. 
“Shit, I’ll be right back, I gotta make a phone call.” 
Steve heads upstairs to his room, dialing to hospital without even looking at the numbers, counting the rings down to the second for Barb’s voice to pick up. 
“Hey Barb, it’s Steve. Can you transfer me to Artie Robbins’ room? He feelin’ okay?” he asks. 
“Uh, yeah, let me double ch– Hey, is Mr. Robbins out of surge–he is? Okay, okay – alright honey, let me transfer you over.” 
Steve holds his breath while the phone rings, letting it out when Arthur’s scratches through the phone, “Hello?” 
“Artie, hey, it’s Steve. Your gift is secured.” 
“Oh, good, good –hhgggack-, s’cuse me,” Arthur coughs wetly, Steve can hear him spit on the other end, “Sorry about that.” 
“Hey, don’t worry man. How was um, how was surgery, how’s it lookin’?” Steve asks, heart thumping in his chest. 
“Well um…” Arthur trails off, another wet, hacking cough echoes through the line, “Y’know I uh – I got some bad news for you, Harrington.” 
“Oh shit, Arthur…Arthur I’m so sorry,” Steve starts, “We can start you right back up on –” 
“I can’t believe you’d lie to me like that, Harrington,” he confesses, ignoring Steve’s apologies, his voice grinding with phlegm. 
“What? I didn’t – what do you –” sweat formed on his brow. Why did he tell him it was gonna be fine? He’s just a fucking nurse, how would he know? 
“Sara-Jean wasn’t my night nurse,” Arthur says, exasperated, “It’s some old broad I’ve never met before.” 
Arthur laughs and it gets caught in his throat like a wheeze, Steve lets out a long breath through his nose. 
“You’re such a fuckin’ asshole,” Steve chuckles, rubbing his eyes under his glasses, “You almost gave me a heart attack, Jesus Christ.” 
“Merry, merry, Harrington,” he says, “See ya tomorrow.” 
“Do you want me to wrap it?” Steve asks, “The gift?” 
“Hey, if you’re offering – I don’t gotta pay you for that, right? They gonna add that to my bill?” 
“Actually, I’m gonna make sure they charge you double,” Steve smiles through the phone, hearing Arthur’s breathy laugh one more time before he says goodnight and hangs up. Steve heads back down stairs, the group all around the living room. 
“Here,” Robin calls, beckoning him over and patting a seat next to her, “I’m gonna put on Miracle at 34th Street.” 
“Why? It’s boring,” Mike frowns. 
“Cause it’s your sister’s favorite and she made all the food, dumbass,” Steve snap at him, walking over to the couch, not resisting the urge to give him a soft smack across his mop of hair. 
Eddie giggles, “Yeah, don’t be such a dumbass, Wheeler.” 
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8PM - Christmas Eve, 1996
Beep beep. Beep beep. Bzz.
Beep beep. Beep beep. Bzz.
The group looks over at Steve who immediately reaches back into his pocket, beeper lighting up and buzzing. He squints down at it, the hospital’s number flashing below, “Ugh, shit. They’re really calling me in now?” 
“Just don’t go,” Eddie said, “They gave you the night off for a reason. Can’t they call someone else?” 
“That’s not really how it works Munson,” he mumbles, “Sorry guys, I gotta go um –” 
He looks around the room, eyes scanning everyone before they land on Nancy, “Nance can you just make sure everything’s locked up before you leave?” 
She nods, Henderson’s voice calling over the TV, “Why do you always ask Nancy?” 
“Do you really think I’d trust any of you other twerps to do it?” he asks with a laugh, pulling his coat on and wrapping the scarf around his neck, “Merry Christmas, guys.” 
The traffic was low, everyone home and inside, cozy with their families while he races back up to the hospital. He lets out a sigh, exhaustion rolling over him in waves like he hadn’t worked three days in a row – the twelves hours he had off would’ve been a great welcome. Before he knows it, he pulls into staff parking, still in his scrubs, hurrying into the lobby. 
“What’s up Barb,” he asks, “What’s goin’ on?” 
“Oh, honey…” she says, her frown tells him enough. 
“What’s happening, what’s wrong with him?” Steve asks, his body felt like he’d been dunked in ice water. In his peripheral he can see Arthur’s doctor come up behind him. 
“Steve I – I’m sorry,” he says. 
“What’s happening, what’s going on?” Steve eyes, nose prickling with heat, the back of his throat getting thick. 
“He’s hemorrhaging,” the doctor said, “It’s happening slowly, but we can’t stop it…he’s not gonna make it, Steve.” 
“Well you gotta, like, you can do something,” Steve says, a hurt smile pulling at his lips, “Like, there’s gotta be something that can stop it.” 
“There’s nothing we can do, Steve,” he confesses, putting a hand on his shoulder, “He wants to go.” 
“Well, um,” Steve swallows thickly, “Can you – has anyone called his son? Or? Where’s his family?” 
“They aren’t coming,” Barb says, shaking her head. Tears pooled in her eyes, “He asked if we’d call you.” 
“How much t-time does he have?” Steve gasps out, breath coming out of him in short spurts. Shoulders rising and falling unsteadily. 
“Not much,” the doctor says, “You should go see him.” 
Steve nods, numb, dizzy, the floor spins under him and suddenly he’s fourteen again – sitting in the waiting room with his dad while his mom wails outside the door. 
He gets to the room and opens the door slowly, Arthur laying there covered in tubes – with every blink it’s 1981 all over again. 
“Hey, Artie,” Steve says softly. He see’s Arthurs eyes flit toward him, a twitch of a hand standing in for a wave. Steve pulls a chair over and sits next to him, the healthy man he’d seen just hours before suddenly paled, older than he’d ever seen him. 
“Hey -hmmmfff- Harrington,” he pushes out. Pulling in a big, strained, wheezing breath between the words. It sounded like it hurt to breathe – but with only one weak lung working at this point, the other filling with blood, Steve assumed it must be. 
“Shh, shh,” Steve coos, “You don’t have to talk.” 
He sits there for a moment, listening to the beep of the EKG, the whoosh of air from the oxygen machine. Steve watches the drip of the IV drip – morphine. Arthur’s eyes are drowsy, but they still sparkle playfully at him. 
A lump builds in Steve’s throat while he watches him, he feels guilty taking deep breaths to keep from crying. He’s not sure how much longer he’ll be able to hold back. 
“Aw, come on man, you were – ugh, fuck – thought you were too mean to die,” Steve asked between sniffles. He tries to blink back his tears but they finally spring out of him, leaking down his cheeks. 
“Well –hhhmmmfff- look what m-meeting you -hmmmfff- got me, k-kid,” Arthur laughs through labored, shallow, breaths, “One good -hhhmmfff- de-deed and I’m k-kicking the buck-bucket –hmmmff-. 
Steve takes his hand, holding it tight, a shuddering breath hitting his lungs before he breaks, “I’m s-sorry your s-son’s not coming.”
“S’okay I don’t want -hhhmmfff– Mikey to -hhmmfff- see me like th-this,” he gasps out, eyes lulling, breaths getting farther and few in between. 
“You think -hmmfff- Dot’s st-still gonna think I -hhhmmmff- look sh-sharp?” 
“Oh, for sure,” Steve cries into a laugh, “She’d probably still think I look sharper.” 
Arthur lets out a weak wheeze of a laugh, using whatever left over strength he has to push a half smile onto his face. 
“I’ll say -hhmmff– hi to your gr-grandpa –hhmmff- for you,” he whispers. Steve nods, squeezing his hand, wiping his face with the other. 
“He’ll thi-think you’re a real p-piece of work,” Steve jokes, his thumb grazing comfortingly over Arthur’s hand. 
They sit there in silence, outside of Arthur’s labored breathing and the monitors beeping, Steve’s sniffling and shuddering cries. 
“-hhhmmmff– H-harrington?”
“Sing the song.” 
Steve doesn’t have to ask which he means, his heart breaks as he looks at the clock – 9 PM – right when his grandpa would bring him off to bed. 
“Sure, Artie,” Steve promises, “Sure.” 
“Christmas Eve will find me…”
“As the love light gleams…”
“I’ll be home fo– Oh, no…no, Artie. Arthur c’mon, c’mon man.”
The monitor holds a steady note, and against it, a rattle Steve knows all too well. 
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Christmas Day, 1996 
Steve got home late but Nancy, Robin, and Eddie were still there when he got in. “How’d you know?” Steve asked, eyes red behind his specs. 
“Your girlfriend Barb called,” Robin joked, pulling him into a hug. The rest followed suit, pressing against him so that maybe the pressure would relieve him of his grief. They all stayed the night, they saved cookies for him, a plate of snacks, dinner. They stayed up until he was fast asleep – all sneaking out quietly the next morning to spend time with their families. 
Steve woke up around nine in the morning, blearily peering around the living room. He must’ve fallen asleep on the couch, glasses laid neatly on the side table and a note from Nancy. His eyes lingered on the present for Mikey, he heaved a deep and heavy sigh. 
Steve got up and took a quick shower, hoping the water would take his aching along with it down the drain. It didn’t, but it woke him up a little. He didn’t bother getting dressed, just getting back into his scrubs from the night before, slapping on some deodorant and cologne before trudging back downstairs. 
He took his time to wrap the gift, folding over the edges of the paper and sealing it seamlessly. The North Pole would’ve hired him in a heartbeat if they could get a look at this wrap job. 
He pulled on his coat, his red wool scarf, and tugged the present under his arm while he walked to the car. He pulled out a small piece of paper from his coat pocket, his own sloppy writing looking back at him with Mark’s address scrawled on it. It was a twenty minute drive – it felt like an eternity. 
He rang the bell and knocked on the door, and even though he knew they were home he was still surprised to see Mark open it, his wife next to him. 
“Hey, Mr. Robbins,” Steve says softly, “Sorry to come by but um – I know this must be a really hard day for you both, but –” 
“It’s okay. Um, Steve – right?” Mark guesses, Steve nods. Mark looked worse for wear, “This was dad’s nurse at the hospital.” 
“Hi,” his wife murmurs, “Merry Christmas.” 
“Dad, who is it?” Mikey calls, pushing between his parents, “Oh hey, you’re that guy from yesterday.” 
Steve guessed it must be hard to really dampen the magic of Christmas for a ten year old, even if his grandpa just died. 
“Hey buddy, you’re actually the guy I wanted to see,” Steve said with a smile, kneeling down to get closer to his level. 
“I found this on the desk in the lobby at the hospital,” he says, looking down at the box, holding it out in front of him, “It’s addressed to you, looks like it’s from Santa.”  Mikey frowns, and at a closer look, it’s clear Mikey had just as rough of a night as his dad had. His lower lip wobbles slightly but he quickly straightens it out. 
“Santa isn’t real,” Mikey says defiantly, crossing his arms. 
“Who told you that?” Steve asks, his brows furrowed. 
“No one told me,” Mikey mumbles softly, “I told Santa that all I wanted for Christmas was for my grandpa to get better. And he didn’t…so…” 
“Well if Santa’s not real, then how did he call me this morning?” Steve asks with a smile.
“What?” Mikey asks, eyes shining with excitement. 
“He told me he left this at the hospital because he thought you were still there,” Steve explains, “So he asked if I could bring it to you. It was something you really wanted, he told me.” 
“Oh man, is this –” he takes the box from Steve, it’s a little too heavy for him, “Is this what I think it is?!” 
“I don’t know, dude, you gotta open it!” Steve laughs. Mikey sits right on the ledge of the front door, Mark and his wife behind him. The paper rips away to reveal the Nintendo 64 Mikey had begged for since it came out in September. 
“WOW! Dad look! Santa saw it on my list! He didn’t forget! I can’t believe it!” 
Steve stands back up to see Mark, his red eyes pooling with tears. 
“Honey, why don’t you come with me and I’ll see how we can set it up,” Mark’s wife says to Mikey, taking the box from him. Mikey runs inside and his mom gives Steve a small wave, wishing him a Merry Christmas.
“S’that from my dad?” Mark asked, wiping his eyes. 
Steve takes his glasses off, wiping his own, “Yeah, he um, ordered it online – if you can believe it.”  They both let out a small, pained, airy chuckle. Two men who are suddenly boys. Red noses and cheeks. 
“He asked if I’d bring it to him to give to Mikey but um, y’know.” 
Mark nods, face contorting while he tries to hold back a sob, “Merry Christmas, man.”  Steve puts his hand out to shake it, but Mark pulls him into a tight hug where they both fall apart, “I’m so sorry, Mark. I’m just so sorry.” 
They stay embraced for a few minutes before breaking apart, both taking deep breaths while they settle. Two boys who know what it’s like to not understand their dads. Two boys who know better now. 
“You’re a very kind man, Steve,” Mark says, “Thank you so much, for – for this.” 
“Thank you,” Steve says gently, “I hope you and your family are able to have a good holiday.” 
They say their goodbyes and Steve takes his keys from his pocket, swinging them into his hand. He gets in the driver’s seat of the BMW, the leather quickly cooled over. He watches Mark shut the door behind him and takes a cleansing breath through his nose and out through his mouth, putting the key into the ignition. 
The heat blasts and he pulls out onto the road, flicking the radio on. 
He chuckles sadly to himself, eyes closing briefly behind his glasses at the coincidence, while the radio crackles to life. 
“Merry Christmas, guys,” he says, staring up at the sky through the windshield. 
Bing Crosby’s voice fills the car, and Steve’s red, wool scarf feels warmer than it ever has around his neck.
“Christmas Eve will find me. As the love light gleams. I’ll be home for Christmas… 
If only in my dreams.” 
341 notes · View notes
ryuseibutgayer · 8 months
I’m hopping on the yamagishi agenda.. Yamagishi watching in awe as his girlfriend kicks ASS to protect him(and maybe mizo mid in general)
HIII thank you for your request!! <3 so sorry for the late reply :v I tried my best to provide the envisioning I thinnnnk you want? Hope I did :v let's beat some ASS, anon 😤
TW: beating up, Swearing, Makoto theft, blood mentions, Makoto pervy, Takuya future job reference
ꜱᴍᴀᴄᴋ ᴀ ʙɪᴛᴄʜ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴄʜʀɪꜱᴛᴍᴀꜱ ᴇᴠᴇ
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• He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. That's all. Then some assholes decided that he looked funny.
• The second he spoke up to try and defend himself even the tiniest sliver, he immediately regretted it as the tallest one stood closer to him with that ugly stretched neck look.
• The thing that Yamagishi wasn't clenched and prepared for was you to come flying out from behind him- landing your foot square on that ugly bitch's face
• Yamagishi thought he'd been hit actually, so he'd flinched and dropped his ass back against the pavement- you can imagine his face when he looked up and it was y o u kicking ass
• This boy would immediately get right back up and start trying to find the best angle to watch
• He would start SCREAMING cheers and supporting you kicking ass
• God knows he can't do it himself
• Once you come back over to him after handing them back their last ass, he'd hold your face in his hands and start saying the most self-berative thanks to you💀💀 he'd also question how the fuck you did that
• expect ice cream later, constant bowing for the next week, and maybe a little hesitation he has with you when horse playing
• Oh God not the pretty boy
• Why him
• 😭 people were makin fun of his clean looks n shit like they could look half as good
• They were right out at the front of the school (exhibitionist jackassed punks)
• Akkun was ready to fucking take it just to get it over with with a gritted face as the brown haired assholw held him up by his collar
• Akkun just fell and got dust in his eyes 😭 after he rubbed his scratched butt and rubbed the dirt out of his vision, you were on top of the guy?? Goddamn you rabid freak, girl go off beatin his ass like that
• Yeah Akkun was worried tho so he shouted a tiny bit after he figured the guy had enough and trieda pullya off a tad
• Once you were back on your feet, the both of you were standing there out of breath just looking at each other all bewildered like 😧
• Then akkun would speak up and ask you "where the hell did you learn that, y/n-"
• He'd end up barely listening to your explanation and drag you off to the school nurse for your little scratches and knuckles
• He's gonna make sure he walks you home that day to make sure you both have the time to talk about- alla that
• He'll ask you to try and keep it in check, but he'll definitely thank you- he's STILL shocked at that
• He'll ask you try and not get involved with his bs affairs, just to make sure you'll be safe and not get in trouble for anything he dragged you into
• Sweet pomp boy <3
• Mr future drug dealer
• Anyways
• Yeahhhh he was approached by some cunty punk that heard he was getting good grades in his science classes and started pushing onto Takuya with his "will you tutor me?? 🥺" bullshit
• Takuya obviously just flat out tried to express he didn't wanna be associated with this guy and his grunts, even if it meant helping him out
• Guess what set the idiot off
• y/n I can't imagine how mad you must've been going around the school looking for your boyfriend just to find him shoved onto the floor by someone that wasn't you
• "Only I sexualize bullying my boyfriend you bitch" vibes
• so of course you knocked that low grade asshole in the side of the head
• Once you got that punk just dazzled and walking in a dumb little circle, Takuya got up in time to slug him in the jaw for the final pinch and bwoof, suddenly there's a punk on the floor
• Takuya just was so grateful and physically affectionate after that
• He'd check ya all around to make sure you're all set, give you a hug or a noogie, then you'd both walk to the infirmary (his favorite place <3) ew takuya
• expect giggles and shits in the nurse's office like two little psychos until you both went home to watch a movie together
• Yeah he's a thief, so what? B)
• Makoto kinda stole some cash from this unattended wallllleeeeeet..
• It kinda belonged to a big bad guyyyy....
• And he was kind offff being held against the wall of the alley outside a grocery store you two planned to meet at that day to grab snackkkkks, soooo
• You absolutely got that guy's blood all over the pavement, look at you go
•Makoto practically shit himself when he got approached by in the first place
• THEN he almost shit himself when someone kicked him in the head
• Makoto was this . close to leaking that shit down his pant leg when he realized the person beating up that delinquent was you.
• Imma be dead ass with you, Makoto is horrified, but from that point on it's an immediate turn-on.
• He's gonna suggest some weird ass service in order to thank you, but ofc what else
• speaking of, he bought all the snacks you breathed on in that grocery store after.
145 notes · View notes
okay wait stop. okay wait for me, okay just- (steps around my mountains of garbage and slime)
Listen we all love Malorn Ashthorn (as we fuckin' should) but I just realized. okay, just how much undeserved mess that poor blessed soul went through
Like okay think about it for a second. He's introduced early on in the first arc as Malistaire's former top student and now impromptu Death Professor at Ravenwood, okay so we all know that. But the implications man. The implications, I didn't think about the IMPLICATIONS.
He's like this 12 year old kid, okay. Already even BEFORE his official appearance in the game, imagine being a straight A student, one of the very best (to the point where it's noted and revered amongst the other professors AND your fellow students), under THE Malistaire Drake, who, even before his villain arc, was also one of the most esteemed and powerful Death professors ever. Like I couldn't even keep a C in school that shit must be wild
AND THEN. And then, your professor literally commits several war crimes, causes irreversible damage and trauma, and becomes a national criminal against.... the universe???? Like Malistaite commits heinous terrible shit, and sinks the entire Death School along with him. And then it falls to Malorn Ashthorn, once again who's like a teenager, to PICK UP THE METAPHORICAL PIECES because he had no choice. He was literally the only candidate to fill in Malistaire's place, a legend turned monster, to teach and guide GENERATIONS of new children that are HIS AGE or even OLDER THAN Malorn is.
And then the actual changes in the school. Malorn, former student, now has to learn how to become a professor with his limited knowledge of Death Magic. Like imagine filling in for the college astrophysicist teacher when you've only graduated 6th grade. He has to change his SCHEDULE, from waking up early as a student to get up and get ready even EARLIER as a professor to prepare the classes HE comes up with. Not to mention late nights grading hundreds of papers from multiple students??? AND he either is the ONLY tutor (which means more overtime and work for him, to personally help individual students with different Death lessons), or he has to actually call upon help from other students to help him get his job done.
And then there's like the relationship aspect of it. Malorn is literally just a child, like any other student, but adopting a role as a professor, an adult, means that he also has to adopt a certain mindset. Malorn literally HAS to be patient, HAS to be guiding and nurturing, HAS to be the adult in every situation in order to be a GOOD professor. Malorn has to train hard not only in magic to be ahead of the others in order to teach them properly, but has to retrain his mindset to be ABLE to handle to teach properly. Like you can't be a regular tween teaching other tweens.
And then it's just the pressure after that. The PRESSURE GUYS, of not only living up to one of the most talented and accomplished the school has ever seen, but deal with the fact that the very same person also became a tyrant and war criminal and left Malorn, his most promised student, in his place. Like I could easily imagine the rumors, the judgement, and the fear surrounding that boy, wondering if he would ever turn out to be the same as Malistaire.
No one asked for this. This soap opera I mean, nobody asked me about Malorn Ashthorn or this long ass post but I don't care because I'm crying. Girls I'm crying my entire bed is wet with tears of despair and snot. Malorn is literally a sweetie oh my God he does not, and never will deserve this shit I'm so sorry honey. Sweetie Malorn baby I'm so fuckign sorry, i'm so so sorry,
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artzychic27 · 4 months
Mr. Garvey Taking Roll In The Akuma Class
Mr. Garvey: Alright, listen up, French kids! I'm ya'll's substitute teacher, Mr. Garvey. I taught school for twenty years in the inner city, so don't even think about messing with me. Ya'll feel me?
Akuma Class: *Nodding*
Mr. Garvey: Okay. Let's take roll here. *Reads the list* "Ay-Drayan."
Akuma Class: ...
Mr. Garvey: Where's Ay-Drayan at? No Ay-Drayan?
Adrien: Do you mean 'Adrien,' sir?
Mr. Garvey: Oh, so that's how it's gonna be. Ya'll wanna play. Okay. I got my eye on you, Ay-Drayan. *Reads the list* "Chalo-ay"... Where is Chalo-ay at? There's no Chalo-ey here today?
Chloé: Uh, my name is Chloé. You should know this-
Mr. Garvey: Girl! You outta your mind? "Chloé," you wanna go to war? We can go to war, girl! I'm for real! I'm for real... So, check yourself... "Yvonne!"
Ivan: ...
Mr. Garvey: Is there an Yvonne?... if one of ya'll says a silly-ass name, this whole class is about to feel my wrath.
Ivan: It's 'Ivan,' sir.
Mr. Garvey: Son of a bitch!... Say your name right.
Ivan: Ivan.
Mr. Garvey: Say it right.
Ivan: Ivan.
Mr. Garvey: Correctly!
Ivan: ... Yvonne.
Mr. Garvey: That's better! Thank you! Now... "All-Yay." Where are you? Where is All-Yay right now?... You better be sick, dead, or mute, All-Yay.
Alya: Here. God, man.
Mr. Garvey: ... Why didn't you answer me the first time I said it? You know, I'm just wondering, I said it like, four times. So, why did you say it, the first time I said, "All-Yay."
Alya: ... Because, it's pronounced, 'Alya.'
Mr. Garvey: Son of a bitch! *Sweeps his belongings off the desk* You done messed up, All-Yay! Take your tacky-ass jeans down to Day-moke-less' office, right now! And tell him what you did!
Alya: ... Who?
Mr. Garvey: Day-moke-less!
Alya: 'Damocles?'
Mr. Garvey: Get out of my goddamn classroom 'fore I bust your legs! *Alya hurriedly leaves* Insubordinate... And Churlish. *Reads the list* "Joo-Lay-Ka."
Juleka: Present.
Mr. Garvey: Thank you! "Marie-Anette!" Where's Marie-Anette? 'Cause I swear-
Marinette: *Raises her hand* Here, sir.
Mr. Garvey: Thank you! Answer the first damn time! Now, is there a "Myley-Nay" here?
Myléne: ... Present.
Mr. Garvey: Okay, we're getting somewhere. *Reads the list* Is "May-X" here?
Max: How do you... Here, sir.
Mr. Garvey: What? Whatchu gonna say?
Max: Nothing, sir.
Mr. Garvey: Yeah. Yeah, that's what I thought. "Ah-Leex."
Alix: *Raises her hand*
Mr. Garvey: Alright. Alright... "Nay-Tan-Y'all."
Nathaniel: ...
Mr. Garvey: Nay-Tan-Ya'll, I swear to God! I'm gonna start taking tables! Come on! Keep playing jokes! Be a big man!
Nathaniel: Fine, here.
Mr. Garvey: ... You getting smart with me? You getting smart with me?! Nah. Nah, you take yo ass in those purple jeans down to Day-moke-less' office!
Nathaniel: It's Damocles.
Mr. Garvey: Boy-
*Nathaniel quickly leaves*
Mr. Garvey: Fuckin' redheads, man... Lil devil spawn try'na take my damn soul when I ain't looking... "Nine-oh."
Nino: Here.
Mr. Garvey: Better! Thank you! "Ro-Sey!"
Rose: ... *Raises her hand* Here.
Mr. Garvey: "Keema."
Kim: I... He... Here, sir.
Mr. Garvey: Tried to mess with me, Keema? Better not, boy! I dealt with scarier shit than you! "Say-Brine-Ah."
Sabrina: Present, sir.
Mr. Garvey: So far, so good... "Lie-Lay."
Lila: It's 'Lila,' sir.
Mr. Garvey: FUCK! *Breaks his clipboard over his knee* Lie-Lay, you better run!
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painedpen · 6 months
Hi, i wanted to ask about your Mondo Oowada headcanons and platonic pairings :) i want to hear a rant, so dont worry about rambling
Okay so I’ve already answered an ask about my Mondo hcs, so now we’re gonna talk about my Kiyotaka hcs because he’s my second specialest little guy.
- Taka only really relaxes when he’s at home. He lets himself slouch and put his feet up while he works on a project. His manner of speech is much more casual when talking to his father. All around it’s the only time he can truly be peaceful.
- Takaaki’s grandfather came to the country from Spain, and thus the whole family is fluent in Spanish. This, of course, includes Taka. He speaks so fast it’s almost impossible to understand him when he’s speaking Spanish.
- His dad read somewhere that ear piercings could help soothe migraines, and decided to take Taka to get a couple for his birthday. Taka refuses to wear his ear cuffs anywhere outside the house, but he likes them because they make for good tactile and audio stims.
- Obviously autistic. Like c’mon.
- He is Very Normal about martial arts and weaponry. He researches extensively, and practices extensively as well. Because of this, he has a bizarrely wide knowledge of how to kill or seriously maim people.
- He actually spars with Sakura quite a bit. While he definitely can’t beat her, she enjoys that Taka is a bit more of a challenge than other people.
- Because of poverty and such, he was never able to afford good ingredients, so he only knows how to cook very basic dishes. He’s the best at making those basic dishes, though.
- You want ramen but don’t have the energy to make it yourself? Go to Taka, cause his ramen will have you meeting God so you can spiritually high five Her.
- You do have to specify not to put a crazy amount of spices in it though. He and his dad have so much spice tolerance it’s honestly concerning.
- He tries so hard to be well behaved, but growing up with Takaaki has had its side effects. Taka’s startle response is to excessively swear in Spanish. He’s mortified with himself every time.
- Honestly he’s so much more chill when he’s not in a professional environment. If you’re not at school or work he doesn’t give a shit if you swear or whatever. Just don’t do it in front of kids and he’s fine.
- Protesting king. Oh, it’s against the rules for people to wear their pride pins? Guess who’s walking down the halls wearing a rainbow flag as a cape? It’s Kiyotaka Ishimaru, motherfucker.
- Has probably been detained before due to involvement in protests. He’s always peaceful, but if the attending officers get a bit too eager, he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do.
- Can leap over an eight-foot-tall fence in a single bound, and will at the slightest hint of provocation.
- If he’s too focused on his work, the filter between his brain and mouth will forget to work. It’s honestly so entertaining because he’ll just say whatever comes to mind, no matter how insulting or rude it is.
Angst: (CW for Violence, Child Abuse, Scars, Eating Disorders)
- Okay here we fuckin go.
- Taka has more scars than anyone else in his class. Some are from his grandfather (more on that later), but most of them are from his grandfather’s enemies.
- As everyone has already guessed, Toranosuke wasn’t all that great to Taka. He would spend weekends babysitting sometimes, and would force Taka to study for days.
- He would lock Taka in his room and wouldn’t let him out until he decided that Taka had done enough. Sometimes Taka would go the whole weekend without any food.
- At one point, Taka tried to sneak out to get something to drink, but his grandfather caught him. Long story short, that’s how he got that huge scar on his shoulder.
- Taka dissociates while he studies now. He absorbs the information, but he’ll be mumbling to himself about “yes, sir… I’ll do better, sir… sorry sir…” even though no one else is in the room with him.
- This boy has had more pints of coffee than hours of sleep in his lifetime.
- He will mix black coffee and five hour energy and down the whole thing in under a minute. Everyone who knows him worries for his health.
- He obviously struggles with nightmares, so he’ll study or work out to avoid sleeping most nights. He normally stays awake until he collapses from exhaustion.
- Touch used to be a huge No for him. Even Takaaki could barely pat him on the shoulder for a long time. When Makoto first held his face, Taka started sobbing.
- Sometimes he’ll genuinely forget that people can be kind. When he sees someone doing something nice for him or others, it kinda knocks the breath out of him because “That’s so strange… I forgot people had the capacity for it…”
- Will straight up not eat for days. He got so used to being without food as a child that having three meals a day will actively make him sick.
- He does not trust teachers in the slightest. He’ll be respectful to them, but he’d rather bite off his own tongue than ask one for help.
- This is mainly because of his middle school days. Other students would beat him to a pulp, and the teachers would just stare at him, in a puddle of his own blood, and walk away.
- There was one teacher who did something worse than that, but I don’t feel comfortable going into details at this moment. Use your imagination, it’s probably as bad as you think.
Platonic Pairings:
Kiyotaka + Sayaka:
- I’m so smart for this just let me explain.
- Sayaka asked him to teach her how to do several Latin dances, and they’ve been best friends ever since.
- They really relate to each other in the sense that they both have had to work extremely hard in order to achieve their goals. They both believe that hard work can achieve anything.
- The entire idol group loves Taka, but Sayaka is the only one he sees everyday.
- He hangs out with the lot of them very often, and they help him loosen up a bit.
Kiyotaka + Aoi:
- This one is so obvious.
- Hina is Colombian, so she was ecstatic to find another Spanish speaker in her class. She constantly clowns on Kiyotaka’s accent though.
- They’re both so passionate about the things they care about it’s so cute to watch them interact.
- I think Taka is one of the only people that can keep up with Hina’s energy level consistently.
Kiyotaka + Kyoko:
- They are childhood friends.
- Think about it. Taka’s dad is a detective, so is Kyoko’s grandfather. Kyoko’s grandfather is too smart to fall for the whole “all Ishimaru’s are evil blegh!” thing.
- I’m saying they hung out when they were little. I’m right too.
- Taka helps Kyoko express her emotions more clearly while Kyoko helps Taka calm down and focus his mind.
Kiyotaka + Peko:
- Top tier sword bros.
- Taka saw Peko training one day and promptly decided that she was the coolest person to ever exist.
- Peko admires his true passion for the art of swordplay. He reminds her of herself when she was younger.
- I’m making Peko sound like an old woman here please excuse me.
- Taka admires her so much it’s so cute. He calls her Shishou until Peko asks him to stop. After that he sticks to Peko-Senpai.
Kiyotaka + Gonta:
- Sobbing crying throwing up punching the air.
- Gonta wants to be a gentleman and Taka is one of the best people to go to for lessons in etiquette.
- They are autistic together.
- Gonta calls Taka Senpai exactly one time. Taka starts crying cause he’s so honored. Gonta thinks he hurt Taka’s feelings. He never calls Taka Senpai again.
- Taka liked bugs as a kid, and still kinda does, so he and Gonta get along so well.
*Insert autism creature Yippee sound byte*
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