blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
#not that anyone is actively incredibly invested#but this blog is my diary so I’ll post what I want#but also I didn’t wanna make like an actual post post so I’m ranting in the tags#so no Stick Season update today bc I don’t have it in me!! and I’m opting to force myself to relax!!!#bc it has been A Day#and for no reason really????? like I was having a great day!!!#and then fifth period started#WHICH IS TRUTHFULLY MY BEST CLASS#like oh my god SUCH good fuckin kids in that class#and yeah my altos are incidentally the weaker section this year#but today it felt like they were doing it so APATHETICALLY and PURPOSEFULLY that I stopped rehearsal#and I was like ‘hey. sopranos are giving 100% and altos I think like maybe half of you are giving 50.’#and I was like if you don’t want to go to UIL let me know AND SOME LITTLE SHIT RAISED HER HAND but I stayed calm!!#and she’s getting an alternate assignment!! bc I understand Choir isn’t for everyone but also LIKE WHAT ARE U DOIN IN THIS CLASS THEN#but then some other altos were like ‘no we wanna go’#and I said something along the lines of ‘great but it’s gonna require more effort than what I’m getting right now’#‘and that sucks because you guys could be REALLY good if you wanted to’#AND THEN I JUST STARTED FUCKING CRYING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH#like not ugly crying I held it together long enough to tell them to pack up their stuff lmao#But then they lined up and one girl came back to hug me and ask if I was okay and THEN I lost it#like I’m actually laughing now bc ITS SO RIDICULOUS SNDBAJDNSJ LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME????#and then three more girls came back when the bell rang and they were all telling me how much they love my class#and I started crying harder#and I had my tenor bass class next (boys. rowdy AS FUCK) and from outside my portable I hear the girls say:#‘BE GOOD TODAY AND DONT TO ANYTHING TO MAKE HER UPSET!’#and I’m very emo about it#and two altos came to apologize me and asked to ‘please not go all emo on us again we’ll try harder’#and honestly I’m laughing my ass off I’m such a weak educator but I love my kids jajshsjsj#ANYWAY so I need some fluff and laughs this fine afternoon and do not wish to write today so SORRY#blurgleshutthefuckup
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Oooooh I have an idea !!!!!! Fuckboy Bucky falling in love with you ! He’s begging you for a chance , one which you deny continuously knowing his reputation. He sends you the fluffiest texts , pictures of things that remind him of you but you won’t budge ! And one night , you’re drunk while all of you are out ! He keeps you close all night and then he takes you home ! He’s a gentleman . So you’re more than surprised to find him sleeping on your couch the next morning !! He greets you with a smile and then you thank him , give him a small peck and finally grant him that date he’s been begging for months for
college fuckboy buck x f reader
OOOH I love Fuckboy bucky, his name is Bunky btws. Bucket is the cheater, Bunky is a fuckboy but he can be redeemed so we all still love him. "Come onnn y/n" Bucky groaned, having asked you out for the 4th time this year. "Please? Just give me a chance, one date, please?"
You rolled your eyes while he leaned against your car, having trailed behind you after your class finished.
"Please?" He gave you his best puppy eyes, his bottom lip jutting out into an almost convincing pout but you willed yourself to ignore how adorable he looked. No. It wasn't worth getting your heart broken.
"No thank you Barnes, I don't want to join your roster"
You got into your car, shutting the door without waiting for him to respond, mostly because you were worried you'd break and agree to going on a date. Bucky sighed, watching you pull out of the parking lot without looking back; he really did like you. A lot. He wasn't great with emotions, he bottled up his feelings and deflected his emotions. He distracted himself with girl after girl but you were never just a distraction. You were different to him. You were really sweet. You helped him with his papers. You helped him take notes in class. He didn't intend on falling in love with you but here he was now, begging and pleading and chasing, hoping one day you'd say yes.
You heard your phone ping, opening your lock screen to see a text message from Bucky.
"Thank you for the study notes, you really are a sweet heart"
You shook your head, snorting to yourself, he was probably copying and pasting the same text message to the other four girls he spoke to in class. It was bad enough you actually found him cute; he was well aware of how charming he was. You truthfully hated it. He was attractive, sweet, tall and the biggest fuckboy you knew. He didn't do relationships. Your phone pinged again to yet another message. It was a picture of a little golden lab sitting in his lap, the both of them having nearly identical facial expressions. Large twinkling eyes, an innocent but not so innocent face, fluffy hair (and fur).
"Saw this puppy, thought you'd like it"
"Guess which puppy I was referring to"
"Get it? Because were both adorable?"
You bit back a smile, immediately frowning afterwards. No. You would not be going down that rabbit hole with him. You only gave him your number so you could arrange study meets but Bucky took advantage of it, sending sweet messages and pictures of things that reminded him of you.
"My ma found my teddy bear from when I was little, reminded me of the one you have on your lockscreen" (Picture of a fluffy brown bear with the words Baby JBB embroidered on the front)
"Remember when we got coffee after studying late at the library?" (picture of a coffee cup and heart sugar cookie)
"It's sweet like you" (picture of a mini cupcake)
You sighed, scolding yourself every time your heart fluttered. No. It didn't matter how much he tried. You wouldn't give in. You wouldn't budge.
Your body felt heavy and light at the same time, just a couple of drinks in. More than a couple. Many. You could feel the bass of the music thump through your whole body, swaying freely on the club dancefloor, seeing a familiar face in the crowd off to the side.
"Buckkyyyy" You slurred out, giggling while you stumbled towards, falling into his arms. He caught you with ease, holding you close to him, his heart racing because he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable being so close to him. You bounced on your heels, still swaying to the music while still in his hold, completely in your own world.
"Careful doll, are you okay?" He chuckled while you gave him a hazy smile, your eyes glazed over, letting out a tiny yawn. Your face heated up hearing him call you doll, you hated how much it made you feel giddy on the inside. 
"Yessssss" You nodded your head, your eyes closed because you were starting to feel tired. "M'not drunkkk"
"Are you sure?"
"Mhm, very sure Buck" You mumbled, burying your face into his chest, breathing in the scent of his cologne and something that was distinctly him. Like warmth...home...your heart...no. Nope. You tried to pull away but your body betrayed you, snuggling further into him as he held you. 
“Think you might be lying y/n” Bucky snickered leading you to sit in a quieter lounge area of the club. You didn’t hesitate to crawl into his lap, throwing your arms around his shoulder with your face nuzzled into his neck. You squirmed until you felt comfy, sighing contently when you felt his arms around you again. 
You pulled away from him suddenly, cupping his face to make him look at you; you looked at him with wide eyes as if you just realized something. Bucky watched you curiously, his heart braking because your adorable drunk antics were only making him fall for you more. He only wanted one chance. 
“I think I like Bucky” You whispered while squeezing his cheeks together, making his lips pout. “I have a crush on him”
Bucky bit back a smirk, his cheeks blushing while you continued to look at him with owlish eyes, waiting for his response. 
“Really? You think so?” 
You nodded vigorously, slapping your hand over his mouth before he could say anything more. 
"Shhhh don't tell anyone, its a secret" You continued to whisper, your hand trailing down to his chest to play with his chain. Bucky couldn’t tell what was worse; how sweet you were when you were like this, the fact that you just openly said you liked him and the fact that he had no chance with you. Even if your drunken ramblings were saying one thing, he didn’t want to keep pressuring you.
“M’sleepy” You stretched on him like a cat before snuggling into him again. Bucky smiled softly, carefully lifting you in his arms, getting into a cab to take you home. 
“Do you have the keys doll?” Bucky gently nudged you while you clung onto him outside of your door, mumbling something about them being in your purse. Bucky fished them out, opening the door and carrying you in, kicking his shoes off before taking you to your room. You sighed happily feeling your soft bedsheets about to fall asleep again but Bucky wasn’t having it. He knew you wouldn’t want to just fall asleep with your makeup and dress on. He cleared a bit of space on your sink counter before coming to get you. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up” He carried you to the bathroom, setting you on the counter. He grabbed some of your makeup wipes, removing your makeup and lashes while you kicked your feet, looking at him with heart eyes. His touch was warm and gentle, grabbing a bit of moisturizer to finish off. He massaged your skin, his thumbs brushing over your cheeks, his heart beating out of his chest because he so badly wanted to lean in and kiss you. 
“I brought you your sleepshirt bubs, I’ll be right outside the bathroom okay? Get changed and we’ll get you to bed” 
You nodded, clumsily trying to unzip your dress but to no avail. 
“Buckyyyyyy” Bucky poked his head into the bathroom, chuckling at your pouty face. 
“What is it doll?” 
“Take it off” 
Bucky stared at you with wide eyes, had this been any other situation you wouldn’t have had to tell him twice. He held the strap of your dress up while unzipping it for you, making sure it stayed up before leaving the bathroom. You some how managed to get changed, leaning against the doorway for support while Bucky waited. He lifted you in his arms and helped you under the sheets before tucking you into bed. He grabbed a glass of water and some pain medication to keep by your bedside table while you started to fall asleep. 
“Good night y/n” 
“Good night baby” You smiled in your sleep, softly snoring within seconds.  Baby. He knew he was head over heels in love with you. Bucky made his way to your living room, crashing on your couch for the night incase you needed anything in the middle of the night. He checked on you twice to make sure you were okay, blushing each time he saw your adorable curled up form. He would have given anything to be able to cuddle up with you and hold you close to him. 
You rubbed your eyes, still feeling a little disoriented. You were home. How did that happen? You remembered dancing....and then...
You crawled out of bed, surprised to find a glass of water and pain meds on your bedside. Who put them there? You were grateful anyway, quickly downing all the water and taking one of the tablets. You made your way to the kitchen, gasping when you saw Bucky scrolling through his phone, sprawled on your couch.  
“Good morning doll” He smiled up at you, his eyes still tired from checking up on you throughout the night. 
“You brought me home?” He nodded while you hesitantly came and sat beside him, nervously biting on your lip. “You stayed here?” Some of the memories of last night flooding back. His soft hands on your face. Carrying you into bed. Tucking you in. You heard the door creak each time he checked on you. 
While your heart melted, Bucky’s heart raced, fearing you thought the worst. The last thing he wanted was for you to think he took advantage of you. He scrambled to sit up properly, his puppy eyes wide. 
“I promise nothing happened doll, you were tired so I called us a cab and brought you home. I helped you get ready for bed but I didn’t see anything, I just tucked you into bed and-
You lips pressed against his, cutting off his rambling, 
“Thank you. Now about that date you’ve been asking for.....”
5 years later
Bucky spun you around, pulling you towards him, his hands holding your waist close to him. Every time you thought he couldn’t get more handsome, he’d some how one up your expectations. Tonight he was in a dark suit, his beard trimmed, 
“Y’know, you admitted you had a crush on me that day” He whispered, a cocky little smirk playing on his lips. 
“When” You narrowed your eyes while he chuckled, swaying with you on the dancefloor. 
“The day you fell in love with me” He stated matter of factly, while you shook your head, your skin heating up. The affect he had on you never went away. 
“Who said I fell in love with you Barnes. All I did was agree to go out on a date with you” 
“And what else did you agree to” He wiggled his eyebrows, pecking a kiss onto your nose. 
“I didn’t agree to anything else” You shrugged, giggling when he dipped you, nipping your jaw, earning a bunch of whoops and whistles from the crowd.  
“Well you already said I do today, Mrs. Barnes” 
@glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  
@beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore 
@jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale 
@littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes 
@inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 
 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings 
@psychomanniac-blog blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth 
@matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos  
@lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp  
@potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath
@morganemorganite-blog​  @kingfleury​   @peaches1958​  
@spiderman-stilinski​   @peaceinourtime82​  @gublur​     @wintersmelodie
@geeky-politics-46​   @lolawassad​  @almosttoopizza​   @a-poor-gryffindork
@alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut​    @kamaria-sweet-writes
@charmedbysarge​   @samfreakingwinchester​  @xnorthstar3x​  @kryoee7 
@alina02​  @gh0stgurl​    @batprincess1013
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bibluebutterfly · 6 months
It is truthfully so impressive to watch how we've watched Stolas grow as a seemingly asshole character to a genuine person who truly does want the best for the person we love. (HEADS UP: This is LONG)
Now, and we're only going to lightly touch on this because the Pilot isn't cannon, but it still contributed to the public opinion on Stolas. In other words, he was borderline predatory in a way that made EVERYONE uncomfortable. (It makes sense though since he was innitially supposed to be the villain. Which thank goodness that was changed because we already see enough bisexual predators in media as it is. Yes, I'm headcannoning that Pilot Stolas was bi.)
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Then we get official episode 1. Stolas is... not much better. Although to his credit, he's not as bad or as creepish. The unfair power dynamic is very there, and he definitely talks down to Blitz, but at least he waits until Blitz agrees before getting to the pilot level of sexual.
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And then we kind of just keep this up until episode 7. Stolas is VERY sexual and VERY horny with Blitz, and you either like it or you don't. It was consensual, nobody forced anything, and even Blitz says that he doesn't fuss about banging Stolas, but that power imbalance is very much there.
Stolas is calling him by pet names like "my little imp" and is baby talking him, which really comes off like his fetish is sleeping with the lower class. Again, you either like Stolas at this point or you don't.
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HOWEVER, despite all his baby talk and just generally inappropriate behavior, we are shown very early on that Stolas has a loving side, mainly in the form of his daughter. "You Will Be Okay" was the thing that got most people from hating him to actually liking him. It was the thing that separated him from just being a horny owl.
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Then Ozzies. Hooo boy. This is where we finally get to see Stolas apart from Blitz's POV and as it turns out... he's kind of a pathetic dork more than anything else. We see him go very low. Like the man is alone in his big house eating cereal for breakfast in his bathrobe and watching telenovelas. It's hard to go lower than that. More importantly, it's a stark contrast from how we saw him just one episode ago.
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Not just that, but when he's asked out on the date he is genuinely so excited and awkward that you just can't help but feel bad for the guy.
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And then we have Hells healthiest couple have their dick moment which leads to Stolas covering his face, validating every and anything Blitz had feared, which lead to him calling out Stolas which leads to them both crying at home.
Yeah, so it turns out the arranged marriage theory was true, and that Stella has been verbally abusive for who knows how long. But the real kicker is how much it explains Stolas's behavior from season 1. As it turns out, Blitz coming on so strong that night resulted in Stolas trying (badly) to copy that energy. And it turns out that when Blitz told him to stop that first night, he still ended up tying Stolas up and banging him. So... understandable. It turns out that Stolas never wanted to be malicious with his intentions, but genuinely thought that the arrangement was something that they both wanted.
But at the same time, he realizes that misunderstanding or no, a part of him did recognize that Blitz wasn't as happy as he was, and that he can't gaslight himself into thinking otherwise anymore.
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Now the big thing about season 2 we all need to talk about, is how hard and fast it took Stolas off the regal and powerful pedestal that I think we all subconsciously put him on. Whatever mystery and darkness that surrounded him in season 1 went completely out the window in season 2. But personally I believe that this fits as season 1 was mostly told from Blitz's POV while season 2 takes place in Stolas's when he's there.
Stolas does not see himself as something regal and powerful. Stolas, as it turns out, is a romantic as well as a MASSIVE dork. Like he's disney princess levels of dorkiness. The man even gets his own slapstick moment for crying out loud.
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But aside from that, he's highly intelligent and a genuinely good person who will put others before him if he can recognize the benefit.
Also, while we're on the topic, I don't think that Stolas is as powerful as we or Blitz were led to believe. Like yes, he's got immense power to those who have none.
But at the same time, put him next to Asmodeus, and this demon who seemed so strong before is actually tiny in comparison. Especially when noted that Ozzie was still holding back in this scene.
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Now we have the "Look My Way" MV. By now, any dark mystery is gone, we know who Stolas is, but what we didn't expect to see was how blatantly Stolas realized his mistakes and took responsibility. This whole season we saw him be sad over his relationship with Blitz, but we never expected him to realize just how badly he messed up.
But he did. And it was glorious. And again, we realize how much he truly cares for Blitz, this isn't just him saying "I care about him" then doing nothing. This is him realizing he cares about Blitz, and wanting to do something to make it right. Even if that means Blitz will never want to see him again.
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Anyway. If you made it this far, I'm impressed. As I've said before, I'm proud of the owl boy and how far he's come as a character. Tell me if you think I missed anything.
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d3adlyromb3ar · 1 month
✩ ‧₊˚ these roses have thorns
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— pairing. megumi fushiguro x fem!reader
— synopsis. he hated you. you hated him. it was simple really, all those years of competing to be the best had only driven you two as each others biggest rivals. time passes as it’s been years since you’ve seen each other. suddenly, you both reconnect and wonder why you hated each other to begin with.
— word count. 3.2k
— contents. enemies to friends, (lovers implied), language, angst, fluff, minor injuries, minor family issues, indications of bullying, megumi is such a dork
— notes. credit to @saradika for the dividers 🤍
main masterlist
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“You’re so incredibly irritating.”
Megumi rested his forehead against his palm, trying his hardest to block out your high pitched squealing voice.
“Do you think I wanted to be paired up with you? Nope. Not at all. If it were up to me, I’d drop out of this class altogether!”
Your voice strained his ears, his temples aching with the sensation of an oncoming headache.
“Can you just stop talking.” He mumbled.
“No actually. If me talking pains you so much, I’ll keep doing it.” You sassed, crossing your arms.
“God, I can’t stand you.”
He huffed and stood suddenly, not giving you another glance and marching his way towards the classroom.
“Where are you going?”
“To find our teacher. Gonna ask him if I can do this project on my own.”
You rolled your eyes but stayed silent. You could feel your cheeks red, you wondered if people could see smoke coming out of your ears from how infuriated you were.
Megumi stopped in his tracks, turning around when he didn’t hear your snarky reply. Truthfully, he was waiting for it and was shocked when it never came. He furrowed his brows at the sight of you pouting, rooted in your same spot.
“What? Don’t seem so upset, I’ll be doing you a favor.” He said, indicating that you’d appreciate his gesture. No longer cursed with his presence.
He never quite understood why you hated him so much. All he knew was that you were competitive, and so was he. At least when it came to you, he wanted to be better than you at all things. Your reactions becoming his favorite thing when he outsmarted you.
“Whatever.” You mumbled, turning away from him and stomping off the school grounds.
Megumi oddly decided not to meet with the teacher, choosing to tough it out— and do this project with you. It would be too much of a hassle to explain to the teacher why he wanted to work alone.
Days later, you and Megumi were sat underneath a tree within the schools courtyard. He was leaning back against the base of the bark, while you were focused on your notes in front of you.
Your harsh erasing on your notepad had Megumi glancing over to you. He had to bite his tongue when you swiped the shavings in his direction, some of which landed on his uniform pants.
“Okay lemme check this again…” You muttered quietly to yourself, flipping through a textbook in a haste.
He just watched, holding back a laugh at how ridiculous you looked. So panicked and stressed for absolutely no reason— he assumed you were working so hard only to prove you were doing more than him for the project.
Which truthfully, you were. But he had an idea for later.
A frustrated sigh from you grabbed his attention, breaking him from his thoughts. His eyes suddenly focusing on your tongue wedged between your lips, the way it was poking out as you scribbled notes.
“Y’know, you can poke a hole through the paper if you write hard enough.”
“At least I’m working on the project.” You shot back.
He narrowed his eyes, leaning forward and snatching the notepad out of your hands— causing you to gasp.
“Hey! Give it back!”
“What’s all this nonsense anyway— we won’t be needing any of this information. Wasting your tim—”
“I said give it!” You said through clenched teeth, reaching for the notepad, only for him to hold it farther out of your reach.
“I mean, are you even reading out of the right textbook?” He questioned, trying to make you feel incompetent.
You clenched your jaw, your cheeks rising in heat once again.
“If you don’t give it back, I’m going to—”
“Oh you’re threatening me now? How adorable.”
You pressed your lips together tight, the comment both annoying and flustering you. You decided to ignore him and the fluttering in your stomach— pulling out another notepad from your backpack and flipping to a fresh page.
Megumi watched in fascination as you started rewriting all your notes you had previously written. He chuckled, earning a shake of your head. Clearly over his antics.
“God, you’re so stubborn. Doesn’t it hurt your head?”
“Shut up. Let me work.” You snapped, not lifting your gaze from your notes.
He chuckled again, your reactions only spurring him on.
“Are you even a real person?”
This had you snapping your head up, giving him a bitchy look. Although, Megumi wasn’t phased— he held your glare with pleasure.
“Are you? I swear, sometimes it feels like you’ve been sent to this planet just to make my life a living hell.” You hissed.
“Yeah, you wish you were that special.” He mumbled.
You held his satisfied expression for a few more seconds before breaking the stare, focusing back on your work.
“Let me work, please.” Your voice was quieter than before.
“Aww, did I hurt your feelings?”
“No, now please— let me fucking work!” You raised your voice, your grip on your pencil extremely tight.
He chuckled before letting himself go silent, oddly enough— he let you finish the days work in peace. He’d have to hold himself back from talking every time he caught you sticking your tongue out in concentration. He’d have to force himself to look away every time you brought the eraser end of the pencil up to your lips, letting the pink end rub over your mouth.
It was funny, he suddenly realized. Your presence was wasn’t totally awful when you were quiet.
Another day had passed, and the due date of the project was finally here. It was hilarious how he hadn’t done much of anything to the project— not that you’d let him. It wasn’t just the day of the project turn in date, it was also the day of his mischievous plan.
It was the end of class, Megumi sat silent in his spot as the teacher said his final words to his students. The bell rung and before you could level move an inch from your desk, the teacher was calling your name.
“(Y/n) (L/n), please see me after the room is cleared.” He told you.
You nodded but couldn’t help the confusion wash over your features. Immediately thinking of why he’d want to pull you to the side. Had you done something wrong? Certainly not.
Megumi met your gaze one last time, his eyes locking with yours. You glared at him, noticing the way he had a smug look on his face. Before you could change your expression, he had turned and left throughout the doorway.
Slowly, you made your way up to the teachers desk.
“You wanted to speak with me?” You asked politely, maybe a little nervously.
“Yes. It’s been brought to my attention that there were some issues with your project.” He informed you.
You wondered what possibly could’ve been wrong, the teacher had already told you and Megumi that it was the best of the grade.
“I’m sorry, I don’t follow.”
“Miss (L/n), I’m very disappointed in you. You are one of my brightest students, and for you to deliberately make your classmate Megumi do the whole project himself— well it saddens me.”
Your teachers words had your eyes wide, your mouth hanging open in shock. He didn’t. He wouldn’t. Megumi wouldn’t have gone this far, would he have?
“Mr… I… Listen there is a misunderstan—”
“I don’t need to hear your excuses. Just know that you will be taking a zero for this assignment.”
“But you don’t understand… I did the pro—”
“Lying to me isn’t helping your case Miss (L/n). I just want this to be a learning lesson for you. Megumi was quite upset about this whole ordeal, and I expect you to respect your classmates better from now on.” He finished, standing up and leaving the classroom.
You were left standing in front of his desk still, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Your chest ached at how hard you were breathing, the rage you felt threatening to burst.
You left the classroom, cheeks red and hot. If there was any moment in time where smoke would be bursting out your ears— it would be now.
Just as your foot passed the doorway, you heard an all too familiar laugh. One that had your breathing rising, fastening in pace.
You turn towards the dark haired boy, walking quickly up to his smug face.
“You’re such a dick! I can’t believe you would go this far!” You yelled.
He crossed his arms, his form calmly leaned back against the lockers.
“Just following through with my mission to make your life a living hell.” He repeated from a previous conversation.
You stared at him with disgust.
“Are you really that fucking upset over what I said?”
“I’m not upset about shit. You just need to know who’s always going to have the last laugh. Who’s always going to be on top— because it won’t be you.” He stated.
“I know you hate my guts, but making me take a zero for this project? That’s too far, you don’t get to interfere with my schoolwork. I work too damn hard for you to mess it up!” You defended.
He rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but feel bad. He didn’t realize the teacher was going to give you a zero. He assumed a little scolding at least. He realized that maybe he’d taken it too far.
“Y’know what, you win.”
Megumi looked at you with confusion at your admittance.
“You’re better than me at everything. You’re the high and mighty one and I’m just a piece of shit. I get it, I do. Now please do me one fucking favor— and leave me alone.” You pleaded, your voice quiet at the end, thick with emotion.
Megumi couldn’t say anything in the moment, and instead watched you walk away— your head down. He did all this for a quick laugh, to see your reaction and all— so why did he feel terrible instead. It was never supposed to end up this way.
Perhaps he had taken it too far, and now he was afraid that there’d be no fixing this. That theory was confirmed the second he heard that you had transferred schools the next week.
God, he really fucked up. Now he had no way to resolve or fix anything. Now more than ever, he felt the extremely strong urge to tell you he was sorry. He realized all too quickly— he wouldn’t get the chance to.
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A few years had passed, and a lot had changed.
Standing in front of the Jujutsu School now— it didn’t quite feel real. You had to force yourself to truly believe that this is where you ended up.
Remembering back, you recalled the exact moment where your life had shifted— from something so simple to chaos.
It happened days after the whole ordeal with Megumi and the project. The rage that had consumed you since that moment had been building. The last week at school was forgotten— you couldn’t recall a thing any of the teachers had said that day.
It was the saturday after your last week. You had been trying to relax at home, make yourself something to eat when you accidentally burned your finger on the stove. Almost like a trigger, the rage that had been built up inside of you tripled— your body not feeling like your own.
Before you fully feel the pain of the burn— your whole house was suddenly in flames. Within minutes your house was simply gone— vanishing from where it was previously rooted.
Your parents had been furious, but they weren’t surprised— not even a little. A long talk later, and you discovered that you were adopted, the two people you lived with forever not even your own Mom and Dad. They told you with heavy hearts that you were born from a clan— one from a history of sorcerers.
You didn’t believe them at first, but after what had just happened— what you had caused. You had no choice but accept the truth.
Your parents assured you not to be upset with yourself for destroying the house, informing you that this was just a placeholder while you were in school. It didn’t push the guilt away that you had done such destruction, and you felt out of control with these abilities you didn’t even know you possessed.
Your parents let you decide your path, and you chose to leave home. Leaving to somewhere that could help you with your abilities, one that would help you understand who you were.
So no, Megumi wasn’t the reason why you transferred. But of course, how would he ever know that fact.
With hesitant steps, you walked further into the school grounds— taking in the beauty of the buildings. The environment felt peaceful and inviting— and most importantly you felt like you finally belonged somewhere.
“(Y/n)?” A deep voice called from behind you.
You got lost in thought before you turned around, the voice sounding so familiar, yet so foreign.
“(Y/n) (L/n)?” The voice called out again, this time around sounding more unsure.
You turned around finally, your heart nearly stopping at the sight of him. There before you stood none other than Megumi Fushiguro.
You realized you hadn’t said anything since he got your attention. You snapped yourself out of your shock and sent him a warm smile, one that undoubtedly had a flash of nervousness in it.
“Megumi, hi. It’s been… It’s been awhile.” You greeted, scratching your arm anxiously.
It was Megumi’s turn to be shocked, he hadn’t seen you in years and yet the person standing in front of him was undoubtedly you, but not you at the same time.
Everything from your features and your height was different, but it’s not what had him so shocked. It was your voice that silenced him completely. It was so— gentle.
It was a miracle he even recognized you at all.
“I’m guessing from your silence that you still don’t like me.” You said in a small voice, laughing awkwardly at the end.
Megumi was snapped out of his shock instantly from the sound of your hurt voice.
“No, no I uh… I am just surprised to see you here.” He explained, “Um, why are you here?”
You didn’t have time to dwell on the fact that he was speaking to you much more softer than ever— it was odd.
You scratched your arm nervously, the same neutral smile on your face.
“I’m going to school here.” You revealed, feeling anxious about what his thoughts were on that. “That’s okay with you, right?”
He nodded. Otherwise his thoughts ran around with the possibility that you were a sorcerer too? How did he never recognize that. Were there signs? How did he miss them?
“Why would it matter what I think?”
You shrugged, the conversation feeling too awkward. There was so much unnecessary tension— you blamed it on the past.
Since you had thought about it, you found yourself walking a couple steps closer to him. It was then you could finally get a closer look at him. His hair had grown longer, more hectic. He’d certainly grown into his face, his jawline was sharp. It was his eyes that captured you— they were so mesmerizing. The way his eyelashes were so long and caged his eyes.
You cleared your throat, getting back on track.
“Listen, about what all happened in the past—”
But you couldn’t finish your sentence, as Megumi cut in.
“I don’t need you to do that, really. If anyone here should be apologizing— it should be me.”
His words shocked you, and you found yourself unable to respond right away. He sensed that and kept going.
“I know it might not make a difference after all these years but, I’m sorry I was such a dick. I’m sorry for always messing with you— and I’m sorry for the whole project thing.” He finished.
You couldn’t help but feel some sort of healing within you from those words. It wasn’t often you’d dwell on him, but you always wondered where his hate for you came from. Maybe it was just an odd occurrence.
“I accept your apology. Thank you.”
Megumi sent a weak smile then, feeling some weight lift off his shoulders. But not all of it.
“And don’t feel too bad about this whole thing, I wasn’t so innocent either. I shouldn’t have messed with you either— I know I was quite annoying. If anything, I probably deserved it.”
Megumi smirked, his shoulders jumping with a silent laugh. He didn’t want to seem rude but he also couldn’t help himself from asking.
“Sorry to change the subject but, how are you a sorcerer? I never got the idea that you were one.”
You ended up walking towards the school stairs, taking a seat and watching as Megumi followed and plopped down next to you— closer than you predicted.
“It’s a long story. Turns out I was adopted and my adoptive parents told me I was from a sorcerer clan.” You ran through the long story, “It’s a pretty boring story.”
He nodded, listening intently to your story. He was intrigued with you— and he wondered if that was the reason he always felt this pull around you.
“What about you? I didn’t know you were a sorcerer. You don’t seem the type.” You joked at the end.
He chuckled, and scratched the back of his neck.
“Yeah, I’ve pretty much known my whole life. Guess I’m good at keeping secrets.”
You hummed, clearly he was right. You didn’t suspect a thing.
“Good to know.”
Despite apologies being traded, small talk being had— there was obvious tension still thick in the air. Neither of you could pinpoint why.
“Well I should um… I should probably get settled in and everything.” You suggested, standing up to head out.
Megumi surprised you yet again when his hand suddenly wrapped around your wrist— halting you in your spot. But it was a gentle touch, one that didn’t seem like him.
“Uh (Y/n)?”
“Yes Megumi?”
He bit his lip, the back of his neck hot with what he wanted to say.
“Just wanted to say that you look good.”
He really couldn’t believe he just said that, after all those years are being a complete dickhead— and suddenly he thinks a couple words of sweet talk would bail him out of the mess. What was he thinking.
Except you were flattered and felt your cheeks heating up, but this time is was from nerves.
“Thank you Megumi, you look good too. Very handsome.”
Megumi’s cheeks suddenly became rosy, the back of his neck burning up. He wasn’t expecting you to say it back, but with how you were looking at him— he knew it was genuine.
You smiled at him, your chest warm with a foreign sensation— but you welcomed it.
“After I unpack my things, would you mind showing me around?”
Megumi sent a small smile back, scratching the back of his neck yet again. You never made him this nervous, but your voice also never sounded so smooth, so gentle before.
With that, you walked away— feeling a little more chipper in your step.
The two of you were left alone in your thoughts as you both went your separate ways. Both of you were thinking of lots, but the one thought that ran through both of your minds was— why did we even hate each other to begin with?
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— ending notes. thought of this randomly one night and started writing 😅 not proofread so ignore spelling mistakes 🤍
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noonswrites · 1 year
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synopsis: Xavier just wants a picture of you so he can draw it. things don’t go according to plan…
warnings: blowjob, penetration, fingering
it was an accident really. a genuine, complete, accident. you just wanted to support your talented friend who had been begging you for a subject for his next painting.
“please! it doesn’t have to be a good photo of you, I just need one for reference” he says exaggeratedly as you make your way to class. his giant frame is never an inch away from yours if he can help it, and today is no different. he’s tugging on your arm like a lost puppy as he begs you to be his muse for the millionth time.
“oh, so you’re saying I take bad photos?” you reply snidely.
he grins widely, knowing your games too well by now “you know that’s not what i meant” and gives you a playful push.
“i’ll think about it xavier, but you should really find another victim”
“i believe the correct term is “muse” dork”
“keep calling me dork and see where that gets you” he puts his hands up, mimicking what he would look like “surrendering” to you.
Xavier wishes he could hide how excited he is to draw you again. He can’t wait to combine his two favorite things: you, and his obsession with art. what you don’t know is Xavier wants to take this opportunity to ask something he’s been too shy to say for years….
when the seemingly never ending school day is finally over, he walks you to your room. your hallmate left for the week, so it was just you and Xavier sprawled out on your bed. he sat at the foot of it, legs crossed while yours were draped over his lap.
he eagerly awaits you to send him a picture while you briskly scroll through your camera roll. you finally deem one appropriate for his next masterpiece, a selfie of the two of you. his arms wrapped around your neck while you’re giving him a jokingly disapproving look. at least, that’s what you think you’re sending him. Xavier however, receives a completely different image that you accidentally sent instead.
he quickly taps on the notification with his pencil ready, opening up a photo of your breasts on display. “o-oh my god”
“what?!” you exclaim, confused at his reaction.
“are you sure that’s what you want me to draw?” he says timidly.
“yeah, unless you have a problem with it i guess” it’s too late now, you’re absentmindedly scrolling through your phone.
Xavier tries to start drawing, he really does. truthfully, he started getting hard the minute he opened the photo and now he’s trying to get a grip on his pencil, which won’t stop shaking in his hand. you can feel his dick rising since your leg is still on his lap, causing you to look up.
this is when you notice he’s shaking. “Xavi, what’s wrong?”
Xavier can barely bear the nickname right now, combined with everything else he’s experiencing.
“i’m- i’m sorry. i don’t know if i can draw this” Xavier shows the phone to you and you turn a shade of red he doesn’t think he’s ever seen before.
“oh shit! oh fuck i’m so sorry oh my god fuck!” you cover your face with your hands.
Xavier, although nervous, tries his best to reassure you and puts a gentle hand on your leg. “it’s ok, i just didn’t think we were at that level, you know?”
you spread your fingers, peeking your eyes through “it’s fine, really” he gives a weak, bashful smile. a part of him kind of wishes you did send it on purpose, and it’s not like he hadn’t thought of his best friend naked before…
in a desperate attempt to change the subject you ask “does that hurt?” while staring at his now erect penis that creates a tent in his sweatpants.
“um- i- “
“i can help you with it if it does- i read somewhere that it hurts when you- you know-“ words are coming out of your mouth faster than your brain can process what’s happening now… “if not we can forget this ever happened and i won’t tell anyone- i promise” you’d probably regret saying that later, but right now, you can’t help it. you’ve had the biggest crush on xavier forever and if you’re being honest, you’re in a pretty similar aroused state right now.
“i don’t know… i don’t want to put you in an uncomfortable po-“
“i want to” you cut him off “i’ve wanted to for years Xavi” you’re crawling towards him now.
“do you want to?” you ask him, although the evidence is all over his face, he looks almost pained. his mouth is slightly agape and his eyes are focused on your lips. lips that he has thought of kissing for months now, but this time, he doesn’t resist the urge.
Xavier can’t hold it anymore, he takes your face in his hands and kisses you. it’s hesitant at first, both of you in shock that it’s finally happening. it takes seconds for it to get sloppy. you break apart only to climb on xavier’s lap, and you don’t miss the distressed look he wears as a result of moments apart from you. you’re quick to relieve him, sitting down with your thighs on either side of his hips, and both of you stifle a moan when your clothed cunt makes contact with his dick. now it’s your turn to grab his face and he loves every second of it, wanting nothing more than to fawn over you as you use him for your pleasure. you, however, won’t have that, stopping at nothing until he’s completely ruined.
you take his bottom lip between yours and suck on it, and Xavier swears he’s seeing stars. he starts getting messy as both of your lips are covered in each other’s spit and that alone is making him dizzy. he doesn’t even realize he’s begun to grind his hips upward trying to relieve himself in the friction you’re creating. you tell him to pull off his t-shirt and he does so immediately, and you do the same. he smoothes his hands up and down your waist as if you’re made of glass, looking you up and down with a mixture of reverence and desire. you almost want to laugh at him because you’d never imagine seeing your best friend like this, looking at you like he’d been starving for days and desperate to kiss you again, but you settle for giving him an amused smile.
“what is it?” he asks with the most precious look of confusion on his face.
“you’re so cute baby” his eyelashes flutter and he looks away, he shifts slightly while trying to pretend the new pet name doesn’t turn him on more. you can tell that he’s smiling too now, internally giddy.
you start to leave a trail of kisses down his neck, and he lets out a pleasure filled sigh. when you start to teasingly lick his abdomen he tenses up again, and you hear a soft “ah” escape his lips. you unbutton his pants and pull down his boxers and Xavier starts to tremble. he looks down at you with watery eyes and you take his dick in your hand. he lets out a hiss at your warmth.
you start to kiss his shaft and his brows furrow but his eye contact never wavers. if xavier could have this moment tattooed on his brain, he would. when you take his head in your mouth and suck he jolts, unable to control his movements at this point. you slowly take more of him into your mouth and hollow your cheeks. you start to stroke xavier’s leg with your free hand and xavier’s gaze softens at the tender gesture.
you slowly take him deeper into your mouth, astonished that you’ve made it this far without choking. “fuck” he cries as you fit all of him in your mouth. you start a slow rhythm of sliding your lips up and down his shaft and xavier lies back, helpless to your actions. you can feel how tense the muscles in his stomach and legs are, doing his best to hold back his impending orgasm. as you speed up, xavier begins to babble uncontrollably, a mixture of “you feel so good”, “you’re so pretty, fuck!”, and so on. you fondle his balls and he’s almost sent over the edge, but you pull yourself off of him just in time.
he stares at you, dazed “did i do something wrong?” god, you’d do anything for those puppy dog eyes.
“no baby, just wanted you to come inside me, is that alright?” xavier wants to pinch himself.
“y-yeah” he leans in for another clumsy kiss, drunk on the feeling of being so close to you. it’s full of tongue and lips crashing together, but quickly ends with a gasp as you guide his cock to your pussy.
xavier watches himself enter you in a trance, completely mesmerized at your facial expression and the stretch of your cunt. when your fully seated, a tear falls down his cheek. you admit, you may have overstimulated him a bit. you wipe it away with your thumb and apologize. “i’m sorry for making you wait my love” he doesn’t seem to care at this point.
Xavier reaches his arms around your waist and pulls you in closer, causing you to moan at the adjustment “you’re s-so warm” he lets out.
“can i take this off?” he says as a hand slides over the clasp of your bra.
“yeah” you reply, and he begins to fiddle with the hook. he slides it off of your shoulders.
“so, do you think i’m a catfish?” you inquire. he lets out a wholesome laugh and you follow suit. Xavier gently pushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear and places his palm on your cheek.
“i think you’re the opposite of a catfish” you blush and attempt to turn your head away, but he pulls you in for another kiss. he moves to kiss the corner of your lips, then your chin, your jaw, and finally stops at your neck. he nibbles your jugular and then sucks, and your hips buck forward as he finds your sensitive spot. Xavier moans and you take this as a sign to keep moving.
you grind down on him and Xavier does his best to mentally prepare himself for the onslaught of pleasure. he’s already about to cum, holding on just so he can get you to try to finish first. he slides his hands down to your ass pushing you down on his cock while he pushes his hips up, effectively guiding himself deeper than you thought possible. you yelp and Xavier watches your features contort, repeating the action so he can listen to you moan again and again. he shifts one of his hands close to your cunt and guides a thumb to your clit, rubbing it in circles, prompting you to jolt and start bouncing on his cock more eagerly than before.
“shit- shit- fuck!” Xavier doesn’t know what he’s saying anymore, he only knows that he’s been close to cumming for more than an hour now, and he’s about to burst. you wrap your arms around his neck for stability and pick up your pace.
“oh my god” he whines and his grip on your hips tightens. you realize how close he is, so you stop your movement.
“no- no! i need it please” his head falls into your neck and you stroke his back.
“i know my love, i just need you to ask for it nicely okay?” he lifts his head and you coo at his tear stained cheeks. “do you think you can do that for me?”
“y-yeah” you start to move again immediately, not wanting to prolong his suffering any further. Xavier cant stop himself from thrusting into you, and you let him, enjoying the look in his eyes as he starts to fall apart.
“are you gonna cum soon baby?” you ask after a particularly hard thrust.
“y- yes please- please can i c-cum?” Xavier is shaking uncontrollably now, his movements are sloppy and uncoordinated.
“yes my love” you smile “but you can’t take your pretty eyes off of me okay? i want to see you” Xavier is blushing harder than ever, he’d never admit that’s what sent him over the edge. he does his best to keep his eyes on yours, his mouth open and letting out angelic moans while his nails dig into your hips. he thinks your the most beautiful person alive as you keep up your pace grinding on his cock. his brows furrow and fresh tears arise as you continue to speed up, a look of tortured confusion mixed with euphoria on his face.
“i- i can’t please!” he wails. you finally cease your movement, panting. xavier pulls you into a tight hug, kissing your sweaty body in any place he can reach.
“thank you, thank you, thank you” he repeats between kisses. you flop down onto your mattress, and xavier hovers over you, smothering your face with kisses.
“baby, i want to make you cum now. can i? please? need to watch you cum” he babbles.
“you don’t have to Xavi, but yes” you’re still catching your breath.
“i want to” and without hesitation he slides his fingers to to your sopping cunt. “so wet… such a pretty pussy” you bury your face in the pillow.
“no need to be shy my love…” his thumb rubs over your clit and your thighs clench. he pushes them open gently, eyes fixated on your pulsing cunt. he slides two fingers in, feeling his own cum inside of you and trying his best not to get hard at the sensation. he curls his fingers upward and your hips shift at the sensitivity. he holds them down with his free arm and continues his ministrations. he probes for your most delicate spot and knows he’s found it when you squeeze his arm and whimper. you lift your head again and he meets your eyes, staring at you as he quickens his pace. you’re already worked up so it doesn’t take much after that, but what sets you over the edge is his decision to take your clit into his mouth and kiss it sloppily. your legs shake and kick and he happily continues to thrust his fingers as you ride out your orgasm, grinding down on them.
now you’re truly exhausted, and Xavier curls up next to you as you continue to catch your breath. “y’know, i was going to use the painting as a way to ask you out…” you perk up at this.
“really?!” xavier beams at you.
“yeah” you pull him into a kiss and he doesn’t stop smiling.
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kiachiako · 2 years
carpe diem | l.hc
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pairing |  gamer!haechan x female!reader
synopsis | You know you’re in trouble when your heart starts beating a little faster around Lee Haechan, professional flirt and someone any of your friends would advise against falling for. Then why are you standing in front of his door at the dead of night, lured by his offer of games, marijuana, and quality time with the man himself?
content | gamer!haechan, coder!reader, fluff, angst, language warning, drug usage, suggestive
wc | 5.1k
song | let’s get lost — g-eazy ft. devon baldwin
a/n | wish i could put into words how much i adore the vibe in this fic :(( hope you enjoy it just as much and leave any and all feedback at the end, i love reading your thoughts <3 ly
[h__chan06, 11:23PM] come over
You glance over at your phone as it lights up next to you, letting your eyes adjust to the darkness as your attention is stolen from the code on your monitors. With a snap of your gum and a knowing smile, you return back to the task at hand after scanning the chat notification that disappears just as quickly as it came.
It’s 11pm, and you know your night has only just started; as a compsci uni student by day and someone’s whose late hours are reserved by more… underground jobs, you’re used to the twilight that accompanies you as you work. Seoul’s neon city lights illuminate your apartment on their own as your fingers fly across the keyboard in your lap, lips pursed as your gaze races over each line of code in concentration.
You sigh when your clean slate of java is interrupted by a call pop-up that inconveniently takes up the entirety of your main screen. You’re about to click the red decline button when another text pops up, h__chan06’s < u better pick up > pressuring you into accepting.
“Y/N,” Haechan’s voice echoes throughout your room, filling the previous silence with his raspy tone. It sounds like he just woke up, and frankly, you think it’s the most attractive thing you’ve heard all week.
You hum softly in response.
“I’m bored,” he complains lowly, the sound of rubbing fabric transmitting over your speaker letting you know that he’s probably swathed in blankets in true Haechan fashion. “Want you to come game with me.”
You look up through your eyelashes at the digital blue light time on your wall, groaning when you remember that you have a 2am shift in a few hours at the 24-hour PC Bang that you completely forgot about.
“You know I can’t game for shit, Haechan.”
You hear him scoff at that, his mumbled, “says the literal game hacker,” making you giggle. You swivel around in your comfy desk chair, pushing your way to one of the glass walls of your apartment.
“It’s just,” you continue, staring out into the night cityscape, “I’ve got code due tomorrow for Prof Jung and I really wanna finish it before my part-time at the internet cafe.”
And you might be a little scared of spending alone time with the boy that makes your heart flutter a bit too much, but you would never admit that out loud.
“Please, Y/N,” the boy pleads with you. “Umm, I also just rolled if you want some.”
Your ears definitely perk up at that. Even though your assignment isn’t finished and it’s never the best idea to show up high to your job, you find yourself shrugging on a zip-up and grabbing your keys before you can even register your own actions.
Only a few hours can’t hurt, right?
It’s been five minutes of standing in front of Haechan’s apartment door — which just happens to reside in the same complex as yours — and you’re starting to think this is a bad idea.
Actually, this was a bad idea starting from the very first time you were introduced to Lee Haechan.
You still remember that day so clearly in your head; Mark had texted you and your friend group to meet up at his new apartment just days before sophomore year of uni started a year ago, his title as your best friend winning your free time over immediately as you headed a few floors down from your own home with Jaehyun and Karina. You were elated to be in the same building with Mark Lee, because that meant free rides to your classes in his classy Mustang and not having to jog a few blocks down the campus residences for weekly rom com reruns anymore.
However, what you had not expected to see was a brand new face as the three of you entered the spacious apartment, an unfamiliar boy’s laugh ringing throughout the foyer as if he had known your friends for an entire lifetime.
You were introduced to Lee Haechan a few moments later, his relaxed nature and confident smile drawing everyone to him immediately. The integration of his presence into your circle of friends was almost instantaneous.
It turned out that Haechan was Mark’s new roommate (and new competition for the title of his best friend, unfortunately), and somehow had every girl on campus hanging on to the sweet words that dripped out of his pretty mouth; it was just too easy to get hooked on his saccharin voice. He was truthfully too attractive for his own good with his sharp wit and dazzling smile, his model-like dimensions and the headphones/hoodie duo that drove female classmates to their graves with his gamer boyfriend appeal.
It was mostly wariness that kept you from growing close with Haechan, not really sure of what to think of him and his flirty tendencies although he had been nothing but friendly with you in the presence of your now shared friends.
One particular night after exams, the lot of you were over at their place to unwind after such a mentally demanding past few months. A few of the boys were busy trying to concoct something edible in the kitchen (it was most definitely not edible, as you had the “pleasure” of experiencing a few hours later), while Karina and Taeyong were hooked up in the most intense match of Mario Kart you had ever seen in your life.
“Shit,” Mark had mumbled, groaning as his eyes raked over the contents of their empty fridge. “Y/N,” you lifted your head to glance at him as you snuggled up against Karina’s side on the couch, skirt splayed on the cushions while watching the game intently. “I told Haechan to buy the soju today, but this fucker can’t even remember his own address,” he stared pointedly at said boy, Haechan’s innocent expression throwing you off guard, “so I’m not surprised that he forgot the drinks. Can you run to the convenience store down the street real quick and get some?”
You reluctantly got up from your comfy spot on the couch and made your way over to Mark, pulling his free hoodie over your form and tracing a frowny face on his fore-arm as your best friend pulled you into an apology hug.
“He’ll go with you and pay,” Mark nodded to Haechan, who shrugged and grabbed his card before holding the front door open for you with a wicked grin. “Play nice, Hyuck.”
You shuffled a few steps behind him as the two of you made your way out of the apartment complex and through the city night’s light drizzle, hair dampening when you neglected to pull up your hood.
You remember glancing up to him in surprise when Haechan suddenly turned around and tugged you forward by the sleeve, rivulets of raindrops tipping his lashes and glistening down his neck as he pulled you into a run with a wide smile.
“Let’s race.”
It had come as a surprise to you how easily you complied, eyes creased in elation as the rain poured down on your sprinting forms. The two of you weaved through umbrella clad people hurrying to escape the oncoming storm, a boy you barely knew leading you through shallow puddles and blinking crosswalks.
You were soaked by the time you got to the 24-hour convenience store, expressions painted with pure giddiness as you stepped into its artificial lights. The cashier had eyed the two of you with the greatest disdain, his gaze burning into the small spot of growing water pooling at the entrance under your figures.
Following Haechan into the alcohol aisle, you startled when a soft ding of your phone interrupted your euphoric haze. An immediate grimace graced your face.
“What is it? A new assignment?” He leaned closer to peer at your phone, warm breath reaching your cheek as his shoulder brushed against yours. Noticing the shaky inhale you had taken, he leaned back, amused. “I make you nervous, don’t I.”
You looked at him, incredulous.
“Never,” you answered, mentally kicking yourself at how unsure you sounded. The butterflies that you felt like vomiting gave yourself away nonetheless. “I don’t even know you.”
Haechan raised an eyebrow at you before dragging a chair out at the little window table in the corner of the store. Patting the seat across from him, he poured you a shot of soju and brushed a wet strand of hair out of your eyes.
“Then let me.”
You had sat there with Haechan for far too long that night, discovering every little thing he was willing to give up: from his area of study (“I’ll give you my old Python notes for Prof Cho’s lectures,” he had offered. “As your resident game development major and a survivor of the infamous Cho experience, I hereby grant you the right to all of my past cheat sheets and tests) to his unwavering loyalty to grape juice of all things (“You monster.” You had simply taken one sip of your apple drink before pausing with your lips hovering over the straw, feeling absolutely violated with the kicked puppy look he was giving you. “Apple over grape? Monster.)
The two of you had returned to Mark and Haechan’s flat hours later than you were supposed to, the former blaming his roommate for distracting you because he knew Haechan and his tendencies much better than anyone else did. Jaehyun had immediately swept you away in a game of Jenga (you thought it was a mystery why he enjoys a children’s game so much, but is it really?), so you were left with no other chance to speak with Haechan that night, even though he would shoot you a secret smile every chance he got.
It never escalated further.
School resumed like normal and suddenly everyone was busy again. Sure, you and Haechan were still friendly, but you hung out with the other guys much more than you did with him. A part of you was just so unsure about the type of guy he really was; you heard of his midnight escapades far too often to think that he was ever sincere in any interaction with a girl, nonetheless with you. It seemed like the boy that had run with you in the thundering rain and shared his stance on grape juice with passion was simply a figment of your imagination, a fleeting moment among thousands for him. You weren’t hurt nor surprised, already warned of his flowery words that you assumed were customized for each pretty girl that had the fatal luck of meeting Lee Haechan.
But he never made a true advance on you. Whenever your friend group got together, it was just meaningless flirting: the kind that caused your heart to flare up that you desperately pleaded with it to not react to someone like that. It was a sort of game almost, the type where you joked around with him when the time came, but never enough that you would be left with him for more than ten minutes. He still scolded Mark for making fun of you and offered you to smoke with him on more occasions than you’d like to admit, but that was it. A few weak moments in your judgment when you would give in to his offer for help on coding assignments and a free blunt.
As those memories play in your head, you bring your fingers up to your temples in frustration with yourself. You’re always careful with your heart, and you know that his words do affect you in a way they really shouldn't. You’ve been trying to avoid Haechan lately because you think the flirting might have actually gotten to your head. And yeah, you’re probably hyper aware of the scent of his cologne and the mere way he carries himself, but you’re determined to never fall in the traps of your own rapid heartbeat and warming cheeks.
“So then why am I here-” your mumbles stop when the door to the apartment you’ve been standing in front of swings open, the culprit leaning against its frame as his eyes flick over to you.
“Because you get swayed too easily, angel,” Haechan grins at you, his sweatpants and oversized hoodie hanging off his figure so well that you actually think it’s unfair. “And c’mon. We all know that you’ve just been dying to see me.”
You just gape at him before he laughs and tugs you inside, hand reaching up to squish your cheeks together.
“Don’t do that,” you pout after a few moments, pushing his hands away as you feel your face warm.
“I couldn’t resist, love,” he drawls, a Cheshire like smile overtaking his visage as he gestures for you to follow him into the living room. You take a seat on the floor with your back against the couch as you watch him move around, picking up two game controllers from the console before flicking the TV on and returning to sit next to you. The glittering lights of Seoul’s nightlife casts an eerie glow on Haechan’s side profile, all the sharp lines and curves of his face highlighted as you observe him.
Curious, you pick up one of the controllers and fiddle with it before shifting your body towards him.
“Why’d you text me though? You have so many other friends that probably game better than I do.”
Haechan doesn’t take his eyes off the screen as he replies to your valid inquiry, patting the space next to him so you’d move closer.
“You’re the only one that lives near here besides Mark, who decided that late-night practicing for his drivers license test is more important than playing games with me,” he jokes, shooting you a small grin before booting up the game home screen.
Wait, no. That’s perfectly logical, you think to yourself.
…then why am I disappointed?
You hum in understanding before looking back up at the loading game.
“Want a hit?” the boy next to you offers, holding out a rolled joint between his index finger and thumb that wasn’t there before. You nod slowly and he takes the initiative to slot it between your lips, fingers grazing your chin in the slightest as he lights the end for you. You take a long pull, closing your eyes and sitting back as your insides fill with warmth with an exhale. Handing the joint back to him, he brings it to his lips and lets the smoke snake out his mouth before dissipating throughout the living room. “You needed that, hmm?”
Your glazed eyes tell him all he needs to know as he starts the video game on his TV, fingers busy setting up your characters and controls on the home screen. You watch his hands in a trance, not realizing that you’ve spaced out until he snaps his fingers in front of your face.
“Thinking about me already, angel,” he teases, hiding his hands behind his back. You hit him lightly and reach for the joint again.
“Shush, Haechan.” He simply blows a smoke ring towards your face in retaliation before reaching over to click a button on your own controller as your vision clears.
“Look here,” he instructs, positioning his fingers over yours so that he can guide you through each symbol and its uses. His cold skin leaves goosebumps as he leaves his palms resting against the back of your own hand. “This red one means shoot, and this one will allow you to pick up things. You press the back of the controller here,” Haechan maneuvers your fingers with his slowly as he talks, “to move forward. Makes sense?”
You nod with wide eyes, still shivering at the contact of his hands on yours. Haechan takes notice of the little bumps against your wrist as his pointer finger rubs against the back of yours.
“Aww, Y/N,” he coos, scrunching his nose at you, “you're nervous.” You protest and pull your hands away from his grasp, failing to come up with a coherent response. He chuckles under his breath at your attempt to escape him, instead grasping your arm and making you sit impossibly close to him so that you can feel the warmth radiating off his body.
With a dreamy look in his eyes and another long, hooded gaze in your direction, he takes another puff before grabbing his own controller. Silver bracelets clinking on his wrist, he shoots you a small smirk before starting the game with one click and settling forward so he can concentrate.
“I’m gonna lose so badly,” you grumble, watching the screen as the world spawns around your two avatars. Your character already seems like it’s suffering, taking hit after hit from the boy next to yours as she crumbles in ten seconds flat. “Kinda hate you right now, Haechan. And you too,” you squint at your girl’s name, “Widowmaker. What kind of person would call their character Widowmaker…” you add on with a mutter, frowning at her. You miss Haechan glancing at you with a small smile and a look of adoration in his eyes.
“I’m betting on it, angel,” he replies to your first words with a snicker after a few seconds, entirely shameless as he completely destroys whatever’s occurring on the TV. He sticks his tongue out to wet his lips as he immerses himself completely in the game. “You’re gonna give me something if I win, no?”
“I- what? When did I ever…?” you mutter with confusion as Haechan jumps to his knees with a shout. You watch with dread as blood splotches appear in your vision and the hearts that indicate your number of lives blink to a null gray, the girl that was supposed to help you win getting hit straight in the chest with her multitude of weapons and abnormally short crop top — you don’t know how her outfit was supposed to be of use, but you assumed that maybe Haechan’s character would have a moment of unclarity and propose or something.
“I won! And I even went easy on you, angel.”
And there it is in all its glory. A bright, green “You Win!” mocking you on his side of the screen while yours just flashes red as your character sinks to the ground in despair.
“Uh uh, Haechan,” you protest, turning towards him with your hands reaching for his controller. “We did not have a win-lose system set up and you know that I’m bad at this.” The said boy merely leans forward and taps his head with his finger pretending to think.
“I’ll give you my car for a week if you win,” he proposes, reaching for the controllers again. Your eyes widen.
“No fucking way,” you say, grinning as you lean forwards. “A month.”
“Two weeks, angel. Don’t push it.”
“A month.”
Haechan slumps against the couch, refusing to look at your pleading face and adorable expression.
“Fine,” he grumbles, defeated. “A month.”
“Yes!” you exclaim, shuffling in your spot with glee and crossing your legs to get ready for the next round. You are desperate for that car; having it would mean no more running to catch the train at 9pm after a botched lecture from your professors who seem to not know what a clock is. And, of course, midnight garlic bread runs without being scared shitless of what could be following you in the dark. “Need to focus…”
Haechan’s gaze zeros in on you, your tongue poking out of your tongue in concentration and your eyes enlarged with a newfound eagerness.
“Haa…” he breathes out, “cute.” You ignore your warming cheeks after hearing his words and nudge him to start the game, the soft look on his face catching you off guard to the point where you have to look away.
With a beeping countdown, another match of Overwatch starts and you’re left in the most concentrated state you’ve been since your last phase of, “I’m-going-to-get-all-perfect-marks-in-school-this-semester” (which isn’t actually saying much because you did not in fact get perfect marks that semester). With your gaze locked on your character and hands poised on your controller, you maneuver yourself carefully through the rotted terrain and hide from Haechan’s lingering avatar.
“I’m not letting you win,” you warn him with your most menacing tone, making your on-screen character do a 360 before shooting a warning shot into the far distance.
“Mm?” he hums, clicking rapidly on his own controller before turning to you, “you can’t win with me, angel.” You still at his words, scared to say something that will give away how truly nervous Haechan makes you. There’s something more in that sentence that you just can’t pinpoint.
After a moment of staring off into space, you regain consciousness and shake your head to clear your mind. “Focus…”
And that’s when you see it; Haechan’s avatar is crouched on top of a crumbling building at the corner of your vision, waiting for the perfect moment to shoot you down from above. He’s got his weapon aimed directly at you and the mere size of the thing scares you — and you’re not even the one being shot.
With dozens of quick solutions and methods running through your head to get out of your impending death, the worst possible thing you could do crosses your mind as you spy Haechan’s finger press down on the shoot button.
Just do it. You want to win? Just do it.
“Fuck it,” you whisper, pushing his controller out of his hands.
“Why would you-” he starts before stilling, the feeling of your fingers clutched around the fabric of his sweatshirt and being pulled in close to you shocking him into silence.
You let yourself lose all rational sense as you give him a tiny kiss, your body shuddering slightly at the simple feeling of his lips on yours. Only meaning to stall him for a few seconds, you reluctantly pull back and turn back to the screen to finish off the game. With one small click and a few splatters of blood on your display, you jump up with excitement as the “You Win!” finally appears for your victorious all-kill.
Before you can even turn to Haechan and taunt him with your victory, he twists his body so he can hover over you, pinning your wrists in one hand and bringing the other up to your face. You stare up at him with wide eyes with your noses just centimeters from each other, and you’re so close that you could connect your lips once again if you really wanted to. And you really want to.
Before you can fully process the position the two of you are in however, Haechan brushes his thumb against your cheekbone and switches his gaze between your eyes.
“You think you can just do that and not face the consequences? Hmm?” he whispers just next to your ear, his warmth breath reaching your neck as you shiver slightly under his touch. “Use your words.”
“The game?” you mumble dumbly, unable to pull anything coherent from your brain at the moment.
“I don’t care about the fucking game, Y/N,” Haechan replies, one of his hands smoothly moving up to hold the back of your neck. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment… you’re going to make it up to me, angel.”
With that, he fastens his lips to yours once again, letting out a small groan when he pulls you into his lap and presses your body into his. His kisses are deep and hard as he pulls you in by the waist and slips your zip up off your shoulders, the feeling of his tongue slipping into your mouth making your head dizzy.
The taste of marijuana and raspberry lingers in your mouth when he pulls away briefly to take a breath, soon after tilting his head so he can deepen the kiss even more. His little sounds go straight to your core, the moans he lets out increasing when you lean into him to slide your hands down the skin of his neck and shoulders. The way he moves is mesmerizing under your touch.
You throw your head back when one of his hands finds its way up to your throat, his fingers lightly wrapping around the base as you swallow in pleasure. He’s such a good kisser that you can feel yourself drown in his movements, delicate and sensual. His teeth nip little bites on your jawline, and you already know that the red blooming all over your skin will stay there for weeks with how much pressure he’s applying on your skin.
Making his way back to your mouth, he graces the flesh of your lips with his tongue before tugging gently. The little sound you make in reaction has him reeling, pulling away to put his forehead against yours.
“Want more?” Haechan inquires with his infamous smirk, nuzzling his nose against your skin as you sit straddling his lap.
Barely able to respond, you mumble, “more,” before chasing after his sweet kisses once again. You could do this all day.
“Ah ah,” he shushes you with his finger, letting the tip sneak between your lips just a smidge before wrapping his arms around you and hugging your body to his. “Didn’t mean to get you addicted, baby.” And with a sweet kiss on the corner of your mouth, he holds you in his warm embrace and rocks you back and forth, refusing to let you taste him. “Wanna keep you like this.”
You comply, relaxing as you sink into his lap in utmost comfort with your arms around his neck and face tucked in the crook of his neck.
You don’t even notice when your eyes start to flutter close, a sudden tiredness taking over your figure. You’ve always struggled with insomnia, but you fade into dreamland as soon as Haechan lays you down with him, hand rubbing soothing circles across your back.
Even you can’t deny it as much as your heart wants to; you feel at home in his embrace.
You wake up groggy to a blaring in your left ear, the piercing sound of your ringtone forcing you to consciousness. Rolling over to reach for your phone, you don’t even look at the caller ID before sliding the green accept button and holding the device against your ear.
You can’t get a single word out before a familiar voice blares out of the speaker, making you flinch away from the sound immediately.
“Sunshine! Did you finally get with Haechan?” Mark talks excitedly from the other side of the line, his hyper tone evident without seeing his expression.
“Good morning to you too- Wait, how did you know I was with Haechan last night?” you say incredulously, suddenly very awake. “How’d your permit test go anyway?” You hear Mark scoff at your question in response.
“Y/N. Did you think I really didn’t have my license already,” he says with exasperation. “Do you not exploit my driving skills every other day or am I going insane?”
“I mean kind of, yeah. With the way you drive…”
“Oh, fuck both of you,” Mark laughs out. “Haechan’s lies never make any sense.”
“Lies?” you mumble, confused. Why did Haechan lie to you about Mark anyway? You’re not sure where you lie in Haechan’s spectrum of feelings, but you hope your heart won’t get crushed with how hard you fell just a few hours ago.
Mark sighs audibly.
“Mm, he wanted the apartment empty yesterday and he’s talked about you since forever, Y/N-ie, really. Hope you know he’s very serious about getting to know you,” you gape at your phone at Mark’s confession, surprised. No way Lee Haechan, downright playboy and professional flirt is interested in you in the way you’ve been falling for him too — and suppressing it.
But with the way he cared for me last night, you think to yourself. He seemed so sincere.
“He’s stopped seeing other girls for a few months now,” Mark adds on, easing the worries he knows are running laps in your mind. “He’s so serious about you, Y/N, I can tell you that much.”
You let that information sink in as you sit back in your own bedsheets, hands rubbing your arms with the morning chill as you let the thought of Haechan and you marinate.
Just as your doubts begin to surface again, you hear a delicate knock on your apartment door before the door swings open and reveals a familiar boy standing in the hallway.
Haechan grins at you from behind a pile of fluffy winter blankets in his arms, taking your growing smile as an invitation to enter. He goes straight for your bed, settling into the warm spot next to you and letting his body snuggle into your side. Taking the fleece blankets, he wraps you in the fabric before placing a shy kiss on your temple, your cheeks blushing rose at his adoring actions.
“My angel.”
2022 © kiachiako | all rights reserved.
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
The Enemy of my Enemy
Seungmin x Female reader
Word count: 5.1k
Synopsis: Your soulmate's name on one wrist, your enemies on the other, and no way of knowing which is which. Having Kim Seungmin’s name on your wrist could only mean one thing after years of torture he was, no doubt, your enemy.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! The poll was overwhelmingly for this soul link to be next. A lot of people were saying it was a take they hadn't seen before or often. I thought it was unique too and it screamed Seungmin to me. I didn't go too crazy with smut in this, others will have more. As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing/ strong language, mentions of bullying, excessive drinking, vomiting, unprotected piv sex (please use condoms), cream pie. That's it yall. If I happened to have missed something let me know and I'll add it!
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If you would have known when you turned twenty-one that Kim Seungmin’s name would appear on your wrist you would have cut off your arm. Okay maybe that was a bit drastic but the last thing you wanted to see every time you looked down was his name. He’d tortured you through most of middle school and high school. The other name on your other wrist, Andy Cope, he sounded nice. You tried to imagine what he looked like, what kind of person he was. How this worked was one of the names that appeared on your wrist was the name of your soulmate, the other, your enemy and if Kim Seungmin’s name was on one of your wrists it was for one reason and one reason only. He was your enemy. 
What was crazy was in primary school, you and Seungmin had been inseparable, best friends. You weren’t sure what happened. You left for a summer between primary and middle school and when you came back he was... different. Mean. It started with ignoring you, even if you walked straight up to him he just turned and acted like he didn’t see you. It was embarrassing the couple of times it happened and then you just stopped trying. You didn’t even know why he was being the way he was but you were just a kid and it hurt you so if he wouldn’t talk to you about it then you wouldn’t talk to him either. As time went on just ignoring you wasn’t fun enough and he started to torment you. Every day it was something any little thing he could do to upset you, like sliding a broken ink pen in the back pocket of your new jeans, he would tell new kids that although you looked normal you had brain damage from falling off a toilet, on three separate occasions he’d changed your name in the yearbook to Chu Bocca. They eventually stopped allowing him to work for the yearbook so he had to find other ways to pick at you and he did, every... single... day. 
When you finally graduated high school you were so relieved to be going to a college far far away from Kim Seungmin. Or so you thought. To say you were a little upset to see Seungmin at your freshman orientation would be an understatement. Truthfully as soon as you saw him you ran back to your dorm, fell onto your bed and cried. It had been seven years, did you really have to go through another four? When you were done with college would he move next door to you? Would he always be right there to pick at you? Tear you down for reasons you didn’t even know? It’s not fair you thought to yourself. In all actuality Seungmin had no idea you had even applied to that college, it was your second choice and his first. It wasn’t like he was going out of his way to follow you. He’d looked forward to not living in the shadow of his pain anymore but he saw you as you dashed away from the freshman orientation and his heart sank. 
The summer in between primary and middle school had been really hard for Seungmin. He missed you terribly. Fourth grade he’d developed a bit of a crush on you. By the summer before middle school, it was full on puppy love. Then one of the boys from your class showed Seungmin a note that looked like your handwriting. It said that he was annoying and that you were glad to be gone for the summer so you didn’t have to pretend to be his friend the whole time. The boy who showed Seungmin the note said that you had given it to him because he was your boyfriend now and you didn’t want him to think you had any feelings for Seungmin. The boy said to stay away and to not bother you anymore. Poor Seungmin’s heart was broken, he was hurt and angry. If you didn’t want to be his friend anymore fine! The first day back at school you walked right up to Seungmin and acted like everything was perfectly normal. He was gob smacked and when his brain finally caught up he just turned and walked away. He did the same thing the next time you tried to talk to him.  
Then you started to ignore him and that made him even more angry. Who were you to be mad that he wouldn’t talk to you when you had said what you said? That’s when the little petty picking started. Seungmin would never do anything that would get you into big trouble or anything that would hurt you. He was mad at you but he would never want to hurt you like that, no matter what you did to him. Seven years. No matter how much he said he hated you to anyone that would listen, deep down every year Seungmin loved you more and more which only made his pain grow more. He had been looking forward to his own fresh start at college and then he saw you running away and it seemed like any chance of that happening ran out the door with you. 
Whether you were there or not Seungmin decided to stick with his plan. This was a new place with new people, a fresh start, and that’s exactly what he did. He made new friends and avoided you if he could but didn’t make a thing of it. Once classes started it wasn’t hard since you were both so busy with your workload. You actively avoided Seungmin which made his job of staying away from you easy. That was until Seungmin’s twenty-first birthday when he looked down and saw your name on one of his wrists, he quickly looked at the other and knew instantly what it meant. You were Seungmin’s soulmate. You of course wouldn’t know this until your own twenty-first birthday unless he told you and there was no way you would believe him even if he showed you. A couple weeks after your birthday you got a text from an unknown number. 
Unknown: Uh... hey. 
You: Uh... who’s this? 
Unknown: We’ll get to that, for now just know I’m someone you know and probably don’t like very much. 
You: Seungmin? 
Unknown: Dammit! 
You: 🙄 What do you want Seungmin? Why are you cryptically texting me? 
Seungmin: Well it was your birthday a couple of weeks ago... 
You: Yes it was, I’m surprised you still remember when it is. 
Seungmin: Well don’t you think we should talk about it? 
You: What is there to talk about Seungmin? It’s not surprising, is it? 
Seungmin: You weren’t surprised?! I have to say I definitely was. 
You: I don’t know why, you’ve hated me for years, of course you’d be my enemy. 
Enemy? You thought he was your enemy?! Did you hate him that much? He never hated you; he was hurt and immature. He’d learned since then and the last couple years away at college had made him grow up a bit. If you thought he was your enemy you must be pretty certain that the other name was your soulmate. He wanted to know. 
Seungmin: What’s the name on your other wrist? 
You: Not that it’s any of your business but Andy Cope is the other name. 
Seungmin was so confused. 
Seungmin: How do you know him? 
You: I don’t 
Seungmin: Then how do you know he’s your soulmate and not me? 
You: Are you actually being serious right now? 
Seungmin: YES! 
You: I’m not doing this Seungmin, you know you’re not my soulmate you just want to fuck with me. We’ve been civil and leaving each other alone here. Let’s just keep doing that. 
Seungmin: Wait... I’m not fucking with you listen! 
You: No. Seungmin drop the soulmate thing. 
Seungmin: Just let me tell you something! 
You: Whatever you want to tell me Seungmin I don’t want to hear now leave me alone! 
Seungmin: This user has blocked this number 
Seungmin was so frustrated. He only wanted to explain that he knew he was your soulmate, he knew because the name that appeared on his other wrist on his twenty-first birthday was also Andy Cope. Obviously you both didn’t have the same soulmate, and to have the same enemy was extremely rare but it did happen. Seungmin went to pull you up on social media but you blocked him there too. After that he never saw you around campus. Before he’d see you here and there but now he never did. He was hurt all over again, just like that summer. He just couldn’t believe you hated him so much that you believed he was your enemy. He was a pest yes, and did things to bother you constantly, mostly for attention because he was a dumb teenager but he never did anything to actually hurt you. He would never because underneath all that anger was a broken heart. He was certain when you said the same name that you would know who this Andy Cope was. The name sounded so familiar to Seungmin he just couldn’t place it. 
A few months after blocking Seungmin it was time to head home for break. Seungmin was home too but still hadn’t seen you. He was still stuck on that name Andy Cope, Andy Cope... He pulled out one of his old yearbooks and started thumbing through it. It was seventh grade. He got to the page with your picture the name under read Chu Bocca, it was the first year he’d done that. He’d honestly hoped you would think it was funny, you both watched Star Wars a lot but apparently pubescent girls don’t like to be called a big hairy ape man. Then Seungmin saw a face he hadn’t thought of in years. Robby Hobbs. Robby left in the eighth grade when his family moved. Robby was the boy that had shown him your note, or the note he had believed to be yours, and threatened Seungmin to stay away. Then Seungmin remembered something he’d learned from one of Robby’s old friends after he’d left. It didn’t seem like an important piece of information at the time, so he’d forgotten until now. Robby was adopted and his birth name was Andy Cope. 
You were bored, it was Friday, your parents were away for the weekend. You decided to go out to the bar and have a drink or two, try to actually relax and loosen up a bit, enjoy your break. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about Seungmin every time you looked down at his name. You’d also be lying if you said you didn’t ever wonder if maybe he was right. Maybe he was your soulmate. The way you were as children, so close you knew even then, you had big feelings in your tiny body. The older you got the more you realized those feelings had been the budding of young love. Young love that was squashed. You were your fourth drink in, you hadn’t planned on drinking so much but your mind got the best of you and the more you thought the more you drank. Suddenly a large man who smelled of alcohol and sweat sat next to you at the bar. You glanced over and realized you actually knew who this gross man was. 
“Robby?” He looked over at you. 
“Well if it isn’t y/n, Jesus Christ are you as miserable as you look?” His words dripped with venom. Your face contorted. 
“Excuse me?” That was a lot coming from a guy that looked like he’d just rolled out of a gutter.  
“You and Seungmin still at each other’s throats still after all these years?” What did he know about that? He moved away not too long after that happened. 
“Best thing I ever did was give Seungmin that note. He tried to hide it but his poor little heart was broken.” Note? What note? What was he talking about? 
“Robby what the hell are you talking about?” He laughed. 
“Didn’t he ever tell you why he was so mad when you came back? Why he stayed away?” You shook your head and Robby started laughing his ass off. 
“Oh that’s fantastic! I expected the silent treatment to last a few days, maybe a few weeks and then you’d figure it out but holy shit! It’s been like what ten, eleven years?!”  
“What did you do?” He wiped his tears away and looked down at you. 
“I scribbled a shitty note and told Seungmin you wrote it to me. Then I told him to stay away from you because you were my new girlfriend.” You were disgusted at the thought and how could Seungmin believe you’d do something like that? 
“Why the fuck would you do something like that Robby? What the hell did we do to you?” He laughed bitterly this time. 
“Because you both were so fucking annoying. Always giggling and whispering, talking shit about me behind my back so I put an end to it.” Your jaw dropped. 
“Robby we never talked about you! What the hell is wrong with you!?” He motioned for another drink, when the bartender sat it down Robby grabbed it and got up grumbling. 
“Gotta live with both your stupid names on my wrists for the rest of my life.” You stood up a little wobbly. 
“Wait what did you just say?” He showed you his wrists and your’s and Seungmin’s names were there plain as day.  
“How is that possible the names on my wrist are Seungmin’s and someone named Andy Cope.” Robby rolled his eyes. 
“And I was born Andy Cope. When my parents adopted me they changed my name to Robby, guess fate didn’t get the memo.” He snatched his arm from your grip and walked away . You realized that if Seungmin’s name was also on Robby... Andy... whoever, if Seungmin’s name was on his wrist then his name was on Seungmin’s too. That was how Seungmin knew you were soulmates, that was what he had been trying to text you but you were too stubborn and proud to listen. Robby had caused so much pain with just a little piece of paper. You feared the damage was done. Seungmin had pushed you away for so long and now you’ve pushed him away. What if you couldn’t fix things, what if it was too late? You drank and worried, doing far too much of both. Once you were good and drunk you grabbed your phone and unblocked Seungmin’s number. 
You: I dkdnt wsrite that noteee I justs thow=ght you shsould know. 
Seungmin: y/n? Are you drunk? 
You: a lilbit 
Seungmin: I think its definitely more than a little, where are you? 
You: I met Andyd coppe tongihst 
Seungmin: You saw Robby? Where are you? 
You: Howd youy knsow he wassss Adny? 
Seungmin: y/n just tell me where you are so I can get you home safe and we’ll talk tomorrow when you’re sober. 
You: You sate me I know syous do You ahte me I dinsdt’ wrire it Min 
Seungmin: I DON’T hate you y/n please tell me where you are 
You: the bar... 
You: Lousie’ 
Seungmin: Louie’s bar? Stay there I’m coming to get you. 
You: mkayy 
Seungmin jumped in his car and sped all the way to Louie’s bar. When he got there, he started looking for you everywhere. You weren’t by the bar or the shitty makeshift dance floor, not by the pool tables. Then he saw you slumped over passed out in a booth. He hurried over and started trying to wake you up. 
“y/n come on wake up, can you hear me?” You hummed and attempted to open your eyes. 
“I hear you Minnie...” He helped you up and by helped it was more like heaved you upright in the booth. All your body weight went against Seungmin’s and he struggled a bit. 
“You’re gonna have to help way more y/n I can’t drag you all the way to the car.” You nodded and leaned into whisper into his ear, your breath smelled like whatever sweet concoction you’d been drinking to get this hammered. 
“I’ve got a secret Min cm’here.” He leaned in close so that you could tell him and he could get you out of there. 
“The first time you changed my name to Chu Bokka in the yearbook was kinda funny...” He smiled a little and shook his head. 
“It was never funny, it was mean and I shouldn’t have done it. Now come on help me out here a bit.” Even drunk, you were surprised to hear him say that. When he put your arm around his shoulder you managed to plant your feet and help him stand and steady you. 
“Think you could walk?” You nodded and the room started getting spiny. You stumbled quite a bit but Seungmin got you to his car and inside. When he got in he looked over at you and you were already slumped over again asleep. He reached over to buckle your seat belt and you hugged him out of no where. 
“Please don’t hate me an’more... I don’t hate you...” He shooshed you. 
“I already told you y/n, I don’t hate you. Get some rest, I'll get you home.” You laid back in the seat again and took a deep breath relaxing and dozing off again. Seungmin sighed and shook his head before heading towards your parent’s house. When he pulled up it was dark and your folk’s car wasn’t there. He gently shook you to wake you up. 
“Hey y/n... is someone home?” You shook your head. 
“Nnnoo, itsss why I went out, momndad are gone for the week’nd” He started grabbing at your pockets looking for your keys and you tried to pull him closer and kiss him. He stopped you. 
“y/n no stop, you’re wasted.” You pouted and he finally found your keys. He helped you out of the car, once he got you to your front door, he made you lean against the door frame while he unlocked it. When he grabbed you to steady you again and get you inside, you tried to kiss him again. He pulled away. 
“I told you to stop that, now come on y/n” He was a little exasperated with you but drunk you thought he didn’t love you. Your eyes got big and teary and you sniffled. 
“It’s ruined, Robby, Andy whoever the fuck he is ruined us.” Seungmin shook his head. 
“No he didn’t you’re just drunk, we’ll talk about everything when you’re sober, I promise.” You allowed him to lead you to your room.  
“Will you stay?” You were still crying, sniffling. He didn’t want to leave you alone with your parents gone.  
“If you behave, I will stay.” You nodded and half heartedly wiped at your tears. Seungmin sat you on the edge of your bed. 
“Where’s your pajamas?” You started unbuttoning your pants and Seungmin quickly turned away. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You kicked your pants off and pulled your shirt up over your head tossing it too. 
“I sleep naked.” Seungmin pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. 
“Not tonight you don’t, not if I’m sleeping in the bed. Now what drawer are your pajamas in?” He walked over to your dresser refusing to look in your direction. 
“Top.” He opened the top drawer and fished out some shorts and a tank top. He held them back for you to grab. You pulled the pajamas on and laid back in your bed exhausted. Seungmin climbed in and pulled the covers over the both of you. As soon as he was laid back your arms found his and hugged it close while you buried your face in his shoulder. He looked down at you and pushed a little hair away from your face. He shook his head and laid back closing his eyes. 
When the sun came through your bedroom window you cursed yourself for not closing your curtain. How could you have pulled such a rookie mistake and forget that when you drank last night. You knew damn well the sun came in that window early. Then you started to think a bit more clearly. The last thing you remembered was being at the bar. How the hell did you even get home, nevermind the curtain. When you turned someone else in the bed turned to and you sat up quickly screaming. Seungmin woke up immediately thinking something was wrong and quickly realized why you were screaming. When you realized it was Seungmin in your bed you stopped screaming but you weren’t any less upset or confused. Then all excitement and screaming caught up with you. 
“Oh fuck move I’m gonna get sick!” You ran him over and to the bathroom, managing to make it to the toilet before puking. He sleepily walked in behind you rubbing his eyes. After you were done evacuating anything that was left in your stomach you sat back catching your breath. You looked up at Seungmin who was standing there waiting for you to be okay. You could at least somewhat process that you just woke up with Kim Seungmin in your bed now. You asked the first question that entered your mind. 
“Did... uh... did we...” Seungmin shook his head no immediately 
“Oh hell no!” You gave him a shitty look. 
“Not like that! I mean you were drunk as fuck, I’d never, we’d never... you know, if you were that drunk.” You nodded softly, understanding what he meant. 
“Well... I uh... I don’t really remember much of last night.” He nodded. 
“I’m sure you don’t. I’ve never seen you like that before.” You were a little embarrassed. 
“Seungmin... why are you here? Why are you being so nice to me?” He sighed heavily. 
“Why don’t you wash up and I’ll explain everything over some toast and coffee.” You nodded agreeing. 
“Okay, I’ll be quick.” He bowed and backed out, closing the door. After you showered and brushed your teeth thoroughly, you snuck off to your room and got dressed quickly. When you walked out you found Seungmin starting a pot of coffee. He stopped when he saw you. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t sure where everything was.” You shook your head. 
“No it’s fine I’ll make the toast. Do you still like honey on it?” Seungmin’s heart fluttered. 
“You remember that? I haven’t had honey on my toast in I don’t know how long...”  
“Oh okay I won-” He stopped you. 
“No no! Please put some on.” You smiled a little and made the toast, drizzling a little honey on Seungmin’s and yours. You both sat at the kitchen table across from each other sipping coffee and eating your toast in silence. After a minute you couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Seungmin...” He nodded; he knew. 
“Okay yea so last night you text messaged me after you ran into Robby Hobbs.” That part started coming back to you. 
“Oh my god yea! He’s Andy Cope!” Seungmin nodded.  
“Yea I know, one of my baseball buddies had told me when we were kids but Robby had moved away already and I just forgot.” Then you remembered what Robby said he told Seungmin. 
“Min... I... I didn’t write that note. Why on earth would you believe such a thing? You were my best friend. Why didn’t you just tell me?” Seungmin looked down at his cup of coffee. “ He shrugged 
“It looked like your handwriting and it was easier for me to believe that at the time than it was to believe you cared about me. Robby threatened me also but after he left, I was just a hurt kid that took it out on the one person that meant the most to me. I’m sorry for everything I ever did to you y/n. I am.” You reached across the table and squeezed his hand. 
“I’m sorry too. For not listening, for not giving you a chance to explain things. If I hadn’t been so pig headed...” Seungmin shook his head. 
“I’d done a lot to make you say no, I understand.” His other hand came to rest on top of yours. 
“Maybe we can start over?” Seungmin suggested and you smiled brightly. 
“I would love that.” After coffee and toast Seungmin decided it was probably time for him to leave. You walked him to the door and just before he went to leave you kissed his cheek. 
“Thank you for getting me home safely.” He nodded. 
“Any time.” You spent the rest of the break from school getting to know each other again. You picked up where you’d left off like it had just been the day before. When break was over you traveled back to college together. School kept you both busy but you always made time for each other, whether that was a lunch, a dinner, coffee before class, you found time. 
Tonight you had a k drama night. The plan was to binge as many episodes as possible of your favorite show. You were well into the fourth or fifth episode that night. You were tucked up under Seungmin’s arm your legs stretched out on the couch. You started looking up at him out of the corner of your eye, when he noticed he smiled and then looked down at you. You didn’t even care that you were caught staring, he was so beautiful and you loved him so much. He leaned down kissing you and you crawled up onto his lap, straddling him as you opened your mouth and deepened the kiss. Seungmin’s hands rested on your hips and yours were threaded through his hair as you made out, grinding against each other. You broke away panting, needing to take a breath. Seungmin pressed his forehead against yours as he caught his breath as well. 
“Will you stay tonight?” He looked at you, his thumb tracing the apple of your cheek. 
“You’re sure?” You nodded biting at your lips. 
“I am. I want you to stay, please?” You pecked his lips once, twice, three times and he shook his head. 
“Let’s go to bed baby.” You crawled off Seungmin’s lap and he clicked the tv off as you both walked towards your bedroom. You shut and locked your door and suddenly Seungmin was right behind you, arms wrapped around you, his face buried in your hair. 
“Afraid your parents might catch us?” You giggled and shook your head as you spun around in his arms. He kissed you and you started to back him towards your bed. He pulled his shirt off and then yours and you both took in the other’s bare skin. 
“Fuck you’re beautiful.” He managed to finally get out before crashing his lips into yours again. Seungmin crawled back on your bed and you climbed on top of him straddling his lap. You sat up and unhooked your bra tossing it aside. When Seungmin saw your bare breasts, his hands slid up your body to cup them and pinch your nipples. You let out a breathy little moan. You couldn’t take it anymore, you needed him. You got off him long enough to get your pants and panties off. You unbuttoned and pulled at his pants, he lifted his hips helping you get them and his underwear off. You climbed on top of him again and lined his tip up with your aching sex. The moan that came out of Seungmin as you slid down his cock was sinful. When he was fully inside you, you leaned over and kissed him then rolled your hips. 
“You feel so good Minnie.” You whispered against his lips and he nodded taking a couple deep breaths. 
“God so do you baby, you feel fucking amazing!” You sat up and braced yourself on Seungmin's chest. He gripped your hips again and you started riding him slowly. 
“Yes just like that baby, so good.” You rolled your hips against his. Seungmin started rocking your hips back and fourth faster, your clit pressing and rubbing against his pubic muscle. Your legs started shaking, you could feel your orgasm building.  
“S-Seungmin! I’m... I’m so c-close.” He moaned and kept you moving against him. 
“Cum for me y/n! Let me see that pretty face you make when you lose yourself.” The combination of his cock being buried deep inside you and the stimulation to your clit sent you on a round trip to an oasis of pleasure. Your whole body felt like it was vibrating. When you came back down, you leaned down and kissed Seungmin, soft lips slotted against the others. Seungmin sat up with you still in his lap holding your face and devouring your lips. 
“Bend over for me baby.” You crawled off of his lap, grabbed the headboard and bent over. Seungmin knelt behind you, gripped your ass and pushed his cock deep inside you again. He started a steady pace snapping his hips against your ass. 
“Deeper Min deeper!” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you up, your back flush with his chest. One hand gripping a breast and the other teasing your clit as he grinded into you deep and hard. Your arms reaching back and wrapping around his head, your hands tugging at his hair. You could feel the mercury rising again. Your sweaty bodies pressed together, gripping each other as you teetered towards mind shattering bliss. 
“God you feel perfect, made for me beautiful, cum with me baby.” He thrusted deep inside you again and you went ridged, your back arching as you came again, hard. 
“Yesyesyes oh god...” A soft moan left Seungmin as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and came deep inside you, you were still braced against the headboard, Seungmin resting against your body as his cock softened inside you. After a minute of catching your breath both of you laid down. You laid there with your head on Seungmin’s chest quietly basking in the body buzz after that amazing orgasm. 
“Do you want to have kids?” Seungmin’s question came out of nowhere. 
“I’m on the pill Minnie.” He realized how out of left field that must have seemed. 
“No I mean like one day, do you want to have kids one day?” You thought about a little piece of you and Seungmin running around wreaking havoc. 
“Yea I think I do.” He smiled and squeezed you tighter. 
“Me too... but... well... how will we explain our story?” You smiled up at him and pushed his hair away from his face. 
“Easy, we’ll tell them the truth...” Seungmin’s face scrunched up confused by what you meant. 
“The truth?” You nodded, kissed his lips and hummed. 
“MMhmm...that it turned out, the enemy of my enemy was my friend.” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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allthelovehes · 2 months
Care and Connection* | TEASER
Summary: Y/N has been babysitting Harry's daughter for a couple of months now and the two of them grew rather fond of each other. Harry can't help but swoon when he comes home to find his daughter wrapped up in Y/N's arms, both asleep on the sofa.
Pairing: Singledad!Harry x reader
Word count: 2.8K TEASER of a 9K Patreon Exclusive!
Warnings: Smut, lots of love and care, cutest girl ever, oh right back to the smut: protected sex, oral both f and m receiving, swallowing (iykyk), taboo relationship(?).
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold @harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla @hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy @bikestyles @bohemianrhapsody86 Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
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Four months into getting her master's degree, Y/N stumbled upon a babysitting gig for a wealthy single dad. Harry Styles promised the opportunity of a lifetime. After graduating she could use him as a reference and would even have a chance to be head of her own department in his corporation. All she had to do was keep his kid alive and act like their best friend. This shouldn't be too difficult.
Her boss was nothing like she had expected. Y/N loved children and had babysat through her undergrad years so Harry was definitely on board with the resume she put in. What he didn't count on was the temptation the beautiful girl brought with her. His three-year-old daughter adores her and seeing his daughter so happy made him weak as well. But Y/N too wasn't prepared for the tension that'd soon build between the two of them.
Y/N's schedule is perfect for her job, she takes three classes a week at the university which are all morning classes leaving her plenty of time to watch Grace in the afternoon so Harry can go to the office. Being the CEO allows him to work from home and they agreed upon the three mornings, as long as she's finished by 1 PM. Her master's requires a lot of self-study but Harry promised her the use of his office, whenever she needed it.
After finishing her classes, Y/N steps in her car and drives to the Styles residence. She clicks the button of the remote control so the gate to Harry's property opens. Whenever Y/N wonders how her boss can afford such a beautiful home, she reminds herself that she really shouldn't pry too much into people's personal lives. She shakes the question away every time because truthfully she doesn't want to know.
“Y/N!” Grace shouts excitedly when the front door opens. Her little feet slide against the wooden flooring, while the small girl is making her way over to her.
“Hi, Gracie.” She smiles brightly, crouching down so she can wrap her arms around her. “You can actually run a marathon now.” She pokes her tongue out.
“Daddy said I hafta put on my shoes first.” The small girl points at her bare feet. “Then you can race.”
“Daddy is smart, you'd be way faster with your shoes on!” Y/N agrees. Grace's favourite activity is definitely running. Ever since the day she found out how fast her legs could carry her, there was no going back.
“Y/N, I am so glad you're here.” Harry walks into the entrance and the Y/N can't help but bite her lip. He wears a tight black turtleneck sweater, showing off his chest and when he turns to close the door, his trousers fit very nicely. Y/N shakes her head, chastising herself for once again admiring the beauty that is her boss. “You are early.”
Y/N gets up, looking at her wristwatch. “By two minutes.” She can feel the blush creeping up her cheeks because even though they've been doing this babysitting gig for a couple of months, she is still caught off guard when they talk. “My professor ended his lecture earlier than expected.” She explains.
“I should reward your punctuality.” He smirks mischievously. If she hadn't fallen in love with his daughter first, it would've probably been him.
Grace slides into her purple Converse shoes and looks up at the pair while attempting to tie her shoes.
“Come here baby.” Y/N reaches a hand out. “Let me help you.” She watches as the girl makes her way to her with a bright smile. She's definitely taken after Harry. Her brown hair covers a good part of her back when it's down, which always has Harry insisting that she does a half ponytail. Her small chubby hands roam around with any and everything making it all the more impossible to grasp properly. But if there's one thing Y/N has learned in these last couple of months it's that it doesn't take a lot of effort for Grace to grasp hold of someone's heart. Y/N finishes tying her shoe before wrapping the little girl's hair into a ponytail, using the band on her wrist to secure it into place and picking up the toddler.
“Is it a race?” Grace asks curiously.
“I was thinking that we can make french toast.” Y/N suggests, laughing at herself as she proposes something completely different from what Grace insists on.
“French toast?” Grace scrunches her nose up in disapproval.
“Yes, Grace!” She exclaims. “We need to eat first.”
Harry watches their interaction and doesn't even attempt to hide the amusement that crosses his features.
“Ok.” The three-year-old girl answers. “I guess.”
“It's only until lunch.” Y/N reminds her. “Then afterwards we can go running. You and me?” She wiggles her eyebrows.
“Daddy's not gonna come?” Grace mumbles a soft pout on her face.
“I have to work, baby.” Harry reminds his daughter. “Y/N will watch you today while I am at work. She is gonna make sure you eat and sleep and she'll play with you until you tire her out.” He smiles. “Just like every other Thursday.” He wraps his right arm around Y/N's waist, leaning in so he can kiss the top of his daughter's head. “Now be nice.”
“I don't want to sleep, daddy.” Grace frowns, the disappointment and resistance clear on her face.
“Later.” He smiles. “Daddy is late.”
“Did you eat?” Y/N looks at him. “I can make you lunch too.” She offers.
“I already ate, don't worry.” He chuckles. “Besides I know it's not in your job description to care for me.” Harry smirks.
“But if your baby doesn't get the proper attention and you're too weak from starvation, I will be liable.” Y/N offers nonchalantly and feels her cheeks warm when his gaze meets hers.
“Can I go jump on the bed?” Grace interrupts them.
“Absolutely not!” They both scold in unison before turning their heads to stare at the other. Harry chuckles as he sends her a wink.
“I'm going to go now. Be good.” He says looking at Grace. “You too, Y/N.” He winks at her.
“I am always on my best behaviour, Mr. Styles.” She teases.
“I know.” He hums satisfied. “That's the problem.” ***
Y/N walks out of Harry's office, making sure to quietly close the door behind her. Grace peacefully fell asleep after running for thirty minutes straight in the backyard and Y/N took the opportunity to use Harry's home office to study for her classes. She just found out she had an exam on Monday and it was way too close for her comfort.
When Grace wakes up from her nap, Y/N gets her changed and ready for the rest of their afternoon together. Y/N keeps busy to get through Grace's demanding behaviour, so she figures some baking will be a good activity. She's wearing Harry's apron, her hair has come undone with all the frustration she has with measuring the dry ingredients but honestly, she couldn't care less about anything else. She's covered in flower and possibly milk but she prides herself on the fact that the smell of banana bread has taken over the house.
“Grace?” She calls but receives no answer. “Grace!” She calls again, a bit louder this time but still nothing. Where is she? Y/N steps out of the kitchen and into the living room where she finds the little girl laying down on the sofa. “Are you hungry?”
“Mmhm.” Grace shakes her head.
“No? Are you sleepy, love?” Y/N sits down next to the toddler and runs her hand over her back.
“My tummy hurts.” Grace frowns, holding her stomach.
“It hurts?” She frowns, pressing her hand down against Grace's belly and rubbing circles on it with her thumb. “Come here.” Y/N gently lifts Grace onto her lap. “Where does it hurt, baby?”
Grace pulls a pout on her face, her eyes looking at Y/N for a second before pressing her lips into a thin line. She pushes her cheek against the babysitter's chest and points to her stomach.
“Is it a big hurt?” Y/N feels worried for the child. She doesn't want Grace to be in pain and what's worse is that it's the first time something like this happens. “Gracie?” She whispers, and the little girl merely nods her head.
“Oh, come here baby.” Y/N coos and lays down with Grace in her arms. She covers them with the blanket from the back of the sofa, keeping them warm.
Grace settles between the crevice of her neck and chest, clinging to Y/N as her fingers softly graze the nape of her neck. Her fingers twirl a strand of Y/N's hair around them while the thumb of her free hand is caught between her lips.
Y/N curls her hands over Grace's head as she begins humming a tune for the little girl. She closes her eyes, allowing the smooth melody to come out and waits patiently for the girl to fall asleep. It doesn't take much longer for Grace to relax and after one more round, Y/N is certain the toddler has succumbed to her dreams. She lays with the little girl, not wanting to wake her up and keeps humming and soothingly patting her back.
Eventually, she opens her eyes as she feels a soft pressure on top of her head and sees Harry standing there caressing her hair, quietly staring back at her. How long has he been standing there?
“You fell asleep.” He whispers, his voice full of amusement.
“How did your meeting go?” Y/N keeps her voice at a low level as not to startle her little sleeper.
“You had a tough day, sweetheart?” He asks, sitting down on the other sofa in front of them. His dimpled smile breaks out as she nods her head at him. Harry is genuinely touched at seeing the closeness between his girl and the woman who has brought so much happiness to his family.
Y/N turns her head, nuzzling her nose against Grace's hair and taking a deep breath. The little girl moves to press a leg between her knees and pushes her feet against her thigh, feeling the warm embrace.
“When did this happen?” He motions to Grace.
“She said her tummy hurt.” Y/N explains. “I thought we could keep snuggling a bit. Besides if I laid her down she'll probably wake up.”
“A wise decision.” He assures her, letting his head rest on his palm.
Y/N smiles for a moment before her eyes fall to his lap. “How was your meeting?” She asks.
“Exhausting.” Harry sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Kept thinking about my girls at home.” He looks at her and she bites her bottom lip trying to hide her shy smile. She loves how he said girls, as in plural.
They stare at each other a bit longer, neither one wanting to break their eye contact, in a sense begging the other to be the first. Grace lets out a small cough, startling Y/N into looking away. She turns to see the small girl's forehead all bunched up.
“It's ok, honey.” She whispers, pressing a small kiss to her temple. She begins her lullaby again and it doesn't take long for Grace to settle into a deep sleep.
“So beautiful.” He hums after a while, looking at the way Grace falls at ease in Y/N's arms. “Let's put her to bed so we can have dinner.” Harry offers and takes the small child in his arms and carries her up the stairs.
Y/N stays behind and cleans up the mess they made in the kitchen, thankful that she let the food she planned on cooking for dinner stay in the fridge. She glances up as she sees Harry strolling down the staircase. His long legs carry him forward in a few strides and she rolls her eyes at herself for finding such a stupid activity exciting.
“Is she asleep?” Y/N asks.
“Mmhm.” Harry stretches his arms above his head and Y/N catches a sliver of skin beneath his sweater. It only lasts a moment but it's enough for Y/N to release the breath she didn't realise she was holding in.
Harry lowers his arms and reaches the kitchen, taking a seat on a stool on the other side of the counter. He had his hands pressed on top of it as his eyes look down. After a small sigh, he looks up at Y/N.
“I was thinking-” He pauses. “-me and you, we should talk.” He keeps his hands pressed on the cold marble, balling them into fists at the fear of her rejection.
Y/N's face shows an expression of worry. “Oh no, was I not meeting the needed requirements of my job?” She questions, folding the dish towel on her shoulder. “I've tried to give as much love and care to Grace as possible. I promise that I will not abandon her or neglect her or her well-being.”
Harry smiles lovingly at her. “You are amazing with her.” He remarks, leaning his elbows on the counter. “But that's not what I was talking about.”
“It's not?” Y/N pouts, now very confused about what he really wants to say.
“This babysitting thing, Y/N.” Harry begins. “We both know that this is more than that.” He waits for her reaction.
“Ok..” She drags out the 'o'. “I mean if you've been-“
“Can you please sit down?” He interjects.
Y/N smiles politely, afraid to show too much of the happiness that has taken over her. Harry can see her hesitancy and can tell she's trying her best to remain calm while she takes her seat next to him. She turns her stool a little bit so she's directly facing him.
Harry stares at her for a moment, taking her in and how natural it seems for them to sit down like this. His fingers reach out, brushing her cheek lightly but pulling his hand back when she frowns. It's too soon. It's inappropriate. But he wants her so much.
“I care for you a lot.” He starts again, with a newfound confidence and strength. “I think it's more than just Grace at this point. You have become a part of my family in such a short amount of time. You've shown me the joy of welcoming another human in my home and offering them safety and love.”
“I love being here.” Y/N swallows the lump in her throat. “Grace is so perfect and I- I care for her immensely. I would do anything for her.”
“You also happen to be exquisite.” Harry remarks. “Possibly the prettiest woman I have ever laid eyes on.” Y/N ducks her head and he can sense the heat radiating from her skin. “It's not my place to cross any boundaries but I can't deny the chemistry and connection we share. I am so attracted to you.”
She bites her lower lip. This is going all wrong. “But, Harry.”
“Y/N.” He interrupts her. “Let me finish.” He tilts his head to the side.
“I've seen the way you've been looking at me.” Harry reaches out, lifting her chin with his fingers. “It's the same way I look at you when you're not looking back.”
“It's true.” She admits. “I just-” Y/N frowns. “I thought that maybe, and please don't hate me for thinking this, I thought that perhaps I was seeing things that weren't actually there, delusional daydreaming.” She scoffs and Harry licks his lips, a smirk visible.
“Allow me to clear the confusion.” He whispers, running his fingers along her jaw, towards the right side of her neck. “I want you.” He reveals, slightly tilting her head back with a gentle push, so her eyes meet his. “And I will wait until you decide you're ready.”
She tenses up, a hand on her thigh as the other grips at the hem of her blouse. “What if I'm ready now?” Y/N muses.
Harry leans back, pushing himself off the stool and stepping forward as the gap between him and Y/N lessens. “Then I'd say we skip dinner.” He says, his voice a bit deeper and definitely surer than before. Her eyes travel his face, holding the gaze of his bright green eyes for a second longer.
“We definitely should, Mr. Styles.” Y/N decides to call him by his last name as she sees the spark ignite in his eyes. “After all, you are the boss.” She chuckles.
“That's right, love.” He smirks. “I am.” Harry wraps his arms around her, pulling her off the stool and holding her securely against his frame. The younger woman wraps her hands around his neck and her legs around his waist, giving him all the assurance he needs. “God, look at you.” He murmurs before pressing his lips to hers.
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madaqueue · 2 months
Practice Makes Perfect | Chapter 12
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synopsis: you and yuji have been best friends basically as long as you can remember, and you made a promise to each other to stay friends and help each other be the best versions of yourselves for your future partners. but will things change when yuji finally starts looking for a relationship?
pairing: yuji itadori (18+) x f!reader
themes/content: modern college au (characters aged up to 18+). language, fluff. 18+, MDNI
word count: 1.3k
a/n: we're in the home stretch y'all aaaAAH
previous chapter | series masterlist | next chapter
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A week has passed since you and Yuji told each other your true feelings. Things aren't the same, but you wouldn’t want them to be.
You’ve seen him practically every day since then, whether he’s bringing you lunch between classes or spending the night with each other, you feel like you can finally breathe again when he is with you.
“You know,” he says one night while you’re watching TV in his dorm, “eventually you’re gonna have to tell Fushiguro why you kissed him.” He takes a bite of the cereal sitting in his lap.
“Shit, I can’t believe I forgot to do that. I was honestly so caught up with spending time with you I just didn’t think about it,” you respond truthfully.
“Aww, someone got distracted by me?” he teases, leaning his head over onto your shoulder and looking up at you. You push him off with a chuckle. “Hey now, don’t spill my cereal, I only have one set of sheets here and I’m not about to ruin these,” he laughs, that permanent grin spread across his face.
The next morning, you figure it’s time to have that conversation with Megumi. You’ll be seeing him in class today, which at least makes the transition a bit easier. Since you and Yuji made up, you've started coming back out of your shell again and allowing your smile to appear more, which Megumi has noticed but hasn’t verbally acknowledged.
When the lecture concludes, you turn to him before packing your things up.
“Hey, are you free right now? I wanted to talk to you about something,” you say, a soft smile on your face.
“Sure,” he responds, “I found a new cafe if you’d want to try that?” After weeks of barely hearing your voice and never seeing you outside of class, your request makes his heart flutter.
“Actually, I would kind of prefer one we’ve already been to before if that’s alright with you?”
“Of course,” he says, a grin now forming on his face. Seeing you smile is enough to light up the room, and he’s just happy to have you back.
Megumi sits at a booth as you walk over holding two drinks in your hand. By now you know his order by heart (it does help that it’s just black coffee) and you place the two mugs down in the middle of the table. You’re back where it all started, in the first coffee shop you two ever went together. The high ceilings, bookshelves lining the walls, and warm light feels like coming home.
You take your seat across from him, thinking about just how long it’s been since you were in his presence like this. Seeing him seated across from you, fluffy black hair and all-black clothes, the familiar warm scent of his cologne, you can feel your body relax a tenseness you didn’t know it still held.
Taking a small sip of your latte, your eyes move up to meet his. “How’s your sister?” you ask.
You can tell by the way he opens his mouth and closes it again, his lips curving up into a smile as he pauses, that this was not how he expected you to start this conversation. “She’s good,” he says, a soft grin on his face. “Her surgery finally got rescheduled for later this month, so hopefully things just keep getting better from there.”
“I’m glad to hear it” you respond, your voice genuine. “I was thinking about her, and you, when we weren’t really talking as much, so I just wanted to check how things were going."
His eyes soften as he looks at you. You really do care about him. “Thanks,” he breathes.
A comfortable silence falls between you for a moment as you both slowly drink your coffees.
“So,” Megumi begins, placing an elbow on the table and his chin in his open palm, “what did you want to talk to me about?”
Your body tenses slightly, knowing this is about to be difficult.
Taking in a deep breath, you open your mouth to respond, but he cuts you off before you can get anything out. “Is this about when you kissed me?” he asks, a smirk forming on his lips as he cocks his head to the side.
“Y-yeah,” you stutter, breaking eye contact to look down at the table. You didn’t expect him to bring it up so easily, and with such…confidence?
“I figured,” he chuckles. “You know, I might not be the smartest guy here, but don’t forget I know you pretty well.” He pauses, taking another sip of his coffee. “My rough timeline was: you see Yuji at the party, you kiss me, you and Yuji fight, you make up, and now we’re here, right?”
Bringing your eyes back up, you scan his face, trying to identify what emotion he’s feeling as he walks you through exactly what happened over the past few weeks. You expect him to feel angry, betrayed, embarrassed, yet all you seem to find is…amusement?
“Mhm,” you nod, “that’s basically everything.”
His smile widens. “See, I told you I know you. If I’m being honest though, I did cheat a little bit - I could hear Yuji listening to sad music very loudly through the door for a while until it stopped about a week ago, so I figured you two made up.”
“And you’re not mad at me?” you ask, trying to hide how much your voice waivers.
“Of course not,” he chuckles. “Look, don’t take this the wrong way, but I see you strictly as a friend. I love hanging out with you and doing all the stuff we do together, but I never felt like I needed more than that. When you kissed me…” he trails off, reaching his free hand up to the back of his hair, “I figured you were just going through some stuff, and it sounds like I was right.”
You exhale, finally feeling the lingering stress about this conversation leaving your body. Your shoulders relax into the seat behind you and you close your eyes for a minute. “Thank you, Megumi,” you finally respond. “I’m really glad to have a friend like you.” A smile rests on your lips.
Turning back towards him, you open your eyes and reach your hand out to his shoulder. Just like the first time you met, he leans his cheek against the back of your hand as he stares at you from across the table, eyes soft. “Any time,” he whispers.
Things are…easy, again. You and Yuji’s friends - now your friends - hang out every weekend, going to some party or just playing board games on the floor of one of their dorm rooms. You grow to love Toge, the sweet white-haired boy who brought you drinks at the first party you went to with Megumi and who you learn helped Yuji smuggle in the red wine that ruined one of your dresses. You get to see Maki and Nobara together, watching how Nobara shamelessly plants herself in Maki’s lap whenever she gets a chance or pretends to steal her glasses before gently placing them back on her face with a kiss. You and Megumi still hang out all the time, too, and you even started going farther and farther off campus to search for new cafes to try. Every morning feels like a gift, in part because you get to wake up next to the warmth of your favorite person.
One night after you and Yuji return to your dorm after karaoke with your friends - at which, Nobara did an incredible rendition of Somebody To Love - the two of you are cuddling in your bed when he pulls away for a moment.
He props himself up on an elbow to look at you, his eyelids low as he traces along your hips with his fingers. He’s in nothing but his sweatpants, you in a loose t-shirt and pajama shorts. “You know…” he says, a grin tugging at the corners of his face, the one that he knows you always melt for, “there’s still one thing we didn’t get to practice.”
“Oh yeah?” you tease with a chuckle. “And what’s that?”
His eyes never leave yours, and you notice them darken slightly as he opens his mouth to speak. His voice comes out low, raspy. “I want to fuck you.”
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nomazee · 2 months
Greetings! Would it be okay if I request bodyguard!Dan Heng x celebrity!Reader with a 19:58 timestamp? I hope it's okay, thanks in advance.
i think my dan heng favoritism is showing because this is the longest drabble i've written for this event so far,,, i love dan hen hsr,,, THANK U FOR UR REQUEST :**
my 1k event!
The airport is much too bright for Dan Heng’s taste. The reflectiveness of the linoleum floor tiles and the beaming LED lights make him squint as he guides you towards the baggage terminal. 
“That was fun!” your enthusiasm is almost painful compared to how exhausted Dan Heng feels. There’s no hint of a drag in your steps or a lull in your words as you head towards the carousels, on the lookout for a sky blue and neon green striped suitcase—courtesy of you, of course. You asked Dan Heng for his opinion when you were first buying it, claiming that it would be easy to recognize among the sea of plain, typical suitcases. Truthfully, it was an eyesore, but you looked so happy about it, so he just nodded along. 
“Fun? You’re not tired?” he asks. Your atrocity of a suitcase is, in fact, easily spotted, and Dan Heng goes to pick it up for you. Luckily, his is on the same carousel, and he takes up both in his hands before turning back to you. “It was a long flight. You’ll be jet-lagged for a bit.”
“Oh, I’m definitely tired,” you admit, engaging in a wordless struggle with Dan Heng as he fights against your attempt to take your own suitcase from him. He has yet to engage in an actual fight as a bodyguard (or do much at all, really), so he might as well help out by being your glorified bag-carrier. It makes him feel less guilty about the paycheck he gets every two weeks. “But being in first-class was so exciting! You didn't think so?” 
Exciting is certainly a way to describe it. For most of the ten-hour flight, Dan Heng was trying to not puke in a paper bag in front of you in fear that he’d embarrass himself, and then get fired. He hadn’t been on a flight in years, and sitting through one that’s that long was not the best way to ease back into it. It would be embarrassing to admit out loud, but you have a way of reading through him, so he divulges as much of the truth as he can stomach.
“There was… it was shakier than I thought. But it wasn’t loud, which was good.” 
“I meant, like, the food and stuff! And the hot towels that they gave us.” 
Of course you’d be excited over something like a hot towel. He tries not to look down at the (objectively) ugly suitcase that he’s successfully torn from your hands, but it’s all very you and he can’t help but be reminded of every single one of your habits. 
“Are you hungry?” he asks, instead of talking more about the plane, because he’ll seriously be sick if he keeps replaying the turbulence in his head. “The portions were small on the plane. We can check into the hotel first and then find somewhere to eat.” 
A sigh escapes you, lighthearted as you swat Dan Heng’s arm with your hand. You both walk through the confusing maze of the airport and eventually find the exit, stepping into fresh air for the first time in a while. “I’ll get you dramamine on the flight back, Dan Heng. Maybe then you’ll be clear-headed enough to understand how nice the hot towels were.” 
You’ve clocked him, saw right through him and pried your incessant way in and offered him a motion sickness pill while you were at it. He tries to ignore the flush of his cheeks as he watches you smile from his peripheral, but it’s hard to ignore when it’s all that he can feel right now. 
“The— food,” he stutters, because he’s a fool and would like to lay down already. “What would you like to get? It’s a little late, but you should get some dinner.” 
“Whatever you want, Dan Heng,” and he looks to his side to see you smiling at him, so warm and familiar and he’s really, really trying not to puke on the sidewalk right now for a variety of reasons. He ignores you again, because that’s his best way to cope, and hails a taxi before cramming in both your suitcases in a flustered haste. 
In the backseat of the car, you lean against Dan Heng’s side and open up Google Maps, scrolling through all the restaurants near your hotel. The line of your arm presses into Dan Heng’s, and his attention is flitting between that feeling and the bright icons on your screen, different foreign names and descriptions of food popping up. 
“I don’t feel like sitting down for a full dinner,” you admit, mercilessly skipping any restaurant that has things like tablecloths and candles and small plates. “Something to take back to the hotel would be nice. Oh—” you bring your phone closer to his face as if he can’t already see it crystal clear, “—the menu for this looks good! They have some of your favorites.” 
Dan Heng skims through it and finds that they do, in fact, have a suspicious amount of his favorites. There’s a prideful look on your face, hiding the fact that you likely spent an hour researching local restaurants to find something Dan Heng likes. It embarrasses him and makes him have hopes, like a fool. You treat him less like a bodyguard, more like a close assistant—a position that you’ve never actually had filled, which makes his suspicions (and hopes) grow day by day. Really, it’s more like a close friend, a partner, and he likes that thought more than he’s comfortable admitting. 
He mumbles something like okay, looks good, and the grin on your face only grows brighter and cheesier. He’s forced to look away from you and stare out the car window instead, watching the passing city lights against the dark background of the autumn night, in a country that he covertly learned the language of, so that he could guide you around a little better—in a country that you spent an hour looking up restaurants in, so that Dan Heng would have something to eat.
gen taglist: @tragedy-of-commons @lasiancunin
fill out my event taglist (pinned) or general taglist (navi) to be tagged in upcoming works!
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xaviersjames · 2 months
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They're obsessed with each other and I'm obsessed with them.
Hi lovelies!! It's finally here! My very first fic for Cherik Fic Month! I'm so excited to share it with you all!
For this specific fic, I used prompts number 8 and 26; that's Domestics and Cooking.
I hope you all enjoy!!
Sweetest Midnight
The wedding is in two months. Charles Xavier gets to marry his best friend; the love of his life. It still feels surreal sometimes, and he’s often caught staring at the gold band of metal on his finger, marveling, or running his thumb over it—sometimes slipping it off to reveal the cursive string of words etched on the inside, reading serenity, with you.
Two taps, Erik had once said, Just give it two taps if ever you need me, and I’ll be there. I’ll feel it, Charles.
Charles looks at it now, underneath the warm yellow desk light of his study table. He runs a hand through his hair as he sorts through his papers; he’s finally done. A lot earlier than usual; it’s midnight and everyone is asleep—including his Erik, on the couch in the corner of the room.
That’s one of the things Charles loves about Erik—maybe it has to do with the fact that they don’t get to spend much time alone together throughout the day, both having classes to teach and training to do, but since he moved into the mansion, he never lets Charles stay up by himself. No matter how tired he is, if Charles has work to do and decides to stay up late, Erik will stubbornly follow him, dragging a blanket along—in case I fall asleep, which I won’t, he always says.
Of course, he always does.
“Erik, darling,” he calls softly before standing and shuffling over to the couch, trailing two fingertips gently over Erik’s brow. “Let’s move to bed.”
Erik whines softly, curling his blanket tighter around himself. “Don’t wanna,” he mumbles, still half-asleep. Charles sighs softly. The last time Erik stayed on the couch the entire night, he didn’t stop complaining about several aches in his body the next day.
He kneels next to the couch and uses a single hand to cup Erik’s jaw. “Please?” he whispers. Erik stirs again, still in the safe space between dreams and reality. Probably without meaning to, he projects a snippet of one of those dreams to Charles.
The taste of cool ice cream is in his mouth all of a sudden, the smell of warm chocolate all-encompassing.
Charles looks at Erik incredulously, fondness seeping from his pores.
He’s dreaming about sweets, Charles thinks to himself, that’s the most precious thing in the world, my God.
“You want dessert, darling?” Charles says through a laugh, burying his face in Erik’s arm.
“Mhm,” Erik murmurs sleepily.
“If you could have anything in the world right now,” Charles says into Erik’s skin, “What would it be?”
It’s a question he asks Erik frequently.
The thing about Erik is that he doesn’t know how to ask for things; he’s not used to being spoiled—and the thing about Charles is that he’s more generous than he lets on. All he does is give, and give, and give.
So Charles asks the question as if it’s hypothetical. And that gives Erik an excuse to ask for what he needs, and it gives Charles an excuse to give him exactly that.
His answer is what Charles expects.
“Brownies,” Erik whispers as his eyes open into narrow slits, gray-green and glittering in the low light.
Charles giggles. It’s another thing of theirs.
The Red Barn Bakery has some of the best brownies in town and Erik is obsessed with them. The two of them are always looking for an excuse to go get brownies and a coffee and neither of them are ever complaining about it.
“You’ll have to get up, then,” Charles sing-songs and laughs as Erik groans. Charles—still fully dressed—lifts himself up off of the ground and grabs his tweed jacket off the back of one of the seats in his study. Erik sits up and glares at him.
“There’s no way I’m getting dressed for this,” he says.
“No problem,” Charles says, trying to contain his laughter—and quite truthfully, his fondness—at the image of a messy-haired Erik standing in the middle of the bakery in his pajama bottoms and his sleep shirt.
“No brownies,” The cashier, Alex, says with a regretful look on his face, right as the pair of them walk in, and, “I’m really sorry,” with a pointed look in Erik’s direction. That’s how often they come here. All of the staff know them. And all of the staff know about Erik’s little chocolatey obsession.
Erik scowls and Alex looks vaguely amused.
Charles laughs and orders them coffee—a hazelnut latte for him and a cappuccino for Erik.
“Thank you very much, Alex,” Charles calls cheerfully as they leave. “Enjoy the rest of your—well, morning.”
“I’ll drive,” Charles says mischievously as they reach the parking lot.
They huddle back into the warm car and Charles puts a hand on Erik’s pajama-pant clad knee, watching the way his ring glimmers under the streetlight, his heart swelling.
“Everything’s a lot more fun when you’re here, you know that?” Charles says, running a thumb over the ring and watching as it makes Erik shiver and stop with his coffee halfway to his mouth.
“Thank you for being here.” he whispers, pulling Erik in for a sweet kiss.
When they pull up to the grocery store, Erik looks to him in confusion. Charles just smiles, unbuckles his seatbelt and says, “Let’s go, then,”
Charles forgets about the streak of gray starting to come in where his hair is concerned as they run through the empty aisles like teenagers. They’re ageless. He forgets about the tons and tons of work that there would be to do later, he forgets about all of the issues in his little world.
With Erik, his world is a whole lot bigger, and there are way less issues.
He dumps eggs, milk, cocoa, flour, sugar, butter, a tub of ice cream and some chocolate chips into his basket and watches as the understanding dawns on Erik’s face.
He smiles as Erik presses him back against the shelves, whispering against his mouth, “Thank you. There’s no one on this earth who’s luckier than I am. Not even you. And that’s saying something.”
Charles laughs and before he can even open his mouth for a smart retort, Erik shuts him straight up.
The cashier must notice, right?
The flush on their cheeks.
The way their mouths are red and swollen.
The way their eyes shimmer brighter than anything in the universe.
If she does, she doesn’t say anything. She simply smiles and tells them to have a good night. And oh, oh God, they do.
Coming home to a dark mansion will always be less depressing when Erik is with him, Charles thinks.
Later on in the morning, the students will be up and about, their buzz and chatter an integral part of Charles’ life, almost like the crackle of electricity in his brain. He can’t live without it.
But this, this is also something he can’t live without. The quiet that comes with Erik. The serenity. There’s no one he'd rather spend his life with.
With that thought, he runs his thumb over the gold band of metal on his ring finger again. Erik exhales shakily from his spot across the counter, almost dropping the mixing bowl.
“Schatz, if you keep doing that, I don’t think we’ll get done over here,” he says, shooting a pointed look at Charles.
“Sorry!” Charles says, giggling.
“You’re not, are you?” Erik says, making his way around the counter in two quick strides, catching Charles by the arm and pulling him toward him, digging his fingers into his abdomen and tickling.
"Erik!" Charles hiccups through bubbling laughter.
"Shh," Erik says through his giggles, burying his face into Charles’ neck. “You’ll wake the kiddies up.”
Charles pauses, tangling his fingers in Erik’s hair and tugging his head up to look him in the eye; he could list a million and one things he loves about Erik, but one of the things that would definitely go right on top is how fond he clearly is of the kids recently.
He reaches up and presses a kiss to Erik’s mouth; he tastes like brownie batter and coffee and Charles wants to melt into him.
Charles shoves his sudden emotions down as best as he can and says, “Speaking of getting this done,” and he picks up the mixing bowl, “Let’s get this in the oven before you eat it all, hm?”
Erik shoves his shoulder playfully but smiles. “Yeah. Yeah, let’s do that.”
Twenty minutes later, Charles is cutting into the fudgiest, warmest brownie in the world and he can’t think of a better person to share it with. He tops it with some ice cream and says to Erik, “Dream come true?”
“Yes, you are,” Erik says, leaning in for another kiss.
They share many more kisses that night. Many, many more kisses that taste like brownies, ice cream, coffee and home.
Later, they brush their teeth side-by-side and giggle like idiots while smiling at each other in the mirror.
“You really ought to get some sleep,” Erik says as they get into bed and as he pulls the sheets over them.
“I really do.” Charles says through a giggle.
It’s going to be a wonderful life, and I get to spend it all with you. Charles thinks with a smile before drifting off.
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breezy141 · 10 months
idiots in denial // pedro pascal (masterlist)
summary: two idiots in denial. literally. fem reader :D lowkey my fave one so far. hehe.
warning: mentions to sex? dirty dancing 😱
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“do i look good, or do i look like someone who stands on the side of the street askin for a quicky?” turning around to face you best friend, you placed your hands on your hips waiting for an answer.
“y/n for the last time, you look beautiful now please can we just go? we were supposed to leave five minutes ago!” pedro giggled as he spoke to you. with one last look in the mirror, you hummed approval to yourself.
you were in a gorgeous back dress, that went to your mid thigh. lace lined the top of the dress, truthfully your cleavage was on show a little but you were feelin yourself, so you didn’t mind. along with this, you wore some chunky black heels, they were your go to.
both you and pedro left your shared apartment, and began walking to a close-ish nightclub. you were on the way to meet your friends, you insisted of being a tiny bit late. just incase they weren’t there, as you began walking pedro intertwined his fingers with yours.
it wasn’t anything unusual, you two held hands often. it meant nothing you guessed. but you did wish it meant something, to you it did but you didn’t think it did to him.
you arrived at the club, you were classed as VIP’s so you were able to skip the line and walk straight into the club. pedros grip on your hand tightened, he didn’t like when you weren’t by his side on nights out.
“stay with me, yeah?” he said hoping you heard him over the sound of the music. you nodded to him.
as you walked around to club, you were able to see your friends. “oscar!!” you spoke cheerfully, grinning from ear to ear. you walked to him, hugging him. making sure you didn’t smudge your makeup on him.
soon after pulling away, pedros hand made it’s way into yours. conversations started, and so did the drinks. you couldn’t stop laughing the entire night, everyone you knew had something absolutely hilarious to say.
you were sat on pedros lap, which again wasn’t unusual. you were always being asked if you and him were together, you said no, unfortunately, and gave whoever asked an awkward smile. you arm has been resting over his shoulders, with your hand wrapped around your glass full of malibu and coke. it was simple but you loved it.
“hey y/n, come with me to the toilet?” one of your girl friends asked with a sweet smile. of course you said yes, it was girls supporting girls in nightclubs. you told pedro you were off to the ladies room, he nodded and told you to be safe.
you hopped off his lap and made sure to pull the bottom of your dress down just to make sure. you followed beth into the bathrooms.
“girl imma be honest with you, i don’t need to go. but i just wanna talk to you, me and all the girls have been talking about you and your man out there”
“he’s not my man b-”
“no shush! you listen, that man has been head over heels for you since 6 years ago. that’s why he’s been single for so long, he’s been waiting for you. which, ironically, is exactly what you have been doing mama! come on, sitting on his lap, holding hands, kisses on your head” she giggled to herself.
“beth, but what if he’s just been friendly, he’s a sweet guy! he could be doing it to everyone!” beth gave you a stare.
“get out there and tell him or i will” you looked at the ground biting your lip.
“girl don’t worry, i see it. every girl here sees it, he adores you. go! i’ll back you up. blame it on the drinks if anything goes south” you giggled at beth’s comment.
you both left the restroom and you immediately walked to pedro. just as you were about to sit on his lap you heard your other friend speak up.
“girlies would you like to go and dance!” charlotte said happily, of course you all agree. you leaned down to pedro a pecked him on his temple, you knew beth was burning holes into the side of your head but oh well.
in a split second, you began dancing your heart out with your friends. the girls screamed as treat me like a slut by kim petra’s came on.
your hips began moving to the rhythm of the song, the girls hyped you up, some of them even joining in with you. “he’s staring!” beth shouted at you, you laughed loudly. even though he was staring it didn’t stop you.
lana, another friend of yours, came from behind you. laughing loudly as you to pretended to grind up against her, you laughed just as much as everyone else did. you loved these girlies with your whole heart.
you stopped dancing, and put all of your attention on your girls dancing quite inappropriately. none the less you loved watching it, it made you nearly cry laughing.
once you were all drained from dancing, you took your seats back next to the rest of your friends. however, you noticed pedro was gone?
“wher-” “outside, out the back though” oscar said quickly putting his arm around his girl.
you picked up your drink from the side and began walking towards the exit out back.
you saw pedro, sitting on the wall sipping on his drink. “pedro? how come your out here?” you asked as you walked up to him.
“i wanted the fresh air, it was getting um..hot” you noticed he started to slip on his words. you nodded, he helped you up to sit on the wall, his hand remained in yours. he spoke up
“i-um..just to clarify, me holding your hand doesn’t, like, mean anything, by the way. not in that way, unless y-you would like it to mean something t-then ya know it could. i’m just saying it would be cool if you did or whatever” pedro looked at the ground.
you giggled at his attempt to flirt?
“ya know if you want it to be mean something, it most definitely could. i, personally, wouldn’t have a single problem with it” you looked at him, pedro lifted his head quite quick. again his grip tightened.
he jumped down from the wall, so he was in between your legs. “you sayin what i think you are?” your arms moved to his shoulders. his hands rested on your bare thighs, his thumb stroked your skin. it was so smooth.
“mhm, well that’s if your thinking the same thing i am” your hand moved to his cheek. “i think i am” he said barely above a whisper. you contemplated whether or not you should kiss him, but you have wanted to since the dawn of time. as did pedro, you just didn’t know it.
you leaned in, so did he. his thumb came to a stop, he smiled against your lips.
once you pulled back, pedro looked into your eyes. “if i told you to do that again, would y-” just because you knew what he was going to say, you leaned in again and kissed him.
he began to deepen it. “i think we should go back, don’t you?” you went back in, humming against his lips. he helped you off the wall, and you both began walking home. extremely quickly.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
Hiii ! I just came across your writing and I gotta say, I’m really liking it ! Especially the Winclair x reader :) I have a suggestion, Winclair x overly protective Reader, finding out reader injured/killed someone because they said something degrading about Wednesday or Enid, or tried flirting/getting with them. Keep up the great writing :]
Bestie I am ALWAYS down to write a feral, protective reader with Wenclair 😎
stunning, murderous little thing
Enid shouldn’t have been surprised when you walked into the apartment bedroom with a bloody smile and dripping, bloodstained clothes. Your smile wasn’t as sadistic as Wednesday’s, but there was a very specific sense of danger behind it. A sense of danger that, truthfully, only you could really muster.
“Who was it this time?” Wednesday asked without even looking up from her typewriter.
“That punk from Enid’s Econ class,” you said as you tried to lick some dried blood off one of your fangs. “You know, the one that called you a mangy mutt that needed to be muzzled?”
“Is he still breathing?” Enid sighed even though, judging by your current state, she knew the answer anyway.
“He’s not dead,” you said indignantly. “He just wishes he was.” You made the move like you were going to fall on the bed where Enid was laying down.
“Don’t!” Enid shouted. Mid-fall, you missed the bed by only an inch before crashing to the floor.
“The fuck?” You asked as you sat up, rubbing your head with bloodstained hands.
“You are not getting blood on our sheets,” she said with a pointed finger in your chest. “That’ll be the fifth time this month.”
“Sixth,” Wednesday chimed in. “Don’t forget the supposed accident.”
“You guys can’t hold that one against me,” you whined, “it was an accident.” Both women turned to look at you with disbelieving eyes. “He’s the one that ran into my elbow.”
“Go wash off,” Enid demanded, “and maybe I’ll consider letting you back up on the bed.”
“Are you two going to help me?” You asked, waggling your eyebrows in false seduction. It was rather ridiculous.
And yet.
“Come on,” Enid sighed even though she was smiling back at you, “before you stain everything else.”
“You coming, Willa?” You asked when Wednesday still made no move to get up.
“My writing time is not over,” Wednesday said simply, “so no.”
Enid saw the sparkle in your eyes before you made your move. There was no time for her to even attempt to stop you before you stood behind Wednesday, primed and ready. Poor Wednesday didn’t even have time to notice your presence before you rubbed your hands down her cheeks and neck, down her bare shoulders and down to her arms, smearing blood across her skin. Wednesday’s entire body stilled, leaving nothing but silence in the apartment.
“Oh shame,” you mumbled. “It seems you need to clean up now too.”
It was impressive how slowly Wednesday spun her chair around to look up at you. She was also, though Enid would never say it aloud, extremely attractive when covered in blood. The dark red really brought out the brown in her eyes, truly stunning.
"You can keep one hand," Wednesday told you, "which would you prefer?"
"You can take the left," you mused as you held both hands up. "I mean, you both seem to enjoy the right too much to lose it."
Enid could feel a migraine forming when Wednesday lunged at you and you screamed, running off to the shower with her hot on your trail. Enid loved you both, she truly did. But you were going to kill her for sure.
After that night, Enid and Wednesday had given you one rule; no killing anyone unless you had their permission. One would think this wasn't such a difficult rule to follow, but you certainly did your best to find every loophole possible.
"What if I only maim him?" You asked one night while Wednesday pretended to not enjoy being the little spoon.
"Only with good cause,” Wednesday mumbled in her sleepy voice that she pretended not to have.
You hummed in acknowledgment and pulled Wednesday closer, trying to keep your cool when she did her best to snuggle deeper into your arms. When Enid came home, she found the both of you fast asleep yet still leaving room for her on the other side. All she had to do was slide into bed and the both of you instantly reached for her, pulling her into the cuddle pile.
The day of reckoning appeared far faster than Wednesday and Enid had anticipated.
It was just a simple day, you were all walking out of your last class for the week which you thankfully shared, arguing and complaining because Wednesday refused to help you and Enid with the homework. Typical, of course, she always liked to hold this over you both as leverage for cuddles or kisses. A usual Friday, actually, you expected nothing less.
And then it happened.
“Hey Sinclair, Addams.”
They never seemed to call your name, Enid realised as the two frat boys appeared beside you.
“You two busy tonight?” The taller boy standing beside Wednesday asked.
“Extremely,” she answered without looking up. You kept turning your head between both boys and Enid could see the gears turning behind your sunglasses.
“You should come to the party tonight,” the boy beside Enid said. He sounded far more genuine. “We’ll pick you ladies up.”
Enid felt your hand brush against hers as the boys kept talking. It wasn’t the gentle touch you usually gave out freely while walking around campus, but a fist. Oh no, she thought when you ran your tongue over your teeth. More importantly, over your fangs.
“Is this a good enough cause?” You asked; neither of the boys even paid you any attention.
“Yes,” Wednesday said simply.
Oh, your smile was terrifying.
“Hey guys,” you said, finally drawing the boys’ attention, “I got an 8 ball in my bag, want some for your party?”
“Hell yeah,” the taller boy answered quickly.
“Come on, let’s go over here,” you gestured your head toward the alley between campus buildings. The business building; no one would suspect a thing.
They followed you without hesitation, without a single care in their little heads. Enid sighed when Wednesday smirked at their disappearance. She dug her shoe into the dirt, drawing little patterns when she felt Wednesday grab her hand. It helped ease her anxiety just a little bit.
You finally came out from around the building with bloody knuckles and no company.
“I feel much better,” you said with a big smile.
“Still can’t clean up properly,” Wednesday said, wiping her thumb across your lips to erase the small drop of blood.
“Are we finally watching that movie tonight?” You asked as you forced yourself between them, holding each of their hands in yours.
“Only if you make the popcorn,” Enid said.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, sugar,” you said with an even bigger smile and a squeeze of their hands.
Your overprotectiveness was getting worse. Good thing your girlfriends enjoyed it.
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d3m0nicdream · 7 months
Prom Night: Colby Brock (Part 1)
**Colby Brock Prom AU Poll Winner**
Colby Brock x fem!reader - a budding story about two people believed to be very unavailable to anyone, until they set their sights on eachother.
Part 2 is now up:
Part 2
tags: Slowish-burn, multi-parts, POVs will change in each part, I'll put tags on each part as they get posted. (there will be smut in later parts)
There is a difference between being well known and being popular. Y/N was both but Colby Brock was well known.
Y/N was a popular girl in high school. She wasn’t mean to people, she talked to pretty much everyone and she had pretty good grades all in all. Everyone knew her and everyone liked her. Especially the boys, but she would never accept anyone's proposal for dates or hang outs. It frustrated the majority of the male population but they weren't mad per say. They saw it as more of a competition against each other. If you could bag Y/N for just a hangout session, you would be a legend. So of course, Y/N had a lot of the male attention.
Colby Brock. He was a funny guy, he was also known throughout the school. He was nice to everyone, talked to everybody like they were friends, no matter who you were. His stunning dark hair and blue eye combo had all the girls fiendish over him and he would hear them out but politely decline.
While sitting and watching the football players practice, an event she was invited to by the entire football team. Y/N and her best friend Kat sit on the bleachers and witness the calamity that is their football team. Truthfully she felt more like a distraction than anything so with that she yells to the team.
“Hey, I going to head to study hall guys, good luck!” She waves and they all wave back, telling her to drop by again sometime which would not be happening unbeknownst to them. Her and Kat walk down the track but her eyes wander to the marching band, setting up for a football game performance.
"Hey Kat? Is that Colby Brock?" She points to the dark haired boy setting up his clarinet, him oblivious to her presence.
"Yeah, he's a band nerd haha. What a loser." Kat scoffs and rolls her eyes.
"What's wrong with being in the marching band?" Y/N quizzes as she stares at the group and their instruments, she had always wanted to learn how to play an instrument but never had time for it.
"Uh. Only nerds are in band, Y/N. Come on. Haven't you seen like any high school movie ever? Why are we staring at them. We need to go to study hall." She glares at the group and then walks away. Y/N jogs to catch up. She doesn't go unnoticed because there were two boys watching her, one being Colby Brock.
"I don't know dude. it definitely looked like she was staring at you. Could you imagine?" Sam pipes up smacking Colby in the arm.
"My best friend bagging the legendary Y/N. That would be crazy!" Sam beams.
"Yeah, hence I'm not doing it." Colby goes back to packing up his instrument. He thought it was so ridiculous. Sure she was pretty but every dude was fawning over her. He would probably be murdered by someone to get to her, he believed people were that crazy.
"Hey, you think her friend Kat would go out with me?"
"Doubt it. She seems bitchy. I don't get how they are friends." Colby heads to his dreaded 4th period class where he's forced to watch people make fools of themselves for Y/N. It was quite painful to witness if he was being honest. As he's walking, he overhears what sounds like a threat by someone to his left. He sees Y/N being pressed up against a wall by some football douche with no escape.
"Sam, follow me." Colby walks up behind the guy, grabbing his shoulder.
"Damn, out here trying to bag Y/N?" Colby smirks.
"I wouldn't hold my breath buddy." Colby whispers in the kids ear while patting his back.
"Back the fuck off. She was just about to tell me she was going to see later. Right, Doll?" He smirks at Y/N like shes a meal and it doesn't sit well with Colby at all. He looks at Sam and he nods over to her. Sam understands him without a word being spoken. Colby grabs the dudes shoulders and yanks him around, pushing him out into the hall where he stumbles and falls to the ground. Colby towering over him while Sam slides by and grabs Y/N to move her out of the way.
"You better get going, class starts soon and you probably shouldn't miss it." Colby winks.
"This is not how you play the game, Colby."
"Oh buddy, I'm not even playing." He waves the guy off. He gets up and mumbles a 'fuck you' to Colby before heading down the hall. He turns and heads to Sam.
"Hey, uh. Thanks for that. Usually I can handle them but he was... persistent." Y/N speaks up immediately as Colby walks up. He waves at her.
"It's all good. We need to get to class though." All three walk to their class together and make it just before the bell. The rest of class, the room is buzzing about them all showing up together.
After class, Colby and Sam leave to meet up with Jake and Corey but they end up finding them first.
"Dude. You seriously got into a fight with Brent Snider? That's ballsy." Corey grabs Colby by the shoulders, playfully shaking him. Colby smiles at his friends actions.
"It wasn't that big of a deal. I was just helping someone."
"That someone being Y/N!" Jake flashes his screen at Corey and the boys. Corey's jaw drops.
"Dude. What the fuck. I thought you weren't in the game?" Corey stares at him wide eyed.
"I'm NOT. Look, he had her pinned to a wall, what was I supposed to do? Leave her there?" Colby rolls his eyes.
"I'm going home. I'll see you guys later." Colby pushes through everyone and they look at each other.
"COLBY! WAIT FOR US, DUDE!" Jake yells and runs after him, the others in tow. On the other side of the school, another conversation was being had between Y/N and Kat.
"Seriously! If Colby wasn't there, Brent would have done something to me, dude." Y/N shudders as she goes on about what happened to her to Kat. That was one thing she was afraid of when it came to the guys and this 'game' as they call it. She almost wishes she had someone like Colby around to ward them off. They walk towards the parking lot to their cars.
"Well, I'm glad you are safe. that sounds really scary. Hey.. Was Sam there with him?" Kat asks nonchalantly, avoiding eye contact with her friend who is clearly staring daggers into her.
"Sam Golbach? Yeah, he pulled me out of the corner while Colby was doing his thing. Why?" Y/N could read Kat like a book.
"Oh, uh. no reason. Let's go."
:)))) thanks for the love &lt;3
Part 2
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yuzukult · 10 months
yours, but not yours 06 || csc & reader
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title: yours, but not yours 06 pairing: choi seungcheol x fem!reader/oc genre: angst, fluff, eventual smut, fake dating!au, bad influence!seungcheol, nice guy syndrome!namjoon, mechanic!seungcheol wc: 6.7k (1k per month i disappeared lol) warnings: profanity, mentions of sex a/n: ... hopefully y'all didn't forget me,, if this chapter is mediocre i am so sorry i'm trying my best here T_T i had to rewrite the chapter a couple times & ended up going with a different route (which may be slightly unexpected) but the series isn't over yet !! this is the calm before the storm ok
There’s nothing worse than being proven wrong.
It’s like when you’re a toddler, your mom tells you to not eat the spicy slice of pork belly, knowing very well that you wouldn’t be able to handle it but you still beg her anyways. Then when you’d finally get a bite, your face contorts into a pained one, desperately wishing that water would be more relieving to the tongue as it is to a house fire. Or like when your high school best friend told you to maybe not get involved with the guy who has quite the reputation, but your constant urge to break the rules practically drowns you, so you go for him anyway. Then, when he left you crying outside on his porch, beseeching him to come back after you clearly saw him cheating on you with that other pretty girl in your Art class with that cool hot pink dyed strip of hair, you’re yet proven wrong again, only to be running to your best friend’s house after you regained your senses.
This is probably another one of those times. And truthfully, maybe you’ve evolved, but there’s this part of you that wishes you’re wrong.
Seungcheol is definitely nothing close to what you’d ever expect to be your type. He’s not the traditional kind of guy—office job, either living alone and saving for a house or lives in a house he owns, has a car, wears business casual clothes on the weekdays, maybe even into different types of beers, occasionally plays a gaming console—instead, he’s a mechanic with a motorcycle and likes to flirt with you whenever he gets the chance. He favors the torn up and stained attire, despite having money (which… you’d only find out not too long ago) but he does love alcohol. Whiskey being on the top of his list; beer is more of an option for social events, he mentions it the one night he stayed late in the garage when you came down with two bottles in hand. “I had leftovers. They were gonna go bad if I left it any longer,” you said as you handed over the Miller Lite. He popped the cap off on the edge of the workstation, swapping it with you after, then opening his own in the same way. “Let’s not put it to waste.”
And here you are, two days after the event, groggily putting laundry into the washer with your head full of—you guessed it!—Choi Seungcheol.
The last encounter was left with you exiting his childhood bedroom with disheveled hair, wet panties, and awkwardly adjusting the fabric of your dress. No phone call to follow up, no text—nothing. Fucking radio silence.
How does someone fucking rail you into the mattress, whisper the dirtiest things in your ear, then claim you as their own and suddenly just go off the grid right after? You didn’t see him for the rest of the night, and when you went back to Rowoon, he didn't interrogate you on your relationship with Seungcheol after he shut him up. The whole thing was eating you up inside to the point that you were fucking wishing that Rowoon would ask, just to have a soundboard for this dilemma.
Was that the finale of it all? Is this the end of You & Seungcheol: The Not-So Love Story? He hasn’t even been back to the garage yet, and it’s got you pondering why he didn’t even bother to send a fucking text. A text! It’s not that hard to send a text.
But maybe this is what that whole “karma” thing people keep talking about—what goes around comes around, right?
You groan. Slamming the door shut, you pull out the dispenser drawer of thr washing machine aggressively. Just like when he pushed you against the wall that night, knee shoving your legs apart as he looked at your lips with furrowed brows. You couldn’t help but grip onto his biceps—he was so thick in that shirt, hugging every curve of his body in waves you didn’t know would leave you breathless from the sight. How is he so hot when he’s angry? He didn’t even have a right to be, you weren’t his (even though he continuously thrusted his hips into yours, heated breath against your neck with the word, “mine,” constantly falling off his tongue effortlessly), but god he was good at convincing you that you were.
You shake your head. Fuck! This is frustrating. Not sexually frustrating, (you’re lying, that’s definitely part of it), but frustrating in the fact that you don’t know where this leaves you. Are you still fighting? Do you make up? What… now? And why the fuck do you keep finding yourself asking the same goddamn fucking question with him?
Nearly overflowing the compartment for the detergent, you quickly grab a wet rag to wipe off the excess that spills as you mutter a couple curses underneath your breath. 
He’s got you in a chokehold; how is it that a guy who wasn’t even on your fucking radar suddenly the only one you can think about? Even when you’re vacuuming your living room, you don’t even recall grabbing it from the closet. All you have infiltrated your mind is Choi Seungcheol. 
Honestly, you’re a dick.
For one, you’re finally coming to your senses that disregarding Seungcheol’s feelings isn’t fair. He’s been nothing but helpful the entire time you’ve known him; last month, he replaced your windshield wipers when he noticed the rubber was tearing off. He ended up pulling out the weeds from the front of your house after the awkward attempt to water them, and not to mention, he came up to your home when he heard a screech (you’re afraid of cockroaches, and you didn’t admit it even after Seungcheol killed it with a flip flop). 
But who really is the dick here? He hasn’t called you, texted you, or anything really. Quite literally have given you the post-nut clarity you needed, only for him to ghost you.
To fucking ghost you! The guy who said he’s head over heels for you, swooning all your friends into believing he’s your boyfriend, and well—also pretending to be your boyfriend, even when he knows what the consequences for it are. 
Then again, who cares… right? He’s just some buff mechanic, a fuckboy, and a tenant.
(You almost used the “tenant” excuse to text him, but you hold yourself back and don’t. Only because when the 25th rolls around, you actually have to ask him for rent.)
As you’re making your bed, throwing the sheets up to float down and align with the mattress, your phone rings.
At first, you think it’s your mom, so you let it ring for a little. She has the tendency to never pick up the phone, and although you never have the audacity to ignore her call, you let it ring a couple times out of pure pettiness.
That is, until you realize it’s actually Seungcheol’s name on the lockscreen.
“Hey,” he greets; it’s a mixture of uncertainty and excitement, probably because he knows what he did wrong in terms of leaving you hanging but he misses hearing your voice. “Um, how are you?”
“Not great.”
“Oh? What’s wrong?”
You roll your eyes, despite him not being able to see the action right now, he could feel the burn through the phone. “Actually, don’t answer that. I know, I—”
“What happened?” You snap, pacing in your bedroom. “You fucking told me that you were anything but a fuckboy, and the moment that I let myself be vulnerable, you just leave me hanging? What the fuck was that? Am I just wasting my time with you, Seungcheol?”
It stings.
Of course, everything with you stings. In both a good and a bad way, the words you say always seem to ache, tighten, and sting his chest, all from a variety of emotions you spew out so transparently. You’re so real and raw in the way that if he fully commits to you, that’s it—he’s done. There’s no going back to the lifestyle he had before, no fucking around and dicking around.
And as scary as that is for him, hearing that it’s with you, he’s okay with it.
But he’s now in the position where he doesn’t know how to make that happen. Not after all the current events.
“I got caught up,” he says, unable to even believe himself despite it being completely true. The night of the event, you found yourself scrambling out of his bedroom after sex and his dad called about some emergency with the company—Seungcheol has been in Malaysia since. “I really wanted to call and text—really, I just… didn’t know what to say.”
You scoff in disbelief. “Anything would’ve sufficed. I don’t know where that leaves us now. I’m trying, Seungcheol, I admit I was a jerk for disregarding your feelings and never taking you seriously. But when you pull a stunt like this, it doesn’t really make me believe that you’re not just setting me up.”
He stays silent for a moment; you could almost hear the ringing in your ears from the quietude, and you wonder what’s going through his mind. 
“Yeah,” he says breathily. “Yeah, I—I’m still here.”
“I don’t know what you want from me.”
“Can you—Can you take off? Just the Friday. Can I get you on a plane on Thursday night, and you come meet me for the weekend? My treat.”
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Choi Seungcheol never really lived an average life.
It all really started when his mom met his dad back in college; this innocent, bowl-cut boy with the thickest glasses of the century, eyesight nearing partial blindness had a crush on the prettiest girl in his economics class. His reputation was practically nonexistent other than for the fact that he looked nerdy, and hers was being… almost every positive adjective in the book. He’d gather the courage to ask her out, expecting a rejection, only for her to turn his way, those chocolate irises sparkling underneath the hallway lights while she said the word that was opposite to his predictions. Yes.
She stuck with him through all of college—even though she had a line of suitors waiting for her, she was always in love with the reputable nerdy boy. Despite what people thought of him, Seungcheol’s dad never failed to make sure she felt loved and supported through the entirety of their relationship. Even when he had these big goals to build a company from the ground up, he kept her as his priority and that never changed.
It’s a love story for the ages, one that his mom reiterated as she tucked Seungcheol into bed during his youth, but he didn’t quite resonate with it because how could someone like his dad be the one to make his mother swoon in that way? The man who sat at the end of the dining table, reading glasses at the tip of his nose even after getting lasik to rid himself of those stocky lenses, physically there but not… present.
Even now, as he’s sitting beside his father at his hotel room’s dining table, he still doesn’t feel him.
But to be fair, can anyone find comfort in a room full of stone tiles, high ceilings, and a chandelier that probably costs more than the average car times eighty?
“Tell your brother that he’s coming tomorrow,” he says, eyes never leaving the screen of his iPad. His father has since graduated from a newspaper to a tablet. “He has a presentation Friday, and he needs to rehearse everything he says. Can’t believe he fucked up the last one.”
Seungcheol sucks his cheeks. He clicks send on the message meant for his brother, feeling more and more like an assistant than someone who was next in line for the throne of the company. “Aight. Sent. Why am I here, by the way? You just so happened to drag me here? I thought there was a company emergency.”
He finally puts down his tablet. “There is. I’m dying.”
Seungcheol’s heart drops. “You’re… dying?” 
“Well, not that I’m sick—god forbid, but you never know when I’ll die.”
That pretty much explains the origin of the majority of Seungcheol’s traumatic childhood.
“Dad, I don’t think it works like that,” he retorts with the quirk of his brow. “I thought it was a literal emergency. I left—”
“What? The garage? Come on, don’t act like I don’t know. I keep tabs on all my children—like right now, your brother is at his girlfriend’s house. The one he has yet to introduce to us, and in fact, I don’t think I like her.”
Seungcheol’s face contorts in confusion. He knows his dad like the back of his hand; if he didn’t know about the garage, Seungcheol would’ve been surprised. It’s almost an expectation that he would track both Seungcheol and his brother, and truthfully, it wouldn’t be totally out of character if he was tracking Seungcheol’s mother either. 
“You’re always pressuring us to get married and run the company—isn’t him having a girlfriend just him going the right route? I’un get it. Isn’t that enough?”
Maybe that’s why Seungcheol only had flings; the girls weren’t ever disappointed in sex, and they never stuck around enough to figure out that he carried so much baggage. The wealth in his pockets might’ve been the reason for the hearts in their eyes (and his dick), but if they knew the weight of expectations from his parents that came with it, they’d run in a heartbeat. He didn’t want to bring anyone close enough that they’d meet his family, have to deal with the burdens he did, and it’s mostly why he’s been hesitant about telling you… everything. Even when he wanted to.
“I wanted him to date that girl, the one whose father owns KS Bank.”
Of course, everything loops back into business.
“Well,” Seungcheol begins, getting up from his seat. “He’s happy. Regardless if his girlfriend is a stripper or her dad owns KS Bank. If you want both of us to run the company, we should at least come home to a companion that we love and care for, shouldn’t we?”
His dad returns to his iPad, adjusting his glasses once again. “It’s not beneficial for the family business.”
Deja Vu hits—that same feeling he got when Namjoon swung at him returns, except the courier this time is his own father.
But just as he reacted with Namjoon, he remains cool. 
Seungcheol probably rehearsed it a million times in front of the mirror, all the possible things he could say to refute his father’s beliefs. If his brother wasn’t in love with the girl he’s supposed to marry, sure, her status would definitely benefit the company, but… would he even want to help out anymore? Isn’t his happiness the priority?
Nonetheless, he knows that fighting back isn’t worth it. 
Instead, he figures channeling that energy toward you would be more productive.
Although, with the last encounter the two of you had, it’s a bit doubtful he’d be able to achieve anything from being miles apart. For one, asking you to come see him when he had absolutely no plan whatsoever on what would happen when you arrive is… bold. Not to mention, you rejected his offer, saying something along the lines of, “that’s not how asking for forgiveness works,” and “things don’t get resolved on some ‘vacation high,’ Choi Seungcheol.”
And by all means, you’re 100% right.
This is an entirely new territory for him—he’s never actually had to ask or beg for forgiveness before because quite frankly, he never cared to. Burning bridges wasn’t a new concept for him, it was something he frequents. His mom never seemed disappointed, so he never felt the need to be apologetic, even if he felt the guilt, the words never emitted. Or when his father made that signature displeased ‘tsk’, Seungcheol had always been below the expectation that forgiveness wasn’t even worth chasing after. 
But you—this experience with you, is a whole other thing.
That guilt gnaws on his insides brutally; he could physically see the impact that you have on him from his disheveled hair, bags underneath his eyes, and the sullen look on his face. Do you hate him? Do you want nothing to do with him? Did he ruin all his chances with you?
He’s never really had a serious relationship before—well, rephrase, Seungcheol has only ever had one serious relationship. “The Classic Couple,” was what they were called; they were the pair that the wealthiest parents would arrange for their children. The only thing wrong with them was that they didn’t work—or well, Seungcheol couldn’t make it work.
With a click of his tongue, reality settles in. If he really wants this, truly feels like there could potentially be more with you, then he has to make it work. This isn’t like the woman before you, you’re… you. Whether or not it lasts forever or just a couple months, he likes you—shouldn’t that be enough? Especially when you’re finally opening the door and hearing him out, stepping out of your own comfort zone? 
“I’m gonna head back home then, since it seems like I’m not needed here,” Seungcheol says, grabbing his phones with a soft ‘thanks’ to the staff as they clear the plates. “I’m sure you two can handle things from here. If there really is an emergency—”
“You should’ve stayed with that girl,” Seungcheol’s dad interrupts, infamously cutting him off as usual. “The girl you dated a couple years ago. Margaret.”
“Maeri,” Seungcheol corrects. “Her name’s Maeri.”
And for the first time, his father’s lips curl into a smile. “So, you remember her.”
“Well, we dated for a while.”
“Shouldn’t have lost her,” he says, inhaling deeply. “I think I can reach out to her father and make an agreement. I’m sure she’d be happy to have you again. I ran into her at the banquet and when I brought up your name, her face lit up.”
Seungcheol stares at his father in disbelief. “Again, I feel like we should have more control over who we end up with, not you. I’m more than happy to try assisting you with whatever it is you need but I should be the one who chooses who I want to be with.”
“And? You chose her before, you can choose her again.”
Seungcheol quits this time, reminding himself again that he needs to preserve his energy for you.
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There are a mixture of emotions that are flowing inside of you, eagerness and confusion, unsure of which to display. Do you showcase your excitement and elation or do you express the frustration and annoyance? Normally, it doesn’t really matter which you decide to promote; it’s only because this time, your reaction will result in what happens next.
Seungcheol sits on the hood of your car; in a leather clad jacket that hugs his arms so tightly, you’re almost tempted to spill an insult from between your lips on how he should get a size up (even though you most definitely can’t even stop staring), hair slicked back, and baggy black jeans, it’s the signature look of practically every label that Namjoon had given him. Seungcheol doesn’t say a word—instead, he watches you attentively, trying his best to determine what the expression on your face depicts. 
He can’t quite tell what you’re thinking. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask, finally shattering the silence. “Get off my car.” You don’t really mean that, you like him here, and the fact that he’s back, still himself with that smirk on his face, only comforts your heart.
“Come on, baby,” he calls out, ignoring your sharp words with his fingers barely grasping onto yours, tugging you in close. The pet name that’s disgusting from a stranger is somehow sweet when it slips off his tongue, luring you in like some hypnosis spell. “You don’t miss me?”
Of fucking course you do—if it’s one thing that you admit, it’s that you were wrong about him. He’s not what those labels people whispered through the grapevine, completely different from an unattached, apathetic guy who doesn’t want anything that lasts longer than a night. 
But you’re not gonna let him know that. At least, not that easily.
“No,” you retort through your gritted teeth, almost as if it’ll filter the insincerity of that response. “What’s there to miss?”
His hand slips into yours, interlocking your fingers before pulling you nearer. “Everything. Was it quiet down here? Were you lonely? Did it feel weird not to see my motorcycle out front? Or the garage open? What about my company? I know you hate the way I chew on gum, but I’m sure you missed hearing it in the background.”
You chew the inside of your cheek.
He’s so cute, and you feel like an idiot for being another girl that ends up on the list of falling for his irresistible charms. 
“I felt like a one-night stand, Seungcheol,” you confess, his full government name slipping off your tongue with bitterness that hits his ears. He couldn’t get a pet name out of you, but his nickname is enough and his smirk is wiped from his face within seconds. “We fucked then you suddenly pick up a phone call then I just—I never hear from you again.”
“I admit that it didn’t help my case,” he sighs, pushing himself off your car. You’ve got your arms crossed against your chest, a shield to protect yourself from him. “And I can fully explain.”
He starts off with his dad—this cold, distant man somehow ended up with a woman that’s the opposite. Underneath that hard facade, he’s a father who wants his two sons to run his business, only that neither of them inherited the drive to push the company the way that he does himself. 
“… That night that I left, I didn’t come back to the party ‘cause my dad made it seem like the company was goin’ under,” he discloses, deciding that now, he isn’t going to hide anything from you anymore. “I thought I had to go into this big board meeting with my brother and sign off to sell shares of our company ‘cause my dad fucked up or something.”
You roll your lips. There’s a bit of regret for making him feel bad, but it doesn’t discount how he made you feel either. “And then?”
“It was some stupid trap,” he groans, shaking his head. “He’s really good at doing that ‘we’re blood,’ guilt scheme. But uh, listen… I don’t expect you to forgive me or for this to fix up overnight.”
“Then what do you expect?”
“Honestly, um,” and for a moment, he pauses before chuckling. “I really contemplated asking you to be my fake girlfriend. My dad has this thing where he’s constantly trying to set me up with other women—”
The fronts of your brows shift together.
“—but,” Seungcheol adds, hoping you pause your thoughts from going in a direction where you’d stray from him. “To me, there’s just you.”
You blink blankly. “And what does that mean for us then? Where do we go from here?”
He slowly eases his arms to wrap around your waist, hesitant in his movements to confirm that you’re okay with his touch, only to then feel the anxiety lift from his shoulders when the weight of your arms replaces it. “We can… fix us. If you can push aside all the prenotions you’ve had of me, view me as someone that could be your boyfriend, then I want this if you do.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks; Seungcheol always manages to make your heart skip in its beats and cause that churning in the pit of your stomach. “Okay… but—” his smile fades the moment the second word appears, “—but we have work to do. You can’t exactly say we started off on the right foot.”
That stupid grin pulls on his lips once again as he settles back down onto the hood of your car, legs parting for you to sit yourself in his thigh, arms never leaving your frame. “I agree, pretty. I’m ready to do this when you are.”
And with a soft kiss planted on your nose, the comfort and warmth it brings makes you feel like this… is right.
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Seungcheol admits that within the last month, his life has been pretty mundane in comparison to what he’s used to.
For one, he hasn’t received a call from his parents. Maybe they’re way too occupied to be concerned about him or that there wasn’t enough going on for him to tag along for, but all he knows is that it’s been radio silent on their end. Plus, the garage has been rather busy lately—he credits you for the increase in foot traffic, recalling how you rolled your eyes and snatched his phone from his hands on a Saturday night lounging on your couch, muttering “how are you supposed to get any business if you don’t advertise yourself?” Truthfully, he’s been banking on word-of-mouth from your neighbors that found out he does car maintenance, but this newfound array of customers isn’t so bad.
He likes the simplicity of this—in the mornings, he’d get to the garage early in the morning and park his motorcycle right by your steps. Pushing the overhead door with a rumble, he’d brush his hands off from the dirt residue left on the rubber at the bottom before placing his hands on his waist to take a good look at his shop—yes, his shop. He’d gotten so accustomed with calling it a literal garage that he forgets that it’s really a shop. Brew a pot of coffee, turn on the little TV he got for waiting customers (really, it’s for himself) before he got to business.
Then, around 6PM, you’d be back from work, dragging your legs up the steps into your home and he’s behind shortly after closing up. He enjoys how domestic everything with you is—cooking dinner together, eating dinner together, and then washing the dishes with one person scrubbing and the other rinsing before settling onto the couch to watch something on TV. Last night, you suggested, “King the Land,” which he normally isn’t a fan of watching K-Dramas, but with you, he finds anything entertaining.
Although the old version of himself wouldn’t ever confess this but… he likes being a boyfriend.
Maybe it’s just specifically that he likes being your boyfriend, considering in his last relationship, he didn’t favor that title as much. But now, he finds himself getting a little giddy inside when you introduce him in that way, almost like little kids get when their crush approaches them.
There’s something about the way you’ve given him a spot in your dresser for him to leave his spare clothes in case he unexpectedly stays the night, and how there’s a toothbrush residing in the cup beside yours, or even the fact that you’ve bought another set of slippers that’s just for him… it makes him feel more at home than at his own home. Seungcheol didn’t sleepover during his wave of late night escapades, but with you, he finds that the left side of the bed unspokenly assigned to him is something he didn’t know he craved for.
Seungcheol loves it. He loves all of it. And truthfully, if he didn’t catch himself before spilling it, he would’ve said he loves you, too.
Today is slightly different than usual, deciding that he would leave the estate earlier (and weirdly enough, living under the same roof as his parents didn’t tempt them from bugging him recently, but they did live on the opposite side of the home) so he could stop by the local coffee shop and grab you a cold brew.
You’re so pretty when you look surprised to see him outside your front door thay morning.
“Hey gorgeous,” he greets, that cheesy smile never leaving his face. You grimace at the term of endearment, but your expression juxtaposes how you feel inside. “I thought you’d like a change of pace and enjoy something from the cafe instead.”
“Thanks,” you mutter, grabbing the drink from his hands. “Vanilla?”
“Three pumps. Just how you like it, baby.”
You’re still so awkward when he says things like that—it used to be so easy to roll your eyes and push him away when he’d do it in such a sleazy way. But now, knowing the genuinity behind the words, he leaves you flustered. Even if he’s annoying and it’s the grossest thing he’s ever said.
“I have about six appointments today,” Seungcheol reaches over to open the lid of his black coffee, the steam rising from the paper cup. “You said you had a doctor’s appointment? So you’ll be back earlier?”
“Mm,” you hum in agreement, zipping up your backpack. “I’ll grab lunch for us?” And shortly after, he watches you drive away to work before getting back to the garage so he could greet his next client.
If this is what it’s like to be part of the working class, Seungcheol could get used to this.
He acknowledges that ever since the two of you had resolved your issues, he got a bit carried away. Investing in his makeshift shop has become a whole ordeal, only because the constant drilling, clanging, and unnecessary constructing noises from the equipment installers weren’t exactly what he thought was going to come out of it for the first two weeks—but the realization that he could grow his business from the new customers made him excited. For the first time, Seungcheol felt like he was doing something he was proud of.
So yes, driving or walking by this garage in the middle of a city suburb underneath a house with a whole jacking up station for cars looks futile, but the abnormally high ceilings of your garage should be taken advantage of.
He likes this—beneath a car, pushing aside the plastic tray from this 2018 Honda Accord after unscrewing it and unplugging the drain plug before it falls into a bucket he uses as an oil receptacle. This is nice. This is calming. There’s no hollering from board members, no backhanded compliments from his father, and no attempts on pressuring him into doing things he doesn’t want to do like date a girl whose father has a monopoly on owning property the next town over.
Seungcheol just wants to watch a gallon of old oil release from a crankcase and into a bucket.
And honestly, he thinks his thoughts have spoken too soon when he notices a Rolls Royce Boat Tail pull into your driveway.
He hasn’t met everyone in your life, but one thing he knows for sure is that even the wealthiest people you know (Namjoon and Yubin) don’t flaunt their money in front of you. The rest of your friends are middle class, average working people, and the only way someone is driving to your home with a $28 million car is if they’re part of his life.
“Choi Seungcheol,” the person calls out; the door is shut behind him with a thud, Louis Vuitton sunglasses sitting comfortably on his nose with his long brunette hair combed away from his face. He dresses in a flamboyant shirt, the first couple buttons unraveled, and in sandals that cost four times your car. “I heard you do mods over here.”
Seungcheol comes out from the garage, brows furrowing when he realizes who makes an attendance at his shop. Juxtaposing in a stained white tank and the upper half of his overalls tied around his waist, for a moment, he felt like the two of them were part of two different worlds. “Yoon Jeonghan–do you really think you want to mod your car? Do you even know what that means?”
Jeonghan takes off his shades and slides it into his shirt pocket. “Absolutely not, I heard some guy mention it in a movie once,” he grins cheekily. “So, I heard you got a new place.”
“Well, I’m renting a garage.”
Jeonghan blinks blankly. “What’s renting?”
Seungcheol chuckles, walking back to his station as Jeonghan follows in suit. “It’s when you pay someone to use their space,” he grabs a rolling chair from behind a desk and gestures to Jeonghan for him to sit down. “What’s up? What are you doing here? You didn’t come here to get a lesson on renting.”
“I’m more surprised that you don’t own this place,” Jeonghan stares at the chair skeptically before glancing over at Seungcheol who points to it again. “And… not owning any new furniture.”
“It’s an autoshop, Hannie.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t afford clean chairs.”
“Alright, alright,” Seungcheol rolls his eyes, grabbing a rag to wipe the opening for any residual oil. “You come here to lecture me about my place or are you here with an actual reason?”
His friend sighs, finally deciding to plop onto the old swivel chair. “I know you briefly told me that you’re ready to move on from your parents…”
Seungcheol scrunches up his face, grabbing a cylindrical tool from off his cart as he eyes Jeonghan carefully. “Something like that, yeah.”
“And rumor has it, your dad hasn’t been happy about your brother and his new girlfriend.”
“I wouldn’t say new, but my dad has been acting new about her.”
“Well, he’s been making moves to target you instead.”
The tool wraps around the oil filter, and with a bit of strength, it loosens as more oil spills from the sides, flowing into the bucket in unison with Jeonghan’s news.
“He’s targeting me? Stop being so ominous and go straight to the point.”
“Maeri’s back,” Jeonghan finally spills, and Seungcheol pauses in his movements. “Your dad met up with hers the other day—I have this bad feeling he’s gonna try to set something up.”
Out of all the people that Seungcheol has met through his parents and from their “community” (aka the rich people cult), Jeonghan is the only person he trusts. Although Jeonghan will never cut ties from his generational wealth, his loyalty as friend and unconditional support for Seungcheol has always been admirable.
“I mean, he hasn’t called me and—”
“Hey! I’m back! I brought—” you stop in the middle of your driveway, staring at the car you could never afford in your lifetime before looking at Jeonghan and Seungcheol. “I—Oh, uh, hey.”
Jeonghan grins mischievously, stealing a glimpse of Seungcheol then back at you. “Hey, I’m Jeonghan. Seungcheol’s friend.”
You mimic his smile, and something in Seungcheol eats him up whole because he’s quick to speak before you do. “Jeonghan meet—” he says your name, then for a brief pause, he calls you by a label so confidently, he even surprises himself. “—my girlfriend.”
Girlfriend. He hears Pomp and Circumstance play inside of his head, the image of him receiving his diploma at the podium while in a cap and grown flashes before his eyes. Choi Seungcheol has finally graduated from the school of fuckboys, reaching that point in his life where he looks at the prettiest girl who manages to make his stomach tie into knots and call him his—truly his. 
“Wow,” Jeonghan clicks his tongue. “Your girlfriend? Insane. I thought you said you weren’t gonna settle.”
He shrugs with that smirk on his face. “Wasn’t. But when you meet a girl like her, who are you to say no?”
Your cheeks heat up as you place the bag of food on the coffee table. “It’s uh… nice to meet you. I didn’t know Seungcheol had friends other than the girls he met at the club.”
Seungcheol shoots a glare but Jeonghan snickers. “I like you already,” he compliments, hand sliding into the pockets of his shorts. “I actually came to convince Seungcheol to attend a fundraiser that my mom is hosting this weekend,” the look Jeonghan gives his friend for a brief moment is suspicious, but the next inquiry gives it away. “… You should come too! Be his date.” 
“Oh, um—”
“I’m not sure about that, Hannie,” Seungcheol interrupts, arms crossed over his chest. “I don’t think she’d want to see that part of our lives.”
Jeonghan quirks a brow. “And why not? She’s dating you, right? I’m sure she can answer for herself, and I’m sure she wants to see that side of you and your family.”
Both Seungcheol and Jeonghan divert their attention to you.
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“You know, you didn’t have to say yes to Jeonghan,” Seungcheol’s standing outside of your bedroom door, leaning against the wall while waiting patiently for you to get dressed. “It’s a whole thing if we go—it ain’t like going to a work party.”
“Well, he—he made a, ugh,” you grunt, and he could hear you shifting inside with a struggle. “He made a point, if I’m dating you, I’m dating all of you.”
“Baby, why are you getting ready in private again? You’re acting like I haven't seen all of you.”
“I’m just—gah,” you knock your foot into the bed frame and wince. “I feel awkward.”
Truthfully, ever since the two of you had made it official, things haven’t… escalated, ironically. The nights he sleeps over are all pure and innocent; he’d nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, shower you with kisses, and wrap his arms around you to pull you close, resting your head on his chest. 
But that was it.
Nothing more.
He hasn’t asked for it or initiated it, mostly because he’s slightly afraid you’d take it the wrong way but quite frankly, he’s been holding himself quite a bit. From when you come out the shower, the thin oversized shirt that hangs from your body is no match for your nipples protruding through the thin fabric, how you bend over to grab something and your sleeping shorts barely covering any skin, and there was even a time where you’d reach over his lap to grab something, breasts brushing against his thighs and ass up, he was wrestling with his sweatpants to hide his raging boner.
Trying to be a respectful gentleman, he keeps his distance. Normally, he’d be bold in his attempts to sway you—just as he did several times, including that night in his bedroom back at home, but now that you’re his girlfriend, it… feels inappropriate?
Weirdly enough?
A part of him is afraid you’d leave, especially when he’s got you now, but he admits that those cold showers aren’t doing any favors for him anymore.
“…Hey,” you call out again, this time it halts his train of thoughts with the door swinging open. Clutching onto the fabric of your dress in the front, his eyes immediately focus on your cleavage. Fuck. “The zipper is kind of low. Can you help me?”
He swallows that brick inside of his throat when you turn around.
Pushing your hair aside, you give him a view of your entire back. The zipper latch is right where your ass curves, and with a sharp inhale, he places a hand on your waist before pulling it up. It feels brutally slow, not to mention when he reaches up higher, he realizes where he expects your bra—there isn’t one. The smoothness of your skin is exposed and his dick twitches in his pants.
“Uh, um. I’m done,” he steps back, clearing his throat. “Ready?”
He feels like a vacuum sucked the air out of his lungs.
To him, you’re gorgeous all hours of the day. But something about today, in that tight fitting dress that hugs the outline of your body so well, and the makeup you applied only amplifies your beauty. He can’t help himself when he’s sneaking glances at your chest then back up to your eyes to the point he needed to get the fuck out of the house before he oversteps a boundary.
“Wow, uh, you look great!” Way to act natural. “Let’s uh, let’s head out.”
“Mkay,” you make your way before him to the front door, rummaging through the closet for your heels, and he turns away when your ass sticks out while you slip on your shoes. “Can you start the car?”
It’s going to be a long night.
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pablitogavii · 10 months
Happy Family Pt. 2
Here is PT.1 for y'all :)
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The next morning you were the first one downstairs preparing some coffee while texting one of your best friends from back home. You just needed to tell someone what happened last night or you would burst.
"Morning hermanita..." you suddenly heard dropping your phone on the ground not expecting him to be so close and he chuckled picking it up for you.
"You really enjoy scaring me, don't you!?" you say about to take your phone away but he kept it looking at the messages which made you freak out.
"Apparently you don't mind me that much, hermanita" he smirked reading your message before giving you back the phone and you were once again bright red. Damn it! He keeps winning this war!
"Buenos dias kids. I will drive you both today" Sr. Pablo said carrying his morning newspaper while Belen went to make some breakfast. She told me yesterday during dinner that she loves to have all meals as a family and I thought that was so adorable.
"Por que!?" Pablo said and his dad gave him a stern look reminding him of the promise you broke yesterday so he just shut up sitting down waiting for breakfast.
"Bon día!" a boy entered carrying the bag with fresh pastries putting it on the island before greeting he parents, shaking hands with Gavi and finally arriving to where I was sitting.
"I'm Javi..nice to meet you..I'm.." he shook your hand and you interrupted him knowing exactly who he was from the talk.
"Aurora's boyfriend" you say and he smiles nodding his head as she joined in hugging him tightly.
"This is mi nueva hermanita cariño..I told her about you" she said and the boy blushed a little nodding his head and joining in for breakfast.
I went to change into my new uniform after we all ate walking downstairs where Pablo stood in his training kit making me unable not to look..he looked so much better in barça attire.
He was just as guilty looking up as I walked down the stairs staring at my placed skirt raising up a little as I stepped down. He moved a little coughing when his dad joined us and we went to one of his cars.
I was surprised that he opened the door for me thinking to myself that although being cocky idiot, he was raised in a good family and was still a true gentleman.
"Gracias.." you say trying to be kind entering the car and he closed the door before getting in the passenger seat. You had to stop by the gas station and when his dad left, he turn around shamelessly looking at you from head to toe.
"Do you want a picture cabrón!?" you say looking away from your phone and he smirked nodding his head about to take his phone but only chuckling when you blushed red.
"I don't need a picture hermanita..I will remember you in that little uniform for sure..just like I remember you in those red panties..every detail" he whispered the last part and you felt yourself shivering while playing with the edge of your skirt in nervousness. Thankfully his dad came back quickly and he turned around.
When you arrived to the university, there was a hoard of fans around the car knocking on his window until he opened and gave a few signatures.
"And this always happens??" you ask truthfully never experiencing anything like this before and Pablo's dad chuckled nodding his head.
"At least nobody will notice me being the new kid.." you joked grabbing your bag and leaving the car hiding from the camera shots and rushing to the entrance. Pablo watched after you clenching his jaw when some guy smirked while looking at your ass while following after you.
"Hey! You're Pablo Gavi's new hermanita right?" curly haired girl who was sitting next to you in class whispered and you sighed knowing this would happen.
"Yes, I am..and no, I can't get you to meet him!" you say opening your book but she only chuckled shaking her head.
"No..no..you got me wrong. I saw you come in and noticed him in the passenger seat. I have a boyfriend, and thought you could use a friend. I'm Nicole" she said and you nodded smiling at her.
"I'm sorry..I just thought.." you started but she interrupted you.
"You're right to be careful..most would only play nice to get to him through you" she said and you nodded before the class finally started.
"Hey Nick! Back to school party tonight at 10? Bring that bombón too" some tall guy said to us while we were waiting in the lunch line and she smirked nodding her head.
"Who is that??" you say thinking he was kinda handsome but still a little too cocky for your taste. It seems all cocky guys glued to you since you arrived to Spain!
"That's Charlie. But don't fall for his charm..he's the biggest player. Doesn't mean we don't take the free party ticket tho! I'll pick you up at nine?" she said and you nodded although you still had to ask your 'new parents'.
During the dinner, when everyone was there you decided to bring up the party you were invited to hoping they would let you go.
"It's the back to school party and I would really like to go and meet some friends?" you said and they looked at each other trying to decide together.
"Since you just got here, we would like someone we know to go with you.." Sr. Pablo said and you understood knowing that they are responsible for you while you live with them.
"I would go but it's date night tonight..but Pablo is free?" Aurora said and you knew this would be a hard thing to ask but you really wanted to go. You just turned towards Pablo who was eating his toast carelessly meeting your big pleading eyes.
"Stop looking at me like that!" he said but you kept looking at him sadly now pouting as well while his parents smirked chuckling amongst each other.
"Come on hermano! You can't say no to that!" Aurora said smiling at you and he sighed shrugging his shoulders agreeing like it's not a big deal.
You jumped hugging him from behind without thinking which took you both by surprise. You returned to sit down and eat with blushing cheeks but happy to have convinced him to take you.
"Are you ready finally!?" he knocked on your door and you opened making him stand back looking at you in awe which defiantly built your confidence.
"Um..you look nice hermanita" he said you smirked nodding your head and walking by him towards the stairs.
"Thank you Pablo" you said for the first time using his name instead of some insulting nickname. He smiled after hearing that following after you.
"Ready to go chica!?" Nicole was in her jeep in front of the house and you smiled nodding your head but Pablo unlocked his own car.
"You're riding with me! No arguments!" he said before you could whine and you just shrugged nodding your head and getting into the passenger seat as he held the door open.
When you arrived, you met with Nicole introducing her to Pablo before you three entered the club. Pablo was not much of a party lover especially since people always surround him asking for pictures and autographs.
"I'll be by the bar..behave yourself hermanita!" his voice was low and threatening and your panties were ruined but you decided to ignore it walking with your best friend to the crowd of people.
Nicole introduced you to some of her other friends when Charlie walked up with a bottle of vodka and a girl on his shoulder. He was clearly known by everyone but when he saw you he let go of her giving his whole focus to you instead of anyone else.
"It's a second time we meet..I think I deserve to know your name now bombón??" he said reaching out his hand as the girl snarled snatching the bottle and leaving.
You shook his hand smiling feeling a little uncomfortable with the whole situation but still liking the attention you were receiving.
"I'm Y/n..nice to meet you Charlie" you said and he smirked asking how you knew his name but everyone knew who he was anyways. Like you said before, too cocky for your liking!
"Y/n..how about I get you a drink to start this party huh?" he said taking your hand and pulling you towards the bar but you knew Pablo was there and didn't want to make a scene.
"No..um..that's okay..I'm not thirsty right now" you tried to get out of this but it was no use since he kept offering while pulling you to the bar where Pablo was sitting with own drink.
"Tyga! Let's make this bombón a rum cola" Charlie said making Pablo turn to the side clenching his jaw when he saw the same guy who was checking you out holding your wrist.
"You will not make her anything Tyga!" Pablo's voice was low and threatening and the bartender stopped pouring the rum in the glass.
You gulped when Pablo walked up around the bar to where you were standing snaking his muscled arm around your waist and pulling you to his side making Charlie let go off your wrist.
Pablo might not be as tall but he was bulking and didn't look like someone you should mess with, especially when he was angry like this. Charlie was just as angry getting closer and making Pablo hide you behind his back.
"Listen you can be the famous footballer all you want, I don't care cabrón!" Charlie yelled and people started to show up cheering for a fight and you started to freak out while holding onto Pablo's shirt helplessly.
"Stay away from her! I won't repeat it again.." was all Pablo said trying his best not to cause a scene and end up in every gossip magazine the next morning.
"Didn't think I needed Golden Boy's permission to fuck you, bombón??" Charlie smirked while everyone laughed and you felt so embarrassed from how he was talking to you. Who the hell did he think he was!?
Pablo was thinking the same exact thing tensing up about to move towards him but you pulled him back just wanting to disappear from here.
"Pablo, please don't..let's just go home" you snaked your arm around him waist to keep him from moving. Obviously you couldn't hold him back being much weaker but he was letting you calm him down.
"Yeah just go home footballer!" Charlie smirked and Pablo couldn't help his anger again pulling away from him and hitting his face with all his strength.
Before Charlie stood up, you screamed standing in between them and placing your hands on Pablo's strong chest not letting him move forwards.
"Please Pablo..for me.." you whispered the last part and Pablo looked down at your eyes sighed gulping heavily before grabbing your hand and taking you out of the bar. The ride home was quiet and you could tell that Pablo was very angry so you didn't want to test your luck.
"Thank you for walking away.." you broke the silence not expecting him to attack you about what happened next which is exactly what he did. Pablo told you to 'behave' and the next thing you do is get a drink with a playboy!?
"How could you be so fucking stupid huh!? Can't you tell when someone just wants to use you!?" Pablo was gripping his steering wheel and now you were getting angry as well. Why would he get angry at you for something that asshole did!?
"Well, if I'm so stupid why the hell did you save me!?" you spat and his jaw clenched breaking suddenly and your body trashed forwards and you were turning towards him angrily.
"You're in MY house, MY city and MY car so you're MY responsibility! Get that!?" he was yelling and you felt hurt that he just saw you as some bother in his life. Were you really such a horrible thing that happened to his life!?
"Then I'll stay away from you! Just drive me home, please.." you were sad and something in Pablo broke not wanting to be so harsh but the previous anger towards that asshole was still holding him.
You pulled your legs to your chest crying softly and Pablo felt like a real asshole trying his best not to look but every once in awhile he stole a glance at you wishing he can just dry your tears with his hands. You finally arrived home and you left before he could open your door rushing straight to your room. You just wanted to sleep and forget about tonight!
Pablo sighed walking past his old room towards the guest room wanting so badly to walk in an apologize for his actions. He didn't do that tho not knowing if it was a smart idea so he just left to get some sleep hoping things would be better in the morning.
Here's the second part :) I hope you like it!
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