#like this is THE SCENE im sorry but it is THE NICO SCENE
titansarmy · 1 year
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i don’t think you guys get it sometimes but jason. didn’t. hesitate.
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willow-lark · 9 months
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spot the difference
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pensymbols · 2 months
ah yes the brook/franky/robin/jimbei polycule also known as the babysitters also known as monkey d luffys biggest enablers
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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“Do you think love can bloom even on the battlefield?”(Monaco 2010-2013)
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demonio-fleurs · 3 months
can we talk about the fact that according to the new sbs it was hajrudin, gerth and goldberg (the new giant warrior pirates) who saved the books of ohara???? who helped ensure that ohara won????? that their legacy and all their hard work lives on????
like holy shit i cannot WAIT for elbaph and if oda doesn’t give me robin interacting with them and thanking them for saving the books then i’ll write it myself!!!!
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sedgewick-gayble · 10 months
oh btw quick question could any creole/cajun people who are familiar with lackadaisy comment on it's portrayal of nico and serafine savoy bc one of my friends pointed out things they thought were kind of weird but none of us are like. qualified to tell if theyre actually misportraying cajun/creole/black people and all of that so um thank you 👍
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uluvjay · 1 year
Can I request a Nico blurb using the first prompt on the friends to lovers list?
hugging and absentmindedly kissing their neck, resulting in mortification for one of them
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Nico Hischier x reader
Warnings?; Awkwardness, kiss, club scene, alcohol, hangovers
Sorry for any errors!
The devils were having a end of the season night out at their favorite bar in jersey before everyone headed their separate ways and Nico had invited you since you were his best friend.
However Nico was very wasted and you currently had him trapped in the booth while you waited for your Uber back to his apartment.
“Your such an Angel for making sure I get home safe” he told you, placing his head on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you.
“Anytime Nico” you laughed while patting his head.
You got the notification that your Uber was only five minutes away so you gathered up Nico and made your way outside to wait the rest.
As you were both standing there he wrapped you in a big hug causing you to laugh, this wasn’t new Nico was usually pretty clingy when drunk.
However what you weren’t expecting was for him to dip his head down and place a few quick and short kisses to your neck. You couldn’t help but freeze even as Nico began to speak to you.
You were stuck in thought until your phone went off and you looked up to see your and Nicos Uber. “C’mon Nico, gonna get you home” you told him pulling him to the car.
After successfully getting Nico into his apartment and into bed you stood in his kitchen thinking about what had happened a little over forty five minutes ago.
To say you were embarrassed or modified would be downplaying how you were feeling. You were feeling a large mix of emotions from mortification, excitement, sadness, confusion.
You liked Nico more then a friend but he didn’t know and after tonight you weren’t sure how you were going to continue on. There was no way he was going to remember what he did and you didn’t know if you’d be able to bring it up In the morning.
You decided it was best to just go to sleep on Nicos extremely expensive and comfortable couch and that you’d figure everything out im The morning.
When you woke up in the morning you felt your feet on someone’s lap and quickly sat up only to realize it was just Nico.
“Morning sleepyhead” he greeted
“Ugh, what time is it?” You asked
“9:30 am” he told you.
“How the hell are you awake right now? You were obliterated last night” you told him trying to push the anxiety that was stirring in your stomach to the side.
He just laughed and shrugged his shoulders allowing an awkward silence to fall over the living room. You laid back down just staring at the ceiling, trying to decide what to do.
“Hey Nico?”
“You uh…you kissed my neck last night” you hurriedly blurted out.
“I know” he told you, causing you to shoot up and look at him like he was crazy.
“What!?, how can you remember that?” You were so shocked right now.
“I’m not sure honestly but I am sorry, that was probably so uncomfortable for you and I just caused so many issues because I know you down feel the same and I-“
“Feel the same? Nico what?” You cut him off
“I have feelings for you..have for a while now” he told you.
You scooted next to him and sat up on your knees cupping his face. You looked in his eyes for a moment before you pulled him in and gave him a kiss.
“I like you too” you admitted as you pulled away and rested your forehead against his.
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
fic rec friday 3
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
Memories Made by zjass06
"Hi! I'm Will! You're my new neighbour!" the blonde boy beams; Nico frowns in turn, peering curiously at this Will. "My ma' says not to talk to strangers," Nico replies as he sits himself upon the grass. Will plops himself down next to the dark haired boy, who giggles so purely it makes his smile contagious. "I'm not a stranger, I'm your neighbour! You live next to me now and we can be friends!" Or A few snippets of Nico’s life and how his friendship develops with Will, all within a much treasured treehouse.
childhood friends to lovers will ALWAYS be elite. to me. and the centrality of this treehouse in this fic is so fucking cute bc they absolutely are the type of nerds to have a treehouse they use well into their late teens lol
2. Mafia by @buoyantsaturn
Nico is the most terrifying mob boss in New York, and Will is his live-in doctor. A Mafia Au
MY FAVE SOLANGELO SERIES TBH. like is it toxic a little bit? yeah. did the second one make me squeamish? yeah. in the 6/7 years since its been posted, have i read it literally DOZENS of times?? you betcha. idk man theres something about the danger of it all. the insane mob boss and the doctor hes whipped for. SO SO much fun and so so so romantic
3. you stormed into the battlefield (of my heart) by fedyaism
“Doctor Solace,” he says, “would you be willing to tend to a foe?” Will blinks. (He had practically expected everything but this.) “I’m sorry?” “I need you to heal an enemy for me. Can you do that?” Grace asks in a tone that lets Will know that he wasn’t really asking. “An… an enemy, sir?” “Yes. I will send him to you.” “Of course, General.” (What else could he say?)
this ends ambiguously but i am Choosing to believe they find each other again and live happily ever after for ever and ever bc im a weenie. its just...man fuck the military and i got no fondness for war BUT this isnt real and ergo i can sigh dreamily at love that is inherently kind of tragic and all the more desperately beautiful for you, yknow??
4. It's a Process by @oh-hush-its-perfect
When Nico comes out to Hazel, she really isn't sure how to react. Of course, she loves her brother to pieces, but something is holding her back. It takes a while to get over old beliefs. It takes a while to become accepting. It takes Hazel a while indeed. A.K.A. Nico is gay and Hazel can't wrap her head around it.
contrary to what the summary may lead you to believe, hazel is NOT at all homophobic in this fic. in fact her number one goal at all times is to be supportive, even as she struggles, and you know what? thats more important i think. her love for her brother is so transparently obvious in this one, she spends like 8k words doing everything she can to make SURE she is loving and accepting!!! hazel i love you. also the campfire scene had me giggling fr
5. three times everyone thought they hated each other by lizamarri
and the one time everyone realized they didn't ~ ft. capture the flag, big three kids sparring, will healing nico and being sassy about it, and more. enjoy!
NOTHING hits as hard as flirt fighting. truly nothing. also 3+1s are my weakness i stg, theres just something about outside pov and the sheer clarity of how much they love each other and love driving each other up the wall lmfao
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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keefessketchbook · 5 months
Episode 5
(Guys im sorry it took me so long, this week was busy)
"BABY DON'T HURT ME NO MORE" "I think i heard this in an orthodontist office" iconic
I love how Hephaestus told his story throughout the ride. It was a great way to show how shitty the gods are, even to their family.
I loved how Percy knew what was going on and talked about how his mom told him these stories so he knew things when he was shoved into the world of a backstabbing, manipulative family.
When Percy got out of the water and the hug!!!!!
I found it so funny when Ares had stopped and all of them were like little ground hogs/ whack a moles, peeking from behind the blocker things
"Thank you for the emotional abuse and cheeseburgers" <3
LOVED how they changed it and grover had to stay behind with ares because a. we got to see how grover is not a scared and shy/timid person, he can be manipulative and conniving b. we got a percabeth moment!!!!
I loved the Thrill ride o' love scene sm
I also loved how Annabeth got distracted at the entrance of Water land and percy was just panicking
I LOVED THE CHAIR SCENE. i saw that in last weeks end clips and i was so exicited
percy's little "it's okay. i'm okay. i'm okay. i'm okay. i'm-" SOBBING the tears in everyone's eyes
the "well, if neither of us is dead in a few days, we really ought to fix that"
how annabeth didn't even go for the shield, just straight to trying to get percy out
Annabeth's seeing luke's string cut :(
Annabeth's little rant at the end <<<333
Percy absolutely ready to beat ares ass
Peryc telling annabeth to come back for him, and her thinking it about his mama
kinda sad that weren't DECKED out in Waterland merch
NEXT WEEKS EPISODE!!!!!!! I love LMM with all my heart so im stoked to see him and hopefully a clip of Nico and Bianca
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grey-edges · 3 months
which one of the pjo books are you on right now? and which book, scene and character would you say is your favorite so far?
i’ve finished Mark of Athena and haven’t started House of Hades yet!
(*this got rambly IM SORRY but im just so invested in this series*)
obviously i love percy but honestly jason is my fav right now i just wanna dissect his character and also wrap him in a fuzzy blanket and send him to therapy. leo also gets a honorable mention as one of my favs im obsessed. (i thought nico would be my fav but tbh i barely even know him yet but i know once i get more content he will be #2 if not #1)
for favorite scene oh gosh i dont knowwwww. my favs from HOO not in any particular order, but the stress of annabeth and percy falling into tartarus?? unmatched,, annabeth helping frank with the chinese handcuff was too pure. OH and the battle scene in charleston where annabeth called percy by throwing her knife in the ocean i screamed, and then jason and percy combining their powers??? SO EPIC i need more of that pleaseee OH WAIT and the double giant battle with jason and percy and bacchus lifting them into the colosseum??? THE GASP I GUSP i reread that chapter twice that has to be my fav. also with the iceberg battle scene from SON when frank describes how insane and intense percy’s fighting is like go white boy go!! same with jason’s final battle with the giant in TLH like holy fuck! i was scared of him and his powers!! seeing them finally like come to and him unleash them and remember his true strength was so cool!! honestly i need to reread TLH and SON again already i ate them both up.
my fav scenes from the first series were all the underworld scenes in TLO like nico getting sent to his room I CRIED THATS SO FUCKING FUNNY and the river styx scene??? dont even get me started thats my new roman empire I SWEAR. other random moments i think about a lot are bianca killing that skeleton zombie army man in TTC i remember being so shook like ??? WHAT POWERS DOES SHE HAVE and then the REVEAL at the end with nico screaming at percy??? oh i just know walker and whoever plays nico are going to give a performance of the century with that and i cant wait to see it on screen. same with SOM the siren scene with percy and annabeth??? oh im gonna be sick. again i already feel like i need to reread the first five
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fictionalmenaremytype · 4 months
Percy Jackson episode 7 spoilers!!!
First of all, that cliff hanger is more cruel than the actual cliffhanger...okay maybe not but you get the point.
- WE GOT CRUSTY'S. If I'm honest though I wasn't really disappointed when I thought he wasn't in it.
- I am sad we didn't get DOA records but the fact that they didn't fare with Charon tells me DOA does still exist they just used a different entrance so I'm hoping for it to be used in a different season. Would be funny if Nico used it in the 5th season with Percy.
- Annabeth's "Dude, don't make me come back out there!" Tell him, WiseGirl!
- Oh my god Percy and Sally at his first boarding school is so sad but when I tell you I cheered when he locked that car door! Persassy at his finest.
- "not in Kansas" "Hey focus, we left kansas four days ago." "Yeah, I-" so it's basically Canon they were going to see the Wizard of Oz in BotL then yeah??
- Percy is so polite with all the souls! "We're all dying...to some extent."
- The boys bribing Charon and Annabeth is staring at them like they are about to get them in trouble again.
- "You can buy a new whistle" I cackled
- AWW CERBERUS...I mean Ahhhh Cerberus!
- Annabeth is so smart but Grover getting eaten?? Was scared he wouldn't come back.
- I feel bad for Aryan being covered in that gloopy stuff that looked gross.
- She just chucks Percy the ball to get herself up! INGENIUS!
- Aww Annabeth's little sad backstop moment and Percy wasn't even listening!
- The way Grover lost the pearl is very clever! I wasn't expecting that but it makes more sense than Poseidon forgetting about Sally.
- New Information?!?!? Mate you could have sent an email!!!! I'm sorry but maybe the fact he was on the school gymnasium roof probably suggests that the school wasn't keeping a good enough watch on him!!! Report the school!!!
- HOMESCHOOL??!?!?! Of course Sally can't do that she's barely able to support her, Percy, and Gabe as is! But Percy seeing all of that is so sad.
- That soul is terrifying I never want to watch the fields of Asphodel scene again (I've watched it four times)
- Annabeth getting stuck because of her regret (which I'm assuming is regret leaving home) I was scared for her. Completely forgot about the pearl.
- I really thought the sound were going to do some Weeping Angel level scary stuff.
- She's so smart using the pearl
- I thought the desert was another dream sequence but nope! How did I forget!
- Sad we didn't get the tartar sauce line but I'm also glad we didn't.
- I am convinced they only came off of Grover's hooves because he has hooves and not feet. If his foot filled the shoe properly he would have been dragged to Kronos.
- "is this?" "No!" "Well it looks like-" "it absolutely is not" "Okay, so what is it then?" "Yeah that's the master bolt." "I mean, I think so right??" I love how they show it takes them longer to get to the truth without Annabeth.
- return the bolt ❌️ Take the bolt to the person you think stole it ✅️
- The café scene is so sad what! "I would never do this to you." Has me sobbing. my favourite thing about the show is all the extra scenes we're getting that explains how difficult it was for Sally to raise Percy, it just adds to why there's so many year-round campers.
- that elevator is badass
- I love how Hades tries to connect with Percy with the nautical reference. He's so funny. I want a scene in season 4 or 5 of Nico just ranting in Italian and Hades sat on his thrown like "Yeah yeah I know."
- "huh?"..."the bolt is my brothers drama I don't want anything to do with it." Spoken like a true middle child.
- "my helm!" "Your what?" So funny. Percy knows loads of stuff about Greek mythology but not about the helm.
- Oh my god, the way this is setting Annabeth up to be the traitor??? The helm turns people invisible like her hat. Percy realised he was supposed to be dragged to Tartarus, which would make sense why she saved him from the chair...he knows someone partnered with Ares, and both Annabeth and Ares were upset with Athena when Ares arrived!! Kind of suspicious...
- "Kronos." chills.
- Hades helping them in exchange for the bolt makes sense now because he only wants to defend his land. He's thinking he's the closest to Tartarus, so he will experience his father's wrath first and therefore needs the strongest weapon.
- "Nice pearl?"
- "Hold fast mum."
- Sally burning the milkshake as an offering is so smart but WHAT CAFÉ HAS MATCHED IN THE SUGAR BOWL?!?!?
- The way Poseidon just turned up because Sally needed him <3 (couldn't do that for Percy though could you mate?)
- "it's a him, he saw it." I cackled.
- Poseidon and Sally having that kind of relationship where they put feelings aside to help the other person. It's giving besties with a child.
- "one day...one day when he's ready...when he knows who he is...and where he belongs...and fate has revealed to him his true path...and that day..." And that day is next Wednesday because surprise! Its a cliff hanger! And the end of the episode!
- The way they looked at eachother when they realised what was about to happen though has set them up to be such a perfect trio.
- I will never get over how cool Ares is!
- And riptide/anaklusmos (which for non book readers is the name of Percy's sword) looked so sick.
This episode was so good and I'm so glad it wasn't like a 25 minute episode. Even though the actual content only took 36 minutes, it felt well spaced and gave time to understand what was happening. I am a little teensy bit worried for how the last episode will go as there's quite a lot to cram in. They have to find the Helm and fight Ares and then they have to return to camp so I'm a little bit worried but I have faith that Rick, Aryan, Leah and Walker will pull it off.
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frillydoll · 2 years
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── STRAWHATS with a LOLITA crew mate!
warnings: fem reader! im sorry i didn’t include chopper, brook or franky, i had no ideas for them </3 :(
what is lolita? it’s a a subculture from japan that is highly influenced by victorian clothing and styles from the rococo period. it is not to be confused with the book or with ddlg. it is strictly a jfashion movement.
tbh,,, it’s probably the main reason he invited you onto the crew. you just look so funny to him! he’ll ask you a lot of questions, and would fiddle around with all your bows — not to be rude tho!! he’s just genuinely curious! oh and make sure to keep him away from your bags and jewellery, he’s probably gonna break it (nami, robin and you learnt this the hard way). he may come across offensive every now and then, but will not tolerate anyone being mean to you. the second he hears an insult leave someone’s mouth, they’re flying across the room!
robin would find you absolutely adorable !!! she would love if you showed her any new dresses, shoes or accessories you’ve gotten ! she also wouldn’t mind if you wanted to ask her opinion on new pieces or if you wanted to take her along shopping! she loves the history behind the style and how it’s a movement to rise above society!! i think it would give her a sense of appreciation for it! if anyone was to make sexual remarks, or just be rude in general, she would use her devil fruit ability to smack them INSTANTLY!
⸝⸝ ꒰ NAMI
nami’s first thought is how expensive everything looks. her soul leaves her body just thinking about it! everything is coming out of your pocket. if it’s your birthday, however, she’ll give you a little something! perhaps a new parasol, or some nice shoes! she’s very fun to go shopping with, you always get the best deals with her! she’s also the BEST hype-woman ever!!! she’s so down to do fashion shows with you. doing your makeup and hair together is one of her favourite things!
(this is a platonic relationship, but he is just being himself. there is mention of him treating you the same way he treats nami and robin… but no relationship!) sanji is hyping you up so much!!!! he’s constantly buying you new clothes, and is always making you sweets and pastries for tea parties! if you have a tea set, he’ll do everything in his power to keep it safe (which is quite a difficult task given the members of the crew). of course sanji will not tolerate any disrespect towards you! one minute they’ll be insulting you, the next they’re on the floor, a very red footprint on their face!
⸝⸝ ꒰ JINBE
uncle jinbe !!! the innocence that the style gives you makes him much more protective ! he’ll happily sit for hours as you show him all your new things. don’t mistake his silence as distaste though, he’s simply enjoying the peace and softness of the moment! if your shoes are hurting you feet and making it difficult to walk, he’ll happily carry you on top of his shoulders for a while! jinbe is also not tolerable towards negative remarks, but he’s more patient. he’ll always give you a chance to stand up for yourself, and won’t cause a scene if you don’t want him to.
i don’t believe he would give it much thought. that’s not to say he doesn’t find it a little cute though. it only makes you look more weak, in his opinion. he can’t help but keep an extra eye on you during fights, even if he knows you’re a good fighter! don’t try to show him your new clothes, he’ll definitely most likely fall asleep! every now and then, zoro will say a few teasing words — he doesn’t mean it! it’s just fun to mess with you, he’s like an annoying and mean older brother! <3
⸝⸝ ꒰ USOPP
usopp appreciates how confident the clothing makes you look! he also likes how it makes you look a lot weaker and smaller than him. as the appointed hairdresser of the crew (canon btw) he’s definitely the person to go to if you need some assistance with your hair! if you have curls (like me!!), you can trust him to take good care of them. he’s more than happy to help you style your hair and help with placing difficult accessories in it!
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wrongcaitlyn · 1 month
OMG, I KEEP THINKING ABOUT NICO AND EVERYONE'S TIKTOK ACCOUNTS AND I JUST REALIZED- There are probably so many edits of Nico floating around tiktok 😭😭
Like I just imagine that a popular genre of edit is like the sappy type with clips of Nico, Will, and Leo from like instagram livestreams and just general appearances with Ribs by Lorde playing in the back and AHHHHH
Ppl also totally do the same with Percy, Annabeth, Jason or Piper, Leo, and Jason 😭😭
Also, with the resurgence of Apollo and his music, people are probably making so many thirst trap edits of this man like it's ridiculous just how many edits ppl are willing to make of him and Apollo's kids hate it (especially with how FOUL tiktok comments are 😭😭) Apollo himself probably thinks it's hilarious
Austin is the only one who (thankfully) has never been scarred by such things (bro is so glad he never got tiktok)
There are probably similar edits of Nico floating around, but I can't imagine Nico being comfortable with that, so I'd like to think that his fans are nice enough not to post those kinds of edits 😭😭
Also with how famous Kayla and Will (Will doesn't know how but also he appears in like EVERYONE'S tiktoks) there are probably edits of them too, but Will's consist mostly of him and Nico while Kayla's are like badass edits of her archery competitions (and you best believe Apollo reposts them with sappy comments like "my daughter 🥹🥹")
dude the edits would be CRAZY partly bc it’s so hard to find good content of him so you KNOW itd be impossible to get scene packs. goodbye to the artists that you have interviews of and tour movies, it’s nearly impossible to get a good quality video for an edit of nico
which makes everyone use that one interview he did at 16 over and over and over and over againHDKDN
i DEFINITELY think the majority of edits are him with his friends or fan interactions bc those are like the only videos that are out there (but also the angels fandom treats leo and will as their own little niche celebs)
the part about the foul comments on thirst trap edits of apollo is SO SO SO REAL. you just KNOW that there are a thousand people calling him a dilf in the comments, and a blend of current clips of him with his older content in movies and shows… tiktok revives the apollo craze in a new generationJDKD
i just know that kayla would go through those comment sections, comment “i need to bleach my eyes” and then go through every single one and block everyone who says a remotely dirty thing abt her dad she is TRYING to live in peace (but there’s no escaping it)
there’d be people being like WHAT WHERE DID KAYLAS ACCOUNT GO??? and then be like oh shit… i commented on that one apollo edit…HDKDJ
i do think there are definitely some thirst trap edits of nico but the hard thing is that there’s like. zero clips that would be good for that. like they go off this 2 second video from a fan and a blurry vid of a concert from the nosebleeds and the editors do their VERY BEST to make it look hot
and yet the comments go insane anyway
will saves them but that’s not important
more people make thirst trap edits of leo just because it’s very common for him to interact with them and commentHEKFJS i just feel like he absolutely would
and also will just bc. i mean. it’s will.
also there’d be a lot of content of him from lou ellen’s vids… there’s be a random viral vid including him and he becomes white boy of the month bc of one incredibly viral velocity. but then he just. it’s like every year he’s white boy of the month for at least one month. and he’s like wtf how does this keep happening
nico saves all those edits as well but that’s not important
and kayla’s are def more of her in archery like there’s a very very niche section of tiktok that are such fans of her (also probably velocities of her dancing tiktoks) and since she has so much content online it’s much easier to edit her
anyway the variety between those fan bases i could go on for AGESDJDK i LOVE to imagine these types of things and your hc’s are spot on!!
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rosesradio · 1 year
they way I actually do not even like the blood of Olypmus, because like.... it is not even well written and i criticized it many times in the past. But the way even BoO is better than this book is...? because i evel liked solangelo better in that book even if it was trash im sorry lol. at least nico's character was written nice. his relationship with reyna was solid, and his scene with hazel in the hades cabin scene was adorable.
yeah, hard agree. granted it's been a while since i've reread BoO (my favorite is tlh & honestly it gets worse as it goes but--), but i do remember it being a little all over the place and underwhelming at the same time. not to mention the caleo content annoyed me.
(also yeah solangelo was shoved together so last minute in BoO, and will seeming to confront/blame nico for his loneliness was off-putting--i'm a fanon valdangelo fan, but as far as canon goes piper should have had her own moment to come out in hoo (instead of it just being mentioned for a page in toa) & then they should have built up jasico. but.)
with caleo & solangelo (& percabeth) & most riordanverse ships in general, richard loves the "they bicker but they love each other" trope. i think this worked out fine for percabeth, considering the way it was written showed they still liked each other, especially due to it being from percy's first person pov. with some of the other ships & something of a decline in writing quality, we've gotten this trope to such an extent that it literally seems like some of the characters hate each other. people picked up on this in tsats as well as past books. caleo got so bad in toa (i didn't read past the second book but i've seen spoilers/excerpts) that i literally thought that they were building to a cameo with a mentioned breakup in tsats, though my best boy leo was only a mere mention.
(then again nico's own sister was a mere mention as well & i think was mentioned even less than leo so they really don't understand what the relationships are supposed to look like between the characters--)
overall i've found that i often value the platonic relationships of the series even more than a lot of the ships. percy & grover's frienship was top tier from the first chapter, nico & reyna were a great pair as well (their moment of returning the athena parthenos & her saying they had "two homes now" is still remembered to most readers as one of the best parts of the book). i feel like if richard wrote his platonic relationships better (because most all of them have been essentially abandoned atp) it would make up for the fan-service-y quality of the romantic ships, but what do i know.
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thesungod · 8 months
their theme is so inconsistent like at the beginning it feels clear, being who you are and accepting each other’s darkness, but the way its done is 😬 and then it switches up to being literally budget toa saying “well everything can change yk??? don’t stay in the darkness” but in a horrible fashion and they’re acting like this is what they’ve been trying to tell me in the past 400 pages when it ISNT dont LIE to ME
i don’t think EITHER of them was reading the book as they write they were just mashing words together bc im watching a book promo for it rn and rick’s saying that will likes nico bc he likes nicos ““darkness”” and how intrigues him and mark’s saying neither of nico or will wants to change that core part of the other. which explains away him in BOO trying to tell nico that nobody disliked him—being that will was projecting his own feelings about nico onto others—and also relates will to apollo even more with their need to reach out to outcasts and love them. but then they didn’t write that they literally wrote that will doesn’t like it and he wants to fix it. thats my STEP SON and they did that to him.
rick did not want to write this book at all, and mark probably projected their nico stanisms onto the other characters without justifying the stanisms. you can really tell when rick has a passion for writing something and when he could not care less. the subtle toa promo in one of the gorgyra scenes and apollo’s updated glossary—he wants you to read toa so bad he could not gaf about this book. and yet apollo is never mentioned positively like give him back to me.
speaking of mark i think this is just a consistent issue they have when writing. i read reviews of one of their books (anger is a gift) and some were very negative about the way the narrative made the protagonist the most righteous person ever and completely revolved around them. ifl that issue bleeds into this book as well.
i saw people (including the writers) say this book is darker than a lot of rick’s other books and i really need them to shut the fuck up; THO literally had kids tied up in crucifixes to be burned at the stake 😭
ok sorry for the ramble i see the letters tsats together and i go on a rampage
you absolutely ate this up!!
also laughing at you calling it “budget toa” because that’s exactly what i said to a friend about this book once. i felt almost offended over the authors trying to fit the “everyone can change!!” narrative last minute and make Nico the symbol of re-invention after five whole books of ToA. i was very “how dare you stand where he stood” about it which is childish but alas.
i’ve also mentioned several times how will and nico’s conflict in the book was not intriguing to read about because it was inconsistent. not to mention that according to the timeline they’ve been together for a year!!! an entire year!!! and the book still has Will acting #shocked that Nico, idk, likes darkness.
the Mary-Suing of Nico literally the worst thing to ever happen to me. i’m usually all for my faves winning, but that’s after they’ve been through the mortifying ordeal of losing, yk. and i get that Nico has been through a lot but the book was basically a 400-pages-long ass kissing and i couldn’t do it.
i couldn’t even feel particularly moved or vindicated by Bob pledging loyalty to him in the end because it wasn’t cathartic at all. i was like we get it dude lol
same with his “friendship” with Piper tbh. not everyone needs to like Nico😭 i would have totally loved it if the book had shown a friendship progress organically through their grief for Jason or common interests (even if just briefly narrated through a recollection!! i’m not saying we needed chapters of flashbacks or Piper as a third main), but Nico does not mention her once ever. they didn’t even like each other in HoO!! then at the end of the book he calls her and he is all like “of course she wouldn’t be angry at me for not calling after Jason died <3 she understands that grief is complicated <3”
my king Piper isn’t angry at you for not calling because she dgaf about you. why would she. who are you to her
another thing I’ll never get over re: Nico and Will’s relationship is how, per the book, Nico encouraged Will to come out and was the first one of the two to do so, when every. single. thing written about them in the Hidden Oracle suggests the opposite.
why the fuck is Nico so reticent and embarrassed about admitting to be Will’s boyfriend in the first book of ToA if it’s Nico who came out first? IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CAMP might I add?
because i get that coming out to someone doesn’t necessarily mean being comfortable coming out to everyone, but Nico announced his crush IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CAMP. and asked Will out. and Will wasn’t out at the time. so whyyyy is their dynamic on THO literally the opposite of this? with Will pushing Nico to be more open about their relationship while Nico plays coy? because Apollo is Will’s father? idk, maybe i guess😭
but it’s pretty obvious the change in the dynamic was established later on and that the impression we were supposed to have while reading THO is that Will was the one more comfortable and in tune with his sexuality. like, come on.
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ladylooch · 11 months
Omg I think I need that same scene in nico’s POV
Can you imagine, you’re getting busy with your new lady that you like VERY much and your pregnant sister comes in unannounced! Hahahah
lexi: oh no I’m the other lady
nico: no that’s just my SISTER! Who is INTERRUPTING our special time…also now I have to beat timo up GODDAMNIT IM TOO NAKED FOR THIS
Nooo, but yessss but no... omg ☠️ 🤌🏻
18+ below.
"Oh fuck." Nico moans to Lexi as he slides all the way in. They had been playing a teasing game of cat and mouse earlier, but now that he caught her, he is dying at the feeling of her wet heat. "You feel so good." He kisses along her jaw as she lets soft, pretty noises fall against his hair.
"Nico..." She murmurs. God, he loves the sound of his name coming from her lips. She's so perfect. Everything he had been wanting to find. And she was right here, in this building for months before they met. He hates the time they missed out on.
Nico pulls up, rocking his hips into a steady rhythm. Hockey conditioned him for this moment. Lexi pulses around him and Nico has to focus on the cool leather of the couch against thighs to not come.
A rustling outside can be heard, but Nico assumes it's the neighbors across the hall. He thinks about covering Lexi's moaning mouth, but honestly doesn't care if anyone hears them. This is great sex. Let 'em wish it was them.
The door swings open.
"Jesus!" Nico gathers Lexi in his hands, falling behind the couch. Luckily the throw pillows tossed there earlier break the majority of the fall. Nico holds Lexi's head to prevent her from hitting it on the floor.
"Ow." Lexi whimpers at Nico's sudden exit from her. Did he fall? What just happened?
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry!” A female voice calls out. Lexi sucks in a quick breath, eyes widening in immediate recognition. Oh my god. Oh my god. Is there someone else? Is she the someone else? Nico looks down into her face, nodding no furiously.
“That’s my sister.” Nico looks over his shoulder as footsteps sound down the hall after his request for her to go there. He can tell Emma is crying. His mouth forms a crinkling frown as hot anger shoots through his chest. Why is Timo making his sister cry? Who the fuck does he think he is?
“Oh good. That makes me feel better.” Lexi murmurs, relaxing into the pillows. "You should get up."
"Right." Nico nods, clearing his throat. "We'll finish..."
"Later." She agrees. He can't help but laugh at the awkwardness. Lexi takes it in perfect stride with him, leaning on her tip toes to grab a kiss from him. Then she tosses him his pants and underwear. He does the same with her, saddened to see her pulling everything back on.
"Um, I'm going to go check on her."
"Sure. Should I leave?"
"No. Please don't. I missed you all weekend." Lexi had been working long, overnight hours at the hospital.
"Okay." She nods. "I'm going to hit the bathroom quick."
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