#lil bro comforting big bro <3
0ne-shot · 1 month
night terrors as you rest.
bjsjshs could you tell i dont feel creative with fic titles rn ANYWAY my brain is still so so full from rereading the metal virus arc and a vision came to me of espio's trauma from that. nightmares are still abundant for the poor teen lol. so i wrote a small fic about it in like. a day. enjoy!
It appeared again.
After thinking those events from 2 weeks ago had finally left his mind for good…
It still creeped into his head.
The distorted images of Charmy and Vector’s metal-coated bodies didn't leave his mind, even in his sleep.
But everyone was cured..? Why was this burden, that wasn't even a result of his fault, still weighing down on his mind until it caved in?
It was an innocent inquiry.
Something that Espio would ask himself to cope with the notion that– oh no, no, he DID know why it was still there.
That heavy guilt and grief that Espio had been carrying in his heart—still after everyone was cured—stayed. Stayed with no intention of growing a wall around itself to let itself be forgotten and pulled back those past images of his friends -– no, family, still with their bodies wracked and coated with metal until there was no more trace of their individuality. Just mindless zombots. 
That’s what they were seized into during that time.
 Worst of all? 
He couldnt even fucking do anything about it except helplessly run around to safe evacuations until he himself became one with them. Maybe that was fate. The most comfortable fate there, really. Out of all the screaming, mercy-kills and trying to save others, he’d pick that time of himself being infected to relive. To pay for the same pain he couldn't save his friends from.
Any pain– any sort of pain he had gone through or could’ve gone through then didn't amount to a speck when Charmy was punished for just trying to be a helpful child. Punished by being slowly dragged down a pool of zombots before he joined with that pool.
Or when Vector had to go through heavier grief for the loss of the kid, trying to preserve him before a cure could be found—all until Charmy escaped while infected and Vector had to latch onto him so nobody else could be put in danger. Then the door shut. And that was it.
Nobody else.
Nobody there with him.
His mind kept on tampering and entertaining situations of what ifs and gruesome outcomes of both his teammates – no, family, –  not coming out cured. Stuck like that.
And with it flashed Charmy’s infected body, how the youngest had to go first, how the little kid had to go through so much pain and agony while nobody was there to answer his cries—
Reality faded.
He wasn't sure whether it faded in or out.
But the ceiling fan he was suddenly gazing at and the small voice next to him proved the former.
``Espio!? Are you…?``
Espio’s head shot up as he jabbed his elbow to the mattress and sat up straight, breathing heavily and sweating as his heart pounded—ironically after rest.
That wasn't rest.
He was better off not sleeping.
He finally turned his gaze to the voice and as he predicted; it was Charmy. Sitting next to his bed with fuzzy antennae drooped sadly and a worried look filling his bleary little orange eyes.
``Charmy!`` Espio frantically replied,  ``You’re…`` 
 It was… almost strange to see Charmy worried. Espio never got the chance to really see the bee’s face so genuinely somber and concerned.
It only pumped that guilt further and further into Espio’s heart.
But maybe that was worth the coming relief.
It wasn't real.
It wasn't real.
What you experienced. Was. Not. Real.
They’re still here. Still with you.
Espio took a deep breath and attempted to gather his thoughts.
``Why are you awake? I assume it's already late.`` Espio tried his hardest to speak in a calm, quiet voice to Charmy through the panic-induced rasp that was clogging his throat.
``You were breathing really, really fast in your sleep.. and I got worried.``
He was?
He assumed he was silent through that whole nightmarish sequence. But if he was actually hyperventilating enough to wake up and worry Charmy…
Gaia, did he disturb the kid’s sleep because of it?
``...I'm fine. It wasn't anything note-worthy. You should go back to sleep.``
Every feature on the ninja’s body screamed otherwise to being “fine”. His usually swirly tail was still stiffened straight with those images running through his mind, and his heart was pounding wildly in shock from that nightmare.
But, still. Espio didn't want to cloud the bee’s mind and remind him of what happened to him during the metal virus: he had already moved on. That was for the better. The kid didn't deserve to think about that again. But he knew Charmy was one to press on, evidently so. So, the chameleon could only silently pray that he would not ask anything that couldn't be avoided without an answer.
``Espio…`` Charmy muttered with that concern still lingering in his head, ``That’s not normal to do while sleeping. Were you having a nightmare?``
Guess the universe wasn't feeling like answering that silent prayer.
There’s not many things in the world that can explain full on hyperventilation in sleep other than a nightmare or night terror…
Maybe if he just… could set aside what the nightmare exactly.. was…
``...`` Espio nodded in response to Charmy’s question, before trying to shrug it off.
``About..? It must’ve been freaky—I’ve never seen you so.. scared before.``
``I… It’s not worth noting.``
``Are you sure?`` The little bee pressed on.
Flapping his wings, Charmy flew over and climbed onto Espio’s bed, shuffling himself closer to the chameleon with his innocent eyes eager for an answer. He seemed to want to help calm down Espio with maybe a small side hug, or a pat on the shoulder, too; but the bee was hesitant with that decision considering Espio’s hate for physical touch. Especially when Espio’s stressed, like now.
``...I- It was just a night terror that.. isn't worth getting worked up on,`` Espio spoke through slightly panting breaths, ``and besides, I don't want to remind and stress you out, too.``
``It’s not gonna help bottling up whatever scared y— wait, “remind me”?``
Espio slipped out the very thing he was trying to avoid…
Realization slowly pooled in Charmy’s eyes.
…This should’ve been expected, huh?
He shouldn’t have tried hiding this.
Hiding this from Charmy, of all mobians.
…But before Espio could try and still save himself from this, he felt a small pair of arms cling around his own—doing what they feared to do before.
``...Espio.. It was okay to tell me, y’know?... I was scared during then, too.``
Charmy then cautiously nuzzled his head onto Espio’s shoulder. 
The ninja’s breath hitched.
He wasn't used to this. Used to having a younger one who you should be looking after, looking after you. Comforting you. It felt so alien to him.
It felt so alien with anyone comforting him, really.
It was mostly Espio’s fault for it, wasn't it? He’d always try to convince himself that walling off his vulnerability was the best thing for him; the best thing for everyone around him, too. Those emotions rarely seeped out, and when they did, every thought was cancelled out for one goal to get it together again and remain stoic once more.
The same thing happened just now, too.
The last part was the only thing that varied.
 His mind was screaming about how this wasn't right, and he shouldn't even have inadvertently told the bee—let alone burden him with his own fears and emotions. Charmy suffered more pain than he did, but he was the one soothing Espio? The chameleon felt so selfish for it.
…But his body said otherwise to his mind as he gently returned Charmy’s hug, wrapping his arms around the bee’s fuzzy, warm body.
His chest felt a little lighter.
He could feel Charmy’s wings twitch a little in shock when his arms returned the favour. It was clear the bee didn't foresee Espio actually accepting the hug—let alone hugging him back.
``Mhm?`` Charmy’s eyes gazed up at Espio, face still nuzzled in his shoulder.
``Thank you.``
Espio didn't know how else to express it.
Words didn't do any sort of favour, really. But he just… needed to get it out somehow.
The ninja couldn't see, but he could definitely sense a small smile emerging onto Charmy’s face as he tightened his hug around Espio.
``No. Thank you.``
They stayed like that for a while.
It felt so soothing. Staying in that position as his breathing finally calmed down and his heart’s pace started to relax.
The images — those horrifying images — slowly faded away back into subconsciousness.
Espio would’ve remained so still for just a little while longer until Charmy’s small yawn reminded the chameleon of the fact that it was still past midnight, and now extremely late. Cases were waiting tomorrow, so was a long, long day. They should get to sleep now..
But Espio didn't feel like letting go anytime soon…
In result, wordlessly, he slowly adjusted his grip around Charmy before slowly lowering his body and putting his legs onto the mattress again as he rested his head on the pillow; now cuddling the fuzzy little body in his arms. He felt Charmy finally comfortable enough to nuzzle his head onto Espio’s chest as he let his eyes flutter shut in sleepiness. 
Espio’s chest felt a lot warmer now.
For a while, Espio’s eyes remained blinking blearily and his hands still stroked Charmy’s fluffy fur—the very thing that lulled the bee back to sleep in the first place.
He stared at the window beside him.
This was quite the long night, huh..?
Espio didn't think it’d turn out this way, but he wouldn’t have chosen anything else for it.
He wouldn't trade this moment for the world.
Exhaustion came to Espio eventually, and he let his eyes close and his hand rest still on Charmy’s head.
``G’night, Charmy…`` Espio slurred with tiredness.
A few more blinks, then his eyes closed.
And the world grew dark again as Espio finally let himself drift off.
note: charmy ily <3 best bros ever
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lucreziajuan · 8 months
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"There are moments where [Juan] manipulates other people in a similar the way they’ve been manipulating him. The scene between Jeremy and myself with the dagger is a last ditch frantic attempt at trying to win [Rodrigo] over." Do you think Juan was genuine in the knife scene? Do you think he would have killed himself? "Yeah I think so. He always does what is true inside him...It wasn’t simply about the eventual confrontation, but all about the richness of this twisted family make-up."
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cock-ainee · 2 months
How the Hashira men sleep with their s/o!
Characters: Gyomei;Sanemi;Obanai;Tomioka;Tokito;Tengen;Rengoku x gn!reader
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• Poor guy is so big he takes up most of the space on the bed
• So, since you don't have much space on the futon, he lets you sleep on top of him-!
• Is a literal human heating pad, so don't you worry about getting cold at night
• Will hold you close with his strong arms, careful not to crash you with them
• Sometimes he'll bring in his cats to sleep with you two, so you'll have the fluffies all over you!
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• This man is so protective
• But also silly, so i imagine him sleeping ON TOP of you
• Like.. he'll just lay on top of you like he's tackling you against the bed
• If you try to push him off he'll bite (playfully)
• He loves feeling the softness of you against him 😞
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• Obanai is such an insecure little guy, he'll hide under the blankets!
• Finds it fairly difficult to fall asleep
• You're eager to help, letting him squish himself close to you and hide under the blanket like a mole
• Keep it in mind, you're dealing with Kaburamaru too!
• Snakey will most likely wrap around your leg or rest under the blanket in a cozy empty space
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• He's such a sub
• He'll be the lil spoon
• Bonus points for you, if you wrap your legs around him
• Sometimes in the middle of the night he'll turn around and you two will just be entangled together
• Totally feels odd when you're not sleeping next to him
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• He is a tiny baby
• I think he'd just lay on your chest or stomach, letting you cuddle him up
• And give him the comfort he deserves!
• He has the tendency to fall off the bed randomly
~Tengen + wives!~
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• Tengen just appreciates how he's swarmed by his partners~
• One on the left, second on the right, laying on his chest, and then another two on his left and right, laying on his stomach
• But hell is poor bro uncomfortable :((
• Tho he won't tell, you and the girlies know and give him massages!
• There are times where it's the opposite, him laying on the side, cuddling up to you while Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru just stack themselves over you :3
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• This man changes his sleeping positions all the time during night
• His fav is laying across from you, resting his head on your belly like the finest pillow
• Sometimes you'll find him laying between your legs, his face squished against your tummy 🥺
• (snores!)
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tarot-bimbo · 20 days
Pick a pile(⁠≧⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠≦⁠ ⁠)
Have you already met your future spouse?
1. 2. 3.
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4. 5. 6.
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Pile 1
No 😔 you haven't you are actually having delays around this connection maybe one of you need more time to heal. The card says you may be deceiving yourself emotionally. You can say you are ready for a relationship but as soon as you get in one you may pull away or shut them out. Basically I am seeing you need more inner work first.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2
No😅 I am seeing him coming in really soon tho. I think your future spouse lives very far from you so they have to travel a LOT. They are also having some problems I have no idea what tho😋 but they are moving very fast to you. I heard put a ring on my finger! So you could be calling this person in I see you two ready for this connection tho pookie😍.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 3
No because I am seeing your future spouse going through a lot right now you should try to spiritually comfort them ☺️ They are having big money problems so they absolutely have no time for love right now he's not even being represented by the knight but instead of the 2 of pentacles but he's working to build himself up to the king of pentacles. So he needs to work on his fiancees, well he just wants to be good enough for you , they are saying you dont deserve a scrub 😭
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 4
No... But! That's because you are the one that's supposed to find them😏 I am seeing you both frustrated that you guys don't have a lover but I think like next week you should be meeting bro honestly you might see him the next day after reading this I can feel the nervousness and the excitement bubbling up in me. So I am seeing travel more and you WILL find him
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 5
YES😍 you are the first pile today to get a yes sadly, But lucky for you. I am seeing you feel bounded or gagged tho? Maybe you did find someone but the feelings are so overwhelming or maybe you want everything to be perfect so the things they do that piss you off or hurt you, you may not speak on them but HONEY YOU NEED TO like ASAP type shit if you are feeling like that in this connection they will completely understand if they are the one if not then you let them go🍃
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 6
Yes again 🥴 I am seeing yes and no ands if or buts about it . Period💅🏾 I am seeing you two completely obsessed over each other lot of sexual energy 🤭 You are making me smile for no reason I feel like you have did your fair share of waiting and it was completely worth it 😌. You two might have even started off online thinking it would go nowhere but here you two are. I think what it was , is that you two may have fallen out one time or had a lil break or whatever and when you two linked back up then you guys realized you can't live without the other. You realized just how precious that other person is to you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
I hope you enjoyed your pile♡
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fanficriter · 10 months
Dating the BNHA Boys!
Warnings - None
Characters - Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Tamaki Amajiki
Notes - Isn’t my best work but oh well :3
Gender Neutral Reader
Izuku Midoriya
- Silly lil guy
- Took him a LOT of courage to confess to you
- Just kinda stood there dumbfounded when you reciprocated his feelings
- Poor boy is lowkey insecure
- He’s silently insecure about his scars :(
- If you kissed his scars i think he’d go insane
- Will probably cry
- He has little notes about how pretty you are in his quirk journal thingy
- Will go in rants about how amazing you are to his friends
- “Y/N is just so perfect and i love them and i don’t know what id do with out them they’re always there for me and-“
- If you have long hair, he always keeps a pack of hair ties incase you need them 😭
- When you tell him about something you like, he will write it down so he remembers
- Was soooo nervous when he first held your hand
- Always blushes without fail
- His hand are rough, but also rlly soft? (i need to make hand hcs holy shit)
- Doesn’t really like sparring with you bc he doesn’t want to hurt you, but he will if you rlly want to
- He will train together tho!
- He loves giving you tips, and watching you use your quirk
- Likes setting up little picnics with you bc he’s quite literally the perfect man ever
- He is a CUDDLIER
- Absolutely loves cuddling with you
- Loves it when you face him and dig your face into his neck
- Definitely talks in his sleep
- He loves taking you on dates to a bunch of different restaurants and such
- Gets so nervous when kissing you
- He loves it but he gets flustered way to easy
Katsuki Bakugou
- Malewife fr
- Will cook for you, though he acts like it’s a chore, he loves your reaction to all his different meals
- Deaf bakugou hc is my favourite thing ever i’m sorry
- He can still hear, (kind of) but he needs to wear a hearing aid
- He knows sign language, but really only uses it around his mom bc he’s embarrassed😭
- If you know sign language, you’ll win his heart IMMEDIATELY
- You were definitely the one to confess first
- Actually rejected you at first (he still liked you at the time)
- But after a few weeks, he confessed to you
- “I actually feel the same way or whatever… just didn’t wanna feed your ego to much…”
- Knows how to style hair weirdly well
- Will always make excuses to do your hair
- “Oi, c’mere, your hair looks like shit.”
- He’ll never admit it, but he LOVES head scratches
- Will lay on your thighs without warning, expecting you to scratch his scalp
- Sparring together is a MUST
- Don’t expect him to go easy on you
- Isn’t to big on PDA, but he’ll kiss you in private all you want
- The first few times you guys held hands, he was kinda scared that he would accidentally explode you 💀
- Doesn’t really take you out for dates a lot, it’s usually just movies and popcorn in bed
- But on the rare occasion when he DOES take you on a date, it is at the fanciest restaurants known to mankind
- Or hiking, he likes hiking
- It took a while for him to be comfortable with cuddling, but he loves spooning you, or holding you as you bury your face into his chest
Shoto Todoroki
- Confessed to you pretty soon after he realised his feelings
- Straight to the point
- “I’ve recently developed feelings for you.”
- Has a small smile when you said you liked him back
- He stares at you a lot
- Loves admiring you
- Also gives the weirdest compliments?
- “You have a nice facial structure, it suits you”
- “Thank you??”
- Will pick flowers occasionally and give them to you
- Literally buys you everything
- With his Dads credit card (You have no idea)
- You see a pair of shoes you like? BOOM. They are yours in 0.5 seconds
- He just buys everything bro CALM DOWN
- Loves taking you on fancy dinner dates
- You have to meet his siblings btw
- Mainly bc his sister WOULD NOT SHUT UP AB MEETING YOU
- She loves you
- So much
- It’s actually a bit concerning
- Doesn’t necessarily not like PDA, he just doesn’t feel the need to initiate it
- He can be a bit oblivious, so if you want PDA, just tell him!
- He has no problem with it
- Not really a cuddly person, but he will cuddle you if you want!
- Your relationship is definitely based on a lot of communication 😭
- As time passes, he will start to do those things without you having to ask, he just needed to get used to it
Tamaki Amajiki
- oh my god okay
- He confessed first but it took him SOOOO long
- Needed so much encouragement from his friends
- Then he just blurted it out while he was at your house one time
- “I- I love you!!”
- Almost died when you said it back
- Actually saw god when you tried holding his hand the first time
- CANNOT do PDA i think he would die
- Definitely an act of service man, he is too shy to do anything else
- Can’t reach somthing ? he’s on it. Your bathroom need cleaning? Consider it done!
- Also likes making you random little gifts
- Kiss him on the cheek i dare you
- He will EXPLODE
- Your always helping him calm down in public
- “Y/N i wanna go home”
- Further into the relationship he will slowly get used to physical affection
- I don’t think he will ever not get flustered tho
- He loves taking you out too eat
- Really likes picnic dates
- I feel like he meditates often to try and clear his head (there is a lot going on in there 😭)
- Will always invite you to meditate with him
- He actually really likes cuddling with you
- He almost dies every time but
- Loves when you spoon him
- Also loves laying on your chest (or the other way around)
- Absolute chef in the kitchen
- Always cooking u meals
This took my life 3 weeks to write i kept putting it off so it’s not as detailed as i’d like it to be but oh well
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simping-overload · 8 months
'𝟐𝟑 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐩
note: All of these can be subjected to change
fandoms: genshin impact, honaki star rail, bungo stray dogs, trigun stampede, modern warfare 2, jujutsu kaisen, obey me,
ヾthis is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem please do not follow or interact with my mlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning ゛
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𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝟏 - (𝟏𝟎/𝟎𝟏-𝟏𝟎/𝟎𝟕)
Day 1 - Zhongchi
including: cock hungry childe, zhongli has 2 dicks, slight overstimulation, begging, using hydro as a lube, happy arranged marriage plot
Day 2 - Dottore
including: bondage, excessive use of vibrators, multiple orgasms, gn reader
Day 3 - Sampard
including: vampire sampo, bitting, blindfolds, edging,
Day 4 - Dazai
including: aphrodisiacs, overstimulation, begging, gn reader
Day 5 - Kavehtham
including: overstimulation, degradation and praise, smei-public sex, fucking in a library
Day 6 - Diluc
including: playboy bunny diluc, body worship, blowjobs, throat fucking, amab reader
Day 7 - Jingrenheng
including: threesome, 2 in 1, bitting, overstimulation, ftm dan heng
𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝟐 - (𝟏𝟎/𝟖-𝟏𝟎/𝟏𝟒)
Day 8 - Doppo
including: lingerie (x & x), giving you a show, dick riding, amab reader
Day 9 - Jingren
including: reminiscing, rough to soft sex, kissing,
Day 10 - Simon "Ghost" Riley
includes: soft sex, dacryphilia, simon loses his virginity, marking, amab reader
Day 11 - DanCae
including: vidyadhara dan heng, heats, scent marking, biting, possessive dan heng
Day 12 - Wriothesley
including: werewolf wrio, knotting, breeding kink, cockwarming, gn reader
Day 13 - Vashwood
including: vampire vash, needy vash, feeding, thigh riding
Day 14 - Nanami
including: size kink, praise, breeding, bro has a massive dick, gn reader
𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝟑 - (𝟏𝟎/𝟏𝟓-𝟏𝟎/𝟐𝟏)
Day 15 - Suegiku
including: humiliation, degradation, edging, smei-public sex, fucking in a supply closet
Day 16 - Captiano
including: size kink, monster cock capitano, stress fuck, power dynamics, your his subordinate and he's your superior, gn reader
Day 17 - Satosugu
including: praise, let them be happy gays gege, kissing, handjobs
Day 18 - Satan
including: catboy satan, heats, marking, biting, dry humping, amab reader
Day 19 - Jingheng
including: power bottom jing yuan, ftm jing yuan, 2 dicks 1 hole, dan hengs first time
Day 20 - Oikawa
including: first-time anal, slow and soft sex, pretty crier oikawa, amab reader
Day 21 - ThomaTo
including: temperature play, thoma using his pyro, it gets hot and steamy
𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝟒 - (𝟏𝟎/𝟐𝟐-𝟏𝟎/𝟐𝟖)
Day 22 - Pierro
including: cockwarming, stomach bulge, slow + sleepy sex, gn reader
Day 23 - Renheng
including: dacryphilia, like old times but better, biting, kissing, a lil bit of blood
Day 24 - Machabloosm
including: friends w benefits, they act like they're dating tho, possessive karou, jealousy sex, kissing
Day 25 - Dan Heng il
including: praise, overstimulation, dirty talk, 2 in 1. gn reader
Day 26 - Neuvillette
including: public sex, sex in the courtroom, low-key gets kinda rough, gn reader
Day 27 - Dainsleif
including: hasn't had sex in YEARS, bottom + sub dain, cum play, amab reader
Day 28 - Wriolette
including: body worship, neuvillette gets overwhelmed, dragon neuvillettes, crying, comfort
𝟑 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝟏𝟎/𝟐𝟗-𝟏𝟎/𝟑𝟏)
Day 29 - Foul Legacy
including: big dick, stomach buldge, eating you out, long ass tounge, biting, gn reader
Day 30 - The Dullahan
including: public sex, sex in the woods, he's rlly pent up, rough sex, stomach bulge, gn reader
Day 31 - Mothman
including: oviposition, breeding, monsterfucking, last minute booty call, gn reader
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yippeerrrs · 11 months
would you be interested is writing smth about the 141 + König with a plus sized reader? I’m starved of this kind of content😭 if you would like to, you can do whatever you like with it! <3
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141 + König x chubby reader
This one's dedicated to my beloved plus size followers who are insecure abt their size / weight. You're beautiful js the way you are and i'm proud of you all <3
Basically this one's headcanons about how they act around you/think about you.
Finds you cute and feels comfort around you.
Definitely would use your plush body as a pillow (or weighted blanket bcs warm)
Would be protective asf, pulling you in closer to him at all times so people know you're his and his only.
Loves showering you with kisses, everywhere. Cheeks, lips, tummy. Everything.
If he sees you being bullied by other soldiers or teased by, consider them dead.
LOVESSS seeing you in his hoodies, makes him blush (even though he wont admit it)
He probably cant sleep without you, just can't, he misses ur warmth.
not very clingy, but when he notices you being stared at a lil too much he is SPRINTING to be by your side.
Soap McTavish
unrelated but i love his name so much (i wanna take his last name)
he fell inlove with you because of your outgoing personality and because he thinks you're adorable asf.
cuddles 24/7
loves you so much he talks about you whenever he has the time.
if you vent to him about feeling insecure mans would def help you workout and diet, would feel kinda sad you'd want to change yourself though.
showers you with kisses whenever he gets the chance.
bro works out and uses you as motivation so he can manhandle you in bed
buys you a shitload of stuff toys when you mention liking them.
uses your thighs as a pillow
Captain "John" Price
kisses you everywhere, uses your chest as a pillow.
likes pinching your cheeks, very cute.
overprotective asf.
he buys you everything you want because he wants to treat you right.
he likes it when you hug him, makes him smile so easily
would let you borrow his clothes. he wants people to know you're taken.
always showers you with love and affection (and money)
loves your outgoing personality, genuinely helped him slowly get better from social anxiety
i think he actually prefers chubby people, understands them more after being called "big guy" a lot.
weighted blanket.
kisses? yes, a lot.
hugs you from behind most of the time, genuinely loves you so much he doesnt wanna let go, ever.
missing shirts? oh sorry, used them for masks.
kisses everywhere when you tell him you're insecure.
gives you handmade gifts like paper flowers and etc
genuinely just loves you so much, very very clingy.
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 6 months
❝ just like magic, here you are! just like magic, in my heart. ❞
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━━ ⁎˚ ໒ 🍥 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞!𝐥𝐞𝐨 𝐱 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐢!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ⊹ ࣪ ˖༄
request — @snipersiniora : " Cool! Cool! As a ROTTMNT big fan my requests goes there especially either platonic, romance or sister reader in general (you can say i love these types of HCs/one-shot). ⨾ About the request; May i please - and as always if you don't want to, don't feel comfortable about it you can delete the request - Rottmnt romantic hc about Leonardo x fem!reader who's a Unicorn yokai? ⨾ Like she has a habit to flip her wings whenever leo is aroundshe loves wearing pink but once leo became her boyfriend she wear blue his color and she's super sweet and trusting of him. Something rotten tooth sweet type of hc. "
𝐚 / 𝐧 ༝༚༝༚ ☁︎ :: my dearest love. at user sniper siniora. here it is. i bestow this upon you with trembling hands and a stoic grace. i won't lie! — with this being my first time doin' an official sorta " request " outside of the usual shenanigans with my shawties, i was more than a little nervous. but this was a lot of fun!! i hope it makes you feel at least a lil better :')) <3 thank you for your endless patience, the creativity juice, and most of all - for requesting from me! 🩵💫 it's been an honor, and i reeeally hope you like it because if you don't i will JUST BE CRUSHED.
now, on with the show. *bows with a flourish*
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HE'S OBSESSED WITH YOU Awww, look guys!! It's couple of the year! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
༘⋆✿ No but seriously. How dare you exist? How dare you become the exact embodiment of this boy's wildest dreams? (/lh + /aff)
The world of the yokai is already a diverse plane, so the possibility (read: literal existence) of unicorn yokai being a reality was never not thereeee . . . .
Our Neon Leon just never got that far. Haha.
So trust that when homeboy sees you for the first time, he does a whole double-take.
༘⋆✿ He is, enthralled. You have him entirely wrapped around your pretty li'l majestic finger. Ope- there he is, kissing up your knuckles! (Just shove him away.) (He'll come back. He knows you can't resist his charm.)
Let's be real: the first time he caught a glimpse of you, it was in passing, and he could not stop thinking about you for the rest of . . . well, until you see each other again!
His brothers probably know every little detail about you (physically wise) before you guys even get together lmwoooo.
He would NOT SHUT UP about the "majestic unicorn lady down in Times Square down in the Hidden City (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+ . . . NO, HE WAS NOT HALLUCINATING DONNIE. He really saw you! >:("
(Donnie definitely wouldn't miss out on an opportunity to tease his twin but I feel he'd be just as interested in the aspect of your existence! What can I say? The man's a scientist. He tries to run genetic tests but Leo doesn't let him and shoo's him away each time he even comes close to you with in-the-name-of-science intent lolz)
༘⋆✿ Thinks you're the most magical thing to ever grace this wretched earth.
And, if magic is a bit of a stereotype for your kind?
If you can't actually- . . . if you don't have magical abilities— that doesn't make you any less in Leo's eyes!! To him, your whole existence itself is magical. ✨ His words, not mine. (/lh)
He's all over you any other way.
Casual settings, ranging from cozy atmospheres such as date nights to the eccentric zany missions, circling back to midnights on the rooftops,
Just sneaking into your everyday life in broad daylight,
with or without his signature hoodie,
but always with his charming smile.
He's your new constant, just like you're his.
However! If you do share in the mystic aspect that comes with being a yokai, or a direct descendant mutant of a mysticism involved bloodline (*stares hard in bro's general direction*) —
you're gonna get dragged into a bunch of crazy thematic shenanigans that
- more often than not -
end up with you guys bustin' your butts in a mad escape from some rogue yokai of sorts.
During the calmer times tho? You'd indulge him.
Set off little magical cotton-candy pink shadow puppets dancing across the walls of his bedroom while he cuddles close to you, churring softly while rubbing his cheek against yours, his eyes sparkling with nothing short of adoration.
Whether you're casting those little puppet shows out of your own volition,
or from the music box Leo had gifted to you on a date he'd nabbed from a cute little shop in the Hidden City,
that's up for you to decide.
It's a sweet bonding time either way. (✿ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)⁾⁾
༘⋆✿ . . . He has his moments of trademark insufferability, tho. You knew it was coming.
"Ooo! Ooh, I know!- can you magic up a pizza?"
"Can you teleport like me? If I got you in a high enough position, could you defeat our enemies with the power of friendship?"
"Can you make fireworks come outta your fingers? It'd make a lotta sense, seeing as you have magic fingers; that massage last night did wonders for my scales, cutie. I'll help brush your feathers later, hm?"
"Oh- OH! I know! Can you-"
༘⋆✿ Magic abilities, no magic abilities. Noodles, no noodles . . . One thing about this funky blueberry muffin is he will be absolutely obsessed with you, through and through.
"You're all the magic I need in my life, [Name]."
༘⋆✿ If being one of his favorite existing creatures wasn't enough, let's talk about your fashion!! Now he adores your fashion sense. Your entire aesthetic. He loves unicorns, he loves every sugar-spice-and-everything-nice thing surrounding said unicorns! You're such a vision to him.
But shortly after you both got together, and you started incorporating blue into your everyday style??
Reeeeemember when I told you that he's a little (read: extremely) obsessed?
Yeah. Good luck tryna get him off of you like this. (/hj)
Like, girl- as soon as you step into the lair and he catches you wearing blue?
It could be the most inconspicuous detailing of an accessory - and he'll still catch it.
—And he is ZOOMING OVERRRRR with the biggest grin and just.
Purely cajoling. An absolute cajoler.
A professional flatterer.
Honey is what his words are made of, made to drown you in their syrupy sweetness and trap you like a helpless fly in his venus flytrap of all-encompassing love.
(Except he's being 100% serious.)
"I knew it'd be a matter of time before I rubbed off on you, bonita. Look at you! Spitting image of absolute beauty, if I do say so myself. Blue is definitely your color. You should wear this forever, actually, from now on. Always."
Expanding on this, he lends you his clothes! :'))
(He's a simp. And a little bit freaky. (/ns) But you didn't hear it from me.)
Something about seeing you in his clothes just makes him feel so fuzzy and warm inside.
It makes him feel wanted. Sorta gives him a sense of security. A reaffirmation that you're his and he's yours.
Soft, warm, pure, fuzzy feelin'. Good for the soul. ☁
Like when you hug him with your wings!
He loves that feeling. (..◜ᴗ◝..)
༘⋆✿ Speaking of those luxurious wings . . .
Each time they start to fluff up and flap when he comes within your general vicinity, he gets SO SMUG.
What can we expect from Mr. [Macho Ego] Charmer himself??
"Looks like someone's happy to see me." As if he's not over the entire universe to see you too, smh.
and then you excitedly affirm his words — rather than getting annoyed, even if playfully — and he just gives you the most enamored expression.
Well — it's a fine mix of smugness (because I mean c'mon. It's Leo.) and fond adoration.
He thinks you're so, so adorable.
Cuteness aggression galore.
Once you're trapped in his embrace there's no escape.
Nobody is safe, and
He is fooling NOBODY.
I mean, his own tail starts wagging whenever he sees you . . .
and sometimes, he subconsciously churrs loud enough for you to hear whenever you guys are close, which is literally all the time, . . .
So he can't really speak. Now can he?
(He does anyway. It's Leo.)
If you're okay with it, he definitely pets your wings.
He likes to run his fingers through the feathers. They're just so fluffy.
' Is this what clouds feel like? '
At first he mostly did it to fluster you, seeing as it seemed to have the same blissful effect of him getting shell/chin scritches, but over time, it just happens naturally.
He seeks it out ─ it becomes a source of comfort to him.
Not only because they're so soft and fluffy, hereby appeasing his sensory needs, but also because it's you.
Asks you if you can fly lmwo.
Begs you to take him for a flight by moonlight but y'all will literally go crashing down AJSHDJDHD
Until, you actually do . . . pick him up, that is.
Until you actually do . . . take him for a moonlight flight.
Until you indulge him in everything because you love him so much and would do anything and everything to put a smile on his face.
He's shell shocked (I AM SO HILARIOUS).
A blushing, stuttering mess.
Bro doesn't know what to do with himself.
A turtle? Nay. A tomato.
Someone tell bro not to dish what he can't take lolllll.
༘⋆✿ Sure, he'll tease you a little bit (It's Leo.) but it's all out of love!! Pardon his major ego, he'll throw it all away for you at the drop of a pin; he genuinely loves and cares for you and how you perceive him.
In turn, this causes him to show out a lot more whenever you're around, subconsciously standin' on bidness 25/8 to 'prove himself' to you,
but you also just make him so giddy.
How can he not want to squish and hug and cuddle you and plant kisses all over your cute little face every time he sees you?
He treats you so, so gently.
You're his princess and he beholds you like absolute royalty.
Yes, he may roughhouse from time to time, but he's capable of handling you like fine china.
It makes you feel just as special as it sounds, aughhh.
It's a nice balance in your relationship. <3
At first, he may be a little shy and not know how to handle how trusting and loving you are.
Well, lemme rephrase : he loves how much you love him, because he loves you a lot too!! Whatever affection you give him, he returns tenfold.
You're just so precious he can't help himself, nor would he try.
It's the trust part.
He's . . . well, he can get kind of overwhelmed and in his head about it sometimes.
Especially when his insecurities come to play at the surface :(
He just cares for you so much, it's scary. How much he cares.
— it's a swirling mess of many different things: "you'll put her in danger", "you'll end up disappointing her", "there's someone better out there for her", "why should she trust you?" but at its core, it's all the same:
does he really deserve you?
Precious, pure, sweet, ethereal you?
Surely not, is what his mean brain tells him.
But you're persistent. And with time, dedication, and consistency, you get him to realize that.
Leo is family-driven.
He's deeply devoted to his loved ones and would give the entire world for those he cares about.
Despite his boasting of how awesome of a character he is, he doesn't really believe it like that all the time :((
But he really is a wonderful person.
and you help him further recognize that!!
༘⋆✿ He wants to become the best version of himself when he's with you. He wants to be worth your trust and affection and attention; the self-expansion that manifests from your guys' relationship is one that will turn him for the decades to come. (bro just needs to realize he was worth it all along 😔✊ he's a little slow but he's trying his best, that's what matters.)
It's wondrous what can come from a foundation built on mutual love and trust and respect.
Trust and be trusted.
Love and be loved.
Leo is one who gives and gives, even when he's running low on it for himself.
Blessedly, breathtakingly, you're there to fill that cup for him every time.
And he couldn't be more grateful.
Cuddles close to you, planting loving kisses all over your soft face, from your eyebrow ridges to your lips and relishing in the sweet giggles that he's rewarded with in return.
"I love you," he murmurs. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you"
And onnn and onnnn he goes. (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
Because he does.
He really, really does.
And you believe him too.
One thing will forever remain for sure:
Choosing and loving you was the best decision of his entire life.
And having you choose him day by day as well? Ah, well, what can I say?
He's in the sugary pink cotton candy clouds, and it's the beautiful serenade of you. (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
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@cafekitsune + @rookthornesartistry + @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for the dividers / "hc" banner ! 🩷
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a-strange-familiar · 1 year
wait! since harry's birthday is tomorrow can you make a fic about y/n celebrating his birthday?
Yeahhhhh... It's just a small fic , I'm actually busy with my exams🥲.... but I couldn't resist this. IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY. (Not proof read)
Thank you for the request nonnie, let me know if you like it <3
Birthday boy
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Harry woke up with his beautiful girlfriend pressing kisses all over his face and neck. He hummed at the feeling and smiled with his eyes closed.
He appreciated the love and the softness of her lips for a while and opened his eyes to his girlfriend who is smiling now.
"Happy birthday, baby!" She said with a huge grin and pressed her lips to his passionately. He let her kiss him,there is no other best way to start his birthday other than this anyway.
She pulled away from him, with the same beautiful smile that he fell in love with.
"What a great way to start my day." He said with a smirk on his face.
"Anything for the birthday boy. And now get up because your girlfriend did a lot of hardwork and made you breakfast." She said while getting off of the bed.
Harry just chuckled and shook his head at his girlfriend while she practically ran out of the room.
After a while he went down stairs and found his Y/n arranging the table with amazing breakfast.
"Baby, this smells soo good." He complimented her while sitting on the chair.
"Thank you, bubs."
"But really you didn't have to do all of this. I would be happy to just spend some time with you." He admitted while stuffing his mouth with the delicious breakfast that his love made for him.
"Oh shhhh. It's your birthday obviously I'm gonna cook for you, but don't get used to it. It's only your birthday special." She said with a cheeky smile on her face.
He laughed." I'll keep that in mind, and I'm glad you made this, this is soo good."
They had their breakfast while talking and laughing.
After completing breakfast and loading the dishes in the dishwasher they settled on the couch for a bit. Few minutes later there is a knock on the front door.
Harry furrowed his brows and asked "Are we expecting someone ?"
Y/n just shrugged her shoulders and ushered him to open the door.
The moment he opend the door he met with two bright smiling familiar faces.
His mother and sister shouted and practically lunged at him and attacked him with a hug. He was surprised, no he was shocked to see them and also skipped a heartbeat for the sudden shouting. But he embraced them, he smiled at his mother and sister and hugged back tightly.
"Mom, Gemma! What are you guys doing here ? " He asked once they pulled back from each other.
"It's your big day, lil bro. Obviously we will be here." Gemma said and hugged him again.
"Happy birthday, H." She said to him.
"Thank you, Gem."
After pulling away from Gemma, Anne went in for a hug again. "Happy birthday my love. I'm soo happy and proud of you for everything you have done."
"Thank you,mum." He could feel tears brimming in his eyes but he stopped before falling.
Y/n joined them while they are talking and Gemma noticed her first and went to hug her. They both hugged and laughed about something Gemma said.
He can't help but awe at the sight of his girlfriend, the love of his life and his mother talk and laugh together happily.
They all went inside and caught up on each other and talked about everything and anything.
While his mother and Y/n are in the kitchen together, Harry can't help but fall in love with her all over again. The way his love and his mother are talking and being comfortable with each other is just making him soo happy. The way his mother tipped her head back laughing at something Y/n said and placing her palm over Y/n's, he couldn't help but observe these little details.
Gemma sat with him and patted on his shoulder. " penny for your thoughts "
He smiled
"Nothing just happy that you both made it here. I'm soo happy to spend time with you guys."
"Me too. We missed you a lot. And you have to thank Y/n for this. She is the one who planned this and made us fly here. She booked the tickets and asked us to keep it as a secret from you." Gemma smiled and squeezed her brothers hand.
Harry just went speechless with that. His love towards her increasing with every passing minute. His heart is bursting with happiness and love.
Gemma squeezed his hand again. "She is perfect Harry, I have never seen you this happy or soo deep in love. Trust me she is the one. Never let her go."
He turned his head and looked at the women he is madly in love with, still talking to his mother about something that she is showing on her phone.
Then he met eyes with Y/n. She turned her head and looked at him, meeting his emerald ones. She smiled at him and blew him a kiss.
He smiled with his heart in his eyes, how is he not supposed to fall in even more love with her ?
Harry and his mother are driving back home from the grocery store, apparently his mother need some ingredients to make deserts . So they both ran to store to get them.
"You look so happy, darling " his mother said while both are half way into the drive.
He smiled and said "I am , mum. I'm soo happy and feel soo lucky"
"I'm happy you guys are here. I'm happy because Y/n makes me happy " He said with smile adored his face and blush creeping his neck.
"I'm soo happy to see you guys together. You both are soo good to each other. I can't wait her to be completed family. It's not like she is not a family now, but I can't wait to completely make her my daughter." Anne said and squeezed his arm.
The taught of marrying Y/n brought butterflies in his stomach. They have been dating for three years now and madly in love ever since. They were friends before that and that blossomed into lot more later.
With Y/n he felt safe, he felt like he never loved anyone before. He felt comfortable around her to show his flaws and be himself, her felt confident. He felt home with her.
She is his muse.
He had been imagining his future with her form soo long, but now that even his mother saying that made him happy. Him marrying her and having kids and building a home with her, everything is soo surreal.
"Yeah, even I can't wait for that "
When they entered the house everything is soo silent, he wonderd where Y/n is.
As he and his mother made their way inside he got startled with a huge sound of people shouting happy birthday.
His friends and his team, band everyone are present. Everyone wearing a party hat and some party glasses.
Harry is soo happy to see everyone, house is decorated. It's simple but beautiful, he figured that Y/n did it all with Gemma's help. His heart swelled at that, she did this for him. Surprised him with his mother and sister and now a Surprise party. She is an angle he thought.
"Mum, you knew about this, didn't you ?" Harry asked his mother.
She smiled and shrugged.
There are just few people it's not a huge party, just selected amount like his close friends like Jeff, Glen, Mitch, Sarah and his whole band and team and few other close friends. Exactly how he like. It's intimate and special.
Everyone wished and hugged him.
Jeff came and hugged him "Happy birthday,man"
"Thanks, Jeffery."
"Wow your getting old." He teased him which earned a swat on his arm by his wife Glenn.
"Happy birthday, Harry." She hugged him too
"Thank you, Glenn." He smiled
Even with room full of people he like his eyes and heart still searched for Y/n. She is not in the room, maybe in the kitchen.
Just as he was about go find her, she appeared from the kitchen with a cake in her hands. She changed into a beautiful and simple dress which made him loose his mind she also had a party cap on her head.
She slowly made her way to every with a smile on her face. His angle .
She placed the cake down and stood infront of Harry. He circled his hands around her waist and pulled into a hug and nuzzles his face into her neck and breathed her in.
"I love you, my angle." He said and pulled away from her neck but stood the same with his arms around her.
"I love you too, honey."
He smiled and kissed her. Longer than a peck and shorter than an actual kiss, but very short for his liking.
"Happy birthday, love"
He cut the cake while everyone is singing him the birthday song while his love is beside him all the time. He blew the candles while wishing for happiness, their happiness.
He couldn't let her go from his side. He kept her close throughout the party. While Y/n is playing a good hostess duty and making sure everyone is having a great time, he roamed with her like a lost puppy.
At one point everyone got loose, not drunk but definitely not completely sober. Harry started some slow music and encouraged everyone to dance. He pulled Y/n to the center and started dancing with her. His arms around her waist and her's around his neck. They slowly started swaying to the music enjoying the silence around even though there are people around they left like it's only them in the room.
"Happy birthday." She said maybe for the 15th time since morning and pecked his lips.
He slowly chuckled "thank you, love"
She smiled
"Really, thank you for everything." He said and pulled her even closer to him so they are pressed to each other.
"This is the bare minimum, Harry. I would do anything for you."
It's fixed, he is completely fucked with love and he is making her his wife.
"And I have some gifts waiting for you upstairs, once the party is over we'll get to that." She said and rested her head on his should.
"I don't want any of those gifts, love. All I need is right infront me in my arms. That's enough for me.:
She looked in his eyes and then his lips.
He closed the gap between them and kissed her. Very slow and passionate. He parted her lips with his tounge and entered into her mouth. His lips moved with her with ease. They fit perfect together, like a missing piece of puzzle. They are perfect together.
After few more minutes they pulled away and to get some air.
"Best birthday ever "
A/n : please let me know what you think. Please talk to me and tell me if you like it, pretty please. 💗
Hope you enjoyed.
Thank you for reading
Like, comment, and reblog if you like.
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dino-boyo-agere · 3 months
Stuff I say or do when I'm in my CG/ big sibby headspace:
Pet names!! I love giving different lil friends specific pet names (Pumpkin, Bubs, Kiddo, Muffin, Little Bro/ Sis/ Sibby, etc. Only if they're comfortable with it ofc!!)
Good job bubs! (& any other kind of praise.)
That's amazing, tell me more!
Oh, show me!! (When the tiny tells me about something they made/ saw & are exited about.)
*sends random picture of something I saw* This made me think of you! :D
You're so smart!
Aren't you a little to young to do/ say/ watch that, kiddo? (Only if I 100% know they're comfortable with that!!)
You're adorable/ cute.
Whoa, I can't believe it! :0 (when they tell me about an experience and are very exited about it.)
*bombards them with memes/ gifs/ pictures of their favorite thing or special interest*
How are you/ was your day? Tell me about it! <3 (love hearing about their day, be it a good or a bad one. I love giving comfort or getting excited for/ with them)
*sends random little gifts* (be it art or physical things I saw and wanted to get them, gift giving is my love language!)
I love you, sweetheart!
This is all I can think of right now, might add to it later!!
Feel free to share your cg phrases/ actions or what you'd want ur cg to say/ do. <3
.゚。.・.*.゚☆❗only interact if your blog is SFW❗☆ ゚.*.・. 。゚.
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icarus-star · 10 months
hihi! could you write something involving either charlie,jack or danny with a oral fixation please
satisfaction | danny cooper <3
a/n: i dunno why this turned out with such chaotic energy?? 😭 enjoy ((also, big thank you to @thatsthewrongwallcraig for helping me out with ideas for this!!! :3))
18+ content ahead, pure and absolute filth!!please don't read unless your comfortable with that!!
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that is how im starting this, yes 🤗
during sex, bro will BEG to suck on your fingers or titties while you ride him
he is always willing to have your fingers in his mouth, it's one of his favorite things ever >///<
say, your watching tv or something, just enjoying some time to yourself, and he'll come up and sit down next to you with the CUTEST pleading lil puppy dog eyes, quietly asking to suck on your fingers for a little while <3
tbh, he's content just sitting there n sucking on your fingers :3 (despite the fact that his hard cock is already throbbing and leaking with precum, shh)
he's just so shy about it!!! his face is all flushed and he's so cute, his drools dripping out of the side of his mouth a bit too aauuughhh 😫
and if you don't give him much attention for a while, he'll just sneak himself under your shirt and suck on your boobs
he lovvves to lick and suck your nipples too, duh
and!! he loves to eat you out whenever he can <3
he'd be licking at your clit and lapping up all of your natural wetness from your pussy and he loves it!!! he probably enjoys it more than you do 🤭
and he'd DEFINITELY cum untouched when he gives you head, his cock was so needily grinding against the bed
and then he's so embarrassed!!
and maybe.. just maybe, 69? 😋
i feel like he'd really enjoy it, he gets to eat you out while you suck his cock?? yes please!
tbh, he'll only stop eating you out once his face is covered in your cum, his lips to the sides of his cheeks where he can't even reach with his tongue 💔
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chiiyuuvv · 5 months
this is so random but could you do xikers reaction when you suddenly bite them💀
- 🍪
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• PAIRING — xikers x fem!reader
• GENRE — my attempt at humor, light cursing
• WORD COUNT — 443
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — girlie disappears for like half a week then comes back talking about biting,, okay 💀 dont forget about the valentine's event yall!!
• TAGLIST — @lil-elle , @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @nenede , @soul-is-a-strange-kid , @the-lemon-boy , @yuniniverse , @hunchan444 , @s00buwu , @cherrycolaberry
You know that line that sumin raps in koong? It goes like "korean korean you gonna get confused" well erm, trust me, boy is definitely confused. Standing there frozen like "why did the love of my life just bite me?? ...did i do something wrong?" ♡
He'd deadass sick his dog (forgot its name 😭) on you. Just like "oh, you wanna bite?? I got someone who can bite >:3" but it backfires because his dog likes you.. and would much rather bite junmin instead ♡
He squints his eyes, studying you closely as he ponders to himself, "did she just bite me??" Theres a good 10 seconds of nothing, silence nor movement, until he randomly gets up and starts biting you ♡
"Damnn is it good??" Sends you a little glance while he rubs his finger. Will not stop teasing you for the rest of the day, making sure you get ALL of your meals so you dont randomly bite him again ♡
Bro's been through too much today (aka the maknae line was teasing him per usual) and what hes NOT about to do, is let someone bite him. He knows he tastes good so umm.. youre gonna have to pay. Chases you around the house with a plastic spoon ♡
Doesnt even react to it, just throws you a sideeye and moves on about his day. But it is until its the late of the day, the sun is down and hes laying comfortably on your lap watching tv, when he finally gets his revenge. Gives you a big 'ol bite on the leg and then flashes you a smile ♡
"This isnt cat and dog but txt, yn" doesnt even give you the reaction you wanted, his chin rested on his fist as he scrolls through his phone on the couch, not even batting you an eye. But he sure does when you throw a pillow at him ♡
His jaw is dropped and hes marching to the door. What is he gonna do?? Hes gonna tell seeun hyung on you. Yeah, i said it. And when seeun comes, hes gonna scold you. Hey, his words not mine 🤷‍♀️ ♡
He was doing something, laundry, for example whe  you randomly bite him. Turns his head in a super slow motion and then you can finally see his face, he was the worlds more confused expression. Honestly reminds me of an episode of the amazing world of gumball ♡
Justs bursts out laughing like "yn, wth are you doing??" While covering his bitten cheek. When you reveal that his face is so squishy and therefore yummy, he can only blush ♡
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attntionwhre · 2 months
hii <3 i thought i’d make a little introduction post
you can call me bug, i‘m 22 years old and i’m a non-binary, queer switch!!
i mostly use they/them pronouns and sometimes he/him, i am 100% comfortable with both masc and femme titles and I love being called big bro or lil sis
my list of kinks and fetishes is long but this is my side blog that is mainly dedicated to my darker/harder kinks like:
fauxcest (especially sibcest <3)
r@pe play
age play
orientation play
i’m in a long term committed relationship but i have the okay from my partner to reply to asks in my inbox so don’t hesitate to send me all your sick thoughts and fantasies!! <3
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: all the posts on my blog are FANTASY and i do NOT condone the real life equivalents of the themes i write about, i practice risk-aware, informed consensual kink, with all participants being 18+ y/o adults !!!
DO NOT INTERACT: minors, “MAPs”/p3dos, ageless blogs, homophobes, transphobes, misogynists, TERFSs, pro-ana blogs
with that being said: i hope you enjoy my depraved blog <3
and if you like what i post then make sure to follow my back-up blog: @unhingedsiblings
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mishambles · 10 months
☆Being KAEDEHARA KAZUHA’s big sibling
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Summary: Having Kazuha as your lil bro <3 Character/s: Kazuha, Beidou, Kamisato siblings, Traveler Warning: the timeline can possibly be incorrect T0T, slight angst, rushed ending lol Note: spoilers to his character quest and the first act of GAA. Reader is around 5 years older than Kazuha and has a vision (not specified).
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•As a child, to put it simply, kazuha was clingy. extremely so.
•He isn’t very vocal about wanting attention but he would follow you EVERYWHERE. He understands you have a lot of responsibilities as the future head of the kaedehara clan why can't he help? so he quietly hangs onto your sleeve until you're done.
•When he's feeling extra needy, he asks you for a piggy back ride or just wants you to carry him. He does that thing where he stands in front of you and lifts up his arms and opens and closes his hands. this is a rare occurrence though so make the most of it <3
•He has a habit to (not so) sneakily steal your clothes and act like you when he thinks you're not looking!
•"I am Kaedehawa [name], futuwe head of the Kaedehawa clan." As he poses in clothing that are almost three times his size.
•Did I ever mention he has a slight lisp? He gets suuuuuuper embarrassed about it wishing he could speak the "adult" way and whenever he notices he mispronounced something he covers his mouth and pouts. You're gonna have to comfort him <3
•has a habit of collecting pretty rocks and shells and gives them to you when he sees you're tired. Almost had a fit when he realized he couldn't collect maple leaves cause they wilt very quickly but we have a solution
•Flower pressing! After you introduce it to him to preserve maple leaves he's been randomly bringing you flowers to press so he can keep them for much much longer.
•He wishes he could grow up so he can help you.
•As a teen, he focused more on his sword art so he doesn't have much more freedom to follow you around as he used to.
•He asks you to spar with him whenever you have the time (it's the only time you get to bond anymore– you need to take care of the household after all)
•He picked up his flowery language from you! He naturally started speaking like you after watching you converse with others throughout his childhood (please never mention the lisp he still gets embarrassed)
•This is also around the time he was a bit of a troublemaker! Only some little petty pranks like drawing on your face when you're sleeping but nothing that could actually cause any real harm
•He also introduced you to his friend (you're glad he has someone with him, especially since you haven't been able to be with him that much anymore)
•To be honest, you allow him too much freedom all the while chaining yourself down with the issues of the household. It makes him so..frustrated. He can’t do anything to help you but he wants to, he really does, but when all you do is insist you’re fine, then what can he do?
•Am I so incompetent that I’m a dissapointment to you?
•As an adult.. mhm well.. It’s a bit complicated
•After the vision hunt decree, a huge chunk of time in your relationship was spent wondering if the other is safe.
•Considering the fact that both of you have visions, the vision hunt affected you both very differently. While Kazuha went after his friend, you were taken under the Kamisato’s protection and hidden for a long time
•Both of you were separated but you two were able to communicate through letters (though very limited). He’d tell you elaborate stories about his adventures with a woman named Captain Beidou and his recent interest in an outlander. (perhaps.. You could be free like he is?)
•You send him letters about your wellbeing and the current situation in Inazuma. Though, the letters between you two are scarce considering you’re busy helping the Kamisato’s and he’s constantly traveling
•He not-so-subtly suggests you to come with him and explore the world (like you’ve always wanted to). He knows that Beidou wouldn’t mind another person on board and he’d love for you to be more free 
•Perhaps you’ll be able to see each other again once the vision hunt decree is abolished?
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queen-shiba · 1 year
1. I love your blog description!
2. I noticed you take requests for headcanons, could I please get ruggie, epel, and cater with a S/O who’s much taller than them? Feel free to cut or skip whoever, thank you for your time!
Welcome in! Hope you enjoy yourself here! There's no limit to requests, so if you ever wanna make another, I'd be happy to oblige :3
Hope these are long enough for ya
Tall s/o!
Ruggie Bucchi
He isn't surprised be you male or female.
In his homeland, women are naturally larger than the men when it comes to hyena beastmen, and he isn't exactly the biggest man, so he isn't really bothered by your height
He likes to make use of your height to help him work, since he's not the tallest and can't reach everything.
He asks politely before pulling you down for kisses, or he asks you to lean down.
Ruggie is a respectful young man.
Until you disrespect him
You're always big spooning since it doesn't hurt Ruggie's pride to be held and he quite likes it.
Cuddles are his go to if you're feeling sad.
He just comes up to you and hugs your torso or whatever he can reach.
He does not care if people make fun of you both for the height difference if you're a woman, but if it bothers you, trust and believe he's throwing hands
Epel Felmier
His pride is a lil hurt if you're a lady, ngl
He doesn't bother with asking for help, wanting to show he's just as capable of doing tall people things as you are
You have to force the help or watch him struggle until he asks
Epel does his best to show that he can protect you or be just as strong as you if you're the strong type.
If you're a gentle giant and you actually hide behind him (I do that with my short friends) then he's always ready to fight for you
You could literally activate his inner gremlin by doing that.
He'd even fight Vil if you hide behind him while Vil is talking to you
The cuddles...
He wanted big spoon.
He gets it sometimes
Sometimes he doesn't
He will pout about being the little spoon.
Cater Diamond
Taller man? He's not that affected.
Taller woman? Bro is trembling at first.
Literally everywhere but the Afterglow(sunset savannah) is based on societies where women are expected to be short and petite.
The treatment that goes both ways is the pictures being taken constantly.
Really, Cater doesn't change much with a male's height in terms of romance, but a tall woman, Cater is slightly intimidated by because he's never seen a woman his age that is taller.
At first, when he wanted to ask you out, he wasn't even sure he was worthy of you because you seemed almost foreign to the guy.
Like- you seemed like an extraterrestrial being to him in the best way possible
He tries his best for you, and tries, much like Epel, to be of use to you in some way, even if it isn't height related.
Cater with a tall s/o is a Cater that likes to jump on your back and hitch a few rides to see if you can hold him
He quite enjoys little spooning, but sometimes he big spoons when you need comfort
If h can't get something down and you're right there, he will ask you for help.
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reyislikesotired · 8 months
au where childe meets bennett and after less than a day decided to join bennys adventure team and takes bennett to all his business trips as a toy seller because childe sees bennett like teucer and wants to protect him from all the evils
aka i demand a childe big bro agenda where he just essentially adopts bennett as one of his siblings
bennett prob finds out or knew that child was fatui, maybe not a harbinger, but he let childe think he didnt know
razor doesnt trust childe but seeing he treats bennett and even him with only the best in mind and with a bunch of care, he slowly warms up to him and childe just adds another to his collection of honorary siblings
childe finds it amusing how much the two stick close and are comfortable that he teases them about it
diluc has been more on alert because of childe being in mondstadt more often, even used his networks to make sure that bennett and razor werent in any immediate danger and while bennett vouches for childe to diluc, diluc still keeps an eye out but has for the most part let him be
there have been many encounters between them tho and childe will sometimes want to egg on diluc just for a fight
luckily kaeya is there to quite literally cool things down
then when childe meets fischl, listen, she reminds him a lot of tonia in many ways and indulges in the rp happily. he sees it as being back home and playing his role as the knight to protect his princess, and while the princess this time isnt his lil sister tonia, he plays along wholeheartedly
i just really need some childe and bennett being bros and childe murdering having a conversation with people who were mean to benito <3
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