idabbleincrazy · 9 months
Bad Ideas Have Consequences
Fandom: Bones
Rating: M
Pairing: Sweetooth
Word Count: 1300
Warnings: episode fic, kissing, heavy petting, brief discussion of sexuality, some angst
Summary: set during episode 8x02, after the gun range scene but before Bones talks to Sweets. A follow up to Bad Idea.
A/N: hopefully this'll help unblock the muse for the main fic. @leatafandom have some more of this mess 😅
Squares Filled: Makeout session (@mfbingo )
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Lance opened the door on the second urgent knock, stepping back to let Booth in, surprised to see the man at his apartment so soon after Dr. Brennan's return. 
"Booth, are you alright?"
"No, you know what, Sweets, I'm not alright." Booth turned to face the young psychologist as they stood in the center of the small living room. "It wasn't just Bones making breakfast, and losing those three months with her and Christine, that has been pushing a wedge between me and her, and making me so damn angry. It's us, too. It's that night, and that kiss, and these feelings that just won't stop, won't let things be the way they were before."
Booth slumped down on the couch and Sweets carefully sat down beside him, eyeing him warily. 
"It's been two months since that night, and you haven't wanted to talk about it in all this time. Do you want to, now? Can you confront what happened between us?"
"I-I don't know. I've already gone through the whole panic thing, y'know? Years ago. It's still hard for me to accept that this is what I am, that these feelings are a part of me and it doesn't make me a bad person. I've faced that. This is…this is different. This isn't just me liking a guy, this is me having deep feelings for someone else when I'm already in a relationship with someone I love, and not wanting to have to choose."
"Oh-kay, so that's a yes on the confrontation. Booth, you need to tell her this. Yes, Dr. Brennan ran off with your daughter, and left you in the dark for three months, but it was for justifiable reasons, and she deserves to know what happened. Especially if you aren't in an open relationship. If you don't, you're just going to keep being angry with yourself over it, and in turn, with Dr. Brennan."
"I know, I know, and I want to tell her, I just don't know how. And I don't know where it goes from there. I can't just push those feelings for you back down into that box I'd locked them up in before. God, I just want to be selfish for once, you know? I want you, and her, and I want there to be an us. I don't want to have to choose again." 
"Would it help you if I explained it all to her?"
"No, no, it's gotta come from me. I owe her that."
"Okay, well, do you want me to at least be there with you when you tell her? Help…guide the conversation?" Sweets felt a compelling urge to take Booth's hand in his, wanting to comfort the older agent, but was unsure how welcome the gesture would be. "Look, Booth, I know you're worried about how Dr. Brennan will react, but I don't think there'll be a problem. You know she's always been open to the idea of polyamory, both in her own sexual practices and in her study of anthropology." 
"I know. And that's part of the problem. I gave her such hell for that, when she was seeing two guys at the same time, and we were just partners then. How's that gonna look now that we're a family? We share a daughter, we live together. This is so much more than someone just playing the field."
"She loves you, Booth. She'll understand."
"How? I barely understand it myself. It took years for me to accept this part of myself, and even then, I still fought to keep my feelings pushed down." Booth shifted to face Sweets, a look of pained longing in his eyes. "I know I shouldn't do this, but I can't wait any longer…"
Before Sweets could question him, Booth leaned forward and pressed his lips to the unsuspecting psychologist's, his hand coming up to cup the side of his face as he pushed him back against the couch cushions. Blinking away his surprise, Sweets responded to the kiss, letting his eyes flutter shut. His lips parted to Booth's tongue as it traced tentatively along the bottom lip, seeking entrance. 
Sweets raised his arms to encircle the broad expanse of Booth's back, fingers clutching at his suit jacket as the kiss deepened. Despite all the conflicting, confusing thoughts and emotions swirling around inside his head and in his heart, he eagerly welcomed the tongue that slid over his own. In the two months since that first kiss, Sweets had kept ruminating on how it had felt to finally have Booth's mouth on his. For years he had repressed feelings for the older man, knowing he and Dr. Brennan were meant for each other, and heavily doubting Booth would ever feel attraction towards another man, let alone for that attraction to supersede his obvious love for the forensic anthropologist. He had felt no small amount of guilt about enjoying the kiss so much, but had reveled in it nevertheless. 
This second kiss was wholly different, and he regretted that their first had been tinged with the bitter taste of whiskey and sadness. This one was unadulterated by the pain of abandonment, purely driven by longing and need, and it was glorious. His first true taste of Seeley Booth. Booth's free hand wound around his waist and pulled him closer, their chests pressed together as the kiss continued on. Sweets let out a soft moan of arousal, the sound smothered by Booth's eager tongue as it explored his mouth. 
Thrusting his hips up, he felt a hardness matching his own growing erection pressing into his thigh. The knowledge that the older agent was just as affected by their making out as he was pulled a deep groan from his lips. He broke the kiss, slightly breathless, and let his head loll against the back of the couch as he relished the feeling of Booth's body pressed against his. Another groan sounded from his throat as Booth trailed a line of kisses along his jaw and down the column of his neck.
"Oh, God, Booth…we shouldn't…fuck, we can't do this. Not now."
"I know…," Booth grunted out between nips to the skin along the curve of his shoulder, his hand pulling Sweets' collar aside to bare undiscovered flesh. "Just…want you, Sweets…wanted you for so long. Feels right."
"It-it does, but, ahh, it shouldn't be like this. Brennan…she needs to know, needs to be okay with us, be included. It's not fair to her." 
Booth smothered a defeated groan against Sweets' collarbone before pulling away.
"No, I know, you're right. Look, I'm sorry for getting carried away like that."
Sweets slid to the side, putting some much needed space between them and adjusting himself. It was taking all his strength not to pull Booth back to him and finish what they started, damn the consequences. 
"Don't be, it wasn't unwelcomed, just…ill-timed. We both have others we need to consider before we just go jumping into things. I need to reevaluate things with Daisy, you have to tell Dr. B how you feel. Until then, whatever this is between us, can't go any further than it already has."
"I'll talk to her when she gets home tonight." Booth stood up from the couch, rubbing a hand across the back of his neck. "Thanks for this, though, and for not being too heavy with the psychobabble. I just…I've wanted to kiss you again since I walked out of your bedroom that morning, and I needed to get that out of my system."
Sweets stared up at him with an understanding grin.
"Go home, Booth. Tell her. And when the two of you are ready, just give me a call."
He watched as Booth walked out the door, wondering how long it would be until that call was made.
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almightyshadowchan · 1 year
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Late night at the office…….
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musubiki · 6 months
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recently thinking of changing the aesthetic of madam springs
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treefish · 4 months
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saint-miroir · 2 years
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dottie-n-stripes · 5 months
I forget if the bandson parents have first names but if they dont I propose they have shape names. maybe dia for diamonds for mom......blanking on the dad. Simon Quare Bandson
omg thats a cute concept! i gotta keep that in a pocket maybe 👀
although i had to stay cheesy with their name theme.... pier L. (parallel) and stria (striation) pfft
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gynii · 6 months
If only I could get through a single social gathering without feeling like an absolute fucking child that would be great!
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shapa-likes-art · 8 months
Ourough school is kicking my ass SO hard right now
I wanna cry
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ii-zi · 10 months
I got a new pillow! And pajamas! For the first time ever,!!
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unmakxr · 30 days
( THAT )
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idabbleincrazy · 2 years
Secretly Submissive ~ Ch.4
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<--- Previous Chapter
Fandom: Angel (Buffyverse)
Series Rating: E
Series Pairings: Spike/Angel(Liam/William), Angel/Lindsey, Spike/Lindsey, Spike/Lindsey/Angel
Series Characters: Angel (Liam Devlin), Spike (William Pratt), Lindsey McDonald, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, others tbd
Word Count: 1465
Chapter Warnings: minor negotiations, kissing
Series Warnings: human au, fluff, angst, Dom/sub, submissive!Angel, smut, bondage…more to be added as series progresses
Chapter Summary: Will asks a necessary question, and Liam makes another decision. 
Series Summary: Liam Devlin, hardworking investor and businessman, receives an unexpected awakening in the form of William Pratt, the unassuming bookstore owner he met online.
A/N: Since it's human au, I figured this chapter was necessary to get done before the smut.
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William was half disappointed when Liam promptly pulled into the parking space beside him. The other half appreciated the brunette's eager obedience. Liam stepped out of the black '59 Corvette and joined him where leaned against the trunk of the Viper.
"You know, I thought about driving around the block a couple times, just to start racking up that punishment."
"And yet, here you are, right on schedule. Pity." William smirked and shook his head, pleased Liam hadn't gotten spooked on the drive over from the cafe and done a runner. "What made you change your mind, pet?"
"Didn't wanna waste time better spent with you." A sly look crossed Liam's face. "I'm sure I'll wind up earning a punishment at some point, anyway, so don't be too disappointed."
"Oh? Plan on disobeying me, do you?"
"Hmm, that's for you to find out the hard way", Liam teased with a wink.
Will scoffed and pulled Liam to him, gripping his chin in hand.
"Cheeky boy."
"Gonna spank it out of me?"
Liam tilted his head and captured William's thumb between his lips, sliding his mouth down the digit, sucking at it briefly before pulling back with a wet pop.
"Not tonight, Angel", Will groaned, releasing his face and taking his hand, leading him towards the building. "Got somethin' so much better in mind. 'Sides, I kinda like your cheek."
"So, you live in your bookshop?" Liam ducked his head as soon as he said it, heat rising to his cheeks. "I, uh, didn't mean that in a bad way, just curious."
"S'alright, pet. Yeah, live in the apartment upstairs." William unlocked the shop door and led Liam into the darkened shop towards the stairs. "It's big enough for now, and while the books that come through make a pretty penny, there can be buyer droughts. Having just the one set of bills helps me not dry out all my savings during the slow months. I’d rather be able to spend more on experiences than money, anyway. Sorry if you were expecting somethin’ swankier."
“Oh, God, Will, that’s not what I meant, at all! I don’t like to spend all that much on unnecessary stuff, either.” They quickly reached the top of the stairs and crossed the small landing to the door. Unlocking it, Will held it open for Liam as he continued trying to explain. "I really just wasn't expecting it."
"Liam, luv, I'm just yanking your chain."
"Oh. Jeez, rude much? And,” Liam gave him a wry smirk, “didn't you already do that, not even ten minutes ago?"
William barked out a laugh and led Liam into the apartment, flicking on the light. It was a nice place, nearly as large as the bookstore below, with an open layout from the entry through to the kitchen, and four doors running down along one wall. The furniture was tastefully simple, two off-white couches, an armchair, and a cherry wood coffee table made up the bulk of the living room, with a matching desk and chair set up in a corner. Dark gray wall-to-wall carpet led from the door to the dining room, which had a hardwood flooring to match the four-person dining table. Chrome and steel appliances made up the kitchen; the countertops and island were a gray, speckled marble.
"Have a seat, pet." Will waved Liam over to the couches and headed into the kitchen. "Beer? Or would you prefer something harder?"
Liam settled into the larger of the sofas and turned to look at William.
"Oh, I'd definitely prefer something harder, but he's in the kitchen getting me a beer."
"Christ, you are going to keep me on my toes, aren't you?"
Grabbing a couple beers from the fridge, he returned, handing Liam a beer and sitting down in the armchair. Liam looked at him quizzically, pointedly looking at the empty space beside him and back at Will.
"Before we get to the fun, I wanted to go over a few ground rules. We'll discuss everything in depth tomorrow, consider tonight a trial run, yeah?"
"Oh, yeah, sure." Liam took a swig of the beer and set the bottle down, giving William his full attention. "I want this, Will, whatever it takes."
"Glad to hear it, pet. First, until I say otherwise, I'm not Will anymore. When you address me, it's either Master, Master Spike, or simply Spike." Will held up a finger, stilting Liam's question. "I'll explain the Spike thing some other time. Now, you obviously like when I call you pet, and luv, would it be okay if I call you Angel, too? Just when I'm in control. I prefer having a standard nickname I can use so my subs know when they're doing well, Liam would be used as a warning or admonishment."
"Um, yeah…yes, I think I'd like that.” Liam looked away briefly, a light blush coloring his cheeks. “I liked it, earlier, when you called me your angel. More than pet, even."
"Good. Second, I'll accept, hell, I'll expect brattiness, up to a point. But never in public. Got it?"
"Got it. I understand, completely. I expected the same of my subs."
“Third, if, in the morning, we both decide we want to do this full time, I’ll schedule us both for a set of tests, the whole work-up. Tonight, and until we get the all-clear, condoms are mandatory, even for oral. It’s nothing against you, mind, I require all my subs to test for STDs regularly.”
“Trust me, I would’ve brought it up if you hadn’t. You really can’t be too careful. Did you want me to use your doctor, or…?”
“If you don’t mind. Just for the first set. Then, you can schedule them with your own. Those are the basics for now, but I do have a couple of questions.”
Liam picked up his beer and took a long pull, steeling himself for what he figured was coming.
“Go for it.”
“Startin’ with the easy one, would you like to choose a safeword?” Will leaned back in his chair, watching Liam decide. “We can skip that bit for now, if you’d like to think on it, pet. We can use the color system for tonight.”
“Yeah, I-I’ll get back to you on that one. Sorry, just a little weird, you know? Shoe on the other foot, and all that.”
“It’s okay. But this question, I will need an answer to, before we do anything tonight. Liam, have you ever bottomed before?”
Liam drained the rest of his beer and looked away.
“Pet, answer me.”
“No, never. I’ve always topped, even before I got into all this.”
William nodded thoughtfully, and stood swiftly from the chair, crossing over to sit next to Liam. He took the bottle from him and set it aside, taking both of Liam’s hands in his.
“Look at me. Liam, look at me.”
Reluctantly, Liam turned to face Will, a worried look in his eyes as he met his steady, blue gaze.
“It’s okay that you’ve never bottomed, luv. It’s okay if you never do. If you don’t want to, if you’re not ready, you don’t have to.” Will let go of one of Liam’s hands to cup his face, stroking his thumb over his cheek. “Liam, I won’t push you to do something you truly don’t want. There’s plenty of other ways to have fun, as I’m sure you know.”
Liam’s worry cleared from his eyes and he leaned into William’s touch. With the hand Will still held, he tugged the blonde closer, still staring intently into those mesmerizing blue eyes. He felt a level of trust for this man that he hadn't felt with any of his previous partners since…well, in a very long time. His mind made up, he leaned forward and crushed his lips to William's in a heated kiss, the residual dom in him temporarily surging up as he urged Will back against the cushions.
William gasped at the urgency of the kiss, not even thinking to resist as Liam took a little of the control back. The brunette needed this, and with his cock still aching for attention, he was more than willing to allow the concession as he was maneuvered along the length of the couch. Liam deepened the kiss, his tongue mapping out Will’s mouth as he stretched out on top of him, his legs parting to settle on either side of the blonde’s.
Slipping a hand between them, Liam stroked his fingers over Will’s trapped cock, moaning into the kiss as a surprisingly intense jolt of desire ran through him at the thought of that long shaft pushing into him. Good to know his body and mind were in agreement about the choice he was about to make. Reluctantly breaking the kiss, he kneeled up, looming over the wide-eyed, panting blonde.
"Fuck me. I…I want you to take me. Please, Master Spike, be my first?"
Next Chapter --->
All Things Spike: @leatafanfiction @captain-peroxid3
Other: @countblucas
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im-still-a-robot · 9 months
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My dear girl has the range :]
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cann1ballistic · 3 months
i’m SAAAD time to make severely self indulgent shit that only I care about 💃✨
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musubiki · 7 months
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potential clarinette design?
(the girl lime dated for a short time during the timeskip to try and get over mochi. shes currently trying to get him to go out with her again)
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hua-fei-hua · 5 months
nice writer feeling is being able to read your own stuff from four-ish years ago and finding it's still pretty good. maybe not quite like how you'd write it today but definitely not painful to read
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lelianaslefthand · 5 months
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wip venus 🤪 i dont have any of the cyberware mods in bc im trying to finish my current run and dont want to swap things out but she's gonna be swagged out. we're getting there!!!! 😁😁😁
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