#little love
littlelovelore · 2 months
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little love, whatever could be the matter?
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sunfire-ancunin · 7 months
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An incredible piece by artist Nigel Graz!
In the words of @justporo "Go, go support artists!"
Also hi hi Poro! I hope you don't mind the tag. This reminded me of Night of Fake Smiles, like a piece they would have seen at the castle that night.
Also wanted to give you a little shout out. You are one of my favorite writers here and wanted to say thank you for sharing your amazing work. I look forward to the chapters to come, cheers!
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resident-gay-bitch · 11 months
look, i LOOOOOVVEEEE the concept in jeggy fics where sirius has no idea about them and stuff, BUT, sirius and james are like ultra codependent besties and they Wouldn’t be able to keep a secret from the other if their lives depended on it, sooo… here, have this:
second year jegulus meet cute and some wolfstar fluff <33 also sirius & james being the bestest of besties. - this is not properly proofread but eh.
sirius body slammed james with full force the minute he stepped into the carriage and saw the smiling boy. he missed him. they had only met a year ago, like, exactly one year ago to this day, in this very carriage, but james was everything to sirius.
they took to eachother immediately, and their friendship only grew into a codependent brotherhood in a matter of weeks.
james knew everything about sirius, and sirius knew everything about james.
summer break without his bestest friend was worse torture than the curses his mother would force him through.
they got settled quickly, chit chatting about the flash new quidditch magazine james had in his hands, and how much longer sirius’ hair had gotten over the break. they were looking out the window, at all the families saying their goodbyes still, and broke out into a fit of giggles when they saw lily getting smothered in kisses by her mother.
“look, she cut her hair, sirius.” james pointed out with a giddy smile, “doesn’t she look pretty with it like that?”
“yeah.” he mused, leaning over james shoulder since they were sitting right beside each other, “it suits her well i think.”
“i think i might still have a crush on her, but i don’t know for sure.” james hummed, looking back at sirius for a moment, “she’s just so pretty still, but… i didn’t really think much about her in the holidays.”
“that’s okay.” sirius shrugged, “she wasn’t the nicest to us anyway, and she spends all that time with snevellious.”
james snorted, “you’re right. but maybe i still might.”
“well, if you do, we will just have to rescue her from the slimy git…” he said, eyes squinting as he looked at lily some more, “maybe we can convince remus to bring her over. she seems to like him so much.”
james grinned, “i suppose you still have a crush on remus then?”
sirius huffed and flopped backwards in the chair, “it’s terrible james. i wrote him thirteen letters and he only sent me one back!”
“thirteen?” james gasped, turning to look at sirius now, “what did his letter say?”
“it said thankyou for the letters, but he’s not good at writing them back… the envelope was filled with chocolates.”
“oh, sirius!” james said, “that’s so sweet.”
“it’s terrible!” he exclaimed, sliding down onto the floor in a dramatic heap, “he only sent that letter after the tenth one.”
james pulled a wry expression and gently kicked sirius’ dead leg on the floor, “well… it’s not like he didn’t want you to send them. remus loves his chocolate.” james gasped, “oh, don’t you remember when he told us his mother never buys him very much chocolate. he must have given some up for you, sirius.”
sirius peaked an eye up at him, “do you think?”
“perhaps.” james smiled, “but, we still don’t know if he likes boys… or lily.”
sirius groaned and started to roll around on the floor, “it’s terrible. it makes me want to cry. i think i love him, james!”
“who do you love?” remus’ roughed up accent filled the carriage as the door was shut behind him.
sirius jumped to his feet in a second, cheeks burning red as he looked at the boy, who had a fresh scar on his neck that made sirius worry about him. but he had new freckles on his cheeks from the summer sun, and a tan, and sirius wanted to give him a kiss.
“no one!” he exclaimed, and remus cocked an eyebrow.
“limos gregor.” james said with ease, holding up the front page of his magazine, “he’s the new captain-“
“oh, quidditch things.” remus hummed and sat himself down on the opposite side of the cart.
sirius stared at him. for a very long time. long enough for james to pull him by his robes back to his seat.
“i like your… tan.” sirius squeaked out as he plunked himself down beside james, he found his cheeks to be even warmer after that.
remus gave him a funny look, but his freckle smattered cheeks seemed to develop a dusky pink colour to them that james gave sirius a suggestive elbow nudge about. sirius cleared his throat and looked to the ground.
“i like your… hair.” remus said, awkward, as he often was. his eyes glanced over to james and then he looked out the window and cleared his throat, “you- it looks pretty- i- erm… pretty nice, i mean.”
james nudged sirius’ side again. sirius nudged him back harder.
“th-thanks.” sirius muttered, hanging his head low enough to hide his bashful state behind his hair.
there was a knock at the carriage door. all their eyes turned to see who was sliding open the glass, and sirius let out a disgruntled grumble.
james didn’t hear a thing though, his eyes trained on the prettiest boy he’d ever seen. he had dark glossy hair, like sirius’, but it was short and had pretty curls hanging down over sharp eyes. they were icy, but in the most entrancing of ways. james could look at them for hours, he thought. he was dressed in robes, but they didn’t have house colours so james could only assume he was a first year.
james didn’t care who this boy was, or the fact that he was supposed to have a crush on lily, or the fact that he didn’t even know he liked boys the same way sirius did. he just knew, right then and there, at the first glance, james wanted to marry this boy.
“… the legacy.” james managed to catch as his ears tuned back in, it was the boy who spoke, and his voice was as sharp as his eyes.
“have fun with that.” sirius winked, “it’s not as fun as it sounds.”
the boy rolled his eyes.
“scurry along now.” sirius shooed him, and james had never hated sirius more than he had in this moment because why was he making the pretty boy leave?
“see you at dinner?”
“part of me hopes to see you at my table.” sirius grinned.
the boy glared at sirius, and promptly left.
“godrick.” sirius mumbled, rubbing his forehead, “don’t get a little brother, they’re torture.”
remus gave an easy laugh, shuffling further up his seat to be across from sirius. but it only clicked in james’ head then, the boy, it was regulus. of course, he looked so much like sirius. but, we’ll, apparently regulus was just more his type.
oh god. james’ head was spinning. he felt a little giddy.
“i think you’re a great big brother.” remus was saying with a sweet smile that had sirius looking as giddy as james felt.
“really?” he asked back.
“you’re so good at looking after people.” remus hummed, “you always bring me chocolate in the hospital.”
sirius was trying to hide a bashful smile again. peter was flinging himself through the door at that moment, and plopped himself down beside remus. he started rambling about muggle cars breaking down and being late.
james was too in his head to process it, his mind void of all but regulus.
regulus black.
regulus potter.
james black.
james and regulus.
regulus and james.
… jegulus.
he made himself giggle.
sirius nudged his side and gave him a concerned glance over.
“sirius.” he whispered, leaning into his space, “i have something wonderful to tell you.”
sirius grinned and turned to face him, “tell me!”
james glanced over at the other two to make sure their conversation was safe, before he whispered, “i think i’m in love with your brother.”
sirius looked at him blankly, his eyebrow slowly arching up. it was almost comical how slow it was.
james nodded with a bright smile.
“blimey james.” sirius muttered with a shake of his head, “he’s so annoying. not to mention, probably a slytherin!”
“i don’t care. i want to marry him.” james said, and he knew he was gushing. he just had to grab onto sirius and shake him, “he’s just so pretty.”
“i’m going to take that as a compliment.” sirius nodded and poked james in the shoulder, pushing him away, “and the only reason i will allow your terrible tastes- clearly you’ve picked the wrong brother… is because if you marry him we can be related for real.”
james lit up like a christmas tree.
he spent the entirety of the train ride repeating their names smushed together in his head, and the whole of dinner staring at regulus over on the slytherin table.
he took the first teasing chuckle and nudge from sirius about it in stride, but he didn’t get a second like he thought. and then he realised the only reason sirius wasn’t teasing james about his love sick state was because sirius had the same dreamy look on his face towards remus.
remus and james black.
an injury prone halfblood boy with anger issues and a rebellious pure blood who spat in the face of purist values just like his parents, chasing after the only two hairs of the noble house of black.
oh, this year was going to be fun.
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ladyvictory22 · 7 months
Singapore, 2013
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Suzuka, 2014
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Little Lovebirds
They liked each other *they still like each other
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theshoesofatiredman · 6 months
I think love matters even if it doesn't last. The love that gets you through a day can be beautiful and profound. Twenty four hours could give you a person you'll never see again but will remember for years to come. Sometimes a week with the care, affection, and company of another person can be enough to drastically change your life forever.
Everyone is looking for always, and I totally understand why. The desire for love is constant. We will always need to be cared for and we want to meet that need as consistently as we can. But there are so many little ways we can love other people, give care for only a small amount of time. And it matters. It all counts.
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cassiebaby444 · 7 months
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wildspringday · 2 months
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archie madekwe via instagram
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houndsister · 2 months
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Lupin, lupines, & a gloriously sunny day hike with Ari
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daddybearry · 6 days
She's such a pretty pup for daddy 😍😍
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Good baby girl. 😘
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sunfire-ancunin · 7 months
I can hear Neil trying really hard NOT to do Astarion, it's almost second nature to him!
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chubbie-bunnie-96 · 2 months
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True love is trying to stay up late so that you can feel your baby settle down and stop kicking you because you don't want to miss the feeling you've waited 6 months for.
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gramdma · 2 years
Today is coming to an end my loves.
We can leave the stresses and heartbreaks of the day behind us as we drift off to sleep.
Meet tomorrow with happy hearts and open minds
In the wise words of Christopher Robin
You are Braver than you believe
Stronger than you seem
Smarter than you think
And loved more than you know
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casualhideoutkitten · 4 months
Little Love
I want to live with you.
Not in a romantic way, at least I don't think so.
All I know is that I love you.
I want what you call 'girlhood'.
I want matching toothbrushes
I want silly hats
I want late night bitch talks
I want late night sad talks
I want snuggles at random times
I want to cook gluten free food for you
I want to sneak into your bed and hug you to sleep
I want to braid your hair
I want to be your anchor when you find it hard to stay present
I want to steal each others clothes and pretend to fight
I want to spend rainy days doing fuck all
I want to do my little crafts and write my little poems while you busy yourself, always occupied with a new task
I want to have dance parties in the kitchen while we wait for the cake to bake
I want to spend lazy Sunday mornings with you, not worrying about the outside world
I want casual affection
Most of all, I want you.
I've seen it referred to as 'little love'.
I think little love can be platonic
And I want it all with you.
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elegantdemoness · 6 months
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Aries is hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh as a motherfucker. Haha gave her a (unintentionally) huge amount and she has the cutest faces. Seriously.
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fckmini · 1 year
I have to write a love story in French for my assessment
please reply/ reblog this with something you love and brightens your day 
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iwannabemeandmine · 9 months
Digital diaries are so calming, it could give you the peace that you want. Even if it is for a while, it really feels like a genuine small happiness that revolves around. Helps you in building yourself, worrying about your little antics and finally making you fall in love with all that surrounds you. I love watching people's digital escapades(frankly called vlog), being their own self with the people they love. Sometimes they are cooking or having a heartfelt dinner or organising their closet. Makes me realise that even if i am folding my clothes it could give me the peace that i craved for the whole week. Our neverending chores could give us content we work so hard for. I love how the sunshine feels while hanging the clothes, or the sudden burn caused by a splurt of oil(hey no pain no gain) all in all, we don't need to have plans to be happy, our home gives us all through its chores.
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