minxystories · 2 years
Little Red Riding Hood – Lancer
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First Ascension: A young woman with reddish brown hair, wearing an autumn colored dress. A clean line is on the front of it, starting at the edge of the skirt and ending at her collar. Said collar is in a dark red-brown. Stitches run alongside the line, making it seem like someone cut the dress and it was stitched back together. Those stitches disappear under a corset in a darker brown than the dress itself. The sleeves vanish under dark gloves that reach the middle of her forearms. In her hands lies a golden battle axe, a wolf engraved into it’s handle. A certain red hood hides her face, it’s cape reaching her knees. It’s impossible to see her expression, a wolf mask hiding it from view. Only a green light from the eyes and a wolfish grin can be seen. Dark leggings and boots cover her legs, leaving only the mouth and part of the neck without cover.
Second Ascension: The hood is taken off, leaving her hair to flow freely in the wind. It just goes past her shoulders, looking rather unkempt and wild. Fur trimmings now line her dress, gloves and boots, giving her the appearance of a hunter during the winter.
Final Ascension: A pair of wolf ears appear on her head, in the same color as her hair. Her hands turn into claws, tightly gripping her weapon. On a belt hangs now a crossbow and two wolves stand on her side, their bodies made out of blood. Her mask is gone, having broken in two. Instead, you can see stitches on her face, starting where the ones on her dress ended and stopping at her hairline. They hold together a clean cut, stopping it from opening again. Surprisingly, no blood flows from that wound.
Class: Lancer
Alternatives: Berserker
True Name: Red Riding Hood
Source: Grimm Fairy tales/German folklore
Region: Germany
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Attribute: Earth
Known as: Riie, Rotkäppchen, Little Red Cap
Voice Actress: Yui Ishikawa
Strength: A
Endurance: EX
Agility: A
Mana: E
Luck: D
Passive Skills
Twisted Mind
A skill exclusive for the Twisted Servants. It marks them as warped versions of their original tale, making it nearly impossible to see the true Servant underneath. Through their creation in a world where everything is digital, they can’t comprehend things that are exclusive for the real world. For example, pain or blood. No twisted Servant can feel pain, nor are they able to understand the concept of blood or what it means. Their mind is twisted beyond repair and nobody can change that.
(In-game effect: Immune to all mental debuffs)
One of the Hounds
As the one who calls the hounds, she is one of them as well. Hunters of blood, multiplying with each wound and each drop of life essence. They disappear as quickly as they came, but they are never truly gone, coming back in a single second.
(In-game effect: HP will never fall bellow 1 when taking Bleeding damage)
Madness Enhancement EX
While it isn’t hard to have a fully normal conversation with Riie, it is nearly impossible to reason with her. Her mind is that of a tortured soul, lashing out and going for the throat at any chance she gets. Not even her Master is save from it, even with the use of Command Spells. She isn’t capable of separating right from wrong, only doing things that seem “funny” to her.
(In-game effect: Increases own Buster performance by 12%)
Magic Resistance D+
As a being of fantasy and pure fiction, magic often times has little effect on her. However, as magical as her tale may be, she is still a somewhat humane entity, neither fully human, nor fully beast, so her resistance can not rival others by a long shot.
Active Skills
Tell-Tale Heart
Hearing the continuous beating of her own heart, a heart that shouldn’t be there, that wasn’t there upon her creation, Riie goes insane. Not caring about any collateral damage, she blindly attacks both enemies, allies and herself.
(In-game effect: Inflicts “Bleeding” onto all enemies, all allies and Riie two times. Charges NP Gauge by 40%)
Oblivious Mind
Through a combination of her inability to feel pain and her limited knowledge of what is fundamentally “normal” and what isn’t, Riie never takes notice to the damage on her body. She doesn’t stop unless she collapses or dies.
(In-game effect: Grants Invincibility for 2 turns. Reduces HP by 50% of her current HP)
Bloodhounds of the Dark Forest
As hunter and as wolf, she has hounds that she calls for help. Once blood has flown, one of her dogs jumps out of the red liquid. They are her pack, her hounds and the only ones who understand her. The fact that they are purely made of blood doesn’t matter to Riie.
(In-game effect: Inflicts Bleeding on herself two times. Increases attack by 30%)
Noble Phantasm
Ewige Jagd im Dunklen Wald – A Journey with no Return
Rank: B
Maximum Targets: 500
Range: ???
Classification: Anti-Army
A reality marble, recreating the forest of the fairy tale. Follow the road, never leave it. Follow the trail, never be swayed. Ignore the eyes following you, ignore the temptation of the unknown. Follow the footsteps of the little girl. But why do they start to lead into the trees? Once you take a step off it, you will be lost forever, being stalked by a gluttonous hunter. The trail is gone and the hunt begins. She will use many tricks, making you distrust everything and everyone. At the end, you are merely one more prey added to her endless list of meals.
Painless Beast – Who exactly am I?
Rank: A+
Maximum Targets: ???
Range: ???
Classification: Anti-Human
Who is the girl with the red hood? Who is the beast with claws like knives and teeth like swords? Who is the hunter with the golden weapon? The answer is simple: Riie. She is both the girl and the wolf, the hunter and the forest. An amalgamation of everyone and everything. But who are the most prominent? Everyone has a clear place, but what about the wolf? Filled with confusion, frustration and pain, the hounds turn on the red hood, swallowing her whole and release the true beast, the giant wolf of the fairy tale. In a fit of rage, she will attack everything and everyone, only howls, growls and screams of pain. The beast finally felt pain and is now breaking from all the wounds.
(In-game effect: Increases attack by 10% per Bleeding stack on self for 3 turns (activates first). Deals heavy damage to all enemies. Reduces HP by 2000. Reduces allies HP by 500 per Bleeding stack)
Voice Lines
Summoned: “Incoming! Final Lancer, Red Hood, ready to kill!… huh? Calm down? Why calm down when I’m all fired up and ready to go?! Ah- by the way, don’t call me Red Hood, I prefer Riie!”
Level up 1: “More power for me~!”
Level up 2: “You really like playing with fire.”
First Ascension: “Ooooooo I love the new look! The fur is great for cold weather and makes hunting a bit easier!”
Second Ascension: “Well, You’re really curious about me, aren’t you? Making me so strong and powerful! How about we stay here though? I like this, it’s nice… please.”
Third Ascension: “Aaaaaaaaa… why…? I don’t like this, I don’t want this… Why did you reveal the truth? I liked just being the Red Hood, I don’t like the others. Don’t look. Don’t look at my disgusting face. Ignore me, pretend I’m not there. Just use me as you see fit and throw me away. You won’t?… why? Why would you want to have a terrific amalgamation like me around?”
Final Ascension: “I’m me again, the Red Hood everyone knows and loves. Let’s stick with this, keep it like this and forget everything that happened before. I’ll even forgive you for causing it in the first place! Just forget it all and we can go back to how it was!”
Fight Start 1: “I’ll munch on you and you and you!”
Fight Start 2: “Let me at ‘em, LET ME AT ‘EM!”
Skill 1: “Take a look at my hounds, aren’t they adorable?”
Skill 2: “This sound drives me INSANE.”
Skill 3: “What was I supposed to do? Oh, right! Killing the enemy!”
Command Card Select 1: “Next prey found!”
Command Card Select 2: “One goes down and the next one follows!”
Command Card Select 3: “Hunt my hounds, give chase!”
Noble Phantasm Select 1: “A- wait! Don’t!”
Noble Phantasm Select 2: “No… please…”
Attack 1: “Munch munch munch!”
Attack 2: “Let’s see some heads roll!”
Attack 3: “I’ll rip them to pieces!”
Extra Attack: “Enjoy your last second!”
Noble Phantasm 1: “No. Nonononononon. I don’t want to do this, I hate this. My hounds, please don’t do- AAAAAAAAA.”
Noble Phantasm 2: “You made me do this. It’s your fault, your fault, your fault, YOUR FAULT! You turned me into this Painless Beast! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.”
Damage from Noble Phantasm: “Good, but not good enough!”
Regular Damage: “Hehehe.”
Defeated 1: “I think.. I overdid it again…”
Defeated 2: “No! I’m still… hungry.”
Victory 1: “I could go on forever!”
Victory 2: “Wait, you’re already dead?! I just got started!”
Ascension 1 and 2
Bond 1: “I’ll let you in on a little secret. While I like to eat anything and everything, I mostly prefer chocolate! Especially the dark one, it’s so bitter!”
Bond 2: “Why do I go by Riie? Well, I don’t like the name Red Hood, it’s a bit toooo long for my taste. And it makes it easier for me personally. I don’t put a label on who of them I am.”
Bond 3: “To be honest, I’m not just the Red Hood. I’m the wolf too. And the hunter, the house, the grandma, the forest. But all of these identities, who of them all am I? I can hear them screaming in my head, all of them wanting to be the Servant in front of you, but non of them are me.”
Bond 4: “I still have no idea who or what I am. There’s just so much going on inside me, and it’s all so loud, everyone trying to win the upper hand. I don’t even know how I’m able to restrain myself enough to not rip out anyone’s organs. Why do I feel so… calm?”
Bond 5: “I think I finally know why I can stop myself day by day. It is because you are kind. You’ve shown me kindness so far and even accepted all the turmoil and ugliness. Thank you. From now until the end, I’ll make sure to always clear the way for you, no matter how violent it may be.”
Dialogue 1: “Oi, master, buddy, pal, when can we go fighting again? It’s a calm day today, it’s so boring!”
Dialogue 2: “Have you seen my blood hounds? Now you have!”
Dialogue 3: “All of my hounds actually have names! They look pretty similar but I can still differentiate them! There’s Elaine, Laverne and Odette, as well as Bellamy, Garlyn and Lionel!”
Dialogue 4 (Charlemagne or Oberon): “Well don’t you smell a lot like you aren’t supposed to exist. I take it that at least a part of you is purely fiction. Makes two of us!”
Dialogue 5 (Author Servants): “So you are people who create entities like me. Makes me wonder, what is going on inside your head? Considering how dark some of your stuff is, I’m not sure if I really want to know.”
Dialogue 6 (Little Prince): “Princeling! You’re here too! Wha- Hey! Come back! Let me play with you!”
Dialogue 7 (Hessian Lobo): “Oh? Another wolf! A- oh no… I feel both happy but also, holy smokes the red hood in me is screaming in fear!”
Dialogue 8 (Van Gogh): “Oho? Another Servant with an existential crisis? Good to know I’m not the only one with that.”
Likes: “I love hunting, but you know that already. What else, what else, what else. My hounds, fighting, wine and cake!”
Dislikes: “I don’t like stones. Dunno why, but they make me uneasy. Also, water and scissors. Weird stuff, I know.”
About the Grail: “I can’t really think of a-… wait, never mind, I have a wish. But that is my secret~.”
During an event: “Oh something is going on! Come on come on we have to check it out immediately!!”
Birthday: “Alles gute zum Geburtstag! That’s German for Happy Birthday. Let’s go to the cafeteria, the others made cake!”
Ascension 3 (Does not have Dialogue lines)
Bond 1: “Stay away, don’t look. After everything so far, I hate you. Making me trust you, just to stab me in the back when I asked you to stop.”
Bond 2: “Didn’t I tell you to stay away? I am very much capable to just eat you right here and now… apologize? APOLOGIZE?! THAT DOES NOTHING TO CHANGE WHAT HAPPENED! If you really want to apologize, just stay out of my sight or find a way to turn me back!”
Bond 3: “What do you want this time? I can hardly stop myself from attacking, just stay away. Although, if I do attack you, one of your other Servants might kill me and I can rest. Now would that be worth it? Dang, the thought makes my head hurt.”
Bond 4: “You really can’t stop bothering me. Fine, what do you-… ARE YOU TRYING TO BRIBE ME WITH CHOCOLATE?!… How dare you abuse my secret like that. And how dare I actually fall for it.”
Bond 5: “I still don’t forgive you. For now. But sitting on it all for too long won’t solve anything, so I guess I’ll join you in your antics again. But if I end up trying to eat you, you have nobody to blame but yourself. I warned you before, now live with the consequences!”
One of the most well known fairy tales in the modern world, first documented by the brothers Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm in their first edition of their Children's and Household Tales. Many different versions of her story are known, but in all of them she wears a cloth in a bright red. This version however is turned and twisted, changing the innocent and gullible red hood into the bloodthirsty monster known as Riie.
Her mother send her to her grandmother, who was sick and lives in the forest. Together with a basket, a bottle of wine and some cake, she went on her way. But a wolf spotted her, trying to lure her off the trail. The girl refused and continued on her way. So the wolf went to the grandmother and ate her, disguising himself as her to wait for the red hood. Once she arrived, he ate her as well. But to their luck, a huntsman was nearby. As the wolf slept, he cut open his stomach. In joy, the girl and her grandmother jumped out. They filled the wolf with stones and stitched him back up. When he finally woke up from his nap, the stones were so heavy that he fell to his death.
Bond 1
Height/Weight: 171 cm/ 67 kg
Source:German folklore
Region: Germany
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Female
Bond 2
But her childish nature is deceiving. She seems innocent at first glance, but everything she does and says is a complete contradiction to that girl in the fairy tale. Her existence is a contradiction in and of itself, her stories being pure fiction, yet she still exist as a singular entity, defying the rules of the world.
Bond 3
Her existence is only possible through a certain project in a simulation. While she shouldn't be able to exist in reality, the simulation made it possible, because those who aren’t meant to exist can open their eyes there for the first time. The system and the simulation dug into the throne of heroes, giving the red hood a chance to anchor herself to reality and become “real”. And that is exactly what she did. However, her status as a Twisted Servant remained, no matter how often her core was ripped apart to find the issue.
Bond 4
Despite claiming to be the defenseless Red Hood, Riie is a very capable huntress and warrior. Her thrive and eagerness to kill is nearly unmatched, only the most courageous dare to challenge her to a duel. However, every challenger quickly realized one important issue. Riie doesn’t fight to win a duel, she fights to kill her opponent. She doesn’t differentiate between friendly spar or all changing battle. For her, the only end to a fight is death. After this happened a few times, Riie was officially banned from taking part in practice matches.
Bond 5 (Ascension 3 unlocked)
Riie is a mix of every character in the story of the Red Riding Hood. Be it the wolf, hunter or forest. Even the barely mentioned mother and the wooden basket, all are a part of her. And all of them want to be in control. The crying of the terrified little girl, the hungry howls of the wolf, the angry shouts of the hunter. All of them echo in her head with no stop in sight. Unable to rest, Riie throws herself into any altercation, in hopes of drowning out the noises of her components. Despite all of this, she doesn’t hate them. The only thing she resents is her lack of identity in face of their screams.
Extra (Icelandic LB destroyed)
With an endless hunger, the beast rages on forever. Nothing stopping her all consuming jaws, nothing escaping her restless hunt. She stalks, she strikes, she eats and then she starts again. Only death can free her and any future prey, but who will be the one to strike the monster down? Who will be the brave huntsman to defeat the beast? Who will be the one to free the girl from her never ending misery? Only time may tell.
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daveb · 2 years
before I’ve started Igive up on this littlestory surroundedby the almost noiseof air conditionersslow unseen aircraftthe last breath ofwhy can’t I just   stop me if you’ve heard this one   but no it’s justfrom here we seetrees burning birdsthud to the groundapartments collapsespilling canned peasand plastic dolls intoa stream and cloudsand clouds and clouds
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life-1001 · 3 years
In the land of Zaria
Part 8
"Wake up!" Chloe, Kath, Sander, Hans and Vera yelled in Lilith's ear. Finally she was awake.
"What the hell? What happened? Where we sent away?"
"What?" Hans asked, taking another sip from his waterbottle.
"But we were... You and I were?" Lilith tried to speak, pointing first to her and Hans so her and Chloe, but everyone looked at her weird.
"Gurl, are you alright?" Vera asked
"Yeah should we be worried?" Kath added
"Everything alright?" Marianne asked as she passed by. Could it be that it all was in her head? That it was a dream, did she sleep during school time?
"I guess Lilith had a dream and now she is just disoriented" Chloe said as she sat besides Lilith, giving her a hug.
"Just a dream" Lilith managed.
"Ey! Jason" Sander greeted him in the hallway "you're back"
"Wouldn't miss lunch for the world" Jason said, and that's when Lilith's face got paler than it already was before.
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paolazakimi · 5 years
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Playground & sun. #illustration #kidsillustration #illustratorsoninstagram #paolazakimi #foliojr #picturebooks #littlestories #playground #kidsplaying https://www.instagram.com/p/B1rgEWAHODJ/?igshid=16zxnta5rc15y
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joseluismorenogamez · 5 years
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Dejé espacio para que me vieras - 5 ... .. . #picoftheday📷 #littlestories #lensculture #lensculturestreet #emptynessinside #vacio #emptyness #arquitectura #architecture #architecturephotography # #venecia #venezia #venice #igervenezia #fujifilm #fujixt2 #y_sola #solitude #emptyness #eogenerations #eyesopentalent #fujifilm #fujiespaña #historia #history #past #present (en Venezia, Italia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByVif8nCYDW/?igshid=oa96m36wik5e
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elisamacellari · 6 years
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Secret lover. New one on @donnamoderna #postadelcuore by #chiaragamberale
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kalegiro · 6 years
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Come hang out @Helikongallery this Friday (7th) for “Little Stories”!!! 
#art #painting #floatig #space #solar #acrylagouache #artistoninstagram #illustration #kalegiro #littlestories #gallery https://www.instagram.com/p/BnY3FMpB6dK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18n1l184dqx33
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naosouemily · 6 years
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✨💇🏻Kami - página 1. O Fio. Mesmo quando se prendemos as lembranças mais profundas ainda sim se pegamos a pequenos detalhes. 🌙✨ . . . #littlestories #illustration #illustrart #ilustração #arte #darkart #kami #hair #cabelo #blackandwhite #nanquim #sakurapens #brazil #brazilart
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Merry Christmas everyone! Here’s to lots of lovely weddings and fun in 2021! . 2020 has been quite a challenge at times but it’s also been amazing in so many different ways. . I’ve enjoyed the good bits and made the best of the not quite so fab bits!! . And now looking forward to safe and happy times ahead. . . . . #weddingphotographerlondon #smallerweddingsphotographer #smallerwedding #onephotoperday #productphotographer #headshotphotographerlondon #businessbrandingphotographer #businessbrand #littlestories #littlestoriesofmylife #marketingphotographer #advertisingphotographer #hertfordshirephotographer #londonphotographers #weddingphotographerlondon #Londonphotographer #headshotsLondon #productphotographer #specialistbrandphotographer #businessbrandphotographer #hertfordshirephotographer #brandphotographer #businessphotographer #thenoke #countryhousewedding https://www.instagram.com/p/CJM8gKYB-Zn/?igshid=k58eed0axomb
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minxystories · 2 years
Nightly Tea
This one is abit longer than usual, so have fun reading!
Unlike usual, it was quiet in the building. The lights were out and the night spread its darkness through the hallways like wings. The only noise were careful steps. She didn’t want to wake anyone up, they all deserved a peaceful night of sleep. However, sleep couldn’t come for her once more. She was tired, but lying in her bed for hours on end didn’t help. So at last, Sammy could only quietly leave her room and wander around the building.
A shiver ran down her spine and she pressed the stuffed bunny closer to her chest. As tips of her fingers turned a sickly blue, her curse showed its ugly head again. In hindsight, she shouldn’t have gone on all of those gathering missions, but they needed the materials, so she had barely any choice. Her hands buried themselves in the soft fabric of the plush animal as her steps hastily echoed through the halls.
Maybe she could make something to drink, a tea or maybe some hot milk. No coffee, that would only make her situation worse. While the warmth of the drink couldn’t outlast her curse, the relaxing taste and momentarily heat makes the trip worth it. Her journey quickly lead her to the kitchen. A cabinet was opened, a teabag stolen and the kettle turned on. The bunny quietly sat on the counter, watching its owner at work.
Sammy was just about to reach for a mug when something brushed against her back and fell to the floor. The teabag was gone in a flash, being burned by a small burst of flames. The magic sparked between her fingers as she turned around. But just before she could summon her staff, she noticed the big heap of fur. It was dirty with mud, but you could still recognize its blue color.
A sight escaped her lips as she identified the wolf. A grumble came from the big animal as Sammy sat close to him on the ground and started to run her fingers through his usually fluffy coat.
“Pray tell Lobo, what did you do this time?”
Another grumble and a soft laugh from Sammy. With a burst of courage, she laid her hands on his back and just messes with the dirty fur. Quickly, the avenger turned his snout to her and growled playfully, but Sammy was already standing again, preparing her tea once more.
“You know you don’t have to scare me like that. I’m glad I only burned the teabag and nothing majorly important.”
This time she got no answer. Instead Lobo just stared at her critically. While he obviously didn’t like how she messed with his fur, he also didn’t do anything expect the growl, so she didn’t seem to have overstepped the boundary. After putting the teabag and water in the mug, she turned back to her servant. At the sight of his muddied pelt, she returned his critical stare with one of her own.
“We’ll have to wash you later.”
He gave her an irritated growl and distaste was clear in his eyes. Neither Lobo nor Sammy liked those days when the wolf needed to be washed. It was the one thing both agreed upon, even though their reasoning were wildly different. The girl just rolled her eyes and sat back down again, leaning her back against his side.
“I don’t like it either, but if we don’t wash you, the staff will complain about muddy paw prints again. If it would make things more comfortable for you, then I can ask Paris for help.”
The tail of the big animal moved from side to side in a slow manner, showing both his excitement for the small Archer, as well as his tiredness. A giggle left the blond girl as she watched her friend. She leaned further back into his fur, relaxing and closing her eyes. Talking with the canine made her more tired, so maybe she might be able to sleep now.
However, this hope was quickly destroyed. As she opened her eyes again, she was somewhere else. A pathway into a forest stretched before her. The trees were green, giving the forest a lively look. It seemed to be spring. For a second she thought she was dreaming, but that illusion was broken in a matter of seconds. An angry voice called a name. A name she couldn’t understand, the sound being dampened enough to be indistinguishable. But she knew exactly who's name he called.
Panic filled her as her body began to move, running along the path, deeper into the forest. Her legs were shorter than usual, her body smaller, so running away was even harder. It didn’t take long before the voice grew louder and heavy steps followed her. Despite the little distance between her and the man, she still couldn’t understand what he was yelling. But knowing this man from her previous visions, she could guess it is for her own good that he seemed to speak gibberish. The closer he came, the colder the air around her got. Her limbs started to hurt, burning from the cold. The surroundings changed as well, slowly turning into a muddy fall forest. Everything seemed dead and the ground became more slippery than before.
It was hard to run on the mud, her feet slipping with every step. The voice of the man became so loud, it seemed to ring in her head. Thinking became harder, resulting in her not paying enough attention to her surroundings.
Everything came to a stop as the ground disappeared, giving way to water. The river seemed calm, a total opposite to her inner turmoil. For a handful of second, she could see a reflection in the water. Instead of ashen blond strands, the hair of the girl in the reflection was a fiery red. It was hard not to recognize Giselle as the girl. It immediately validated her suspicion.
This wasn’t a nightmare.
It was another vision of Giselle’s live.
A wet feeling on her cheek brought her back to reality. Instead of leaning on Lobo, she was now lying on her back, the avenger standing beside her. The dark kitchen was illuminated by blue flames that danced across the ground, whispering and giggling among themselves. Her cheeks were wet and her back hurt. The avenger seemed to have stood up as the flames appeared and in turn, her back met the floor. Slowly, the girl sat up, her body shacking from what she saw. Adrenalin still flew through her system, allowing her to stand up, albeit a big struggle. Her hands pressed against the counter, trying to find some sort of help to stay on her feet. Lobo watched her and walked closer, a soft whine escaping his throat. It was oh so different from the growl and scowl, it would have made her giggle under different circumstances.
“I’m fine…”
It was an obvious lie. Quickly she reached for the plush animal, pulling it towards her and burying her face in its fur.
“I’m absolutely fine…”
A sob wrecked her body. Her words were muffled by the toy and she pressed her face further into the fabric, hiding from the world. The flames quieted down, stopping their whispers and observing the girl. The cup of tea was long forgotten, slowly losing its warmth. Lobo couldn’t give her any comforting words like the other servants. So instead, he gave her his company and softly pressed his snout against her side, hoping it would give her some sort of comfort.
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vida--agridulce · 6 years
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I had a shitty day and this happened #mywriting #writersofinstagram #anger #ache #bitemytongue #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #heartache #writersofig #blurb #littlestories
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life-1001 · 3 years
In the land of Zaria
Part 6
"Thank you so much" Elena said. Chloe was helping her get warm while Marianne brought her hot cocoa.
"No need to thank us, you kinda had a hard landing" Lilith replied as she came in with Jason's sword. "Here"
"Next time bring your own" he said in that cool voice of his, the voice Lilith couldn't quite read.
"Well I'll make sure God sends me a warning next time there's a fight"
"Children" Marianne warned, and it was enough to make Lilith and Jason shut up.
"Actually it wasn't God who did that" Elena said, "I did"
"Girl said what?" Elliot exclaimed surprised.
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kathryn-thomas-blog · 4 years
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‪Day 13/16 postponed Dorset Art Weeks #DAW2020ARTIST my venue is my portfolio. ‘Little stories everywhere’ A/P Print image size 70 x 54cm £100 signed and titled #portfoliopledge #artistsupportpledge #Littlestories #everywhere https://www.instagram.com/p/CBBjWwAHh7o/?igshid=1pkzzpq3tm0x3
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joseluismorenogamez · 5 years
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Retrato ...2 .. . #picoftheday📷 #littlestories #lensculture #lensculturestreet #emptynessinside #vacio #emptyness #arquitectura #architecture #architecturephotography #siniestro #damages #waterdamage #agua #daño #marca #mark #venecia #venezia #venice #igervenezia #fujifilm #fujixt2 #y_sola #solitude #emptyness #eogenerations #eyesopentalent #retrato #portrait https://www.instagram.com/p/ByFAKjCCfd6/?igshid=8g6w8c499umu
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kalegiro · 6 years
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Come hang out @Helikongallery this Friday (7th) for “Little Stories”!!! . . . . . #art #painting #queen #king #royalty #acrylagouache #cards #illustration #kalegiro #littlestories #gallery https://www.instagram.com/p/BnW93kdh7u-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lyt45pgxwl8z
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conexaoamerica · 4 years
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Fan Pier Boston Credit @carawasthere Follow 👉🇺🇸 @conexao.america . . . . . . Alliance @america_states @enjoy_la_ . . . . . . . . #conexaoamerica #bostongram #bostonsworld #seaportboston #bostonigers #bostondotcom #bostontravel #followingboston #exploreboston #howtoboston #lifeinboston #bostonia #bostonviews #bostonskyline #fanpier #thatsdarlingweekend #littlestories #enjoythelittlethingsinlife #alifewellcaptured #mynewengland #weekendwonders #theweekendwalkabout #designmilktravels #girlstraveldiary #lebeauvoyage #travelfromhome #armchairtravel #virtualtravel #cornersofmyworld #tlpicks (em Boston Fan Pier) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_acaFmJL8b/?igshid=pbpv1xjh6wiy
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