#long post lol forgive me
soosoosoup · 26 days
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Funk branch au
Au and branch design by @bbc-trolls
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bleaksqueak · 8 months
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New Star Tier reward pack is up and live over at the Solivaga Patreon! Part 1 of an Autumn png asset pack that I made for myself for Chapter 3. These are all painted by me, by hand, and if you want to snag them to help with your background work, you can pick them up at the link below! Autumn Illustration Assets
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Okay I’m going to say this and I’m going to say this once.
I do not like how the relationship with Jamie’s father was handled in season 3.
If they wanted to go the route of forgiveness they absolutely could have. If they wanted to go the route of his dad going to rehab they absolutely could have. Those are not inherently wrong or bad. It’s a show about forgiveness and I get that. It’s a comedy and Jamie is not the main character - I get that too.
My issue is this: the show went out of its way on multiple occasions to show just how violent and abusive James is. Just to give a few examples:
Repeated physical abuse
Repeated verbal abuse
Planning, funding, and likely pressuring the sexual abuse of his 14 year old son (a minor and below the age of consent in both The Netherlands and the UK regardless of the age of the girl in the red light district)
The willingness to beat Coach Beard (basically a stranger to him) with a metal pipe in a 3 to 1 fight in a back alley which could have realistically resulted in his death (and calling Beard “son” right before the final blow)
Jamie literally gave up his dream - a job as a professional footballer on a top hometown team - to leave the country on a trashy reality show just to get away from his father. The show traced a large portion of Jamie’s issues back to his relationship with his father. Not all of course - but that was a big theme of his growth and development.
So even if we entertain the notion that this stint in rehab was successful and James is sober - that’s great. That’s a storyline I wouldn’t mind hearing - IF we had the appropriate time to show it. But the thing is, we didn’t. This season was disjointed and rushed in many ways - and I’m not complaining - I still loved it. But if they’re going to tackle a topic this serious, they need to do it right. They need to be clear that alcohol was not the only problem James had and that sobriety does not absolve you of accountability. As important as it is to portray the message that all human beings can change, including addicts, it is equally as important to show the serious work that addicts in recovery put in to address the hurt that they caused through their addiction. It is not easy work to battle addiction and to mend relationships - sometimes part of recovery is accepting that you can’t mend things with everyone you’ve hurt and that is the right of the victim to decide how they feel.
We were shown none of this. What we got instead was:
A speech from Jamie’s mom about how he is still amazing despite his dad while still somehow crediting Jamie’s talent to his dad’s abuse
Ted telling Jamie to forgive his dad as he’s mid-panic about his safety and his dad’s location
Ted making a point to say the forgiveness was for Jamie’s sake, not for James - which was ALMOST good until they ruined it
Denbo and Bug suddenly supportive despite being just as violent as James in 2x09
James suddenly in rehab for 0.2 seconds
Jamie reaching out to his dad via text despite having no idea his dad is in rehab - something that is realistically compromising his physical and emotional safety
A quick clip of Jamie bonding with his father before the season/series ends for good
The reason I connected with Jamie so intensely from season 1 was the shared experience of abuse from my father. I want to be clear that I know I’m projecting - that’s what fandom is - and I in no way expected the show to end exactly as I wanted. However, this is what I would have liked to see as 1) an abuse survivor 2) a licensed therapist and 3) a person:
The message that you can heal without forgiving those who hurt you OR that you can forgive them and still not allow them back into your life (ESPECIALLY if it compromises your safety)
The message that sometimes people don’t change for the better and you can grieve that relationship while still fostering healthier ones elsewhere.
An emphasis on support systems and chosen family when someone doesn’t have the reality of a parent or partner getting better (we saw this with Bex seeking out Rebecca and Rupert’s assistant)
Instead of Man City suddenly cheering for Jamie, which felt insanely unrealistic, having the cheers of Richmond fans drown out the boos and verbal assaults of the Man City crowd - further emphasizing that despite the pain he has attached to Man City and his father, he has a home with Richmond.
So to wrap up this very long rant, I feel very disheartened by this part of the season. I still love Ted Lasso and always will - there were so many parts of this season I absolutely adored and wouldn’t trade for anything - but I feel that they dropped the ball on this one. Most people don’t get to repair relationships with abusive parents. Is it possible? Of course. Is it important to depict that it can happen? Absolutely. It’s a show about forgiveness. But they didn’t need to do it like this for Jamie’s storyline. They could have kept the speech about forgiving James for Jamie’s sake and deleted all of the rehab/texting afterwards. I still wouldn’t have been thrilled but it would have made more sense to me in context of the show. And it would have meant a lot more to me as someone who’s father is unlikely to ever stop being a risk to my safety.
This just felt bad. Jamie Tartt had one of the best arcs I’ve ever seen in media and he deserved better than that.
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lesbianjamies · 1 year
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Mac smiling 🥺
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basiltonpitch · 2 years
Devi vs. David: aka a comprehensive list of every single time ben gross has referred to devi as one or the other (season three edition)
here it is, the post you all have been waiting for! first off, if you missed them, please check out parts one and two where i talk about ben's use of devi vs. david in seasons one and two. and once again, this is just a list documenting every single instance in season three where ben refers to her as either devi or david with context + insight. i am making this mostly for my own purposes. also, some of the netflix captions are incorrect for this season (for example in 3x05 when he sees her at the coffeehouse for the first time) so if the font looks different on some of the screencaps, it's because i captioned them myself.
let's get started.
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the first instance in season 3 we see him refer to her at all, it’s as david; the first instance in season 1 was also a david, but this time instead of being used as a mark of rivalry, it is used as a mark of friendship. we see ben use david a lot this season, during what i affectionately refer to as the benvi besties era. but here, in this instance, it isn’t just used to establish their friendship. i mean, it sort of is i guess, but in two separate directions: the first being towards devi, and the second towards ben himself. setting those boundaries in his head, so to speak, because this is right after she tells him things are going great with paxton.
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another friendship david! i really love how they interact in this scene: he’s being so genuine when he says this, and her lil smile afterwards? priceless. the way he uses david as a term of endearment will never get old to me.
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obviously devi isn’t present in this scene, so it makes sense he doesn’t refer to her as david, but i just wanna point out that ben is a liar liar pants on fire!! while yes, ben and devi are solidly friends, he is still obviously harboring feelings for her. even his own girlfriend can see that. he is so quick to assure aneesa that he does not still have feelings for devi, but the way he talks about her here (insulting, but also sounding so fond, literally ben and devi’s love language!) and even like directly referencing what her freaking backpack looks like (because he notices everything about her, he can’t not notice her) like…dude. you are not making a good case for yourself.
also, this is not particularly relevant because, again, she isn't in this scene, but i still want to make the observation just like i did in part two that ben has never called her david around aneesa. there is no way this isn’t intentional. he calls her david in front of the rest of their friends, but if aneesa is present, it’s devi or nothing at all.
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continuing the trend of ben referring to her as david as a term of endearment / mark of friendship. there was no reason for him to put david in the text; he could have left it at “Holy shit! Did you do this?” and the message would still have come across. but he wants to add that extra layer to it, that extra oomph by referring to her as something that is just for them. just for their friendship. something special they have that no one else does. (also ben for fucks sake stop texting the love of your life for like two fucking seconds and pay attention to your actual girlfriend. jesus christ.)
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this is the first time he refers to her post-time skip - not that that really matters, i just wanted to point it out. ben is, as he says, four beers deep at this point, and they’re in the presence of friends. it just makes sense for the nickname to slip out. eleanor and fab also make no remarks about it (eleanor didn’t in the 3x02 troll shenanigans instance, either, pre-time skip), so they know it’s harmless.
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okay so in this one, the netflix captions are actually wrong — the captions say devi but ben very clearly says david, so i captioned this one myself. anyways. i just want to point out. benjamin. came to the coffeehouse. just because he heard devi say she was going to kiss someone there. you are not slick, dude. anyways. “Are you the charity we’re raising money for tonight?” is a callback to 2x05, obviously: “Well, this is a charity event, and you are, after all, a charity case.” banter. classic benvi banter. this isn’t a friendship david, even though they are friends. and the thing is, ben knows why he’s here. he’s not delusional; i don’t think he walked into the coffeehouse expecting for devi to kiss him. he was hopeful, maybe. but using david in a more teasing context as opposed to a term of endearment here, once again, sets those boundaries in his head. it’s never just as simple as whether he says david or devi; it’s also the tone he uses, how he says it.
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condescending king!!! okay no but for real. he uses devi here to exaggerate — i mean, he literally just called her david not even two minutes prior. it’s not a real dig at her, not a real insult, and she knows that. and honestly, i think he’s using their banter in this episode as some sort of armor, because he knows he wants to kiss her, and knows that he’s not going to, so it’s just…easier to be a dick. he keeps his guard up that way. yeah, he flirts by being an asshole, too, and while this episode does have flirty vibes (let’s be real they both wanted to kiss each other the whole damn time), i think ben is just mostly on the defense. especially after that “Don’t fall for a friend,” comment he makes to aneesa later on in the episode. (also, this is the first time this season he refers to her as devi to her face — the only other time so far he’s called her devi was when he was attempting to assure aneesa he didn’t have feelings for devi anymore.)
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really just reiterating a lot of what i said about the first instance of david during the coffeehouse. trying to make light of the situation, because really, we know he’s already jealous of whoever it is she’ll be kissing tonight, and he knows it’s not gonna be him. 
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more condescending ben! keeping up with the david here, same reasons as above, except it’s his second sentence here i really wanna talk about: “Most guys at drama club events are either dragged here by their girlfriends or are looking for boyfriends.” like WOW okay first of all, way to stereotype, but ALSO, i’m 100% convinced he said that because, you know, he doesn’t want her kissing anyone else. 
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this just feels like such a soft moment for me. this is right before 3x06, which is the episode ben decides to finally start to try moving on, but really, i think he started thinking about it in this episode, right at this moment. this “good night, devi,” almost reads like a “goodbye” to me -- not a real one, obviously, but a goodbye to the hopes he might have had for rekindling their romance. he’s going to keep on loving her (he can’t not love her), but he’s done letting himself be miserable about it.
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"...would’ve been the end of our journey together.”
ok once again it is obvious he does not refer to her as david when she is not present + even if he did it would not be to paxton but anyways. what i wanna talk about here is how ben has moved on from the cheating incident. i don’t think he’s like, fully 100% over it obviously,  and he’s def not over her, but so casually referencing it to devi’s other ex-boyfriend and there not being a hint of malice towards her in his voice? at this point it’s been probably about a year and a half, give or take, since the two-timing. yes, she broke his heart, but he’s had time to move past that aspect of it. and you could argue that he casually references it because in this scene he’s in one of the most embarrassing situations he’s ever been in and is trying to make light of the situation, but i think it’s more than that. he’s accepted that devi made a big fucking mistake. he’s moved on from it. not from her, not really, but from what she did to him.
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okay, yes, this comment comes across as sort of asshole-ish on the surface, but honestly? this is one if the nicest, most genuine things ben has said to her all season. i’m not even kidding when i say that. here, samberg directly says “This would normally prompt a twinge of jealousy in Ben, but if last night taught him anything, it was that he needed to let go of whatever caused him pain.” and like yeah okay comparing devi to the literal shit that was stuck in his gastrointestinal tract is….not great, but i see where he’s coming from. ben is making the conscious decision to stop hopelessly pining after devi. obviously, those feelings are still there, they are not going away just because he’s decided to start moving on. but he’s at peace now with the fact that they missed their chance (or so he thinks). david, once again, used as a mark of friendship. this is ben’s way of saying, “I hope this works out for you, friend. You deserve to be happy.”
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"...Don’t be insufferable about this, but you may have been right to think that we can win.”
okay, real quick, can we talk about how chill ben was with the possibility of losing? season two ben could never. ANYWAYS. of course he has to at least sort of be a dick (“Don’t be insufferable about this…”) but he genuinely means it. it’s a praise and an encouragement wrapped into one (up until the paralegals and faux-jeopardy computer stroll in) because they’ve been doing so well during the tournament. he has faith in her. david being used to get her attention here before he gives her that praise makes it come across even more genuine, i think, because this is ben we are talking about here and, again, david is a term of endearment for them!
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"...if you aren’t too busy making demented faces into your phone.”
BANTER like yes ok he’s genuinely annoyed here. but. this whole scene just oozes besties banter. don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a friendship david. it reads very close to their s1 enemies back-and-forth but there’s also that extra layer underneath, laced with the littlest bit of affection, because he doesn’t hate her like he did back then. (also, they’re working on a project together instead of competing for the best in class. season 1 pre-model un benvi could never.)
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he's trying to soften the blow of what he’s about to tell her about rhyah and des; obviously it doesn’t really work, because she still flips out on him lol, but he tries. he doesn’t even banter back when she tells him that his outfit is ugly. he’s heartbroken that he has to tell her this. he wanted so badly for this to work out for her. for her to be happy. but he has to do right by her, has to tell her because she deserves to know the truth. uses david to soften the sharpness of that truth. 
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david once again being used in a friendly context; his tone here is softening from the petty banter they had just been engaging in. telling her it’s “dumb not to go,” using david in the middle of that sentence for emphasis, but somehow he’s still not coming across as a dick here. he knows how impactful it would be for her to go, and tells her as much. but…
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cut me in half. throw me off a cliff. i may never emotionally recover from this. ben being so vulnerable here, probably the second most vulnerable we’ve ever seen him (the first being 3x06 with his father). telling her he doesn’t want her to go, that he’ll miss her, because he wants her in his life. even if they aren’t together. even if they never become anything more than friends again. he likes having her around. wants to keep her around. and he isn’t afraid to say it anymore. david here being used to, once again, establish that closeness between them, that closeness to his best friend (even if it’s never actually stated that she is his best friend, she is, she is). david being used because this is just them, just for them, words that cannot be left unsaid.
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sonicchaoscontrol · 1 year
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Alright, it’s close enough to the holiday here that we can go ahead and get started!
Hello! With all due sincerity, how are you? Have you been well?
It’s been a while, hasn’t it. Is this thing still on? Let me see if I can’t clear a few things up as the Moderator That Was, Once, And May Be Again. Read on for details, my friends! It’s long-winded, but I hope it suffices. If you’re new here, don’t worry about any of this, and simply enjoy the cheeky teaser. I’ll see you soon.
Of course, the obvious:
It wasn’t right of me to disappear. For three years it’s sat quietly as my greatest shame, and I still feel that guilt all the dang time. I was having such fun! This thing was on a roll! So…what happened in 2019? Truth is - I wasn’t ready. I had a lot of growing to do, both as a person and an artist, and I was winging it way more than I ever should have been allowed to get away with. Around the time I left, my living situation took a drastic turn for the worse, and I quickly arrived at every artist’s greatest enemy: Immense burnout. That shit sent me up in FLAMES. I was kindling in no time flat!
…So, like, what the hell man, where have I been in the years since? Twitter, mostly. Various MMOs. Discord, too. Learning and growing and finally getting my affairs in order. Are things okay now? Well, they’re a lot better than they were! Steady onwards. I’m out of that situation and on the mend. But lately? I’ve had this nagging itch in the back of my brain that it might be time to get back to where I feel I really belong. Revamp this shindig and fix it from the ground up, you know? It’s still a story I want to tell, but I feel that the time I’ve spent away has taught me a lot about how storytelling really works.
So what does the road look like from here?
Here’s how it’s gonna go - first, the fixes. I’d be functionally recycling the story in its current state, filling in the decade-old plotholes, and working with proper pacing ahead of time, instead of simply going page by page and seeing what happened (You don’t want to know what the old process looked like!). This time, updates would be sent out on a steadier, more reliable basis, instead of churning ahead at full throttle and reaching Burnout Station again. I don’t have an accurate estimate of how long this process will take or when new pages would be released, but I’d like to build up a little bit of a buffer, so we’ll see! At the time of this posting, several pages are already in the works - make of that what you will! I’ve also got an editor this time, for bonus points.
Secondly, the administrative aspect. Three years or so is a lot of time to lose grip on a website, and I haven’t actually USED this place in a while. So please bear with me while I make any necessary changes and see about adjusting things under the hood. Yes, the original discord was deleted. No, it doesn’t make it right. Yes, I have a new Sonic/SCC server that's waiting for the right time to go public. Communicate with me on that as we go - is that kind of hub still wanted? We’ll see.
This is an endeavor that will take time and patience, more than I feel I deserve after so suddenly ghosting everyone - mental illness and poor circumstance can make for a downright nasty combination, and I think we’re all juggling various struggles a few years into a worldwide pandemic. I ain’t special, I know a lot of us burned out like so many well-meaning meteors. But all that aside… I think I would like to try again. My inaction back then was borne of a terrible situation and no strength to keep the fire burning, but now? Now, I’m here, and ready to make the attempt.
I can’t promise immediate results, but the keyword here is ‘try’. Coming back to this place and seeing that there were still those hanging on, waiting to see if it would ever dig itself out of the snow? Warmed my heart like you would not believe. I don’t remember the state of mind I was in at the time, nor the current status of… a lot of things, actually, but y’know what, that’s okay. Clean slate. Fresh start. Powdered snow and broken ice.
You’re still here! You thought this was something worth waiting for! I will try my best to live up to that kindness, and do things the right way this time. Thank you for waiting for me.
Got ring? I do.
-Ness / RhythmCrown
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illiana-mystery · 3 months
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Almost forgot what day it was...
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neilphen · 8 months
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stephen stills study 🌼🌾📀🤎
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reference photo
drawn in iartbook 09/08/23-10/05/23
averaging line / acrylic line / flowers / full circle presets used :)
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honorhearted · 2 years
As a reverend’s son, Ben had always been taught that retaining ill will towards another person was wrong. One mustn’t covet, nor begrudge another man’s actions, and yet in this instance, Ben liked to believe God would forgive him -- nay, agree that his yearning for revenge was completely justified.
In a cruel twist of fate, his brother, Samuel had been arrested on a trip to London. He’d merely been speaking his mind in a tavern -- oh, Heaven forbid -- and the judge presiding over this trial had condemned him to prison...a prison where Samuel withered away, grew sick, and ultimately died a dog’s death. That sort of oversight could never be forgiven; not when this Turpin monster lived more than heartily in a mansion, while meanwhile everyone else starved and pleaded for crumbs. 
Ben wished to reverse his fortune. So now, leaning against the wrought-iron fence across from Turpin’s grand home, he pretended to read the book in his hand, occasionally glancing over at the small boy he’d hired to pose as a distraction. At long last, he could hear a commotion. The little boy was waving his hands, speaking loudly about an investment -- one that the judge had made, of course -- going “up in flames,” and that he’d been sent by “some nice banker” to come fetch him. Turpin, in all his greed, couldn’t resist this ploy, and immediately fetched his hat and coat before accompanying the child out into the street.
Miserable old miser.
Watching until the two had disappeared, Ben quickly rushed across the street and jogged up to the front door. In Turpin’s haste, the damned fool had forgotten to lock up, and with a breathy laugh of disbelief, Ben showed himself inside and quickly shut the door behind him. He didn’t know what he was looking for, exactly -- something, anything that could prove what a monster this man was -- so he took his time as he searched through the large house.
Before long, Ben became incredibly frustrated. None of Turpin’s desks nor potential hiding spots revealed anything of import -- not even a ruinous letter. Sourly, he headed for the final room in the upstairs hall (his last chance) and immediately froze once he realized it was locked. Oh... Well, surely this was a room of interest! No man with nothing to hide would lock a door, after all.
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Giddy, Ben set to work on picking the lock. After a handful of unsuccessful attempts, the lock finally sprung open, and he pushed his way into the room, pleased with himself until he realized that...well...he wasn’t alone. A pretty young blonde was seated in the far corner, embroidering quietly. Shit. Shit, shit, shit!
Pale and wide-eyed, he opened and closed his mouth a few times before spluttering, “Oh, uh...I-I’m so sorry, I...I thought...” Quickly. Come up with something, damn you! “Er, I am a carpenter. I was called in to fix a wobbly table leg. The judge isn’t presently here, so...I suppose I miscalculated the room. Apologies.” Though just as Ben turned to leave, it suddenly dawned on him that this woman had been locked inside this room -- that she was a prisoner of sorts -- so slowly, he halted his trek and turned again to regard her. “Are you all right, Miss?” This time, he didn’t bother disguising his American accent. Somehow, he had a feeling they might be on the same side...
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syneilesis · 1 year
🎧Ikemen Series R18 Seiyuu Masterlist🎧
As I have said before, I am listing Cybird Ikemen Series characters and their voice actors, indicating whether they've done R18 otome drama CDs and how I find their performances. I'm mostly familiar with Ikemen Sengoku, Revolution, Vampire, and Prince, but I'll include some Genjiden, Live, and Villains when applicable.
Since I've outed myself as an R18 drama cd enthusiast (connoisseur lmao), might as well lean into it completely 👀 This is going to be long, and nsfw language abound; MINORS DNI!!!! Please don't let this destroy your image of me lmao 😂🥹
Note on the distinction: R18 in this case is when you can hear the characters climax (voice actors use pseudonyms for these); some drama CDs are nsfw, but they cut off before the climax, so R15? R16? (voice actors use their real names here); sfw are just kissing, nothing spicy (VA real names).
Without further ado, onward!
Ikemen Sengoku
5 out of 17. Small number.
Oda Nobunaga (VA: Sugita Tomokazu): None, sfw only. I don't know if I'd listen if he'd ever have one; he'll always be Gintoki and Kagerou to me.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi (VA: Toriumi Kousuke): None, also sfw only.
Akechi Mitsuhide (VA: Takeuchi Shunsuke): None, he's too young let him live purely a little longer lmao
Date Masamune (VA: Katou Kazuki): None, but I'm curious. He could do a Taniyama Kishou and dabble here and there 👀
Tokugawa Ieyasu (VA: Masuda Toshiki): Yes. Listen, I like his voice, I like to listen to his slightly raspy and husky voice. It's soothing to my ears. I like his sfw drama cds, the ones I've listened to. But his nsfw ones? He needs his kisses and sucking noises wetter. He needs to practice more *hinthint*
Ishida Mitsunari (VA: Yamaya Yoshitaka): HE HAS ONE OMG I listened to his samples once, I don't know if I'd listen to it again OMG MUKU MITSUNARI MY ANGELS i can't wrap my head around soft-voiced Muku committing sins
Maeda Keiji (VA: Sawashiro Chiharu): None. From what I gather of his personality from event clips, I think I'd like to shield him from sinning a little longer too lol
Takeda Shingen (VA: Umehara Yuichiro): None. I'd like to hear him though.
Sanada Yukimura (VA: Ono Kensho): None, sfw only.
Imagawa Yoshimoto (VA: Yashiro Taku): MY BOI. It's funny how he voices angsty and sad characters in ikeseries but HE'S SO CUTE AND WHOLESOME IN DRAMA CDS. I love him in Switching best.
Uesugi Kenshin (VA: Miura Hiroaki): I am averse to yandere characters, but in this one he did, he's a tsundere. NOW I LIKE KENSHIN BY ASSOCIATION. Miura's drama cd is one of my favorites, sad but romantic.
Sarutobi Sasuke (VA: Akabane Kenji): None, iirc.
Naoe Kanetsugu (VA: Nakagawa Akinori): None. I don't know if he's done sfw ones, but I'd be willing to listen to them, just so I can add more Kanetsugu voice reference lol
Kennyo (VA: Shingaki Tarusuke): Hehe. Hehehehe. Heh. It's been a while, I want to hear him again. Especially when he whispers against my ear amidst a packed train. I also liked his cute and flustered daycare employee cd. HA. SE. BAE.
Mori Ranmaru (VA: Aoi Shouta): None, as far as I know. I think he'd get a kick out of it, though.
Mouri Motonari (VA: Konishi Katsuyuki): None. He does sfw ones? How sfw are Cybird CDs?
Kicho (VA: Kaji Yuuki): None, but I remember he did a mature one where's he's like a yandere and a do-S and just whips you while laughing maniacally. I don't know, that was a long time ago. I didn't even remember if there were ever spicy scenes; I just remember the whipping lol
Ikemen Revolution
This game is, like, the treasure trove of R18 voice actors. 13 out of 17 have done at least one R18 drama cd. Well done, IkeRev!
Lancelot Kingsley (VA: Okamoto Nobuhiko): None, sfw only. He usually uses his cute voice for these CDs.
Jonah Clemence (VA: Hanae Natsuki): Yes, early on. I think he stopped after he married. Listened to two of his CDs, his voice is too soft for my tastes. He does good moaning and whining.
Edgar Bright (VA: Yashiro Taku): see Imagawa Yoshimoto
Zero (VA: Kumagai Kentarou): MY LOVE, MY CURRENT OBSESSION. He does desperate, drugged out, and angry-at-life so well. His moans and kisses are 💯 I prefer his boyishly youthful voice than his deeper one. When he hits that high-pitched whine *chef's kiss* He comes so prettily *dreamy sigh*
Kyle Ash (VA: Furukawa Makoto): What a man, what a voice. Personally I liked his earlier works because there were more variety in the plots and characters, but I think he works best with plotty CDs and/or emotional drama. Rouge et Noir comes to mind; REUNION for the drama. I enjoy the CDs where his voice is cooler, not too high-pitched, not too deep. He sighs when he kisses, and it sounds divine.
Ray Blackwell (VA: Shimono Hiro): He did a few early in the r18 drama cd years. I remember the one where he was a yandere butler. It was also a mobile game, but I didn't know which came first (I think the game). There was also that teacher x student cd. He also did Wasurenagusa as Todo Heisuke iirc.
Sirius Oswald (VA: Suwabe Junichi): None. This man was born with a velvet voice bUT FOR WHAT
Luka Clemence (VA: Enoki Junya): He has a recognizable voice (makes me think of aluminium idkw). He did an angsty incest one and a servant to a lady one. They're okay. His orgasms need more work, though.
Fenrir Godspeed (VA: Kakihara Tetsuya): Semi-active. My fave is the one where he's childhood friends with the MC and has a badboy/playboy rep but he's actually a virgin I think, or at least acts like a blushing maiden when he did it with the MC (who takes control of the sex). He's vocal in this one; he cried at one point because he came prematurely. It's funny and I love it.
Harr Silver (VA: Terashima Junta): I'll buy any r18 cd this man makes, period.
Loki Genetta (VA: Murase Ayumu): He did one. Like Hanae, his voice is too soft for my taste. He did, however, once choked on a candy trying to emulate blowjob noises for a BLCD, I don't know what else to tell you.
Blanc Lapin (VA: Shirai Yusuke): CHAOTIC KING. A couple of times, he tried to insert objects up his ass, just to know what it feels like lmao. What dedication. I liked his first R18 otome drama cd where he's a submissive and breedable pirate subordinate (MC is the pirate captain).
Oliver Knight (VA: Hamano Daiki): He did some. Haven't listened to any of them though.
Mousse Atlas (VA: Toki Shunichi): He did one! Around the same time with Yamaya. At the time I was liking him for voicing Ginji in Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. Haven't listened to it though. Also did a few more.
Dean Tweedle (VA: Wada Masanari): I don't think so.
Dalim Tweedle (VA: Asato Yuya): Ditto.
Ikemen Vampire
5 out of 17. Funny how this is the game where sucking and sexytiems are advertised and yet!
Napoleon Bonaparte (VA: Shimazaki Nobunaga): Not R18 ones, but he did some for Rejet? I don't know.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (VA: Toyonaga Toshiyuki): Sfw only, I think.
Leonardo Da Vinci (VA: Tsuda Kenjiro): None as far as I know.
Arthur Conan Doyle (VA: Kimura Ryohei): None. He does some for Rejet. Wasurenagusa. I love him as Utashiro in Yuugen Romantica!
Vincent van Gogh (VA: Aramaki Yoshihiko): None. I want to listen to his Vincent voice more though. Very soothing, perfect for falling asleep.
Theodorus van Gogh (VA: Sato Hisanori): None. As Theo he should be braver in making sucking noises lmao
Osamu Dazai (VA: Yashiro Taku): see Imagawa Yoshimoto
Isaac Newton (VA: Aoi Shouta): see Mori Ranmaru
Jean d'Arc (VA: Someya Toshiyuki): None. I like the quality of his deep voice though.
William Shakespeare (VA: Hirakawa Daisuke): Yes, plenty, but not as active as before.
Comte de Saint-Germain (VA: Horie Kazuma): Yes, way back when, which explains why he's so good at ear-whispering. I only know he worked for one series (and sequels) where he's a tsundere student council vice president (?). A CONFESSION: I listened to his drama cds when I was writing That Comte Fic in order to capture the mood of the sexual tension.
Sebastian (VA: Morishima Shuta): None. After watching him in Cybird events, I'd probably laugh at him or pity him. I can no longer imagine him doing R18 based on his Cybird hyper host image.
Vlad (VA: Saito Soma): None. Shame. I really want to hear more of Vlad 😏
Johann Georg Faust (VA: Kamio Shinichiro): None. With his voice, I'd rather he read erotica to me.
Charles-Henri Sanson (VA: Kijima Ryuichi): He has one; listened to the samples, his voice here is same as Charles's. Actually, even the character looks like Charles lol. There seems to be a bathtub sex scene there. Or hot spring, I dunno.
Galileo Galilei (VA: Furukawa Makoto): see Kyle Ash
Francis Drake (VA: Hatanaka Tasuku): None, far as I know.
Ikemen Prince
4 out of 13. lol
Leon Dompteur (VA: Katou Kazuki): see Date Masamune
Chevalier Michel (VA: Ono Yuuki): I'm trying to look for any of his works that has Chevalier's timbre but he does more lighter voices! Sad. He did a couple of hardcore ones, but I liked the one where he's a tsundere magician.
Yves Kloss (VA: Uchida Yuuma): None?
Nokto Klein (VA: Eguchi Takuya): He did one a long time ago. It was a hentai game I think, the Queen Bee one? There's a drama cd for that. The characters are all insane if I'm not mistaken.
Licht Klein (VA: Oomi Shoichiro): None.
Clavis Lelouch (VA: Nojima Kenji): It's funny, because his brother had done R18 drama cd BUT HE HASN'T D: EDIT: WAIT WAIT WAIT I THINK HE DID R18 LET ME CONFIRM OH MY GOD EDIT EDIT: I listened to it but – the name credit gave it away – it's not R18 😞 It is, however, a yandere vampire cd so there's ear licking, biting, and blood drinking. But that's it. Sad. He would've been good with r18 >.>
Jin Grandet (VA: Yasumoto Hiroki): He did some, and he's coming back in the bdsm game What in Hell is Bad? !!!!! Haven't listened to any of his CDs though.
Luke Randolph (VA: Yoshitaka Sion): None.
Sariel Noir (VA: Hayami Show): None. I don't know if he does sfw CDs.
Rio Ortiz (VA: Mineta Hiromu): None. He, Oomi, and Yoshitaka are the hosts of IkePri Cybird events; I still see them as kids, I'm leaving them alone.
Silvio Ricci (VA: Satou Takuya): I AM A SHRINE MAIDEN AND HE IS THE GOD I WORSHIP. My all-time fave. I'm willing to make a recommendation list if you ask 😂 He's prolific (!!!!!), I think he's done every character tropes – tsundere, yandere, ore-sama, senpai, kouhai, osananajimi, CEO, do-S, do-M, dom, sub, oniisan, and so on. He's so good and dedicated at capturing character tics?? He slurs his words when he's lust-drunk oh my god. He needs to do more do-M and/or submissive characters pLEASE I NEED IT
Keith Howell (VA: Hatano Wataru): None, sfw only I believe. EDIT: I was told he did R18 games hehehurrr 😏 (thank you for that info!)
Gilbert von Obsidian (VA: Asanuma Shintarou): None.
For the games below I'll just list those who have done R18 drama CDs.
Ikemen Genjiden
Tamamo (VA: Tamaru Atsushi): I got used to his cutesy voice that I forget he's good at deep voices too! My fave of his is Nochikare where he's a wanko-type kouhai, he's so cute there I'd smash a table from so much cute aggression.
Nasu no Yoichi (VA: Suzuki Ryouta): I know he did some before, heard a couple of his. Could've been better. (Tbf, this was during the time when R18 drama CDs were just starting out. So I think many key players were new to it, compared with BLCD.)
Kurama (VA: Morikawa Toshiyuki): I can't have Sephiroth whispering in my ear lol. That aside, I really couldn't imagine him doing R18 because he's known to voice iconic characters. And yet here we are. His Yamazaki Susumu in Wasurenagusa took me out because of his drunk line, "Nyaruhodo." I will never look at Sephiroth the same way again lmao. But yeah, I haven't listened to his works properly because they were made years ago.
Kitsuji Sueharu (VA: Komatsu Shohei): MY NEW FAVE, MY NEW LOVE, MY NEW OBSESSION OH MY GOD?! I haven't bought any of his works (WHICH I SHOULD REMEDY IN THE FUTURE) but from the sample of this one CD I – I JUST. H-He's good. I love the sound of his panting 😭
Ikemen Live
I'd like to mention here that I love KENN's character in Yuugen Romantica. It's not R18, but that is one of the few sfw drama CD series that I listen to and enjoy.
Chigusa Kyouichirou (VA: Itou Kento): Deep voice, cute high-pitched moans! Love him.
Fujishiro Meguru (VA: Kuroda Takaya): Haven't listened to his works yet.
Mashiro Kanade (VA: Fukamachi Toshinari): Only found one, and wow. Gosh. What an aggressive CD 😂
Shinonomi Eisuke (VA: Taniyama Kishou): Len Tsukimori 😭 It's been a while since I listened to him. All I remember is that he also did a vampire drama CD (LOL HE SHOULD'VE BEEN IN IKEVAMP) but I can no longer recall the details.
Tsubaki Makoto (VA: Ono Yuuki): see Chevalier Michel
Ikemen Villains
William Rex (VA: Tachibana Shinnosuke): I AM SO FOND OF HIS VOICE. What's funny is that my favorite works of his are not R18. Wasurenagusa is probably my ultimate fave out of his CDs. Primarily because he used his ax crazy voice there. I AM LIVING FOR HIS AX CRAZY, MANIACAL VOICE. It's *chef's kiss* perfection. He also did one in Midnight Jiang Shis. But for R18 I like his Otona no Meruhen best. He often portrays do-S characters, but I want him to do more do-M.
Harrison Gray (VA: Sugiyama Noriaki): I know a couple! Girl's Therapist where he's a beautician and Otona no Meruhen where he's a tsundere wolfboy. He puts the uke in Sasuke huh lol Recently listened again to his wolfboy cd. It's entertaining enough (the story was more entertaining than the sex scenes lmao [but that's a given in Otona no Meruhen series]).
Roger Barel (VA: Eguchi Takuya): see Nokto Klein
Victor (VA: Takahashi Hiroki): I'm surprised he has one; haven't listened to it though.
So that's it! If you've reached this part, wow congrats I salute you, please don't think of me differently now lmao.
I'm sure more of them have done BLCD, but I'm only familiar with otome drama CDs. Cybird drama CDs may have spicy moments, but since they're using the voice actors' names, I'm pretty sure that they don't include R18 scenes; hence, this list. If you know a voice actor who did an R18 otome drama cd but is listed here as not having one, tell me!
I can't be the only one listening to drama CDs in this fandom, right? Please say hi? 🥹
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thrumugnyr · 1 year
Patataj and Rahadin have been dating for 1.5 years??? O.O
Idk why am I surprised knowing how time can be in DnD lol but the fact its been a while gives me hope things won't end too bad for them babsba
Altho it's cute Rahadin showed up to support his boyfriend I'm kinda suspicious of his answer GAH
OMG, I should have clarified this better: we have been playing this campaign for 1.5 years - the time passed for Patataj is only about 2 months and that's about the time that they're dating, or, well, know each other at least.
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Let me tell you chronologically how he ended up in a relationship with Rahadin (this is LONG and has spoilers for CoS so beware):
Rahadin was the first person Patataj met after he woke up in Barovia (he got dragged in through a dream by, as we would later learn, the Abbot, who was looking for sun god support in his endeavor to fix the curse (of Strahd) and accidentally grabbed Patataj over Senna).
Rahadin was there to check out the newcomers mostly (and because my GM was scared of combat balance haha) and they went through the death house experience together. For Rahadin this meant nothing much, but for Patataj that's an intense bonding experience (also they were holding hands for most of it, as Patataj was the only one without darkvision).
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After they made it out of the death house, Rahadin disappeared, but Patataj took up the sending spell on his level up a few days later and thus was able to send Rahadin little messages. That's how he was able to secure a meeting with him as well. That meeting went rather poorly, but he managed to not get killed. You must also know that by this time, Rahadin just seemed like a sulky, shy dusk elf to Patataj. Someone who would be funny to make flustered and drag out of their shell a little. Not much else. He hasn't really seen him do damage or anything.
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He does start to ask random people he meets about Rahadin though and then slowly realized that, well, he does not seem to be a terribly well liked guy. Kasimir (the leader of the few surviving dusk elves) tells him to stay away from him, but Patataj doesn't quite know why, because he gets along quite well with him.
So after a few days (and after the party killed the Aboleth in the lake) he asks Rahadin for a second date to make up for the first one and to his surprise, Rahadin agreed.
They have like a romantic little boat ride and Rahadin even brings a scroll for Pataj so he can walk on water (because he mentioned missing being able to run in the open desert and the lake is...pretty big and the next best option). Of course Patataj goes for a run but in the end he can't just let Rahadin sit all alone in the boat so he offers him a ride.
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And that's how this picture happened ahaha. YES, IT WAS ACTUALLY A THING not a dream or anything - I know!! Wild!
Centaurs don't just offer someone to sit on them willy-nilly (if at all), so in the end Patataj confesses to Rahadin that he caught feelings. He's a bard after all and centaur hearts beat fast.
Of course for Rahadin it's way too soon to reciprocate such feelings the same way (I mean, they knew each other for....two weeks at this point, maybe one? And he's like 500 years old. Them centaur hearts be moving in hyperspeed to him). But he still admits a certain fondness and they actually do kiss when Patataj asks for one.
Some time passes, Patataj keeps sending those sending messages and they interact like that every day. Just small things, as sendings have a limit of 25 words ahaha.
Eventually, Strahd invites the party for dinner, as he does. Everyone is low key terrified, but Patataj is excited to meet Rahadin again....and it goes well. Our warlock pisses Strahd off majorly because he continuously keeps the appearance of the girl Strahd is into, but Patataj is having a great time, even winning a bard-off against Escher.
Patataj ends up spending some of the night with Strahd, ending in him offering Strahd his blood (and I do not think he was even charmed. We're all still confused as well. Strahd just was very good with words and made Patataj feel sad for him okay?). Rahadin ends up taking care of Patataj for the rest of the night and it all gets very emotional, they exchange gifts, they kiss more, Rahadin starts to open up a little about his past and other personal things.
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No, nothing besides kissing happening - but hey, progress.
They are mostly back to sending messages and short meetings for most of the campaign then. This goes on for months in real time you know haha. It does sometimes skew with my perception how much time actually passes.
At some point Patataj manages to convince Rahadin to join a little party at the tavern in Vallaki and it's all very cute. They play like, throwing knives and never have I ever and it's really stupid but fun....thanks to probably the alcohol Rahadin does actually end up comfortable enough to do ....more than kissing that night, too. And that is actually also the last night they managed to spend together until now.
Meanwhile the campaign goes on, we go to Krezk like, twice, kill the Abbot, we do the Yester hill battle, defend Vallaki (where Rahadin was extremely worried). In Vallaki there was also one instance where Patataj almost died and sent some final words type of message to Rahadin and boy, Rahadin was UPSET about it. Mostly mad because the message did not include Patatajs whereabouts and such and it took him longer to find him. He was probably also upset that the whole thing made him so scared in the first place haha. Rahadin is not used to care about anything other than Strahd and maybe Anastrasia (and since they're both vampires, they die far less easy, so not much to worry there).
But yeah, this is how you manage to date Rahadin in Curse of Strahd: You need a GM who puts him in the campaign early enough and PERSISTENCE. It's not easy to make Rahadin care, but once he does, he's very loyal and your chances of survival become very good actually ('You wouldn't want to hurt Rahadins mate' worked very well with the werewolves for example lol) - but also it can be a little terrifying at times. Patataj is trying to come to terms with the fact that all the protection benefit he gets out of this also means that it is very likely that he will end up as a vampire in the end. Also there is no turning back. Rahadin is very unforgiving and I'm sure if Patataj would break his heart, Rahadin would slit his throat, because that's just how he deals with his problems. There is also still a chance Rahadin might follow Strahd's orders to kill Patataj despite his own feelings. It's 500 years vs a few weeks/months after all.
But I do think Rahadins feelings are genuine. He says the most romantic shit sometimes and he really was very supportive in the last session (at least as much as you could expect Rahadin to be). It was actually the first time he said 'I love you' in return! MORE PROGRESS!
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And I also do think he doesn't just want to use Patataj for personal gain. He's not a very....scheming guy. Not that Patataj would care either way. He'd do almost anything for Rahadin at this point, aside of things that go against his morals of course. It's quite funny, really. Patataj knows of all the terrible things Rahadin has done by now, but he kind of shoves it aside under 'well he did it under Strahd's orders, he wouldn't have done it otherwise' because he just can't fathom Rahadin is THAT bad/uncaring, since to HIM he is extremely gentle and sweet, even if sometimes a little struggling with showing emotions. Love makes blind, I swear.
But I'm rambling. I hope they get a happy ending. At least Patataj would deserve one after everything (all the suffering and pain of people around him and his powerlessness to help are getting to him), but it IS Curse of Strahd and who knows what will happen. Even at the best outcome, he will have to kill some if not most of Rahadins 'family', in the worst outcome, Rahadin kills him. In the most likely, he ends up a vampire in Strahd's castle, never to see sunlight again.
So yeah, on that depressing note and for anyone who read this whole thing, I'll leave you with two songs from my Patadin playlist because who doesn't have songs for their OC?
Nessa Barrett - Die first
Amber Run - I found
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hyliagirl42 · 2 months
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katiehwang · 1 year
So as a detco fan for uhhh about four years now, I had this thought about how... ordinary Shinichi is in detco universe where Japan had a bunch of genius teens and adults. Beika alone have Shinichi and Yuusaku, Sera and Mary, Amuro, Akai, Jodie, then we have those in other part of Japan like Heiji and Heizo, Kaito, Hakuba, and other competent officers outside of TMPD. Hundreds of new chapters in detco, everytime new characters were introduced, most of them were more intelligent than the average people. I've come to wonder why Shinichi was such a Big Deal. Why he's the Great Detective and saviour of the police? Lots of other people could have achieve that title, so does Shinichi only got there first because he's a detective nerd? The one who cannot get enough of deducing things? The one who have connection to police and thus can squeeze their way into most investigations?
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Then I had this new thing in my life that is quite familiar to detective work (seriously they have all these cases and interrogation stuff going on) . At first I was excited to dive into it because it really is a similar setting to detco minus the crimes and murder, but then.... I got tired of it. I got bored, and most of the time came up blank even with all the clues in front of me because I'm so tired of it. There's also the fact that there is sooo many cases coming in and every one of them is different and certainly does not follow the textbook rules. There's also the knowledge that if we got to the wrong conclusion we will literally ruin someone's life and... Isn't that the most depressing thought? Everyone's pressuring you and you cannot fault them because it is a big responsibility.
So I guess now I understand why detco can have hundreds of geniuses but only one Heisei Holmes. Only one Kudou Shinichi. Because he's the one who put his heart into it. The one who have passion for the one truth. The one that got his ass kicked by that very same passion yet still pick himself up and continue to pursue his goal to put all criminals behind bars. The one that knows full well of the weight of his words and thus put so much care into it. The one that truly cares about every single person around him instead of seeing them as mere pieces in a puzzle (at least for this one, he learn it throughout the journey).
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Most of the brilliant characters in DC can be a good and competent detective. Some of them already are. Most of them have kind hearts and don't want random people to be wrongfully accused. But intelligence and kindness alone are not enough to be a great detective because it's not just about piecing together puzzle or solving a code. You still have to interrogate people that don't want to be interrogated, talk to people with emotions ranging from devastated to murderous, with a certain time limit or else the evidences will disappear either naturally or planned. Isn't it stressful? Top it with the whole being-in-the-same-room-with-a-murderer... It's certainly hard to find anyone that will happily put themselves in those situations because if I were to be the smartest person in the world I sure would find better things to do.
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75th-hero · 7 months
I'm not gonna let this QSMP/Soul Eater au die yet. I have PLOT now, but no motivation to write the full story so y'all get the summary.
Just like actual soul eater the story follows multiple pairs but mostly Phil and Missa. Phil is a death scythe at Lady Death's side (Kristin). But he hasn't had a meister partner since Techno's passing.
Many top meisters have tried to wield Phil, but no one can resonate with him. Until Missa that is.
Missa is just a 2 star meister, he's somewhat skilled but never broke into 3 star and necer had a permanent partner. Missa can't necessarily wield Phil, but he can lift him which is more than anyone else can do.
Phil sensed and emotional maturity in Missa while being wielded that he's been looking for. Other meisters have boasted their strength and skills to him (Forever) but didn’t cut it. Sensing potential in Missa, Phil requests time away from Kristin's side to train him. Phil doesn't necessarily need a meister outside of Death, but chooses to.
Phil gets temporarily replaced by Etoiles, a solo death sword who reached death status on his own. He can be wielded, but often chooses not to be.
Forever deals with a jealousy arc where he goes to find Excalibur to try and have a better weapon than Phil and of course regrets his decision.
The other main team focused on is Fit, Pac and Mike.
Pac and Mike are a weapon duo that make it to 3 star on their own, usually wielding each other. But in a time of rising chaos, Kristin assigns a death status meister, Fit, to wield them instead.
They have a surprisingly not too hard start resonating, but as Fit and Pac get closer, Mike starts to feel left out. It's not until a mission where Mike recklessly runs out on his own during a witch fight that things go south.
Fit gets injured and Pac doesn't know where Mike has gone so he has to prioritize Fit's safety and get him out. Mike gets captured by the witch and goes missing for over a month.
While Fit is recovering they can't go find Mike so another pair is sent to search (possibly Bad and Baghera or Vegetta and Foolish). All the while Fit and Pac get closer to each other and Mike loses a little more of his sanity with each passing day.
Mike gets found and brought back to them, but after Fit is recovered the 3 of them can't resonate anymore. Mike threatens Fit whenever Pac isn't around and Pac knows his best friend isn't the same anymore. Fit and Pac can resonate just fine, but it will take a long time before Mike's soul stabilizes enough to work with them again.
Where do the eggs play a part in this?
I think during a mission for either Phil and Missa or Wilbur and Quackity (or maybe all 4) they find and kill a which that was housing young witchlings.
Feeling guilty, they take the witch children back to the DWMA and explain to Kristin what happened. She assigns different pairs a young witch to take care of.
Phil and Missa: Chayanne
Wilbur and Quackity: Tallulah
Luzu and El Quackity: Tilin
Fit, Pac and Mike: Ramon
Vegetta and Foolish: Leonarda
Bad and Baghera: Dapper
Roier and Cellbit: Richarlyson
Jaiden and Ironmouse: Bobby
Mariana and Charlie: Juanaflippa
(I'm not sure yet what to do with Pomme or Trump)
(And yes I understand witches are usually women in Soul Eater but this is my au/my rules lmao)
I haven't assigned animals to the kids yet cause all the witches have an animal theme, but I know I want Tallulah to be the turtle witch.
And for this I've made Quackity and El Quackity twins that don't really like each other.
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bogglle · 1 year
what’re some of your fave Ishimondo AUs? Or what you like to read in Ishimondo fanfics?
ohhhh thats such a good question anon!! i love AUs so much, they can be so unique, and usually when i've shipped something long enough I just have like, a million of em sitting around, but for some reason i havent made that many with ishimondo??! i need to work on that XD anyway here's some great AUs I've seen!
I really like @edgy-senju 's mastermind ishimondo drawings!! I've seen lots of mastermind AUs and the aesthetics are always super cool, and especially in this case!! they just look so good ahhh
another artist I really like with some cool AUs is @mickules have a really good pinned post with all their stuff I'll also link it here, so do yourself a favor and look at everything there!!! They are seriously so inspiring with their comics!! and there's some cute AUs in there for u to take a look at :D
Another AU im always a fan of is werewolf mondo and vampire ishimaru, its always fun to have their natural rivalry even more pronounced in a monster au!! I've seen some really cute fics and art for this concept. I remember seeing it a lot back when I was first shipping ishimondo in like 2013-14, and I really liked how @treeofficial did it
https://treeofficial.tumblr.com/tagged/werepire au/chrono
they also had a really cute android ishimaru AU they wrote a few fics for that I remember liking.
for ur second question, probably my favorite thing to read in a fic is ishimaru being super socially awkward!! if it makes me cringe in second hand embarrassment then its absolutely perfect!! some fics i really like with this concept are @dracothedeatheatingcupcake-ao3 's problem series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/2517916) but a specific fic I like of there's that has Ishimaru being a socially awkward cutie is this one:
another fic that I will just love forever is One Personal Favour by @chasml
I literally reread it all the time (and its LONG!) because it's just SO good. it's basically the main reason I even started drawing ishimondo again XD It's got all my fav things! I feel like if you ship ishimondo it should be legally required that you read this fic (jk but no seriously)
anyway I could probably go on all day but I'll leave it there!!
thank you for the ask!! I hope u a have a good day!!
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safyresky · 5 months
🆕 Crystal Springs Chapter 29: Mind Goop now up on ao3/ff dot net!
Chapter 29: Mind Goop
After a good night's rest, Blaise sets to work tying up loose ends among the denizens of the North Pole, and charming his way through Santa's in-laws. Meanwhile, Santa crashes Jack's pity party and Elle checks in with Jacqueline, maybe a little too literally.
ao3 | ff dot net
In my heart of hearts, I call this chapter the "Blinter Gay Panic" chapter. Those mofos are out here charming the crap outta Carol, outta Santa, and Blaise does a NUMBER on the in-laws (not before they do a number on him!)
Have an excerpt ;)
Blaise looked down. Below him, baby Buddy had tottered over, sitting in the foam on the floor and smacking it with his hands. Carol rushed over, picking him up and pulling him out. He giggled, kicking his legs as foam went flying. “Looks like someone needs to be hosed down,” Santa joked, hoping to cut the tension. “No need,” Blaise said, snapping his fingers again. In a flash, Buddy was clean; foam gone, his clothes nicely pressed, and his bib clear of food stains new and old. “There we go! All tidy,” Blaise said, making a silly face at the toddler. Buddy giggled, kicking his legs happily as Carol sat him on her side. Clearing his throat, Blaise looked up at the Claus’s extended family and flashed them a prize-winning smile. “Hi. Frost, Blaise Frost. Governor of the Capitol of Crystal Springs and baby cleaner extraordinaire.” He winked, his hair fwooshing to life, briefly bending like a flickering candle before once more burning brightly at an acceptable height. “Oh, wow,” Sylvia said, sultry. “Wow!” Bud agreed, impressed. “Bud Newman! Father-in-Law of Christmas!” Placing down the fire extinguisher, he stuck out his hand. Blaise shook it enthusiastically. “Some grip you got there, Governor.” “Playing with fire works wonders on the old grippers,” he teased, letting go of Bud’s hand and turning to look at Sylvia. “And this is the lovely Mrs. Newman?” “Just Sylvia is fine,” she said, patting her hair and giving him her hand. Blaise took it, very briefly kissing her knuckles. She flushed. “He’s got ‘em,” Santa whispered to Carol. “Hook, line, and sinker baby,” Carol replied, the pair of them bumping fists.
YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE THIS! OR AFTER THIS! Or maybe you will! With a chapter title like MIND GOOP? I ain't SLICK. Or maybe I am! Who's to say? YOUS to say!
That's RIGHT! You can check Chapter 29: Mind Goop out HERE on ao3 and HERE on fanfiction dot net and be the judge of how slick tumblr user safyresky really is!
Want to start from the top? Check out the Prologue: An Encounter HERE on ao3 and HERE on ff dot net!
Story summary and SafyreSky Industries Ramblings below the cut!
It's been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking...well, not so great. Jack's powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk. Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family. Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn't even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that's had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move? Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit...complicated.
SO sorry for the SLIGHT delay!! I think I spent like 75% of December taking care of sick husband/being a little low energy/feeling unwell, and then holidays came around and were BUSY. AND FULL OF MORE SICKNESS. This time the hubbers and I got hit with a stomach bug like no other AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY. I've never had to put so much effort into tossing my cookies in my LIFE. GAH.
The other problem I ran into was, funnily enough, Jacqueline and Elle. Their mind goop scene wasn't hitting right, so I let the chapter sit for a bit while rereading older Jacquie/Elle bits and rereading Rules of Engagement and when I finally looked back at it I realized the PROBLEM was that THESE TWO GOOBERS. HAD M O R E TO SAY TO ONE ANOTHER!!!!!!
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Goobers aside, here it FINALLY is :3.
🆕 this chapter:
Blaise decided he was going to be present for the rescue Polly mission, too
(that was a whole OTHER writing problem, oy vey)
(the cast has taken control. i don't even think i'm in the CAR anymore! I think I fell out!)
Both he and I continue to be plagued by CS Lore (magical incidents and how they are taken care of, the CS equivalent of "Police" and how they work, Mother Nature apparently having absolute power in extreme circumstances--though that checks out, AND some Call/Fae War Lore Drops)
This, of course, means you all get fresh CS Lore!
Next time I rework CS it's gonna be to separate it from Fandom and make it a publishable original work
WORD COUNT: CS 2014 (OG)->6,055k CS 202X-> 15,444k
Yet another MASSIVE change lmao
And I think that about covers it! MUCHAS thanks to mr alex hirsch for unleashing gravity falls onto the world and making me aware of GRUNKLE as a title, which Lucy 100% would use and WILL USE. I think Sylvia is like "just Sylvia is fine dear" and Lucy's like "Consider: GRAUNTIE SYLVIA!" (bc you can't convince me that Bud and Sylvia wouldn't be brought into the blended family the way the Millers and Scott did it, lmao)
Goal for Chapter 30: write it, first off, lmao. I'm two scenes in?? But I'm HOPING to have it ready for Crystal Spring's TENTH Birthday on the 20th of this month. TEN YEARS. MAHOOSIVE. AH.
Anyway, enjoy the chapter and enjoy your weekends! I will be cleaning at my folk's house so ANY AND ALL NICE WORDS AND COMMENTS AND DISTRACTIONS ARE APPRECIATED AS I AM TIRED AND FAMILY'D OUT AND WILL NEED THE SEROTONIN, LOL.
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