#look i know this is a bunch of hcs for shits and giggles but
bakubunny · 7 months
I gotta ask since I just know you got opinions on Emet but feel free to pass- opinions on your ffxiv favs? ¬‿¬
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zaz 😭😭 i have *checks notes* a metric fuckton of thoughts on emet-selch in general, and i’m surprised anyone was interested enough to mention him. he’s my first and most favorite, and he holds a deeply rooted, special place in my little wh[arrior?] heart…. but i’ll also include some other ffxiv faves because you asked.
(i’m assuming we’re still discussing overly specific “what does their dick look like” hcs, if not i’ll retreat into myself and delete this so fast. 🫣)
emet-selch / hades
size is 8” and 6.25” girth.
straight, even girth, probably cut, not veiny, heavy breeder balls. (shocking given the last three rounds of bnha hcs, i know.) he’s got a thick softie that hangs and it’s the prettiest.
he’s got the nicest looking dick of them all specifically because he’s my favorite…. he’s an ascian who can subtly change his body however he wants. why would he not have a pretty dick? he’s way too self absorbed not to have thought about it in great detail after thousands of years.
i know ffxiv body models rarely have body hair, but he’s another one whose happy trail starts high. he generally keep things trimmed and well maintained because it’s just the snap of a finger to do anything.
g’raha tia (post ew)
size is a little under 7” and a little less than 6” girth.
upward curve, cut, some veins, his balls match his size.
small but v pretty, soft, red happy trail. he trims the rest for comfort.
this man has his nose so buried in books much that he hardly thinks about kissing (unless it’s sweetly kissing wol), let alone sex. however, he has the body of a twenty something, and gets hard/leaky way more often than he would like. why do you think he’s so easily flustered?
estinien varlineau
size is 6.5” and 6.5” girth.
cut, slight curve to one side, some veins, heavy balls.
some body hair he keeps trimmed, but he’s elezen and my hc is that they don’t typically have a ton of body hair anyways.
so (mild spoilers on this one) you know how there are indications that there were some permanent changes to estinien after everything happened with nidhogg? my favorite (def inaccurate) hc is that there were permanent physical changes to his body as well… including his dick. generally it’s the same but slightly less humanoid; he’s got ridges on the underside now. before ew patch content i would have said he’s also got scales scattered across one shoulder.
bonus hc: zenos yae galvus
see emet-selch. they’re similar but not exactly the same in size and shape, etc. like (great-grand)father, like (great-grand)son, i guess?
zenos, despite being obsessed with you/wol, typically doesn’t give a rip about sex or your preferences. either he’s clean shaven or wild & free. neither of those are because he’s thinking of you. what you find is a toss up. if you want him cleaned up, you’re the one who’s probably going to have to do it.
he’s into blood & knife play (probably). there’s a few reasons i don’t write him, and this is one of them.
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kombuuuu · 1 year
gwen romantic hcs or scenario please? 🥺🤲
Spidery Romance.
Gwen Stacy x Fem!Reader
another bunch of headcanons (and snippets, ur favs) with my favourite girl 🤍
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Gwen: Blue
You: Pink
Dad Stacy: Black
A cat..: Purple
mom friend this, mom friend that
how about just mommy?
is a HUGEE comfort roll in the realtionship
will do little things for you that you wouldn’t even realise
like keeping random containers because she knows you like them
jars 🫙 🤍‼️
she loves taking care of you, loves being who you go to for things
it makes her feel needed, which we know she struggles with
so she loves a partner who’s more co-dependent, like she is
“Honey, what am I supposed to do with that?”
“Open it, please“ :(
“Oh, you sweet thing… What are you going to do with an empty pickle jar.”
“You’ve eaten all the pickles?”
“I’m… going to grow an ecosystem.”
ABSOLUTELY steals shit for you
she’s not rich, seeing as she doesn’t exacccctly live in her own universe
hey, star crossed lovers are multiversel..
so she steals
just nicks things from the mall she thinks you’ll like
little trinkets or anything small and shiny she can find
also cat figures
small, cute cats. she loves anything about them and will go out of her way to take em for you
(you think she just wants to deny the fact she loves the cats. or stealing)
your OWN little klepto cat
(you both love that game)
“Hey, Sweets.”
“Oh-! You’re home!”
“And I brought a cat.”
*gasp* “What breed !!”
“No clue, but look it’s tail moves.”
Will take you out to movie dates any time she can.
never really knew how to treat a lady so she takes notes from stupid eighties shows
will throw rocks at your window
or climb up the tree next to your house and break in even though she could just go thru the front door.
buys (steals) chocolates in heart shapes and roses to decorate your bed
it’s not even valentines she just wants too
don’t forget the candles and scented bath salts with a whole ass spa set up in your bathroom
“Baby? Wh—“
“[Name]! I missed you.”
“I missed you too, babe.”
“What are the flowers for?”
“Our anniversary’s not ‘til September.”
“Beautiful, we don’ need a reason. Just wanna appreciate you.”
smile and giggle like a little bitch? of course you will
Will eventually tell you about her spider woman endeavours
she’s guilty of hiding it from you
when you trust her so much
slipping out of your shared bed at night to go patrol feels
She finally caved to her subconscious and spills it
you don’t freak out on her but she can tell you’re stressed
she tries to comfort you even when you have to opportunity to ruin her life
you could end it between the two of u right then and she’d forgive you
but not herself
“I’m spider-woman.”
“The hero, [Name]. Well, vigilante I guess—“
“What the hell.”
“Baby, please. I know I should’ve told you sooner—“
“Do you know how much danger you’re in? Are you crazy? What happens if you get hurt and I’m not here? Fighting crime like that. Fighting villains.”
“I know, sweet girl, I know.”
she comforts you through it while you basically have an existential crisis in her name
you’re more scared she’s going to get hurt
or worse
than you are betrayed,
you can get why she kept this a secret
it takes you a couple week to hone down the worrying
gwen is hella patient with you 🫶
“I don’t like this. You’re putting yourself in harms way, and it’s careless,”
Guilty stare
“,But i’m not gonna stop you.”
“Thank you, [Name].”
“Please don’t die on me.”
“I won’t, baby.”
and when your finally calm you can kind of see the appeal in it
she convinces you to let her swing you around the city
and despite you both knowing you’re probably gonna pass the fuck out
you agree cause it’s cute
“Yeah baby?”
“I think—, maybe you don’t understand what I mean by ‘I don’t like heights’.”
“Wh— Oh.”
“What d’yu mean ‘Oh.’?!! You only just realised??”
“I come up here so often, it’s like a second thought!”
“It’s the fucking Empire state!”
She’ll take you nice places around brooklyn
mostly high up
to let you see the view
and to finally see you in it
she draws you any chance she gets
especially when she takes you to those places
shes been to em so often that she’s got muscle memory for the line to every building, but now she gets to trace the contour of your face around it too
will web you to the building if you ask
just so you won’t fall
“You know there’s not a single universe where I wouldn’t catch you, right.”
“There’s a first for everything,”
She snorts “Sugar—“
“I love you, Gwen. And trust you with my life. I do not, however trust wind.”
“Understandable, love you too.”
When you meet her dad he’s a little skeptical at first
only because you’re so nervous and he’s taught to be suspicious as a cop
but eventually he likes you, and you him
your both like old pals and it confuses gwen
he takes on a very fatherly position in your life
one you missed out on
gwen is ecstatic
the two people she loves the most in the world like each other
the stars aligned for her
she tells you about her struggles with him and is glad it doesn’t affect either of your relationships
“Do you treat my daughter well?”
“Dad, please.”
“Gwen, it’s okay. I’d like to think I am, sir.”
“Cause if you hurt my little girl, everything you do to her will feel a lot worse for you.”
“I would never hurt your daughter Mr.Stacy, I love her. It’d be stupid of me to let her go.”
He smiled and clapped your back
*groan* “Why.”
she likes to keep you comfy
kinda has a thing for the housewife vibe
so she’s willing to do a lot for you
she’ll notice how empty it is in your house when she’s not there
it’s quiet and lonely
so totally for you (and not also her)
she’ll get you a cat
a small black american bobtail
she had found him while on patrol
saw a box left littered at the park and decided to pick it up
closer she got, more ‘mews’ she heard.
when she saw a short, stumpy looking kitten in the box
her heart melted
so obviously she took it
“For [Name].”
‘mew :3’
“Co-parenting practice.”
“God damn it.”
loves the cat with her whole heart
and so do you
you name it Peter
he’s adopted but he doesn’t need to know that
when he does something bad you threaten (emptily) to put him in back out in the street
“Go get a box, Peter. I’m gonna make your momma put you back where she found you.”
“He can’t understand you, baby.”
“Yes he can, look at how he’s looking at me!”
“See his face!? He’s so mocking me!”
“Sure, baby.”
EEE 🤭🤭🤭
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gingerjolover · 7 months
Ariana! What are you doing here? - Julien Baker x fem!reader
Synopsis: soft!gf is doing jb's makeup on halloween and she just can't sit still (hc, soft!gf is pete 😭)
G's notes: okay like always, a bunch of requests combined! also had to throw in some switch!julien for y'all, she's a natl treasure
wc: somewhere around 1k (probs like 980)
warnings: RPF, makeup!julien, ariana grande!julien, subby!julien, soft!gf as pete, smutty-ish talk, no fundamental physical descriptors?
"You're going to poke my fucking eye out, princess," Julien grumbles, moving her head away quickly, her lips in an annoyed frown.
"Are you this difficult for the makeup artists working on photoshoots, or just for me?" you reply sassily, two fingers under Julien's chin, lifting her head up.
"Don't be a baby JB," Lucy says through the phone. Julien stares at the phone on the bathroom counter to her left, glaring at it as if Lucy could see her expression.
"Are you guys almost ready? We'll be there in like 10," Phoebe's voice carries through the phone.
"If Jay stops wiggling and actually lets me do their wings, we'll be ready by the time you get here," you grumble, causing Julien to pout.
"You're going to poke my eye out!"
"Baby, I do this all the time; I'm not gonna poke your eye out," you say, exasperated.
"We'll be there in 10, and then we'll pin her down," Lucy teases, Julien shaking her head quickly.
"No you will do no such thing, I'll-I'll stay still, I swear," Julien promises, staring straight at you, eyes softening when she makes direct eye contact. You smile softly, index finger and thumb gripping her chin as you pull her into a kiss; it's a small kiss but one you've put all of your gratefulness and adoration into. Julien feels it as you pull away; she knows how badly you want to make this costume work. Originally, she was stoked...when she thought she was going to be Pete... but the way your eyes looked up at her, smile so big when you had a plan where she was Ariana, how could she say no?
You're staring at her, a crooked smile on your face when you see her lost in thought. "I'm being still baby, just...get it over with, quickly," she grumbles again. You giggle loudly, holding her cheeks and jaw, very carefully (and expertly), drawing cute little wings on her eyes.
"Julien's being quiet which either means baby's killed her or she's finally sitting still," Phoebe snickers along with Lucy.
"Shut up, I can't move," Julien grits out, impossibly still.
Lucy and Phoebe laugh loudly on the other line, your giggles soft but matching theirs. "Don't laugh when you have that shit near my eye," Julien exclaims as you step back, looking at her face. Seeing Julien with makeup always throws you through a loop. "You look pretty," you murmur, Julien's face flushing instantly.
"Blegh," Phoebe gags over the phone.
"Shut up," Julien nags.
You grab the comb to start fixing her baby hairs, Julien's hair already fitted with extensions and a ponytail, a massive sweatshirt on her body. It's like she forgot the previous conversation because she can't stop squirming.
"Julien, sit still!" "My hair feels like 8,000 pounds, babe, my fucking neck hurts!"
"Listening to this is tortuous, you know?" Lucy comments, tone even, you giggle imagining her and Phoebe's deadpan faces.
"How did you guys get on with your costumes? Luce did you find some heels?" you ask, giving Julien a look, asking Lucy to speak almost as a distraction while you hold your girlfriend's head.
Lucy starts to talk about her journey to finding specific parts of her costume, Phoebe interjecting a few times. Julien squirms when you gel down her baby hairs.
You grab her chin, giving her a stern look, leaning into her ear. "Stop moving or you can forget about fucking me tonight, let me finish this," you sneer, voice unusually dominant. You pull back, Julien's eyes are wide, mouth parted open. You look at her with mocking wide eyes, a quick shake of your head as if to say "are we clear?".
"Yes, ma'am," Julien murmurs, both of your voices quiet enough not to be heard on the other line.
"Well, I'm glad you found them thrifting Luce. I feel like you got really lucky," you say sweetly, your voice returning to its soft tone. Julien feels like she has whiplash, her entire body heating up. First, how did you even hear what Lucy was saying? And second, why did you threatening her make her sweat? She clenches her thighs together, keeping her body as stiff as a board until you spray her hair with hairspray and clip in some barrettes.
"Okay, we are like 5 minutes away, so we'll see you?" Lucy asks.
"I'm coming in to use the bathroom," Phoebe says quickly.
"No problem, doors unlocked, see y'all soon," you say sweetly before hanging up, leaving Julien sitting on the bathroom counter as you go to grab her heeled boots.
Julien sits there stunned, watching you in the track pants and big t-shirt, hair up, big flannel swallowing your body. You come back, kneeling down in front of her, unzipping the heel.
"What?" you ask, eyes looking up at her. She can feel her insides stir, hating that all you have to do is look up at her for her briefs to be soaked.
"Nothing, I'm being still," Julien says cautiously, pausing between each word as if she's never spoken before. The threat of not ending the night between your thighs enough to keep her still and quiet.
You scoff softly, shaking your head as you get her feet into the boots. You hold out your hands, helping her hop down, letting her get used to standing taller. You start to clean up behind her, her hands in the sleeves of the sweatshirt.
"I was really still there, at the end...I-I did really good," she says, almost like she's trying to convince the both of you.
"Oh, you were being good? Is that what being good is?" you say, throwing words she's said to you before back at her. Her eyes widen again, almost comically, jaw dropping softly.
You turn around, giggling, your usually dominant girlfriend absolutely dumbfounded. "Your makeup looks pretty," you murmur, kissing her lips softly. She eagerly presses herself against you, chasing your lips. You laugh as you pull away, wiping her lips with your thumb. "Maybe if you're good tonight, I'll ruin it later."
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icarus-star · 10 months
I loved your hc of Charlie's reaction to the “i <3 pathetic boys” shirts, etc! Could you please write a part 2 of the reader fvcking/edging him and degrading him? (and him enjoying it ofc) skdjsj thank youu
literal legend pt.2 | charlie walker <3
a/n: creative... 👀 this is literally so much longer than i intended it to be 😭 i also sprinkled in over stimulating near the end and probably a bunch of stuff.... enjoy
18+ content ahead, pure and absolute filth!!please don't read unless your comfortable with that!!
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ok, you two got paired up for a group project, and both decided to head to his place after school that day to start it
so you head over with him after the school day ends, wearing your 'i ❤ submissive men' t-shirt :3
he's trying to not pay any attention to it, but he's getting curious as to why you own so many shirts like that
so he asks you, and you tell him that they're all just stating facts about what you like 🤷‍♂️
he nods, trying to forget about it
but he can't
all he can think about is you toying with him, making him feel like he's as worthless bug and all that <3
so, you two get to his house, go up in his room and start working on whatever the project might be
a couple hours go by, you slowly inched closer to him as time went by
he didn't notice at first, but when he looked up to check the time and you were right in front of him, he was a lil bit confused
he's all blushy n shit too 🤭
"wh-what are you doing..?"
he'd ask you that when you move your hand to his upper thigh, giggling a little as you tell him that you know that he touches himself to the thought of you fucking his brains out
you ask him to confirm that for you, and you watch as he nervously gulps down his saliva and slowly nods his head
of course, that wasn't good enough, so you tell him to use his words
"yes.. i- i do, touch myself when i think of you.."
that resulted in much more than he anticipated
now, he's laying naked on his bed, your sitting beside him in only your bra and underwear jerking him off and absolutely refusing to let him cum even once
"ah ah ah~ please.. please let me cum! i- ahn~!! please? i'll- i'll be a good boy~!"
he's whining and whimpering the entire time, he will not shut up
which is good! he might even be doing it on purpose because he remembered what all your slutty baby-tees said!
which is what he would say if asked, his dick is actually just super sensitive
especially the tip! which you found out quickly when you decide to wrap your lips around it to tease him
bonus point if your wearing lipstick and kiss his cock, or just kiss his cock in general he's so weak for that
you've been stroking and teasing his dick for over an hour now, he's crying and your calling him your stupid boy slut, how endearing 🤗
his brain his so mushy right now, all he can do is repeat you
"ah~ fuck.. mmn? yeah, i'm your bitch! uh huh.. ah~!! a whore, just for you ma'am!"
than, he's about to cum for maybe the 5th or 6th time, and of course you don't let him
he can't help but whine when you pull your hand away, his cock needs you! :(
then you do something he didn't expect, you stripped completely, taking off your underwear and bra, then straddling his lap
you kiss him, keeping his moans muffled as you sink down onto his dick, your cunt wet and tight around his throbbing boner
you move away from the kiss, starting to bounce on his cock, just silently whining his name so that he can barely hear you
he wants to touch you and buck his hips up so badly, but you already had established that he'd be teased even more for that
he's 100× louder now that his cocks in your pussy instead of your hands, he literally cannot comprehend how good you feel
because of all the edging earlier, he cums quicker than he should
this time you let him, having him cum inside of you, of course thats after a little while of him begging to cum and you agreeing, but only if he cums inside of you
"c- can i cum? oh.. please! i needa cum.. in you? ah-! yes ma'am, anything~!!"
omg. and the face and sounds he makes when he cums? heavenly.
his eyes are rolling into the back of his head, his mouth wide as he's practically screaming your name
and his hips are subconsciously bucking and grinding against yours
but oh no, we're not done
you didn't cum yet, so your gonna keep riding him :3
he keeps letting out these breathless little whimpers every single time you sink back down onto him
he literally cannot think straight, his brain is so fuzzy from you edging him for over an hour and then immediately going to over stimulate him
he can't muster up a single word, he's just mumbling and whining
you probably end up making him cum a whole bunch of times, each orgasm more intense than the last
it's great for both of you, he's absolutely filling you up with every bit of cum he has
by the end, it's pretty late and he's so fucked out, his brains on autopilot and he asks if you'd like to stay the night
but please give him a little while to like, catch his breath and stuff
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crabonfire · 1 year
Oo can I have a platonic hcs of reader just gossiping with any of the mercs?
oh my god.
Platonic! S/O gossiping with Merc.
characters: all mercs 😱😱😱😱
sorru if some r short! My excuse is cause I'm lazy, or idk what to write for em. (You take a guess for which one is the real one.)
warning: gossip girls tick me off 😡😡😡
• It all started one day, Engie was arguing with Heavy about something, and you knew what happened on Engie's side, but you didn't know about Heavy. You asked the other mercs for information but they didn't budge, saying they didn't wanna get involved. But scout approached you, whispering and giggling about what happened, why they argued.
You two really hit it off!
And even after the whole thing went down, you still found yourself gossiping with him after matches about anything interesting you found.
Fortunately for you he did the same!
• Since then on, you guys gossip a lot. Enemy drama, team drama, and sometimes gossip on dumb shit on the newspaper or a celebrity thing.
• "Dude, have you heard about the enemy Pyro? I heard they might be a chick."
"What? Really?"
"Yea, like...I overheard it from one of the janitors."
"Huh. I can see it."
"Really? How? I always thought they were some sorta...weird..alien in a suit."
"...Cause they're frickin' weird and...don't talk."
"That's so rude man, are you saying all aliens are quiet? You don't know them."
"You sayin' you know any?"
"No. But don't say stuff like that. That's so stereotypical."
"IDK DUDE JUST STOP BEING A DICK. The girl thing makes more sense then whatever stupid theory you have."
"Fuck you, I have great theories!"
You scoff, "Me when I lie."
♧Soldier and Demo♧
• if your buddies with Soldier, Demo is gonna be buddy buddy with you.
• Soldier honestly doesn't like to gossip much, but on the rare occasion where he knows something, he's gonna be up at night with you, talking about what he saw and making theories about it.
• Demo likes his cup of gossip now and then, not as big on it as you'd think though, he'd love to know but if it doesn't interest him he won't care.
• Usually Demo and Soldier do their own thing together a bunch, and man have they heard some things.
• They'd both approach you with new gossip, Demo trying not to laugh while Soldier shoves pictures of Scouts naked mother and Spy together in your face, exclaiming that "THEY ARE MAKING LOVE! SCOUT IS NOT A TRUE AMERICAN! HES A FRENCHIE :*("
♧Pyro and Engie♧
• same goes for em, you friends with Pyro your bound to hear shit from Engie.
• It was your first day, you were assigned as a janitor in the base and you were cleaning. Already you would hear all sorts of funny shit that would happen in those walls. Arguing, drama, secrets like how Spy is Scouts dad? Honestly it was a lot to hear in one day but wow.
• You were cleaning the common room, and you didn't notice as you were mopping but somebody had walked in. They were so quiet, you didn't know how with the fact they had a very heavy looking fire retardant suit on. You jumped a bit, laughing to yourself.
"Sorry I didn't see you there."
They replied, but it was muffled by their mask. You blinked, "Oh um, sorry dude I can't really hear you." They continued anyway, muttering muffled "huddas" like you would understand. You didn't.
An awkward silence overcame the room, you decided to break it.
"Hey, you know...I heard while I was cleaning...is it true that there's living...pieces of bread here?"
They nodded, chuckling under the mask remembering the situation about it. You smiled, laughing along. "What? That's crazy. I thought that was a joke. It's my first day and I'm already hearing so much about this place. These walls are NOT thick."
• From that moment, you talked with them in your own way, they'd write their replies on a piece of paper and even tell you some things about the other mercs.
• You two really hit it off, after their matches, if they could find you, they'd slip pieces of paper in your cleaning supplies for you to read on your breaks, and you'd reply by leaving notes under their door.
And as time went on, you had learned to understand them. Now it was much more fun to listen to them actually tell the stories and giggle over gossip.
They LOVE gossiping honestly. Since they are unnoticed usually they can get away with blending in the background to listen to whatever the others talk about.
• Because of your new friendship, Engie respects you for not belittling Pyro, and finds your company to be a nice change to the quiet and sometimes even crude folk he works with.
"Wait I thought I was gonna tell him?"
"Mmmhuh mmhuh, mmhhf mhuh hhhuhd." [Oh yeah, sorry go on."
"NO NO it's okay you do it."
"Mmhuh mmhuh, mmh-" [Okay okay, so-]
Insert the three of you laughing your asses off shittalking the enemy team for dirt you found of them.
"No way, are you two serious?"
"DEAD SERIOUS ENGIE, We literally saw it happen. Pi has photo evidence."
"Mmhh!" [Yeah!] Pyro pulls out the pictures, having a lot more of them than they should. Engie holds them in his hands, pausing before erupting into howling laughter.
"PFFT- OH MY GOD." He exclaims, slapping his thigh as he laughs uncontrollably.
• Engie doesn't hear much gossip, but if he hears gossip about him from you two he's gonna be grumpy for the rest of the day 😭😭😭 so if you hear anybody talking bad about him do not tell him or else he's gonna look like this
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• hates gossiping IM SORRRYYYY
• Will gladly listen to you gossip, but won't say anything, even if he has his own opinions about the situation. Best you'll get out of him is "That's absurd." Or "Haha, that is funny." But he will not say shit on it.
• He likes to listen because it's interesting to him, but he does not like to gossip himself because he finds it rude to gossip. Will not judge you though, you bring him quality stories to laugh and think about. (Plus now he has dirt on those people.)
• BUTTT if you're upset, he'll try to cheer you up by telling you gossip. And the gossip? It's always juicy. Like, "no fucking way" type of juicy. He has so much dirt on the other mercs and so much he knows about them, but he only tells you these things so that you can laugh and smile again. But won't say anything else, just let you theorise.
• loves gossiping.
• gossips with Heavy, and his birds.
• sorry idk what to write he's just a silly gossip girl 😋
• though surprisingly, he tends to keep that gossip to himself, and never actually gossips about anything he's unsure of. He thinks it's rude to speak of things that are merely "rumors"
• plus its better if it's proven to be real gossip anyway
• he's an asshole but he has his standards
• Likes his fair share and also knows his fair share of gossip.
• Usually your the one talking, but the reactions you get out of him with the shit you tell him are priceless. Sometimes he laughs so hard he hits the table you two are talking by repeatedly, telling you to "Cut it out" or "No way"
• His gossip is mostly about the team, he doesn't care or know much about the enemy team.
• you two actually got along because of gossip, you two were out on a mission, and to break the boring yet awkward tension, you started to gossip with him, and surprisingly he enjoyed the talk.
• you guys are best friends because of this honestly, like Heavy, he likes to cheer you up by telling you some "hot goss" you cringe a little whenever he says that but he just wants to make you happy again.
• honestly idk how else to make this long, he's gossips, but not an insane amount
• never gossip but knows EVERYTHING 😭
• very rarely gossips with anybody, but he simply tells you very...subtle details about a certain thing, leaving you curious and wondering about what it's about / who's involved.
• he only actually gossips with you if it's late at night, everyone is asleep, he's in his smoking room having drunk a couple glasses of wine here and there, and maybe then he'll do it.
But it's a rare occasion.
Still, it's always fun for him to hear your thoughts on it. He simply listens to you, smiling here and there and rolling his eyes at your quips.
• he doesn't really gossip? more like...just...insult the person you two are talking about. he gets a kick out of it, especially when you make such funny jokes about the situation.
• yeah u guys r kinda mean 😭😭😭😭
anyways hope yall enjoyed woo (can you tell engie's text is always the longest in every one of these nevause he's my favourite? Yeah I do it on purpose.)
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isackwhy · 23 days
Omg I js saw your isaacwhy headcanons post, and I loved it 😍 💖 I need Moreee (no pressure)
duhhh ofc i’ve got a lot he consumes my brain
(also only sfw i’m sorry i’m too high and stressed. send weed and help)
isaacwhy hc’s !!!
u look back at you and isaac’s friendship and wonder how u didn’t know he liked u
like u being best friends w him and all the guys is the best thing to ever happen to u
u just didn’t put it tg even w ur own feelings for him brewing
like when u guys start dating he’s buying u every little thing u even gaze at
you stopped letting him buy u all this shit bc u told him u we’re gonna match him in price each time and he doesn’t want u to spend that much on him :(
even if u are a successful creator as well
like even before u dated and were besties….this man surprised u w a ticket to japan to go w your friends
like out of his own pocket
u cried. cursed at him. cried some more.
everytime u buy him something expensive and he complains u remind him of that and he hits u w the
“baby, it was nothing. i wanted you there. you wanted to be there. stop.”
and then kisses u on the forehead <3
seems like a biter. not even like sexually.
he bit u gently on the shoulder one time and then it just started a cycle
now u just bite at his bicep sometimes
he fakes that it hurts. being all dramatic like
“ah! babe! shit. i think i’m bleeding—“
“you are so goddamn annoying, isaac.”
loves hearing u ramble
if u both know a bunch of fun facts y’all will just hit each other with them at night
it’s funnier when ur both high off his pen, sitting in the dark in his bed, giggling at all the gross facts u guys know
it always leads to rambles and it’s some of his favorite nights w u
very much still best friends who also kiss and makeout a lot
like you’ll watch him fall or nearly fall by doing something stupid and just laugh and go
“baby, you’re an idiot, u okay.”
“hm? yeah. meant to do that.”
if u have a music artist or band u really love u bet ur ass the next time they’re in town he’s got tickets on LOCK
even if it’s not his thing he just wants to be there w u
u look pretty under concert lights
that’s all my brain has left rn back to studying
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sleepysnk · 1 year
Hey! you can do hcs about boyfriend! koko, pls? I just kove this boy lol
thanks for your time darling ✨
a/n: i think it’s ironic i got this on koko’s birthday 😭, but i was hoping for a request for him! <3 thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy these :)
characters: kokonoi hajime
warnings: fluff, some suggestive content, established relationship, mentions of food, use of pet names (princess, my love, darling), reader is kinda spoiled, very soft koko, some mentions of possessive behaviors, some jealousy.
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kokonoi hajime:
- alright, i’m gonna say right off the bat that koko is such an acts of service kind of guy. he will literally spoil you until you literally have no room for all his gifts. he has a bunch of money, so why not use it on the person he loves the most? aka you!
- koko is a great boyfriend overall. he does have some issues trusting and letting himself be vulnerable around you, but he does eventually come around. he will treat you like a princess. when he’s in love with you, he will devote his entire being to you and you only. koko will literally do anything to see a smile on your pretty face. PLEASEEE LET THIS BOY LOVE YOU.
- he likes to take you out for fancy dates. koko has the cash and all the time in the world for you, so expect to be taken out a lot. he will treat you to fancy restaurants, movies, anything you ask for will be yours. to be honest, it’s like having a built in sugar daddy, but instead he’s your actual boyfriend.
- oh yeah, when you go out to eat, he will take you to one of the most divine restaurants in your entire town. he doesn’t give two shits about the price about the food. order as much as you want and he won’t even bat an eye when he hands the waiter his card. he wants to see you happy and he won’t say no to you. the food is really really good, so you have zero complaints when it comes to date nights.
- koko likes to call you whenever he’s at work. i feel like he’s someone who is willing to listen to him. i hc this guy likes to rant about the shit he deals with, so expect him to just talk about a bunch of random shit whenever he’s frustrated. also, hearing your voice calms him down. he needs lots of reassurance.
- “yeah, this piece of shit keeps pissing me off. i might have to knock his teeth in, princess.”
- not gonna lie, koko can be possessive. he definitely doesn’t want other men believing that he has a chance with you, so expect him to always be wary of who’s around you. he has no problem giving death glares to anyone who thinks they can have you. he’ll put his hand around your waist or hold your hand extra tight in public whenever this is the case.
- he probably lets you pick what car you want him to drive you in.
- he likes to pick out your outfits. he’s like a personal stylist and he’ll always make sure you look cute. not to mention, he buys you clothes 24/7, and he wants to see them on you. koko also likes to see what’s under them ;) when you get home from your day out.
- he’s touchy at times. he’s the kind of boyfriend that would pinch your ass to see what reaction you’d have. you always end up glaring at him and he just giggles and shrugs his shoulders. he’s very playful sometimes and he can easily make you laugh with the things he does/says. like i said, he treats you so so well. it’s honestly so fucking cute.
- always holds your thigh whenever he drives.
- “doing okay, my love? good.. we’re almost there.”
- he loves taking pictures of you. whether it’s after sex or on a date, he takes random photos of you to keep in his phone. he likes to scroll through them whenever he’s bored or he misses you. they never fail to bring a smile to his face <3.
- he kisses you randomly. he loves to have his lips somewhere on your face and it’s always nice. he also loves to kiss your hands!! you’re his most prized trophy, and you deserve to be treated like one.
- i don’t see koko getting jealous easily, but he can get annoyed when someone he knows is hitting on you. he’ll easily take care of it by pulling you onto his lap and holding you close to him so whoever is trying to get at you knows what the fuck is up.
- koko isn’t very clingy, but he can be. he likes having your attention <3.
- he loves to cuddle in the morning. he has a love hate relationship with waking up, so he’ll definitely lay his head on your chest and hold you tightly against him. you’ll have to fight your way through his grip, but he’ll eventually let you get up.
- marry him, right now. please.
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shadyruinskryptonite · 3 months
Titan Bending Chapter 19
Warning: Violence consistent with cannon, NSFW so MDNI, language, major character death (both consistent with canon of both AOT and ATLA as well as diverging from canon), so much trauma literally everyone is so traumatized, very much slow burn, a little enemies to lovers, SO MUCH ANGST, hurt/comfort, hurt and delayed comfort, AFAB reader
Chapter Warnings: Talking about past severe injuries and near death experiences, extreme burns, sparring with swords, y/n beats the shit outta someone, one mention of bloody knuckles
WC: 3597
A/N: Okay so this is the first time a real reference is going to be made to the multitude of languages I hc are spoken in the four nations. I mentioned this in the hc that I published recently, but for Katara, Sokka, and y/n I hc that the native language of the watertribes is Russian so that’s included. Please note that I don’t know any Russian so everything that is written is ala Google Translate so I apologize if it’s wrong. This conversation is pretty silly, so feel free to translate it but you also don’t have to and it doesn’t change the plot of the story. Later however Zuko says something to y/n and I have written it in wingdings because I’m not immediately going to translate it, but rather I intend that it will be something that’s revealed later in the story.
Previous Chapter, Next Chapter
Tags: @mochminnie @sseleniaa @naruwitch
The tour ended at the mess hall, where everyone was able to sit together and share a meal. The conversation was kept mostly light, with the kids just asking the Gaang questions about our general experiences and getting answers similar to ones I had given them myself. 
From the other end of the table, I hear Sokka and Katara speaking the native Watertribe language.
“Она действительно кажется счастливой,” Katara says.
“Я согласен. Забавно видеть, как эти дети краснеют каждый раз, когда она смотрит в их сторону. Думаешь, она знает, что они все по-щенячьи влюблены в нее?” Sokka responds.
I can tell my kids are mesmerized by their conversation and it dawns on me that they’ve probably never heard anyone speak another language before.
Oh, well, this’ll really knock their socks off then.
Before Katara can respond, I smugly say, “It’s rude to speak another language when there are people that don’t know it in the conversation. But, yes, I’m very happy. Кроме того, они всего лишь дети, а я для них какое-то странное, экзотическое существо, отдохните.”
Now everyone’s eyes are wide and on me, and in the ensuing silence I say, “What, you two didn’t really forget that we have the same first language, did you?”
Looking like scolded children, they say in unison “Sorry y/n.”
I just shake my head and giggle.
Still in complete disbelief, Hange says, “I thought I was having a stroke for a minute when I didn’t understand what was being said.”
I laugh hardily and say, “No, that’s just the language native to the Watertribes. There are a bunch of different languages all across the four nations.”
Suki chimes in, “Yeah and y/n knows all of them.”
I whip towards her. “What? That’s crazy no I don’t!”
She rolls her eyes and says, “Oh yeah? How many languages do you speak?”
“Fluently? Just Watertribe and Universal!” I exclaim.
Zuko scoffs, “You’re so full of shit. You also speak Mainland Fire Nation.”
Toph adds “Not to mention Sand Bender and one of the romantic languages from the Western Earth Kingdom.”
“Yes but I’m not fluent in any of those!”
Suki turns to Hange and says, “She’s being humble.”
“What?! No I’m not! I seriously don’t know that much of any of the languages you just listed! I just lived in those places or around people from those places for so long that I started to pick up bits and pieces!”
Suki just playfully rolls her eyes at me as I huff a little.
A little incredulously Connie asked, “Any other fun facts or stories about y/n we should know?”
I roll my eyes but I can’t help but notice a spark of mischief wash across the entire Gaang.
Katara, my sweet angle baby, says “I feel like every story with y/n is a fun one. Even when things were tough she’s just…I don’t know, she’s like a ray of sunshine.”
I wasn’t expecting her to say something so heartfelt and I immediately blushed and looked down at my tray, suddenly feeling extremely bashful. Despite looking away, I could see just about every one of my new friends nodding in agreement.
Sokka manages to ruin the moment, though. “Yeah, she’s great when she’s not on death’s doorstep.”
This makes the Gaang cackle, and through my own laughter I say, “Fair enough.”
 But my new friends don’t see the humor.
Noticing the mirad of furrowed eyebrows, Suki lightheartedly says, “Oh, let me guess, she’s told you absolutely nothing about her past.”
Hange responds a little defensively, “No, she’s told us quite a lot. Just nothing about a near death experience…”
Snorts and scoffs can be heard coming from the Gaang which only deepens everyone else’s confusion. Suki points at me and continues, “If I know this one at all, she’s told you plenty about the four nations and our overall experiences but nothing even remotely personal. I mean, there’s a good five years of her life that we don’t even know anything about so I’d be surprised if y’all know. And, based on your faces, my guess is she hasn’t told you that she’s sort of on borrowed time-”
Sokka jumps in “Yeah, she’s like a cat with nine lives. Well…I guess it’d be what, six now?”
Confusion quickly turns to concern as I nod and dismissively say, “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
Seeing the worry on my squad’s faces, I quickly reassure them, “I mean, I’m here aren’t I? I’m all good. If anything that should make you guys feel better because it means I’m resilient as hell.”
Again, the Gaang laughs. Having been there through each of my brushes with death, they’ve accepted the same opinion about all of my close calls. Everyone else, however, is getting impatient.
Jean finally cuts us off. “Is anyone going to tell us what the fuck you’re talking about?!”
I smile and ruffle his hair across the table, immediately short circuting the kid. “Relax, Jean Boy. It’s not that big of a deal, I promise. But, if you must know, yes, I’ve had a few…close calls. The first one was when I was just honestly kind of in the way when Azula shot Aang with lightning. I was underneath him as he was entering the Avatar state and so I was the quickest path for the lightning to find the ground again. The second was during the Day of Black Sun invasion. It was before the end of the 100 year war. Just like I’ve explained that water benders get their strength from the moon, fire benders get theirs from the sun. So a solar eclipse gave us the perfect opportunity to invade the Fire Nation palace. They had anticipated our attack and retreated to some tunnels underground to wait out the eclipse and Sokka, Toph, Aang and I found Azula. Basically, she baited us into waiting until the sun came back out and the moment it did, she hit me close range with her fire. That would have been bad enough on its own seeing as she was about as close to me as I’m sitting to you right now, but something we didn’t explain earlier about Azula is that she’s a prodigy. She’s such a gifted fire bender that her flames burn blue because they’re thousands of degrees hotter than normal fire. It, um…it essentially melted about a third of my torso…”
As I trail off, Aang quietly says, “We might have been making light of the situation earlier, but that one was really scary. Y/n was basically unconscious for about a week.”
Trying not to let the atmosphere become too dark, I say, “But, thanks to Katara’s healing, I’m obviously fine now. Then, as we sort of alluded to earlier, there was the fight Azula and I had during Sozin’s Comet. She had tried to shoot Katara and I with lightning but Zuko jumped in the way. While Katara healed him, Azula and I fought and I redirected her lightning back at her. That’s what I thought killed her, actually. But, because that’s a really advanced move, it was my first time bending in three years, and the fact that it’s actually a fire bending move and not a water bending one, it also knocked me out. It kinda fried my chi and took a bit for me to recover.” I quickly added, “But again, I’m completely fine now so all of this is just kind of lore about me, I guess.”
There’s a long silence. Finally, after a silence that seemingly stretches on forever, it’s Eren that speaks for the first time in what feels like days. “You weren’t kidding when you said you’ve been through worse than that concussion you got in Shiganshina.”
I burst out laughing which prompts everyone else to join in.
Thank god someone broke that tension.
As eloquently as she says everything, Toph then states, “Bet she hasn’t told you she can fire bend either then, huh?”
My eyes go wide as there are a cacophony of gasps, whats, and huhs.
“No, no, no,” I say frantically looking between Toph and the rest of my friends, old and new. “I didn’t mention that because I can’t do it on command! Believe me, I’ve tried. I have fire bent twice in my life and it’s only ever happened when I’ve been beyond angry. Beyond furious, even.”
Glaring at Toph before realizing exactly who I was glaring at, I continue, “I had good reason not to tell you that I’ve done that because I didn’t want to get your hopes up that it was something that I could do or use regularly.”
I finish by mumbling, “Toph, I’m glaring at you by the way.”
Hange only seemed to hear what she wanted to out of that discussion, because she excitedly starts going on, “Y/n you are going to have to tell me everything about this! How it happened, what you did, everything! We are going to get you to firebend if it’s the last thing I do!”
Levi, seeming as curmudgeonly as ever, says, “Cool it shitty glasses. She said she can’t do it on command.”
The look that Katara and Suki exchange is not lost on me, but what’s more perplexing is the expression Hange immediately gets on her face. It’s both knowing and ornery, but I’m really surprised that she doesn’t press the issue or say anything that seems to warrant her face.
It’s Sokka that changes the subject this time, asking, “So, you gotten to spar any or have you been too busy bending now?”
Connie huffs out, “Has she ever.”
Again, this makes me laugh as I explain to the Gaang, “I’ve been helping them with their sparring lately. Eren asked for lessons to help his titan combat and everyone else has sort of tagged along. It’s been fun.”
“Damn, I was hoping you’d be outta practice so I could smoke your ass,” Sokka quipped.
“Sokka, I could have been in a vegetative state for the last two years and you still wouldn’t be able to smoke my ass,” I say matter-of-factly.
Everyone but Sokka laughs at this as he huffs, “Yeah?! Well…I’ve been practicing too! And I’ll have you know I’m in a totally different league than the fifteen year old boy you last sparred with!”
I raise my eyebrows and tease him, “Oh yeah, hot shot? You wanna bet on that one?”
Getting more indignant as everyone continues to laugh, Sokka all but shouts, “You know what? Yeah! Let’s spar!”
The disgust is evident on my face as I say, “Right now?”
“Yes! Right now! Let’s go to your little training field!” He shoots up as he speaks.
I sigh and begrudgingly stand up as well. As we walk towards the field I hear Toph somewhere behind me say, “My money is on y/n putting him down in less than four seconds.”
We get out to the field and at this point the sun has set and the ground is illuminated by an almost full moon. We take our stances across from each other and he pulls out his sword. 
Just as we’re about to start, I hear Levi call from the sidelines, “Does y/n have a weapon?”
Suddenly Sokka is exasperated, saying, “Yeah, do you?!”
I shrug dismissively. “I mean, I have my knives on me but I always have those. It’s never been a problem when we’ve sparred before.”
Sokka shakes his head violently. “Uh uh, no way. I’m not taking any chances.”
So, with a heavy eye roll, I take one knife from my waistband and the other from my ankle strap and chuck them at a tree on the side of the field, lodging one on top of the other.
With my hands out, I say, “There? Ya happy?” with clear annoyance in my voice.
“Very,” Sokka says with a grin.
I can tell there’s a slight commotion on the side but I’m not sure exactly what’s happening.
“She’s going to fight him without any weapons?” Levi asks, only barely concealing his concern.
Suki smugly responds, “Of course, wouldn’t want her to have an even more unfair advantage against him.”
Sokka swings his sword from the side and in one swift movement I block up and crank his arm backwards, trip him, and then pin him with his own weapon.
“Ha! Called it!” Toph cackles.
Sokka huffs and puffs as he swats my hand out of the way when I offer to help him up. As I hand him is sword back he immediately seems to ready himself for another round.
I raise an eyebrow. “Again, hot shot?”
Without another word, Sokka swings from the side just like he did before. I block up and grab his arm again, but instead of knocking him to the ground and pinning him I say, “You do realize the reason I beat you so fast every single time is because you start every fight we’ve ever had the exact same way, right?”
My comment seems to fluster him so I let go and motion for him to start again. This time he takes a different approach and I have to jump back to avoid being hit.
“Much better!” I say with genuine excitement.
He swings and jabs a few more times before I lay him out again. “See? That was much longer this time! Don’t be predictable.”
I go to help him up and this time he takes my hand, clearly done with this little experiment. I begin walking towards the tree where my knives are lodged when over my shoulder I hear, “I don’t think we’ve ever sparred.”
Turning around slowly, I see Zuko standing in the field, his dual swords already drawn and mischief written all over his face.
Cautiously, I say, “Is that so?”
Again, it’s Toph that makes a snide remark. “Yeah that’s because you two hated each other for a while.”
Making direct eyecontact with me Zuko says, “No, I never hated her.”
I choose not to respond, instead getting into a much more firm stance than I had held with Sokka.
He swings his blades artfully through the air and I do a dive roll over the top of them. While I’m still on the ground the tips of his swords come racing towards me and I have to roll back on my shoulders to avoid the front swing and then spring forward and onto my feet to avoid the back swing. 
At this point I’m within inches of him, but I bide my time before I strike. Our moves are almost perfectly in sync; as he swings left, I jump right. As he swoops right, I spin left. At one point he anticipates my dodge and fakes me out to swing in the direction I was planning on moving, forcing me to flip up and over his swords.
After this goes on for a few minutes, I figure that he’s probably tired enough to be exactly where I want him. So, for the first time since the start of the fight, I back up to a position where we’re squared off against each other. Just as he’s about to move in, I move in a flash; I throw a spinning kick that hits one blade, two blades, then his face. As I knock each sword out of his hands I’m quick to grab it in one fluid motion without breaking the momentum of my kick or letting the swords clatter to the ground. By the time my feet are back on the ground he’s reeling and I’m able to sweep his feet out from under him and pin him on his back, his own swords drawn in a cross over his neck.
We hold this position for a moment, both panting. He holds my gaze for longer than I’m comfortable with so I suddenly back off, getting up and handing his swords to him. Again, I move to retrieve my knives. With my back towards everyone, suddenly my hair stands on end all across my body.
I whip around just in time to see a fire ball hurling towards me. On instinct, I dissipate it just like I would water.
Then, I just stand there staring at Zuko, dumbfounded. With my palms towards the sky, all I can ask is, “What the fuck, Zuko?”
He doesn’t say anything, but even from across the field under nothing but the moon I can feel the fury radiating off of him. He throws another punch of fire my way, and I deal with it the same way I did before.
Now, I’m aggravated. I stand deathly still, eyes narrowing, one eyebrow raised as I practically growl, “I will give you one. chance. to rethink what you’re doing.”
For some reason, he didn’t take my threat seriously and decides to bend at me again. Without hesitation, I absolutely turn it on. Dodge his fire, grab ground water, blast him once with a large cannon of water. 
As he gets knocked back, I slowly approach where he stands and continue my onslaught. I freeze him in place and see him frantically try to melt my ice to no avail.
Stuck, he’s completely at my mercy. I get so close to him that he likely felt my breath fanning across his face. 
Keeping my voice threatening and low enough that only he could hear me say, “This has nothing to do with losing a sparring match. Get over it.” I liquify the ice and he stumbles a bit as I stand there watching him to make sure he doesn’t pull anything.
I turn around to walk away but I’m stopped cold when Zuko says, “✌︎⧫︎ ●︎♏︎♋︎⬧︎⧫︎ ✋︎ ♎︎♓︎♎︎■︎🕯︎⧫︎ 🙵♓︎●︎●︎ □︎◆︎❒︎ ♌︎♋︎♌︎⍓︎.” 
My blood runs cold, my eyes go wide, and my mouth drops open.
Did he really just say that?
As I’m trying to process, I’m overcome with rage at his sheer audacity. In a flash, I’ve spun around and elbowed him in the jaw before cracking him with a right hook, a left roundhouse, and grabbed his shoulders so I could thrust my knee into his solar plexus. By the time I was done everyone had descended and was trying to break up the fight, but I held firm to his collar.
Through gritted teeth I spat, “You’re a piece of shit Zuko. You’re no better than your father.” With that, I threw him on the ground before stalking off to rip my knives out of the tree. While people were busy tending to Zuko’s injuries, I slipped off unnoticed. At least, I had hoped I hadn’t been noticed. 
As I made my way to the roof, I was overcome with embarrassment.
Fuck, I hate losing my temper like that in front of people. 
I flop down on the ledge at the edge of the roof and stare at the sky, trying to force my anger to dissipate. At the sound of the door opening, I have a pretty good idea of who it is but without looking up I simply bite, “I’d like to be alone, thank you very much.”
Just as I had suspected, the steps that draw nearer to me indicate that it’s Levi that’s joined me. As he quietly sits down next to me, I try to pretend he isn’t there.
Little shit is quiet enough, I might as well still be alone.
We sit in this silence for a while and I do honestly forget he’s there after a bit. Actually, by the time he speaks up I’ve pretty much entirely cooled off.
Gently, he says, “You alright?”
I heave an extremely heavy sigh before sitting up and saying, “Yeah, I mean, I guess. Zuko just knows exactly how to get under my skin.”
Just as I had hoped, this was enough to satisfy Levi without having to go into anymore details. Now that I’m sitting up though, I see that he’s brought a cup with him. Nodding towards it I say, “That doesn’t look like tea.”
He snorts and passes it to me. As he does so he says, “You hit him with every ounce of strength you had. I figured your knuckles probably hurt so I thought you could use this to heal yourself.” He completely trails off towards the end, but I still heard him loud and clear.
As I take the cup from him I put my hand on his arm, causing him to snap his head towards me.
Damn, you’d think I’d just burnt him or something.
Without removing my hand and staring directly into his eyes -- Wow have his eyes always been this sparkley? -- I quietly say, “Thank you, Levi. That’s super thoughtful and I really appreciate it.”
Despite it still being the middle of the night, I can see that he blushes hard at what I just said. In fact, this was the first time I was absolutely certain that it was a blush that I saw and not just a byproduct of the environment.
Huh. I wonder if anyone has ever told him they appreciate him? They had to, right?
Silently, I bend the contents of the cup over my knuckles. Until he mentioned it, I hadn’t paid any mind to my cracked and bloodied knuckles but now that I’m actively thinking about it and healing them, they do smart quite a bit.
I’ve finished my healing in no time and throw the remaining water off the edge of the roof. As we continue to sit in silence, I’m suddenly struck by the fact that I’m actually glad to have company and, more than that, I’m glad it’s Levi as opposed to anyone else.
Huh. Maybe Katara and Suki were onto something.
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A HC thats currently making me giggle:
Lucy and Tamara drag Tim to the Eras tour (idk if they’re fans but for the sake of this hc they are okay? Okay.)
The dress up, maybe not as extra as some swifties but they do. Lucy puts Tim in a shirt that says “Heartbreak Prince”
They teach him the chants. He hates it
He continuously questions why he’s being dragged to the concert when they can just go together
Lucy just says “cause I want to go with you, too.”
Angela teases him endlessly, “if you just learned to say no to Lucy this wouldn’t be a problem”
Tim huffs. Cause she’s right but he literally can’t do that. Say no to Lucy? When she asks him with that smile and eyes? Never happening. He just needs to accept his fate.
When the day comes and they arrive at SoFi, he grumbles “Never thought I’d be here for anything other than a Rams game.”
Lucy looks at him with a smirk “Yeah well, you also never thought you’d be dating and in love with your former rookie, but here we are.”
Tamara laughs
He tries to he grumpy but seeing how excited and happy Lucy and Tamara are is making it hard
He takes a bunch of pictures for them
A tiny human comes up to him before the show, asks if he wants to trade friendship bracelets. He looks at Lucy who hands him one to trade. He gets down to tiny human’s level and trades bracelets. Lucy practically melts at the interaction
They talk with some officers they know who are there doing security or whatever you call it
When they get to their seats, Tim is adamant that if the, his, girls need anything — food, drinks, merch — he’ll go get it so they don’t have to miss anything.
That earns him a kiss from Lucy
And an eye roll from the puppy
The concert starts, and he watches Lucy the entire time. His heart hurting in that really good Lucy way as he watches how happy she is.
And then rolls his eyes when Taylor comes out and actually starts singing Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince — because now he understands his shirt.
Cruel Summer starts and Tim definitely does not scream the bridge like Lucy and Tamara, but he doesn’t not sing along either… but he’ll never confirm that.
Tamara takes a really cute candid of Chenford during Lover, their arms around each other and her singing softly.
By the end of the Evermore section, Tim is most definitely not having a good time. Nope he’s totally not enjoying himself lol
Idk what the surprise songs would be, but his does laugh at Lucy’s reaction
And again when she covers his eyes during Vigilante Shit.
He whispers to her “you can always do a performance like that for me later.”
Tamara fake gags
Lucy blushes
Come the end, aka Karma, he’s full on dancing with Lucy
He’s back to his grumpy self when they hit the seemingly never ending traffic to leave the stadium.
And the realization that all the glitter than in Lucy and Tamara’s hair is now all over his trunk
But he doesn’t really mind because they’re both happy and had a great time and it’s worth it
And when Angela asks Lucy the next day how it was, she smirks at Tim who just looks at his gf with the biggest heart eyes as she recounts their night
And then when he rolls his eyes and tries to deny he had a good time because she knows he did — but will never admit it.
Years later, when he and Lucy have a daughter, he takes them both to another concert but this time he’s a full swiftie dad and isn’t afraid to show it
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yesokaythatsfine69 · 2 years
Stranger Things Have Happened (Stranger things Hendersonxreader! HC's)
Description: Y/N Henderson is loved by all and feared by few, here are a bunch of head cannons between you and the characters of stranger things season four.
Character(s): eleven, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, will, max, Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, Robin, Erica, Eddie, Billie (wdym he's dead??)
Warning(s): spoilers?? (Not really, this is pretty freeform), The byers and El are still in Hawkins, Gay, cursing, smutty?, Fluffy, drugs, alcohol, death, and that should b it (read at ur own risk)
A/n: I'm back! I haven't posted an x reader or hc since 2020 ! Those were strictly also for AOT (but if you're like me and a fan of both please feel free to check out my other works) I love stranger things and if u look at my old master list you'd see that I had originally planned to write for that series as well. If u guys like this let me know, if u guys wanna see more aot let me know, or literally anything else- lmk
Word Count: 3K
Song: running up that hill - Kate bush
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*all gifs used are not mine and full credit goes to the owner :)
For most of your life, until the summer before your junior year, you had been considered pretty much an outcast. Weekends and free time was spent with you playing dnd and practically constructing campaigns for your brother and his friends by yourself. By the time you were fifteen you were a level 10 dm.
While this was fucking sick for you and your brothers friends- the rest of Hawkins didn't agree. Not only that, but you had your younger brothers signature curly short hair, and black, thick, wide lense glasses and large metal trapping around your teeth (braces).
For many years, your only friends were the friends your brother had. Which didn't score you any points amongst your peers. However, when shit hit the fan in Hawkins you fought like a total badass, and became friends with some of the older Hawkins kids who went to your school. (Nancy, Johnathan, and Steve.)
When Max and her brother Billy arrived, you were just a sophomore. When you, Steve, Max, Lucas, and Dustin all got stuck in a bus you and Steve had to fight tooth and nail to get those kids to safety, Billy Hargrove repaid you by almost hitting your bike (with you on it) with his car.
Then, when you went to summer camp- and your younger brother Dustin went to his own, you returned looking like you belonged on some sort of calendar. Robin and Steve couldn't look you in the eye. Robin, you became fast friends with, she shared your love of making Steve's life miserable. You worked with Billy as a lifeguard, and he followed you around like a puppy. Which, considering how you feel about Billy could be regarded as a win or a loss.
Now, here you are. A senior in high school, and a cheerleader. (Nancy told you to try out after noticing how flexible you were when the two of you were fighting alongside one another at the mall). You know everyone and everyone knows you- so, let's get these head cannons started shall we?
A very drunk and a very high y/n
You weren't BIG on partying. You would've much rather been home, dancing around your room, hair brush in hand, singing some Madonna song- but here you are, after a big win for hawkins basketball team, in a very crowded and loud living room party.
You're wearing the cutest mini skirt and the cutest top, both outlining your delicious curves. Your hair is teezed to the nines into a semi-space bun. (Your love for Star Wars endures). However, your makeup is slightly smeered, and your eyes are glassy.
You've had about four red solo cups too many, and you've been spoon fed a blunt. It's a wonder you can walk. You giggle as you shuffle through the crowd of teenagers. "Y/n? Y/n Henderson?"
You paused, turning around to see Billy Hargrove give you a once over. If your face wasn't already warm with the alcohol, you would've blushed. "Billy!" You teetered over, and he helped you keep balance.
"having a good time?" He laughed, but gently moved a stray hair from your face. You leaned into his touch. Usually, you would've threatened him or tried to hit him, but at the moment you were choosing to live, laugh, love instead pain, war, and homicide.
"yesss." You drew. Billy smiled. "Where's Chrissy? She didn't leave you like this, did she?" You frowned. You couldn't really remember, actually. "I don't know, I think she went to the bathroom." You were yelling now, over the pulsing music. He nodded. "Lets get you some water."
He went to move, but you pulled him towards you instead, and suddenly you were meer inches away. Billy bit his bottom lip. "Stay." He shook his head. "I'll be right back." He let go, and moved to the kitchen. However when he did, the song changed. "I love kate bush." You smiled, and began to sway your hips, moving backwards from where you stood.
Then, suddenly you're plowed into from behind. Luckily for you, it's Eddie Munson.
Eddie had referred to you as his dream girl, because, you definitely were. Not only were you hot but you were also a god at dnd. Best of both worlds. He had gone to this party as a main distributor of goods, and hadn't expected you to be there. So when he bumped into you, and immediately caught you before you hit the ground, he was FLOURED.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and touched his nose to yours. "Hey motley Crue, what's the damage?" Your voice was lower, and velvety in Eddie's ears. "I'm-I was-I am- I, uh, Just dropping off some..." He frowned at your dazed expression. Then he smiled, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you from falling. "Are you drunk, Henderson?"
You laughed. "Maybe I am Eddison. What are you going to do about it?" You booped his nose. Eddie shook his head. "Yeah, alright." He immediately walked (closer to carry) you out, through the crowd and to his car. He drove you home, expecting only your little brother to be there.
Little did he know...
"Is that your sister, Dustin?" Erica stood at the window looking out the front yard, and Dustin frowned. "My sister is at a sleepover right now-" "Nope, that is definitely y/n." Max grimaced, standing next to Erica at the window.
Dustin frowned and came around to where they stood, Steve following pursuit. When they arrived to stand behind Max and Erica, Dustin smacked his forehead. Eddie Munson was carrying you through their front yard, and you weren't making it easy, flopping around the poor guy like he was a pole and you a stripper.
Eleven, Mike, Lucas, will, Nancy, Johnathan, and Robin all now stood at the window, watching Eddie all but drag you to the front door. "Oh shit." Dustin sighed. Steve rushed out the door, helping Eddie by taking your feet as Eddie took your shoulders.
"what happened?" Johnathan was worried, with all the weird shit happening recently he feared that maybe this wasn't innocent. His mind went to the upside down, to some terrible new creature that they would have to deal with, or MAYBE- Nancy reassured him. "Looks like one of the basketball parties." Eddie looked up at the brunette. "How'd you know?"
She winced slightly. "Personal experience." Eddie and Steve put you on the couch. "I'll get some water." Dustin pointed her to where the cups could be found. "I heard it was supposed to be pretty big." Lucas said, standing next to Max.
Nancy acted as a mother to you, bringing you water, and directing them to place you on your side. Jonathan mostly just tried to make sure you hadn't been taken over by some dnd villain and when he was sure you were just wasted- he let Nancy do her thing.
Eleven was worried that you were about to die, so she immediately grabbed your hand for reassurance. (Whether that was for you or her, idk). Eleven hadn't really seen anyone wasted before, let alone you, her idol. "What if she has alcohol poisoning!" You giggled. "El, your hands are so small!" Eleven frowned. Were her hands small?
Mike snorted and El shot him a glare. Mike nodded and gave you two some more space.
Dustin was pacing, ranting, and absolutely pissed. "Of all the times, y/n seriously!", "What if mom finds out?", "Jesus Christ y/n." And finally "she's okay, right?" El's comment on alcohol poisoning seemed to cool him for the moment.
Lucas kind of wished he was like you right now, drink and high off your balls...but he also realized that this was really, really embarrassing.
Will was worried about you, but he didn't really want to get involved, considering he had no clue what do when someone got alcohol poisoning.
Steve was fussing over you, like BIG time. "Y/n, seriously?" You kept trying to touch his hair. Finally he gave in, but only when you promised to lay on your side and drink some water. "Drink this." He practically poured the water down your throat. "Thanks, Daddy." you said after swallowing, causing Steve to turn bright red. He coughed, and Eddie gave him a look.
Robin was trying to get you to talk as much as possible. This was funny. You were such a cute drunk, too! "Y/n, how do you feel about the humpty dump?"
Eddie and Steve kept arguing about how best to take care of you, to which you interjected, "Don't worry boys, there's enough holes for-" "Y/N! Jesus Christ!" Dustin was slamming his head into the wall.
Y/n saves them
You worked with Billy as a lifeguard at the city pool. You were closing with him, and had made it to your bike when you realized you left your house keys in your locker. So, you begrudgingly went back into the pool. You heard screaming, and at first you thought, funny haha, but then...you rushed in, to see Billy being literally fucking attacked by some venom looking shit. You grabbed the half naked boy and chucked your bag at the creature, giving both of you enough time to escape. The two of you were literally hooked onto each other, and you didn't realize just how close the two of you were clutching each other until he was pushing you into his truck and getting the hell out of there.
Eddie had just witnessed Chrissy's brain explode in her fucking skull. In his trailer. On the roof. Your home phone rang and you had begrudgingly answered, worried that it would disturb your mom. "Hello?" A shaky voice on the other end preened at the sound of your own. "Y/n? Y/n oh thank God. You would not believe what just fucking happened I was here and Chrissy was here and then all of a sudden the lights and her eyes and then bones started cracking and oh my god-" You blinked, trying to rapidly comprehend what was happening over the line. Eddie had never sounded like this. He didn't even sound like Eddie. He sounded like some kid who lost their parent at a grocery store. "Eddie, slow down, what are you-" A sharp intake of breath- "Chrissy's dead, y/n." You paused. Chrissy had been a friend of yours, someone you actually really liked (one of the few people on your squad.). Like the others? You wondered, biting your lip. "I'm on my way."
"Russians? Dustin have you lost your goddamned mind?" You stared at your younger brother and his new found little friend (who was also Luca's little sister,) Erica. "Y/n I know it sounds crazy, but I promise you, Robin and Steve were taken by-" You raised a hand and cut him off. Turning to Erica, you raised a brow. "They did sound Russian." You sighed. "So there's just a bunch of Russians conducting secret experiments in secret elevator shafts at Starcourt Mall?" Dustin nodded. "Yes." You nodded. "And these Russians have kidnapped Robin and Steve?" Erica nodded. "Yeah." You nodded again. "This is like the tenth time I saved Steve's ass." You let out a huff. "let me get my bat."
"Robin? Can you hear me?" Robin gave you a big doe-eyed look, smiling slowly. "So fucking pretty." She mumbled, looking up at you from where you had her on the floor, trying desperately to get her to wake up or move or something. The guards couldn't be distracted forever. You flushed, but forrowed your brows, trying to (unsuccessfully) ignore that. "Robin can you stand?" She touched your face, gently grazing your cheek with her hand. You swallowed. "Is that a yes or...?" "Y/n?!" Your brother yelled from behind you, causing you to Jump. "Jesus! What?" He crept closer to you. "They've been drugged." You rolled your eyes. "really? You think." Robin giggled. "Funny and beautiful." Dustin gave her a confused look. "Is she talking about me?" Oh jeez.
As you said before, you had saved Steve at least ten times before. The two of you had known each other since that time at the Byers, when you were with Nancy and Jonathan and the lights kept flickering and a fucking demon from the pits of Hell came up from no where. Steve had decided to crash the party, which would pay off in the end, but not until you ended up almost getting your windpipe crushed into bits.
Both you and Jonathan held bats in your hands- although you had to admit that Jonathan's was much cooler (barbed spikes wrapped around it's too) and Nancy in between the two of you, with a loaded gun cocked in her hands. She kind of scared you, but also like "girlboss". Steve walked behind you, much to your dismay. The dude was definitely going to get you all killed because he kept freaking out.
Jonathan led the way into his living room, your heart beating in your ears. "Nice place." You swallowed. Then Steve started to lose it. Again. "This is crazy! This is crazy!" You gripped your bat. "I'm gonna hit him." Nancy gave you a look.
He grabbed the phone from their wall and began dialing, Nancy grabbing it from his hand and flinging it. You peered around the room, the feeling of unease you had only growing. They argued as you swept your surroundings, you vaguely hearing Nancy tell Steve that he had to leave. Then he was gone. Then the lights began to flicker.
The three of you stayed in the middle of the room. "Where is it?" Nancy whipped around and Jonathan raised his bat. "Come on you son of a bitch." You swallowed. "I don't think we should taunt it." Then the lights turned off, and it tackled Jonathan to the floor. As Nancy shot at it, you slammed your bat into it's flower like face.
That only pissed it off. It went after Nancy, who quickly shot at it until no bullets were left. Then as got close, you went at it from behind, hitting it over and over again. It's attention turned to you, before Steve jumped into the mix, grabbing Jonathan's forgotten bat and hitting it from it's other side.
The Demogorgon grabbed you by your throat, hoisting you up. Steve hit it at a particular angle, and it dropped you. You pulled the trap around it's ankle, and grabbed Steve as you choked. The four of you now stood at the end of the room, Nancy telling Jonathan to essentially light that mother fucker up like a fucking Roman candle on the fourth of July. Or something like that.
From that point on you and Steve were kind of like a package deal. One saving the other and so forth. Of course this was also the first time you fought or helped save Nancy and Jonathan (not like it'll be the last). "I'm, y/n by the way." You stretched out a sweaty palm. Steve, the king, took it in his. "Steve."
You, yourself had never really helped save Will or Mike. BUT you had helped them to escape, and to destroy your towns brand new and very shiny mall. Which as much as you wished you could say was an accomplishment because you helped destroy a bad guy- it made you sad. You actually liked that mall.
When you, Dustin, Steve, Lucas, and Max all got stuck in a junk yard surrounded by demodogs, it was literally up to you and Steve to get those kids out of there. They surrounded you two, Lucas doing his best to inform you both of their next moves. Once again, you and Steve would work side by side. "There's too many of them!" You called, after getting in a few good hits of some demodog. "We got to get these kids out of here!" Steve only yelled back.
By the end, when the five of you reached safety, Dustin jokingly asked if he should start calling the two of you mom and dad. "Please, god help us all if the hair ball over here decides he wants children." Steve glared at you. "Hey! I'll have you know that I'll be doing the hair industry a favor if and when I decide to have children."
You didn't think that you did much to help El. Like, the kid didn't need help, much less saving, from you especially. You were just a dnd player with a bat and sarcasm. But to El, you were a life saver. Not in the ways were you saved her from a mind flayer or Vecna. But in the ways that you took her hand and soothed her, braided her hair, painted her nails. If it weren't for you she would've been stuck around a bunch of smelly boys who were a lil too obsessed with dnd (you were just a lil better off). Can you imagine?
Y/n gives some relationship advice
(Steve, Billy, Eddie, and Robin did not receive any relationship advice because, as you would often so kindly point out to them, they are single.)
Dustin hasn't originally came to you for advice about Max, but you were there when he asked Steve. You were shocked, because what the fuck did Steve know about women? "Wait why are you asking him? What does he know about women?" Steve gave you a look. "I know plenty about women." You rolled your eyes. "aren't you single?" Dustin interjected. "Y/n, no offense but you've never dated anyone before. Also your my sister and I'd rather eat my foot off then talk to you about what women like so." You gasped. "I'm waiting to get into a relationship until I have my braces off, thank you very much! Also even if I've never had a boyfriend I still know what I'd want." Steve snorted. You gave him a sharp look. "Shut it, hair gel. Dustin, women like it when men are upfront and honest and confident and-" "blah, blah, blah. He's what you want to do." Steve cut you off. You shoved him, and he grabbed you, the two of you falling to the ground. When you landed, the two of you were meer inches from one another's face. Steve's breath quickened slightly and he gave you a soft look. You shoved him back down before hoping up. You wrapped an arm around Dustin. "Just be yourself. Who doesn't love Dustin Henderson?"
"Mike, Mike, Mike." You tutted, watching as El and Max walked away, having just seen the girl break up him. He rolled his eyes. "Not right now, Y/n can't you see I just got-" "your ass dumped?" You lifted a brow. Mike looked like he was about to cry, so you rolled your eyes and patted his back. "You may have brought this on yourself, but I think I know how you can fix this." Mike looked up at you hopefully. "Really?" You nodded. "it's called communication. Talk to her. It does wonders." Mike slumped and you patted his back, smiling at Lucas and Will as you left. Then you paused. "Wait, where's Dustin?"
Lucas was having Max problems. So, he went to the only person who knew who could help. "Lucas? What's up? Dnd isn't for another-" Dustin check his watch "22 hours?" Lucas nodded. He stood outside your house, and Dustin stood at the front door, standing between him and a happy relationship. "I know, Dustin. I'm here to see y/n." Dustin snorted. "Y/n? She'll be at dnd too?" Lucas rolled his eyes. "No, it's not about dnd, Dustin." Dustin frowned. "Is it about English? I can help you better than she can, shes terrible at writing essays." Lucas shook his head. "No, Dustin, I need-" You arrived behind your brother. "Hey Sinclair. Nice do." He took a breath of relief. "thanks. Can I talk to you." You shared a look with Dustin, before shaking your head. Dustin only rolled his eyes. Lucas found himself in your kitchen, allowing you to grab him a glass of water. "What can I help you with, ole buddy ole pal?" Lucas swallowed. "It's max. I think she's mad at me for joining the team." You frowned. "You think?" He sighed. "Okay, I know. She thinks that I'm going to ditch everyone but I only did it to-" he stopped. Lucas couldn't bring himself to admit it. You sat the glass of water down in front of him. Your shook your head knowingly. "The same thing happened to me. Not with Dustin, really, but...I understand. The best thing you can do, is to let Max know that you're still Lucas. You've told her why your playing, right?" Lucas shrugged. "Well, start there. It's best to be honest. You're a good boyfriend, and I know you love her. Everything will be okay, I promise." You smiled at him, and Lucas returned it. "Will you talk to her? She listens to you." You sighed. "I'll think about it." Lucas made a move to beg. "Fine! Fine, I'll talk to her but no promises." Lucas fist bumped the air. "Alright! Thanks y/n!" You rolled your eyes. "only 17 and yet I feel like I have six kids."
"Will, is everything okay?" Will jumped, before your voice fully registered in his head. "Oh, yeah, I was just..." He was alone, sitting outside your porch. It was a dnd night, so his appearance wasn't odd, but what was odd was the fact that he was outside when the party was inside. "Are you sure?" Will shrugged. You sat down beside him. "You know, being different shouldn't make you feel like you should exclude yourself. Everyone is different. There's nothing wrong with that." Will was silent. You nodded. "You, know, I'm different too." He slowly looked up. "yeah, me, y/n Henderson. And I'm okay with it. You should be too." Will meet your gaze. "do you think other people will-" you snorted. "I don't care about other people. Neither should you. The only person who matters to you, is you." He nodded. "You make it sound easy."
"But why does he lie?" El tucked her hands behind her legs. She sat on your bed watching as you made her a friendship bracelet. "He's scared. People lie when they're scared." El watched you work. "What is he scared of?" You added a green bead to the bracelet. "the truth. If he hasn't talked to you straightout, then there's something he doesn't want you to know." El was silent for a moment. "What do I do?" You paused. "well, if you've tried to talk to him about it and that didn't work, then if I were you, I'd probably..." Breaking up with Mike seemed rather harsh. But it would probably be the most effective. "Break up." El was silent again. "Here you go!" You took the now finished bracelet and slipped it on her wrist, smiling. "What do you think?" El, for the first time in a bit smiled a big tooth grin. "I love it!"
"let me ask you this, maximus, are you happy?" You took a drink of your milkshake. Max copied you, then nodded. "yeah. Until he does something stupid." You laughed. "okay, well, I think that the best thing for you to do, is just wait and see." You folded your hands underneath your chin. "wait and see?" Max have you an incredulous look. "Yes. I mean life is about the unknown and how you respond to the unknown. So just hang in there. If it doesn't work out and he changes or you change then-" you waved your hands. "You've seen. that's all you can do." Max nodded. "Well, well, if it isn't my sis and my y/n." Billy came waltzing up to your table. You rolled your eyes. "Don't you have a bed of a middle aged woman calling you somewhere?" You glared at your work partner, who's smile only seemed to grow from your comment. "No, I figure I could make time for a teenaged woman's bed for tonight." Max's face scrunched up in disgust. "Ew."
Nancy was teasing your hair, getting you all dolled up for winter formal. She was humming, and you were smiling because that girl had hands like a god. "This looks so good!" She smiled, "thank you." You clapped your hands. "So is Jonathan picking you up?" Nancy nodded. "How's that going?" She shrugged. Your smile faultered. "Oh no " she waved you off. "no, no, it's nothing like that it's just. You know. Hard. Sometimes." You cocked your head. Nancy sighed. "Sometimes it just feels like he doesn't listen." You nodded. "youve tried talking to him about this?" She rolled her eyes. "It's kind of heard when he doesn't listen." That was fair. "maybe you should force him to. Make him jealous or something." Nancy paused. "what do you mean?" You smiled, "well..."
Jonathan was watching bitterly from the sidelines as Nancy was dancing with some underclassmen. He shook his head. The nerve of these kids. He and Nancy were literally matching, how could they not tell that the two of them were an item? "Jonathan, what are you doing just standing over here in a corner?" He turned to see you. "hey, y/n." He looked down. "Shouldn't you be over there with. Nancy?" He only shrugged. "She's looks like she's having a good time." You tutted. "I don't see that, I don't see that at all. She looks like she wants to die." Jonathan looked up at Nancy. "I think you should go over there, and get that dude away from her. I mean she is your girl. I can't believe you haven't done it already." He frowned. "But she said yes when he asked her to dance?" You rolled her eyes. "You weren't listening, Jonathan. Nancy's nice so of course she said yes. That was your que to interject. 'no, she was actually going to dance with me.'" he looked at you. "you mean?" You nodded. "Go get your girl you big dork."
Y/n accidentally gives them a free show (they see her naked)
(the kids + Jonathan are excluded for obvious reasons)
Nancy saw you naked once and that one time being the time you were so drunk you couldn't stand. She helped you out of your clothes, and into pajamas. "Thanks Nan." You mumbled, however not letting her get anything done. She grunted as she tried to put pants on your cement like body. "no." One leg. "Problem." The other. Nancy fell into the bed, already exhausted.
Billy and you had worked together for a bit at the pool and in that time, he could never really tell how you felt about him. His charm hadn't really worked on you- he blamed Harrington for that though. He thought the two of you had a little thing going, but after bringing it up to his little goblin- I mean, his little sister, Max, he found that that was simply not true. There was no way you couldn't find him attractive though, so Billy was just plain befuddled. He whistled to himself, checking to make sure that all the showers were empty and ready to be cleaned. The pool had been closed for exactly an hour now, giving the good people at the city pool plenty of time to get there shit gone. It was his job to check everything out and then report back to you, so that you could begin the cleaning processes. The dude showers were empty, along with the lockers. So he began to head up front, when he heard your voice call from the women's showers. "BILLY! BILLY!" this was pre-demodog/spider/mind flayer, so Billy's first thought was that perhaps a man had gotten into the women's showers, so immediately he ran in there, no thoughts just charge. He ran right into you, wrapped up in a towel. This unfortunately caused your towel to drop, and Billy to get a mouth, I mean, eye full. He gasped. "Y/n, if you wanted-" you punched his shoulder, working to get your towel back on. "Billy what the fuck are you doing?" He smiled. "I heard you calling. Sounded like an alarm. I thought something was wrong." Billy gave you a sly look. You put your hands on your hips. "I was trying to tell you that the Shower in stall 2 is clogged. If there was an intruder I would've said, 'intruder!'." He smiled at you. "Next time we should probably coordinate our warning yells." You sighed. The two of you stood there for a while, your cheeks reds and Billy's body hot. Finally, you shoved him. "Shouldn't you be doing something. Get out of here so I can change." Billy gave you one more once over. "Yes ma'am." He turned, and you took a breath, trying to get some self control back. Who runs into the girls bathroom?
It was still warm from the summer, and you sat in Eddie's van, tracing one of his tattoos. "You know, I kind of want one." He raised a brow and smirked, his eyes teasing. "Little miss cheer captain wants a tattoo? Isn't that like sacrilege for you guys or something?" You shrugged. "Not if I get it where they can't see it." Eddie stopped smiling, red dusting his cheeks. "Like uh, your thigh or something?" You stopped and stared at him. "yeah because they totally can't see my thighs in a cheer uniform." You rolled your eyes and stood, Eddie quickly following pursuit. "I think I wanna get something like a D20 surrounded by flames. Or maybe a dice with the number 12 on it, because that's the level I'm on right now. What do you think?" Eddie handed you a joint, allowing you to bring it to your lips. He lit for you, catching your gaze. You took a drag, and blew, hitting him in the face. He smiled. "Hot." You nodded, handing him the joint. "Come with me?" Eddie doesn't think before he responds. He takes you to the place he got his, watching (with permission) as they give you the coolest d12 tattoo ever- right in between your boobs.
You giggled, dragging Robin past the gates of Hawkins city pool. It was 10pm, and you two were most certainly not supposed to be here. However what was the harm in a little late night fun? "Y/n, we're going to get in trouble." Robin said, although her smile made the serverity of her words diminish. "Not if we don't get caught." You laughed, tugging her along. When you made it to the water, you stripped off your shirt, shorts, socks, and shoes. "Come on, come on." You ushered Robin to hurry, only receiving a groan in response. Robin mimicked your actions, and within minutes the two of you were in the pool. "Oh my God, let me show you my dive!" You climbed out, fast walking (don't run) to the diving board. When you got in position you turned to where Robin was, watching you expectantly. "I learned this bad boy in Summer camp." You did your dive and it was fucking awesome. Robin clapped for you, but when you returned to the surface a clothing piece of your had gone missing. Robins face was bright red, and she hurried to grab it for you. You laughed good naturedly. "I know I'd get all tens of judges saw this." Robin shushed you, working like a lightning bolt to put your bra back on. "y/n, I love you, but please never do that in public." You bit your tongue. "Why? Are you the jealous type?"
Steve was actually looking for Dustin. He'd never been in the Henderson household before- at least not upstairs anyway, so him accidentally opening your door to your room instead of your brothers was purely an accident! Okay, so maybe he knew it was your room. He just wanted to see what y/n Henderson was really like. Steve had no clue that you'd be home (considering the fact that Dustin told him you weren't- because he didn't want Steve to try and hangout with you instead.) One second he's opening your door the next he's getting the full view of your curves and the way your silhouette has a halo of light that just glows around each edge of your body. He can't even try to cover up the fact that he's checking you out. Because Steve Harrington is literally getting dry mouth from the way your freshly washed hair sticks to your shoulders. Then, time speeds up because you turn, and when you do, he doesn't turn away fast enough. "Jesus, sorry!" your eyes widened in shock as Steve slams your door shut. "Sorry! I-" you slam it open, now wrapped up in a towel, eyes narrowed and furious. "Steven Harrington what the fuck is your-" You take in his form. A slow smile spreads to your lips.
Y/n in trouble!
You've been targeted by Vecna, and the group are all scared shitless, because if anything happens to you-
Eleven will literally die for you. You've done so much for her, you've protected her, you've stood up for her, and you were literally the first female influence she ever had in her life. When she found out that something had happened to you, and that Vecna was now after you- El lost her shit. Immediately she went to the group- she had been the first to find out.
Not only was she having to deal with shitty bullies and the reoccurring trauma of the number brigade, but now one of the most important people in her life may be killed. She's ready for fight tooth and nail for you.
Mike is worried. You're like a second sister to him, and even though you kind of terrify him- it terrifies him even more that something bad could happen to you. He was also worried because of the way the room completely changed. Everyone just stared at El as if she herself transformed into a Demogorgon.
Dustin hasn't felt fear like this before. Usually, it's always been you saving him, not the other way around. You have a plan for everything. Your his big sis, his best friend, and his partner in crime. The coldness that comes with your absence is being stabbed in the gut. "What do you mean...are you..." that was all the poor kid could get out. No plan, no words, no nothing. He was frozen.
When Lucas started playing basketball for Hawkins you were probably his only supporter. You rallied for him, and he realized that you had probably had a similar thing happen to you, when you became a cheerleader. So, you being in trouble made him mad, pissed actually. "Guys?" He cut through the silence. "We need to get help."
Will liked you a lot. You had been his friend for almost as long as Dustin had, and when Mike ditched dnd, no matter what you were doing you had always made time. While, you weren't Mike, your kindness still made him happy. Not to mention, you were the only person who told him happy birthday. You didn't deserve this. So, he nodded emphatically with Lucas. Then the room turned upside down (no pun intended), and everyone started losing their shit.
El was crying and fighting with Mike, who was so stressed he was turning mean, Dustin was yelling, Lucas was trying to get them to listen, and Will could only stand there, "um..guys..."
Max was ready to kick some ass. She adored you. Especially with how patient you were, how kick ass you were. She had told Lucas more times than she could count that she wanted to be just like you. Probably without all the Cheerleader stuff, though. "Guys, we have to save her!" Max had urged the group, who was practically splittering with your disappearance. They all paused, looking at Max as if they'd just now realized she was there. "Lucas is right, we need help. Come on."
Nancy wasn't sure she heard Dustin right. You? Y/n Henderson? In trouble? Taken by Vecna? She grit her teeth. "How?" The kids in front of her just gave a her a look, fear, sadness, despairation. That's when Nancy knew. She took a deep breath. "Let's get her back."
Jonathan grabbed his car, he and the boys stockpiling flashlights, ropes, music tapes, and all of the essentials. "Don't worry. We're going to get her back."
Steve practically crashed into the Wheeler house. "Where is she?" He was losing his mind. He loved- I mean, he cared about you a lot. "What happened?" He was pacing, hands on his head. "Steve." Nancy, tried to get his attention. "Steve " he kept pacing and mumbling incoherently, so Nancy grabbed him. "Steve!" He paused and she glanced at the kids, watching him. He understood then, nodding. "Alright, alright. Let's do this."
Robin kept wiping away stray tears when she was sure no one was looking. "Alright, so what's the plan?" Robin would be lying if she didn't have a thing for you- it seemed like everyone had a thing for you- but beyond that, you were like a best friend. She had been worried something like this would happen, the feeling of not being able to escape, of being trapped- maybe it had been right. They were never going to be free. "This place is going to Hell."
Erica was just there to mainly keep everyone in line. Of course, your disappearance was scary, but Erica was Erica, and if these bitches wanted to help you, then they would have to bitch up.
Dustin was the one who told Eddie. They needed his skill- a dnd master to help find another dnd master. Eddie at first thought that Dustin was fucking with him. "Yeah, alright sure Henderson-" Steve cut in. "He's not fucking around, Munson. We need your help." Eddie was INTO you, and the idea of some evil fallen wizard now having control of you, caused him to dig his rings into his skin. He remembered when he gave you one, and how surprised he was when your wore it to a game with your cheer outfit on. He swallowed.
Billy had accidentally found out about your disappearance. He had really tried to let go of what happened in the summer previous, but nope. Fucking Hawkins. "Where are you all out to in such a fucking hurry?" He snickered. Steve moved to get into his face, but Max caught him off. She new that Billy had a crush on you. "Y/n's gone."
Billy stopped. "what do you mean, y/n's gone?"
A/n: hello again, I know this was probably confusing and probably rushed, but I had the idea and had to get it out of my head. Comments and criticism are welcomed! Remember requests are also opened! Happy reading!
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devilishdelights · 1 year
Oohhh I’d love to hear your character breakdown for Asmo! 💕
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual!
Gender Headcanon: genderfluid!
More under the cut because I rambled big time
A ship I have with said character: granted I feel like with every one of these the first choice is going to be MC, since it is a dating game, but I’m gonna opt out on mentioning MC for now. A classic ship is asmo/solomon, and I don’t imagine it’s healthy for obvious reasons but it is ohhh so interesting. Twisted dynamics. Who’s really the master at play here? Asmo is portrayed as lighthearted and ‘airheaded’, but then he has his serious moments and moments where he threatens to rip out your heart. (A true romantic <3) what I vaguely know about their created pact is Solomon used asmo’s powers to essentially build his reputation up? And a castle, or something. I dunno lol. And then Asmo sent Solomon off somewhere and took over his position until Sol managed to find his way back and put Asmo back in his place.
Ik there’s multiple versions on uh. Biblical lore. Yeah. And I went on a wiki deep dive on these guys at 4 am and that’s what stuck out to me the most about the two.
Some back and forth fuckery, essentially! I dig that. I like it. I imagine they were very snappy yet very flirty with each other at first. Intense. Solomon was more demanding. But then, years and years go by, to where we are canonically in the obey me universe, and they’re relatively chill with each other. Still flirty, but lighthearted. They’ve been around each other for so long, there’s a twisted trust in that. Asmo knows of Solomon’s ultimate goals, and Sol knows that Asmo knows this, and it’s, whatever. Whatever happens will happen. Asmo is curious to see if Sol will ever get to where he wants to be, and whatever happens after that will be dealt with then. Asmo says “it’s future Asmo’s problem.” I rambled here lol, so these are just unfiltered thoughts bordering on my own headcanon’s of the characters and their stories as opposed to canon.
A BROTP I have with said character: Satan. If these two are together, and you’re one of their brothers, they are fucking Insufferable. I know this. I know it in my soul. They are THEE most annoying siblings ever when they’re together. It’s like their entire life purpose is to annoy the shit out of you. And they won’t even be doing anything. You’re sitting in the same room as them. Satan’s reading his book, Asmo’s doing his nails. They’re not looking at you. But you know. You know. On some spiritual level they’re looking at you and giggling and talking shit. Eventually you leave because, well you just have to. Once you do and you’re out of earshot, they start cackling like a bunch of hyenas. I know it’s a beel and belphie thing to have that mind connection kinda deal, but I think these two have it too. They just know what the other is thinking, and it’s because they just know each other.
Asmo helps Satan with his hair, another hc I like is that Satan’s natural hair is black, so Asmo helps him bleach it blonde and touches up the roots when needed.
Another thing - when Satan was first brought into existence, I like to think Asmo was the only one who didn’t tiptoe around him. “Who’s this kid think he is, talking to me like that?” Asmo stands up for himself and goes against Satan when he’s being a brat. That made Satan feel less like a stranger, and more like a brother, so I imagine they have the closest relationship.
It’s also canon they’re each other’s most trusted, and that’s so sweet. I imagine they both have the biggest soft spots for the other and would drop everything just to make sure the other is alright.
A NOTP I have with said character: the brothers, but as I said with MC I’m gonna opt out on mentioning this because it’s just a given. I don’t ship any of the brothers with each other because they’re brothers. Even if they’re not related by ‘blood,’ they’re still brothers. Maybe I’ll say Asmo/Solomon is a NOTP despite also shipping them, and that’s if I want to go the healthy route and have them both in healthy relationships, because solodeus is not a healthy ship once you get down to what sol’s ultimate goals are.
A random headcanon: Ok, no one likes the sprites, yeah? They leave much to be desired. One complaint i’ve seen a couple people mention about Asmo’s sprite is his bug-eyed expressions. And… I like it. He looks like a freak. so I hc that he has a slightly unnerving appearance, there’s something in his eyes that’s unhinged, yet you can’t help but be attracted. (He’s a freak!! I love him)
Another hc is that he experiences bloodlust as much as sexual/romantic lust. Ripping hearts out is fun! He’s so cute when he’s covered in blood, don’t you just want to take a picture? Again, he’s soooo unhinged. I love it. Also can imagine Asmo indulging in Satan’s murderous tendencies the most out of everyone, which is another factor in why they’re so close.
General Opinion over said character: he’s so sweet ultimately :( biggest sweetheart ever. He was the first character i was really into, he was just too cute and flirty, and someone that’d be easy to banter and flirt back with. When we were at the retreat in dia’s castle, after we formed a pact with asmo, And when he was just observing us, and every detail of us back in our shared room? hello. 😵‍💫. Some intricate rituals happening rn. I think he’d give the softest hugs too.
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wandas-luvr · 2 years
I think it goes for any kind of wanda that she really just loves boobs !! Squeezing and sucking and kissing and biting and jsut laying on them !! And honestly I get it bc boobs are pretty great
so true!! i def think stoner!wanda has more of an affinity for boobies than the rest of them. (i lowkey hc daddy!wanda as an ass lady but she also probably goes p bonkers bananas for titties as well)
i think stoner!wanda loves to leave little hickies on ur boobs (there's def a photo album of a bunch of compromising pics of you)
i think that mommy!wanda has a picture of you as her lockscreen where your boobs are just barely out of frame bc she took it of you after she fucked you dumb because "you just looked so pretty, sweet girl"
daddy!wanda also loves to leave little hickies on ur boobies but i also lowkey hc there's a picture of the two of you at a party when you were both younger and she's written "property of w.m." across them in sharpie (bc i am a slut and daddy!wanda owns me)
i think mommy!wanda and stoner!wanda are more likely to use them as pillows just bc i think they're more willing to be that vulnerable w you
stoner!wanda is v touchy as we know so i think she probably either has a hand or her mouth on at least one of ur titties at all times
i think stoner!wanda probably buys a shirt that says "i ❤️ titties" just for shits and giggles
in conclusion i love all of the wandas and all of the wandas love titties
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dykeyote · 2 years
if i had a nickel for every time i asked you for headcanons about an autistic penumbra podcast character i’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice (ie: please talk about cecil being autistic thanks)
okay so right . before i get into my Personal hcs i feel like i should explain why he is literally so fucking autistic to the point that despite being a oneoff chara he to this day is one of my strongest supported autistic hcs . because i could go into like Depth and pick apart a bunch of tiny little details but literally if i just in very broad strokes describe him as "a guy with an extremely narrow interest that he zeroes in on and impulsively buys tons of things out of excitement for it and who is infantilized by his mother despite being a grown adult and whose 'best friend' in fact seems to deeply resent him a fact he is entirely clueless of because of his inability to read the very obvious social cues" and ull be MORE than convinced so why would i bother
speaking of which he has a special interest on ancient torture devices which is like two steps away from canon anyway <3 his show is one massive excuse to infodump on the subject . pov youre about to get your head chopped off and you just want to get it over with but unfortunately your would-be murderer is giddily explaining the history of the guillotine
i think hes like . he has this weird masking thing that he cant stop doing where he basically CONSTANTLY even when hes not on camera acts like hes acting like hes constantly flourishing and performing for a camera and an audience and shit . its part of why people tend to find him kind of obnoxious because hes CONSTANTLY doing his stage persona bc thats just how he masks and gets thru social interaction while still seeming charismatic and he doesnt really know how to switch it off totally
VERY VERY VERY stimmy he cant hold still hes CONSTANTLY moving especially when hes talking . usually this shows as him just pacing back and forth and flourishing in the air while he talks but when ehs VERY excited he flaps his hands a lot and claps his hands and giggles . he kicks his legs when hes sitting down a lot hes basically always swinging his legs bc he cant hold still but when he gets hyped up its VERY AGGRESSIVE . which is bad bc hes always wearing very thick boots
he like . he masks a lot to hide Social Awkwardness which hes pretty good at but hes very very bad at masking his emotions if hes uspet hes UPSET . especially with sensory issues if you ruffle his hair when hes not expecting it he gets VERY FLAILY and makes a lot of dismayed noises he cant really regulate his reactions to stuff at all . im crazy about cecil and junos weird half-friendship so i think he Knows cecils ways of reacting to stuff and like just out of habit he immediately course corrects whenever cecil makes one of his little agh argh rhghrhg noises that means hes overwhelmed and trying Very Badly to mask it . dont let anyone kno tho they cant know juno (ugh) Doesnt Want Cecil To Be Upset or whatever
he likes lots of pressur!!!!!! im weak for the idea of the cameramen just being silly little dogs when theyre not doing their work and shit so he likes just lying down and letting one of these MASSIVE fucking genetically engineered monster creatures just fwop on him so he has pressure . tbh
ok im going on forever i can talk about how autismcore he is for hours . but last hc i swear i swear . hes very much a sensory seeking autistic he cant handle Surprise sensations but he LOVES sensory input when hes the person thats Causing It To Occur. he always has SUPER BRGIH SPOTLIGHTS on even when ehs not filming because he likes the bright light he likes clothes that he can swish around for the sound and feel and look of it hes VERY VERY VERY physically clingy for the stim of physical affection juno steel cannot enter the kanagawa household without cecil hanging off his arm
hes my skrunkly skringlo my blorbo boytoy etc etc etc
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The DCLA character's future kids
Here's some next gen hcs that, for the canon ships at least, I've thought about for over 2 years.
The canon ships: Leonetta has one daughter. She is very musically talented just like her parents, although quite shy. Though, when you get to know her, she has quite the sass, similar to Leon’s. She more sees singing as a hobby more than something she wants to pursue, but loves singing with her parents and friends.
Diecesca also has one daughter. I thought about them having a younger son, too, but I couldn’t come up with much of a personality for him, so I kinda scrapped it. But their daughter… well, best explained, has the looks of her mom and the charms of her dad. She’s gonna steal your heart in other words. There’s one person’s heart in particular she has her eyes on…
Naxi has twins, one boy and one girl, very energetic and constantly run off. We’ve seen how Maxi handles kids in the the show, so it’s a full performance every day chasing the little gremlins.
Now, I had an idea for Brodemila to have a daughter and then have like, toddler triplets, but I really didn’t evolve with the idea much at all. All I know is that the daughter is very tired of being home cause her parents just argue or there’s screaming from one of the toddlers, and she just doesn’t wanna be there. So not very fun.
And Fedemila, I literally could not figure out a gender on their kid, but all I can think of is that their kid just constantly manipulates and plays with them. Both of them wants to please them, so the kid just makes them do a bunch of stuff just for shits and giggles
The non-canon ships:
Luty has a daughter. I’ve established this very well.
Franletta I think either has two or three kids. I think like, they have two daughters via donors, taking turns who was pregnant. Then for the third child, they adopted a little boy.
Camila, technically this isn’t a non-canon ship because she’d be alone, but… Yeah, she’s a single mom, she had a child herself. She’s also decided to raise her kid as nonbinary, letting them pick when they’re older what gender they feel (or don’t feel) like.
… I actually realized I didn’t have any more of the non-canon ships Oh well.
If I ever write something with them, I may mix canon and non-canon.
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shegetsburned · 6 months
Heian Era! Sukuna having a daughter? (Who is a daddy’s girl or a mixture of a daddy’s and mama’s girl?)
daddy’s girl w. ryomen sukuna ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Tumblr media
a/n. loved this idea so i couldn’t help but make hcs about them!
i firmly believe she’d be the spitting image of her father. she’d have some of her mama’s features but growl and bite just like her daddy.
she’d be such a menace compared to the other children.
always on daddy’s lap, listening to his stories or receiving his gentle pats.
sukuna would be the type to ruffle his daughter’s hair before sending her to terrorize other kids.
you know that one pic of hemsworth holding his kid by the foot at the beach, yeah that’s him. he’d play rough with her daughter and she’d have so much fun.
would dominate the world if she could. with her daddy, of course.
sukuna could throw his kid away just for her to come running back with a big-ass smile asking to do it again.
he’d often correct her when she doesn’t spell things right but would also call his daughter names like; little demon, brat, pain in my ass or fœtus.
she would never be disgusted by any of sukuna’s features. i just know that, as a baby, she was amazed at his four arms and two faces, gripping his cheeks and giggling when he evilly smirked at his daughter with all of his teeth.
i want to believe that she’s the only one allowed to mess with sukuna. she’d throw her food in his face and bite him out of nowhere.
by the way, nobody would ever dare to touch his precious little offspring. she’s showered with gifts and treats wherever she goes so that her smile never fades. cause let me tell you that, if it did, sukuna would make sure that nobody ever experiences an ounce of happiness again.
i’m telling you, this girl is getting pampered. it’s the king’s little princess and she deserves the whole world.
she’s getting spoiled 24/7.
i also have a feeling that his daughter would want to be strong like him. always asking sukuna when will it be her turn to inspire fear into the hearts of the people. she’s so impatient and annoys the shit out of her dad with the same question.
it would also be her type to gather a bunch of kids just to play pretend as a queen who executes them one by one. her evil laughter is already on point.
physically speaking, she’d have some of her daddy’s marks and eyes, but she’d look like such a sweetheart with her mommy’s overall traits.
sukuna is so big compared to her daughter so he’d walk around with her on his shoulders or just holding her like a bag of potatoes. she would love little rides like these and would always ask her daddy to pick her up.
he’d be annoyed but his daughter would be one of the most precious thing he has and will do everything in his power to make her exactly like him.
© shegetsburned 2023. Please do not repost/edit/or claim my writing as your own
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c!connor tk rp acct
RUN BY @quiet-gremlin
admin is a minor!! (i am 17 ! anyone can int)
he/him in character, he/they for admin :3
"you can't have a bad day when it's a fortnite event. you really can't."
• no nsfw or kink shit
▪︎ i can do angst!! just dm me and ask me ab it
▪︎ also u can ship ur guy w/ connor!! just ask me ab it and we can discuss in dms!!!
• feet stuff + bondage makes me uncomfortable
hc's for connor!!
- hes a trans man :D
- he is 23, and 5'9 - favorite color is blue ♡♡
- he has dyslexia and dyscalculia, and also autism
- his father is dreamXD, but dream raised him ^_^
- hes a demi-god!! he doesnt have any powers or anything, but he can live a long time!!
- he also doesnt eat a lot. his body doesnt really need a whole bunch of food, so he just kind of forgets to give himself that -
hes bi/pan, and ace!!
- hes got little ears on the top of his head!!! he kinda looks like a hedgehog.....
- hes bad at tone? like pretty monotone, and he has trouble listening and keeping track of others tones
- hes also a time traveller!! and has known karl from some of his times in the past/future
- knows schlatt from smp live, and has known him since they were kids. theu were buisness partners and best friends and glatt is still his emergancy contact
- he also has a good amount of memories of wilbur! as they were in smplive together as well
- hes chubby !!! chubby transmasc :]] i love him
tk hc's
{ connor is a 50/50 switch
{ he doesnt care either way
{ he's not particularly mean as a ler, but he likes fucking around and pretending he has no clue what's going on
{ he thinks it's funny to tell jokes and then tell someone how funny they think he is
{ if hes ler to someone he knows well, he will absolutely not mask, and just sit in front of them all monotone while wrecking their shit.
{ he adores getting into tickle situations. its sweet to him and he likes messing around with his friends
{ he won't usually do anything unless he's bored or someone else starts it
{ as a lee he is. terribly flustered it's INSANE
{ he loses his mind to compliments !!! he doesnt know how to act over them
{ like he's monotone the rest of the time, and knows what he's doing. but when being tickled? he's so different it's weird
{ he will try oh so hard to get you to stop but he's not super duper strong, and also doesn't try very hard ^_^
{ can range from giggles to full laughs, it really just depends
~ his little ears are !!! really bad he will lose his Mind. but he also won't fight back, he's simply that kind of guy. he also just melts and kicks his legs
~ his jaw is insanely ticklish for no reason !! he will giggle and shake his head and just Lose His Mind
~ he also can't stand his hands being touched, he tries to not laugh but he kinda can't. his face also gets super red!!
~ his tummy is not As Bad as the other 3, but it's still not good. he bats at hands and tries to get away
~ he will also die at the knees. if u touch them he just Dies /lh
~ other notable spots are; thighs, torso, his biceps, neck, and underarms
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