#look it got in my head and i just had to draw it okay i think im really funny
hostilecandle · 2 days
Got a light?
(cw for being mildly suggestive. Originally m!reader but no pronouns used so its actually just gn lol)
Okay I remember one of the first times I ever *cough legally cough* smoked. I was freshly 18 and working as a line cook while I was still in high school.
And anyone who knows anything about kitchen work knows the only time you really get a break is when you take a cig break (this is actually a really big problem why youth begin smoking in America btw)
So I was on my cig break with another coworker of mine but I had left my lighter inside and asked if I could borrow his. He walked up to me and said "no need man" and stuck his lit cigarette to the end of mine to light it. That moment fundamentally changed my brain chemistry irreparably 😵‍💫😵‍💫So ANYWAYS obviously I'm taking one of the gayest moments of my youth and projecting it onto John Price.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Price who corners you against a wall while you're on a cigarette break after askong him if he's got a light when you realize yours isn't in your pocket.
Price who pushes right up against you with his full weight, trapping you in place
Price who slots his thigh between yours, his hand pressed firmly against the wall by your head as he leans down to light your cig with the end of his cigar.
Price who doesnt break eye contact as you take a long draw in, smoke from your respective vices curling between the both of you.
Price slowly moving back once it's lit, finally breaking your eye contact before looking you up and down, smirking.
Price turning oh his heels and walking away without a word. Only stopping briefly to toss a lighter over his shoulder before continuing on.
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choccy-milky · 1 day
Soooooo rereading the fic and I’m back to chapter 33, and it totally popped into my head that they are IN THE VICTORIAN ERA and do ya know what was super popular after the engagement ring that Queen Victoria was given by Prince Albert? A SNAKE RING
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Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫣😂
LMFAOO YESS TRUST ME, IVE SEEN THIS AFTER DOING MY OWN RESEARCH ABOUT VICTORIAN RINGS, ITS SO PERFECT!! AND THE FACT THAT ITS GREEN TOO LMAO, prince albert was a possessive slytherin confirmed!!🤪 but yea ill DEFS be incorporating a snake into the final design of cloras ring HAHA. i basically HAVE to...yknow, for period accuracy 🥰
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WOO YAY im glad i could inspire you to start writing!!!🙏and i get it, writing fanfic is defs self indulgent and for ourselves first and foremost, but obvs nobody wants to release their work into the void😩 as for how my own fic got popular, one of the main things is defs timing. i published the first chap basically within the first week of the game being out (it came out on the 10th and my chap was on the 18th) so it was there right at the peak/start of the fandom. but i also dont wanna attribute it all to timing BAHHA cuz i think im a pretty good writer and that helps....my fic also didnt get popular right away, but i was consistently posting every single week + eventually started adding art every single week, and was just really dedicated to not only writing but also drawing art for it (which is also obvs another huge factor/probs the biggest factor). ive had so many ppl tell me they started reading my fic bc they saw my art on pinterest or something LOL, and some ppl have even read it fandom-blind bc they were into the seb/clora dynamic??? which is another point actually. i always joke about how i love my cliches and good girl+bad boy dynamics, and that im unashamed about loving them LOL, but also...they're cliches for a reason!!! lots of us eat that shit up!!!😤so i think thats defs another factor, vs if my fic was a bit more niche and avant garde LOL the fandom is also (understandably) a lot slower than it was at the beginning of the year so itll be harder in general, but maybe you could commission art to go with your fanfic? ive seen a lot of other HL fanfic writers do it, and i think it defs helps to draw attention! GOOD LUCK and i hope you keep writing!!!🫡💖💖💖🙌
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huh??? go with the tide pods instead, THAT shit looks bussin😩😩
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AWW TYY😭😭I LOVE THAT HAHAH AND IM GLAD U THINK SO💖💖 my friend also asked me this question after seeing my recent ask, and i STILL have no idea what i would have named it instead LMAOO, thats how bad i am at naming things. even a year later im like bruh idk!!! clora and sebs bizarre adventures??? i guess id probs make it something light/dark themed in retrospect, or something more specific to the ancient magic, but i still have no idea what LOL
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Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x reader
Word count: 4.3k
Notes: I don’t put safe sex warnings because if you’re old enough to be reading my work you’re old enough to know how irresponsible it is NOT to practice safe sex. That being said 🤣🤣🤣 don’t share makeup. That’s my warning, especially face makeup.
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Chapter 4: Strawberry Crush
It is a lot harder to hide the fact that Buck is going on a date than he thought it was. 
Hen is the first to notice he’s wearing his good cologne to work, Chim notices he got his hair trimmed and Bobby notices that all too telling little strut he gets when he’s feeling himself 
Eddie points out he totally got a manicure, just to not seem suspicious. 
“Who is she?” Chim asks as they’re restocking the truck together 
“Who’s who?” Buck pretends to be nonchalant, not even turning to face him 
“The girl. You’ve been way too giddy the last couple of days… there has to be someone” 
“Oh, so a guy can’t be happy?” He scoffs and Chimney rolls his eyes 
“You don’t get like this unless you’re going on a date, Buck. Face it, we all know it!” 
“Even if I was going on a date, which I’m not!!! I wouldn't tell you guys. You’d have her checked out every which way by Athena!”
“We just want to make sure they’re good for you okay?! We care about you”
Buck sighs, looking down at the floor before turning his head to look at Chimney 
“You have to promise you won’t tell” He whispers, there’s no point in not telling Chim… he knows for a fact Maddie probably already has 
“I can’t tell you who she is, I just can’t. But I am going on a date okay? And she’s everything I’ve ever wanted in my entire life and I’m so nervous I’m gonna screw this up”
“Y/N is a sweet girl, Buck, I highly doubt you’re going to mess anything up. Just be yourself okay? Just be the sweet guy we all know you are and it’ll be okay” 
“Are you sure?” He’s starting to wring his hands now and Chim rolls his eyes, putting his hands on Buck’s shoulders and making him look at him 
“I was this scared when I started dating your sister… and look how things turned out for us! Uncle Buck” 
It’s reassuring to hear from someone else and not just Eddie that things will go smoothly, he kinda wishes he could tell Bobby, he’d love some advice. But it’s also just the tiniest bit exciting to be hiding it from him. Which is bad he knows but it’s fine it’ll work out, or Bobby will light him on fire.
He takes a deep breath, relaxing into the truck. He leans his head against the cool metal and looks at Chimney 
“She couldn’t have not told you it was Y/N” 
“My wife and I thoroughly enjoy the tea Buck, especially if it’s big about us!” 
May is helping you get ready, you both tore the room apart trying to put together the perfect outfit. Now she’s got you sat down at the vanity as she helps finish up your makeup 
“I was so confident with him in the beginning, but like… he likes me, likes me. And he’s so flirty-“You sigh and she holds your head still 
“Yeah that sounds like him,” She says as she carefully draws a white wing on your eyelid 
“Do you remember what I told you about what he said about the closet?! I should have said bet” You watch her grab another pen from the table 
“He literally would have died, he’s dramatic as hell I would have loved to see that” She chuckles 
“I know! I should have…” You start to pout and she smirks, spraying setting spray for you 
“I don’t know. What if I mess things up? I’ve never….I’ve had dates before you know?… but none like him”
“Do you like him that much?” 
“I think so” You blush and she smirks, stepping backward and handing you a pretty mirror to look into 
“I think you’re going to have that chance to knock him dead” She turns you around in your chair to face the mirror and you gasp, squealing and hugging her to you
“This is perfect”
Buck hates that he has to pick you up down the street. He wants to come up to your door, ring the doorbell, and hold your hand as he walks you to the car. But he’ll have to settle for leaning against his jeep and waiting for you to come down the sidewalk 
You’ve both agreed…Bobby doesn’t need to know about this just yet. 
He’s messing around on his phone, frantically texting Eddie when he hears you coming. Your black Mary Jane’s are tall. They make your legs look so long, he could just stare at them forever. His eyes trail up the black tights you’ve got on, to the tiny little mini skirt with a small slit in the thigh. Your red shirt is so romantic, the material is so soft and pretty. The sweetheart neckline just does things to him. Your collarbones are highlighted and he loves that, he loves the light glittery sheen on your chest again, it catches the moonlight perfectly, really all of your makeup is nice. And that sweet white bow in your hair sends him. You’re too sweet for him, it's official. 
He’s literally delirious… okay maybe not literally but he’s close. 
“H-hi” His voice cracks and he internally groans. So glad that’s back 
“Hi” You give him a little wave and he pushes up from his spot on the jeep. He walks up to you and hugs you, taking a deep breath just to calm down. It’s not helpful in the least, he knows that scent, he’s smelled it before when Maddie’s dragged him to bath and body works. It drove him crazy just from the bottle… and now his favorite girl is wearing it. 
“You uh- you ready to go?” He asks as he opens the door, taking your hand and helping you in. He carefully shuts the door and takes his time walking to his side, just trying to gather his thoughts. 
“I’m sorry we have to meet like this,” you say shyly and he shakes his head, leaning in and kissing your cheek 
“I’d meet you at the restaurant if I had to… me wanting to drive you is just me being selfish. I want as much time with you as possible” 
“I know what you mean,” you say, your cheeks flushing when he kisses you. He pulls your seatbelt a little tighter and you’re off, he keeps one hand on the steering wheel and the other in your lap, you hold onto him, playing with his fingers and he’s trying not to crash the car because you’re too cute. 
He makes small talk on the way, most of it’s just him rambling awkwardly because he’s so nervous, but it’s making you laugh and he loves that sound so he doesn’t mind. Okay well, he does mind the part where he let it spill that he had to take two showers because he was so nervous the first time he showered he forgot to wash like half his body. But the rest he can deal with 
He pulls into the parking lot of a fancy restaurant, it’s a nice place and your eyes widen for a moment 
“We’re eating here?” You ask and he takes your hand and helps you from the Jeep 
“Yeah? I-is this okay? We can go somewhere else if you want. I probably should have okayed it with you first I’m so-“
“No! No Buck this is perfect. It’s- I'm just” 
You’re starting to get nervous and that kind of calms him down a bit, he puts his hands on your shoulders and smiles softly 
“Hey, what’s wrong…is this too much for you?” His voice is soothing as he watches you 
“I…I feel kind of underdressed” You gesture to your outfit and he scoffs, taking you inside anyway. 
“Reservation for Buckley,” He tells the maitre’d and the man nods, grabbing two menus 
“Mr. and Mrs. Buckley if you’ll just follow me” he leads you both to a more secluded area, It is quieter over here, away from the majority of the chaos of the restaurant, and its calming
Buck pulls out your chair for you and you smile, sitting down. He sits in his chair and bites his lip 
“You look…” he gestures awkwardly and you smirk, your nerves finally quieting a little. He knows he should have complimented you earlier when he first saw you. But you just kind of… broke his brain 
“I look?” You trail off and he shrugs, his cheeks are so flushed and he can feel his palms sweating 
“G-good. More than good, so crazy, wonderfully, deliciously, good. Please don’t worry about if you’re underdressed because you’re not… Mrs. Buckley” 
You giggle and shake your head, kicking at his shin lightly under the table 
“Not gonna correct him huh?” 
“Oh hell no, I quite enjoy hearing “Mrs. Buckley” don’t you?” 
You raise an eyebrow and grab your menu, purposely holding it in front of your face so you can’t see him
“Hmmmm how does chicken Alfredo sound?”
You don’t get an answer from him at all and you put your menu down 
“Buck I was just-“
He’s giving you the biggest, sweetest, saddest, puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen and your heart melts instantly for him 
“Oh come on!!! That’s not fair!! You look so cute oh my god” You reach across the table and cup his face in your hands and he snickers while you baby him 
“Chicken Alfredo sounds delicious, baby,” he says and you kick his leg again 
“I hate you!!”
“Hmm no you don’t” he winks “I kiss you too good”
You roll your eyes at him, putting the menu back up in front of your face so he can’t see how badly he’s making you blush
“You um…. You don’t look so bad yourself you know” You’re mumbling and he’s smirking
“Oh?” He bats his eyelashes playfully and picks up his menu. He can tell how frazzled it’s making you to compliment him and he’s over the moon 
“Maybe I’ll get a steak,” He says, peeking over his menu, he can just see your eyes… you pretty, pretty eyes. There’s glitter there too, your red eyeshadow looks expertly done and he even notices little white hearts dotting your eyelids 
“Steak sounds good,” you say, as he watches you nervously biting the inside of your cheek. 
“You look really pretty, did you do your makeup?” 
Your eyes shoot up to his and you realize he’s been staring at you the entire time 
“M-May helped with the finer details, she’s got a very steady hand”
“Oh, did she do the hearts? I like those” 
“Actually it was a stamp!” You tell him excitedly and he loves the way your eyes widen 
“Wait I have it-“ you do through the small white purse May lent you and pull out the little stamper 
“See?” You hand it to him and he grins, looking it over 
“Can I use it too? So we can match?” 
You nod eagerly as he opens it, twisting the bottom and testing it on his hand 
“Oh this is cute, maybe you and May can do my makeup someday” He chuckles and holds it out to you
“Do it for me?” 
“R-right now?” You look around, and there’s only a couple other people seated where you guys are 
“Yeah, why not?” He waves the pen in front of you “Please?” 
You get up from your chair, your cheeks burning as you stand in front of him, he opens his legs, pulling you closer to him and you blink rapidly, stumbling a little. 
“Careful…” He mumbles, looking up at you. Your hands are a little shaky as you put little hearts all over his face and he hums softly, his eyes closing. 
“Feels nice,” He says his eyes flutter open when you’re done. You bite your lip and put the cap on the little pen
“Looks nice too” you mutter and he grins, smoothing his hands over your hips 
“Can I have a kiss?” 
You nod, your cheeks burning and bend down, cupping his face in your hands and kissing him. He lets out a gleeful little sigh and kisses you back, his hands slide up your back, pulling you closer to him 
“Tastes nice” He purrs, his head is spinning and he just wants you. He’d take you right now if he could. “Like strawberries”
“It’s the lipgloss” You pull away from him some and he pouts, still holding onto you 
“Buck, behave” you scold him playfully and he whines quietly, letting you go reluctantly. You sit back in your seat, put your makeup back in your purse, and look at him, he’s covered in little white hearts and the glitter from your makeup, and he looks heavenly. His eyes are slightly dazed from the kiss and he looks absolutely smitten 
Dinner goes smoothly. Buck is asking so many questions, he just wants to know you inside and out. He seems to hang from your every word and eagerly answers all of your questions. He tells you all about Maddie and gushes about being an Uncle and about how much he loves Jee-Yun. He wants you to meet her so badly, he wants you to meet Maddie too 
“As just a friend thing!! Not like… a girlfriend thing” He blushes and takes a bite of his steak “I want you to have more friends! And Maddie is the best friend you could have! And you know maybe I’m a little biased but she’s really amazing”
“I’d love to meet her, and Jee-Yun!!” You say eagerly. You’re almost as excited as he is about the whole thing and it makes you kind of giddy about things with him. 
Buck pays and you fight him to leave the tip at least, literally fighting him off to leave the money on the table. 
He takes your hand as you two walk out, swinging them playfully 
“The night is still young, do you wanna do something else?” 
“Yeah, sure! Whaddya have in mind?” You ask as he pulls you along, towards his jeep. He’s walking backward, just staring at you with a cute smile on his face. He loves to look at you, to experience you. 
“Well… maybe we can head back to my place?” He opens the door for you and helps you in and you give him a skeptical look, he chuckles and shuts the door, walking around the jeep to get in on his side 
“It’s not like that! I swear! I’m just trying to beat this one level of Super Mario Odyssey and I really need a Cappy… Will you be my player two?” 
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Buck comes down the stairs with an old t-shirt that he….may or may not have sprayed cologne on. He’s changed into a pair of sweats and a cropped T-shirt
“There’s a bathroom over there” he points while handing you the shirt and you look at him, your eyes widening at his bare torso…
“Are you sure you don’t want anything more?” 
“Yeah, I’m sure! It’ll be long enough don’t worry” You scamper off to the bathroom and Buck whips out his phone, speed dialing Eddie 
“What?” Eddie answers, putting him on speaker 
“Did you clean my house??” Buck gets busy setting up the switch, grabbing the extra Joycons for you… he may have gone out and bought the special princess peach pink just for you
“Maybe…” Eddie shrugs “I just sort of…guessed? it would end in you taking her home and I wanted to make sure everything was good” 
“Eddieee” Buck whines, fake sniffling and Eddie chuckles “Thanks man, I saw you uh changed my bedding” 
“I doubt it’ll go that far,” He says, and Buck can hear him washing dishes “But if it did, I just thought it would be nice”
“You think she’d ever wanna go that far with me?” Buck asks quietly, looking at the bathroom “And I mean in the future… not you know our first date” 
“You don’t want to score on the first date?” Eddie asks, he sounds like he doesn’t believe it 
“No…for once I don’t. I mean I want to tease the hell out of her, I love watching her blush… but no I want to take my time with her”
“That’s really romantic Buck” 
“I love you too Eddie” Buck grins widely as they both laugh, Buck hears Eddie close the cabinet door and sigh 
“I’m still gonna ask her to be my girlfriend though haha” 
“There’s the Buck I know”
Buck hangs up, promising to call Eddie back as soon as he drops you off at home. He sits on the couch, waiting patiently for you to come out. He starts up the game, nervously chewing his lip, you were taking a bit… should he come check on you?
He stares at you as you walk towards him, you had said you were gonna keep the tights on but you didn’t. He’s drooling, he knows he is as he watches you fold your clothes nicely and put them in the corner of the couch. You stand in front of him, your hands on your hips
“T-tights?” His voice squeaks out the word, Sabrina was right again. He’s definitely talking nonsense 
“Oh I figured I’d get too hot in them, it’s still long enough though” You look down at the shirt, pulling at the hem of it
“Are you cool with this? I can totally put them on anyway”
He could scoop you up and run you upstairs so easily, he knows it. He could pull you down and take you right there
“Uh-huh,” he says rather dumbly and you bite your lip, looking away from him and then back, just like he does to you 
“You okay?” You ask, stepping forward between his legs and he leans back slowly onto the couch 
“You ready to play?” You nod at the joycon's on the table and pick them up, sitting next to him on the couch and propping your feet up on the table like he did 
Oh, your toes match your nails. That’s cute, that’s really cute.
You lean back against the couch, putting your head on his shoulder 
“I can wait” 
It takes a minute, but he finally snaps out of it, his cheeks flushing deeply as he shakes his head
“I’m good, sorry. You- you’re just… you’re really pretty”
“I’m just wearing a plain t-shirt Buck” You laugh lightly and he groans 
“Yeah, I know! That’s the embarrassing part” 
“It’s okay. I think you’re really pretty in that shirt too”
You may be on a team together but that doesn’t mean Buck isn’t going to shove you off a cliff just to laugh about it after the fourth time you start to fight him 
“I can’t stand you,” You say, laughing as you push him over and he pushes you back.
“Then sit on my face” 
Your heart stops completely when he says that and you freeze up, your hands gripping the controller as your mouth drops open
He’s giggling a little as he looks at you 
“I’m a slut for a dirty joke”
“I can tell,” you say biting your lip 
“I can stop, if you want” He looks at you with a sincere smile, he pokes at your thigh playfully and you shake your head 
“No it’s okay, they’re funny…” 
“Good. But just let me know if you want me to stop…. You know since we’re on the topic, I want you to know I’d be happy being smothered by your thighs”
The two of you play together for a couple of hours, getting him past a lot of stuff he didn’t want to do alone, and he promises to not play without you. You yawn a little and settle back into the couch, you look cute when you’re sleepy, he thinks. He pulls you into his arms for a moment, rubbing your back. You nuzzle into him and pull your legs up into his lap and he smiles, kissing your nose. 
“Can we talk?” He asks softly, and you look up at him, a little smile on your face 
“Yeah sure, what’s on your mind?”
“Trust me when I say, I know that… that it’s so soon” He whispers as he pushes you gently back onto the couch, you let him, opening your legs for him to lay on you. 
“But… will you be my girlfriend?” He asks sweetly, his heart clearly on his sleeve. His eyes are so wide and hopeful. Your heart pounds in your chest as you look at him, those pretty blue eyes shining just for you. He lays his head on your chest and your cheeks flush. Of course, he’s a cuddle monster, he’s a little hesitant before he turns his head, placing soft kisses along your breast before putting his head back down. Oh, he’s definitely trying to butter you up and it’s working. 
“Four dates” You card your fingers through his hair, enjoying the way he melts into your hands and chest. He nuzzles his head into you more and you giggle, hugging him to your chest “Four more dates and then I’m all yours. We gotta get to know each other you big baby” 
“Deal,” He says excitedly, leaning down to kiss you, his body settles between your legs, he’s heavy and warm and you can feel those little butterflies flutter underneath him. He takes his time with you, enjoying the way your lips feel against his. You blush as you feel his hips push down into yours slightly, your thighs tighten on the sides of his waist and he grins 
“You good?” He asks. 
He’s such a little shit too with that cutesy little smirk like he doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing to you, what's currently happening to him, what you can feel between your legs. 
“Yeah I’m good” you mutter shifting your hips a little nervously, you feel his cock twitch against your panties and you squeak. He chuckles into your neck and props himself up on his arms, looking down at you 
“Are you ready to go home?” He’s biting his lip so playfully, appreciating the way you’re squirming nervously underneath him 
“Uh huh…I should go change” He falls to your side, letting you sit up for a minute 
“You could just go home in that, like seeing you in my clothes” He kisses your shoulders where the shirt has slipped down 
“Yeah I can go home and walk through the front door in just your t-shirt,” you tell him sarcastically, leaning into his chest. He nuzzles your neck, nipping at it “Bobby would love that” 
“Sorry I can’t understand your accent” He bats his eyes sweetly and you elbow him in the stomach before getting up 
“Take it home with you, please? You can use it as a sleep shirt or something”
“That I can do,” you tell him, grabbing your clothes from the corner of the couch 
“Anddd maybe you can send me pictures in it sometime… if you want!” He looks down at his hands, twiddling his thumbs 
“Buck, did you just ask me to send pics??” You scoff as you walk towards the bathroom, biting back a little smile.  He sighs behind you, shamelessly watching your ass as you walk. Those hips he just can’t get enough of 
“Maybe. But you know, in a classy kinda way” 
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Buck pulls up to the same spot he picked you up at, he takes your hand, kissing the back of it 
“Can I walk you home?” 
“If you don’t mind parking here, you’ll have to leave me a couple of houses down”
“That’s not a problem”
He gets out of the car, comes around, and opens the door for you. 
“Who knew you were such a gentleman?” you tease as he puts his arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his chest. You put your arms around him as you two slowly walk back to Athena’s 
“I uh…. I have an extra key to my apartment” He says, toying with the keys in his pocket “And I know like…. It’s probably not easy sharing a room with May” 
“Okaaay…?” Where the heck was he going with this? 
“I’m just, I’ll send you my work schedule…I have to anyway, you know in order to plan four more sweet dates” he chuckles nervously and you look up at him 
“I’m just… offering you a place to hang out if you ever need space okay? It can’t be easy having the share a room, like you’re both adults with your own lives” 
“Buck you don’t have to do that,” You tell him, hanging onto the front of his shirt “I don’t want to impose” 
“I swear it’s not a problem! I want to do this for you… I mean me and Eddie have keys to each other’s houses! This is just like a cool friend helping a friend, okay?” 
You stop two houses down from Athena’s and he reluctantly lets you go. He takes the keys from his pocket and takes it off the ring, handing it to you
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to…. I just want you to feel like you’ve got a place to go, okay?”
You stand on your toes and he smirks, bending down to your height and tilting your chin up towards him. He kisses you, letting his tongue slide over your teeth before dipping into your mouth, you moan quietly against his lips and his arms snake around your waist. He pulls you up a little taller, your toes just barely touching the ground, 
He’s strong and he wants you to know that. 
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow okay?” He pulls away slowly, that little dazed look in your eyes turning him on. He wonders what else would give you that same look 
He sets you back down and pats your butt, giving it a little pinch
“Go on, go home”
You squeak and put your hands over your ass, turning around and glaring at him 
“Goodnight, Buck”
“Goodnight, Doll” 
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taesanluv3r · 21 hours
chronicles of an overly in-love woonhak.
kim woonhak x reader
entirely in woonhak's pov (he's just yapping to himself the whole time), this is so dumb n stupid but i think it's silly cute idk 😓 cuss words!! lowercase intended, pls excuse any spelling mistakes / grammatical errors <3 enjoy :3
wc: 1,401
"relax woonhak, it's not that hard"
all i needed to do was make a move. seriously, how hard could it be? i mean it was easy to help riwoo make a move on the girl he liked, so why would it be hard for me to make a move on someone myself?
but of course, the difference was that riwoo was hitting on someone random from his dance class while i, little pathetic old kim woonhak, just had to have a crush on the ever-so untouchable, and insanely stunning…
yn fucking ln.
i mean she's like- way way way out of my league, right? the other day i confided in taesan, i always talk to him when i feel lost...well only when i'm lost in the thoughts of her. that's only cause she's rather close to him, they're like siblings who aren't related at all- i think it's pretty sweet. otherwise, i wouldn't ever confide in that menace.
but he knows her very well, and he knows me very well, it's the perfect combination. anyways, i told him about my feelings for her, how she absolutely drove me insane. i mean who wouldn't go insane? she's just so effortlessly...her, in a good way, of course. god nothing bad about her would ever come out of my mouth...she's just perfect.
okay maybe I'm lying, she can be a little stubborn and bitchy sometimes...but that's just another thing I can go on and on and on talking about. i'm always talking about her.
taesan laughed at me, he told me i was oblivious and delusional if i couldn't see that she felt the exact same way. i mean can you believe that? she feels the same?! about me?! about kim woonhak?!
i don't believe it for a second...okay, i lied again. the statement did fuel my stomach up with butterflies and make my head spin and cheeks flush and all that…jazz.
and then he said one thing, the one thing that's making me think about everything all over again.
"if you love her so much, make a move!"
and so now here i am, sitting in bed at one o' clock in the morning. only eight hours until i have to go to school. which means that i only have eight hours to construct the most perfect plan to finally make my move. i mean how hard could it be? it's just like chess! not that i'm good at chess, i actually kinda suck at it…
"ugh cut it out woonhak, you're wasting your time!"
she probably doesn't even like me back. maybe she's just as nice as she is to me with everyone else. and surely that drawing she made me was just a friendly gift! and of course the poems she sent me were probably drafts for someone else…though she did send one with my name in it once…
wait a fucking minute.
OKAY, okay calm down woonhak. no need to get your hopes up too unecessarily high…
this does give me confidence though, just keep thinking positively and make your move at school FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!
"i got this!"
maybe i lied a little to my reflection in the mirror whilst getting ready for school this morning. cause she was right there when i arrived, alone and ready for me to go tell her I love her, but fear got the best of me…as per usual.
so now i'm here, in fucking science class having to listen to professor lee rant about whatever problem he had with lamarck's theory as opposed to darwin's. interesting one though, i know yn has a real interest in the theory of evolution and just about everything else biology related- maybe not plant biology, she didn't look too happy when we were told we're gonna study plant science next week.
just as i started thinking about her all over again, a piece of paper struck my head from behind. it landed in between my back and my chair, not very comfortable. i turned to reach for it, checking out whoever threw it at me as i did so.
yn ln shoots her unique smile at me, her lips tilting crookedly. she never smiled with her teeth because she doesn't quite like how it looks. i strongly disagree, i think it's adorable when her uneven fangs show, it's just another peculiar thing i get to love about her.
i stare too long, too long that she has to raise her eyebrows to remind me of the paper i was supposed to retrieve from behind me and read. my cheeks were probably redder than the ripest of strawberries- ironically, her favourite fruit.
the page was off-white, a cute rilakkuma print bordering the lined-sheet…classic yn ln and her cutesy stationary. i couldn't help but smile as i opened it to find her neat, yet absurdly tiny handwriting.
i admired it for a second, not quite reading the actual note just yet, but once i did…
the ink was pink, one of the gel-pens she usually used to write her overly pretty notes for literature. and the words she scribbled on the page were simple. well, as simple as such a complex and interesting girl like her could ever get.
"hi woonhak, i like you. like a lot. see you under the bleachers at lunch. :) <3 ★"
not even a question. if it weren't for the doodles of hearts, smiley faces, and stars all over the note i would've deemed it a threat.
another lie. i should stop lying. she could tell me to throw myself off a cliff or threaten me with a knife and i'd still be flustered and in love.
the lunch bell came a lot sooner than i calculated. perhaps my brain had been overstimulated by the test i had just finished, or maybe time is just that unpredictable when you're anxious.
i desperately needed to piss- another lie that i told myself to postpone the possible embarrassment i might encounter with my crush under the bleachers today. fuck. why am i so nervous?
i decided it's best to just YOLO and speed over to her usual spot under the bleachers. what's the worst that could happen? you know...besides her revealing it was all a prank and then totally making fun of me!!!!!!! ha ha...ha...
i'm cooked.
she was already there, a slight worry on her face as if she had been waiting and wondering where i had been. i was about to mutter an apology for being late, saying i needed to go to the bathroom and such but she didn't let me talk.
"i know you like me, woonhak"
at this point i was shitting sweat.
i was interrupted.
"you took too long to say anything and frankly, i got impatient. cause i like you too- like- a lot. lol"
lol, she ended every serious sentence with that abbreviation to lighten the mood- cute.
all i could do was chuckle in relief.
"can we kiss now?"
she asks, her words coming out a little stale and hasty, but sweet. in a way that made my heart break and melt into bits and pieces. who am i kidding though, she does anything and i'll melt into bits and pieces.
her lips halted my chatter. she tastes like an odd mixture of banana milk and…honey garlic fried chicken- but it tasted kind of good...?
remind me to ask her where she got her lunch from cause...damn.
the kiss lasted longer than i would've earlier expected, her hands were in my hair and mine held her waist. i had to bend down a little, she's not that short but she's definitely not tall. not as tall as me, that is.
alas we seperated. she giggled softly and i can see a faint pink tint brushed against her cheeks as she caught her breath. then she looked up at me, with the most precious set of eyes. it didn't last long as her complexion changed completely in a matter of seconds before these words left her mouth:
"ask me out, loser"
and that's just the push i needed.
"yn ln, be my girlfriend and take me to whatever place you got the fried chicken your lips tasted like!"
she giggled again- i swear a braincell of mine disappears every time she so much as smiled- stepping forward to hug me, which i happily accepted by the way…she smells good. she smells like a...fresh...teddy bear? yeah.
"i can't believe you actually like me back" i blurted out, watching as she stuck a chicken wing into her mouth. the sauce got on her face and i helped her wipe it off like the gentleman that i am.
"and i can't believe you confided in taesan, of all people!" her words were muffled as she chewed.
"whatever babe, now why don't you eat first and talk later"
she almost chokes as she stares at me with this bewildered look on her face. how could a person be so adorable? like? this???? this cutie??? SHES my girlfriend???!!!???
she speaks with half a drumstick in her mouth and her eyes were opened wide.
the end.
LMAOOO idek wht i was going for in this one 😭 i pulled this straight out of my drafts tbh </3 reblogs n feedbacks r vv appreciated!! love u tysm for reading. love, kona.
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babygirl-diaz · 8 hours
Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls (Omegaverse)
Eddie always wondered what was in the little sketchbook Buck carried around with him. The alpha was so protective of it, that he growled and flashed his eyes at anyone who dared to touch it. Granted, alphas are territorial about their stuff but Buck was taking it a tad too far. Eddie was a little jealous of the damn sketchbook. Ever since Buck had picked up the hobby, he was so hyper-focused on it, that he wouldn't even pay attention to Eddie. But Eddie would sometimes catch the alpha staring at him before looking away quickly and going back to his damn sketchbook. Eddie was almost tempted to hide it but then he knew Buck would walk around with those sad puppy eyes that would break Eddie's heart and have him confessing in no time.
But then one day Eddie came across the sketchbook by its lonely self. The worn-out book was just sitting on the couch in the firehouse loft with no Buck in sight. Eddie casually approached the book and looked around to see if anyone was looking. When he was sure he was by himself, Eddie slowly picked up the sketchbook, like it was going to explode, and opened it to the first page. He frowned when he saw that there were just stick figures on the paper, but something under them caught his attention. The stick figures were called Eddie. Eddie smiled and turned to the second page, and then the third, then the fourth. The sketches were getting more prominent features now. But they had a common theme between them. They were all sketches and drawings of Eddie. The drawings kept improving as Eddie went on. There were pictures of Eddie eating, and Eddie playing pool, and there were also pictures of Eddie and Chris. They were gorgeous. Eddie was in awe. But then he turned to the latest drawing and his breath caught in his throat. It was Eddie once again. But it was Eddie a couple months pregnant. He was gently cupping his pregnant stomach while looking down. Eddie felt himself overcome with feelings over that. What did all this mean?
Eddie heard someone clear their throat behind him and he turned around to see Buck standing there, looking panicked.
"I'm sorry!" Both Eddie and Buck said at the same time.
"Wait... What are you sorry for?" Buck asked.
"For opening your sketchbook without your permission!" Eddie apologized, panicking a little.
"Tha- that's okay." Buck came closer and took the sketchbook out of Eddie's hand. "I'm sorry- for you know- being such a stalker," he chuckled nervously and looked down.
"That's okay," Eddie assured Buck and looked at him. "Um... Can we pretend this never happened?"
A look that Eddie couldn't quite decipher passed across Buck's face before he nodded. "Okay, yeah, let's pretend this never happened."
***Four Years Later***
Eddie was sitting on the bed, rubbing his pregnant belly while browsing through his phone. When he looked up, he found his alpha and husband sitting on the armchair with a sketchbook, drawing something intently.
Eddie smirked when he was suddenly hit with an idea. He got out of bed and slowly and silently took off his clothes, tossing them aside. When he was fully naked, he got back into bed, propped his head on his hand, and cleared his throat.
Eddie's alpha looked up and his eyes widened. "What the hell?"
"Draw me like one of your French girls," Eddie said in a low, seductive voice.
"What are you doing?" Eddie's alpha asked.
"What were you drawing there?" Eddie asked.
"Trying to get the layout down before work on Monday. This kitchen is going to be hell to complete," the alpha replied and then raised an eyebrow at Eddie. "Now back to my original question... What are YOU doing?"
Eddie scoffed. "WELL, there used to be this alpha, whose entire sketchbook was filled with drawings of me."
"He sounds lame," the alpha replied. "You thought I was drawing you?" He got up from the chair, came over to the bed, and sat down. He leaned in to kiss Eddie but Eddie pulled away.
"You're the lame one!" Eddie huffed
Buck laughed and quickly kissed Eddie before showing him the sketchbook. "Okay, I lied."
"Wait... You were drawing me?" Eddie asked pouting at him. He kissed him again before asking, "What about the layout of our kitchen? The contractor will throw a tantrum on Monday when you tell him you have no idea what our kitchen should look like."
"Oh no, I know what our kitchen should look like," Buck replied. "It's all in here," he added touching his head.
"Oh yeah, because the contractor can see inside your head," Eddie teased.
"The contractor will live. Right now, I need to draw my man like one of my French girls," Buck said pressing Eddie to the bed and kissing him thoroughly.
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bridgyrose · 2 days
Ruby took a few deep breaths as she tried to focus on her comic book, a blush crossing her cheeks as she started to lose a bit of focus. She glanced over towards Weiss and Blake, still not sure what about them kept drawing her to look at them. Her heart fluttered for a brief moment as she looked away, no longer able to focus like before. 
“Everything okay, Ruby?” Weiss asked as she looked over. “You’ve been a lot quieter than normal.” 
“I-I’m fine,” Ruby said, her voice cracking as she spoke. “I think I’m getting a bit sick.” 
“Then maybe I can help-” 
“I’m fine!” Ruby quickly got up and made her way to the door. “I’ll be back once I’ve gotten checked.” 
“Oh, well, dont be out for too long.” 
Ruby nodded and started to make her way down the hall, heart still fluttering as she thought about Weiss and Blake with each step. They way they moved anytime they fought in training, the way their eyes almost seemed to glisten in the light mimicking precious stones and colored glass, and then there was the way they felt when her hands brushed up against their soft hands… 
She shook her head to try to get the thoughts out of her head. She needed to focus on class, not on her teammates. And yet, no matter how much she tried, she couldnt get Weiss and Blake out of her head. It was enough to make her fall behind on her studies and struggle with her own training, though she was sure that if she had brought it up to Yang, she’d be told she should have boys on her mind instead. 
Instead of making her way to the nurse, Ruby made her way to the training hall to clear her head in the only way she knew how. Training until she could forget about Weiss and Blake no matter how long it took. 
“Ruby, where are you going?” Coco asked as she saw Ruby in the halls. “Shouldnt you be studying?” 
“I couldnt focus,” Ruby answered as she continued to walk. “So I’m going to clear my head.” 
Coco nodded and started to follow Ruby. “Then maybe I can come with you and you can tell me what’s going on.” 
“Its nothing-” 
“Doesnt sound like nothing to me. I’ve watched you since your initiation, so I can tell when something’s up with you.” 
“Its Weiss and Blake.” Ruby paused in her step for a moment as a blush ran over her cheeks. Once again, her teammates filled her mind when she’d prefer they didnt. “I… I cant stop thinking about them. I know we’re all teammates and we need to think about each other, but this feels excessive. I cant focus on school work or training, my grades are starting to suffer and when Weiss brings it up, I cant help but feel terrible for letting her down.” 
Coco smiled a bit. “Sounds like you love them.” 
Ruby froze at the thought. Loving Weiss and Blake? No, that couldnt be it. Love wasnt an emotion she felt, at least not for people the way others did. She loved weapons, Crescent Rose in particular, the taste of strawberries and cookies, fighting grimm to be a hero like her mother. But to love someone, to love an actual person…
“I-I dont think its anything like that,” Ruby said quietly as she forced the words out as her voice cracked and her heart raced in her chest. The mere thought of Blake and Weiss made her legs feel like jelly and gave her a warmth in her chest that nothing else seemed to. “We’re just good friends, nothing more. Teammates, partners… that sort of thing.” 
“Then if that’s the case, you should be able to focus long enough to have a competition with me, right?” Coco asked with a smirk. “If you can destroy more targets than I can, I’ll believe you. If not, then you and I are going to have a long talk.” 
“Fine. But I dont see why you’re so interested.” 
“Because you remind me of how I am with Velvet. And I dont want to see you make the same mistakes that I’ve been making.” 
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kahvilahuhut · 1 day
sunset talks ✨
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see the whole drawing for this little thing here
Little thing I've had rotating in my head for a while while trying to figure out some more Cynosure thing. Just a small little conversation between Toby & Klara. And also Klara fighting demonds (fear of heights).
Orange, almost pink-ish sunlight shone through the door as Klara opened the door. She knew Oliver had a big, terrace-like balcony on the roof of this building he used for gardening.
She wasn't really into the idea of going up there, looking at all these other buildings from so high up.
But she wanted to see Tobias as soon as possible.
Looking around, she noticed him sitting on a gardening box, watching the sunset.
"Hey, enjoying the view?"
Tobias turned around and looked at her with a somewhat surprised face. "Klara? What are you doing here, honey? Could've called me or sent a message, so I could have come downstairs and you wouldn't have to get, well," he gestured around, "up here."
"Don't worry, I'll be fine, I just," Klara looked to the right for a moment and noticed that this building is, in fact, high. Clearly doing her best to control her voice and while ignoring her slightly trembling hands, she said, "Ah, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. No, wait, no need to get up, I'll be there in a moment." She walked slowly, looking at the floor, sometimes looking a bit up to see how far she is from the box Tobias is sitting on.
He rose up a bit and stretched out his arm for her to grab, then gently pulled her into his embrace and hugged her. "Hey now, you okay? What's with the heroics?"
"I thought it wouldn't look this bad..."
"Do you want to leave?"
"No!" Klara hugged him harder and leaned her cheek on his shoulder. "Let's stay here for a moment."
"If you insist..." he murmired and kissed her shoulder.
"Mhm, I do." Klara looked down over his shoulder. "That mug reminds me of you. How cute."
"Haha, well, I made it when I was a child. Or, well, not exactly made it, but... It was some specific mug they used to sell with markers so children could draw something on them. Dad got it for some event, I don't really remember which, but I do remember drawing the little sun on both sides, so it would ve visible no matter how you held the cup, in case someone else would use it," he paused for a moment, "It was in his kitchen cupboard this whole time. I don't think anyone has touched it, to be honest... I'm a bit surprised the drawings are still there, I mean, it's been over thirty five years..."
"Sounds like he took good care of it. Or you are good with markers."
"Mind if I finish your coffee?"
"Be my guest, honey."
Klara reached for the mug and leaned back, taking a sip. The coffee was cold, almost as cold as the breeze. "How long have you been sitting here?"
"Since lunch time. He, um, told me what's going on? Decided that maybe I should go look at the view while I still can. It's beautiful here..." He paused and looked around for a while. "Oh, and I also managed to finish crocheting the left sleeve of the cardigan that's been a work in process for too long, ever since- Well, ever since that whole thing. Do you think it's cold there? On Mars?"
"I think they fixed the weather with terraforming."
"Aww. But surely there's a cardigan weather or something."
"I'm sure they have," she finished the coffee and leaned over to place the mug to its previous place, "You're taking this very...calmly."
Tobias chuckled and held her hand gently. "What's there to worry about?" He kissed her hand and looked at her, soft and loving look on his face. "Honey, your plans always work."
"Thank you, darling," Klara leaned closer and kissed him on his forehead. "Think you'll still think the same way once everything happens?"
"Well, sure. The psychotherapist says that turning a new page could help. And what could be more 'new' than moving to a completely different planet."
Klara smiled. "You're my favorite little optimist."
"Doing my best. Now, how about we go downstairs and see if Oliver's ready with dinner."
"Sure you don't want to stay for a little longer? Twilight looks quite nice..."
"Klara, you're literally shaking."
"Okay, fine. God, I thought you'd never ask," she stood up, "Can I hold your hand if the whole way back inside?"
"Honey, you can always hold my hand whenever you want."
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bootlegfrank · 5 months
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The story of a man, his best friend, and the corpses of a thousand sickly patients
You can buy this as a sticker here!
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Prism's concept art has been. Deeply on my mind. They had some killer ideas for her and ummm.....sobs in my hands. I love her?
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shepards-folly · 10 months
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Like an angel crushed underneath god’s boot [+ wip images under the cut]
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#shep arts#content smp#csmp#arathain#mason arathain#tw eyestrain#cw gore#<- its very mild I’d say. i kinda just fucked up one of their arms... in my defense it was annoying to draw so I just didnt draw part of it#the eyestrain isnt too bad either in my opinion i just wanted to tag it just in case#honestly just tell me if this needs more tws I'm awful at knowing what I need to trigger warning and what I dont#okay uh art rambling time so i made him a bug for this one honestly just cause i thought it looked neat#this was a really fun for a drawing that took like an hour to sketch and a million years to finish#it's just an experiment in coloring a lil different and using layer styles other than multiply and add...#there are add and multiply layers in there if i remember correctly but its mainly color/linear burns and hard/soft light i think#fun fact there was supposed to be more paint but uhm I got lazy and it was already a pain trying to balance the values on this one#so yeah its just the pink splatter behind his head there. imagine that there's more pink paint there for me pretty please#I have a dozen versions of this with various overlay layers will probably end up adding those to this post in a rb or something#this post was supposed to go up earlier but yeah I was comparing overlays for like two hours...#honestly im surprised my procreate didnt crash in the middle of this since it crashes everytime I do anything with a lot of overlays#it did die immediately after I finished it though so then I had to wait several hours to just sign the damn thing :/
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creamecream · 2 years
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Myrad pinup!
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obsessivevoidkitten · 7 months
A Day In Blood-Swell Swamp
Yandere Frog Hybrid x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Noncon, non-human genitalia, oviposition, general yandere behavior, misunderstanding, reader stuck in mud) Word Count: 1.7k (The yandere in this is a cinnamon roll. A real sweetie. Needed another one like him. He misread the reader's intent and is not at all a bad guy. Really hope you guys like him)
You were an artist on a mission. You were traveling all over your country to sketch the flora, fauna, and landscapes of various habitats. You had already visited several different forests and a couple of prairies.
Now you found yourself in Blood-Swell Swamp. The waters of the swamp were a deep red color. Many people in nearby towns were superstitious about the place and its odd colored water, but you knew it was just a combination of iron filled water and algae.
You rowed the tiny boat you had purchased and found a dry outcrop of trees overlooking the water logged scenery.
When you looked at the impressive sanguine waters and wetland forest sprawling out in front of you, you knew you had made the right decision.
You got out and tied the boat to a tree, the waters were still, but better safe than sorry.
Once you decided on a good spot to look at you pulled out your sketchbook. The first thing you sketched was a frog on a lily pad beside a blooming water lily. The next thing was a cluster of unique purple flowers.
After that you began the larger task of drawing the landscape as a whole.
You had just about finished when you heard a splash and then an enthusiastic male voice behind you.
You turned around and almost fell over. If the sudden presence of an unknown man behind you hadn’t been enough to scare you, the fact that he wasn’t human would have.
He was crouched down on very athletic looking legs, wearing nothing but a loincloth. He had long webbed toes and fingers that matched, though he only had four fingers. His mouth was a bit too long and his eyes were large and purple. He was a bit shorter than you but he clearly had a strong and compact body.
But the most odd thing was the color of his skin. He was a deep cherry red with the color transitioning into blue on his arms and legs past his elbows and knees.
His medium length black hair dripped as he tilted his head and spoke again.
“Hello? Are you okay? What are you doing?”
You collected yourself, still frightened by his appearance despite his so far friendly demeanor.
“Are you okay??”
You flinched backwards as he stepped towards you. He stopped approaching as he noticed you were uncomfortable.
“I just… never saw a… what you are before…”
“Oh! Well I am a frogkin. I have seen a human or two before, but only from a distance.”
You were about to respond but he cut you off, he seemed to be really excited to have someone to chat with.
“My name is Cobi, what’re you called?”
You mentally scolded yourself for your rude and frightened demeanor and forced yourself to calm down and introduce yourself. You were in his territory after all, and he had been nothing but polite to you. You gave him your name and explained to him that you were an artist there to sketch the beauty of the swamp. You showed him your sketches.
“Oh wow, we don’t have any artists here. I have never even heard of sketches. We have some wall paintings in some of our huts, but nothing like this!”
The frog man was clearly impressed.
“Oh, I couldn’t live without being able to draw all the beauty around me. Hey, could I draw you? Just a quick sketch!”
If the skin on his face wasn’t already red you would have been able to see that he was blushing. If you drew beautiful things then that must mean you thought he was beautiful. The notion made his heart flutter.
“S-sure!” Cobi said in his ever chipper voice.
You spent some time sketching him, despite your original plan to get just a quick one in, he happily let you get a couple extra. One with him in the water and one of him crouched on a dead log.
When you finished your sketching you fished some sandwiches out of your backpack and offered one to Cobi. He took it and sniffed inquisitively trying to figure out what it was.
“It’s food, it’s called a sandwich.” You took a few bites of yours and then he took a few cautious nibbles before his eyes lit up and he stuffed the whole thing in his mouth at once. You had to stifle a laugh.
"Thank you, that was super yummy!"
Cobi was blushing more. You drew him because you thought he was beautiful. Attractive. And now you gave him food. Surely that meant you were interested in him right? People of the swamp didn’t just give food away! You gave food to those you liked. Friends, family, and potential mates you were courting!
Even if it was subconscious you probably were trying to court him. And he really wanted to explore the possibility of being your partner too, you were so kind and interesting.
But he didn't want to jump the gun and assume before he had a bit more solid evidence. So instead of asking or acting on what he felt all the evidence pointing to he just hung around and chatted with you a bit more while you finished your meal.
You finished your food slowly, enjoying your time getting to know the inquisitive frogkin. You answered all of his seemingly inexhaustible supply of  questions.
When you finished and said your goodbyes he seemed sad, but you were a traveler. You couldn't really make lasting friendships. And then, when you started to get up, you fell right over your own feet. Your arm stuck in some thick mud with your face low to the ground and your ass pointed up.
And that was all the confirmation Cobi needed. Ass up and presenting. The universal signal to breed!
If you had been able to see his face you would have seen that he was flustered beyond measure. You were also far too preoccupied to notice what Cobi was muttering.
"Oh... well I thought that maybe you just wanted to c-court and get to know one another better... I thought.. I j-just um... well it's just that... I-I have never even done it before... but... it seems like you really want to..."
Despite it being a bit fast he supposed he had become quite smitten with you. And, well, maybe humans coupled faster than frogkin. And he really didn't want to hurt you or offend you!
"O-okay, I'll do it!" He exclaimed loudly.
You were finally almost out of the muck and were about to ask him what he was going to do when he suddenly pulled your pants down and slid his huge tongue right into your entrance. You shuddered in shock and ended up with both hands stuck in the mud.
"Wh-what are you doing!?"
Cobi wasn't paying any attention to your words, not as lost in his efforts to loosen up your hole in preparation for the main event as he was. He gripped your legs with his webbed hands as his tongue probed you as deeply as possible, kneading and throbbing and gently stretching out your insides.
The pleasure was indescribable. You wanted Cobi to stop, but time you tried to articulate a protest the only sound you managed to produce was a loud moan or gasp.
And of course the only possible reaction Cobi could have to that was to think that he was doing a great job making his new mate nice. And he wanted to feel good with you.
He removed the slimy tongue from your entrance and removed his loincloth. Cobi then aligned his engorged cock and drew circles against it with before tip before slowly sinking into your tight heat. He had held reservations about making love to you so soon into courting, but now that he was inside you the last of them had melted away.
"Oh, oh, ooohh, you feel so amazing! I-i think you were meant for this pretty artist~"
Much in the same way that your resolve had melted away under the burning flood of pleasure Cobi was drowning you in. Judging by how it felt it was no human cock. It was much longer, a little thicker, and felt a bit slimy. With every thrust you lost a bit more of yourself until you were moving back against his movements, desperately trying to chase the orgasm you were building up to.
You had just come here to help along your art and now here you were in the mud mounted like a bitch in heat and enjoying it. It would have been humiliating if you had the capacity to dwell on such matters.
There were more important things to think about right now. Like the cock breeding you. The feel of unnaturally heavy nuts smacking into you. The soft and attentive lips kissing up your backside, straining to reach your neck.
You arched your back as you had the most mind shattering climax of your life.
"I can't hold back anymore. You sketched for me. L-let me just paint your insides for you~"
And then you learned why his nuts felt so heavy as they slammed against you. As he filled you he deposited much more than just normal cum. Over dozens of small round objects flooded into you and adhered themselves to your walls.
"Wh-what the?"
Cobi plucked you out of the mud with ease and pulled you into his lap as he sat down, with his prick still buried snugly inside of you. He held you close to his sweaty body and caressed your belly lovingly.
Now that you had a moment to process your predicament and the events that had just transpired you were completely dumbfounded. One moment you were trying to get out of the mire and the next you were being fucked.
"I'm so glad you wanted to be mates~"
Your mind was reeling trying to come up with a response to such an outrageous claim. When had you expressed anything resembling such a des-
"Mmmm~" Instead you could only reply with a pathetic pleased whimper as Cobi began rolling his hips, grinding into you and very slowly fucking you for a second time.
"Don't worry, I have plenty more eggs just for my sweet artist~"
You could only lean back against him and drool as he wrapped his arms around you possessively and temporarily fucked your mind away once more.
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chuluoyi · 4 months
first ultrasound with gojo (love entries) headcanons?❤️
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 12:55 P.M 」
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*sigh* why am i so weak to domestic requests... this is just a little thing i wrote in one sitting while stalling my nanami fic (and after coming back from the company retreat!) sobs, i'm going back to it i promise!! :')) this loosely takes place after daddy-to-be <3
a part of gojo's love entries
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“now let us see…”
you were lying on the examination table as the ultrasound gel made contact with your still flat abdomen. the sheer coldness and the way the probe pressed hard on your skin made you wince a bit, until that discomfort was eased by a comforting squeeze of your hand, prompting you to turn your head towards the source.
your husband, gojo satoru, offered you a smile so warm it made everything else fade into the background. beyond his sunglasses was the way he always fondly looked at you, as if he was silently assuring you that he would be by your side every step of this journey.
you couldn't help but smile back at him.
“ah, here’s the baby,” your doctor gestured at the monochrome screen with a grin. “around five weeks now. it’s the size of a seed.”
a seed? your gaze fixed on the screen with a sense of wonder. honestly you couldn’t really pinpoint where your baby was, until you saw one dot that the doctor zoomed in.
and there it was—the tiny beginning of life. the product of you and your husband’s love, growing steadily inside you.
suddenly it felt so real that you were carrying a new life. your heart overflowed with warmth, swelling with emotion, and you struggled to hold back tears as your gaze shifted between the screen and satoru, who offered you a comforting pat on the head.
“hush,” he whispered softly, seemingly moved too after looking at the living testament of his baby on the screen. “don’t cry now, hmm?”
after seeing the sonogram and had it printed, both of you sat before the doctor as she instructed you to take things easy from now on, and through it all, satoru held your hand firmly in his, attentively listening to everything the doctor mentioned and even proactively asking questions in return.
“doc, she gets dizzy and nauseous easily, can you prescribe her something to make it bearable?”
“i can certainly prescribe some anti-sickness medication, but i highly recommend you to have plenty of rests and eat healthy food too to reduce morning sickness—”
“hmm, and can you recommend anything to improve sleep? she can have trouble sleeping too…”
honestly it touched you to see satoru picked up on these little things about you despite being away so often. only now did you realize that he had always been watching over you, without fail.
back at home, he sat you down on your bed, back to being a carefree clown who would draw laughs out of you.
“now, little mom,” he began, his lips already turning up into a grin as he took your hands in his, kneeling before you. “you need to listen to me very closely, okay?”
you snorted. “don't address me like that!”
“uh-oh, no squirming,” satoru warned playfully, pinching your cheeks, and you swatted his hand, holding back giggles.
oh my. just what a blissfully happy couple you were.
“first thing first, now you are to have lots of breaks and rest,” he declared, amusement melted a bit from his tone. “the doctor said so. it'll help with your nausea too. if you feel the slightest bit unwell, you have to go back and rest.”
you rolled your eyes. “yeah, yeah...”
“and no staying up late too,” he added, fixing his clear eyes on yours. “especially not for waiting for me to be home.”
that got you to clamp up. so he noticed it too, the way you would always wait for him, even at the cost of not sleeping at all. satoru never really said anything all this time, but now you knew, he was indeed worried.
once again, your chest burst with love and warmth. but still...
“can you promise me that?” satoru asked you gently, his smile still in place, but you knew the underlying command behind those words. “i'm coming back. always. i have everything i want here, with you. there's no way i'm not coming back.”
you hung onto his every word, and much like spellbound, you let go of everything and nodded.
“and now baby...”
he then shifted his focus to your tummy, gently brushing his fingers across it, and the gesture stirred something inside you, making you throb with emotion.
“you only have one job. grow big and healthy, and you can even bother mama sometimes! just don't make her too sick or i'll worry...”
somehow your vision blurred with tears, hearing how unusually earnest he was. “satoru, you're so silly.”
but as always, he would pick this moment to flip the switch, reverting back to his usual teasing.
“hmm, what's that? you're getting soft now, aren't you, mommy~?”
“...why do you have to sound like that? you're making it lewd on purpose!”
in this little world of love of yours, it was just you and him, along with the tales of your life together. you had weathered various moments side by side, and now, as you were embarking on another significant chapter with him, you were certain that everything would be alright.
satoru pulled you to the bed and smothered your head with kisses, trapping you between his strong arms. “hmm, comfy now?”
“mmm, yeah. keep cuddling me...”
and from his side, he was sure, that right now, everything had never been and felt so right than ever before—with the love of his life and future in his arms.
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aerynwrites · 9 months
Halsin x Fem!Reader
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A/N: I have been burning with an intense CRAVING for Halsin and there is such little fic about him (although there are some good ones out there 👀) so I had to do my part and add to the pool 😏 hope y’all enjoy!
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, reader is insecure about her virginity, talks of inexperience, love confessions, Halsin is a sweetheart, references to NSFW content. Very very minor spoilers for act 2.
Part 2
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The fur of the rabbit is soft between your fingers as you prepare it. Yet, despite having a knife in your other hand and your task being a delicate one, you can’t seem to focus.
Your eyes keep drifting back to the druid across camp chopping wood for the fire. The axe is a large one, heavy - heavier than you’d be able to lift. Yet the large elf manages to bring it up above his head and swing it back down with a grace you never understood how he possessed.
The muscles in his shoulders ripple with each movement, accompanying the rythmic thump of the axe through wood. His soft grunts as he pulls it from the stump he’s using before placing the next log onto the surface and starting the process all over again.
“The rabbit is already dead, darling.”
The familiar voice rips you from your staring as your head whips around to see none other than your vampiric companion standing over you, a smirk tugging at his lips. You huff at him before looking down to the rabbit by your knees and heat rushes to your cheeks. What should have been a simple skinning job to get the meat ready for dinner has turned into a mess. Cuts in the wrong places, the hide nowhere near usable anymore.
You look back up just in time to see Astarions red eyes go from you, to Halsin, then back again. His smile grows. He shifts his feet, one arm resting across his chest as he gestures with his other to Halsin.
“You know, you could paint a portrait. It would last longer.”
Your cheeks somehow get even hotter, as you turn back to the rabbit in front of you, doing a much better job than earlier.
“Leave me alone, Astarion,” you mumble, cursing internally when the elf lowers himself to the ground beside you, arms resting on his knees.
“And why would I do that, when teasing you gives me so much joy?”
You can’t stop the small smile that tugs at your lips. “Okay, well you got me all flustered. So now that’s out of the way, did you need something or did you really interrupt your reading to bother me?”
The vampire sighs, leaning back on his hands as he looks over to you. “What I need is for you to finally jump that druids bones.”
You nearly choke as the words leave his lips, looking around to see if anyone heard and feeling heat creep up your neck once more as you see Shadowheart failing to hide a chuckle.
You turn to face your friend, eyes narrowed. “Could you be a little more quiet? I don’t need the whole camp hearing you.”
Astarion laughs this time, loudly, and it draws more glances than you’d like. You roughly shove the man next to you before he can speak.
“Your next words better be a whisper or I’m going to stab you ” you threaten, poking the knife in his direction.
Astarion places a hand over his heart, faux hurt in his eyes. “You wound me, darling. I’m just trying to help you. Plus,” he gestures to the camp, “it’s not like your attraction is a secret, nor Halsin’s.”
You shake your head turning back to grab another rabbit, embarrassment welling up in your chest. “He doesn’t…” you trail off, getting defensive. “Nothing’s there, Astarion. So can we please just drop it?”
Of course, he doesn’t.
“Look,” he starts, “all I’m trying to say is that neither of you are benefiting from holding back so…indulge, for once. Gods know we all deserve it.”
You ignore him. Curling in on yourself at the mention of…indulging. There nothing wrong with it of course. Everyone at camp has blown off steam along this adventure. Just…not you.
And the vampire must be able to tell too, because at your silence he straightens up, brows pinching in the rare way that shows he’s concerned.
“Wait, have you never…?” he gestures vaguely in the air.
His words, despite their genuine curiosity, strike a chord in you. You stand abruptly, tossing your work to the ground and stabbing your knife in the dirt.
“No I haven’t. Not that it’s any of your business.” Your words are louder than you intended and draw the eyes and ears of your other companions.
Astarion softens, obviously not expecting this reaction. “I didn’t mean to upset you-“
You clench your fists at your sides, interrupting him. “You never mean to Astarion but -“ You cut yourself off, taking a deep breath. “You’re such an ass sometimes.”
You turn on your heel and storm from camp before anyone can stop you, ignoring the concerned gaze of a certain druid.
The water is cool against your skin as you squat by the stream’s edge, rubbing at your hands as you try to get the blood off of them.
You feel foolish now, storming off like that. But Astarion pointing out your inexperience just struck you. It’s not something that’s ever bothered you before. Especially not in recent months since dealing with the tadpole. You all have more important things to worry about.
But the moment you rescued Halsin…it’s like something changed. You were instantly drawn to him. His kind smile and thoughtful words. His care for everyone and everything in nature.
And he flirted with you.
The memory is still fresh in your mind. The night of the tiefling party after you had stopped the ritual at the druid camp and saved Halsin. You were worried you were talking his ear off, but he was attentive the whole conversation. Answering your questions and asking some about you.
Then he said those honeyed words. Suggested celebrating by spending the night with someone special. Implied he would spend it with you if his mind wasn’t elsewhere.
You withdraw your hands from the water to drag them down your face as more memories surface.
More flirtatious banter and kind words. Thoughtful conversations and fighting side by side. The night sat by your bedside nursing you back to health after a particularly nasty fight. After Ketheric Thorm almost took you out.
Your side still aches with the memory. But the thought of his hands with their soothing healing glow, makes the ache subside.
You sigh, sitting back into the grass as your eyes lock onto the slowly gurgling stream, Astarion words playing over and over in your head.
Indulge, for once.
You want to. Gods do you want that.
You’ve spent many sleepless nights thinking about it. About his lips against yours, his hands on your skin, the sweet words he’d no doubt whisper against your ear.
You shudder at the thought before shoving it away. Because any time he hinted at that - showed any interest in you - you would be so elated before insecurity took over.
Halsin’s views on love and intimacy are no secret. You’d asked him once about current lovers and while he did confide no one currently held his affections back home he also expressed that there were others in the past.
Others. Plural.
And you’ve never been with anyone. Not physically or emotionally, you’ve never trusted anyone enough.
Not until now.
You sigh, frustration creeping back in as you press the heels of your palms into your eyes before quickly standing up. You need to apologize to Astarion and finally, maybe, talk to Halsin.
You turn on your heel to do just that when you run straight into a solid mass. You gasp, stumbling backwards just as two strong hands reach out to steady you, gripping your wrists firmly.
Once steady, you look up to see none other than the man haunting your thoughts smiling down at you.
“You must have been very deep in thought for someone like me to sneak up on you, little one.”
You have to suppress a shiver at the nickname. A moniker he’d given you since you teased him about his size at the beginning of your friendship.
You shake your head, moving to step away and only stopping when his hands let go only to slip down and take your own gently.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize. “I was just…thinking.”
Halsin stares at you for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face before he steps away, gesturing down the first path, one hand still in your own.
“Walk with me?” he asks. “I know being in nature helps me clear my head of even the darkest thoughts.”
You give a hesitant nod and follow him as he turns towards the path, not able to stop the smile when he doesn’t drop your hand.
The walk is mostly silent, a comfortable silence, but silent nonetheless. And you are grateful for it, not sure what you would say if Halsin were to ask what has you so upset.
But, silence can’t last forever it seems, because eventually the large Druid breaks through the sounds of nature surrounding you to speak.
“I overheard your conversation with Astarion,” he says, voice gentle. Probing, but not not forcing you to talk if you do not wish.
You stiffen, your pace slowing slightly, wanting to pull away from the man at your side. But his sure grip on your hand keeps you in place. The warmth of his skin on yours puts you slightly at ease.
“You…you heard that?” you ask, cringing internally. “You were across camp.”
The druid chuckles, gesturing to his ears with his free hand. “One of the curses of us elves. Impeccable hearing. Even when we don’t wish for it.”
You can feel your shoulders creeping up to your ears. Embarrassment settling in once more. “You were listening to us? To me?”
Halsin shrugs. “Not intentionally,” he admits, slowing his steps until you’re both stopped and he’s facing you. “But I find my attention turning towards you more often than not these days.”
His words tie your tongue and before you can gather enough sense to respond he continues.
“Nature works in mysterious ways, little one,” he tells you, eyes never leaving your face. “There is no one way to traverse it, and others journey do not define your own. Each one is unique, as it is intended.”
His words are beautifully woven, as always. And despite his cryptic deliverance, you know the meaning behind his words.
He’s comforting you. And once again, he speaks before you can detangle the jumble of thoughts in your head.
“And,” he reaches out, placing a curled finger beneath your chin to urge you to look up at him, “if it’s any encouragement, I seek you out as much as you do me. Possibly more so.”
Your eyes widen, heart stuttering in your chest at his words. He…does he feel the same way? Rationally you know he does. But that ever familiar self doubt, the tiny voice in your mind has always brushed away the flirting - the kind words and gentle touches as just part of his nature. None of it is reserved just for you.
Halsin smiles, eyes crinkling at the corners gently as he looks down at you. “Is that really such an outlandish thought? That I return your affections?” He pauses, “unless my heart has run ahead of itself and I have misread-“
You stop him then, reaching up to place a staying hand on his own beneath your chin.
“No! You haven’t…you haven’t misread,” you assure him, trying to still your racing heart.
His smile never falters, his other hand finally coming up to cradle the back of your head, teasing soft strands of hair between his fingers.
“That is good to hear,” he says, pulling you ever closer, his nose almost brushing yours, “it puts this old druid's mind at rest.”
Gods, you can’t breathe. The air in your lungs refusing to expel as he lean even closer, lips a hairbreadth away from your own. Your body sings with anticipation, your skin hot despite the cool air ushered in by the sun sinking below the horizon, the days last rays barely filtering through the trees.
“Can I kiss you, my heart?”
Halsins words are soft, barley a whisper and nearly drowned out by the sounds of nature around you and the roaring of blood in your ears.
You nod. “Please-“
The word barely passes your lips before he descends upon you, sealing his mouth with your own.
It’s both everything you expected and completely surprising at the same time. His hands are sure as he pulls you into him, one hand still cradling your head as the other slips down to your hip before wrapping around your waist. Yet his lips, the kiss itself is…soft. Gentle. Loving. The action speaks louder than any words either of you have said to one another. Louder than the words you never worked up the courage to speak.
Finally, your mind catches up with you, and your hands slide up his chest to clutch tentatively at his shoulders.
Halsins still hasn’t broken away from you, and when his tongue brushes against your lips you let him in. You tug him closer then, one of your hands sliding up to rest at the back of his neck eliminating any empty space between you as his tongue slides against your own.
He only pulls away when he must sense your need for air, but he doesn’t go far, lips pressing gently to the corner of your own, and then another to your jaw.
You’re breathless.
Chest heaving against him, as he pulls away just enough to look at you once more.
“As much as I’d love to continue…” his hand squeezes your hip gently, “we should make our way back to camp. I can imagine our absence as stirred gossip with our vampiric companion and..” he sighs, pressing another soft kiss to your lips. “I don’t want to overwhelm you.”
You can’t surprise the shiver that runs down your spine, or the smile that tugs at your lips.
“I’m…I’m okay being overwhelmed if it’s like that,” you tell him breathlessly.
Halsin laughs, a deep down genuine laugh that makes your heart sing even as he steps away from you.
“Then I will overwhelm you in all the ways I know how.” He promises, eyes trailing over you heatedly.
Your stomach does a flip at his words, and the effect they have on you must show on your face because Halsin chuckles again, leaning in to press one last kiss to your cheek before tugging you back in the direction towards camp.
“Another night, my heart,” he says, thumb brushing over your knuckles from where your hand remains in his own.
You let out a shaky breath, and nod, smiling as you walk closer to him. “I’m holding you to that.”
“I hope you would, though I doubt I will forget such a promise,” he assures before letting silence blanket you both one more.
You can’t stop the thrill that runs through you at his words.
Yes, I’ll hold you to that promise indeed.
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grnherbs · 2 months
i need oscar fingering you for the first time and him just being gentle🙏
look at my face baby | op81
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afab!reader, eighteen plus, mdni
thank you for your request anon! sorry it took so long to get round you
he had you laid back on his double bed, hands softly tracing over your shirt and leaving soft kisses along the corners of your lips, both of you were hot and sweaty from a prolonged make out session on the couch downstairs.
he’d picked you up, legs wrapped round his waist, head down, hidden into his shoulder as you feel yourself being carried to his room. you’d been in his room before but, something about the two of you being alone in the house, no sound, taking you to his bedroom, hot and heavy was just so intoxicating.
you look up at him as he crawls up the bed, leaning over and kissing your nose “hey sweetheart” he smiles as you blush in his direction, eyes closing, causing him to chuckle gently. you still weren’t used to the nicknames, the kisses and the love this early on in the relationship, but god did oscar love to tease.
he moves his hands down now, fluttering at your waist and leans to kiss you, softly on the lips with a shy smile still on your lips, whimpering softly into it, a giggle settling between you two at the sound.
“wanna try something with me?” he looks into your eyes with his sweet gaze, “i’ll be gentle okay?” he nods in your direction and you nod back, at a loss for words, his hands moves down, pulling your trousers down as he does. he slows at the frightened look on your face and kisses your forehead “is this okay baby?” he checks in and you nod, “y-yes oscar”.
when he has your trousers halfway down your thighs, he moves his hand back up to hook your underwear down too, slowly, as if to not frighten you at all, kindhearted and gentle as he goes, which you takes a deep shaken breath out to sooty yourself.
once your underwear had been quite literally flung across the room, he starts smoothing his hands over your thighs, warm and veiny from the innate amount of sexual tension between you, your eyes watering slightly as you usher out a “please osc..” which has him spreading your knees gently, hand dipping between them and letting out his own moan when he finds how wet you are for him.
“god… you feel so good angel, so wet for me” he clicks his tongue in his mouth, before biting his lip, one finger drawing down the slit to reach your opening, slipping it in slowly, almost unbareably. “just taking my finger so good baby, that’s it… one at a time, don’t wanna hurt my baby”
you grip his thick bicep and look up through your wet lashes at him, flustered and bucking your hips up slowly at the intrusion, feeling so full yet so empty at the same time, especially when he begins to thrust the finger in and out as a near torturously slow pace, but if you asked he would say he was simply ‘warming you up’.
you bump your hips up more again, and he places his other hand on the apex of your stomach, pushing you down lightly so you can move away. “you’re okay baby, i’ll give you more don’t worry” he leant down to kiss your forehead and you feel your heart pounding in your chest at his sweet actions. he was your boy, your sweet boy and you’d do anything for him.
he takes his finger out before submerging two in you, earning a gasp from you at this moment in time, your hand which rests of his bicep is squeezing tighter and he chuckles at this “i got you, shhh” he soothes and continues his movements, the feeling of fullness and euphoric bliss makes your head feel fuzzy and you drop it back against the pillow, a moan escaping your lips.
you see the blushed cheeks of the aussie before you, his hair messy over his forehead now, biting his lip in either concentration or to stave off just fucking you. but he wanted to treat you, wanted to be kind to you, wanted to give you pleasure before anything else. he rests his head against yours, eyes meeting your own and he smiles, warm, fingers moving deeper and at a quicker pace than before.
“you’re getting close aren’t you sweet thing?” he whispers at you and you nod, biting your own lip at this point, toes curling and you’re pulling him closer, needy for his proximity and closeness. “i love you osc, i love you” you say gently, and he looks overjoyed, fingers finding the pace and whispering back thoughts of adoration.
the feeling hits you like a freight train, you whimper out and shake under his touch, and he holds you close to him, hand which rests on your stomach coming up to hold the nape of your neck, letting you roll out your orgasm on his hand, “that’s it, did so well for me baby, so so well, i love you” he ushers to you and smiles sleepily.
“so sweet for me, doing so well”. and you close your eyes once more, head resting on his shoulder.
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k-hotchoisan · 1 month
Hii Sunshine hope you doing well 🫶🏻💗If it’s convenient, can you write one where San is a black cat hybrid, in heat and needy but he is afraid to hurt y/n [my size kink is kicking in] but eventually he gets her ✨help✨??
pretty kitty 🐾
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<san x fem!reader>
San is the prettiest kitty—even when he’s doing his best to hold back during his heat cycle when all he wants to do is to breed you over and over.
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Genres/warnings: smut, pwp, kitty!san is in heat and he’s whiny 😫, size kink, breeding, cream pie, orgasms after orgasms, san just cannot get enough, oral (M receive), soft dom!san, biting, reader and san call each other kitty!
A/N: I’m back?????? and doing this as a little warm-up 😔 life has been overwhelming and my mental health has not been mental healthing unfortunately. I’m presenting this as my apology,, I hope everyone is doing well, and thank you for being patient with me, always <3
Word count: 2.8K
Tag list: @bro-atz @diamond-3 @mcarebearsstuff @choisansplushie @voicesinmyhead-rc @pre1ttyies @hwallazia @songmingisthighs @yeosangiess @interweab @mylovelymito @softwsan @yourlocaljonghoe @itza-meee @ywtf @jeon-ify
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Something is up with Choi San. Your hybrid feline partner has been exhibiting strange behaviours for the past week or so, at least, from what you noticed. Initially, it started with him snuggling against you, which was quite the common behaviour of him, but then you swore you heard him whimper softly from time to time. Then it escalated to him latching his blunt feline teeth against your skin, nibbling and licking you sometimes, leaving marks on your skin in his wake. It would have seemed like his usual behaviour, that is, until he suddenly started pulling away so suddenly, and he would spend most of his time locked away in his room. You wonder if you should interfere, but by then he would come out like nothing happened, wearing the pretty smile he always had before pressing kisses onto your forehead.
Well, you got your answer one night.
San is curled up against you as usual, his head on your chest, his arms wrapped around your waist, his tail swishing on the couch. His ears are perked up, as he tries to concentrate on the program running on the television. 
But he can’t seem to. His eyes are gradually glazing out, his tail slowly pulling straight and his ears are slowly pointing to the front. San shuts his eyes when he feels your fingers brush against his dark locks, then scratching the back of his ears. He takes a shaky breath, biting his tongue in the process as his sensitivity climbs up in levels dangerously quick once more, evident by how much his pants are tightening at his crotch.
You feel your hybrid still and finally look down at San, wondering why he suddenly froze. Then you realise how pink his cheeks are getting.
“Sannie”, you call out. “Are you okay there?” Your hands press against his cheeks, and for a split second, you think he’s running a fever, which shoots panic right into your veins. 
San only whimpers in reply, his ears are downcast, and he presses himself against you, rubbing slightly in any feeble attempt to relieve the discomfort, and his erection makes things slowly click in your head.
“I’m fine,” is all he’s able to mutter before he bites his bottom lip, drawing blood. He attempts to pull away before his dick starts to take over his brain, but your hands force him to stay seated beside you. 
“Sannie”, you call out once more, trying to get the feline to focus. Your eyes dart to his pants, noticing the dark stain that’s beginning to pool on his pants.
“Are you in heat?”
San tries to blink away his tears, his hard cock starting to fucking hurt the more he’s just leaving it like that. He hates this funny feeling, like nothing can satisfy him no matter what he does. It’s not the first time he’s felt this way, and he hates how weird this all feels. San has always tried to be a considerate hybrid, showering you with so much love that he made it his life mission to suffocate you with it ever since you adopted him. He’s tried to suppress his ruts, deciding to take suppressants initially. It works, at least until the pharmacy had run out of stock for the month. Now, all that is flooding in his mind is how he wants you pinned under him, forced to take his cock deep in your pussy, and he’s driving him fucking nuts. He tells himself he can manage it, and he does his best, but fucking his fist can only hold him off for so long. 
And now it’s his limit. 
He knows you would say yes to help him and he detests the idea of hurting you, especially in a crazed frenzy that he’s unable to hold off and all he can think of is just holding you down and fucking you. Hard.
San breaks off eye contact, which is starting to tick you off. Your hands are now cupping his cheeks.
“I can take care of it myself”, San replies, trying to ignore the way his body feels like it’s ignited into flames whenever your touch lingers on him for a little too long. 
“But it’s not working isn’t it?” You counter, which draws a frustrated expression from San. His body is tense, and it’s taking all of his strength to not pin you down and just take you on the couch right there and then. “You know it’s okay to ask me for help right?” 
“I don’t wanna hurt you”, he mutters, his gaze dropping to the seat of the couch. 
“And I know you won’t”, you reply, closing the distance between the both of you. San’s heartbeat quickens at the proximity and your words. He’s so enamored by the fact that you trust him that much, and it’s driving him fucking insane. 
“It’s different when I’m not myself”, San attempts to counter once more, fighting with any remaining rational thought before it gets completely flushed out by his cock. 
“What makes you think I can’t take it?” You ask rhetorically, and that makes San freeze in response. He parts his lips to say something but you cut him off- 
“Come on, Sannie. You know I trust you with my body.” 
He swallows hard, the remainder of his rationale dissipating when you’re already tugging the waistband of his pants, pulling the clothing off as his red and angry cock springs out, wet and thick with slick already. 
It’s the not the first time you’re sucking him off, it’s not the first time San is gonna fuck you, but his cock just seems extra thick when he’s in heat. 
Not that you were complaining. 
Beads of perspiration trickle down San’s temples. He feels like his body is on fire right now—every area of skin your fingertips brush against is making him feel like he’s about to combust. He’s reminding himself to breathe and relax, but his heartbeat is doing otherwise. 
And when he watches you taking his full length into his mouth, he barely holds himself together, the pleasure shooting up his veins when he feels your throat close and squeeze his cock. His hands reach out to the back of your head, and he’s doing his best not to just push you down and make you choke. 
You hear his grunts slowly turn into whines, the way he gently squeezes his thighs against your head, and his toes are curled. 
“T-that’s it. Fuck. Oh fuck! Deeper, deeper. Please”, San cries, unknowingly already pushing your head further down his cock, and he barely registers you gagging. But all you’re feeling is slick lubing your cunt and butterflies in your stomach from the way San is looking so desperate just to get off.  It’s so fucking adorable.
You pull back, listening to the whines from San, watching the way the thick and white fluids bubble from his cock and leak down his shaft, while he watches you pull your shirt over your head, your tits bouncing slightly for his mouth to gape and for his eyes to fuck. You lower yourself back to his pretty dick, giving his shaft kitten licks from the bottom, San’s hands immediately tangling against your hair, pushing you impossibly close to his cock. 
A few more teasing licks later, you finally take his cock in your mouth, your tongue running up and down the thick shaft while you bobbed your head, and San is grasping at any final ounce of sanity he has left. His moans are so desperate and pretty, and you’re soaking in the way he’s so tensed up as you’re pulling his orgasm closer to the surface. His tail is coiled tight against your arm. 
“Cumming. Your mouth feels so fucking good—“, his words being cut off when his mind completely blanks out, washed in white as his cum seeps past your lips when his cock leaves your throat. 
“You’re so fucking pretty when you cum, kitty”, you tease as you wipe your lips with a piece of tissue, not realising your partner is staring down at you with glazed eyes, that he’s barely satiated. 
Before you could process anything, San’s thick arms wrap around your waist, then he fucking heaves you off the couch, and starts walking towards your shared bedroom. 
You fall onto the bed, watching your feline partner’s pupils dilate, his tail now long straight, and his ears completely perked up.
San’s lips aim for yours, his kisses sloppy and desperate, his tongue going scavenging every corner of your mouth before he grazes his fangs against your lips and pulls back. You stare back at him with confusion hinted with a strange sense of eagerness. San doesn’t fuck you during his ruts often, mostly because he opts for the suppressants, but when he does…
He pulls the remainder of your clothes off you, swallowing hard while he fucks you with his eyes, especially at the way your pussy is just dripping for him, glistening with slick under the lights. 
San leans in closer, his body weight pinning you underneath him as his cum stains your pelvic area, “No tapping out now, kitty.”
He doesn’t give you a chance to answer, because he lines his cock up with your cunt and pushes in, making you gasp at how fucking thick he is, even when he just cummed barely minutes before. 
“You gotta relax for me, babe. Fuck. You’re so fucking tight”, he hisses, feeling your cunt stretching to accommodate him. You’re in awe—the switch between being desperate and domineering when San is in heat never ceases to amaze you. But you barely have time to let your thoughts manifest because San has your legs spread wide open for him, his thrusts pushing any wandering thoughts you have out of your head. He’s filling you up so good and full that you see a slight bulge pushing against your lower abdomen. 
“S-San, you’re so fucking thick. Oh my fucking god”, you groan when you feel his cock drag against your plush walls before he plunges himself back in. It’s a tight squeeze for sure, but San isn’t relenting anytime soon, especially when the look of complete pleasure flooding his face is only making you even wetter. His eyes are growing wild. In between fucking, he’d lean in to leave pretty marks all over your neck and chest, uselessly reminding you who you really belonged to. He would whisper that you are so fucking pretty for him, covered in his pretty marks on top of completely ruining your pussy. 
The more his cock hits your sensitive spots, the more your grip on reality slowly loosens, the only things you’re soaking in are the wet sounds of his cock making a pretty mess out of your pussy and the feeling of San so thick and heavy in you that stars start to flicker beneath your eyelids whenever you shut them. 
San pulls back from your body momentarily—his cock still fitted into you—to get a better angle to fuck you in, pushing your knees closer to your chest, giving him the perfect view of your pussy completely drenched in cream and precum. And it gives him more access to hit even deeper parts of your poor cunt.
Your mind grows blank, mostly focus on trying to chase an orgasm that’s bubbling up to the surface. You watch the way San’s pretty ears are twitching, the way he clenched his teeth, his once blunt fangs now sharper the more he grows feral from fucking you. His cheeks that were once dusted pink now are flushed alongside his furrowed eyebrows. His eyes would roll back from the way your cunt squeezes him and it drives him to want to fuck you even more senseless. 
“Sannie—“, you huff, trying to tell him, “I’m cumming. Don’t stop.” San stares down at you, his eyes reflecting adoration mixed with hunger. Your breath hitches when you feel it bubble at the surface—and it feels so fucking heavenly—you jerk slightly with a broken moan, your pussy fluttering while still full with San’s cock stuffed deep inside. Your hands fist the sheets, your thighs shaking, your toes curled from how mind-blowing it feels. 
“So good. Gonna make a mess outta you”, the feline hybrid promises he presses himself against you, forcing you to hear him groan in bliss while warm cum spills and fills you up. He stills for a second or so, before he pulls out slowly, watching the way his cum slowly seeps out of your fluttering hole, and he swallows hard. 
“Need more. Not enough”, San mutters, before he pushes his cock back in, forcing his cum to leak and spill onto your inner thighs. Your eyes are watering, fingernails clawing against San’s arm which he barely registers when he fits his full cock right into you one more time. 
He grunts, voice so low right in your ears, and you can’t help but squeeze around him, on top of feeling overstimulated. 
“W-wait—“, you jump, every nerve in your body still buzzing from your high. San meets your gaze, and you feel goosebumps on your skin when you feel his tail graze against your tummy. 
“Like I said, no tapping out, not until I’ve bred you full”, San reminds you before he shifts positions—settling you on top of him. His hands shifting to squeeze your ass before he guides you to slowly sink onto his cock once more, the both you shakily exhaling, San’s cock twitching in you as he lets you adjust to him. Your cunt is wet and sticky, but he still fills you full all the same, now even deeper since you’re sitting on his dick. 
“So full. Oh god. You’re so deep, Sannie”, you squeal when he presses the bulge on your lower abdomen once more, adding to the pleasure. 
You lift yourself off and slowly bounce off his cock with San’s hands on your ass to guide you, although he is rather impatient with it. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a hug while he’s thrusting right into your cunt over and over, and it makes you tug against his hair and scratch the back of his ears, which pulls out a purr and another thrust up your cunt and a light nibble against your neck. 
“You shouldn’t do that if you don’t want me to ruin your pussy”, San warns you along with a loud slap his palm impacts against your ass. You return his words with a cheeky smile before you bite against his ears gently, and he groans below you, his thrusts increasing in speed and as he fills you up with his cock every two seconds. 
He pulls you down for a messy kiss, his breathing heavy. Then he pulls away, looking up at you, dripping with lust, entranced by how gorgeous his partner looks filled up with his cock. The feeling builds up dangerously in your stomach once more. You glance at San, his eyes are shut, soft grunts leaving his lips, his cock twitching in you once more, he’s at his limit too, it seems.
You tap his arm, and San’s eyes flutter open, staring back at you as his pupils dilate and his ears point forwards. The corner of his lips curl into a smile. 
“Are you gonna cum for me again babe?” 
You nod, biting the bottom of your lip, a broken cry leaving your lips when he pushes his hips upwards into you once more, ripping a moan out of you as white bursts and floods your veins, your cunt convulsing around his cock for the second time, making San hiss. 
As you go down from your high, you interlock your fingers with San’s, keeping eye contact with him. 
“You can let go, Sannie. You’ve been such a good kitty”, you hum, brushing his hair back, not forgetting to scratch the back of his ears, knowing that it drives him fucking nuts as San bares his fangs and bites onto your shoulder, his cock spurting even more white into your spent pussy. His eyes roll back when he pulls away from your shoulder, whines piling on whines when he seems like he’s spilling his cum into you endlessly. 
As the snapped tension slowly dissipates, the both of you are left panting and catching your breaths. You giggle, breaking the short moment of silence, which San cocks an eyebrow, curious at your amusement.
“What are you laughing at, kitty?” He asks. 
You stare at him for a couple of seconds, admiring his face. “Nothing. I was thinking of how pretty you look when you cum, kitty.” 
San pouts at you, his face flushing from the shyness, and his retaliation comes in the form of biting your fingers. He gently lifts you off him, almost forgetting that his cock is still in you for second when he hears you whimper. But what definitely catches his attention is the amount of slick and thick white that trickles out of your pretty pussy, and San has to bite his inner cheek to hold his instincts from going a third round. He carries you to the bathroom, his tail swishing satisfied behind him, thinking about how baths aren’t so bad when you take them with him. 
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