#lord slug
iwatchanime · 5 months
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Goku & Namekians
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distantsonata · 1 year
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crossoverheaven · 1 month
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carla5172007 · 2 months
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The original plan:
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tobiasdrake · 6 days
Do you think (in the continuity where he exists) Lord Slug was one of Frieza's customers? He's the only character we ever see whose actually in the market for planets
That would be a great bit of arc welding.
Slug shows up on Earth wanting to turn the planet into a car but I've always thought they should have gone even harder on the capitalist angle for him and made him a full-blown used planet-car salesman.
Frieza's cornered the market in real estate. Let Slug be an auto dealer. He's already got a process in place for making Planet Cruisers; Why not sell that shit? That could have been his whole business!
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sketchp00ch · 7 months
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“Kitten, do that face Daddy loves so much~ 🥰”
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peridoxikal-redux · 10 months
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Y'all are gonna have to bear with screenshots only for the next week because my laptop is in the shop for repairs.
Buuuuuut since I consider this blog a thingie for all forms of art I make and oc stuff, I don't mind posting these here.
This was just me making gay stuff ngl
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And silly stuff...
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theshadychamp · 1 year
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Goku Vs Lord Slug!
Day 21 of Dragon Ball Madness!
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celtic-romulan · 8 months
So I’m playing the Temporal War missions on Star Trek Online. The main bad guy is this mysterious disfigured “future guy” type of character, manipulating past events to screw up the future. As you finish each mission, Daniels the Temporal Agent from Enterprise becomes more and more disfigured from battle injuries he will sustain in a future fight, while Future Guy’s injuries become less and less. By the time he’s all fixed, it’s revealed that Future Guy is the Krenim NPC Noye from the previous Iconian mission arc.
I had a good laugh because I’ve been watching DBZ Abridged in the meantime, and in the Lord Slug Abridged movie there’s a random scene where the titular character says “Oh god I love this! My skin is so f**king smooth!” after he wishes for eternal youth from Shenlong.
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This was probably what Noye was thinking too as the changes in the timeline undid his injuries.
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diccolopiccolo · 1 year
god, the dub is amazing
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roy-dcm2 · 1 year
Make the DBZ Movies Canon
I've said it before - I love shonen movies because they're just MORE. More time with the characters we love with a bigger animation budget (most of the time).
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Again, imagine being the kid that LOVES Goku in 1997, and you want to see him go all out. Goku only uses SSJ3 twice in the anime, but he uses it 2 more times in the movies. You get 100% more SSJ3 with the movies. (Gear 4th Luffy is in a similar situation)
Also, imagine if fighting was like sex for sayans. How many GOOD fights did Goku have in his adult life? Piccolo, Vegeta, Freezer... maybe Majin Buu? Then it's nothing until Broli, I think.
(What about Cell, or Ginyu or Raditz - If sex ended with you bleeding on the floor, you wouldn't call that a good experience. lol)
But add in the movies and you could count - Jenemba, Android 13, Cooler, Slug... maybe Turles. (Not to mention OG Broly) Plus, all the other ones that were victories for the other characters like Garlik Jr, Bojack, or... Broly. Come to think of it, they were mostly there to make Gohan (or Goten) look good.
(It's almost like they're subs for Goku, when Goku's not around.)
So, here's my ideas on what you could do with the movie villains to add them to the canon in some capacity. Some would be big changes, and other tiny changes.
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One big change up would be starting with Dr. Wheelo. Make him the LAST Dragonball villain. The set up is that he wants to be the World's Strongest. He should try to clash with Goku and his friends like 1 year after Goku became tournament champion. Because he's completely out of his debts as a DBZ villain, but he's just tough enough to give Goku + Tien, Yamcha, & Krillin a challenge. And Toei could just RETCON him in say that it happened. (Maybe make a TV special to show it.)
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Next guy you gotta keep is Obviously Garlic Junior. He would make a great re-occuring villain for Gohan. Obviously, Dead Zone slots in pretty much unchanged into the anime right now. It's just a matter of who-meets-who when with Gohan/ Krillin/ Kami. I'd LOVE to see GJ capture Videl, or Pan, and he embues them with evil Energy and Gohan has to fight them but also save them.
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Turles would require a major overhaul. The concept of the Tree of Might is AWESOME, but the fact that he's a random doppelganger of Goku REALLY stands out. Maybe we could change him to look like Raditz, and what I would do with him is I would actually put him in Universe 7.
This would be a NEW movie where Turles is attacking planet Salad. He hates that the Sayans are good guys in Universe 7, and so he's gonna use the Tree of Might destroy the planet, kill the vast majority of Saiyans, and he's gonna eat the fruit of might to power up. And... what if since he's ESSENTIALLY absorbing a bunch of different Ki, he triggers the Super Sayan God transformation in himself. Of course, it means Kale, Califla, Cabba, and like Goten / Trunks have to save the day.
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Here's another great one. Lord Slug. I think they need to give him the Broly treatment. He needs a canon movie in Super. And he's def gonna be an interesting threat because now he can also borrow the new "orange" transformation. And this time, Goku needs Ultra Instinct to take him down.
They could also make him like an Evil Wizard. He's not just terraforming the Earth, now he wants to open up Earth's demon realm to unleash chaos because he feeds off of demon energy. That would also be an excuse to sideline Vegeta.
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Meanwhile, Cooler only needs to be reconned into those two years where they were training to fight the Androids.
And then Metal Cooler can return after Majin Buu. In this new version, both Goku and Vegeta can go SSJ2, and Goku can say SSJ3 just burns too much ki.
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A weird one would be Super Android 13. I think he works as a Terminator homage. (Like 3 robots just show up at a mall wanting to kill Goku) But there's NO WAY to make him work. There's no space where we can keep Goku, Vegeta, Trunks around. So i'd place him somewhere else...
The only place where he would make sense is in "The Great Saiyaman" Saga. Ya know, after the timeskip, but before the Buu Saga starts. So, it would be Teen Gohan, Goten, and Trunks (and Vegeta / Piccolo) taking him on. With Gohan going SSJ2 for the win.
(That would be great since Broly 2 is definitely on a dead timeline.)
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Obviously, Bojack slots in almost completely unchanged. This is after Cell is dead. There's nothing stopping Toriyama/ Toyotaro/ Toei from saying it happened. Another WIN for Gohan.
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BTW, they could also redo "Bio-Broly" and instead of being a clone of Broly, it could be a clone of Bojack. (Bio-Bojack)
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Jenemba is a weird one. A big draw of the movie is seeing Goku and Vegeta have to do the Fusion. That means we'd have to add him to what is now the end of the "timeline" after the canon Broly (/SH) movie. This does mean that neither Goku or Vegeta are dead, but that doesn't matter much.
They could start off by letting the dead warriors like Pikkon and Olibu fight. (Or maybe a team of villains taking on Jenemba for time off their sentence or reincarnation, like Cell or Bojack.)
Then Jenemba reaches his final form and the path to the living world opens up, and we get the chance for Gogeta to win the day.
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Finally, there's Hirudegarn. Again, he slots in without a problem after Majin Buu.
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But really finally, there's one more antagonist that needs to be added to the official Canon and that is "Baby." What makes him great is the body-snatcher/ body horror aspect. He's a synthetic alien parasite.
They could change him up a little bit. So that he's not made by the Truffles, and instead he's made by the Cerealians. He was a bioweapon they weren't able to implement before they were wiped out.
It's main plan is to destroy Freezer and his empire. So, Baby starts in space until someone like Jacco accidentally takes it to Earth. It be best to make it TWO movies. One where Baby takes over, and then a last desperate band that has to take on Baby Vegeta with Ultra Ego.
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distantsonata · 1 year
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animefastfood · 1 year
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McDonald's? Sloppy? from Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiyan Son Goku (Lord Slug) (1991)
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carla5172007 · 1 month
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I have been thinking about this it does fits him does he?
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tobiasdrake · 3 hours
Kaioken strikes me as something that was done quite differently in the anime versus the manga, with the former going for a risky flash of power, and the later going full blown transformation, as well as insisting on stacking it with Super Saiyan forms in ways that end up ammounting to nothing...
Funnily enough, Toei doesn't get as much opportunity to play around with Kaio-ken as they might have liked. Goku uses it pretty extensively in the fights he's in between Nappa and Frieza, so they don't get much chance to bring it back in for a Playing the Hits moment.
Within the anime itself, I think that one punch he threw with Super Kaio-ken against Paikuhan is the only time he ever does one outside of the manga's rails.
Though they do get to have fun with it in the movies. World's Strongest, Tree of Might, and Lord Slug all see Goku fire up the Kaio-ken, though rarely with the degree of skill he brought to its mastery in the technique's later life.
You can really see the difference between Toriyama and Toei's creative philosophies with the Kaio-ken there, between Namek and Slug.
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In his training on the way to Namek, Goku focused on hardening his body to resist the Kaio-ken's effects and learning to fire it on a hair trigger.
The basic Kaio-ken is still the only form of the technique that can comfortably be sustained for a long stretch of fighting. However, that no longer matters, because he's cultivated a new way of using it that allows him to reach greater heights.
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Goku already gave us a glimpse of what that looks like when he fought the Ginyus, using regular strength and ki suppression.
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This is different from when a suppressed character would suddenly release their ki and then the Scouter goes "FUCK NO" right in the PTO member's face. Goku arrived with 5k BP. And then he defeated Recoome with 5k BP. At no point until Ginyu arrives does he ever stop having 5k BP, and then only at Ginyu's request to see his full strength.
Burter and Jeice assume this was a fluke accident because that's the sort of conclusion you draw when you're so reliant on Scouter readouts. They saw Goku take Recoome down with their own eyes BUT THE SCOUTER SAYS
But Vegeta catches onto exactly how Goku is doing this.
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Goku's ki flares up in the moment he strikes and then drops back down to conserve energy. He's flickering his ki suppression so fast that the Scouter doesn't even have time to register the change.
This is not the Kaio-ken. Uh. Probably. We'll never know when he uses Kaio-ken again. But whether he was using the technique or not, he was showing us what "bursts" look like.
Every second spent in Kaio-ken when not needed is wasted stamina and durability. So he taught himself how not to waste it. Consequently, Goku can sustain a multiplier of x10 by flaring it just like this, which he does throughout the Frieza battle, without ever showing it.
It's a surprise reveal that Goku's already using KKx10 because his flickering of the technique has prevented it from being noticeable. Except to Kaio.
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These guys aren't present for the fight and are just spitballing ideas. Yamcha grasped at the "What about Goku's weighted gear?" straw a moment ago.
But the omniscient perspective of the audience is present, and we've seen what Goku looks like fighting. There's been no big dramatic shout of "KAIO-KEN TIMES ABOOBUHBLOO!" He has a battle aura at times, but that by itself isn't enough to indicate Kaio-ken.
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And yet this is probably Goku x10 getting kicked in the face.
This reveal took Toei by surprise as much as it did the audience. "Wait, was this Kaio-ken?" is a much easier thing to sell in the black and white color scheme of the manga. The one guy who said Goku hasn't been using Kaio-ken isn't present to watch the fight, so it's entirely possible that he's been visibly flaring red with every burst.
Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin never get tripped up by this the way Ten does. And, y'know, they sense ki so they're probably feeling each flareup.
The halcyon days of Goku roaring with Kaio-ken and suddenly burning with its power are gone; He's beyond it. He's internalized KKx10 as a natural part of his motions, like moving his wrist in a certain way when throwing a punch.
Except when he panics and goes to x20 out of pure desperation.
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A tragic and costly mistake that, much like with Vegeta, leaves Goku extremely vulnerable and unable to continue defending himself.
It's hard to say what Goku should or should not do, as Frieza truly is an incomprehensible menace. He's exactly what Kaio warned about when he freaked out on Goku about "ABSOLUTELY NOT! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES! DO NOT FUCK WITH FRIEZA!"
But he probably shouldn't have done that. Goku actually managed to do some damage to Frieza with that, to be sure.
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We see Frieza scuffed and bleeding. But he blew out his body doing it.
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Much like with KKx4 against Vegeta, KKx20 hit Goku a lot harder than it did Frieza. He probably would have been better off keeping to the KKx10 bursts.
And then we have Lord Slug. The movie that tried to steal the thunder of Goku's Super Saiyan transformation by hitting theaters right before Goku's transformation in the manga and having him go Super Saiyan first. Or. Uh. Trying to, at least.
This is all very complicated and intricate, and conveys a technique that's simple in nature and yet complex to master. Goku has pushed the Kaio-ken far beyond what even its creator ever imagined, because that's what Goku does. He is a martial arts master.
This is the sort of stuff you think about when you're writing for Goku as a writer.
Toei or, more specifically, the people making the anime, don't think about the story like writers, however. They think about it like animators. Because they're animators. Their job is to animate. This is where a lot of the disconnection between manga and anime comes from, as Toei tends to pay more attention to what will be cool to animate over narrative consistency or storytelling.
The movie Lord Slug also pushes the Kaio-ken to new heights with. Um.
Whatever this is.
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Piccolo gives Goku his ki, and Goku flares up into the Kaio-ken.
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And then Goku's KK aura burns with the fiery visages of Goku and Piccolo himself working together as bros.
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Which makes him vastly more powerful. Originally, this was intended to be Kaio-ken x100 and in fact you still see that number passed around in supplementals and shit. It's in the Japanese trailer for the film but they took it out of the official release.
And then Goku hits Slug really super hard with the power of the ultimate Kaio-ken for a Piccolo-Daimao Playing the Hits moment.
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It looks super cool, was probably a ton of fun to animate, and works perfectly with no drawbacks of any kind.
But it's also. Y'know. Kinda dumb, with no explanation given for why Piccolo's ki suddenly allows Goku to hit KKx100.
Which may be why they took Goku shouting "x100!" out of the official release, but then we're left with the basic Kaio-ken one-shotting Slug, when before he got serious he was merely being pressured by the Super Saiyan Kinda. Goku needs the x100 multiplier for this moment to work. But also. That's ridiculous.
Looks fucking cool, though. Great animation, Toei.
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