#lots of platonic today and hell yeah for that!!
autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
fic rec friday 32
welcome to the thirty-second fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. A Dragon’s Treasure by @wittyy-name
As heir to the kingdom, Lance always thought he knew exactly what life had in store for him. That is, until a dragon kidnaps him at the age of sixteen. Suddenly his life is a lot less parties, lessons, and castles, and a hell of a lot more barren mountains, grumpy dragons, and boredom. From heir to prize, in just one night.
So now he’s stuck living in a cave with an adolescent, grumpy dragon who doesn’t seem to want him there but still won’t let him go. Not to mention his annoying habit of defeating every suitor who tries to come rescue Lance.
As much as he hates to admit it, he’s probably going to be here for a while. So he might as well settle in and get to know this dragon named Keith.
i accidentally lied last week this one is the last one from my rereadables collection. and for good reason!! dragon beauty and the beast tbh. and wittyy-name ALWAYS nails the complicated i-love-you-and-feel-trapped-by-you, complicated relationships kind of thing. and i fckn love it so so much 
2. Needle and Thread by VulpesVulpes713
Based on the prompt "kisses meant to distract the other person from whatever they were intently doing ". Keith tries to fix a tear in his jacket. Lance just wants some attention. The end result? Feelings.
this one is so cute they are so in love u know?? they just like to be around each other. always a fun read. vulpes is very good at klance with a crush on each other regardless of whether they’re already dating lol
3. Plans Are Overrated, Anyway by @chyeahlex16
"Lance, I-" "I know, I know," Lance said as he bustled around his nearly bare bedroom, tossing shirts out of drawers and pictures off of walls into his open suitcase on his bed. "I totally procrastinated till the last minute, just like you said! I don't need to hear the 'I told you so,' a little help packing would be nice!" "Lance-" "I bet you're already packed," he went on, oblivious to his best friend anxiously shifting in his doorway in frustration and anxiety. "Man, I can't wait until we get there-" "Lance! I have something to tell you!" Lance blinked, stilling his movements. He'd never seen his best friend so... guilty and anxious before. His brows pulled together in concern. "What's up, buddy?" "I'm not going to the Garrison with you." ~ In which I project onto Lance about things that I'm currently going through because I need to vent lol
HUNK AND LANCE HUNK AND LANCE HUNK AND LANCE. we do NOT have enough of it in this here fandom, ESPECIALLY prekerb, early relationship, and what a shame! i have always loved this fic’s exploration of their relationship and the ways they had to learn to grow into themselves, the starts and explanations for the way they were when we saw them. i love them
4. With These Hands by @azapofinspiration
Despite all the trouble they'd been through, Hunk figured everything had turned out all right. After all, he and Lance had managed to return to the castle!
Then Hunk sees the bruises and knows that things are not as good as he thought.
bro a-zap has always KILLED early season dynamics and their missing moments series is everything!! ive always needs three hundred percent more context on the mermaid episode and this fic provides not only that but also some excellent hunk & lance moments, with hurt/comfort that isnt imbalanced or infantilizing on either paladin’s part which is a low bar but awesome anyway 
5. Not As Clueless by @azapofinspiration
Pidge had always thought it was strange that despite being quite observant, Lance had completely missed the fact that she was a girl. However, it seems that that wasn’t really the case.
from the same series i just mentioned! lance IS observant, thank you very much, and i loved this take and interpretation. as much as lance does have a tendency to be dense about things, he also tends to be very observant bc hes a walking dichotomy. he notices things but his conclusions are often different than what others would make, and this entire concept is nailed in like 1.5k words
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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hells-wasabii · 3 months
How would each of the Hell characters(Hotel group, Lucifer, Overlords, Vees) do while cooking entirely on their own? Can be platonic or romantic, whichever you want
A/N: So I know I said 2, but the other one isn’t ready yet I’m still writing it. It’s gonna be pretty big too since it’s that velvette part 2. But I had to get my cat spayed today so I’ve been super busy all day keeping her out of trouble and from hurting herself :/ but anywho, enjoy!
Characters: All that I write for
Type: Hesdcanons (hazbin cast cooking headcanons)
With Charlie, I’m a little torn. On the one hand, she’s a princess, so cooking would likely be more of a novelty considering she likely had staff to do it for her. But this is Charlie we’re talking about. She would go out of her way to learn how to cook. Wouldn’t give up either, not until she could do it on her own. I would imagine that she started learning from Vaggie and reading cookbooks.
When it comes to Vaggie, she can cook some, but she’s definitely super humble about it, brushing off any compliments because it’s ‘just food’. If the issue is pressed I can see her getting a little embarrassed about it. It’s mostly dishes that she had been taught while she was growing up, along with basic dishes that don’t necessarily require a honed skill to make.
Angel can cook, though he doesn’t exactly put much effort into it. I can definitely see him just throwing something together so he can eat and move on with whatever else he has going. Baking is a different story. I can really imagine while he was growing up he would sneak his way into the kitchen while his mother and Molly were baking. He picked it up pretty easily. And as someone who enjoys baking let me just say that his extra set of arms would be so helpful.
Husk was an entertainer in life, growing up in a casino, learning the trades in the house. That also includes the kitchens. Sure he likely didn’t spend a whole lot of time there but he still picked up a thing or two. So he’d be able to hold his own fairly well when it comes to making a homecooked meal.
While it’s canon that the radio demon can cook, I feel like he specifically likes to cook recipes his mother left behind. Cooking recipes from his youth reminds him of joining his mother in the kitchen whipping something up for lunch and helping her prep for dinner. He’s not all that adventurous in the kitchen, though. He likes to stick with what he knows and what he grew up with.
Having died in the 50s as a young housewife, I genuinely believe that she at least knows some fad recipes, like those salads and casserole recipes. Jello molds too. But that’s not to say that she wouldn’t know some basic stuff. I can definitely see Niffty being the type to try to create whole new recipes with varying, mostly horrifying results.
Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious is a genius, there’s no doubt about that, but the man can’t cook. At all. He’d burn water honestly. But baking? Oh yeah, he can bake with out a doubt(but not necessarily the decorating part), it’s basically science, but not cook. He’d quite honestly have the Egg Bois help, but let’s be honest here, that’d be a disaster too.
Cherri Bomb
I’ll admit, I wasn’t to sure about Cherri. She just doesn’t seem like the type to cook. Nah. Cherri is the queen of takeout. She can boil water but that’s really about it. Honestly, she’s only really a couple of steps above Sir Pentious, but she can’t bake either. Sometimes though, before Angel went off to the hotel, she would go out and buy ingredients and stuff and go to his apartment and they (he) would make something.
This man absolutely can cook, and he’s pretty damn good at it too. Considering he’s the television demon, he’s going to have several cooking shows. Hell, he even stars in a couple of them. That being said, he’s not one to do things half-assed. Sure, a lot of cooking shows have stuff that was prepared beforehand, but with Vox’s he goes out of his way to actually make the dishes in real time.
I stand by my headcanons from my Valentino posts. He can cook, but it’s honestly a solid 50-50 on whether or not it’s burnt or edible. He’s pretty easily distracted, whether it’s a phone call or something else entirely, so if it's a dish that you have to pay close attention to, it’s likely to not turn out right.
Velvette can do some light cooking, but nothing too extravagant. She’s got more important things to do, such as keeping Vox and Valentino on track. With a schedule as busy as hers, I don’t think she would cook often, preferring either Vox’s cooking or takeout. Oh but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t take a picture and post it, because it’s Velvette, of course she does. Oh! But She’s probably been on Vox’s show as some sort of celeb guest type deal, the dish they made definitely stuck with her, so she might make it from time to time.
Considering how long Zestial has been around, I would be more surprised if he couldn’t cook. You can’t convince me that after a while he at one point went through hobbies like a revolving door. Cooking absolutely would have been one of them. This man would absolutely try making the craziest things. He’d be up to date on all of the cooking fads, know recipes and cooking methods from several time periods and cultures. With him, there’s no telling what he might cook up next.
While I don’t think that she would really set aside time to cook often, she’s pretty skilled in the kitchen. Carmilla would likely have a couple of nights out of the month set aside to cook a meal with/for her and the girls, a tradition that carried on from their life before hell. She’d even take the opportunity to try new things while cooking.
Oh, Rosie can absolutely cook, it’s canon that its a hobby of hers. She’s very well versed in a multitude of cooking methods, and while she may not entirely like a whole lot of new-age gadgets in the kitchen, she can’t really deny the fact that they can be quite useful. I’m willing to bet that she would have an Instapot (they’re great I have two and one of them has an air fryer attachment)
Adam would never openly admit it, but he knows how to cook. He was the first man, he would have had to learn eventually, even if it was something as simple as preparing meats. That being said, he can grill. I’d be willing to bet that he’d host a little barbeque after the annual exterminations for the exorcists, maybe even enter into grilling competitions.
Lute’s honestly a bit of a wildcard when it comes to cooking. She might have been able to cook while she had been alive, but nowadays not so much. It had been a long time since she actively made anything, so she’d be pretty rusty. But other than the basics, I don’t really see her being able to be too creative in terms of cooking either. She’d honestly probably stick to what she knows and wouldn’t stray too far away from that.
I don’t necessarily think that seraphim would really need to eat, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t or don’t. In Emily’s case, I would imagine it as a scenario where she wanted to do something to get closer to humanity. They were her charge after all, or rather their state of happiness. But all humans eat and many find joy in doing so and even in the act of cooking, so she absolutely would be thrilled to learn! She’s getting better at it by the day.
Sera had likely done the same as Emily when she was a young angel, though I don’t see her sticking with it. I definitely think that she taught Emily to start her on her little culinary journey. She can cook, she just… doesn’t. I’d even go as far as to say it’s been centuries since she’s actually cooked a meal of any kind. That being said, if she were to jump into the kitchen nowadays, she probably wouldn’t have a very easy time finding her way around.
Lucifer is a man of many talents. He can absolutely cook, possibly even Michelin level, he just chooses not to. He likely just considers it a novelty of sorts, considering he has the power to simply poof food right in front of him. Honestly, it’s pretty helpful whenever he’s depressed and doesn’t feel like making anything. But, when it comes to his family and friends, he’s more than happy to whip something up.
Another one who would likely consider cooking to be a novelty. Considering how she’s the second most powerful being in hell, and fiercely independent with more important things to worry about. Lilith wouldn’t concern herself with cooking unless it was with her family, and even then it likely didn’t happen that often after Charlie grew up.
Alastor Cat
Would wind up burning what ever building its in down. Was it intentional? Was it an accident? The world may never know
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eveninggstar · 6 months
First Tattoo
Summary: Jake, your boyfriend, surprises you in a video to get your first ever tattoo.
Warnings: y/n used twice (sorry), horrible tattoo terminology, needles(?), fluff, no kissing(sorry ;( ), reader intended to be female
A/N l: Why is there barely any jake ff anywhere, like i even looked on wattpad. So enjoy, this could also be seen as a platonic thing ig between reader and jake except the end enjoy :)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“Please excuse my appearance,” Jake gestured to himself as he looked at the dashboard with the camera on top, with his arm draped over the wheel. “i didn’t have long, but that fine.” his voice went up as he put his hands out in an act of faux desperation.
The camera cut to him shaking a hand through his hair, attempting to style it. He paused and went to kiss the camera, then snapped out of it. “Sorry, sorry.” He put his hands up in surrender.
“Anyways,” he clapped his hands together. “Today, i’m getting a new tattoo and my girlfriend is getting one too. And y/n.” he giggled with his lips shut as he put a hand in front. “They’re actually taking forever, what the hell.” he leant forwards to look out the window for you and Johnnie. With the lack of the two of you, he sighed into the camera and lifted it and quickly left his car.
“Honestlay, mama bear ain’t happay with theyse two rascals.” He spoke in a southern accent and he walked back into the house. He walked into the house, hearing heavy footsteps and yelling. He made a scared confused face that slowly moulded into a smile.
“Johnnie! What do i wear?” You were yelling at the door of Johnnie’s room jumping up and down.
“I don’t know! Pink? You like pink!” Johnnie yelled back and joined you in jumping up and down. You two were smiling as you just continued to jump, you still in pyjamas and Johnnie with only one eye with his makeup finished.
“Guys!” Jake pointed a camera at you and Johnnie, both of you stop bouncing as slowly turned towards the camera.
“Ew! No, i’m not wearing makeup!” You ran off into your room with your hand covering your face and the other holding onto your messy bun.
Jake tilted the camera away from you as you ran into your room and focussed it on Johnnie. Johnnie just had a thousand mile stare as he slowly shut his bedroom door. Jake put himself back into frame and started singing, “Alone again~,”
The video cut to the three of you, ready, in Jake’s car. You had ultimately decided to wear a pink love heart halter neck top, clashing with both Jake and Johnnie’s outfits’ but in a cute way.
“What are we even doing?” You asked as you leant forwards through the front seats.
“Yeah, you kinda just woke me up this morning and started vigorously shaking me.” Johnnie looked at Jake then looked back to the camera.
“We’re getting tattoos!” Jake exclaimed into the camera accompanied with a wide, open mouthed smile and ‘happy hands’ in front of him. Johnnie reciprocated Jake’s ecstatic energy and you just looked scared at the camera.
“Wait, are you serious?” you looked pleadingly at Jake, terrified of the fact if you were actually getting a tattoo. He turned to look at you in the back seat, smiling and nodding.
The video cut to the three of you outside the tattoo parlour that Jake and Johnnie frequented a lot. Jake had sweet talked his way into you getting a tattoo, as usual. He had said it didn’t need to be big, a singular dot if you really wanted. You said to him that you would only get one if he got a matching one, wanting it to have a form of sentimental value.
“So, who’s going first?” Jake asked, both him and Johnnie turned to look at you. “The votes are in, y/n will go first.”
“Hold my hand during it?” you gave up on protesting, knowing Jake will just talk you out of it.
“Of course!” he smiled and pulled an arm around your shoulders as you walked into the parlour.
(i have no idea how tattoos work so just bare with please :) )
Sitting on the tattoo bench(?) you explained what you had wanted to the tattoo artist, just a simple red outline of a small heart on your hip. The camera was positioned over your head to see the expressions you were about to express. Jake was at your side with both hands wrapped tightly against one of yours, whilst Johnnie was looking at what to get for himself.
“Okay, i’m going to do a quick zap just so you can feel what it will feel like.” The woman explained sweetly to you, obviously seeing your frightened expression. “If you want a break at any point, just say and i’ll pull the gun off,” she looked into your eyes as you nodded, “Would you like me to count down?”
“Yes please,” you smiled at her consideration. You closed your eyes and waited for the fateful number one and the inevitable pain that would accompany it. Your face was scrunched up and you had a tight hold on Jake’s hands’.
When she said one, all you felt were a couple of deep scratches. The pain was there, but it was bearable. You face loosened up, still accompanied by the occasional hiss, as she did your simple tattoo. Then, she was done.
You had reciprocated the kindness and warmth that he had given you, when he was getting the actual tattoo he came in for that was by far more detailed than the small heart the both of you got. By the end, you were feeling good about the tattoo and that Jake had the idea of getting one.
The video cut for the final time, showing the three of you again in the same seating arrangement a couple hours prior. “So,” Jake said whilst clapping his hands once, “How do we like the tattoos?”
“Omg, i love mine! Im definitely getting more.” You smiled into the camera, having a definite change in your attitude towards getting a tattoo. As Jake looked back at you practically buzzing out of your seat as you explained more that you wanted to get, he had a fond smile on his face.
997 words
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gloryy-vs · 1 year
hii! can i request a neteyam x metkayina!reader where she’s really quiet/shy (being closer to kiri and tuk) and doesn’t think he notices her a lot, but neteyam is actually very attentive of her and one day he confesses about this in a maybe fluffy/personal moment? i’m sorry if this sounds confusing and thank you in advance. <3
Those Ocean Eyes
|| AS YOU WISH. sorry if it isn’t as good but again, NOT PROOF READ i’m a lil lazy and just woke up
characters: neteyam x metkayina!reader
ratings: SFW , fluffy soft shit , aonung being a butt , neteyam being protective , reader bein all timid 🤭
Kiri dipped into the water first, playing around with the sea creatures and Tuk was around collecting shells. Sitting down in the sand, Neteyam and Lo’ak sat on the beach rock next to you and their sisters. You made small drawings in the sand, glancing over to Neteyam occasionally who seemed to be engrossed in Lo’ak talking about his Tulkun.
Each time you looked away, Neteyam glanced at you. Still paying attention to his younger brother talking about his adventures today. You frowned in annoyance, seeing Rotxo and Aonung heading towards you and the Sully’s smugly. Before you knew it, Lo’ak dropped down first much to Neteyams dislike. You kept still, hoping it wouldn’t turn into a fight again, while Aonung was already picking on Lo’ak for his ‘demon blood’. They both tarted pushing each other around, Aonung being right in front of you and honestly he was losing. He kept getting pushed into you, while you struggled getting up in the sand that kept fighting against you. Guess like you were losing too.
Neteyam scowled, dropping down from the rock and hoisting you up carefully, pushing you behind him. “Ay, Skxawngs. Watch where the hell you’re fighting. You could’ve crushed her.” He said with a booming voice. Dusting you off and holding your shoulder protectively. Aonung huffed a small laugh, turning around to say some more bullshit, “If you like her just say that forest boy, she’ll never wanna be your mate anyway-“
Neteyam pushed him back with a strong force, and Aonung tumbled back. Holding his arm out to stop Rotxo. “I said leave, now bro.” Neteyam said before pushing them off into the opposite direction again. You were embarrassed at the mention of you in the conversation. Yet you failed to notice how upset Neteyam got, his breathing growing quick and heavy with annoyance. “You alright?” He asked you, patting the side of your head. You nodded quickly, “Yeah, yeah. It’s nothing i’m not used to around those morons.” You took the first step back, feeling like your heart would explode if you stayed. Tuk came back, along with Kiri. Both of them were ragging you away. reading to make their necklaces with all the shells they ended up finding. You wanted to speak to Neteyam more, but he was already turned around to scold Lo’ak gently.
You weaved through the shells intricately, do sucking on each pattern you tried to make. Big shell, medium shell, tiny shells. You hoped Neteyam would find the necklace flattering, and would appreciate it. The salty wind came through, nearly blowing away your vines and leaves. Before you could react s blue hand pressed them down before picking them up and plopping down next to you in the sand.
It was Neteyam. “Ay, that necklace for me?” He said teasingly, his thigh pressing against you. It was like he had no sense of personal space, not that you minded but you thought it was cute.
“Actually it is, it was supposed to be a surprise.” You laid the necklace into the sand, slowly lowering your hands. Neteyam did the same with all the materials, digging up a place to safely put your hard earned vines. Your bright teal eyes met his gold ones, and he smiled, it could show in his eyes too. Your thoughts kept getting louder, yearning for his affection more and more. Even though you were so timid and shy, you were sure his affection could only be platonic, you were always to yourself, or with his little sisters. Introverted like Kiri was, but as playful as Tuk when it came to the right people.
You dropped your hands into your lap. Holding your breath.
“I need to tell you something,”
“I need to tell you something.”
You both laughed, his teeth showing a lot from the coincidence. “Alright, me first.” He said eagerly, not even waiting for a retort. Neteyams body turned to face yours more, the ocean just barely touching the two of you.
Before he started he noticed the glisten in your eyes, how pretty they looked when the sun was setting. “You’re a gentle girl. There’s this soft light about you, always so caring. Helping us learn the ways of the water people, even though you’re so shy, you were the first to talk to me.” Neteyam placed his hand onto your thigh, reassuringly. His heart was beating as fast as yours.
“I see you. I really do. Everything about you. Even those pretty ocean eyes.” He said, leaning in a little.
Your heart almost dropped to your ass, mouth slightly agape from the compliments he showered you with. He noticed your sincerity, and even admitted to loving the shy and introverted bits. You took his hand, crawling into his arms and he welcomed you eagerly. “I’ve never had someone say that. I was drawn to you the moment I saw you Neteyam.” The moment was very heartfelt, both of you pouring your emotions out just from the tight embrace. “I…see you too, Neteyam. I always did.” He held you tighter, a warm feeling washing over him as the waves engulfed you to up to the waist. Neither of you minded, as you both laid in the sand, holding onto each other.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
It's the hottest day of summer, and the air conditioner in Family Video is broken. Steve and Robin have their cheeks pressed to the counter.
"Robin, I'm feeling a bit girly today. Can I borrow your gender?" Steve muttered.
"Only if I can borrow yours," Robin muttered sleepily.
"Do you guys do this a lot?" Eddie asked in amusement.
"Sometimes," Steve replied.
"I fucking love you guys," Eddie snorted. "I'm going to make you guys special pins."
"Hey, Eddie?" Steve asked.
"Are you a hallucination?" Steve asked.
"Then why, in God's name, are you STILL WEARING SO MANY LAYERS?!" Robin shrieked.
Steve and Robin had shredded their clothing to the point that they no longer looked presentable. They had turned their pants into shorts, lost their tops, and buttoned up their work vests so they weren't flashing everyone. It's not like there was anyone to flash. Meanwhile, Eddie was wearing his usual crazy amount of clothing.
"Yeah, you're making me hot," Steve muttered.
"Oh, I am?"
"Steve," Robin whined. "Lift my arm and hit him with my hand."
"I would if I could lift my own hand," Steve sighed. "I can't breathe."
The door opened, and Keith walked in.
"What the hell are you guys still here for?" Keith asked.
"Huh?" They asked, peeling their cheeks off the counter.
"I told you guys that since the air conditioner was broken that you didn't need to be here. No one is coming in due to the heatwave anyway. I did tell you, didn't I?" Keith asked.
Eddie followed them back to Steve’s house and watched in amusement as they headed straight for the pool, stripping off their vests.
"I'm going to beat you there, Rob Harrington!"
"Not if I beat you first, Stephanie Buckley!"
"You guys switch last names, too?" Eddie asked in amusement.
"Duh!" They exclaimed as they threw themselves into the pool.
Rob spat water out of his mouth like he was a fountain. Meanwhile, Stephanie was wagging her eyebrows at Eddie, begging him to join her. Eddie shrugged before stripping down to his underwear and jumped into the pool. He was grateful they let him get a glimpse of their wonderfully weird platonic relationship. As he gazed at Stephanie through the haze of romantic interest (yeah, definitely romantic), he hoped they would let him stay.
"Hey, asshole! If you want to lust after my best friend, her tits are down there!"
Eddie glared. If it hadn't been for the heat that got to them, Eddie definitely would have disposed of Rob. Plus, Stephanie wouldn't have approved.
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blingblong55 · 11 months
Strengths- COD men (just a few)
Tumblr media
GRIM X COD men ^
Based on a request:
Hey! I was wondering if you could write about the cod boys with a short reader (around 5 ft/153cm) that is strong. Like they get annoyed or something because the boys are teasing them because of their height, and the reader suddenly just lifts them, or something completely, surprising them. I love your writings. It's one of my favorites on here &lt;3
A/N: I just want to say, thank you! means a lot that people do like what I write<3, all my love to you anon
(doing my favourite cod men...4 but it's some at least)
GN!Reader, platonic!relationship
You are known as the smallest in your team, always getting teased for how tall you are. You, of course, have gotten so used to this kind of banter between the team and you, it was hard at the start not to shut them up, but it became bearable. One time, as usual, they kept their little jokes running, that day was just an exhausting day for you. So, of course, they struck a nerve easily. 
"Mate, yer so tiny it's adorable" he laughs. And that's his first mistake, the word adorable had been said before, but seriously, out of all days today he had to call you that? "Tiny like a bunny, ye a're." Now he was just fucking with you. So many times you told him to never call you bunny and there he was, with that stupid nickname. Your dad had called you that when he belittled you, so not that fucking annoying nickname had a shit meaning to it. 
You and he were in the common room, watching so shit show on the small screen. "Shut up, Johnny." you warned. "and what will ya' do, bunny?" a smug smirk on him that would soon be wiped off. You stand up and lift him, carrying him out of the common room. His first reaction was: eyes widened, definitely looked around to see if anyone can see what the hell the small little soldier is doing. "Put me down, Grim." his voice now stern. "Yeah, no..." You carried him out until he was let down right outside the door. "Come back when you are fuckin' done dissing my height." He sits there, confused and lost, how can such a little thing carry and man his weight? That would for sure be brought up during the next meeting.
He isn't one for jokes, always so quiet and collected with you. No reason behind it, but that is how it was. "hey kiddo, I need you to help me with something." He never calls anyone kiddo, just you, and last week you found out it was because of your height. So, now that you are all moody and exhausted, this nickname got to you. You sat there, pretending you hadn't heard him at all. "Kid?... Grim, c'mon I need your help." He may be your lieutenant but today you won't listen, not until he finds a better nickname. 
He is a stubborn man, so he sits on the sofa in the common room and knows you hate the smell of cigarettes so he smokes one in front of you. You sit there, staring at him while he smokes. "Not moving until you come with me." You roll your eyes and stand up, right when he is about to think he won that little tantrum, you lift him, "Better hold on or I will drop you." He stays still, afraid someone your height and weight will give up on you. His cheeks were a little red, not expecting this at all and to be honest he is very embarrassed at this moment. 
He loves to annoy you, always has and always will. It's in him to bother you about your height and you bother him by calling him German and playing the German national anthem. But right now, when all you want to do is lay in your bed alone and cuddle your pillow, he is sitting on the edge of the bed. Trying to get a rise out of you. "Grim, Grim, Grim...Griiimmmm" You try your best to be the adult in this situation but fucks sakes are this man so annoying at times. You look up at the ceiling, trying to cancel his voice out. "Seb, fucking leave"
"not a chance little thing.." Stupid Austrians, you think. You get up from your bed and push him off. Whenever he and you sparred you could never push him away from you, he is a strong man after all. He laughed so hard and was also a bit scared, such weak little thing you were and you pushed a man his weight and size of your bed with no effort. "Mein Gott, r/n," he said in between laughs. This man will never take anything seriously, that is now clear.
He always was around you, only to annoy you that is. He and you had grown close after the last mission and the fact you are so young and small makes him an overprotective big brother to you. You were in the gym, trying to burn out all the energy you had left. He was there, watching you punch the punching bag, laughing a little. He walks to you, always finding something to annoy you about. "do you need me to lower the bag for you?" a smug smile on him. You look at him, "Shut the fuck up." "or what, you'll punch me with your tiny hands?" he chuckles.
You pick him up, throw him over your shoulders and to the mats you head. "Hey, put me down" you don't respond at all. His face flushed, he desperately tried to think of any technique to get off your shoulder. Others looked, but if one dared to laugh, he'd make them run for the hills. He didn't want to hurt you so he would just give you light pats on the back, "Pleaseeeeee, r/n, put me down!" You looked at logan, who finally had an opportunity to slap his bum. You motion for him to do it, "Hey, watch the hands r/n!"
A/N: my brain is barely alive atm so please spare me if this is shit
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Lucky Break Prologue
Yandere Straw Hats x fem!Reader
5k words
I finally got this done, boy did it take longer than I had planned. I’ve worked hard on this and will continue to, so I hope everyone who takes the time to read this enjoys it! This fic is for the most part going to feature platonic yanderes, and the reader insert does use she/her pronouns.
There isn’t much One Piece stuff in this chapter, but there will be in the next.
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When you’re a kid, everything seems so simple. You look around at the world around you and assume you know exactly how your life is going to go. After you finish high school, you’ll go to college and study for a major of your choosing. Immediately upon graduation, you’ll get a job in your desired field, and have a prosperous career to be proud of. Somewhere along the way, you’ll get married, maybe have some kids, and eventually enjoy a comfortable retirement where you will look back on your life with nothing but pride!
Yeah right. What a joke.
If provided with the opportunity to go back in time, you would kick your child-self’s ass for her naivety and optimism. How dare she foolishly get her own hopes up for a good and easy life. 
Okay, so maybe you’re a little bitter, but who could blame you? Who isn’t disappointed with how at least one aspect of their life is going? It’s perfectly normal. Though, admittedly, for you it was wayyyy more than one aspect. 
For starters, your job sucked. Not an uncommon complaint, but one that wore you down dramatically. Being a waitress was hell, but what could you do? You need money to live just like anyone else. Not that you were making much, not if the late fees were anything to go off.
You couldn’t get a better job because the more desirable jobs were all long since taken. Well, what few jobs you could apply for given the lack of a college degree. Oh yeah, you’re a college drop out. Much to the intense disappointment of your parents. They kicked you out when you told them and have hardly spoken to you since. 
Seriously though, what did they want you to do? Keep going to school in hopes that you’ll magically figure out what you want to and go into horrible debt in the meantime? It’s easy to tell someone to keep going to college when you're not the one paying for it. You don’t understand how you’re the bad guy for not wanting to take your student loans to the grave.
It didn’t help that the friends you had have all slowly fallen out of contact with you since you moved away. You thought that maybe starting new somewhere else would be refreshing, foolishly not realizing how difficult making new friends as an adult is. You had some coworkers that you go along with well enough. They had even talked about meeting up outside of work to just hang out, but these plans never fully came to fruition thanks to conflicting schedules. 
Whatever. Dwelling on it isn’t going to help you. You need to focus on the here and now.
Currently, you were on a bus, and not to go to work this time. No, you were going to indulge yourself tonight with a little urban exploration. Today’s target was a somewhat recently abandoned mall. It’s been closed for around a year now, long enough for retailers to take what they wanted and for cops to be beginning to lose interest in constantly patrolling it. It was still under surveillance, but nothing you didn’t know how to navigate. 
You spent a couple weeks scoping out the place, a nearby cafe made it easy to do so without raising suspicion. There wasn’t any on site security to worry about, you just had to keep an eye out for the occasional cop car that would drive by. They only stopped to investigate if there was a car in the parking lot near the building. This wouldn’t be a problem for you given your lack of a personal vehicle.
The plan was straightforward. You’d already identified an entry point while poking around the building at night, an employee only door with a busted lock. It took a bit of elbow grease to jerk it open, but there wasn’t an alarm rigged to it, so it was perfect. All you needed to do was make sure no one spotted you as you went in, and you would be golden.
The bus was slowing to a stop, and it was your turn to get off. Shouldering your backpack, you scooted to the edge of the seat in preparation. As soon as it stopped, you were on your feet and hurrying to the door. The mall was only a couple blocks from here in a rapidly failing part of the city. The only businesses around there were the aforementioned cafe and a couple of thrift stores. Fortunately, your way in was facing away from those stores. As long as a cop wasn’t driving by as you snuck in, no one would see you.
As you made your way there, you could feel the excitement setting in. You didn’t have much in your life to look forward to, this was one of the few things that made you feel alive. The thrill of getting in and out without being caught was addictive if you were being completely honest with yourself.
There were other pros to it, too. Sometimes you got lucky and found something valuable that you could pawn. A forgotten piece of jewelry, a dropped phone, some abandoned tools, you never knew what you were going to find. Even if you didn’t find anything, it was fun to be able to explore an old building with no one around. It gave you this sense of adventure your life was otherwise devoid of.
Granted, there were risks. Cops being the biggest one. Having a criminal record sounded less than ideal to you. There was also the concern raised by the fact that you did this completely alone. If something went wrong and you got seriously hurt, no one would be likely to find out until it was too late. That, and the threat of encountering someone dangerous.
So far, you’ve gotten lucky, only ever personally running into a couple of other urban explorers that were fortunately perfectly nice. There had been a few other close calls, but you were able to avoid detection those times. Your mom used to harp on this, saying one of these days you would get killed or kidnapped while doing this. Maybe she was right, but you couldn’t say you cared that much.
At least you wouldn’t have to go to your next shift!
You shook your head at the depressing thought. It’s not good to think that way, even if it was how you felt.
The mall was just ahead now, you looked around the parking lot for any indicators that anyone else was here. Nothing. It was completely empty. Good. Despite your excitement, you keep your pace casual, not wanting to attract attention.
Taking a cursory glance around, you don’t see any cop cars on patrol. You’re officially out of sight of the nearby businesses, so you shift into a power walk, wanting to get inside quickly while no one is around. You put on some disposable gloves and also pull a facemask out of your pocket and fasten it onto your face. Partially in case the air is bad, but also to protect yourself in case there are any security cameras.
The door takes a good few pulls to open up, but that’s fine. You do one more look around, and upon seeing nothing, you go in. The second the door shuts, you’re thrown into darkness. You fish a flashlight out of your backpack and click it on. It became immediately apparent that you were not the first person to discover this way in, the walls were already covered in graffiti. That and there were some heroin needles on the ground. You know, the usual signs of life.
You carefully make your way down the hall, trying to make your way into the main part of the mall. The air was musky, the smell easily cutting through your mask. It was far from pleasant, but you’ve smelled worse. At least you weren’t smelling any shit (yet).
The door at the end of the hall was easier to open than the last, no resistance at all. You peek out, looking for anything concerning before stepping out. There was natural light coming in from some sliding glass doors nearby. Looks like this place used to be a Macy’s or something like that. Lingering near the glass doors wouldn’t be a good idea, so you hurry off away from it. Once you’re in the main part of the mall you shouldn’t have to worry about being spotted from the outside.
The former maybe-macy’s was picked clean, they didn’t leave anything behind besides the counters and some flyers advertising a long since past sale. No shelves, no mannequins that would give you a heart attack if you saw them out of the corner of your eye, nothing. 
Outlets in malls were typically very thorough when cleaning out after closing, you doubt you’ll find anything valuable here unless some other explorer left something behind. Oh well. You do this more for the experience than anything.
You found the way out pretty quick and took in the sight of the abandoned mall. Even after being closed for a year, it still had a certain beauty to it. The research you did on the mall told you it was built in the early 70’s and the architecture reflected it. The ceiling had a quirky pattern to it, with blocks of it being solid and other blocks being glass to let natural light in. 
There was also an artsy metal structure that climbed all the way up to the second floor, and a big water fountain that acted as the centerpiece. Granted, all of this was decorated with a layer of broken glass from the shattered guardrails on the second floor, but still. This kind of decor was rare to see in modern malls, with all of them wanting to be as plain as possible. This was a pleasant change of scenery.
You meandered through the open space, glass crunching under your boots with each step. The escalators were right ahead of you. Like the guardrails, the glass on was also shattered, but that didn’t matter. As long as the stairs were in one piece, you could still climb them. 
You had a specific destination in mind for your visit here. Yes, you would like to see every nook and cranny, but the movie theater was especially exciting. You’ve never been in an abandoned theater before, so you were dying to see it and made a beeline for it.
It was damn near on the opposite side of the building, but that just gave you a chance to see what other places you could check out later. While many people find places like this unsettling at best, you found an odd sense of comfort in it. Part of it was the silence. Provided no one else rocked up, the noisiest thing you would hear would be some birds flying through.
There was also the nostalgia of being in a mall and seeing the familiar, albeit vacated, stores you remember from your childhood. Malls simply aren’t what they used to be, and it’s nice to reminisce on what once was. Sure, it’s not like you could afford to shop at one, but just being able to walk around and window shop was enjoyable. At least you could still do the walking around part even when they’re closed.
As you make your way down the second story walkway, you take note of all the signs of life around you. Lots of spiders have set up shop with massive webs in every corner to make meals of the local insect population. Nests were crammed into the spaces in between letters on the remaining signs, and although you haven’t seen any, there are enough droppings here to indicate the presence of a thriving rodent society. That means there’s probably some stray cats lurking around here, too. You hope you get to see one. There’s a laser pointer on your keyring and some treats in your pockets just for such occasions. 
You look up and are thrilled to finally be at the theater. There are blank rectangles on the wall from where movie posters used to be. The sign that used to display movies and showtimes now simply says closed. Well, technically it says ‘CL S  D’, but you got the drift.
The lobby is surprisingly intact. The ticket and snack counters are both still here, even the glass around the ticket counter was unbroken. Some of the old snack machines still remained, which surprised you. It was faint, but you think you could still pick up on the smell of popcorn. It could also just be a placebo effect but shh. 
You hop over the snack counter to see what’s back there. The first thing you notice is how sticky the floor is, your boots sticking with each step. The remaining machines are in rough shape, but that’s to be expected. The nozzle on one of the slushie machines was snapped clean off, and the doors on the popcorn machine were just gone. You meticulously opened all the drawers and cabinets, hoping to find something interesting. You didn’t. Just some garbage and rat shit. 
Moving on, you head towards the really exciting part. The showing rooms. You can’t help but pick up the pace as you run into one, only to feel a touch disappointed. It was completely gutted. The screen, the chairs, nothing was left. Who the hell even wanted a bunch of old ass movie theater seats? Where did they go?
There was a problem though, the area near where the screen would be was completely flooded. You shine your light up to the ceiling and are baffled that there’s no hole for this much water to leak through. Where the hell did it all come from? It also smelled weirdly fishy? The fish smell was so potent that it almost distracted you from all the mold on the fabric covered walls. Yikes. “N95 mask don’t fail me now,” you mumbled under your breath.
Whatever. Spinning on your heels, you head for the stairs to go to the top of the room. They’re creaky and the carpet is coming off of them in bits and pieces. 
There really wasn’t much of a reason to come up here beyond it just felt like the right thing to do. You decide to peek through the window to the projection room. Surprisingly, it’s very cluttered in there, it almost looks like a storage room. Oh, you’re definitely going to have to go in there!
… But how?
Now that you’re thinking about it, how do you even get inside one of these? It must be behind some sort of staff only door. You hope it’s not locked, there was a lot of stuff in there.
You rush down the stairs, ecstatic at what a good find this was. Once you’re in the hallway, you whip your head around to locate any possible entrance, and you find it. A plain, unmarked door between two of the theater rooms. Bingo. You twist the knob, but it doesn’t budge.
Not bingo.
It’s unlikely that the keys for this door are still here… but you can’t just let this go. After testing the fortitude of the door with a few kicks and yanks, you resolve to look for the key despite the low odds of actually finding it.
The most likely place it would be would be a main office or something. You head back to the lobby, that’s probably where the door to one would be. The beam of your flashlight flits over the surrounding walls in search of a side door.
Some fallen ceiling tiles and wires almost hid it from you, but there it was. You pick up what looks like a snapped off broom handle and use it to push the debris out of the way and keep the wires off you while you try the door, praying that this won’t also be locked. 
It doesn’t turn. Dammit! Out of sheer frustration, you give it a violent shake. It snaps clean off, the knob from the other side loudly clattering to the ground. Looks like your luck is coming back around.
The door still takes a bit of rattling to shake loose the remaining bits of the old locking mechanism, but it finally creaked open. Wasting no time, you hurried in, observing the new area. While it was dirty, it was untouched by graffiti and general vandalism. It’s a simple long hallway with two doors. You get to the first and open it up, greeted by the sight of an old bathroom. 
The mirror above the sink doubles as a medicine cabinet, so you decide to check it out. When you pull it open, the whole door comes right off. Oops. The cabinet in question didn’t have anything interesting in it, only being occupied by a bottle of tums, some nail clippers, and a box of dental floss. Thrilling stuff.
You move on and head for the other door. Surely that has to be the office. The door clicks open again, thank god. You grin to yourself, it is the office. The desk is right in front of you and in good shape, not appearing to have been tampered with this past year. Excellent.
It’s surprisingly clean in here. There is some dust, but not nearly as much as you would have expected. The desk itself is old and made of wood. It honestly looks way too nice to have been left here. The chair is, weirdly enough, not present. What, that was worthy of being taken but not the desk? Whatever. It’s not important.
You’re quick to start rifling through the drawers. Paperwork, pack of gum, more paperwork, some pens, a few paperclips, even more paperwork… it’s not looking good. Your heart is sinking with each passing second. You squat and look under the desk as a last ditch effort. Your light reflects off something. Keys!
There’s a strip of tape attached to them, like someone had taped them to the underside of the desk rather than using one of the drawers. An odd decision, but who cares? These might be the keys you need! 
Not wanting to waste any more time, you run back to the possible projector room door. The key ring has several keys on it, so there’s a bit of trial and error to go through in your attempts to unlock it. Your heart rate steadily picks up as you go through each key with no success. It’s not until the second to last key that you finally hear that much anticipated ‘click’. 
The door is surprisingly heavy, you really have to pull to get it open enough to slip through. It loudly slams shut behind you and you’re met with the sight of two staircases. The room you saw through the window should be on the right. 
The stairs are carpeted but not as worn as the ones in the theater, making them less of a tripping hazard. Dust is being kicked up with each step, you can see clouds of it flying through the air and clinging to cobwebs.
Now you’re at the top and there’s another door. This one wasn’t locked. The room itself honestly resembles a boiler room to you. Pipes and cables were running along the walls, and the walls weren’t painted. There was a table in front of the window where the projector would have been.
That’s not what made you want to see this room though. Shelves were along every wall and they were loaded. You’re gonna need both hands for this. Luckily, you have a lantern type of flashlight in your backpack just for situations like this. You fish it out, click it on, and set it on the projector table before turning back to the shelves. 
There were lots of boxes, so you grab the nearest one and bring it over to the table to go through it. It’s full of what you think are spare parts for a projector, though you don’t know enough about this stuff to be sure.
The next box has some old broken lenses. Then one with tools. You even found some film, but it seemed blank. You held it up to the light and saw absolutely nothing. You suppose it makes sense for all these things to be in here, but you can’t help but wish there was something more exciting. 
You pull down another box, this one from the top shelf and open it expecting to see glass cleaner or something like that, but instead you find another, smaller box. You pull it out, and it looks like a jewelry box. There’s an image on the top of it: a skull and crossbones that’s biting what looks like a wand. Interesting. It kinda looks like something you would see on a pirate flag. What were those called again? Jolly Rogers? Yeah, that sounds right.
You give it a little shake and hear something clatter inside it. Trying to open it, however, is fruitless. It’s locked. All the keys you got earlier are way too big to fit the hole, but you think it should be easy enough to break open yourself at home. 
A genuine smile spreads across your face, you found something cool this time! The jewelry box goes into your backpack, and you’re about to resume your search when you hear something. It sounds like voices in the hall.
Quickly, but quietly, you snatch your lantern to turn it off and creep down the stairs and towards the door to try and listen better. There are two sets of footsteps but only one voice.
“-nd today WE are doing an overnight challenge in a haunted abandoned mall!”
You cringe. Oh great. Youtubers. Liars too based off that comment about the mall being haunted. In all the research you did on this place, you never saw so much as one ghost sighting.
Huffing out a sigh, you know that your fun is going to be cut short. There’s no telling whether or not these idiots parked right by the front door. You need to get out before cops show up. That, and you don’t want to accidentally end up in one of their videos. You can practically see the title now: “REAL ghost sighting at ABANDONED mall??? SCARY!!! (NOT CLICKBAIT)”
No thank you.
Lucky for you, you’ve already got a nice find, so at least you’re not leaving empty handed. You wait until they go into one of the theaters to leave the room, carefully easing the door open and closed. After a moment of thought, you lock it, too. You want this to be untouched when you come back. Naturally, this means you’re taking the keys with you. They can’t be that important to anyone if they got left behind like this.
Your escape from the mall and trip back home was uneventful for the most part. You were able to leave unnoticed and before cops got there. The youtubers did, indeed, park at the front door, so it was only a matter of time. 
The apartment complex you lived in was kinda run down, but overall not that bad. Sure, it was dingy and the bathroom had a mold problem, but it kept you warm and dry so things could be worse. 
After entering your apartment, you immediately lock your door behind you. No sense leaving it unlocked and letting some creep in. With that taken care of, you drop your backpack by the couch and go to grab some tools. 
You unceremoniously plop yourself onto the couch and toss a screwdriver and hammer onto the coffee table. You bring out the old jewelry box and really look at it now that you’re in a properly lit room. The dust was really caked on, prompting you to use your sleeve to wipe away the bulk of it.
The picture was very detailed. The skull and crossbones were painted beautifully, even the small wand looked lovely. The box was wooden, expertly varnished. You already feel bad that you’re going to have to break this open. Hopefully you’ll be able to keep the damage to a minimum, that way you can use it for yourself after this.
Experimentally, you try to pull it open again. It does have some give to it, but not enough to actually get it open. You grab the screwdriver and wedge it into the sliver of space between the lid and the box. You try and pry it open. It creaks a little, opens up slightly more, but stops short. Okay, time for the big guns.
Using your feet to hold either side of it in place, you grab the hammer, aim, and bring it down on the screwdriver handle. You hear a crack, but it’s still closed. You raise your arm and bring it down again, harder this time.
Both the plastic screwdriver handle and the lock shatter from the force of the blow. You discard the hammer onto the floor next to the bits of handle and throw open the box.
There’s only two things in there. A rolled up piece of paper, and a necklace. The pendant on the necklace sports the same image as the top of the jewelry box over a bronze lattice patterned circle. You gingerly pick it up. It’s thin and feels brittle, like you could snap it in half without much force. What’s the point of a necklace being this fragile? 
You set it back down gently and pick up the paper. It’s almost as bad as the necklace, it looks very old and is crumbling around the edges. Slowly, you unfurl it and see there’s a message scrawled onto it with red ink.
“Congratulations on your lucky find
I wonder what desire you have in mind
Close your eyes, make a wish, and break the pendant in two
Whatever you want most will come to you”
An eyebrow quirks up and the strange rhyme. What, was this left by a genie? You sigh, and here you thought you might get something valuable out of this. 
Still… What would it hurt to play along for a second?
You grab the pendant again and examine it while you mull over what to wish for. Money? Nah. Money can be earned, however difficult it may be. If you’re gonna be using some sort of (allegedly) all powerful magic necklace, it should be something more unobtainable. What do you really want?
If you’re completely honest with yourself, you hate where you are in life right now. The monotony, the loneliness, everything. You need a new start. A new start with some new friends. Friends that actually give a shit about you. Anyone that loves you for you. Yeah, that sounds good.
Leaning back, you close your eyes and make your wish. You’re not sure you need to say it out loud, but do anyway, “I wish to have a fresh start somewhere new. A place with adventure where I can be loved.”
The pendant snaps in half easily. You hold your breath and wait. Nothing. You crack an eye open. You’re still in your same old apartment. Of course you are. Why did you think that would work? How childish.
Even though you expected this, you can’t help the wave of bitterness that washes over you. Angrily, you stuff the broken pendant into your pocket and grab your backpack. You stand up to go put this shit away, but…
You fall through the floor.
The floor didn’t break, it’s like it just ceased to exist. As you fall, everything goes black, and there isn’t a sound to be heard besides your own screaming. What’s happening? What’s going on? Shit, was that stupid thing really magical??? Was it fucking cursed???
Trying not to panic wasn’t even being considered, how could anyone not freak out from this? So here you are, screaming and crying while holding onto your backpack for dear life as if it’s going to help you right now.
Suddenly, you can see light coming from underneath you. You’re torn between being relieved to see light and being terrified that you’re about to splatter onto the ground. A wave of warmth hits you, carrying the smell of sea water. You realize that the ‘ground’ beneath you is actually a huge body of water.
And then you’re in it. 
There wasn’t enough time to prepare for the sudden immersion. Water flooded into your open mouth and you scrambled and flailed in an attempt to get to the surface. As you break the surface, you’re coughing and hacking the salty water out of your lungs. You weren’t anywhere near the ocean, how are you suddenly fighting for your life in one?
You whip your head around and are horrified to see absolutely nothing, No land or ships in sight. Oh my god. You’re going to die out here.
You attempt to spin around to identify your potential savior, but a wave hits you, knocking you under the water again. Dammit, no! Not like this! 
Miraculously, you get back to the surface again, and the second you do, something grabs onto your shoulder and pulls. And pulls. And keeps pulling. You went from almost drowning to feeling like you’re flying over the surface of the ocean. In an attempt to feel some semblance of security, you grab onto whatever is holding you. 
It… it feels like a hand??? No, that doesn’t make sense, who could be pulling you along like this with their hand???
“Luffy, you need to slow down! You’re pulling her in too fast!”
You try to look over your shoulder to see what the hell is going on, and through your hair you think you can make out what looks like two people on a small boat. The boat is already very close and rapidly getting closer. Way too close!
And everything goes dark again.
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thecuriousquest · 8 months
Could you do a (kind of?) part two to this post?
Where their daughter has a crush on Shinsou? I feel like both Aizawa and Mic like Shinsou A lot, so what an interesting turn of events would it be for their little girl to have a crush on him?
(I think your writing is neat :) keep up the good stuff it's really good!)
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Dating Rules
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Platonic Yandere themes, some romantic thoughts, violent tendencies, punishment spanking reference from previous story, slight manipulations
Checkout my Master List here.
“Daddy?” You smile at your father with a note of curiosity in your tone.
“Yes, Pumpkin?” Your father turns to you as he wraps his scarf around his neck.
“Are you going out to train one of your students?” You watch your father tug his boots on.
“Yeah, I’ll be back-“
“Is it Shinso? Are you training Shinso?”
He doesn’t like the fact that you just cut him off, and he quirks his eyebrow at you sternly.
Your cheeks blush, and you take a step back, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
“Sorry, sir. I was just wondering…”
“What’s your sudden interest in the boy? You’ve been asking about him ever since I trained him here a few weeks ago.”
“Nothing, Daddy! I swear. I just…well…” You don’t know what to say. You’ve never been able to open up to your fathers about boys. They’re the reason why you’re not allowed to date after all. You’re “too young” to be around boys in that way, so you have to keep all of your thoughts pent up secretively.
Hell, you can’t even write about it in your diary because they’ll probably just end up reading it.
“You just what?” He inquires impatiently.
You rub your arm, blushing even harder under his scrutiny.
Just then, your savior, Papa, appears in the doorway.
“Sho, you heading out? Don’t get too crazy with that kid now. You’re too mean with those students.”
“Have to be. It would be an injustice if I wasn’t.”
He turns back to look at you, waiting to hear your answer, but you’re nowhere to be found now. He sighs, kisses his husband on the cheek, and walks out the door.
At dinner, you fiddle with your bread roll. You smile as you think about running your hands through Shinso’s hair. You think about those muscles, oh God, his muscles. You bite your lip, wondering what it’s like to be held by him in those arms. You wonder if he’d pin you down and-
“Why aren’t you eating? Do you not like your food, honey bear?”
“No, Papa. I’m sorry. I just got distracted is all,” you tell him nervously.
“Well, what ya thinkin’ about?” Those sunglasses are trained on you.
Even indoors at night, he still refuses to take them off.
You shrug your shoulders and look at your Dad.
“Daddy, how was training Shinso today?”
“It was good. He’s progressing very well. You and I need to have a talk however after dinner.”
“Oh? Is someone in trouble?” Mic turns to look back at you.
“It depends on her answer.”
“Shouta, what’s happening?” His husband asks uncertainly. He doesn’t like being left out of the loop.
Aizawa sighs and looks directly at you with a serious gaze. “Have you been alone with Hitoshi? Answer me honestly. Is that why you keep asking about him? Did he do anything to you?”
“What?” Is all you can think of as a breathless response.
“Did he…touch you…down there?”
You stand up from the table with a disgusted look on your face. You can’t believe he just asked you such an uncomfortable question.
“What? No, he never touched me! I was never alone with him because you two never let me do anything. I just like him. I think he’s cute or whatever.”
Your Dad grabs your wrist and pulls you towards him. “If I find out you’re secret keeping from us again, you know what will happen.”
His belt crashing down on your sore bottom rings through your mind upon his unspoken threat. You gulp as you avert your eyes in submission.
“Yes, Daddy. I’m not secret keeping. I’ve never been alone with Shinso.”
Your jaw is grabbed, and eye contact with your father is forced.
“You promise me, young lady.”
Your face feels smushed in his calloused hand.
“I promise you and Papa that I’m not secret keeping. I promise that I’ve never been alone with Shinso. I promise that he’s never laid a finger on me.”
Oh, but how you so desperately wish he would lay both hands on you.
Your father deems your promise good enough. He can always tell when your lying, and right now, you’re not showing any signs of it. He releases you from his grasp and pushes you back towards your chair.
“Sit and finish your food.”
You look at Papa, and you really just want someone to hold you right now.
Preferably Hitoshi.
You’ll take your Papa instead though.
You go to walk over to him, and as you do, you open your mouth to say something.
However, he beats you to it. “Listen, honey, crushes pass. These things fade. You’ll get over him quickly, I promise. Boys this age are prone to breaking hearts and cheating. You don’t want that. Listen to your Papa and Daddy. We won’t let anyone hurt you ever. Okay?”
Fuck that. You definitely just want a hug from Hitoshi.
You hear Papa and Daddy arguing in the kitchen during the night. You’re supposed to be tucked into bed, fast asleep. As their voices carry on, you can’t help but patter to the top of the steps to hear what they’re saying.
“Well, what are we supposed to do? He’s my best student, and he’s a great kid. I don’t know what to do, Zashi.”
“Sho, I don’t know how I feel about her having a crush on him is all. Should we not let him train here anymore?”
“This is beyond me. I don’t want to let him be around her, but maybe…I have an idea.”
You sneak closer to the kitchen.
“What is it, Sho?”
“He can be around her if one or both of us are supervising. I don’t want her sneaking out again, and I really don’t want to cart the kid off to someone else for training. Not a lot of people stick by Shinso because of his quirk. Hell, his own parents treat him like a villain. He’s a good kid, and as much as I hate the idea of her dating, at least we know what kind of person Shinso is.”
“What if he breaks her heart?”
“Then I’ll break every bone in his body,” comes the quick response of your dark haired father.
He didn’t even hesitate in answering that way. It’s as if he’s done something like that before and he’s not afraid to do it again.
You put a hand over your mouth to stifle a gasp. Your father would never…would he? Having heard enough, you turn around and sneak back to your bedroom, closing the door.
You can’t stop thinking about how easy it was for him to threaten something like that. Every bone in his body if he were to hurt you? That’s so extreme, and you feel as though anyone wouldn’t deserve such treatment. You have to figure out a way to get them to let you see him, to prove to your fathers that Hitoshi wouldn’t mistreat you.
If they give him a chance, then they’ll see how much Hitoshi can make you happy.
Two days pass before you gain the courage to talk to your fathers about Hitoshi again.
“Daddy? Papa? Can I ask you something?”
Aizawa looks at you with loving eyes yet a tired smile. “Yeah, Pumpkin?”
“Could I…maybe if it’s okay with you…meet Hitoshi again?”
Mic sits up on the couch, regarding you and Shouta.
“Alright, you can meet with him, but there will be supervision. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Daddy! Thank you!” You lunge at your sleep deprived father, wrapping your arms around his shoulders in a tight hug.
He huffs and pats you on the back before enveloping you in a hug of his own. You’re so small, just his little girl.
He’s counting on Hitoshi to be a good kid and not break your heart. If he doesn’t, the kid gets to keep his bones intact.
If not, then your fathers will be there for you to lean on while you learn about the cruelty of boys while Hitoshi suffers in the hospital, and hopefully, they’ll never have to revisit this conversation again.
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
I’m flipping the script today! We’ve had asexual Dream, but what about asexual Hob? Hear me out:
Hob who’s never really understood his friends’ obsession with a girl’s (or guy’s) looks. But he knows what people expect when they see him. And honestly, sex is fun! It’s a great bonding experience. And if he enjoys his partner’s pleasure more than his own? Well, he’s had no complaints.
Or, what about demisexual Hob? Needs a close emotional bond before he becomes interested in that way. How long do you think it takes to reach that point with Dream? I’m very amused by the idea that the turning point occurs between their meetings, so Hob shows up one century and is floored. Was his stranger always that attractive???
Hell yeah ace spectrum Hob!!!!!
I love it! Demi!Hob actually makes so much sense to me? In 1589 he's only interested in Eleanor, who he developed an extremely close emotional bond with and is obviously so in love with her. Dream doesnt get a lookin. Fast forward to 1689, I'd say that Hob and Dream become a lot closer emotionally, there's a sense of shared empathy, a definite sense of closeness. And by 1789? Hob realises that he's developed a sexual attraction to Dream, hence the flirting. I just love the idea of him having this moment of realisation and almost irritation? Life was so much easier when he just had platonic/admiring feelings for his stranger! Now he wants to fuck him, life is so complicated!
And absolutely yes, let's have an asexual Hob who gladly has sex, honestly he's fucked all of his friends, it's fun and a great way to stay warm! He just doesn't get the whole... thirsting over the barmaid's tits kind of stuff. He literally just doesn't think about that stuff. If the barmaid wants to fuck him, though, he's not going to say no. But he'd be equally happy with a cuddle.
Naturally Dream isn't bothered by any of these details. Especially if he's also somewhere on the ace spectrum too. They have a lot of weird metaphysical sex-adjacent stuff going on together in the dreaming, and a lot of romantic intimacy in the waking world. Sometimes there are tentacles. Sometimes it's just about a nice cup of tea.
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psychickiss · 9 months
— saiki kusuo x reader (gn, 2nd pov)
— summary: You’ve been eyeing the guy with pink hair that tags along with Nendou sometimes when he comes over to help out PK Academy’s baseball team. Luckily, something happens to make you two meet.
— notes: reader insert season 2 episode 15 / chapters 198 - 200. youre friends with satou btw but its just for plot
— things: platonic romantic. dont know.
— masterlist | request form | retrospring
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You’ve always been a fan of the baseball team at your school. You weren’t a diehard sports person, but you were supportive, nonetheless, for you had a friend in the team. Satou Hiroshi.
You always waited for him during his practices, so you were well-acquainted with the team... Some of them, anyway.
You knew of Abe, and the... conflict he got himself involved in– the one that temporarily halted any games that PK Academy’s team were scheduled to play in.
However, that didn’t stop the team from practicing. “For Abe,” they’d say. You’re well-aware of everyone’s quirks, sometimes it even felt cliché.
“Satou, has your team got practice today?”
Satou nods at you. With a smile, he asks, “Will you watch again? I heard Nendou from 2-3 is joining us as a substitute.”
“Oh! The one who saved you guys during that one game! I hope his friends tag along.” You laugh.
Satou has a surprised look on his face. “Are you friends with them– Do you like one of them?”
You shake your head. “Not really. But, the one with pink hair is kind of cute.”
“Ehh? The... What’s his name... Saito? Wait, no, Saiki? Really?”
You nod at Satou, though the slight judginess in his tone has you confused. “Why? Do you not like him?”
Satou quickly shakes his head. “It’s not like that at all! I just think he’s, erm, kind of weird? I don’t know, I saw him once by the gate reading Weekly Jump and drinking peach juice–”
“Aren’t those things that you like too?”
A blush spreads across Satou’s face as he nods, and you can’t help the laugh that escapes you.
Satou doesn’t say anything else. You continue talking, “I mean, I don’t know. There just aren’t a lot of cute people in school that aren’t... weirdos? No offense.”
“Are you... calling me weird?”
You excitedly point to Nendou and his friends, changing the subject of the conversation. “Look, there they are!”
Satou turns to where you’re pointing, and a slight smile graces his face. “I’m glad. Although, just Nendou wouldn’t be able to fill in all the missing positions.”
“Ah, you guys are missing Abe, right?”
Satou nods, a mix of sadness and hope present on his face. “If only he were here... Surely, the whole team would be all the more motivated.”
You just give a slight chuckle in response. You think, Yeah. With the way things seem to work for you guys, there’s going to be something cliche, like, Abe showing up. Haha.
The day for the game finally came. You weren’t expecting to see Abe on the stands (maybe you were), yet, there he was.
He walks away from his seat, seemingly in defeat. You’ve seen the team practice for the last few weeks for this game– there is no way in hell were you letting the old star walk away just like that. You follow him outside, quietly.
So does Saiki.
Okay, I tell him not to quit on his own team, yes–!
Abe gets hit on the head with a lost ball and falls down to the ground.
You make yourself hidden somewhere, fumbling around your uniform for your phone in the hopes of contacting Satou and getting Abe the first aid he needs. As you do all that, you take quick glances at Abe.
Preoccupied by his own thoughts, Saiki doesn’t quickly pick up on your presence. This isn’t until your thoughts start to get louder. You witness him using his astral projection to take possession of Abe’s body.
You can only watch in terror as Abe’s once unconscious body stands up and boredly dusts himself off.
Okay. Just walk up to Abe and... Wait– Abe-slash-Saiki, and ask what the hell is going on.
Abe/Saiki starts walking towards you. You frown. This is it, I guess.
“What– What happened? What did you do?”
“Astral projection,” Abe/Saiki calmly replies. He says the next thing like it isn’t a big deal. At all. “I just took over his body. His spirit’s still in here, don’t worry. I’m telling you all this since you’re a witness.”
“You make this sound like a crime...” You crouch down to Saiki’s actual body. “You’re Saiki, right? Saiki Kusuo?”
Abe/Saiki nods. It takes everything in you to not curiously remove Saiki’s tinted green glasses and put them on for yourself.
Strictly, he tells you, “Don’t touch me. I’ll hide me somewhere.”
Oh. Okay. You don’t question his words. (You try not to.)
“I’m classmates with Toritsuka. He talks about you a lot.” I’ve got to stop thinking I’m talking to Abe. It’s so clearly not him! His face is devoid of emotion... I’m talking to Saiki. Yes. I’m talking to Saiki.
Saiki hums in response. “I know.”
You continue talking, “I didn’t immediately realize you were both the Saiki that Toritsuka talks about, and the cute guy with pink hair that tags along with Nendou sometimes. I guess you’re different around him.”
“Well, I have to keep him in line.” Saiki jokes. He turns to you, “He hasn’t made any weird comments towards you, no?”
You shake your head. “He’s actually kind of nice. Just have to treat him like you would anyone else.”
“Oh.” Saiki pauses. “We have to get back to the game.”
You nod, but you don’t immediately follow Abe/Saiki’s footsteps.
“What is it?”
“You’re bleeding.”
There’s a streak of blood down Abe/Saiki’s face. “It’s okay,” Saiki replies. “It doesn’t hurt.”
You sigh as you take out a handkerchief from your pocket. “Of course, but,” you stretch your arm a little to reach the blood on Abe/Saiki’s face, “but it’s going to freak someone out on the team.” He lowers himself a little to make it easier on you. “The manager, actually,” you specify. “Blood scares her.”
Saiki doesn’t say anything else.
“Okay. We’re done. You’re good to play. You know how to play baseball, right? The same way Abe does?”
Saiki nods before you two walk back to the field. Saiki walks towards the team’s manager, and you choose a seat in the stands. This time, you pick a seat that gives you an even better view of the game.
You watch Saiki as he continues the game as Abe. He doesn’t do a flashy pose before pitching, which you brush off. It could be easily ruled off as training, or whatever. Abe’s the one who would have to explain himself when Saiki’s spirit is out of his body.
Time passes by, and PK Academy’s baseball team wins the game.
Excited, you head to Satou to congratulate him.
“Oh, I didn’t do much... it was all Abe, actually. It’s really glad to have him back!”
You just nod. Mhm. Totally Abe in there. Not Saiki.
“The team and I are going out to celebrate later.” Says Satou. He asks if you want to tag along, and you decline. You do get along well with the team, but that celebration belonged to them, and only them.
You make your way towards Saiki, whose spirit was now back in his own body. You beam at him, “Congrats on the win, Abe.” You laugh lightly at your own joke, but quiet down at the lack of a reaction from Saiki.
Saiki looks at you blankly. Seeing that facial expression on his face felt much more correct than it did on Abe’s face. Hm.
“Satou and the team are going out,” you pause. You suddenly glance side-to-side, avoiding any eye contact with Saiki.
“Would you... maybe want to go out with me as well...? Not, like, on a date. I don’t really dig that... and especially not with people I’ve only talked to, like, two times–”
Saiki answers, to your relief. He stops you from rambling any further. “I suppose we could do that. It’s the least I can do since you had to see me use my powers.”
“Really? I’m glad you aren’t offended, or weirded out. There’s a café that just opened up! My treat.”
Saiki nods. “I might enjoy that. Thank you.”
You smile at him. “I’ll make sure you do have fun, don’t worry. The desserts there are really good! The cheesecake? To die for!”
“I’ll have to tell Nendou and the others they can go without me.”
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
Breaking Up with Zoro(ANGST)
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Word Count: 1.7k
Black Fem Reader
CW: Lots of cussing, Arguing, Law is involved, Bad ending, All in All Angst
You guys actually are known for arguing in your relationship
You both argue at least once a day over something petty and everybody on the Sunny has come accustomed to it
However one day you believe your argument may have turned for the worse.
You and Zoro have been actually having less interactions since you all met back up .
Zoro taken his role as the swordsman of the crew way more seriously and though you respect it and even admire it, it’s just you barely even communicate anymore. Not even petty arguments.
When you do start to try it he just breathes out his nose and finishes what he was doing as if he didn’t care to retort back
It just wasn’t the same between you and Zoro
And you even questioned If you and him were still together
Granted you both didn’t have much time to settle where your relationship was before separating, but you still wanted to at least talk about it, but you both never had time to do so
Intimacy has been long gone. When you seen him again he didn’t even hug you back he just patted your head
He doesn’t sleep in your room anymore. If he does it’s when you’re not in there and busy on watch
It started to get to you.
You wanted to wait and give it time but it’s been weeks now and it’s almost as if he subconsciously just broke up with you over the two years
You tried getting your mind off of it seeing as now there are bigger fish to fry and stronger enemies to defeat
Eventually you and the crew meet Law again and surprisingly you two hit it off better than him and anyone else on the crew.
He didn’t find you annoying—you were level headed and relatively nice to talk to so you managed to keep him company sometimes when he wanted to separate from all of the Strawhats
The attention he gave you was platonic but it was nice none the less—-you even managed to crack a smile out of him a few times
“Y/N-ya. Come help me with this, yeah?”
You both have amazing combat skills together too and it bought you some brownie points with him
Zoro However began to notice this friendship develop immediately
But he didn’t have time to ask you about it he needed to train more
Today though, he had some time
Zoro being Zoro was lost in the forest again but managed to somehow find you and Law sitting across from each other talking. You were laughing with him not even noticing the green haired swordsman approach you from the side.
“Lost again?” Law shot at Zoro still giving you eye contact.
Zoro Just grumbled, “NO! I just happened to find you both…we’re leaving this place soon so you both should wrap up your little date.” You frowned a bit at his tone. Date?
“Date?” You got up to follow him with Law a nice distance behind you both. “We were talking.”
“Yeah you two love doing that—“
“The hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t mean shit. Keep walking.”
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a tiny bit happy seeing that Zoro at least noticed and felt jealous about you and Law’s closeness. In reality though you actually didn’t do that to get back at Zoro you enjoyed Law’s company and was refreshing to be around.
You and Zoro bickered a bit walking around the forest not even realizing you three were walking in circles because ZORO was guiding y’all.
“So if you see me talking to another woman what you’re ganna think I’m gay now?!”
“Go ahead and be gay for all I give a fuck—“
You both appeared in front of the Sunny not even realizing it still arguing.
“HEY!” Law yelled getting both of your attention walking in between you both, “We’re back. Come find me when you’re done, Y/N-ya.”
“We’re done Talking actually.” Zoro Shot back heading to the training room.
“Says who?! I ain’t finish asshole the hell is all this passive aggressiveness towards me?!”
“Oh, Shut the fuck up!”
It got awkwardly quiet on the ship. Sanji, and Nami gasped, Robin covered Chopper’s ears, Luffy and Usopp stopped playing, and Franky & Brook just paused.
Zoro looked like the vein in his head was about to explode. He was irritated beyond belief and the patience he barely had was already ran out.
“Go the fuck up the ladder now.”
You squinted your eyes at him. His teeth was gritted at yours and he began to breath a little harder. If he were to hit you you honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this point. You felt the rage coming from his body, he never got this angry with you and you never got this angry with him.
“If we aren’t ganna resolve our issues then I’m not going no where with you.”
“Resolve what exactly? The fact that you can’t be alone? Or the fact that you got bigger tits and you wanna flaunt them around to every guy you see because you crave male attention —-“
“Ain’t this a bitch— THAT’S what you think I’m doing?! You think I’m being some kind of slut or something?! I don’t need nobody’s mothafuckin’ attention if anything I’d like yours but it seems like your swords have all of it!—“
“Y/N..” Nami whispered, and walked over behind you to grab your arm since you started to approach Zoro as if your were ganna hit him.
She and Robin seen the hurt in your face for a while now when Zoro ignores you, they haven’t said anything about it but they had a feeling a fight like this was bound to happen.
“At least my swords don’t go around cheating.”
“IM ONLY CLOSE WITH HIM BECAUSE WE HAVE GOOD CONVERSATION. WE. COMMUNICATE. UNLIKE. YOU. AND I.” You pointed your finger back and fourth looking as if you were ready to shoot Zoro right then and there so Nami ran over out of worry and held you back by your arm and Usopp and Brook ran over to hold Zoro back because he had the same angry look in his eyes.
“IF YOU KNEW HOW TO SPEAK I WOULDN’T HAVE TO GO TO TALK TO OTHER MEN. Ever thought about that? Roronoa Zoro?”
Zoro stopped moving and just sighed pulling away from the two and walked the opposite way.
“Then keep communicating with him because we’re through. He can have you.”
It was almost as if none of your points were being heard. Your stomach dropped to your ass hearing him wanting to be done with you.
You scoffed.
Sanji was about to go and beat Zoro possibly to death for how he was speaking to you but you stopped him. It didn’t matter it wasn’t going to change anything.
“Sanji!” You Held him back fighting any slick of tear to fall down the rim of your waterline. “It’s fine….leave him.”
Weeks have past since the argument, the entire energy of the crew has changed. You and Zoro stayed Your distances and never even spoke a syllable to each other once. You don’t eat with the crew anymore no matter how many times Sanji tries to kick Zoro out, but you just try to avoid the trouble.
The girls tried making you feel better, even Luffy tried by doing stupid faces but you haven’t cracked a smile in you don’t know how long. Your face is deadpanned now but your eyes constantly look sad.
You don’t talk much at all either and it hurts, a literal pain in your chest. You’ve been having headaches and a bit of sickness as well. Usually when you feel bad Zoro pokes fun at you for not having his immune system and holds you all day making Sanji bring you soups and teas. But that’s in the long past and now you’re alone in your room. Eyes were puffy, hair was wrapped in a tight scarf, and you had on nothing but a loose shirt and shorts as everybody except you, Franky, and Chopper were out on some new land. Nothing but the sounds of the crashing water and your subtle sniffles fill the room. You wasn’t sure if it was sniffs from being sick or sad but you didn’t care to figure out which
You sat up and decided to just read a book until you fell asleep again. You rummage through your stuff and found a picture. From two years ago. It was the first time you kissed Zoro and Luffy managed to sneak a lot of pictures, from when you both were caught, to Sanji looking pissed, to Zoro chasing Luffy and Sanji chasing Zoro. It was the first night Zoro confessed, how much you meant to him, how much he loved you, but didn’t “like” you, how much you drove him crazy—
And how much he wanted to be with you even after you both achieved your goals.
All the wonderful memories of you and Zoro pulled out some tears blurring your vision, you laughed at yourself with your cheeks now being stained, how stupid could you be to fall for him so hard?
Your chest hurts again. More than it did before it nearly felt like you couldn’t breathe, you hit the back of the wall and slid down crying in ache and pain in silence. Even moreso because now when you see Zoro from the times you mindlessly glanced at him, he looks happier to be without you than with you.
Is this what a heart break felt like?
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hello how are you :3? I was wondering if you could write E.J., Hoodie, and Masky with a s/o that has a lot of scars? (Toby too but platonic for him) I’m not sure how many people we can request so if it’s too many just Hoodie? I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable and thank you!
Various!Creepypastas w/ a scarred!reader
waaaah im so sorry for not seeing this sooner! i didnt recieve a notification for this ask!! really theres no limit to how many characters you can send in! i think my personal max varies from prompt to prompt!! mix of how they approach the concept of a scarred lover (friend in tobys case) with some hints of fluff! cause of scars will be vague as admittedly i didnt know if you meant general scars or SH! side note i hope this posts right! im writing this on my computer, im used to mobile!! + apologies for any weird wording or typos, im listening to music and im getting hyped!! not proof read we die like my spiderverse brainrot
Includes: Eyeless Jack, Hoodie, Masky and Platonic!Toby!
CWs: touch and go talk of potential past trauma, body image issues, vague mentions of SH(?) in EJs part + Toby's parts
admittedly admin doesnt know if its technically SH due to the nature and motiv but personally id still count it as such and tag it as such
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Eyeless Jack;
he gets it, he really does. the basic run down of my hc/take on ej is that he wasnt always some flesh eating monster; just some dude who got caught up in some bad stuff
so naturally, he doesnt... really vibe well with the concept of eating human flesh, which can lead to a few... instances. from intentionally to accidentally harming himself while hes lost in his instincts
so hes no stranger to being a little roughed up around the edges
but hes a stranger to comforting; he'll likely approach it from a logical side before trying anything else. "you've been hurt," before going on a small tangent about the formation of scars. hes not the most... emotionally... good... available... person
so youre going to need to lay out the general basis for what you need for basic comfort, on days where your scars become an issue; be is needing comfort or a distraction. it may take him a while, but hell eventually start to pick up on cues and hints as your relationship develops
otherwise hes very neutral about them, again approaching them with a blunt view; seeing it as neither good nor bad. he doesnt draw attention to them, but he doesnt act like theyre gross
really just. vibing with it, doesnt make a huge deal of it since he feels he doesnt have any place to judge, nor does he feel its his business to pry for information
solid 6/10 imo, hell comfort you if you express that you need it but hell likely not go out of his way to do it
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Soft touches, he almost does it before he has your permission to touch you
naturally he has his own fair share of scars from various.. activities
really im still all jumbled up with how i wanna write him and masky; not sure if i want to make them like how they are in their MH source or lean into the proxy thing that was prominent in the early days of the fandom... lowkey leaning into the proxy thing for this post because im more... versed..? in that, but anyhow
hes more upfront and compassionate than eyeless jack, in fact hes probably the most caring out of the four in todays post... maybe thats because i read one (1) fic years back that changed my entire approach to his character but! yeah
subconsciously trails his hands on them when the two of you are holding one another; something gentle and intimate, not too obnoxious to make you self conscious, but not careful enough to go unnoticed
i view hoodie, and by extension brian if i end up considering him and tim fully seperate from their 'proxy' parts, as a very tactile person
true to the popular fanon interpretation, hoodie doesnt speak much. but that only makes him a better listener, so on days where things get hard, hell let you talk his ears off with anything thats bothering you. very rarely, hell speak up and offer some words of advice, most times hell inch closer to grasp you. though it does get awkward since most the time hes just. blankly staring at you silently without emoting or saying a word
overall? personally hes a 7/10 for me, i would rank him higher if he were more verbal, but thats just because admin has an easier time venting if its a two way convo; but overall hell make sure that your scars dont effect your worth
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very similarly to hoodie, masky also has his own set of scars for the same reasons
he probably starts pointing out his own scars to you and mumbles about where they came from if he knows their origins
this doesnt mean "oh hes invalidating your experiences and hes trying to make it about himself," but more so "hes showing that he really does get it and he doesnt mean to talk over you"
much like EJ he approaches scars with a very blunt and upfront mindset, but to a lesser extent. he admits that whatever led up to the tissue forming, it hurt. emotionally and physically, and hes not going to deny that simple fact. hell listen to you, have a conversation with you about it, and try to help you through whatever you may be currently going through regardless of if youre injury is relevant.
or at least, thats what hes trying to do.
hes still has his own personal issues regarding going about his own problems in a healthy manner but hey thats something for another post; maybe, if i remember
honestly this post doesnt have enough fluff imo, and i can kinda see masky doing this, but imagine he boops his mask against your scars in a mockery of a kiss (doesnt take off his mask often, in fact youll probably never ever see him without it on), i can see jack doing this too tbh
thoughts? 8/10, gets the bonus points for being less awkward to rant to imo, plus i think asides ej, i think i have a bias for masky for the simple fact i had the fattest crush on him when i was in middle school
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okay! this one is going to be interesting for one main reason! i actually havent touched tobys character in YEARS! so hes probably going to have the shorter list... obligatory i havent built any solid hcs for him past what was going on in the fandom in the 2010s, before toby briefly became a mild discomfort... but we're back in business baby!! (^^ dont feel bad for requesting for toby btw! hes no longer a discomfort, and if i didnt want to write for him i wouldnt be including him right here!!)
obviously we cant talk about his part without talking about his cheek. and other, similar hcs. while i dont think most of the self inflicted marks on his body were from a place of.. for lack of better words, darkness; it doesnt change the fact he still has them. i think a lot of them are from the fact he cant feel anything; accidental burns, gnawing through his cheek, digging his fingers deep into himself. really i could go into detail, but due to the aforementioned fact that my take on him isnt as developed as other characters + i really dont think its appropriate for this post (or really, anywhere on this account,), ill stop there
while he cant relate to the physical pain of what caused your scars, he can sympathize through your feelings. do you feel sorrow, or anger to whoever hurt you? hell be getting worked up right with you, because to him youre one of his closest friends
i feel like he doesnt talk much about his past, regarding his family. but hed tell you, and you can sure as hell bet that hell do his absolute damndest to grant you the same feeling of security.
hell probably touch and prod without truly meaning any harm, but thats because he can have problems with boundaries, but hell listen if you sit him down and tell him it makes you uncomfortable if it does
more so emotional than outwardly... supportive? idk the words, but hes very empathetic with you and tries to relate to you through emotion rather than feeling what you felt. honestly? kinda based for that, but maybe thats because i dont see feelings about this topic being touched on, usually its straight up about how the scar makes the person look or the physical trauma they had gone through, but idk, maybe thats just a me thing
he can be an asshole at times but hell usually backtrack and cool off somewhere else if you call him out on it imo
not sure if its because as im LITERALLY investigating his characteristics and interpretations as we speak, but i think im starting to relate to him so ER-OH!
anyways, i wish i could make his segment more... in tune with the characters above but its probably going to take me a while until im comfortable with how i portray this dude, which sucks because as a kid he was probably one of my favorites
i dont think im going to give toby a rating like the others; since i dont think i can accurate rate him due to the lack of proper concrete ideas outside of him being empathetic to your emotional pain since he cant relate on how much it hurt
im gonna end this here since im starting to sound like a broken record on tobys part so!
i hope you enjoyed this! characterization may be a little off but i blame that mostly on the fact that i kinda fell out of the loop in regards for writing for these guys (that damn spider movie! the brainrot threw me off my creepypasta grind!/j) but its good to be back writing for this fandom! it was a fun little brain exercise trying to figure out each character goes about this kind of thing without making them all the same!! with that being said, im going to go listen to an audio reading of tobys story so i can regrounded in his character and hopefully do him some justice in the future!
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onmyyan · 1 year
Manny Delmont HC's
A/N: The last of the boys is here but he certainly ain't the least ;) EDITED
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By far the most unhinged member of the family and thats saying A LOT lmao
Platonic yandere for his kin, he has killed in their name and will do it again.
One of if not the most loyal person you'd ever meet.
Once he decides he likes you he turns into your own personal puppy.
If the puppy was a man who enjoyed showing his love through the most violent means at hand that is.
Smells like honey and lavender and when he can't be bothered to hide it, blood.
Shares a lot of features with his twin, except his eyes, he has the brightest in his family, and they are often clouded with mischief.
Marcos uses him as a test dummy for outfits since they look nearly identical, if looks good on Manny he can go from there.
He's been offered to model before.
Best begging face in the business, he rarely has to ask for something twice.
Has a few tattoos, there's a blank cartoon heart over his real one, plans on getting his beloveds name inked there once he finds em.
And he knows he will!
Hopeless romantic, he loves romcoms!
Especially You on Netflix(👁👄👁)
Thinks Christine should have chosen to be with the Phantom of the Opera.
Also thinks Victor should have been with Emily from A Corpse Bride.
Mask kink but we'll circle back later ;)
It stems from his love of all things Horror something be shared with his twin, if he's watching something where he picks up even a hint of romance between the Slasher and the final girl he starts kicking his feet.
Thinks the bad guys deserve love to!
Gave himself his first tattoo, a stick n poke he made himself after watching 1 YouTube video.
Yeah that got infected, but he thought scars were sick as hell plus it was a great party story.
People fall over their feet for him on the daily.
Has gotten in the most fights out of all the brothers.
He may takes some licks during them but he was scary in the way that he never stayed down, and you could tell from the blank look in his eye and the twisted grin, if he got the chance he'd put you in the ground.
Terrible singer but that doesn't stop him from belting out his favorites in the shower
He loves pop music because there are a surprising amount of songs that remind him of his specific brand of love.
He really likes reading, especially when it teaches him something new, always learning this one.
He could be at the top of his class if he put in a smidge more of effort but he likes his life, as long as he's not actively causing chaos which lets be honest is very easy for him, the teachers often turn a blind eye to his goofing off.
Had several fake Id's before he was legal just to get into clubs to see bands preform.
Has a snake named noodle.
Shes a Python. He talks to her like a person
"You would not believe my day girl."
He's lean but strong, way stronger than he looks which always catches people by surprise.
If he doesn't have something occupying his hands he will start tapping on whatever available surface and if left unattended that will turn into beatboxing.
Funny even when he isn't trying
He once kidnapped a guy who was giving his twin grief and sent a picture of his upside down body in the group chat
"Felt kinda silly idk :) "
Manny's got high expectations for anyone dating his family, he's the real reason they have the rule about vetting people with each other.
When Ricky and Gabe were fighting over that girl way back when, a much younger Manny, hating the way his usually loving siblings were at each others throats, took it upon himself to rid them of the problem.
Knowing he only meant well Ricky and Gabe concocted the system the use today, but don't tell that to Manny.
His fits always come with a body count.
Oral fixation, he's constantly chewing on something.
His only source for relationships are his insane ass family so as the baby, it's natural he'd absorb all that crazy.
His laugh is more of a cackle.
He picks stuff up super easily but also gets bored just as fast so he has this random ass assortment of skills and neat party tricks.
Like one summer he got super into gymnastics so for fun he liked to twist into a backbend and speed crawl towards his brothers in the pitch black of the night.(Ricky has passed out from this)
Adrenalin junkie, he'd gotten his first motorbike at 15 and had been chasing the high he got from that first ride since.
Gabe taught him how to fight, not because he wanted to but because Manny had a tendency to mouth off to the wrong people and Gabe couldn't always be there to defend him.
Loves playing soccer, his father wanted him to have a much more legal way of releasing that devil in him, after nailing the goalie with a ball so hard he passed out, he fell in love with the sport.
He has a mean kick, if someone pissed him off enough he'd always manage to 'accidentally' kick the ball at their softest parts.
Has a new group of friends every week, he can't help it if everyone wants a piece of him.
He meets you at a bookstore, and he seen you long before he walked over to ask for help.
He watched the gentle way you handled the books, the care you showed them as you sorted, he could see you bobbing your head to the song softly playing from some speaker, the beams of light pouring in from the window cast you in a light that was damn near angelic.
He gaped at you silently for a bit before coming up with some obscure book title im his mind, if his assumptions about you were correct, you'd offer to help.
"Hi? Sorry to bug you." He put on his most charming smile and he could see it's effects instantly, the warm look in your eye gave him butterflies in his stomach.
"You're fine, how can I help you hun?" God even the way you spoke had goosebumps trailing down his back, your tone was like velvet.
"O-oh well I have this report due tomorrow that I completely spaced about- any chance you have this one?" He made sure to flash his watch, peacocking in every way he knew how, the rolex a gift from his Father, but you focused intently on the screen.
"Hmm this is an old one, I've definitely seen it, wanna follow me?"
"Absolutely." The response was innocent in nature but you had no idea just how much he meant that.
"So, you like to read or just a job thing?" He said gesturing to the rest of the store. To his delight you gave him another heart stopping smile, "I love books. How they can take you away from all the bullshit- oops sorry-" he laughed loud enough to hear it echo causing her to grin, "No don't be sorry, I wholeheartedly agree."
Ironically as picky as he was with his family's partners, he was yours the second you called him Hun, he got flashes of your life together the longer you two spoke, in reality the conversation was maybe ten minutes but that was all he needed.
Charms his way into your number, starts bringing you lunch and offering to pick you up, then he's offering to take you to work, no matter how early you started.
"I don't wanna mess with your sleep hun, plus you'd have to drive all the way across town and then to my job-"
He'd squish your cheeks together to steal a kiss, "Nonsense Darling, you could just spend the night if you're so worried about me." And would you look at that you're spending the night like every other night.
He's dummy smooth, he has you practically moved in before you're one month anniversary, if anyone were to try and plant some poison in your head like "You guys are moving kinda fast" or "shouldn't you get to know him better?" They are quickly put on his shit list.
As quick to cut a bitch as our boy is, he's also smart, and knows if everyone in your family and immediate circle started dropping dead he'd have a problem, so instead he gaslight gatekeeps and girlbosses his way to victory.
It be almost like love bombing, except it never goes away, he only ever falls deeper in love with you as time goes on.
Walk him like a dog he needs it.
Wants to take you all over the world, loves the idea of boneing in every continent.
He's soo cuddly the type to text you when you're in the bathroom cuz he miss you :(
The kinda guy where if you send him a cute picture he responds with a video of him falling to his knees wherever he's at.
Loves being the little spoon, but when he's wasted he has a tendency to flop on top of you like a starfish before curling around you like a koala.
Mean mugs the shit outta any girl who looks at him bec tf I'm for MY babys eyes only >:(
Promise rings for your one month anniversary that have both your guy's blood in them. How he got it you'll never know but you're a weirdo just like him and instead of questioning it you bear hug him.
Fantastic kisser, knocks the breath outta you each time, please touch him while you make out, pull his hair he promises not to moan that loudly again. Scouts honor.
He's lying btw
He is the opposite of afraid to moan in your ear, they almost sound exaggerated but no he's really that loud.
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lavendermunson · 10 months
we were built to fall apart – king!steve harrington x fem!reader
୨ৎ ˙ ˖
summary You two are better know as the captains of the basketball teams, this year only one team can keep the crown while the other has to back down. You hate Steve. Steve hates you. But in some weird way something is pulling you to each other.
tags no warnings for this one. angst. enemies to lovers. season 1 steve. king!steve. both are mean but not too much. no upside down. steve harrington x nancy wheeler (for now). platonic!reader x jonathan byers. no use of y/n.
w.c 3.3k
moodboard | next part
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When you arrived at Hawkins High you never expected to be the one to change the rules. Your old school had a basketball team for girls, Hawkins didn’t, it was the only town that was missing this. But with the help of a lot of interested girls, you convinced the principal to give you an opportunity and he did. When the school realized the girls’ team was better, they ignored the boys, and that hurt King Steve’s ego. He wants the attention back, even if it means he has to bring you down for it, maybe start a plan to sabotage.
“Hey! you look like hell,” Jonathan says as he joins you at the parking lot, he hands over a cup of coffee and laughs at your disgusted expression.
“I know, fuck! Harrington had one of his parties again and the music was so loud” You take the cup after murmuring a thank you.
“Your aunt didn’t say anything?”
“No, she’s going to the lake with her fancy boyfriend… You know how it is”
Jonathan opens the door for you since your hands are busy, one carrying the cup and the other one holding your basketball ball.
“Wow, so now it’s serious? She’s in a relationship and I lost my opportunity?” he laughs at his joke as you hit his arm playfully. You shake your head at the thought of Jonathan being with your aunt and giggle with him until you see a familiar face.
“Hey guys!” Nancy Wheeler, better known as Jonathan’s crush “I was wondering if you are still down to make the English project together” she talks to Jonathan as he smiles like a fool.
“Yeah, of course… I’ll be there I promise”
She nods, giving you and your best friend a kind smile, and walks away to find her boyfriend.
“So… I'm assuming I have to babysit Will?” you ask.
“Please, please” he chants, glancing at you with pleading eyes.
“Alright, I'll just have to take him with me to practice”
You always love the idea of spending time with Will, he was your favorite kid from the party.
“And it’s D&D night so you don’t mind…”
“I don’t, it’s always fun to play with them”
Since you met Jonathan in elementary school, you grew up attached by the hip to him and his little brother. When Will found friends to play D&D with, he begged you to play with them since you were the first one to teach him about this game with Jonathan’s help.
The bell rang making you jump, Jonathan joined you in class and you both sat up for a long and boring chemistry class.
At the end of the school day you meet with Will, explaining you had to babysit him for today while Jonathan finished his project. Will wasn’t excited to sit on the bleachers for two hours but he was thankful for not forgetting his sketchbook and colored pencils at home.
“You know the rules, don’t go away, and if you need anything tell me. I don’t mind you interrupting, 'kay?”
The little boy nods, he fully understands that practice means so much to you and you are well aware that a little kid like him can get bored of just sitting down.
“Time goes by fast, don’t worry about it,” he says, as you open the door and see the boys' basketball team instead of your own.
“Are you sure it’s your day to practice?” Will asks, looking at your face. A frown was already present.
“I- I am, someone wants all the attention back” you immediately point at Steve.
“What the fuck?” one of your teammates joins you at the door, she mirrors the expression on your face.
“Language!” Will screams, laughing it off and running to sit down on the bleachers. He was getting impatient while standing up.
You watch as the little kid runs, and when he’s safe in his seat your eyes land on the boys' team especially looking for Steve Harrington.
“No… no, leave it!” your teammate tries to hold you but it’s too late.
You walk over to Steve, dropping your backpack and your ball as you get closer to him. A groan leaves out of Steve’s mouth as he watches you come closer, he holds the ball around his arm and against his hip with a grin on his face.
“Are you stupid?” you ask him, he keeps his grin intact.
“Did the coach forget to tell his little loser that schedules changed? don’t look at me like that, it's not my fault!” he says.
Anger takes over your body, making your vision blurry and red. You get closer to Steve to try and intimidate him but he towers over you. The coach you both share runs towards you and tries to stop a war that is only beginning.
“I am sorry, I wanted to speak to you two… my office”
You look at him and then look at Steve who is looking at you with disgust. Both of you walk over to the coach's office and sit down in the chairs in front of his desk, you move yours to one side to be as far away from Steve as possible.
“Captains, here’s the deal” coach starts to speak, you try to ignore Steve’s presence and he does too “As you may know regionals are starting soon but I'm afraid to tell you I can only send one team out there because the school has no funds to get both of the teams to those competitions” 
“And?” Steve asks.
 “I’m taking the girls,” the coach says.
You stay in your seat smiling, giving the coach a thankful nod and watching Steve lose his mind at the news.
“What?” he gets up from his chair “This is not fair, we are better!” 
“Better at losing,” you say, chuckling as he glares at you. You catch his lip quiver and he storms out of the office.
“Please go talk to him” the coach speaks to you, you raise an eyebrow confused. 
“Me? Why me?” you ask.
“Yes, you are classmates and you need to learn how to take care of each other” Coach shrugs as he takes his sandwich out of a drawer, clearly he wants you to talk to Steve instead of missing lunch.
You run after Steve following the coach's orders, knowing that if you don’t do as he says he might change his choice of taking your team.
“Harrington!” you see Steve behind the gym, he has his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.
“What do you want? you have everything you need now Go away”
“I- I just wanted to… listen, he knows what he’s doing so… I don’t know… you’ll get it next time” You feel a little bit of pity for him, but you know you shouldn’t since he and his friends are always rude to you.
“There is no next time, you don’t get it” he shakes his head, and a look of disappointment rests on his face “We worked hard for this since we started and you came in late and ruined everything”
You can’t believe what he says. A part of you tried to be kind to him for once but now it’s too late.
“Maybe if you weren’t such a dick, maybe you’ll be better at basketball” you try to get back at him “It’s not my fucking fault your team- ”
He stands up, towering over you again, something he loves to do knowing it gets you on your nerves. He takes steps closer to you and your back hits the wall.
“Finish. Your. Sentence” he punctuates his words with each step, getting closer to you. You feel his breath on your cheek and they go red… of anger. Yes because you can’t be enjoying this, can you?
You part your lips to speak but a voice interrupts you, it is Diana, one of your best friends and teammates. 
“Hey!” Steve jumps away from you and runs away, Diana runs to you as you don’t move.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you or something?” she asks, worried.
You knew Steve was never capable of that, he could be the most annoying person on this planet but he would never hurt anyone physically… because you wouldn’t do it to him as much as you wanted to.
“No, no” you shake your head, coming back to reality “He just- he’s just mad and being an asshole as always”
“Okay, we are warming up and you need to join us… the gym is free for us and Will is asking about you”
Steve left to take a shower, after being so tense and angry about the coach ignoring all the time and effort he put into his team. Now he had to go home and tell his dad that he wouldn’t be playing basketball anymore and that career option was not an option anymore. He knew the A-grade-asshole was going to be disappointed, his mom too. 
Because for Steve, his life is a full path of lost battles and he is pretty sure he can never have anything good. The only thing his parents were proud of was his girlfriend, who had lately stopped paying attention to him for this so-called ‘English project’ with a person who was considered to be one of the freaks at school, Jonathan Byers. 
Steve didn’t even know if he loved Nancy because he never felt different… but of course, he loved her. She is a good girl, his parents love her. Her parents are great, they are respected by his own and it was important to Steve to not fuck up this one good thing that he had. 
He didn’t expect his evening to be so boring until Nancy called, he waited for her call all day long after not spending enough time with her because of the project. 
“Steve? My mom is asking if you want to join us for dinner. I’ll get there late but you can go ahead and help her, please” his girlfriend asks, Steve smiles at the invitation and accepts it right away. After a bunch of “yes” “I would love to” and “I'm on my way,” he got in his car, noticing yours wasn’t on the front porch.
For both of you, it was a nightmare even looking at each other at school, it was worse when you had to see each other because you were neighbors. Just like that universe can’t keep him away from you. 
He drives as fast as he can and gets to the Wheeler’s in record time. After greeting the whole family and helping get the casseroles on the table, Mrs. Wheeler screams to Mike that the pizza is ready. Mike and the kids are currently in the middle of an important and tense campaign, with you. 
“This kid… he plays nonstop. I don't think he has even showered today!” Mrs. Wheeler rubs her fingers against her frown, smoothing it out and taking a deep breath.
“I can go down there and give them the pizza if you want” Steve offers, Mrs. Wheeler’s eyes light up at his kindness and he takes the boxes of pizza. He walks over to the basement door and knocks.
“It’s my turn to roll!” Lucas screams.
“I need to see you’re not- ” Dustin screams again, but he is interrupted by a knock.
“Oh Ranger, would you be so kind and to open the door for us?” Mike, the DM, looks at you and you nod getting up from your seat. The screams come back as soon as you take the steps and open the door, not liking what’s waiting for you on the other side.
“You?” Steve and you say at the same time, both with a confused look on your face.
“Are you following me?” you ask. 
“Are you ever going to leave me alone, why are you everywhere?” he asks, annoyed. 
“Just give me that and disappear from my sight!” You take the boxes of pizza off his hands and he sighs in relief. 
“You wish I was following you”
“I wish I could never see you again” You close the door on his face and get back down with the party, giving each of them a slice of pizza before taking your own. The campaign continues as the boys finish eating and clean their hands with napkins to keep the game away from the greasy food. 
Upstairs, Nancy and Jonathan arrive and Steve runs to the door. He didn’t expect to see you here, he didn’t expect to see Jonathan either. He rolls his eyes and hugs his girlfriend, kissing her in front of her friend. 
“I’ll go see my brother” Jonathan whispers, Nancy pushes Steve away and nods to her friend. Jonathan goes downstairs and as the party cheers for him, Steve takes Nancy to the dinner table. 
“Why is Byers and… his little sidekick here?” 
“Oh, you mean…? She plays D&D with the kids very often” she says, turning away “Why?”
“Nothing just… she ruined my life today because her little team of losers are going to the competitions instead of us” he scuffs, trying to keep her eyes on Nancy but he glares at the basement door, trying to forget he saw you again. 
“Oh my god! that’s wonderful I love how they play” She looks at her boyfriend and the anger on his face is clear “But you will get it next time, I’m sure of it”
There is no next time, why is everyone telling him that? Steve tries to kiss Nancy as if it’s going to help bring his anger from level 10 to level 1, instead, she turns her head away taking the casserole to have some dinner. 
Lucas talks to you about basketball, Steve can hear some of your conversation. Something along the lines of ‘yeah, I’ll be practicing tomorrow’ and ‘I’ll practice alone if that’s what they want’ He keeps his thoughts to himself, looking around the table. 
Everyone enjoys all the food Mrs. Wheeler cooks for them. The kids start eating at some point and the house fills with silence. This is the first time Steve and you share some time without bickering with each other. 
Decisions have been made. You needed to start practicing, even more than last month, so much more. 
“Agh” the ball falls out of your hands. You chase it down until you stop at the sight of a body. Steve. 
“Oh no, what is it this time? Did you rent the gym for one day and now I can't be here?”
“What? No” he says “I want to help you. You know, you need a partner to practice your moves”
You shake your head, he is right. 
“So I thought maybe I could help you-“
“I don’t need help,” you interrupt. 
“Yeah, alright. No help, uhm… I'll give you a hand?”
“That sounds worse” You roll your eyes at him then look at his face “Fine, let’s get this over with”
Practicing with Steve was stated as a nightmare. You are narrowly better at him, your moves are faster and less predictable. He is messy, and sometimes too slow.
Your bodies keep brushing with each other. 
First, it was his arm with yours, after he swung an arm in front of you to steal the ball. He succeeded. You shivered.
The second time you touched his leg after stealing the ball back. Your fingertips graze his hairy leg. He shivered too.
The third time he was behind you, blocking you from getting to the other side of the court. His hands come from each side of your body, his back is pressed slightly against you. You let out a quick sigh, keeping your hands on the ball and focusing on what you are doing. The room starts to feel warmer, you don’t know if it’s tiredness or something else. 
You turn around pressing your chest against him, bumping your chest against him. The ball comes out of your hands, flying towards the bleachers. It was like slow motion when Steve lost balance and wrapped his hand around your waist to get a hold of himself but instead, you fell with him.
You were on the floor. You were on top of him. Jolts of electricity flying around your body as you lock your eyes with his, his gaze is soft on yours, something that's never happened before.
His breath is mixing with yours, you catch the smell of his cologne blended with his deodorant and something else you can't get a hold of. This can’t be happening, you can’t be this excited to be close to him. 
He looks at you and gently places a strand of your hair back in its place. Fingers grazing your cheek and the back of your ear. His mouth is slightly open and so it’s yours. 
It’s confusing, How is he making you this nervous when you hate his guts? 
You stand up quickly. Chasing the ball and taking it under your arm. Steve stands up too shaking his head.
“I- I think we are both tired so if you don’t mind we can wrap up for today,” you say.
After a while, practice takes most of the time of your day. Both of you are exhausted but it was a nice chance to get better without interrupting your teammates afternoons who clearly said ‘We are okay with three days of practice.
“Sure, do you… Do you need a ride home?” Steve asks, his voice sounds lower as he takes a deep breath. 
“Yeah, yeah sure just let me call Jonathan” 
He nods. You both begin to stroll away from the gym, heading towards the parking lot. A fresh wave of air hits your forehead that was previously sticky and sweaty, you take a breath and get to the nearest phone at school. 
“Hey, so I don’t need a ride anymore I'm… I’m gonna go home with Steve”
“With? Steve?” Jonathan gasps, exaggerating unnecessarily. “Why is Steve there?” 
“He- he came by to train with me and we sort of lost track of time. You know I’ve been training daily” 
“I'm well aware. Surprised he is still alive even”
“Don’t be dramatic, he was nice for once and it’s helping me if I want to win” Your fingers start to tangle on the phone cord, playing with it to ease your mind “I’ll see you tomorrow, tell Will I said hi”
“Tomorrow. I will when I get home”
“Where are you?” you ask.
“I’m i- I’m at Nancy’s”
“At Nancy’s?” your voice sounds louder than intended. 
“Shhh shut up, Steve is going to hear you and he is going to run here and interrupt. We are finishing our project, don’t start-“
“Are you going to make out?” 
“No, dude. We are not going to— she… listen carefully and don’t say a word” he whispers “We kind of… kissed. She kissed me. I followed”
“OH MY GOD” a very quiet ‘shhh’ comes from the other side of the line as you scream. 
“Don’t tell!”
“I won’t! but doesn’t that count as cheating?”
“I don’t know, I was just caught up in the moment I haven’t thought about that sort of thing”
“Well, she kissed you first. It’s not like you are responsible for this… maybe a little bit but don’t be scared” You sigh, this turned out to be more complicated than fun “Listen, I gotta go We’ll talk tomorrow”
“K, don’t kill Steve!”
“Don’t make me promise something I might end up doing. Bye”
You hang up the phone, run to Steve’s car, and get in so both can get home. The ride home isn’t long, it takes about 15 minutes of uncomfortable silence and the old songs on the radio to make you sleepy. 
After saying thank you and goodbye to Steve, you go into your house and plop on the couch Reflecting on everything that has occurred in the past few hours. What is changing in you?
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REBLOG TO SUPPORT THE AUTHOR. welcome to my new series and stay tuned for the next chapter. you can join the tag list by commenting under this post. shout of to my friend Diana for helping me with this one after watching ‘she's the man’ and ranting about it. feedback is appreciated 🥰
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an-obsessed-cactus · 2 months
I think i may be asexual?!
(okay this got longer than expected and i wanted to stop talking cuz ppl won't read it if it's so long and then i realized I'm not here to please anybody and i just wanna process some stuff so. yeah. also i come to realizations farther down that contradict some stuff from the beginning but I'll just leave my whole thought process here)
fun. um. I've realized I'm not straight two years ago and then started learning more about all things LGBT related and think myself educated enough on this topic but.
I've been pondering my sexuality and gender identity again more in recent days and. today i randomly stumbled across a yt video where the author (are you an author on yt? my brain is glitching rn)(also the 'author' in question is @jaidenanimationsofficial wonderful videos love the animation and the humor) talks about being aroace. few hours pass, my stomach hurts like hell so i go to lay down and sleep a bit, wake up and have a realization.
i googled again what asexuality is and read some more on this. i did this before and i guess i didn't see myself in it? so i kinda crossed it off the list of possible identities. i guess because i do want to have sex. i think. I'm not opposed to it and i get horny lmao. but that's only with fictional characters and works? like i just think: that was very sexy of you. but in a platonic way?! sex doesn't cross my mind. (also can you get aroused by music? or a good written work? or movie? like not even the characters but the work itself?) sorry i dunno I'm confused.
anyway i got a bit off track. what i wanted to say was that i suddenly remembered a convo i had with my sister a while ago where we talked about what is the difference between friendship and a romantic relationship. and she said it's that u wanna have sex with them and i was like ... i don't really think that's it...
and like. i get crushes i think. but I've never experienced this want to have sex with a particular person at least that i could remember. like a want to have sex? i guess yeah i mean not rlly sth i think about much but it's not unprecedented(see: i get horny)
honestly I'm not even sure anymore if im not aromantic as well. cuz queerplatonic sounds more like my jam?
like i felt(feel?) like omnisexual described me well because i think I'd be attracted to who the person is at their core. what if ur straight as a girl, date a boy, and then it turns out he's trans? i dunno i feel like gender isn't this fixed thing which then kinda creates problems when labeling urself with a certain sexuality. aaaa people came irl and i lost my train of thought. um. i feel like labeling myself anything other than omnisexual would feel limiting. even if i never developed a crush on a girl for example (i did), i still feel like i could potentially. like there's nothing stopping me. why shouldn't I?
that was written yesterday. it is now today and i have a whole lot of new thoughts and realizations.
I had a bit of a marathon with @jaidenanimationsofficial videos and i came across an older one she mentioned in the previous one i watched about being aroace(ik it's a mess) about how she couldn't understand why when romantic feelings are not mutual people don't just continue being friends. and i was like EXACTLY WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?! and um. ahem. do u really see it as a problem? I guess if everyone does. but I'm starting to seriously consider if I'm aroace as well which woah there. this happened in a span of a day and I'm not sure it's real and it doesn't feel real? some time will have to pass for me to check out this theory cuz. ppl often say they felt like there was sth wrong with them and then they discovered these terms and were like aHA that's it! that explains everything! and I didn't... have that? and I'm not sure to what extent i identify with aroace because reasons(ill talk about some of it below). and I'm not saying that not having this realization moment or not feeling like sth is wrong with me through my life devalidates my orientation and stuff but it makes me doubt i guess?
i also came to an important discovery that aroused and horny are not the same. who would have thought?! I said above i get horny but apparently being horny means to want to have sex. and i just get the physical part aka arousal. fun. someone help pls im so confused.
okay for the last part(which prolly won't be the last part but one can hope right?)
i said i realized i wasn't straight two years ago. that was when i realized i like my best friend as more than i friend. well it wasn't exactly that simple. tbh i think Lucifer(the series i am NOT a satanist) helped a lot with that? like i knew about some lgbt stuff before because I'm alive on this planet but it kinda made me think about a lot of stuff, and between that stuff was my sexuality as well. idk. it's not like i had a crush on any of the female characters. just got me thinking for some reason. like why is having sex with people you're not romantically involved with wrong? why is prostitution wrong if u enjoy it and get money for it and it's well managed and secure? but that's beside the point.
well anyway I didn't know what i felt towards my bff(I'll say bff cuz bf also stands for boyfriend so it feels weird) but it felt like more than friendship. didn't feel like sth romantic tho. then i discovered queerplatonic relationships exist and i was like i think that's it! and then new school year came i saw her again and doubts flared up. again there was never i wanna have sex with her, but there was an occasional i wanna kiss her. and she was so important to me so it has to be romantic love right?! romance is the highest form of love one can experience afterall! nothing whatsoever can compare to it!! it feels ✨magical✨ when you find you will finally be completed!!! anyways.
it felt like romantic love was the only thing that could justify me feeling this way. i won't go deeper into this because i already have a draft where i do(i have like 16 drafts with uncompleted rambles so...) I'll try to post it but. i told her and we're still good friends! it actually made me closer to the rest of my friend group(which i was only a part of on the paper before)(i was so focused on my bff before I didn't really do group) because i felt a bit distanced from her for a while(she's a people pleaser like me and even tho i think i can read her well im paranoid and i thought she may feel weird?). anyways i got close with 3 other amazing ppl in the meantime and my friendship with my bff hasn't suffered!
but between my feelings being kinda realized and me telling her a whole year has passed and in the end i wasn't even sure what i was feeling anymore just that i didn't want her not to know. idk.
now im wondering what it was. even back then half year pre confession i was thinking if it was just because someone was finally paying attention to me. i didn't really do friends before (i kinda had them but there were no deep convos or shared secrets) and then there was suddenly this person who genuinely enjoys spending time with me! and listens to my problems! and weird obsessions! this sounds kinda sad put like this ngl lmao. but this was the first time I had that deep connection with someone. two years in my confused feelings came. geez i got off track again. point is i thought i was straight up until then and then had a crisis cuz i thought i only liked her cuz she was giving me attention cuz i was straight goddamit! ANYWAYS.
this post has lost all direction. it is a frustrated ramble of a very confused person. let us continue
i will just sum up how i feel about genders and people because I'm a chronic oversharer. oops doops.
men: find them aesthetically pleasing, all celebrity crushes are in this category (there's only one really but if i found a celebrity attractive like not objectively but to me it was a man), i would also get kinda crushes on boys my age when i spent 5 minutes with them. don't ask. i think it's dopamine mining(i suspect i have adhd). im not used to male company and i kinda don't like it that much but the the ?butterflies? are still there. tbh i don't really know what to do with men. doesn't stop me from having crushes tho. i don't have any real desire to be in a romantic relationship with men. i don't exclude the possibility but i haven't found one i would want it with. i also don't know now to interact with them. let alone flirt. actually flirt in general. it feels like it would be cringe and belongs in bad movies.
women: freaking amazing!! love them! no celebrity crushes, one irl crush which might have moved beyond crush(i suspected the L word for a while) to friends or it might have never been a crush in the first place! help! now there's another friend outside of my friend group who i may like. or i just enjoy her company? im not used to this yet. i forgot i think im aroace. this is killing me.
nonbinary/other genders: I haven't met any yet. there are some on discord servers im a part of but I don't really interact much just lurk there. i think irl experience would be different anyway.
someone please explain sth to me. you have sexual attraction okay get that(not really but that's not the point). but then there's romantic attraction. how do you separate that from friendship? just this intense feelings of wanting to be with them at all times? okay myb myb let's say u can separate them from friendship. what about queerplatonic? guys??
i am starting to dislike labels. this is confusing.
also i gotta figure this romantic thing out cuz im writing a fantasy series and there's romance involved lol.
okay so i guess i am at least asexual cuz i don't see ppl and go 'i wanna have sex with them'. i am not yet thoroughly convinced im aromantic as well but we'll see about that ig. because i still don't understand what the difference between romance and deep friendship is. aghhh
although if i can't tell the difference myb that answers the question.
also how does someone who is asexual but romantically attracted to all genders label themselves? like omnisexual ig doesn't work cuz it omnisexual.
i went to google aromantic and.
"demiromantic people have romantic attraction only after forming an emotional bond with another person."
HOW ELSE DO YOU HAVE ROMANTIC ATTRACTION??? Isn't this about who the person is?! Do you just see them and go: oh this must be such a good person. what?
like i understand sexual attraction when you see someone ig. but romantic? i really need someone to explain this to me in depth. i haven't even been asking the right questions.
"Quoiromantic people can't tell the difference between romantic and platonic attractions." Welp i guess i have a new label i can stick on myself. also the name is killing me. (quoi=what in french💀)
(edit: well this thing just posted itself. I DIDN'T HIT POST WTF. but it's out there now. ig it had enough of me adding new and new thoughts. im inclined to agree)
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stobinesque · 1 year
23. “Just pretend to be my date.” for the writing prompt thing <3
hello!! thank you! 😊As much as I love a set up for a fake dating plot, I ended up going in a platonic stobin direction because writing dialogue for them is addictive to me. (also holy heck this grew legs; I did manage to keep it below 1k though)
“That sounds like a big undertaking, Steve.”
“What? Robs, how? Just pretend to be my date. It’s only for one night.”
“Yeah, exactly, dingus. Anyone who sees us interact for more than two seconds in a ‘date’ context is going to think we’re married, not on some casual second date or something.”
“I think you’re giving my family’s observation skills a little bit too much credit.” He rounds the corner of the desk with a fresh stack of returns in his arms.
“No, actually, I’m assuming they have the same observational skills of the average Hawkins resident.” Robin flings herself dramatically onto the register’s counter. “Honestly, life would be so much easier if I actually wanted a beard—constantly trying to convince people we aren’t dating while also throwing them off the scent of my raging lesbianism is exhausting.”
Steve rolls his eyes as he sticks a tape into the rewinder. “Tell me about it.”
“I am! Right now! Me being your beard for your cousin’s wedding is just going to cause more problems than it solves.”
“If I go alone, my aunt is going to spend the whole night trying to set me up with one of the daughters of her husband’s country club friends. Or, worse, she’s going to spend the whole night interrogating me about why I haven’t ‘settled down with a nice girl’ yet, and each time I give an answer that isn’t ‘I am currently planning out an elaborate engagement to a girl you don’t know’ she’s going to get increasingly suspicious about my ‘prolonged bachelor-hood’.”
“Yeah, okay, but why does it have to be me?”
“Because you’re my best friend and you love me?” Steve shoots her his best charming smile. Robin rolls her eyes.
“Try again, asshole.”
Steve throws his hands into the air. “I’m kind of limited on options here, Rob! All the people I know are either children, men, or my ex!”
Robin’s face turns considering, and she gets a little glint in her eye.
“Nope. Nuh-uh.” Steve circles a finger in the general vicinity of her face. “What’s that? What’s this? What are you thinking?”
“How about Vickie?”
“Yeah!” Robin pushes herself back off the counter and starts pacing around. “Think about it, it’s perfect: you both have similar tastes in movies, and the same awful sense of humor—“
“I’m telling her you said that.”
Robin halts in her tracks and shoots Steve a mock pitying expression. “Babe, she already knows.”
Steve crosses his arms across his chest, grumbling.
“Anyway, as I was saying: you both have the same terrible sense of humor, and you both love, like, cars, or whatever. Oh, and sports—!”
“Rob, you like sports—”
“Yes, but we’re trying to figure out a date for you who’s not me.”
“You’re trying to find a date for me that’s not you.”
“And you’re playing along because you’re a supportive friend.”
Steve opened his mouth to argue, but she wasn’t wrong, so he just snapped it back shut again. “Fine, carry on.”
“Thank you.” Robin gives him an imperious little nod. “Aaaas I was saying: the two of you have a lot in common and get along really well, but you’re also both, like, supremely weird around each other when I’m not there—”
“We are not!”
“Steve, the last time I left the two of you alone together I came back to find both of you standing side by side staring into the middle distance, completely silent, until Vickie piped up to say ‘So the sky is really blue today, huh?’”
“I can’t help it if you can’t appreciate a mutual pensive silence, Bobbin.”
“I’m— I— wh— ” Robin splutters, looking dumbfounded. “Where the hell did that come from?”
“I can do long words too, sometimes!”
Robin rolls her eyes again. “Yes, yes, you’re a regular Einstein. Back to my point—”
Steve flings his head back. “Did you have one?”
“Yes, now shut up. My point, is that you and Vickie have enough in common that people will buy her as your date, but you’re awkward enough around each other that you won’t have to act like it’s true love, or something. Perfect for a cover-up temporary romance!”
Steve mulls it over. “Okay. Say I agree that your logic makes sense—”
“It does.”
“Sure, fine, yes. Your logic makes sense. But, you’re still forgetting one crucial detail.”
“And that is…”
The bell to Family Video’s front door jingles as Vickie walks in with a wide smile on her face. “Hi Robin! Hey, Steve! What’s up?”
Steve raises an eyebrow in Robin’s direction.
“Oh shit. We have to actually ask her.”
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