#love bbc
herbeckandcall · 8 months
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kitonisthegod · 5 months
I'm looking for a friend ......all are welcome but like a left friend that will text me send me nudes ofc I'll send them back and jiat Talmud about and do nasty things with who's down ...again all are welcome to cum guys ...girls ....trans.....couples......but im not looking for pay to play I just want somthing real to hit new up please
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noodles-and-tea · 2 months
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They’re judging you
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poppyseed-art · 2 months
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Started watching Merlin
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dum-spiro-spero99 · 2 months
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thanks to @pineapplecrispy for the suggestion + italian bonus, Owen WIlson bonus and historically inaccurated emo boys bonus
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Other request (dm/comments)
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xgermankittycatx · 25 days
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to kiss a king
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totalpantiboibottom · 4 months
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justaz · 4 months
*merlins magic gets exposed in front of the knights*
merlin, magic user: oh fuck
arthur, finally taking this opportunity to pretend as if he just found out merlin has magic after agonizing for the past month on how to bring it up: you have magic?
lancelot, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic: no! i have magic
gwaine, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic, lover of chaos, ride or die: no, i have magic!
mordred, desperate for his hero’s approval bc no matter what he’s done emrys just stares at him with distrust and the poor boy is tired and so close to tears: no…i have magic.
percival, raised by druids and bonded strongly with mordred over that and does Not agree with the persecution of magic in camelot, had an inkling that merlin had magic but no proof: no. i have magic.
*leon and elyan exchange a look, elyan, amused and leon, exhausted, elyan shrugs*
elyan, knows how much gwen adores merlin and completely understands her stance bc merlin…is merlin, down to clown and put on a show, really playing up the dramatics: no! i have magic.
leon, exhausted, has known of merlin’s magic since he stepped foot in camelot, knows of his feelings for arthur and arthur’s feelings for him, knows arthur knows of merlin’s magic and wouldn’t harm him, thinks everyone is being absolutely ridiculous:
*the knights stare hard at leon and even merlin looks slightly offended at leon not jumping to his defense with the rest of the knights, arthur hasn’t said anything and is staring at leon expectantly*
leon, sighing: …no. i have magic.
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inkskinned · 1 year
i think one of the reasons glass onion is so fun is that it just... loves the audience back.
so many popular movies and shows these days thrive on a sort of bitter engagement with their fans - where the fans are dismissed as being stupid, annoying, and needlessly angry. we are constantly positioned as being less intelligent as the writers.
so much of "spoiler-free" movie-making relies on writers getting away with one twist in their work, regardless of if that twist was earned. the work doesn't actually have any rewatch value or interesting writing - because they think "good writing" is about "pulling one over" on the audience. they don't focus on making interesting characters or storylines or good endings - they focus on fooling you. glass onion, meanwhile, has faith that the audience has figured the ending out, and that we'll watch anyway, because we love the characters.
so many adaptions of older works... kind of seem to hate the original work. they're done without passion. they're done almost as if checking off a box. so many of them openly mock the audience for enjoying the original, almost directly telling us that we are fools for ever having loved something.
but glass onion. loves the audience. it knows that many of the people watching are mystery-lovers. it is an homage that feels love towards the original works it references. it knows we also love those works; and instead of trying to disparage those works, it allows us to celebrate them.
one of my favorite things about it - and maybe why i found it so satisfying - is that this movie isn't trying to tell you it's the smartest, bestest, most-clever detective story. instead, it asks itself what is satisfying and exciting for the audience? and actually gives us that payoff. it's bright, colorful, and fucking fun.
just... more of this please. i'm very bored of nihilism and grittiness and "shock value" writing. put the love back in. let us love unironically. have your work say i love you too. thank you for sharing this story.
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herbeckandcall · 2 months
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magicomens · 5 months
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Happy Merlin finale anniversary to those who celebrate :)
I'm taking a small break from the comic for the holidays, see you in late January with Part 8 and a new story arc!
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myoonmii · 4 months
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Started this over a month ago and Probably never going to finish or render this but haha ha heyyy 💖
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thefabledpheasant · 4 months
One of my favorite merthur scenes is Merlin’s “I didn’t want you to feel that you were alone” and it’s so beautiful for so many reasons, but what I don’t see ever mentioned is the moments right after Arthur opens the doors. Merlin doesn’t look at Arthur or give any indication he’s awake until he says Merlin’s name.
I think it’s so special because he’s giving Arthur the choice of what he wants to do. He can leave Merlin there and be alone or he can ‘wake him up’ and have a friend. He knows Arthur might not want to engage with anyone after an entire night spent with his deceased father. It’s a beautiful, understated act of consideration, love, and empathy.
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ncoley · 2 months
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fellas does your boyfriend ever feel a little sad so you create an elaborate story that makes him think he's the chosen one from ye olde prophecies and you have everyone he's ever known stand around and clap for him
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noodles-and-tea · 2 months
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I like how even when Arthur's life is literally being threatened, he's still being a brat about it. The all-powerful keeper of the unicorns tells him the rules to a test that could make or break his entire kingdom and he's all "What kind of a ridiculous test is that!?!? What does that prove" and then makes this face
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Like this is why people wanna kill you babe
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