#love my cowboys and their dumbass
Jim: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Jaden asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight
Jesse: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?
Jim, already taking his clothes off: Jesse you're so fucking stupid
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katadastical · 2 months
A detail I love about this game is that bounty hunters are fair game to murder as you please but animals used by the bounty hunters lose you honour
I headcannon that happens not because it’s worse than killing a human, but because Arthur LOVES dogs and horses so much it makes him feel guilty
The way he talks to and cares for his horse, the way his face lights up everytime he interacts with a dog this scary man is a squishy little guy when it comes to cute 4 legged creatures
So when he hurts the bounty hunters animals, even though they’re assisting in him being apprehended his conscience is like “oh shit I really am a bad bad man”
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(Bonus image of Arthur pirate Morgan patting a dog)
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head-empty404 · 11 months
first time drawing sheriff and it's him in that jon arbuckle pose
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empiriical · 1 year
@jfouler: "hey. buddy." a cup of coffee is set down harshly on the table and slid towards elmer, a very grumpy looking jamie across from him. "this is on me. maybe you could take it and… i dunno, get outta here? leave me alone, maybe? and, please… don't give me that smiling crap, i'm not gonna do it. is there another option? you got some other passion or something?"
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only at the sound of a voice does elmer open his eyes — barely, though ; it's almost impossible to tell the difference — && lean forward, lowering his arms from where they were braced behind his head to rest his elbows on the table.
"oh! hey! that's really nice of you, thanks!" naturally, there's a big grin on his face — though to elmer's credit, his brow does crease slightly at the request. still, he doesn't seem particularly deterred. "well... if me leaving will make you happy, then i'll take this && go right now, but like you just said — you're not gonna smile either way, so my guess is it won't help at all."
maybe he wasn't listening. or maybe he's just an idiot, or naive, or intentionally being annoying... except the earnest expression on elmer's face is nothing but genuine. "honestly? not really. i just love smiles, see? that's all there is to it. although if you won't smile, i suppose i'd accept a laugh. or — honestly, you could humor me && give me an unhappy smile, or a mocking smile... as long as it's genuine! obviously, i'd prefer a happy smile, though."
taking the coffee && drinking half of it down with alarming speed, elmer slams the cup on the table as if it were a tavern's mug full of beer instead of mildly sweet caffeine. "so i suppose the best option would be for you to tell me what would truly make you happy now, && i'll do my best to help!"
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alt-vera · 1 year
— text me, texas ⁀➷
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joel miller worries that the girl he’s been seeing is holding out on him on purpose. she definitely isn’t.
♡ | joel miller | 1.5k | ❛ text me texas - chris young ❜
warnings: pre!outbreak joel miller. outdoor oral (m!receiving). praise. fond nicknames being used. deep throating. age gap. mdni.
❝ it’s breaking my heart and i’m starting to get the message… c’mon and text me, texas ❞
 Whether he was working, or making breakfast for Sarah, his flip phone was always in his peripheral vision. He didn’t even know if it was intentional anymore.
 It’d been a week since he heard from you. A week since the two of you had gone on a nearly disastrous date. A week since he’d gotten a text from you reading, “Talk 2 U L8er, cowboy”
 Texas and Cowboy. You were the one who started the nicknames, jokingly calling him cowboy when he’d come into the ER for some stitches he’d earned during work. Joel knew he shouldn’t be hitting on the resident more than a decade younger than him patching him up, but he loved the way the corners of your eyes crinkled as he cracked a ludic joke, and the way the tip of your tongue peeked out of the corner of your mouth as you honed in on your work.
 This lead to him asking for your number as you discharged him, and you saying yes for a reason Joel couldn’t figure out. Of course, your residency schedule wouldn’t allow for a date right away, something that wouldn’t happen for another two weeks after your fateful meeting, but it did allow for an abundance of phone calls between the two of you.
 Something that had become so routine for Joel that, with their current absence, had caused him a week of fitful, sleepless nights. Missing his texas that wasn’t really from Texas.
 Even now, as he and Tommy shot the shit sitting on the back of Joel’s shoddy wooden porch, beers in hand and cicadas buzzing a backtrack for their conversation, he couldn’t help but steal glances at the folded black device sitting on the table between them.
 “Maybe she’d finally come to her senses,” Tommy suggested with a shit-eating grin as he took a sip from the glass bottle in his hands. “Realized she could do better than a dirty ol’ contractor.”
 “Don’t talk as if your shit don’t stink,” Joel replied gruffly, calloused hands picking at the peeling label of his beer. “You’re in the exact same boat as i am. How is Ashley, by the way?”
 “Fuckin’ a lawyer,” Tommy replied with a roll of his eyes, a much more forceful sip being taken now. “Hey, maybe that’s why she hasn’t called you. She’s fuckin’ her doctor-supervisor whatever it’s called.”
 “Or maybe she’s been too busy patchin’ up dumbasses like yourself.”
 Your voice cut through the summer air, stunning the two men as they turned around to look at you. You leant against the sliding glass door, tank top wrinkled from being in your locker all day and jean shorts hanging low around your hips. Your hair was wild from being thrown up all day, shining in the setting sun as a six pack hung loosely in your hand.
 “Texas,” Joel said weakly, stunned to see you there.
 “Cowboy, Ranger,” You greeted respectively, smiling as you moved to stand in front of the two as you put the pack on the table. “Glad to know you two still think about me when i’m not around.”
 “I’ll take that as my cue to leave,” Tommy mumbled, face ruddy from being caught shit-talking. He placed his empty bottle on the table, fishing out a new one from the pack you brought. “I’ll be drinking this one at home, Doc. Thank ya.”
 You gave him a two-fingered salute as he stalked off, taking his chair and popping the cap off your beer. Joel’s mouth hung agape before he snapped to his senses, hand running over his stubbly jaw.
 “Tommy, y’know, he was just bullshittin’,” Joel mumbled, eyes trained on you, looking for any sort of indication that you were pissed. “Y’know I don’t think you’d do something like that.”
 You laughed heartily, which put Joel somewhat at ease. He melted into his chair just a bit, taking a quick swig.
 “I know, cowboy,” You teased the nickname. Your shorts rode up a bit as you shifted, and Joel fought himself not to stare. “My attending’s been up my ass this week, sticking me in the ER til i ran out of ice packs and stitchin’ thread. That’s why i’ve been so M.I.A.”
 Joel ignored your addressing of your silence, instead quirking his lips up into a teasing grin. “Meet any patients as charming as i was?”
 “Nope,” You replied, taking a swig of your own. “No one can beat the one and only Joel Miller.”
 Joel angled his body more towards yours, “Is that why you took it out of your busy schedule to come see me?”
 “Actually,” You said, wrist twirling as you stretched your soreness, “I have tomorrow off, so i thought i’d pay my dear cowboy a visit, seeing as i left him in radio silence for the past week.”
 “Yeah, darlin’, you can’t do that to an ol’ man like me,” Joel sighed, tracing the wood of his chair. He was never good at being vulnerable. “Made me think you were off, i dunno…”
 You picked up where he trailed off. “Fucking my doctor-supervisor whatever?”
 Joel shook his head, crows feet prominent as he squinted. “No, just that maybe… there was someone else.”
 “If you ever can’t call,” He continued, “You can always text me. Even though i don’t know how to text back, you can always… text me, texas.”
 “Well maybe I can make it up to you…”
 A sly smile danced on your lips as you sank from your chair and onto the balmy wood of the porch, crawling between Joel’s already spread legs. Your fingers traced the pattern on his bet buckle, doe eyes moving to stare up at him. “Sarah’s sleeping over at a friend’s house, right?”
 “Yes,” Joel’s voice came out as a broken sigh. His fingers came up to trace your jawline, rough pads leaving tingles on your smooth skin. “Y’know you don’t have to make it up to me, texas.”
 Your head cocked. “But i want to.”
 Those four simple words made Joel practically fall apart at the seams.
 You felt him relax into his chair, which you took as a signal to continue. You delicately palmed him through his tightening jeans, a groan of satisfaction leaving his lips as you did so. More confident in your actions now that you knew he was enjoying himself, you unbuckled his belt and jeans, pressing kisses to his clothed member.
 Joel’s fingers danced through your hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail as you pulled down his boxers, cock springing up against his dark tee to meet the gentle summer breeze. You spit into your hand, stroking him before smoothly taking him into your mouth.
 Joel could stare at you all day, Texas sunset painting your skin with warm hues, your cheeks hallowed as you took him the best you could, hand stroking what you couldn’t. It took everything in him not to bust the moment you got on your knees in front of him.
 “That’s it, darlin’,” He cooed, thumb absentmindedly stroking your cheek as you took him deeper, throat bobbing against him as you tried not to choke. “Just like that.”
 You pulled away for a breath, and he leant down and kissed you. Your palm still stroking the head of his cock as his tongue swirled with yours. He could taste himself on your tongue, the tang of precum mixed with beer.
 You pulled out from the kiss, smiling as you turned your full attention back to his cock, your tongue sticking out of the corner of your mouth as you focused on making him cum, just as it did when you did his sutures.
 Your muscle tickled his slit as you took him once again in your mouth, wrapping around him as you continued to go down. He groaned, large hand putting gentle pressure on the back of your skull as he encouraged you to take him in farther.
 “You can do it, baby. You can take it all.”
 His encouragement spurred you further, nose coming to meet the wiry hairs at his base as he fully went down your throat. You sputtered around him, but he held you in place, hips bucking up into your mouth.
 “Fuck, darlin’, i’m cumming.”
 His warning came out broken as he moaned, hot seed travelling down your throat and leaking out the side of your mouth. You pulled off once he was milked, using your thumb to collect the fluid that escaped, licking it clean.
 You tucked him back into his boxers and laid your cheek on his jean covered thigh, smiling up at him with a lopsided grin as he fondly played with your hair, tucking it behind your ears and massaging your scalp.
 Joel couldn’t stop himself from grinning back, lips curling as he playfully rolled his eyes. “That was one hell of an apology, texas.”
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juneberrie · 4 months
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request || equestria girls!apple jack x fem!reader
author's note: everyone say thank you to mars for encouraging my delusions & to the person who requested this. also ive been picturing her the way @/cloiiiiii on tiktok draws her so like yeah
ⓘ word count : 0.8k || applejack masterlist
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probably didn't realize she liked you until someone (rarity) told her
"what? no way, i don't like-" and then the "HOLY SHIT I DO LIKE HER!"
she was the last to know
rainbow and rarity have to give her advice on asking you out (rarity's is serious and helpful, dash's is just "ask her out dumbass")
probably asked you out with flowers.
"so uh– i was wondering' if you'd, uh, y'know, wanna go out with me sometime? it's fine if not– y'know what, nevermind its stupi–"
she's so nervous!!!
anyways onto the actual dating hcs
she was the one to say i love you first
you guys were probably taking a walk or something and you were talking and she'll like smile at you really lovingly and go "i love you, y'know"
calls you really cheesy nicknames — sugar, sugar cube, pretty girl, my girl, princess, angel, darlin', missy, sweetheart, sweet pea, honey, etc etc
would take you on the cutest dates!!!
sunsets, picnics, apple picking (duh), late night drives
if u like shopping then she's def the kind of girl who'll hold all your bags
she'll also walk you to all your classes / walk you home
also!!! kind of gf who won't leave u alone in public. like if you guys go out she WILL stay with you at all times cause yk 😕
she's such a sweetheart
will open doors for you and get offended if you try to do ANYTHING yourself
can and will give you her clothes to wear. PLEAAASE wear her flannels/shirts around her she will lose her mind
"well, darlin', don't you look nice?" whenever u get dressed up
she either gets flustered really easily or she doesnt
pls imagine her in like. a white tank and jeans and cowboy boots
1 million dead 4923 injured
her voice in the morning >>>>>
it has a little rasp and her accent is like ten times thicker and just ugh
she's jacked btw. apple jacked.
she grew up up a farm like what'd u expect
anyways imagine needing to get smth off a shelf or something and she just comes up behind you and reaches to grab the thing and her arms ohmygod
love languages are definitely acts of service & quality time
CONSTANTLY doing little things for you
holding open the door, getting you flowers every week, randomly cleaning your room when she's at your house, filling up ur drink, ordering for you, etc
such a "my girl" kind of gf
"attagirl" "my girl" "pretty girl" "sweet girl"
randomly gives u compliments
also!! i don't see her as the kind of gf who comments under ur insta posts but she's def the kind who'll post them on her story
she's not a very social media person in general, but any post she does make is probably of you
would def write you a sappy letter on your anniversary/valentines/christmas/new years/your birthday
basically any chance she gets she'll write u a long, sappy letter telling you how much she appreciates you and loves you and yap yap yap
i don't see her as a person who wears much jewelry, but i can definitely see her having a locket with your picture in it, or some kind of matching bracelet
randomly starts yapping about you to the girls
"she's so sweet and i love her an–" "SHUT UP WE GET IT." "dang okay"
they're your biggest fans!!!
pinkie probably made a fan account on insta thats just her posting cute pictures of you guys
rarity helps applejack plan dates and shit
dash playfully flirts with you any chance she gets because she finds it hilarious when aj glares at her
speaking of that, i can't see her being someone who gets jealous super super easily?
like, i can definitely see her sidling up beside you, putting an arm around your waist, and glaring at the person who's flirting with you
"who's this, darlin'?"
she has an rbf so if you're really sunshine-y you guys look ridiculous tg
scary guard dog gf!!!!
such an early riser but if you ask her to stay in bed with you she'll be so dramatic about it (she'll sigh and be like "alright, alright, but just this once" <- its happened multiple times)
apple bloom adores you!!! she'll randomly barge into aj's room to talk to you (aj thinks its cute how much she likes you but she does NOT appreciate her sister's interruption)
100% your biggest supporter
if you do theatre or choir or orchestra, she'll show up to EVERY. SINGLE. PERFORMANCE. you will ever have
if you do sports, trust she'll be at all your games yelling her head off and holding a big ass sign
she's really good at cooking so she'll learn how to make your favorite dishes!!! this also means you guys have cute little dinners at home a lot <3
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© juneberrie 2024 – reblogs are appreciated!!!
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cuddly-koala · 2 years
Next time I am ready. I will introduce Peter.
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adoregojo · 6 months
⋆。𖦹°‧ late night talk ➝ nagi seishiro ✶
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can't believe i never wrote for nagi.. content ➠ fluff, fluff and more fluff. kinda short.. :'3
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"am i sloppy looking?"
nagi light voice called, you weren't sure if it was a dream because it was around 3am and a half and your vision was blurry from heavy sleep. you opened your eyes a little to be met with your boyfriend facing the ceiling instead of you looking down and in deep thoughts.
"sei..it's too late to have a night talk." your voice was raspy and clearly still drowsy.
"but i wanna know, am i unattractive looking?" your boyfriend asked with his usual plant voice. even when nagi wasn't that good with showing emotions yet you always told him his eyes were an open window and tells enough, he was a little frown that you almost didn't notice.
"and since when did the nagi seishiro care about looks?" you stated, at least trying to lighten up the mode.
"I don't, i care what you think." he explained.
you were taken off by his words that causes the sleep to flow away. you never thought that the day will come and nagi ask you a question like that, you didn't remember saying anything about his looks specifically about him being dreary looking, his eyes remained dry and drained, like something was eating him alive that it didn't allow him to close his eyes. you were never hesitant to tell him he looked handsome showering him with compliments. so whats that about?
he still refuses to meet you eyes, was he afraid to see the look at your face? or hear the words that will come out next? even someone that lacked emotions like nagi could be sorrowful sometimes.
"well, if you asked me." you moved your body closer to him until you felt your shoulder touching his, you cupped his ear and whispered gently. "i think you're the only one ever."
nagi finally turned to lock his eyes with yours, his resting eyes were now slightly wider and his mouth as well, "really?" he blurted when his ears felt heart hot.the sudden change almost made you laugh, he looked so elated like a puppy that just got his treat.
you two were close, almost nose touching each other's. the closeness never bothered you neither will it now, you nodded with smile that made his heart flutter. he felt warm again.
"even if a if i wore that ugly sweater you hate with passion?" he asked playfully.
"I'd still think you're the only guy ever." you admitted.
"even with that hideous cowboy hat?"
"yes sei, even with that hideous cowboy hat."
"wow, you must reallly love me." he said mischievously and you roll your eyes playfully. "shut up, and i also love you for what you have in here." you patted him on his left chest, pointing to his heart.
"....my chest?"
"your heart, dumbass!"
"ooohh." he shook his understandment. you couldn't help but chuckle a bit, seriously how is this guy considered a genius?
your laughter made his black and white world into something colourful, melting his iced heart and colouring his unoccupied soul. he never thought having someone to think of him more than a genius soccer player would make him feel this alive.
damn, he was absolute smitten wasn't he?
"did that satisfy you? can we go back to sleep now?" he turned to you now sluggish figure, barely able to keeo one eye opened.
"i wanna hold you." he said as you turned around giving him you back, he took your silence as an approval to warp his arms around stomach holding you as close as possible, his massive body taking over yours. it didn't hurt to give you a couple of kisses before sleeping, right?
"quite the kisses..i wanna sleep sei." you mumbled while his lips kept smashing against every inch of your face.
"just one more."
he didn't stop at one, or two, or three..
"i only have eyes for you too.." he doubted you heard that.
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love nagi..have a great day everyone └(^o^)┘
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no-see-um-incorrect · 4 months
Cinnamon sugar 
another BitterSweet Trio poly Fic!!! 🩷🍪🧡 Just in time for Valentine’s Day
Hope you enjoy
No TW this time (unless there’s something I missed then please tell me)
“…Al are you sure about this?” Seth‘s voice was filled with concern as he watches his boyfriend balancing precariously on a step ladder and a few books “almost…got it..HAHA!-WHOW!” Alphonse loses his footing and falls backwards into Seth’s arms much to the smaller man’s irritation “I got it~” Al waves a fairly large, seemingly handmade book in Seth’s face before hopping out of his arms
“holy shit! is that your pops old recipe book?” Al slides into the kitchen and tosses the recipe book on the counter and Seth hops on the stool “hell yeah it is! and I’m lucky my dad made these recipes dumbass proof” “why? He knew how to cook” “HE did. me and my Ma? Nah. Better have home insurance” seth laughed and Alphones fliped the pages. Each page felt sturdy, like they got stronger with age. “He practically drilled them in my head. said “your gonna need to make food for your loved ones one day”” seth smiled down at the book of recipes “....little did he know I’d still be feeding you” Al leant over the counter to kiss his forehead, seth's face turned bright red still not quite used to that….from either of them and i don't think he ever will. “Um i *ahem* why ya getting this stuff out?” al snickers at his reaction “bet he'd have never guessed id have two people to care for~” Al attempts to lean in for a kiss but seth pushes his face away “aw come on! No kiss for ya Boi!?” “you'll get a kiss when you can stay on task” al sighs and continues reading the recipe “french toast bake plus strawberries”
“so you wanna make breakfast as a surprise for sugar?” “I need some help....and you take direction well-OW!” Seth smacks Al’s shoulder then gestures to the book “okok!..there's a list of stuff here. You get that i'll get the bowls and shit”
“And in the oven it goes. see~ i told you we could cook without catching the house on fire” “hold on now theres still time during baking” they both laugh ending in a comfortable silence.
“I'm honestly surprised sugar aint’ up yet” “well that just means we have a little more time..got any ideas?” seth thinks for a moment a devious grin appearing across his face “...yea i got one” Al slides onto the counter in front of seth “oh yea and what's tha-HM” Seth pulls him into a kiss by the collar of his sweater. The kiss lasted a few seconds when seth pulls away “how's that as a kiss for “Ya Boi” sufficient enough?” a few seconds of silence and adoring eye contact before Al speaks up “......Your gay” “THIS is why i don't try” seth attempts to walk away but gets trapped by Al’s legs “Get back here cowboy~” Al wraps his arms around seth's neck “hey~ i love you” “i love you too ya goof” “im serious. Your the cinnamon to my cinnamon sugar toast OH and Boo’s the bread cause they bake And without them…we wouldn't be together” “aw Al….that’s really sweet” they press their foreheads together basking in the soft embrace of each other
“OK who turned off my alarm!”
They both chuckle hearing their partner from the other room “Good morning Boo!” “mornin’ sugar”
I hear sugarboo’s footsteps. Alphonse hops off the counter to avoid getting scolded “oOoO something smells good in here!” “Al got the bright idea to turn your alarm off and wake me up to make breakfast” “well I don’t see the fire extinguisher anywhere, so I’m assuming everything went smoothly” Sugarboo gives them both well-deserved kisses. and sits on the barstool. The timer went off, and Alphonse is very careful taking the dish out of the oven “happy Valentine’s Day Boo!” “holy shit! That looks really fucking good! Whose recipe did you use?!” “my dad’s. he used to keep a book of all of um’ and I wanted to cook some breakfast for my two favorite people” Seth wraps his arm around Alphonse’s waist. Boo smiles with adoration in their eyes looking at their boys
“you know I’m really proud of you two. Not just for cooking, but for making it this far. You make me feel so fucking lucky” they push themselves up and wrap their arms around Alphonse and Seth
“Happy Valentine’s Day boys” they hold each other tightly and contently
“aright now let’s eat I’m fucking starving”
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone🫶
I hope you all are having a great day rather celebrating alone or with someone else
Hope you enjoyed this little thing with the boys
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froody · 6 months
the lore for my cowboy OCs ranges from “he witnessed his lover of 6 years be gored and trampled to death. he had to bury him alone on the side of a cattle trail with no grave marker. he cannot remember where he buried him. he does not think he can love again.” to “this dumbass just spent 3 years in the pen after robbing the same stage coach twice. he’s trying to go straight but driving cattle gets boring and stealing is fun.”
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silly-little-gooses · 2 months
If the Inheritance Games characters had social media…
this idea is random, yes, but it came to me at like 2am last night and idc if you don’t like it <3
Jameson would make thirst traps on TikTok and everyone would loose their minds
Alternatively, Jameson makes POV TikToks that are hilarious and cringey, yet you’re invested
Libby posts the cutest little baking videos ever! (I’m very enthusiastic about this one)
Xander posts the most random crap you’ve ever seen on a social media page. He will post any dumbass thought that comes to his silly little brain.
Grayson doesn’t use social media often but when he does, it’s usually just a picture or two of cool places, events, people, etc.
Jameson, Xander, and Nash are always kinda ‘flexing’ their gfs on social media. Not in a toxic or creepy way, but more in a ‘haha my gf is so amazing I’m so in love’ kinda way.
Max and Avery start a podcast and post videos from their podcast.
Nash doesn’t usually post dances or anything, typically just cool or generally interesting stuff, but when texas hold’ em got popular, he danced his little cowboy heart out
Avery posts the most absurd ‘get ready with me’ videos. They can go from a date with Jameson to a trip to the White House and either way, no average american can relate to it🥲.
The entire group posts a lot of videos together doing fun stuff, talking, etc. A lot of collabs take place and people absolutely eat it up.
Xander will post the occasional prank video on his brothers.
that’s all I got, I’ve got a bit of a creative block recently, byeee!
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soukokumychildren · 2 months
Short stories part two in comin' guys! Idk how much I've made since the last one, so here goes-
Chuuya: I can't fuckin' hear ya! Kunikida: Well, fine, I'll come clos- Chuuya: IM TOO BUSY NOT LISTENIN' TO YA
Tachihara: My disguise is flawless! Chuuya: Oh yeah? does not know who this guy is What does it look like? Tachihara: brandishes his signature band-aid Chuuya: Raises brow Tachihara: puts it on Chuuya: jumps like a cat HOLY SHI--TACHIHARA?! WHERE IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK DID YOU COME FRO-
(Chuuya doesn't like people touching him)
Chuuya: choking on carrots Someone random: I know the heimlich, I know how to help! Chuuya: frantically yelps NO! dies
Fukuzawa: All I ask is for you to hug them. Chuuya: looks frantically at Shin (I will not give them the high and mighty title of Soukoku) Y-you're kidding. Awkward chuckle. Fukuzawa: Fatherly raise-eyebrow look. Chuuya: Eheheh…eheh…oh come on… Also Chuuya: Slowly looks to Shin and specifically looks at Akutagawa Atsushi: Awkwardly raises arms Chuuya: Stumbles over, tries to raise his arms to hug them both and pulls away last second Nope. Nope. Can't do this. I'd rather vomit. I actually can't look at his face. Jogs over to where Dazai was while watching from the side-lines Dazai: Chicken. Chuuya: Oh shut up, dumbass. You would have killed them had they touched me. Hiss.
Dazai: Wanna see a magic trick? Chuuya: takes a moment before he understands Oh shit- Atsushi: OOh, sure! Dazai: grabs Chuuya before the avian can escape Guys, c'mere!~ Chuuya: DAZAI NO-DON'T YOU DARE YOU SWORE TO ME- Kunikida, Ranpo, Kenji and Yosano: Wander over grudgingly except for Kenji Chuuya: Fuck fuck fuck fuck let me go- writhing and flapping his wings but iTS NO USE Dazai: Watch, guys. Scratches the back of Chuuya's ear Chuuya: Takes a few seconds of silence but then bursts into a ball of aggressive purring Yosano: Oh my god. Kenji: ✨ 0 ✨ Kunikida: O_O Ranpo: Trying so hard not to laugh Atsushi: QMQ W-w-wh-wha- Dazai: Tehdahh!! Chuuya: Fuck--purrr---you shitty--purrrrr--DAZAI--PURRR somehow gets away with wings flapping in his wake as he runs to the bathroom Also Chuuya: Oh my---purrr---fucking god. That shitass promis-purrr..purrr.. F u c k. I'ma revoke the keeping him alive policy, I--purr--swear to GOD-
Chuuya: "Fuuuuuck you." Dazai: "Fuck you!" Chuuya: "Fuck me, then, coward!" Dazai: "Sure thing you needy little shit!"
Bram: There used to be a plethora of werewolves during my time. Such things were most common.
Chuuya: …Hmmmm. I can kinda like…get you something as close to a werewolf as I can.
Bram: Please do, I'd be most grateful. It has felt like a millenia since I've last encountered such a common kind that seems so terribly uncommon in these parts.
Chuuya: Disappears, and from the distance: Yo, Atsushi!
Also Chuuya: drags Atsushi by the scruff back to Bram and throws him on the ground like a sack of potatoes Here he is. He's more of a cat though, really. But he's still got the moon shit goin' on.
Bram: This pathetic mongrel? Looks mildly disappointed
Chuuya: Yeahhh, I know. This guy sucks, but he still got the semi-werewolf going on.
Bram: Do you perhaps have anything more than this…creature?
Chuuya: Er..unfortunately….no.
Atsushi: …I have ears, you know. Still on the ground
Chuuya: Pretend you don't and let the adults keep talking.
Atsushi & Bram: …
Atsushi: Screw this. Sits up and walks away
Chuuya: grabs him by the scruff again He's just a tad stubborn. If he turns into a full tiger under the full moon, do you think that'll help?
Bram: Sigh I suppose…there's certainly only one way to find out.
Dazai: Addressing Chuuya’s parents your son calls me daddy too ^^ Chuuya: DAZAI WHAT THE FUCK—
C: Don't make this worse. D: Define worse-
Chuuya: You’re bullshitting me so hard right now. Dazai: …. Chuuya: claps hands great, when do we start?
Chuuya: a cowboy? Eh…I’m not big on riding horses. Dazai: but you’re big on riding me? Chuuya: huh? Dazai: Stupid shit eating mischievous look Chuuya: gets it oh—OH FUCK YOU—
(Opinon: This one is shit)
Chuuya: tries making a nest Dazai: not helping Chuuya: Dazai, ya ass, come here and help! Dazai: but I’m disabledddd Chuuya: oh fuck off. We’ll see how disabled ya are when I make you carry all the shit we’re gonna get from the store. Dazai: blinks since when are we going to a store? Chuuya: since now. Get the fuck moving. 20 minutes later at a department store (I think)
Dazai: Y’know, you remind me of the stereotype I heard on the internet. Chuuya: mmmm? Dazai: where women have a knack for comfort in bed, so they have an exorbanatly large amount of pillows and blankets? Chuuya: comes close and hisses Ain’t my fault that I’m half dragon and in need of a nest! Fuck off about the subject or so help me, damnit!
….so the nest was built afterward, and Dazai served timeout in the corner for 20 minutes instead of snuggling with Chuuya in his new nest
Chuuya: twittering Dazai: listens to him and knows he's saying something but doesn't know what Atsushi: joins on the conversation, growling and snarling to Chuuya Chuuya: twitters and whistles back Dazai, feeling jealous: You guys have a secret language now!? No fair!!
(Part 2 kinda)
C: Starts twittering to Atsushi A: Growls back to him to start the conversation A few minutes later…. C: Gasps and comes out of animal speak "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" A: "Nuh uh!" D: Quickly comes in and grabs Chuuya before he could whack the shit out of Atsushi C: "LEMME GO!" D: "Chuuya calm down-" C: "That mother fucker is going to FEEL MY WRATH-"
----------------- (This could be either counted as au or canon, but here's a funny short anyway)
D: I'm gonna fuck you, Chuuya. C: You mean fuckin' kill me, right? D: …. :) C: You…mean fuckin' kill me….right?
Chuuya to Dazai: Here, hold this gives him his gloves and ring Chuuya: Goes over to Clthulu HEY SQUIDDY! Clthulu: Turns around by jamming its tentacles into the earth and spinning its massive body towards Chuuya Chuuya: I hope you glued those tentacles on tight. Oh grantors of dark disgrace, do not wake me again. Corruption insues
Chuuya: I identify as an asshole. Grins and puts hands on hips Dazai: And I identify as the dick. Chuuya: … Dazai: … Chuuya: Gets it OH YOU DICK- Dazai: Case in point ;D
-- That's caught up to the most recent ones! Enjoy :))
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daddy-dins-girl · 10 months
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Pedro Boys - "Zombie Apocalypse Team"
this might be my favourite one yet... keep reading for headcanons!
related posts: Pedro Boys "During a Fire Emergency" Pedro Boys "Nice Argument. Unfortunately," Pedro Boys "Don't Fuck This Up" Pedro Boys "Dad(dy) Matrix" Pedro Boys & Stabbing Pedro Boys "Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic" Pedro Boys "Feral/Sad/Angelic" Pedro Boys Respond to "I love you." Pedro Boys "Character Tropes" Pedro Boys "Gay/Depressed/Horny on Main" Pedro Boys "Dad/THOT/Bastard" Pedro Boys "bring some Coke to the party" Pedro Boys "I Want a Baby" Pedro Boys "As Babysitters" Pedro Boys "As McDonald's Dads" Pedro Boys "in a horror movie" Pedro Boys "Cinnamon Rolls" Pedro Boys "5 Kids, 3 Chairs" Pedro Boys "Playing Monopoly"
Headcanons under the cut!
Leader - Dave York. Simply put, Dave wouldn’t allow anyone else to be in charge of him, regardless if they’d be better suited for it. Some of the others follow him out of fear, others simply because they'd just prefer not to be in charge.
Brawler - Joel Miller. The muscle. Not so great with his words, much better with his fists.
Weapons Expert - Din Djarin. A bonafide space cowboy, this man has it all. Blasters, rifles, flamethrower, jet pack. Evaporating infected before they even see him coming.
Brains - Marcus Moreno. Truly the Team Leader, but he lets Dave hold the title. He has the mutual respect of everyone, is level headed and the glue that holds the whole group together. He advises Dave, but in a way that makes Dave think they’re his own ideas. Marcus doesn't need to take any credit, he just wants everyone to be safe.
Medic - Frankie "Catfish" Morales. He’s no doctor, but he's had enough basic field medical training in his military days to at least be able to patch everyone up better than anyone else on the team. He’d prefer to be the Vehicle Expert but sadly, modes of transportation in the apocalypse are hard to come by.
Moral Support - Marcus Pike. Always looking at the bright side of the apocalypse. He likes to joke “when life hands you cordyceps, make mushroom tetrazzini”.
Scientist - Ezra. Not exactly Einstein, but he knows what berries and plants are safe and which to avoid during long treks through the wilderness. He’s proven himself useful more so than not. Mostly he keeps Dieter from accidentally un-aliving himself.
Risk taker - Max Phillips. Loud and outspoken, Max's mouth is always getting the group into trouble. Good luck to any infected that tries to turn him though, his ego is so big its like a thick candy shell around the vulnerable parts of his brain.
Stealthy - Oberyn Martell. Forget sniping infected from 100 yards away, this man simply sneaks up behind them and with some flourishing footwork they're on the ground with any sharp object he could get his hands on slicing through the flesh of their throat. He's also stealthy in the way he manages to slip into the others' sleeping bags without them evening realizing at the time that they want him to, but that's a headcanon for another post...
Dumbass - Dieter Bravo. It's not that he wants to die, it's just that he seems to occasionally forget that he can't just eat the fungus as if it came in a Ziplock bag that he use to pay 40 bucks a pop for.
Badass - Javier Peña. This man just continuously takes down infected as if they might actually come to an end. He knows that as quickly as he takes down one colony, four more spring up, but he's stubborn and refuses to stop trying, regardless of how tired he is of it all.
Mascot - Javi Gutierrez. He is babygirl. To be protected at all costs.
Distraction - Jack "Whiskey" Daniels. A real root-tootin, gun-blazin cowboy. Jack never needs to be asked twice to go put on a spectacle in the middle of an open field, gathering all the attention so the rest of the group can flank all sides under brush cover. He seems to have nine lives too, narrowly escaping death more times than any other. And he can handle his own. He argued for the spot of Weapons Expert but ultimately was swayed when he realized being the distraction actually meant being the center of attention.
Stereotype - Pero Tovar. One look at this man screams "if anyone was going to survive a zombie apocalypse, it's him"
Sacrifice - Dio. Look, it was his idea. The weird part was that nobody even asked him to.
First Dead - Eddie. It's just facts. In a long line of Pedro Boys deaths, someone had to be first.
Reply or reblog with your own headcanons, I'd love to hear them :)
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What We Do In the Shadows Prompts
"Stab this man."
"Last night there were all these people down there shouting and screaming half drunk."
"Please finish a whole victim before moving on to the next one."
"It's a lovely service, but I'm on fire."
"I'm not going to do this if he's pissing on the wall."
"Would say he's blessedly unburdened with the complications of a university education, but give him an ax and he's second to none."
"I am going to sprinkle it on my face and on my body. Like Twilight."
"And now I am a wizard!"
"This fucking guy."
"Sir, you can’t be throwing ancient coins at me."
"No, I am pillaging everyone, you included."
"She speaks the bullshit."
"Actually, I live in my own basement, dumbass."
"Why are you married to these boiled potatoes?"
"You’re supposed to support me when I want to murder someone!"
"The witches have been toying with our rugs again!"
"No nuns. None."
“Tonight is a good night for the other guy, not me, to die.”
"It’s very official. It came in an envelope."
"I hate this goat."
"I think you just need a little updog…"
"I have the power of 1000 cowboys running through my veins."
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mignonricciardo · 2 years
dim lights, thick smoke | ms47
we all know and love cowboy daniel ricciardo… now let me introduce you to cowboy mick schumacher. my texan roommate approves of this and my newfound knowledge of swing dancing and country music. loosely inspired by dim lights, thick smoke by dwight yokam. [this is currently unedited]
I am incapable of writing anything short apparently as this is 4.6k words
summary: mick heads to the bar with his sister's best friend. tomfoolery ensures involving a certain cowboy fashion statement.
warnings: soft mick, pining, smut, p in v, (brief) oral, cursing, mentions of feelings, not l-bombs but like-bombs, aftercare
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“You’re so not ready for this,” Gina grins, linking her arm with her brother as we bust through the doors of the dive bar. 
The bar is already in full swing, full of cowboy hats, stomping boots and flowing beer. The bartenders shout to one another over the thumping music, and somewhere across the room, a crowd around a mechanical bull cheers as a woman holds on for dear life. Line dancers take up the open space near the back of the bar, and friends old and new throw arms around each other as they sing along to the song. Mick’s eyes are wide as he takes in the sight before him, but a smile is tugging at his lips. 
“Welcome to Texas,” I say to him as Gina laughs at my comment. 
I watch as Mick’s eyes flit around the room before they meet mine, “I never want to leave.”
“Not so fast, cowboy,” I grin, linking my arm with his. “We don’t even have a drink in you yet. You’ll be declaring your love for Texas in no time.”
“Show me the way home,” he chirps before I whisk him away to the bar. 
Three beers in, and Mick has been whisked away by an older woman just dying to teach him to line dance. Gina and I both laugh every time he looks over his shoulder to us, mouthing for help before she shows him another step. I struggle to tear my eyes away from him, confidence spurred on by the alcohol settling in my stomach. He blends right in with the crowd with his fitted white tee tucked into his jeans, accented with cowboy boots and a bronco belt buckle that catches the light with each of his moves. The cowboy hat on his head makes him look like a local, and tufts of golden hair are just visible beneath the brim of the hat. Gina grins at my staring, secretly hoping she can push one of us into a move in the crowded dive bar. She clears her throat as the bartender slides each of us another beer.
“You know I want you two together, right?” she raises her brows as she takes a sip of her drink. Our eyes meet over the lip of her glass before she continues, “I know you think I’m crazy for wanting that, but I’m serious. It’s clear there’s something there, and let’s be honest, I’d do anything to keep you in the family.”
I nearly spit my drink at her comment, feeling my eyes go wide and cheeks puff up, “Keep me in the family?!”
“Keep you around, dumbass!” she laughs with me, steadying herself on my shoulder as she sways on the barstool. “I just think it’d be great if you and Mick admitted you like each other. It’s so obvious. Besides, I caught you kissing in the stables last week.”
I nearly spit my drink at her at her comment, “You saw that?”
“Please, I’m older than him and I’ve known you for years. You aren’t pulling any quick ones on me,” she grins, taking another sip of the pilsner in her glass.
We look back to where Mick is dancing, trying to keep in step with his partner, and Gina gasps as her boyfriend walks through the doors. She waves him over frantically, but I only say a half-hearted greeting as my eyes follow Mick. He laughs loudly as he trips over his own feet, but soon, he’s got it and he’s spinning his partner to her delight. Gina and her boyfriend watch me, elbowing each other and snickering at my lingering gaze. After I flip them off halfheartedly, eyes still following Mick, they laugh and return to their hushed talk of missing one another. Eventually, an older man approaches me, tipping his hat forward as my brows draw in confusion.
“Seems both of our partners are occupied,” he grins.
“What?” I say, still trying to process his words as my eyes tear away form the dance floor.
He chuckles before pointing a finger across the dance floor toward Mick and his blonde-haired partner, “My wife was just dying to teach your man, but I think it’s time we show them how it’s done.”
“Oh, he’s not-” I start to deny Mick as my man, but Gina cuts in.
“Oh, she’d love it,” she grins, motioning to the man in front of me. “Take her for a spin. Her boots are a little dusty.”
“Gina!” I call, but he’s pulling me out of the seat and toward the dance floor as I laugh.
We slide up right next to Mick and his partner, and Mick looks at us as we join in on the line dance. His partner cheers as her husband spins her, and he tips his hat at Mick. Mick laughs loudly as he nods his head, and the pair become lost in their dance as she kisses his cheek. 
After a moment she looks at the two of us, “Don’t say I never did anything for you!”
We’re both laughing as they spin away, and we look at each other once they’ve made their way to the middle of the floor. After a moment, he sticks his hand out to me with raised eyebrows.
“You trust me?” he grins.
“Are you a quick learner?” I quip.
He leans in toward my ear, “Debbie seems to think so.”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” I grin, laughing as he pulls me toward the dance floor as the band kicks back up. 
I can’t stop laughing as he swings me around and our steps line up with those around us. Gina and her boyfriend watch from across the room, and they’re clutching on to each other as they point and laugh at something the other has said. I never even notice them—too focused on Mick as he dances before me. I trip over him a few times as he fumbles, but he catches me with an airy laugh as his hands rest on my hips. Before I realize it, his hands have settled at my hips without a trip or stumble, and we continue to dance with each other as the band rages on. Gina and her boyfriend eventually make their way toward us, bidding us goodbye. Gina winks at the both of us on her way out, and I catch the blush on Mick’s cheeks as I turn to tell him I need another drink. He follows me to the bar, never wavering far from me, and his hands only drop from the small of my back when we finally emerge from the crowd. I miss the warmth of his skin on mine.
“What do you want?” I call over the music, but he can’t hear me.
I lean in close toward his ear, hand resting on his shoulder as one of his hands returns to the small of my back as we lean into each other. I welcome the rush when his calloused hand rests on the stretch of exposed skin between my cropped shirt and jeans, and I repeat my question. I smell the cologne lingering on his neck as I speak, and my eyes linger on his face as he answers.
“A PBR,” he calls back, smile spreading on his face. “Put it on my tab.”
“Put it on Schumacher?” I raise my brows, unable to his the smirk spreading on my cheeks.
He leans forward, one elbow resting on the counter as his hand on my back pulls me slightly forward with him. He orders two beers from the bartender, and the bartender slides two PBR’s across the wood grain. Mick thanks him as he adds it to his tab, and I watch him as he returns to his spot behind me. I grab the beer off the counter and turn around on the barstool so he can slot in between my legs. 
“Thank you,” I yell over the music, grateful for the cold beer after the work from the dance floor.
He watches me for a moment, just grinning as he sips his beer, before leaning forward to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. As he does, I pluck the cowboy hat from his head, laughing as I place it on mine. Mick’s hat is too large for my head with the brim slipping over my eyes, but I tilt it backward to look at him in the dim bar lighting. He is closer than before now, arm brushing mine and cologne filling my head. I look up at him with wide eyes and the faintest trace of a grin. He smiles as he leans in toward my ear.
“You better be careful wearing my hat,” his voice is quiet, and I swoon at the gentle lull in his words. 
“Why’s that, cowboy?” I grin, leaning in a tad closer to better meet his eyes. 
“My old dance partner Debbie may have told me what it means,” Mick starts, eyes darkening through the haze inside the bar. “Her accent was a bit thick, but I think I understood her perfectly.”
“Well, since you love Texas so much,” I start, leaning in closer toward his ear and one hand resting on his chest, “go ahead and tell me.”
His cheeks turn red but a smirk still tugs at his lips, “Wear a cowboy’s hat, you ride the cowboy.”
“Is that so?” I grin, feeling butterflies erupt in my stomach as his hand rests on my knee. 
“You tell me, cowboy,” he grins, tipping the hat back on my head as he repeats my words from earlier. “Weren’t you the one singing save a horse, ride a cowboy earlier?”
My cheeks are burning red in the bar, and I’m oblivious to the people pressing toward the counter with Mick before me. Our eyes are locked, waiting for one to make a move or admit something before the other. Even as a Dwight Yokam song erupts in the bar with people cheering all around us, we stay locked in our silent battle. He tips his beer back, and my eyes follow the curve of his neck as he downs his can. He leans forward to slide it across the bartop, and his cologne fills my nose as he passes over my shoulder. When he returns back to the spot before me, hands returning to either side of my knees, I can barely keep a calm facade as thoughts of Mick run through my lust-clouded mind. He watches as I take another sip of my beer, and I lean toward his ear with a surge of confidence.
“Are you asking me if I’m going to ride you?” I grin, watching the tip of his ears turn red. “So forward. I didn’t know you had it in you, sweet, little Mick.”
A smirk is playing on his lips at my dig, and he laughs as he scoffs in the bar. He runs a hand down his face, fingers dragging down his jaw, before placing his hand at the small of my back and pulling me toward him on the barstool, “Don’t you remember the kiss in the stables? We only stopped because Gina was coming.”
The memory flashes across my mind, and I lean further into him so my lips brush the shell of his ear, “She saw us. She told me tonight.”
“Good,” he huffs, goosebumps spreading on his arms as my breath fans across his neck. “Then she knows you want me as bad as I want you.”
My breath hitches at his comment, and I suddenly can’t answer with his cologne and the lingering cigarette smoke clouding my brain. He watches me with amusement, grinning as my eyes search his and mouth falls open slightly as I search for an answer. I throw the rest of my beer back, pushing the empty can behind my back across the counter. With another surge of confidence, I spin to face the bartender, opting to close the tab under Mick’s name. He has me caged in, an arm on either side of me resting on the counter, and his forearm strains as he signs the receipt. I dig cash out of my pocket to leave on the signed receipt, holding Mick’s hand as he helps down from the barstool. He laughs as I start to walk through the bar, hand still entwined with his as I guide him toward the exit. 
“Do I at least get my hat back?” he grins, leaning in close to my ear from behind. 
“Not yet,” I answer, throwing hair over my shoulder as we bust through the doors. “I have a promise to hold, don’t I?”
“Shit,” he breathes out quietly, hand squeezing my hip.
Mick and I laugh as we rush up the stairs to my apartment, his index finger hooking into the belt loops of my jeans to keep me from rushing too far away from him. I practically pull him up the steps, laughing as he follows me up. We pause on the landing, and he digs my keys out from his pocket and places them in my hands. I fumble with the keys to my apartment, nerves suddenly gripping me as I try to unlock the front door. He laughs quietly as he sees my nerves settle.
“It’s okay, schatzi,” he says quietly, airy laughter as he places a hand over mine. 
He takes the keys from my hand, opening the door with ease. I thank him quietly, guiding him into the apartment as he drops my keys on the table in the front hallway. I pour two cups of water as he slides off his cowboy boots, placing them next to mine by the door. He accepts the cup graciously, leaning back against the kitchen counter across from me. I mirror him against the island, giggling as he nudges my foot with his, and I fix his hat on my head as it slips over my eyes. Softly, he reaches out to tip my chin up to look at him with one finger hooked beneath my jaw. When our eyes meet, his soft smile calms any of my nerves.
“You know, this is all up to you,” he says gently, full authenticity in his words. “I’m not mad or upset with you.”
“It’s not that, Mick,” I whisper, feeling my heart swell at his words. “It’s that I like you, okay? I do want to, but I need you to know that before anything.”
He smiles, “I like you, too. That wasn’t obvious?”
“Ok, maybe it was, but still I just had to-”
He suddenly leans forward, catching my lips with his to stop my nervous rambling. The kiss is soft and tender, but there’s a clear passion in the way his hand caresses my face. When we break away, our chests heave for our air and I set my cup on the counter. With all the assurance I need, I lean toward his lips this time, and it’s not long before his hands are hoisting me up onto the kitchen counter as my tongue meets his. He gives me control of the pace, letting me initiate everything at my own speed. My hands curl around the back of his neck, running through the short hair at the nape of his neck and tracing along the dainty gold chain resting there. He sighs as my fingers trace along his neck, and I can’t help but moan into the kiss when his fingers tug at my hair, knocking the hat on to the counter to be forgotten about. 
“Mick,” I breathe, breaking away from the kiss with a gasping breath. “Bedroom.”
He hums in response, helping me down off the counter before reaching for the hat. He returns it to my head, laughing quietly as it falls over my mussed hair. I tip it dramatically before racing toward the bedroom, and he follows me through the narrow hallway. More laughter spills from my mouth as he hooks an arm around my waist before tackling me to the bed. He’s laughing as he tips his head up to look at me, and he smiles as my eyes squeeze shut and my head is thrown back with contagious laughter. He leaves a kiss on my cheek before making his way toward my jaw. My laughter ebbs into content sighs as his lips make work of my neck, and my fingers tug gently at the blonde strands at the top of his head. His hands dip beneath my cropped shirt, fingers pushing the fabric up to reveal more of my skin. I take the hint, helping him pull the fabric up toward my shoulders before he tosses it to the side. He stares for a moment, towering over me with his knees on either side of my hips.
“Fuck,” he whispers, finger tracing the outline of my bra as I lean into his touch. “You’re so beautiful. Can I?”
I nod my head, “Please.”
A strong arm hooks around my torso, nimble fingers working the clasp of my bra, and he tosses it to the side along with my shirt. He groans when my peaked nipples are revealed, and he dips his head down to leave gentle kisses along the swell of my breasts before capturing each nipple between his lips. My moans echo off the walls, and I have to swim through a lustful haze before my fingers pull at his white t-shirt. I tug the material over his head as his lips break away from my skin, and in a moment of his hesitation, I flip us so he is pressed against the mattress and my hips straddle his. We both moan when his hardness presses against me as I settle on his lap, and my eyes trace his body. My fingers trace gently along his collarbone and down his chiseled chest and abs. His breath hitches and torso tenses as my fingers gently glide across his defined muscle, and my hips swivel gently against his. After a few kisses on his neck and jaw, his hands are grasping at my ass through the denim on my legs still. 
“Tell me what you want,” his voice is raspy as his fingers tug at the waistband of my jeans. “Anything, schatzi.”
I moan at the German term of endearment, relishing in the way it rolls off his tongue. I run a hand through my hair, the other pressed into the mattress next to his shoulder to hold me up. His hands squeeze at my hips and ass as I search for an answer.
“I want to ride you,” I whisper. “I’ve been thinking about it all night.”
“All night?” he grunts, grinning as he pops the button on my jeans and tugging the denim down my thighs. “You’re not as innocent as I thought.”
“I could say the same thing to you,” I grin, standing from the bed to remove my jeans entirely. 
He follows suit, but my hands cover his over top his belt buckle.
“Let me,” I whisper, fingers grasping the metal buckle once his hands fall away. 
I kneel before him, loosening the belt before popping the button on his jeans. He groans as he watches me, fingers running through my hair as I tug the denim down his defined thighs and drop it to the floor. My breath is ragged as I look up at him, fingers toying with the waistband of his boxers, and his eyes are dark as he looks down at me. His fingers rub at my scalp tenderly, a welcome distraction from the hardwood pressing into my knees. I leave a chaste kiss at his hip bone as my fingers pull gently on his boxers, and he hisses as he watches how close my lips are his cock. He gasps as my fingers gently wrap around him.
“You don’t have to,” he groans, voice raspier than I’d heard it all night. “I won’t last.”
“Later then,” I whisper.
I leave a gentle kiss on his tip, pulling the head into my mouth for a brief moment before letting him go and standing back up. One of his hands rests on my cheek, keeping me still as my eyes lock on to his. He can’t help but laugh as he speaks.
“You’re unbelievable,” he grins, lips meeting mine gently. “Already talking about later.”
It’s not long before he has me spread on the bed, nimble fingers circling my clit as his lips glide across my neck and chest. I gasp as he pumps one finger into me, and he laughs quietly against my skin as I arch my back into him. My hands grasp at his biceps, nails sinking into his skin when he adds a second finger to his languid pumps. 
“Mick,” I groan, eyes squeezed shut to try to gain a sense of reason. “Please. Condom in the night stand.”
“So eager,” he whispers, but I can hear the grin in his voice as he leaves a kiss against my lips. 
My eyes open when I hear the dresser open, and he rummages through the drawer before pulling out a condom with a grin. I laugh as he holds it up like its a prize, and I pluck it from his fingers before nudging him back toward the bed. He obliges, spreading out on the duvet with his cock at full attention. I admire him for a moment, spread before me and eyes hooded as he watches me in admiration. I lean down to kiss his lips as my fingers roll the condom over him. He groans into the kiss at the pressure of my hands.
“You’re so amazing,” he mumbles, watching as I straddle his hips.
My fingers guide him toward my entrance, and we groan in unison as I slowly sink on to him. Once he bottoms out, I stay still for a moment as I leverage my hands on his chest. He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear as he places the hat back on to my head.
“Fuck, you look good,” he groans, hands resting at my hips. “You’re fucking incredible, schatzi.”
I moan at his words, tipping my head forward as I lean my weight onto my hands braced against his chest. He grins at my reaction, hissing as he feels the shift in weight as my hips move ever so slightly.
“You like being called that, don’t you?” he whispers.
I nod wildly, feeling the hat tipping on my head, “I love it.”
He groans when I lean my weight back onto where we’re connected, and my jaw falls open as he presses deeply into me. I’m already seeing stars across my vision, and my fingernails sink into my palms. Once I’ve collected myself, I begin to swivel my hips against him, and both of us erupt in a symphony of pants, moans, groans and muttered fucks. The sound of our skin meeting mixed with our heavy breaths fill the room, and it doesn’t take long before I’m losing my steady rhythm. His hands grip my hips tenderly, and his fingertips press deeply into my skin as his forearms strain to aid me in my movements. A desperate plea falls from my lips when his hips start moving to meet mine, and his rhythm falters as I squeeze around him. 
“Mick,” I choke out, still desperately grinding against him. “I’m going to cum.”
“Fuck, me too,” he groans, and my hands splay out across his chest. “Just a few more.”
“Mick-” I gasp, and his fingers curl around the back of my head to pull me forward toward his lips.
Stars burst across my vision when our lips meet, and our hips stutter as his fingers press into my scalp and my nails sink into his chest. I’m still reeling when our hips finally halt, and when our lips break apart, I fall forward so my cheek rests against his shoulder. Both of our chests are heaving, and he hisses when the aftershocks of my orgasm have me clenching around him.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” I breathlessly mutter, too tired to even try to move.
“No, don’t apologize. Just sensitive,” he mumbles, arm curling around my waist and squeezing gently. “That was-”
“Yeah,” I agree before he can finish before he can finish his thought.
“Are you okay?” he whispers, his other hand brushing hair back from my shoulder and neck.
“Perfect,” I whisper, relishing in the warmth of his body pressed against mine. “You?”
“Never been better.”
The shower steam fills the room as hot water hits the tile floor, and Mick opens the door to the walk-in with a broad smile before following me in. I laugh as he fumbles with shutting the door and fitting into the small walk-in with me, but we eventually find a way to slot together beneath the warm water. He shampoos and conditions my hair for me, fingers working through my strands tenderly as he rubs at my scalp. I do the same for him, laughing as he sighs when my nails scratch his head gently. He lathers soap before bringing the washcloth to my body, gently tracing across the curves and divots he had just become acquainted with. His fingers gently ghost along my neck and collarbone, pausing over the few blossoming marks from his eager lips.
“I’ll need to visit Texas more often,” he whispers quietly, tipping my head back beneath the showerhead to clear all the product from my hair.
“For this?”
“Not just this,” his voice is gentle. “To take you out, to spend more time with you. This is just an added bonus.”
I laugh, “So you weren’t just saying all that so I’d fuck you?”
He laughs loudly, “No, I genuinely like you. Besides, I think I ended up fucking you, schatzi, no?”
I elbow him in the ribs, causing more laughter to erupt in the small space between us. He leans down to kiss my lips gently, and I oblige as our lips meet in a chaste kiss.
“Fine, you’re right,” he grins as his cheeks turn red. “Rode me like a champ, cowboy hat and all.”
I kiss his lips again as we get ready to step out of the shower, “Don’t forget about round two in the morning.”
He groans as he tosses me a towel, “You’ll be the death of me if Gina doesn’t find out about this first.”
“Oh, don’t worry about her,” I grin, wrapping the towel around my torso and tucking it beneath my arm. “She’s been waiting for this to happen for like a year.”
“Perfect, so she won’t be surprised when we show up late to the ranch tomorrow,” he mutters, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me to the bed.
I laugh as he tosses me onto the bed, throwing me a large shirt from my dresser before he dries himself off. We eventually settle beneath the duvet, his chest pressed to my back and an arm slung across my waist. My hand rests on his as our fingers interlock. Just as I’m about to fall asleep, his chest shakes with laughter.
“What could you possibly be laughing at right now?” I sigh, fingers squeezing his. 
His laughter continues airily through the room, “You rode me with a cowboy hat on.”
“Oh, shut up, you liked it!” I call, but a smile is spreading across my face as his laughter shakes the mattress. 
“Loved it, schatzi,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “We’ll talk more in the morning. Get some sleep.”
@lostinketterdam @writing-about-current-obsessions
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froggibus · 1 year
Hello hello! I loved your baby fever headcannons for the Shimada Bros ❤️ Any chance you’d write them again for Cassidy? 👉👈
Cassidy As a Father HCs
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CW: cass as a parent, GN! reader (as much as I could at least), cass is kinda a nerd, unorthodox parenting style
this may or may not have been sitting in my inbox for a WHILE oops but I just remembered it was there so here it is lol! enjoy <3
(also side note, i deleted one of my other cass fics cause I hate it so here is penance for my sins)
(so I am an idiot and realized way too late that they meant BABY FEVER hcs so here they are)
definitely the type to want a pack of children 
uses his ‘southern charm’ on you and “don’t you want a lil pack of y/n/cassidy’s running around?”
when he had his first child, he cries 
like real tears 
he just can’t believe something so innocent and perfect came from him
he gives super overprotective dad vibes
especially if he has a little girl
but he’s also the dumbass dad who does stupid things in the name of fun 
like when he took your kids sledding on a rocket powered sled that Torbjorn built them
needless to say, he slept on the couch that night
but he really does love his kids to death and would never do anything to put them in danger 
loves playing cowboys with them too
he’ll dress them up in his old hats and belts and boots and they’ll run around the living room on fake horses 
“hey daddy, what does B-A-M-F mean?”
panic ensues
much like Genji, he’s a “idk ask your mom/dad” type of parent 
instead of bribery tho he uses blackmail lmfao 
“if you tell mom/dad about X make sure to mention it was your idea”
very Tony Stark esque parenting
if his child wants to be a cowboy for Halloween, he would definitely get roped into dressing up as the horse
Grandpa Reyes + Uncle Genji and Auntie Angela???? 
Yes please
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