juststarsandthemoon · 6 months
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calethelettuce · 8 months
SaSi Intruality Week 5/7: Christmas in October?
Prompt: Gifts
Tags: @intrualityweek
Synopsis: Remus gets bored. Why not switch around holidays on everyone? Sounds like the perfect prank! ..He also just wants an excuse to give Patton things for no good reason. And Patton? Oh, he’s thrilled to finally see snow! The others are going to burn Remus at the stake for this one.
Characters: Patton, Remus, Logan, Virgil, Roman, Janus
Relationships: Romantic Intruality, Platonic Loxiety
TW: Swearing, dirty humor, sexual innuendos, mentions of screwing parents (but specifically dads), mentions of murder, oh also there’s a knife
“Why the fuck is there a Christmas tree in the common room?!”
“Virgil, what on Earth are you screaming about-“ Logan shut his book with a quick snap, looking up for the first time in hours. He stared at the Christmas tree sitting in the middle of the room, his stoic expression not changing at all. “Oh. I see.”
Virgil let out an annoyed groan. “There’s no way you’ve been sitting there this whole time and didn’t notice this!” He gestured to the array of Christmas decorations strung along shelves and light fixtures. “We’re erasing my favorite holiday, here!”
Logan shrugged, straightening his glasses frames. “Ask Remus. He’s probably behind this.” He supplied, putting his book down, “I’ll come with you if you want.”
Virgil crossed his arms with an annoyed frown. “I’m going to kill him.”
Patton managed to roll out of bed by 9 AM. His house felt awfully cold for October.. He rubbed his eyes, putting on his glasses while staring through the window.
Why did everything seem so… white? Patton moved back the curtains and nearly choked when he realized there was snow outside.
“In October!?” He checked the date: October 26. Good, he wasn’t going crazy. “It’s not even Halloween!” He mused, shutting the curtains and rushing down the steps with his phone in hand. The device was buzzing like mad, sending a tingle through his arm. He checked his notifications, chuckling at the exchange happening and the intense flurry of notifications.
The Sides!
Roman-ce Expert: what the heck is going on outside-
Down Low-gan: I'm unsure myself, actually.
Bananaconda: shut up i'm trying to sleep
My Dark, Strange Son: SHUT THE UP BITCH
Bananaconda: this is literally why nobody likes you
Down Low-gan: Stop fighting. Janus, just turn off your notifications like I do.
Bananaconda: whatever
Remus <3: Cock and ball torture
Remus <3: I'm hangin with your mom right now :P
Bananaconda: get fucked virgil
Pattoncake: i think it's cool! :3 snow is cool! srry for late reply just woke up
Roman-ce Expert: If it wasn't OCTOBER and not EVEN PAST Halloween I would agree
Remus <3: Patty!!
Pattoncake: Hi :D
Down Low-gan: Good morning, Patton, apologies for the spam from these imbeciles.
Roman-ce Expert: EXCUSE ME?????????? (ㆆ_ㆆ)
Bananaconda: shut up, i'm going back to bed
Pattoncake: Have a good nap Janny! ᕙ(^▿^-ᕙ)
My Dark, Strange Son: i hope you die in your sleep
Pattoncake: VIRGIL- (≖_≖ )
My Dark, Strange Son: i only speak the truth dad
My Dark, Strange Son: Pat*
Pattoncake: :O
Roman-ce Expert: bro just got called out
Remus <3: Patty open the door :)
Remus <3: BABY LET ME IN
My Dark, Strange Son: go be sentimental somewhere else trash bitch
Remus <3: This is why I'm fucking your dad PATTON OPEN UP
Patton put his phone in his pocket, noticing the intense knocking on his front door. He pulled it open, smiling brightly. "Hiya, Remus!" he chirped. "Come on in!"
Remus grinned back, holding up a surprisingly neatly packaged bag. The tissue paper inside was a pretty blue and was very glittery. "I got this for you!" he declared, walking in and handing the moderately large bag to Patton, "Merry Christmas!"
Patton gave him a confused and concerned look, taking the bag gingerly from him. "Thanks! But.. you realize it's October, right?"
“Sure do!”
He raised an eyebrow. “Then why-“
“Don’t question it too much, Patty!” Remus simply gestured to the bag. “Open it!”
Patton thought about it for a moment. “Is this a trick?”
Remus looked awfully offended for someone who played pranks often. “Not this time!”
Patton nodded slowly, before stepping back and gesturing inside. “Well, come in first! It must be cold out there!” He was definitely cold himself, just by standing at the door with it open. “I can make your favorite hot cocoa, with the spices you like.”
Remus’ face brightened up at that. “Sweet!” He wandered inside, plopping down on one of the stools near the island counter. “Then you’ll open your gift?” He asked hopefully.
Patton gave him a small smile as he put the gift on the coffee table in the living room. “Sure, Morningstar.”
Remus hummed to himself, though it was more like a strange cackle or laugh than anything.
Patton got to work on the two cups of cocoa. He mentally went over the differences in the ways that every side preferred their cocoa, just to test his memory.
He knew that Logan liked his with milk and a tinge of peppermint (which was certainly interesting to him).
Roman preferred to make his with cocoa bombs, of which normally added tons of sugar from the extra chocolate.
Virgil rarely ever drank cocoa, but when he did? He preferred it cold. Patton still hadn’t figured that one out yet.
Janus took theirs as standard as you could get, but they rarely ever drank the stuff and preferred to drink other things.. like wine.
Now, Remus? It could change every day. Normally, he preferred his made with the water scalding hot. He preferred it so hot, in fact, that if anyone other than him tried to drink it they’d burn their hands on the mug. He loved spices, no matter if it was salt or pepper or anything else that comes to mind. His cocoa choices were never boring, Patton could confirm that.
He poured the still boiling water into a mug, careful not to spill any on himself or the counter. He held both the kettle and the cup with heat resistant gloves. “Remus, what spices are we thinking today, bud?” He called.
“Oooh! Let me think…” Remus began listing off random spices that came to mind.
Patton picked out three of the spices listed, putting a bit of each into the water and he added the cocoa powder to the mug. After being mixed, he slid the mug over to Remus. “There you go, hon!” He said cheerfully, beginning to work on his own.
Patton liked his plain and simple: just warm milk and the cocoa powder. Something simple to dip cookies in! It only took a quick five minutes for him to be sitting beside Remus as they both sipped their respective drinks.
Remus was the first one done. He plopped his mug down onto the counter, the hand painted black and green exterior shining under the glowing gaze of the lights overhead. “That was fucking delicious!”
Patton nibbled on a cookie, dipping it into his cocoa every so often. “I’m glad you liked it!” He said fondly.
Remus spun around on the stool as he waited for Patton to finish.
“Are you done yet?”
“Not yet, bud.”
“How about now?”
“Still no, honeybee.”
“……are you done yet?”
Patton sighed, giving Remus a knowing look. “If I open the gift now, will you let me finish my hot chocolate?”
Remus pondered that for a moment. “..DEAL!” He hopped up, running over to the living room and sitting down. “Get to it, Pattyboy!”
“Okay, okay! Hold on!” Patton followed him at a much slower pace, putting his mug down on a glittery, star shaped coaster as he sat next to his boyfriend.
Remus giggled to himself as he handed the gift to Patton. “Here you go, Frog Daddy!”
Patton put the bag in his lap, looking it over. “It’s pretty heavy..” he couldn’t help but feel slightly concerned. What could be in here?
“C’mon, just open it!” Remus nearly begged him, “The suspense is killin’ me, man!”
Patton pulled out the tissue paper, watching as it floated carelessly in the air before settling on the carpet. Inside, to his surprise, were three individually wrapped boxes. They were wrapped in shiny silver paper, with little baby blue bows decorating the tops.
“I hated wrapping it all neat,” Remus added, “but I figured you’d like it.”
Patton took out one of the smallest boxes first, which was rather hefty for its size. He unwrapped it carefully, confused as to what could be inside. He gasped.
Inside sat two crystal statues; one of a cat and one of a frog. “Oh, Remus! These are amazing!” He gushed.
Remus beamed. “Good! They’re Blue Calcite, they apparently help balance emotions. So, y’know, I thought it fit you.” He shrugged. “I got Logan to tell me that. I know absolutely nothing else.”
Patton pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I think they’re lovely either way.”
“Yuuck, positivity! Just keep going!”
The next thing Patton pulled out happened to be a knife. The blade was embellished with various gems and crystals in both green and blue, and Patton nearly dropping it out shock once he realized what it was.
“It’s not real! It’s a fake one I made! Not sharp at all!” Remus took it and tried to stab something, to no avail. “See? Totally safe!”
Patton breathed out a sigh of relief. “You almost just gave me a heart attack, mister!”
“Sorry not sorry! Open the last one, that’s my favorite!”
“I don’t know whether to be excited or terrified.”
Patton ripped open the box, pausing with an awestruck expression on his face.
A beautiful array of necklaces, friendship bracelets and rings sat inside.
“I made us matching ones!” Remus supplied, holding up his own emerald set, “Yours are diamond!”
Patton tried on the ring, realizing it fit perfect on his ring finger. He gave Remus the biggest smile the side had ever seen, before nearly tackling him in a hug. “I LOVE IT!” he squealed, “Thank you thank you thank you!!!”
Remus scoffed, ignoring how red his face was. “It was nothing, Pattycake!”
And then Patton kissed him.
Right on the lips.
And internally?
Remus flipped the fuck out. In a good way!
They sat there for a moment or two, just enjoying each other’s company, Patton’s hot cocoa long forgotten.
“I think Virgil’s going to kick my ass.” Remus muttered randomly. “I totally erased his favorite holiday.” He smirked to himself. “Oh well. Let’s go play in the snow!”
Patton laughed and smiled up at him. “Okay! Let’s go!”
Truth be told, Virgil had decided to let Remus live a little longer.
..only for Patton’s sake.
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lovecorepatton · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
please use he/she for logan and he/him for virgil <3
Music: Mint Leaves
Musician: Jeff Kaale
[ID: a drawing of logan and virgil. logan is an asian person with light brown skin and dyed blonde hair. she wears a button up with a planetary pattern on it, cuffed jeans, and mismatched socks. he has round glasses. he leans against a bookshelf and holds virgil, hand gesturing as he talks. virgil is a white man with blonde hair in a ponytail and acne. he leans on logan’s chest and looks up at him. he wears a black hoodie, purple shirt, and dark ripped jeans. the background is a room. there’s a bookshelf with books, an aquarium, and a model of a star system. the bench that logan and virgil sit on is attached to the bookshelf, and a skateboard leans against it. there’s a window with rain. there’s a purple pink overlay, leaving the entire image slightly pastel purple. the next few images are variations of this. end ID.]
rbs are highly appreciated!
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artist-owl · 2 years
The Falling Star Shining in Your Eyes
ao3 link in reblog!
pairing: Virgil/Logan
word count: 632
prompt: listening to each other’s heartbeat
It was a characteristically muggy night in May, although at least it had been dark for long enough for the heat to have receded somewhat. Virgil could hear the quiet sound of leaves rustling in the breeze, the much louder sound of the cicadas screaming, and the sounds of other various night animals that shouldn’t be as unsettling as they were. The waterproof blanket crinkled under him whenever he moved. Above him, a meteor shower was going on. It had a name, Virgil was sure, though it had slipped his mind at the moment. He had been informed, however, that it was an incredibly rare astronomical event, and he probably should have been paying attention to it.
But - and Virgil would never admit it out loud - it wasn’t as good of a view as who was beside him.
The moon was only the smallest sliver in the sky (all the better to see the meteors, apparently) so Logan’s face was barely illuminated. Still, Virgil’s night vision was good enough that he could make out the outline of Logan’s features, the curve of his nose and the point of his chin, could see the soft smile gracing his face and his and the sparkling of his eyes as they reflected the gentle twinkling of the stars.
Ugh, he was making Virgil get poetic. Disgusting.
Logan let out an excited gasp - another meteor must have flown by - and turned to Virgil, blinking in surprise when he saw Virgil already facing him.
“You’re missing it,” Logan said.
“Nah,” Virgil replied entirely too earnestly.
Logan’s face softened almost imperceptibly. “Don’t you want to see the meteor shower?”
Virgil tried his best to bite back the probably dopey smile that was threatening to break out. “I’m a little more interested in something else right now.”
Logan’s brow furrowed a little bit, and the smile slipped from his face, which was illegal, nothing should be making Logan frown right now. “I didn’t realize that this might be boring for you, I’m sor-”
“Shush.” Virgil gave into temptation and reached over to smooth his hand over Logan’s brow until it relaxed. “I’m not bored at all, especially not with how excited you are right now, I’m just interested in someone very different from the stars.” He couldn’t stop himself from adding, “well, not that different,” before the words passed his lips, but the way Logan turned his head away in a clear sign of his blush even if it was too dark to see it was worth it at least. Virgil cleared his throat and continued, “I love being with you.”
He heard Logan cough slightly before saying, “Well. In that case.”
Virgil huffed a laugh. “Do you honestly think that I could hear you geeking out about this and planning this whole outing for a week without being at least a little invested in how excited you are?” Virgil pushed himself up on one arm so that he could drape himself over Logan, blanket crinkling in protest. “Scientifically impossible. You’re too cute.”
Logan pushed him gently around until he was situated securely against Logan, arms around his shoulders and head pillowed on Logan’s chest, Logan’s arms wrapped securely around his waist. “Well, who am I to argue with science?”
“Exactly.” Virgil settled further into Logan’s chest, turning his head to the side so he could lay comfortably. He could hear Logan’s heartbeat beneath his ear. The sounds of the night seemed to fade into the background, the slow, steady ba-dum, ba-dum, filling Virgil’s senses.
He felt Logan’s hand slide up his head, carding his fingers through Virgil’s hair and scratching gently at Virgil’s scalp. Virgil sighed in contentment, closing his eyes and relaxing further into Logan’s soft touches, solid presence, and the soothing sound of his heartbeat.
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Worm Your Way Into My Heart
Part 2 of the Found Home series
Logan offers to take care of the twins when their parents are out of town. Virgil isn't sure what to think.
Finally back on my bullshit again! Hi everyone. I know the last one didn't get too much attention but I'm so grateful for the few readers it got, and I'm excited to keep writing for this series. Most of them are just going to be one-shots in this universe because I didn't want to have an update schedule.... but I hope you enjoy reading them! I've been pushing myself to make these longer and I'm really proud of the outcome.
also: i live for Thomas talking about his two dads-
  Logan and Virgil had heard of the Michaels long before they met them through the kids.
 Eleanor Beck and Levi Michaels were widely known at Michigan State. Virgil had once groaned to Logan that they were “almost too perfect to exist”. Levi got the main role in nearly every play the university held in the four years he attended. Eleanor often played the roles opposite Levi, though on occasion, she would be in the orchestra pit playing the piano.
 Somehow, they were the popular kids among the theater geeks. They’d been the ones that went straight to New York on trust funds, but their house was only a few blocks away from Virgil’s childhood home. The Sanders didn’t even know that the Michaels had returned until they sent an invite for dinner.
 Thomas had befriended the Michaels twins on the first day of preschool, but they never saw each other outside of school. Despite being their current kindergarten teacher, Logan wasn’t even sure who the twins’ parents were. When he called home regarding Remus’s behavior, he often only reached their voicemail or Joanne, the main housekeeper.
 “Mister Logan!” Remus and Roman ran up to him one afternoon during pick-up. Thomas was not far behind them, as always. “Our mommy and daddy want you to come over for dinner with Thomas and your wife!”
 Logan was about to correct them when Thomas spoke up, stomping his foot. “I      told     you, I have a Dad and a Papa. I don’t have a mommy.”
 “You have to have a mommy to have a baby.” Remus pointed out.
 “Well, Papa says I’m a-dop-ted.” Thomas said, flubbing the last word, and Logan fought the urge to laugh.
 “I’d need to talk to your parents if you want us over for dinner, though.” Logan said, trying to keep a straight face. “Do you have a way I can talk to them?”
 “They’re here!” Roman said. “Remus, go get them.”
 “On it!” Remus ran into the crowd of parents and quickly emerged with Levi and Eleanor in tow. “Mommy, you said you wanted to meet Thomas’s parents. This is Thomas’s dad!” He pointed at Logan, who gave them a smile.
 “Eleanor, Levi. It’s certainly been a while.” The three adults shook hands. The kids looked up at them expectantly.
 “I’m sure the kids have been keeping you on your toes.” Eleanor smiled down, ruffling Roman’s hair. “We wanted to invite you to dinner. How about Saturday night? The kids have been begging for a sleepover with Thomas lately.”
 “I’ll have to check with my husband, but that should be alright.” Logan watched Eleanor’s smile falter a little bit, but Levi continued the conversation.
 “Well, here’s my card. Call us if you can, we’d love to have you.” Levi handed over a business card. “Have a nice evening, you two.” The family of four left, and Thomas tugged on Logan’s pant leg.
 “What did I say about tugging my clothes?” Logan tsked, slinging the strap of Thomas’s backpack over his shoulder. “Ready to go home, bud?”
 “Can we get ice cream?” Thomas asked as Logan picked him up, walking back into the classroom to grab his own backpack.
 “Why don’t we wait until after dinner?” Logan compromised, and Thomas nodded, satisfied with that answer.
 “No fucking way.” Virgil said when Logan told him the news that night, at dinner.
 “Language.” Logan sang under his breath as Thomas giggled.
 “Papa said a bad word!” Their son said gleefully, showing the contents of his mouth as he spoke.
 “Remember what we said about talking when you’re eating?” Logan scolded, but he was looking at his husband, still waiting for a response.
 “Why would they want us over for dinner? They’re like Broadway      royalty.     Why are they here, anyways?” Virgil asked, sighing.
 “Well, they’re the parents of Roman and Remus, who are Thomas’s friends. I figure we should at least put in the effort to get to know them.” Logan spotted Thomas pushing his vegetables around his plate. “Buddy, you gotta eat your veggies.”
 “But why?” Thomas whined.
 “Because they’re gonna make you really smart and really strong. Like superpowers.” Logan said, smiling as Thomas started shoveling pieces of broccoli into his mouth. “And you always said you wanted to talk to them.”
 “Well, yeah, but what if they’re rich as-” Logan glared at Virgil, who corrected himself mid-sentence. “They’re rich meanies?” He tried, and Logan rolled his eyes.
 “Why would they be meanies? Roman and Remus are nice to me.” Thomas piped up. He was promptly ignored.
 “Isn’t Eleanor h-o-m-o-p-h-o-b-i-c?” Virgil spelled out, shooting a warning look at Logan.
 “She can’t be, she’s surrounded by people like us all the time. Plus, isn’t Levi bi?”
 “You can still be that and marry someone like      us    .” Virgil said indignantly. “What if they’re teaching their kids that kind of bias?”
 “Considering the amount of times I say “my husband” in class, I’m pretty sure their kids can think for themselves by now.” Logan smirked. “And I don’t know why they’re living here. I thought they went to New York, too.”
 “Why don’t I have a mommy?” Thomas asked after the three had lapsed into silence for a few moments.
 “You do. We just don’t know where she is.” Virgil said. “Adri… Do you remember them? They were your social worker.”
 “That’s okay.” Virgil smiled gently. “Adri said that they didn’t know who your mommy was. But when you’re older, and if you still want to find her then, we can look for her.”
 Logan looked at Virgil warily. They did know the truth, but a little white lie was easier than explaining the process of surrendering a baby.
 Thomas’s mother had been young, only sixteen. Adri hadn’t been able to tell them much, but they had said that the mother surrendered the baby to a police or firefighter station when he was a few days old. Thomas was taken care of by an older woman, until he was three, when the woman was diagnosed with some chronic illness that rendered her incapable of caring for him. After that, he went to Virgil and Logan.
 Logan didn’t want to upset Thomas with any of this information, but he also didn’t want Virgil to make promises he couldn’t keep. Making promises with kids was always dangerous territory, especially when their memories were so damn sharp.
 “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” Virgil sighed as the three of them stood at the Michaels’ front door. “Why are we doing this?”
 “Because we’re good parents.” Logan reminded him as he stepped forward and rang the doorbell.
 If Virgil thought his childhood home was too big, the Michaels’ house was even bigger. Before he could say a word, the family heard shouts from inside. Remus and Roman swung the door open.
 An older woman appeared in the entrance hall, running up to them and the door. “What did I say about answering the door without checking?” She scolded.
 “Sorry, Joanne.” The twins chorused without a hint of remorse, and the woman shook her head.
 “My apologies for their manners. I’m Joanne, the housekeeper. The mister and missus are in the parlor.” The woman said, leading them inside. “I’ll close the door and get dinner ready.” She disappeared down another hall, letting the twins lead the way to the living room.
 “Come on, we’ll show you our video game room!” Remus told Thomas, jumping up and down. Thomas looked at Virgil and Logan with wide eyes.
 “Can I, Papa?”
 “Why don’t you watch a movie?” Eleanor’s voice rang out. “We’ll call when it’s time for dinner.”
 “Okay!” The twins chirped, grabbing Thomas and running off.
 “Come on, we don’t bite.” Eleanor promised, taking the couple into the parlor. “The kids will be okay on their own.”
 Virgil looked at Logan, nervousness bubbling in his stomach.
 This was going to be a long night.
 It wasn’t until after dinner that the anxiety in Virgil’s stomach spiked. The conversation was now about the other couple’s budding acting careers.
 “It’s so difficult juggling them now with the twins. But I suppose it was even worse when they were newborns.” Eleanor laughed lightheartedly. “Now it’s easier to let them run off and do their own thing. We bought our apartment in New York before we even thought of having kids, and it’s too small for all of us to fit. When we have our show runs or movie shoots, they stay here.”
 “With who, exactly?” Logan asked, raising an eyebrow. Virgil glanced at his husband, almost seeing the gears in Logan’s head whir.
 “Well, there’s Joanne, but she leaves around 5 PM and arrives around six or seven the next morning to get them ready for school.” Eleanor shrugged.
 “We figure that the boys can entertain themselves for the evening, and they can operate the microwave and stove well enough.” Levi waved his hand, standing up and moving towards a small bar setup in the corner. “Would either of you like a drink?”
 “That’s alright, thank you.” Virgil said as Logan opened his mouth.
 “The boys could always stay at our house.” Logan blurted out, ignoring the stare Virgil was giving him. “While you’re out of town. Just so it’s not just them in the house every night.”
 Eleanor blinked slowly. “That would save us a lot. Are you sure that’s alright?”
 “We’ll let you sleep on it, but thank you for the generous offer.” Levi swept in, shooting a flawless smile at the Sanders’. “Alright, who wants to fetch the kids?”
 The trio ran in as Levi spoke, all with equal grins. “Can Thomas sleep over?”
 “Not tonight.” Levi said, the four adults watching in amusement as they pouted.
 “It’s time to go home, Thomas.” Virgil stood up. “It was nice reconnecting with you both.”
 “We’ll call once we’ve discussed everything as a family.” Logan gave them a warm smile, ushering his husband and Thomas out. “Thank you for hosting us!”
 The minute they were on the road, Virgil turned to Logan. “This whole idea is ridiculous.”
 “Obviously. They’re neglecting their kids.” Logan scoffed, keeping his eyes on the road.
 “That’s not what I- Logan, we can barely afford the mortgage and this isn’t like adopting or fostering. We’re taking care of two kids for free. It’s not your job to help everyone.” Virgil sighed. “I know you love kids, but you’re not responsible-”
 “I      am     responsible for them, Virgil. They’re being neglected and they don’t know it, otherwise they’d be worse for wear. What if something happens? And we’ve known but we didn’t do anything to help?” Logan gripped the steering wheel tightly. Virgil knew he was fighting a losing battle. He sunk into the passenger seat, leaning back.
 “You can’t save everyone, L.” Virgil sighed again, rubbing his eyes.
 “I know. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t try.”
 A month later, the Michaels twins moved in as semi-permanent residents. Virgil and Eleanor rearranged their emergency contacts with the school before the Michaels flew off to New York again, promising to return at Christmas.
 Logan had painted their rooms their favorite colors. Not all of their toys survived the move - some remained at the other house for when their parents were in town - but the essentials arrived with them. Namely, the twins’ plush dragons, which they had picked out when they were four on a visit to the local toy store.
 Virgil was hesitant, at first. Would they call him Mr. Sanders or Dad? How on earth was he going to explain it to them when they were older? Logan had an established relationship with them already, but Virgil was just a stranger.
 And then, he wasn’t.
 Remus started clinging to Virgil like no tomorrow, even though he and Roman still called him and Logan Mr. Sanders. (Logan had insisted they call him whatever they wanted, within reason.)
 Virgil made their lunches, kept his ears open for any nightmares or shouts, and always maintained a level head when they fought with Thomas or with each other.
 “How would you feel about more ki-” Logan started to ask one night as they got ready for bed. Virgil scoffed, laughing and shaking his head.
Taglist: @plinamiismyotp @elementalshadowwitch @idkanameatall @zaisling @sunshineandspecs @bucketsofclams
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leedrop-angel · 4 years
Tickletober day 7- unusual tools
Ship- Analogical (lee Virgil X Ler Logan)
Logan checks all of Virgil's ties, to make sure his feet where secured, and virgil was laying down, already having a big smile, the anticipation getting to him. All virgil knew was Logan wanted to experiment with, unusual tools for tickles, and the only reason he asked virgil, was because he knew virgil was the most tickish of all the sides, and Virgil's lee mood made him agree.
"if your ready virgil, I'm ready to start, remember your safe word" virgil just nodded to Logan's words and gives a thumb up. And Logan just grins. Picking up a fork "then let's begin" and with that, Logan slowly drags the fork up and down Virgil's now shaking feet, and when Logan heard Virgil's sqweal and laughter, he's very happy, knowing his experiment was working "so from a level 1-10, one being it doesn't tickle, and 10 being close to safe word" Logan gets his features settled back to his neutral, and virgil was obviously laughing his head off, so it would never be a 1. "FUHUHUHUHUCK- AHAHAHA SEHEHEHEHE- SEVEN" virgil shreaked and with that Logan finishes with the fork, and even wrote it down in his book "good good, now next would be the phone" he picks up virgils phone, which has been. Giving notifications from tumblr for the last hour, and still going, and virgil squeaks abit as he hears it go on vibrate and the anticipation was killing him already as Logan set it right under his toes, and the phone almost reached down to his heal, and as soon as it was set on his foot, the notifications started to pour in, and virgil giggles with each one, it wasn't as bad as the fork, but still tickled "so this one, 1-10" Logan asks and Virgil giggles out a "threheheheee" and Logan pulled the phone away, setting it down and Logan smiles "that was it, until I can finish a few little inventions, just for you and someone else to have a contest" and with that he let Virgil's feet free.
Virgil curls up and calms down "who else?" And Logan smiles at virgil "deceit said you and Remus are both just as ticklish as eachother, and Remus wants to prove he's not the most ticklish one, so that's your contest" Logan pets Virgil's head and virgil let's out a soft wine "fine, I guess".
And with that Logan gave virgil some calming cuddles, and they both ended up falling asleep, snuggled close
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glittter-skeleton · 4 years
A ranking of the ships in the Sanders Sides fandom according to the number of fics on AO3
1. Prinxiety 3889 the fucking king with a fifth of the fandom.
2. Logically 3121 also one of the the main ones
3. Loxiety 1745 really, that’s the third one?
4. Logince 1501 people just want Logan to be loved and I get that
5. Moxiety 1238 cute, but not my cup of tea
6. Royality 1115 The loser of the main sides ships is which isn’t that surprising actually. It’s so perfect and sunny
7. Dukeciet 917 the last one of the main triad for all your boring needs (they have literally never interacted, come on!)
8. Rociet 771 I see we like to keep it fancy and conflict-driven
9. Anxiet 674 I’m guessing it’s because of all the past or abusive stuff (be do like Ro saving Virge, don’t we?)
10. Intrulogical 624 Again with the conflict
11. Mociet 527 I’m quite surprised it’s this low
12. Lociet 439 what we do not like is brainsells I see
13. Intruxiety 289 it’s literally so cute, how could you!
14. Intruality 230 well... yeah
0. (Because it’s not a valid ship) RemRom 120 bastards
Don’t take any of this seriously please. I’ve read at least one fic for all of these (except that last one)
Also I need more Intruxiety in my life. Step up your game, fandom!
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picture-of-grace · 4 years
things me and my friends say as sanders sides quotes #2
Patton, observingly:
Logan, staring at Virgil: sometimes, people are gay
Patton, quietly: like you
Roman, popping up: and sometimes people are avocados!
Logan, distantly: yeah
Remus, also popping up, eating quac: and a few of them are in this dip
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creepy-cupcakes · 4 years
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justaqueercactus · 5 years
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nonnie-the-fuck · 5 years
Calling Fanders!!
I want to roleplay! I’ll do any ship, sympathetic or villain deceit, i don’y care i just wanna RP! HMU in my DMs or the comments if your interested :) I’ll even do non-canon or boarderline canon, like Remy, Dr. Picani, and Pranks and Missi.
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infinitesimal-grey · 5 years
Logan working as waiter grating cheese: say when
Logan still grating: say when
Virgil: no. not until this room is filled with cheese and there are no survivors.
Logan still grating: please not again Virgil we talked about this
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Cough Syrup and Mary Poppins
Read on Ao3 here
The three boys get sick. Virgil steps up to take care of them.
I thought of this before realizing we're in the middle of an epidemic,,, really I just wanted Remus cuddling up to Virgil when sick so here this is. Wash your hands and wear a mask in public and drink a lot of fluids and eat fruit as much as possible!
(I like to think that Logan is struggling to teach three kids in person + the rest of his kindergarten class online at the moment. Although, in that mcmansion of theirs, they should be okay.)
Stay safe everybody!
I don't know when the next installment will be, but I hope these stories keep you entertained during quarantine :)
 Virgil awoke to coughing and sneezing. Logan lay still next to him, stirring slightly when Virgil moved to look at the clock. 5 AM on a Monday morning. He’d definitely need an extra shot in his coffee.  
 Knowing he wasn’t going to get any more sleep, he slipped out of bed, gave Logan a kiss on the forehead, and walked out into the hallway. The coughing seemed to be coming from every bedroom that wasn’t his.
 “Papa?” Thomas’s small voice rang out. Virgil peeked in his son’s room. “I feel icky.”
 “Papa’s asleep right now, so you’re stuck with me.” Virgil joked quietly, sitting down on Thomas’s bed. “What’s wrong, bud?”
 “My throat has lemonade in it.” Thomas said, his voice slurring slightly. “Sticky. Runny boogers.”
         Virgil reached over to turn on the lamp next to the bed. He placed a hand on Thomas’s slightly paler forehead, which was warmer than usual. “It’s not lemonade, bud, it’s phlegm. It appears when you’re sick. Looks like you’re not going to school with Papa today.”
 Thomas’s eyes fluttered and Virgil smiled, brushing his bangs out of his eyes. “Why don’t you sleep right now, and I’ll get you breakfast when you wake up?”
 Thomas nodded before shutting his eyes. Virgil headed out to the twins’ rooms, where someone was coughing. Both of the Michaels were sick, too. Roman’s forehead felt the hottest.
 Before Virgil knew it, the sun was rising and Logan was up. Virgil was already in his day clothes, although they were sweats, and he was calling his office partner. Logan caught a few phrases from the conversation, but his suspicions weren’t confirmed until Virgil hung up.
 “All three of them are sick.” He groaned. “Luckily, I’m not needed at the office or in court today, so I’m staying home.”
 “Well, there’s been a bug going around, and flu season’s always worst with kids. Anything I can do before I need to go to school?”
 “Stay home while I run out to get medicine?” Virgil’s lips quirked up in a small smile. Logan sighed but smiled back.
 “You were the one who wanted kids.” Virgil pointed out.
 “But what if I want to stay in bed and kiss you all day?” Logan pouted, and Virgil laughed.
         “Later, I promise. Just stay with the kids.” Virgil gave him a quick kiss before grabbing his keys, phone and wallet and going out the door.
 He practically bolted through the grocery store, grabbing ginger, fruit cups, ice cream, medicine, cans of soup, and a proper thermometer. The cashier only gave him a small smirk. “Flu season, huh?”
 “Yep.” Virgil tapped his foot awkwardly, checking the time. He still had a good hour until Logan had to be in the classroom, but he didn’t want to cut it close. The minute the receipt was printed, he nearly flew out of the store, haphazardly shoving the groceries in the backseat.
 Somehow, he got home safe and sound, as Logan was enjoying his first cup of coffee.
 “Did any of them wake up?”
 “Remus was for a little bit, but he ended up crashing on the couch. I think he wants to be around people more when he’s sick.” Logan shrugged, shutting his laptop and watching his husband bustle around the kitchen.
 “Never saw that coming.” Virgil said, putting everything away. “Are toast and eggs a good idea for their breakfast?”
 “Yes, but no jam or peanut butter, though. The artificial sugar won’t help.”
 “Got it, Lo.”
 Logan stood up, finishing the last of his coffee and setting the mug in the sink. “I should get going.” He pulled Virgil into a longer kiss than they’d shared earlier. When he pulled back, Virgil made a face.
 “Ew, coffee breath.”
 The kids slept for most of the day, and didn’t have the energy to argue about what they were eating. Still, the three of them insisted on being in the same room as Virgil at all times.
 “You need to take the medicine if you want to feel better.” Virgil said for the umpteenth time in the last minute. “I know it doesn’t taste good but you can always wash it down with water.”
 “It’s gross.” Roman protested, and Virgil sent him a stern look.
 “Well it’s this or feeling icky for longer.” He said, and with three kids glaring at him, they took the medicine. They all made faces as the medicine hit their taste buds, but swallowed it regardless.
 “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Virgil smiled, grabbing the little measuring caps and immediately washing them. “Do you want to go to bed or stay awake with me?”
 The three of them clung to him, and Virgil laughed. “Okay, can you wait in the living room until I’m done setting everything up? Maybe you can get your blankets too.”
 Slowly, the kids went upstairs, and Virgil watched them go up. Quickly, he grabbed the ice cream he’d been stowing away in the freezer all day, and scooped out four portions. He brought the bowls to the living room, giving one to each kid. As soon as he had sat down, Thomas and Remus crawled up on either side of him.
 “I always watched this on my sick days.” Virgil said, pulling up Mary Poppins on the TV. “It’s okay if you fall asleep, we can always watch it when you’re not sick.”
 Roman stayed up for the entire movie, his eyes transfixed on the screen. After it ended, Virgil turned the TV off, trying to coax the boy to fall asleep.
        When Logan finally pulled up in the driveway at 5, all four of them were passed out on the couch. Remus’s head was in Virgil’s lap and Thomas’s was resting on Virgil’s stomach. Roman was on the couch perpendicular to them, curled up under a Toy Story blanket. Logan made a point to take a picture of the four with a smile on his face.
 He’d show it to Virgil later. But for now, he set an alarm for 7 PM and headed to the kitchen to start on dinner. 
Taglist: @plinamiismyotp @elementalshadowwitch @idkanameatall @zaisling @sunshineandspecs @bucketsofclams
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dahlialiketheflower · 6 years
your opinion on ummmmm being one of my favorite internet people
I am honored!!!
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sadgirlautumn · 6 years
new years day is a big skip
Same I feel like you have to be in love to really enjoy the song lol
Send me a taylor swift song you always skip and I’ll tell you if I agree with you or not
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you are my absolute fave blog💘 taylor swift, aesthetic, lgbt+, and a witch? ugh what a dream
this made me smile SO big, thank you so much!!! (also your blog is so cute and positive?? i love it) 💕💞💖
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