#luna scamander
candychasse · 3 months
Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander's wedding 1000% had a pinata
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badpotterhead · 3 months
Ficha técnica: Lysander Scamander
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NOME: Lysander Scamander
APELIDO: nenhum
DATA DE NASCIMENTO: 28 de julho de 2010
PAIS: Rolf e Luna Scamander
IRMÃOS: Lorcan Scamander (gêmeo)
CABELOS: castanho claro
COR DA PELE: morena
COR DOS OLHOS: cinza escuro
ANOS EM HOGWARTS: Setembro de 2021 até junho de 2028
CASAS: Corvinal
TEMPERAMENTO: travesso, brincalhão, divertido, irresponsável, festeiro, valentão, encrenqueiro
AMIGOS: desconhecido
Lysander, o mais novo dos gêmeos Scamander, é da Corvinal como sua mãe, mas muitos, inclusive seu próprio irmão, acham que ele não se adequa a esta casa. Talvez seja culpa do jeito de ser de Lysander, que não tem nada a ver com os eruditos que costumamos ver na Corvinal. Em vez da leitura, o passatempo favorito de Lysander é se meter em brigas com colegas que o afrontam, e dizem que a pessoa que ele menos gosta é justamente seu irmão gêmeo!
Saiba mais lendo o capítulo dedicado a Lysander na fanfic
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ravenclawcumlaude · 3 months
Headcanon: 𝕲𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝕺𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗
Garrick Ollivander is the great uncle of Luna Scamander (née Lovegood). Luna’s mother, Pandora Lovegood (nee [maiden name]) was his niece. Pandora was descended from Greek Oracles on her mother’s side. Pandora’s mother, [unnamed] (née Ollivander), was Garrick’s sister. The Ollivander family originated from Greece and the Mediterranean. They moved to England (Britannia) after the Roman occupation and brought their superior wand-making business to the community. While at Hogwarts (Ravenclaw) in the 1920’s, Ollivander took Care of Magical Creatures classes and researched properties of wood and the trees in the Forbidden Forest. After Hogwarts, he studied under German artisans in woodworking and carpentry with an emphasis on making magical objects from wood. Ollivander inherited the business during the muggle Second World War and expanded upon it with new theories and discoveries. He helped some of his German and Jewish friends immigrate to the U.K. during the war using shipments from his shops to deliver port keys. Between his Greek wand-making heritage, his English education, and his German artistry, Ollivander makes some of the best quality wands in the world.
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Luna: I don’t like you
Rolf, instantly falling: I think I’m in love
*somewhere far away*
Newt, looks up from a book: something just happened with Rolf!
Tina, panicking: what?
Newt: I don’t know, but I think it’s eerily similar to our love story.
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loveloki555 · 6 months
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Lucy Pevensie
Vincent van Gogh
Lady Sigyn
Luna Lovegood
Luke Skywalker
Anne Shirley
Molly Hooper
Newt Scammander
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rewritingcanon · 1 month
nextgen characters when you loyalty test them (prompt is third person calling them up saying “hey you probably don’t remember me but we met at the bar last night ☺️” 💀)
teddy: “im 46, married with two kids” (liar)
victoire: “are you trying to loyalty test me? be so fr rn”
albus: (cutting off person) “ewww who is this?🤢 SOMEBODY SMELL LIKE SHITTTT”
james: (immediate hang up)
lily: “erm ok what the flip”
rose: “i have never even been to a bar in my life 😡” (liar)
hugo: “i have never even been to a bar in my life 🤔” (truther)
scorpius: “….you have reached the voicemail!!” (he’s clearly hyperventilating when he’s talking) “scorpius is very sorry! um! scorpius cannot get back to you right now! please leave a message ok thank you ok bye!”
lysander: “how dare you?? how about you come talk to my girl instead and keep the same attitude?” (impersonating lily) “stop talking to my man bitch ✋🙄”
dominique: “lol WHAT 😀”
lorcan: (genuinely thinks this person just wants to be friends)
roxanne: “now im gonna hold your hand when i say this…”
fred: “girl im so sorry but they really played you like this”
louis: (has already failed the loyalty test once before) “oh NAH”
molly: “i sorry i dont english” (hangs up)
lucy: “wait ft me rq i need to screen record this for video proof this is happening to me”
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hufflepuffskein · 9 months
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✨ Puff | She/Her | Virgo | INFP | Straight | HP+HOMESTUCK
✨ DNI IF: Racist, LGBT phobic, TERF/SWERF, porn bots, dnf shippers, pedos, etc.
✨Newest Update: Taking Shifting Scenerio Requests!
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✨ Draco:0 | Ron:0 | Cedric:0 | Tom Riddle:1 | Neville:0 | Theodore Nott:0 | Dean Thomas:0 | Weasley Twins:0 | Ginny Weasley:0 | Luna Lovegood:0
✨ Sirius Black:0 | Regulus Black:0 | Remus Lupin:0 | Newt Scamander:0 | Credence Barebone:0 | Severus Snape:0
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hp next gen au info (in age order until after Louis)
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James, Albus & Lily=Hinny kids
Victoire, Dominique & Louis = Bleur kids
Roxanne & Freddie = George x Angelina kids
Molly & Lucy = Perciver kids
Rose & Hugo = Romionie kids
Frank & Alice = Nannah kids
Lorcan & Lysander = Luna x Rolf kids
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Next Gen Health
James - ADHD, Anxiety, Cyclothemia
Albus - Autism, Dyspraxia
Lily - PCOS, Bulemia
Teddy - Seasonal Effective Disorder
Victoire - Dyslexia, Anxiety
Dom - ADHD, Bipolar
Louis - Bulemia, OCD
Rose - Dyslexia, Endometriosis
Hugo - Autism, Dyspraxia, ARFID
Roxanne - Anorexia, Dyslexia
Fred - Tourette’s
Molly - BPD, Endometriosis
Lucy - Anxiety, Dyscalculia
Scorpius - Depression, OCD
Alice - PCOS, Anxiety
Frank - Tourette’s, OCD
Lorcan - Schizophrenia
Lysander - OCD, Autism
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mythicalgeek · 1 month
My Favorite Harry Potter character's
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prettybillycore · 1 day
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badpotterhead · 3 months
Ficha técnica: Lorcan Scamander
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NOME: Lorcan Scamander
APELIDO: nenhum
DATA DE NASCIMENTO: 28 de julho de 2010
PAIS: Rolf e Luna Scamander
IRMÃOS: Lysander Scamander (gêmeo)
CABELOS: castanho claro
COR DA PELE: morena
COR DOS OLHOS: cinza escuro
ANOS EM HOGWARTS: Setembro de 2021 até junho de 2028
CASAS: Lufa-Lufa
RELACIONAMENTOS: Lily Luna Potter (rumor)
TEMPERAMENTO: calmo, responsável, certinho, hipócrita, arrogante, egoísta, chato
AMIGOS: Lily Luna Potter
Lorcan é o mais velho dos gêmeos Scamander, e ele foi para a casa de seu bisavô Newt, a Lufa-Lufa. Mas há quem diga que ele se identifica mais com a Corvinal, a casa de seu irmão. Também estão dizendo que Lorcan tem se aproximado bastante de Lily Luna Potter, e que o que há entre eles não é só amizade...
Saiba mais lendo o capítulo dedicado a Lorcan na fanfic
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summeriseternal · 5 months
(UPDATED) Fandoms and characters I will write for;
Harry Potter / FB (I do not at all support J.K Rowling)
-luna lovegood
-ron weasley
-neville longbottom
-newt scamander
Scott Pilgrim vs the world
-ramona flowers
-kim pine
-knives chau
Riordanverse (pjo, hoo)
-percy jackson
-annabeth chase
-leo valdez
-hazel levesque
-frank zhang
-piper mclean
-jason grace
(I won't write nico or will)
Dead Poets society
- Todd Anderson
- Edmund Pevensie
- Walker scobell
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thelighthousestale · 27 days
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Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander
More HP Instagrams
Request an insta feed
Thank you @fangirljas and @enigmaticemperor for requesting Luna
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trashland-llamas · 1 year
Marauders Era
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Hogwarts Era
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Next Gen Era
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Meme through the ages; Marauders Era // Hogwarts Era // Next Gen Era
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
next gen characters and their favourite parent 🫣
victoire: fleur but maybe only by a margin (very close, bill should not take it personally that victoire just specifically admires fleur more because they are more similar in character, she really loves her dad)
dom: bill because he let her get tattoos before she was 18 and he will brush her hair in the morning when she’s too tired to do it herself
louis: fleur because their mother would never allow louis to leave the house looking ugly and they really appreciate that
molly: percy, because they are similar in person and when he gives her approval it just makes her feel more satisfied yknow
lucy: audrey because her mother lets her get away with more stuff than her dad does, so she feels more comfortable being goofy with her than her dad
fred: george because his love language is irritating people and george will just give the same energy back without any qualms
roxanne: angelina, she feels they have a greater understanding between them and she goes to her mother for advice more often
james: ginny, he is the definition of a momma’s boy who would always go soft on her
albus: ginny, even though he feels he’s more similar to harry, sometimes ginny just saying shit as it is gives him a rare sort of calm he appreciates
lily: harry, she loves making her dad interested in anything and everything shes interested in and he’s always genuinely listening to her
rose: no. she genuinely has no preference she loves her parents the same. she is very consistent in her love for them
hugo: contrary to rose, it honestly depends on the day. ron will sneak him toffee and hot chocolate late on a saturday evening and hugo will deem him the favourite parent, the next day hermione buys him a squishmallow and she is
teddy: …andromeda
scorpius: even though he would rather keel over than ever think of liking one parent more than the other… he was closer with astoria growing up (due to their likeness she could bond with him easier), but obviously as scorpius grows up he gets closer with his dad, and he’ll have more experiences with him than he ever had with his mother.
lysander: rolf because he takes lysander all over the world to pursue his interests in geology. rolf will be trying to tame some swedish serpent whilst lysander is inspecting the pebbles in its cave and thats a normal father-son bonding time for them
lorcan: luna. lorcan has been illustrating for the quibbler since he was 13 because luna genuinely doesnt believe there is any other artist that can perfectly mirror the complexity of peculiar fantastical creatures as her son (it’s literally a stick figure)
alice: neville. she’s a daddy’s girl who has her dad wrapped around her finger. i mean, he loves her so much that he forgives her for hating gardening
frank: hannah. she forces him to help her fold the laundry with her and he hates it, but he still loves her (forcing him to help her with her chores just so she can spend more time with him, i see you hannah)
delphi: voldemort 😻😻 (she needs therapy immediately)
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