#male metkayina oc
zafrinaxyz · 6 months
[ aonung ] gorgeous art / image by @cinetrix
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mmm ! i can't 🥵 ...
a mental picture for 2moro's prompt !! i just pretend it's ralak 😏
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wheneclipsefalls · 1 year
Forever My Babygirl pt.3
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Part 2, Part 4
Pairing: 16 yr old Tuk x metkayina male oc
Summary: Tuk's sick state doesn't stand in Teeysal's way. Someone has to take care of her, after all.
A/N: The fact that I can write 24 pages of Ma Neteyam in one week but it takes me three weeks to put together 12 pages for this, blows my mind.  I am so sorry this has taken so long. I have really been through a lot trying to figure out what I am doing with this story. I thought I had writers block for so long and then I realized that I have just been holding myself back with the plot. I've been worrying so much about not rocking the boat too much with problems in this story and that has utlimately held the plot back from a lot. I finally feel like I have a grip on this plotline somewhat so I'm excited to share more soon! I hope you enjoy!
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Tuktirey felt as if her limbs were made of stones as she lay sprawled across the marui motionless. The teasing flicker of sunlight  tickled at her nose and eyelids until she was forced to finally peak her eyes open. Blocking the ray of sunshine with one hand, she lazily rolled onto her other side, ready to succumb to sleep once more. 
But then it hit her. 
There was sunlight. 
Her head spun as she shot into a seated position. Ignoring the searing pain and lagged response in her limbs, she stretched out to pull the flap of the marui apart to see outside. Sure enough the sun was high in the sky and different members of the clan were already busy at work. Tuk let out a sad whine, realizing she had indeed left Teeysal all alone that morning with no explanation as to why she didn’t show. 
Hearing the sound from sitting outside the marui, Neytiri turned to see her daughter pouting at the entrance. She quickly shooed the girl inside before joining her. 
“My love, you need to lie down.” She softly cooed, ushering the reluctant girl to relax against the sleeping mat. All Tuk wanted to do was find Teeysal and explain but the throbbing throughout her body had different plans that couldn’t be ignored. 
“How long has the sun been up?” Tuk questioned, nervous to hear the reply.
“Just a few hours.” Neytiri replied while shuffling together some fruit on a plate for the girl. Looking up to notice her youngest’s distraught look, she added “Don’t worry about the ilus little one. Kiri went out this morning to feed them.” 
Grateful that the excuse covered her real reason for anxiety, Tuk tried to smile back at her mother. Neytiri, as always, was the hardest to fool as she could read her children like open books. 
“Do not get worked up over it, Tuk. You are sick so your job right now is to focus on getting better. You can start with having some breakfast.” Her mother pushed cut up fruits towards the girl encouragingly. Tuk knew better than to disobey her mother, especially when it involved the health and safety of her children. 
“Tsahik will be here later this afternoon to see what is wrong. Till then, I want you to drink lots of water.” Neytiri helped Tuk sit up slowly before placing the wooden cup in her hands. 
“I don’t feel too sick, Momma.” Tuk attempted to play off casually while downing the substance. Neytiri rolled her eyes, sending her daughter a doubtful look. Tuk knew what that meant so she went back to drinking every glass of water and fruit her mother pushed her way without complaint. Her eyes began to droop as she sluggishly fiddled with the fruit.
 Tuk tried to fight sleep as her mother took the things from her hands and prepared the mat once more, but it was no use once her head hit the makeshift pillow. Neytiri hummed one of her infamous lullabies softly, luring Tuk back into unconsciousness. When Tuk awoke again it was to the sound of hushed voices.
“-too much for her.” Tuk recognized the low rumble of her father’s voice.
“Ma Jake, you worry too much. Ronal will know what is wrong and how to fix it. It is probably something that will go away in a few days.” Foolishly, Tuk blinked her eyes part way open, cutting off the conversation between her parents. Jake quickly moved from sitting back on his haunches to be beside the barely conscious girl.
“Hey there babygirl. How are you feeling?” The world was spinning and her limbs felt like noodles but Tuk did her best to not let it on. 
“I think I feel a lot better now. Probably just needed sleep.” Her father frowned, unconvinced. She flinches as his cool hand rested against her burning forehead. 
“You don’t feel any better, kiddo.” 
“It’s probably just from the blankets.” Tuk kicked the woven material off her legs for emphasis before beaming back at her parents. “I really should get going and catch up since I’ve already missed half a day.” 
“Lay down.” Neytiri snapped. 
A chill ran through the air at the sound of Neytiri’s stern demeanor. Even Jake shifted slightly under the stern gaze, before sending his daughter a look that warned Tuk now was not the time to push her mother. The sharp edge in the tone had Tuk laying down immediately. 
“What has you in such a rush, kid?” Jake questioned, elbow propped on his knee. 
Tuk’s brain scrambled for some sort of explanation. The throbbing in her head did nothing to help her cause as she stared blankly back at her parents. Tuk was never considered a good liar and even when she did it was simply for small pranks or chances to do fun stuff with her older brothers. Nothing was ever to this scale of risk. 
“I j-just don’t like being cooped up.” She threw in her signature pout that Tuk knew reminded her father of when she was still a little girl. The expression alone had in the past gotten her out of more trouble than she cared to admit. 
His gaze visibly softened. 
“I know kiddo, but you have to take care of yourself. It will probably only be a few days till you’re better anyways.” His smile was full of affection and comfort but it couldn’t distract Tuk from the dread she felt building in her stomach. A few days, with no explanation for Teeysal. A few days without his charming smile or little jokes that made her giddy inside. A few days without the person that made her snap awake in the morning with a smile on her face.
Tuk lay there sadly as Tsahik worked on the ailments to help her recover before giving a diagnosis. It was a simple sickness but apparently one that had been brought on by a lack of sleep. Ronal said that her body was exhausted and could no longer fight off the virus without the proper energy. 
The news had put her parents frantically putting things into place. There was talk of rearranging her chores so that when she was back to full health there would be no need for her to wake up so early anymore. No amount of reassuring words or convincing smiles could change their minds. Tuk could tell Jake was partly worrying so much out of guilt, having come to the conclusions that the nightmares were what was keeping her up at night. Her guilt twisted into a tighter knot at the thought. It became almost dizzying when she thought about what these changes meant for her meetings with Teeysal. 
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“I don’t want to do this bro.” Ayte groaned, a hand dragging down his face. 
“Come one, Ayte! It’s been two days, I need to know what’s going on.” Teeysal begged his friend, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips. His turquoise fingers once again subconsciously found the ends of his necklace. 
Two days without seeing or hearing from Tuk had put the boy on edge. The first morning that he waited on the shore for her had been nerve wracking but as the time went on he convinced himself that she had simply slept in and forgotten. However, when the results were the same the following morning, doubts and worries started to spiral out of control. 
He paced the beach frantically cooking up horrid reasons as to why she wouldn’t come. He ran through all their interactions, trying to detect any reason she may have for shunning him. Nothing came to mind, but a scarier thought came to the forefront of his mind. Jake Sully knew. The man knew and he was about to suffer the consequences of going against his threats. 
Teeysal watched for any signs of Jake or Tuk the entire day. When he finally spotted the older na’vi talking to Tonowari his heart sank to his stomach in fear. He longed to hear their conversation but self preservation told Teeysal that it was best to keep his distance. 
Jake never made a move to speak to him, in fact he walked past the boy without a glance, but Tuk was never found either. So, curiosity and worry had eaten at Teeysal enough. He had to know what was happening. 
“Then put your own tail on the line, not mine.” Ayte hissed back at his friend, but Teeysal could see a glimmer of understanding in those eyes. They were brothers, sworn to look out and help one another, something Teeysal had done countless times for Ayte. He knew sooner or later the stubborn boy would have to come around and help him. 
“You know why I can’t do that. For all we know, I would be walking into the end of a shotgun. Jake Sully hasn’t hung an ominous threat over your head. I need this, Ayte.” Teeysal pleaded, gripping his friend's shoulders. 
Ayte shot another glance around the corner at the former Olo’ekytan sitting in the distance. The two cautiously watched the male inspect and repair the foreign Sky People weaponry outside the marui. Ayte nervously twitched at the brutal movements Jake completed to snap the two gun pieces into place. 
“What’s a shotgun?” Ayte’s voice wavered, eyes still locked on the shiny metal. 
Teeysal speedily spun his friend away from the scene. He could feel the hesitation growing in Ayte and looking at Jake Sully was bound to only make it worse. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Teeysal shot the other boy a flimsy smile to hush his worries. Maybe it was the way Teeysal had lost the pep in his step the last two days or the doleful look in his eyes that boy carried after coming back from waiting for Tuk again, but Ayte let out a long exhale and nodded. 
“I owe you, brother.” Teeysal grinned, clasping the boy on the back. 
“Yeah yeah I know.” He grumbled with an eye roll. 
“Freaking girls are ruining my life.” Ayte dejectedly grumbled, already on route to have an uncomfortable conversation with Toruk Makto. 
With every tentative footstep, Ayte felt his stomach tighten in anticipation. His eyes were incidentally locked to the shiny metal of the mysterious weapon Jake was tending to. Jake worked smoothly with furrowed eyebrows of concentration, checking each part was in good condition. Ayte’s heart raced as he threw one more pitiful glance back to his friend, only to receive a bright smile and double thumbs up. 
Only several feet away and still unnoticed by the older male, Ayte sucked in a large breath and pulled the trigger. 
“H-hey Mr. Sully.” Ayte’s uneasiness deepened as Jake halted his movements and gave the boy a surprised look. Awkward tension was quick to build between the two. 
“Hey kid.” Suspicion lingered in the tone as Jake went back and forth between continuing his inspection and glancing upwards at the younger male. 
“How are you doing today…sir?” Ayte fumbled to get out, with a tacked on sir as an afterthought. The confused look Jake sent his way made him want to shrivel in a hole and hide. He swore to make Teeysal pay for this till he was gnawing at his own tail. 
“I am fine uh-” Jake searched for the boy’s name with a raised eyebrow. 
“Ayte, sir.” The boy quickly supplied. 
“Right, Ayte. If you’re looking for Lo’ak he isn’t here right now so…” Jake trailed off awkwardly. 
Ayte wished more than anything that he was there for Lo’ak. Looking for the leader of their hunting party would make so much more sense and most likely not have him questioning a protective father about his youngest daughter. He fought the urge to nervously bounce his foot sporadically. Thoughts jumbled into a tangled mess of knots as he searched for some way to reasonably explain why he was there. 
“Oh yeah haha thank you, sir. I uh actually was just coming to check in.” His nervous laugh was swallowed by the stiff atmosphere between them. Ayte began to twitch under the blank stare that was returned by the former Olo’eyktan. 
The silence was suffocating. 
“You lost me, kid.” Jake admitted with a sigh. 
The nervous energy came boiling to the surface till Ayte was unable to keep the sputtering of words from flying out in a heap. 
“I just mean that I wanted to check in to make sure you and your family are doing alright, sir. A few people noticed that Tuk hasn’t been around for a couple days. Not me, of course. I never notice anything, get very distracted by other random stuff. My dad sometimes says that I need to get my head out of the clouds and into the water where it belongs because there aren’t any fish in the sky. Kind of a silly metaphor if you ask me, b-but also he’s my dad so I would never disrespect him by saying something like that. I-it’s important to listen to parental figures, you know cau-”
“Kid.” Jake’s voice barricaded the train of frantic rambling, finally cutting off the chattering. Ayte felt a chill run down his spine to accompany the slight blush on his cheeks. “You’re gonna give yourself an aneurysm.” The mood lightened slightly at the faintest of smiles twitching at Jake’s lips.
“A what?” Ayte titled his head in confusion, perplexed eyes watching the older male closely. 
“Forget about it.” A simple wave of Jake’s hand dismissed the comment. With a long exhale he finally laid the machine gun to the side and braced his forearms on his thighs. “What is it you are trying to ask me, boy?” 
The unmitigated attention from Toruk Makto lit another spark of anxiety through Ayte’s body but he forced the words out before he would unintentionally start another ramble. 
“Tuk hasn’t been out for a few days…?” the end of the sentence died in the humid air. Apprehensive understanding coalesced in Jake’s features, as he did a once over of the boy critically. 
“Yeah she’s been sick for a few days. Did you come all the way over here just to ask me that?” Suspicion was quickly being etched into Jake’s expression and the sight shot a pang of fear through Ayte. The urge to run pulled at his planted feet mercilessly. The fear of mysterious shotguns and aneurysms raced through his mind. 
“Some of the others were just asking about her. Sorry to disturb you. Have to go, I think I hear my mom calling.” Ayte bolted from the confused father without another word of explanation. Jake furrowed his brows and continued to work on the machine gun, trying to ignore the sneaking intuition that told him something was not right. 
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“I underestimated the insanity that has overtaken you, bro.” Ayte whispered while watching Teeysal gather the last of the ointment into a small container. Teeysal continued pouring the liquid, teeth going to bite his bottom lip in concentration. 
“Tuk has been sick for three days, Ayte. What am I supposed to do? Sit and let her suffer?” He let a curse out under his breath as some of the ointment spilled onto his hand. Teeysal prayed to Eywa that his mother wouldn’t miss the small portion missing as he sealed the container shut. 
His body tingled with nerves and excitement at the thought of the stunt he was about to pull off. The restless night before was spent tossing and turning, muling the idea over in his head till sleep consumed him. There were risks undoubtedly but Teeysal decided that he was tired of acting out of fear. Their relationship, whatever it was, had difficulties and trials, but the male did not want to look back on this time and see that anxiety had ruled his actions. 
“She’s not dying, Teeysal. She’ll be back feeding the ilus and running off to your little rendezvous before you even notice.” Ayte reassured him.
Teeysal scoffed at the assumption, pinched eyes telling the other male he was not buying the story one bit. He was past the point of noticing. Worrying ate at his thoughts every time he came back from the hunting trips to find no sign of her cheerful smile on the beach. A tight cord wrapped around his heart when he reminisced the mornings they spent together laughing and teasing one another. The way her hair would fly messily in the wind before he managed to tackle her off the ilu once more, maintaining his winning streak. The small dimples that would form in her cheeks as she studied the small crabs that littered that beach. 
“I need to take care of her.” He resolved, attaching the container to the strap of his loincloth. Saying the words out loud made the sense of responsibility swell greater in his chest. What type of suitor, or na’vi, would he be if he did not prove his ability to look after and protect a mate?
“Oh jeez, you are too far gone, that is for sure.” Ayte’s resigned expression was all the confirmation Teeysal required before they headed off to the Sully marui. 
The two boys watched the marui from their hiding spot diligently. It would only be a matter of minutes before the rest of the family would be off to meet with Tonowari and Ronal, information that had only been supplied to them by a luckily overheard conversation between Ao’nung and Lo’ak. Tuk would be alone for the first time in days, the perfect time to check in. 
Excitement coiled in Teeysal’s chest as they spotted Jake and Neytiri finally exit the pod. It took a grip on his shoulder from Ayte to hold him in place till the parents were completely out of sight. He rolled his eyes at his friend as he promised to keep watch for the love sick fool. Teeysal took one more steadying breath before gently parting the closed flaps of the marui. 
Blankets and makeshift pillows were wrapped and gathered haphazardly around her sprawled limbs as Tuk’s chest rose and fell softly with each breath. The coil around his heart tugged tighter at the sight of her messy hair framed around her delicate sleepy face. Closing the flaps behind him, he considered letting her sleep but the likelihood of another opportunity like this presenting itself was low. Hesitant hands reached out to shake her softly. 
The motion did nothing to stir Tuk, only soft murmurs leaving her lips in acknowledgement. Kneeling down next to her, Teeysal tried again but to no avail. 
“Tuk,” The hesitant whisper to deaf ears. “Tuktirey, wake up.” The louder voice was accompanied by firmer shakes to the girl's small frame. 
Finally, her eyes fluttered open, expression a mix of dazed exhaustion until those golden eyes caught sight of the blue ones peering down at her. Teeysal’s heart beat loudly against his ribcage as he saw realization settle in her features. 
“Teeysal!” Tuk shot upwards only to have the room around her start to spin. 
“Woah woah hey, careful there.” Teeysal gingerly steadied the girl with large hands on both her biceps. Ocean blue eyes flicked across her expression painted with worry as Tuk swayed from side to side. “Do you need to lay down?” Tuk was quick to shake her head no before shifting herself into a fully seated position. 
“You’re here!” Sparks ignited across his skin at the sight of Tuk’s vibrant smile. He missed that smile more than he could express. The notion had his confidence bolstering.
“Of course I’m here, I have to make sure you are alright.” Instinctively, his larger hand reached out and tenderly cupped Tuk’s cheek. Their eyes met in response to the contact and Teeysal was about to retreat the hand, but something shifted. 
Tuk’s four fingered hand came to hold his in place lightly. Her lips turned up into a bashful smile as she leaned into the intimate touch. Hope flared exuberantly in his chest. Every source of contact with the girl sent his nerves a shot of electricity. 
“Thank you.” Tuk’s fragile voice held a certain tenderness that he had never heard from her before. 
His spiral of thought centered down into the prospect of his feelings being returned. Perhaps he was not just a lovesick fool with a crush, but a fool who was actually in love. In love with the voice and countenance that brought light to his rainy days. In love with the girl that was simply sunshine personified. 
The heat beneath his hand sent a pang of concern through him as he moved his palm to lay over her forehead instead. The burning heat that radiated from the spot made his jaw clench slightly. No wonder she hadn’t left the pod in days. 
“You’re burning up, Tuk.” He tsked, flipping the hand over to make sure the effect was the same on the other side. 
“It’s not as bad as it seems.” She promised the fretting na’vi, moving his hand away from her forehead. Drowsiness was still evident in her lethargic movements despite her smiles that sought to cover up her sickly state. Hair sticking up in every which direction and form trembling, it was hard to not see the pain the poor girl was in. Teeysal ached to scoop her in his arms and care for her until those ailments disappeared. 
“I brought this for you.” He handed over the small container of blue ointment. “My mother makes this ointment at the healer’s tent, insists on me applying it whenever I’m sick. Apply it to your neck and it will help soothe you into a deeper sleep.”
Tuk examined the bottle, before layering her head against her tucked knees, intently watching the Metkayina boy before her. His skin tingled at the undivided attention. 
“Thank you.” She whispered, entranced by the blue-eyed-boy in front of her. A comfortable silence fell between them, but then Tuk frowned suddenly. “Teeysal?”
“Yes?” Apprehension tugged at him as he studied her sudden solemn expression. The picking at her nails confirmed her nerves. 
“My parents are moving my responsibilities around. I’m supposed to feed the ilu dinner instead of breakfast so that I can,” Tuk paused with a dramatic eye roll, “sleep in”. The words were accompanied by frustrated air quotes, indicating her parents' words. 
Delayed emotion filled his chest. 
“Oh.” Teeysal absent mindedly muttered. Tuk was quick to shift to her knees. 
“It’s ridiculous really! Tsahik said that I’m sick due to lack of sleep and then my dad got super paranoid about it, thinking it had to do with my nightmares-”
“Nightmares? What nightmares?” His chest tightened at the thought of the bubbly girl having nightmares. She had never mentioned the troubles before. It was hard to believe that any true horrors could be beheld by someone with such a light countenance. 
“Oh it’s nothing.” He didn’t miss the way her shoulders hunched and eyes dropped to the ground at the subject. An illogical part of him reprimanded himself for not being there to comfort the girl. His fingers twitched, holding back the desire to reach out and cup her face again. “My parents are just kind of sensitive about it and they thought that moving my assignment around would keep me from having to wake up at dawn. I’ve been trying to talk them out of it, but a tree listens better at this point!” Teeysal held back a coo at her pouting. 
A bitter melancholy tried to steer his emotions at the news, but Teeysal shoved the upheaval into an invisible box and set it to the side. He tried to placate the dread by promising himself to figure out the predicament later. He would find a way for them to meet, one way or another. The small sniffles broke the contemplation immediately. 
“Oh Tuk, don’t cry it’s ok.” The somber tears gliding down her cheeks made the boy’s heart clench and brain fire off at a hundred miles per hour. Thoughts crashed into one another frantically, looking for the right words to say. 
“I’m sorry, I-I shouldn’t cry.” The back of Tuk’s hands hastily wiped at the tears as she turned her face away from the boy. The blanket fell away as she concealed herself from the scene out of embarrassment. Teeysal instinctively rested his hand on her striped shoulders, trying to urge her to return. 
“You don’t need to apologize for crying, Tuk. Can you please turn around? I want to see your pretty face.” The last phrase rolled off the tongue without permission along with the delicate drag of his knuckle down her cheek. Tuk’s eyes sparkled with tears but the timid smell that graced her lips lifted the mood slightly. Teeysal accepted the small success. “Won’t you tell me what’s wrong?”
Uncertain amber eyes twitched across his features, searching for some sort of hidden message, one that Teeysal could not quite figure out. Her lips parted, words hot on the end of her tongue but they died off as she quickly shook her head before concealing her face in her hands. Tuk curled in a tight ball, the boy raised an eyebrow in bewilderment. 
“I can’t.” Her muffled reply came. 
“No, come on. You can’t leave me hanging like that. I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Hands still holding her shoulders, he leaned in close, soft words working to coax Tuk’s face out of her barricading legs. 
“It’s too embarrassing.” Her suppressed voice insisted. 
Curiosity lit within him, egging on his determination. 
“Too embarrassing, huh?” He mused, leaning back thoughtfully. “How about this? I will make you a trade. I tell you something embarrassing about me in exchange for your supposedly mortifying problem.” The tentative eyes peeking over her knees was confirmation enough for him. 
“Hmm okay let’s see, what would be a good one?” Teeysal thought out loud, playfulling tapping his chin in a feigned pondering expression. Half of her face cautiously revealed itself as curiosity took over. “Oh! I have one.” He readjusted himself, mentally preparing to sacrifice his dignity for the cause. 
“A few years ago, the details of my age at the time is unimportant, I was dared by some of my friends to try and jump an ilu over the rock wall at south beach. Being young and dumb as I was, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.” Teeysal rolled his eyes thinking back on his own stupidity. 
“Did you make it?” Interest laced into her golden eyes, leaning forward in search of a response. 
“Oh yeah I made it,” He scoffed. “Only then to get my foot stuck in a net at the saddle, then with the ilu spooked by the death defying jump he bucked me off and dragged me through the water by the net. When my foot finally got loose I skid right up onto the beach and into the deboning station. It covered me head to toe, along with leaving the lovely lingering smell of fish guts for weeks.”
 Rapid giggles erupted from Tuk’s chest that she quickly tried to smother with a hand to her mouth. Teeysal's own laugh mingled with hers, mortified but happy to see her state much improved. 
“It’s ok, you can laugh. It was pretty idiotic.” He assured the girl as she continued to try and stifle the giggles. The only evidence of her tears were the soft tracks that had dried along her cheeks. The air lightened with the sound of laughter. 
“Boys are so stupid!” Tuktirey claimed, amusement swimming in her golden orbs. 
“I know, but it sure keeps things interesting.” Teeysal stifled another laugh at the eye roll the small Sully girl sent his way. He wondered what type of ‘stupid’ things she witnessed her brothers doing over the years. It was hard to imagine knowing the leaders in such an intimate way that their ridiculous stories were one you could witness and tell. 
“Okay, come on now. I shared mine now it’s your turn. What’s got you down?” The fleeting laugh vanished as Tuk trapped her bottom lip between her teeth nervously. It felt unnatural to see the girl so nervous, reminding him only of the time she gifted him the necklace. The unique reaction had his brain stirring up various problems that could have her in such a state. 
“It sounds kind of ridiculous now.” Her doe eyes found the marui floor once more, picking at the woven blanket scratching her feet. 
“Nothing is more ridiculous than the story I just told you. I promise I won’t laugh.” Teeysal fingers dragged an x pattern over his chest, crossing his heart. It was one of the many things Tuk had taught him about Sky People customs from her constant ramblings. No sign of ease fell over the girl at the promise but she timidly went to speak anyways. 
“It’s just that I really like spending time with you, and I don’t want that to change.” The floor continued to peak her interest as she stared down at it while speaking. His eyebrows curtained together, slightly confused by her bashfulness at something already established. 
“I like spending time with you too, Tuk.” His words snapped the girl upright, face painted in frustration. 
“No! That’s not what I mean.” Exasperation tugged at her tone, furthermore confusing him. “I’m trying to say something else.” Head thrown back, Tuk let out a groan. Teeysal was atloss for words. Sometimes girls talked in riddles that he couldn’t decipher, and he realized this was the prime example. 
The small outburst ceased, Tuk abruptly coming to a decision. 
“Ok I know this will sound weird but I need you to close your eyes.” She sternly stated. 
“What? Why?” She simply restated the request, small four fingered hand coming to shut his cerulean eyes herself. Teeysal obeyed, feeling antsy with the lack of vision. Only the sound of gentle ocean waves and Tuk’s soft sigh could be heard. 
“I know this may seem kind of selfish, but I don’t want to stop spending time with you because I like you. But in like a special way. A way that has my stomach twisting in knots when you smile at me.” Teeysal’s heart skipped a beat, eyes peeking open subconsciously. 
“Keep your eyes closed!” She squealed, hands shutting them again. “I can’t do this when you bat those blue eyes at me.” A giddy smile yanked at Teeysal’s lips relentlessly. 
“Sometimes looking at you makes me lose my train of thought. It’s honestly not fair how pretty you are, but I guess that’s my point. You make me feel this special way and I don’t know if I can go without it, without you.” Elation quickly built in his soul. Thoughts ran faster than he could compute them, everything was a swimming pool of excitement and shock at her confession. 
“My dad thinks you are trying to court me.” Teeysal’s eyes tentatively open, relieved to find no protest from Tuk this time. His vision was filled with the small girl clutching her knees, apprehensively looking back at him. There were so many things he wanted to say, a million ways he could string together a confirmation of reciprocated feelings, but only one slipped out. 
“He’s not wrong.” Three words that said little but meant so much. Innocent eyes blinked back at him, glimmers of hope reflecting in them. The air was thick with unsaid words, emotions still waiting to be expressed. 
“Tuk,” his hand naturally found purchase on her cheek once more. “I’ve been crazy about you for months. Every day I wake up and the first person I yearn to see is you, and that hasn’t been a recent development. Ayte is sick of hearing me gush about you.” Teeysal felt as if the air was suffocating him, but Tuk drank in every word. “Yeah your dad’s right, I have been trying to woo you because I think you are the most beautiful radiant full of life girl I have ever met.”
Bursts of rosy pink dusted Tuk’s cheeks, accentuating the shy smile working its way along her lips. His thumb fondly caressed the ebbing pink of her cheeks. To his delight, the action only brought more of that heat to the surface. Endearment seeped into his chest. 
“They’re just red from being sick.” Tuk sheepishly defended her burning cheeks, hands draped over them to block the boy’s view. A flirtatious confidence bloomed in Teeysal at the sight of her bashful emotions. A sense of pride that he was the cause of the tinted cheeks. Just as he was about to comment on the lame excuse, he noticed the trembling in her shoulders.
The sun was quickly setting into eclipse, painting a faint glow on Tuk’s skin through the gap in the marui flap. The glowing light illuminated the fierce shaking that was overtaking her small body as her hands moved to hug herself in defense. Worry quickly washed away amusement. 
“Just a little cold.” Her nonchalance was damaged by the chattering of her teeth, sending the words into a vibrating mess. 
“A little cold? You’re shaking, Tuk!” Teeysal sternly corrected. Protective concern overrode embarrassment and hesitancy as he quickly offered a solution. “Come here, I’ll warm you up.” His arms splayed wide, welcoming her in. 
To his surprise, Tuk did not hesitate to accept the offer. With only a little bit of coaxing she was perched on his lap, ear pressed against his chest. Her form fit daintily against his own, completely enwrapped in his embrace. Teeysal fought to focus on creating friction with his hands against her arms for heat and not the small weight pressing down on his legs or the close proximity of her chest against his own. 
Her trembling vibrated against his chest but he was sure it was nothing in comparison to the sky rocketing heartbeat Tuk must’ve felt against her ear. However, a certain calm began to fall over him as he inhaled her scent of fragrant flowers mixed with salt water. It lured him into security along with her breaths that were slowly evening out. Fondness grew as Tuk would occasionally nuzzle her face deeper into the turquoise skin. Small hands clung lightly to his sides and the extra contact spread a heated shiver down Teeysal’s body. 
The calm breeze played wistful melodies as it danced across their intertwined bodies. Darkness slowly overtook the light until glowing freckles became the contrasting illumination in the marui. The deep breaths mingled together as Teeysal switched to tracing patterns along Tuk’s stripped back. The small girl melted into the touch, arching further and further into his strong arms. 
Teeysal let out a long exhale, the feeling of peace washing over him. Something inside of him knew this was right. It felt natural to hold her, to feel her breath match his own. He yearned for the moment to last forever. One look down at Tuk and he found her lost in a tranquil sleep, small puffs of air leaving her lips. A protectiveness stirred stronger inside of him. Tuktirey was so small and so trusting. For a moment he could understand why the men in her family were so careful with her fragile heart. 
Hairs tickled his cheek as he leaned down to place an affectionate kiss on her temple. 
He would be careful too, Teeysal decided. Her heart would be safe with him.
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viscardiac · 1 year
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@tsumethedrifter's oc Ilios :>
I’m taking requests for these manips, if you want one for your oc.
Join me!
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xoxogravity · 1 year
an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.
Neteyam x m!Oc angst
"Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end."
As the pandoran night took hold, the Awa'atlu reef came alive with soft, ethereal light. The bioluminescent plants and creatures seemed to pulse and shimmer, casting a soft glow over everything in sight. Schools of fish darted back and forth through the coral, so numerous and so colorful that they almost seemed like a living tapestry, weaving in and out of the reef's shadows and the glowing bioluminescence. And then there were the creatures that lived in the deeper waters, their glowing forms flickering in the depths like ghostly apparitions.
Kokzo and neteyam lay on the sand, their arms entwined as they took in the beauty of the pandoran night sky. They had come to the beach to stargaze, to forget the sorrows of the world and lose themselves in the beauty of the moment. The moons of pandora hung low in the sky, casting a dim light over the reef and adding to the otherworldly beauty of the moment.
For a while, they sat in silence, lost in the beauty of the pandoran night. But as the night wore on, kokzo began to feel a sense of sadness creeping up on him. He knew that this moment with neteyam was fleeting, that it would soon be nothing more than a memory.
And then, as if reading his thoughts, neteyam turned to him and gave him a gentle smile. But it was a sad smile, one filled with a mixture of love and pain. He knew what kokzo was feeling, he knew the pain of that day. The day that took away his life.
Kokzo leaned in, resting his head on neteyam's shoulder, his eyes focused on the stars above. He felt a sense of comfort in the warmth of neteyam's embrace, but it was fleeting. He knew that this wasn't real, that it was all in his head.
To confirm his fears, neteyam whispered. "Beloved, please cease this." Kokzo felt his heart plummet at these words. He looked up at Neteyam, his eyes brimming with tears. "What do you mean? Stop what, Neteyam?"
"Kokzo, you must end this ILLUSION. I cannot bear to witness you languishing in this agony, my love!" Neteyam stood up, towering over Kokzo with a piercing gaze. "But you are HERE with me! You're still here, alive!" Kokzo's voice trembled with desperation, his eyes threatening to spill over with tears. He refused to accept that the boy he loved was gone, he couldn't let go. "I beg your pardon, Kokzo. However, you must face veracity. I am not here. Please, I implore you to move on. I will always be within your heart, with eywa."
With these words, neteyam's spectral form began to fade away, leaving Kokzo alone on the beach, tears now streaming down his face. He looked out at the night sky, realizing that this moment would soon be nothing more than a memory, that neteyam was gone.
He sobbed, inconsolable, lost in the depths of his pain and his memories. The bioluminescence continued to pulse and flicker, casting a delicate glow over the beach, a serene beauty that appeared to contrast with the chaos of kokzo's emotions. He knew that yet, he would have to find a way to move on, to find love and happiness again, without the one individual who had meant everything to him.
As he lay there, lost in his misery and his memories, the world continued to turn. The night sky slowly faded away, replaced by the light of day. The waves continued to lap at the shore, a reminder of the passage of time. But for a moment, at that moment on the beach, kokzo allowed himself to feel the beauty of life, even amidst the weight of his grief.
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imjusts0meguy · 1 year
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Fanart of @moronsussy's Na'vi oc Ateyo. Wonder who intruded upon his training. I love Ateyo so much Aonunete love child
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torukmaktoskxawng · 6 months
Could you please do one where Ronal and Tonowari react to the reader or OC, which ever is more your thing, having lots of battle scars from the war in the first movie? 🧁❤️ I love your writing! It’s so awesome to read and I can’t wait for the next part of your Tonowari x Ronal x OC fanfic!
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(Stunning, beautiful, elegant. Gifs by @stallislump )
Pairing: Ronal/Reader/Tonowari
Taglist: @mooniequeen
Warnings: non-gender specific reader, fluff, mentions of war, scars, heavily implied stuff (nsfw? idk, but I'd read this at work)
Na'vi Words: ikran - mountain banshee, olo'eyktan - male clan leader, tsahik - spiritual clan leader, kelku - house/home
A/N: This is short but sweet. I hope you like it! (Note: Stand alone! Not a part of the tsamsiyu ta'em series)
They had noticed your scars the first day they met you, a Na'vi flying in on an ikran alongside the gunship Jakesully had radioed in to help Young Kiri. They knew Sky People were coming, but they weren't expecting you.
The Metkayina have heard many stories about the clans that came together under Toruk Makto's leadership. Even from as far as the reef, the Na'vi heard about the war with the Sky People and the casualties left behind. Such war and casualties were shown on your skin, displayed like a story. Long, thin, cut-like marks ran up and down your legs and part of your torso, while small, circular scars riddled your right shoulder and chest. The skin that healed over your wounds was a pale blue compared to the rest of your skin and stripes. When Toruk Makto introduced you to the olo'eyktan and tsahik of the Metkayina, they couldn't take their eyes off of you.
Your style and the colors of your attire were not of Omatikaya. Tonowari and Ronal later learn that you were originally from the Tayrangi clan but stayed with the Omatikaya after the war. As they got to know you, they learned that your family members were great warriors but had tragically died in the battle of the Hallelujah Mountains. After their deaths, you saw no reason to return home with your clan and made a life for yourself in the forests with Toruk Makto's clan.
Considering you as an entrusted friend and ally, Jake had asked you to stay in Awa'atlu for a little while so he would feel more secure and able to protect his family. And while you stayed among the Metkayina, both Tonowari and Ronal grew closer to you and wished to learn more about you and your stories... specifically the story behind your scars.
Originally, you didn't feel inclined to share the story, simply stating that you earned your scars in the battle against the Sky People. However, as you grew closer to the Metkayina clan leaders, you began to let yourself be more open and vulnerable toward them, which is where you find yourself sitting with the pair, alone in their kelku. It was a late night and their children were out with the Sully children to show them the beauty of night fishing.
It was Tonowari who boldly reached his hand out and gently grazed a scar on your shoulder, his thumb tenderly pressing into the raised, circular mark. "Who did this to you?"
"The Sky People," you found yourself saying without hesitance, "I fell off my ikran and survived," you originally pointed to the long, thin scars you earned from falling and crashing, then you moved onto the rounded scars around your shoulder, "These scars are from their weapons made of metal. They call them guns and bullets. Any closer and they would have pierced my heart."
Neither of the clan leaders looked pleased by that statement, and Ronal took her husband's boldness a step further. The tsahik leaned down and placed a chaste kiss over a bullet-shaped scar that was located near your collar, her warm lips leaving behind a tingle underneath your skin when she pulled away.
The look she gave you sent your heart racing, her gaze heated and foggy as she stared at you through her lashes, "Thank the Great Mother that they didn't."
One thing led to another and you found yourself in the pair's undivided attention all throughout the night, together learning where each and every one of your scars were located on your body. While you weren't necessarily self-conscious about the scars (you were mostly proud and showed them off as proof that you survived and won a war), you had begun shying away from their touch whenever they got too close to any specific markings. But over time, throughout the night, you began to relax and feel safe, allowing the two Reef Na'vi to explore you in ways you've never felt before.
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puddle-nerd · 7 months
We Feast
Summary: As Ronal’s most dedicated student in the ways of healing, a soft spot had formed specifically for you, deeper than you might have guessed until your first heat hits you unexpectedly.
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Prompt 31 (A/B/O) for my final submission for LunasKinktober2023
Story Tags: No use of y/n, Female Reader, everyone is legal, A/B/O, M/F/F, Teacher/Student Relationship, Crushing on the Teacher, Overbearing Parents, Angst, Metkayina | Reef People Clan (Avatar), Na’vi Culture (Avatar – Cameron), Na’vi Language (Avatar – Cameron), First Heat, Maybe Dub-Con due to Heat Delerium, Threesome if you squint, Open Marriage-ish/Polyamory, Eating out, Face Sitting, Mention of inexperienced main female character, Voyeurism, Creampie Na’vi Translation: ‘Eve — girl (colloquial) Ma’ — my, mine, a way of showing possession of something Mawey — calm Muntxatan — husband Numeyu — student Oel ngati tse’a – “I see you” (physically) Olo’eyktan — Clan Leader Olo’zeykoyu — Clan Healer Paska’sngap — (NON-CANON) exact translation would be ‘honey sting’, a type of large bee that makes very sweet honeycomb Paskalin — honey (term of endearment) Sa’nu — mum/mom/mommy Sa’nok — mother (respectful) Tewng – loincloth Tìyawn — love Tsaheylu — a connection between two Pandoran beings (i.e. a Na’vi and a direhorse/ikran/ilu or between two Na’vi) with the tendrils of their neural queues enabling a mental communication between them and the sharing of information, including memories, emotions, and sensory input Tsahìk – a spiritual leader of a Na’vi clan, and the most important member next to the clan leader. The job of the Tsahìk is to interpret the will of Eywa, guide the clan spiritually, and perform important ceremonies Zeykoyu — healer Male OC: Ìtxän Te Atxzìtx Kxawun’iyan (a male Na’vi) and Ìstaw (your preferred male ilu) Author’s Note: Set around a year and a half before the events of Avatar: The Way of Water, before Ronal got pregnant and before the Recombinants arrived. This turned out a quite bit longer than I originally anticipated because I just couldn’t stop writing so if you’d prefer to skip straight to the smut, skip down to the break in text. And hey, so just in case you didn’t read the tags or the warning labels, this is a polyamorous relationship so this one will have Ronal and Reader going to town on each other in this chapter. If you don’t like descriptive scenes depicting woman on woman sexual action, then please don’t read this.
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“Good, yes, Ma’numeyu,” Ronal praised you with a soft brush of her fingers along your bare shoulder as you ground the herbs into a fine powder for future use as an anti-inflammatory paste when introduced to a few drops of fresh water. It needed to be as fine as silk-sand to the touch or else it would not do its job as needed and would be, in turn, useless. And you refused to have anything of yours be considered useless or not even good enough. Being the youngest of three daughters of your family, your older sisters set the precedence by being a fantastic warrior and a fantastic fisherman/cook so you had to be just as good as them, if not better or else your parents would pay you less attention or compare you to your sisters. So, you had to be the best zeykoyu as your talents lay with healing. And who better to learn from than the current Tsahìk?
You bowed your head with a slight smile. “Thank you, Ma’tsahìk,” you acknowledged the compliment with a light blush and grabbed the last of the herb to add to her mortar.
“Your dedication could lead you down the path to Olo’zeykoyu… one day.” You froze at those words hanging so tantalizingly in the air between the two of you and slowly, you glanced upwards slowly while the rest of your body remained paused in time, hunched over, hands gripping the pestle above the bowl of half ground herbs. Ronal raised a brow, a challenging smirk curling upon the corner of her turquoise lips. “Do you doubt your Tsahìk, Ma’numeyu?”
Immediately, you shook your head, breathing out, “No, never, Ma’tsahìk. I…” You licked your lips and whispered, “I just… that would be so… wonderful.”
And if you became the clan healer… that would mean you would get to have even more time side-by-side with the beautiful female you looked up to and adored so earnestly. Oh, yes, you wanted it – all of it, the position, the respect, the time with your Tsahìk.
Blue eyes softened as they took you in, seeing more than you perhaps wanted her to see of you, seeing the need for acknowledgement, the need to feel appreciated for your talents, the need to not be compared to someone else and found lacking. She shifted closer on her knees and lifted a hand and cupped your jaw so tenderly, the look in her eyes so warm and welcoming, so unlike your parents’ or your sisters’. “You will have earned it, Ma’numeyu,” Ronal whispered softly, earnestly, shuffling even closer to you. “Your dedication… and your talent… and your work ethic… is beyond par to any of my other students. One day… paskalin. Until then, finish grinding.” She shot you a smile, her hand cupping your cheek just a little bit firmer before it dropped.
The sound of the mauri pod front flap lifting had both female Na’vi’s looking up to see the fearsome Olo’eyktan stepping into the woven hut. His eyes immediately sought out his wife and a smile spread upon his lips.
“Hello, tìyawn,” he greeted the older woman, crossing the expanse between them and pressing his tattooed forehead to hers, their noses brushing tenderly.
You immediately dropped your gaze, face flushing as you bore witness to such a tender and intimate moment between the mated pair. Because your gaze was dropped, you missed the way the two of them glanced at you, a silent smile shared between them as they then met the other’s gaze, a conversation happening between them with only a few facial twitches and smiles.
The massive male cautiously turned and greeted you warmly. “Good afternoon, ‘eve.”
You looked up, smiling warmly and bowing your head respectfully towards your clan leader. “Good afternoon, Olo’eyktan,” you replied back.
“Just Tonowari is fine, paskalin,” he reminded you with a warm smile. It was contagious and you returned it with one of your own, blushing while bowing your head in respect once more for this man, not able to hide the shiver that ran down your spine at the nickname he had used for you. He was always just as kind and as warm as his wife was to you (in private; she couldn’t play favorites in public) and the two of them together like this… these two beautiful, wonderful people who were so genial and kind to you, it made your heart beat just a little bit faster with longing.
You… wanted…
“Unfortunately, your sa’nok is looking for you,” Tonowari’s voice made you focus back on the present and you flushed once again, this time in embarrassment at having drifted off on a mental tide. “She… seemed insistent.” There was a curiosity in his tone but all you could feel was dread at those words.
Because that was not good news.
Your mother never sought you ought on purpose.
Glancing at Ronal, she nodded, releasing you from your duties. “My apologies, Ma’tsahìk,” you murmured, setting aside your mortar and pestle and pushing yourself to your feet. “I will make it up to you tomorrow.” She laughed in enjoyment of your continued commitment to prove yourself and waved you away. You left the mauri pod with one, last respectful bow of your head to both of them before departing and stepping out into the bright sun. Shielding your eyes, you blinked a few times as your eyes adjusted to the light and turned towards the pod where your family lived, smiling at those you considered acquaintances and friends. Tsireya, Ronal and Tonowari’s eleven-year-old daughter, approached you with a bounce in her step and you grinned at her.
“Done for the day? Already?” she asked, grabbing your wrist gently, pulling you into dancing with her, much to a passing Na’vi’s amusement. “Sa’nu must be feeling kindly today.”
You laughed, spinning the pre-teen under your arm. “Your sa’nok had no choice, unfortunately,” you tell her. “My own requested the pleasure of my company.” The little girl’s smile faded somewhat, having an idea what that meant because she was getting to the age where she had started to observe the behaviors of those around her and had seen the way your own parents diminished you in comparison to your older sisters. “I’ll be fine,” you assured her, pretty sure you were lying to Tsireya’s face, pushing a curl of her hair back from her eyes like you wished your older sisters would do for you. “I’ll see you tomorrow, ‘eve.” You moved past her and kept on walking, straightening your spine, smile fading away and your face becoming a blank mask as you prepared for whatever your parents had prepared for you, interrupting your time of learning with Ronal, which you coveted greatly. You took your fear for whatever was about to happen and you shoved it down into the pit of your stomach, trying to ignore the feel of it settling like a stone in your belly. You were strong, you were dedicated, you were talented, and maybe one day you could become Olo’zeykoyu, just as Ronal had hinted. She believed in you. She thought highly of you. Whatever was about to happen… you’d make her proud. Her and her mate both.
Stepping into your family mauri pod, you found your mother kneeling at the cook table, serving a drink to your father and another male Na’vi whose scarred back was facing you. You paused, instantly recognizing Ìtxän Te Atxzìtx Kxawun’iyan from his stylish topknot bun, the set of his broad shoulders, the marred webbing of skin on the left side of his ribs, and his shortened tail.
“You’re home ma’ite. Wonderful,” your mother greeted with uncharacteristic warmness and a smile that read false, false, false! “You have a visitor. Come say hello.”
There it was.
The commanding edge to your mother’s tone that promised emotional anguish if you disobeyed.
Ìtxän turned and smiled at you, giving you the formal greeting, hand sweeping from his forehead. “ Oel ngati tse’a,” his voice was warm.
The way he smiled at you held hope and promise…
And you felt nothing for him.
You dutifully greeted him formally back, forcing a small smile upon your lips though you really didn’t feel like smiling. You crossed the mauri pod on legs that felt like they had something heavy weighing them down to sit across the round table from your mother, between your father and your visitor and that’s when you saw it.
The traditional Metkayinan courting gift.
You were old enough to start thinking about courting, having turned eighteen a couple of moon cycles prior to this moment and finished with most of your rites. You just had never really thought about courting, before.
Ìtxän had woven together thick fronds that he had gathered himself into a basket large enough to fill with food to feed at least three or four Na’vi. Once finished, he had had to catch, kill, gather, and prepare a meal for his intended mate, their parents and himself as a means of proving he would make an excellent provider. Once everything was ready, he had had to present it to his intended’s parents for inspection and if they approved, it would be presented to you for approval. The more elaborate the meal, the more serious the proposal to court. Usually. The fact that Ìtxän was trying to present one to you… left you feeling unbalanced. You didn’t have anything against him but you didn’t really know him. You’d barely spoken to him other than greeting him in passing or when he needed wounds looked after. Yes, you had been right by Ronal’s side when he had had a chunk taken out of him and some of his tail removed by an akula, assisting in keeping him alive and making sure he healed properly a year or so before. But other than that, neither of you had ever sought the other out. You hadn’t even realized he was interested in you.
Your father began to unpack the basket.
It wasn’t lost on you that the main dish was akula steaks and your father chuckled at that. It was prepared very elaborately, marinated with a thick dark sauce and many spices, garnished with small leafy greens. There was also a large bowl of fruit, a bowl of stalk-like vegetables more commonly known as Fire Tails due to their spicy flavor all by themselves and also happened to be a favorite of yours. To finish it off, there were small bread rolls and, last but not least, a jar of honey the size of your fist.
You and your parents both froze, seeing that innocent little jar of amber. Not because it meant something bad. Oh, no. It meant Ìtxän was pushing forward the ultimate symbol of intending to make you his mate one day.
Honey from a Paska’sngap hive was difficult to come by as the bees — which were half the size of an adult Na’vi’s skull — were harmless by themselves and usually didn’t attack unless it felt threatened. An individual bee could sting up to three times before it died and each sting would release a bit of toxin which would take about a day or two to recover from after their stingers were removed from your skin. And typically, a Na’vi could survive a handful of stings but multiple stings from a dozen or more Paska’sngap’s could result in enough toxin in their bloodstream to act as a paralytic so that bigger creatures could be able to eat the helpless Na’vi. Even more stings than that – say, if the whole hive stung you – that much toxin could stop your heart. Foraging for honeycombs was usually a test of endurance, skill and speed as the bees could swarm in defense of their home and easily overpower any being. The fact that Ìtxän had accumulated so much of the sweetest honeycombs anyone in the clan had ever tasted…
You looked up at Ìtxän who was smiling at you so brightly and hopefully… and still felt nothing.
Your parents laid out the dishes and your mother looked up at you expectantly when you didn’t move. “Well, ma’ite?” She prompted and you swore you could hear her teeth grinding. You looked from the delicious food spread out in front of you and you had to admit, it looked wondrous with all of the hard work he put into it but you couldn’t lie. Not about this. Sitting back on your knees, you lowered your head into a respectful bow towards Ìtxän, eyes lowered, ears twitched back because you knew your parents were about to be furious with you. “I formally apologize Ìtxän Te Atxzìtx Kxawun’iyan but I cannot and do not accept.” Your mother, predictably, hissed loudly as you scrambled to your feet and away from the table, your father looking severely disappointed with you, scowling harshly. “Why not?” she snarled. “I don’t know him!” You shouted right back, tail lashing. You glanced at Ìtxän, voice lowering as you repeated softly, “I don’t know you. I didn’t even know you were interested in me. And then… this…” You waved your hand at the meal on the table and stared at him. You shook your head. “I can’t… I…” You turned away and darted out of your family mauri pod, ignoring your mother’s calls, pumping your legs and running down the bouncy walkway as fast as you could, dodging people just barely enough to not crash into them until you could dive out into the water and swim. An ilu you preferred and called Ìstaw approached you and you quickly grabbed hold, making tsaheylu and bonding with him so you could get away even faster. Together, you and the ilu swam to what you liked to consider your secret cave, breaking the surface of the water and looking around the grotto. “Thank you, Ìstaw,” you smiled gratefully, breaking the bond and hauling yourself up onto the stone lip. Turning back to see him still watching you, you reached and rubbed his head gently with a smile, telling him, “I’ll swim back on my own when I’m ready.” The ilu bowed its head and returned the way it came, disappearing from view. With a sigh, you took in your secret cave and felt yourself relax, being away from your parents and their expectations. The bioluminescent flora growing over the roof of the cavern was beautiful and pink, glowing bright, along with the hole showing you a small circle of the sky and giving you ample light to see. With it being high-tide, the water lapped at the stone lip gently, spilling a little bit of water up and over with every slow wave and hiding the lowered entrance to the grotto. With the lapping water in mind, over the years, you had built yourself a sleeping pad up and off of the ground, padding it with layers of moss and blankets you had woven together to make it quite comfortable. You had trinkets, like a collection of shells, a couple of handmade instruments, and spare ingredients and tools you needed for your craft in healing. You also had some freshwater casks and fishing gear so you could feed yourself if you wanted to stay for a night or two. The perfect little getaway when your family’s overbearing attitudes and expectations got too much. Slumping down onto the sleeping pad which was big enough for you to stretch out and still have some room, you felt your emotions rise up and overwhelm you. How dare your parents spring this courting request upon you?! How dare Ìtxän?! And why had they bothered with him? Why had they been so eager? Your sisters were single and they were “better” in your parents’ eyes so shouldn’t they have wanted someone to come courting them first? Unless they figured if you left the mauri pod, your sisters would have better chances. Or they just wanted you out of the way. And this thought made you cry. Did they really hate you so much? Your emotions poured out of you and you cried and cried until you exhausted yourself, falling asleep upon your sleeping mat, curling in on yourself, tail pulled tightly into the backs of your thighs and you didn’t dream. Thankfully, you didn’t dream. 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Waking slowly with warmth trickling through your limbs, you felt groggy and disoriented and unable to shake the fuzzy plant fibers from your mind. You were cognizant enough to realize you felt feverish and achy. Sitting up slowly, a wave of dizziness took hold of you and you flopped back down. Your belly, or maybe right below that, was clenching against the emptiness you felt inside of yourself.
Oh, you felt… need… carnal need.
You had started your first heat?
“Oh no,” you moaned in self-pity.
From the conversations you had overheard your mother have with your sisters, you weren’t supposed to start having your heat cycles until you began to indulge in sexual pleasure with someone – and you hadn’t. You were dedicated to learning how to be the best zeykoyu you could be… and spoil yourself with the delectation of Ronal’s company. If you took care of yourself on occasion in the dead of the night or here in your secret cave, you did it by yourself with no one for company but your thoughts and imagination. “Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no…”
You shook your head, trying to ignore the exacerbating warmth unfurling beneath your belly, that bubbling heat sending out the signal throughout your limbs that you needed a partner to take care of you in the most lascivious of ways possible. A nonexistent partner because you weren’t interested in anyone…
Anyone obtainable, that is.
While Na’vi were inherently sexual beings and it wasn’t entirely unheard of that some mated couples took on a third, you were nothing but her student and while Tonowari – her mate, her partner, the love of her life, the father of her children, you reminded yourself — was very handsome, and kind and wonderful, there was something about Ronal that just called to you even more. Appealed to you more. She was, in a way, even fiercer than her husband, almost frighteningly so. But she was also graceful and beautiful and strong and wise and…
Oh… Eywa, you had it so bad for her.
Not saying there was anything wrong with all of those strong muscles and that filthy smirk you’d seen him shoot Ronal once or twice before they suddenly disappeared for an hour or so, coming back to smell strongly of musk.
Oh… and just the thought of him being able to pick you up easily and manhandle you however he saw fit?
And then your mind’s eye drifted down to his tewng, wondering exactly what he had been endowed with. Probably something very enticing if Ronal shirked her duties for a bit every so often for a moment of pleasure with her mate.
You began to tremble as a wave of lust washed over you like a gentle wave.
Trying to focus on what you had been taught by Ronal and what you had heard about these symptoms from other sexually active women in the clan, you took stock of the heat that was prickling beneath your skin, an itch you couldn’t seem to scratch as you writhed upon your sleeping mat. A near dizzying surge of warmth pulsed from your core and you finally registered the wetness seeping from that place between your legs, preparing you to be taken and pleasured and fucked. You needed your clothing off and struggled with shaking fingers to untie your necklace and your Tewng, succeeded after a few stuttered curses and tears leaking from your blue eyes.
“Ohhh,” you whined, throwing your clothing away and curling up tighter into a ball as your body wracked with desperate need. “This can’t be happening.”
Behind the curve of your naked back while you trembled, with the tide going out, you didn’t notice Ronal appear with the ilu you named Ìstaw at the visible mouth of the grotto, which allowed air into the cave twice a day. You didn’t see her lift her tattooed face and scent the air and understanding wash over her as her pupils dilated. You didn’t hear her thank the ilu, nor when she disconnected her queue, sending him away to find her mate and slowly approaching you through the waves. You did hear the water “sploosh” off of her body as she hauled herself up onto the stone lip and came to sit at your side, the sea water dripping off her and onto your overheated skin not doing much to cool the fire burning within you.
“Oh, Ma’numeyu,” Ronal cooed gently, gently looking over you and brushing away the curls from your turquoise face. “When did this start?”
Tears welled up in your blue eyes and you whimpered, “It shouldn’t have started at all, Ma’tsahìk. I haven’t… I never — not with someone!” A harsher shiver wracked through your body and you trembled visibly like you were wracked with sickness, your muscles tightening and releasing spasmodically. “It hurts… Ronal. Is it supposed to hurt?”
You’ve never used her given name before but the clawing need inside of you, the heat burning your body from the inside out, you absently hoped she could forgive you when all was said and done. The tattooed woman gently forced you onto your back, her hands resting upon your sweat damp brow and the naked curve of your mons, just above where you ached the most. You couldn’t stop the whimper from escaping your throat and screwed your eyes up tightly. You didn’t want to see any pity for your predicament, any disappointment, if she… for whatever reason… maybe thought you were lying.
“Oh, paskalin,” the warmth in her tone made you look hesitantly up at her, “this is a gift from Ewya to put us all on the path together that she wants from us. Ma’muntxatan and I were going to speak with you later today… but Eywa pushed us to this, by giving you this gift and having us show you in a different way that we can take care of you.”
She and her husband…
She couldn’t mean… could she?
“May I touch you paskalin?” She asked gently. “Touch will ease the fire within you.”
Oh, Eywa, yes. Please.
Ronal laughed. Oh, had you said that out loud? You flushed, face getting a touch hotter, if that was possible. Then you were distracted by a pretty mouth caressing your own chastely and delicate hands with calloused fingertips gently sliding over your heated flesh. A wanton moan bounced off the grotto walls. “Yes, paskalin, let it out. Tell me your needs and I will fix it.”
“Please,” you begged. “Kiss me some more. Touch me some more. Anything. Everything. Please… just let it be you, Ma’tsahìk.”
The older woman hummed and slid onto the sleeping mat you had created, kneeling between your thighs and reaching up to remove her necklace. Her breasts were large for a Na’vi and her hardened nipples were a darker shade than her beautiful turquoise skin. And it was a sight to behold. You whined and reached for her eagerly, arms trembling. With a predatory look, she swooped in and kissed you hungrily, one arm holding herself up, the other sneakily cupping one of your own breasts, her thumb playing with your nipple, swallowing your moan of approval. She tasted sweet, of fruit and honey, and you could easily see yourself get addicted to her flavor.
Pulling back to breathe, Ronal moved down to your neck, kissing, sucking, nibbling your flesh as she played with you breast, humming in approval as you slid a hand down her back, fingers digging into the swell of her backside and shifting your hips to find you grinding against her knee. You released a whimper.
“Mawey, paskalin,” she teased, raking her fangs against a forming bruise upon your throat. “Trust me to take care of you.”
Her mouth found your neglected breast.
You couldn’t help but let out a whine as the tattooed woman sucked on your sensitive nipple, the pleasure causing your core to clench harder around nothing. Oh, how you needed it. Needed her. But she promised she would take care of you. As if reading your mind, her lips finally descended from your breast down your belly, licking and sucking at your hips, her fingers holding you down to prevent you squirming. Your eagerness for her attentions caused her to hum in glee. Finally, she came to the juncture of your legs. “Fuck,” Ronal breathed, surprising you with her foul language as her eyelids fluttered shut as her nostrils flares. “Oh, paskalin. You are so slick for me. Smell so sweet.”
You can’t help but nod almost frantically, hips faux fighting her strong grip, wanting to rock up against her face. “For you, yes, yes, yes,” you admit with a whining chant. “It’s always been you. Admire you. Adore you. Want you!” She smirked at that.
“Then you shall have me,” the older woman vowed. She finally pressed her face forward.
A tongue surprisingly broad swept up the lips of your vulva before it poked between them and found your clit, lightly stroking and making you nearly scream out a curse, her hands struggling to hold your hips as you arched into the touch that caused lightning to zap through you.
It didn’t register when a second set of hands, much larger than the ones before, suddenly held your hips down much firmer. You were too swept up in the feel of that tongue dipping and dancing between your folds, alternating between licks and gently prodding against your nub. And when two delicate fingers pressed into you, you choked on your moans and gasps, absently clasping onto the thick forearms to help ground yourself just a little. Ronal continued to feast upon you, withdrawing her fingers to slide her tongue into your depths. Where her fingers failed, her tongue found a spot that made you mewl and moan worse than before and that coil inside you wound tight.
“Oh please, oh please, oh please,” you sobbed, screaming out as a gentle pinch to your clit and her tongue pressing on that spongy spot inside you had your first orgasm of the day crash through you like a furious Akula. “RONAL!”
The older woman lapped at you like a hungry kitten, easing you through your afterglow with a smirk adorning her face that you only saw after you opened your eyes.
Tonowari stared down at you with a heated smirk as he left over his wife’s back to hold you down to your sleeping mat. “My turn,” he purred. Ronal slid over one of your thighs and laid down with her back to the cavern wall as her mate scooped you up easily and took your place on the bedding, lying back as you had been doing and dexterously adjusting you into a kneeling position above his chin. “Now sit, paskalin. It’s my turn to feast.”
Glancing at Ronal, she just smirked at you. “You are in for a treat,” she promised with a knowing smirk.
With one of his large, warm hands wrapped around one of our thighs, Tonowari cupped your backside with the other to support your weight and pulled you down onto his hungry mouth. Immediately, his tongue darted out to lick a stripe from your sensitive entrance to your clit, causing a high-pitched squeal to rip itself from your throat which nearly smothered his low moan.
Ronal nearly cackled in glee, questioning her mate, “She is divine, is she not, Muntxatan? She is even sweeter when she cums.” A hum of agreement was the only response before he truly began to feast upon your flesh.
Tonowari ate at your pussy like a man starved, voracious in his appetite, nose massaging at your clit while his tongue worked tirelessly inside of you, his arms preventing you from rocking your hips more than just lightly. You couldn’t help the movement as his experience coiled you tightly quickly, the cries and moans endlessly pouring from you as he quickly dragged you closer to your second orgasm. His tongue was even longer than his wife’s, thicker too and it wasn’t long before he coaxed you through a second orgasm, his name a stuttering scream. “T’no’ri!” It was a garbled mess but the intensity of two orgasms in less than an hour had you slurring and incoherent once more, shaking like a leaf in a storm, muscles twitching and spasming until it plateaued into bliss that left you feeling like boneless jelly.
Luckily, his wife was there to help ease you off of her husband’s face and manipulated your body to straddle his thighs.
“Oh,” you whined, seeing that at some point between you mounting his mouth and now, his tewng had disappeared and he was even more endowed than you had briefly allowed yourself to imagine. You should have realized, though, as the male was massive all-over, he would have a thick, long cock as well, slightly darker turquoise than his skin, almost rivaling Ronal’s nipples in shade and the stripes were raised and bumpy with little ridges and nodules.
Ronal smirked up at you and turned, kissing her husband’s messy face with her own.
“Say you want this paskalin,” Tonowari rumbled out, voice a deep purr that sent shovers down your spine.
You nodded with a whine, “Yes, please. Eywa, oh please.”
He guided you down slowly onto his shaft, the slick from your previous orgasms aiding his insertion, the achiness of your heat finally subsiding despite the pleasure he and Ronal had coaxed out of you.
You whined, feeling yourself stretch around his girth as you sank him in deeper and deeper inside of your body. Beside you, Ronal had made tsaheylu with her mat so she could share in on the pleasure. And then Tonowari began to move, guiding your hips over his fat cock and beginning to fuck up into your greedy cunt, causing you to cry out in pleasure. Shifting his legs into a bent position, it shifted the angle inside of you, allowing him even deeper penetration. His hands lifted you up and then he thrust up into you as you slid back down upon his cock, the head of his shaft bullying close to your cervix and causing stars to burst behind your eyelids.
“Oh, ‘Wari, yes, please,” you begged, grinding down on him, chasing your pleasure as it built higher and higher up inside of you. His thrusts became harder, sloppier, causing your whole body to shake as that coil in your belly tightened once more. “Oh, Eywa, don’t stop,” you sobbed, reaching out to ground yourself and intertwined your fingers with Ronal’s. “Please don’t stop! Knot me! Please!”
“Do it, muntxatan,” Ronal encouraged, her hand working steadily at her own center as she watched hungrily.
“Mine!” Tonowari snarled, gripping your hips tightly and slamming you down onto his cock. You came with a scream, your gummy walls camping down upon your Olo’eyktan’s length like a vice. His knot had begun to swell and he forced you down onto him one final time with a roar, locking you in place as he came, shooting ropes upon ropes of seed deep into your depths while your greedy depths milked his dry and filled your womb with potent seed.
The pleasure was overwhelming.
“I think we wore her out,” Tonowari chuckled as you lay there, half conscious a moment or two or five later.
You were only partially aware of when his wife smacked his arm. “It’s her first heat, brought on by the will of Eywa,” she reminded him, kissing your shoulder. “You will be kind to our ‘eve. She was untouched before me.” He must have rumbled something in response because the last thing you heard before drifting off for a short nap was, “Give her a moment then we may feast upon her honey again.”
𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Originally Posted: 31 October 2023 Word Count: 5,357
@pandoraslxna, @eyweveng @teyamsatan @lovefrommeelise
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tulkunmakto · 1 year
hahaw nìltsan
Description: Human!reader has spent many years of her life on Pandora, originally as part of the science team. She learned Na’vi with the Omaticaya, in the forest she considered a home away from home for many years. Left Earth in search of something more. Now resides with the Metkayina (don’t ask, I just felt like being w them) and has a deep relationship with a Metkayina male.
OC!Na’vi x Human!Reader / OC!Na’vi x Human!Y/N / Metkayina!Na’vi
AN: This is just straight up shite bc I need a Na'vi mans in my life fr. Also ignore that reader is human and there isn't one mention of breathing apparatus, I don't feel like dealing w all the technicalities a human!na'vi relationship would bring lol
If you want to listen to this lovely ambience while reading, have fun, I listened to it while writing and it's beautiful.
Most Na’vi words are italicized, though those spoken by my OC!Metkayina are are not written with the glottal stop now that we know the Metkayina don’t use that sound in their accent.
Idk who this mans is but if everyone else is taken and he's free... imma have him
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A soft rustling caused you to stir from the layers of mat you laid upon but you did not wake. You’d only fallen asleep shortly ago, body already growing sore from your earlier recreation. The bioluminescence from the seafloor below was muted by the thick woven material of the marui pod you shared with your mate, though starlight spun through the small openings in the window glass. 
It had been an early night for you after a long day. The tulkun had returned and the day was spent in a frenzy of celebration. Bonding, storytelling, songs, dance and food were shared among the entirety of Awa’atlu. It was only your second time having met Kekoa, Ateyo’s spirit brother, and you could tell he was accepting you even more. 
Kekoa trusted Ateyo, and if you were who he chose, then he was happy for his brother. 
You’d shed tears a fair amount, washed away by the ocean spray. The connection the Metkayina had to the tulkun people was more than heartwarming. Watching Ateyo share stories with his brother and swim together felt like someone had robbed your heart and squeezed it in their palm. It was one of the most beautiful things you’d ever seen, and you didn’t think you would ever see a tulkun reunion without crying of joy. 
If only the people of your home planet could understand how harmonious all beings could coexist with each other. After all, everything and everyone on Pandora was born of the same stardust as those on Earth. You wondered when humans had stopped listening to themselves and their surroundings, though it was long before you were even born. 
But you did not harp on those thoughts that day, it was a blessed and spirited occasion. Laughter was passed around with good drink and you danced with members of the clan until your feet screamed. 
The men were the first to retreat from the celebration, as was custom for each migration cycle. The first night had the men and their brothers for a hunt during eclipse, followed by the women and their sisters the following eclipse. 
You stayed to see the men swim off before returning back to your kelku. 
The home had undergone a metamorphosis within the past migration cycle as well, becoming more of a mélange of you and Ateyo. Softer mats lined the floor, a new abundance of pillows and soft blankets. More flowers were added to hang from the high ceilings, the first weaving you’d made with the Omaticaya in the colors of the Pandoran forest. Something you could never part with. 
It seemed as if you’d already lived so many lives. 
And you were stirred yet again into this present life from the feeling of a warm body crawling in next to you, adjusting beneath the thick blanket. 
You groaned, eyes still closed. 
“Teyo?” you asked. 
He smiled immediately. It was no good, quiet or not, you always sensed him in the dark. 
“Shh, go back to sleep, txelan,” he whispered. 
You hummed, feeling him settle against you. Your back to his broad chest, curling into him and seeping up his warmth. He smelled of citrus and salt. 
“You are in for the night?” you asked, voice groggy.
Ateyo hummed in agreement, placing a kiss to the crown of your head. The gesture made you feel safe, but you wanted to be closer. He’d been gone with Kekoa for hours. You turned your body to face him, finding his face alight with illuminating freckles. You smiled at him, eyes half lidded, and he returned the grin, leaning in to press his mouth to yours. Love bloomed in your chest as his lips molded against yours. 
“Welcome back,” you said. 
“I am only a little sorry I woke you,” Ateyo replied. 
You grunted, nuzzling his neck with your nose. 
“Why only a little?” 
Both of his arms held you close, giving you a tight squeeze. You were also in for the night, there was no leaving him when he held you like this. You were whole. 
“Because I was able to get a kiss in return,” he answered. 
You let out an amused huff against his skin, kissing above his heart and lingering there. For all he had a rough, warrior’s exterior, he was so soft. 
“I always give you kisses in greeting,” you said. 
“Srane, but not always are you so pliant and vulnerable like this,” he said. His thumb caressed your waist back and forth, so small against him that his arms could’ve wrapped around you twice. 
“Mm. Maybe I’m not doing a good enough job at keeping you in your place,” you teased. 
Ateyo chuckled, moving to grip your thigh and placed it between his legs. You curled farther into him. Like seaweed around his much larger body. 
“On the contrary, babygirl, I am wrapped around your finger,” he said, stroking his cheek against your crown. 
You exhaled and with every blink, found it harder to keep your eyes alert. But curiosity got the better of you. 
“How was the hunt?” 
“A blessing from Eywa,” he said. “Now go back to sleep, txelan. I will tell you more tomorrow.” 
You yawned and your mate couldn’t help but sleepily smile at the sweet sound. You were so pliant against him, and the fact that this little human trusted him so completely to sleep entwined with him made him swell with pride.
“‘M sorry, Teyo, I’m so…” you drifted off, “So tired.” 
His own eyes began to soften, giving your forehead one more kiss before settling his head down. 
“I know, baby, I know. Sleep now for me.” 
You buried yourself into him once more with a muffled, “You’re cozy.” 
“Shh, yawne. Sleep soundly for me. I got you,” he murmured. 
You were already asleep, safe and sound curled into his strong body. Your very own fortress. 
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ilici · 1 year
lo'ak x metkayina!oc.
Summary: Tonowari's daughter doesn't like the idea of the newcomers, and makes it very apparent.
Warnings: Mention of blood, cursing, and mention of death.
Full Story! Series may happen!
Word Count: 1490.
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Looking over from the ocean to the land where a herd was now beginning, surrounding what seemed to be new Na'vi. Not being able to fully see, I look over and share a glance with Tsireya, who only motioned for us to check it out. Sliding off my Ilu, I walk ashore, my hair sticking to my back, causing me to grimace slightly.
Walking over to where I could see, everyone cleared a path for us. Making it to the front, I scanned the newcomers, and instantly glared, looking over at my mother who shared the same look.
"Why are they here."
I whispered to my brother, noticing three adorned five fingers, and my skin crawled at the thought of demon coursing through their veins. Scowling at the ones with five fingers, my ears turned back before my father's voice spoke up.
Looking up at him, I glared once he accepted them so easily. Turning to walk away, I felt someone grab my shoulder keeping me from leaving. Looking over at the one holding me back, and scoffed at the sight of Rotxo.
"My children will teach you the way of the water."
Hearing this my eyes squinted and my ears went back in anger. About to refuse, Ao'nung beat me to it. Hold back my words, I pulled away from Rotxo's grip and trudged away back into the sea to where Cyojhi was waiting for me.
Bonding with her, I quickly swam away before sliding off of her, and whispering her farewell, as she swam away. Going under and looking around, I swam enjoying the many fish that came around me, lightly grazing them.
My relaxing time was soon interrupted as my sister and the forest people showed up. Rolling my eyes at them, I noticed their very visible struggle. Looking over at Roxto who gave me a knowing look, I swam away, everyone following in behind.
"Now, you will need to hold on tight."
Tsireya explained to one of the males, and I watched with amusement, as he kept on saying he had it. Going under, I soon watched as he was ripped away from the Ilu by force. Laughing I looked over at Ao'nung who, too, was laughing. Tsireya gave us a scolding look and I only shrugged as she signed for us to follow.
Reluctantly following, I finally surfaced and held back a laugh at the sight of him coughing up water. Pulling myself up on the rock, I watched as everyone sat down, Rotxo sitting beside me. Tsireya sat beside Rotxo, the younger of the two brothers beside her, and the eldest beside me.
I kept my distance from him, and followed Tsireya's instructions on breathing. Growing annoyed at the loud breaths the one in front of me was letting out, I opened my eyes and reached forwards hitting his stomach.
"What the hell was that for?"
He slightly yelled, glaring at me and I only glared in response. Being pulled away by his brother, I grimaced at his touch, and he put his hands up in defense.
"You were breathing too loudly."
I hissed out, and he only glared at me purposely breathing loudly. Growling, I crawled forwards and pushed him off the rock, as he fell into the sea behind him, he came up coughing. I laughed as Rotxo chuckled.
Feeling a light impact on the back of my head, I looked over at Tsireya who had slapped me, and she gave me a soft glare.
"He annoyed me on purpose."
Motioning for me to help him up, I groaned and reluctantly stuck my hand out for him to grab. Feeling him grab my hand, I pulled before I was pulled off the rock into the cold water. Glaring I came up to the surface and hissed at him.
"Now we're even."
It had been a couple of days since the forest people joined our clan, and nothing really changed. I stopped going to the training after I was pulled into the sea, and got chewed out by my father for ditching.
Walking along the beach, my ears perked up at the sound of arguing. Walking to the source of the sound, I groaned at the sight of the forest people arguing with my brother and his friends.
Walking over to them, I watched in amusement as their older brother came to the rescue.
"They're all freaks."
Ao'nung said, and before I could agree the younger came stomping up asking to see a 'magic trick'. Watching closely, my eyes widened as he hit my brother. Watching them fight, I looked over at the other two on standby and watched as the eldest joined in on the fight.
Hearing my brother yell in pain, I rolled my eyes and stomped over, ripping the younger from my brother and shoving him into the shallow part of the sea.
As I was about to leave, he grabbed my leg and pulled making me fall into the water as well. Groaning at the impact, I sat up and shoved him back down, holding him down, hissing at him.
"Enough! Enough!"
Feeling someone grab me by the waist and lift me off, I kicked around trying to break loose. As the other got up, he laughed and glared at me.
"Come on."
It was Ao'nung who had torn me off and pulled me with him away from the others.
"What did I say about being a troublemaker?"
Flinching slightly, I looked down and sighed apologizing to my father. Walking out of his hut, I made my way down, hearing laughter. Looking over at my brother and his posse, I walked up to them asking what they were laughing at.
After hearing it, I laughed quietly and walked away from them a slight twinge of guilt inside of me. I knew how dangerous it was outside. Deciding he would be safe after word got around, I swam to the rock we first trained at and laid on it.
"Great. You're here."
Raising up, I see the forest boy and rolled my eyes at him.
"I knew about this place before you did."
I told him, and he scoffed holding up two fingers. I looked at him in confusion, and he sighed shaking his head.
"Look I am not in the mood for your little petty act."
He spoke up and I glared before moving off the rock and into the water.
"Shut up."
"Get off of me!"
I yelled as he pinned me down, hissing at me. I bit his arm and he yelled out in pain, as I flipped us over, hissing at him. He glared up at me and tried to escape.
"Not so cocky now, are you?"
I said grinning, and he scoffed pushing me off of him. Tumbling back I groaned and scoffed.
"You bonded with an outcast! Do you know how stupid you are?"
I yelled at him, and he only glared at me.
"I'm an outcast too! So it shouldn't be that big of a damn deal!"
He yelled in rebuttal, and I flinched at his tone and scoffed. Shaking my head I looked away.
"All of you. You all call me forest boy. Every damn one of you. It's like none of you know my name."
I listened to his rant and looked at him, and he scoffed once he realized I didn't know his name.
"You actually don't know my name."
He said, before chuckling dryly.
"What's the point in knowing your enemy's name?"
I said, looking out to the ocean from the rock we were on.
Looking over at the mention of my name, my eyes widened once I realized he knew my name.
"All we have done is argue and fight. I'm tired of it."
He said and I could only look down in guilt.
"I understand being the outcast. My brother and sister are perfect in my parent's eyes. I'm the troublemaker. My sister does no wrong and my brother gets away with everything."
I finally voiced, and he looked over at me. His ears went down slightly and he walked over to me, looking down at me.
"I argued and fought with you in hopes of my parents disowning me. I feel as though I'm not even a part of the family anymore."
I muttered looking down, and his eyes widened at that statement.
Looking up at him, I smiled slightly.
I repeated and he nodded his head.
"You aren't some outcast, you're much more than that. If your parents can't see that, then that's their problem. You're a brave fighter, and you protect what you think is right."
Hearing those words, I looked away feeling guilty at how much he had learned about me.
"Lo'ak. I don't know anything about you."
I whispered, and he walked closer to me and grinned.
"Well. Maybe if you weren't so cocky, you'd learn a few things."
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zafrinaxyz · 7 months
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now theres a face i would be proud to sit on
... and yes I am re-reading this ralak fic
OC by @/zestys_stuff [ you have done a great service to your country ]
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sunandsstars · 1 year
Hi. I just wanted to say that your Yawnetu fic has me in a chokehold. I mean Fuck you Jake. And I know that the reader's love interest are most likely going to be like Tonowari and Ronal but you know I imagined a whole oc character and just wanted to share.
A male love interest who is probably Tonowari's younger brother. And besides being a warrior, he is absolutely opposite of Jake. He's funny, popular, loved, flirty and very charming. Maybe he's a playboy and seeing Reader and her children absolutely captures him.
He follows the reader like a puppy and absolutely adores his stepsons. Always holding them and playing with them and unlike Jake 'Call me Sir' Sully. He's an absolute affectionate Dad.
And I can just imagine that sarcastic smirk on his face as he holds the reader when Jake and Neytiri come to seek Uturu. He's like 'So you were the one that Eywa thought was good for my love. Huh. I guess even Eywa makes blunders sometimes no?'
And in return the boys are all sassy and badass like their dad too.
oh my god. i actually love this so much 🤩
Just the sweet younger brother of the clans olo’eyktan, a fine warrior, flirty individual and cocky na’vi. Beloved by everyone in Awa’atlu, he’s great with kids and likes helping the elderly, definitely the cool uncle.
when the reader ends up in in their reef he’s just like 🤔 who’s this, why has this strange lady come to seek sanctuary. but i feel like Tonowari would make him show reader where she would be staying (he saw the way his brother was eyeing her), showing her and her twins their new home. maybe fetching her the comforts she will need for her stay like food or extra blankets (he’d definitely do so willingly though, she’s a pretty thing after all)
after properly seeing her and the twins, maybe hanging out with her for a few days after her arrival, he would be so hooked! just look at these chubby little babies 🥹 with their equally sweet and doting mother 🥹 he would volunteer to look after them while she recovers from any labours and the babies in turn would take to him! doing that little thing where they reach up with grabby hands omg
tonowari and ronal are scheming 100%, they see how he’s infatuated with the small family. he’s mateless, they gotta set him up with someone eventually 🙄☝🏼
when reader and him DO bond they become one happy family. He would be such a fun dad, showing the boys the waters as soon as they can, helping them with sign language, going hunting with them etc etc. Would also let them have sleepovers with Ao’nung and Tsireya, they’re just super close bestie cousins (also with readers permission, she’s the boss). he would also be a very doting husband, helping reader adjust to life with the metkayina, treating her with the utmost respect and love she deserves. he would give her as many children as she wanted 😏 (they end up having another 2 i bet…maybe 1 on the way)
when the sully’s arrive in awa’atlu he can tell reader is distraught and upset, her home in the forest is in danger again, and jake and neytiri have sought refuge in the place she was able to finally call home and feel safe in with her family, away from them. He’s extremely hostile towards them both, hissing, ears pinned back, standing taller while broadening his shoulders, showing them who’s the biggest bird (or na’vi) and he definitely is a huge man, i mean look at tonowari and the other metkayina men, they’re fucking massive 😏😏😳
and when he sees how jake treats his sons, he gets even angrier if that’s even possible, no one should treat their sons like they’re disposable soldiers. “yes sir” “sorry sir” what is this?? he would never make his sons do that, they happily call him sempul or sempu. he sees the way jake doesn’t bother standing up for Lo’ak too, it’s disgusting, your son feels like an outcast, as a father you should reassure him that he’s not, just because he’s different doesn’t make him any less na’vi. atleast that’s what he tells his twins, they’re darker in comparison, skinny tails and arms but they’re his sons, your sons, he won’t make them feel alienated in their own home.
he would make jake’s training hell, using his old cocky charm on him and purposefully giving him the toughest challenges to master (that tsurak was definitely one of them). all while doing that smug smirk, tonowari is rolling his eyes constantly.
all in all he’s an amazing father and mate and would do anythinggg to protect reader and their children 🫶🏼 i would be happy to make a spin-off when yawnetu is finished
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viscardiac · 1 year
Avatar (2009) and Avatar 2 - The Way of Water (2022) discord server! Join me in talking about blue people! This is an 18+ server.
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xylianasblog · 1 year
Never felt so alone
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Pairings: Loak x Fem!Reader, Oc!metkayina Male x Fem!Reader???
Summary: He found you in your weakest moment.
Warnings: cursing, slight angst, fluff?, slight comfort
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Lo’ak sat on the ground, tears now falling from his eyes, he was so stupid. “Fuck!” He yelled as he banged on the ground. Growling at himself for how stupid he had been, he couldn’t deny how right you were though.
Tsireya was beautiful and everything you were not, at least to him and the moment he had seen her he was hooked. He craved her in ways he never craved for you. You had been right to call yourself a want, that’s all you would ever be to him, a want. He wanted you because you were there for everything he needed whether it was sexual or not. You always came. Though he loved you, he never loved you the way you loved him and that was his fault. He knew one thing though. You were his no matter what would happen. While you were the want he had, Tsireya was the need he craved.
At least.. that’s what he told himself.
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You finally stopped running letting yourself catch a break. You stood in the middle of nowhere panting heavily, for once you were emotionally exhausted. Choked sobs escaped from your tiny body, small trembles racked your body. “Stupid.. stupid.. so fucking dumb!” You scolded yourself, you had to do yourself you wouldn’t let those words out wouldn’t say them again to him. Groaning a bit you finally stood up straight looking around the someone vacant area, it was pretty. The setting sun made the water glisten, the tiny little sparkles dancing among the top.
Your water eyes looking out into the horizon, you were upset, so hurt. You gave him your all without much hesitation you fell in love without a second thought. You were devastated but you weren’t going to fight for him or beg him to come back. He had made his choice instead of coming to you and abandoned you, tossed you aside as if you were nothing but a fleeting memory he desperately wanted to forget.
The tears continued to fall even after you wipes your eyes, willing the tears to go away to stop. How you hated crying, despised the feeling is hurt that you worked so hard to accept and forget. You had finally accepted that he did not want you anymore yet here you are crying over him. After a few moments the flow of tears began to stop, you felt your shoulders sag as your body relaxed only slightly. In your moment of distress you were very aware of your surrounding, just trying to find the peace and solitude you so desperately craved.
“It’s pretty.” You heard a very deep accented voice say, you didn’t bother turning around to look even though you desperately wanted to know who that voice belong too. “Yeah.. yeah.. it’s.. um really pretty.” You whispered. You both stood there in silence as you looked out at the water.
“Do you ever wonder what it would be like to float away.. let the water carry you, wash over you and let all your feelings wash away?” You asked finally giving yourself the chance to look at the male, he was tall, much taller than you and god was he beautiful. Instinctively you took a step back as you let your eyes roam his 9ft 3 figure, starting with his face. His hair down in pretty tight curls, you noticed two braids on the side of his head, his eyes the so blue, so pretty in that moment you swore the sea would be envious. His lips were full and looked so soft. He was fit with nice defined muscles even while standing in such a plan pose. Strong arms and legs, a broad chest and skinny waist, nice defined abs, as if Eywa took her time to make him. His teal skin glistened from the water that dripped down his body slowly, you wished you were the drops of water that clung to his body. The tattoos that danced along his right arm and shoulder down his chest and curving around his back, covering the top half before lowering down to his left hip. The swirls ranged from big and small lines that danced along his body in intricate designs, you looked away smiling shyly.
“At times. That’s why I swim.” His accent was unlike anything you’ve ever heard. “Here let me show you.” He murmured, gently grabbing ahold of your hand, you took the time to admire the fins on his hands and the stripes that resembled the waves. His hand swallowed yours completely and in it you’d felt safe, despite the urge to be alone you felt content in his presence.
As he led you to the water you couldn’t help but smile, it felt nice the way the water seemed to swallow you, blanketing you with its soothing warmth. The male pulled you deeper into the water his hold on your hand only getting tighter, you let out a small sigh, you could see why he went swimming, it felt good the water felt as if it was washing away your troubles.
“I’m Y/n.. what’s yours?” You asked him as you both laid there floating in the water, deciding to let it carry you for a while. “Beautiful. I think I shall call you Tanhì. Your eyes they sparkle like the brightest stars in the sky. My name is Naeem.” He replied, your eyes widened his name was pretty very fitting for his looks. “Sevin..” you giggled from his compliment before complimenting his name as your hand tightened its hold around his. “Tanhì.. you deserve to smile and giggle like this the rest of your life” his words were sincere, and for once you didn’t mind that he had caught you at your weakest moment. For once you were glad that you weren’t alone, happy that someone didn’t treat you as a want.
As eclipse approached you stayed with him there in the water, letting it warm you and hold you, bathing you in its love for you.
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Tags: @avatar4life
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queentheweeb · 6 months
Male Ronal X Fem Metkayina Reader Pt 2
Part 1, Final
A/N: Your friend/tsmuke's name is Yira'vo, and I'm re-using my OC Ranari as Ron'ek's best friend.
You're not sure if something transpired between you and Ron'ek or if you were the delusional one here and believed he was treating you differently, but he was so much nicer and appeared everywhere that you were. You were either by yourself, with your family, or with Yira'vo, and he would somehow, someway, be there in the background watching. You caught him smirking a few times and started telling Yira'vo about it.
"You're not crazy, Y/N. I've noticed." The two of you were at the communal dinner talking amongst each other about the phenomenon that was Ron'ek. "How do you feel about it? Do you like it? Would you want it to continue?" You thought about it as you munched on the Nalutsa with veggies. You must have been quiet too long because she nudged you, urging you to look at her. "You can tell me the truth, and I won't judge you." You knew that already. You sighed, turning to face her fully with a small smile.
"I do like the attention. I like that he acknowledges me. It reminds me of how he was when we were growing up. I have always thought he was cute, funny, and sometimes stupid. Now he is so strong, the perfect leader, he's the man of your dreams, honestly... I just miss his smile." You were looking down, smiling to yourself as Yira'vo grinned to herself. 
"Well, since you told me all of that... It's only fair I tell you about Ranari." You leaned in excitedly as she started telling you about Ranari, Ron'ek's best friend, who was popular among everyone, too. Look at the two of you gossiping about the Olo'eyktan and his brother. 
"I know this is childish, a little, but...imagine we both get who we want." The two of you bumped heads, giggling, missing two pairs of footsteps coming your way. Yira'vo was always on your type of timing, though. 
"For all we know, it could be true. Imagine the look on-" The clearing of a throat stopped your conversation. You both yelped and looked up at the exact two people you both were talking about. You looked as they both sat down with their food across from the two of you.
"You don't mind if we sit here, right?" You minded for one reason but chose not to say anything.
"You can sit anywhere you want." You smiled at both of them, turning to share a look with your friend, who was staring at Ranari. At least someone was enjoying herself a little more. It was a little tense, but it felt nice when Ranari and Yira'vo started talking. You had a feeling that Toni'va and her crowd would come really soon. 
"Are you alright, Y/N?"  You glanced up at Ron'ek, giving him a tense smile and a head shake. "We can leave if you want." You shook your head no again, reaching a hand-out but stopping midway. You saw how his own hand twitched.
"You're not the problem, and neither is Ranari... It's the people coming right now." Your eyes bored into his, and when he heard the tale-tale noise of Toni'va, his face changed along with Ranari's. You felt an unnatural rage swell up inside of you that you broke the utensils you were using with your fingers. You sighed and turned to Yira when she grabbed your hand and squeezed. She let go, and you used your fingers to finish eating your food as your once quiet spot was overrun with noise.
"Why are the two of you sitting over here? Everyone else is over there." You were so mad it was unbelievable. You ignored what was happening as you ate slowly, trying to savor your food.
"We wanted to." His voice wasn't even soft anymore. He was using the voice that everyone heard, even though Toni'va didn't pick up on it. 
"It's so boring over here, though, nothing of importance or someone to talk to." You were getting light-headed with how angry you were getting. You couldn't look at anyone but Yira, who was also losing her patience. You missed how Ron'ek was looking at you.
"No one told you to sit over here; you could go sit back over there." You saw Toni'va's eye twitch at Ranari but focused back on Ron'ek. Ranari had a good point; no one told them to come here and be obnoxious. They squeezed themselves onto the log that you were already sitting on and were pushing you, but you weren't budging. The amount of self-control you have is astounding.
"Even though it's a little cramped, I don't mind sitting here." They kept making jabs at you and Yira and being obnoxious on purpose. You had finally finished eating, with Yira's tail wrapped around yours as the two of you could talk to Ranari a bit, but even the others demanded his attention. It was crazy how they came into your space and wanted the two of you to leave. 
"Can you move over? Or just sit on the ground. It's cramped." You were done and simply were going to swing, but Yira saved you by dragging you over. Now, she was pressed against Ranari, and you were pressed against her. 
"Thanks for being a sweety." The sarcasm dripping from her voice was enough to make you go for her throat, but Yira wrapped an arm and leg around you, whispering rapidly in your ear. 
"They are not worth it; I hate them too, but they are not worth it." You relaxed completely, and she let you go, turning to talk to Ranari while you looked around at everyone, and to your chagrin, they took up the space and were still being obnoxious. They wanted the two of you to move so badly. 
"You move anymore, you'll be in his lap." Yira nodded, but Ranari gripped her by the waist, pulling her halfway into his lap.
"I'm not bothered by it." He grinned lightly at Yira, and you smirked at her; maybe your delusion wasn't delusional after all. It was calm, and Ro'nek seemed more bothered as time passed, and you didn't blame him. Yira finally left, leaving you alone with them, and you were about to get up and go yourself when Toni'va's snarky voice interrupted you.
"Phew, we can all breathe and move around freely." That was your last straw, and with a speed that surprised you, your foot connected with her face, sending her sprawling back. Before her friends could get up and do something, Ron'ek stood between you and them, growling and silencing everyone. Toni'va got up, holding her nose, which was bleeding. 
"Enough." He looked at everyone and glanced back at you, meeting your eyes.
"Punish her! She can't go around attacking people! Look at what she did to me!" Ron'ek was looking, and he was impressed with the speed at which she did that.
"You were verbally attacking her. You kept annoying and picking on her; she had had enough of it." Toni'va looked like she wanted to screech, and it's a miracle that she didn't.
"You're taking her side?! You're just going to let her get away with it!" Toni'va wanted to see you get punished, and you're unsure if you need to be humiliated like that. You didn't want to be, but if what everyone said was true, you just assaulted his future Tsahik.
"Whatever I tell her is none of your concern. Get. Away. From. Here." He added a growl to the last word and watched as they all left, but not without hissing at you. You were going to go for her throat again, but he lifted you up, threw you over his shoulder, and started walking with you further into the woods. It was silent for a while as you dangled, watching the trees get thicker and trying not to think how your ass was next to his face. 
"Where are we going?" You didn't get an answer, and you hissed, hitting his back, but he was unphased. "Arrogant man giving me the silent treatment." He walked a few more before stopping and placing you down on your butt, and you looked up at him only for him to sit down in front of you. You huffed and leaned against the tree, refusing to meet his eyes.
"Look at me." You refused and closed your eyes to be more stubborn. You heard him sigh, and you yelped when he grabbed your legs and tugged you forward. You turned around then, and he wrapped your legs around his hips, which forced you to be on his own legs/lap, and he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Wrap your arms around me." You looked at him, stunned.
"Huh?" He wanted you to do what now? He kept scanning your face just...taking you in.
"Come on. Do it for me, please." You blinked and wrapped your arms around his neck, and he smiled at you. "There, now you're looking at me." You felt yourself getting flustered but didn't look away from him. "I want to know what's wrong with your relationship with Toni'va." That triggered you, and you frowned at him.
"There is no relationship; she made sure to get rid of it when everyone told her she would be Tsahik. She started treating everyone who doesn't worship the ground she walks on as beneath her, and I fall into that category. Everyone follows her orders as if she already got the title when she has nothing." Toni'va bothered your soul. 
"Why does she act like that?" You weren't sure if he was probing for answers, but you'd give them to him. 
"Everyone put it in her head; everyone listened to her, convinced her she was the most desirable, and you didn't bother correcting anyone. You don't like to speak; you avoid her and avoid any conversations about mating her. People believe you're being mysterious and playing hard to get." He snorted at that.
"I don't like her and am not interested in mating her. Never was. She is too arrogant and difficult for me. She will not make a good mate for me nor a good Tsahik. I do not know why everyone thinks I am choosing her." That was a relief to you, but it was short-lived.
"If she is not the one you want, then why not tell her and go after the one you want? Who's feelings do you really care about? Do you like the idea of having everyone chase after you? Is that why you haven't told her?" You could tell you were aggravating him, but you needed to hear his truth.
"She's never alone. I do not wish to embarrass her, but it looks like I have to, so the one I want doesn't think otherwise."  You both were pressed so close together that you could feel his heart beating fast and taste his breath on your lips. You wanted to kiss him so bad. 
"Who's the one you want?" You already knew, but you wanted to see what he does. You saw how he glanced down at your lips before meeting your eyes again.
"You." He closed the space between your lips, and this was intoxicating. You found yourself pressing harder against him, and he moved a hand to the back of your neck to hold you in place. When the two of you pulled back, both of you were breathing heavily, and you giggled, which made him chuckle. Your eyes widened at the sound, and he let out a little laugh, showing his teeth. "You act like you haven't seen me smile before." You shook your head in disbelief
"Not like that...Not since we were children." He hummed because there was nothing he could say to that. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against yours, and the two of you stood like that, breathing each other in. "Is it me that you truly want?" You wanted to believe, but you also wanted to protect your feelings.
"Yes, ma Y/N. I want you. I want to be with you for life. I want to mate in front of Eywa with you...I have a courting gift that I want to give to you...if you will have me." That was the first time you'd heard him sound nervous, and it was endearing that you made him nervous.
"...Yes, I will accept as long as Toni'va and everyone else in the clan knows. Be sure of your feelings for me because there will be no turning back." You weren't threatening him, but you didn't want him to make a mistake.
"When the sun rises and the day starts, I will announce who my future Tsahik will be. I want everyone to know who I want, and that is you. Not Toni'va. I want my Y/N, and I will have you." You both had opened your eyes at the conviction in his voice, and you couldn't help but smile at him.
"Tomorrow?" He took a deep breath and pressed another kiss to your lips.
"Tomorrow ma syulang."
Part 3 will be the final part of this! Hope you guys enjoy reading this.
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thenightcallsme · 7 months
ATWOW | Neteyam Sully, pt. 5
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"The further we walk along the sandbar, the further we are closed in. The Reef People stand at all sides; we are entirely at their mercy."
Synopsis: You and the Sully's have reached the Metkayina Clan at their seaside village, Awa’atlu. Their acceptance is something to be fought for, and despite your willingness, it is no less challenging. (A/N: this is just a bit of a world-building/filler chapter)
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem!Ometikaya OC (Gi'anya, or Gi for short)
Contains: established OC POV, mentions of menstruation if that makes you uncomfortable (mostly me projecting my health issues onto MC lol), less talking more thinking in this one,
Word count: 4,735
find the rest of the chapters in my masterlist here :)
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By some miracle, the grazed bullet wound on my thigh has healed. No purplish bruises, no angry red hints of infection, no scab, not even the silvery hint of a scar. Unbroken blue skin takes its place. Cuts and bruises on both Sully brothers from the incident during their last raid have just begun to fade, all injuries that are less serious than mine for the most part. And yet I’ve healed days before they have even begun. I ran my fingers over the soft unmarred skin in wonder upon removing the bandage, and if I’m honest, it almost unsettled me. Though I’m not surprised. 
All my life this has happened. An accidental bite of my tongue heals in an hour, a graze on the knee scabbing over in two. Being called to my talents of healing and crafting, I do not often partake in hunts or any activity that entails injury. But on the rare occasion I do injure myself, nothing ever lasts. My body is untouched by scars. Even the littlest things like chapped lips and dry skin are almost nonexistent for me. Not to mention my immune system and stamina are impeccable, as if my body is in a constant state of replenishment too advanced to be natural.
I once brought it up to the human scientists who lived alongside us. One theorised that my cells work at an advanced rate, an attribute of my half-Avatar heritage (as far as we know, at least), and offered to run some tests. Already burnt out by the excessive and invasive tests for my unusual menstrual cycle, I declined. Count it as a miracle, I had reasoned. It’s best not to challenge something good. 
My conception and its mysteries have influenced a constant state of questioning. Nothing about who my mother and father are—or were. That is something I accepted to be lost in time. It's myself that I question. The five toes and fingers, the fine hairs on my brow and the queue stemming from the base of my skull were questions answered by the Sully children; having at least one Avatar parent gave the possibility of a few inherited traits. Those traits were black and white through the extensive knowledge of their creation. Perfect genetics concocted in a lab do not leave room for imperfections, and those perfect genetics did not include incredible cell sustainability. And then there’s my menstrual problems, something not recorded in Na’vi women and something not programmed into the Avatars. 
How, how, how… It’s a ruthless cycle of endless questions not meant to be answered. The regeneration doesn’t bother me as much. The menstrual problems, however…
Na’vi women experience their cycle twice a year at the height of their heat. The surge of their female hormones causes an extraordinary desire for a male counterpart shadowed by a light shedding of blood from the womb. Accompanying that is the slightest hint of pain and pressure. Nothing crippling, just noticeable enough to entice the occasional hiss and wince.
Eywa, do I envy the other women. 
Four times a year, I spiral into a week-long suffering so debilitating I wonder if the end is near. My presence from clan life is snuffed like a flame as I lay curled in my hut, a mess of tears and too much blood for me to handle. I spend most of those weeks submerged in lonely streams if I can make the journey without vomiting. Of course, I battle the same…wants as the other women. It dances with the debilitating pain in a dangerously tempting, mind-numbing tango.
The visits paid by a certain someone in those weeks are almost unbearable.
The scientists told me I display symptoms of disorders that are entirely human in nature, opening up a can of worms they were eager to explore, given my mysterious conception. They did the best they could with the limited knowledge and Na’vi adapted health equipment they had. Something was wrong, that much was concluded, but to know the extent of it would require surgeries and more of those terrible internal exams. In the end, I was left with no solid answer and extensive knowledge of the human menstrual cycle and its inherited flaws.
Oh well. There is no use thinking about it today of all days, especially with the bleeding stage of my cycle about a month away. Those four weeks are worth spending enjoying the moments I’m able to function. So I brush the thoughts away, instead testing the unbroken stretch of skin across my thigh. How strange…
Jake believes today will see our journey’s end. A flat expanse of water stretches out endlessly beneath the flock of Ikrans, reaching its watery grasp to each corner of the horizon. Soon enough, his prediction manifests.
Peaking from the endless ocean is the promise of land; spires of rocks and greenery that meld into staggering mountains dance in a misty haze on the horizon. Small islands orbit one gigantic one that reaches for the heavens with jagged fingers. A wall of arching roots exploding from the sea floor keeps the islands in a circle of calm waters, filtering out the strong currents and merciless waves beyond. As our Ikrans cross the protective boundaries, I get a glimpse of shallow pools climbing the natural walls, teeming with life. Not just the splash of a tail or glitter of scaled bodies, but intelligent life. Na’vi life.
We are here.
Greenish bodies pause in acts of play and leisure to turn skyward as our Ikrans soar past. Some point, some remain unreadable from this distance. Some dive into the waters below and disappear beneath marbling azure blues and emerald greens. 
The stretch between the wall and the main island is crossed in just a few minutes. My Ikran dives to skim the surface of the water. Small bodies of aquatic life jump through the calm ripples alongside Vaana as if in competition. It’s not long before they’re lost to the sea. Standing at attention along the approaching shore is a compact network of gigantic mangroves. Their great roots dive dramatically in and out of pale sand and crystal waters. Nestled into the root system are the woven huts and platforms that make up Awa’atlu, the settlement of the most westerly Metkayina village. We’re halfway when the deep bellow of a horn echoes across the bay.
The Metkayina dive from their platforms, abandon shore-side activities and emerge from the waters atop strange creatures as our Ikrans approach an outstretched catwalk of sand. A crowd has already gathered as the first of us touch down. Neytiri’s Ikran screeches a mighty cry. I run my hands along the stretch of Vaana’s white neck, fingers following the purple and black patterns as I silently urge her to remain quiet. Our arrival is meant to appear in some confidence, but too much may strike the wrong impression. 
I slide off Vaana, feet met with the unfamiliar scorch of hot sand. Sand beaches are not common in the jungles of Pandora and are often traded for natural pools and gushing waterfalls. Even then, the sand isn't nearly as fine, nor responsive to the heat of the sun. I share a wordless look with Kiri, who falls into step beside me as we shadow her brothers. With a nod she returns, I look ahead at the approaching people, pulling my woven shawl tight around my shoulders at the sight of them. Some brandish wooden spears, some carry children on their hips. Some appear curious, others cautious. And some…some look ready to strike. Yips and cries are passed between the Metkayina as Jake takes the lead, palms outstretched and arms flourishing in a sign of peace.
The further we walk along the sandbar, the further we are closed in. The Reef People stand at all sides; we are entirely at their mercy.
It doesn’t take a second look to see a striking difference in anatomy besides the obvious green skin and markings, which closely resemble ripples instead of stripes. In both males and females, their ribcages are wider, protruding in great contrast to their soft stomachs. A jutting form branches from elbow to pinky resembling that of a fish's fins. Thin and tufted tails are traded for oar-like ones, thicker and flat. While I try not to stare at one face for too long, I’m caught off guard by the blinks of blue eyes. Their eyes are double-lidded, one layer blinking towards the inner corners before the outer layers meet in the middle. Swirling designs cover their skin, etched permanently in black ink.
It shouldn’t take an expert to understand the difference; their bodies are built for the water.
The hushed whispers set me on edge. My ears prick this way and that as my brain attempts to pick apart every conversation. One woman leans towards her friend, whispering that she is unsure why we are here. It’s one of the more tame comments, and though I wish to bare teeth at some, I know it is not wise. They are right to be unsure, right to question what they do not know.
From the crowd, two boys that I assume are similar to my age emerge. The one in front is taller, staring us down through heavy brows. Intimidating. His black braided hair is pulled into a topknot high on his head. A leather band circles his thick bicep, stitched with small shards of iridescent paua shells and practically shouting his ranking. A warrior. Strapped to his grass loincloth is an impressive blade. Behind him, his shorter companion appears more curious, albeit still on the offence. He, too, carries a blade, but his arm is bare of a band. Neither of them is marked by the swirling tattoos.
As they advance, their gazes leave Jake and Neytiri to focus on us. Kiri and I linger a step behind Neteyam and Lo’ak, who incline their heads and draw two fingers from their foreheads outwards in a sign of respect. The gesture is not returned. Kiri and I make similar gestures regardless. Still, their ruthless stares do not soften.
The pair pass behind the brothers to reach Kiri and me, the two of us no longer able to cower behind the broad shields of Neteyam and Lo’ak’s backs. They turn over their shoulders to keep a close watch. In usual fashion, Lo’ak is distracted within seconds and his eyes travel elsewhere, melting into awe at something I cannot see. Neteyam, however, is entirely invested. There’s a sort of warning in the way he watches the Metkayina boys. The tall one seems to find it amusing.
The two are unapologetic in their dissecting stares, brows raising and lowering as they take us in. The taller one’s blue eyes remain on me longer. Too much longer. His gaze is too slow as it drags over my body, too curious. When our gazes meet, the hint of a smirk pricks at his full lips. It takes a ridiculous amount of will to school myself into indifference. I couldn’t be more thankful when his friend nudges at his arm, pointing at Neteyam’s swishing tail.
“Look, what is that?” He says with a bemused grin. “Is that supposed to be a tail?”
At his loud comment, a few curious onlookers giggle and laugh. His friend finds great amusement in it. Neteyam’s jaw clenches but, unsurprisingly, he chooses to remain silent. Not interested in childish jabs, I follow Lo’ak’s gaze to the shoreline, which has caught my attention in its intensity.
Emerging with grace so admirable it's envious, a Metkayina girl approaches. The sea of people part for her without hesitation. She’s important. Small braids stop behind her ears to unravel into a glistening shroud of black curls strong enough to resist the weight of water. Beads of water trickle down her heart-shaped face, following the curves of her soft cheekbones, the bridge of her nose, the plush of her full lips. The further it trickles, the further my eyes travel. Subtle curves, short but lean. Shells that reflect different colours upon each footstep are woven together with ropey twine to fashion the most beautiful top I’ve ever seen.
She was beautiful. Utterly beautiful. So much so that I envied it more than I envied her grace—not out of spite or self-hatred, of course. It’s impossible for me not to recognise her beauty out of awe. …An awe Lo’ak shares.
She approaches the two boys, sweet face souring as she hits away the shorter one’s outstretched hand.
“Do not. Rotxo. Aunong.”
Rotxo retracts his hand, grin falling at her tone. The other, Aunong, simply shakes his head, returning his gaze to stare me down. I try my best at faking obliviousness. 
The girl turns her gaze to regard us quietly, a vague calculation in her pale blue eyes. Nobody has shown outward kindness yet, and in a way, neither has she. All she does is regain courtesy. However, there’s an aura to her that sucks me in, catching me so off guard that I smile, shoulders relaxing. She doesn’t hesitate to smile back.
Lo’ak nods his head towards her. “Hey.”
She looks away with a flustered huff that almost resembles a giggle, as musical as her breathy voice. Lo’ak’s tail swishes.
Eywa, already?
Kiri sighs at her brother's eagerness, a sound quickly drowned out by a guttural bellow.
Launching from the calm waters come three creatures, all bones and scaled, sleek skin, fish-like and foreign. Close to the base of elongated, slim jaws clustered with razor teeth spread a pair of wings wide. Blue bodies melt into fiery wings not nearly as flexible as our Ikran’s and fin-like in structure. A smaller pair sprout further down the snake-like bodies, merging into a flat tail. Over the sand bar they fly, mounted by males who, without a second glance, appear to be decorated warriors. 
The creatures dive towards the water and submerge tail first. Spiked spines peak through the surface beneath the males. The first one to emerge onto the sandbar catches not only my attention, but the entire devoted attention of the Metkayina. They yip in response to his grunt. Tonowari.
Tonowari is the chief of the Metkayina tribe. If I had not known so already, it would have been obvious in his attire. His loincloth is impeccably detailed, with beaded swirls of purples, greens, and blues. Strapped to his chest is what must be their equivalent of a warrior belt to us; a curved, thick leather strap that comes from his left hip, crossing over his ribs and over his left shoulder. A spine-like design of shells decorates the piece, and around his neck a huge display of mollusc shells that dance in the space between purple and blue. A cloak of yellow feathers lines his broad shoulders before descending into braided orange yarn. 
With each slow, purposeful stride, Tonowari digs the head of his spear into the sand. The hostility he presents is not near as much as I had expected. He instead appears confused. Surprised. Swirling patterns inked in black stem from the point of his wide nose and the curve beneath his full lower lip. The patterns dip beneath his jaw and fall down his neck to cover his chest. Vaguely, they seem to ebb and flow like the soft lapping of waves against the shore.
“Olo’eyktan,” Tonowari says by way of greeting.
Jake bows his head, repeating the gesture his sons gave to the boys. Behind him, the rest of us bow our heads to do the same. “I see you, Tonowari.”
The chief of the Reef People returns the gesture. “Jake Sully.”
As Tonowari turns to greet Neytiri under customs was no longer required under our exile, a woman emerges from the tight-knit circle, clad in a get-up as exquisite as the chiefs. The Metkayina bow their heads and bear the spears skyward as she passes. At the sight of her less welcoming face, my stomach turns, recalling Jake’s warnings about today.
The Tsahik of the clan approaches her mate, hips swishing, sending ripples down an incredible grass skirt. There’s a fullness to her hips and roundness to her pale stomach that promises the bearing of a child. A thick netting tangled with shells hugs her throat tightly, falling down to cover her fuller breasts. Similarly to her mate, facial tattoos mark her face, stemming from her nose and beneath her lower lip, although more modest. Delicate. Where his covers all of his neck and chest, hers follows a central line from her mouth, over her throat and between her collarbones. It disappears at her sternum, reappearing beneath her breasts reaching her naval. A beautiful headpiece holding a flat shell against her forehead is tucked into a thick head of wild black hair. Her eyes are wide and aware, lips parted as if something is dying to be said.
“I see you, Ronal,” Jake says before she can question anything. Neytiri echoes his words. “Tsahik of the Metkayina.”
The Tsahik does not respond, painfully silent and painfully critical in her stare.
“Why do you come to us, Jake Sully?” Tonowari asks after a long pause.
Jake looks back at his family before answering. “We seek uturu.”
Ronal’s questioning eyes turn bewildered. “Uturu?”
Her judgment is off-putting, but I do not blame her. Uturu does not just mean a place to stay for the Na’vi, it means protection. Alliance. A welcoming into one’s way of life as if those seeking it were family. Acceptance is celebrated in our cultures but not without the allowance to question.
Jake nods. “Yes, sanctuary for my family.”
Tonowari seems torn as his mate wordlessly advances towards us, searching, judging. “We are Reef People. You are Forest People. Your skills will mean nothing here.”
Ronal levels Neteyam and Lo’ak with hard stares as she breezes behind their parents. The two of them lower their gazes out of respect, not the challenge that she seems to be searching for. I chew at the inner flesh of my cheeks as she comes Kiri and I’s way. Respect her, understand her. The first indication of negativity will have the Tsahik demanding our retreat.
“Well, we will learn your ways,” Jake reasons, turning back to give his mate a silent call for help. “Am I right?”
Neytiri can barely breathe out her answer before the Tsahik’s hand wraps around her tail. It slips from her grasp as Neytiri turns. Their gazes meet, hard and demanding the other to speak first, but Ronal drifts away without paying her any more mind. Instead, she reaches for Tuk’s arm to hold it high above the child’s head.
“Their arms are thin,” she announces. Tuk backs away so fast that she stumbles from the comfort of her mother, instead thumping into her father’s thigh. Ronal continues, doing the same to Kiri as she had just done to Neytiri. “Their tails are weak. You will be slow in the water.”
With an indignant ‘ow’, Kiri snatches back her tail, holding the tufted end to her shawl-draped chest. An energy of incredulousness buzzes from my friend. I place a hand on Kiri’s shoulder, squeezing softly. Don’t bite back. Let her express her concerns. Kiri seems to heed my silent plea. When her gaze travels to me and the hand on her shoulder, I have to remind myself of the same plea. Especially when her three-fingered grasp pulls at my wrist.
Ronal is anything but gentle as turns my palm skyward, eyes jumping over each finger. She pulls at my other hand to do the same, recounting the extra digit over and over as if certain she has imagined it. Jaw hard, she raises my hands skyward so hard my shoulders ache in protest. I look to the sands below in shame.
“These children are not even true Na’vi!”
A collective gasp rolls through the crowd like a ripple in a lake, upset by the plunk of a skipped stone. This, I had expected. Beyond the forests, nowhere else on Pandora has seen the uncanny forms of the Avatars and their descendants. Na’vi are incredibly accepting in appearance, but our culture has never accounted for physical mutations, something unheard of throughout history. Instead, I’ve come to learn that acceptance lies in expression; the clothes you wear, the way your hair is done, the precious stones and woven jewellery decorating your body. All things controllable. I do not fit that narrative.
“Yes, we are,” Kiri counters, but Ronal has already had enough, prowling away as the murmurs and gasps continue.
The others look on, helplessly silent as she grabs for Lo’ak’s hand. It’s a rebuttal to Kiri’s comment, proof that we are not true Na’vi. I share a sympathetic look with Lo’ak, who runs his tongue behind his lower lip to subdue any arguments. There is nothing we can do but listen.
“They have demon blood!”
The murmurs grow deafeningly loud, horrified and angry. My ears flatten as I attempt to drown out their words. Some back away, positioning themselves on their haunches as if prepared to strike. Considering the wooden spears in their hand that happen to tilt down from the clouds…I wouldn’t be surprised.
 “Look. Look!” Jake brandishes his hand, extending his fingers and waving it before the Tsahik’s face. “Look, I was born of the Sky People and now I am Na’vi. All right? You can adapt.”
Unchanging in her display of disgust, all Ronal does is drop Lo’ak’s hand, drag her eyes venomously over his father’s face, and then prowl back to Tonowari’s side. Jake spreads his hands wide and turns to address the crowd.
“We can all adapt. Okay?”
At the ensuing silence and unsure look on the clan leader’s face, Neytiri steps forward. She regards the Tsahik with her chin purposefully high, looking down the flat bridge of her nose as if the female was her lesser counterpart instead of her equal. Unsurprisingly, it is Neytiri who is unapologetic and unafraid to display her distaste for our treatment. My respect for her is endless, but I cannot help but fear for the response.
“My husband was Toruk Makto,” she begins, voice dancing between contempt for the female and pride in her mate. “He led the clans to victory against the Sky People.”
Ronal scoffs. “This you call victory? Hiding amongst strangers? It seems Eywa has turned her back on you…Chosen One.”
At the sarcastic power behind the name thrown at Jake, Neytiri’s lips curl back into a livid scowl, fangs bared. Ronal reacts in kind by mirroring the look. The two women snarl at each other. Strangely, in their clashing, the Tsahik and Neytiri are incredibly alike. It is their stubborn pride in the protection of their people that cannot coexist. Jake places a hand between the two.
“I apologise for my mate,” he says slowly, trying to appease the Tsahik without offence to Neytiri. “She’s—”
“Do not apologise for me.”
“—flown a long way, and she’s exhausted.”
Jake shoots her a look. With a huff, she falls back a step to remain in line with him.
“Toruk Makto is a great war leader!” Tonowari suddenly announces. At the dizzying speed that everyone's head turns, it seems we have all forgotten his presence, entirely captivated by the unnerving clash. He steps forward, a giant hand falling on Jake’s shoulder. “All Na’vi people know his story.”
The onlookers nod slowly, humming their hesitant agreements. Tuk tugs at her father’s arm as the Metkayinan chief addresses his people. He picks up his daughter, cradling her small body to his chest tightly. The image of him holding her as if he had just carried her across a battlefield, face twisted in desperation for a godly miracle to promise her safety, is signal enough. Its time.
Slowly, Kiri and I drift to either side of her mother. We are not shy in our closeness—we have a part to play, after all. Kiri flocks beneath her mother's outstretched arm, a hand reaching up to hold the one resting on her upper arm. Neytiri’s own free hand rests on my shoulder, her thumb running over the curve at the base of my neck. The great warrior that holds us has lost all hints of hostility, eyes downcast and touch comforting. Her sons stand as our shadows, towering over us women. I look back to see Lo’ak watching his mother with convincingly sad eyes. Neteyam gives me a reserved nod.
“But we Metkayina…are not at war.” Tonowari turns back to Jake then. “We cannot let you bring your war here.”
“I’m done with war. Okay?” Jake pleads. “I just want to keep my family safe.”
His quiet, defeated voice breaks beneath the anguish. For a moment, the chief and his mate go quiet, considering his request as they take us in. Weak, hopeless, broken. That’s how we look, just as Jake had instructed us to. The Metkayina would not sway easily; he had thought right. Manipulative as it was, we had to capitalise on our desperation, drag it out and brandish it like scars of war.
“Uturu has been asked.” With great difficulty, Neytiri repeats what we have come here for. It shames her to seek help from a foreign clan. To ask twice is unbearable.
Still, they remain silent, sharing an indecipherable look.
“Do we have to go now?” 
Tuk asks the question quietly against her father’s neck. He reaches his hand to her skull, cradling it in his palm to hush his daughter with the promise of everything being okay. Clever girl. The scene captivates Ronal entirely as if she had just witnessed Eywa herself descend from the heavens. Leave it up to the innocence of a child and the threat of danger to pull on even the coldest heartstrings. 
One million words are spoken between the chief and his mate, but not one lands on my ears. Through raised brows, lowered eyes, hard jaws and pursed lips, they soundlessly speak entire conversations, going over the risks and the gains, what is morally right but what is wrong for their people. A sigh, a nod, then…
“Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us.”
My heart flutters. A breath I had not known I was holding escapes my lips. Neytiri squeezes my shoulder.
“Treat them as our brothers and sisters,” he continues, speaking to the contrasting sea of emotions that surrounds us. “Now, they do not know the sea, so they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless.”
Jake chuckles softly, bewildered. To Tuk, he murmurs, “Hey, what do we say?”
Tuk looks to the chief with a beaming, utterly youthful smile. “Thank you.”
The praise is echoed between us. Kiri’s voice is an unenthusiastic whisper, barely anything more than a breath as she does the same.
“My son, Aunong, our daughter, Tsireya, will show your children what to do.” 
Tonowari gestures to his children as he speaks, first the tall boy with the wandering eyes, then the pretty girl who had told him off earlier. Tsireya beams at us, and so far the only person happy with our arrival, and I couldn’t be more relieved that she will be the one to show us our new way of life. Her brother, on the other hand, looks mortified. I’m just as displeased that he has to do the same.
“Father, why do—”
“It is decided.” Tonowari cuts him off firmly with a pointed finger and a shove of his spear into the sand. Aunong stares his father down.
“Come!” Tsireya wastes no time in skipping towards us, breezing past the boys with a welcoming smile towards Kiri and I. She takes my hands in hers and pulls me away from the confinements of the circle. At first, our arrival was unbearable, dragging out like a terrible memory on repeat to torture me. Now, the pace has kicked up, and everything moves too fast for me to comprehend. “I will show you our village.”
I smile back at Tsireya. First impressions mean nothing, I tell myself. So what if the rest of the Metkayina are hesitant to accept us? As long as I can find a friend in the chief's joyous daughter, our time here may not be so bad.
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pandoras-box0 · 1 year
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|| : Sage's Masterlist Key :
| ☁︎ - Fluff | ☾︎ - Angst | ♡︎ - Smut |
| ✉ - request | ★ - Dark Content |
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𝔸𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕒𝕣 𝔽𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕖
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Jake Sully - "all I ever wanted was a single thing worth fighting for."
|♡︎| ' pussy play ' w/ Jake Sully!
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Tsu'tey - "we will strike them in the heart!"
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Neteyam Sully - "who's the mighty warrior? Come on, say it."
|♡︎| 'golden touch ' - aged up! neteyam x Metkayina! reader | Body worshipping Teyam!
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Lo'ak Sully - "i trust you, you can trust me."
|♡︎| ' tasting you ' - aged up! lo'ak x omatikaya! reader | oral - fem receiving; lo'ak cums untouched!
|♡︎| ' budding passion ' - sub! lo'ak x dom! metkayina! reader | sex pollen; aged up characters; knotting; male sub x female dom! (Coming Soon)
|♡︎| : ' hush ' - lo'ak x na'vi! reader | orgasm denial; tail play; exhibitionism!
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Miles Quaritch - "why so blue?"
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Other Recom - "A Recon gyrene in an Avatar body. That's a potent mix."
|♡︎| ' coffee ' - recom! mansk x recom! reader | slight somnophilia; light dubcon because of ; pre-established lovers!
Other Na'vi - "I see you,"
|♡︎| ' all mine ' - ralak x omatikaya! reader | possessive/possessive ralak; scenting; marking/biting! (Coming Soon) (@zestys-stuff 's oc)
|☁︎| ' comfort me ' - ralak x omatikaya! reader | pure comfort; just ralak being the attentive man he is!
|♡︎| ' like candy ' - ao'nung x metkayinan! reader | oral fixation; switch! ao'nung - if you squint; tit play!
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Series Masterlists -
| ★ · ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' Whisper to my soul ' - lo'ak sully x na'vi! reader | mentions of violence, war, death; eventual smut; the RDA stole na'vi| ( masterlist coming soon )
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' tìyawn si tsam ' - ki'yhon sully x na'vi! reader | original characters; original clan; one-sided enemies to lovers - on Ki'yhon's behalf; arranged mates trope; hopeless romantic! reader; angst; mentions of war - includes violence, near death experience, and character death; eventual smut - switch! reader and Ki'yhon | ( masterlist ) (@pandoras-box0 's oc)
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' ego talking ' - kaalu x reef na'vi! reader | arranged mates trope; age gap; eventual smut; mentions of war, violence, death | ( masterlist coming soon ) (@pandoras-box0 's oc)
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' blended clans ' - tonowari and ronal x metkayina! reader x jake and neytiri | pre established poly relationship; rekindling; angst; blended family trope; the metkayina clan helped fight against the humans in 2150 | ( masterlist coming soon )
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' Pandora bound ' - spider socorro x recom! reader | ( tags and masterlist coming soon )
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2023 © Pandoras-Box — all rights reserved. Do not repost or recommend my works on any other site. Plagiarism will not be tolerated!
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