#man just wants attention and approval and damn it i'll give that to him
dazzlingjaeyun · 2 days
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𝐳𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐢𝐧 - 𝐬𝐢𝐦 𝐣𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐮𝐧
idol!jake x manager!reader (gn)
warnings: jake is a little mean, swear words, suggestive, reader is kinda down bad for jake
word count: 796 (0.7k)
a/n: this is highly inspired by that one tiktok ai audio hihi, readers thoughts are written in cursive
↝ dazzlingjaeyun's bookshelf
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
he looks unnecessarily fine there, you thought to yourself as you zoomed in on the photo that had been taken just some days before. however, your thoughts were quickly interrupted as the door sprang open, revealing no one other than the man whose face you had zoomed in to just a second ago.
"for fuck's sake, don't you know how to knock on doors?"
jake. of course. the other members would have knocked, you thought.
jake was an overall lovely person when it came to his fellow members, as well as his fans. he was kind and courteous to staff most of the times, too. but he was extremely impatient, sometimes lacked basic manners and whenever something did not quite go according to his plan, he would turn into an asshole. how childish.
"i took this tiktok with sunghoon, just quickly give persmission to post it", he said nonchalantly, not sparing a second to even consider apologizing.
being part of their management team, you recently acquired the position of managing their social media accounts. that also meant reviewing their own content before they post it.
"jake, i'm preparing to post the comeback teaser photos right now", you explained, earning an annoyed expression from him. "i can see it after that, okay? you know they have to go online at exactly-"
"can you shut the fuck up for a minute and watch this tiktok for me? pretty please"
while the first words were uttered harshly, the last ones were added with the dearest, most innocent smile - the tone of his voice sweet like honey.
jake was always like this. mean, only to be a sweetheart the second after - and while you should be either concerned about the sudden change in his mood or be annoyed by his harsh words, you couldn't stop your heart from performing a small jump. every. damn. time.
at this point, you didn't know if you wanted to strangle or kiss him - if you wanted him in your bed or six feet under. oh god, i think i'm the pathetic one here.
trying to shrug all of it off, you rolled your eyes.
"fine. send it to my email, i'll watch it", you replied shortly, hoping that would help getting rid of him.
"so much work for nothing", jake mumbled, before stepping closer to your chair, stopping right behind it, and placing his phone down on your desk. without hesitating nor asking if you were ready, he started the video.
feeling his presence so close to you made it ten times harder to focus on the video, honestly. you had worked with him for a while now, so being near him wasn't new - but he had never been this close to you. unnecessarily close. so that his cologne almost blurred your senses, that you could feel his breath on your neck and that you swore you would have even heard his heart beating if the video wasn't playing.
while you felt your mouth grow dry, your hands got all the more wet with cold sweat. all because he was just inches closer than normally?
"so?", jake's voice snapped you back into the moment as he grabbed his phone from your desk.
admittedly, you hadn't paid too much attention to the video. not very professional. not professional at all. but hell, you were not going to admit that the close proximity made you lose focus. so, you decided to just risk it and nod in approval, "it's fine."
he stepped away from behind your chair and made his way to the door, but turned back to you before opening it.
"also, we'll go for food and some drinks after practice today. jungwon said i should ask you to join us", he said, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
you raised an eyebrow in confusion. "jungwon asks me to join? how come?"
jake's eyes widened only a tiny bit, before his gaze went back to normal. "uhh... well, he said something about how someone from the management should be around or something, y'know"
you pressed your lips together to suppress a laugh. "you're good at almost everything but you can't lie if your life depended on it"
for the nth time in your life, you could see jake rolling his eyes. "shut up. just look good for me, deal?"
you slightly bit down on your lower lip, replying with just a tiny nod, as you could feel heat rushing through your body and straight to your cheeks. yep, i'm definitely the pathetic one here.
jake gave you a short grin and opened the door. just as he stepped out the room, he turned on his heels and looked at you again.
"also, if you wanted to look at my face so bad, you could have just asked me to come", he tilted his head towards your computer screen, before finally closing the door behind him.
oh god. i never zoomed out of the picture.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
thank you so much for reading up until here. it means the entire world to me and i hope you guys enjoyed it. please do not copy. ❤︎︎
feel free to leave feedback & interact!
- dazzlingjaeyun
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spadeselfshipcorner · 5 months
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Okay okay but... imagine your villain/antagonist F/O just absolutely melting when you kiss them. They may be tough with everyone else but they feel so comfortable with you, they feel like they can let their walls down and be a bit more vulnerable around you, and whenever you kiss them while in that state they just go so soft and hold you with the most tender touch imaginable.
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Proship/Comship & Kink blogs DNI
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poledancingdinos · 2 years
You’ve Got Me Hooked - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Riley McKenzie)
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Sex work, Stripper, OnlyFans
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @peaches1958​ @identity2212 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond​ @amberangel112​
A/N: I finally found a title for the fic! If you want to be added or removed from my taglist, let me know!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
"Holyshiet,” I blurt out, catching my friend’s attention, “that's fucking cheap. How is that room not taken?" I turn my phone screen towards Jared so he can look at it from across the table.
Jared only shrugs, turning his focus back to the laptop in front of him. "Maybe the guy rentin’ it out is a freak. Or maybe he just didn't bother takin’ the ad down. What’s it say? Posted over 30 days ago?"
I read the ad again, scrolling through the pictures. "The place is nice but the ad doesn't say anythin’ about this Riley guy so ya might just be right ‘bout him bein’ a freak."
At this point, what do I care? I’ve been looking for a place to stay for the last three weeks and so far I’ve found jack shit. Not a single one bedroom is available anywhere in this town or in the two neighboring ones which means I had to start looking at rooms for rent. There were a couple of other places in my price range but all of them involved sharing with a couple of college kids. I’m a thirty-five year old retired army captain. It’s bad enough that I gotta bunk with a roommate again, I put my foot down at sharing with party-loving frat boys who just want me around to buy them cheap beer.
Yeah, this guy might be a freak but the place is about a hundred dollars less per month than I was expecting to pay and there would only be the one roommate. It beats sleeping on Jared’s couch and constantly being a third-wheel to a married couple. I feel like I’m one of those man-child characters on a TV show where the married people set up an apartment over the garage because the husband’s best friend can’t live on his own or hold down a job for shit.
"Only one way to find out," I begrudgingly say, copying the phone number into a blank text and typing up a message.
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"Riley?" I ask as I approach him. 
I step down from my truck to find an older man standing near the back entrance of the building. He holds a cigarette to his lips, taking a long drag before pulling it away and stamping it out on the brick wall. 
The man shakes his head, extending his hand for me to shake.
"I'm Clayton, the landlord. I'll be showin’ ya the apartment."
"I thought I'd be meetin’ Riley today.” That pisses me off. Either the guy isn’t reliable enough to hold his appointment with me or he just didn’t give a shit and blew me off.
Clayton unclips a packed keyring from the buckle of his jeans and unlocks the door to the building.
"Riley is out of town for the week. It was a last minute thing."
I follow as we climb to the fourth floor landing. Oh the guys are gonna love dragging my mattress up these steps. If I end up moving in here, I’m going to owe them more than pizza and beer that’s for damn sure.
"How long has this room been available?"
"Oh, 'bout, three months or so."
My eyebrows fly up before pulling together in a frown. I had guessed it had been a while but three whole months?
"This is a steal for the market right now, how has no one jumped on this place?"
We reach the top floor and Clayton moves to the door on the far left. He flips through his keys until he finds the one engraved with the number 401.
"The girl who rents it gets the final say in the matter.” He turns the knob and pushes the door open. “She filters the people who text her then we do the visits together 'cause it lets me get a feel for who might be livin' in my property. If I approve, she does an actual interview."
Did I just hear that right? "Wait, the person livin’ here is a woman?"
"Yes. Is that a problem?"
Is it a problem?  It’s not what I expected but I’m desperate. Would living with a woman really be worse than with a guy? Maybe if I planned on taking girls home every night but after how shit went down with Lisa, that won’t be happening any time soon. Hell, none of the girls in this town will even look me in the eye anymore. They’re all too afraid to invoke Lisa’s wrath.
Who am I kidding, of course it’ll be a problem.
"No, Sir. It's not what I expected but I'm not against it."
I step through the threshold, taking a few steps before stopping behind the worn gray couch in the living room. One of the reasons I assumed that a man was living in the apartment was the fact that it was completely devoid of any personal touches or decorations. There is a large flat screen television and coffee table but an empty space where a dining room table and chairs should be. Instead there is a pair of barstools at the kitchen island. 
"The last three men I met were all outta here before I’d even had time to finish a cigarette after leavin' them alone for their interview so I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you."
Oh great. This girl is sounding more and more frustrating by the minute. If she doesn’t want to room with a guy then why the fuck not put it in the ad?
"And what about the women?"
"There haven't been any who came 'round for a visit.”
Huh. That was an unexpected answer.
“She lived alone for almost two years before decidin’ on gettin’ a roommate. I get the feelin’ she's usin’ this as a substitute for that Timber business."
I almost correct the man but I get the feeling that having a strong knowledge of hookup apps might not be the best way of selling myself to a potential landlord. I follow as Clayton steps further into the apartment, leading me down a hallway with three doors and opening the last on the right. "This right here would be your room, the bathroom in the hall would basically be your private bathroom since the master on the other side has its own. The old owners had a shower and toilet added into the laundry room for their son which is why you’re lucky enough to not have to share."
Clayton's cell phone rings and after checking the caller ID, he excuses himself to answer it out in the hall. I take the opportunity to check the plumbing in the kitchen and the bathroom, flushing the toilet and making sure the hot water works well everywhere. The place appears well looked after and the bedroom is more than big enough for the few belongings I took with me after splitting up with my ex. I threw it all in storage while I crashed on Jer’s couch. I wanted to get out of my old apartment so badly after the breakup that I didn't fight for any of the things we bought together — scratch that, the things I bought at Lisa’s request — only taking what I already owned before moving in. Luckily for me, that included the bedroom set with the king bed. 
By the end of my inspection, I’m convinced that this would be the perfect place for me. It’s close to my work, in the same part of town as most of my friends and far enough away from Lisa that the possibility of running into her on a day to day basis is relatively small. Plus, I saw a nice communal yard in the area between the four apartment buildings in the collection which would be great for letting Aika out to run.
"Sorry 'bout that. There's a heatin’ problem at another one of my properties so we may have to cut this short. If ya don't mind, I've got a few questions for ya before I let ya go then Riley can be in touch herself to reschedule a meetin’."
Maybe this time she’ll actually show up.
"All right, shoot."
"Why don't ya have any references from previous landlords? Ya look to be in your thirties but there ain't one person listed on your application."
"I've been in the army for the last decade. With me bein’ overseas a lotta the time it was easier to either let my ex or my previous roommates take care of that stuff. My name has never officially been on a lease."
The man hums, nodding his head.
"My son was a Marine. He never spent much time at his apartment either."
I notice how Clayton is only using the past tense but I know enough not to bring it up. After a moment of silence Clayton clears his throat.
"Ya said ya got a dog?"
I can’t help but smile when he mentions Aika.
"I do. A German Shepherd."
"We got a lotta little dogs in the buildin'. I don't like their odds ‘gainst a hundred pound Shepherd."
"That won't be a problem, Sir. She's incredibly well trained, the army saw to that."
Now, if any of my potential neighbors are fixing pipe bombs in their apartments, that’s a whole different story, but somehow I think he might just forgive a bite in favor of keeping his building in one piece.
Clayton seems satisfied with my answers. "I got no objection to ya movin' in here but, like I said, Riley will make a decision after she meets with ya. She'll be in touch."
I follow the man out of the building then say a polite goodbye before climbing into my truck and making my way back to Jared's house. I really wanted this place to work out but after what I heard about Riley, I’m far from sure I would meet up to her standards — whatever those might be — and I’m even less convinced that she would meet up to mine but beggars can’t be choosers. 
The corner apartment was nice and bright from the big windows. The high ceilings and open floor plan made it plenty big enough for hosting a football night but the kitchen, living room and dining room being open also means there would be no privacy save for our bedrooms. The place was spotless but that could have simply been due to the fact that she was out of town. Mostly, I wonder what was said between Riley and the three other guys for her to turn them away less than five minutes after sitting down with them.
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This past week in Vegas has left me absolutely exhausted. The blisters on my feet have blisters of their own, I have more bruises than skin and I’m sure that once I go to sleep, I won’t wake for at least a week but I agreed to meet Sy tomorrow and I’ve already blown him off once so my prolonged nap is gonna have to wait. The first thing I have to do when I get home is rinse off the damn glitter that I somehow keep finding everywhere despite my multiple showers since my last performance. Let’s just hope the increase in subscriptions and followers is worth spending the last of the emergency fund I had saved up.
I’ve been looking for a roommate for over three months but so far, I haven’t gotten along with the few girls who showed interest and the men, well… All of those I agreed to meet have recognized me as soon as they’ve seen me. One even thought it was completely sensible to ask for a private show right there on the spot. Thank god none of them said anything in front of Clayton.
The process hasn’t been fun but I really need someone to split the bills with me. After I lost my job, I started waitressing. When that didn’t cut it, I started working at a strip club two towns over. It was good money considering I worked four nights a week but it still wasn’t enough to pay for my living expenses and my stupid student loans. At first I still tried to find something — anything — in the business or marketing field but when I ran out of places to apply to, I gave up and started running an OnlyFans page instead.
I get to the strip club early most nights to film while there are fewer customers around. I even partnered up with a few girls who have popular channels, taking every bit of advice they have to offer and even filming content with them to post once a month. In the brief time I’ve been running my page, I’ve used more of the skills acquired during my marketing degree than I did in the two years at my old job. Maybe if they had given me greater freedom to execute the projects I pitched to them they wouldn’t have had to downsize… or close altogether.
I originally chose a club two towns over to avoid being recognized; only it seems that many of the clients have the same thought. Luckily for me, my landlord is not one of them. He hasn’t questioned my reasons for bringing in a roommate, only asked that he do the same checks he would for any new lease. I normally meet the girls at a coffee shop or something before setting up a visit at my place but with the guys, I prefer the extra safety of having Clay there for the first meeting.
He doesn’t know how badly I need money. He’s been kind enough not to increase my rent since I got here because I always pay early but who knows what he would do if he knew I was barely hanging on and that bringing in a new tenant would make at least three-hundred bucks more per month. So what if I haven’t had a proper meal this week. Ramen noodle packets are a food group right?
Chapter 2
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snwusberry · 6 months
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warning(s): language
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san's point of view
okay i finally remembered which casino i went to... call me the brains of this operation because i do be thinking
"who in the fuck?" seonghwa says in confusion as he turns to look at the man who just yelled out of literally nowhere.
"shhh listen. if we file a police report, say you're missing something then we can get a permit to get camera footage." he proposes putting his juice box on the table dramatically.
"a fake police report is a crime dumbass."
fuck it...
"i have an idea." i tell them with a sigh and nod when i notice i have their attention.
"...well?" seonghwa pushes.
"right. we need someone to wiggle their way into the security room where they keep all their footage and shit. flirt a little, get them excited..."
"like some kind of undercover sting operation?" yeosang asks and i nod. "you've been watch too much lucifer." he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
well i don't see him bringing any ideas to the table but go figure right?
"okay but it might not be too bad of an idea though." seonghwa says.
see if he approves then we have to go with it. we all trust seonghwa's verdict right?? hmm??
"seonghwa approves. come on yeosang."
"we just need to find someone..." i say.
"who?" wooyoung asks and we all look at him, giving him a knowing smile. "uh-uh. nope."
"please? you have no problem doing this any other time."
"yeah when everyone's already having fun."
"let's roofie his drink!" i shout but yeosang immediately shuts me down.
"are you crazy?"
"no. i'm a man on a mission."
"a mission to end up in prison?" yeosang comments with a scoff.
"i could be with my girlfriend by now." seonghwa comments as he sips on his juice box which earns a flick on the forehead from yeosang.
"you chose to tag along now suck it up and go to the slot machines."
"give me money." he holds his hand making yeosang sigh and shove a couple of dollar bills his way. "goodluck gents." seonghwa says and makes his way to the slot machines.
"fine i'll do it. just know this is exploitation and i can use this against you in the court of law."
"yeah yeah. go get a beer and do your thing... go on." yeosang tells him, pushing him in the direction of the bar.
"you think this could work?" i ask yeosang as he sits back down.
"you want honesty or should i lie to you?"
"whatever you're comfortable with." i tell him with a smile.
"yeah this will be great." he grins.
there's no hope.
i should probably tell beomgyu what's going on. he's probably on edge.
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what is taking wooyoung so damn long?
"as funny as this might be, now excuse me for laughing, but pacing won't make time go by any quicker." yeosang comments with a chuckle which turns into full blown laughter.
"i'm going in there."
"slow down speed racer. you can't rush art." he tells me directing me to look in the direction of the bar where wooyoung is busy flirting with the bartender.
"how will the bartender get us anywhere?"
"i don't know man."
"it's been an hour and a half."
"let him cook." yeosang tells me but i can clearly see there's no cooking going on... the stove isn't even on.
"yeosang, he's clearly under the influence. he's flirting for the fun of it. i'm going in there."
before yeosang can stop me, i'm already in and interrupting the moment between wooyoung and another guy now apparently.
"okay shows over." i say, getting between the two.
"oh? already." the man asks with a fake pout and my eyes narrow at him.
"mhhh already. let's go wooyoung."
"and did he say he wants to leave?"
"what did you say?" i ask.
"i mean. he doesn't seem too keen on leaving yet either so..."
"well he's clearly not in the right state of mind to make any good decisions... clearly." i comment looking him up and down.
"what did you say motherfucker?"
"nothing. but if you wanna wear the shoe, then go right ahead cinderella."
before i can even think of even taking my next breath his fist is flying across the air and lands right on my face.
"you wanna fight bitch??" i copy jis actions which causes a chain reaction.
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"turn to the right."
i sigh, completely ashamed of myself as i follow the officer's instructions and i hear a clicking sound accompanied by the flash of the camera.
"all done."
"can i make a phone call?"
"follow the officer that way."
"thank you."
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beomgyu's point of view
if i don't collapse amd faint right now then it's a miracle.
"san what the fuck?"
"look... lok i can explain. we had a plan, it was in motion but things didn't really go as planned."
"yeah clearly."
"they're only holding me for the night, we'll come up with something else."
this is beyond frustrating. i knew i should've just told him he didn't need to gi because look now, he's in jail.
"just leave it and book the next flight back."
i hang up before he can even say anything else. what was i even expecting? i'm never getting the ring back.
"everything good here?" i turn to see my mom in the corner, looking worried. she probably heard me yelling.
"it's fine... everything is going well."
"who got into a brawl?" she asks excitedly.
"your son. tell me why anyone thought it would be a good idea to go back there as if he'd actually find the ring? it's long gone, we need to accept it. he made a dumb decision, we need to move on from it."
"okay let's calm down a bit hm? look holding this over his head his whole life isn't gonna bring the ring back either. he only went back there because he feels awful and desperately wants to rectify... even if the method is a little far fetched. he's trying my dear. now am i saying he didn't make a stupid decision by even going gambling in the first place? no that was dumb but don't let this mistake he made be the thing that tears you two apart. he's your brother after all."
her voice is soothing and calm while she speaks which does calm me down big time.
"you're right... yeah you're right mom, thank you. just please tell him he doesn't need to go on with this. i'll break the news to kaya's parents about the whole thing."
"that's my boy." she smiles which is contagious because i catch myself smiling too. "by the way... who won the foght?"
she's the least serious person i know, i swear.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - Chapter 11 - Part XI - The Sixth Year (Part One)
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gif was made by @abimess
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies. Chapter Warnings: Mentions of PTSD, minor kissing.
A/N> In the previous chapter I said that maybe I would put the fic in Hiatus, and on Saturday I managed to write four chapters. So I believe I'll be able to finish everything by next weekend. Good reading everyone.
Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3 || All Works Masterlist
Part XI - The Sixth Year (Part One)
Everything is different now.
You can feel it in your bones. You can feel it in the air, in the room, in the way your butler won't leave the radio playing on the kitchen counter because the music has been replaced by news of disappearances all over the magical and non-magical community.
Even now, sitting at the kitchen table while everyone is eating their breakfast beside you, you find it hard to relax. Jarvis doesn't have to turn the radio back on for you to know how things are going on outside the protected gardens of the Stark mansion.
"I've already prepared the fireplace, Mister Tony." Announced Jarvis next, his hands on his back. Your brother murmured, still in the middle of sipping his coffee.
"Thank you, Jarvis." He then spoke, placing the cup on the table. "I'm expecting mail, if Iron comes back with anything, save it for me okay?"
"Of course, Mr. Tony."
"Jarvis?" You called out before your butler returned to the kitchen. He looked gently at you. "Aren't you going to have breakfast with us?"
The man hesitated, straightening his suit vest slightly.
"I've already eaten, miss. But I appreciate the invitation." He says making mention of turning around, you add quickly.
"Where are you going?"
There it is again. The tension you have noticed since you returned from the hospital. Caught in the way Jarvis looks quickly at Tony and your sisters before a smile that doesn't reach his eyes forms. He clears his throat lightly.
"I have my chores, miss." He answers politely. "Nothing you need to worry about."
"Is the order, isn't it?"
As soon as the words escape, silence falls on the table. Gamora stops stirring her tea in mid-motion, but you keep your gaze on Jarvis.
"Miss Stark, please, I mustn't be late." He insists and you sigh, nodding. Jarvis walks away, but the table remains silent. You have your fists clenched in your lap, waiting.
And realizing that just as before, when you began to notice the rushed exits, the whispers, the locked doors, and the hiding spells, you realized that none of your siblings would say anything.
So you rolled your eyes and stood up, throwing your napkin on the table and walking out of the kitchen with hard steps.
Tony called out to you, but you ignored him. Gamora reached you when you were already in your room.
"If you've come to tell me there's nothing going on, you can leave." You let her know sitting up in your bed, your mind working on theories. Gamora sighed lightly.
"I'm not." She says as she moves closer to sit beside you. "But I can't tell you everything either."
"All summer, Gamora." You begin. "All summer you guys have been keeping secrets from me. And damn it, I've done it for a long time, and I understand. But I thought...I thought after last year, things were going to change. Everybody knows about the prophecy, and I'm still dealing with it alone."
"You are not alone." She retorts as she straightens up in bed, turning her body toward you, but you continue to stare at your lap. "You're not. We're just trying to protect you."
You give a short laugh.
"I'm not, really, you're right." You sneer bitterly. "I only have Wanda and she is more than enough."
Gamora sighs, but does not contradict you. You stand up looking for a change of clothes.
"Are you going to her house again?" Gamora asks as she sees you rummaging through the closets. You don't face her to speak.
"I don't get lied to in the Maximoff residence."
Gamora rolls her eyes.
"You've barely stayed home this summer." She complains. "We've missed you."
"Ironic you say that since when I am here you guys are having secret meetings without me." You retorted angrily, putting your pajama set into a backpack.
“Y/N…” she starts but doesn't continue. You feel frustrated and impatient, and you roll your eyes at her lack of honesty.
"See you tomorrow." You say before leaving with the backpack.
You went straight to the living room, and ignoring the questioning look from Tony and Nebula at the kitchen table, you made your way to the fireplace.
Before you used the floo powder, Tony was calling you.
"You know you still leave here, right?" He quipped, and you resisted the urge to start a fight.
You stumbled into the fireplace, the magic dust in your hands. Within seconds, you were in the living room of Maximoff Residence.
"Wanda, your girlfriend is here!" Pietro yelled as he turned his attention to the pages."Again." He muttered softly making you giggle as you walked out of their fireplace.
You stepped closer only to shove the magazine he was holding to his face in a childish act and ignore his irritated grunt as you kicked off your shoes, knowing Erik hated getting his carpet dirty.
You had gotten quite comfortable at Maximoff Residence this summer. After St.Mungus, you and Wanda have been spending a lot of time together.
Part of you knows it's because you've been kept out of order, and it's created a nervous tension between you and your siblings, Wanda's house being the only place where no one seems to keep things from you.
Your thoughts were interrupted by your girlfriend's sudden presence in the room, and you had two seconds to smile at her before Wanda steps forward from the hallway towards you, her arms around your neck in a tight hug. You felt your face heat up, but soon she was pulling away to place several kisses on your cheeks, making you giggle shyly as Pietro mimicked vomiting noises.
"My god, it's ten in the morning." He complained while getting up, but you ignored it, your hands rubbing Wanda's back as you looked at her adoringly.
"Good morning my love." You greeted her.
"Good morning sweetheart" She replied, looking at you the same way. "To what do I owe this wonderful visit?"
"I missed you."
"I missed y..."
"This is too gay for ten in the morning." Pietro complained loudly again, now walking past you into the hallway and turning into the kitchen as you and Wanda giggled.
“"Have you had breakfast yet?" She asked, bringing her hands to your cheeks, caressing your skin.
You mumbled yes, omitting the part that your meal was interrupted by a little argument to steal a peck from Wanda, who bit her lip when you moved away.
She turned her head to look down the hall for a second and then moved forward, kissing you firmly this time. You smiled against her lips, melting as her hand gently scratched the back of your neck.
She pulled back a moment later, cheeks flushed and eyes bright.
"Come say good morning to my dad before he comes to get you himself." She asked as she pulled away, her hand intertwining with yours to pull you towards the kitchen.
As soon as Erik saw you, he put the paper down on the table and smiled, waving for you to sit down, and you did it shyly, Wanda following you.
"It's good to see you, Miss Stark." He says. "Hope everything is alright at home?"
"Probably not since she's always here now." Pietro scoffs before you respond and lets out an exclamation of pain when Wanda hits him in the head with a small wave of energy. Erik shoots her a disapproving look but says nothing.
You get caught up in small talk while you eat together, and you're more aware of Wanda's presence than anything else, but Erik calls to you.
"Will you join us in the diagonal alley?" he asks curiously and you bite the inside of your cheek, uncertain.
"Actually, Tony asked me not to go out in public." You say. "Because of everything that's going on."
"Oh yes I understand." Erik says thoughtfully. "I was in the alley last week, and most of the stores are closed. People are scared, and crime increased considerably with the return of the walkers."
The mood at the table changes, but you feel your body relax with Wanda's hand on your knee.
"What has the order done about it, sir?" You ask and Erik frowns slightly in surprise.
"Forgive me Miss Stark, I assumed your brother was telling you about the delicate situation the order is in, so I didn't mention anything." He says and straightens his posture in the chair. "We believe there is a traitor among us."
You look at him in surprise, as do his children. Erik takes a deep breath.
"Of course any of you shouldn't worry about that." He says. "That's a matter for the members."
"Fury recruited my brother, sir?" You question and Erik hesitates, then nods. You feel your stomach sink. Tony didn't tell you about it. "And my sisters?"
"No. Not them." He quickly denies it. "We voted to add new members, and it needs to be a unanimous decision. I don't approve of adding children to order."
"But you approve Tony?" You accuse with a frown.
"Your brother is of legal age, Miss Stark." He argues. "He is a powerful, resourceful, and talented wizard. He has the right to fight if he wishes."
"He's only two years older than me." You retort. "I don't want him to be in danger."
"He insisted." Erik tells you. "He insisted because he wants to protect you. I had my doubts about that, due to his age, but he asked for my vote. He wants to help."
You swallow the urge to cry, absorbing the teacher's words.
"Jarvis too, right?" You ask and Erik takes a sip of coffee before answering.
"I must not share the order's membership list." He comments lightly jokingly, but you grimace. Erik sighs. "We are trying to keep it as a secret as much information as possible. The situation is too tense with the ministry, and with so many attacks, we are not knowing who to trust."
"You haven't said anything about this all summer, papa." Pietro comments thoughtfully. "Why now?"
Erik swallows hard, putting the mug down on the table.
"Because Wanda is going to Hogwarts next week, and I won't be there to keep her safe."
You can feel Wanda's surprise and anxiety mix with yours, and your hand rests in hers on your knee.
"What are you talking about?" Wanda questions and Erik takes a deep breath.
"I will not be returning to the castle this year." He says. "The ministry ordered my removal."
"What?" The three of you exclaimed together and Erik gestured lightly for you to calm down.
"There are many rumors about the Ministry of Magic's involvement in the rise of Mephisto. The facilities that were granted to the walkers, in addition to the encouragement of the propaganda of purity of blood." He counts. "What happened at the ministry, with you two, created quite a problem for the minister. He can't blame Harkness because she disappeared, but it was only a matter of time before he found out that I was the one who recommended the special classes with her."
"But you were helping us!" You exclaimed indignantly. "And you're on the side of order!"
"Exactly, Miss Stark." He says. "I'm afraid the minister's interest is just that. To remove all members of the order from the castle."
"Papa, what will happen to you?" Pietro asks worriedly, but Erik smiles, giving him a reassuring look.
"Do not worry." He says. "They'll do an investigation, and the minister will prolong my removal as long as he can. In the meantime I'll help the order. Our priority is to finish off Mephisto's brute strength before he regains all his followers."
"What will happen at the castle this year?" Pietro questions worriedly, and you and Wanda share his expression. Erik taps his fingers on the table lightly.
"I have my suspicions, but all the possibilities are bad." He declares. "But Wanda will have professor Stephen and Maria there. Don't hesitate to reach out for them."
"That's not very comforting." Pietro mutters and Erik flashes his son a sad smile.
"But I guarantee that whatever happens at Hogwarts, it will be better than the outside." He says. "None of you have experienced a wizarding war before.Believe me when I say that the backyards of the school are safer, no matter how awful they seem to be."
Pietro sighs.
"I am worried, Papa." He says. "Wanda will be there alone."
You frown. "Hey!"
Pietro gives a short smile. "You know what I meant." He clarifies. "I won't be there, and neither will you. I don't understand why she can't stay home."
"Because it's more dangerous here." He comments. "The only reason you're not coming back to the castle is because of your small act last year, Pietro."
Pietro looks away, grimacing at Erik's disapproving tone. All the times you've been here, the topic of Pietro dropping out of school always made Erik grumpy and created a nervous tension between him and his son.
Erik clears his throat.
"Since you have decided that you will not become a competent wizard, I expect you to help me during this period." Erik declares causing you and Wanda to exchange a look, uncertain about getting into the conversation. Pietro rolls his eyes. "I'm sure your Aunt Raven has some task to keep you busy."
"Of course, papa." Pietro mumbles wryly, laying his face in his arms on the table.
Erik sighs before turning his gaze back to Wanda and you.
"We may be at war now, but your education is still important, my dear." He says. "I wanted to make sure you got your N.E.W.T. We're going to need good witches for when this is all over."
Wanda smiled shyly, and you fell silent again. Your head was a mess, millions of possibilities about the next year flashing by and noticing your nervousness, Wanda excused herself to the table, and led you by the hand out of the kitchen.
She smiled at you in the hallway, but only stopped walking when you two reached her room.
"You're nervous." She commented as she gently pushed you onto her bed.
You sat down, and Wanda settled into your lap, your hands automatically going to her waist as she hugged you. You sank your face into her neck, breathing in her perfume deeply and feeling your whole body relax at once, becoming slightly dizzy with how comfortable you felt.
"I love you." You whispered against her skin, and Wanda pressed you tighter against her, making you fall back against the mattress with a giggle. With her lack of response, you began to caress her back, feeling her breath against your neck.
When she pulled away, she got off you, throwing herself on the bed next while biting back a smile.
"What?" you asked, curious by her expression. She shook her head slightly, her cheeks flushed.
"I just think I have never felt as happy as I do when I am with you."
You smile at the confession, feeling your heart race as you turn your body toward her, resting your face in your hand and your elbow on the bed.
Your fingers come up to her face, brushing her hair out of her eyes to place behind her ear, as she looks at you adoringly.
"What am I going to do without you next year, huh?" you ask, causing her to giggle a little, as she reached up to rest her hand on your waist.
"Do you think we'll be able to talk through thoughts by then?" She jokes putting on a mock expression, making you laugh.
"I wish I had that now, so you could help me with my exams." You retort in the same tone, making Wanda laugh.
"I can help you with some actual studying for your exams." She suggests and you raise an eyebrow.
"Oh, yes, because study sessions work out very well for us, don't they, Miss wandering hands?" You tease and Wanda smiles mischievously bringing your faces closer together.
"It's not my fault you're irresistible." She whispers before kissing your lips softly. You both sigh, but just as you go to deepen the kiss, Pietro is entering the room and Wanda lets out a grumble as she pulls away and sits on the bed.
“Can I help you Pietro?” Wanda asks impatiently.
"Can you let go of your girlfriend for a second to talk to your brother?" He teases causing Wanda to roll her eyes, but you giggle, settling comfortably on the bed. "I need to tell you both something."
"Then stop the suspense and just tell us." You grumble, wishing you would go back to kissing Wanda.
Pietro checks the hallway, then closes the bedroom door. You and Wanda frown.
"I think there's something important going on in the order." He declares. "But I have no idea what it is."
"That's not very reassuring." Wanda mocks making you laugh and Pietro grimaces. " What gave you this idea anyway?"
"Dad's been getting owls." He counters. "You haven't noticed anything strange because you're making out all the time."
"Jealous." Wanda teases, making you laugh, but Pietro rolls his eyes sighing impatiently.
"Yeah, yeah, you guys are cute and all, but you don't seem to be noticing the rest of the world." He complains, crossing his arms. "We have a war going on and all you girls are doing is kissing each other."
Wanda sighs, getting up.
"And we'd like to get back to that, so you can leave." She complained pushing her brother by the shoulders, while you laughed at the indignant expression he made while complaining that that was an important matter.
Wanda ushered him out, and locked the door, turning to you with a mischievous grin.
"Where were we?" She asked as she approached, and all you did was open your arms for her to jump into your lap again.
You knew that this was indeed an important matter, but you couldn't focus on much else as you had Wanda on your lap kissing your mouth eagerly, her tongue sliding into yours as her hands squeezed your shoulders gently.
You kissed so many times that summer, but it seemed to get better, and more and more addictive. You had no idea if it was because you were connected to her, or if it was because you were in love, but either way, you didn't want to stop.
But then the door was opening again, and Wanda let out a grumble as she jumped away from your lap, trying to disguise her smudged lipstick and swollen lips.
"Girls, you know the rules." Erik warned with a serious tone. "The door must always stay open."
"Yes, sir." You and Wanda muttered breathlessly, and Erik rolled his eyes before leaving. When his footsteps became distant, you and Wanda began to giggle, and you fell beside her on the bed, both of you trying to normalize your breathing and disguise how affected you were by the little make-out session.
In the silence, Wanda intertwined your hands together, but you both continued to stare at the ceiling.
"Do...do you think Pietro might be right?" Wanda asked next, her voice low. You shifted your gaze to her, waiting for her to clarify. Wanda swallowed dryly before doing so. "About this. About us not paying attention to the war or anything else. I just...I'm afraid he's right."
You straightened to turn your body toward her properly, resting your head on the hand of the arm that you popped your elbow on the mattress. Wanda copied your movement, and you smiled at her as you moved your fingers up to caress her face.
"I think it's unfair for Pietro to say that." You say. "Every time I've tried to bring up order, war, or anything related to that, I've been called a child. So I think it's unfair that just because I'm focusing on the most important part of my life I get called out for it."
Wanda's eyes widened slightly, her cheeks flushed.
"You think I'm the most important part of your life?" She asked shyly, making you smile.
"Of course you are, Wanda." You reply as if it were obvious, squeezing her reddened cheek and making her laugh. "My little grumpy witch."
Wanda rolls her eyes, grabbing a fistful of your shirt to pull you close, and give you a lingering kiss. You smile against her lips, and when she pulls away she keeps her forehead pressed against yours.
"I love you." She whispers with her eyes closed. "I love you so much I think I'm going to suffocate."
You sigh, feeling her emotions. She feels love, vibrant, pulsing. You think you might cry if you don't keep your eyes closed.
"I know." You whisper back. "It's like you can't put all the love out, no matter how hard you try."
"Does that scare you?" Wanda asks, her hand coming down on your waist. "Us? How intense it feels?"
You let out a short laugh.
"Scare me?" You retort. "It's the only thing that secures me."
Wanda sighs, pulling away to look at you. You smile, your hand on her cheek, caressing her skin with your thumb.
"You, Wanda Maximoff, are the only certain I hold on to." You confess. "You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. My love for you is the only thing I am sure I never want to lose."
Wanda's eyes are watery, but you know they are tears of happiness. You can feel it too. And you don't need her to say it back to you to know either.
"I can't lose you." She whispers as she lets the tears flow. "I won't survive."
"I'm not going anywhere, Wanda." You assure by looking into her eyes, but she swallows dryly, unable to hold back her tears. You feel her despair, you want to get these feelings out of her, but you don't know how. You hold her tightly, and Wanda lies against you.
When she opens her mind to you, you understand. She still thinks of you in the dungeons of the castle. She shares her insecurities, and her traumas. You take it all in, and the grip tightens. You also begin to cry when she stops sharing.
"I'm sorry." You tell her, and repeat it a few times until she stops crying. When she does, you're both exhausted, and she just pulls away to straighten up, her face buried in your neck, inhaling your perfume.
"Stay with me." She asks against your skin, and you smile with your eyes closed.
"I will." You whisper against her ear. "I will stay forever."
Hogwarts feels different.
Although the trip to the castle was the same as other years, there is a different tension in the air.
The train was also considerably emptier.
Not that you noticed it so much, Wanda's presence being your complete focus. Your sisters' teasing about it making you ignore your surroundings even more just to look at Wanda.
And when you all arrived at the castle, everything seemed even worse than last year.
"Are those dementors?" Gamora asks in surprise as you all are walking down toward the carriages. You notice the buzzing around the train, the other students also noticing the creatures flying over the castle in the distance.
Wanda's hand intertwined in yours is the only thing keeping you calm.
Before you can show any reaction, Drax, the fighter guard is shouting for everyone to hurry, that it was not safe to stay outside, and you were pushed along with the crowd inside the vehicles.
"What the hell is going on with this place?" Nebula asks as the carriage starts to move.
"I don't know, but having Dementors back in the castle is definitely not a good sign." Wanda comments looking out the window.
The silence of the drive to the castle is filled with speculation about the changes at the beginning of the year, and none of you are excited for Professor Kaecilius' continuing direction. Nobody seems happy with the absence of Professor Erik on the faculty either.
You don't miss the opportunity to tease Gamora about her boyfriend not coming back to Hogwarts this year, but it backfires when she scoffs that not everyone needs to be together all the time like you and Wanda to date.
When you finally arrived, there were aurors in almost every corridor of the castle now, but they were shabby-looking wizards you had never seen before, and no sign of Carol Danvers.
As soon as you made mention of joining the Slytherin table, one of them put his hand in your way.
"Each student must join their house at the opening ceremony." Said the wizard seriously, and you frowned.
"That's ridiculous." You retorted impatiently, taking a step forward. The wizard drew his wand and you widened your eyes in surprise, automatically covering Wanda with your body.
"I won't say it again." Warned the man, and you were ready to duel, but Professor Strange seemed to have emerged from the floor, and touched your shoulder quickly.
"Miss Stark, please, let's all calm down." He ordered, and you grimaced in indignation. The small scene was already attracting the attention of the students who were entering the hall.
"Tell the student to go to her assigned table or she will be punished, professor." Warned the auror and you clenched your jaw, taking a step forward, but Wanda squeezed your hand pulling you back.
"Please, everyone in your seats right now." Strange said. "Let's not start the year with a fuss, okay?"
You ignored Stephen to look at Wanda, who let go of your hand to gently smooth your cloak, moving closer to kiss your cheek, and whisper in your ear "I love you." before turning away, smiling shyly as she turned to the Slytherin table and left.
You sighed, exchanging an angry look with the auror before walking over to the Hufflepuff table, Mantis behind you.
The year's announcements were even more absurd.
"[...] As many of you may have known this summer, as per the announcements of the Daily Prophet, I will be taking over as headmaster of Hogwarts." Announced Professor Kaecilius with a polite smile that made you roll your eyes. Your attention immediately returned to the Slytherin table, and you already found Wanda looking at you.
When your gazes meet, she blushes, quickly turning away, and making you smile.
"Hey, that sounds important." Mantis commented beside you, noticing that you were distracted, exchanging glances with Wanda across the hall.
You mumbled, pretending to pay attention to the director.
"It is clear that this will be a difficult year for us, and typically adverse until the Ministry of Magic faces the dangers beyond this castle." Kaecilius commented and you frowned, finally paying attention to the speech. "It is to prioritize the safety of the students, I have been in contact with the minister of magic himself, and new conceptions have been allowed this year to properly prepare the students for the dangers of the wizarding world."
The hall shared some buzz, but the professor just cleared his throat, continuing to speak.
"This year we will be accompanied not only by the guards of Azkaban, but also by a team of special aurors, sent by the minister himself to ensure the integrity of the castle and the safety of our students. " Kaecilius said, motioning in the center of the hall. "In addition, a change was necessary in the curriculum of this school, due to the disfavor the old direction caused in the education of all of you."
"That doesn't sound good." Mantis whispered beside you.
"I'm sure it isn't." You whispered back, looking at the principal.
"The importance of teaching without ideological barriers has been reassessed, and the minister has decided that freedom is a crucial point in the education of our society." Kaecilius announced, holding out his arms. "Classifications like right, or wrong, are... backwardness. We, as a free society, need to evolve. And we are going to start that here. With our young people."
You're not sure if it was an auror or one of the teachers who applauded first, but soon the hall followed, more out of cordiality than anything else. You did not, nor did Mantis, or any of your friends, and neither did some of the other students.
When dinner was served, you felt too concerned to feed yourself, but Mantis poked you in the ribs.
"What do you think all that speech meant?" She asks and you stir your steak with your fork, sighing before answering.
"Don't you think it's obvious?" You ask rhetorically. "They're going to teach dark magic."
Mantis's eyes widen in surprise, but you feel tired. You want to go back to where Wanda is.
But then Peter Parker is speaking.
"Did you hear what some of the Gryffindors are saying about Minister Schmidt's aurors?" he asked and you and Mantis both deny with your heads. He leaned in, lowering his voice. "They are called the Red Skulls. They were a task force in the first war. And they weren't on the right side."
You become apprehensive at the information. It's as if Hogwarts is being controlled by the wrong people now. You really have no appetite after that. So all you do during dinner is listen to the parallel conversations between your housemates and your friend.
You wished Harley had come back to Hogwarts this year, but she wrote to you over the summer saying that just like Ivy, she would study magic from home now. You missed her lightness when you had to listen to Peter's nervous comments.
As dinner ended, you hoped to join Wanda, but the aurors controlled the lines back to the dormitories, wands in hand.
You clenched your jaw, feeling frustrated and angry as soon as you made mention of leaving the line and the same auror from earlier appeared.
"Let's not do that again, Stark girl." He warned and you held your wand in your robes, staring at him angrily.
"A word, Stark?" Professor Strange interrupted again, appearing beside the auror. He touched the wizard on the shoulder. "Please, Mr. Klaue, I will escort Miss Stark back to the Hufflepuff dormitory when we're done."
The minor wizard stared back at you before turning his attention back to the line and Stephen gestured with his head for you to accompany him out of the hall.
You walked to the corner of the entrance, and Stephen leaned slightly toward you.
"How are things, Stark? Did you have a good summer?" He asked, making you frown.
"The best." You replied dryly. " Everything was awesome until I came back and some jerk kept me from seeing my girlfriend."
Stephen sighed lightly, looking at the rest of the rows that were moving away, the hall quickly becoming empty.
"I'm sorry about that. I wish things were different, but they won't be for long." He says, practically whispering. You cross your arms, annoyed at the way the aurors in the distance are clearly watching you and Stephen talk.
"What the hell is going on in this place anyway, professor?" You ask irritated.
"The same thing that's going on outside." He replies. "Miss Stark, I won't have as many opportunities to talk to you this year. So I'll say it now. Be careful. Not like the years before, going out at night and sneaking out of the castle. No. Hogwarts will not be the same this year. You, as well as your friends, must be careful."
You frowned, but softened your expression as you noticed the pure concern on Strange's face. But before you could say anything, he was looking away and there was an auror beside you.
"Students should return to their dormitories after dinner." The man announced, already grabbing your arm and making you let out a mixed exclamation of surprise and anger.
"There's no need for that." The professor immediately interfered, releasing the man's grip, who took a step forward.
"I would be careful with secrets, Mr. Strange." Warned the wizard. "You don't want to be tried for treason, like that mudblood, do you?"
Strange clenched his jaw, and you think you've never seen him so angry.
"Do not threaten me, Mr Stane." Stephen retorted, and you swallowed dryly as you saw the wizard grab his wand on his belt, but he didn't draw it. The wizard just laughed wryly and made a noise with his mouth, like a whistle, to get you to walk.
You exchanged a look with the professor before doing so, hurrying to keep up with the end of the Hufflepuff line.
You were too worried to sleep.
And nothing had happened, but just the fact that you knew things were different made you uncomfortable and worried about Wanda's safety.
You had your cloak, and ignoring Strange's instructions, you waited for everyone to be asleep before leaving the dorm, completely invisible in the dark.
Aurors were making rounds through the halls, much more than before. And there were many more wizards, and you didn't know where they seemed to come from.
You thought it best to put a spell on your shoes so they wouldn't make noise, and so you passed through the corridors quietly.
At the portrait door your troubles began.
"Hey buddy, let me in." You warned the painting, which grumbled as it was woken up, squinting and then assuming a stern posture.
"Get out of here, blood traitor!" Retorted the painting causing you to frown.
"Say that again and I will rip you apart!" You angrily warned, but the painting gave a mean little laugh and then began to shout.
"Student out of bed, student out of bed!" His high-pitched voice echoed in the halls, and you hurried to cover your head with your cloak again, feeling your heart race when you heard footsteps approaching through the halls.
You started to run, and only stopped when you were far enough away.
And then you realized where you were again.
You remember the path from your nightmares.
Swallowing hard, you take a step back, but you bump into the wall.
It is the entrance to the dungeon where Agatha took you.
Nothing looks different, you wonder if the ministry even went in there.
You feel your stomach turn, and your heart is racing even more. The memories of what happened come back all at once, but you close your eyes, taking a deep breath and pushing them away.
You are safe.
And you walk away from that corridor quickly, feeling suffocated.
And then you bump into someone, trip over the cloak, and fall to the floor.
"Interesting choice of destination, Miss Stark." Professor Kaecilius comments as you swallow dryly, looking at him while you are still on the floor. He keeps his hands in his pockets."I was hoping for a more mature attitude in your sixth year, but clearly that was a mistaken expectation."
"Sorry, professor, but I'm still sleepwalking." You retort getting up, and are surprised that he gives you a wry smile. You feel nervous then, because he is now so comfortable at Hogwarts that he feels free to laugh at your jokes.
"I should have predicted that you would come back to this place." He then says, looking toward the room for a moment before returning his gaze to you. "If you had asked permission, perhaps I would have conceived."
You clench your jaw, not knowing exactly how to escape this confusion. Professor Kaecilius assumes a stern expression next.
"I don't care for the unruly way that Agatha conducted this school, but I assure you that it will not be the same manner in which I will conduct it." He says and with a flick of his right hand, the fallen invisibility cloak closes and jumps on his arm. You swallow dryly, but say nothing. "Adjusting to the new curriculum will take up most of your routine during this week, but you must learn to value the rules. Your detentions will take place on Saturdays for the next three months."
"Three months?" You exclaim in shock, and Kaecilius sighs.
"Perhaps four would be more appropriate, you have a bad track record."
You bite your tongue, holding back from cursing your teacher.
" Follow me to your dormitory, Miss Stark." Says the professor next, already starting to walk. "We don't want any more incidents, do we?"
The path is silent, but there is a nervous tension.
At the door, Professor Kaecilius turns to you.
"I would sleep now, if I were you, Miss Stark." He warns. "It takes discipline to become a competent witch, and sleep will not be an acceptable excuse for failing your classes."
You frown, but the professor waves, and you walk into the dormitory, the doorframe closing behind you.
Just as you reach your room, Mantis is opening the curtains on her bed.
"Where the hell have you been?" She asks worriedly as you take off your shoes to lie down.
"Wanda." You grumble before throwing yourself onto the mattress, sinking your face into the pillow. Seeing your dissatisfaction, Mantis sits up in your bed, poking you lightly in the ribs.
"What happened?" she asks and you sigh in frustration. When you tell her what happened, she has a mixed expression of concern and annoyance.
"I'm sorry about the cloak." She says. "And well, about the detention too."
"It's okay." You mumble. "I just wanted to see my girlfriend."
"I'm sure she's fine." Mantis says, and seeing your grimace she giggles. "Can't you feel these things? If you're not sensing anything, she's asleep, right?"
You sigh, nodding. Mantis is right. You just miss her, but other than that, you don't have any chills or anything. Wanda is safe.
"Thank you, Mantis." You say shyly, playing with the threads of the pillow. "Sometimes, I don't remember that, and I worry for nothing."
"It's okay." She says. "That's how it is when you love someone."
You smile and Mantis gives you a wink before getting up, and returning to her own bed.
"Now, let's go to sleep please, I'm thinking we're in for a busy week." She comments and you murmur in agreement.
You are afraid that " busy" is not the best adjective to define it.
Tag list> @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia || @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS // @drpepperobsessed // @sighsam // @olsensnpm // @sxfwap // @table57 // @madamevirgo // @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo // @emptysince18x // @xastrydx || @yuhloversxx || @ymzki-haruki || @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday || @lostandsearching || @lezzzbehonesthere || @musicinourlips || @chaekhan || @diaryoflife || @nervoustrack || @aquamarinescarlet || @cristin-rjd || @idamaemann || @fortunatelynerdylight || @iliketozoneout
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A Halstead!Sister
'But they don't know. They don't know what it's like to be you. They didn't know what it was like to wake up everyday, to a body you never asked for.
A body nobody wanted.'
Tumblr media
Warnings : eating disorder, body insecurities, body dismorphia
Requested : Yup, by anon , 'could u do a fic where she has an eating disorder? and doesn’t tell jay but then one day she passes out at school and has to tell him?'
Word count : 1.7k
Note : this took too long I don't know why 😭but yall Guess who's thankful that yall bear with my English ? me. :) and ps this is my first request!! And yall please please know that all of you are so freaking beautiful and worth fighting for. Know that you are loved and it is never, ever weak to ask for help.
The constant pain and sleepless nights were paying off. Your eyes sparkled when you saw your new numbers. It was working.
You took your diary, crossing out breakfast on the to do list after eating a banana.
This was going to be simple. check what you eat, check your weight and repeat . You knew that if you tried really hard, you would be the one in control.
Control. That's all you wanted. Such an easy, yet painful thing.
You looked to the mirror, as your hands hovered over your ribs sticking to the skin . You'd never felt so beautiful in your life. But your eyes roamed down to your thighs. The flesh of your legs were touching. It wasn't enough.
It was never enough.
'' Y/n , come on ! Move your ass! I need to get to work!! '' Jay shouted for you, from downstairs.
'' Shut uppp I'm comingg'', you yelled back.
Ever since your mom had died, dad always kept to himself leading you to stay with your brothers. It had become a routine. Jay  would drop you off at school and Annie's mom would give you a ride home.
Lucky for you , Jay was constantly busy with cases. He hadn't noticed your new diet or the mood swings.
Your teacher had started the lesson. And slowly you sensed something wrong. Your head was pounding. God why is she so blurry? You look to Anne sitting next to you and she's Blurry too. You felt your body giving up to the swaying ground.
'' y/n!! '' Annie shreiked as your limp body crashed to the floor.
'' Chuckles!? '' Trudy called out,climbing the stairs to intelligence. "Do I look like a cocktail waitress to you? Where have you been??"
"Morning to you too, sarge" Jay sighed. "and its detective"
" Well , Detective , Y/n fainted at school and wanted you to pick her up"
"What ?" he asked shocked, aldready beginning to pick up his jacket.
"Sarge" he said, looking to Voight for approval, although he would leave nonetheless. "Go."
"Mr. Halstead" the school nurse addressed him, as he entered the clinic.
"Call me jay. Y/n, are you okay? what the hell happened?" he asked you worried.
You had never fainted before and apart from the flu every couple of years, you had a clean bill of health, as far as he knew.
"Jay, I promise I'm fine. Just got a little dizzy, that's all" you answered knowing how overprotective he can get. Now all you could hope for was that he would let this slide.
"I tried getting some food in her but she told me she was fine" the nurse explained to Jay.
God No. the the salad she offered you had so many calories.  you had made too much progress nothing was going to stop you especially a simple fainting episode. It was a minor setback but you were sure you could continue your weight loss diet.
" What, WHY? " he questioned, but just  as you were thinking of a better reply " You know what, I'm gonna take her home." he interrupted your thoughts as he spoke to the nurse.
" Only if you are sure, you're good"
" I am Jay. One hundred percent." you replied, happy to skip the rest of the school day.
It's not like you've been paying attention any ways. You'd zone out a lot during class and  your constant hunger and cramps didn't help either. But you drowned these feelings away with small sips of water and occasional slices of cucumbers.
You Craved the Emptiness. the feeling of being lighter. The feeling of being....... perfect. It was intoxicating.
Taking your school bag, Jay wrapped a study arm around your shoulders , guiding you through the school corridors and towards his truck.
"God, I can't wait to go to bed", You said climbing the truck and fastening your seat belt.
"Yeah right. I'm taking you to med" he stated. "WHAT? Jay, what the hell ? I told you, I'm fine!!"
You knew Will was working and didn't want either of your brothers to know about your new diet or how much weight you had lost. It was too late to quit. The disgusting image in the mirror was slowly getting better..... getting thinner, prettier.
"You've never fainted before Y/n, and I promise I'll get Will to run the exams and do all the tests" he assured you.
"Y/n, I thought I told you I never wanted to see you here again.", Maggie greeted, pointing a finger at you.
"Awwww  but I missed you", you pouted, " No don't do that. your brother's waiting in treatment room 3 so you better get going." she instructed and you dropped your school bag near the nurses station.
You and Jay enter the room, to a very worried Will. "Y/n, what happened?" he asked , gesturing you to sit on the bed.
"did you hit your head when you fell? Did you fall in the bathroom or something like that?", he continued, not giving you time to answer.
"what did the nurses say? are you stressed about school?" " Will-", you interrupted his rambling " I'm fine, just..... got a little dizzy."
You watched , as he took his pen light to your eyes. "Ah! Will, stop!!" You said, trying and failing to refrain him.
"You know, it'll be easier if you stop squirming" Jay commented with a smug smile. "Your not going anywhere"
"Shut up" you groaned.
You need to get out of here. What if they gave you food. What if they found out you were hungry all the time. They'd never stop making fun of you. They'd tell you that you were overreacting and that all this was so unnecessary.
But they didn't know. They didn't know what it was like to be you. They didn't have floppy arms or fleshy thighs. They didn't know what it was like to wake up everyday, to a body you never asked for. A body nobody wanted.
"Jay" Will called out, seeing him outside your room. It had been a couple of hours since you were bought in.
Will had ordered some tests, being the ass he was.
Wonderful. You just hoped that all the tests would be normal and you could get the hell out of there.
"yeah man? just needed to text Hailey, Why, what's wrong?" Jay asked, studying the worried expression on his brother's face
"It's Y/n. "
You were fiddling with the hem of your t-shirt when your brother's walked in, staring at you, as if you were a ghost.
"Y/n," Jay croaked out his voice laced with dread, "how long?"
No. No. No. This can't be happening. God, you knew that they were going to hate you forever.
"what the are you talking about?" you needed to try to get them to back away."Is something wrong?"
They were standing on either side of your bed. Jay came closer and sat down on your right the beside your knees, eyes never leaving yours.
"Your tests-" Will started, "They came back showing you have severe deficiencies. That your body is struggling to survive. That it's not getting enough food." he broke away from your gaze.
"We um-" Jay, as if almost on queue, continued."We looked through your school bag and found your diary. "
You sucked in a sharp breath and shook your head. No. He knew. They knew.
All your calorie counts, the amount of calories you can have in a day, your research on diets, workouts, to do lists, hell, even your Period Tracker was written down. (although you barely had it anymore)
That book was the reason you were finally becoming happy with yourself. Your body.
'I'm sorry', you mouthed "I'm so, so sorry" This was it. Your voice hitched, as tears flowed down your cheeks. "I was finally happy"
In an instant, your brothers were by your side.
Jay engulfed you into his chest, your words circling his mind. 'Finally?' God, you lived together! You were his sister! His baby sister! How could he have let this happen to you? How could he not have noticed that you were drowning? That you were starving yourself. What kind of brother was he?
Will rubbed your back, until your sobs became quieter. He was a doctor. A damn doctor! God knows how long this has been going on, but at the end of the day.... he failed. He failed to be there,..... when you needed him.
"Y/n, you don't have to do this. You're beautiful Y/n. You really are. And I'm sorry that anyone else has convinced in otherwise" Jay breathed out, hoping you heard him, in his embrace.
"It felt good, Jay" your voice was muffled by his shirt, but to your brothers, your voice was loud and clear.
"Did it?" You turned to Will, "Did the hunger feel good?" his heart broke saying the words out loud.
'Yes', you wanted to answer. Of course it felt good. You were getting so many compliments from your friends at school. Boys started acknowledging you now.
It was like you finally existed. You felt...... worthy.
But with all the strength you could muster up, you couldn't get the words out. Because there was always one voice that told you to quit. The voice you'd been drowning out for so long. The voice that told you, that you were in fact, beautiful.
Your mother's.
"No" you said, realizing that Will had tears in his eyes as well.
But you couldn't find a hint of shame in them, no matter how much you searched. Instead, you were met with the immense worry and guilt of your brother.
"We can help, Y/n" Will said, as he took your hand in his, "We will help and we'll be there every step of the way."
"Every step" Jay assured and you turned to him. "All you need to do, is let us in"
You weren't prepared for this. You had no idea what to say.
You didn't want to feel tired all the time, always craving for food. But the idea of going back - back to all that shame - that's what scared you.
"Y/n," Will spoke up, seeing as you were struggling to answer, "I promise you, we are going to make you feel better...... and we'll fight those thoughts of yours together."
You took a shaky breath.
Your thoughts.
You had let them consume you for a long time now. Too long. maybe..... Maybe the right voice to follow, was your mothers'. "okay-" you sobbed, "okay", and once again you found yourself in Jay's arms.
You, clinging to him like your life depended on it and him holding you tight, because it did. His hand rested on your head, tangled with your hair.
Will saw a tear make its way down his brothers cheek, something he hasn't witnessed often.
Your brothers sat silently, listening to you cry. Taking in the conversation, only having a glimpse of the pain you were in.
You had a long, long road ahead but as you sat in your brother arms, you felt a sense of peace, comfort maybe.
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
So you talked about claim and certain level of possessiveness before, especially when it comes to Jungkook. And I agree that these traits are needed to be present in healthy strong relationship. Then how do you view the Jungkook’s “joke” comment that basically gives permission to anyone who wants Jimin to themselves? It lacks that sense of “mine”. But there is the opposite side how we can interpret it. The thing is he felt like he is the one to approve what others can do with his hyung, like we should ask him and he has that right... Maybe and most probably I and several others are too strong headed to comprehend just light-hearted pass-through note but you know..what Jungkook wrote perhaps mindlessly can tell something about his attitude towards JM, right
Not you quoting me to me when yall said I was crazy with the claiming stuff
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Personally I don't see the Joke in this but whatever rocks our collective boat💀
There's absolutely nothing funny bout JIMIN BEING MADE FUN OF, MOCKED, TEASED, SLURRED- MEMEMIFIED cos a band member threw him to the wolves.
Did yall not see a man punch another man on live television for mocking his wife?? That shit ain't funny. He's gonna catch a hit to his jugular.
Plus i don't see anything wrong or shipper leaning with this comment. I want to kidnap Jimin, can I? Sounds more like a thirsty PJM midnight confession than a delusional shipper to me.
It's the kind of thirsty comment I'll leave in Jimin's inbox or Namjoon's or Bang PDs. Lord knows I've said the same exact thing out here a countless time. Jimin is hot sweet sexy with perfect ratios I want him not gonna lie. If I could kidnap him I would. Not lying. I've thought of kidnapping Jungkook just to use him as a bait to lure Jimin in my bedroom🤣
I saw that comment and giggled cos I felt Jungkook wanted to expose the thirsty ass freaks in his comments. Especially as it relates Jimin. I thought way to stroke JMs already Inflated ego😭
Lizzo thirsting, James thirsting, I'm thirstinh, now everyone thirsting damn. i did not know he was being ghetto💀
Historically, neither him or JM have responded well to shippers putting their ship in their face. I mean he had a pretty strong reaction when JM reached for his hands while talking about marriage. JM almost killed someone for calling him by Kook's name. He made Hobi apologize for calling him JK.
It's really disrespectful for shippers to throw their ships in the member's face. That objectifies them. But really I don't think this was a shipper throwing Jikook in his face.
But let's say this really was a shipper trying to put their ship in his face- IT'S A JOKE. WHERE HIS SENSE OF HUMOR AT???
I hate when idols play into shipping, actively participate in shipping culture and turn around and call shippers delusional. I hate it.
It's how they act gay and turn around and act like calling them gay is an atrocity.
And he is delusional if he thinks anybody cares about his ship with Jimin. So delusional and a false sense of security if he thinks people like his relationship with Jimin. His ship with Jimin is the most hated ship in the fandom for him to be pulling stunt like this- if it is what people say it is.
He really didn't have to answer that.
Feels passive aggressive to me rather than funny at worst, at best it's a failed attempt to get Jimins attention and hop on the fan thirsting over JM trend.
It gives me the same vibe as Jimin reading the where is Jungkook comment in his solo vlive. Remember I said it felt passive aggressive as well and low key shady cos he was trying to force hybe's hands and the next day they shoved Kook before the camera??😏
Jungkook really didn't have to answer that especially when the Asker might have been a PJM-
It's endearing seeing him try to interact with Jimin's fans. It's just as Jimin getting out of the way to let Hobi's fancam capture him, or him getting his ass out of Tae's shot when he sensed the fan was Tae biased.
Until I saw Tuktukkers making fun of Jimin, I didn't read too much into this.
If someone had said they wanted to kidnap my partner, I'd say yes with a smirk😏
Or I'd say get in line with a knife 🤺
Either reaction is valid to me
How many times have bts read comments from fans asking for Yoongi's hand in marriage? It's almost a running joke at this point.
When a fan asked him if he would go out on a date he said yes. Does that yes invalidate his personal commitment and intimate relationships??
Why can't this be construed as him playing into that sort of banter and validating Jimin in the process??
You think a guy who called out a hater in a calm level headed manner when that fan asked him to eat shit won't calmly call out shippers on unambiguously shippy posts and comments??
Same person who called Shippers funny for suggesting he names his painting Rock Bison??
Same person who read out "they call us Taekook" knowing very well what that meant...
Same guy who tells funs Hajima when they crossing the line.
And did he post and delete that??
Idols who've addressed shippers post aggressive comments and delete.
And which delusional bubblegum think Jungkook would be giving his permission for ANYBODY TO KIDNAP ANOTHER MEMBER OF BTS.
If JK really wanted to clap at shippers he chose the wrong post to do that on. It's unwarranted, unnecessary, and missed its mark.
And all these tmi they be sharing no one forces them to share. Script where?? Do I need to know he eats Ramen with Jimin?? No. Do i need to know they eat chicken together, work out together- naa this man is delusional. If he wants to clap at shippers he should clap at himself cos really no one be shipping jikook but themselves 💀
If he'd said no to OP it really wouldn't mean anything as well💀
It wouldn't be a moment of him claiming him whatsoever- not in the serious sense of the word. it would be just as Jimin or Tae or Hobi have said Kook is mine.
No one forced him to say Jimin is his I am you you are me.
I think it's delusional for him or anyone to read more into this.
Of all the savage clap backs at shippers by idols and BTS this pales in comparison.
Get out of your imagination
He's a man too so why would my heart beat for him?
Hahaha. Let's cut it out now.
I will shoot poison needles in yo neck
Yes, of couse.... really guys??💀
And the fact he thinks it's his place to give permission to anyone pls peak delulu
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I would have asked, and you need my permission why??😴
If I wanted to be sassy.
Or ask Jimin yourself
Or do whatever you want
We will never know what his intentions were or what he hoped to accomplish. I wouldn't want to read anything positive into his actions if he intended malice flowing from his desire to instill boundaries with shippers- particularly Jikook as a ship.
Nor do I want to contrue his words in a negative light because that would be gaslighting him.
He has the right to freedom of expression and is allowed to communicate his boundaries and his delights.
To me he simply enabled and indulged a fan who expressed desire to have JM for themself.
The comment wasn't inappropriate so the response can't be construed as inappropriate and ill intended.
If the comment was ill intended then for sure it merits that kind of response and it would be justifiable. Shippers don't know their boundaries sometimes and need to be put in their place.
Look beyond shipping for a moment, these people are human beings and their dignity as humans must be respected.
If the fan crossed their boundary then whatever Jungkook did should be construed as a move to instill boundaries and put that fan in their place as Tae and he himself has done on several occasions
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bukojuiice · 3 years
the wedding booth  — eren jaeger
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ೃ pairing: (eren jaeger x  fem! reader)
ೃ after being unwillingly dragged to plan and create a wedding booth for your first university festival, eren accompanies you to a bridal boutique. there, he contemplates about the future and all of the cheesy romantic stuff he wants to do with you.
ೃ genre and warnings: college au, lots and lots of fluff!
ೃ  my nav  →  my aot masterlist
ೃ 1k words
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My Big Fat Greek Wedding, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Wedding Planner, Wedding Crashers... hell, even Mamma Mia.
If having to be forced to watch these romantic comedies about weddings doesn't give you the sudden urge to get hitched and run away to some tropical island, then you don't know what will.
For your very first uni fair at Shigashina University, your friends had proposed a Marriage booth. To be more specific, three of your friends did. Jean, Sasha, and Connie are the masterminds behind this stupid idea and it's all because of three things:
1. Jean is pining over Mikasa so so bad. So many years have passed and yet he still hasn't found a way to confess. And so, due to his pompous ass binge-watching stupid rom-coms recently, he thinks that if "fake dating" can bring two people together, then having a fake wedding with his unrequited crush of 12 years could finally make her fall for him too. He wants the booth to be as iconic as a wedding straight out of Las Vegas. Problem is, he's never been to Las Vegas, and his terribly unrealistic basis for wanting it to be as iconic as a "Las Vegas Wedding" is that one scene from The Hangover and that episode from Friends.
He was delusional and yet, he wanted to push through with this proposal no matter what. Nothing was going to stop him... not unless it was one of the three seniors whom you would be proposing this project to in the first place.
2. Sasha's goals are much normal. A bit odd, but still normal and not as desperate as Jean's. All she wants is to get Ymir, the captain of the school's soccer team to confess to Historia, the freshman Bio-Chemistry student who works part-time as a library assistant (and whom everyone secretly fawns over for. she's just that damn cute.) However, the real reason as to why she helped [rp[pse this stupid marriage booth to get them to finally confess to each other is anyone's guess.
3. Connie thinks he's gonna get clout from this. Rise up the university hierarchy perhaps? He's treating the entire festival like it's high school all over again. He prays that the marriage booth will become the hottest thing in the festival, then he'll instantly become that cool and bad-ass freshie whom everyone wants to be friends with. Either way, if the booth is going to be a success or not, you know for a fact he's never going to be a part of the "cool kids" (good lord, can you believe people still use that term in college?) and he's gonna be stuck with you and your other friends for the rest of the years to come.
It didn't take long before they finally finished their elaborate PowerPoint Presentation (despite Connie insisting that Powerpoint is boring) that they were going to pitch to three of the principal members of the student council. Namely, Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman, and Hange Zoe.
It was gonna be an automatic no for Levi, obviously. Nothing could ever get past that man. But if they can somehow convince Erwin and most especially Hange to get on board with their stupid scheme, then the booth was good to go.
Now, here you are, in a bridal boutique. Purchasing some simple wedding dresses that will serve as your rent-a-dress service for the Marriage booth.
It wasn't originally a part of the plan. Not at all.
However, Hange would only approve of the project IF the wedding booth was going to be made into something more elaborate and memorable. They didn't want something as simple as printing out fake marriage contracts, cheap tulle fabric wedding veils, fake plastic bouquets, and wedding pictures that came out of a polaroid camera.
Oh no no no. They wanted it to be extravagant. The cream of the crop. The absolute bomb. The best booth at the festival.
Hange saw potential in the idea and with an approved budget by the student council, you could make anyone's wedding dreams come true.
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 Fast forward to a week before the event, you are currently on a shopping spree with Armin, Mikasa, and your boyfriend, Eren (because Sasha insisted he had the right proportions for the rental groom outfits. She totally did not ask him to come along so that he can see you try on wedding gowns.) to buy supplies, props, decorations, and everything else needed.
"(Y/N), we'll meet you and Eren at the bridal boutique, okay?" Armin proclaims, looking at the time on his wristwatch and struggling to balance the shopping bags on his other hand.  Mikasa notices how much he's been struggling and offers to hold the bags for him.
"Sure! Don't forget about the list that Jean sent!" You shout back, turning to Eren as his fingers interlace with yours, making your merry way to the boutique whilst Armin and Mikasa go off the other direction.
"Don't get too excited." You joke, nudging Eren on the arm. "I'll just be trying on these dresses for the booth."
There's a particular glimmer in Eren's emerald eyes, chuckling at your quip. "Sheesh. Did you really have to remind me? Of course I know that. Besides, we're too young to even think about marriage right now. What's important is that I'm spending the best years of my life with you."
"Eren Grisha Jaeger, it is too damn early for you to make me a blushing pile of mess with your flirty comebacks." You deadpan, the heat rising up your cheeks as you try to hide your embarrassment from him.
The both of you laugh it off, shuffling into the store. The chiming bells of the shop door echo around the area as you look in awe at the luxurious dresses occupying every available space. The wafting smell of a vanilla pinecone scent and the soft sound of a sewing machine doing its work. There was a homey and rustic feel to this boutique that made you feel like you were sent back in time.
From great flouncy pieces adorned in layers of lace that rolled like ocean waves to more humble designs, albeit of the finest cloth.
This plethora of finery- reminds you strongly of the many genteel ladies depicted in those books and historic romances you used to read and watch. Like that of Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility.
Having the opportunity to enter a boutique such as this was a dream.
"Welcome! May I help you find anything?" A seamstress appears from the register. She looks at you from head to toe, as if trying to guess your measurements.
"W-we're looking for wedding dresses. Anything within the 200 to 300 dollar range? We don't need anything extra fancy, though! We'll just be needing them-"
Her eyes shift from you to Eren like she's suddenly a love coach, sizing the two of you up. "Yes, yes, young love! How sweet!" She chirps, breathing out a dreamy sigh. "Of course! For couples on a tight budget, we have-"
"We're looking for wedding dresses that can be used as costumes! Not too short and not too long either. W-we're not getting married or anything." You dismiss the seamstress with a wave of your hand. "I'm sorry if you thought of it that way..."
Although her shoulders visibly drop, the saleswoman still manages to smile. "Oh! I would like to apologize for assuming anything too!"
"Actually, mam, we do have plans sometime in the future." Eren grins cheekily, pulling you close to him. "Not today, of course, but we'll make sure to drop by in a few years!"
The saleslady's eyes lit up at Eren's vow. "Over here are some of our best-selling pieces! Ones that will certainly attract the eye of any groom!" She beckons you over to some mannequins lined up in the middle of the store, your gaze is drawn to the myriad of dresses on display as you walk throughout the space.
You turn back to Eren, studying him closely as he walks a few paces behind you, you thoughtfully wonder if the dresses you would pick out would match his taste.
She leads you to the back of the store to show the other garments and dresses embroidered with simplicity and yet elegance. You then pick two gowns up from their respective racks, satisfied with your purchase and making a beeline to the register to pay. However, the seamstress stops you from your tracks.
"How about this one, dear?"
You turn your attention to her, doe-eyed and curious as to what she was going to show you next.
"It is indeed a wedding dress, although not what you had asked for, the handsome young man did say something about your marriage plans. Perhaps this might help you visualize it? Give you an idea for the future, hm?" She hums wistfully, drawing your attention to the mannequin she placed in front of you. "It would be a shame if you left the boutique without trying anything on."
"(Y/N)?" You hear Eren's husky voice call out for you from the front of the store, "Armin just texted me. They can't find a specific prop in the crafts store so we might have to wait a bit longer for them."
"Okay! We can spare more time in the boutique, anyways." You answer back,  before turning your attention to the seamstress once more.
"Alright. I think I'll try it on then."
"Trying it on" turned out to be more than you had imagined. You thought you could just slip inside the dress and show it off. But nope. You needed a few adjustments to dress, adornments in your hair, and had to wear a wedding veil.
It was almost as if you were actually preparing to be wed.
"Good sir, your lovely missus is ready!" Yup, even the words of the seamstress made you feel like you were living in the 17th century right now. Did she really have to use such fancy words?
"Please, watch your step." The seamstress takes your hand and leads you out of the dressing room and right towards—
Eren who had been waiting in the shop proper.
"Doesn't she look beautiful?" She giggles, glancing at Eren for a response. "Well, I'll leave the two of you here first and bring the dresses you've chosen to the cash register first." In a wink, she's gone and had disappeared into the back almost before the words left her mouth.
The unfamiliar yet elegant garb makes you feel shy and the fact that Eren was gaping at you did not help at all. He was absolutely entranced by your beauty.
You unconsciously lower your head, tucking a strand of hair beneath your ear, unable to bear the thought.
"God, you're not just beautiful. Y-you look breathtaking."
He says in a barely audible whisper, pulling you to him once more.
Placing his hands on your waist, Eren plants a soft, tender kiss on your chest, the low-cut dress affording it easily. In a heartbeat, you feel your cheeks grow hot.
"Heh. Guess I got you again." He grins wolfishly, still admiring your beauty and tracing circles on the back of your hand. "I-I don't deserve you... I really don't."
"If you didn't deserve me, would you be here right now?" You say jokingly, raising your eyebrow.
"I mean it." He buries his face on the hem of your dress, his voice is muffled and soothing. "I can't believe you chose to love me." He looks up at you, eyes practically welling up with tears. "God, I honestly can't believe I'm crying right now, but, yeah... I am. That's how much I love you and how much I want to marry you right now."
You giggle at the expression your boyfriend has shown before you, stroking his hair and burying your fingers into his long brunette locks. "I love you too. But... why so sudden? You already told the saleswoman that we'll be back in a few years. She'd be surprised to hear you change your mind so easily."
"Well, if that's the case, then I better tell Jean to have us first on the list of the wedding booth then. We worked our asses off for this, might as well be the first to be blessed with the luck of that stupid booth."
You giggle once more as he continues to hold you so close. You feel his breath and his heartbeat. Each exhale and pulse brings you to the realization that Eren is the one. The man you want to be with for the rest of your life. The man who will help you through all your faults and mistakes, your burdens and troubles, through all the ups and downs... he will be there.
Just as you will be for him.
Guess those stupid movies centered around weddings weren’t so bad after all
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.taglist: @crapimahuman​
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trashy28 · 3 years
Get Some Rest (Tech x Reader) Pt 2
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Warnings: anxiety, angst-y ?, mentions of death/near-death experiences, blood/gore, mentions of violence, fluff at the end i promise (i would say im sorry, but im not) (bet you didn't expect this right after a fluffy first part >:))
Pairing: Tech x GN!Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Part 1, Part 2
Summary: Oh no! It's a mission gone wrong trope! I wonder what could possibly be underneath this keep-reading cutoff! It totally cannot be where the reader and the bad batch go on a rescue mission only for something to go awry leading to treating injuries, and feelings.
"Everything is going to be okay. It will be alright. You got this y/n, you got this." You mumbled to yourself under your breath as you hid behind a convenience stall on some Outer Rim planet.
Something had gone wrong, VERY wrong. The mission was supposed to be easy: get in, get the prisoners, and get out, but it had all gone downhill faster than you could say dank farrik.
Earlier in the day, Tech had tapped into a secure Separatist transmission when messing around with his datapad. The Separatists were broadcasting a signal from a supposed neutral Outer Rim planet back to their base only a system away. They had taken the native people as prisoners and were going to use them for something, but none of you could figure out what. From then on, Hunter had taken charge, deciding that there was no time to ask for approval on the mission.
When the five of you reached the planet, you couldn't help but whisper to Tech next to you, "None of this seems right. If the Separatists did take these people as prisoners wouldn't there still be ships and droids?"
Tech simply looked at you before saying, "Not if they wanted to be secretive about it," and going back to his datapad.
You let out a huff. Things hadn't been that different between you two after the kiss you shared in the cockpit of the Havoc Marauder. When in private there would be shared tender moments, like there was nothing in the world that could come between you two, but with his brothers, Tech would regard you as the friend they all viewed you to be. They all knew something was going on between you two, and you had even taken it upon yourself to rant to Crosshair one night. He said he 'reluctantly' chose to listen, but he had calmed your anxious babbling about how you thought that Tech was embarrassed that you two were something now. That brought up another fact about how you two never addressed what you could call yourselves. Any time you tried to bring it up to Tech he would either cut you off with something else he was wildly researching, or one of his brothers would walk in and need either one of you. Crosshair's words did help to remind you that "That's just how Tech is sometimes. Clones were made to be fighters, not lovers." Leave it to him to say something like that. Out of every one of his brothers you knew he was the one who wanted a normal life the most even if he didn't show it.
As you and the rest of the group began your walk from the Marauder to the closest town you found yourself falling into step next to Wrecker instead of your usual placement besides Tech. Looking down at you, he asks, "Something bothering you? It sure looks like something is,"
Looking up to make eye contact with him you say, "I still don't feel like this is right. Everything seems to be falling into place too easily. This never happens to us!"
Wrecker turns his attention back to the surroundings passing a glance over the open area before stating, "Honestly, it is a little odd, but I trust the others and their intuition as much as yours."
The finality in his tone stood true as neither of you said anything for the rest of the walk into the town square. Walking past the empty booths would have been enough to send normal civilians running at the sight, everything was ruined. Curtains torn, fruit on the floor, and vendor booths destroyed. It was a depressing sight to see, but sadly one that the group was used to, it was a time of war after all.
After a little longer of walking and reaching the heart of the city, Hunter holds his fist up and all of the groups' motion ceases. "Tech," he says, "Can you pick up anything else from that transmission or anything that could give us a clue as to what else happened here?"
"I'm working on it, have been since we landed. The Separatists have scrambled all signals, so it’s taking me a while to try and find the frequency again," Tech answers before looking around the surrounding area, "As for what happened here, I think the evidence speaks for itself."
Hunter sighs before saying, "Alright, we'll split into two groups to cover more ground. Tech, and Wrecker you're with me. Crosshair and y/n, I expect no arguments coming out of this grouping."
Crosshair scoffs as you roll your eyes and make your way to stand next to him. "Didn't plan for arguments but maybe I'll start a few just to piss you off now," you say as you turn back towards Hunter.
"Just make it back here in one piece, we'll meet back up here at 1500, and if anybody is late, we assume they have gone missing and this was a trap," Hunter says before turning away and starting to walk down one of the many deserted alleys.
"Looks like we're stuck together again Cross," you let out before elbowing his side and starting to walk forward.
Following you and shoving a toothpick in his mouth he says, "As long as you don't complain about your problems with your boyfriend the whole time this might just be enjoyable."
"Yeah, yeah, let's just get going you karking toothpick lover."
It had only been around half an hour or so of walking before you and Crosshair could hear blaster fire in the distance. You ask, "Hey Cross, am I dehydrated, or is that actual blaster fire?" Turning around to face the said man, he already had his eyepiece down checking for heat signatures and was pulling you by your arm into a space between two buildings.
"There's nothing around us, but I'm assuming the others encountered some clankers. They must have found something because well, we found nothing and have no one after us," Crosshair states before tilting his helmet down to you and reading your facial expressions, "You want to go back and help them, don't you?"
"Of course I do Crosshair! Don't pretend that you don't want to either, I know how you care for your brothers. Let's just try to make it back without alerting any of those damn droids," you reply.
Crosshair tilts his head towards a stack of boxes and towards the roof of the buildings, you were situated between. "I think I have an idea."
"Why the hell did I let you come up with the idea to get back to your brothers. Running from roof to roof isn't exactly easy and leaves us out in the open," you complain before hopping another gap in-between roofs to catch up with Crosshair.
Crosshair stops short in front of you on the next roof almost causing you to walk into him before turning around to face you, "Look, I'm just as anxious as you to get back to them, but they are all capable enough to take care of themselves and I trust them with that. You of all people should know that as well," he spits angrily, and could almost hear a growl with his final punctuation.
"I know Crosshair, I get that you are worried, but I just can't help thinking that something had to go wrong. Let's just hope that my intuition is the wrong thing," You say before putting a hand on his shoulder, "C'mon, let's make this fast."
By the time you had made it back to the town square, to your luck, you still had not encountered any droids except for the ones who were scattered all over the floor in pieces.
"Looks like Hunter got to work on these guys," you say as you bend down to touch the large gash left by a vibro-knife in the torso of a droid.
Crosshair is examining another droid with its head ripped off only a few meters from you, "Looks like Wrecker got these guys too. But the question remains: where are Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech?"
At this, you paused and drew your focus away from the droid and instead survey the area, "The real question is, why is there no evidence of Tech fighting back? There are no electro-proton bombshells and even no blaster marks on any of these guys."
"Maybe they split up," Crosshair looks at you before pointing down one of the alleys.
"Fuck, I hope you're right."
It didn't take both of you that long to find Hunter and Wrecker, but it also didn't take long for another set of droids to ambush you. That's how you found yourself pressed behind the convenience stall mumbling under your breath. You had managed to take down a few droids but were forced to take cover. The others were still scattered around picking off droids one by one just as you remembered that Tech was still nowhere to be seen. Your mind was rushing faster than you could've ever thought trying to find out any idea as to where he could have gone.
Suddenly the blaster fire stopped as you heard a final clank from a droid hitting the ground. As you stood up you looked around cautiously, and deciding the coast was clear you jumped over the stall to group up with the rest of the bad batch.
As everyone began looking over each other there seemed to be only one thought shared between the group. This was a trap and Tech was gone.
Trying to alleviate the sour mood the group was plunging headfirst into you chuckled before saying, "You guys can finally say I was right now."
The others groaned before Hunter said, "Now is not the time y/n, Tech's missing and we have no clue where the kark he could be."
"You think I don't know that Hunter?" You let out through clenched teeth before continuing, "I'm just as worried as you are right now, but let's get somewhere where we don't have to worry about droids ambushing us."
Crosshair let out a sigh from beside you, "They're right. We won't be able to help Tech if we're dead so let's get back to the ship."
Picking up what he was putting down you finished for him, "We can re-group our thoughts on the Marauder, come up with a game plan, and then retrace our steps. It will do no good thinking while our minds are in 20 places at once."
Back on the ship all of you had gathered around the small datapad you placed in the middle of the table. "Alright, I tracked Tech's datapad's last known location to here, but who knows if it even with him," you say before zooming in on the location, "We can't guarantee that it would be safe either, we all know the number of clankers they sent after us just to try and keep us away."
"As long as I get to blow something up and get Tech out, anything is a good plan," Wrecker says before heading towards the back of the ship.
Crosshair nods at both you and Hunter before getting out of his seat to go and follow Wrecker.
"I know you're really worried, you don't hide your emotions that well," Hunter says while placing a hand on your shoulder.
"No shit Hunter," you start while rolling your eyes, "I'm worried about what might happen if we can't find him, or even if it's too late and he's already gone. I don't know what I would be able to do without him."
Hunter gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, "It will be okay y/n. For our sake and yours, let's think positively."
The four of you had made your way back into the town square better equipped and without a problem. You had some of your own plastoid armor on now for a bit of extra protection in case things decided to take an even stronger turn for the worst.
"The signal from the datapad is down the alley to the Northeast," you say while glancing up from your own datapad.
The group nods back at you as you continue your way down the alley. It was quiet, the tall sand-colored buildings surrounding you couldn't help but make you feel claustrophobic. The other alleys were not like this. They had seemed to be more open, with a lot fewer canopies, but this one had canopies blocking almost all the sun. It also didn't help that it was starting to get dark.
As you reached another intersection, Hunter held up his fist to signify everyone to stop. A wave of déjà vu flashed over you, and you prayed to any gods that would listen that you wouldn't split up again. After a few moments, Hunter turned to you and tilted his head to the side, to which you answered by pointing your hand to the alley to the right. In a whisper, you add, "If we continue straight down that alley, we should reach another intersection. Tech's datapad should be there."
The four of you continued walking again and when you reached the intersection you couldn't help but let out a strangled sob. There was a pool of blood on the farthest side of the intersection that was smeared on one side. Rushing up next to the blood, you stopped mere centimeters from it as your eyes caught sight of Tech's datapad. Your hands were shaking as you reached for it and you brushed a finger over one of the bloody fingerprints. "Oh shit," you say letting out a shaky breath. How could you have let this happen; how could you allow yourselves to walk right into a trap? Now Tech was gone, bleeding out, or dead, and there was no exact way to trace him.
You see Wrecker's hands wrap around your own but don't register the feelings. Your whole body has seemingly shut off and stopped processing the world around you. Wrecker takes the datapad from your hands and passes it to either Hunter or Crosshair. You are too shocked to care as you collapse to your knees. Wrecker is at your side on the ground in seconds and pulls you right into him. The plastoid armor that would bring you so much comfort as you used to hold Tech close only burned as tears began to fall from your face. The air was thick with remorse and regret, but you couldn't hold on to the fact that he could be dead. After a few somber minutes recollecting yourself, you pushed away from Wrecker and pushed yourself off the ground, offering a hand to Wrecker to assist him. Once both of you were up and you had cleaned the sand off your pants, you turned towards Hunter and Crosshair. They were silent as ever, Crosshair had taken a seat on of the nearby crates and had his head in his hands, and Hunter had taken to looking at Tech datapad.
Breaking the silence, you spoke first, "We can't just give up and believe he is dead," startling Crosshair causing him to jump in his seat.
"Yeah, we need to think he's still out there, that the Separatist kept him alive for information," Wrecker added, backing you up.
Hunter had turned back around waving the datapad, "They were smart enough to keep his datapad here, but they weren't smart enough to wipe any messages on it."
At this, you scrambled over to Hunter's side and pulled that datapad closer to your face. Displayed was an unsent message to you that contained various numbers. "Coordinates," you say breathlessly as Crosshair joins the rest of you standing in a haphazard circle around the datapad. Adding, you ask, "Do you think those are the coords of the base where they took the prisoners too?"
"Probably," Crosshair speaks for the first time since arriving at the intersection, "Let's hope Tech's there too."
Taking Tech's datapad from Hunter, Crosshair begins off in the direction leading away from Tech's bloodstain on the ground, but also opposite the way you came. The rest of you fall into step behind him and continue your way to your destination.
On the way following the coordinates, all four of you were on high alert, but no droids had come to attack you, relieving some of the stress. It didn't help relax you guys upon seeing the droids surrounding a large sandstone castle-like building. Stopping at the crest of a hill a while away from the makeshift Separatist base, Hunter and you took to scanning the surrounding area, while Crosshair and Wrecker began to formulate some form of attack.
"Once again, I can tell you're worried," Hunter said as you both had scopes pulled out to try and find any weak points in the droid formations.
"And once again, we all are Hunter. I just hope we aren't too late," You reaffirm before pointing at a space straight ahead, "Look, they're rotating shifts. Maybe we could find a way in on their next rotation."
Hunter turns to look at you before saying, "How would we know when the next rotation is?"
"I don't know, maybe figure out what time it is Mr. Survivalist," you taunt sarcastically.
Hunter scoffs before saying "It's 1900, we could use the fact that it's dark out now to our advantage. It could help us slip in and out undetected if we want."
Nodding before standing up, you say, "True, let's go tell the others and see if it can play into their plan."
Once getting back to Crosshair and Wrecker, all four of you focused on a plan and decided it was best to split into two groups to help divide the droid forces. There would be no surprise ambushes by the droids, but instead an ambush on them. You and Hunter taking the back way in, through the gap in droid shifts you noticed earlier, while Wrecker and Crosshair would work on some sort of distraction from the front.
Wrapping up the discussion of the plan one last time before separating Hunter adds, "Remember, this is a rescue mission. Once we have Tech and possible other prisoners we get out as fast as we can."
You, Wrecker, and Crosshair nodded before wishing each other luck as they walked off from your position.
"You ready y/n?" Hunter asks.
"Ready as I'll ever be," you say back to him as you two make your way towards your position.
Once situated towards the back of the building, Hunter commed Crosshair saying, "The droids are about to rotate positions, on my word start whatever distraction you have in mind."
The two of you waited on edge while the minutes drew on. After what felt like forever the droids finally began to move. At this, Hunter commed Crosshair again with finality, saying, "Now."
From your position, you could see the blast from the explosives Wrecker had set off, along with the heavy concentration of blaster fire. The droids that were covering the area where you and Hunter immediately went to act as reinforcement to those affected by the blast.
Hunter and you ran from your location to the back of the building, quickly finding an open window. Pulling the window open more, you forced your way inside as Hunter followed. The room was empty, and most of the lights were off. Pulling out a flashlight you scanned it across the floor quickly before turning it off again to not be spotted, even if there was a small chance of that.
"It looks like we are in some type of living room," Hunter says before making his way away from the window and peeking his head around the corner of the door and into the hallway. "The hallway's clear, I would say split up to cover more floors, but seeing what happened last time I told everyone to split up... I don't think that's a good idea."
Nodding you made your way over to him to look out into the hallway as well. "I say we go to the basement if there is one. It would make sense to keep people prisoner there," You say before stepping foot into the hallway.
"Yeah, but the only problem is finding stairs that could lead to a basement," Hunter says while stepping into place behind you.
"It shouldn't be that hard, plus if Tech was still bleeding by the time, he got here, wouldn't you think there would be a trail of blood where they brought him?" You shuddered while stating the possibility out loud, just as Hunter made a noise of acknowledgment.
After what felt like hours of walking the hallways on high alert, and checking most rooms as you come across them, you staggered trying to stop yourself from walking as you finally caught sight of some blood on the ground. "Hunter," you whispered, "Look."
Hunter looked around your form to get a glance at what you were looking at, before shining his flashlight down the rest of the hall. "There's a trail too," he said while keeping his flashlight trained on the spots of blood.
"C'mon," You say as you grab him by the hand and pull him the rest of the way down the hallway.
Stopping at the end of the said hallway you are greeted by stairs to the left of you, and you turn to Hunter before silently agreeing to walk town together in sync. The stairs were solid sandstone, so you didn't have to worry about any creaky stairs, but you did have to worry about footing. Pulling out your vibro-knives at the same time as Hunter, you two started making your way down the stairs. The sight that waited for you and the bottom of the short walk would stick in your head forever. The basement was one single connected holding cell, with prisoners lined up against the bars trying to get a look at you. Some of them were crying, others wailing in pain, and some had fallen into silent spells. Noticing this, Hunter and you quickly put your knives away before you rushed to the gate with the main lock at it. While you made fast work of the lock and quickly picked it, Hunter had begun reassuring the people that we were here for help and that he was looking for someone who looked like us. With the gate, open people poured out in a mass exodus and began to make their way upstairs, without a single care of what could happen to them.
Once almost everyone was out, you and Hunter made your way into the cell where you were greeted with another terrible sight. Tech was there on a stone table in the middle of a cell with one of them, now freed, prisoners hovering over him. His armor was off and tossed to the side as he was only in his blacks, and he had a bacta patch wrapped around his torso. You rushed over to him as Hunter escorted the prisoner out of the cell and couldn't help but let out a sob for the second time today. Tech looked frail, and you hesitated to even reach out to touch him fearing that it would break him. You were immediately relieved after placing two fingers on his wrist and feeling his pulse. It was weak, but it was still there. "Hunter! I need some help down here," you call out before starting to run around the table to grab Tech's armor. Hunter came running back down the stairs at your call and once you saw him you continued, "I need you to carry him out of here. I'll get his armor, but we need to move fast before the droid realize that this was all a diversion."
At this Hunter makes his way to Tech's side without a word and picks him up and slings him over his shoulder. Grabbing the final pieces of Tech's armor, both of you begin to make your way up to the stair. Tapping the comlink on your wrist you hear blaster fire permeate through the room around you. "Crosshair, we got Tech. If I know Wrecker, he probably has some explosives, so as soon as we get out of the house, give him the word to blow this place up."
"Got it," Crosshair says before the comlink closes with a beep.
"Let's try a nearby window and get out of here as fast as we can before we tell them to set the chargers," you say to Hunter as you force your way ahead of him and into the closest room. Hunter follows you before grunting as a noise of approval. Making your way to the window, you grab Tech's helmet from where it sat under your arm and smashed it. Hunter gives you an exasperated look as he walks past you and out the window first, to which you only say, "What? It was a lot easier than putting everything down and opening it.
Once both of you are outside, you make your way to the location where you two started the mission. Reaching the spot a few meters away, you open the com with Crosshair again, "Crosshair, tell Wrecker to light it up. Now!"
Instead of getting an actual response as an answer, you could hear the various explosions coming from the area behind you.
"Nice work you two but meet up with us where we made camp before, it will be quicker to get back to the Marauder with Wrecker carrying Tech," You say into the com again before forcing yourself to walk in the direction of the temporary camp from before.
"Rodger that," Both Crosshair and Wrecker's voices come through the comlink before the transmission ends again with a beep.
The four of you, plus an unresponsive Tech, met up quickly and rushed back to the Marauder as soon as you could. Reaching the ship was a relief as Hunter had immediately gone into the cockpit and got you guys off the planet, and Wrecker took Tech to the bunks with you in tow with medical supplies.
Once Wrecker placed Tech on his respective bunk, you immediately rushed him out of the room and got to work. Removing the hastily applied bacta patch, you assessed the wound that Tech had got before he was captured. It was nasty at first glance, but you assumed it was even worse before he had the first batch patch applied. The cut ran from his left shoulder across his torso, coming to finally stop at the bottom of his right ribs. Luckily, the cut wasn't that deep, because there would have been hardly a chance, he would've survived that. Continuing your work, you cleaned the wound before wrapping it up again in another bacta patch. Standing up and observing the handiwork of your terrible medical experience, you run a full body scan with your datapad just to check for any other injuries that could internal. Thankfully, the scan came up negative and you could assume that Tech had just passed out due to blood loss. He still looked extremely pale as you stood there and stared at him, but some color was starting to return to his body.
Sitting back down, you grasped his hand in yours and looked at both hands together. As the weight of the day's events slowly started the catch up with you, you could hardly help yourself as you began to fall asleep. In a state of half-consciousness, you could've sworn you felt Tech's hand squeezing yours, but you were too tired to even process the notion that he might've.
The feeling of someone pulling your hand to their lips pulled you out of your nap and caused you to pick your head up from the side of Tech's bunk.
"Good morning Tech," you said before you could even process what was happening, but as soon as the words left your mouth your head snapped up and your eyes immediately widened. "Tech! You're up!"
Tech let out a breathy chuckle before trying to force his way up, only for you immediately to place your hand on his good shoulder and force him back down, "Nope, no getting up for you just yet. You had us all worried sir," you say while shifting your position to get a better look at him.
"I never meant to cause you guys any trouble," he says sincerely, "We had all got split up when those droids attacked us, and they caught me by surprise by sending in reinforcements."
"It's okay Tech, you don't need to justify your actions, you're alive and here back on the Marauder with us. That is all that matters," you say before gripping his hand again and squeezing it.
"Y'know while the droids were dragging me away as I was bleeding out, I couldn't help but focus on one thing," he says while squeezing your hand in return.
"Oh? And what was that?" You ask with a smile on your face.
Tech smiles back at you before bringing your hand to his lips again and placing a firm kiss on your knuckles, "I couldn't stop thinking about how I hadn't told you how much I love you."
Freezing in your place at the combinations of the words and the sincerity in Tech's tone, you couldn't help but find yourself smiling wider at what he had said. "I love you too Tech, too much. I thought I had lost you today but I'm so glad I didn't," you say with finality in your tone.
Leaning down to place a kiss on his lips you find yourself in a state of relief. Tech was back and safe out of harm's way, and he really does love you. Pulling away from the kiss, but still holding eye contact with him you say, "You still need to rest up, and don't think that kissing me will be a distraction."
Tech rolls his eye and lets out a groan before smirking and saying, "Well after I'm all healed you better make it up to me."
You smack his leg and let out a huff of frustration and as you go to walk out of the room you say, "We'll see about that one Tech. We'll see."
taglist: @bandaid-bunny @haloangel391
a/n: once again i feel like this is meh but i still dont know. i meant to have this done 2 days ago but almost passed out because of my second dose of the covid vaccine, plus i had a 6 page paper due so likeeee. anyway TAKE THIS right after the new episode, also if you guys watched it already... HOLY SHITTTT 🙏
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angelamajiki · 3 years
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PARINGS: Tomura Shigaraki x Prostitute! Female! Reader
CW: yandere, noncon, degradation, choking, somno? somno, prostitutes, unprepared sex, shigaraki has a FAT crush on mirko and decided he needed to take it out on you
AN: my first shiggy fic! please mind the tags and enjoy <3
For @tomurasprincess Shigaraki Birthday Celebration Collab! enjoy bb <33
Turning 21 and still being a virgin? It was pathetic, really. His birthday was not something he was used to celebrating; there were more important things for him to divert his attention to than a petty holiday. It was just another part of society that needed to be eliminated.
But, damn it all, if Dabi wouldn’t stop pestering him about “letting off steam” down on some street corner.
“I already told you, I don’t want some cheap hooker that’s gonna squeal on us.” Tomura sighed, scratching at his neck with a frustrated vigor. “Take Giran with you if you’re that desperate. Hell, Twice might even go too.”
But Dabi didn’t budge. “I’m not doing this for me, boss. It’ll be good to stop being so pent up and pissy.”
His grin was wide and toothy. Tch, of course, this was some kind of game to him. The bastard probably wanted to see how long he would last his first time, which even he knew wouldn’t be too long. Not that he would admit that out loud, least of all to the man sitting across from him at the bar.
“I am not pent up and pissy. I’ll go as long as you’re the one paying.”
“No sweat off my back, boss. I'll take you somewhere nice. Kurogiri said it's where your old man used to go to relax.”
The man wasn't lying when he said the place was nice. It was too nice. Made is his skin crawl to see so much money being thrown around so carelessly. They were all disgusting, sniveling pigs who would all bow to him one day, so he paid them no mind as they passed the whores around as quick as they would a used napkin.
“See, told ya I was takin’ you somewhere nice. So pick someone you like and a room to, uh, get to know them in. I'm off.” With that, Dabi stalked off to find his own kill for the night.
But how could Tomura choose just one? There were so many choices. Women, men, those who blurred the gender lines, mutants, both pretty and ugly. But hey, everyone’s got a fetish nowadays. The elaborate costumes and lingerie they wore meant nothing to him; it would just get in the way.
His eyes scanned the room before he did a double-take over the hero section. Heroes were popular, but Christ, would people be so depraved and desperate they would pay to stick themselves in a fake one just to bust? Apparently he was one of those people tonight. When he saw those bunny ears and that bodysuit, Tomura Shigaraki was done for.
A pink flush dusted his cheeks as he approved the vixen, the imitation of the woman of his dreams, more specifically, you dressed in a Mirko cosplay, tail and all. It was naturally unrequited feelings, but damn if his cock didn't get hard at the sight of Rumi viciously tearing through villains like they weren’t even human. She would make a fine one herself. Ah, but only in his fantasies. Or so he thought until tonight.
Lanky, bone dry fingers make their way around your wrist to yank you up out of your seat. Your eyelash had bat up at him as he had walked over, his attraction towards you was obvious. But he wasn't here to play games, so your coquettish flirting did nothing but make him cringe.
“Come on, little bunny.” He tugged you along to a private room. “We’re going to play together.”
Tomura was undoubtedly more excited than when he first entered the brothel. He sat down on the room's velvet couch and spread his legs, patting his bony left thigh.
“Sit. I don't like to repeat myself, so don't make me.”
You sauntered over to him, giving a slow walk to build than anticipation, but he wasn't feeling patient tonight. Tch, hero slut thinking you impress him? You were nothing but a hole for him to corrupt.
Four fingers brought you to his lap roughly, migrating to your neck for good measure.
“Do you know who I am, Mirko?”
Was he delusional? Not really.
But that wasn't the issue at hand.
A meek “no, sir” stuttered out from your bulging eyes and reddened face as he squeezed with bitterness he didn't know he had.
“No? The number five doesn't know who I am?”
It was true then, he was just scum under her shoes. Who was he kidding? That damn rabbit bitch would kill him without a second thought.
“You think you’re so high and might don't you, hero?” He sneered venomously, tightening his grip while your arms weakly hit him. Good, he liked a challenge. “Looks like you need to be put in your place, bunny bitch.”
Your thrashing did nothing to quell his frustrated growls and huffs as he pulled the thong of the cheap bodysuit to the side—no point in disintegrating the whole thing. God, he couldn't wait to get his cock stuffed to the hilt inside you. His hard cock sprung free from his sweatpants as he pulled up the hood to his black sweatshirt.
The scene was already set in his head, a camera pointed directly at her as he corrupted her hero pussy for all of Japan to see what a whore their number five was. Unfortunately, you would have to do, alone with him in the dank room of the brothel.
God, you were just ruining everything weren't you? You hardly looked like her at all, especially with all that crying and squealing. She would never be so pathetic.
“Shut the fuck up; I’ll give you something to cry about.”
With that, he sheathed himself inside of your unprepared pussy. Oh fuck, did your walls clamp down on him perfectly. At least you were good for something.
Tomura wanted it to hurt, relishing in the screams you let out as he inched his way into your resistant cunt.
“Yeah, that's right. Scream for my cock. It's stretching you out nice and good, isn't it?”
He only got a sob as a response.
“I asked you a question, bitch.”
Ah, an enthusiastic yes. Maybe you weren't such a bad substitute after all. Heavy balls pressed snuggly against your skin as he fought the urge to cum so soon after violating you. The thought of one day being balls deep in Mirko almost sent him over the edge, but looking at your tear-stricken, choked-out expression lulled him back. Ugh, that definitely would keep him busting on the spot.
His pace was brutal as he snapped his hips into yours, snarling and growling all the way.
“You think you're too good for me, Rumi? Think you're hot shit? You're nothing but a breeding bunny for me.”
Your cunt felt heavenly clenching around him, he noticed that the harder he choked you, you squeezed his coco tighter. He quite liked the sound of your crying and pleading for him to stop, it was almost cute. Keyword being almost.
Now he's not one for pain, but damn if they sting on his thighs from slapping against your skin didn't feel just incredible. He has a fleeting thought to wonder how you're feeling, but he supposed it didn’t matter all that much. It was your job to please him, right?
“Cum on this fucking villain cock, Rumi. Show the world you're nothing more than a villain’s whore.”
It was his turn to cry, more so out of frustration as he used your body like a fleshlight, pounding into your now wet cunt mercilessly. God, if this didn't hurt knowing he'd never have her. But you seemed to do the job just fine.
The tail on the back of your bodysuit was bouncing and jumping with his thrust. What he would give just to be able to grab the real thing and hear her squeals of Tomura, more, more!
At some point, you had lost consciousness, and he couldn't find it in himself to care as he continued to chase his pleasure. He moaned louder and bolder now that you were out cold, hell, he even whined a few times. Not that anyone was around, or awake, to hear him.
He couldn't help but sob as he creamed your unresponsive cunt, hunching over your limp body and nuzzling his face into the faux ears you wore. Tomura could imagine how soft the real deal would be as they talked after, saying everything and nothing all at once.
Although it seemed it would be nothing as you were still limp and flushed under his arms. At least you were breathing and had a pulse.
Cleaning himself up, he stuffed a couple of dirty dollars into your still dripping cunt and stalked out of the room.
He’d definitely come back for round two.
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princessphilly · 3 years
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CW: Angst, angst, angst. 
Word count: 2916
Nina sighed as she snuggled her pillow. It sucked watching Sidney shake hands in the handshake line, the disappointing end to a good season. She sniffled as she watched Sidney stoically shake hands with the Flyers, disappointment and anger on his face.
This season, the Penguins had drawn the Islanders in the divisional semi-finals. After a hard-fought seven game series, the Pens had finally got past the Isles. However, the Flyers, surprisingly, made it past the Canes and the Battle of Pennsylvania was on. Unlike 2018, the Flyers won this time, in five games. Nina put her phone on vibrate, just in case Sidney called her.
However, Sidney didn’t call that night or for a fucking week. Nina was understanding at first but understanding turned into annoyance when pictures were posted of Sidney golfing with Kasperi, Brandon, and a couple of the single players. Nina just was glad she had the foresight to limit comments on her IG to approved commenters because she had no interest in people asking questions about him.
Scrolling her phone, Nina read a text from Marisa: has he called u yet?
No, Nina simply responded. She wasn’t going to call him first either. Let him have his bitch fit and golf. He didnt tell me he was going to go do that n im not his wife.
Nina’s phone rang and she answered. “Yes, Marisa?”
“Oh, Nina, he’s a douchebag. I can ask Kevin to slash him a couple of times next season,” Marisa commiserated.
Nina replied, “He hasn’t called me or texted me since that night. I haven’t tried to call him since Sunday because fuck that. I know he got his superstitions and everything but, no. Hell no.”
“I agree. Have you been out?”
Nina shook her head before saying, “I was finishing finals so I haven’t been out. Karesha told me we’re going out this coming Friday and, you know I don’t party like that but I will.”
“Give him something to miss,” Marisa advised.
Nina scoffed, “Something to miss? He’s lucky if I let him talk to me whenever he gets back.”
Sid groaned as he turned in his bed in Cole Harbour. He was so fucking pissed about the way the season ended; they finally got past the Isles only to get tripped up by fucking Giroux and his Flyers. Fucking Hart was a damn brick wall and fuck, Sidney could sense that his time in the game was coming to a swift close soon. For the past week and in a half, he had been in a funky snit, annoyed and needing to be away after golfing with the boys.
At the same time, he felt like shit. Sidney knew he shouldn’t have avoided Nina’s call; he was still raw from the loss and he didn’t want to expose Nina to that side. But, she hadn’t called or texted him since and Sidney didn’t know how to break the silence that he had created. Picking up his phone, Sidney blinked when he saw all of the messages on his lock screen. The team’s group chat had been busy last night.
Unlocking his phone, Sidney’s eyes bulged when he saw the messages. There were pictures of Nina out, with one of her friends, wearing a dress that was barely there. Her hair was falling straight over her shoulders but what really got Sidney’s attention was the fact that there were guys all around her. Then Nate sent a text; i guess ur single now. Told u not to go home without talking to her
“I’m a fuck up,” Sidney moaned.
“Yup, you are.”
Sidney blinked as he looked at his phone. He managed to call Tanger and Tanger didn’t look pleased.
“Sid, we’ve been friends for a long time but, I didn’t think you were this stupid,” Tanger scolded. “Really?”
“You know with the way the season ended,” Sidney began before Tanger cut him off.
“Nina knows that. She respects that. Nina’s not clingy or needy like some of the other girls. But, Cath told me you haven’t even called or texted her? Wow, Sid, wow.”
Sidney blushed as he listened to one of his closest friends berate him. Tanger was right. But how was he going to even apologize without looking like a bigger dummy?
“Well, you’re already acting like a dummy, Sid, so you might as well look like a bigger dummy,” Tanger snarked. “Nina isn’t like the other girls. She doesn’t need you.”
Sid gritted his teeth at that statement, especially since he knew that it was very true.
Sidney heard French yelling in the background before Tanger stated, “Cath thinks that despite being so good at hockey, you suck at being a person. And you made Nina cry when Cath last talked to her.”
Sidney wanted to slap himself. He made his pretty girl cry. “Fuck,” he yelled.
“Yeah, fuck. Fix it, Sid, instead of fucking yourself over forever.”
Sidney scrolled his phone after Tanger hung up on him. It looked like he was flying into Pittsburgh asap.
Nina sighed as she padded in her apartment. Last night was fun, going out with Karesha. They had just gone out to dinner, a jazz lounge, then ended the night at a rooftop bar. Nina knew people had been taking pictures of her all night and that people were wondering where Sidney was but that wasn’t her problem. There had been plenty of guys willing to take her home but Nina wasn’t interested in any of them either. She still wanted Sidney but fuck him too.
Her doorbell rang and Nina looked at the panel. It was Sidney with a pastry box and a wide grin on his face. Nina opened the door with a smile.
“Hi, pretty girl-”
Then she slammed it in his face, her grin growing wider as she loudly locked the door. Just like a man, coming back right when they realized she was getting attention from other men.
“Go away, Crosby, unless you want attention because you’re knocking on my door,” Nina yelled from the inside. Putting her earpods in, Nina cleaned her apartment for the umpteenth time, singing along.
Sidney gritted his teeth outside of Nina’s apartment. He was expecting her to let him in, yell at him, then he would charm his way back in. He didn’t expect to get the door slammed in his face and being told to leave. His desire not to gain extra attention was the only reason he left.
Nina sighed when she heard Sidney stomp away. Her anger was starting to change to sadness, again. She had hoped this would be different but Sidney was just like every other man; ain’t shit at the end of the day.
“Take him for all his cash, girl. Then tell him, maybe I'll take you back.”
Nina rolled her eyes as she listened to Jamila. “For someone so wealthy, you sure like to talk about taking men for their cash.”
“It’s like this; men figure out their self-worth by how big their dick is, how many women they fuck, and how much money they have. You don’t want to go to jail so you can’t cut his dick off. So, fleece him and then dump him for good,” Jamila advised.
Nina sighed and Jamila groaned. “Oh my God, please don’t tell me you miss this dumbass. Dude didn’t contact you after losing in their playoffs! He ignored your call! He only contacted you in person after you and ‘Resha went out! The dick can’t be that good!”
Nina sighed as she listened to Jamila. Over the past couple of days, there had been Edible Arrangement deliveries, lunch bought for the staff, cards proclaiming that he was dumb as hell and sorry for being an idiot. And Nina still didn’t respond. No calls, no texts, Nina was still upset and feeling raw.
“Jamila.. Glass houses remember?”
Jamila sighed over the phone. She didn’t really have that much space to talk but she persisted, “You let him off easy, he’s going to walk all over you forever. I know I’m a fuck up but I never let a man walk all over me. Don’t let Mayo Boy, no, he’s Miracle Whip because that shit is disgusting and he hurt you. Don’t let Miracle Whip think he can apologize a couple times and you’ll come running back.”
“I haven’t made any decisions yet. Plus, I’m going away with Desi, Sio, Lauren, and Kim to Phuket. You know, that trip you helped plan but you can’t go on now,” Nina said as she logged into her workstation. Work had become a refuge of sorts. Everyone was pretty much professional, no one brought up anyone’s personal life. It was all about work and the patients and it made Nina happy. “I gotta go, I have a patient at 8:30.”
“Bye girl, and remember what I said,” Jamila replied.
Nina hung up and pulled her earpods out of her ears. It was time to focus on another day of work. Before Nina realized it, it was lunch time. Rubbing her temples, she sighed as she thought about lunch. Grabbing her purse and her keys, Nina made her way out of her office. “Rita, I’m going to get lunch,” Nina called out to the receptionist.
However, as soon as she left, Nina saw the infamous Range Rover in the parking lot and she closed her eyes. She wasn’t in the mood and it looked like it was going to get embarrassing for Sidney.
Luckily, it wasn’t Sidney who came out but someone totally different. Nina let out a breath she was holding and walked to her car. Her vacation was coming up in three days and she would be away for two and a half weeks. Sidney would probably leave her alone once he realized she was out of the country. Nina was sure of it, he had to have been icing her out to dump her anyway for the offseason.
“Still no call?”
Sidney sighed as Geno plopped in the chair across from his. He had put on his best smile today for Nikita’s birthday but he was feeling the strain.
“None,” he finally replied. Sidney felt so tired and such a fool. The best thing in his life had slipped out of his fingers and it was all his fault.
Geno snickered as Anna strolled in, holding a box. “Zhenya,” she asked before rolling her eyes at Sidney.
“Da,” Geno replied.
Anna started speaking rapid fire Russian, too fast for Sidney to even attempt to keep up. Geno started to laugh when Anna pointed to Sidney before pointing to the box. Then Anna abruptly turned on her heel and left the room.
Confused, Sidney asked, “What was that?”
Anna hadn’t been talking to him and Sidney felt like he was part of the subject of that conversation. Geno chuckled before replying, “Anna said that it’s a shame Nina isn’t here but she made sure to at least have a gift sent for Nikita before going to Thailand.”
Geno didn’t add the rest, which was Anna saying Nina had better manners than his captain, to at least send a gift that she didn’t have to send, before disappearing. He wasn’t interested in kicking his captain when he was down.
Sidney winced. Part of him felt a bit happy that Nina was somewhere, having fun but it was without him so it was his fault.
“Oh, look at this, Nina’s riding elephant,” Geno crowed as he looked at instagram. Sidney looked at the picture. Nina was riding an elephant, making some kind of triangle symbol with her hands. Then he looked at the comments and the first one said: look at you, dropping baggage and having fun.
Geno snickered before saying, “Poor Sid.”
“Not supportive, Geno,” Sidney remarked, closing his eyes.
There was a pause before Geno replied, “Maybe donate money to things Nina likes. Maybe she’ll talk to you when she gets back.”
Sidney checked his phone for what seemed like the umpteenth time. “Cros, she’s not going to text you.”
Sidney rolled his eyes at Tazer’s annoyed tone. Webs, Pricey, and Tanger laughed at him. They were all in Toronto together for a team Canada thing but that was over and they were out for drinks.
“Heard you fucked up, badly,” Webs stated in a dry tone. “When in doubt, always apologize first and buy the woman her favorite thing second.”
“Nina’s not big on buying stuff,” Sidney absentmindedly replied. Getting Nina to splurge on herself was like going to the dentist. It wasn’t fun.
One thing Sidney did realize from off and on monitoring Nina's Instagram was that she was big on helping out at the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, she liked volunteering at the Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh, and every year, she volunteered at a pop-up shop for girls who wanted to go to prom but couldn’t afford it.
Sidney wrote five figure checks to each organization, in Nina’s name, no strings attached. Sidney was serious about trying to get his pretty girl back and he knew that Nina was serious about volunteering and giving back. Now, he was just waiting to see Nina’s reaction. If Nina told him thanks but it was over, Sidney would be upset but he could accept it.
There were no texts that night but that morning, Sidney woke up to a text from Nina. It was a simple thank you but it meant more than anything to Sidney at that moment.
Nina sighed as she looked at the thank you cards that had been waiting for her when she returned home. This was so out of the ordinary, she had to text Sidney when she saw them. It was more meaningful than gifts.
The trip to Phuket had been amazing but there had been a tinge of sadness for Nina. She enjoyed riding the elephants, experiencing the beaches, going diving, everything. It was truly the vacation she had been waiting to have, after Covid and then switching jobs had pushed everything back. Despite her best efforts, Nina missed Sidney. She missed that dumbass hockey player, he had wormed into her heart that easily. She missed him and was still supremely angry at him. Nina felt like the biggest dumbass on earth. As she waited for him to show up at her place, she wanted to bang her head into the wall. I fucked up by dating him, Nina said to herself.
Her doorbell rung and Nina opened the door. It was Sidney, hands in his pockets, no gifts this time. He ached to bring her into his arms but Sidney wouldn’t touch Nina unless she gave him permission.
There was a stony silence after Sidney closed the door, neither willing to say the first word. Nina tried to summon some of the anger she had but all that was left was pain and sadness. Before she even realized, a couple tears had slipped. Sidney saw them and his composure completely crumbled. He did the one thing he swore he would never do; he made his pretty girl cry.
Nina hiccupped as Sidney pulled her into his arms. He just held her as she cried. “Fuck you, Sidney Crosby. I felt like you were icing me out before dumping me. Fuck you, you fucking jagoff.”
“I-I should have said something but I was so pissed and I didn’t want to lash out at you. Then it just snowballed,” Sidney said, heartbreaking as Nina sniffled.
“You’re such a fucking dumbass. I don’t even know why I’m even considering taking you back.”
Sidney said, “I just didn’t want to burden you with everything I go through at the end of the season, especially when it’s disappointing.”
“Fuck that, Sidney.” Nina glared up at him, the big dummy. “Communication, it means that if you say you’re in a relationship, you communicate. You should have even sent a text, ‘I’m pissed as fuck, going golfing with the boys, be back soon’ or even just periodically texted those stupid hi and good morning beautiful texts. How would you feel if I didn’t call or text you and went away?”
Sidney paused as he considered Nina’s point. He was unhappy he didn’t know that Nina had gone away without telling him but he couldn’t say anything now. “Your face says it all, Crosby,” Nina snarked.
“I’m sorry, Nina,” Sidney said, deep from his heart.
Nina sighed, she could tell he was truly sorry. “Those donations… they were a total surprise. They all needed the money and are dear to me. But the Pittsburgh Prom Dress giveaway, we always need more funds since it doesn’t get as many donations around the year. Your donation not only allowed us to provide more dresses this prom season, it also allowed us to expand our collection so that we could provide suits as well as dresses. Thank you, Sidney.”
“You’re welcome,” he sincerely replied.
Keeping her cheek on his chest, Nina said, “I’m dumb because I really am considering taking you back. But don’t ever do that again.”
Pulling away a bit, Nina looked deep into Sidney’s eyes. “I’m serious. I don’t think I’m clingy, I don’t require much, but don’t even do that again. I don’t need you to call me everyday but don’t ever ignore me like that again, Sidney.”
“I won’t, I swear,” Sidney promised, happy that his pretty girl was talking to him again.
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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Part 5
For once in your life, your eyes slowly open, only having been disturbed by warm morning sunlight. The soft comforter trapping your body heat and essentially you, as it pinned you to the soft mattress. You snuggle deeper into the sheets, breathing in the smell of clean linen and caramel.
Wait. Caramel?
With a jolt you jump from the bed, eyes wide as you look for the source of the scent. Patting down your jeans and shirt for at least one knife. You hardly remember what happened after dinner with his family. You remember booze, light conversation while feeling warm and floaty. Oh shit what was that passive that activated again? Rest assured?
"Info on rest assured." You grumble, voice soft from disuse. Your quirk happily pulls up a little informational box that you can see. Too sleepy to make the box private as it reads aloud to you.
"PASSIVE BUFF REST ASSURED. A newly unlocked buff that increases sleep quality and can only be activated around trusted individuals and safe places. Would you like a list?"
You stare at the question box with a flashing yes or no before you point with the tip of your knife to yes.
"Currently there is only one thing listed. Type : Individual Name: Bakugou Ka…."
"Oi." Someone calls from the front door of the apartment as you dismiss the information with a wave of your hand. He discards his boots at the door before making his way to his bedroom.
"You talking to yourself dumbass?" He says, blocking your only exit by leaning on the door jamb. He holds an iced coffee towards you, his eyes sharp as he adds.
"We need to talk about your file."
Crossing his arms you ignore his offer of iced appeasement, he sets it on the low dresser as you speak.
"It's not up for discussion."
"I'm your boss, I deserve to know."
"What you deserve to know is what's in that file. My whole life doesn't fit into a manila fucking folder. Quit asking questions."
"I'll ask what I want." He growls, "Because it's suspicious that you have this unbelievably complex quirk and yet I'm sure your top skills have nothing to do with stealing."
"If you're that concerned then ask the director of the program. I'm not the only secret 'reform'." You throw your hands into the air is exasperation
"He showed up dead shortly after you were inducted. Plus no one has any real record of what you've done. Not a single thing listed on what you've stolen."
"Talk to Deku then, he's next in line for that program, he ain't dead."
"He said he doesn't remember approving your file." He bites back and before you can retort strong fingers wrap around your wrist. His calloused pads brush over the cool metal of your bracelet.
"RECOGNIZED, BAKUGOU KATSUKI : NEW LIMITED ACCESS GRANTED. 1. Health and Condition status, upon request 2. Top five skills 3. Buffs that would benefit Bakugou Katuski. 4. Pending buffs to be activated by host. Please state a number."
"Two." "Cancel!" You try to shout over him but he beats you to it. The bracelet opens up a little box displaying your top five skills as of late.
"Stab resistance, poison resistance, what would a thief need those for? Stealth is number three and slight of hand is number five. Shit don't add up Princess." He glares while your nostrils flare, ripping your wrist away from his grip.
"You're really fucking pushing it…" He takes a step towards you while you step back as if it were part of a dance as you try so hard to keep your wrath in check.
"Am I? Like I said, shit ain't adding up. You have this bracelet that still has limited information to your quirk, support knows nothing of the recordings or god damn blocks you've placed on it and lastly…" Your knees hit the back of the back of the bed causing you to sit on the mattress. His rough palms come to lie flat against the fabric next to your thighs as he leans in. You fight to shrink back.
"Lastly, I deserve to know how an unnamed woman, who obviously knew you, turns up dead moments after I arrive on scene and then her body is gone in a matter of minutes. She poisoned you with a complex concoction that the lab in the agency has yet to figure out the formula to it and yet you knew the fucking antidote? What did you really do?"
Rage boils in your blood as you stare into his vermilion eyes. Like flipping a switch you turn ice cold, your breath mingles with his.
"You know what's funny? You don't see me asking how you became a manager with your shitty attitude. Nor do you see me asking how you manipulated and gaslit your way to the number one spot." You press your cheek against his as your lips graze his ear, "And you sure as hell don't see me asking how you're considered a hero at all after you told Izuku to kill himself in middle school."
The scars in his chest and stomach roar to life, demanding attention as his shirt scrapes against the sensitive skin. He takes a step back as if struck while the room begins to smell of smokey spiced caramel. His bones groan as his knuckles bloom white.
You smile as you stand, collecting your bag and the jacket he lent. Even grabbing the iced coffee he got you. Because why let it go to waste?
Cruelty slips onto your shoulders as nicely as his borrowed jacket while you pause at his bedroom door wanting nothing more than to leave him with terrible thoughts.
"Did you ever even apologize for that?"
Silence is your answer as you chuckle to yourself.
"Didn't think so."
You leave him with those nasty thoughts. Long gone as he still pants, pain shooting through his gut and lungs as it did all those fucking years ago.
As he moved without a second thought and placed himself in front of a stupid, dopey mop top boy who tried to hold up the weight of the world by himself.
With a guttural growl he looks over his destroyed room, as if a bomb went off.
He reaches for his phone dialing the number he never bothered to save.
"Meet me at our usual when you get off your stupid fucking shift. I know you've forgotten to eat you useless hero." The other line chimes in with a deep laugh as he adds.
"Okay Kaachan. I'll be there."
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Izuku doesn't get invited out often and especially not by Bakugou. So the emerald haired boy decides to keep an eye on his oldest friend. Silently watching and not glancing too long as hot head huffs and puffs, taking another shot. The ash blonde's favorite spicy ramen goes untouched as the large man across from him slurps up his fourth bowl, covered in sweat and dirt from the day's work.
"You better get my fucking money's worth of this endless ramen bowl shit." He bites, slamming down another shot, fingers subconsciously finding the old scar on his chest. The action does not go unnoticed by his more docile friend. Izuku thanks the waiter as he starts on his fifth bowl.
"I'm starting to think you're mad about more than the endless ramen you ordered me." Bright emerald meet dark garnet eyes that glare, Bakugou's cheeks burn in his buzz.
"Fuck you. Nothin's wrong." Another deadly shot.
"That's your seventh. Kaachan you can't fool me. Your body language gives it away." Bakugou follows Izuku's eyes to his fingers. Quickly he removes his calloused pads from the divot. Angrily staring at the wall like a child who's been caught.
"Fuck you." He murmurs, silence settles over the pair in the far back corner of the restaurant. Bakugou's eyes glance over to Izuku who continues to eat, crimson bore into the scars on his arms from where the dumbass had broken them time and time again. His scars burn with your words, with the memory of what he's said in the past.
Too cruel and for what?
"You know I'm-" Bakugou starts but Izuku holds up a hand, wanting to spare his friend.
"I know, you've shown me everyday, even before you jumped in front of me, Kaachan. I've always known." He leaves it at that, in his heart he knows that Bakugou is sorry. He's seen it in every action since their first year at UA, he doesn't need to hear him say it.
What good are words when actions spoke louder?
"So what's bothering you? Worried over someone? You're dating Rogue now right?" Izuku asks, holding his chopsticks at a point while Bakugou takes another shot.
"Her file is what's bothering me. Deku, she doesn't have a fucking thing of her past. Not to mention you don't even remember signing off on her. Real responsible." Bakugou watches with a dull snarl as Izuku goes back to slurping his noodles.
"Ka...Kaachan." Izuku chokes, "Not fair. They put a lot of your desk too and I bet you don't remember half of it."
"I'd remember something like that. Just makes it that much more suspicious. Probably foraged by someone but the question is who…." Katsuki sets his head in his hand, staring at his orange broth.
"Well, did you ask her yourself?" Bakugou scoffs in response.
"Yea, and it didn't fucking turn out well." His finger finds his stomach this time, the ghastly white crater suddenly irritated by the fabric of his shirt. Izuku stops eating, he isn't stupid and easily connects the dots. The soft man thinks back a decade of his friend is the worst condition but more worried about him.
"Kaachan…" Deep jade eyes water a bit but Bakugou puts up a hand
"Don't." He barks, sighing.
"So you must really care about her if whatever she said affected you that much. You weren't even bothered when they were trying to 'cancel' you." Izuku taps Bakugou's bowl with his chopsticks, silently begging the blonde to eat. Hopping he'll take at least a bite to soak up some of that alcohol. Reluctantly deadly fingers pick up the sticks, gathering ramen between them but still undecided if he should eat.
His silence is answer enough for Izuku.
"I know my agency started the program. I'll look into it some more tomorrow. I'll be mostly office duty since I have so much paperwork anyway. But even if her past is dark Katsuki, what are you going to do? She may not have had any say in the matter, she doesn't give me that evil vibe."
Bakugou thinks back to you. How you fight, how you hold yourself.
How cute you were sleeping on his shoulder before he eased you onto his lap. How softly you snored in his bed. His stomach twists, Izuku's words and yours floating around his head.
"I guess I'll decide once I have more answers." With that the blonde decides to bring the spicy noodles to his lips.
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brownflower23 · 3 years
Three’s a Crowd
(Spencer Reid x Female x Reader)
*Mature content warning*
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"Babe are you ready to go?" You hear from downstairs. "Yes coming down!" You responded checking the mirror one last time, satisfied with your work. You had perfectly styled your hair, applied simple makeup, and finished it with a tight little black dress and black heels.
"Wow" Spencer huffed seeing you coming down the stairs. "Thank you." You giggle flipping your hair over your shoulder dramatically. "You're trying to drive me crazy tonight, huh?" He joked looking closer at your outfit. "Well, you look pretty handsome yourself." You replied dragging a finger down his black button-down shirt. He leaned down placing a soft kiss on your lips intending it to be quick, but you wrapped your hand around his neck pushing harder.
"Slow down babydoll." He laughed against your lips. You pouted at him removing his plush lips, and using that name didn't help. "Tonight's gonna be interesting huh?" He grinned, you finally convinced him to go back to the bar. "Definitely" you smiled back and you both left for the car.
Ten minutes later you pulled into the bar, he hurried around to open your door. "Always such a gentleman." You teased him, although he really did treat you great. "Hmm, I wouldn't say always." He winked at you. You playfully hit his arm, and he took your hand leading you to the door.
When you first started dating Spencer hasn't crazy about going clubbing with you, but after a couple times of you begging him to go he grew into it. A couple of drinks in and you desperately needed to go to the restroom. "I'll be right back." You yelled over the music to him, he nodded. You successfully used the restroom and participated in some usual drunk girl bathroom talk. Then making your way back across the dance floor to the bar where Spencer was waiting for you, you felt a cold hand grab at your wrist. You looked over to see a guy that wasn't your fiance.
"Don't touch me!" You scoffed snatching away. The man laughed at you, surely he had a few too many. "Don't be like that baby, dance with me." He responded and then stepped closer trying to hold your waist again. "I said don't fucking touch me, and I'm not your baby." You try to push him back, but he didn't move much.
"You'll be whatever I say." He spat gripping you tightly now, his hands feeling like poison against your skin. "Let me go!" You screamed beginning to slightly panic until you heard a voice behind you. "Let her go." He boomed, the dominance in his voice even scaring you.
The guy jumped staring up at Spencer, you took the opportunity to quickly shove his hands away and went to Spencer's side. "What the hell is your problem man, she's just some whore." The idiot yelled pointing to you, it did slightly hurt even though you cared less what he thought.
Spencer stepped closer, you watched his jaw clenched tightly. "I think you need to apologize to her" Spencer barked now in the asshole's face, he laughed but you could tell it was hiding his nervousness.
"Come on he's not worth it." You pleaded to your fiancé, hoping he would drop it. It wasn't likely, Spencer was a sweetheart but also very possessive over you. He shocked the team when they first saw his dominate side around you. Although, they had no idea how dominate he really was.
"No, I'm not going anywhere without a apology" he replied causing you to groan loudly, damn his possessiveness. "Or what? Are you gonna beat my ass" He snickered, looking up and down at Spencer. "Fighting isn't really my style, however you might've just pissed me off enough to track down your wife and let her know you are here looking to cheat on her, again." Spencer whipped back with a confidence that made you bite down on your lip.
The dick looked completely shocked, letting you know Spencer was correct, but he was always right. "My bad man." He sighed waving his hands to show retreat. "That's what I thought." Spencer snickered wrapping his arm around you. You watched the coward that moments ago tried to force himself on you run away like a child. Spencer wasn't physically very intimidating to some, but he was tall, lean, and had the whit to make himself as intimidating as he wanted to be.
"Are you okay?" he asked tilting your chin up to look into his eyes, he looked so soft and concerned compared to seconds ago. "I'm fine, he was just a creep." You faked laughed trying to convince him, you weren't letting that dick ruin your night.
"How did you know that?" You asked still awe of him. "Well he had a tan line on his ring finger, so he wore a ring most days. Statistically he would cheat multiple times so I got a little lucky with that one." He shrugged like it was nothing. "You're amazing" You admit, pulling tighter on his arm wearing a girlish smike.
"If you say so, but now I need another drink." That was all he responded and grabbed your hand tightly moving through the crowd again. After a couple more drinks he began to relax and have fun again.
"Will you dance with me?" You asked sweetly, he grinned at you knowing it meant you would dance and he would stand behind you in awe. He stood leaving the glass on the bar and let you lead him onto the floor. Once you found a spot that wasn't too crowded to move he grabbed around your waist, positioning you close to him.
Your hips moved almost automatically to the music, with the strobing lights feeding the energetic crowd. Spencer turned you around pressing his body to your backside, resting his hands on your hips while you moved. You ground your body against his with the beat of the music, arms stretched up in the air latching around his neck. The faster you moved the harder he gripped into your hips, feeling his warm pants against your neck.
"Y/N" he moaned as a whisper in your ear, giving you chills. You could feel his stiffened groin against your ass, making you giggle. You turned yourself around reattaching your arms around his neck. He roughly kissed you, grasping your ass over the short dress. He usually wasn't a fan of public affection, but in this scene he let himself have fun.
"Something wrong?" You asked stopping to breathe, smirking up to his lust filled eyes. "Not at all." He smirked back, you still swaying in his arms.
You were in a daydream singing to the music as you danced when Spencer spoke. "Look" you heard in your ear, and you followed his eyes across the dance floor to a gorgeous blonde in a red dress dancing. "Mmm" was your only response and you nodded at him approving.
You released him and slowly walked toward the woman, she was more gorgeous the closer you got. "Hey I'm Y/N" you smiled dancing next to her. "I'm Amber" she smiled back, good she seemed nice. "Are you from around here?" you asked. "No, just here for the weekend." She shouted back over the music.
"You're really pretty." You complimented, glancing up and down her body quickly. "Thanks so are you, that dress is amazing " she returned the compliment. "Are you here alone?" You asked genuinely concerned. "Yeah, my friend left with some dude." She rolled her eyes. "Well, we can definitely dance." You giggled, and she seemed to agree lifting her hands.
After a few minutes you saw Spencer approaching from behind her, smirking at you, you returned the look. He stepped behind her, a little closer than a person normally would, to get her attention but still not touching. She sensed his presence, looking over her shoulder.
"He's with me." You chimed, she looked back to you with a slightly confused look. "Is that okay with you?" He spoke smoothly making her look back to him, turning some so that she stood straight between the two of you. You watched as she began to get the idea.
"That's fine with me" she smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear nervously. "My name is Spencer" He charmed, it was almost frustrating how different he became in this dominate persona of himself. Most of the time he would be to shy to woo a woman like this. He didn't bring out this side of himself often, mostly when you angered him, but you loved to see it.
"Amber" she replied nodding. "Her friend left her to hook up with somebody so I told her I didn't want her to have to dance alone." You told him to make conversation. "Well then let's dance shall we?" He winked at Amber, lightly touching her waist, turning her to face you.
Amber looked slightly surprised but was smiling. "Just relax." I giggled at her stepping closer to her and took one of her soft hands, and began dancing to the music again. After a few minutes, she gave in to the feeling, moving between our bodies to the music.
Amber's head fell back against Spencer's shoulder, eyes fluttering shut at the sensation of two sets of hands caressing her body. She reopened her eyes with a devious smile and slid her fingers around the small of your neck. You smiled back seeing what she wanted, and quickly also wrapped your fingers around her neck, your fingers tangling in her soft hair.
She met you in the middle, you could feel her overflowing with lust and desire through her lips. You heard a low groan come from Spencer, you didn't have to check to know he was definitely watching. You would taste her strawberry lip gloss as your tongue slipped over hers.
Amber moaned into your mouth when Spencer started leaving teasing kisses down her neck, you watched his hands gripping her body eagerly. Most of the time that would probably make you jealous, but now it did just the opposite.
"Let's get out of here." You announced getting their attention, they both nodded agreeing. The car ride was tense, you sitting in the middle of Spencer and Amber. Luckily the ride was short, and the radio filled the silence.
"Make yourself comfortable" You offered to Amber as you all walked into your and Spencer's house. "Thanks, this is really nice." She replied looking around your home. "Thanks." You smiled and walked to the fridge to get drinks.
"Here you go." You said sitting the waters on the table in front of them. She thanked you, laughing nervously. "You know we can take you home if you're uncomfortable. It won't hurt our feelings." You told her sitting a caring hand on her thigh. "I'm not uncomfortable, I just haven't done anything like..um..like this." She whispered the end tucking her hair again. You couldn't get enough of how cute she was.
"Well, what do you think this is?" You asked and began lightly rubbing your hands over her thigh. You could feel the muscle tighten as a reflex. "Whatever you two want." She responded quickly and confidently. "Don't ask for more than you can handle." Spencer chuckled, she had no idea what she's asking.
Now turning her attention to him. "You'd be surprised." The air in the room suddenly tensed, like you could feel the breaths we were taking. "Well, then how about we move this to the bedroom." He challenged back to her. She slowly stood waiting to be led, Spencer walking in front.
You grabbed Amber's arm softly halting her "If you really want to get him riled up, call him Daddy." You whispered to keep Spencer from hearing. You wanted to see if that would freak her out, but she just smiled and nodded. Wow.
Once up the stairs and in the bedroom things started moving quickly, Spencer instantly backing her into a wall. You sat on the bed deciding to watch for a moment. He attached his lips to her neck, you watched her head fall and nails grip into his shoulders tightly.
You felt your underwear becoming damp, watching him lift her, pushing harder against her. She wrapping her legs around his waist, tugging his hair as he kissed her roughly.
"You aren't as innocent as you seem are you Amber?" Spencer questioned releasing her lips for air. "You tell me..Daddy." She purred glancing back at me with a knowing smirk. He groaned at her words, quickly placing her on her feet gripping her throat. He towered over her, you could see the slight surprise in her eyes but not necessarily fear.
Spencer glanced over his shoulder shaking his head at you, but you knew he wasn't mad. He just hated you knew exactly how to get a reaction out of him. He turned his attention back to the beautiful woman he had pinned against the bedroom wall.
You watched him bend down to her ear, and you could barely hear his words. "Since you think it's so amusing to call me that, I hope it's still funny when you can't stop screaming it." She swallowed hard unable to find any words, but not daring to take her eyes off his. He softly chuckled at her, removing his hand, and ushered her to sit on the bed next to you.
"Hmm but before I do that, how about you get her ready for me, doll?" Spencer asked now looking at you, you nodded eagerly already having in mind what you wanted to do. "My pleasure" you smiled at Amber, she glanced back down to your lips. You leaned in slowly taking her soft lips again, she eagerly pushed harder against you.
You heard soft background music start to play, Spencer was always one to set the mood. When you finally opened your eyes the room was now dark, except for a lamp providing the perfect dim light. After taking in the surroundings you turn back to Amber, placing tender kisses down her neck.
You could hear her start to breathe heavy, her hands running all over your body teasingly. After being sure you left a mark on her collarbone, you went back to her lips, but it was much more hungry this time. She gasped into your mouth as you roughly pinched at her nipples through the thin dress.
"I think you beautiful ladies have on too many clothes" Spencer announces drawing your attention to him. He had removed everything but his briefs and was sitting at the top of the bed watching you two. "I think you're right sir." You responded and stood quickly sliding the dress off your body.
You then helped Amber finish sliding her dress off her legs, both of you settling on the middle of the bed. "Your body is so sexy Amber." You whispered taking her in, only covered in lace underwear. "So are you" she smiled and laid on her back. You understood the signal and straddled her hips.
You leaned down to kiss her again, her fingers rested on your hips. Your hands found her bare breast causing you both to moan. She returned the favor and began also kneading your breast, her hands to soft and attentive.
You couldn't help to grind against her, making you feel the wetness that had accumulated between your legs. "Shit" Amber murmured against your lips. "You like that baby? Hmm?" you asked smiling down at her, grinding harder. "Hell yes!" she smiled back. "Well wait until you feel this." You taunted and quickly removed the last little pieces of fabric from your bodies.
You glided back on top of her, but this time bringing one of her legs on top of yours so you could move between them. She bit down on her lip staring at you, knowing what was about to happen. The air caught in both of your throats when your pussies finally touched.
You heard a loud groan from Spencer above you. You looked up seeing he had also removed the rest of his clothes and was stroking his cock slowly watching you. He stared like a hawk, with so much intensity, it made you want to put on a show for him, and that is just what you were going to do.
You rolled your hips into her, moaning out at how wet both of your folds already were. "Fuck such a perfect pussy, you're gonna love it daddy." You moaned, his eyes darkened at your words, hand working faster on his shaft. "Mmm, grind your little pussy faster baby, get her nice and wet for me." He groaned.
You obey, scissoring her roughly. "Fuck fuck fuck." She cried throwing her head back into the pillow, moving her hips with yours. You couldn't keep your eyes open as you moved against her, moans and curses falling from both of you.
Her hands came up and pinched at your nipples adding the perfect pain to your pleasure. "Oh my God Amber. That's so good. Fuck." You cried, grasping onto her leg tightly. "Don't fucking stop. Fuck your gonna make me cum so hard." She moaned staring directly up at you.
"Are you gonna cum all over my pussy baby?" You smiled at her feeling your own orgasm coming. "Yes please, I want to cum so bad." She replied and leaned up taking one of your breasts in her mouth. You grabbed the back of her head, holding her mouth against your breast while you began to grind more wildly. You could hear Spencer groaning loudly above you.
"Shit baby, yes right there." You gasped, feeling your muscles tightening. "Fuck" she also gasped feeling her own climax coming and pulled you down to her lips. You both started shaking holding each other tightly, letting the high roll through your bodies releasing it into the kiss.
You fell back onto the bed, both of you panting with smiles. After your breathing leveled, you sat up to see Spencer now standing beside the bed near your two bodies both perched up on your elbows.
"Did you like that daddy?" You asked innocently pursing your lips. "Yes, very much" he answered smirking at you and then to Amber. He leaned down to her face, sliding a piece of her hair behind her ear gently. Then roughly taking her lips to his, holding her neck firmly.
"I want this pretty mouth of yours." He groaned after pulling back from her lips. "But first.. y/n" he continued and looked to you. You instantly held your breath, body shaking with anticipation. "I think you forgot to clean your mess doll" his eyes glanced down to Amber's core.
Your eyes meet Amber's, she swallowed nervously. "Don't be nervous baby, we're gonna take good care of you" Spencer assured her seeing her reaction. You gave her a reassuring smile, she nodded slowly. You quickly shifted to your knees between her legs, pausing when you saw how gorgeous and wet she was from you.
You quickly began kissing at the top of her crest. Moving down slowly, taking in the soft feeling on your lips. You finally reached her clit, you heard a soft moan escape her as your tongue flicked over it. "Shit that's so hot." Her moans were like a drug to you, making your own arousal drip to your thigh.
You looked up to see her staring down at you with lust filled eyes, biting her lip as her hips began rolling against your mouth wanting more. You had no problem giving more, dipping your tongue into her opening, taking in her taste. Her head fell back as she moans out again, Spencer took advantage and began sucking at her neck.
You could hear the words Spencer hummed in her ear. "That feels good doesn't it beautiful?" She only nodded still overwhelmed by the pleasure you were giving her. You knew that answer would not satisfy him. He grabbed around the sides of her neck, applying just enough pressure to get her attention. You moan into her body at the sight.
"I expect an answer sweetheart." He stated calmly staring into Amber's eyes. "Yes sir..feels so good." She stuttered out, catching on quickly, he smiled in response. "There you go" he chuckled, removing his hand, moving it to her breast as he kissed her again.
"Let me make you feel good." You heard her whispered, shocked at her confidence. You were falling in love with this girl. Spencer groans at her words "Mmm you want me to use that pretty mouth don't you baby?" "Please" she breathed out.
Spencer quickly stood, making his hips level with her face. Amber eagerly took the tip of his cock in her mouth, causing him to hiss in pleasure. Her legs starting shaking around your head, making you want even more to make her cum again.
"Fuck just like that." Spencer groaned, you looked up, not slowing your mission on her. He had gathered her hair into a messy ponytail, guiding her further down his dick as she could. The mix of her moans and gagging around him filled the dark room.
Amber's hips bucked wildly, letting you know she was seconds from exploding. She released Spencer, not able to focus, eyes rolling into her head. "Cum on her mouth baby, just like that." Spencer moaned kissing along her body while her body gave into your pleasure, spilling onto your tongue.
"That was so amazing" she sighed pulling you up to her, tasting her arousal on your tongue. "Wait until you feel his cock, it's quite nice." You laughed looking over to Spencer's hard member pulsing with need. She moaned looking over him also.
"Well then bend over for me, I'll show you". He smirked, and she quickly flipped to her hands and knees. Spencer settled on the bed behind her, rubbing his hands over her ass. His hand came up and back down firmly, she cried out not expecting it. "You like it rough don't you Amber" he groaned, spanking against her ass again.
"Yes daddy" she cried. It was like getting to watch porn in real life, as he guided his tip into her tight opening, both of them spewing curses at the feeling. He finally completely filled her, her fist balled into the covers tightly. "Fuck your so good and tight" Spencer growled now beginning to move against her quickly.
Spencer moved faster, making his skin slap against hers. "Yes yes yes. Fuck me harder please." She begged, realizing you were telling the truth about him. She looked over to you, mouth hanging open, her eyes half-lidded. "I want to taste you while he fucks me." She whispered, just her words made you feel like you could unravel again right then and there. You were again pleasantly surprised at her words.
"I like the way you think." You smile at her and began to position yourself at the top of the bed. "Fuck yes, get up there baby. Let daddy watch you get your pussy ate." Spencer added looking to you, still fucking Amber steadily.
Once you finally got spread in front of Amber, she wasted no time teasing you. Her tongue darting straight to your nerves, making you scream out her name. "You taste so fucking good Y/n" she hummed between your legs. "Feels so good Amber" you managed to praise back letting your head fall against the headboard.
You lift your head back up, eyes meeting Spencer's. You stared, a smile spread to both of your lips as you shared the sexy woman between your bodies. His sweaty body glistened slightly in the light of the lamp, chest heaving as he continued to pound into Amber.
"Shit I'm close" Amber cried out loudly, but still worked you with her tongue. She added a finger, wanting to pull you over with her. Your eyes rolled back, gripping into her hair tightly. "You want daddy's cum inside you baby?" Spencer groaned now moving fiercely feeling his own end coming, needing to know where to finish.
She groaned loudly, giving her approval. "Fuck" you cussed out shaking from pleasure. You managed to open your eyes to see Spencer making the face you knew all too well. He quickly reached down to Amber's clit rubbing hard, her muscles squeezed down around his cock. His assault caused her to latch down on your clit, sending you spiraling. Like domino's, you came after another, filling the room with loud cries.
You all laid back staring up at the ceiling, while your bodies came down. "That was the best sex I've ever had" Amber spoke first, still breathing heavily. "Glad we didn't disappoint" you giggled sitting up looking over to her and your fiance. "Amber you can stay the night if you want, you ladies can take a shower and I'll grab one after" Spencer announced standing from the bed, and sliding on his briefs.
You looked over to her waiting for an answer. "Sounds good to me" she smiled. You took her hand and started leading her to your bathroom. "Hey, but no fun without me" Spencer yelled pointing his finger to you. "No promises, sir" you winked.
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Unexpected Places (Pt. 02 of 11)
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Pairing: Ivar the Boneless X Reader/Bjorn X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: As a princess, you've lived in a golden cage all your life, always a piece on someone else's game. But everything changed when the Norsemen came crushing down on Wessex, like waves in a violent storm. Their king spared your life and decided to take you with him to his kingdom, in what felt more like a rescue than a kidnapping. There, you were not only confronted with a completely different culture and lifestyle, but also with two of his sons. The oldest one has his eyes set on you, but it's the youngest one, Ivar, who gets who claimed your attention since the first sight. And he seems to have an unnamed interest in you. Of course you hoped whatever that was would pass, but when unexpected feelings start to flow a different way, things begin to change.
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{Vikings Masterlist}
A Christian Among Vikings
It takes two days to share your entire life with the Queen of Kattegat, but she did seem interested after you started. Mostly on the parts where you give voice to everything you couldn't stand. The lies and hypocrisy. That, Aslaug loves, and you have no trouble telling her that. It feels good to say all these things without the fear of being caught.
So, since today you'll finally go to the feast they're still having for the third night on a roll to celebrate this year's raid, you relax in the tub, the warm water slowly getting colder, a sign that you'll have to leave soon.
You're stretching your legs, watching the water drops rolling from your ankle to your knee, before falling back into the water. “Aslaug, where's the–” The voice makes you turn your head at the door, pulling your legs down to the safety of the water. Ragnar stands there, wide eyes and mouth half-open. “I thought this was my wife.”
“Well, it isn't so go away.” Thanks to the distance, you know he can't see anything, but even so, it makes you uncomfortable.
“I live here, do you know that?” He snaps back and you roll your eyes.
“I don't care. I'm not your wife so get out.”
“This is my–”
“Get out!” You raise your voice, throwing water at him. “Or I'll scream for help.” You're not scared of Ragnar, and you don't think he'll try anything. But you know him enough to know he's a teaser, and he loves putting people in uncomfortable positions.
He raises an eyebrow, shrugging his shoulders. “Then do it.”
Squinting your eyes, you move closer to the edge, making sure he won't be able to see anything. “Help!” You shout, trying not to laugh. The situation is quite funny, and, if he wanted to try anything, he'd already moved. So you decide to play along. “Somebody help me!” When you hear footsteps, you smirk victoriously. But, when another man comes in, the smile fades, and out of instinct, you cross your arms over your chest.
“What's going on here?” The guy asks, confused as hell, furrowing his eyebrows at you and then at Ragnar.
“Princess, this is Hvitserk, my son, who so bravely came to your rescue.” Ragnar starts, pacing around to the other edge of the room. “Hvitserk, this is (Y/N). Aslaug has been keeping her in here I have no idea why.” He sounds a little pissed, but you don't mind him in the back, your eyes focused on his son.
“Would the two of you just leave?” Now you're annoyed, running a hand through your soaked hair. Relieve washes over you when Aslaug comes through the door, her eyes quickly finding her husband.
“What's going on here?” She mutters, and through the corner of your eye, you see Ragnar already moving.
“Just came to take this.” He answers, showing her something you can't see, right before leaving, grabbing his son's arm and pulling him along.
“Your husband is a complete idiot.” You say, relaxing once again.
“I noticed.” She gestures at the dress she brought you, laying on a chair. “Get dressed. I'll do your hair like a Viking woman and you'll join the feast tonight.”
Doing as she says, you put on the dress, which is different from everything you ever wore. The fabric is strong, yet beautiful, in a wonderful shade of blue with golden details that look like flowers. Aslaug braids your hair, way too patiently, and when she's done, you do look like a Viking. She even teaches you how to paint your eyes, and you wonder why she changed so much in these two days. As you wait for her to get ready, with the aid of her slaves, you decide to ask.
“Why are you being so nice to me now?” Playing with the tip of one of the many braids, you rest your back against the chair you're seated on. “When I got here I thought I'd end up living with that Lagertha.”
“Because it's more than rare to find a Christian I don't find stupid.” Dismissing the girls, she stands up. You're not entirely sure that was a compliment, but you decide to take it. “And I have the feeling, mostly after everything you told me, that this was most of a rescue than a kidnapping.”
She has a point. “It certainly does.”
“Now, come. Today I want to introduce you to the town.”
“Introduce me?” Following her, you wonder what that's about.
Aslaug doesn't answer, and it doesn't take much until you start hearing the feast. How long do these things last? Is the third day and it doesn't seem like anyone is tired. The moment the Queen enters, some heads turns, and, as she stands right before her chair, a silence starts to fall. You stat in the back, waiting to see what's going on when she gestures for you to come. Taking a deep breath, you move to stand next to her.
Many eyes lie on you. Probably all of them. You can identify hate, curiosity, disgust, indifference... And other things you can't quite place. At least you look like one of them... It must be of some help.
“People of Kattegat, this is Princess (Y/N), daughter of King Ecbert of Wessex,” Aslaug speaks, loud and clear. “She was brought here by my husband, and now will live among us.” That gets some people talking. They're not particularly excited about a Christian among them... You can't blame them. Your people kill them, and they kill your people back. They're like natural enemies. “I'm aware of the fact that you have no affection for her kind, and neither do I. So that's why she will tell you what she told me.”
A breath gets caught on your throat, and for a moment you feel like you're back home, forced to admit your sins, even though you haven't committed any. You've been in situations like this, but now, it's different. You can speak. You can let out the very thoughts that once had you imprisoned, confined to your chambers for days no end. Maybe they'll understand, unlike people in Wessex. Aslaug did. “Tell what?” You ask because you did speak great too many things with her. You have no idea where to begin.
“Tell them about your relationship with your faith.” She seems so secure, unbothered by how some men and women look so angry at this whole thing.
Taking a deep breath, you look ahead, eyes scanning through the room for any kind face... But it takes a long time until you find that Ragnar son who went to your rescue, Hvitserk. He doesn't look like he hates you, so you focus on him. “I have no love for the Catholic faith.” You start, stepping forward. “Since I was little, they've been telling me you worship false gods, made of stone, wood, iron, and silver. But they do the same.” Hvitserk furrows his eyebrows as if asking something. “My father himself spent hours repeating prayers for a cross made of gold. They accuse you of doing the same things they do.” If your older brother heard this, you'd be whipped, probably. “They're all hypocrites, punishing and condemning people for the same sins they commit, over and over again, and that I could never accept.” Chuckling, you move your eyes from Hvitserk, noticing how some angry faces are now... Inquisitive. “I was told you're all murderers, but so are they. So what if you come home covered by the blood of your enemies? Isn't that what a battle is? If it was me on the battlefield, I'd rather kill a hundred men than die by their hands.” The hall erupts on yells and shouts, hands being raised. It takes you by surprise, and for a moment, you're scared they heard enough, and decided to end your life right here and now. But the yells are from... Praising, approval. “And, as Ragnar Lothbrok as my witness, I'd rather face death than go back into the life I had there. If I can even call that a life.”
“That's true.” Bjorn raises his voice, coming from behind some men. “The moment she learned her father was dead, he stood before my father, ready to face her fate. I've never seen a Christian girl do that.”
“Don't forget about how she stood in the pouring rain with that idiot over there,” Ragnar says, pointing out his hand at Floki, who's standing on a chair or something, at the very back, watching the commotion.
Floki giggles, tilting his head at Ragnar. “Even though she can't swim. And don't get me wrong, I'd still rather she fell off to the mighty waves than have her here with us.”
“Don't say that Floki,” Aslaug warns, moving to sit on her chair. “I plan to make a Viking out of (Y/N) since she's more than eager to leave behind everything she once knew.”
“No doubt.” You mutter, wondering if this is it, if you can go sit down somewhere.
“What about that man, Edward?” Bjorn asks, coming to stand before you. He's so damn tall. You don't think you ever met a man this tall before. “You said something about a marriage.”
“Oh, that.” Rolling your eyes, you shrug your shoulders. “My father would have me dragged down the aisle in chains if it was necessary since the political implications of the union were... Delicate. But you guys decided to show up and ruin his plans. Thankfully.”
“Was he that bad?”
“The most disgusting man I've ever met in my life, so, as the Queen said herself a few moments earlier...” Turning at the people once again, you sigh. You don't expect to be accepted by everyone here, you just hope they won't hate you. Not so much, at least. “This was more like a rescue than a kidnapping.”
“Well, now that you know our new resident, I must make something very clear,” Aslaug speaks up, her voice rising above everyone else's. “(Y/N) is a free woman.” She takes a cup from the small table set next to her chair, spinning it in her hand, not bothering to look up from it. “Whoever touches her loses the balls, the hands, and the tongue... As a start.”
You giggle, thinking she's joking, but by the way, the silence persists for quite a long time, you understand that was no joke. And that's very good. That will surely keep them away from you.
“Well, let's celebrate!” Ragnar shouts, and everyone sets in motion again.
You're not sure where to go, so you find a table that's half-empty to sit down, taking a cup and filling it. Being isolated for two days with Aslaug didn't really help you being sociable, and it does feel like you're from two different worlds now. Because that's the truth, even though you're dressed like them. There's an invisible barrier keeping everyone distant, and not only for what Aslaug just said.
“Hey there.” Someone says as they settle down by your side. Hvitserk glances at you, kindly smiling. “Sorry about earlier. Heard a girl screaming, thought something bad was happening.”
“Well, something bad was happening. Your father was annoying me to death.” Taking a few sips from your drink, your eyes find that man again, Ivar. He's seated on Ragnar's chair, chatting with his mother. As if being called, he stares straight at you, suddenly angry.
“I see you already met my little brother,” Hvitserk mutters, and only then do you notice he had followed your gaze.
Clearing your throat, you look away. “Not really. But by the looks of it, he hates me.”
“I wouldn't say he hates you. Ivar is just... Not really fond of the idea of–”
“Of a Christian girl among us.” The voice comes from the head of the table, and when you raise your eyes, you see the man himself. But this time, you don't let his eyes pull you. Somehow, you manage to distract yourself. “You know you're only here because my mother wants to turn you into a Viking.”
“I'm not interested in being anything else than myself.” Drinking what is left on your cup, you sigh. “Haven't had the chance since I was born.”
“Do you really expect anyone here to believe you didn't like being a princess?” His tone is mocking you, a fake pity expression on his face.
“Being a princess in England might be fun if you just do as everyone says, no questions asked.” For some reason, you're pissed. Ivar pushed some button that got you suddenly annoyed, so you stand up, bending over the table to get the jar and refill your cup. But before you can reach it, Ivar takes the thing, drinking straight from it, some of the liquid dripping on his chin. Sighing, you squint your eyes at him, a humorless laugh escaping your lips.
“Here.” The voice gets your attention, and when you turn at him, you see Bjorn filling your cup again. “This one's better anyway.”
“Thanks.” Sitting back down, you give Ivar one last glance before taking long sips.
“Are you going to live here?” Bjorn asks. “Or are you going to live with my mother after all?”
“I'm staying.” Nodding, you look at him. His mother is the most famous shieldmaiden in the world, a skillful fighter. Also Ragnar's ex-wife, reason why Aslaug can't stand her. “The Queen already helped me settle on my chambers.”
“That's good.” He smiles, and a man pushes his shoulder quite violently. Bjorn turns to face him, cursing, but soon enough bursting into laughter.
Ignoring the two men, you look down at your cup, now almost empty again. Music starts playing suddenly, and it doesn't take much for people to start dancing. It gets louder as the minutes go by, and Ragnar and Floki stand on your table, moving around and laughing, kicking everything out. Your eyes follow the whole commotion, standing up and stepping away from the table when they get a little too close. But you don't mind. You've never seen people acting so... Crazy. So happy. And you can't stop smiling, seeing as other people join them.
“I bet you never saw anything like that,” Hvitserk says, raising his voice a little to make himself heard. “I know how boring the feats are in England.”
“This is so much better.” Ragnar jumps to the ground, but one of his legs get caught in between the bench and the table, making him fall. But on the next second, he's up again, a smile on his lips. “My brother would have a heart attack if he ever saw this.”
“Yeah.” Someone bumps on your back, making you almost fall. But Hvitserk holds you up, and he seems quite confused to find you laughing. “What? It's alright, I like it. At least this chaos is real, people aren't faking it.” As your eyes move through the hall, you find Ragnar, behind this weird curtain made of leather. You didn't even know he left. “What's that weirdo doing over there?”
“He's observing.” Hvitserk answers, leaning closer and lowering his voice. “From back there, he can see who's sleeping with who. Who's not sleeping with who anymore, who may be plotting something to put him in a dangerous position.”
“Smart guy.” Nodding to yourself, your attention is stolen by the crowd, that starts moving outside, shouting something you can't really understand. “What's going on?”
“Someone's gonna fight. Come watch.” Hvitserk helps you walk among the people, all the way to the beach. Torches came out of nowhere, illuminating the night. Everyone seems oddly happy for this to be about a fight, but Hvitserck wasn't wrong. On the sand, the two men pace around each other, shouting, cursing.
“What's this about?” It happened out of nowhere, and you're not sure how serious this is. The warriors are clearly pissed at each other, but the public is cheerful. This is when you feel how new and different this culture is. Something like this would never happen back at Wessex, and it will take a while for you to get used and understand how things work here. It's a shock, a sudden impact.
“They're both in love with the same woman. She claims she loves both, but they won't share.” Hvitserk explains, as someone passes him a torch, which he holds up high. “The one who survives gets to be with her.”
“Damn.” You mutter as the two men start attacking each other. You've never seen an actual fight. Girls aren't allowed on the battlefield, mostly not a princess. The only glimpses you had were from soldiers training, and it was nothing compared to this. This is violent, powerful, and you can't help but be impressed by their skills. Of course they're good. They're Vikings, a freaking force of nature, they had told you back in England. It's impressive how they keep getting back up, even after so many wounds. Cuts, punches, everything.
A particular loud shout coming from the crowd gets your attention. It's Ivar, seated on the sand, eyes shining and a bright smile on his lips. He's enjoying this. Everyone is, actually. And once again, as if you called his name out loud, he turns to look at you. And somehow you know exactly what he's looking for. Fear, desperation. He wants to see if you're scared.
But... You're not.
Every single person here is joyfully yelling, and those two men choose their fates. They're not being forced to it, it was their decision, as it was yours to stand up, neck exposed, ready for the ax Ragnar was holding. They're choosing to face death, fearlessly.
Then, your eyes aren't on Ivar anymore, but following the men's every move. It doesn't take much for you to gasp and yelp when one or the other successes to throw a blow. You feel like a savage, laughing at the thought of what your father and brother would say if they saw you now.
When the tallest man, with long dark hair, falls dead, the crowd goes insane. The victorious raises both his hands, still holding an ax. A woman comes from the crowd, hugging and kissing him. “That's insane.” You chuckle, running a hand through your braided hair. “Teach me.” The request comes out suddenly, and you don't even give it much thought.
“Are you sure about it?” He asks, looking down at you. Hvitserk is being nice to you, and that's a surprise.
“I mean, I could never be a shieldmaiden but... I'd like to know how to defend myself.”
“Well, I've got nothing to do tomorrow, so I guess we could start.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you smile. “Thanks. You're the quickest and... Probably the most real friend I've ever made.”
“Yeah, you'll need someone to help you out around here until you get the hang of things. Ragnar gave me this task.”
“Oh...” Looking down, you start walking back to the hall, following Hvitserk's pace. Maybe it was a little stupid to expect him to be so nice to you. “You don't have to. I will get used to things on my own.”
“I didn't mean it like that.” He quickly responds, leaving the torch on some post along the way. “You're pretty cool, actually. For a Christian. You've been a good friend so far.” He gives you a glance and a smirk. “And I don't have to obey my father, you know.”
Blushing a little, you giggle. “Thanks again, then.”
“Now, get a good night sleep and get ready for tomorrow, I mean...” Hvitserk takes a look over his shoulder, a little too dramatic for your taste. “If my older brother doesn't mind it.”
“What do you mean?” Following his gaze, you find Bjorn staring. He doesn't seem angry, but he's not happy either.
“I think Bjorn likes you.”
“And? If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have watched the fight.” Shrugging your shoulders, you stop at the entrance of the hall, waiting as the crowd moves inside. “You've done more for me than he did tonight.”
“So you enjoyed the fight?”
“I have no idea why, or how, but I did.” Nodding, you smile again. “Now, friend, let's drink some more, and maybe I'll consider dancing.” Gesturing at the hall, you both walk in.
The warmth is welcome, and you soon find your way back to the table. But, as you sit down, you see Ivar again, crawling. He moves fast, talking to a man. As he moves past your table, he gives you a stare. It's different from before, but you can't read it. His eyes, like magnets, attract you in a way you didn't even know was possible. You think about waving, or smiling, but then he looks away and disappears inside the house.
“Don't mind Ivar,” Hvitserk says, and you look down at your cup. “He'll get used to your presence.”
“Let's hope he will.”
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belit0 · 4 years
Madara making his s/o squ1rt + Daddy k1nk. 
Request for the anon who asked this a while ago, here you go, more of my brother. I get it, he’s hot, but damn y'all crazy for him.
Writer added daddy k1nk cause she wanted to.
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You are sitting in Madara's office, wrapping up some envelopes with documents to surprise him with the gesture. You're trying to be a good girl, you were misbehaving last week and your neck shows the marks of how he made his grip on you, it hurts to sit down and swallow is a difficult task. Helping him through his work while he's in a meeting is a way of proving you are willing to stop being a brat and start behaving.
It really is boring. Seal a paper, put it in its envelope, close it, make sure the Uchiha symbol is neat, repeat. A monotonous little routine that seems to never end. The pile of documents seems to grow as time goes by, and all you want to do is get out of that room.
You love Madara's office, it is one of his favorite places to fuck you, on his desk, on his work. Secretly, you suspect that it gives him special pleasure if he takes you over paperwork that is related to the Senju clan. His big velvet chair is the most comfortable piece of the whole house, padded and soft. The most suitable furniture for your battered thighs.
Wearing a T-shirt of him and only your underwear, you caress the material under your body, feeling the softness and comfort of sitting without experiencing pain. The Uchiha did not used to give you such severe punishments, and for that to be the case, it is because you had been out of place. As when you humiliated him in front of his brother a few days ago, describing a moment of vulnerability that had to be kept private.
The problem was that you came across a peculiar situation, something never before witnessed in your eyes, which awakened your curiosity and generated the need to ask Izuna about your man's past. It was a lazy morning, where both of you were just waking up after an intense night almost without sleep. You went into the bathroom as any person would, without noticing that he was there taking a piss. When you made yourself present, his inspiration was immediately gone, he got frustrated and threw you out in a huff. Without understanding what his problem was, you analyzed what happened, and discovered that you had never shared the bathroom simultaneously. Of course, to brush teeth and take a shower, but not to use the toilet. Did Madara have a trauma with peeing? Izuna would probably know.
After asking his younger brother, who seemed strangely happy when you told him about it and did not stop laughing throughout the story, the older Uchiha began to be harassed by the younger one every time he tried to go to the bathroom. Somehow Izuna was always behind him when he tried to pee, making him angry and forcing him to stop.
Because of the torture your man suffered thanks to your curious mind, the worst punishment ever given in the history of your relationship appeared without warning, making you endure more spankings in one night than you thought you were capable of. But his resentment continued for days, and your perverse attitude did not help the cause.
That's why you had made the decision to behave at least for as long as it took your buttocks to lose the bruises he caused. Being bratty with him is something you are passionate about, but now you only have the option to behave well and obey because technically you owe it to him.
There are still too many documents to be sealed, but you hear the front door opening and closing, and that makes your attention focus on that part of the house. You know your man has arrived, and in a apparently better mood, as you hear him whistling a tune as his footsteps echo down the hall. The first destination he visited was the bedroom, and you smile at the fact that he thought he would find you there, resting from his lesson.
He asks generally towards the house, hoping to hear your voice from somewhere to find out where you are. But to gloat and annoy him, even a little, you prefer to keep quiet and continue closing letters, completely ignoring his presence.
You feel him calling you several more times, climbing the stairs, going out to the patio, searching in several rooms. Why would he expect you to be in his office? You would have nothing to do there when he is not at home. It is the last place he checks, and when he opens the doors, there is a slight sign of concern in his features.
Of course, you can't help but smirk at this, it's the most you can play with him without provoking more punishment for your body. You watch him with narrowed eyes and without ceasing to work.
"What do you think you are doing? It's not funny."
"Was it a little, wasn't it?"
"Haven't you had enough? Do you really need more?"
"No! Of course not! Look, I'm trying to make up for it, I'm being a good girl for you daddy."
"I don't know, are you?"
Having said that, he enters his office and heads behind his desk, to where you are sitting. You know this means he wants you to sit on his lap, so you get up and let him settle into the seat before you climb onto him.
You try to kiss him, but he stops you.
"Keep working, you're not done."
Obeying, you seal a document, and when you want to take an envelope to put the paper and leave it closed, it is Madara who holds it in his hands in front of your mouth.
"Put the document in and close it with your mouth."
"Do you want to have Daddy angry?"
"Go ahead. No hands."
You insert the paper into the packet, and as the Uchiha indicated, you slide your tongue around the edge of the packaging, from one of his fingers to the other. When you reach the other end, his digit goes into your mouth without warning and smoothly. The task you were performing falls forgotten on the desk.
"Suck it well, show me what a good little girl you are.”
Pleasing your man, you stick your back to his chest, leaning your head over his shoulder while your tongue dances on his finger and fills it with saliva, giving him little sounds of approval. A second one enters your cavity, and you begin to move your head back and forth as if you were working on his cock, feeling his eyes on your lips.
"I think my baby has missed her milk bottle, hasn't she?”
Nodding on his lap, you feel like a hand is moving your underwear, and taking his wet fingers out of your mouth, he directs them towards your pussy, massaging the outside and wetting you completely.
“I'm still very sensitive..."
"Don't worry baby, I don't plan on messing with your tiny clit today. Daddy will teach you how to go to the bathroom.”
With those words, his two fingers are pushed inside you mercilessly, positioning themselves in the shape of a claw and rubbing that thin membrane on the top of your stomach that simply made you curl up and close your thighs over his arm.
"Open your legs or I'll have to spank you again, you bad girl.”
Moaning uncontrollably, with your head tilted back and sliding over his lap, your vagina makes watery noises every time Madara's knuckles hit your outer lips. Your feet are suddenly on his knees, allowing him better access, and with his arms he forces your thighs to stay apart, while his free hand runs to the side your soaked underwear.
Spasms run through your body and no coherent thought crosses your mind, you don't even care that your juices are dripping from your cunt and staining the upholstery of your man's chair, as he keeps his legs open along with yours. You're intoxicated in those digits working wonders on that magic point in your body, while the punch of his fist somehow also manages to act as a masturbation for your punished and over-stimulated clit.
You can no longer resist it.
"What's the matter girlie, do you feel like going to the restroom? Come on, do it on my hand, give all your fluids to dad."
With a final scream, a stream of liquid flows from your pussy, smoothly and strongly, hitting Madara's hand and landing on the floor. The Uchiha exerts pressure with his fingers inside you until the liquid stops pouring and your body stops shaking, leaving you exhausted over him and unable to gather strength to care about the mess left in his office.
"Oh no... what a bad girl... what a bad, bad girl... look what you did on the floor... I will have to teach you another lesson..."
"But? You said, but? You have some serious behavioral problems. Come here, Daddy will fix you up."
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dizzyingdaze · 3 years
no seats | s.r
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a scenario where you can't keep your mouth shut and steve rogers wouldn't want it any other way.
only warning is cursing
New York was somewhere you never thought you'd visit let alone live in, yet here you were. Clutching the bag of your friends coat as she shuffled her way into the busy cafe during lunch time, the worst time to be in any cafe in the city.
Women in pencil skirts exchanged pleasantries with men in dark suits, briefcases occasionally knocking off the guitar case lain against one of the long sofas a group of teenagers occupied.
The jazzy playlist was overtaken by the loud chatter of the customers, the scent of fresh toasted panini's and cinnamon buns intermingling with the raw coffee bean tones. It was chaos to be short if the screaming baby who knocked over their babysitters iced coffee, smack in the middle of the bustling building, was any indication.
Hearing a hefty sigh pass your side, a young worker grabbed a mop and placed down a wet floor sign, shooing anybody standing nearby away.
"Oh no, we're not going to get any seats I think," your friend Karolina said to you, eyeing the usual window seats taken filled up completely.
You signed in response as the line waddled forward, names being shouted out as you continued to eye all tables, eager to jump at any tables with packing bags and empty drinks.
"I'm going to shoot upstairs and check, get me a mocha?," She nodded her head in reply as you broke away from the impatient grumbles and weaved through the tables.
As you neared the end of the stairs, accidentally kicking an empty cup on the floor, you eyed a girl sitting by herself, nestled in the of the window sets. Her bag sat on one chair while an empty one sat across from her.
Eyes widening with an idea you began to walk towards her when a couple beat you there. An almost six foot boy placed his hands down on the table, garnering the attention of the lone girl.
"My girl and I need somewhere to sit and I see your cup is nearly empty. Mind moving? Thanks," He bared his teeth at her in an almost smile, the annoyed crease between his blonde brows giving him away.
His girlfriend seemed less than interested, typing out a message on her phone, only glancing up when the girl opened her mouth.
"Actually I'm waiting on somebody as I'm meant to be tutoring, I don't mind giving you one of the seats though?" She gave a watery smile, her hands beginning to slowly shake at his direct nature.
He downright glared at her response, leaning further into his hands until his face was an inch away from hers. "I was being courteous, now I'm annoyed. Move it,"
Her face flushed red at the embarrassment as his girlfriend began to giggle behind him, clearly used to his egotistical nature. Your own face flushed too but rather in anger, just who the fuck is this dick ordering around random girls?
What a huff you strode up to till you stood between the two, pushing him back with your hand you glared harshly at him as a "What the fuck?" escaped his lips.
'What the fuck yourself, who are you to tell this girl to move? Everybody here wants a seat to yet you don't seem them acting like a little child," You spat watching his neck go red at the confrontation, clearly not used to it.
He stumbled for a second finding words before shooting back "I can tell whoever I want to move especially if she's been sitting there with an empty coffee cup. I don't have to listen to any bitch trying to boss me around!" The cafe had gone quiet as he shouted out the last sentence, Karolina looking on surprised, the drinks held in her hand. She moved forward to pull you away from the scene but you didn't even budge.
"Oh I'm the bitch? That's rich coming from a dickhead picking on somebody smaller than him, tell me, do you always start throwing tantrums when you don't get what you want? Like a child?," Hearing you call him a child again seem to strike a chord in him.
His girlfriend moved to pull him back as his hand balled in a fist, Karolina whispered to you "Not again, let's go please," into your ear. But you both shared the same stubborn nature, refusing to move.
The tension rose as you just stared each other down, veins almost bulging, jaws clenched so tight they began to ache. The man pointed his finger right in your face, the thought of biting it ran through your mind. "You do not tell me what to do and I'm not a fucking child you hear me? You better learn to keep your sharp tongue to yourself and out of my goddamn affairs!" His attention shifted to the girl he had originally spoken to, her eyes beginning to tear up as he moved the finger from you to her.
Pushing him back again, outraged at the audacity he had to even speak to her again you pushed him back full force with both your hands, grounding your boots into the sticky floor. Taken aback he stumbled into his girlfriend and you swore you could see his pride take a physical hit.
Without missing a beat he rolled his shoulders and balled his fists and you did the same before two large figures stepped between you two.
"Easy there tough guy, hitting a dame the best way to win a fight you shouldn't have started?" The voice wasn't familiar but the metal fingers peeking out of the black denim jacket was, clutching the boys shoulder so hard he bent forward at it. "Let me go what the fuck-" He started before the stranger grabbed the back of his lettermen jacket and dragged him out of the shop through the back exit, the girlfriend shouting along with him as she followed them out.
The second man had bent down in front of the girl in the middle of this all, her shoulders shaking as the man whispered soothingly to her. You coughed awkwardly uncurling your fists, clocking all the eyes on you and your friend just deadpanned at you. "Don't you even try, why does your ass always have to get in the middle of other peoples business? I said, don't start!" She placed a finger over your lips as you obediently went quiet.
You could always explain later. You turned to face the man and the girl, to see how she was when you recognized who he really was. Light blue eyes stared into yours as you took in the broad shoulders and blonde hair peeking out from under his cap. You just blinked in surprise but said nothing, choosing to crouch in front of the girl who was no longer shaking.
"Are you alright?" She nodded, thanking you as she bent forward for a hug you gladly returned, albeit a bit quickly because there was so many people here. "I probably would have moved and most likely cried in the bathroom so you know, thanks for that," You grinned at her response, standing up as Karolina threw her free hand up.
"If you're not outside in the next five minutes i'm throwing your drink down the drain," She stalked out, blonde ponytail bouncing behind her as the onlookers resumed their previous activities, leaving you standing rather stiffly in front of Captain fucking America.
"I take it from your friend being annoyed, you do that thing a lot?" His lips curling up as you nodded shortly. "She's not actually annoyed at me, she'd be more annoyed if I let that twat continue to shout at her and do nothing," He chuckled at that, stuffing his hands into his jacket pocket as you stared at the door your friend left.
"Well don't let me hold you back but hey, Captain America approves of your social justicing! Or in the name of social justice? You get what I mean," His cheeks blushed a light pink as you giggled at his roundabout way of complimenting you.
"Yeah I'll say that next time it happens. Nice to know an Avenger approves! I'd better go..." You trailed off as he stepped to the side and sent a curt salute your way.
As he watched you saunter away Bucky, who re entered the shop from the entrance, clapped a hand on his shoulder, sighing lowly. "She reminds me of you in some weird, female way, hopefully she doesn't end up in back-alley brawls" He commented, Steve scoffed as they made their way back to the two seater in the corner of the cafe, drinks now a gross lukewarm temperature.
"Please, did you hear her? Her words alone could get a guy bleeding internally," The words slipped out and Bucky whistled at them. "Didn't know all it took was some curse words and authority to get you mushy. Yet, Natasha is a poster child for it and you couldn't care less," Bucky grimaced after sipping his hot chocolate, the once sweet warm mixture now cold and slimy on his tongue.
The other soldier slowly circled the rim of his latte, thinking of how fast you stood up to him, pointing your finger up in his face. "Nat sticks up to assholes 'cause it's her job but she did it for the sake of it. Excuse me, I am not mushy!" He sent a quick dig to his friends shin the offended's brows furrowed at the sharp pain.
"Oh yeah? You're wearing the same damn look you did when Peggy came into the pub all those nights ago. Bet you even tried to find her name on those coffee cups the blonde had," Rubbing the attacked body part, Bucky snidely remarked.
Steve said nothing in response, choosing to stare out the window next to him. He was right, your quickly scribbled name was engraved in his mind as was the white ford fiesta you had hopped in a few meters down from the cafe. Not that he was looking, of course, it was mere coincidence his eyes never seemed to leave your figure.
Mere coincidence, he thought to himself as Bucky rolled his eyes at his friends behaviour. He wondered what weird excuse Steve was going to give for the rest of the week or month it would take to run into you again.
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