#marco x kelly
saysomethingabout · 7 months
Say something good about this couple!
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hibiyapan · 2 years
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Recent sketch!
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quartzdawn · 3 months
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Made myself some SVTFOE kids for a self healing thingy (I am still in disbelief of the ending) so here are their designs I have for them so far. Right now I have no names but once I officialize their designs Ill have some along side more characters.
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“Kellco was extremely forced and should’ve never existed, to begin with, mainly because we didn’t need yet ANOTHER Marco love interest since we were already over-saturated Marco-centric ships as is, and they could’ve developed Kelly as her own character but nope they just degraded her to a Marco love interest🙄”
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What pokemon would make up teams owned by the Characters in Star vs The Forced of Evil
I am back making my lists, and its time to do Star vs the forces of evil. So like my previous lists (TOH, GF, Amphibia) this show had a large cast. This show was also had a longer run time than any of them, 4 seasons, and who the important characters were depended on which season. This list contains my picks for Star, Marco, Ludo, and a handful of Star and Marco’s close friends. If you do not see your favorite character here, and have an idead as to a pokemon they would be a really good trainer for feel free to put them in the comments.
Star Butterfly
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Star was a really easy one to make a team for. Most of her magic moves with her wand involved conjuring up animal based creatures, and I just transfered them over to pokemon.
Cetitan: Star’s trademark attack is her “Narwhale blast” and when looking up Narwhale pokemon (and double/triple checking I got a actual pokemon and not a fanmade one) this is the pokemon that came up for Narwhal pokemon.
Joltik: The smallest and (In my opinion) the most adorable of the spider pokemon, also packs a powerful shock. A near perfect representation of Star’s strongest spell: Spider with a top hat.
Yamper: a cute and playful little yellow dog pokemon with a heart symbol somewhere on its body. Its the closest I could find to the Laser puppies Star gifted the Diaz’s with on arrival.
Galarian Rapidash: Star had a love for Warnicorn’s, their speed, their furosity, and did not want an adult life were she had no time to ride and have fun with them. So I will give her a Rapidash.  An Galarian rapidash because those fit Star’s style better and add a fairy type to her team.
Makuhita: Star does not always really on magic to fin a fight though, She also knows how to brawl/box. So I wanted to give her atleast one fighting type. I picked Makuhita while its a heavy hitter and a real tough pokemon its also got a very cute and tubby design; it looks like a Sumo pikachu. Like Star its adorable from a distance, threatening up close.
Nidoran girl: represents her bond  of friendship/romantic with Marco. He has a boy one.
Marco Diaz
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Solrock: Marco was originally going to be named Sol. He is also represented in that Prophatic image as the Sun right? Star is an actual star and Marc is the sun, they are together? Pretty sure I remember that. If Marco is represented by the sun n the show than it’s only fair I carry that over onto my team by giving him a solrock.
Lucario: Marco loves and does karate, so I picked a fighting type that’s method of fighting it more simlar to karate for him.
Shiny charizard: I really wanted to give him a dragon type to reresent his dragoncycle Nacho’s. The Original one I had picked out was another Fame made non offical pokemon (I have to be more careful of those). Of offical pokemon Charizards Shiney form. I think its still fair that this be his strongest. He did spend decades training and fighting with Nacho’s in Hekapoo’s dimension
Kirlia: a graceful and feminie pokemon to represent Marco’s super popular princess persona Princess Turdina. Also to give him a fairy type as well.
Nidoran boy: represents his bond of friendship/romance with Star. She has a girl one.
Ludo Avarius
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Mimikyu: A fairy and dark pokemon that has issues with its appearence as well as mentality, and can also mess with the mental state of others. I am not sure if Ludo and Mimikyu would make each other better or worse, or worse than better (hopefully that one). But that they would be a very intresting and entertaining partnership of that I am sure.
So Ludo’s monster henchmen in season 1 were not the best as we can all agree (Sorry about that Buff Frog. We all know you did try). But in season 2 he had a pretty strong team, what with Bird, Spider, and those rats. To represnt them I will give him a Sparrow, an Aridos, and a Alalon Rattata. 
Rufflet and Vullaby: These represent his brothers and sisters. The ones who after going through everything he did, he was able to go back and save from their awful parents. 
I gave these three teams of six since they were arguably main characters. The rest of the list will be notable secondary characters, who will each get three.
Janna Ordonia
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Haunter: Both it and Janna like to scare/prank people
Nickit: a theif pokemon that helps Janna swipe other peoples stuff
Klefki: It helps Janna break into places she is otherwise not allowed
Tom Lucitor
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Scorbunny, Litleo, Fennekin.
I gave Tom each of these three for the same number of reasons. Firstly they are all fire types, and Tom is a fire demon. Secondly all of them are fuzzy and adorable, and in the show Part of Toms anger management therapy involves soothing himself by petting/playing with cute fuzzy animals. I could see eaxh of these three being part of his therapy (yes I did look up “fire bunny pokemon specfically to find one to represent Marshmellow) Lastly while they are in no threatening, cutesy, first forms now, they all evolve into very strong battlers. Once Tom got his own temper under enough control that he could handle pokemon battles he could do pretty well with these three.
Jackie Lynn Thomas
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Chimecho: She has a very soothing appearence and personality. She also told Marco that one time she is into soft rock. So I gave her a soothing, soft toned, music pokemon
Baltoy: She also told him she was really into studying history. Baltoy may not be a fossile pokemon, but it is historic. In addition to that it has great balance to stay perpetually spinning in place like that. Jackie also has great balance on her skateboard
Vaporeon: So despite fans best efforts and theorising, the show creator never did reveal Jackie to secretly be a mermaid, who’s able to live on land becasue her shell necklace is actually a magical amulet that when worn exchanges her see tail for a pair of land legs. But it was a great theory, and she does give off very beachy, merlike, vibes. So idecided to give her  a merlike water pokemon, that could travel both in water and on land. Also I had to exclude Vaporeon from my Gravity Falls list, and still really wanted to give it to someone cool.
Kelly.. Huh looks like she was about the only character to not get a last name. Wow. Okay just Kelly
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Galatian Moewth, Mankey, Tangrowth
Like with Tom all three of Kelly’s Pokemon were ones I picked for the same reasons. Those reasons were that all three are tough, scrappy, pkemon; completely covered from head to toe in wild, untameable, hair.
Eclipsa Butterfly
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I wasn’t gonna do Eclipsa at first, simply becasue I wanted to keep the secondary characters evenly split between earth and mewni characters. But she is like the third most iconic character in the show and I had to do her.
Spiritomb: You know dark types would be her favoite, and I feel like the more sinister lore with Spiritomb would really intrigue her and make her want one.
Honchkrow: eyes in the sky to replace he all seeing eye spell . They also have basically the same taste in hats, so there’s that.
Roserade: She says in the beganing of season 3 that she loves roses.
Oskar Greason
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(why does he get a last name when Kelly didn’t?) Here let me throw Oskar in as well as Eclipsa to keep numbers more even.
Toxel: To represent his interest in playing music.
Furret: Because he has a pet ferret
Noibat: goes with his whole bad boy musician vibe, and with the added bonus that it would maybe be able to freak out his mom’s boyfriend whom he is implied to absolutely hate.
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b-a-n-a-n-a-ss · 1 year
Fire house boys x reader - Living At The FireHouse pt.1
This is going to be a chapter/part series that nobody will probably read 🤷🏼‍♀️
Summary: the reader is Hank Stanley’s daughter. When she comes to the fire house with a boy, the other men get protective.
Warnings: small cursing, mentions of sex, very protective people.
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Roy Desoto
Johnny Gage
Hank Stanley
Chet Kelly
Mike Stoker
Marco Lopez
“Shhh be quiet.” I giggled quietly to my boyfriend. He held my hand brightly as we snuck into the fire station.
My dad is the captain of the fire station. His name is Hank Stanley and I’m y/n Stanley. I’m 17 years old and I am a junior in high school.
I live at the station with my dad. I also live with four other men. They are all in their early 30s. I grew up at the fire house and all of these men raised me. They are also very protective of me.
Me and my boyfriend went on a date and we are currently trying to quietly make our way to my room. I live in a different part of the station from the guys. It was 12 am and 3 hours past my curfew. I was sure all of the boys would be asleep by now.
We quietly went into the kitchen and I leaned with my back against the counter. My boyfriend pressed his body against me and kissed my lips. I kissed back and ran my hands over his jaw.
Then the lights turned on. My blood ran cold and my eyes shot open. My boyfriend jumped back from me and we both turned our heads to the living room.
All the guys including my dad were standing there with their arms crossed. I sucked in a breath and felt my face grow hot. I bit my lip and my boyfriend moved closer to me.
“Come sit down.” My dad said. I nodded and I went and sat on the couch with my boyfriend beside me. The guys all pulled up chairs and sat in front of us.
“So who’s this?” Roy asked nodding his head towards Daniel.
“Umm this is Daniel, he’s in my grade.” I said.
“Why are you coming in late with him?” Mike stated.
“Uhhh, because we are dating.” I said as my boyfriend sunk into the couch beside me.
The feeling in the room changed completely. It was now tense and all the guys were studying Daniel.
“When did this happen?” My dad asked.
Me and Daniel looked at each other and bit our lips. We looked back towards the men and Daniel spoke up.
“Well we’ve been friends since fourth grade when I moved here.” He said, looking at his lap. He was intimidated, I could tell.
“We asked when you two started dating.” Marco said. Daniel shrunk down even further and leaned his body against mine.
“We started dating in February of last year, when we were both sophomores.” I admitted. All of the men had wide eyes.
“So you’re telling me you kept this from us for a year?” Chet asked. I nodded and looked at the floor.
“Have y’all had sex yet?” Johnny asked. Everyone started scolding Johnny but my dad stayed looking at me. I shifted in my seat and looked towards Daniel. He shifted in his seat too and looked up at me a little.
“Uh, yes.” I said quietly. The room went silent and all the men looked at me and Daniel. My face was red and Daniel was holding my hand tightly.
Then all at once the men stood up and started to yell at Daniel. Roy grabbed my arm lightly and made me stand up. All the other men literally chased Daniel out of the station.
I was seeing red, why did they have to ruin everything.
“You better have enjoyed this because this is the last time you’ll be seeing her!” I heard Chet yell.
I bit the inside of my lip and tasted a metallic taste. I put my finger to my lip and pulled away. Red wet liquid stained my finger tip and I sighed.
The men came back in and cornered me.
“You can’t see him ever again.”
“Why didn’t you tell us about him?”
“You have to come right back here after school everyday.”
A bunch of statements were piled on top of me and I broke.
“Can y’all shut up! I’m seventeen years old and I know what I’m doing! I’m not six anymore I need freedom you can’t just keep sheltering me my whole life!” I yelled at the men. I shoved passed the men and went to my room.
I slammed the door shut and huffed. I went into the bathroom and took deep breaths trying to calm myself down. I was so angry I didn’t know what to do with myself.
I ended up turning around and pinching my mirror, shattering it and slicing my hand. I cursed and I fell to my knees, clutching my fist to my chest.
There was commotion in my room and muffled voices from outside the bathroom door.
The door to my bathroom opened and all the men were standing there. They caught a glimpse of the broken glass and my bloody hand and immediately sprang into action.
Roy and Johnny went to get the medical kits while Marco and Chet went to clean off the couch. Mike and my dad helped me stand up and walk to the couch without stepping on any glass.
The tears in my eyes wouldn’t stop flowing as I sat on the couch next to Johnny. He pulled out some peroxide with a wet cloth and poured the peroxide on my cuts.
I hissed and Roy sat beside me. My dad was in front of my with one of his hands on my knee. Johnny cleaned my cut and wrapped my hand. I thanked him quietly and looked at my lap.
“Look we’re sorry for being so hard on you and Daniel. We just want what’s best for you.” My dad said. I nodded and looked around at all the men. They had sorry expressions on their faces.
“I’m sorry too, this is just the first guy that I actually like that likes me back. And I didn’t want y’all to scare him off like y’all have all my other friends.” I explained.
All the men nodded and my dad hugged me. I hugged him back and the other men did their turns of hugged as well. I then went to my room and fell asleep.
(I have many ideas for this series and it shouldn’t be a king one but I will be writing a lot for it.)
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sideburndanny · 8 months
So, with the end of the current hiatus nowhere in sight, the creators of Epic Rap Battles of History have been releasing short videos in which they respond to people's matchup ideas and talk about whether or not they'd do them. What follows are my thoughts on each suggestion.
Dog the Bounty Hunter vs Chris Hansen: Terrible; Dog stopped being relevant years ago and Hansen has no real valid matchups
Jack Sparrow vs Bilbo Baggins: They might be able to pull it off, but the connection is tenuous at best
Malcolm X vs Nelson Mandela: Perfect. Do it immediately
Dexter vs Punisher: Could work, though I prefer Punisher vs Peacemaker
The Wiggles v-NO
Marco Polo vs Zheng Yi Sao: Awesome; the show's always great at spotlighting obscure historical figures, so this would be fun
Sheldon Cooper vs Rick Sanchez: I don't really get their reasoning for passing this one up. "I don't wanna use Rick because his creator is problematic," they say seconds before suggesting Roseanne instead and three years after using Harry Potter
HP Lovecraft vs Mary Shelley: Could work, but Lovecraft might be better suited for a more prolific author
Captain America vs Mussolini: Could work, but I prefer Cap vs Batman
Black Panther vs Catwoman: Unique idea; would be cool to see which versions of the characters they use
Ethan Hunt vs Angus MacGyver: Meh
John Wilkes Booth vs Lee Harvey Oswald: I'm glad they turned this one down; it just sounds very insubstantial. The fact that they each killed Presidents is the only thing either of them are known for
Robin Hood vs Ned Kelly: Sounds awesome; I can’t fathom what Lloyd was talking about when he said Robin Hood can't be made "cool." Has he never heard of any of the non-Disney movies he was in?
Steve Harvey vs Dr. Phil: Meh
The Three Stooges vs The Three Musketeers: IT'S ALL I WANT AND I'VE WAITED FOR SO LONG
Patrick Bateman vs Andrew Tate: Bateman is worthy of a rap battle, but there is no fucking way a disgusting sack of shit like Andrew Fucking Tate deserves to be immortalized in this or any series. Not only is he a monstrous asshole, but since I'd never heard of him before he got arrested, he just comes off as too second-string and his image too fleeting to be remembered after the battle's release anyway. It's like how Sarah Palin and Napoleon Dynamite appeared in season 1; what's the point? Bateman would be better off facing another fictional character like Tyler Durden or Tommy Shelby or Rorschach or Homelander or any other member of the "you're missing the point by idolizing them" club
Miles Morales vs Dick Grayson: A great idea for a battle, but it irks me how they seem to only think of Dick Grayson as Robin, and even then only how he was portrayed in the 60s TV show. Since Dick Grayson's graduation to the solo hero Nightwing and his leadership of the Titans have been the status quo in the comics for decades, and even his TV and movie appearances as Robin clearly show him to be more than the hyperactive goofball that Lloyd portrayed him as in season 2, their lack of research here is jarring — especially considering how diligent they are with their other characters (remember, Peter read every issue of the Dragon Ball manga and watched every episode of Breaking Bad in preparation for the later half of season 3).
Garfield and Jon vs Calvin and Hobbes: Eh, I don't see it. No disrespect to their creators or fans, but they just ain't rap battle material
Metallica and AC/DC vs Slayer and Guns n Roses: I agree with them that a team battle between unrelated heavy metal acts would be unwieldy, but any combination of those four could totally be awesome in a straight 1v1 battle
Richard Nixon vs King John: Could work, but I'd rather have Nixon in a Presidential royale
Barbie vs He-Man: Another "meh" idea, but I'm not fond of Peter's assertion that He-Man is only known for the bad '90s movie when he's appeared in multiple media before and since that have all gained a far more positive reception and a strong fanbase
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deanwasalwaysbi · 1 year
23 Republican Senators & 124 Congressmen signed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court asking for a 50 state ban on mifepristone, a drug safer than tylenol that is standard treatment for abortion & miscarriages, "due to safety concerns". The brief DARES to argue that banning the life saving drug would save women from 'reproductive control'. (x) These 147 people would rather have women die of sepsis than let women control their own bodies. If your representatives are on this list, call them and tell their office you will be voting against them in the next election because they asked SCOTUS to throw the US medical drug system into chaos at the cost of American lives.
United States Senate
Lead Senator: Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS) John Barrasso (WY) Mike Braun (IN) Katie Britt (AL) Ted Budd (NC) Bill Cassidy (LA) Kevin Cramer (ND) Mike Crapo (ID) Ted Cruz (TX) Steve Daines (MT) Josh Hawley (MO) John Hoeven (ND) James Lankford (OK) Mike Lee (UT) Cynthia Lummis (WY) Roger Marshall (KS) Markwayne Mullin (OK) James Risch (ID) Marco Rubio (FL) Rich Scott (FL) John Thune (SD) Tommy Tuberville (AL) Roger Wicker (MS)
United States House of Representatives
Lead Representative: August Pfluger (TX–11) Robert Aderholt (AL–04) Mark Alford (MO–04) Rick Allen (GA–12) Jodey Arrington (TX–19) Brian Babin (TX–36) Troy Balderson (OH–12) Jim Banks (IN–03) Aaron Bean (FL–04) Cliff Bentz (OR–02) Jack Bergman (MI–01) Andy Biggs (AZ–05) Gus Bilirakis (FL–12) Dan Bishop (NC–08) Lauren Boebert (CO–03) Mike Bost (IL–12) Josh Brecheen (OK–02) Ken Buck (CO–04) Tim Burchett (TN–02) Michael Burgess, M.D. (TX–26) Eric Burlison (MO–07) Kat Cammack (FL–03) Mike Carey (OH–15) Jerry Carl (AL–01) Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (GA–01) John Carter (TX–31) Ben Cline (VA–06) Michael Cloud (TX–27) Andrew Clyde (GA–09) Mike Collins (GA–10) Elijah Crane (AZ–02) Eric A. “Rick” Crawford (AR–01) John Curtis (UT–03) Warren Davidson (OH–08) Monica De La Cruz (TX–15) Jeff Duncan (SC–03) Jake Ellzey (TX–06) Ron Estes (KS–04) Mike Ezell (MS–04) Pat Fallon (TX–04) Randy Feenstra (IA–04) Brad Finstad (MN–01) Michelle Fischbach (MN–07) Scott Fitzgerald (WI–05) Mike Flood (NE–01) Virginia Foxx (NC–05) Scott Franklin (FL–18) Russell Fry (SC–07) Russ Fulcher (ID–01) Tony Gonzales (TX–23) Bob Good (VA–05) Paul Gosar (AZ–09) Garret Graves (LA–06) Mark Green (TN–07) Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA–14) H. Morgan Griffith (VA–09) Glenn Grothman (WI–06) Michael Guest (MS–03) Harriet Hageman (WY) Andy Harris, M.D. (MD–01) Diana Harshbarger (TN–01) Kevin Hern (OK–01) Clay Higgins (LA–03) Ashley Hinson (IA–02) Erin Houchin (IN–02) Richard Hudson (NC–09) Bill Huizenga (MI–04) Bill Johnson (OH–06) Mike Johnson (LA–04) Jim Jordan (OH–04) Mike Kelly (PA–16) Trent Kelly (MS–01) Doug LaMalfa (CA–01) Doug Lamborn (CO–05) Nicholas Langworthy (NY–23) Jake LaTurner (KS–02) Debbie Lesko (AZ–08) Barry Loudermilk (GA–11) Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO–03) Tracey Mann (KS–01) Lisa McClain (MI–09) Dr. Rich McCormick (GA–06) Patrick McHenry (NC–10) Carol Miller (WV–01) Mary Miller (IL–15) Max Miller (OH–07) Cory Mills (FL–07) John Moolenar (MI–02) Alex X. Mooney (WV–02) Barry Moore (AL–02) Blake Moore (UT–01) Gregory F. Murphy, M.D. (NC–03) Troy Nehls (TX–22) Ralph Norman (SC–05) Andy Ogles (TN–05) Gary Palmer (AL–06) Bill Posey (FL–08) Guy Reschenthaler (PA–14) Mike Rogers (AL–03) John Rose (TN–06) Matthew Rosendale, Sr. (MT–02) David Rouzer (NC–07) Steve Scalise (LA–01) Keith Self (TX–03) Pete Sessions (TX–17) Adrian Smith (NE–03) Christopher H. Smith (NJ–04) Lloyd Smucker (PA–11) Pete Stauber (MN–08) Elise Stefanik (NY–21) Dale Strong (AL–05) Claudia Tenney (NY–24) Glenn Thompson (PA–15) William Timmons, IV (SC–04) Beth Van Duyne (TX–24) Tim Walberg (MI–05) Michael Waltz (FL–05) Randy Weber, Sr. (TX–14) Daniel Webster (FL–11) Brad R. Wenstrup, D.P.M. (OH–02) Bruce Westerman (AR–04) Roger Williams (TX–25) Joe Wilson (SC–02) Rudy Yakym (IN–02)
If your representatives are on this list, call them and tell their office you will be voting against them in the next election because they asked SCOTUS to throw the US medical drug system into chaos at the cost of American lives.
Help to patients who have to cross state lines to get medical care by donating to your local abortion fund here. (x)
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bananahkim · 8 months
Svtfoe Hadestown AU
Tom would be Hades ofc. Toffee fits Hades’ role too but who’s going to be Persephone. Eclipsa?
Marco would be Orpheus
Persephone- Star(tomstar, Star would be a great Persephone) or Jackie(tomkie)
Euridice- Kelly(Marco x Kelly, idk the ship name) or Star(starco, personality-wise I don’t really think Star would fit Euridice’s role though)
Hermes- Janna or Kelly. Maybe Hekapoo?
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grogusmum · 2 years
Hechizado (part 2)
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JAVI GUTIÉRREZ X American Witch OFC (It's Kelly ya'll, cuz birthday rights!)
WC: 2500ish
WARNINGS: LANGUAGE (nothing much) love spell
N/A: For Kelly's birthday I gave her a coupon for a fic request and this is what she sent me-
Hazel my darling I have come up with the one-shot I would like to redeem with my birthday coupon (but I'm not trying to rush you, write at your pace 💙) "Javi G comes down to his olive trees, either to meet with the caretakers and check in or maybe he wants time away from the compound, and he saves a black cat that is stuck in one of the trees before bringing it back to his place and putting up lost cat posts online. But what he doesn't know is he saved a witch's (me) familiar so when she shows up to collect her wayward companion she gives him a luck amulet in return and unintentionally makes him fall for her."
Okay I am a baldfaced liar! I have gotten completely carried away! I was writing and writing and what was going to be the second and final part was becoming alarmingly longer than part one... Apparently, It's a lot easier to get people into witchy shenanigans than it is to get them out. So I want to say three parts and that's it... and it probably will be, but I shouldn't make any promises...
Song mentioned is On The Street Where You Leave from My Fair Lady
Happy Birthday, beloved Kelly Girl!!! @chaoticgeminate
Part 1
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Javi has been trying to concentrate on anything other than the lovely curl of Kelly's flaxen hair, or blue-gray eyes, he wondered if they change depending on the light or her clothes, or maybe even her mood. He went for a swim, but could only think of what she may look like with water beading delicately on her lashes. He couldn’t walk in the olive grove- that’s where he found her cat, all he could think about is what if he hadn’t? What if he had never met her? His eyes welled at the thought.
“What is wrong with me?” Javi asked mostly to himself, but he was in the kitchen, trying to distract himself by “testing” the cooking.
“I don’t know, but if you are going to dip your fingers in all of my dishes, there will be!” his chef, Carmen said, pushing him out of her kitchen, with a heavy sigh.  She paused at the swinging door, she knew this mood. “Señor Javi. Do you want to talk about it?”
“It’s this wonderful woman I met, only yesterday, she has captured my heart!” Javi’s hands went to his chest, eyes big and brows tightly knit. “I can’t think of anything else.”
Carmen knew Javi’s flare for the dramatic and saw this as the same, though she could see he was suffering.
“Well, go talk to her, is she spoken for? Can you not try to woo her?”
“I don’t even know,” his eyes welled up again, “Carmen! What if she is with someone?” 
Carmen pats his shoulder consoling, “You don’t even know yet, Señor Javi. Do not put yourself in a state.”
“When will you stop calling me Señor, eh?”
Camen just laughed. 
“Go see about this girl, eh?”
Javi chuckled knowing she was referencing Good Will Hunting, for his benefit. 
“Go see about a girl? Yes. I will!”
With that Javi walked with purpose to his suite, to shower and change, leaving the necklace in place. He was able to take his bandages off and put on some relatively smaller adhesive bandages on just the worse cuts. Now he just needed to find out where Kelly lived. Thinking of the most romantic of movies, he wanted to surprise her with flowers at her door.
 If she has a balcony or a fire escape to look down at him from, that would make it perfect, he thought. He remembered she had said she swapped houses with a fellow on Limonerà. He smiled, he could figure out which one. 
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“I must have dropped it on the way up to Javi’s,” Kelly said to Nightshade, who meowed back and looked under a bush. Kelly was found again by her neighbor Marco wandering the street, he would have thought her cat had gone missing again except she was looking on the ground. 
“Not looking for your cat again?” her neighbor called, as he approached.
“Oh, no,” Kelly said with a start, Nightshade popped out of the bush, “ no he’s right here, I think I must have dropped a necklace while looking for him yesterday. I’ve turned the house upside down. It has a blue stone, oval; on a silver chain.” She shook her head irritated, throwing her hands in the air, “I can’t seem to keep track of anything!”
Marco gave her a sympathetic look and offered to help, a hand on her shoulder. Kelly looked at Marco, with a small thankful smile. She was about to decline, to tell him not to worry when Javi appeared.
Javi made his way to the small street, as he did he picked some blossoming plants on his way down, he liked the sunny yellow flowers of a woody plant and took a few sprigs. When he picked the blue blossoms, the plant's aroma hit his nose, and he knew that one was rosemary. The yellow and blue looked cheery in his hand, and he knew the hand-picked flowers were perfect for this romantic endeavor, making him whistle happily as he strolled along. But he was brought up short when he saw his beloved smiling at a handsome man with his hand on her shoulder. His eyes narrowed at Marco, but he could never look upon Kelly that way- 
“Javi, hi!” Kelly had never seen such puppy-eyes on an adult in her life. “This is my neighbor Marco, he was the one who directed me to your post!”
“Oh, yes, good,” Javi situated himself between Kelly and Marco, tentatively putting an arm on her shoulder. His shirt opened a little due to his outstretched arm and, Kelly caught sight of a silver chain, the way it hung, she knew it was weighted down by a pendant, though she couldn’t see what it was. Thinking back to the day before- she remembered he was wearing an orange shirt, he had several buttons undone and she was almost positive he wasn't wearing any chain. 
Nightshade started purring and wrapping himself around the two of them. Javi smiled. And Kelly blanched. 
The cat. The name. The pendant. What did you do, Nightshade? 
Kelly realized she had been holding it, how the pad of her thumb rubbed it, a lapis lazuli, as she thought about finding Nightshade, and then about how attractive Javi was, she thought a lot about … oh no. No. No. No.
“These are for you,” Javi turned the two of them, cutting Marco out, as he held up the little spray of flowers. Kelly jumped at the opportunity-
“Oh, so sweet, Javi. Come on inside and let's get them into some water.” They started toward her door, over her shoulder she gave Marco a warm if not somewhat apologetic smile. From her first impression of Javi, she was sure he was never so impolite- and it was her fault. Even if it was unintentional. “Thank you, Marco.”
This caused Javi's arm to come around Kelly’s waist. She was torn, because, wow, this was, um… very nice. But it isn't real, but the danger of it was very real. Oh, boy was all she could think.
As soon as they were inside, he got down on one knee to give her the flowers. 
“I can not give you the sky or the sun, but I can give you these.”
Kelly centered herself and noticed Nightshade was being very quiet. After a deep breath-
“Thank you Javi they are lovely,” taking them she could smell the rosemary and gave them a good look, “Rosemary… and, what? St John’s Wart?” 
She busied herself, finding a jar and filling it with water in the kitchen. There was something about these two plants… Lost in thought Kelly didn't realize Javi had followed her, she was about to call into the living room, to tell him they were lovely. When she turned Javi was right behind her, and she found herself in his arms. 
“I am so glad you like them, they are but a trifle, Kelly.” Javi pulled her close, “Kelly- your name is like a bell hung in my heart. Kelly.”
Completely off-kilter, Kelly, just looked at him. Do not kiss him. Not with the necklace on him. Be kind, but do not-
“Kiss me, I would be a happy man, to know the taste of your sweet lips.”
Kelly saw the flash of the silver chain again.
“Javi, is that my necklace?” 
Javi, who enchantment or no, backed up. Disappointed but not defeated.  He would never kiss someone without permission. 
“Yes, I was going to ask you if this was yours. I had not noticed it on your tender neck yesterday, but I found it after you left. It is the same stone as on Bellado- perdóneme, I mean Nightshade.” Javi held the stone tight in his hand. 
“That is what I was looking for when you found me outside, what a relief,” Kelly waited. “May I?” 
When it was obvious Javi was not going to take it off she gently took it and lifted the chain over his head. She braced herself. Javi looked sadly at it. He, of course, didn't expect to keep it. But he didn't want to be parted from it either. He shook his head a little, and Kelly saw. She turned away from him and carefully placed it in a tea towel and covered it, and took a deep breath. She felt him step into her space again, from behind, and his nose was in her hair. 
Oh boy, this is stronger than I thought. How is this still happening? What have I done??
Javi's warm hands glanced over her arms and shoulders. He felt so solid, and warm. She let escape the tiniest of whines. Using all of her fortitude, Kelly stepped away and turned to face him. 
“Call me old-fashioned, but let's wait until after our dinner at least.” Kelly smiled, she was going to have to do some quick work to undo this. If she could only fix it without his knowledge. He will never believe it was an accident. And she really did find him attractive, she knew if she wasn't dreading what had happened, she would be weak-kneed. She still was, for which she felt incredibly guilty. 
Javi was undaunted, he would woo her and win her favor!
“Very well, tomorrow? My chef can make us a sumptuous meal. Unless you prefer to go to a restaurante?”
“Your home would be lovely,” Kelly thought it best to have privacy, not sure what she would have to do yet, to undo this spell.
“Perfect, yes. I will come to get you at 2, for lunch tomorrow, yes?” Javi swelled. “I do not think I can wait for la cena.”
“Lunch it is, Javi,” Kelly said walking him to the door. “ I’ll see you then.”
Javi allowed himself to be seen to the door, thinking of how he would set the perfect stage. She had not rejected him, she just wanted to go slow. He could go slow. They would picnic in the grove. He couldn’t wait, so he texted Carmen about the menu as he walked up the road. He looked at the riot of flowers, and listened to the birds, of course, this beautiful street is the street where Kelly lived. He started humming as he made his way up the hill. He didn’t know all the words to the My Fair Lady song but enough to feel satisfied by singing it to himself- going full voice once he was alone on his private drive even though he could only sing little snatches.
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Kelly watched him walk up the road for only a moment before shutting and locking the door, and running to her cell phone. 
“ ‘llo” a sleepy voice said.
“Mel! Oh my good gods I need help!”
Melinda was up and awake instantly. 
“Kelly, are you okay?”
In the safety of f her friend's voice, she broke down. Tears streamed freely. 
“I did something. It was an accident! But I still did it and I have to figure out how to undo it!”
“What did you do?”
Kelly tried several times, when it came to it she could only mutter it as fast as humanly possible- 
“Girl, I did not catch one word.”
“I put- I put a neighbor under a love spell,” Kelly's eyes were shut tight and she was already wincing in preparation. 
Kelly pulled the phone away from her ear. 
“Nightshade started it!”
“Okay, I don’t… what?”
Nightshade finally showed himself, just in time to look affronted. 
“I see you, and you are just as guilty as I am Mister!” Kelly wagged an accusatory finger.
“Please tell me what you are talking about Kelly, I love you to bits, but it’s the middle of the night and I’ve already taken your house guest, Miguel line dancing.”
“Oh, Mel. I’m sorry. Here is the nitty gritty. I inadvertently put a love spell on my neighbor-”
“How? Spells are actions, intention, ingredients, specific times of day… half the time they still don’t work!”
“This was more wish-craft than witchcraft.”
 “Not the manifesting self-help bull-”
“No, no, If you have the gift it can happen- Think Tabitha in Bewitched, most often it’s children when they aren't really aware of what they are doing or the power they have.”
Kelly explained about the stone, looking for her shithead cat, and her thoughts that had become intentions without realizing it. And then her shithead cat again. And how Javi found it and put it on.
“So, lapis is the exact wrong stone to be giving a deep tissue massage while having these, ahem, thoughts?”
“Well, Lapis is a wonderful connector for me and Bellad- Nightshade. But it also brings love, deepening connection, boldness… for some reason Nightshade was wrapping around us, I have no idea why! ” 
“Well as a pain in the keester that familiar is, he usually isn’t wrong even if he tells you with the most assholery he can muster.”
“Yeah.” Kelly glared at the spot Nightshade had now left to find a sunny spot to nap in. 
“So how do you undo it?”
“I don’t know,” wailed Kelly. “ I took off the necklace, I had hoped he would just snap out of it. Oo. Maybe I should’ve slap him?”
“Who are you, Cher?”  
“Cher was a witch in Witches of Eastwick,” Kelly pointed out. “Sorry, I just, UGH! How can I undo something that was done subliminally?” 
“Maybe you need to tell him.”
“Because then I have to explain witches exist, that witches exist apart from people who are Wiccan, and then I have to tell him, this wasn't some ruse to ensnare an incredibly handsome and extremely rich man, who happens to be sweet and-”
“Wait, what?”
“Yes, he lives in a huge villa at the top of the street. I think they are in olives or olive oil… they have a grove. But, sure, I can try to convince him it was all just an accident, right? That it really is just some wacky Bewitched hijinx, oops! Maybe if I learn that cute nose twitch…”
“Oh, yeah, maybe not. At least try without letting the cat out of the bag.”
“Cat,” Kelly grumbled. “You are the one who got me into this…”
“Can he get you out?” Melinda asked with hope in her voice.
“That would require him not thinking he knows better than me.”
“Well, that will never happen,” Melinda deadpanned. “ Listen, there has to be a general pull the plug on this shit spell, right?”
“I have to do some research, I’ve got to find something before tomorrow at two o'clock.” 
“I’ll look in your books at home.Then text you if I find anything.”
“Thank you Mel, goodnight.”
“ ‘night, Kells.”
Kelly heard her friend mutter something about “Bewitched hijinx” and then a click.
With a sigh, Kelly pulled the stack of books she had brought with her, and her laptop out of her bag and set them on a side table next to a comfortable club chair in the main room. She bustled about in the kitchen getting tea, and the tea towel that held the necklace. She sat, opened the towel, and looked at the amulet. Nightshade came out of hiding and hopped up on the ottoman. 
“Does this mean you are helping?”
Part 3
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thank you for reading! 💚
You can find more of my work here and if you would care to be tagged for this or any of my writing fill out my taglist form
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zayadriancas · 3 months
I'm going to give you crackships, too
Zig x Miles
Alex x Ellie
Drew x Jake
Maya x Tori
Bianca x Katie
Anya x Fiona
Manny x Ellie
Miles x Grace
Hunter x Esme
Jay x Darcy
Manny x Jimmy
Craig x Marco
Holly J x Spinner
Tiny x Frankie
Eli x Katie
Sav x Bianca
KC x Alli
Clare x Jenna
Dallas x Imogen
Yael x Baaz
Liberty x Kelly
JT x Hazel
Marisol x Dave
Esme x Shay
Peter x Owen
Lol thank you! I hadn’t ever thought about some of these so this was challenging and fun 😂
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They had a fun dynamic and I wouldn’t have been opposed to it but on Zig’s end I couldn’t realistically see it happening
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I also found their dynamic compelling and could have seen it happening.
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As much as I liked their friendship I have a hard time imagining it romantically especially from Maya’s end
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It would have made sense as a enemies to lovers type thing and they had the chemistry to pull it off but Bianca deserves 1000 times better so no.
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I definitely could have seen it and definitely think I would have enjoyed them had it happened.
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I just can’t picture it and Manny deserves better then how Ellie treated her
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I surprisingly feel like this would have made some sense. I mean if she had liked Miles instead of Zig, it actually would have fit because she showed the jealousy with him and Zoe during DLB. It still would have been stupid because they clearly were setting up Gracevas but it still would have caused the precious drama they love so much just not in a way that tainted Zaya or the Zig/Grace friendship. But even aside from that I feel like they had some chemistry and could have been interesting.
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It would have made sense cuz she clearly has a thing for the Hollingsworth’s LOL but Hunter with anyone is just a big no.
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They were fun in the scenes they shared and Darcy had a pattern of falling for the troubled guys so I could see it happening as another enemies to lovers type thing. I do think she could do a lot better as much as I loved Jay (unless he evolved into a better guy the way he did with Manny) but I wouldn’t have hated it
Doesn’t compel me/doesn’t make sense
Oops I reached the photo limit lol. I can’t really imagine them together and am not sure how compelling it would be since I don’t think they even shared one scene together. He probably would have treated her better than most of the guys she was with though.
Compels me/makes sense
It was basically confirmed they were supposed to have been a thing and it makes me sad that was dropped. They definitely made a lot of sense and I definitely found them compelling.
Holly J/Spinner:
Compels me/makes sense
Made sense/compels me though I also understand why it didn’t happen even aside from Spinner already being in a relationship. There actually was a significant age difference so it’s probably for the best it didn’t happen but I still loved their friendship.
Doesn’t compel me/doesn’t make sense
Makes no sense/doesn’t compel me. Maybe if he hadn’t already dated her two best friends but even then I can’t really see them being involved and honestly after Frankie’s behavior in season 2 I feel like it would be awkward. Like I don’t think Tiny held it against Frankie or anything but I can’t imagine him wanting to date her after all of that either
Compels me/makes sense
As much as I really don’t care for either character I feel like they were actually similar (not in a good way though) and would have made sense and I feel like it actually would have been interesting to see.
Compels me/makes sense
I think it would have made sense and they would have been fun together, it’s a shame they didn’t interact after the concert episode. Actually they did for like 2 seconds when Drew and Sav were doing the music thing behind Alli’s back or whatever but after that nothing. I love Drianca but still I could have gotten into them.
Compels me/makes sense
I actually low key shipped them in season 8 and it would have been way better and made more sense than Kenna, and they still could have had their precious love triangle with Clare. I probably still would have preferred Klare but I don’t think KC’s character would have been dragged down so much if he’d dated Alli instead of Jenna.
Makes sense/compels me
They made sense at least in season 9 based on some of their interactions and it would have been 1000 times better than Kenna and Eclare
Compels me/doesn’t make sense
I think they had a lot of chemistry and I think it would have been interesting to explore their dynamic more, I wish they could have had a short thing at least but realistically I don’t think they’d make much sense especially not long term.
Makes sense/doesn’t compel me
They would make sense but honestly I’m not super invested in either character so I don’t think I would find them that compelling or interesting. Like I only find Yael’s dynamic with Lola interesting lol but Yaaz definitely would have been better than Yunter
Doesnt make sense/doesn’t compel me.
Maybe it’s just cuz I didn’t find the college years that interesting or memorable but I really can’t imagine them together and am not sure if I would find them compelling but I wouldn’t have been opposed to it
Doesn’t make sense/doesn’t compel me.
I may have felt differently if they had ever interacted but I can’t imagine them together.
Makes sense/compels me.
They would have been cute together.
Compels me/doesn’t make sense:
Their dynamic was compelling even though I really didn’t like Esme picking on Shay for no real reason. Obviously how Shay responded to it was wrong (both the paint and the slut shaming) but Esme started it and it’s like Esme wondered why people didn’t like or accept her maybe that behavior is why? But anyway as compelling as the dynamic was (albeit frustrating) I could never see it happening from either side. I could see Esme with girls for sure though, I just couldn’t picture her having feelings for Shay and definitely couldn’t see Shay having feelings for her
Compels me/doesn’t make sense:
This would have been an entertaining dynamic solely for the fact that both guys are awful the majority of the time, and in similar ways too but with Owen being so blatantly homophobic I could never see it happening unless they decided to write it that he had just had internalized homophobia the whole time. I personally don’t really like it when they try to write that in to stories because it’s like they’re trying to justify all the horrible shit a character did (like think Monty in 13RW) but it would have at least been more interesting than what they did with Owen instead which was pretty much nothing. And it could have made Peter more interesting. Like he was way more interesting and likable with Riley tor example (another ship that was supposed to happen allegedly) and I say it as someone who did like Parcy (not as much as I used to though) but at least he never screwed Riley over or did anything awful to him like he did to others. I’m rambling now sorry lol
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After 4 years, 2 months and I do not know how many days of writing, editing and re-editing, revamping, and checking for mistakes. I finish the one-shot that I want to finish so badly.
Buster Shot, a story mainly focus on the relationship between the wizard, Janaya and his guitar-playing imagomancer godsister, Corral Lynn-Foster, and how Corral play a role in some of the people from Townsville in Janaya’s life. Along the way, two more certain people Janaya and Corral known from Echo Creek are mentioned in the story.
Warning: The present in the story is before summer break ever started, so it this one-shot is a prequel to the main storyline, The Neighbours. However, the epilogue contain major spoilers of after Volume 1 of Neighbours. Please be advised.
Sienna Grey (AJ x Mee Mee), Candy Nguyen (Omi x OC), Sunny & Bryce Langston (Hugh Langston x Bubbles Utonium), and Naseem Chan (Dennis Chan x Sanjay) [all mentioned] belong to @cooltmoney95
Nebula Butterfly Lucitor (Tom Lucitor x Star Butterfly), Antoine Diaz (Kelly x Marco Diaz), Tamara Jackson (Punching Judy x Rudolph Jackson), Raymond Pedrosa (Ashley/Katnappé x Raimudo Pedrosa), Ethan Corduroy (Wendy Corduroy x Eddie Brock), Kristen and Wendy Beatles (Kuki Sanban x Wally Beatles), and Bradley McPherson (Buttercup Utonium x Dexter) [all mentioned, except for Nebula and Antoine] belong to @ej-cappy-universe
Corral Lynn-Foster (Jackie Lynn-Thomas x Frankie Foster) and Winnie Beatles (Kuki Sanban x Wally Beatles - mentioned) belong to @beanielune
Janaya A. Bloodworth-Thomason (Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason x Janna Ordonia), Holly Test (Brain Freezer x Mary Test - mentioned), Beppi Creecher (Creepie Creecher x Tarantula Boy), Mirage B. Fagry (Patrick Fagry x Stocking Anarchy), Clarence King (son of Mouscedes King x OC), and Niko Corduroy (Ethan’s little sister) belong to me
Corey Junior (Jackie Lynn-Thomas x Corey Griffin) and Luna (Oskar Greason x Yumi Yoshimura) belong to @coreyriffinbeastxmode
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willumity2020 · 8 months
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ulkaralakbarova · 3 months
The government gets wind of a plot to destroy America involving a trio of nuclear weapons for which the whereabouts are unknown. It’s up to a seasoned interrogator and an FBI agent to find out exactly where the nukes are. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Henry Harold ‘H’ Humphries: Samuel L. Jackson Agent Helen Brody: Carrie-Anne Moss Steven Arthur Younger: Michael Sheen Charles Thompson: Stephen Root Rina Humphries: Lora Kojovic Jack Saunders: Martin Donovan Agent Vincent: Gil Bellows Agent Leandro: Vincent Laresca Agent D.J Jackson: Brandon Routh Agent Phillips: Joshua Harto General Paulson: Holmes Osborne Col. Kerkmejian: Michael Rose Mr. Bradley: Randy Oglesby Alvarez: Benito Martinez Lubitchich: Sasha Roiz Winston: Dayo Ade Katie: Yara Shahidi Peter Humphries: Sayeed Shahidi Jehan Younger: Necar Zadegan Samura Younger: Jillian Bruno Ali Younger: Coby Seyrafi Major Pierce: Chris McGarry CNN Announcer: Angela Martinez ESPN Host: David E. Willis Young Sergent: Geoff Meed Observer: Kirk B.R. Woller TV News Announcer: Kelly Vaughn Announcer #2: Bill A. Jones Soldier: Phil Somerville Bomb Disposal Expert: Austin Nichols Pedestrian with Child: Delaine Yates Film Crew: Casting: John Papsidera Music: Graeme Revell Stunt Coordinator: Charles Croughwell Producer: Bill Perkins Producer: Marco Weber Director of Photography: Oliver Stapleton Line Producer: Samson Mucke Writer: Peter Woodward Visual Effects: Chris Ervin Key Hair Stylist: Robert L. Stevenson Producer: Caldecot Chubb Producer: Vanessa Coifman Editor: Scott Chestnut Director: Gregor Jordan Production Design: Steven Jones-Evans Key Makeup Artist: Francisco X. Pérez Makeup Department Head: Allan A. Apone Digital Intermediate: Keith Shaw Still Photographer: Dale Robinette Camera Operator: Chris Lombardi Art Direction: Nick Ralbovsky Visual Effects: Lucas Krost Costume Design: Danielle Hollowell Executive Producer: Vince Cirrincione Executive Producer: Rachel Rose Set Decoration: Amber Haley Gaffer: Jack English Costume Supervisor: Marisa Aboitiz Supervising Sound Editor: Chad J. Hughes ADR Supervisor: Angela Hemingway Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Jonathan Wales Music Editor: Ashley Revell Property Master: Guillaume DeLouche Special Effects Coordinator: William Dawson Script Supervisor: Tracy Scott Dolly Grip: Sam Stewart First Assistant Camera: Patrick McArdle Digital Intermediate: Brian Beard Key Grip: Patrick R. Heffernan Casting Associate: Jennifer Cram Lighting Technician: Jesse Mather Lighting Technician: Simone Perusse Prosthetic Makeup Artist: Brad Look Digital Intermediate: James Ahern Dolly Grip: Jeff Smith Construction Coordinator: Lars Petersen Movie Reviews: DoryDarko: Unthinkable raises a question which has been an issue for many people all over the world for a very long time, and especially since 9/11. This question is, is it ever justified to torture an individual to save the lives of many? And if the answer is yes, how far can you go? This issue is indeed a very sensitive subject and I think it takes guts for any filmmaker to put it out there in the open like Gregor Jordan did. Add to that the clever fact that he doesn’t actually make a choice, but rather lets the audience decide on whatever they want to think and feel, and you have a pretty gutsy and controversial concept. In a nutshell, this film is about a man of American descent who has become a Muslim and has now, as an act of terrorism, planted 3 nuclear bombs in 3 major American cities which will go off in four days. Screenwriter Peter Woodward made some very tactical decisions considering the characters in the story. They are all somewhat stereotypical, but this is no bother because they’re all there for a reason. Carrie-Anne Moss, as an FBI investigator, represents the conscience, the sensitivity and the struggle to make the right decision. Samuel L. Jackson is her polar opposite; the brutal, rational, stone cold “interrogator” who does what he does because he’s the only one who can and willing to do it. The means he is willing to go to in order to get his subject to talk ...
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b-a-n-a-n-a-ss · 1 year
Fire house boys x reader - Living At The FireHouse pt.2
Second part to the part series.
Summary: Daniel invites y/n to a party at school and it doesn’t end well.
Warnings: fire, teen drinking, drugs, cussing, mentions of sex.
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Roy Desoto
Johnny Gage
Chet Kelly
Marco Lopez
Mike Stoker
Hank Stanley
Dixie McCall
Kelly Brackett
I shut my locker door and giggled as Daniel tickled my sides. I turned around so my back was against the locker and I was facing Daniel.
“So there’s this party tonight, and I think we should go together.” He said as he kissed my neck sloppily.
“Hmmm where is it?” I asked in a low voice as I ran my hands from his chest to his belt. He smirked at me and I pulled him in closer by his belt.
“It’s at that seniors house, that Jessie girl. She Invited all the juniors and seniors. It starts at seven tonight.” Daniel explained while he ran his hands down my back.
“Okay, will you pick me up?” I asked him.
He nodded, “of course! I’ll be there by six thirty.” He said leaning down to kiss me. We shared a loving kiss then the bell for eighth period rang. I gave him a quick peck and went off to my last class.
I brushed through my hair to try and fluff it out evenly. I was dressed in a beautiful yellow dress that had all sorts of designs on it. The dress went to my mid-thigh and was long sleeve with the loose ends. I was also wearing some white high heels and had a pearl necklace on. I also had these big silver circle earrings and a Smokey eye with a red lip.
I looked at myself in the mirror one last time then I sprayed some perfume on me. I looked at the clock on my wall and it was 6:28. Daniel should be here literally any minute.
I heard the station call alarm go off and the dispatch guy give out information. I heard the fire truck sirens start blaring then it all faded into silence again.
I quickly left my room, shutting the door behind me. Both the fire and paramedic trucks were gone so I was alone. Perfect.
I didn’t tell them about the party because none of them would let me go.
I saw Daniels car pull up into the driveway and I quickly walked out to it. I got in the car and gave him a peck on his cheek. He started driving and soon placed his hand on my thigh.
“You look so beautiful y/n.” He said. I smiled at him and looked down a road we passed. The fire trucks were there. I let out a breath and started to feel nervous.
“You didn’t tell them about the party did you?” He asked me.
“No, they went out on a call right before you came. They wouldn’t have let me go.” I sighed. Daniel squeezed my thigh and played with the hem on my dress.
“We’re gonna have fun tonight. I promise.” He said. I nodded once more and we pulled up to a packed driveway. The house was huge and there were many people running in and out of the house.
Daniel got out of the car and quickly ran to my side to open the door for me. I got out of the car and looked at the house. It was very modern and was two story’s.
Daniel wrapped an arm around my waist and we walked into the house. It was loud with people talking and there was a huge table full of alcohol and all sorts of drinks.
Daniel immediately started to pour some vodka into two cups with some fruit punch and he squeezed some lime in both of them.
He handed me a cup and we both took a sip at the same time. I swallowed the liquid and scrunched my face up a little. Daniel did the same but then took another sip.
“It’s not that bad. I could get drunk off of this.” He joked. I laughed and we both continued to drink our drinks. After I had finished the first cup I wanted more. So I dragged Daniel over to the drink table and we saw a guy making drinks for people.
He turned to us with a smile and got to cups ready.
“What kind of drink do y’all want?” He asked.
“Anything that can make me feel good.” I replied. He nodded and started to pour some alcohol together in both the cups. The guy couldn’t have been older than 19, I mean he was good at his craft but he didn’t look old.
He handed me and Daniel the cups and smiled at us as he turned to the next people in line. I took a sip of my drink and let out a satisfied breath. Daniel did the same then we came across the drug room.
There were people smoking weed and doing all sorts of drugs. We sat in a big chair squished up together and we watched as the drugs were given out to people. The room was foggy with all the smoke.
I finished my drink and reached for the weed. It got passed to me and I hit it. My brain immediately was overcome with a wonderful feeling and I continued to hit it. Daniel came and hit it from my hands. I put it in my mouth and let the smoke fill my mouth up. Then I put my lips on Daniels and breathed all the smoke into his mouth.
He moaned and started to kiss my neck. I scanned the table of all the drugs and saw some cocaine. I moved up further on the couch and leaned down to the line of it. I held one nostril shut and sucked in the powder with my other. I leaned back and let out a heavy sigh. I was off my rockers.
Another cup of some alcohol was now being passed around. I took a big gulp of it and i straddled Daniels lap. He held his hands on my waist and we started to make out. I dry humped him slowly and I tangled my hands in his hair.
One of Daniels hand rested on my ass while the other rested on my waist. He stuck his tongue inside my mouth and I sucked on his lip. Right when we were about to start getting at it I smelled smoke.
I sobered up a little and stood up from Daniel. I looked around then I heard screaming and saw a burst of flames from the upstairs bedroom. Everyone started running and I could hear the fire truck sirens in the distant.
Daniel grabbed my hand and started to run with me. I was so out of it I couldn’t keep up and ended up falling on the ground. Nobody stopped to help me, I kept getting kicked and stepped on. My lungs started to fill with smoke and I started coughing violently.
I tried to crawl to the door but I was so weak and everything hurt. My vision started to blur and I started to feel sick. I was coughing and struggling to breath.
I saw figures enter the house and I heard yelling. I felt arms wrap around my body and I looked to see Johnny with Roy.
“Y/n? Here keep this on okay? We are gonna get you out of here.” I heard Johnny say as he put his breathing mask on my face. I took deep breaths and tried to calm down. Johnny picked me up and carried me out of the house.
He gently laid me on the little tarp they had put out. I was out of breath and panting. My head hurt and so did my stomach. My stomach had a sharp pain in it.
Johnny stayed next to me while the other men plus Roy put out the fire. My dad rushed over to me and quickly helped Johnny with everything he was doing.
Johnny called rampart and checked me in, I could here Dr.Bracketts voice over the little speaker thing. When the fire was finally out all the other men rushed over to me.
I felt so weak and I wanted to go to sleep. My eyes kept dropping closed but Chet would hit my cheek lightly.
“Hey come on stay with us y/n. Does anything else hurt?” Roy asked me.
“My stomach.” I groaned.
Roy started to press on my stomach lightly.
“Okay tell me when it hurts.” He said. I nodded and Roy went around my stomach pressing different spots. Then he got to my middle and pressed. I cried out and my dad pet my hair and tried to calm me down.
“Right there?” He asked. I nodded and he looked to his captain.
“Can we cut her dress? We need to see what’s wrong.” Roy asked. My dad nodded frantically.
“Do anything you need to.”
They cut the waist of my dress and pulled it to my ribs. There was a big gash along my stomach that was bleeding badly.
I whimpered and reached for my dads hand. He held it and I squeezed it tightly as Johnny started to clean it.
“Okay come on we are taking her in the truck to the hospital we can’t wait anymore.” Johnny said. All the men quickly packed up and made sure I had a place to lay in the back of the fire truck.
My dad picked me up and laid me across one of the seats. Mike was sitting on one so I had to lay my head on his lap. My dad sat across from us and Chet and Marco in the front. We followed the paramedic truck to the hospital.
I groaned as I started to feel sick again. I felt tired and I started to close my eyes.
Mike quickly moved my had lightly and patted my cheek.
“Hey no, don’t go to sleep.” He said. I moaned and tears spilled out of my eyes.
We finally made it to the hospital and my dad quickly brought me in and laid me on a stretcher.
The nurses wheeled me in a room quickly then I blacked out.
I opened my eyes and groaned, my whole body felt sore.
I looked around the room and nobody was in there but there were many bandages and gauze on the table beside me.
I pushed the little nurse station button and soon Dixie came in with Dr.Brackett and my dad.
“How are you feeling y/n?” Brackett asked me.
“Everything is sore, especially my stomach.” I told him. Dixie pulled my now white shirt up and started to replace the bandage on my stomach. The white shirt was most likely my dads. He always lets me where his shirts if I need it. And my dress was ripped. I also had on some shorts that I usually sleep in.
“It was a nasty cut y/n, you needed stitches.” Brackett said. I nodded and hit my lip as I watched Dixie.
“How did you get it?” Brackett asked. I looked towards my dad then at Brackett. I let out a slow breath and went to admit where I was.
“So I went to a party. That’s why I was in the house when they came to the fire. I was drinking and I smoke some weed and hit a line of cocaine. I was so out of it I could hardly get out of the house. Nobody stopped to help me either. God I was so stupid I would have died if Johnny didn’t find me. I couldn’t breath, I was so scared.” I said.
My face was now drenched in tears and my dad was holding my hand.
“I’m so sorry dad.” I cried. My dads eyes had so much sadness in them. He came over and stood beside Brackett. He ran his fingers through my hair and he kissed my forehead.
“It’s okay y/n. You’re safe now, it’s okay.” He said. I calmed down and Brackett began to explain how to take care of my cut properly. Dixie had left by now and my stomach had a new bandage on it.
When the men got done talking Brackett helped unhook me from my IVs and my dad helped me walk to his truck.
He even helped me get in it. He drove back to the fire house in a comfortable silence, listening to the radio.
He pulled in and parked. He helped me out and helped me walk to the kitchen where everyone else was. I sat in a chair in between Chet and Mike.
All the men consoled me and made me feel better for my mistake. My stomach started to growl and that’s when dinner was served. I ate with the men and ended up feeling so much better.
After dinner, Chet helped me walk to my bedroom and helped my get into bed. I changed by myself but he was there just in case. He kissed my forehead and then I fell asleep.
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this-is-the-uchu · 7 months
 我々は音楽の趣味が一致するってほどではないため選曲問題が出たのですが、数少ない共通して聴いている音楽がINTERVALS(と一応CHON、でも僕は全然聴いてない)のため候補として挙がり、多く再生されそうな有名曲として、その2の彼から「Touch and Goとかいいんじゃないっすか?」と言われ、その後1週間検討の時間を設けましたがそのまま決定の運びとなります。
 まあそうだナァ......STRING THEORYのMarcoパートみたいなゲストソロみたいなのだと非常にヨイですね。Epiphanyも可です。うーん贅沢。
 上記の曲が決まったのが6/25、Sheet Happensにて楽譜とバッキングトラックを買ってパート振り分けと練習を開始したのが翌週7/1、8月中に各自REC、9/3からミックスを開始(と自分は初めての手法で音作りをしていたためこっそり再REC)、9/18にミックス完了したので音源を確認して&してもらいつつ9/23まで修正を重ね、以降10月から撮影場所をどうするかの検討を重ね、2週ほどお互いの都合が合わず、10/21に撮影、以降映像編集し10/28の日付変更と共に投稿、が事の顛末です。思った以上に時間が掛かってしまい4ヶ月超えのプロジェクトとなりました。個人的には前回の動画から約7ヶ月になりますね。
 彼の異常エピソードとしてはSymphony XのSEVENなる楽曲のイントロおよびアウトロの超絶シュレッドパートをその場で駆け足しながらノールックで完璧に弾いていまして、何故そのような状況になっていたのかは不明なのですが、その現場を生で見て、ヤバすぎて流石にちょっと引きましたね。ギターはラルクのKenモデル(全体的に赤いアレ)だし、先日動画撮った時に尋ねたら親指反らないから弾く時は握り込むフォームだし、そもそもL'Arc〜en〜Cielが好きなのでメタル一辺倒ではなくカッティングなどのポップス的なプレイも問題なく出来るので知り合いの中でも中々にハイスペックなギタリストです。
・Sugi DS496 - BKP - Nailbomb/The Mule
 使用ピックはJim DunlopのPrimetoneとFRED KELLYのSpeed Pick Lightです。動画ではサムピックオンリーにしました。映え?
 そもそもは普通のピックで弾くつもりでしたが、動画のタイムスタンプで言うと2:04からのリードパートに自分の苦手な1音毎に弦を動いていくフレーズがありまして、あまりにも自信が無さすぎてハイブリッドで弾こうとしても5弦→2弦までの4音の上昇によりガッツリ小指を使うため綺麗に弾ける自信がなく、それでもピックを口に咥えて親指→薬指にするつもりでいたんです。しかし直前のフレーズを弾いてからの猶予と自分の余裕が無いため間に合わず「さてどうするか......」といった時にふと頭をよぎったのがサムピックだった訳です。試してみるとまあラクでして。弾き心地や弦のアタックの感触などは通常のピックとは異なるため戸惑う部分は少なくありませんでしたが、最終的には慣れちゃいましたね。ハイゲインでのサムピックユーザーといえば元MEGADETHのChris BroderickやImpact Fuzeおよびソロ活動を行うFeodor DosumovやAndre Nieriなどが思い浮かびましたので、演奏している時の気分は彼らと同じです。ハイブリッド指弾きマンだぞ〜。
・TC Electronic Polytune 3 MINI(バッファー)
・Fractal Audio Systems FM3
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 同じFriedmanでも数種類のモデリングがありますが長時間の聴き比べの結果、HBE V3(ダークなトーンでミドルが多い)を使用しました。MVをあげてミドルを稼ぎつつネガティブフィードバックをMAXにしてタイトさを出したりプリ管はECC83で空気感を似せるようにしてみたりなどしましたが、それでもアンプ部の工夫はその程度です。プレゼンスはギャリ感を稼ぐためです。ローは結構スカスカですがオケ馴染みはよく聴こえるので、恐らくAaronもそんなにローは出していないはずです。
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 ドライブはPeripheryのミーシャシグネイチャーのPrecision Driveのモデリングです。このブースターはかなり迷いました。ローは削りつつどちらかといえばハイ上がり、でもTS系のミドルブーストの質感は欲しいためあれやこれやと試していましたが、ふと閃いた本機がヨイ質感を出してくれた気がします。ブーストしても歪みがタイト過ぎずジャリ・ギャリ感を出せるようにゲインをあげています。クラシックなTSと違ってモダンなキャラクターになったのはINTERVALSっぽい(別に似てないですけど)かなと。ツマミはJason Richardsonのデモを参考にしています。終売したみたいですが欲しくなってきました。
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 キャビネットはIRを卒業しまして、FM3にも搭載されたキャビネットマイキングシミュレートシステム?(勝手に名付けました)のDynacabを使用しています。レクチのV30×4発ストレートキャビのモデルにSM57とリボンマイク(モデル元が明かされてませんがRoyer R121なのかなと思っています)を立てました。青点を好き勝手動かして音を調節可能です。数値的には距離があるのですが必ずしもマイキングは近ければ良いわけではないようですね。実際のキャビに自分でマイクを立てて音がどう変わるかの経験が無いのでl、この辺りはチャレンジでした。
 その他前段コンプにMXRのDyna Compのモデリングを使っています。後ろのゲートが正直あまり効いておらずちょっとノイジーだと感じているのですが、それでもいい味付けになったと思います。
 その他マイクプリアンプはチューブ、3 Band EQはB:-2.00, M:+3.00, T:-2.50としたり、Airパラメータはガッツリ37.7%まであげたり(正直ミドル寄りのサウンドになったのはこのおかげですが似ていない原因もコレだと思っています)、アンプよりもキャビしっかりいじるのが大事だと再認識しました。
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 同じくクランチもリアンプにて音を作っています。モデリングは本家と同じくMESAのTriple Crownのch2です。比較的ニュートラルなEQのペダルコンプレッサー1でオクターブでの弦音量と整えつつ、DriveはPrecision Driveのゲインを下げて各トーン関連も動かし、アンプ部はギャリギャリしすぎないようトレブル〜プレゼンスはガッツリ下げてミドルあげています。ゲインはもうちょっと下げてもよかったですかね。さらに2段階のブーストとなっておりMid Boostを0.00dBでオンにしていたようです。パワー管は6L6 GC、プリ菅は12AX7AでどちらもJJ Electronicのモデリングです。若干トレブル寄りのカラーになります。その他全体的としてはミドルを押しまくるサウンド傾向でした。
 キャビはハイゲインと変わらず同じキャビとマイクで、その他パラメータを変更いたしました。マイクプリはFET IIです。EQでトレブルは-7.75とかになってるのでかなりのハイカットですね。でも丸くならないようにアンプ部でブライトスイッチはONにしています。
・Universal Audio 1176 Classic Limiter Collection
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 後輩君の音は彼自身がNeural DSPで作成した音を送ってもらっていたため最小限のイコライジングとし空間はこちらで設定しています��
 コンプは1176 Rev Aを使いました。ギターでは本機が一番使用されているようであのJens Bogrenもコレをよく使うらしいです。自分の音にはこちらを使うつもりだったのですが、持ち上がったミドルのキャラクターと自分の音が合わず、しっくりきていない所で他機種を試した結果1176AEがハマったためRev Aは使用しませんでした。
 逆に当初は後輩君の音にAEを使っていたものの、AEがニュートラル特性とはいえ味付け過多になるのは申し訳ないと感じていた所に、Rev AとRev Eモデルはコンプ部のオフ設定が出来るためそれならばと試した所、音質のランクアップをしながら元の作ってくれた音を邪魔しすぎない結果となったために採用しています。EQは若干だけハイカットをしてみましたが気に入ってくれたみたいです。空間系は一緒のセッティングです。
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