#marcos bee
mel-loly · 26 days
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-Happy Mother's Day!!💐✨
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snailor-bee · 8 months
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Marco x NB!Reader / SFW  / 2.1k Summary: Marco is finally going to confess to you! If only it would stop going wrong... Notes: Written for @op-xreader-zine! All the art is done by the amazing @issatheartist thank you for working with me on this! ;w;
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This was it! Marco was finally going to do it. He was going to walk up to you and confess. 
He'd been crushing on you for a while now and it was time. He'd dealt with the teasing from his brothers and the nurses for far too long. Originally Marco had held himself back because he hadn't wanted to ruin what the two of you already had. 
Friends, nakama, family. 
Still, everyone had insisted that he go for it and had completely ignored his reasonings for maybe why he shouldn't—"Marco, you can't seriously use your rank as an excuse; the only person higher than you is Pops"—so that's how he found his hands sweating, wrapped around a bouquet of flowers. 
Maybe it was a bit simple but at this point, Marco figured it was better than nothing. His head felt like a jumbled mess and he hadn't really planned out how he was going to do this but he'd wing it as he went along, all Marco had to do was find you and—
So distracted by his thoughts, he bounced off someone's body made a little oof of pain. 
"Marco!" Izou's voice broke through his thoughts. "Watch where you're going. What are you doing?" 
"I, uh," he couldn't bring himself to say it. Izou was the ship's gossip and if Marco said he was looking for you in order to confess then you'd hear about it before Marco even got to you. Sweat beaded at his brow as Izou's sharp gaze took him in. Uncharacteristically, Marco knew he looked nervous. 
Which might as well have been blood in the water for a shark, when one was dealing with Izou. 
Then all at once, Izou's posture softened and he smiled. "Are those for me?? For my birthday!? Oh, you shouldn't have, these are my favorite too!" Still gushing, Izou grabbed the bouquet and Marco was too stunned to stop him. 
"A-ah, yes. I was worried you wouldn't like them, yoi," he said, going for a smile. It was a bit strained but Izou didn't seem to notice. Marco cursed himself internally. He'd been so focused on the almost-not-quite-confession, Izou's birthday had completely slipped his mind. 
"No, they're perfect ," Izou enthused happily and Marco sighed fondly, letting the anxiety of confronting you fade. He could always do it later. 
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The next 'attempt' wasn't really an attempt. 
Marco had been walking down a street when his inner phoenix noticed a section of smooth rocks. Without too much thought, he reached out and snatched one up. He frequently did this; the drawers in his office were filled with random bits and bobs, shiny pieces of metal, rocks, and other random things that appealed to his phoenix half for whatever reason. Marco never mentioned it to anyone but a few of his brothers who had been around him for years had picked up on it, though they were kind enough not to point it out. 
So, without much thought, when he saw you chatting with some other shipmates, Marco ambled over and handed you the rock. "Here, for you." 
You raised a brow and looked into your palm before running your thumb over the stone's surface, feeling out the texture. 
Inside, his phoenix cooed and Marco was grateful he wasn't in his half-form. He could tell that his tails would be going wild right about now, watching your reaction.
"...Thanks," you said at last, sounding confused before you pocketed the rock and turned back to listen to the story that Ace had been in the process of telling. It didn't deter Marco at all, you had accepted it! 
Feeling thrilled somewhere deep in his bones, he barely felt the jab to his ribs. 
"Hey," Thatch whispered, "you know they aren't a bird, right?" 
Confused, Marco cocked his head. Thatch gestured at you with his chin. "They probably don't know why you just handed them a rock. Shouldn't you be doing more, uh, human courting stuff?" 
There was a few seconds of incomprehension before the meaning hit him and Marco felt like dissolving into dust and disappearing forever. He leaned over to bury his head into Thatch's shoulder to cover up the sound of his groan of pain as his brother laughed and patted his back. 
"Don't worry, you'll get them next time, birdie." 
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Next time ended up being a love letter. 
Old fashioned? Maybe. But Marco was getting desperate. At least this would be crystal clear. 
He'd gone through numerous editions. The trash can in his room was overflowing with failed attempts, bunched up balls of paper scattered around his desk as he tried again and again until he finally felt he had it all down. 
Exactly what about you that made him smile, how the simple sight of you lifted his spirits and the sound of your laugh made his chest tight. He'd bared it all. 
Walking across the busy deck, the night breeze ruffling his hair, Marco was barely able to return the greetings he got as he passed by scattered groups. He'd locked eyes with you right away and once you noticed him coming, you'd said your goodbyes and were coming to meet him halfway. 
The closer and closer the two of you got, the more and more nervous Marco became. The butterflies in his stomach were making him feel like he might throw up. What if you didn't return his feelings? What if you thought the letter was lame? 
What if you went to read it right away? Oh fuck , he hadn't thought this through. He didn't want to watch your face as you read the confession, heartfelt though it may be. If you had to turn him down after he poured his heart onto the parchment, Marco really didn't know how he was going to take that. 
Saying it to your face, letting you turn him down gently without realizing the true depths of his feeling was way more appealing. 
His step faltered before a rush of heat flashed beside him. On instinct he tossed the letter into the roar of fire. Ace was likely showing off and didn't even notice the slight disturbance. 
"What was that?" you asked, finally having made your way to him. 
"Nothing," Marco said quickly. "Someone did their report so badly, so I had a bunch of corrections but thinking it over I realized I'll just have them redo it. Makes it easier, yoi." 
You laughed. "Harsh. I'd hate to be them, putting in all that work for nothing." 
Marco shrugged, trying for nonchalance. "Yeah but I'm sure they'll get over it." 
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"Wow, Marco, you're not very good at this are you?" Ace asked with a snicker. Marco glared, fork paused midway to his mouth. Thatch elbowed him good-naturedly from his side. They were sitting in the galley, the shipmates talking around them creating a symphony of noise that easily hid the conversation from others. 
"Good at what, yoi?" Marco asked, placing the fork down. Thatch threw an arm around his shoulders and shook him lightly as Ace's eyes sharpened with glee. 
"Now Ace," Thatch said, mockingly sweet, "don't go teasing our resident birdbrain here. He's trying so hard, the poor thing." 
"Get off," Marco said, irritated as he pushed at Thatch until he let him go, laughing. 
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"Think they've even noticed?" Ace asked thoughtfully before shoving something into his mouth and chewing loudly. 
Marco opened his mouth to answer but Thatch beat him to it. "Hopefully not, though Marco looking so pathetic has been quite amusing." Thatch batted away his hand before Marco could punch him in the ribs, the bastard. 
Grunting with annoyance, Marco looked away just in time to catch you several tables away leaning your head back with a laugh and he stared, heart suddenly in his throat. He couldn't help it, you were just so—
"Plus the whole ships been taking bets at this point," Thatch tacked on and Marco tore his gaze away from you. 
"What?!" Marco demanded as Ace hooted joyfully. Thatch shrugged, grinning all the while.
"Maybe you shouldn't look like a lovesick bird all the time and we wouldn't have to take bets on when you finally get your act together. Do not" —Thatch pointed a steak knife menacingly in Ace's direction after a garbled noise had started— "talk with your mouth full. Swallow." 
Dutifully, Ace swallowed his barely chewed food and took a second to catch his breath before barrelling on, "Whatcha got planned next, Marco? Anything good?" 
"Excuse me? All my ideas have been fine so far!" Two blank looks had his hackles raising but before he could argue more, your voice rang out. 
"Hey, Marco!" Immediately he whipped his head up and caught your eye. You waved before you arrived behind Ace, patting him on the shoulder. "I was wondering if we could spar later?" 
Quickly, he nodded back. "Yeah, that sounds great!" Embarrassingly, he heard his voice hit a slightly higher pitch, almost as if his voice had cracked. Ace and Thatch did a terrible job at stifling their giggles as Marco felt his face flush traitorously. 
"Great!" you enthused, apparently having not noticed. "See you after lunch?" 
Not trusting his voice, he nodded and you skipped away happily. Once you were far enough away, Ace and Thatch collapsed into loud laughter, Ace banging on the table as Thatch wheezed out between his laughs, "What are you Marco, twelve ?? What was that?!" 
"I hate both of you," Marco grit out between clenched teeth before shoving his half finished tray of food at Ace. "Finish this, I'm leaving, yoi." 
"Good luck on your dateeee," Ace managed to yell out before he got too far away. Marco flipped him off over his shoulder. 
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"So, Marco." You looked uncharacteristically anxious as you fidgeted and looked at everything except him. Marco felt his stomach drop to the deck. What was wrong? You hadn't... noticed had you? Fuck, this was not how he wanted you to find out. 
He'd come to find you for your spar after Ace and Thatch had literally laughed him out of the galley. You'd seemed eager enough to see him before dragging him to a quiet part of the deck, mentioning you had something to say first. 
Seemingly steeling your nerves, you looked into his eyes and they burned with determination. 
"I've liked you for a really long time now. You're literally one of my best friends and more than that you make me feel like I can fly, like nothing could ever hurt me. I didn't really want to mention this and have it ruin our friendship but I can't keep it to myself anymore. Please go on a date with me!" 
Time seemed like it stood still as he gaped at you. He could see your cheeks flush, likely with embarrassment at your proclamation but he was still reeling. 
Finally, you swallowed. "And if you don't feel the same—" 
"No!" he cut in, finally finding his voice. Marco grabbed up your hands, cradling them close. "No, don't. Just, I—" He chuckled with wry amusement before pressing a chaste kiss to your knuckles. "I'm just a little shocked. I've been trying to ask you out for ages now." 
"Wait, really?" you asked, mouth dropping open. He nodded with a smile. There was a strange buzzing in his body, from his toes up to the tips of his ears. Everything felt a little fuzzy, a little warm. He wanted to run around the deck like a teenager again, grab you close and never let go, scream over the railing until he ran out of breath. So many different emotions were raging through him, he was beginning to feel dizzy from the weight of all of them. 
Deciding to just pick one, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close into his chest, breathing in your scent as he began to chuckle lowly. You joined in and soon the two of you were full-out laughing. When you separated, he brushed a hand against your cheek reverently, giddy that he was able to do so. 
"To be honest," Marco began, "I don't think I can spar right now, I feel like my knees are made of jell-o." 
You laughed again. "That's okay, I'm feeling the same. Wanna go tell Pops instead?" 
Marco ran a hand through his hair, before smiling at you. "Sure. We're about to get the teasing of a lifetime." 
You held out a hand and he took it, fingers twining together with yours like they were meant to be. 
"We may as well get started," you said back, fondness shining in your eyes and maybe, just maybe, a hint of something more.
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tangerine-soccer · 4 months
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Marco and his boys training!
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threelionsgirl · 5 months
no but marco reus turning to jadon sancho after scoring the goal, all proud of the assist jadon gave like a proud father my god i'm in tears what a duo
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ok-i-draw · 10 months
The buzz around the neighborhood! 🐝
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BEE GANG! 🐝I’m starting to make a lot of bug friend groups….
Bill bumble by: @theknifeclown
Rubee bee by: @kamigui
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Human Mob!Marcos and human Mob!Maria sketches in @clownsuu art style!
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simysimysimy · 1 year
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thebusylilbee · 1 year
PSG losing to Lens and Rennes, Neymar being out of it, Verratti out on a red card after 10 minutes, last second null against Reims, Neymar being substituted against Reims even tho he's finally back to doing his best again, non existent defense, Mbappé playing his worst game in a long time, failed Hakim Ziyech transfer, PSG failing to get a single additional player out of this mercato, Ramos injured, Mbappé missing two penalties in a row and an easy opportunity to score, Mbappé injured enough to exit the game, Mbappé not playing against Bayern...
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kittenfangirl20 · 6 months
AOT High School AU not long after this post.
*Jean is enjoying lunch with his boyfriend, Marco, when Mikasa comes over to the table and slams the palms of her hands on the table while Armin is standing behind her*
Mikasa: Where is Eren?
Jean: Don’t worry, Krista just wanted to talk to him.
*at this time Historia is being made to use the name Krista by her father*
Mikasa: Haven’t you seen high school movies, the popular mean girl pulls something like this to torment the sensitive outcast.
Marco: Those movies greatly exaggerate things, besides in spite of the stereotype that goths are loners and outcasts, Eren gets along quite well with many people here.
Jean: Also while I would like to add that while many words can be used to describe Racoon Eyes, sensitive isn’t one of them.
*Eren walks into the room with Historia, she has one arm wrapped around his waist while he has one of his arms draped across her shoulders*
Eren: It’s alright Mikasa, no need to interrogate Horse Face and Marco. Krista asked me out on a date and asked me to be her boyfriend which I said yes to.
*everyone in the cafeteria stares at the new couple in shock*
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mel-loly · 1 year
-Happy Pride Month!🏳️‍🌈✨
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snailor-bee · 10 months
even in another time...
So I saw an event on Twitter that was "yeehawgust" a prompt list for everything "Wild West" and I told Angel we should write something for each other. >:O Just something short. She picked "marace + first photo" I tried to make this kinda of a Western 1800s America, I did very little Googling so please excuse any inconsistencies haha.
I hope you like it @itsthefandommash!
Ace x Marco / SFW  / 1.1k Summary: Ace just wants to get a picture together with the love of his life, damnit. Warnings: General warning for implied homophobia but none is expressed to anyone in the fic itself.
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They’ve been together for about three years now. It's more than pleasant but it's hard to put down in words. Ace never thought this would be his life, settled down in some small town, assistant sheriff to the town’s sheriff, Edward Newgate, a man he’s begun to regard as a father figure, dating a man who he could swear hangs the stars in the sky. Marco is his guiding northern star, something that has finally calmed the storm that has raged inside of Ace since before he could remember.
When Ace stumbled into town, basically an outlaw looking for a quick buck (always stealing from people who deserved it and nothing else, he wasn’t a monster), he’d gotten his ass handed to him by the sheriff. Not that it kept Ace down. He was a master at escaping, jail cells were nothing more than a suggestion by that point, but his pride had been damaged. Instead of cutting town and trying elsewhere, he’d challenged Newgate again and again, all ending up in failure.
Which was how he met Marco, the town’s doctor who had been called in to fix up his bruised and battered body.
It was the beginning of, well, everything. They took a while of dancing around each other (can never be too careful, on the road two men could mess around just fine, but put most in a town and they’ll punch you in the face if you look at them the ‘wrong’ way, Ace has learned from experience) but eventually they found each other.
And while Marco’s family was understanding, they still had to be careful with the general town population not to flaunt it. Maybe some suspected but then again, maybe not. Marco was well loved and when Sunday came around, Ace dutifully trailed along to church, though he was bored out of his mind the entire time.
The kisses he always got when they got back to Marco’s place made it worth though.
All this was to say, when a photographer found his way to the town and Ace watched everyone clamber for a picture of their families, he felt the familiar flames of jealousy roll around in his gut.
Because they couldn’t get a picture. That would be… stretching it a little too much. Sure, they were friends and were close because Ace was close with all of the Newgate’s adopted children. But a picture together? That would be the equivalent of standing in the middle of the town hall and screaming his love.
Or so it felt. Anyway, Ace tried not to let it bother him, just went about his duties and forced a thinly veiled smile whenever someone shoved their brand-new photo into his face and he made some vague compliment that he didn’t really feel.
Was it so wrong to want the same? Ace loved Marco, he knew that way down into his soul. He never wanted to part from him. Wanted to wake up each day to admire Marco’s sleeping face, trace the lines that bordered his eyes, his lips. Wanted to carve each day into memory.
A photograph would freeze Marco for him. So that as the years went by, Ace could hold it up and see where Marco had been before and see where he was now. It sounded nice.
He didn’t voice any of these thoughts though. Ace had long gotten used to not dreaming of things that were impossible and forcing Marco to sit there and feel bad because Ace felt bad was unappealing.
So he was totally unprepared when Marco asked him to run some errands to find when he returned Marco’s living room had been totally reconfigured. (They had separate places but Ace stayed over so often that he basically lived at Marco’s house.) A camera with its accordion-looking body was set up, pointed towards two chairs.
Thatch was beaming at him as Marco ushered him into his (their) room. “Here, get changed,” he ordered, shoving a bundle of clothes into Ace’s arms.
“Marco? What is this?” Marco just smiled and leaned forward enough to peck him on the cheek.
“Figured we oughta get one. Thatch bought a camera off that photographer and he's been playin' around with it so he’ll be able to develop the photographs for us.” Marco hesitated. “Unless you didn’t want one…?”
Shuffling the bundle into one arm with the other he grabbed Marco’s collar and pulled him into a hard kiss. When they parted, Marco’s rounded glasses were skewed on his face and Ace smiled, canines flashing. “Oh you better BELIEVE I want one. Better fly away birdie so I can change or else Thatch’ll be waitin’ a little too long.”
Marco chuckled as he fixed his glasses. “Alright, alright, I’m leavin’.” His blue eyes regarded Ace warmly as he hovered in the doorway. “Don’t take too long, I’m holdin’ ya to that promise.”
Ace laughed and Thatch’s voice drifted over to them. “What’s the hold up you two!” Marco shot him a wink before he left, and Ace hustled to get dressed.
The rest of the evening was spent with Thatch fussing over them both, positioning them then fixing their clothing, then their hair. During the actual photograph, it was hard to keep still. It was a shame that they wouldn’t be able to smile during them (Ace loved Marco’s smile) but at least he would at least get a photograph so he wouldn’t complain.
By the time Thatch packed up and left it was late and Ace gratefully collapsed into Marco’s arms. “That was tirin’!” he whined as Marco started carding a few fingers through his black hair.
“Was it?” his deep voice said with a hint of amusement. “Maybe we shouldn’t do it again.”
“No way!” Ace argued. “We gotta get one every few years. Need to see how much more hair you lose.”
“Excuse me?” Marco said, poking harshly against Ace’s ribs making him squirm until he burst out with laughter. “That was rude, apologize! Or else.”
“Or else what?” Ace challenged.
“I’ll kick you out,” Marco said firmly.
Ace snorted and saw the way Marco’s frown wavered as if he was trying to stop himself from laughing or smilin’. “No, you wouldn’t,” he said with conviction.
“No, I wouldn’t,” Marco agreed, voice as warm as a summer day. “But I would be extremely cross with you.”
“Oh, we wouldn’t want that,” Ace said rolling his eyes. Then, softer, he looked at Marco and said, “I’m sorry, you’re oh so handsome, I’ll never think otherwise.” And though his tone was teasing, there was a truth laced through every word.
As always, Marco understood what he meant and pulled him closer. “I love you, Ace.”
Ace buried his face into Marco’s neck, breathing in the smell of him, relaxing him instantly. “Yeah, I love ya too.”
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happyandticklish · 1 year
I have a couple for the tickle fight asks if that’s okay. 💖
Tom & Marco
Bee & Deckard
Dipper & Pacifica
And Wirt & Sarah
You get me
I love that you always ask for my rare cartoon fandoms because I need to shower these couples in love and you always give me the opportunity to <3
I am not 100% sure if you meant these in a ship-y way, but as these are all ships that I like, I will be interpreting them as such. I put them under the cut as it started to get a bit long lol:
Round 2: Tom vs Marco
Okay, so it is pretty even between these two. They're both fairly ticklish and both competitive as hell, so they'll go for a while before one of them is forced to give up. I'd say that Marco probably loses more because Tom has magic (which is "unfair" and "breaking the rules" according to certain unnamed witnesses) and will pin Marco down with it, to which Marco loses his mind giggling and trying to somehow break his hold. However, there's this spot on Tom's lower back, near his butt but almost at his sides, that makes him panic and he is not able to focus on winning after that point, it is all about survival.
Round 3: Bee vs Deckard
Bee wins. Oh, for SURE Bee wins. Deckard (a) loves to be tickled and (b) is far too ticklish for his own good. He melts into tickling and will just curl up and take it—not that he won't be protesting adamantly—and half the time he might even roll over so Bee has better access to his spots. It's not that he won't tickle Bee as well, or that Bee herself isn't ungodly ticklish, it's simply that he is so fucking touch-starved that he will fight against every instinct in his body not to fight back if the opportunity to get tickled presents itself. Like, he'll start tickling Bee jokingly and she'll tickle back, and he gives up immediatelly. If she's in the mood to be tickled, she won't fight back because she knows Deckard will cave if she does lol.
Round 4: Dipper vs Pacifica
This might be controversial, but I actually feel like Pacifica would lose. Dipper is the more ticklish of the too, but Pacifica isn't used to being tickled. Dipper and Mabel have gotten into a million tickle fights over the years, and as such he has developed strategies to deal with his sensitivity in order to fight back. Don't get me wrong, he'll go down at first, and it takes him a while to get the upper hand, but once he does, Pacifica is caught entirely off guard and can't fight him off for shit. He does let her win occasionally, because he thinks it's cute when she thinks she's "finally bested him at his own game."
Round 5: Wirt vs Sarah
Wirt loses omg are you kidding, my guy is practically one walking tickle spots. No one with that gangly of limbs and that awkward of an attitude isn't insanely ticklish. Sara is also ticklish, and while I think they both ultimately enjoy being tickled, she's able to relax into it more. She'll giggle and squirm but other than that she doesn't get too out of control from it. Wirt fucking PANICS there are limbs flailing everywhere it's a mess. Tbh it's less of a tickle fight and more of him getting unfairly wrecked lol.
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threelionsgirl · 1 year
the entire bvb squad today
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ok-i-draw · 6 months
“Well, the new chapter is out for mob!hopper! I’ve worked hard on this for such a long time, I should take a break-!”
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Time I gave my goobers a proper introduction….
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Silver Cartel: The third most powerful family in the city, small in numbers but strong in strength.
The cartel is mainly focused on producing drugs and substances. Forcing radical ideals and changes with its people, that they right the wrongs, no matter the costs.
Within the west border, it’s generally a better area to live in. As they strive to be better and to uphold order for life to thrive in. Which they monitor the border very strictly as to limit the amount of spy’s and enemies within.
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gxtzeizm · 1 year
i mean...ngl if i'm saying that these days i really enjoys the dynamics of nortrell (istg they're both are such silly and horrible ex-housemates/boyfriends fr).
but i admit that i really missing götzeus so much atp. and the moment yesterday during frankfurt-dortmund match when both mario and marco had a kinda sweet interaction among them, well it really brings my life back ngl <33333.
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simysimysimy · 10 months
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buzzingfairy · 7 months
Hadn’t noticed that Marco got the armband. If we mange to somehow turn this around it would probably be his last win as captain
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