#margarey tyrell
dyannawynnedayne · 1 year
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@wickedlittlebxtchfromhighgarden your girl!
In the course of drawing this I've decided Margarey has an interest in astronomy. Willas used to draw her pictures of stars, so we have some nice sister-brother bonding there, and then she lives near the Starry Sept, which I'm sure can only further that interest!
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annachum · 4 months
Several GOT ladies in more historically accurate clothing
Since House of the Dragon has inspirations from The Anarchy ( set in 12th century ), and Game of Thrones has inspirations from War of the Roses ( set in 15th century ), I've decided to draw several GOT franchise ladies in more historically accurate fashion
And....here we go.
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A drawing I did of Margarey Tyrell in a more historically accurate attire
It is actually a Tudor Era rendition of her iconic blue and gold attire, with stylistic nods to Anne Boleyn btw
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A drawing I made of Sansa Stark in a more historically accurate fashion
It is actually a 15th century rendition of a purple and gold outfit that I really like - with stylistic nods to Elizabeth of York
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A drawing I did of Rhaenyra Targaryen in a more historically accurate attire
It is a 12th century rendition of a dark blue and gold dragon dress attire that she wore, with stylistic nods to Queen Leah ( Disney animated Sleepinf Beauty ) and Queen Matilda of England
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A drawing of Daenerys Targaryen in a more historically accurate attire
Now Daenerys' fashions included beautiful dresses and long skirt armors
I drew Daenerys in a 15th century ladies' armor rendition of a black armor suit of hers that I really like, with stylistic nods to Joan of Arc and Lagertha
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A drawing of Alicent Hightower in a more historically accurate attire
This is a 12th century rendition of Alicent's green and gold attire that I like - with stylistic nods to Queen Elinor from Brave, and Adeliza of Louvain
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A drawing of Cersei Lannister in a more historically accurate attire
This is a rendition of Cersei in a 16th century rendition of a mahogany and black attire that I've seen her wear ( in my memory ) - with stylistic nods to Caterina di Medici and Mary I Tudor
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The reason why I’m convinced Garlan was the one that killed Joffrey is because then it would foreshadow another regicide? I mean, if Garlan poisoned his wine, he probably did it to protect Margarey from him. To protect his sister, the Queen. But also to protect his brother, who joined a celibate order inspired by the Night’s Watch. Many characters feared that Loras would kill Joffrey to defend Margarey, just like Jaime killed Aerys to stop the burning of King’s Landing:
"I shouldn't think so." Margaery smiled confidently. "It's brave of you to warn me, but you need not fear. Joff's spoiled and vain and I don't doubt that he's as cruel as you say, but Father forced him to name Loras to his Kingsguard before he would agree to the match. I shall have the finest knight in the Seven Kingdoms protecting me night and day, as Prince Aemon protected Naerys. So our little lion had best behave, hadn't he?" (...)
(...) Ser Loras was a great knight, all agreed. But Joffrey had other Kingsguard, and gold cloaks and red cloaks besides, and when he was older he would command armies of his own. Aegon the Unworthy had never harmed Queen Naerys, perhaps for fear of their brother the Dragonknight... but when another of his Kingsguard fell in love with one of his mistresses, the king had taken both their heads.
(...) Joff might restrain himself for a few turns, perhaps as long as a year, but soon or late he will show his claws, and when he does... The realm might have a second Kingslayer, and there would be war inside the city, as the men of the lion and the men of the rose made the gutters run red. (ASOS Sansa II)
So Loras is linked to both Aemon the Dragonknight and Jaime the Kingslayer, Queen Margarey is linked to Queen Naerys, and Joffrey to Aegon the Unworthy and Aerys the Mad King.
So I’m pretty sure one of the upcoming regicides will include a character linked to Jaime and Aemon, one linked to Naerys and one to Aerys and Aegon. I wonder who they will be ☺️
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sugarprincessbitch · 1 year
how about a female reader that causes both yan!Joffrey and yan! Margaery love her? Would they accept polyamory, or would King Joffrey annul his betrothal to Margaery, making her marry his brother Tommen? And what if Olenna intervened to poison Joffrey so that you are finally Margaery's? And as Tommen is sweet and not sadistic at all, could poly love be possible?
Hi anon!! Like the idea of this ones being yandere's together, i don't know how it didn't occur to me before. Thanks for the ask 💞
Well, we know that Joffrey has some Narcissist and Antisocial personality disorder (in short words a psychopath). These types of persons don't have the capacity to feel love, they like the attention that people gave them (We see in GOT how Joffrey likes people to know about his presence, presenting himself in a flamboyant way), so as a yandere I don't think he would like to share his darling to anyone. But with the other person being Margarey (he is in the series a little infatuated with her) maybe he would "share" the darling, but as sharing a precious toy with a person you like (He is so self absorbed that he wouldn't conceive the idea that you would choose someone else beside him, because he sees himself as "super incredible").
The scenario in which Joffrey can annul the marriage with Margarey (We have to remember that Joffrey is not the one making desicsions, tywin is, and he needs for the moment this alliance with the Tyrells) it will have to be in a specific situation, the reader being a noble of an important house will help but not entirely. So no, i don't think that could happen. And Olenna (Tywin also but in private) will kick Joffrey's ass if he dare to disrespect the Tyrells with marrying a second son that will not inherit nothing.
If you ask me, i think that Margarey being the little cunning rose (manipulative also) that she is, she would not only put the darling to her side (Showing Joffrey as a monster) but also she would put in joffrey's head the illusion that he is in charge of things (spoiler, he is not).
Olenna will help his niece in dealing with Joffrey (now she has two reasons to kill the little bastard) and the purple wedding will take place like the original. I don't think that a Tommen/Margarey poly with reader will take place, she would help her escape to highgarden to be safe (as a yandere she would be a very jealous person, so I don't see her sharing her precious darling to the lion kid, sorry Tommen) as she tried to do with Sansa, although this one will be successful.
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thebiggerbear · 4 months
Daenerys x Margaery Masterlist
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
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carcrash-white · 10 months
Cersei shenanigans I'm manefesting for TWOW:
Genna Lannister regency.
Fucked up love affair with Tyene Sand.
Not taking The Aegon cause seriously at all.
Making Illyrio Master of Coin.
Minor diplomatic incident when she refers to Illyrio as Prince of Pentos, implying he's going to be sacrificed at the first sign of trouble.
Making the worse marriage offer ever (Euron) asked to leave Kings Landing
Being accused of killing Grand Maester Gormon (did this one).
Being accused of killing the High Sparrow (didn't actually do this one).
Thinking the mutiny against Jon Snow was her doing.
Major diplomatic incident when she congratulates the mutineers against Jon Snow.
The Faith using Lanncel at her trial by combat thinking she'd never let Robert Strong obliterate her cousin.
Getting Robert Strong to obliterate her cousin.
Choosing Nymeria Sand as hand to spite the Tyrells (female Dornish bastard) unaware this is the worst decision she made since blowing off the Iron Bank.
Pushing Margarey of a cliff.
Having Tommen see her push Margarey off a cliff.
Not taking Mycella being disfigured well at all.
Moon of 5 Kings Version 2
Sacrificing Illyrio at the first sign of danger.
Leaving to Casterly Rock to wait for this Aegon bussiness to all blow over :)
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Princess Sansa Greyjoy and Lord Reaper Theon Greyjoy at the presentation of their first child, Florian Greyjoy the future Lord Reaper of the Iron Islands. Her brother King Robb Stark and the Queen Margarey Tyrell were present, it was the first time in centuries that a King visited the Iron Islands for reasons beside revolt, marking a new age for relations between the North and the Iron Islands.
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julessworldd · 1 year
Red revenge Robb Stark fic
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A/N: Basically i saw this Robb edit on tik tok and thought of about it for a fic. Basically the red wedding happens but everyone doesn’t realize Robb made it alive. So my fic is about that but also @valeskafics thoughts.. Bel said what if his wife was kidnapped by the the Lannisters and was forced to marry Joffrey. I made Y/n a Tyrell, Margery’s twin and youngest child of Mace Tyrell.
Warning: violence(Its a got fic so obviously there’s some blood shed lol), angst, marriage, child, pregnancy mention. Smut implied at the end. Bedding ceremony is mentioned(idk if that’s a trigger ) Jaime don’t gets his character arc yet, very much s1 Jaime, but set in s3. Love Jaime but it’s for plot, sorry Jeyne I stole your man for a plot 😘 okay enjoy babes 💚
Y/n Tyrell, twin of Margarey Tyrell, the prettiest rose. Margarey was beautiful with her bright blue eyes, perfect skin, red hair for days. The biggest smile that would make the strongest knight break down. Then there was Y/n, she was beautiful like her twin but she didn’t feel like that. Everyone forgot about her or at least she thought. Hiding in Marg’s shadow since day 1 she’s got used to be Margarey’s twin and the youngest Tyrell.
Mace Tyrell was in the north when the war broke out as Robb Stark brought his banner men down south. Y/n and Mace got separated but Robb found her. He swore he would get Y/n back to Highgarden to safety.
As the months passed, the two fell in love and Robb found a septon that ironically married his Aunt Lynna to Prince Rhaegar. They were married in secret much to Lady Cat’s disappointment. It was stupid to marry for love in this world but they didn’t care. Robb loved Y/n and wanted to protect her forever. Y/n loved Robb more than what she thought she could love anyone. More than her twin in Highgarden. Soon the Starks and their men went to a Frey wedding as Robb’s uncle is supposed to marry Freys daughter.
The wedding had ended as the couple were giggling and feeding each other as others danced. Robb and Y/n were watching the new couple as they talked.
“If you actually kept your oath, you would be eating out of her hand” Y/n smirked
“Perhaps I made a terrible mistake” Robb deadpanned.
Y/n gasped as she attempted to hit Robb’s shoulder but he grabbed her wrist gently pulling her close to him, “Hitting your king is an act of treason”
Y/n’s face soften as she giggled, “I’m sorry my love” Robb let her wrist go as he kissed her hand, “Good don’t do it again”
Walder commanded the bedding ceremony was to begin.. lords grabbed Rosylin and lady’s giggled as they attempted to take off Eddume’s jacket. Y/n watched as the group left, “I’m sure the gods would live if we didn’t have that”
“It’s tradition, Y/n/n” Robb replied
“Doesn’t make it right” Y/n said as the door shut and a Lannister battle song started. Y/n and Catelyn made eye contact as a Frey guard flipped tables and shot some Stark bannermen. It finally hit Robb what happened, he attempted to grab Y/n but a Frey man grabbed her and dragged her towards to door as she screamed and kicked.
Y/n was held by her arms as she watched Robb got shot by two arrows knocking him down. Walder said something but Y/n was in shock as she watched her love get shot and her mother in law screamed at him to get up.
“Get up Robb! Get up and walk out, take me as your hostage. He’s my son! My first boy!” Catelyn screamed.
Walder sat there as a Frey guard stabbed Robb in his ribs, “The Lannisters send their regards” Robb looked at Y/n as he fell to the ground. Blood poured out as she screamed. Catelyn screamed and cut Walder’s daughter’s throat. Someone knocked Y/n out and dragged her to Jaime Lannister’s horse waiting outside. Hours later Y/n woke up tried to scream but was gagged and had her hands and legs tied.
“Oh the wolf’s bitch is awake” Jaime chuckled.
Soon enough Y/n was in the Red Keep as Jaime had her over his shoulder as he carried to his father’s chambers
“Father, here’s your grandson’s bride” Jaime sat her on her feet.
“What?!” Y/n said but, Jaime still had her gagged.
Y/n was set to marry King Joffrey, her grandmother made an alliance with House Lannister. She never hated anyone until now. She hated her grandmother, her father, anyone else that influenced this marriage. She hated Walder Frey and his men. She watched her love die in front of her and her mother in law had to be dead as well.
Margarey walked in Y/n’s chambers with a big smile, “Sister, I’m so glad to see you”
“I can’t marry Joffrey, he’s a monster! He had Robb killed in front of me! You’re just like everyone else, can’t believe father is allowing this” Y/n yelled
“Y/n, Robb broke his oath. It’s horrible yes but we can’t forget that” Margarey said
“Shut up! We were married and loved each other, he was my world! And you let him get killed! He was good damn it!” Y/n yelled as her older brother walked in
“What’s all the yelling about?” Loras asked
“Why do you care? Mhm! Robb was the love of my life and he was murdered! I hate this fucking family and fuck the king!” Y/n spat, throwing a vase. Y/n was known for her quick temper and thin patience. She had enough of everything and everyone. She wanted Robb but he was dead.
A few weeks later Ceseri dragged Y/n into a council meeting.. The king, the hand Tywin Lannister, Lord Varys, Lord Balish sat and Lord Tyrion was there.
Cersei pushed Y/n down on the ground, Tyrion jumped down for his seat and held a hand out to Y/n, “Lady Y/n” Y/n looked at Tyrion and took his hand, “Thank you, my lord”
“Maester Pyell, give my uncle the letter” Joffery said
Tyrion got the letter and read it out loud “What’s this? Bad poetry?”
Joffery chuckled dark, “Robb Stark is dead and his bitch mother!”
The door opened as Robb walked in with his sword out, he seen Y/n and grabbed her into his side, “Oh is he?” Robb said in a deep voice.
Everyone was silent, jaws opened in shock and fear, Cersei stood in front of Joffery like a mother lion to her cub. Tywin grabbed his sword and walked towards Robb.
“Theon, get Y/n out” Robb gently pushed Y/n backwards as he stood his ground.
Theon threw Y/n over his shoulder, “Come on” Y/n kicked and punched him as he carried her out.. “No! I won’t let him die again!”
“Jorey, take Queen Y/n to the gates. I’ll get Lady Sansa before Robb is done” Theon said as Jorey grabbed Y/n in his arms.
Robb came out of the Keep with something in his grasp, he had a smirk on his face. A dark one at that. He got closer and threw the heads at his men. Y/n and Sansa looked, it was King Jofferys, Tywin, Ceresi’s.
Y/n jumped in his arms, “How are you alive? I watched you die” Y/n cried on his shoulder.
“Shhh! It’s okay I’ll explain later. Are you hurt? Did he touch you?” Robb hugged me tight
“No I’m not hurt. What about my family?” Y/n asked.
“They’re packing for Highgarden. You can go with them if you want. It’s home for you” Robb snuzzled in her hair
“No, I want you. I’m not losing you again i swear it, my love” Y/n said
“Let’s go home then my Queen” Robb sat her down as he went to hug Sansa.
A few years later, Robb made it back to Winterfell and was still King in the north. The north was an independent kingdom, Robb wasn’t going to bend the knee to anyone as long as he was breathing. Y/n got pregnant not too long after arriving in Winterfell. Wasn’t a shock as the pair were locked in their chambers for a week with each other. 9 moons later, Y/n gave birth to a curly haired auburn boy. Cregan II Stark, a remake of his father but his mothers smile. The perfect heir, perfect little son, a product of a loving marriage. Y/n was actually pregnant again, she wants it to be a girl this time, her mini me. They were happy as a family and that’s all that mattered to them.
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writeshite · 1 year
Robb thinking his husband is cheating
Lady Margaery and Olenna of House Tyrell arrive in Kings Landing on a beautiful summer afternoon, and every ounce of assurance of your marriage Robb had shriveled when he noted how familiar you and Lady Margaery were. Viserys finds him glaring daggers from a balcony overlooking the courtyard; the bastard laughs when he notes how tightly Robb grips the railing as you and Margaery exchange pleasantries over tea. 
“My, my, this look of jealousy is quite attractive on you,” Viserys comments, Robb sneers at the man. “Calm yourself; I’m not foolish enough to attempt and take you a few feet from my brother.” He ran his hand around the base of his neck, “He’d have my head for that.”
“Good, then you should stop bothering me.”
Viserys mock pouted, “I only came to see how you felt knowing your husband’s ex-lover was in town.”
The bastard gasps mockingly, “Don’t you know, before you, hundreds if not thousands lined the streets,” he remarks, gazing up dreamily as if remembering, “Cersei Lannister and Margarey were high contenders, constantly vying for my brother’s hand.” Viserys glanced down, you looped your arm in hers, and you both laughed as you waltzed away, “But I’m sure it’s nothing.”
Robb spends hours after spiraling, watching your interactions with Lady Tyrell; his mind plays scenario after scenario incessantly, as Viserys’ mockery does the same. His panic draws your attention, but he ignores you when you speak and shrugs off your affection. He wanders the halls, hands shaking as he fiddles with his wedding band at every waking moment.
Viserys enjoys his turmoil. “If you’re that upset, then why not find your own comfort in another?” Robb cusses him out, storming off before he does anything irrational, wandering the halls aimlessly until he stumbles across Lady Olenna enjoying her wine. He turns to leave but is beckoned by her.
“Come on; I don’t have all day.” A handmaiden pours him his own cup, and he downs half of it without hesitation, “Do you know of Old Valyrian customs, Lord Stark?”
“In Old Valyria, love was a bloody conquest; dedication was shown by impaling your lover’s enemies for all to see,” she replies, nursing her drink. “It was said that their bloodlust made them dangerous and volatile creatures to love.”
Robb blinks slowly, mind swimming to understand what he’s been told; she stands, “Walk with me.” The terrace edge overlooks Traitor’s Walk on one side, “Do you recognize any of the people there?”
At first, he doesn’t, but then he does - the head at the center is covered in blood, bruising around its face, and a jagged haphazard cut from ear to ear - he recognizes it as Lord Stuar, who’d taken to tormenting Robb alongside Viserys months back. Lord Stuar, who’d been declared missing soon after, “How….”
“Your husband,” Lady Olenna supplies, “He’s been filling Margaery in on his bloody conquests; she enjoys the details, as do I, I suppose.”
“What are you trying to say, Lady Olenna?” He asks.
“Don’t you understand?” she turns to him now, “Your husband, like all Valyrians, is a dangerous and volatile creature, willing to spill blood for you without so much as a thought. Believe me when I say, he wasn’t quite this,” she searches for the word, pursing her lip, “murderous for my granddaughter.” She parts from him with words of wisdom, “Use it to your advantage.”
His mind is buzzing from both the wine and the knowledge now bestowed upon him; your chambers are empty, and he’s thankful, needing the space and time to sort through his thoughts. He dozes off and wakes to the sound of light murmuring, your at the door, back to him; the conversation ends, and then the door is closed again. Robb doesn’t face you when he stands, unsure of how to broach anything; he instead focuses on shedding his heavier clothing, unbuckling his belt when your arms draw around him.
“I’ve been told you doubt my loyalty,” you whisper by his ear, hands settling on his, “Why is that?” He mumbles a half-hearted response, and you hmm, “Silly wolf,” you kiss his temple, turning him to face you, “I’d rather burn in dragon’s fire than break our vows.”
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roleplayfinder · 5 months
Hello all! I’ve been RPing for 10+ years in various fandoms and I think Discord is the best thing since sliced for RP. I love using RP to get out of my little world and all the old sources seem to be drying up lately.
I like playing in various fandoms including but not limited to:
Star Wars (Reylo, I’m a Rey seeking Kylo/Ben)
Bridgerton (I’m a Daphne Seeking Simon)
Game of Thrones (Margarey Tyrell, Rhaenyra Targaryen or Lyanna Stark with a few people)
And all the fun predictable AUs that come with them
I would like a partner (18+) who RPs in the 3rd person, has some quality writing skills, and understands an unpredictable schedule. I like to work mainly with canon characters rather than OCs. If you’re interested, like this post and I’ll send you my Discord!
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melrosing · 1 year
What do you think, with the parallels between Loras/Jamie and Margaery/Cersei, about Margaery and Loras' relationship? And then also I feel we have to consider the broader Margaery, Loras and Renly relationship.
I don't think the Margarey/Loras/Renly relationship has any real parallel to Jaime & Cersei's - I guess Jaime and Cersei had Renly's brother Robert, but Robert was an entirely unconscious as to what role he played in that particular dynamic, whereas Renly seems to have reached a very conscious agreement with the Tyrell siblings in terms of what their dynamic is.
In terms of what the Tyrell siblings' parallels with the Lannister siblings says about their own..... I think just that they are roughly what the Lannisters might have been in if Tywin were a loving parent lol. The Tyrells are a proud, wealthy, ambitious and scheming house same as the Lannisters, the difference is that they move as a collective and protect one another's interests and wellbeing. Meanwhile, Tywin orchestrates House Lannister entirely around his own interests, and doesn't stop to account for any individual Lannister and how their interests may vary.
Idk I think basically one gets the impression that Margaery was happy enough in an arrangement with Renly that accommodated Loras, same as Loras is happy enough in the KG so as to protect Margaery. There's nothing transactional in their relationship as there is in Jaime and Cersei's (granted, there's a whole lot else too in Jaime and Cersei's), they just want to look out for one another. Cersei, on the other hand, I think has very much adopted Tywin's trait of looking after her own interests and assuming those are representative of her family's - or otherwise not really caring if they aren't.
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dyannawynnedayne · 1 year
In the meantime, as we ramp up for the finals, I'm going to go ahead and cast a net:
Further descriptions of each beneath the cut
Favorite Member of the Night's Watch: Both historical and modern. This poll will only include characters whose existence is confirmed to have existed. (ie, no Night's King)
Favorite Character of Legend: Vote for your favorite character deemed to be legendary. Largely Age of Heroes characters here.
Which Character has the Most Gender: Who has the most trans swag, basically lmao
Favorite Queen Consort of Westeros: Vote for your favorite confirmed queen consort of The Seven Kingdoms, specifically. So we're looking at any queen consort from Rhaenys and Visenya (how does Mrs. V keep ending up in these polls) all the way down to Margarey Tyrell
Character with the Best Lines: This will be for any characters who have 3-6 written or spoken lines that can be found on A Search of Ice and Fire. Two different lines will be placed on the poll, and you will vote for the one you like the best.
Favorite Member of the Smallfolk: Vote for your favorite character who is a non-noble citizen of The Seven Kingdoms, historical or modern.
Westeros' Next Top DILF: What were doing now, but for the fatherly types
Magic User Slapfight: Vote for any character, historical or modern, who are confirmed or suspected in-universe to be practicioners of the higher arts.
Favorite Member of the Freefolk: Vote for your favorite character who lives Beyond the Wall, historical or modern
Favorite Member of the Kingsguard: Vote for your favorite member of the secret service King's Guard, historical or modern.
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annachum · 3 months
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A drawing I did of Sansa Stark when she visits Margarey, Loras, Olenna and Renly's Graves in Highgarden, sometime after Sansa becomes Queen of the North.
Scenario :
It was a few months after Sansa became Queen that winter, and spring was in bloom across the Seven Kingdoms.
It just so happens that Sansa has a diplomatic mission in Highgarden, capital of the Reach. Repairs and rebuilding are made all over Westeros since the bloodshed Daenerys have spilt. All the Westerosi kingdoms sought great efforts to accommodate those hundreds of refugees who fled from Kings Landing.
And it also happens that The Reach is known for its beautiful springs. So Sansa may as well see the beauty of Spring at Highgarden herself.
' You should come to Highgarden - you'll love it there. '
The words of Margaery Tyrell rang through Sansa's ears as she and her Northern entourage stepped through Highgarden. A tear is tempted to slip from a deep blue eyes of hers as she remembers an old friend, a true friend when she was going through tough times at the Red Keep. In a way, Sansa is glad that the Red Keep is destroyed and the House Lannister has fallen - she no longer wants anything to do with the Red Keep or the House Lannister ever again.
The mission went on smoothly, with Sansa being received a warm welcome by dignitaries at Highgarden, having a brunch with some diplomats in tow over repairs of trade ties between The Reach and the North that Cersei ( Sansa shuddered even at the memory of the mad Lannister Queen ) tried to break, and Sansa also takes time to admire the blossoming florals of Highgarden.
Things have changed a lot since Sansa became Queen of the North. No wars have happened between the 7 Kingdoms yet ( much to Sansa's relief ), Arya off to a new adventure somewhere in Essos ( Sansa has been receiving some very welcoming souvenirs from her sister in her sister's travels ), Bran juggling to rule over the South while several households have been wanting to recommend potential brides to him. There have been rumors going on that Bran may want to marry a Tyrell, or a Martell. Sansa smiles in amusement at such rumors, for she would like to see where this goes, albeit being a counsel to Bran about such things. She seriously didn't want Bran to make similar mistakes in romancing and matchmaking as she did again.
After that brunch, as per her request, Sansa and some of her handmaidens in tow visited the Highgarden Graves near the Highgarden castle. Smoothing over her black and gold dress that day, coupled with black boots and gloves made from the north, with her veiled headdress that complimented her lovely braided bun beneath it, she took a deep breath, clutched her forget me nots in her basket, and went into the grave.
Amongst the Graves included the gravestones of Olenna Redwyne, Margaery and Loras, and also Renly. Sansa smiled to herself at her old school girl crush on Loras, only for Loras to have an affair with Renly Baratheon until Renly died. She may have forgiven them about it, but she hasn't forgotten.
Still, Sansa is eternally grateful for Olenna and Margaery's kindness towards her, how Olenna also gave Sansa a handful of tips on queenship.
With a wistful smile and a tear in her eye, she placed a forget me not at their Graves.
' Hello, Olenna, ' Sansa breathed, as she curtsied at that grave, ' Hello, Margaery, Hello Loras, Hello Renly, ' she continued, and Curtsied to each one of them.
' A lot has changed since you all have been gone, ' Sansa smiled. ' I am no longer a ' little bird ' as the wretched Cersei once called me. I have become Queen of the North. '
She paused to try not to shed a tear, and then continued. ' And yes, the House Lannister has fallen. So much has happened since Kings Landing....'
Sansa paused to catch her breath. She still remembers the horror she felt when she heard from a messenger of the thousands of civilians dead or injured when Daenerys Targaryen burned down Kings Landing...
Gathering herself up, Sansa continued, ' Arya is currently on a new trip to somewhere in Essos, probably going to Bravoosi. Jon Snow is now a Night Watch. Tyrion is now a hand to Bran - its alright, he has proven his loyalty to the House Stark several times before. Even he becomes sick of House Lannister. ' she chuckled. And continued. ' Bran is doing fine, so far. He also got several potential brides recommended to him. I do hope he chooses wisely at these matters. '
Looking down at their Graves, Sansa also whispered. ' Thank you, ' Pause. Continue. ' For showing me decency during the Red Keep. I'm not even sure how I would survive if it wasn't for these acts of kindness. '
And with one final, deep curtsy, she gathered herself up, dabbing a few tears, and moved on with her ladies in waiting.
And as Sansa leaves, she somehow felt as if Olenna and Margarey smiling at her with pride and respect from the afterlifes. And at that, Sansa's heart is more at peace with content.
It took some time, but she has no resentment over Loras and Renly in their affair. She sincerely hopes that they, and Margarey and Olenna, can have peace in afterlifes, especially after all they been through.
' Your Majesty, ' a lady in waiting of hers spoke up, ' I just got word from Jon Snow. He says he would like to have dinner with you. Something about the border guard matters, I think. '
A faint blush crept on Sansa's cheeks. She liked Jon Snow. He has become a good friend and ally of the Starks since a few years back. But as this spring approached, Sansa felt there may be something more between her and Jon Snow.
Sansa herself isn't sure if she is ready for romance again after all she been through, between abuse from Joffrey, and the humiliation from Ramsey. For now, she is contented with being single. Another marriage can wait. With Jon Snow.....she will take her time and see where it goes.
' Tell Jon that I will meet him at night fall once I return to the North. ' Sansa spoke to the handmaid kindly
The handmaid bowed and nodded. And, with a knowing smile as she looked away from the Queen of North, the handmaid written a note of that and attached it to a raven to send to Jon Snow
Things sure changed a lot since Sansa became Queen of the North.
And as Sansa later on boarded on the carriage back to Winterfell, Sansa has a hope, as she gazed out of her carriage to the red roses of Highgarden, that things CAN get hopeful even after all that happened.
And from what happened in Westeros so far, it seems to be so.
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
People gloating about how "no Hightower blood ever sat the Iron Throne after the Dance" is funny to me when Margarey Tyrell's own mother was a Hightower. Clearly that's not the case lol.
LOL yasss Margaery still out here making history and scoring wins for Team Greeen, iconic.
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Your point on kinslaying is really interesting. I have always wonder what would have happened if Gilly or Dany choose to kill Craster and Viserys in self defence. They would have condemn for kinslaying. Poor Gilly's child is already label as abomination for being incest child by Stannis despite knowing that her father forced him. What will be his reaction if Gilly actually had killed Craster? I didn't like jon was condem for kinslaying in show when he was saving the world from Dany. But what do you think about kingslaying and oathbreaking in reference to your post?
Thanks you! It's pretty telling that you bring up Gilly, because if I'm not mistaken, Craster never gets called a kinslayer even though he's basically sacrificing his baby sons to the Others. If GRRM didn't intend the kinslayer taboo to be a social construct meant to protect domestic abusers from consequences, then why didn't he include Jon or Sam calling Craster a kinslayer in their internal thoughts? It wouldn't be very hard to do that, they hate Craster already.
Kingslaying is definitely meant to parallel kinslaying, because it protects the king from the consequences of abusing their power, and limits their vassals and servants' capabilities to defend themselves. If you want to overthrow a tyrant king, your options are either go full rebel or depose him with non lethal methods, and both options are difficult to achieve and survive for someone without power, like a washerwoman or a minor lord. There's a reason why nearly all the kingslaying that happens in the series is to protect defenceless people: Jaime stopping Aerys from blowing up the city, Lancel poisoning Robert to protect Cersei, the Tyrells poisoning Joffrey to stop him from abusing Margarey.
Oathbreaking is a bit more neutral, because swearing an oath is something a person can choose to do willingly (unlike being born into an abusive family) and breaking an oath doesn't inherently include murdering someone. The Wall deserters and the soldiers that deserted the City Watch during the Battle of the Blackwater are oathbreakers, but they are just running for their lives, they aren't killing anyone. So it's probably a taboo meant to preserve social cohesion, punishing those perceived as dishonorable or dishonest. Still, there are a lot of examples in the series of people forcing someone to swear an oath under the threat of violence: Ramsay forcing Donella to marry him, Catelyn forcing Jaime to accept the trade terms when he was imprisoned, the Lannisters forcing Sansa to marry Tyrion, or Hotpie and all those petty criminal children were forced to take the black to avoid mutilation.
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perflorale · 8 months
Hi! I like your character perfume posts 🌺🌹🌷. I was wondering if you wanted to do one for Margarey Tyrell from Game of Thrones?
Thank you so much! Great choice she was my favourite in GOT but it’s been so long since I watched the series, so I hope you like it and that I did her justice. Here you go!
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