#mauricio de souza
thurgoulart · 6 months
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
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A Spam-Email Supervillain? Click Below To Learn More About The Missing Link Of [Hyperlink Blocked]
I was doing some digging around characters from Monica’s Gang (gave it a basic rundown here when discussing it’s biggest villain, Capitão Feio / Captain Fray) and I found a character I completely forgot existed.
Doctor Spam is one of the main villains of Monica’s Gang, usually the go-to character for any storyline that uses computers or technology. He’s not used quite as often as the others thanks to his niche but still a character they bring back a reasonable amount. He is the evil alter-ego of a man Professor Spada, the gang’s kind-hearted computing teacher who was based on creator Mauricio de Souza’s son (Mauricio Spada, who passed away in 2016). 
Debuting in 2005, Doctor Spam first emerges when Professor Spada is called to install a computer in Monica’s room, and she accidentally hits him with her plush bunny (named Samson). Because Samson is a weapon of mass destruction in her hands, the good professor Spada gets knocked away and zapped, transforming into his alter-ego Doctor Spam and trapping the gang inside the computer, only reverting to his “good self” when hit with an anti-spam program. Later appearences would state that he transforms when struck by lightning, or under stress, transforming into his alter-ego intent on taking over the world via mind-control, who usually spends a lot of time waging digital warfare against children and hitting them with lightning bolts.
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Doctor Spam has a bunch of different powers revolving around computers and viruses and games, so varied that he’s basically omnipotent so long as you don’t have an anti-virus system or find a way to disable his power source. Among said powers includes the ability to transport people into the computer world he rules, infect computers attached to a network, freely create a “score” currency that transforms those who eat them, flood you with damaging forms of spam email and ads and messages, mind control people with specialized roots, etc.
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At some point he also decided dressing in white labcoat was for weenies so he tried to switch out for a black outfit. He can also turn himself into a giant robot form called MegaSpam, with purple-black hair and a pointier nose.
And doing further research also showed me he got another redesign circa 2014 when he showed up for the Chico Bento manga and okay now you’re just fucking with me
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this redesign was also part of a story where we get to learn a bit about how Doctor Spam has always been engineering Professor Spada’s transformations by altering his brain chemistry via electricity, and that Spada’s well-intentioned attempts to create a supercomputer capable of helping prevent grasshopper plagues eventually were utilized by Doctor Spam in order to engineer a plague of electronic grasshoppers that would systematically wipe out all vegetation and trapping people in coccoons to reprogram their minds and have them build his perfect world, a plan he explains with a handy dandy “Spamographic” and a drawing of the great cyber city he wants to create called S.P.A.M.I.A
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I’m sure none of this [ring-ring-ring]s any bells whatsoever, but man, maybe Doctor Spam was never gonna really take off into big pop culture stardom, even disregarding the popularity of Monica’s Gang overseas. I mean, a spam email-based villain? With that wacko hair and goggles and nose and grin and big showoff personality? And he’s both friend and enemy at once? With him being a hard-working young man with big dreams and ambitions that get tragically dashed, and he winds up becoming this deranged cartoon of himself who schemes for power, and rampages when he has it, and needs to be stopped and saved from himself by the same group of kids he's trying to destroy? 
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Eh, too much of a long shot, I'd say.
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geekpopnews · 3 months
Trailer | Franjinha e Milena
Franjinha e Milena em Busca da Ciência | Série nacional ganha trailer oficial e data de lançamento. Confira! #mauriciodesousa #franjinhaemilena
O mais recente empreendimento no universo encantador de Maurício de Sousa, intitulado “Franjinha e Milena em Busca da Ciência”, apresentou um trailer animado empolgante e divulgou a data de estreia: a série estará acessível na plataforma Max a partir de 27 de fevereiro. Assista ao trailer de Franjinha e Milena: No âmbito do live-action, Franjinha e Milena iniciam uma empreitada científica,…
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guerrerooo · 4 months
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Turma da Mônica Jovem
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sickacademia · 4 months
no but a translation that actually pisses me off, and i can say it for every brazilian out there, is "monica's gang"
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cepheusgalaxy · 9 months
I'm really vibing with spreading my culture around here so I wanna present you guys a person
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This is Monica, a popular character of a brazilian comic franchise for kids!
(Everybody reads it tho)
She has this lil bunny called Sansao (yea like the biblic character), is known for being super strong and hot-headed. These comics are often light and funny, with some fantasy nonsense sometimes in special editions
The four main characters are;
Monica herself
Cebolinha (little ognion)
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A boy who king of frenemies-to-lovers with monica and is known for making plans to annoy her and he has some problems with spelling
Monica's best friend, known for having this cat, being very sweet and eating like a motherfucker dragon
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Cebolinha's best friend. They are often togheter, making hyper-elaborated pland to turn down Monica, but he's usually the voice of reason in the friendship
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He's also known for not liking water and being very smelly
So, hm, its a little weird talking about it to foreigns, but that's it
The man who used to make the comic is called Mauricio de Souza and he inspired the main characters Magali and Monica on his daughters
He is not leading the comic anymore, and now the franchise is being driven by his son, Mauro, who's gay 🏳️‍🌈
The content used to be very violent, mostly when Monica was angry at Cebolinha for annoying her and shouted at him. Yea, that is the dinamic in oldest comics
Now he's making it more friendly and inclusive
This franchise has 60 years lol
There are movie adaptations, cartoons and another comic series for this franchise. The another series features monica and her friends in hight school, and is called Monica Teen
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Monica Teen's stories are more structured, have a manga style and the story often gets more seriously. The characters also old in this comic, being the first volumes they appear very young (14yo or so), but in the latest they look more 17yo. This series also have a magical/anime approach many times, and many, but not all, stories are related.
More black characters are in the cast now, as in before all of them were purely white
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Milena, a new character in the comics. She is in the cast of both Monica 'nd friends (the comic) and Monica Teen
Some editions are special and feature important issues like environmentalism and ableism with an educative approach
One of the regular characters is Luca
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A wheelchair user and Monica's childhood crush
This is Dorinha
(full post here)
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quiltofstars · 10 months
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Barnard's Galaxy, NGC 6822 // Mauricio Christiano de Souza
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midnightmah07 · 6 months
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gymnasticscoaching · 2 days
Caio Souza wins Pan Am Championships 2024
SOUZA Caio 81.134 Brazil LETELIER ZUÑIGA Luciano Mauricio 79.233 Chile MAYOL Santiago 78.566 Argentina O ATLETA MAIS COMPLETO DAS AMÉRICAS É DO BRASIIIIIL, minha gente! 🤩🇧🇷💫🏆🤸🏻Isso aí! Na Final Individual Geral Masculina Adulta do Campeonato Pan-Americano de Ginástica Artística, Caio Souza garantiu a medalha de OURO 🥇 somando 81.134 pontos!Que mega resultado! Que alegria!……
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thurgoulart · 6 months
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motorsportverso · 4 months
Inscritos 1000 milhas do Brasil 2024
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2-Sigma P1 G5-Jindra Kraucher\Marcelo Viana\Aldo Piedade Jr\Emilio Padron-Tech Force
12-AJR Chevrolet V8-Carlos e Yuri Antunes-ADS Racing
14-AJR-Chevrolet V8-LT Team
22-Ligier JS P320-Autlog Racing Team
25-ABS01-Ney Faustini\Ney Sá de Faustini-Absoluta Racing
73-MRX-LT Team
12-Sigma G4-Sigma-Tech Force
6-HG1-Caio Lacerda\Mauro Kern\Giovani Almeida\Humerto Guerra-HT Guerra
777-MRX-Juarez\Edras e Esdras Suarez-MRX-Itapira Racing
XXX-Aldee Spyder-Arias Competições
21-MRX-Paulo De Carli\Paulo de Carli Filho-Just Motors Racing
5-MC40 "Ford GT40"-MC Tubarão
58-Spirit AR3-Horse Motorsport
7-Fuspyder-Selmer Motorsport
XX-Spyder-Picole Racing
55-Marcelo Visconde\Ricardo Mauricio\Marcel Muller-Porsche 991.2 GT3 R ou 992 GT3 R-Sttugart Porsche
77-Luccas Vacari\Reginaldo Nappi\Alexandre Auler-Mercedes AMG GT3-NT Racing
300-Alexandre Auler-Mercedes AMG GT3-KTF Sports
21-Porsche Cayman GT4-Sttugart Porsche
64-Henry Visconde\Enzo Visconde\Paulo Souza\Kim Camelo-BMW M2 CS Racing-Eurobike\MC Tubarão
222-Ford Mustang GT4-Autlog Racing Team
70-Mercedes-Benz CLA AMG-CF7\PG Racing
5-BMW M240I-MC Tubarão
94-Gustavo Kirylla\José Cordova\Claudio-Maceratti Trofeu-GKV Racing\Cordova Racing
XX-Chevrolet Onix Joy-Alpie Racing
33-Moises Nivolini-VW Gol G5-Moisa Motors
XX-Ford Corrier DTM-Lira Racing
XX-Mitsubishi Lancer-Marcon Racing Team
666-Neto\Lins\Fabio Baggio-Chevrolet Opala Stock Car
3-Alex Benedetti\Leandro Justo\Alexandre Azzoni\Luiz Santos\Tiago Kfuri-VW Up TSI-Callfax Racing
XX-Fiat Palio Turbo-L & L
56-Audi A3 DTCC-Marcelo Servidone\Luc Monteiro\Andrew Neves-Mamba Negra Racing
31-VW Fusca-André Zamana\Zuca\Paulo Zamana\Lucas Zamana-Zamana Racing
19-VW Passat-Flavio Gomes\Kaio dias\Arthur Arnila\Chris Pampuch-LF Competições
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agendaculturaldelima · 5 months
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🔎 Género: Comedia / Romance
⌛️ Duración: 8´15´´
✍️ Guion: Luisito Fernández
🗯 Argumento: Mauricio y Lorena llevan diez años de novios. Él decide que es momento perfecto para pedirle matrimonio, sin embargo, la vida le tiene otros planes.
Un divertido cortometraje de comedia hilarante experimental donde las palabras no son necesarias para mostrar los sentimientos y emociones de los personajes.
👥 Reparto: Luisito Fernández, Nicolle Olguín, Bryan Sánchez Guevara, Francisco Agip,
Izamar Margarito, Adriano Farid, Mikaella Rubianes y Marco Grandez
📢 Dirección: Luisito Fernando Fernández León
📷 Dirección Audiovisual: Marco Grandez
📝 Casting: Francisco Agip
🎥 Cámara 2: Tomy Lee Garcia
👤 Asistencia en Producción: Alexis Rivera Ruiz
🏪 Locación: Colombia Café Restobar
🌎 País: Perú
📅 Año: 2023
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Sábado 06 de Enero
🕗 8:00pm.
🎦 Cine Caleta (calle Aurelio de Souza 225 - Barranco) @cine.caleta
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
🙂 A tener en cuenta: Prohibido el ingreso de bebidas y comidas. 🌳💚🌻🌛
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geekpopnews · 6 months
Turma da Mônica Jovem ganha trailer inédito e revela vilão
Os jovens do bairro do Limoeiro estão de volta com um trailer inédito do novo filme da Turma da Mônica Jovem: Reflexos do Medo. Venha conferir! #turmadamonicajovem #filmes #trailer #sophiavalverde
Nesta sexta-feira (01), o novo filme da Turma da Mônica Jovem: : Reflexos do Medo acaba de ganhar um novo trailer. Os jovens do bairro do Limoeiro estão de volta trazendo muito mistério e suspense no novo longa da Bronze Filmes baseado nos personagens de Maurício de Souza. Com a direção de Maurício Eça (A Menina que Matou os Pais, 2020), enquanto a dupla Regina Negrini e Antonio Arruda (Cidade…
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leonardogomesdeaquino · 5 months
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Em maio e junho, o mundo testemunhou sinais de renovação. Avanços científicos no combate à pandemia trouxeram esperança, enquanto sociedades ao redor do globo buscaram a retomada gradual da normalidade. Em maio, o mundo testemunhou sinais de renovação. Avanços científicos no combate à pandemia trouxeram esperança, enquanto sociedades ao redor do globo buscaram a retomada gradual da normalidade. No campo empresarial, destacaram-se iniciativas sustentáveis e inovadoras. Empresas adotaram práticas mais ecoconscientes, refletindo uma crescente preocupação com a responsabilidade ambiental. E maio realizou-se, na Unidade Álvares Penteado da Associação dos Advogados de São Paulo (AASP), o 11º Congresso Brasileiro de Direito Comercial, organizado por Fábio Ulhoa Coelho, Ana Frazão, Francisco Satiro de Souza Jr., Mauricio Moreira Menezes, Sérgio Campinho e Rodrigo Monteiro de Castro. Durante os dois dias de evento, grandes nomes do Direito trataram sobre direito societario, recuperação de emrpesas e falência, contrato de franquia entre outros temas de Direito Comercial e ordem econômica, entre outros assuntos. Com os argumentos de que a recuperação judicial não protelou atos de responsabilidade de pagamento e a prorrogação do stay period gera mais tranquilidade e sucesso na elaboração do plano de recuperação, a 2ª Câmara Reservada de Direito Empresarial do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo determinou a segunda extensão do período de suspensão das ações e execuções de uma empresa em processo de recuperação. Entretanto, desafios persistiram. Prof. Leonardo Aquino
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atletasudando · 8 months
Los Juegos de Paraná convocaron a varias figuras de Brasil
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Fuente CBAT Con la participación de varias figuras del atletismo de Brasil, que este año se lucieron en las competencias internacionales tanto en mayores como en las categorías juveniles, se desarrollaron las pruebas de los 65° Juegos Abiertos del estado de Parana, entre el 29 de septiembre y 1° de octubre en la pista de la Universidad Estadual de Londrina. El  recordman brasileño juvenil de velocidad Renán Correa de Lima Gallina (FOTO) fue una de las atracciones del evento al imponerse en los 100 metros llanos con 10.44 (-0.4ms) y 200 con 20.63 (.2ms), la mejor expresión técnica de estos Juegos. En la velocidad femenina el nombre dominante fue el de la juvenil Larissa Regina Souza de Jesús al marcar 11.92 en los 100 metros (viento de 0.ms) y 24.47 en 200, donde fue escoltada por Erica Geni Barbosa Cavalheiro con 24.65. Otro de los promisorios valores del atletismo brasileño, el saltarín Gabriel Luiz Boza ahora se impuso en largo con 7.88m, seguido por Wesley Bevilacqua Beraldo con 7.56. Ambos ya cuentan con registros superiores a los 8 metros, que los ubican entre los mejores especialistas de la región. Pedro Luiz Tombolin de Souza (48.79 en 400 y 1:53.73 en 800), Pedro Silva Brandalise (14.44 en 110 metros con vallas y 54.20 en 400 con vallas), Felipe Izidoro da Silva (15.59 en salto triple), el juvenil Vitor Oliveira de Souza (14.69 en bala y 47.48 en disco), Joao Percegona de Souza (59.80 en martillo) y Mauricio de Brito Filgueira (60.59 en jabalina) fueron otros de los vencedores del sector masculino. Campeona sudamericana y reciente semifinalista del Mundial de Budapest sobre 800 metros, Flavia Maria de Lima fue otra de las figuras que dio su presente en Londrina. Ahora ganó en esa distancia con 2:06.20 y en obstáculos con 11:08.66, y quedó tercera en 1.500 con 4:37.42, triunfando aquí Tatiane Raquel da Silva, quien marcó 4:28.72. Tatiane, además, se llevó el título de 5.000 con 17:09.47. Livia Avancini es una de las principales lanzadoras de bala de Sudamérica y venció en su prueba con 16.15. También ganaron Erica Geni Barbosa Cavalheiro (55.14 en 400), Wanessa Taciana do Nascimento Zavolski en las pruebas con vallas (15.12 en 100 y 59.06 en 400), Gabrielly Cristina dos Santos (25:06.5 en la marcha de 5.000 metros), la juvenil Izabella Lindolfo Neves (3.40 en garrocha), Beatriz Cristaldo dos Santos (12.10 en triple), Marya Izabella Botega Netto (45.71 en disco), Agnys Eduarda Ribeiro dos Santos (51.22 en martillo), y Edivania dos Santos Araujo (48.23 en jabalina).           Read the full article
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