#may the fourth be with you!
chissjedi · 1 month
Star Wars is about coming back to the light, healing, forgiving others and yourself, being selfless and protecting the innocent and vulnerable. Star Wars is about hope that things and people will someday get better. Star Wars is about redemption and kindness. Star Wars always has been about love and I pray it always will be.
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beeftendergroin · 1 year
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celebrating may the fourth and mother's day in one post to reduce my carbon footprint
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bereft-of-frogs · 1 month
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dispatches from 1999: so I got this bitchin' denim jacket and The Cranberries were on the radio--
no lol, I mean both of those things are true, I got a denim jacket at the thrift store (though it's a more recent style, not full 90s) and The Cranberries were courtesy of Spotify's 90's nostalgia playlist. but really--
not only did I not have to be worried about the rest of the audience only being there to make fun of it and throw things, people actually went in cosplay and literally clapped at the end. I was in good company. it was very validating. 25 years is a lot time to be made fun of for liking a movie haha it does something to your brain, I was not being fully irrational (just a little)
at one point I asked my dad like 'hey, what do you remember from when we went to see it originally, because it feels like a very formative moment to me, but since I was only 8 at the time, I don't remember many details, what do you remember--' and he was like 'oh, yeah. absolutely nothing.'
this movie really does fall in the top three of my favorite star wars films and I am no longer taking questions or criticisms about that thank you
while we were waiting for the credits to roll for the acolyte preview, my dad made some comment about the duel and how it was crazy that darth maul died like that and me and my brother had to be like 'well.....so ok he actually didn't' and try to explain the Lore, despite neither of us having actually seen the clone wars. (my dad is like....dedicated but not that dedicated to the Lore. he has seen all the movies, all of the live action shows, and the bad batch. but he was FLABBERGASTED as we tried to explain the Maul Thing)
speaking of being flabbergasted, acolyte preview was very cool, but also led to me trying to explain the high republic to my dad despite only being like 2/3s of the way through phase I. I really gotta hustle that release is a month away. it looks real cool tho. if it has like halfway decent writing and keeps up with the 'darker' tone that they promise....please....please do it for me, carrie ann moss, do it for ME
that is all I think I'm safe to return to the present now with all my shares in apple stock and gold bars. happy star wars day
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Happy May 4th🤪
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cactusspatz · 1 year
April recs
In a shocking turn of events, I'm posting my recs EARLY this month instead of procrastinating! May the Fourth be with you!
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About half the stories in this set are Star Wars, because I finally watched Andor and it was AMAZING; the other half are DCU, because I am predictable when sick (Tim + Batfamily h/c my beloved). Plus a Leverage/Old Guard crossover!
To Climb by Nock_and_Bolt
“Climb,” Kino urged others to escape a prison he never would.
“Climb!” Nemik screamed past multicolored explosions and his own crushed spine.
“Climb!” K-2SO’s voice juddered out over the intercom, punched from mechanical lungs by blaster fire.
And what else could Cassian do but be borne up by the bodies of those that had gone before him?
Brutally good, full of the parallels and motifs in from Andor, all woven into Cassian's final climb in the tower at Scarif. It WILL make you cry in the best way.
Coping Mechanisms by mosylu (Cassian/Jyn)
It takes a heat wave for Jyn to notice that Cassian never, ever goes barefoot.
Intimate and sweet if-they-had-lived look at Cassian's trauma from the Narkina 5 prison.
Kino Lives by ad_asterism
Set at the end of Andor Episode 10: "One Way Out". Kino fucking gets to live.
Look, a girl has needs, and those needs include reading every single Kino fix-it for Episode 10 on AO3. This was my favorite by far, I think maybe because it *doesn't* involve Cassian? The episode ending was the right ending for that arc in Cassian's story, but this fic picks up the thematic threads and weaves them into off a very Star Wars escape for Kino. It could use some more love - possibly the very basic title and summary kept people away - so don't forget to comment!
No Survivors by elwenyere (Cassian/Melshi)
It had been three standard years, two months, and twenty-five days since Melshi had made himself walk away from the man he’d known as Keef Girgo.
Great mid-mission reunion for Cassian and Melshi, their slowly growing attachment and exploration of Cassian's trauma are beautifully written, and the plot starts to poke at the roots of Rogue One.
Personal Effects by mosylu
Spies travel light. Even so, Cassian Andor left things behind.
A neatly drawn outsider-POV character study, as the Rebels clear out the belongings of the Death Star's dead. This fic's older, but felt very matched in tone with Andor.
A Proud, Unpleasant Sort of Man by angel_deux (Han/Leia, Cassian/Jyn)
It takes Cassian Andor and Han Solo an embarrassingly long time to realize that they aren't each other's rivals.
Funny and sweet post-Rogue One everybody-lives AU.
Inscribed on Body & Soul by drowningfire
Jason Todd died knowing he was loved. His resurrection took even that from him. Turns out he came back to life needing saving just as much as he did when he left it. Thankfully the Bats and Birds have always specialised in impossible rescues. And while love can't fix everything having proof of it can't hurt.
AKA In a world where the names of those who love you inscribe themselves upon your skin, Jason's resurrection plays out a little differently.
Lovely platonic soulmates AU with lots of feelings and angst for everyone in the family, just the way I like it.
of crime lords and literature by adelfie
Gloved fingers close over Tim’s throat and slowly begin to squeeze.
“Jason!” he gasps, choking. “Have you ever read Macbeth?”
The Red Hood stares at him like Tim just slapped him with a fish.
With his grades slipping, Tim worries Bruce will take Robin away. So when the Red Hood breaks into his room with the intent to kill him, Tim decides it's a good idea to ask him for help on his English homework. It works. And then it doesn't. And then Tim solves a mystery and almost dies anyway.
The summary makes this sound kinda cracky but I actually loved the plot. (Tim, how is your life just SO disaster? It's really a talent.)
Little Red and the Big Bad Hood by CrzyFun
Olivia Draper had been a good idea at first. She could pass for older than Tim could pull off while masculine and women really could get into places easier if they had a pretty face. With makeup and some stylish-yet-inexpensive clothes, Olivia could pull off most undercover ops. She was Tim’s Matches Malone.
Then Hood had shown up on the scene.
Charming AU with tons of identity porn as Jason grudgingly big-brother-adopts genderfluid Tim while he's undercover.
For the Sick and Dying by GoAwayOlivia
It’s been a while since Jason has felt this bad. He’s used to being bruised and aching, used to broken bones and lacerations of all sizes and depths, but it’s been a hell of a long time since he’s been sick, and he’d honestly forgotten how much it sucks. His family isn't exactly helping matters.
In which Jason is hilariously dramatic about being sick. I enjoyed the hell out of this while actually sick, but I think the appeal is universal.
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The last (but certainly not least) story I have for you is a delightful Leverage/The Old Guard crossover, which was the funniest thing I read all month.
The Fountain of Youth Job by BazinMousqueton
The Leverage: Redemption team are hired to investigate Merrick Pharmaceuticals following a suspicious death in South Sudan. They embark on a con, infiltrate Merrick’s HQ… and find some unexpected prisoners in his research lab.
This one is more accessible for Leverage-only fans than TOG-only fans, I think, but it has a pitch-perfect grasp on the Leverage crew (Redemption era) and a great con setup - which gets partially and hilariously derailed when they find Joe and Nicky.
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Reveal Day!
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It’s reveal day! Check out the wonderful new works for our QuiObi May the Fourth Gift Exchange. Creators will be revealed tomorrow (May 5th). 
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thezestyone · 2 years
Motonari seeing modern day fireworks:
Motonari: *chuckles* They just don’t stop coming! Look, that one looks like that heart ya showed me! And there are stars! How the hell are they making them look like so many shapes so quickly?! And look at all the colors! Wow!
MC: *chuckles at how adorable his fascination with the fireworks are*
Motonari: Maybe I was wrong about yer brain, m’lady.
Motonari: Yer head is full of these fireworks, not flowers.
MC: *pouts*
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saggitary · 1 year
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takadasaiko · 1 year
A Flicker of Light Sneak Peek
She pursed her lips together thoughtfully. Cryptic, but she couldn’t be sure if it was a gloating statement or fishing for more information.
Do you think it a coincidence that Lord Vader was sent to Naboo at the same time that you took young Natus on a journey to discover a past that no longer has claim to?
Gloating then. Of course not, my Emperor.
As you have, so he shall learn that these ties are meaningless. The past is done and the future is in flux. There was a pause. Searching. You care for him. 
The mental tone wasn’t quite accusatory, but Mara couldn’t help but feel accused. I have known him a long time.
Do not fear, child. Your loyalty is not in question. 
And his? Her question slipped through her mind before she had a chance to banish it. She stepped even further off the road, pressing her back against the outer wall of a building. 
I have faith in you, my girl, that you will help guide him down the correct path.
And then her Master was gone from her mind, leaving Mara alone on the busy street of Theed with only her own warring thoughts for company.
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whisperwhodares · 1 month
happy star wars day to any fellow inhabitants of that galaxy far far away ⋆✩ 🪐🛸
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nibeul · 1 month
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may the fourth be with you
[id: it’s a drawing of Luke and Leia, both depicted as Blasian with brown skin, based off the Hildebrant poster. Vader’s mask, which is done in a blue hue, is in the background along with the vast expanse of space and stars, and a large star is reflected in one of his helmet’s lenses. Luke is holding Anakin’s ignited lightsaber above his head, illuminating both him and his sister, and he is wearing his white tunic and grey pants from a New Hope. His hair is brown, curly, and sun bleached. Leia stands just beneath him, wearing her white dress and holding a blaster pistol in one hand. She is depicted as hijabi with her white hijab being done in buns on the side of her head. /end id]
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tesb · 1 month
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Happy Star Wars day! May the Force be with you! @swsource Star Wars Week: Day 6
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kelvnn · 1 month
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The light of Alderaan still travels through space and time, if you look up at the night sky it's like it never really left ✨ Happy May the 4th!
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cawsceries · 1 month
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and i wake every night
crying, “set me free”
Abbey by Mitski
happy may the fourth!!!
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cobbbvanth · 1 year
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star wars, but it’s just the memes
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laurenillustrated · 1 year
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May the 4th be with you ⭐️
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