#mc enderdragon
mobrights · 1 year
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My Minecraft Au Dark Stimboard!!
In my Au Dark is part Human part Ender-dragon! He’s rather embarrassed about water hurting him…
(Don’t be afraid to ask questions!!)
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 2 years
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self care for : the ender dragon (minecraft) with any items requested by 🕯️✨🧪anon
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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hummingwillow · 11 months
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Sniffer dragon hybrid
It’s eyes would be purple
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panie-wanie-dean-bean · 9 months
hmm... by any chance how would you imagine MC met each of the MinecraftHybrid! boys? Like was Joseph violent at first like how wardens normally are in the Ancient City and chilled as he got to see they were harmless? I think I saw you mention how they met Shaun and he probably helped them meet Jack and Rory soon too if I'm guessing, but I am just interested in learning how MC got to know each of the boys.
Ok, so you actually meet Ian first! You two meet in the cherry grove where he lives. He didn't talk to you for the longest time, simply watching you as you did your thing. The first time you catch more than a glimpse of him is when you save him from a zombie hoard
After a while Ian tells you about this wolf that will not leave him alone so you go out to deal with it. Bo doesn't trust you for anything until you pull a few bones from your bag. The bones worked a bit too well because now he keeps calling you master and refuses to leave your side
Bo kept asking you for a leash for his collar so you found a mangrove swamp to get some slime. What you didn't expect to find was a whole ass man just out in the woods. You could tell he was trying to play down his own excitement at seeing you so when he offered for you to come over some time you couldn't say no
During one your hang outs with Shaun Nick stopped by for his medicine. He loves water but it burns his skin if he touches it so Shaun makes him water res potions so he can take a bath every now and again, and not die in rain storms I guess. He's not very talkative but he gives you a poppy by the end of it so you think it went well
Seeing as you wanted to beat the enderdragon at some point you need to go to the Nether for blaze rods but Shaun stops you before you go. He says there might be a different way to get blaze powder that doesn't involve you getting in danger. He has a portal that leads right to a fortress and a very friendly man. Jack thinks you're great, doubly so when you and Rory get along, but he doesn't know about you taking his blaze rods. You two strike a deal that if you help him color-ify the fortress he'll get you those blaze rods
While stocking up for your battle with the enderdragon Shaun asks you to come with him while he gets more dark oak wood. He says there's ghosts in there but you're skeptical. That is until you meet the guy Shaun is so scared of. He looks like an allay but once you start to trust him he tries to stab you, so not the best first impretion
After finally killing the enderdragon you meet Jean, or Jean Jr seeing as his now dead mother was also named Jean...Wait what? "Yeah, that was my mom, thanks by the way, she was real bitch" Jean's kind of a hot mess in the overworld having never seen anything outside of the End but he's pretty cute
And, finally. You knew it was stupid, you knew it was a bad idea but you just had to. You had to find an ancient city. Once you get there you get a bit reckless and summon a warden. It's terrifying, your vision goes dark and all you can hear is your heart racing in your ears as you try and hold your breath. As he comes into view you see this warden looks more...person like than what you were expecting. In a last ditch attempt at saving your own skin you whisper a small apology. After that Joseph calms down, he didn't know you were a person, he doesn't think he could live with killing a person
And that all of them!
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wmcd · 1 year
Going live at 10 pm EST (about 10 minutes!)
gonna play some hardcore mc :) please bare with me for any technical difficulties i dont entirely remember how to stream XD
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lil-ms-dipst · 4 months
Along with anybody else who wants to see my MC Merch, well most of it, here it is! This isn't all of it since some is lost in storage, I'm sure I'll find it all when I switch rooms.
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10 year anniversary llama, bee plush, bee squishy, golden zombie plush, allay night light thing, glowsquid plush (glows in the dark wehehe)
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Pig plush, little creeper plush, creeper plush, a lamp in the shape of a honeycomb block with a bee dangler, a warden figurine which lights up and makes sounds, and an axolotl plush
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An enderdragon plush, a little enderdragon plush, a little enderman, a mooshroom baby, a turtle, and a tiny turtle plush.
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Enderman, creeper, and llama 2018 winter figurines, two surprise put together kits of an enderman and a wolf, and a bunch of mystery figurines including a snow golem, pigmen coming out of a portal, spider jockey, a person in a minecart, an angry enderman holding a pumpkin, a bee, an axolotl, and a piglin
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A bunch of metal figurines which have a pillager, wolf, wandering trader, zombie horse, black cat, llama, brown sheep, fox, steve, iron golem, mc dungeons player, mc dungeons player 2, witch, loot pig, enderman, mc dungeons player 3, arch illager, vindicator, another pillager, mc dungeons player 4, mc dungeons player 5, another fucking mc dungeons player, a creeper, a skeleton with a glaive and shield, another vindicator, another mc dungeons player, glowsquid, another creeper, normal squid, zombie, alex, another wandering trader, goat, orange (or I suppose yellow) axolotl, skeleton, pink axolotl, and another goat.
Should also say I have Minecraft bed stuff! A whole bed set, another one, an MC earth body pillow, a weighted blanket, like 3 different throw blankets, and a beach towel. I also have shirts.
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confruspect · 2 years
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Humoring my silly lil MC headcannons/aus. Enderqueens are massive bio-structures that provide power, knowledge, and protection of the endercities and lesser populated areas of the end. Although they have lost most if not all ability to move, they are able to call out to or command surrounding enderdragons and enderkin to help with physical tasks or defenses as needed. If all defenses fail they are able to let out blast of energy from their end-crystal like core to blast the area however this causes massive structural damage and severe injuries to those caught in the blast zone both friend and foe.
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carouselcreature · 1 year
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Hyperfocus of the month is minecraft apparently, so have a drawing of a dragon oc (how original!). Wips because i realised i’d never post any art if i just limited it to what is finished because i am a perfectionist. Idk her name but she’s not the ender dragon, vaguely related? Maybe?
But unlike the enderdragon she is friendly, to the point that she tries to blend in with humans as to gain their friendship, unfortunately she wasn’t aware that the ancient builders died so she rarely sees humans (villagers don’t count imo, it’s a zebra and horse situation, same ancestor but definitively their own species). She made herself a vest of leather aswell as big ol boots to try and masquerade as a human, and ironically it does fool some creatures.
I have so much to say about my minecraft lore ideas in general but i’ll leave it till i finish the other thousand wips lol (and i might make a separate blog for mc stuff idk)
First pic is of her hiding from alex and steve (default player characters) after the introduction went horribly wrong and she got bonked on the head. Second is just a pic of her in her generic clothing, when she is intending to fool people she also wears leather gloves to hide her claws and a cape over her wings. (Yes, she fully believes this will trick other creatures and is surprised when it fails)
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ayz0 · 1 year
is your mc oc an enderdragon? :0
kind of! they're originally from the End and are kind of like an incorporeal shadow being (hence the full body covering at all times). after the enderdragon was defeated by the server, he yoinked the egg and absorbed it, becoming corporeal and also part enderdraggo
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sunnibits · 2 years
oh i love thinking about mc lore, a friend and i were talking about it, i think after caves and cliffs come was announced but before anything was known about it, just talking about things we thought would be cool to add to the game. we was a bit more focussed on the cliffs i think, and had the idea of like, a dragon-adjacent miniboss similar to guardians that would inhabit generated dwarvern style dungeon structures in the extreme cliffs/mountains. and some decorative blocks similar to how cut(?) sandstone has creepers on it, have some blocks with dragon iconography so as to imply dragon worship. i think the dragon miniboss we thought could be like, a failed attempt to summon the enderdragon in the overworld by the dwarvern cult what built the dungeons.
we also thought that like, the end could be leaking thru to the overworld thru the end portal, explaining why endermen are there, and could have like how terraria has the crimson/corruption that slowly spreads over the world, perhaps the end could spill out from the end portal til you defeat the dragon. obvious that would never be added to the actual game but i liked thinking about it like lore-wise
BUT ALSO YESS THE PART OF THE END LEAKING THROUGH YESSS!!!! That is literally one of my fave things to think about it is so cool. And now that I think about it, like???? Aren’t Endermen literally the only mobs that exist in more than one realm???? So they 100% originated from the End, (hence the name duh I mean that’s not exactly a discovery but still), which is like, SUPER cool!!!! Like, correct me if I’m wrong but there is no other mob that exists in two different worlds. Endermen are NOT creatures of the overworld… those guys are fuckin STRANGE and I love them.
And of course this all just makes me think of my favorite Minecraft Lore Thing™️, which is the ongoing suggestion that you are very much not the first here, and there was some other people that came Before. Like,,, obviously the end portal isn’t actually activated when you find it, but it’s BUILT and sometimes you have some eyes of ender still in there, and OOF do the implications of that drive me wild. It just makes me think… somebody obviously tried to open that portal when something went horribly wrong and as a result, we have the Endermen in the overworld 👀👀
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gracefireheart · 4 months
Alright, small update on my MC survival world:
I finally tore down all the obsidian towers in my End Island and have decided that I'll be doing the 19 enderdragon fights to get all 20 gateways. But since it'll respawn the obsidian towers, I'll just world edit them away to how I tore them down (aka basically down to the same y lvl as the ground) once I'm done with the fights. 'Cause I was going to do the 19 enderdragon fights, I just forgot, started tearing down multiple obsidian towers, and remembered way too late that "oh yeah, I wanted to do those enderdragon fights which'll basically reset the shit I've been doing so far."
Now, here's the thing. I remember how fucking long it took to get roughly 70 ghast tears last time, so I wanted to build a ghast farm to make it easier. But appearantly I need wither roses for that, which I don't have any of, so I need to build a wither skeleton farm as well since it's such a pain to even get 3 wither skeleton heads o(-(
Tldr; My End project is once again on pause until I've built these two farms and defeated 19 enderdragons.
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arcane-essence · 8 months
something that I've wanted to try for a while is composing boss themes for the minecraft bosses. I have some things floating around my head, like...
-the wither's theme would have an introductory bit that lasts exactly the length between the wither being summoned and it spawning properly.
-the enderdragon's theme would need to include the main theme somehow. I was thinking maybe a rearrangement of it in reverse could be the main melody of the song? and obviously a moment where it phases into playing a more dramatic version of the song itself. -it would also need to have somewhat of an intro, to account for the time it takes to actually reach the fight area, but that takes a different time for everyone so it'd need to be shorter/smoother than the wither theme
-both would have their theme starts playing once their health bar appears
-none of the other bosses in mc have health bars so I think maybe the other ones their themes would start playing when you aggro them?
-the elder guardian's theme would sound like a riff off the ocarina of time boss theme bc I think it'd be funny.
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deludedwomen · 10 months
wjat do u even do after u kill the enderdragon. what else is there atp. vanila mc sucks
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minecraft teleport to snow biome
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD MOD - LINK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I still need to make stairs in both sides, add teleport stations (logic doors already placed). And this is why I love #Terraria it's endless ♥NPC Hotel +. Planos Minecraft, Diseños Minecraft, Casas Minecraft, Casas Bonitas, Ilustraciones Warcraft, Ilustración. My snow biome home Teleport door trick. Skyblock Map for Minecraft PE is an application that contain MCPE Map called "Skyblock with Structures". This map brings the classic. There's a hardcore game mode, and there are new monsters to fight: an Enderdragon boss, a snow golem, mooshroom cows, villagers, Blaze and Magma. d'espeleotema","_highlands":"Tierres altes del End" %s entidaes a %s","":"Teletresportóse. Taiga gana la votación de biome, ellos implica que estos serán agregados al juego. Java Edition · · 19w07a · · Baby · Snow · Baby. MC – Vines cannot be placed on the sides of 8 layers of snow. Se ha añadido el evento de juego teleport al que reacciona el sensor de sculk. F3 will toggle the auto-pause when the Minecraft window things; Portals will teleport an entity relative to where it follows the biome id. TWILIGHT BIOME & MOBS | The Twilight Forest Mod | Minecraft Hexxit Mod Review [DEUTSCH] · baastiZockt. baastiZockt.
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cats-thoughts · 2 years
alrighty while i wait for something else to distract me, anyone who stumbles across this must hear about minecraft and my best friend. suffer >:] anyways my pfp is me n my best friend the Frogord. we r opposite vibes. also they r annoyed by sounds and i am annoyed by sounds that arent me but i also vocal stim so we suffer when we r together but its FINE apparently i give them energy or smthn its wild. he is very cool tho love him lots. anyways we play Minecraft together when we can except i have no time and their computer is baaad sucks 2 be him lol. but we try. anyways we play a modded server now is lots of fun, i made a big yellow tower bc its my favorite color and they're making an edgy mansion right next door, and i call my house the lemon tower and they call it the piss tower >:[ and i realized i did not have any space in my tower so I'm building a huge base under it, like with rooms stacked on top of each other, and all of them are pride flag colored. this is bc my chest room ended up being pan colors on accident i just was like. yellow walls! blue is a good color, floor :] oh hey pink would be a nice way to finish the room! oh this is just the pan flag okay. anyways the next room is the ace flag it's my smelting room. my next one's gonna be nonbinary it'll be my villagers. but i cant work on it bc SCHOOL. which i should work on. anyways we play characters too and by that we pretend like we do bc no one else cares about storylining LMAO im an enderdragon person thingy and he is a shapeshifter. except we are also actually ancient people tied to gems after this whole ordeal with something or another i don't actually know i don't focus on that my character has amnesia and only really remembers their current life. they r very old tho like a few hundred thousand years at least. i found out how to turn netherack into netherite too using a mod bc im just that good. we have no storage space im a grade a hoarder in mc i never get rid of anything. i haven't moved anything but valuables into my house hhsghjs im working on killing the dragon 20 times so i can prevent anyone from ever respawning it again it's a long story im gonna build something in one of the towers. it brings the dragon egg back when you kill the dragon I've got like 12. i don't want anyone else to get one cause then they can have a pet dragon and im being evil and gatekeeping that. if they get one i may or may not be forced to kill it because im evil like that. side note i don't like being evil but i also get way too committed to the bit and the idea of someone else having a pet dragon makes acid rise in my bones for some reason i guess im just an asshole or something i genuinely do not know why??? anyways so much love for froglord they let me talk about my wet cats (lifesteal) and i also got them addicted to mcyt by showing him technoblade's potato wars it was so funny. he is now in love /p with charlie slimecicle. i did this. oh and ivory too he loves /p ivory. i was actually with them when the techno news dropped they tried v hard to comfort me i appreciate it. anyways that's the post haha sorry for the terrible everything i don't want to punctuate properly. or spell. that's for losers. sidenote i wrote this in like 5 minutes why am i so fast at typing no i want to procrastinate more pls there is not much more i can ramble about hhhhh i don't wanna do history claaaaassss it suuuuucks
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wmcd · 1 year
Going live at 8:30 PM PST! (about 10 minutes from now!)
Potentially? beating the dragon today? depends how fast i can find lava and the nether fortress pfff
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