#me with my green themed blog: it's like a reward...
y-vna · 6 months
hi lovelies! Final results for #shortcake : the event is in!
I had soooo much fun making this event im so glad you guys liked it! I loved all the mood boards a lot, please don't be discouraged if you didnt get picked. I'll probably host another event at 300 (and we're already at 240!) but more creative, so you always have more chances :33
if you don't dm me to claim your prizes, I'm not responsible for remembering to give you your rewards. (Scroll to the end for prizes)
anyway the winners areeee:
( i tagged all the mbs and then like only two of the links saved and im lazy to do it all again cuz its a lot..aorwy TvT)
1st place
🍒 : @p-oisn 's ADORABLE Cherry Jam and Rei moodboard!! OKAY, LISTEN TO ME GUYS BEFORE YOU THINK: "But Ari, this is clearly rigged! You cant pick your pookies first just cuz u wanna!" I swear this is all fair play, JUST. LOOK. AT. THE. MOODBOARD. LIKE OMGG ARE YOU FRRR?? ITS SO FRIGIN GOOD!!!!!!! icons match great, everything looks cohesive, and for a strawberry shortcake event, the dark theme stood out in a good way! Still matched the theme, met my expectations and exceeded it even, and overall deserves the win <33
🍑 : @dollries 's little appricot and chaewon mb! I'm so fr, the color and vibe are everything squeeeaaaal! Matches perfectly, the hues are literally in sync, I love this one a lot :3
🍨 : @wcnbear 's cute suzette crepe and yena moodboard! I immediately fell in love! Maybe I'm just a sucker for pink, but the cute sweet vibe i got and the icons fitting together like puzzle pieces making a pretty picture. I heart this mb fr.
🍎 : @bellelovesyou 's super cute apple dumpling and rei moodboard! Fits adorable together, really honored the theme and made everything work. I admire how the icons were all made to look more pleasant overall!
🫐 : @c-hance 's Blueberry muffin and sakura moodboard! The gif is saur cutieee!! The concept is adorbs. the color of the blue was pretty and consistent, and I loved it :)
❄️ : @jenfaery 's frosty puff and chaewon moodboard! The icons were so 5 the striking blue to match frosty puff's color scheme, combined with the elegant white reminded me of the cold weather outside now and I could feel the season winter in this moodboard :>
3rd place
🍇 : @19kisoir 's giselle and sour grapes moodboard! The purple is stunning, the Taylor swift lyrics made me dizzy on the groundsd!!! Yeah, super cute!
🌱 : @lovveons 's coco calypso and chuu moodboard! The messy aesthetic was done nicely, some subtle green, smart use of colors! There's nothing else to say besides that, it's pretty!!
🌸 : @sakkurify 's hayoung and cherry cutter moodboard! I can clearly see the effort put into this! Cute, not overcrowded or empty. Pleasant to look at, and fits the theme well!
1st place:
70 reblogs, follow back, 2 moodboards from me, 2 gifs, or/and headers from me if you choose.
2nd place:
50 reblogs, follow back, 1 mb, a gif, and/or header from me if you choose
3rd place:
30 reblogs, follow back, 1 mb, one gif OR one header if you choose
Honorable mentions:
Fllw back, disclose blog, 20 reblogs
5 reblogs
I'll make better prizes next event, and hopefully I can finish all the reblogs and stuff in about a week or so. Tysm all for joining ilyasm <33
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lees-chaotic-brain · 8 months
1 Year Anniversary Soulmate Color Event! (Closed)
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Event Masterlist | Blog Navigation
Let me know if you want to get added to the event taglist!
It was recently my one year anniversary on tumblr, so I decided to do my first ask event! (I'm also rewarding myself because I caught up on my schoolwork)
The tag for this event is lee's 1 year anniversary event so filter it out if you don't want to see the fics from it.
Below are the rules and guide.
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Here is the format:
Number (prompt) Shade (theme) Color (character)
Megumi angst with the "mark from last time your soulmate ever touches you" prompt
Would be:
#8 Jade Green
Step 1: Pick a Character (Color)
My Hero Academia:
Todoroki Shoto: Red
Bakugou Katsuki: Orange
Kaminari Denki: Yellow
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Fushiguro Megumi: Green
Gojo Satoru: Blue
Inumaki Toge: Purple
Yuji Itadori: Pink
Step Two: Pick a Theme (Shade)
Angst: blood, rust, ochre, jade, navy, eggplant, amaranth
Angst to Fluff: crimson, tangerine, pale, pine, ocean, lilac, rose
Hurt/Comfort: vermillion, dark, golden, forest, sky, plum, blush
Fluff: maroon, pumpkin, lemon, olive, baby, lavender, bubblegum
Crack: fire engine, safety cone, neon, lime, electric, violet, hot
Step Three: Pick an Prompt
#1. The closer you are to your soulmate, the warmer you feel, the further you are the colder. Basically finding your soulmate is one big game of hot and cold.
#2. You and your soulmate are attached by an unbreakable red thread tied on you ankles/wrists/whatever.
#3. Every night your dreams are actually your soulmate's memories.
#4. Once you reach a certain age you begin to feel a pull towards your soulmate, just like magnets. (someone please request a crack version of this)
#5. The name of your soulmate appears on your body only after that person falls in love with you.
#6. If your soulmate gets a wound or cut, flowers bloom out of the same spot on your own body.
#7. The first time your soulmate touches you it will leave a mark in the shape of their touch on your body.
#8. The last time your soulmate touches you it will leave a mark in the shape of their touch on your body.
#9. You and your soulmate both glow if you're in a room together for the first time. (This can get confusing if more than 1 set of soulmates are in the room)
*note: I found these prompts on Pinterest. they do not belong to me.*
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At the moment, I am not comfortable writing nsfw, so please don't request it
I don't write poly relationships. It's not that I have anything against it, I just don't feel comfortable
Please be polite! I'm happy to write your requests, but please be mindful of the fact that I am also a human being with a life
Feel free to send in as many as you want, I'll try to get to all of them
The event will close on Oct. 31, meaning I will stop taking requests for it, but will continue to write and post any requests I received up until then
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mahou-furbies · 1 year
It is time for
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This year the event will be hosted by Snow Miku! Not exactly magical girls but close enough design wise.
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Here is the magical girl media consumed on this blog this year:
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(Delicious Party Precure, Futari wa Precure Max Heart, Magia Record s3, Machikado Mazoku s2, Tokyo Mew Mew New, Magic Users' Club! (OVA), Magic User's Club! (Tv), Tropical Rouge! Precure season movie, Futari wa Precure Max Heart season movies 1 & 2)
At first it looked like I barely read any magical girl manga this year, but then ended up reading a couple in the final few weeks of the year:
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(Magilumiere co ltd, Time Stranger Kyoko (reread), The Life After Retirement of Magical Girls, No Match for Aoi-kun, Magical Lollipop)
Also I read a lot of magical girl webcomics!
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(Magical Mom, Sleepless Domain, Cloudy Wondrous, Apricot Cookie(s)!, Miss Guillotine, Strawberry Seafoam)
Then let's go through the events that happened this year. We had a tournament for the favourite Precure, and Cure Milky was the winner! This time it has taken even longer to draw the celebratory art for the winners than last year and I'm still not done, but I guess nobody but me really cares about that so all is well.
We also had a poll for most/least favourite magical girl elements, which I used to compile the most liked and least liked magical girls (though I think the least liked one turned out to be more popular). I really liked this idea and would like to do something more with it one day, or at least just get statistics on people's opinions on different magical girl tropes for fun.
I also did both Mermay and Witchtober this year (and Adorkastock Draw Everything June which I've done every year since its inception), which included a lot of magical girl content. I like these monthly drawing challenges since I enjoy drawing a set of themed characters, and usually the results are a lot more varied than the stuff I usually draw. So next year I'd like to do some more, but I'll have to find different challenges so it won't get repetitive, this was the second Mermay I did and while it mostly involved characters I never draw otherwise, I'd still like to give that spot to something else next time.
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Saban Moon was unleashed to the public this year, which did not affect me that much since I have very little relationship with Sailor Moon, but I can still appreciate unearthing a secret alternative version of a well known character (also it was my most popular drawing this year)
This year I started and exercise project by trying to motivate myself with the reward of buying a Miku Nendoroid each time I exercise a certain amount of times. It has been mostly successful, or there are breaks but they are a lot shorter than they would ever be without a prize looming in the future. Much recommended!
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Finally one thing that's different from last year that I didn't draw a lot of characters for my magical girl chibi series, because I was busy drawing a different kind of chibi series (hundreds of Pokemon chibis on my other blog). And this chibi style spread to several of my other fandoms too, I used it on the Witchtober, and I've done four (I think) sets of requests in it.
Finally a mention to my frustration on the lack of green Precures culminating in a series of green Precure OCs. 
Then onto the awards!
Best Henshin Design goes to Cloudy Wondrous! A solid design where everything works together (I’m especially a fan of the cloud motif used in different places), and the unique details (crown, wing eyepatch thing) make it more memorable.
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Best Team Design goes to Tokyo Mew Mew New! Granted I think I like the original designs more, but TMM team design is still strong here as well, it's recognisable as TMM but highly customisable for OCs.
Best Powerup Design goes to Strawberry Seafoam! Or they should probably rather be called separate forms on the same level with different purposes rather than increasing in power, but who's counting. They are all pretty (as are the other mermaids' transformations) but let's say the jellyfish one is my favourite, it has such warm glowing palette (but also an illuminated dark mode!) and it creates a unique silhouette.
Also a shoutout to Cure Spicy's Party Up Style "hat".
Best Civilian Design goes to Amane's winter look from Delicious Party Precure! It just looks so comfy...
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Best Hair goes to Sae from Magic User's Club! It's pretty simple compared to the usual absurd magical girl hairstyles, but I like how the angular shapes make it memorable.
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Best Magical Item goes to Bijou's pen from Strawberry Seafoam! It looks pretty, and I like magic where you actually draw your spells. And it's fun to see her style evolve!
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Best Henshin Scene goes to the dresser henshin in Magilumiere! Overall it has a lot of creative henshin and I really hope it gets animated some day!
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Best Fan Creation is the catch-all award for everything that's not from, like, a big corporation, and this year the competition is really tough with all these highly polished webcomics, on a normal year any one of them would have been the winner but now I have to pick one. And it is also this year's Best Work, so more on that later! 
Best Relationship goes to the group in Magic Users' Club! Their relationships feel very natural, and everyone has something different going on with the other characters. And while there is a little drama, the overall vibe is delightfully positive.
Best Mascot goes to Kome-Kome from Delicious Party Precure! Personality or plot-wise there's nothing that interests me about her, but it must be said that I'm a sucker for progressively aging designs and she's also stupidly cute.
Best Supporting Character goes to the 4th wall breaking Director of Darkness, from Apricot Cookie(s)! He just cracks me up every time he is on panel with his friendly and welcoming attitude. 
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Honourable mention to Mari-chan from Precure who is the best character in the season but who unfortunately doesn’t get to do much.
Best Visual goes to the art style of Strawberry Seafoam! Bold and unique glowing saturated colours that somehow feel nostalgic. Special mention to all the swirly magic.
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Honourable mention to the art style shifts Apricot Cookie(s)!, sometimes the art goes to retro manga or anime or 3d idol dance models for fun. And another honourable mention to the visual presentation of the Apricot Cookies website.
Best Audio goes to the Shiny Luminous / Queen theme in Futari wa Precure Splash Star (not the henshin one but the one when she’s doing something epic). Feels very majestic.  
For the Best Scene I don’t have anything specific that comes to mind over everything else this year, so let’s say Kuroe’s fate in MagiReco, Shiny Luminous in the Max Heart finale and Grandma’s fate in Apricot Cookie(s)! can share it.
Innovation Award is for honouring a work doing something new and refreshing for the magical girl genre. This year I read several webcomics (that generally get to be more innovative than commercial anime) and even one actual manga that focused on "magical girls as a job", but each with a little different angle. So a shoutout to Magilumiere Co ltd, Sleepless Domain, Cloudy Wondrous, Apricot Cookie(s)!, Miss Guillotine and Magical Mom! With this many of them it'd feel a little weird to pick any for the "innovation award" over the same topic, so let's reward Magical Mom, for having, well, the magical mom! Magical girls whose mother is also a magical girl are of course a thing, but this time the child is a boy, and the mother also is an active and prominent character (and not just a background mentor), so that is new to me.
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Then the Golden Mana Award, that is the dishonourable mention awarded to one thing I didn't like this year! 
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This year it goes to Porun from Futari wa Precure Max Heart. Frankly he was probably more annoying in the original Futari wa but I had something else to complain about that year so now it's his turn. For the life of me I can't understand how this would be an appealing character concept even for children, like don't even 5-year-olds get annoyed at a toddler sibling's tantrums interrupting their big kid play? Even his less overtly irritating scenes don't do much for me, since they rely on "aww isn't it cute how the baby wants to be with you" mushiness.
Also another dishonourable mention to downgrading Pudding’s jumpsuit into a dress.
Best Character goes to Kuroe! (from MagiReco) I really like her design (especially how it mirrors Iroha’s), her quiet and hesitant personality and her melancholic story that felt fresh among all the magical girls who excitedly jump into saving every passerby. Or I don’t really like how she fit in the larger narrative, but in isolation I think her story was interesting.
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Best Work goes to Apricot Cookie(s)! It's really funny and the art is great, and the character designs are memorable. The heroine is charmingly dumb and everyone in her family is great. And it took a while to grow on me, but in the end the weeb references make me feel at home.
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Plans for 2023
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I didn't manage to get any of the shorter mg shows from last year's list (though I did watch Magic User’s Club which wasn’t on the list) so those are still there. I'd also like to watch two series from the Precure backlog, this year I only managed one.
Art-wise I plan to do more for the chibi series, and do another "x colour Precure oc" series. And I'd really like to draw more art that has, like, a background or a mood or a composition, but let's see if that goes anywhere.
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(also hopefully more Miku Nendoroids)
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The Village of Mirages
Warning: Game content here may be offensive and/or Orientalist due to Devsisters’s mishandling of Middle-Eastern themes and the extent of SWANA (Southwestern Africa and North Africa) cultures as they published this update as part of the Yogurca theme. I will try my best to publish the content of this event on a purely gameplay-centric basis while only providing extra content based on storylines in the game itself as part of my obligation as a Cookie Run news blog. Baker’s Street Newsblog Staff commentary will be cut from this theme. As such, I do not support Devsisters in their handling of these themes as it stands now. I would rather see them have a do-over for the month, or to have somebody else who knows more about the subject of SWANA cultures audit the company’s work to ensure that the Yogurcan theme is not mishandled again beyond anything that has already been published. If I make a mistake on this subject, respectfully report any specific problems seen in this post (and any further linked posts) to me ASAP so that it may be corrected.
If you want to see a map of what the SWANA geographical region looks like, [Click Here]
Event Rules - Normal Mode
Run in special maps with extremely limited combi selections
Levels will be restricted
If you don’t have a specific Cookie or Pet, you can still run with them at level 1
Reach the “Pass” rank to unlock the next stage
Reach the S-rank in both stages to unlock Hard Mode
You have 30 tickets to run with. One restocks every 30 minutes until you reach the maximum amount of 30 tickets. Buy more tickets using Crystals.
Entering a stage for the first time and getting a “Pass” rank on a stage for the first time will unlock new cutscenes
This rule setup is essentially the same as those for Flames of Longing and Project Cookie Runway
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Event Rules/Differences - Hard Mode
You now have a relay Cookie to work with, as well as a slightly larger combi selection. Unobtained Cookies and Pets can still be used at level 1.
Level caps have been removed, but Invocation Cards and Treasure Enhancements are both disabled
Maps are now extended to four stages, where you will have to choose your next stage when encountering a fork
Hard Mode has access to Jobs offered by other Cookies (usually those that aren’t playable in the map) to complete. Complete the Job for a reward.
Certain Jobs will alter certain Jelly layouts and may request specific stages
If a Job is too hard to complete, skip it using Crystals
Complete every Job in one rank to earn the associated title and increase your renown, unlocking a new set of Jobs
Completing every set of Jobs will yield the Chapter Reward, which in this example appears to feature the Lamp of Endless Dreams Legendary Treasure
High scores set in Hard Mode will determine your Rank Rewards for each chapter when the event ends. Rewards which you can receive as part of your final Rank will be sent to your mailbox after the event ends.
The Leaderboard allows you to see what routes the highest scorers took, as well as their combis. Players in the Top 30 will have their combis hidden, so there’s no cheating here unless they specifically tell you what they used elsewhere
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Chapter 1 - The Traitor’s Return
Yogurt Cream Cookie hasn’t woken up for days for an unknown reason. Lilac Cookie appears to know the truth and goes with Scorpion Cookie to Mirage Village. He gets confronted by Centipede Cookie, who accuses him of being a traitor who left the Sneaky Sands Clan with Scorpion Cookie…
Links will be provided as relevant information gets posted. If the text is green, then the link’s ready.
The Mystical Desert City - Normal
The Mystical Desert City - Hard
Bustling Night Market - Normal
Bustling Night Market - Hard
Jobs - Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Yogurt Dunes Dash
Fallen into a temple’s trap in search of a golden pot, friends turned rivals Chili Pepper Cookie and Peppercorn Cookie must find an exit together…
Blazing Sand Desert - Normal
Blazing Sand Desert - Hard
Fantastic Yogurt Road - Normal
Fantastic Yogurt Road - Hard
Jobs - Chapter 2
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andersonfilms · 7 months
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𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✧‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ (navi. & masterlist. & tags. )
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this is an eighteen+ nsfw content blog. please for the love of god, if you were a minor, do not follow me.
please be kind on my page. hate of any kind (towards me, readers, mutuals, other writers, etc.) will not tolerated on here. if you send me hate, it will be deleted and i will not care to pour gasoline on anyone's rage or vile comments. i'm just here to write and to build a healthy, supporting community. a safe space for people to escape in. if you can't understand that, don't interact with me.
please respect what i will and won't write before sending me a request. if it's not on here, always feel free to ask me.
dark!content may be featured on this blog, i support writers but i won't content i specifically put out. non-con will never be on this blog for any given reason, ever.
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currently, only writing for abby anderson. subject to change, but she's the one i write for.
x reader fics (fem!reader, masc!reader, and occasionally tall!readers)
my fics are poc!coded. if you don’t like it, don’t follow me.
green light for requesting: dom!reader, sub!reader, dom!abby, sub!abby, switch!abby, switch!reader, voyeriusm, choking (light), mommy!kink, age gap (legal obviously), anal (some), biting, bondage (light), breeding kink, cheating (some), strapwarming, degradation (light), edging, pregnancy (?), lactation!kink, masturbation, mutual masturbation, overstimulation, subspace, praise!kink (heavy), public sex, ruined orgasms, slapping (light), somnophilia, strength!kink (abby!writer so duh), dubcon (very, very light).
yellow light for requesting: (i may deny or delete the request: daddy kink, pain, perversion, hard bdsm, innocence kink.
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red light for requesting: baby talk, minors or aging up characters, pet play, rewards/punishment, cnc/consensual non-consent, ddlg, incest, pedophilia, piss/feet kinks, extremely heavy degradation, yandere themes, stockholm syndrome, tw sexual assault, tw eating disorders, age regression!kink (hard fucking no), emotional manipulation (extreme), tw su1cide, tw domestic abuse, scat or piss!kink.
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princessmia-tarot · 8 months
Hello may I participate in the free reading please? I'd like to know if my spiritual team would like me to incorporate plants into my practice and if so how? Thank you for your insights! db the Capricorn
Hello DB,
Before I begin if you or anyone who sees this reading could respond to this poll, it would be much appreciated (open 3rd-10th Oct).
I'd be delighted to provide you with a free reading regarding whether your spiritual team would like you to incorporate plants into your practice and how to do so, using the symbolism of the Seven of Pentacles.
The Seven of Pentacles represents patience, assessment, and the need to step back and evaluate your progress. In the context of your question about incorporating plants into your spiritual practice, here's what it suggests:
Incorporating Plants into Your Practice: The Seven of Pentacles suggests that your spiritual team encourages you to consider incorporating plants into your practice. Plants have a strong connection to nature, growth, and healing, making them powerful tools for spiritual work. Here's how you can do so:
Plant Meditation: Begin by meditating with plants. Choose a specific plant or flower that resonates with you. Spend time in contemplation, connecting with the plant's energy and wisdom. This can help you receive guidance and insights from the plant realm.
Herbal Magic: Explore the magical properties of herbs and plants. Research their associations and uses in spiritual and magical practices. You can incorporate herbs into rituals, spellwork, or even create herbal charms for specific intentions.
Green Witchcraft: Consider delving into green witchcraft, which focuses on connecting with the energies of plants and nature. Green witches often work with herbs, flowers, and trees for healing, divination, and manifestation.
Indoor Plant Altar: Create an indoor plant altar or sacred space in your home. Choose plants that resonate with your intentions or spiritual path. These plants can serve as living symbols of growth and transformation.
Gardening: If you have access to outdoor space, consider starting a garden. Gardening allows you to form a deep bond with the earth and the natural world. You can grow plants associated with your spiritual goals and intentions.
Plant Communication: Develop the practice of plant communication, known as "plant whispering." This involves listening to the wisdom of plants and understanding their messages. You can use meditation or intuitive techniques for this purpose.
Patience and Assessment: The Seven of Pentacles also reminds you to be patient as you incorporate plants into your practice. It may take time to develop a meaningful relationship with plants and understand their spiritual guidance fully. Regularly assess your progress and the effects of working with plants on your spiritual journey.
Incorporating plants into your spiritual practice can be a rewarding and enriching experience. Your spiritual team encourages you to explore this path with patience and an open heart. Plants have much wisdom to offer, and their presence can deepen your connection to the natural world and the spiritual realm.
- - - - - - - - - 
★ To see status of free readings click here
★ LOVE how much information is in these free readings? Check out my ETSY to get even more information, clarification and messages. USE CODE TUMBLR20 FOR 20% OFF 
★ Interested in spells and chakras? Check out my spells on offer 
★ If you feel called, please follow and share my blog and/or Etsy so more people have the opportunity for guidance ❤️
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universal-kitty · 1 year
Got a delivery for one [Rendacted] (lol kidding on the delivery bit, but I do have some questions regarding the tall weeb)! Uh... How about Apple Pie, Shortcake, Flan, Muffin + Brownie (from the sweet-themed self ship asks)?
Due to the source of this ask: Minors/Ageless blogs DNI! You will be blocked. 💖
🍭 Sweet Themed Selfship Asks
Apple pie: How does your f/o sleep? Do they snooze soundly next to you or do they toss and turn etc?
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Ren tosses a bit less than I do! I'm the one who wiggles around the bed, completely rotating, in some cases. By comparison, Ren... He rolls a bit in his sleep. Sometimes clings overly much to the blankets... But it's pretty normal.
Over the years, hover, they flop around less and start clinging more. (As their brain catches up to the fact we're dating!! We sleep in the same bed!!! They may or may not still be losing their mind over this.)
Shortcake: What’s your f/o’s love language? (physical affection, giving gifts, etc)
He has to pick one???? That would be. Impossible for them. The most I can say is this: they typically like gift-giving the most.
There's something very rewarding about getting an item that reminds me of them/they know I'd really like, getting to give it to me, and watching my eyes light up in delight!! It's almost as good as the praise I croon to him for thinking of me and getting something so sweet~
Second closest is physical affection. He would happily live life toting me around in an arm, if it was possible. (And I didn't have such a strong urge to wander here, there, and everywhere.)
Flan: How does your f/o comfort you when you’re upset?
Depends! Ren knows I'm pretty attached to fictional characters, so they're not above dressing up as one on a whim to try and utilize that. If that wouldn't help or it doesn't, that's when they're pulling out every stop. Doesn't matter what I want; if I want it, he'll make it happen.
I want a rare plushie? Okay, buying it (or stealing one) first thing. Expedited shipping, if bought. Would a shopping trip help? Anything I want, they'll buy. Fuck the final price and any guilt; they'll spoil me rotten if it makes I can crack a smile later.
Shit, he'd book a flight for the soonest one to Japan if it would make me happy. Road trip; anything. Anything that makes me sad is a fuckin' crime on this planet and he'll do anything to make the pain better/ease off.
Muffin: What does your f/o’s laugh sound like?
The first ask that's different depending on who!! :D SO! For Ren (Haruko cosplay), it's a light, airy laugh. They're trying to come off as sweet and a little shy, although those with sharp ears can notice it may sound kinda...off. Not deceptive- if it's over something I say, it's still rings quite sincere!- but... It's off.
This also ties with any other fave he cosplays as; it will mimic the character they're aiming for, but with more or less of that fake-feeling vibe.
[Rendacted]'s true laugh is kinda scratchy, low...but the more he laughs, the louder- and lighter- it gets! Basically, he's that person who laughs low to start- like chuckles- but will get into a much more classically "handsome" laugh as he lets loose.
Seeing him smile was a rarity before- still is when it comes to his walls dropping in full- but it's become more common with us dating. 💕
Brownie: What’s your f/o’s favorite part of you?
...They would CRY to have to pick one. How are they supposed to pick?! Those pretty, dark green eyes, that got the shape of flowers in them? The dark brown hair they get to help brush every morning? What about the cute, soft hands that hold theirs every day?! There's also the subtle collarbones, the neck they love to mark, the tummy they kiss very often, the thighs-
...Ren wouldn't stop gushing for anything the second the topic would come up. Don't let him start if you know what's good for you.
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terrarenata · 2 years
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SOFT  FRESH  GREEN    —      nice  breeze,  bare  feet  and  freshly  cut  grass.  your  love  is  a  lighthearted  hope  for  the  future.  it's  protecting  your  eyes  from  the  sun  but  enjoying  the  light  rays  still,  it's  laying  on  the  grass  and  feeling  it  tickle  your  neck.  you  look  to  the  side  and  they  look  back  at  you,  full  of  hope  and  plans  too.  you  plan  together  and  laugh  all  day  and  your  sunburn  will  feel  like  them.  your  love  is  delicate,  hesitant.  a  well  curated  binder  full  of  collages  for  a  future  you  can't  be  sure  will  come,  but  you  keep  going,  you  keep  planning,  you  keep  squinting  at  the  sun  and  smiling,  and  running  your  hands  through  the  grass  so  it  will  smell  better.  you  keep  holding  onto  the  bright  sky  even  as  the  sunsets,  even  as  the  starry  night  stares  back.  but  you  keep  on  holding,  you  keep  on  dreaming,  you  close  your  eyes  and  feel  the  sun  on  your  skin  and  convince  yourself  that  the  sunburn  is  good,  it's  something  to  hold  on  to,  just  makes  it  linger  a  bit  longer.  your  love  is  a  lighthearted  hope  for  the  future.  It's  sweet  and  wonderful  and  it  keeps  love  alive,  makes  the  world  a  better  place.  you  run  your  hands  through  the  grass,  clench  your  fingers  tighter  and  keep  making  plans.  and  I  can  only  thank  you  and  hope  I  can  learn  to  love  like  you  someday.
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thechekhov · 3 years
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Alright, alright, I caved.
After a slot opened up in me to be able to take on another show emotionally, I decided to invest in OwlHouse. I thought I would probably like it, but it won me over faster than I thought it would.
I’ve already watched a few episodes, but I realized that it might be more fun to do liveblogs, so here I am - with a liveblog...
I will be doing this episode by episode, and probably releasing them every once in a while. Everything will be under a cut, however, to save you all dash space.
If you’d like to follow, please track the #chekhov watches owlhouse tag!
(I’d also like to dedicate this post to the Tumblr Staff Rob, who did his best to restore this post for me when tumblr queue ate it.)
Without further ado...
Episode 1!!
Fair warning - this is technically not a ‘live’ blog, because I have already watched some of the show before deciding to do this, but I’ll still react to them to round things out.
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Immediately, this reminds me of Little Witch Academia... Anyone? No? Only me? I feel like maybe I’m getting my wires crossed, but there HAD to have been some inspiration taken from there?
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“No-- my only weakness! Dying!!“
Same, big snake monster. Same.
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Oh, backup snakes? This girl is READY.
Please don’t mistreat the snakes.
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Spider breath... This kid is on my wavelength. That griffin seems to be waiting to be put out of its misery though, and I don’t blame it.
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My child... where did you get that pigeon head though.....
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Nurse mother, do you REALLY think signing up your spider-summoning daughter for summer camp will actively make her antics slow down instead of ramp up to 60?
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Awww, baby makes AMVs... But also, NO ONE TOLD YOU TO THROW AWAY THE BOOK??? I know it’s symbolic, but goodness, isn’t that a bit much???
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wait a sec, is that Eda????
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Love the realistic bilingual kid experience of replying in English when your mom talks to you in your native language. Universal.
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Love this introduction of Eda’s character. She’s got that little green scarf on and everything. Like a tiny trash grandma.
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Oooh, okay, let’s extrapolate...
Lots of bones everywhere. I kinda love the aesthetic here - it’s gross and visceral, kind of like what Luz was making with her school projects. Yet in the middle of it all we have a rather clear gothic looking structure. Is this a power imbalance in the supposed kingdom?
The five circles of stained glass seem to perhaps indicate something like Hogwarts houses? Several different types of magic?
But Luz has no reason to freak out as much as she is - she LOVES weird stuff! Haha... No, I kid, I kid. I get it.
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“Am I in the bad place?“
Eyyyyy, gotta love shows referencing other shows. :)
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“Oh dear child... I’m not like you.”
Wow, what a DRAMATIC reveal for some pointy ears. :) I love her.
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We should all aspire to have such cool and stylistically well put together wanted posters. You can tell the commissioned artist really respects her craft.
Steven Universe fans watching this:
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I’m looking too.
Okay, okay, enough shenanigans, let’s have some LORE.
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I love this landscape. Teeth or bones, or whatever they are, this is one of the more unique settings we’ve gotten, though maybe I’m prejudiced because I love body horror and bones. The darker orange and red themes fit really well here.
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Things I’m desperate for: Giraffe Lore 
Things I’m more desperate for: Eda lore. Why do her limbs fall off? Is she a zombie?
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Things I’m not quite as desperate for: Hooty lore. He can keep that to himself.
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well hello there mysterious chekhov’s glyph which will DEFINITELY not be relevant in the second chapter (or end of season? Maybe? Idk it just seems important).
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Ah, yes. That would have been my reaction as well, to be fair. Somehow I didn’t expect to see this guy so early on. I figured he would be a low stress early villain that got assimilated into the Found Family. Kinda psyched that he’s just there from the start.
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....I’m just gonna presume this is all true and accept it at face value.
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Old Escape The Cops Lady and Tiny Little Demon King, I need your backstory. How did you meet.
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I love looking at background details, because like... you can tell the BG artists had fun. I particularly love how the 3 eyed toad doesn’t actually have any reward attached to her. Though the Knife Baby does intrigue me!
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“I write fanfics of food falling in love.”
Why am I being called out...
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“Noo! My weak nerd arms!”
Finally, a realistic portrayal of a protagonist thrust into a fantasy setting!
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Okay but. If only humans could pass through the barrier... wouldn’t that mean a human had to have deposited those things in there? Do they have a human on staff in this weird pseudo-prison??? Suspicious....
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Confession - when I initially saw ads for this show, I expected Eda to be a villain, not a loveable middle aged witch aunt figure. I am shockingly even MORE drawn to her this way. I expected betrayal. I expected her to be a lowkey threat?? But no. She’s just wholesome in the way a solid raccoon is.
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“Eda, are you okay?!”
“Yeah, this just happens when you get older...”
“........does it..?”
If I had to pinpoint the exact moment this show won me over...... it would probably be this one.
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I know it’s probably the wrong thing to focus on, but what is that insignia? Wings??? Like.... the kind OWLS HAVE?????
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I’m really loving the landscape here. And those fireworks are... hmm... intricate?
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Gotta love the old tried and true Witch Apprentice Actually A Live In Intern trope. :)
Hold up...
Is that
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Is that Hooty? I thought he was just a door....
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Eda: This is my room for human stuff. I will also put my human in there.
. . .
Overall rating: I think this is a cute overall beginning. The prison break went hard! I enjoyed the characters and it kind of surprised me in a lot of ways. It definitely does a great job setting up a world with a lot more to explore while giving us a small taste of cool magic stuff and witchy battles. :)
Now on to Episode 2!!
Read the liveblogs in order by clicking here!
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speakingofdoorknobs · 3 years
Catch up Meme (for @effulgentinara​ and @speakingofdoorknobs​ since they’re both me - long story short, I goofed when deciding which was going to be my ‘main blog’)
tagged by: @prawns-are-cannibals
Rules: tag 9 people you wanna get to know better :D
Favourite Colour: blue, green 
Currently reading: In between books, but I have the newest Miss Fisher novel set aside as a reward for finishing a project.
Last Song: ‘Therefore I Am’ - Billie Eilish
Last Movie: In a theater: The Addams Family 
In general: One of the Cars movies. I don’t remember which one anymore, kiddo’s been alternating between 1 and 2 for several weeks.
Last Series: re-watching older episodes of QI, currently up to series “M”
Sweet, spicy or savoury: Savoury, especially if there are potatoes involved
Craving: cheese fries, or a trip to the art themed mini-golf course at the museum.
Tea or Coffee: Tea - granted, I’m allergic to coffee, but I think I’d still choose tea regardless.
Currently working on: Getting a proper home office set up since we’ve been told that we all did such a good job working remotely this past year they’re making it permanent and closing our physical office.
Things I need to get started on: So many things I don’t even want to think about it right now - when I gave my doctor a high-level view of some of the stuff coming up, her response was to tell me I was good to double up on my anxiety meds if I needed to...
I tag: anyone who feels like it :)
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spnfanficpond · 3 years
Pond Diving - Supernatural-Jackles
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Welcome to today’s Pond Diving Spotlight! We hope that you enjoy this little insight to our members and perhaps even find some useful tips for your own writing. Happy reading!
Want to volunteer, send us an ask! We’re looking forward to learning more about all of you! Not sure what PD is, you can learn more here.
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“Don’t Be Koi About It” - All About You
Name: Jen
Age: 24
Location: Ontario, Canada
URL: @supernatural-jackles​ 
Why did you choose your URL:  I wanted a Supernatural theme for my blog when I started watching it and Jensen Ackles just happens to be my favourite on there so it became that.
What inspired you to become a writer: I’ve always enjoyed stories. I’ve loved the aspect of taking your mind to a whole other world and living in it. As I grew up and continued reading, my love for stories became stronger and stronger. I fell in love with characters and places. I wanted to always have a way to go back to those places and take other people to those places. I wanted to create stories for others to fall in love with the way I fell in love with them.
How long have you been writing:  I have been writing since I was 8 or 9.
What do you do when you are not writing i.e. Job/Hobbies etc?  Right now, my Nintendo switch is a good friend of mine. Due to the virus, I spend a lot of my time inside when I’m not at work. I’m either writing, working, sleeping or playing switch.
How long have you been in the SPN Fandom?  Since 2012
Are you in any other fandoms and do you write for them? I am in the Harry Potter fandom, and Marvel. I don’t write for them though. I don’t feel the same way about the characters as I do with the SPN Fandom. 
Do you do any writing outside of fanfiction? If so, tell us about it? I have been working on my novel for the last two years on and off. I just find a lot more joy in writing Supernatural fanfiction at the moment, so my soul focus has stayed on that. 
Favorite published author:  Margaret Atwood or John Green
Have you ever read a book that made an impact on your life? Which one and why?:  There was this one book I read. I was about 18 at the time I believe. All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. A very triggering book, just so you know. I remember sitting there reading it and wondering why I’m putting myself through something so draining and daunting. The book was very upsetting and I found it didn’t tackle the issues at hand in a very tasteful and realistic way. As someone who writes fanfiction about mental health, it influenced me to be open and honest about the way reality is, but in a way that would shine more positively towards mental health struggles. I never wanted to be that person who ruined every mental health book for someone else like that author did for me. It was a negative impact, but I think it had some positive results.
Favorite genre of fanfic (smut, angst, fluff, crack, rpf, etc):  I enjoy all genres to be honest. It really all depends on the mood I’m in that day. It’s fun to switch it up every once in a while and enjoy the mixed emotions you get when you read or write said genre.
Favorite piece of your own writing: One and One Make Three or Just Want to Be Loved.
Most underrated fic you have written:  I might have to say More Than a Fling. It was the sequel to Summer Fling and everyone was interested in a second series. It soon went on permanent hiatus due to lack of interest.
Story of yours that you’d most like to see turned into a movie/tv show:  Owe You One
Favorite Tumblr Writer(s):   @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @kaz-2y5imagines​,  @jawritter​ @mariekoukie6661​, @torn-and-frayed​
Favorite fic from another writer:  Breathe by @luci-in-trenchcoats​
Favorite character to write: Dean/Jensen
Favorite Pairing to write:  Undecided. I love reader inserts and I haven’t done many pairings other than that. I have toyed with Jensen/Reader/Danneel before and I enjoy writing them.
Least favorite character to write (and why):  Castiel. We only see so much of Cas and there aren’t as many complex layers of him so he’s harder for me to explore.
Do you have anyone you consider a mentor?  @luci-in-trenchcoats
Do you have any aspirations involving your writing?   Finish everything I start, and be proud of every piece I create.
How many work-in-progress stories do you have:  Ummm probably upwards to the mid 60’s I want to say.
What are you currently working on?  I am in the very early stages of writing a Jensen x Reader Bodyguard AU series. Twisty and turny and very different from what I usually write, but still very me.
“Pond Diving” - All About The Writing
What/who has had the biggest influence on your writing?  I have the biggest influence on my writing for the most part. I always stick with what I want to write and what I’d love to read. That’s what gets me started on most pieces. My dear best friend who shall remain anonymous, has an influence on me as well. She mostly inspires me to write what I want to write and reminds me on a constant basis that I am doing good and to keep going with my ideas.
Best writing advice you've been given:  Don’t be afraid to get a little out of your comfort zone.
Biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your writing:  Time management mostly. Deadlines are not my best friend, that’s for sure. I am often filled with a lot of self-doubt when it comes to getting things done on time. Then I wonder if it’s good enough for publishing or if I should wait.
What aspects of writing do you find difficult when you write fanfiction? The research process for certain fics can be daunting. Especially if you don’t know where you need to start looking. Then fact checking, and making sure it works in the story. I have to remind myself that it will be worth it in the end. 
Is there anything you want to write but are afraid to (and why):  I am pretty open with writing most of the things I want to. Getting out of my comfort zone is something I regularly do. It’s always fun to challenge yourself into writing something you’d never think of doing. I certainly have enjoyed the things I was scared to try and it was worth it in the end.
What inspires/motivates you to write:  Any selfie/picture posted by Jensen. My best friend and the lovely people around me. @luci-in-trenchcoats is a big influence on me and she always keeps me going!
How do you deal with self doubt:  I constantly have to remind myself to get out of that headspace unless I am writing about being in that headspace. It’s a hard cycle to break. Reminding myself that what I am doing is making me happy. I’m making the rules. I’m writing this for me. I have to please myself first and that’s what matters the most. I know myself and the way I write, and that is enough. That’s what I keep on repeat in my head.
How do you deal with writer's block: Cry profusely? I’m kidding. Writer’s block for me, usually comes from something I don’t like that I have written. If it’s minor, I go back to the point where I was happy with where the story was going and delete everything after that. Give it a fresh new start and prospective. If the block is more severe, I take a break. Watch a movie and don’t stress myself about it. I get ideas anywhere, and it will come back eventually. Sometimes it’s just your brain's way of saying “hey, you need to take a break. Do that.”
Do you plan/outline your story before you start: Generally yes. I like to know where my story is going. Most of the time my outlines are more extensive rough drafts. It’s a way of processing my thoughts and writing them down so I don’t forget later. It’s a lot more fun for me to build on stories.
Do you have any weird writing habits:  I either have to sit in a silent room, or I have to listen to music. Lately it’s been more silent. It depends on the subject.
Have you ever received hateful comments on your fic and how do you deal with it?  I’ve received my share of hateful comments. Each one sucks, I’m not going to lie. Knowing that there is someone out there that hates the way you wrote something so much that they had to tell you isn’t nice. It kind of comes back to the self doubt thing. You have to remind yourself that this is one person’s not so kind opinion. You are the writer, you are in control of this story. This is you and you’re proud of this.
Conversely: what’s been some of your favorite feedback on your fanfic?  Any feedback is my favourite feedback. Every heart, every “I love this”. Every “You’re my favourite.” I can’t pick a favourite. If someone can take the time out to say they’ve loved something I have written and that it meant a lot to them, then that's the best reward I can get.
If you could give one piece of advice to a new and/or struggling writer, what would it be?  Keep writing everyday! You don’t see it now but the more you write, the better you get.
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sou-ver-2-0 · 3 years
Writing Master List
I love writing analysis and fanfiction for Your Turn to Die. Here, you can find links to all my writing. Spoilers abound!
Meta I’m Proudest Of
Why Calling It “Logic Versus Emotion” Makes Sense
Sou Hiyori and Kanna’s Sister Parallels
I was wondering why Sou had a zero percent survival rate…
What is Sou proudest of?
What is Kanna proudest of?
What is Keiji proudest of?
Unpopular opinion about Keiji
What are your thoughts on Nao as a character?
Why pushing Fake Reko is logical and sparing her is emotional
Shin vs. Kanna choice: each “valid in its own way”
That was a real comedy of errors on your part, Shin
What “Things” did Shin learn at Sou’s House?
If I could kill Keiji to save both Kanna and Shin...
Thoughts on queer-coded villains and Shin
I make Shin say five nice things about Keiji (not meta, but important)
Some jumbled thoughts about Redemption, and Part 2
How different do you think the story would be if Shin were a girl?
“Midori is Meister’s son,” and other Sou theories <- my favorite theory!
The Hades Incident, the Present Death Game, and the Role of the Man from the Memorandum
Rambling about Meister Family Theory
A Quick Keiji Theory
I’m staking my pride on this one: Keiji won’t die in the coffin. Part 1 and Part 2
Implications of Kanna being Original Sou’s blood relative
The Mystery of Anzu’s High Survival Rate
My username is Florencetheflowerfairy on Ao3! Any fanfiction I write will be tagged “my fanfiction” on here.
I haven’t yet posted this to Ao3.
My fanart
Soup Hiyori
Happy birthday Kanna!
All of my meta
How does Sou deal with pain?
When does Sou feel safest? What would others change about him?
What would the others change about Sara?
What do I wish to see happen with Sou?
Chapter 3 Prediction: Sara will lose Keiji
Sou & Keiji’s relationship thoughts; and Personal Headcanons
Opinion on Midori / Original Sou; and Opinion on YTTS
Thoughts on Kurumada’s Partnership with Sou and Kanna
What calms Sou when he’s upset?
What does Sou wish he could change about himself?
Who would be Sou’s favorite fictional character?
What would EVERYONE change about Sou?
How did both Sous do in school?
Who does Sou want to please the most?
How would Kanna spend her money?
What calms Kai when he’s upset? How does Kai deal with pain?
How does Kanna do in school? What’s something Original Sou lost that he would love to have back?
What’s something I wish had happened with Joe?
Unpopular opinion about Q-Taro
What’s something I wish had happened with the Yabusame siblings?
Unpopular opinion about Kai
Unpopular opinion about Original Sou
Who would I vote for in the Second Main Game?
Laughing at Q-Taro in Russian Roulette
Speaking of “I laugh at inappropriate moments in YTTD”
Math Saga (Collection of Theorizing Posts about the Percentage Papers)
Why Kanna can’t take the scarf
More Scarf Meta
I think Shin should fake amnesia in the zaniest way possible, please
Thoughts on Mr. Policeman is Joe’s Dad Theory, Parts 1 and 2 (Some of these thoughts are outdated because I don’t think Keiji knew Joe’s last name in the beginning.)
If I ever seem too harsh on Keiji, please keep in mind
We can hear Joe’s music theme in Midori’s music theme
Thoughts on the Floor Masters
Did Shin send the Sacrifice Card to Joe?
What if Joe had one month to live?
What is Original Sou proud of?
Reading Shin as Queer
Alice and Pain
What would other people change about Kai?
Could Shin and Keiji’s roles switch?
What was Keiji like before the shooting?
I encouraged Sister to vote for Kai in Practice Round
How does Original Sou/Midori sleep?
Who do you think Keiji would bond with the most?
Analysis of Sara’s vote in the Practice Vote
Massacre Ending Thoughts
Thoughts on Naosara?
Dummy Bullet Saga (How did Shin know about dummy bullets??)
Keiji is my Confront Character
What will the fallout with the dummies look like?
Keiji seeing the percentage papers is the simplest answer IMO
Thoughts on Keialice
Thoughts on Joesara
Shin Tsukimi could have DIED ON HIS BIRTHDAY?!
Shin is Poor! Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3
One more funny story, on a walk with Sister...
How would Shin have fared in the Death Game without the Sou persona?
Is Shin too good for this world? (Reaction to above meta)
How would Joe, Kai, and Mishima approach the Second Main Game vote?
What do you think would be Shin’s partnership ability?
Thoughts on AI personalities
Reaction to ‘Sara gets the Sage Card’ Theory
Have you considered the implications of 0.0% vs. 0%?
Foolish Sara AU
When does the Death Game take place, and how long are they there?
Shin’s relationships with Reko and Gin
“When you drink, you gotta be careful not to get swallowed up yourself.”
Judge Keiji by the fact that he’s acting like a cop
I’ve switched to calling him Shin! 
What was Shin like in the years after Original Sou died, but before the Death Game?
Headcanons and Shin, Kanna, and trading tokens
Analyzing Shin and Sara’s doll placements in Safalin’s lab
Shin’s reaction to Sara’s “Haven’t we always been the bestest of friends?”
Scenario: Keymaster Kanna takes Shin’s key necklace instead of his scarf
Artists should draw Kanna grieving Shin however they like
Nao and Shin’s friendship
“I happen to like people with nice personalities”
I’m just putting these here so I can find them if necessary: 1, 2, 3
What if Shin thinks Sara is an adult?
Shrodinger’s Lock Saga (Many theories came from speculating about Asu-Naro’s weird locks in Sara’s first trial!)
Shin emulating Sou, oh no
Some thoughts on Shin and Alice, and the darker side to their relationship
A Serious Analysis of the Collarbone Sprites (& other Shin sprites)
Midori and Joe Sprite Parallels
Do you think Ranmaru is more or less reliable than Keiji?
Ranmaru and Keiji Parallels and Thoughts on Keiji flirting
Ranmaru and Keiji reacting to Joe
Out of the cast, who do you think is most likely to be the mastermind?
Miley vs. Gashu thoughts
Megumi Sasahara theories and headcanons
I love that this game’s heart is so earnest
AU where Shin has the Sacrifice, and he can’t pick Kanna
Theory/Headcanon: Sou-Shin-Sara-Kanna three year age gaps
Scenery Paintings in the Gallery
Kanna and Original Sou Parallel - “creepy smiles”
Undertale Parallels, and making Original Sou sympathetic
Kai and Original Sou Parallels
Fic ideas: Green-haired characters, and Shin + Sara Friendship
I love Fake Reko so much!
What if the decision to push Fake Reko affects what happens with the dummies?
Follow-up to above meta about Fake Reko
What if Joe died in his First Trial?
Reaction to Keiji Discourse about flirting, Part 2
Reactions to Fem!Shin:
Kanna’s perspective, Bath Scene Shin, More Bath Scene, Keiji flirting with Shin, I DON’T CARE HOW SEXY HE IS, Am I a lesbian
Will the dummies want to fill in for their counterparts’ lives?
Q-Taro Pacman Sister Theory
Poison Stinger analysis and Rio Ranger’s characterization
Megumi returns as a doll theory
More thoughts on “Back Up Candidates” Theory
Thoughts on AIs representing younger personalities
What if the current Death Game is another simulation?
Shin and Q-Taro ages musings
Shin and Sara ages musings
Honorifics Analysis: Part 1 and Part 2
Everyone’s music preferences headcanons
Shin’s thoughts on Gin in Logic Route
What if Shin died and Kai survived in the Second Main Game?
Imagine Trans Kanna
Thoughts on the names Sara “suspects” when learning that there is a human from Asu-Naro among us
Why doesn’t Shin challenge Keiji for lying that he’s a detective at the start?
Which death hurt you the most?
Who do you think is overrated? Who do you think is suspicious?
Shin-Sou roleswap AU
Did you ever notice how Shin is crying during the First Main Game?
How do you think the characters sleep?
What if Shin became Sara’s ally instead of Keiji?
Seven Deadly Sins in YTTD
Song Analyses
“Rat” by Penelope Scott
“Villainous Thing” by Shayfer James
“Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met)” by Panic! at the Disco
“Butterflies and Hurricanes” by Muse
"House of memories" by Panic! at the Disco
More fun posts
Sister tag (All submissions by my sister)
Sometimes I get self-conscious for loving Sou Hiyori so much
Thinking about how our Sou Hiyori is a queer-coded villainous type
Picrew of the Greenblings
Fannish ramblings and Speculation about Voting for Keiji in 2nd Main Game
Sou has a halo in the manga
Sprite Parallels between Kanna, Sara, and Sou
Confession: Character development is more important than plot twists
Star Wars KOTOR musings
My Favorite Thing about Sou and Sara meeting
Another Greenblings Picrew
How to roast my fave
Are the greenblings next to each other??
Me feeling soft about Sou x Alice and Sou x Kai in spite of myself
I’m too much of a nerd for tumblr
Picrew of Green-haired characters and Sara
Cute Kurumada and Kanna headcanons
Do it for Nao
Happy birthday Keiji, from Sou
Danganronpa Thoughts as of 10/22/20
Top 3 emotional moments
Comparing Eye Sizes
I’m all caught up with 3-1A as of 10/24/20
Link to my “Shin attacking Inbox” edit
I am my PFP
“Disclosure” apparently means “Coming Out”
What did you name your Midori?
Do you think Shin was a gamer?
PMMM Thoughts: Logic vs Emotion
Why would you make Shin a tank?!
Dracula is Sou and Shin is Renfield
Among Us Headcanon
I just think Kanna having the Keymaster first is good drama
So long you fucking fascist (posted on 11/7/20)
Please don’t send me leaks!
Also how are we going to tag spoilers...? (11/12/20)
oh no I’m getting sentimental
Shin and Sara’s confrontation over the smartphone remains my favorite thing ever
Reactions to “I make Shin say five nice things about Keiji”: 1, 2, 3
A Rewarding part of my blog
My undying love for Britney Spears
“Ahaha, I’m glad you remembered my name.”
I love this picrew for the Greenblings
“Saw” and “Cage” on Google Translate
What if there were two Gonbee Yamadas?
Put them in meme boxes
Keiji’s emo eyeliner
Shin can smash something! and part 2
Acrostic Poem for Sou Hiyori
Midori’s canon voice
“Sou” puns
Time sensitive questions!! 1 and 2
All the characters’ ages
Do you think Shin swears?
Let’s not pit bears and twinks against each other!
Here’s how Shindemption can still win
tfw you draw fanart in time for Kanna’s birthday
Keiji accuses Shin of breaking Mishima’s monitor even though he KNOWS Shin is innocent
Q-Taro and Shin college AU
Kugie’s ghost haunting Keiji
Christmas 2020: Part 1 and Part 2
Picrew of Shin and Sou, High School Days~
I struggle to write villains
I play Villains Bingo with Shin
This list will be updated sporadically as I write more! You can always use the “mine” tag to find any worthwhile original post I make.
Please feel free to talk to me about YTTD anytime! I love hearing from you all! It keeps me motivated and makes me happy to meet people!
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exit-path · 3 years
My Upcoming Personal Demon List
Hi guys! Huh, I guess GD has really been bleeding into this blog. Well I thought about getting all my GD demons I’m expecting to beat down on a Tumblr post, so here it is.
You might be wondering what a “personal demon list” is, and where it deviates from the “Demonlist”. And that’s a good question.
The Pointercrate Demonlist is the list of the hardest levels in the game. It’s the Main Thing™. People come here to see what the hardest levels in the game are, or to find extreme demons to beat.
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[Image Description: a screenshot of the Pointercrate Demonlist. The top 4 hardest levels are visible, as well as a list of list moderators.]
On the other hand, a person’s “demon list” is their own personal list of demons, once they get skilled enough to do that. While most people know about the Demonlist, few people have one of these personal lists.
It’s usually a spreadsheet, where some people only put the demons they’re planning to beat or have heard of, while others (like this person) just have a list of all the demons in the game and mark them in green once they’re done.
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[Image Description: an example of someone’s demon list. This one is by Wod.]
For my list, I’m only going to say levels I’m definitely going to try and beat in the future. Before we continue, here are some useful timeframes of the game:
Update 1.6: early 2014
Update 1.8: late 2014
Update 1.9: 2014–2015
Update 2.0: 2015–2017
(the current update is 2.1)
So without further ado, let’s go!
1. “Twilight Step V2” by blackPS2full
A 1.6 insane demon, “Twilight Step V2” was made by blackPS2full, the same person who made “Alphabet X”. In fact this level is supposedly harder than Alphabet X (although to me it doesn’t feel that way).
It’s a remake of another 1.6 level called “Twilight Step” by ZenthicAlpha, although that was a medium demon and this is an insane demon. Twilight Step V2 fell off the demonlist in June 2016, after staying on it for two years.
I actually picked this level up two weeks ago, and I’m SO CLOSE to beating it. I got 98% three times. Expect a 100% post coming somewhat soon. It’s not even that hard. (Sorry SrGuillester from 2015, no offense)
2. “Rupture” by Jekko
This is the first hard level that actually feels menacing. “Rupture” is a 1.9 insane demon by Jekko. Paradoxically, it’s the easiest one on this list, having fallen off the demonlist in January or February 2016.
It’s most well-known not for the level itself, but for the insane reactions by the player “Cold”, who beat the level as its second legit victor. (Warning: take caution if you watch this video and you sympathize easily, as it will make you feel lots of despair.)
3. “XYZ Step Infinity” by Orca SN
This is a really weird level. For its difficulty, “XYZ Step Infinity” by Orca SN is pretty unknown, and is actually the most disliked insane demon at over 10K dislikes.
That might be because it’s a remake of an easier demon, “XYZ Step” by Cole. Compared to that popular easy demon, this 1.6 level is unrelenting and annoying, having been updated sometime in the last 4 years to its current buffed state.
4. “El Dorado” by LmAnubis
“El Dorado” is a 2.0 insane demon by LmAnubis that’s really menacing because although it doesn’t get fast, it gets really fucking tight. It’s a top-tier timing demon.
It’s also themed too, where you wander through an overgrown jungle until you reach the famed golden “El Dorado” kingdom. This level fell off the demonlist in March 2016.
5. “Acropolis” by Zobros
“Acropolis” is a 1.9 insane demon by Zobros that’s the original slow, tight menacing demon. I get claustrophobic just looking at this. It’s a high-quality timing demon that still holds up today, just like the previous level.
Speaking of which, starting with “El Dorado” I think I get to chill. Because compared to some of the other demons I’ve beaten, El Dorado is supposedly easier than “Alphabet X” or even “Endorphin”, not to mention Acropolis should be even easier than that.
6. “Necropolis” by IIINePtunEIII
Now we’re getting into the harder levels. “Necropolis” is a 1.8 insane demon by IIINePtunEIII that’s known for its menacing aura, how old of an update it was built in, and its famous creator.
Themed around death, this level didn’t fall off the demonlist until October 2017. That’s so long in the future that the demonlist was extended to 100 demons by the time this fell off.
7. “Creeper Force” by CreeperMILK
I might beat this level. MAYBE. I might skip this level and go straight to the next one, but in case I’m doubtful, I might beat this level to assure myself that I have enough skill to beat the next one.
“Creeper Force” by CreeperMILK is named after exactly what you think it is. In respond to Minecraft hitting its cultural peak in 2013–2014, RobTop decided to add a creeper icon in Update 1.8 as the reward you get when you beat the newest 16th level, “Hexagon Force”.
In 2014 someone grabbed the “CreeperMILK” username, and they built one of the hardest levels in the game with it. This 1.9 insane demon just so happened to use the song “Hexagon Force” as well. Creeper Force fell off the demonlist in May 2018.
8. “ICE Carbon Diablo X” by roadbose
This is it. The ultimate goal. This isn’t just one of the of hardest demons in the game—it was the hardest level in the game, from November 9, 2014 to January 3, 2015, the day Cataclysm was released.
“ICE Carbon Diablo X” is a 1.6 EXTREME demon by roadbose known for being once the hardest level in the game. And it is my ultimate goal—if I can beat this level, then it will be the hardest thing I ever beat. I cannot beat anything harder than this.
By now this level is not even close to being the achievement it once was. This fell off the demonlist in June 2018—ridiculously close to the modern day. But at the time of its release there was almost no doubt about this being impossible.
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[Image Description: a screenshot of the GD Fan Wiki article on ICE Carbon Diablo X. A section of Trivia is highlighted which reads, “This level was once thought to be borderline impossible until Update 1.9 when Riot completed it.”]
Well, that’s my personal demon list for now. I’ll make mental changes to this list as they come and go, but for now, until next time! 👋
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Mha Scenarios
I recently found your blog and i'm in love with your writing! ❤ So, since we are in May... could i request individuals scenarios for Deku and Mirio with the theme mermaid reader x pirate? You can invert roles if you prefer ^^
Haha I got bored and mixed in some yandere vibes and magic!! Hope you don’t mind!
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Deku was the co-captain of the UA or Unified Anchor, one of the most respected and yet also most feared pirate ships in the world. They were known for putting a gun to everyone’s head, taking the treasure, and then leaving without a single casualty. That’s why Deku liked it, he didn’t have to get his hands dirty to have the sweet reward. Some called it lazy, but honestly they were jealous that they hadn’t thought of it first.
The captain was All Might, the strangest pirate captain on Earth. He was a kind simple man, but with the protection he felt over his crew, and his too-large-to-be-possibly-real-right? muscles, he was deadly to all but his crew. The ship crew was like a family, and he was going to pass it on to Izuku Midoryia once he grew too old.
“Deku! Get rid of the sail!” Ochako called out from the deck of the boat as Deku pulled on the rope, pulling the sails up and out as the boat began to surface on the island. “Look, it’s land ya hoes!” Denki grabbed Deku by his foot and swung him around playfully, helping the guy get down from the tall ledge where he stood.
The kids and All Might walked onto the powdered sand of the beach, shining like a crystal. “I know there’s something around here that’s gotta be worth taking. Refill the water buckets and harvest all the food we can get from this place. Bakugo! Midoryia! Search the island! It’s not that big, and surely you can see it all by midnight.” All Might pulled the boat onto the shore to resist the drag of the waves and then pulled it entirely onto the beach. 
“Set camp for us Shoto! Denki, I need you to load whatever we don’t need off the boat and get rid of it. This island looks as if it has plenty to offer.” All Might explained while Deku and an angry blonde boy began to walk into the forested area of the island. Izuku ruffled his dirty green hair and fixed his red shoe with a hole in it. All Might had offered to get him new ones, but these shoes were like his trademark in life. He needed them, and they needed him to feel as one together.
Izuku, using his sword, slashed through the palm trees and bushes in his way, before hearing a scream from nearby, as well as yelling. It was a girl’s scream. Deku ran as fast as he could through the forest, until he saw Bakugo pulling the hair of a girl on the ground. “Kacchan, what the hell do you think you’re-” Deku stopped cold, looking down to see that from the girl’s waist and below was a fishes tail.
“She’s a fucking mermaid! Stop moving bitch, I’ve got to find a net or something!” Bakugo was about to run off before Deku pulled him back angrily. Katsuki stared at Izuku, confused by his sudden change in personality 
“She can’t breathe asshole! Come on, it’s okay.” Deku took out his canteen filled with water and began pouring it on the girl’s neck where she was gasping from, as he saw the fish gills under her chin. “You’re not going anywhere. You’re going to help me get her back home.” She began coughing through her mouth, finally able to breathe once more.
Bakugo groaned, but accepted as he walked back to her, receiving a devil’s glare from the mermaid. “Where do you need us to take you?” Izuku asked as she gestured with a nod of her head towards the forest. Izuku smiled lustfully at her pretty face as he picked her up bridal style and began to walk that direction, Bakugo following slowly. 
With a few glances and nods of her head, she was able to show them back to a lagoon that came off the ocean bay. “Here.” Izuku set her in the water, not caring that his shoes were getting wet. As soon as he buried her into the calm water, he saw her mouth open and vibrancy return back to her body as she popped up, staring at his with stars in her eyes. “You saved me. How can I thank you?”
Izuku froze, blushing at how beautiful her voice was. So enchanting, so luring even. “Um...” Izuku paused, thinking of it would be selfish to ask for gold or something. “Our crew would love some of your mermaid treasure! Whatever you can spare, we’ll take it!” Bakugo exclaimed, receiving an annoyed side eye from the fish. “I would never do anything for you, but for you.” The mermaid looked back at Izuku with hearts in her eyes.
“I’d do anything for you!” She smiled, making the green-haired blush. “Then yes, if you have any treasure it would make our job a lot easier.” Deku smiled back as she nodded, before she grabbed Bakugo’s shirt. “Follow me boys. It’s just in the cave.” Before either of them could react, she pulled Bakugo into the crystal-clear water, and deep into the water beyond Deku’s sight. “Kacchan!” Deku screamed, before diving into the clear sea and swimming after her into the cave. 
Just as he was about to run out of air, he felt a hand grab him by the shirt and speed him inside a cave, bringing him up for air. “Izuku!” The mermaid brought him to the land inside the cave, pressing up and down on his chest. As Deku began to wake up, she wrapped her arms around him. Goodness, you should have waited for me to come back for you! Humans can’t swim fast enough to get here before running out of air.” She explained as Izuku nodded, looking up to see Bakugo wringing the water out of his shirt. “Bitch... getting me all wet...”
The mermaid got off of Deku, allowing him to get back on his feet. “Are you alright? You swallowed a lot of water.” As the mermaid hugged Izuku, he felt her heart beating fast. The two slowly began to come together, their lips pressing slowly as Izuku was enchanted by her beauty and the seduction of her fantasizing voice. Just as their lips pressed, the two were startled by Bakugo’s loud screams.
“Lord, you weren’t joking! Come on Deku, stop thinking about your dick and look at all this!” He yelled as Deku got off his knees, blushing as he looked over at what Bakugo was talking about. In front of Bakugo’s feet was a pile of gold coins, tiaras, swords, and clumps of jewels and gems. “Oh my god! Now this is a treasure! Come on Deku, let’s grab what we can and scram!” Bakugo began grabbing the treasure by the handfuls and stuffing his pant pockets.
“Don’t hesitate Izuku, this is the dumpster where we put the treasure we don’t want. My sisters use it for luring pirates like yourself to their death, or trading with the other mermaid colonies who can’t find good treasure like we do.” The mermaid explained as Izuku’s eyes widened at her words. “You... kill pirates?” Deku asked, ignoring his crewmate stuffing his pockets and mouth to the brim with coins and jewels.
“Not me, but my sisters. It’s one of the main jobs of our kind to lure pirates who have treasure that we want to their death.” She confessed as he nodded, his eyes still wide. “Not you, though. My sisters have left on a trading mission to the North, so you won’t have to worry about mermaids around these areas for months.” The mermaid smiled sweetly, cupping Izuku’s face with her soft palms. “Now go, get as much as you can carry Izuku.” She blushed as he slowly left her side, walking to the treasure.
You watched him slowly walk, loving the look of his legs walking. You wanted to see how he would look swimming... “Wow Kacchan, this is too good to be true!” Deku exclaimed as he finally had filled his pockets as much as possible. “Alright fish girl, take us back to the surface! Maybe we can come back once I empty out, we can bring back our crewmates!” Bakugo yelled, walking back over to the mermaid. “What? There are more of you? Tell me about them Izuku.” The mermaid smiled as he joined Kacchan, grinning at her. 
“Oh, you’d love them! Ururaka would love how soft your hair is, and Mina loves swimming so she’d love you!” He exclaimed as the mermaid’s eye twitched creepily, but only Bakugo noticed. “Oh, there are girls? Do you like any of them?” She asked as Izuku blushed, shaking his head. “Oh no, they’re just friends! Although I did kiss Ururaka once when we were young, but we liked each other just because we were dumb kids.” As Izuku and the mermaid continued to talk, Bakugo began to feel uneasy.
“Ahem, Izuku. Stop talking and just get us out of here. I don’t like this place.” Bakugo whispered as the mermaid began to get angry at him. “Oh Kacchan, I’ll take you back up right now. Wait here Izuku, I’ll come back for you.” The mermaid grabbed the blonde’s hand and began to pull him back into the water, being careful to not spill any of the gold coins out of his pockets. Izuku sat on the sand, playing with it’s soft texture as she soon returned. “Did Katsuki make it back safe?” Deku asked, standing and preparing to leave.
“Oh yes, he promised to get every single one of your crewmates to come to the shore in a few minutes. I can’t wait to meet all the girls.” She smiled as Deku lowered his hand, ready to leave. “Oh no, you’re not leaving Izuku~baby.” She smiled as his eyes widened, confused and now worried. “What do you mean?” He asked as she smiled wider, her eyes filling with evil and lust. “Why would I let you go when you’re going to go back to the girls? I need to keep you here, so no other girl will ever look at you again! You’ll be all mine!”
Izuku began backing up, shaking his head upsettingly. “N-no! When you bring them down here, they’ll bring me back!” He shouted as she began laughing, rolling around happily in the water. “Oh silly, don’t be such a dummy! I’m not bringing them down here!” She exclaimed as Deku’s eyes widened at what she meant. “I’ll drown each and everyone of your crewmates! My sisters will be so proud of me! My first mission was your crew, and I’ll get every single one of them!” She smiled as Izuku began crying, fearful and upset.
“Oh, and then once they’re gone you’ll be all mine! God, you’re going to stay here until death! I’m so excited!” She smiled, reaching for his shirt to grab him by and hug him. “I’ll bring you food three times a day, and never leave your side! I’m so in love with you! It’s thanks to you that my kill count will meet the requirements to become queen! Once I kill 20 people, I’ll be allowed to take the crown! You’ll be my king Izuku~Baby!” Deku crumbled to his knees, unable to believe the fact that it was his fault that his entire crew would die.
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Togata was a pirate, but one of the lowest class. He always did the night shifts with his witch friend Nejire, and his friend Tamaki who was training to become the captain. Mirio didn’t have much to do at the time, and could only wait until Tamaki became the captain so he would be promoted like Tamaki had promised. Until then, Mirio was living life day-by-day, bored out of his mind and looking for more.
“Ahh, we’re here Mirio! Look!” Nejire pointed to the island approaching, a cove, waterfall, lagoon, and a lush forest all appearing to his eyes. “Wow, look at that. I call the lagoon, I missed swimming without having to worry about sharks.” Mirio smiled as Nejire smacked him playfully in the back of the head. “Fine, Tamaki said that All Might needed more coconuts, I’ll get some of those.” Nejire smiled back, finally being able to climb onto the sandy beach.
Mirio grabbed his bag and got off the boat himself, walking along the shore towards the water. Looking back, he saw everyone pile off and look around, unknowing of what to do next. All Might had always been one to let the crew do their own thing. As Mirio entered the area of the water, he began to strip himself of his clothes. That was, until he heard a noise from a far. A sort of... gasping?
He turned and began swimming quickly to the shore where he heard the noise, getting out of the water and running to where the noise came from. Shocked, he gasped as his eyes laid upon a girl struggling, a rope wrapped around your neck tightly. As you grasped and pulled at it, Mirio ran to your side, scaring you As he pulled out the knife and put it to your neck, you began hyperventilating in fear of him trying to kill you. When he cut the rope and threw it from your body though, you realized what he meant to do.
You rolled into the water, splashing as you began to get away from Mirio. “W-who are you?!” You demanded to know, swimming slowly away from him as he put his hands up. “I’m not trying to hurt you! I saw you were stuck and wanted to help!” He explained as you stopped, looking down at the knife in his pocket. Noticing that he still had it out, he quickly tucked it away into his pocket. “T-thank you. What’s your name? I didn’t know humans were on this island.” You asked as his eyes widened. Had you just called him a human? Weird.
“U-um, human? What do you-” As his eyes peered down her body, he was left to not look upon legs beyond your waist but a fish tail. No, a mermaid tail was more precise. Looking at you again, he noticed the shell necklace, voluminous yet wet hair, and the starfish on your head. He realized now that all that wasn’t just a coincidence, but a design choice. “Y-you’re a mermaid.” He muttered as you giggled happily, doing a flip in the water, showing off your light teal tail. 
“Yes? Now what’s your name human pirate?” You asked as he smiled, unable to remove his eyes from your happy emotion. “W-well, I’m Mirio Togata, but you can call me Miri.” Togata turned on his charm, allowing you to smile at him. “I’m Y/n, like to meet you Miri.” You grinned as he could help but blush at your cuteness. Y/n was such a beautiful name... “So, where’d you come from human boy? If you were on this island, I would have heard about it.”
He grinned, sitting down on a rock on the shore close to you, and began to explain. “Well, my crew and I just got here. They’re unpacking, but I have nothing to do so I thought I’d come here and swim.” You nodded, your eyes sparkling at the idea of others. “Well then you should swim with me! It’d be so much fun!” You began to tug at his arm playfully, laughing happily with him. “How long can you hold your breath? How fast can you swim?!”
Mirio felt his heart smile at your enthusiasm as he stripped himself of his shirt and pants embarrassingly. “Come on slow fish! Come on in!” As Mirio was about to protest, you smacked her tail against the water, spraying him with the sea water. “You’re on!” He yelled before diving in, coming up to face you. You two began splashing each other happily, and Mirio couldn’t help but feel weird about how fast he had connected with this random girl- eerrrrrr, mermaid? 
“Mirio! Where are you dummy?” Mirio and you turned surprised, hearing Nejire’s voice near them but hidden away. “Dang it, I don’t want to go back already.” He mumbled, beginning to swim to the shore before you grabbed his arm. “Do you trust me?” You asked, holding his arm tightly as he looked at you with a questioning stare. “Answer me Miri.” As he looked into your innocent e/c eyes, he nodded hesitantly.
In that moment he was swept under the water, and quickly pulled under the waves. As he went deeper and deeper, the amount of light began to quickly decrease until he was in pitch darkness. He held his breath though, and in a few moments later he was brought to the surface, your grip still holding his arm firmly in her grasp. “Good, you weren’t moving for a minute and I got scared. Here we are!” You exclaimed, motioning to the small amount of land you were on.
Looking behind you, Mirio saw a waterfall hiding you two from the rest of the world, allowing him plenty of room to lay on the beach. “You can stay here for as long as you want, I come here to hide too.” You smiled sadly as he slid onto the sand, leaving his legs in the water. “What do you have to hide from?” Mirio asked curiously as you glanced at him, sadness in your eyes. “D-don’t make a big deal about it, but I’m becoming queen of my territory next week. My dad is insisting that I need to get married, but I just can’t seem to find someone who I like who also likes me.”
You sighed, resting your head in his lap as you continued your stressed rant. “I come here to hide, where nobody is pestering me about royal duties or my dad isn’t setting me up with every other guy in the ocean. Here, the water is so loud that you can just scream, and nobody will hear you.” You smiled before feeling his arms wrap around you tightly. “It’s okay, I promise you’ll find someone.” You turned to him, hearts in your eyes as you stared at him.
“You think? That means a lot coming from a stranger, but you just don’t know me. I’m childish and I play pranks on the butlers when my dad isn’t in town to lecture me. Sometimes, I feel like I have no purpose, and I’m just waiting for my dad to give me a reason to stick around. Ya know?” You explained as Mirio’s eyes lit up. You were just like him, like he was waiting for Tamaki to hand him a position to give him a reason.
“Actually, I’m just like you. My pal is going to become captain in a few months and then give me a job, but until then I’m just waiting for something to happen and make my time worth-while.” He explained as you smiled, suddenly wrapping your arms around his neck. “Oh Miri, you’re the greatest. If you were a merman I’d have no issue finding someone to marry.” You smiled at him, before your face went all red as you backed away, realizing what you had just said.
“I... uh- what I meant to say was that I wish you were a merman. Then I could give you a purpose like marrying me and then helping run the kingdom... until I were to find someone, which would probably never happen.” You tried to save yourself, but the damage had been done. As Mirio was about to comment, he heard his friend once more, except now Tamaki was with her. “Mirio! Buddy?” Mirio rolled his eyes, beginning to stand. “Y-you’re leaving?” You asked as he shook his head, putting a finger to his lips to tell you to be quiet.
“I’ll be right back, I just need to tell them I’m okay.” He smiled, walking out into the water past the waterfall and out of your sight. You smiled sadly, resting your head on the shore as you thought about the blond and his dreamy blue eyes. Mirio walked up to his two friends, smiling and waving. “Ahh, there you are! I saw your clothes by the rocky side of the bay and got nervous.” Nejire explained as Tamaki chuckled. “You okay there bud? Your face is really red.” Tamaki obliviously commented as Mirio sighed, knowing there was no point in hiding it from his friends.
“Actually I-” His sentence was cut short by yelling coming from the cave inside the waterfall, your voice to be certain. “Mirio! No, please! Wait a second! Miri!” All three of the pirates began running to the waterfall only to find scratch marks on the sand and rocks, showing signs of struggled that lead to someone being dragged into the water. Immediately, Mirio’s mind went into immediate panic mode as he turned to Tamaki and Nejire. 
“Nejire, do you know how to turn someone into a mermaid?!” He asked as she looked at him with the most bizarre expression before nodding. “You mean just a tail and the ability to breathe underwater? Of course.” She nodded as he smiled, gripping her hands. “Listen, I can’t explain now but I need you to turn me into one. Please, I’m begging you!” He exclaimed as she began waving her hand, muttering a spell.
“I’d hurry if I were you, I’m making the temporary one that lasts 20 minutes. The permanent one involves a potion and all that.” She explained before continuing to mutter the spell, Mirio feeling his legs go to Jello as he fell into the water. Looking down, his long legs had been changed into a red merman tail like Y/n’s. “Alright, I’ll be back soon.” He gave them a thumbs up before disappearing into the water, leaving his friends alone and very confused. Dipping into the water, Mirio had one mission. Save you from whatever had taken you.
Left and right, he followed the pebble path on the ocean floor while learning the mechanics of the tail before gasping. In front of him was a village, houses surrounding one large castle. You must have been taken there. In the distance, he could hear your voice as he began to race towards you, going faster than he ever thought possible. Once he was inside the village, he kept his head down, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention. He continued to follow your voice, until finally seeing you.
At the gate of the castle was you, two guards grasping each of your arms, and who he thought of as the King and Queen. “Y/n!” He yelled out, receiving you to look his way and watch his eye, your face lighting up. Without even having to try, you pulled your way out of the guard’s grip and raced towards him, enveloping him in a tight hug. “Y-you’re a merman? No, this is a spell! You would probably have a blue tail if it was a potion...” 
You murmured, continuing to look him up and down as the guards, King, and Queen began slowly swimming your way. “I came after you once I heard you screaming. I thought you could possibly be in danger, I got worried.” Mirio explained as you smiled, tears coming to your eyes. “I... I didn’t want to lose you.” He confessed, his cheeks highly tainted red as you smiled, kissing his cheek. “Y/n... who is this?” You father asked as you turned to him, smiling like an idiot.
“This is the guy I want to be my King.”
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One Day At A Time - Jensen x Reader
A/N: Part Six! If you’d like to be tagged, please send an ask or message. As always, feedback is incredible. And, I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block.
Series Masterlist
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Warnings: Widower!Jensen. Unrequited feelings. Sexual awareness. Guilt. Use of a currently nonsingle actress, but I love her. So...she’s here. Next chapter starts the steamy side of things ;)
Word Count: Roughly 2,900
The set was solemn as you walked onto it. Two sets of tiny hands tangled with yours as a third held onto your hip. Making your way to the guillotine slowly. Aware that cameras were rolling just around the bend.  
“And we just wanted you to hear from us that, um...” Jensen's voice was strong as Jared cleared his throat beside him. However, as you approached, you saw the strain all three men were under. All eyes were red. Puffy from the tears. The other two hunched around Jensen as if he were their rock. “Although we're excited about er...next year? Um...I...It will be, uh...” He looked towards Misha. Arms crossed over his chest as he talked, “the finale.”
Suddenly, you'd understood why Jared had texted you. Suggesting that the kids may be the boost Jensen needed to get through the day. Your heart broke all over again as a sniffle echoed from the side. Another broken crew member trying to hold themselves together.
No one made said a word as the men finished the beginning of their goodbye to their life's longest work. As soon as they were done? Applause rang through the air. The support in the room overwhelming with its intensity.
“Is Daddy okay?” Arrow's voice was soft as she watched in confusion. Brows pinched together tightly.
You didn't get a chance to answer before Justice Jay spoke up, “No...he's sad.” Her eyes moved up to meet yours. “But, Y/N will make him feel better. That's what she does.”
“Go hug him, Y/N!” Zeppelin insisted, lips tugged down. Upset at his father's pain.
“That's your job, kiddo.” Ruffling his hair, you urged them forward. It didn't take much prodding. As soon as the green eyes caught sight of the three children rushing his way, they lit up.
Your hands stuffed into your back pockets as you followed. Keeping your distance. As if they'd truly not let you be part of the fray. Jared tugged you under his arm as soon as you were within reach. Rubbing his knuckles into your hair affectionately. “Nice of you to answer your texts.”
“I figured you were on set,” A pinch to his ribs gave you a rewarding yelp from the giant. But, the glee only lasted a moment. “How're you holding up?” Growing serious, you looked up at the overgrown child. Fingers cocked under his chin to make sure he didn't turn away from your gaze.
“I'll be alright,” The shadows under his eyes said otherwise. But, the grumbling from Misha had you passed around before you could protest. Demanding a real answer.
Jensen watched as you were lifted into the bubbly man's grasp. Laughing at your long lost friend. Misha had a thing about adopting the unusual. And you fit right into the pack.
“Daaaaaad!” The drawn out cry forced his attention back to Zeppelin as both girls snuck off to hunt down the makeup crew and demand their annual glitz and glammer day. “You need to hug, Y/N!”
“I...I ne...need to what?” His held tilted as he crouched down to his son's level. To not only talk man on man, but to ensure his voice didn't carry as far.
“She gives nice hugs. She'll make you feel better.” Earnest as always, the boy tugged on his hand. Concern etched on his mini's brow as he stormed on in his mission. “Trust me, I know.”
“Oh, do you?” A firm nod was the answer. Lips puckered as he inspected the red in his father's eyes. “I bet you learned to give some pretty great hugs yourself, then.”
“They're okay.” The tiny shrug brushed it off. Still zeroed in on the idea that you'd save the day. Kicking at the ground all the while.
Jensen chuckled before reaching out to tug the boy into his arms. Zeppelin let out a giggle for the ages as he wrapped his tiny arms into a vice grip around the thick neck in front of him. “See? Told you.”
His eyes closed as he breathed in the moment. Squeezing his son tight. As if that would hold his life together. When they opened again, the E/C gaze was on him. A small nod your way said it all. An answering bob his way had his lips pulled up.
The day passed by in a blur of emotion. Social medias were lighting up from the announcement. Fans around the world mourning as much as the cast and crew. All three kids were out cold. Tucked into their beds in the lavish apartment. Sighing, you settled down on the couch. Rubbing at your eyes sleepily.
“Hey,” You yawned out without even looking as Jensen walked in. A muttered curse and small crash followed as he tried to tug his footwear off without bending. When you turned to see if he would make it, you found him looking worse than you felt. “I was starting to think you got lost.”
“Long day.” That much you understood. Slowly, you patted the tan material of the couch beside you. As he sank down into the fabric with a deep sigh, you passed him your own unopened beer. Knowing just a bit of relaxation made up for some of the struggles. “Thanks.”
“You good?”
“Not really.” The defeated huff had you looking over every line on his face. You knew the strained expression well. Grief had risen its head again. “I'm just tired. I'll be fine.” Silence stretched between you two. Tense and heavy. Then, the dam burst. Only, it was the furthest thing you'd expected to hear. “I've got a date next week.”
Excitement was the last thing you felt at those words. But, you weren't what was important in that moment. “You don't sound very happy about it.”
“Aren't you supposed to say 'congratulations' or something like that?” He huffed out. Surliness over ruling the sad. “Ya know, supportive?”
“I was just making an observation.” The unimpressed frown had you letting out your own, exasperated breath of air. “Okay, okay, fine. I'll leave that alone.” Against your better judgment, you crossed your legs. Turning to face him better, you decided if you were going to play the role of therapist? You might as well do it properly. Start where he wanted to. “Who's the girl?”
“Gemma Chan.” As you pulled out your phone, the head tilt of confusion was aimed your way. “What-”
“If I have to do the encouraging friend thing? I gotta do what women do best...research.” Captain Marvel. Crazy Rich Asians. She was bigger screen than him, certainly. Gorgeous. Just a few years younger than his forty three years. Single for a little over a year. There wasn't anything notable to find fault with, there. “Damn... how'd you land her?”
“Cliff had Jared and Gen set me up.” When your brow lifted in question, he diverted from the details further. Skittering back to where he wanted it. Only telling you in more ways that he was hiding at least one thing. “Anyways, I could use more of that support stuff right about now.” He waved you on.
“She seems like...a lot.” His exasperation at your answer was quickly cut off by the rest. “But, you're great, Jensen. Okay? You have the perfect kids. A hell of a resume of your own. Don't look half bad...” The last one earned the breathy, sheepish chuckle you'd been going for. His chin tucking down to touch his chest as his hand ran through his hair. “Even if it doesn't work out? It's not the end of the line. There's a whole world out there outside of this one girl.” A gentle squeeze of his bicep had him straightening up on the couch, “And if you're worried about what Danneel would think?” He hid it well. But, you caught the flash of it at the name. Vulnerability. He was losing his show. But, with the date? He was also losing another tie to his dead wife. You were certain that the pain you'd seen stemmed from all that loss. “Don't, Jay... She'd just want you and the kids happy. Okay? That's the goal, here.” He swallowed tightly. Nodding in agreement. “Good.”
“What do ya think?” Jensen turned to the small crowd on the black couch; showing off the brown leather jacket and black tie combo he'd thrown together over jeans.
“It's a no from me.” Justice Jay had no qualms about speaking her mind. She leaned back into the couch with a squinted up expression that looked so much like her mom that you had to bite back a smile. The whole thing was pulled off perfectly with the neon green head band she'd taken from her mom's closet years before. Offsetting the pink t-shirt she'd just grown into.
“Arrow?” Size had nothing to do with personality. The tiny little beauty had dressed herself in a pair of overalls. A bright yellow shirt rested under the jeans. Too loud pink frilled around her from the tutu wrapped around her hips. A red and a black sock covered her swinging feet. Neon green sunglasses rested on her nose. In order to bring the outfit together, she donned a sky blue bow in her fine hair. Looking every bit as solemn as she could, the tiny, rainbow themed child shook her head no; lips pursed into a frown. “Oh, who asked you?” The grumble earned a giggle that made Jensen roll his eyes. “What about you, Zep?”
“Dad...” The actor's mini-me stated very seriously. Folding his hands onto his grass stained knee. Oblivious to the ravioli crested dinosaur on his chest. “I love you.” That earned a raised brow. “But,” Kid or not, Zeppelin went right for the throat, “you need to work on your style.”
It was as if they'd all stabbed him through the heart. His hand rubbed over his chest. Brows furrowed as he took in the beings he'd helped create. Their own fashion statements blasphemy to the outside world as they shot him down. “You're all monsters.”
“It's just casual, right?” You asked from your perch on the floor. Turning away from the puzzle the kids had abandoned half an hour before to save the last shred of dignity on the actor.
“Right,” He was full of nervous energy. Shifting from foot to foot as you inspected his choice in clothes. His squared jaw was smooth from the fresh shave. Too spic and span for your liking.
“Lose the tie, drop a few buttons, and channel Dean. You'll be golden.” With that, you moved back to the puzzle. Forgetting about anymore of that extra bit encouragement he'd asked for when he'd told you about the night out. A deep tug of a frown graced his lips.
Jensen watched the way your fingers trailed across the pieces of cardboard. Pulling together the image of a raven carefully. The same way you seemed to go forward with everything. When did you ever really let loose in your life? Even a little?
“Dad! You're still blocking the TV,” Arrow finally spoke up. Not wanting to miss a second of her precious Rapunzel. Pulling him from his thoughts.
“Right,” He turned away, tugging off the offending tie like you'd suggested. Glancing at the clock to his right, again. The night was supposed to change his life. Get his mind back to reality instead of every lewd image it'd created of the nanny, as Cliff had said. His bodyguard had laid out the perfect plan. It was just a matter of pursuing it. “Alright, there's an hour until bed time-”
“Yes, daddy.” A mocking tone was nothing compared to the words themselves. His breath caught in his throat. The very reason he'd found himself about to go out lingering in the air. “I know the routine,” You chastised without looking his way. Sounding more like an exasperated mother than a nanny. “Go. Have fun on...” You glanced back his way. Knowing that he wasn't ready to let the kids in on what was happening. Quickly, you fixed your wrong. “With your friend.”
Unbuttoning the first two buttons of his shirt, Jensen walked away. Muttering to himself to quell the nerves. It didn't stop as he paced to locate his phone and keys. Didn't even end when he shouted a final goodbye.
When the door finally shut behind him, you let out your breath. In Austin, you could escape his allure easier. Remind yourself that while they cared for you, you were ultimately a side piece in the family. But, in Canada? Things were more cramped. Intimate.
Hanging out on set. In the trailers. Being in the next room over from the father you needed to escape at nights. Torture didn't begin to describe it. So close. And yet, ever out of reach.
The announcement of the ending had only drawn more attention towards the cast and their families. Everyone trying to see what came next. And with that? Came the attacks.
Every kind of conspiracy theory existed. You'd be the next beard for J2. The cast and crew didn't give two shits about your existence, but needed the attention your closeness to Jensen could give them. How you used Jay's grief to trap him into some kind of toxic web. Posts existed about which child you favored and why. Bets on who'd end up in boarding school once the show ended.
You should have ignored them. None of them had any credibility. There wasn't one of them who could say they knew any of you personally. And yet, every one of them dug under your skin. Settling into a poisonous knot in your stomach.
Worriedly, you turned back to the door. Imagining what would happen if he were caught by a photographer. TMZ had eaten his wife's death up. Announcing it a mere hour after it had happened. A grieving widower moving on would be the perfect desert for them.
Shaking away the thoughts, you got to your feet. Ignoring the way Oscar's head shot up at the jerky movement. Sitting around and waiting was useless. There were things to clean. Time to kill.
Ten minutes after tucking the kids into bed, you heard the door click open. Icarus' head lifted from your lap as you turned to see Jensen stroll in. Looking like he'd been through the ringer. For the second time in the span of days, you found yourself about to nurture the head of the house.
“What happened?”
“Nothing.” He sighed out. Unzipping his jacket sharply. When it was off, he tossed it haphazardly across the room. Not caring that it landed on the floor.
“Right...” The dirty look you got made you roll your eyes. You picked up the aging cockapoo from your lap. Moving close to the grumpy giant, and placing the snowy pooch in his owner's arms. “Sit down. Cuddle the dog. I'll be right back.”
“Just do it, Ackles. Trust me!” You ordered. Walking away to raid the kitchen. A few minutes later, you found him less agitated. His hands running over the freshly groomed coat as he rested on the couch. “Take this. And then when you're ready? Spill the dirt.” Your legs tucked under you as you passed him a mug of tea.
“Thanks,” His voice was still gruff. But most of the tension had left his shoulders. After a moment, he finally opened up. Venting about the awkward silence. The pained, overly polite smiles. Everything that fit the fating scene. “Maybe it's too soon,” Jensen leaned back against the couch. Making himself cozy in the habit that had developed between you two.
“Or maybe she just wasn't right for you,” It was a relief to say it. But, you felt for the guy all the same. Dating sucked. “Or,” Being the good guy sucked even more, “maybe she was just as nervous as you were.” He seemed to think that one over. Nodding as if he agreed. “Drink up, kid. You have work tomorrow.”
“Thanks for reminding me,” He groaned out, taking another sip of hot liquid. “So...what about you?”
It was ridiculous how many butterflies swarmed inside of you when his eyes turned your way, “What about me?”
“You aren't gonna find someone if you never go out,” At that, your shoulders drooped a bit. Plopping back against the couch in an almost pout. “It's true, ya know.”
“I know,” You refused to look over at him. Pondering over everything. “What made you decide it was time?” The question had been just another thing eating at you.
“I just...” He wouldn't explain it all. Couldn't. That'd involve coming clean about every look your way. “I miss the little things, ya know? Waking up to a smiling face and all that jazz. I don't...” His throat worked as he talked. “I don't wanna be alone.”
Silently you absorbed everything he'd said. The fragile crack in his voice. Pain in each note. Relating to it more than he knew. Me either, Jay...Me either.
Part Seven
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @supernaturalginger​ @lilulo-12​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @michaelneedssomemilk​ @lemondropirwin​ @fanfictionismydeath​ @neii3n​
Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​  @woodworthti666​ @coldmuffinbanditshoe
ODAAT: @winchester-ofthe-lord @smoothdogsgirl @ima-be-a-mongoose @briagallen @agusdoti @my-proof-is-you @deanwinchestersmydaddy @sucker-for-dean @blacktithe7 @thevelvetseries @sucker-for-dean  @sociopathtime @deans-baby-momma @aomi-nabi​ @brandinicole911 @demonqueen47 @c-ly-g @bakabozza @socalgem1124​ @hillface89​ @winchester-fantasies​ @redwineloves​ @monkeymcpoopoo​ @mcshloemer @hillface89​ @chocolateheart
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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04/05/2021-Blog two of two: Flowers, young birds and more at Lakeside 
I arrived at Lakeside and took the first picture in this photoset a commonly photographed scene for me over the last year to the east of the site going through the kissing gate. I then walked down the central path and it was a sign of the time of year as I noticed some cows in the northern fenced off nature reserve area. They graze here in the spring and summer, being rotated between the two fenced off areas and it was a welcome sight to see them back, they do help to pioneer this precious bit of landscape. It was nice to see the group with some young ones too very well, I took the second picture in this photoset of one and I tweeted some more of them on Dans_Pictures. 
As I walked through the southern fenced off nature reserve area that you can walk through, I took the third, fourth and fifth pictures in this photoset of views and a buttercup. Walking through here I was interested to know if the snake’s-head fritillaries are still around. I only noticed one in the middle of the field quite worn out now today. I then walked through the woods where the first group of them emerged and it showed the year had moved on with it so grown up now compared to when I delightfully stumbled across them first of all this year. But seven weeks to the day that I excitedly saw these one of my favourite flowers for the first time in 2021 and was first so enchanted by them this year, I noticed one shriveled one in the original area. With so many pictures I was really proud to take of them this year adding so well to the last two I wasn't really thinking of a picture of this, but when the sun came out to put it into brightness I could not resist the sixth in this photoset. 
I was looking for flower photos with my macro lens today though to contribute to the theme on a Facebook group I am a member of flowers in May as I said yesterday, and it became something of a mad dash to see certain flowers and birds this lunch time with the sun in and out today. Flower wise I loved seeing; more green alkanet, forget-me-not, cuckooflower, bluebells and cowslips all looking brilliant it was so lovely to take them in I saw speedwell well on the way in to Lakeside. I took the seventh, eighth and ninth pictures in this photoset of Mallard on the eastern shore of beach lake, some blossom on a nice little tree and a view over Concorde lake. 
As I came down in between the lakes having spied glimpses of all the three main species of young birds about lately, Great Crested Grebe and Canada Goose and Greylag Goose, I walked to the western edge of beach lake going into a nice little hidden away vantage point that I’d not seen before and here I looked well into the lake and got a cracking view of the Canada Goose family two adults and a gosling, I tweeted a photo of the gosling. Behind me the Greylag Goose families lay, and I liked taking them in once more too and taking a photo of a gosling which I tweeted. Then I saw some fantastic action with the Great Crested Grebe family. Firstly the chicks visibly bigger than last week when I first noticed them not just on the adult’s back now but swimming on the water themselves which was very encouraging and interesting to see a great first milestone really one was briefly on the water last week but not actually really swimming around. The family very mobile and covering a lot of the lake as they swam. One exciting moment happened when one of the adults returned with a massive fish in its mouth, possibly a roach. I could not believe it had one this big and like I’ve seen a Cormorant do before it barely managed to swallow it. This was very fascinating to see. I didn’t quite see an regurgitation for the chicks but I had a feeling it would come as I saw the family do this last year on one of the other lakes. I did however see earlier on one of the adult’s plucking its belly making it bright white to give them feathers which helps with the chick’s digestion. A brilliant few moments with these such precious birds for me which I love seeing so much, smashing views. I was sorry to leave them as I headed back home. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary: One of my favourite birds the Great Crested Grebe, Coot, Moorhen, Mallard, great Tufted Duck views especially of a female, Mute Swan, Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Black-headed Gull, Magpie, Woodpigeon and Starling and House Sparrow here well again still quite notable to see here again the Starlings looking great in the northern fenced off nature reserve area. 
Today was one of my best photography days of the year, so many pictures taken of very varied and rewarding subjects many of my favourite to a quality I was really proud of. A perfect form of escapism. 
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