uniasus · 5 months
fic rec! 6.7K DOMA arc fic.
Summary: When the pharaoh looked back on it, he never really understood quite how it happened. All he knew was that in one second, Yugi was there – and in the next, he was gone.
Comments: I'm just a sucker for Puzzleshipping angst, and that's at the center for all of this. It goes through most of the events of Season 4 once Yugi gets taken by the seal, all the way through the end.
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heat-sink · 1 year
Me seeing what seems to be the fan favorite au fic for shakarian
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Spiderverse fic recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
I can't guarantee there aren't any spoilers for the new movie!
Superhero Adoption Agency by brushstrokesApocalyptic - Rated T
Jefferson Davis realizes that Spider-Man is a child, and is determined to put an end to his recklessness. Miles disapproves.
It’s a School Night, Why are You Out Saving the World? by TechnicolorVocab01 - Rated G
Jefferson Davis can’t lie to himself, as much as he tries. He and Miles have always butted heads-- his son just has this carefree, unfettered approach to life that Davis' strict, no-nonsense methods seemingly have no place in. A large part of him loves Miles for that, truly, even though sometimes Jefferson feels as if he's just slowing him down. But now, with Miles away at school on weeknights-- seemingly always busy with something or another-- Jefferson has never felt that gaping space between himself and his son yawn wider. Enter the new Spider-Man. A free-spirited kid, five foot nothing and standing between the whole city and danger as if it’s his job, breaking a long series of minor laws with careless ease, and giving a certain cop heart palpitations on a regular basis. Jefferson Davis can’t lie to himself anymore. No matter how much he hates vigilantes-- especially of the masked variety-- a child is a child. And a dad is a dad.
what's up danger by tempestaurora - Rated T
Gwen snorted. “You and Miles would get along-” A smile appeared on her face, growing wider. “You wanna go on a trip?” “A multi-dimensional trip.” “The only fun kind,” she agreed. Gwen turned to him, her smile large and coaxing. “It’ll be great. I’ll get you back here as soon as you want – but it could be fun! Meet Miles, maybe another Peter if we have time.” Peter really wanted to go to another universe, let’s be clear. But he a) had homework, b) didn’t need his brain to melt out of his ears, and c) had a dinner to get to in three hours. He totally ended up going to another universe.
spiderman loves you by owlinaminor - Rated T
Or: how to figure out if your son is actually Spiderman without letting him know that you suspect he’s Spiderman because you want to make sure you’re right about him being Spiderman before you ground him for the rest of his adolescent life.
@heyitsspiderman by meggannn - Rated T
@heyitsspiderman: people act like they know this city but when i’m in the air i find more boroughs all the time. so far ive counted ten. dont listen to big brother in your ceiling (google) telling you otherwise (google maps)
Spinsta (Spidey Insta) by Ravenesta - Rated T
There are things that Jefferson Davis simply does not understand. He's starting to, though.
the family brooklyn by tactfulGnostalgic - Rated T
Series: 4 Works
New York is notoriously protective of its superheroes.
New Moves by WildInkling - Rated G
"Miles needed something else - he needs more moves, he needs new moves. Watching old Spider-man videos on Who-Tube was not gonna be enough." Or: Miles Morales takes up ballet.
Down the Waterspout by Mockingone - Rated T
Peter Parker hightails out of the particle collider with Miles Morales tucked under his arm. Or: Spider-Man lives, and the consequences thereafter.
One New Message by loveydoveywlw - Rated G
"When his dad finds out about him being Spider-Man, it's not in any way that Miles has hoped it would happen." Jefferson finds out about Miles's secret.
Niṣkalaṃka by HydraNoMago - Rated T
“I’m not stupid,” Pavitr retorted stubbornly. Hobie pulled back to look him in the eye, thumbs grazing across Pavitr’s cheeks, dragging frustrated tears along them. “Pav,” he began, but halted to find the right words. He inhaled shakily. “Okay Pav listen, please. You don’t have to be perfect all the time.” “What do you mean–” Pavitr, the Spider-Man who strives for perfection; meets Hobie, the Spider-Man who skews perfection. (A character study into Pavitr, and the progression of his relationship with Hobie. No one dies, everyone moves forward.)
live, laugh, love & sleep by hopeless_hope - Rated T
Being a superhero and traveling the multiverse is exhausting work. So is being a student. You can't blame a guy for always falling asleep. or Five times someone finds Miles sleeping and one time they can't wake him up.
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meggannn · 7 months
dear tumblr user meggannn, i started following you when i was in high school and now i've had four years of job experience and am in grad school. wild. you're also singlehandedly responsible for me getting into fmab literally a decade ago and i still love it so much this is your legacy thanks for existing :)
oh god i've been on tumblr so long. impressed and grateful you're still here! long live fmab!!
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hightown-funk · 1 year
Change of the Guard
Hello everyone!
Mod @calysto1395 here, coming to you with bittersweet news.
Coming this year, mod @meggannn will be stepping away from the exchange.
@meggannn was the first mod alongside the exchange’s creator damalur back in 2015 and has been keeping the exchange running since then every year, even running the exchange solo in 2018.
A huge thank you to @meggannn from the whole community for all her work over the years! This exchange would not exist without her.
This leaves us with the tall task of finding someone new to help run this event alongside me next year. That is, if there is enough interest to keep it going.
There will be a google form on this blog soon to gauge interest in the exchange as a whole, and for anyone interested in helping to run the exchange to put their hat in the ring.
Many of you have offered their help over the years and we appreciate every single offer. To those people, thank you, but don’t feel obligated to offer again! While running the exchange is not a huge endeavor, it is also not free of work and effort. Please consider whether or not you want to take on that responsibility.
Personally this exchange has been huge fun for the past several years: We have contributed over 100 works of fiction and art to the Varric/Hawke category, and creating that enthusiasm and community is exactly the reason this exchange came to be. Whether or not we continue, it has been a blast to be along for the ride.
- Mod C
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otemporanerys · 1 year
Heads Up 7 Up
Tagged by @misseffect to share 7 sentences and tag 7 people! I’m writing soft species swap content and I’m gonna make it everyone else’s problem --- But Gareth stopped sobbing, and he pulled back away from her. His skin was wet and puffy and the veins in his eyes were redder than ever. He wiped at his cheeks and nose. “Sorry,” he said, with a forced little laugh. “There’s nothing less attractive than seeing a grown man cry.” “Don’t say that,” Shepherd said, as she rubbed a thumb over his cheekbone. He smiled feebly and it rippled like water. --- Tagging @swaps55 @mallaidhsomo @teamdilf @crescentbunny @mrsd-writes @meggannn and @weatheredlaw!
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misseffect · 11 months
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Tagged by @meggannn quite a while ago! Thank you 💕
No bingo for me lmao
Keeping an outline is tentative (I do have one for Flashpoints but it's not well maintained) and so is being a professional writer. Do I want to get published at some point? Yes. Am I doing anything about that right now? No.
Also, all my fic is self-indulgent. Hope this helps.
Tagging: @otemporanerys @dispatchwithlove @diaphanouso @kalliesa @iheartgarrus
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describe-things · 10 months
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[ID: A screenshot of text that reads, with extra paragraph breaks added for accessability: "'It reminds me of the “bike to work” movement. That is also portrayed as white, but in my city more than half of the people on bike are not white. "I was once talking to a white activist who was photographic 'bike commuters' and had only pictures of white people with the occasional "Black professional" I asked her why she didn’t photograph the delivery people, construction workers etc… ie. the Black and [Latine] and Asian people… "And she mumbled something about trying to “improve the image of biking” then admitted that she didn’t really see them as part of the "green movement" since they "probably have no choice'" "I was so mad I wanted to quit working on the project she and I were collaborating on. "So, in the same way when people in a poor neighborhood grow food in their yards… it’s just being poor -- but when white people do it they are saving the earth or something.' --comment left on the Racialious blog post “Sustainable Food and Privilege: Why is Green always White (and Male and Upper-Class) (via meggannn)." End ID.]
Link to archived article.
If you derail this post to ignore the blatant racism and instead pretend that it's simply a matter of classism and nothing else, you are fucking racist.
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kaibacorpintern · 11 months
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fanfiction writer bingo! IS fanfiction an actual literary genre? Perhaps - it IS a field of literature with its own set of conventions and subgenres, and I definitely don't subscribe to the idea that literature is a marbled palace and fanfiction is locked out to fuck around in the mud outside. I've read published things that are hot garbage, and fanfiction as gorgeous and polished and thoughtful as any booker prize hardback on my shelf. Anyway: bingo!
Tagged by @hergan416 , tagging @emblematik , @meggannn , @anghraine , @dxmichelle , @yuujoh, and @rooksacrifice
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jtownnn · 1 year
9 people you'd like to get to know better
thank you for the tag @buridanshorse 💖
Last Song: you ex-lover is dead - stars
Currently Watching: i exist in a perpetual state of criminal minds and law and order svu re-watches (i know, i know) and have to catch up on ted lasso. i keep telling myself i'm going to watch succession but also keep not actually doing it, so we'll see.
Currently Reading: the stars undying - emery robin. it's a queer space opera retelling of marc antony & cleopatra and it's gooooooood
Current Obsession: i am so deep into bioware hell that i may never see the sun again, and you know what? i am having a great time! also i just started playing cyberpunk 2077 and i can feel the brainrot creeping in.
no pressure tagging: @zenstrike @veshialles @miliabyntite @zombolouge @meggannn @n7viper @bickeringcrab @lag-train @favoriteblogonthecitadel
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edlingao3feed · 4 months
Gold from Fire by meggannn
Gold from Fire by meggannn After several weeks on the road with his new companions, Ling has learned how to sense brewing arguments even from the privacy of his own mind; a very useful skill, when traveling with Edward Elric. Unfortunately, most of his advice goes to waste. Words: 3615, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Ling Yao, Edward Elric, Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist) Relationships: Edward Elric/Ling Yao, Greed & Ling Yao Additional Tags: Canon: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Getting Together, Sharing a Body, Bittersweet, Emotional Constipation This post was automatically generated from an RSS feed of all new AO3 works tagged 'Edward Elric/Ling Yao'.
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uniasus · 5 months
fic rec! 2.2K Puzzleshipping
Summary: It starts with a question, and then a confession.
Comments: I'll admit, I'm really falling in love with @meggannn YGO works. Each one shot is so good at capturing the Puzzlebois and layers of emotion. This one starts right off the bat with Atem (now in his own body) admitting to kissing Tea and then moves on to a ton of serious topics, all circling around apologies and love confessions. It's pretty much straight dialog but you wouldn't know - it's so seemless and the characters are true. All of her stuff is worth a read!
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calysto1395 · 2 years
@meggannn tagged me in wip wednesday and i missed it two weeks in a row so its wip thursday now lol
have some future detco AU i clacked out today while running errands
“I didn’t know you played.” Heiji said once Shinichi lifted the bow off the string, thin fingers fiddling with the knobs at the end of the limb. He didn’t even look up, not at all surprised at the intrusion.
“Haven’t in a while and this thing is put of tune.” He said with slight annoyance. His brow furrowed in concentration, miniscuel movements before playing a row of notes.
“Don’t you need a thingy for that? To tell the pitch?” Heiji asked and pushed away from the doorframe to walk into the room, closing the door softly behind him. He couldn’t play any instrument so his knowledge was limited but he had the vague idea of those little electronic devices that could determine a note used to tune an instrument. Shinichi pulled the bow along, lips pursed at the sound before his fingers worked at the knobs again.
“I don’t.” He told him.
Heiji paused briefly on his way to the piano bench, taking note that. He didn’t know enough about music to articulate what nagged at him but it seemed significant. Just trusting his hearing on a whim seemed out of character for someone like Shinichi. But he was too confident in his assessment for it to be a fluke. Heiji filed it away for later and sat down on the bench. The piano was huge and sleek. One reason for them keeping the damned music room a music room of all things - rich people. Moving the piano out was too much of a hassle. And Shinichi had mentioned that Ran liked to play sometimes.
Shinichi played an idle melody, brow furrowed ever so slightly before stopping, leaving the little piece unresolved in an unsatisfying way to fiddle with the strings tautness some more.
“Sounds good to me.” Heiji told him and leaned back against the cover over the piano keys. There was a faint layer of dust over the black lacquer. Something on the back of Heiji’s mind told him he ought to clean it, considering how parents were visiting tomorrow morning but he didn’t move from his seat. All he did was draw lazy shapes into the dust with his fingers.
Shinichi clicked his tongue. “It doesn’t.” He muttered, tapping the bow on the strings once more after minor adjustment.
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hoppers-fox · 11 months
9 people I'd like to get to know better
But first, here's stuff about ME!
Thank you my beloved Tumblr/discord parental figure @kesla and apologies to @bickeringcrab for not doing this sooner 💀💀
Last Song:
Currently Watching: Nothing !! Mostly rewatching here and there but there's nothing new for me to consume that I think I'd enjoy 💀💀
Currently Reading: multiple self-insert fanfics on AO3, one being @kesla's Shakarian fic, Enough >:))
Current Obsession: A mixture of Mass Effect, Welcome Home, and Five Nights at Freddy's.
Optional participant tags !! @jusbeinkt @meggannn @navigatorwrongway @s0kath @peanchxes
I know so many people (lying)
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 year
@meggannn tagged me ages ago (whoops) to post the last sentence of my WIP. I have two main WIPs right now, so here's the last/most recent sentence of both --
could use a guy like me (stranger things)
Joyce shivers again as the softly sucking kisses drag towards her breasts, trailing wet heat.
lent from tomorrow (today was too small for us) (MCU captain america)
Steve continued to eat his apple half. What else could he do?
I literally just realized right now that both wips are about a dude named Steve. But they're different Steves. MEN NEED MORE NAMES.
I'm tagging @glamorouspixels @puzzlebean @fille-lioncelle @voylitscope @booksandabeer and @musette22!
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otemporanerys · 10 months
First Line, Last Line
Tagged by @misseffect and @serendipitys-teapot - thank you! Rules: pull your first and last / most recent line from a WIP of your choice. I’ve been poking at the next installment of witcher so gonna go with that!
It was incredible how different Shepard looked: her wild mane was brushed into submission and filled out with a hairpiece, her eyes had been glamoured to appear a bright – but undeniably human – shade of green, and – this was the most astonishing thing of all – Kasumi had somehow cajoled her into a black dress, wide-sleeved and with a red panel down the middle.
Most Recent:
Shepard held her hands up. “Don’t look at me.”
“Swish, swish?” Kasumi supplied, wiggling her backside helpfully. “Please – anyone can do that.” tagging @n0rmandysr1 @sparatus @meggannn
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