citrus-cactus · 1 year
It's late night when i wrote this and sent this ask but... On a convo with a friend about Wallace and how he would've flirted with Hikari if they had met early in HT movie led into Kizuna and how it's pretty clear he was seducing Menoa and she threw him into Neverland in order to make him stop.
Which led to my comment of how i find impressive the ship name being "Menace". Okay, but that's not the point.
Minutes after that, i had the terribly terrible idea for an AU in mind. A very very TERRIBLY TERRIBLE idea.
An AU where instead of Wallace being a victim he's seduced by Menoa and becomes her accomplice, and he tries to convince Daisuke, Miyako, Iori and Ken to join Neverland.
I thought you would like to hear it, hehe~ 🤭
GHFDDDDFD Ni I am lowkey FERAL for this AU, you have no idea. I don’t think I ever published my thoughts on it, but back in 2021 after I accidentally put Menoa + Wallace = Menace together, the idea of Wallace being her willing accomplice was the first place my brain went too (after the failed seducement/Neverland take, which seems much more like it could be canon ;D). Honestly though, the accomplice AU is SO much fun. This is actually what I mean when I say they would be terrible together… not that they’re necessarily bad for each other (although they are), but they’re absolutely awful for the rest of the kids to deal with.
I don’t actually think a relationship with Wallace would change Menoa that much for the worse, but maybe it would show just how far she is willing to go for her cause. She is charismatic and manipulative enough to convince him to join her as an “equal” (they are not equals. He’s an interesting diversion at best and a human shield at worst). The two of them are still implementing her plan, but now she has a human companion(/boytoy) and gets the power of his twin digimon working for her in the bargain. She’s definitely sending the three of them to try to persuade the 02 kids to join her cause/surrender wholeheartedly to Neverland, so Daisuke and co. are going to have to figure out how to deal with that. But hey, she gets a little arm candy. As a treat.
Mostly I think it’s terrible for Wallace (which I’m kind of into, I’ll be honest!). He and Menoa share common ground, and I definitely think Menoa’s ideas would intrigue him (and hey, he doesn't have that strong of a moral compass to begin with). Paired with the fact that he would be openly flirting and trying to catch her interest even before the word “go,” I think that translates to him being willing to do pretty much anything for her, particularly if she validates his beliefs on what he thinks they have together. Love (or the perception of love) would make him dangerous: protective, loyal, and oblivious to any wider implications or downsides to what she’s doing. He might be perceptive enough to know he’s basically just a tool, but in that case I don’t even think he minds, a hot, smart girlfriend is a hot, smart girlfriend. Have you seen one of those paintings of mermaids where the mermaid is dragging a drowning man to the bottom of the ocean, but she’s not looking at him, she’s looking at the viewer with a cold, steely look in her eye? That’s what I picture when I think of their dynamic.
I did draw some sketches based on all this back in 2021, but they weren’t very good and I never found the motivation to fix them, so I kept them to myself (maybe that’ll change now, because APPARENTLY I’m not the only one interested in this???). Here’s one I did of Neverland!Wallace talking to Daisuke though (I know the kids in Neverland don’t talk in Kizuna, but I couldn’t resist because I wanted to make it as creepy as possible):
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“Don’t fight it, Daisuke, let her win. We can enjoy summer together forever…”
Anyway. Menace is the toxic trash heap digi-couple of the decade, and I ship it. If anyone else ever writes or draws anything for them, please tag me because I would love to see it!!
Thank you for sharing, and for letting me ramble! :D
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
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Forgot to post them all together + Meiko-Rui-Menoa-Rina lol
I dunno how many peeps actually like this concept, or if they even read @ladyofthecastleproject / Hinode drabbles before... But they're my baby, and i want to do something with them again (^・ω・^ )
Maybe not related to LOTC/Hinode Drabbles, maybe... something original with them? Meh, i mean with these set of characters and the other not-featured Digimental Weapons in this pic!!
I have yet to decide, hehe (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
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lemon-pear · 3 months
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Started inking an old Menace sketch yesterday. For myself, as a treat :)
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rurulaura · 10 months
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The last batch, which I call the movie crew.
Wallace from the Digimon Hurricane Touchdown movie and Rolling Bubbles from the Powerpuff GIrls Z anime are voiced by Nami Miyahara. Miyahara doesn't voice anything for Sailor Moon or Precure, but I really enjoyed watching the Powerpuff Girls Z anime when it came out.
Cristina Vee voices Meiko from Digimon tri. and Sailor Mars in the Sailor Moon Crystal dub. Meiko seems to be in a lot of crime fighting roles. She's Ladybug and Homura from Magica Madoka as well!
Maki and Daigo were put together for the sake of Nishihime. Maki from Digimon tri. and Gelos from Hugtto Precure are voiced by Yuko Kaida. The irony here is Gelos was turned bad from betrayal... The ending of Hugtto shows her as a little girl having a fun childhood. If only Maki could be the same... Maki's dub Voice actress also does regina in the Dokidoki Precure dub. As a fun tidbit, her Bakumon's voice actress plays Masha in Tokyo Mew Mew!
Daigo from Digimon tri. and Kumata from the Mahou Tsukai Precure movie are both voiced by Daisuke Namikawa. Namikawa is actually in Hugtto as well voicing a teacher. But how can I pass up drawing Daigo as a Bear when his partner is Bearmon?
Menoa from Kizuna dub and Sailor Star Maker from the Crystal dub series are both voiced by Erika Harlacher. Morphomon in the dub actually shares her voice actor with Maki, so Morphomon is also Regina. hehe
Megumi Oogata plays both Rui/Lui/Louie from Digimon Adventure 02 The beginning and Sailor Uranus from the OG Sailor Moon series. Megumi does a lot of Magical series'. Ukkomon is played by Rie Kugimiya, which you may remember as Ikuto from Digimon Savers!
This was a fun little project for me. One that showed how much I grew too. Because I was intimidated by all the frills and skirts in the Magical GIrl costumes. Precure especially. But I over came my fears and managed to complete the project. ^^
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variouscolors · 5 months
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firstagent · 7 months
Spoiler-Free Review: Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning [Sub]
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In this movie, one more troubled relationship between one more kid and their partner threatens the world one more time. The Zero Two kids help… a little.
As much as Last Evolution Kizuna’s message spoke of our need to be able to let go of our childhood fancies, and as much as it would have been an appropriate final bow to the original Adventure canon, it also proved that this world is still capable of turning out some wonderful, thought-provoking stories. Especially when given the kind of budget this movie relishes in throughout. Before we tiptoe around major plot points without actually revealing them, it must be said that The Beginning looks gorgeous. The big action is animated beautifully and minor details in the art go far in supporting the story. It’s important because the movie is all about quality. Quality above distracting subplots, quality above unnecessary fights, and—perhaps more concerning—quality above cherished Digimon Adventure establishments.
The first sign of the movie’s lack of concern about bending the knee to prior Adventure canon: this is 100 percent Lui’s story. If you’re expecting the Zero Two kids to have some deep character growth the way Taichi did in Kizuna… well, it’s the Zero Two kids; half of them didn’t get that in their own season. No, this is all the Lui and Ukkomon show. After tri. and Kizuna you might be thinking “isn’t this the third time now we’ve been introduced to a new character whose partnership issues are a harbinger for chaos?” The answer to that is no: it’s the fourth time if you count Wallace in Hurricane Touchdown. But while tri.’s format allowed the established cast to have full character arcs alongside Meiko’s and Kizuna was still fundamentally about Taichi dealing with the problems Menoa creates, The Beginning is too compact and too tightly wound to give anyone but Lui room for growth.
That’s not a bad thing though! In a relatively short time, we get all the gory details of Lui’s past, where Ukkomon fits into the equation, how things go wrong, why it’s everyone’s problem, and how Lui fixes it. It’s told vividly, and viscerally at times: some of the story is straight-up disturbing and the movie understands the importance of not shying away from it. These are some horrors that would bother even the Ghost Game kids. The facts of Lui’s story aren’t particularly complicated—it’s a surprisingly simple story for a feature-length film—but they’re presented with a nuance that hits the upper echelon of what Digimon has ever been capable of.
Still, it does leave the Zero Two characters a little in the lurch. Character moments are sprinkled in whenever they can get them and everybody’s heard in group conversations (sometimes even making a good point!), but some feel like they’re only there because they have to be. Until the fade out at the end, there honestly isn’t much more of the Zero Two kids being Zero Two kids than we saw in Kizuna. Anyone longing to see these kids tackling their own problems instead of someone else’s will be left hanging. That said, the revamped evolution sequences are fire, we’re still treated to Target and Beat Hit, and there’s even a couple teases for the shippers. And the ending is absolutely a “Zero Two kids being the Zero Two kids” moment.
But yes, one of the trickier conversations will certainly regard The Beginning’s relationship with Adventure canon. On one hand, Lui’s situation suggests a conflict with Adventure and tri., and some could interpret the resolution as incompatible with particular aspects of the epilogue. On the other hand, none of the issues are in any way major, and countered both by references to events in Adventure and tri., and the fact that everybody is still barreling straight toward their epilogue fates. Weirdly, the most dubious point of contention may be with Kizuna. Any direct discrepancies are again insignificant, but the revelations of the prior movie feel like they should weigh more on some minds as they process everything going on here.
To its credit, The Beginning seems fully aware of what it’s doing. It understands how much it’s potentially shaking things up. The characters recognize it! The movie delivers on the things that really matter: the kids, the Digimon, the music, and the heart. Things like adherence to an increasingly rigid and cluttered timeline are more superfluous. It doesn’t dismiss anything for the sake of dismissing it, but it’s not going to let it get in the way of a good story. Even as the kids dutifully stay on track for the epilogue, the ending narration suggests that anything goes from here. We may find out: unlike Kizuna’s sense of finality, The Beginning builds momentum for more stories in whatever interpretation of this world grows them best. If they’re anything like this one, we’ll welcome them.
My Grade: A
Check Back November 10 For the Spoilers/Dub Post!
Thanks to Toei Animation for providing me with an advance screener of this movie.
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shihalyfie · 7 months
Adventure Spinoff Kids Team (Ryo, Wallace, Meiko, Menoa and maybe add in Michael for flavor), how would that work out.
I feel like the presence of Wallace and Menoa there already paves the way for disaster. Meiko and Michael are definitely the more sensible ones (Ryou too depending on which incarnation/which interpretation of his personality you take), so they'd be the poor saps saddled with damage control for whatever happens with the other two. I also feel bad for Meiko, because she's definitely getting flirted with, and I think Menoa (who has a bit more assertiveness in this regard) will have to step in on her behalf...
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legendheroes · 2 months
[Ni — Today at 2:27 PM] y'know… Advverse movie characters are related to weird horror-like digimon we got Wallace and Chocomon then Meiko and Ordinemon and later Menoa and Eosmon and now Rui and BigUkkomon [Friend — Today at 2:28 PM] Daisuke: "that's what happens when you weirdoes are introduced specifically to give us problems to solve!!!" [Ni — Today at 2:29 PM] Rui: that's rude but Ok Wallace: Well, you decided to butt in! Daisuke: YOUR DIGIMON HAD KIDNAPPED OUR FRIENDS! AND MORE PEOPLE! 💢💢💢💢 [Ni — Today at 2:50 PM] Takuya, looking at the Advverse's exclusive movie characters: Dude. You two get the most weird eldritch horrors movies ever, i'm glad all I witnessed was just mass murder but it was the ONLY movie we got. Taichi & Daisuke: HOW CAN THAT MEAN SOMETHING GOOD, YOU IDIOT?!
A beautiful exchange with a friend about how Advverse movie exclusive characters are related to some sort of eldritch horror.
Yes i'm aware Tamers movies were like that too, and that Savers was also a nightmare. But the joke here is Takuya just being a salty brat judging Taichi and Daisuke for having MORE movies than him and the rest of the other protags.
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threadmonster · 1 year
Okay but are the parallels in Last Evolution to the movies that comprise the Digimon movie real or did I just watch that movie way too much? I frankly don't know if what I was told in the Fox Kids dub is legitimately what happened. Namely if Willis/Wallace? actually create Diaboramon?
My friend and I tried to watch the original movies a long time ago... however it was hard to find and there were no subtitles e_e
But anyway going off the dub, I described Menoa to my friend as "if Willis was evil and thought he was Peter Pan"
I feel like the parallels have to be somewhat there if they're gonna show Willis at the end?
Well at least now I can make it my goal to watch the original individual movies.
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koumi-blog · 1 year
Rendez-vous Secret
by digitalgate02
The Digital World is a place where humans and digmon can live in harmony and peace. However, the existence of the Monarchs only causes them pain. Miyako runs into Daisuke, one of the servants for the Monarchs, but he sends her to the place where he lives with Mimi and Meiko as roommates. To fight the Monarchs, they have to join forces and reveal the secrets behind the enemy’s actions.
Words: 1387, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Digimon Adventure Zero Two | Digimon Adventure 02
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Motomiya Daisuke | Davis Motomiya, Inoue Miyako | Yolei Inoue, Ichijouji Ken, Hida Iori | Cody Hida, Takaishi Takeru | T.K. Takaishi, Yagami Hikari | Kari Kamiya, Wallace | Willis, Tachikawa Mimi, Menoa Bellucci, Mochizuki Meiko
Relationships: Inoue Miyako | Yolei Inoue/Motomiya Daisuke | Davis Motomiya, Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi/Tachikawa Mimi
Additional Tags: Plot Twists, btw this is about the Digimental Weapons thingy.
from AO3 works tagged 'Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi/Tachikawa Mimi' https://archiveofourown.org/works/47072170
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citrus-cactus · 10 months
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I hope this clears things up
@digitalgate02 :D
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
The Digital World is a place where humans and digmon can live in harmony and peace. However, the existence of the Monarchs only causes them pain. Miyako runs into Daisuke, one of the servants for the Monarchs, but he sends her to the place where he lives with Mimi and Meiko as roommates. To fight the Monarchs, they have to join forces and reveal the secrets behind the enemy’s actions.
BTW everyone has the same ages as Kizuna. (for the Digimental Weapons used here - check this document)
(sorry i have no pic to use here... YET)
Please lemme know what ya think, at this point i wrote 3 chapters and i'm on my way to finish ch 4. might be a little longer than the usual format of 10, maybe 15 or 20 chapters estimated.
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orifumioshi · 11 months
I'll be at the hospital this weekend for my grandma so, I won't be here to witness the Digifes news which means, I gotta share my wishes of what I want to get from it before it happens ;3 (and maybe, movie wishes that can be "spoilers")
"Bokura no Digital World" 2023 version with Lastevo + 02beginning cast and why not a new arrangement?
Wallace new cast announcement (secret guest?) and Tada Aoi-san there for Terriermon and Lopmon uwu
New arrangements for "Break Up!" and "Beat Hit", maybe even Target. "Brave Heart" has many versions by now so no, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
New evo insert song with the style of "Sono Saki e" so I can cry with my snots making a mess over my keyboard xD
An equally emotionally devastating ending of AiM.
Grown ups international Chosen from the 02 Christmas episodes (kinda confirmed by now tho but, hope we get ALL the kids that appeared) new cast.
Ultimate evo for Shakkoumon to be Slashangemon and for Silphymon to be Valkyrimon ;3 (if jogress can still be used even without Tailmon's holy ring).
If we don't get jogress, oh well... I suppose that "completing" V-mon, Hawkmon, Armadimon and Wormmon evo lines is not bad either (also me an idiot: ULFORCE FOR V PLEASE!).
Movie length reveal.
The movie either to have a global theatrical (dub) release or stream at Crunchy or alike, please... I BEG YOU (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
Someone getting new evos? Not a fan of Agumon's "Bond of" evo but a deep part of me thinks it would be interesting for someone else to have this kind of evo.
More Armor evos (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
Special Digica Booster deck 02beginning themed with the 02 group + international Chosen.
A wink to Hime-chan and Nishijima-kun being dead :D *puts on clown wig*.
Someone visits Menoa at jail/Menoa is released ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The movie ending with everyone eating Daisuke's ramen uwu
New weekly anime series? More dubs for international folks and not just for US?
Digimon Survive 2 titled "Digimon Survive 22" (2022 xD) as a tribute to Adv02 *puts on clown wig*.
I guess that's all... For now (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Let's see if I have the gift of prophecy or if I'm a delusional idiot uwu.
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rurulaura · 1 year
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seventeenlovesthree · 13 hours
Greetings! So I've just finished Digimon 02TB and I need to discuss it with someone with legit opinions lmao. So the thing is: how do you tackle the apparent continuity disagreement that Ukkomon claimed he created the Chosen kids when there's lore established since the 1st Adventure that there was a group of Chosen kids (Maki Himekawa's group) before Taichi's group? I'm looking for possible Watsonian explanations since simply saying "it's a plothole / retcon" doesn't satisfy me 😁 So far I got these ideas, feel free to elaborate on them or give some new ones:
First, there's a possbility that Ukkomon was lying (I love how many plot holes can be simply explained by "character X was lying) and didn't actually create the Chosen kids - he just introduced them as Lui's "friends" to make Lui happy. BUT then, if Ukkomon didn't create them, why did the digivices disappear after Lui un-did his wish and BigUkkomon was defeated? Second, maybe when Lui claimed he's the first person to ever bond with a Digimon, he meant "the first person to bond with a Digimon without some divine intervention and/or a mission they were chosen to fulfill", which technically makes him the first Tamer instead of a Chosen child. Daisuke & co. calling him a "Chosen child" was therefore just a misunderstanding Lui didn't correct since he couldn't tell the difference.
What do you think?
Ooooooh boy! I still remember how much my head was rushing when I had watched the movie in cinemas back on launch day and I simply couldn't get home fast enough to write down all my thoughts. I had compiled it all back then here and I believe it already summarizes everything you've been asking and talking about, but I'll still try to put it together again shortly.
First of all, @jamesthedigidestined are currently still trying our best to make sense of the current timeline and the order of when which Chosen Child (or generally "humans partnering with Digimon") came into existence, so I still hope he will post his own ideas himself soon!
However - my theory back then and also today is what you already outlined:
Homeostasis does not have a physical form, so it created its agents like Gennai - and PROBABLY Ukkomon too. Since we know the Digital World has “wish granting” abilities, I can accept there being a singular being that is capable of doing the same thing. So then, a Digiegg gets into the real world in 1995, and Homeostasis gets to scan Hikari, Taichi and the others, discovering the potential they have - since Hikari is the child that enables the hatched Botamon to evolve into Greymon super quickly, Homeostasis sends Parrotmon to retrieve it. Afterwards, in 1996, Ukkomon “would appear who had special connections with [a child] in the real world”. And thus, Rui’s wish was the indirect catalysator of the foundation of the “partnership system”. Basically, Ukkomon’s wish fulfillment powers enabled a system based on the limitless potential (of wishes and the bond between humans and Digimon) that was deemed useful by Homeostasis for the sake of saving the world(s). A system that wasn’t in place like this before, so Rui was basically some kind of “prototype” - as was Ukkomon, kinda testing the waters of partnerships in the first place. And through analyzing the other 8 kids in the meantime, their potential had been discovered, which is why THEY also had Crests created for themselves. Like Ukkomon said - they came into existence to “protect” him, so he wouldn’t have to save the worlds himself. And so would Daigo, Maki and the others between 1996 and 1999 (including Wallace, though we need to still figure out where exactly he fits in there).
On a different note, I like the idea of treating Ukkomon like Menoa in the way of her being an unreliable narrator that led to the whole “adulthood vs. neglect theory” in the first place. So Ukkomon may actually NOT even be aware that Rui WASN’T the first Chosen Child because, either it really didn’t know or was manipulated by Homeostasis to claim that it’s true. The reasoning behind that could be interesting to look at too… Long story short: Never take anything in Digimon at face value!!!
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Plus, me and James are also a fan of the idea that Rui was just "a child with a Digimon partner" and NOT a Chosen Child. Again, he has outlined this way better than I have, coming up with different groups of Digimon to be partnered with humans!
Plus, I still think of Rui as an unreliable narrator too, because they're all just speculating about the Digivice origin, even though there has been clear lore for it in the back...
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