#messages to storm
stormblessed95 · 5 months
i get the whole ignoring tkkrs to be at peace but i hope ppl won't stop calling them out for their mistranslations, misinformation, misleading things cause it's been yrs and there are still so many lies and theories that are harmful has came from them and yet the whole fandom uses it without asking for the credibility of it.
The whole "jk hates jm" has came from tkkrs only and now is widely spread in the whole fandom, the "jm sleeps with bangppd and bangppd wants to push jkk to hide tkk" narrative is their #1 theory that they still use and the whole kpop uses that bangpd and jm shit to drags jm. The jikook does fanservice narrative has came from them which everyone easily associates with jkk cause that's what they have been told by the majority of the fandom which is tkkrs.
It's been two yrs and they still say the atomix ot7 dinner was tk date when there's proof of ppl who work at atomix saying it was ot7 dinner after their white house speech. You ask them once to show where did jungkook booked the restaurant and they'll go silent cause they just made that up cause jungkook is always the sugar daddy of every ship and others the sugar baby. There's not a single receipt or proof to say jk booked it but they made a whole au out of it Cause miss mina aka @/dionysustkk and tkklives lives say so.
It's been 6 yrs and they still use tkklives rainbow SS saying gcft was a vminkook trip when the only thing my guy jm did was told both JK and TH that he wants to visit japan. For yrs both jk nd jm has talked about the Tokyo trip nd not even a single time they said it was supposed to a vminkook trip or tae was supposed to be with them. Yrs later in their book which was published THIS yr of 2023 and never in that book there's a mention of tae and Tokyo trip together and mind you the book has been gone by checking through each nd every member so all that said in the book has been approved by all the members.
I have been here for like 4 yrs nd every single time i find a tk moment 95% of them are turned out to be false nd made by tkkrs. They love cropping memebrs out of pictures to make it seem like only tk went somewhere out but you ask someone else nd you'll find other members right there but were just cut out by tkkrs. It's so hard to find a tkkr who doesn't hate jkk, jm nd call don't call them fanservice.
Even now if you go to any of the sns nd see comments under any of the jkk video you'll see atleast one comment saying "jk was forced to join with jm, he wanted to go with tae but couldn't because of his tattoes and jk doens't even have jm's no, jk said they're coworkers" cause just three days back i was watching a jkk video on yt nd out of habit i was scrolling through cmnts nd this was the first comment under the pinned comment.
Whenever someone enters the fandom they get corrupted by tkklives channel with her 500k subscribers where all she does is manipulate shit cause ever since she made that channel 3 days after gcft nd gave them the "Tokyo trip was supposed to be vminkook" she's their mother savior who fills all their DeLuSiOnAls and she just knows how to do it.
Ppl starts hating on jm just over a ship and no matter how many times y'all say "jkkrs nd tkkrs are same" they will never be cause there's a big difference in the number of deranged ppl in jkk nd tk fandom. Yes i agree there's ppl in jkk fandom that are just as deranged as tkkrs but again the difference in number is like earth nd sky. Jkk fandom is not even half in no of tkkrs even lizkook shippers are more worldwide than jkkrs. Jkkrs deluled themselves in their own Little bubble with some 100 people but when a tkkr make a delulu tweet they deluled themselves along of some 10k other tkkrs and that is the number of difference in deranged ppl in both ships. No other shipper has harassed so many brands that work with BTS who has to put Stories about calling out tkkrs, no other shippers got blocked by polyc (their tatto artist especially jk's) nd got put on story, no other shippers has harassed other models or ppl calling them cosplayers cause they couldn't handle to see their fav holding hands with a woman in another country to the point the person has to put Stories after Stories to ask ppl to stop. No other fandom has got made fun of the way Kpopies made fun of hmlvrart and embarrassed armys. No matter how many times y'all say both are same they're not.
not saying ppl should engage in all things tkkrs say but i hope everyone call them out where it's due.
I won't lie to you, I did mostly just skim this because are you new here?
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Lol I don't need the lecture about needing to correct tkkrs when they spread misinformation.... Thanks though. Sorry, I've got that covered though!
I get what you are saying though.
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revvethasmythh · 15 days
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"I reached out a lot." "I know." "But you still got me through."
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luminousstardust · 2 months
“bells hells return for episode 93 after our thrilling crown keepers adventure”……… does this mean…………… possible dorym reunion next episode?!
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chiakery · 2 months
Do you think they'll play Orym's message from this episode for Robbie to reply to it at the table?
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cr3 · 1 year
Dorian’s reply to Orym
[ Transcript: 
 Matt: "-and Dorian, who did reply retroactively." 
 Robbie, as Dorian: "Oh Orym, my heart aches that I cannot be there to help you. Find strength. Stay steadfast. Sending you fairer winds….Is this thing on?" 
 End Transcript ]
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undead-knick-knack · 3 days
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Orym finally shoots his shot with Dorian 💙💚
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fishareglorious · 1 month
In the wake of the new pizza hut collab and that one specific emote of schneider threateningly looming behind pizza hut regulus with a gun, I got possessed and created an au where ezra, matilda and regulus work with each other in the same branch.
May or may not have gotten carried away with it. AU below.
matilda is the long suffering branch manager that doesn't even want to work there. this poor french girl is really going through it (customer service)
alas she stays because of a certain redheaded customer. sonetto visits sometimes to check on regulus and that the store is relatively close to where she lives.
matilda constantly five seconds away from firing everyone and handing out her resignation but then sonetto walks inside and suddenly everything is good (sotheby just accidentally created ketamine in the back)
she hates her job because all the people that visit here are fucking lunatics.
ezra is the least problematic of the employees and he sometimes supplies the mushrooms because of his mycology hobby, but one time he accidentally switched up the button mushrooms with similar-looking hallucinogenic ones and matilda put a stop into it because a customer got high (desert flannel)
kanjira is their one and only delivery driver and while she drives matilda up the wall by always stealing from the cash register, she'd terrifyingly efficient and fast with her deliveries (at the expense of being a menace in the highway)
regulus works as an all-rounder but sometimes takes kanjira's place whenever she's not around. she always gets a traffic ticket. she and kanjira are in a competition on who can amass the most
apple is here and is the only other voice of reason working in this place. matilda respects him because he's the only one that can rein in regulus
The one story that started this whole AU. sorry schneider's dead in this universe
one day vertin comes around to catch up with regulus. regulus was on the process of serving pineapple pizza when suddenly someone appears behind her to chop her in the neck and curses her out in the most horrific ear-bleeding italian. vertin catches a glimpse of regulus' attacker, then crumples into the floor in shock because its her dead mafia girlfriend.
matilda comes to the scene only to see regulus passed out and vertin silently weeping on the floor.
someone still has to serve the damn pizza. fucks sake.
after the pineapple pizza incident there's now a ghost haunting the store that really really has an agenda against pineapple pizza. at this point matilda is very much inclined to blackout the hawaiian in the menu just to placate the damn ghost.
A comprehensive list of all the weirdos that come in here:
there's an absolutely pleasant and nice lady that sometimes eats here but the thing is she has this thing where she puts yellow bug things in her pizza as some kind of condiment and its so damn weird because those things are still ALIVE. but she gets a pass because she's done no trouble and is nice to everyone
one time the store had a break in and for some reason all the greens in the inventory were eaten. everyone checks the security cameras. it was. it was a fucking deer.
(yes, jessica is an actual deer here.)
constantine came here once only to pull the "i demand to speak to your manager" thing
pickles at one point ordered something here by himself. in the words of regulus: what the dawg doin?
ezra's collegemates (the laplace crew) sometimes visit and its a hit or miss depending on who is it
the last time x came here the stove got legs and sentience then it left pizza hut and never came back. some say it became a famous track and field runner
medicine pocket was banned like. years ago even before matilda started working here. does it stop her? no. he caught wind of sotheby's ketamine thing and tried to recruit her at one point. matilda chased them off with a spray bottle.
mesmer jr is the least chaos-inducing person of the group but at the same time because of the childhood friends that have baggage with matilda the tension between then is. frankly you could cut through it with a knife
one time she, vertin, and matilda were in the same proximity and regulus passed by and started asphyxiating
sometimes their research advisor enigma gets dragged here because someone has to feed him something other than his twentieth cup of black coffee. matilda has beef with him for some reason.
the only people matilda remotely respects that has entered this pizza hut is shamane and kaalaa baunna
but at the same time she has witnessed kaalaa stumble here at an insanely late/early hour with three giant cups of coffee then proceeded to chug all of it down then order something. she is visibly shaking from the caffiene. matilda is scared.
matilda called shamane 'dad' once and after that she has sworn to never show her face to him again
pavia exists here but keeps a wide berth of pizza hut because it contains the insult to italian cuisine
one time a foreign singer (isolde) came here to have lunch with her wife then got possessed by schneider and started angrily lambasting and threatening to haunt everyone from the grave if they've ever dared to eat pineapple pizza. she later passed out then woke up all normal again
lilya is also on the pizza hut blacklist because she crashed her motorcycle into the windows trying to pick vertin up
broke as hell researcher windsong stumbles into pizza hut with the biggest smile on her face as if she won the lottery (she did. it was the amount of the cheapest thing in the menu) then proceeds to hork down her food like she's starving (she probably was.) fun fact this is inspired by her voiceline that is basically the same story
bear with me on my vilasong propaganda for a sec.
local schoolteacher vila comes into the store because her student wandered off and is now talking windsong's ear off, and then the two have this weird but sweet meetcute that's almost the same as canon
windosng tells her "oh god hey i swear im not a child abductor" then vila just laughs and fucking sniffs her and says "yeah i know you don't smell threatening at all."
they are both so strange. next time they come together hand in hand.
matilda is malding can't she have a nice meetcute like that with sonetto (minus the whole. child abduction statement. and the sniffing thing. actually she just wants a normal nice meetcute)
37 came there with the aperion gang and all she did was calculate the precise circumference of the pizza and then tell the matilda it was an imperfect circle. matilda then says 'do i look like i give two shits about whether or not this is a perfect circle. fuck you want me to do' but in customer service language
would arcana even step inside a pizza hut.
a knight sometimes comes here and he and apple are the investments in pizza hut's old men yaoi stocks.
hofmann and marcus came in once and marcus was the one trying to order but the poor thing kept stuttering so badly that hofmann heaved out the most world-weary sigh and ordered for both of them
besmir came in there once while vertin was there and vertin shot up from her seat and went 'MOTHER???!?!??!?!?!!!!!!!!" and thus came the most awkward family reunion that happened. (regulus screamed out "SO YOU HAVE A MOTHER" while the two were watching each other awkwardly not knowing what to do)
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originalartblog · 1 year
you’ve sold me!!! i am so moved!!! murase looks so homely and dad shaped
He could have been dad!!! He could have been dad!!!!!!!!
The stage play condensed/remade Murase's speech(es) to Chuuya after Adam left the room so they're completely different, and it really pushed the potential dad-son relationship between them
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and then Chuuya starts complaining about his rambling
(side note: in the official translation of SB, Murase is described as "looking light", which probably mean he's rather thin, but this is one of the few things I'll fight Asagiri over)
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thegoodmorningman · 6 months
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Nothing worse than the guilt of having to take care of your family in an emergency. Good Morning!
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yashley · 8 months
that I literally have the assurance I will know about the mighty nein during all of this in just 1 week and yet I'm like matthew please casually say yasha's name
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stormblessed95 · 4 months
Hi! BPP recommended your blog to me for jikook theories and I just have to say, you have the best blog I've ever seen for everything jikook. Thank you so much for the time and effort you've spent into curating this wonderful jikook encyclopedia. I've spent a full day now going through your masterlist and I feel more informed as an army and jikooker thanks to you.
Omg thank you. That's super kind 🥰🥰
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If you have any other thoughts or questions, feel free to let me know. Thank you again for your kind words! 💜
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revvethasmythh · 23 days
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Midnight Manic Panic
+ Launda having the worst time of it
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stromuprisahat · 25 days
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Siege and Storm- Chapter 17 (Leigh Bardugo)
The wasted opportunities!
Not even a single poisoning attempt?
Did ~someone~ order them against it?
SOMEONE write a fic!
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marveladdicts · 1 month
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#xmenfancasting by anonymous
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fonixen · 2 months
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What else is going bump in the night?
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fishareglorious · 27 days
just watched the 1.9 trailer. great googly moogly everything's gone to shit huh
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