thebaroness-art · 1 year
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🌊 The Aqua Art Challenge has come to an end 🌊
First and foremost, thank you, everyone! My artsy journey wouldn't be the same without all of you, affectionate followers and newcomers ♥ I started this little thing when you were around 500, and now there are almost 150 more! I can't but wish you'll keep enjoying what's to come, between new content, experiments, improvement and anything on the line! Second of all, I'll take a tiny extra space for apologizing for my silence in the past month. Lots of things have been set in motion and, for those who don't know, I also started attending a master class to improve my skills! I'll make sure the wait will be worth it... especially for the prizes for the winners! Talking about that, here are the results of the challenges~ 1st DTIYS winner: djaxaran! 2nd DTIYS winner: @the-flame-blade! Raffle winners: EVERYONE! Nothlirien Daricellymooness @letho-arts @the-flame-blade Thewitchpainter_art, I received exactly five entries, so there's no need for rolling! Extra congratulations to everyone for your works - also to all the other participants with their amazing entries: scilly.bd, MayaTL, _itzzz_legendary_, _sere21_9, azurpineapples and theoctopigeon! Every painting was a delightful surprise, and I can't believe the amount of love Lia received ♥Stay tuned for future updates, and expect to see the prizes in the next weeks!Much love to all and see you soon~
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undyingmedium · 6 months
Who is Anika's patron? What are they like? What is their relationship like?
Straight to the point, are you not? There's sooo much to discuss about the Deep One~
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His appearance might be nightmarish to those who ignore his presence, but Anika grew up with him by her side, so she's more than used to the shadow tendrils spreading their reach on occasion, and the alien cracked skull that is his mask. It doesn't resemble any known living creature, and the shape of the mandible doesn't seem to match the one of its cranium at all, nor it seems able to move other than little tilts. And yet, his voice is deep and clear, collected and somewhat stern when he speaks, only to be cracked with sincere affection towards Anika when the fatherly attitude takes over the entity.
But who is he, really? Anika was promised an explaination in her youth when the time would be right; but the pressing investigations of a marine ally of her former party forced a complicated truth out, risking the wrath of the angels of Drana, the goddess of Light and first of the Erasian pantheon, who so strongly fought to banish him from existence centuries prior.
The water genasi known as Mikatosh, cleric of Rovan, now lies petrified at the bottom of a lake close to the city of Bazel, in Derum. He sealed a promise with the Deep One, Anika, and Eksirias, a powerful Seer that watches over Maera with the strongest forces of the continent: when the knowledge he gathered is safe to have, the Patron and his daughter will personally find him again to undo the curse and give him back his humanity, so that everyone can safely continue their lives on. Of course, such secrets were shared with Anika in hopes that she could become aware of the reality she was involved in: a special protection was applied to her instead, so that she could carry the secrets without being detected by the divine, and without losing her chance at fulfilling the pact she still strongly believes in. Besides, it doesn't matter who the Deep One used to be in his past life to her - not to the extent of turning her back on him and stand against him despite his real identity. She is still very much convinced of wanting her father in the physical world, enough to give part of her divine blood and her wings up to the cause during a special ritual which involved more than 30 people.
Today, she can proudly summon a tangible version of the phantom by her side, and fighting together has deepened their bond even further. (Summoner class of Pathfinder 2e was the best replacement for the Warlock, keeping the lore intact and developing it so delightfully~)
More fun facts:
~ At the beginning of their journey, when Anika was still a teen, she went through a phase of rebellion towards the Deep One because of the feeling of being just used. On multiple occasions, however, the Deep One proved his strong bond by putting himself inbetween her and danger: while it might have been a matter of interest over all in early times, he certainly proved his attachment when he and Eksirias saved her from insanity after being forced through a ceremony by an unknown cult praising Void, chaos and destruction. She has been calling him father since, and Eksirias a mother, despite her relationship with her is far less developed than the one with him.
~ While her duties tripled in depth, Anika often finds time to chat with the Deep One about matters of all kind, also personal ones now that she's allowed to discuss his past and condition. Her curiosity and thirst for knowledge have known little boundaries so far, and he's been happy to indulge ever since.
There is much more about him to uncover, but I'll leave you to find the details out one by one. Ask the right questions, dear Anon; pry into forbidden matters at your own risk, but don't leave any ask unanswered~
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undyingmedium · 6 days
send BLINDSIDED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were betrayed or shocked by what someone did
Wreathia and Ferenir just came out of the room where Mikatosh confined himself, after each of them had their turn at talking with him and trying to understand what to make of the current situation. He was protecting himself inside of the magical dome-hut that shielded him during countless nights at the camp with the party; it used to look like sunset i side until it was time for sleep, it was welcoming and serene in contrast with most of the environments they went through for the most diverse reasons.
That night, right before sleep, things were opposite to serene like those old times. No one was allowed to enter the little refuge, and he kept repeating to everyone that the knowledge he gained was going to be his doom and possibly theirs; but also that he wouldn't have allowed anyone to convince him and give it up, and he would have still tried all he could to try and protect them by not sharing anything.
The cleric of Rovan was ready to sacrifice his life and possibly the ones of everyone else to protect the world from his discovery - the Deep One's true identity.
"It is dangerous to know such informations without proper protection," the phantom tried to explain to the only one he could communicate with, his warlock. "Whatever the devil did to bypass my curse is unknown even to me, but the mere fact he's aware of the circumstances might be enough to make all of us targets. I can't let it be."
"But why won't you trust me with it...?" The medium was, to say the least, torn. And so was her party. Ferenir was ready to call the genasi an enemy if he tried to act against them. The fighter couldn't get over the fact that she couldn't do anything to save her friend.
And Anika? She was responsible for sparking a deadly curiosity in him. And now, with her own patron keeping her out of something that ultimately revolved around her, she had to take a blind decision and gamble with the safety everyone she cared for around her the most: accept to risk it all and have a talk with the cleric, or give him up and kill one of her own companions.
But there had to be another way...
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undyingmedium · 6 months
What was the last promise your muse made? Was it to themself or to someone else? Has it been upheld or broken?
"I'll admit my forgetfulness is a bit of a bitch when it comes to these arguments, but I remember the promises I really deem important, and the last one of those is to go back to the lake where Mikatosh rests to wake him up when the time comes. If I may, I'll undo his curse personally. I owe him that much."
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undyingmedium · 16 days
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
Luckily, she hasn't experienced enormous failures with anything that concerns the Deep One and her pact, but she can't avoid to consider Ferenir and Elexa as the biggest living proofs of her insufficiency.
She saved Elexa's life but abandoned her in the care of others instead of even waiting for her to wake up after putting her life at risk; she won't give herself space and time to elaborate her regrets, and has been travelling - read running - and never returning back ever since.
On the other hand, her love story with Ferenir was one of the most important and complicated. When he decided to leave her, it was also for personal reasons and self-healing, but Anika never accepted the possibility and considered it as abandonment, plain rejection. Superficiality. A close-minded solution after having witnessed what happened to Mikatosh after dwelling in her and her patron's business. Unforgivable.
Encouraged by one of her other relatives and comrades, she promised herself to avoid getting attached to anyone else, especially from her parties - and the day that just ended proved her how far she failed at that as well. She loathes feeling so personally involved now that the stupid tiefling got caught by the enemies. And yet, here she is, planning to bring hell on earth to his captors, and even worse if they dare to kill him.
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undyingmedium · 5 months
What’s a decision she made that she regrets but would do the same? (Can be serious or lighthearted)
Does she wear makeup? If yes, what’s her favourite kind? Is there a difference between her every day makeup and when she wants to be fancy?
When was the last time she saw a bird and why?
Probably that would be explaining too much about the Deep One to Mikatosh without having some lies at the ready, but she knows it just happened. No one ever tried to dig that much in her personal businesses before. She couldn't even know what it could have led to, and the cleric is already lucky to have just been petrified and not killed.
Yes! Light makeup is fine for everyday occasions or work, but when it's time to fight she loves to paint her whole face in black and white, a stylized skull.
Birds are everywhere in Nithmé, the city she's currently staying in. The most peculiar birds she saw lately, however, were the ones of a sort of haunted shopkeeper she barely remembers the name of.
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thebaroness-art · 1 year
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🌊 Aqua Art Challenge 🌊
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 500+ FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM!! It’s incredible how fast the count has grown, and I’m grateful for each and every one of you! And what better chance could I get to organize some bigger kind of artsy challenge with extra prizes on the line? Have fun, and if you post on Instagram directly, I’ll share all the entries in my stories! They will all be kept on my profile with a permanent highlight~
Have a look at my Instagram profile! *DTIYS RULES* ✦ Draw Evangelia in your style! Everything counts as long as she’s still recognizable! ✦ Include a screenshot of the DTIYS reference in the second slide of your post! ✦ Use the hashtags #AquaArtChallengeDTIYS and #BlessedOneLia *RAFFLE RULES* ✦ Draw Mikatosh in your style (please keep him recognizable) or draw your own aquatic character! ✦ Include a screenshot of the Raffle reference in the second slide of your post! ✦ Use the hashtags #AquaArtChallengeRAFFLE (and #Mikatosh if you choose to draw him) Please tag me on your creations, so I can be sure I’ll see them all! AI generated entries will be ignored. You can enter both challenges if you so wish! The deadline is the 15th of March! And now, the prizes! ✦ DTIYS 1st place: Rendered half figure of your TTRPG character w/ complex background ✦ DTIYS 2nd place: Rendered portrait of your TTRPG character ✦ 5 Raffle Winners: Sketched portrait of your TTRPG character + personalized token with custom border! I’ll choose two of my favourites between the DTIYS entries, while the raffle ones will, of course, be picked randomly. I’m so looking forward to see what you’ll come up with!! Best of luck to everyone and happy painting~
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undyingmedium · 5 months
💀 Bad memories. ⭐ Best memory. 🎄 Celebration (Thanksgiving, Christmas, fictional holidays, birthday…)
💀 "Nothing seemed to make sense anymore. I even started to fear it could have even been the Deep One's plan all along, to push me in the arms of those cultists, have them catch me and use me in their ritual, so that he could have a less rebellious and easier to manipulate doll without getting his hands dirty. I tried to escape from my shadow while my head threatened to split in two and four and a million pieces; next thing I knew were scared strangers holding me down and restricting me from using magic, and then... a blur, for weeks and weeks..."
⭐️ It took quite a few moments, for me to process all the informations I was receiving. Mikatosh was protected by his own magic, locked and trapped in his own barrier with knowledge that could doom us all. He told me about the Deep One and his past. About his connection to the Gloomriders; to the Eclipse. And all I could do was... feel proud, and even further convinced of what I was doing. I still am today.
🎄 "Even if it wasn't a celebration in its traditional sense, the small ritual that Mikatosh held before being turned to stone moved me deeply. Witnessing the contact with Rovan when his cleric asked him about our wellbeing... gave a sense of mysticism that I can't remember about anything else. The contact with the divine is something else; fascinating, just not made for me."
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undyingmedium · 6 months
Top 1d4 favorite people, other than family
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"Other than family? That's unfair, they're all my precious ones..." she pouts, marking the childish tone in her voice, but then she just shrugs it off and loses herself in a mumble.
"...if that excludes all of dad's contacts too, that means I'm going to have to exclude also Vornask and Hoodie, and that pains me. Yes, I'll keep calling him Hoodie. He denied me his name the first time like you did, dad, so he's Hoodie as much as you're the Deep One. You were luckier I felt like being less annoying as a child."
"I'll have to admit that the Shepherd caught my eye, very much so. She's understanding, calm, and very much embodies her own concept as a guide for others. Plus, she's got similar abilities to me, and it is rare to find someone like that. Plus, for my own curiosity, I have to find out if she and Nillan are the same person... the short dark hair speaks, she sees ghosts and talks to undead like us, she's another caretaker. That would be so interesting... the only thing that dissuades me from the hypothesis is that she looked unsure of how to fix her problem in the Dranan cemetery in the south. Was she testing me?"
"Oh my, only three people, this is hard... but I think I'm idealizing Mikatosh way too much. Just because he decided to turn into stone to be nosy about our business, it doesn't mean he's bound to become a favourite person of mine. Besides, we got along kinda okay, but I spent much less time with him than... with Hazim. Ooooh, my favourite librarian, what a nice company and a patient skeleton. Talking theories and history with him is a delight. I'm losing all the activities out in the streets of Nithmé to keep studying with him, but I can't say I've got that many regrets. Can I pocket him and bring him around when we leave town? Please?"
"And, last but not least... hah, feels like I'm biased, but I'm having way too much fun in emulating your teaching methods with another kiddo, father. Kairon's attitude resonates with my chaos, and his horrorish side is all the more intriguing when it blooms out. A creature that feeds on fear... what a creation. And yet, he's his own master now, and so he shall grow. I'll make sure to keep him out of mortal trouble, but I can't wait to witness his development."
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undyingmedium · 2 months
🍪 my favorite roleplay memory
// Considering only Tumblr? I've got plenty, and they remind me of how beautiful my witch Mirabelle was on the main blog - enough for me to never abandon the idea of renewing the blog and setting things in motion with her again. The stories between her and Blis were amazing. Anika and Lia have been awesome in their own rights as well, but Mirabelle lived for around 10 years! Of course her experience drowns the n00bies in comparison!
But in general? Shoot, I have too many scenes from both the main campaigns to choose, so I'll make a little list.
For Anika, I'm still thrilled at the Shrieking Horror scene through her background story that really marked the end of her early years and started the era of the cynical junkie she is, but also the in-game revelations about the Deep One with good old Mikatosh and the ritual that signed the passage from D&D to Pathfinder 2e (basically the switch from warlock to summoner class that made the Deep One into her summon) was mindblowing. Also, honorable mention of the badass moments during the latest fights, when the Living Vessel strikes and she fuses with her patron, or when her creepy side takes over and kills enemies with fear~
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undyingmedium · 3 months
When did you first have the chance to physically touch your father? What was it like?
"I gave up a very pretty mana sword to have that ritual enacted and taught... it was before the old party disassembled, down in the ruins we last explored together. Troubles with Mikatosh were already pretty advanced, so it's not like that event changed anything for him or for what would have happened on the lower floor, I believe..."
The medium closed her eyes, reliving the memory. "I dreamt of that hold countless times in the past years. That comfort - finally. It was cold, it felt like he could lose his solidity with too much pressure applied on the shadow, but it didn't matter. It wasn't too different from how I imagined it; I still can't quite explain it now that I can have it whenever I please. However, even if it felt so... risky, in a way - too daring - I also came to know of his imposing nature very well. The authority, the confidence. If you can imagine that conveyed through physical contact, then you know what it was like to me. And, together with him, I felt on top of the world."
"I can't wait to take this all to the next step."
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undyingmedium · 5 months
♡ Anikatosh crackship let's go!
Who asked who out first? I guess Anika, completely disregarding the fact that he chose to turn to stone to do her a "favour"
Who went in for the first kiss? Anika
Who gives the other nicknames? Anika
Who cooks the meals? Mikatosh is certainly better than her
Who has better taste in music? Mikatosh
Who hogs the bed? Anika
Who wakes up first? Mikatosh
Who makes the coffee? Anika
Who's the big spoon? Mikatosh
Who stays up the latest? Anika
Who reaches for who's hand? Anika for Mikatosh's
Who's a fan of PDA? Anika
Who snores? Does Mikatosh snore? He might???
Who gets annoyed more easily? Depends on the moment, it could be a good fight
Who initiates sex? Aaaanika
Who asks who for their hand in marriage? No marriage!
My muse's favourite memory of yours: The Serenity Lake ritual
A regret my muse has regarding yours: Being unable to stop him from investigating what he shouldn't have
If they could change one thing: Maybe she would have liked to find another solution that could bind him to her and the Deep One instead of having to turn him to stone until Anika's quest is over.
Their love languages according to my muse: Words of affirmation and acts of service
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undyingmedium · 6 months
What is the worst thing you've ever done? What is the worst thing you expect to do?
"Hmm... I live without regrets, but that doesn't prevent me from putting things on a scale... hm, I think the worst I've done is leaving the temple without a word when I saved Elexa. That's going to be awkward to fix when I decide to return there. Xilla? We had to part, our lives go down different paths. Killing the bounty hunters? I haven't spent a single offensive spell on them, so my hands are clean. The townspeople of Whitebridge got themselves involved with the drug dealers on their own, no one forced Mikatosh to investigate on us and the pact was more than merciful... hmmm... The deals with Mortel Dim and the Man devil were profitable... I hope they won't become annoying in the future. No, I think that's the worst I did. The rest," she shrugs, "it happened. And none of it is completely my doing."
"I don't know what's going to be the worst. I believe we have values and standards, so unless we have valid reasons to, we're not going to backstab any friend that doesn't deserve it. Hm... maybe we're going to have to hunt down more divine creatures? Is that bad? Why should we consider them superior to any other target, after all? I really can't tell!"
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thebaroness-art · 3 years
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Funny how stumbling upon those tiktok videos about making bubbles with your lips can inspire drawings of silly crossovers nobody really asked for... Lia would get the hang of it soon enough, while Mikatosh would be as perplexed and inquiring as always! They're both playing characters from the Pathfinder and the D&D campaigns I'm participating in, Lia is mine while Mikatosh is my friend's~ Click on their names here to find their character designs from a little further back. How would your own characters behave if they met across their universes?
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thebaroness-art · 3 years
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The Insurgent
Sphaira Glowbell is the first character I ever created as a child. She went through many reworks over the years, but today she stands as a dark paladin who fights for freedom. After awakening and realizing that the worlds are guided by superior gods, the “players”, she swore she would never again act according to their plan and she would live her life as she pleases! 
She played in a short prologue in the same world where Anika and Mikatosh exist. Also, a story based on the canon League of Legends lore was also created just recently. No matter how many worlds she visits though, her awareness and purpose will always stay the same.
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thebaroness-art · 3 years
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This is one of the playing characters of the main D&D campaign I’ve been playing since May. Mikatosh is a water genasi we found while he was fishing in a swamp. He’s devoted to Rovan, the god of oceans, seas, rivers, boats, sailing and fishing, and he seeks to encourage positive improvement wherever he goes.
This good soul of a twilight cleric already saved us a thousand times ♥
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