#mildly painful
realpokemon · 10 months
rodney is this worth it anymore people are releasing massive aggressive pokemon in your vicinity to get a funny pokeblr post
i'm sure the steelix was just a fluke. things happen sometimes. maybe it got released a few miles out and wanted treats or something. i'm sure that'll be the end of it for today
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neurotypical people will be like "yeah loud noises bother me too" and meanwhile i once had to sit in a closet clutching a pillow sob-rocking for 2.5 hours because a fire alarm went off for a few seconds
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some misc scribbles <3
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Mumbo: What happen when you stop shifting with your thumb? You got violently ill
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
komaeda: So yeah, basically thats how I died
sans: *wait did the poison happen before or after the fire?
komaeda: Oh, like during the fire
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Two idiots your honor
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aethernoise · 2 months
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comin' atcha with another cute dress + accoutrements! feels like I've been working on this for AGES but I really like it, hope you enjoy.
you can get it here :D
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citrine-elephant · 4 months
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hurt my arm again so i hurt leon lol
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grison-in-space · 15 days
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The face of a little dog very Concerned that I am missing bedtime and torn between accepting small "snooze" bribes to let me finish my episode and bullying me into going to bed and COMPLETING the ROUTINE
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candycryptids · 25 days
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POV you’ve asked her to subtract from her current maximum health to create a Prime Number
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everysongineverykey · 9 months
"but if aziraphale and crowley become human in the end it won't be fair because they'll only have a handful of decades to spend with each other :(" ok. well have you considered that their time together would not be any less valuable or happy if it were limited. have you considered that we wouldn't appreciate anything as much as we do if it weren't finite. have you considered that crowley and aziraphale have always, always only ever wanted to love and live like real people do like humans, without heaven and hell breathing down their necks, without judgment and constraints. that alpha centauri probably wouldn't be as beautiful up close as it is from earth, through human eyes. that the biggest miracle in crowley's eyes is aziraphale and vice versa. that yes their time together may be limited but it will be the sweetest most fulfilling most peaceful time either of them have ever lived, and when one finally goes gentle into that good night, he will know he's got nothing to fear, because the other will be waiting for him on the other side- he always will, in any decade, any century, any lifetime. have you considered any of that?
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thefeastandthefast · 6 months
Since I promised Mr. Feast I wouldn't watch ahead of him and he's slowly catching up, I've taken a pause in my gleeful binge of 一念关山 A Journey to Love to jot down a few of the disorganized thoughts I have about my best beloved favorite girl Yang Ying in the wonderful first eighteen episodes of this drama.
I cannot wait to see little pocket sized wolf cub Princess Yang Ying do her thing in the next half of the show. Honestly feel so blessed to have this character; there’s no one else like her in cdrama or American TV for that matter!
One of the themes I enjoy in stories about royal power struggles are narrative arcs for female characters who transition from naive to knowing, usually borne out of experiencing the inescapability of their femaleness in a treacherous sexist environment and consequently the limited array of tarnished tools at their disposal and the ways these tools are then deployed. I enjoy that type of story- Book Sansa Stark, my nostalgic fave! Zhen Huan! Minglan, even, in a way. As for historical examples, Empress Matilda! Isabella of France!
But I'm also absolutely relishing this twist on the familiar theme in A Journey to Love.
Because Yang Ying is a royal woman being explicitly trained to grasp the duties and wield the power of a prince, not the oblique power of a princess. The success of the mission, and the lives/fates of the Wu emperor, her subjects, and her now beloved friends in the delegation, depend on her ability to convincingly wear the mantle of princely responsibility, power, and prerogative and to physically and mentally embody this role. And for a child who is as malleable as she is in the beginning of the show, this incredibly formative AND transformative extended roleplay will inevitably become forever entrenched in her conception of self and her sense of possibility.
The kind of limited power she might have been able to achieve as an impoverished minor princess requires a very different skillset from the one she's acquiring. It would only be a contingent and conditional power, a la her sister-in-law the Empress of Wu or the Noble Consort Chu or Chuyue, the tomboy princess from the state of An, who perfectly demonstrates how a clever, capable, wealthy, beautiful royal woman with a powerful family is still a blunted sword.
What would be fascinating to explore, beyond her triumph as Prince Li of Wu (which, to reiterate, I'm SO EXCITED FOR), is the inevitable friction of what she would feel and do after mastering and embodying princely power but then must contend with the expectations and limitations of the identity she has long outgrown but will still be expected to perform once the mission is complete.
I don't think the drama will have time to cover this- after all, she is a supporting character and it would be a thematic tangent. But I suppose that's what fic is for! Maybe I will once again be inspired to write fic, depending on how they end Yang Ying's story...
Stories and characters that reveal emotional truth through pretense will always be my jam. In addition to the unexpectedly delightful Ren Ruyi/Ning Yuanzhou, I love this show so much for giving me Yang Ying.
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agent-calivide · 9 months
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I have no words. Just. H e r
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justbreakonme · 1 year
Whumpee has no idea how long they’ve been in the shower.
They should get out, dry off, and go to bed. Stop wasting precious water and time staring holes through the white tile wall.
But the pain is unbearable.
The only thing that had helped so far was aiming the blistering water at their aches and pains. They weren’t sure if the heat helped soothe them or simply gave them a different pain as a distraction, one they could control.
Time was running out, and so was the hot water. Any minute now Caretaker would be at the door, scolding them for wasting all the water.
Just one more minute, they thought over and over again, just another minute then I’ll be fine.
On the other side of the bathroom door was a bed that would hurt to lay in, sheets too hot and too cold at the same time, and hours of silent stillness.
They wanted to sleep. God, they needed to so badly, but it hurt too much. Every time they moved, no matter how they laid or sat or stood…pain.
They clung to fleeting moments of moderate comfort, where they could position themselves just right. But it never lasted.
A timid knock brought them out of their spiral.
“Whumpee? Are you okay in there?”
The question made tears form in their eyes.
No, no they weren’t, why did everything hurt to much? How could they be in so much pain?
“Yes, I’m just getting out of the shower…”
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kakyogay · 7 months
I may have been writing evil things but it's okay because I have a pebbles top scars concept with a spinkle of sunstone and another sunstone one where pebbles gets caught lovingly gazing at suns with a spinkle of gjinka bs
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rambunctioustoons · 1 month
urge to change the pants I'm using for moon cosplay. the star pants were a solid find! and very unfortunate I hate them so very much :'D
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whitmerule · 7 months
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today's mood.
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