#momiji aged up
simply-trash5 · 4 months
Found Forever
Had a sweet request from @twilightlover2007 for a Momiji little something and this was so cute. It's a little short but I hope you like it <3
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Pairing: Momiji X Reader
CW: none--fluffy fluff fluff
Momiji knew the moment he saw you that he had found his forever. 
That day in the park had started like any other for him, a nice warm day for him to run and clear his mind when he saw the sweet little bunny stuffie fly out of the stroller being pushed by what could only be described as an angel. 
‘It must be fate…’ he thought to himself as he chuckled and plucked the small toy from the concrete. He jogged alongside the stroller pulling an earbud from his ear and tapped you on the shoulder, your sweet face stopping his heart. 
“Excuse me, Miss…I believe this belongs to you…” Momiji said with an accent and smile that melted you on the spot. A blush bloomed across both of your cheeks as your hands brushed ever so slightly at the exchange of the plush toy. “T-thanks…” you stammered feeling like a teenager again. 
At the loss of momentum of the stroller your baby began to stir, making a fuss in her bundle and wanting her presence to be known. Momiji’s eyes lit up pleasantly at the sound of the baby. “What a sweet little face! What is her name?” he cooed looking down at your brunette bundle of joy. You reached into the stroller to grab your fussy infant who seemed to calm at the sight of Momiji almost instantly. “Her name is Mika–she is only a year old…” you smiled and kissed her cheek while Momiji smiled at the two of you fondly.
 You looked over at the tall blonde with a blush and a smirk. “Hey, I never got your name. How do I know you aren’t some creep who follows around young mothers in the park?” Momiji froze and began to stumble over his words. “I..I am so.. No my name is Momiji..” he stared at his feet suddenly feeling like a small child again who was caught sneaking a treat when he had been told ‘no more sweets’. 
You laughed loudly and placed your daughter back into her stroller. Momiji relaxed at the sound of your laughter knowing that it was the most magical sound he had ever heard. “Well, Momiji my name is Y/N if you would like to keep walking with us you can…” you offered with a mischievous lilt to your voice. You began walking without hearing his response, leaving him completely dazed. ‘Wake up Momiji…follow her!’ 
You soon heard his footsteps as he jogged alongside you and fell in step with you. The two of you walked until late in the afternoon talking about your less than amicable split with Mika’s father and him about his tumultuous relationship with his family; honestly it was cathartic talking with someone who was practically a stranger about the most deep parts of yourself…but when he walked with you to your car and helped you pack the stroller you had to admit you didn’t want him to leave.
“Y/N…” Momiji began to speak in a hushed tone, making you regret that the end of your time together had come. You nodded acknowledging him, “Can I see you and Mika again? I know that we just met and that it wasn’t exactly a date bu-”
You placed a featherlight on his cheek. 
“You talk too much. Of course I want to see you again.”
You grabbed his phone and put your number into it telling him ‘text me or else no more cheek kisses.’
Walking away from your car that night he knew, you and Mika were his forever.
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froqpi-art · 2 years
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i have this silly little dcst modern au where everyone is their real age (since their ages get so messed up with the medusa) but it mostly circles around uni student ukyo who somehow gets roped into babysitting/chaperoning a bunch of the neighborhood kids. it’s so funny to me that ukyo, hyoga, sai, xeno, and stan are all around the same age
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hairscare · 11 days
late s2-s3 fruits basket is not good.............
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thelittlepie · 18 days
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Haru is not in the line up because I had just recently drew him so he already had his spotlight (okno actually Haru and Hiro both were in the lineup right beside Kakeru but I got tired so I didnt get to finish them on time 😅)
Anyway, in my head, their age and heights (in the future) are as follows:
21 Momiji: 177cm
22 Kyo: 182cm
23 Yuki: 179cm
23 Kakeru: 181cm
22 Haru: 183cm
17 Hiro: 176cm (and still growing)
//this is in no way canon, but Yuki is slightly shorter than Kyo, Kakeru and Haru in the manga)
Also, as working professionals, Momiji being the heir apparent to a family business, so he is currently working alongside his dad. Kyo, a dojo instructor and a personal trainer (so I made him bigger than the rest to accomodate that profession, also because I want to lol), Yuki, a lawyer because he's as snarky as he is cunning, and Kakeru, a pilot i guess. 🤣
Haru would be a jewellery and goth/rock/punk shop owner, most probably a frequent collaborator with Ayame. And Hiro, a student.
I drew them based on a fanfiction I am currently writing so whatever you read here is, again, all headcanon 🤣
I wish we had been given more of their afterschool life but since we didn't, I shall just make my own.
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yukisprincesswifey · 2 months
nicknames | fruits basket men hc
summary. pet names that the men of fruits basket prefer to call you.
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for the longest time yuki preferred to call you by your first name, believing the notion to be more intimate. but as your relationship progressed, he found himself calling out to you as my love.
kyo is definitely against the idea of giving you a nickname. it’s a combination of his self loathing and insecurity that make him fear being ridiculed or shut down in any way so he doesn’t even try to give you one. if you’re lucky, one day when he’s finally gotten comfortable enough, you’ll be lucky to hear a soft ‘baby’ escape his lips.
with a deep, raspy tone, hatsuharu loves to address you as sweetness. he always says it with an undeniable confidence that makes your head spin earning complete satisfaction from the both of you.
from the moment you meet shigure he nicknames you darling, which atones to the domineering part of his personality. often opting to reference you as ‘my darling’ which drips with a honey-like sweetness, he loves to cradle your face seeing as these two actions compliment one another.
similar to haru, hatori loves to call you sweetheart. surely with a much more innocent intent, tori gifts you this name to embody the light and joy that you’ve brought into his life.
with all the lovey dovey nicknames that ayame loves to call hatori and shigure, you’re bound to get a couple repeats yourself. my love and my darling are two of his favorites to call you, though his personalized nickname for you is ‘beautiful’ which he tends to address you by without a second thought.
as momiji is pretty new to romance, he’d take his sweet time finding a nickname that sounds pretty and compliments your personality well. eventually, he’d land on honey, alluding to your charming personality and your beautiful looks.
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ps. i write all characters aged up 18+!
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cinderella-ish · 2 months
Yuki, Kakeru, and the boyhoods they never had
So, I was talking with my partner the other day about how Kakeru and Yuki are always touching each other (one of many reasons they're the most popular non-canonical furuba pairing on Ao3). Anyway, it got me thinking-- if we don't read all this physical contact as necessarily romantic, what are some other possible explanations? An examination:
When Yuki first meets Kakeru, he immediately gets up in his face talking about his favorite Super Sentai character, then walks him out of the student council office with an arm around his neck, despite Yuki's obvious discomfort.
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When Kakeru puts a hand on his shoulder soon after, he teases Yuki about his feminine features. Yuki bats his hand away and decides he already hates Kakeru.
In Kakeru's next appearance, he puts a hand on Yuki's shoulder, removing it when Yuki gives him a death glare.
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When Kakeru stays behind that day to needle Yuki about Tohru, Yuki is the one to initiate touch this time. This leads to the two of them sharing a moment of vulnerability and the true beginning of their friendship. Kakeru putting his thumbs up on Yuki's shoulder is also a change to the way he's touched Yuki before - it's perhaps a bit more comfortable for Yuki, who's reacted negatively to all touch from Kakeru before this. Kakeru's communicating in his own way that he'll try and consider Yuki's needs from now on.
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Next, we have the Kyoto trip, in which Yuki is still not fully comfortable with Kakeru (shown by his embarrassment when he tells Kakeru they wouldn't be friends anymore), but is starting to consider him a friend and spend time with him intentionally. We also have some sweet moments like this exchange between Haru and Kakeru, which Kakeru takes very seriously.
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After this, Yuki finally learns (some of) Kakeru's backstory when he goes to help Kakeru clean up after Machi destroyed the student council office again. Yuki gets context for why Kakeru is the way that he is, learns about the successorship conflict, and then tries out some Kakeru chaos for himself. We also see Yuki initiate touch for the third time. I think this episode is where the real shift in their relationship happened. Yuki sees that there's a wisdom to Kakeru that he wasn't seeing without that context of Kakeru's oppressive childhood-- something to which Yuki can relate all too well. In a way, Kakeru's impulsiveness and sense of fun is his own way of either reclaiming or living out the childhood he didn't get to have, along with other traits like his love of Super Sentai.
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And now, a brief aside.
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We see pretty clearly that the other three cursed Sohma boys around Yuki's age are all pretty comfortable interacting with each other physically. Kyo will roughhouse with Haru and give Momiji noogies, Momiji will hug or lean on both Kyo and Haru. These sorts of interactions began when they were young boys, and are pretty typical of boys through adolescence. Yuki, being shut in a room with Akito or alone, didn't get to have that experience of boyhood. All his physical interactions with Kyo are negative, and his physical interactions with Momiji are neutral-ish (Momiji jumps on him at the culture festival, Yuki dabs his tears in Kisa's first episode, and Yuki scolds Momiji a handful of times). (Aside within the aside: while Haru sometimes reciprocates the affection from Momiji or rough play from Kyo, he clearly has a special way of physically interacting with Yuki in the T-shape and shirt pinch, or the stroking of his chin, etc..., and he initiates touch with Yuki much more often than with the other two, likely because he noticed that as one more thing Yuki was missing out on and wanted to include him in a way that would be comfortable for him.)
So when Kakeru tells Yuki about his childhood, and Yuki gets stuck in the storage room later that episode and has a flashback to his own terrible childhood, he's already primed to open up to Kakeru about his own childhood and to start looking at the world more like Kakeru does.
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So, after that day, their friendship becomes much more physical. Yuki no longer bats away Kakeru's hand and even initiates touch more often. They roughhouse and Kakeru often puts his arm around Yuki in a gesture of affection. To me, it's a way of reclaiming those experiences they didn't get to have in their childhood-- especially the type of friendships neither of them got to form when they were younger.
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yuzusern · 2 months
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This year’s movie is 7/10.
Should’ve named it Detective Conan: Tracking device tag (I’m corny)
Spoilers ahead in the cut ⬇️ And I mean a crazy amount of spoilers. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
Set in Hakodate, Hokkaido prefecture with the theme of the entire movie about swords and the lost treasure no one can find after they hid it.
Half Japanese rich guy (with a crazy band of mercenaries) goes around and tries to steal them for himself after KID steals the two he had in his possession.
There’s just so much lore and deductions in this movie that action scenes are halved compared to recent movies.
And the amount of tracking devices the characters used. Conan, the half Japanese guy, KID, the actual murderer, even Hattori!! I can understand most but Hattori??
Let’s not forget the love story between Heiji and Kazuha. At least it progressed, but figures the ending would end up like a joke as usual and Heiji’s screaming internally.
Momiji was in the movie but she was playing “Where in Hokkaido is Hattori Heiji?” And went all over Hokkaido looking for him (Her role was basically Hokkaido PR for the viewers. She helped with the puzzle solving but the rest of the time, she’s in her helicopter finding Hattori)
Aoko makes an appearance in the movie because her father gets shot protecting a suspect. Ran and Aoko don’t meet but KID’s pretty much keeping watch over them, hoping Nakamori will wake up. KID is blaming himself for not being able to stop the shooting in time. And that scene is burned into my memory because that is one powerful moment to realize KID never wants any harm to come to Nakamori, even if KID himself is getting shot at.
Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko also show up but if you weren’t in the loop about the frenzy that happened on Twitter, to put it short, Yusaku and Kuroba Toichi are twins. Yusaku is the older, Toichi is the younger. Which makes Kaito and Shinichi first cousins.
They’ve touched on this 18 years ago in files 570-573. Toichi told young Shinichi that he’s his younger brother (in reference to Yusaku). But it isn’t exactly direct and a very odd statement to make at the beginning of the case. Yusaku was also the one to name him KID because of Toichi’s handwriting of 1412 looks like KID.
But besides that case, they don’t touch it until the movie (which is also not canon btw, including all movie OVAs and episode tie ins). If Gosho adds it to his manga, then we can consider the fact canon (so 570-573 brother fact is canon for 18 years but people are deciding to scream about it now)
This whole movie revolves around the age old question, “Are Kaito and Shinichi related?”
But the one thing everyone should be screaming about is Kuroba Toichi is alive in the movie. After being confirmed dead and come up at the very end of the movie to text Yusaku, this was a shocker. And wearing an all black version of KID’s outfit.
As for the 2025 trailer, we gonna get Kogoro in a forest. In the middle of a blizzard. Don’t ask 😂 I was just as lost
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Below the cut is the contestants and their matches!
Each poll will be 1 week long, and they'll go out 10 at a time. The exact date and time polls will start going up is a little up in the air right now, because I'm going out of town over the weekend. So they might begin as early as Monday 18th, but probably not later than Wednesday 20th. I'll let you know the night before.
Anyway, just think of this delay as time to write propaganda ahead of your dog's poll going up!
Ruff Ruffman (Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman) vs Muttley (Wacky Races)
Snowy (Tintin series) vs Dog (Columbo)
Maliketh, The Black Blade (Elden Ring) vs Wolfie (Until Dawn)
Unnamed Dog/The Imitator (The Thing) vs Whisper the Wolf (Sonic IDW comics)
Queen Teatinu (Healin Good Precure) vs Nigou/Tetsuya 2 (Kuroko no Basket)
Melody Amaranth (Super Lesbian Animal RPG) vs Pappy van Poodle (Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball)
Sunkist (HLVRAI) vs Dog that can Drive (Drawfee)
Hylian Retriever (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) vs Wolf (Minecraft)
Bee/Bay (Dragon Ball Z) vs Shadow (Homeward Bound)
Blue (Blue's Clues) vs Ein (Cowboy Bebop)
Snoopy (Peanuts) vs Clifford (Clifford the Big Red Dog)
Argos (The Odyssey) vs Barkspawn (Dragon Age)
Diogee (Milo Murphy's Law) vs Winston (Hannibal)
Good Boy (DuckTales) vs Bear (Person of Interest)
Daisy & Winnie (The Mistholme Museum Podcast) vs Heidi & Jackie (Hello from the Hallowoods) 
Missile (Ghost Trick) vs Sparky (Frankenweenie)
Bond (Spy X Family) vs Goddard (Jimmy Neutron)
Scratch (Baldur’s Gate 3) vs Iggy (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Cujo (Danny Phantom) vs Cujo (Cujo (1983))
Momiji Inubashiri (Touhou Project) vs Tequila/Ernesto Salas (Arknights)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes) vs Scooby Doo (Scooby Doo media)
Shrimp (The Upturned) vs Holidog (Holiday World)
Rapunzel the Corgi (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) vs K9 (Doctor Who)
Blue (Wolf’s Rain) vs Shiba-Warrior Taro (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Annoying Dog (Undertale) vs Old Dan & Little Ann (Where the Red Fern Grows)
Chou Chou (Shoujo Cosette (Les Miserables anime)) vs Porthos (Star Trek: Enterprise)
Pompompurin (Sanrio) vs Krypto (DC)
Sorry-oo (Moomin) vs Tau (Palia)
Jake the Dog (Adventure Time) vs Lesser dog (Undertale)
Noodle (Nona the Ninth/The Locked Tomb series) vs Nina Tucker/Alexander (FullMetal Alchemist)
Lucky the Pizza Dog (Marvel Comics) vs Seymour (Futurama)
Wishbone (Wishbone Series) vs Angelo (Final Fantasy VIII)
Ox (Dimension 20: Unsleeping City) vs Hewie (Haunting Ground)
Bingpup (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System) vs Elena (Spiritfarer)
Barnaby B. Beagle (Welcome Home) vs Charlie B. Barkin (All Dogs Go to Heaven)
Polterpup (Luigi’s Mansion) vs Gromit (Wallace and Gromit)
Santa’s Little Helper (The Simpsons) vs Slink/Slinky Dog (Toy Story)
Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog) vs Twig (Hilda)
Zosimos/Zozo (The Glass Scientists webcomic) vs The BTS Wolves (Midnight Burger)
Unnamed Dog (Teletubbies) vs Shigure Souma (Fruits basket)
Dachsbun (Pokemon) vs Hector J. Peabody (Mr. Peabody & Sherman)
Inuyasha (Inuyasha) vs Frank the Pug (Men in Black)
Sam (Sam and Max) vs Barnabas (The Sandman)
Duck Hunt Dog (Duck Hunt) vs Mira (Silent Hill 2)
Fairy (Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Shiloh (Shiloh series)
Makkachin (Yuri!!! On Ice) vs Becquerel/Bec (Homestuck)
Rush (Mega Man) vs Dogmeat (Fallout 4)
Dog (Good Omens) vs Zamazenta (Pokemon)
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sasaranurude · 1 month
For no reason other than I like the sound of my own voice (...sight of my own typed words...?) here's the character dynamics in 18trip that have managed to intrigue me from just the promotional content. Some shippy, some not. In no particular order
Akuta and Kiroku. Oh my gooodddd the sunny one and the gloomy one are friends... No way... And the way Kiroku smiles so softly when he talks about depending on Akuta for support!?!?!? Adorable!?!?!?
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These two were simply made for the softest silliest slice of life shipfics. You know in your heart that they should be written walking around town getting ice cream together and having almost-confessions that get interrupted by a seagull stealing Kiroku's ice cream so Akuta tries to chase it down and get the ice cream back.
Renga and Liguang. They seem to have a bit of a rivalry going. Renga in general seems real fun as a character since he's trying so hard to be such a haughty celeb but even in his two minute interview he failed so bad at it, fumbling over his words and struggling to do basic celebrity things (bro you should be able to give some fanservice lol? The high schoolers are beating your ass). Love the bit about how he wants to live up to part ward mayors, he seems like a guy who desperately wants to be more than he is but doesn't know how to. Liguang is said to be the type who sees through facades to discern someone's competence, so there's so doubt that's why he's zeroed in on Renga. Excited to see where that goes--I hope we get Liguang tearing Renga to pieces so that Renga can build himself back up more confidently. That kind of dynamic can be super fun.
Kafka, Yukikaze, and the MC. I love that the MCs have a preexisting relationship with Kafka and Yukikaze. And it's both of them! Because they're siblings! I love that! Kafka can absolutely be a childhood friend for both of them! And obviously Yukikaze would be a cousin to both of them LMAO. (I don't know if we have concrete ages for the MCs, other than the male MC Kaede being older than the female MC Momiji, but I thiiink--just to make the writing smoother between gender choices--they'll probably put both of them in the 21-24 range between Kafka (20) and Yukikaze (25). I'd guess Kaede is 23 and Momiji is 22 bc again, the closer in age they are the more similarly they can be written so it's just for the sake of expedience, but I'm pulling these numbers out of my ass.)
ANYWAYS, ages provisionally established because those few years gain a bit more importance when you deal with characters who knew each other as kids... about the dynamic--Kafka's quotes in his quiz results MAKE this one. He likes the MC lots ("you're my number one, too", "guess I'll have to plan a strategy to become your number one") to the point that he's competitive about it with Yukikaze, their older cousin. Just, ohmygod, sickly little Kafka who cares about his childhood best friends so much, watching them look at their successful pro figure skater older cousin in awe, hoping to god they'll look at him with that much admiration and affection, and when a risky surgery finally saves him and he can get out there and be successful--he'll do anything to get his friends to look up to him the same way he used to look up to them, the way he saw them look up to Yukikaze--IT'S GETTING TO ME. We don't know how Yukikaze feels about any of this, but I kinda suspect it's a one-sided rivalry on Kafka's part lol. We'll see, it could be fun if it's a mutual rivalry for Kaede & Momiji's affection too. Also, mentioning it at the end since I know it squicks a lot of people, but the "cousin as first love" trope prevails in Japanese media, so there's also a reading of this situation wherein Kafka sees Yukikaze as a romantic rival. If this game takes off you will certainly see doujinshi where it's a love triangle lol. Since both siblings are around I like the idea of Kafka having a bisexual crisis because he realizes he's in love with BOTH the Hamasaki siblings, WHAT DOES HE DOOOO!! The more I write about Kafka the more I like him.
Muneuji and Ushio. I mean, I just spent way too much time talking about some childhood friends so I'm certainly not going to ignore the OTHER childhood friends. I like how both of them play around a bit with gendered expectations, with Muneuji looking feminine and speaking softly but wanting to hide his appearance entirely via his interests (space), while Ushio looks and acts like a rough lil delinquent but his main interest is being a patissier and fudanshi. Oh my god they're narrative foils, ykwim. Other than them depending on each other lots, we haven't seen how their dynamic will play out, so I'm interested to see how that goes. Like, does Ushio take Muneuji's helmet quirk in stride? Does he try to make him remove it, or maybe the opposite and will protect him from the fangirl helmet-removal gang to get his helmet back on? Either could be cute! We'll see! Oh, and I'm not sure how to word it, but there's also something I like about how their interests clash--space is, while, space, it's out there, can't get much farther from earth than space, and Muneuji engages with it by hiding himself and separating himself from the world. Sweets on the other hand are very much an in-your-body thing, forcing you to sit down and experience your own senses and be a part of the world. There's something nice that could be done with that contrast. Basically, what I'm saying is that if you wrote a BL about just these two, it could be SO thematically rich.
Toi and Ryui.
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Yeah. Also on top of the codependency their theming goes crazy. An angel fortune teller with psychic acuity and a devilish charm-maker who's possessed by a ghost... Bro...
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KUGU-NII?? KUGU-NII?!?!?!?!?!? LIKE ok Nanaki is a musician from a musical family and Kuguri is an accomplished pianist. So it's not hard to imagine how they met. But becoming close enough that Nanaki relies on him and calls him Kugu-nii... Oh my god... I need to know...
Lightning round "character pairs I'm excited see interact but I have either very little or no basis at all for wanting that"
Nagi and anyone. I like Nagi. I like how he makes jokes with a flat affect. I want him to say strange things to people.
Netaro and anyone in day2. He's weird. I want him to interact with the children just for funnies. Especially Muneuji, I wanna see how the space kid and the alien get along.
Kafka and Toi. It's interesting that Kafka likes fortune telling. I won't psychoanalyze him about it again, but I could.
Netaro and Kinari. It's the engineer and the android and I need it. TEAR THAT ROBOT APART! PULL HIS GUTS OPEN AND SEE WHATS INSIDE!!!!!!
Chihiro and Toi. Toi's admiration for Chii is adorable. I wanna see how Chii interacts with a fan.
Chihiro and Ryui. Ryui, you're allowed to kill Chii if you get jealous of how much your brother likes him. I give you permission.
Liguang and Yukikaze. I want Liguang to treat this professional athlete who's older than him like a pet bunny. Who said that
Yodaka and Liguang. I like that they play mahjong together.
Yodaka and Netaro. I think if they talked the conversation would very very quickly leave the realm of the waking world and would simply not be comprehensible to outsiders. But they understand.
And ok eh yeah that's enough for now. Who knows if any of these will end up going how I'm thinking about them, or if more sides to the characters will be revealed that change my assumptions :)
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cynicallyanime · 1 year
The Distance Between Us
Author: @cynicallyanime
Warning: Lots of angst with a fluffy ending! (Also memory loss.)
Notes: Sorry if this seems a little short or cut off in a weird spot. I’ve been trying to get back in the groove of writing. But, I’ve been having lots of personal setbacks. I had originally planned for more of the story so I might make a part two later if I find the motivation. Please COMMENT/REBLOG if you enjoy!
Pairing: Momiji Sohma x yn
Words: 5,965
Momiji Sohma was always a peculiar one. Ask anyone who's ever met him. They'll tell you about how he liked to wear feminine clothes until high school and he finally hit a growth spurt. Or they'll tell you about his accent and frequent use of German words that hardly anyone understood. Maybe they'll even tell you about how he always had a smile on his face and goofed around like a little kid, never taking anything too seriously.
The first time I met Momiji was when we were both really small. Probably, like, age twelve or maybe even younger. But, he went to an all boys' school and I went to a regular one. So, that's not where we met. I actually met him when I was preparing for my first big duet competition.
I play the piano. I have ever since I can remember. And for the competition, I needed a violinist to play alongside me. Or at least, that's what my instructor told me. My family had me in solo lessons, so practice was always pretty lonely. I was excited to finally be able to make a friend I could share music with. However, it was up to my instructor to make the match for me. I just hoped she picked someone nice.
There I sat at the practice piano on the day we were supposed to meet. All my instructor told me was that he was a boy, he was my age, and that we were at the same skill level in each of our instruments. So, it was a good match for the competition coming up in a few months.
I expected someone very studious. Someone who would probably not want to have any fun. That's just the way my instructor was. All work and no play. So when the door to the studio opened and I turned my head to see, I was surprised to say the least.
In barged the exact opposite kind of person I had imagined. A little blond boy skipped in through the doorway before the adults could even open it all the way. He bounded straight over to me with his violin case clutched in his left hand and practically touched his nose to mine.
"Hallo!! It's so wunderbar to meet you!!" His light brown eyes shined happily, the same as his broad smile. But, I couldn't help but be a little lost by his accent and the way he was saying things. "I'm Momiji Sohma! Und I can't wait to play together!"
Despite his friendly personality, I was still too flustered to speak properly. "I-uh..."
"Momiji. You're here to practice together, not play. Understand?" The stern adult scolded him. I presumed it was his violin instructor that had come with him.
He instantly stood up straight. "Ah! But we are practicing to be able to play together! No?" The instructor rolled his eyes likes he was used to his antics.
"Excuse me," I whispered out, not quite as outgoing as he was yet. He turned his eyes to me in surprise. "Why...um...why do you sound like that?"
He tilted his head and put one finger to his lips as he thought. "Sound like what? Hmm...oh! You must mean my accent. I'm part German on my mutti's side!" He explained with no hint of offense at all. Then, he continued with a small wink, "Mutti means my mother, by the way."
"Oh!" I finally relaxed when I realized that he wasn't intimidating at all. He was actually quite kind. "It's so nice to meet you! I'm yn yln!" I reached out my right hand and he took it without hesitation to shake it.
And that was the beginning of it all.
For the next few months, we spent nearly every day after school together. Hours upon hours of playing the piano alongside him made me so happy. His violin playing was so amazing. His face would become so serious while he concentrated on his strings. Sometimes I just wanted to listen to him play by himself. But our instructors said if one of us was playing, then the other should be too.
We learned so much about each other so fast. For the first time in my life, I had felt like I truly had someone I could call my best friend. Except...he wouldn't hug me like I saw all the other best friends doing. In fact, the closer we got...the further he moved away from me. At first, we would high five, bump shoulders, and even touch foreheads. Just like the first day we met. Out of nowhere though, he suddenly seemed shy around me and we stopped doing all of that stuff.
That was what was peculiar. The outgoing and bubbly boy who had become my best friend changed completely when I tried to get closer to him again. That made me a little sad. And also curious if maybe I had done something to hurt him. But, I never pushed because I wanted to keep being best friends.
Finally, it was the day of the competition that we had been practicing so hard for. But, we also had so much fun together that it hardly felt like practicing and sometimes I forgot that there would be an end. It was my hope that we could continue to be friends even after the competition. Maybe we could compete in more if we won this one. I had made up my mind to try harder than I ever had before.
A few hours before the competition started, I walked into the massive building with my hand held by my mother's. I gripped the skirt of my fancy dress in my other hand while she checked me in, nerves starting to get to me. All the nerves went away, though, when I finally saw Momiji.
The door opened to the green room we were waiting in and he skipped in, like always. My heart started racing so fast it felt like butterflies were hatching in there. I had never seen him dress so formally, all buttoned up in his suit and tie. He was so cute.
"Yn!!" He exclaimed upon seeing me as he walked closer. Maybe it was just my false hope, but I thought his eyes sparkled when he looked at me. "I've never seen anything prettier than you are!"
His declaration caused me to blush hard. So much so that I had to turn away. Our instructors and my mother excused themselves to go get some drinks, since we would be performing last. I clutched my hands over my chest, wondering if I would be able to hear the keys over my heart out there.
"I mean it, you know," he said softly, leaning his face to be in front of where I was looking. "It's not just the dress. You're always shining, just like schatz...like treasure." Momiji placed his hand on my shoulder for the first time in weeks and all my worries melted away.
I couldn't hold back anymore. I had to know why he had been distant from me. "Momiji," I whispered, eyes fixed on the ground, "do you...hate me?"
"What?" He sounded genuinely surprised. Like he didn't even know that his actions were impacting me.
Finally, I fully met his eyes as one of the tears that had been building up inside for weeks slipped out. "I asked if you hated me!!" His eyes widened at my volume and I was shocked a little bit too. But, how could he say I was like treasure when... "I thought we were best friends! But, you don't ever want to be near me anymore! You...you say I'm like treasure but you won't even hold me like I am!"
My outburst left a deafening silence hanging in the air. Tears flowed freely from my eyes. And Momiji...looked like I had struck him right across his face. His hand fell from my shoulder and I wished I could take it back. I opened my mouth to apologize and beg him not to stop being friends with me. But, he spoke first.
"You are wrong." I wanted to cry more at his words. How could I be wrong when I could see it so plainly? "It's because you are my best friend that I can't do that."
I clenched my fists. Couldn't he at least be honest with me? "Why?? How does that make any sense?!" I clapped my hands over my face to hide how red and puffy it was getting. Embarrassed. I was so embarrassed by my own behavior.
"Yn, stop that." His tone was stern but kind and he reached out to pull my hands away by my wrists. "Don't hide your sadness. Especially, when I'm the cause."
"Momiji," I sobbed, "I don't understand what you're saying." Feelings were hard at that age. First, you were confused about what they were in the first place and then about why they wouldn't go away. Mostly, I was confused because he was contradicting himself.
He reached out with both hands to wipe the wetness from my cheeks. Then, he patted my head so gently. "I want to hug you. But, if I do...bad things will happen. I don't want to stop being friends-"
"Then, don't!" I had listened to enough. My body moved without me telling it to. I slammed into his chest and wrapped my arms around his middle so tightly. "Nothing would ever make me stop being your friend!"
Then, it happened.
In a puff of yellow smoke, Momiji disappeared. The sudden absence of his body sent me tumbling to the ground. I sat up on my knees as the smoke started to clear and looked around. All I could see was his clothes piled in a heap where we were standing.
"Momiji?" I couldn't believe my eyes. The clothes heap started rustling. "Uh!"
I was scared of what it was...until a little yellow bunny poked its head out. Somehow, I didn't even have to ask. I knew it was him. His long ears sagged and his nose twitched as he looked at the floor. "I tried to warn you."
"Ah!!" I yelled in surprise. I hadn't been expecting him to talk in that state. But, I settled down pretty quickly. "Sorry! You just caught me off guard. That's all."
He looked up at me, his ears raised the tiniest bit. "You're not...scared at all?"
"Of course not!" Tears started to form again, except this time, they were happy ones. I promptly scooped him up and cuddled him in my arms. He placed his tiny ones on my shoulder. His nose nuzzled into my neck while I gently rested my cheek on top of his head. "You're my best friend, Momiji. I want to be friends with you forever."
I could feel the cold droplets falling onto my skin.  So I held him closer with my hands. As I set him down and smiled at him, a noise on the other side of the door made us jump. Without thinking, I scrambled to shove his clothes out of view and hid him behind me as the door opened.
Our instructors and my mother had returned with the drinks, laughing and chatting about who knows what adult stuff. Momiji's instructor immediately whipped his head around. "Where is Momiji?" I gulped. I didn't know why, but I lied.
"The bathroom...? I think? Or maybe backstage?" I pressed one finger to my chin thoughtfully. "He did say something about watching the others from a good seat..."
With a groan, the instructors quickly left to search for him. My mother took a few steps in and looked over my face. "Sweetie, what's wrong?? Is it nerves?" I nodded.
"I think I left my lucky bracelet in the car," I lied again, "could you get it for me, please? I think it would really help."
She took one look at my pitiful face and her expression softened. "Of course, sweetie. I'll be back soon!"
I let out a sigh of relief just as I heard a poof sound behind me. "That was clo-" The words died on my tongue as Momiji reappeared...naked. "Ahh!"
"Thank you," he said calmly, and proceeded to put his suit back on while I turned the opposite way. "If they had found out, we wouldn't be able to see each other anymore."
We sat next to each other on the couch and he told me everything. The curse that ran back generations in the Sohma family. That hugging the opposite sex triggered the transformation and that it lasted for varying amounts of time. That no one was allowed to know or the head of their family, Akito, would be furious and erase their memories. It was a little hard to swallow. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would've thought he went crazy.
With his secret finally out in the open, he clasped my hand in his. I squeezed it tight, never intending to let him go. Of course, I had to when it was our turn to perform. I thought I couldn't get any happier up on that stage playing with Momiji. But, then we won and we were allowed to keep playing together for more competitions.
Day in and day out for six months we would meet up to rehearse. We would hold hands when the instructors weren't looking, and when they left us alone for short periods, I couldn't help but hug him. One day, I even got up the courage to give him a peck on his little pink nose. When he returned to normal he was as red as a sakura blossom.
Momiji had his birthday in that time, so he had turned thirteen before me. It was finally my birthday...and I knew what I was going to ask for. I waited on my piano bench in the rehearsal room like always. The keys played a soft melody under my fingers and I hummed until I heard the door open.
Momiji walked in and closed the door behind him. I was so excited to see him that I missed the signs. Skipping over to him, I grasped his hand to pull him over to the bench with me. I couldn't feel how he dragged his feet over my racing heart.
"I finally know what you can give me for my birthday!" He had asked weeks ago and I couldn't come up with anything. But, it had finally come to me. "Momiji, I li-"
He squeezed my hand as he interrupted me. "We can't, yn."
"You...you don't even know what I was gonna say," I protested, worry seeping into my skin.
When he finally met my eyes, I saw it. They were red and puffy and his nose was as pink as it was in his bunny form. "I do. Because I want to say it too..."
"What happened?" My voice came out barely above a whisper. I didn't want to know the answer because I knew it was bad. I felt it coming off him in waves.
He sighed. "We can't be friends anymore."
"But...why?" My heart shattered.
His other hand covered our clasped ones. "Akito found out that you know." My eyes widened. "He doesn't want anything or anyone to take us away from him. So, I can't see you anymore."
"No," I whimpered, "that's not fair!"
I watched as he scrunched his eyes closed, his eyelashes becoming wet. "He said...you have to have your memories of me erased."
"No!" I yelled, standing up abruptly. "He can't do that! I don't want to!"
Momiji opened his eyes and looked at me brokenly. "You'll be better off...not remembering. You'll be safer. He'll leave you alone that way," he tried to explain. I just kept shaking my head. I didn't want to hear it. Suddenly, he got up and grasped me by my shoulders. "It's not a request. Akito's word is final."
Tears started dripping rapidly from my lashes as the door opened. A studious looking man in a trench coat walked in. He looked guilty already. This must be the one that does it. I quickly looked at Momiji, curling up his shirt in my fists. "Please, don't let him do this, Momiji!"
"I'm so sorry, yn!" He sobbed and reached in his pocket before pulling something out. Angling himself so the strange man couldn't see, he grabbed my face in his hands and pulled me closer. Momiji pressed a soft kiss to my lips as he slid something under the layers of my short hair. "Happy Birthday, mein schatzi," he whispered in my ear as he pulled away.
When he did, I almost reached up to pull it out and look. But, he glanced over his shoulder and I realized it was supposed to be a secret. "That's not fair," I cried but smiled slightly, "kissing me like that when I won't be able to remember."
"I'll remember for the both of us," he stroked my bangs softly out of my face, "I promise."
He held my hands as he sat me back down on the bench. I took a deep breath, trying hard to stop crying so the last time I looked at him wouldn't be blurry. Finally, I nodded. "Close your eyes. It will be over quickly." The man said as he stood in front of me.
"Thank you, Momiji," I said as I closed my eyes, "for being my best friend." All I felt was falling asleep.
I opened my eyes and groaned. Lifting my head up, I saw that I was in my rehearsal room. "Did I fall asleep at the piano?" I looked around as I stood up and stretched. It seemed...emptier than before. "That's weird," I chuckled to myself and scratched the back of my head as I went to pick up my bag.
My fingers grazed something and I carefully pulled it out. "What's this?" I mumbled. Turning it over in my fingers, I saw a yellow, bunny-shaped hair clip. Something poked at the back of my head briefly. I shrugged. "Where'd you come from? I think I'll keep you. It is my birthday, after all!" I used it to clip my bangs back and decided to leave for the day.
~Ten Years Later: Momiji's POV~
I'm tired. These auditions are never-ending. My dreams are finally starting to become a reality. Ever since the curse broke, I've gotten closer with my family. So, I've started preparing for the concert that I want to put on just for them. My father, my sister, and my mutti. The one I promised to play for Tohru will come later.
The thing about the concert is that I thought it would be more fun for them if I wasn't playing alone. So, I'm searching for someone to accompany me. I've been holding these auditions for days and yet, no luck. It's not that they're untalented. But, they're all...missing something.
I've almost given up entirely. There are still a few musicians left on the list for today. But, I can't bear anymore. I stand up to gather my things from the table as someone walks onto the stage. "I'm sorry, but I've decided to cut things short for today. I'll be leaving now," I sigh, not looking up from my stack of papers.
"Oh," says the voice of a woman. "I understand! Does that mean I'll be first to audition tomorrow?"
That voice. Older and more mature, but still somehow the same. My body goes rigid and I'm afraid to look up. It's not her. It can't be. Tentatively, I peek up at the woman standing on stage, her hair pulled into two low pigtails. She smiles shyly and my heart constricts. Surely, it's not. I look back down, scrambling through the list of people auditioning today. It's got...to be here...somewhere...aha!
With a flourish, I hold the paper up. Her picture is attached to the corner and so I lift it up to uncover the name. I can't believe it...it's been how long? Ten years, almost? Quickly, I sit back down. "Play."
"You," she pauses uncertainly, "want me to play now? I thought you were leaving..."
I clasp my hands under my chin and lean forward intently. "I've changed my mind. You'll be the last today. So, please," I gesture one hand toward the piano, "play me something that you love."
Even from this distance, I can see her cheeks blush under the stage lights. She nods and makes her way to the piano. The light glints off of something in her long hair and my heart skips a beat. A bunny clip holds the bangs out of her eyes as she sits at the bench and takes a deep breath.
Just when I thought I couldn't be any more surprised, she starts playing. Fond memories wash over me as the notes fill the theater. This is the duet piece we played at our first competition together when we were children. Does she remember? How would that even be possible?
Perhaps, she chose this piece because it reminds her of the first competition she won. That's the thing about how Hatori erases our secret from their minds. He leaves just enough of the truth that they wouldn't notice anything is missing. There's no other explanation for why she chose it.
She's gotten taller...but not by much. Then again, I've grown as well. I'm sure I would tower over her if I could stand beside her. We're different people now. We've both gone through so many experiences that shaped us into who we are now...experiences that we didn't get to share with each other like we were meant to.
"Mr. Sohma?"
Her gentle voice pulls me from my thoughts and back to the present. I got so lost in them that I didn't notice the piece was over or her standing in the center of the stage again.
"Are you...alright?"
I tilt my head quizzically at her. Why would I not be? I'm confused until I blink again, and something warm slides down my cheek. Reaching up, I feel the wetness that has gathered there. I quickly wipe the tears away and stand up, plastering a smile on my lips.
"Yes, yes! I'm alright, danke!" My feet move me toward her of their own will as I continue speaking. "You just played so sweetly that it moved me to tears." Suddenly, I'm so close that I can see the surprise glinting in her eyes and I realize that I ran to her. "I don't remember that piece being so sad the last time I heard it," I admit.
She ducks her head for a moment before looking up at me from beneath her eyelashes. I knew it. I knew that I would finally be taller. "It's not supposed to be, actually," she begins shyly. Still so nervous despite all the talent in the world. "The original piece is a duet with the violin. It's missing its other half...so I can't play it without longing or sorrow."
"Where do you suppose its other half is, then?" I question, never letting my gaze leave hers.
I watch as a hopeful shine fills up her eyes. "It's right here." It feels as though my heart stops completely when she gestures to me. She remembers me! Overcome with emotions, I step forward. Ready to wrap her up in my arms and never let go again. That is, until she gently places her hand on my chest to distance herself from me. "Mr. Sohma...what are you doing?"
As quickly as my heart soared, it came crashing into the ground. Of course, she doesn't remember. She only meant I was the other half because it's the job she's auditioning for. I step back, bowing my head slightly.
"I'm so sorry, miss," I clear my throat for fear that she'll hear how disappointed I am. "I don't know what came over me. The job is yours...if you want it."
She clasps her hands in front of her lips. "Oh, really?!" Yn gasps. I miss her always having that excitement in her voice when she's near me. "But, I thought you have more auditions to go through..."
"I don't need to hear any more," I declare, "you are the one I want." She nods and I take that as her acceptance. "Wunderbar! I'll contact you in a few days with information regarding rehearsals. Danke and enjoy the rest of your day!"
I turn to go gather my things without a second thought. But, I'm stopped in my place when something pulls on my hand. I look down and see both of her slender hands grasping mine. When I glance at her face, I see that she's blushing and looking at our hands in shock.
"I just wanted to say..." I watch as she turns redder and redder before she finally meets my eyes. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I'll work really hard to make you glad you chose me!"
Some things never change. I smile softly at her while I take the hand she's not holding and pat the top of her head once. "I don't think you'll have to try too hard." The flustered look on her face makes me chuckle for the first time in days. "Bis bald, Miss yln."
Finally, I leave the dim theater to walk around in the late spring sun. Sakura petals float though the breeze as I sit on a bench and stare at my hands. I can still feel her small hands holding mine and the soft strands of her hair. So what if she doesn't remember me? We can make new memories now. Yn fell in love with me once, as children...we can fall in love again. There will be nothing to stop us this time.
Over the course of the next few months, we spend every other day together. It's almost like old times. The weather is getting hotter and she's started wearing her hair up. I have never seen her look so beautiful. I find myself getting so distracted looking at the loose hairs on the nape of her neck that I mess up frequently. But, each time she laughs and the embarrassment is worth it.
She's been so professional. Never wanting to take too long of a break to chat or stray off course for long. It's hard trying to get to know her again. She's very different from when we were kids. I can tell that she keeps a carefully placed wall up almost all the time. But...I don't know why. Could it be because of me? Does she remember the feeling of being hurt and abandoned, but just not the reason why?
On one particular day when the leaves are starting to fall, we get out of rehearsal so late that the sun has already set. I clasp the handle of my violin case as we exit the studio I rent side by side into the cool breeze. She bows toward me politely, like always.
"I'll see you next time, Mr. Sohma!" Yn turns to leave, but I want to stay close to her.
So, I call out. "It's been about four months since we've been working together!" She turns around in surprise. "Let's celebrate! It is dinner time and I kept us too late today." My heart thuds in my chest while she hesitates.
"Oh, no! I wouldn't want to trouble you," she begins to politely decline.
I tilt my head to the side. "You're never any trouble to me." Her eyes widen, the streetlights twinkling in them. "I insist. I'd like to get to know you better, anyway. You don't talk much about yourself..."
"I just don't think it's a good idea..." she says hesitantly. "We shouldn't mix our personal and professional lives." There's brief regret in her once twinkling eyes.
"Oh, I see." Disappointment sinks my heart into my stomach. "How long have you been together?"
Her eyebrows cinch together momentarily as her lips part. "What do you..." I smile softly, trying not to let it show in my face that I can't breathe. After looking over my face for a long moment, her face lights up. "Oh! I'm afraid you have it all wrong, Mr. Sohma!"
"I...do?" I try to keep my hope in check.
Then, she giggles gently, eyes closing in amusement. "Yes!" She opens her eyes once again and meets mine. "I'm not seeing anyone...romantically...that's not why at all," she explains, "I've actually never dated anyone."
"How is that possible??" I blurt out before covering my mouth with my hand. Her cheeks flush red with embarrassment. "No! That's not what I meant! I just figured that you're so wunderbar...there's no way someone hasn't-"
I cut off my stupid rambling before my foot slides further down my throat. She rubs the back of her neck sheepishly. "It's sort of silly...you might laugh."
"I won't," I say hastily, "I promise." Placing a hand over my heart, I lean a little closer to her. "Feel free to talk about anything you like with me."
Hesitation mixed with something else war on the expression of her face. With a sigh, she sinks onto a nearby bench and gestures for me to take the empty spot next to it. "I'm waiting for someone special," yn reveals.
"Isn't...everyone?" I genuinely question.
She shrugs, brows furrowing in what looks like an attempt to sort though her thoughts. "This is different. It's someone I've met before."
"!" Her words cause my heart to stop beating and my lungs to stop taking in air. I thought she had no memories left.
Her hand reaches up to tentatively touch the bunny clip in her hair that she's worn every single day I've seen her. I watch as her lips curl into the whisper of a smile, nostalgia painted in the way her eyes soften. Her eyes shift to mine and I jump slightly, not prepared for this look of complete and utter innocence.
"Have you ever...felt like-no," she corrects herself, head tilting up to look at the stars, "have you ever known that something important was missing? Like, you walk into a room and forget why you went in there in the first place but you know it was for something you needed?"
I nod silently as she looks at the clasped hands in her lap. "Of course..." You. You are what's always been missing for me...
"The past ten years have been that way for me," she admits with a sigh. Finally, she looks back at me again. "I found this clip in my hair on my thirteenth birthday." Pulling the clip from her hair, she holds it up for me to see. "Someone gave it to me. And I can't remember who..."
"Are you sure you it wasn't just a gift from a classmate?"
She shakes her head. "I didn't have friends as a kid." I want to take her hand in mine so badly. But, she always shies away from contact. "The piece I played for my audition...I won a competition with it as a child. Except...it was a duet competition. How can I not remember who I played with?"
"..." I can't find any words to say. Hatori messed up somehow. There's no other way she would be able to put it together. But...she's been thinking of me and looking for me all this time! How do I tell her it was me?
Waving her hand dismissively in the air, she lowers her head. "I told you it was silly-"
"Not at all!" She glances at me, grief swimming in her eyes. I'm the cause of that. She should never have that look on her face. I scoot closer and open my arms to give her a comforting hug.
She flinches back, panic filling her features. "What about the curse??" I immediately stop my movements as she looks around. "I'm sorry," yn covers her mouth in surprise, "I...don't know where that came from."
I can't stand it anymore.
Without thinking, I wrap her up in my arms. She goes still for a long moment, her heart thudding so fast against her chest I can feel it in mine. I carefully take the clip from her hand and place it back in her hair. "Yn," I whisper into her hair as I kiss it.
Seconds later, her arms slowly wrap around my middle. She clings tightly to the back of my jacket as she starts to shake. "Momiji!"
"What did you say?" I pull back slightly to search her face.
Her eyes are watering, a few tears dripping off her lashes. She sniffles, rapidly looking at every aspect of my face before smiling. "It's you."
"It's me." A small sob escapes her as she throws herself back into my arms. I squeeze her tightly, lips buried in her hair, never intending to let go of her again.
But, she untangles herself from me abruptly and scoots back. "Wait, what about-" she waits, probably realizing that minutes have gone by since our embrace and I'm still human. "How did...when did-"
"Oh, mein schatzi," I chuckle warmly, the hole that's been longing for her finally filled, "I have so much to tell you!"
Her whole face lights up. She finally remembers me. We're finally together. Nothing is standing in the way of us living the life we were always meant to live together. She reaches out and cups my face. Her thumbs brush my cheek and come away slick. I didn't realize I was crying, too.
"My birthday is coming up," she whispers hopefully, "and I know exactly what I want-"
I swallow her words with my lips on hers, my hand cupping the back of her neck gently. She presses against me, her arms holding me snug against her. Our lips push and pull, like the waves that crash on the beach shore. And I'm sure I'm not getting any oxygen because the only thing I want to breathe in is her existence. Her serendipitous reappearance in my life.
My lungs start to burn and I know that it will have to end soon. But, I don't want it to. I want to keep feeling her in my arms, smelling the perfume on her neck, and tasting the tea on her tongue. And she wants the same. I know it. But, eventually it becomes too much to bear, and I have to pull away.
We pant with foreheads pressed together, breath mingling in the air between us. "Sorry," I swallow thickly, "I couldn't wait until your birthday...I've already waited almost ten years for you."
"So, you..." She begins quietly, smile quirking one corner of her lips. "You've never..."
I brush a strand of hair behind her ear, closing my eyes as I kiss her forehead for a long moment. "I've never kissed anyone like that before. I've been saving it for you. Only for you."
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"Closeness Lines Over Time" (2019 - Olivia de Recat) / "The Maple Trees at Mama, the Tekona Shrine and Tsugihashi Bridge (真間の紅葉手古那の社継はし, Mama no momiji Tekona no yashiro Tsugihashi)" (1857 - Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川 広重)
CLOSENESS LINES OVER TIME: when i first saw it it gave me shrimp emotions & also i want to cry everytime i look at the sibling one. and the dog one. and the parent one. etc etc. (@whimsicalpdf)
THE MAPLE TREES AT MAMA, THE TEKONA SHRINE, AND TSUGIHASHI BRIDGE: i do not UNDERSTAND woodcuts. they're just literally woodblocks and yet somehow the artists are amazing at colours in gradients, and they never bleed over and i'm so jealous. this one is a little… simpler than so many others but. but. the orange has gone brown, just like real leaves. it's not what he intended but art imitates life this one time, and instead of the vibrant oranges of early fall, the leaves have aged to late fall browns (@kaerran)
("Closeness Lines Over Time" is a piece by Olivia de Recat.
"The Maple Trees at Mama, the Tekona Shrine and Tsugihashi Bridge (真間の紅葉手古那の社継はし, Mama no momiji Tekona no yashiro Tsugihashi)" is a woodcut print by Utagawa Hiroshige. It measures 13 3/8 x 8 3/4 in. (34 x 22.2 cm) and is held by the Brooklyn Museum. The image shows a view of the the Edo River, Tekona Shrine, and Tsugihashi Bridge from Mama, Ichikawa, Chiba Prefecture, Japan.)
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simply-trash5 · 4 months
Hope this isn't spamming you but I had the cutest idea:
So normally with little ones(this girl just turned 2) we, as adults, play pretend eating them(like eating their fingers, arm, leg, ect) to make them laugh. Well, I did this with one of my kiddos at work and she got real concerned and went "No, no, no! I spicy." It was the CUTEST thing I've ever heard out of a kid.
I'd love to see how Momiji or Shigure would respond to (either his kid or his girlfriend's kid) saying this to them. Hope you don't mind my 2nd message!
This sounds sooooooOOOO sweet!
Okay HC time below the cut:
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🐰Momiji thought your daughter was the cutest little being he had ever seen.
🐰she asked him to have a tea party with her and OF COURSE he said yes, pulling out all the stops.
🐰he made sure there was a fancy table, dishes, snacks; a princess tea party.
🐰”Momiji here cookie…” and holds out a cookie in her chubby little hand for him to eat.
🐰he takes a bite and gives her fingers a playful little bite making her eyes grow wide!
🐰”no! No! I spicy Momiji…” pulling her hand back from his face.
🐰Momiji howls in laughter and ruffles her hair saying “how could someone so sweet be so spicy hm?”
🐰needless to say she giggles and gives him a big hug before giving her stuffed bunny some tea.
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volleypearlfan · 11 months
I love Fruits Basket and all, and it’s even entered my top 10 anime of all time, but there were so many missed opportunities to have LGBTQ representation, especially since they forced many of the characters into straight relationships. Yeah you could make the argument that “it was a different time” when the manga was first made, but Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura, two other 90s shojo manga, had openly queer characters, so that argument doesn’t hold much water.
If I were in charge of Fruits Basket, here’s how I could incorporate queer representation
Arisa and Saki become girlfriends. It is extremely obvious that they like each other (and Tohru), and I felt as if Arisa and Kureno's relationship didn’t get much development (not to mention the age gap)
Ritsu is transfem. The fact that they made her (yes I use she/her for Ritsu) stop dressing like a woman made me so angry, since Ritsu was legitimately happy presenting as feminine. You could at least make Ritsu still be GNC.
Speaking of GNC, I’m also annoyed that they made Momiji stop being feminine when he grew up. In my universe, Momiji would still be feminine when he got a growth spurt.
I would put Yuki with Kakeru. I personally liked their dynamic much better than that of Yuki and Machi.
That’s about it
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nuri148 · 1 month
Unpopular Opinions game: ❤️💚💖
Ooooh let's see! As you probably know, my current brainrot is AoT, so I'm focusing on that for this dissertation 😆
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
I'll admit that, while I'm open to various ships, probably over 90% of what I read is rivamika and so my picture is pretty cropped. Also, I'm not afraid of the back button. But there are versions of Levi I've read that make you go "who is this character and why's he named as my blorbo?" It's worse in the few self-ships I've read (make him look more babygirl than Momiji Sohma) but he tends to be portrayed way, waaay more sweet and articulate than he is in canon. I can sort of forgive that up to some point, however, bc it's fanfic and it's self indulgent and we like to idealize our blorbos. I guess if my fave was Erwin, or Jean, or whoever, I'd tend to see their mischaracterizations more. However, the mischaracterization that stood out to me the most was in a rm fic where Mikasa acted the absolute opposite of herself. It was a modern AU, but it wasn't a case of different setting-different life-different traits (like, say, an articulate Levi in AUs where he had a good upbringing). She was downright vindictive, manipulative and conniving in that one. I recall I left a kudos after the first chapter because it had started well enough, but by the time I finished I couldn't bring myself to leave a comment. The story itself was interesting, but it was so far removed from her character that I just couldn't.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I've laid my case here. (and rb and linked ad nauseam)
And was very glad that an actual psychologist recently argued in a similar note.
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
This is a hard one as I don't go around making popularity contests. One might be Levi's age, as still most fics make him 15+ years older than the 104th.
But the one I think is the most unppopular is that Eren can't possibly know what percentage of humanity he destroys in the Rumbling. He can't, NO ONE can at that point, because the actual extent of the damage and body count can't be known until weeks, if not months, after the Rumbling stops (they don't have internet or satellite phones so data assessment and communication takes time), and because the titans are no more after his death, he cannot remember this info from the future Attack titan (it's a closed time loop, so they can't see things in paths from after the time loop). It's just a silly thing, if you ask me, it's just an oversight from Isayama, who has proven to be shit with numbers, and he could have just said he wiped out "most of humanity", with Armin confirming the number in the epilogue. But people won't hear any of it.
(on a side note, 80% of humanity does not mean 80% of territory, as people are distributed unevenly across the globe)
Thank you so much for your ask! And sorry it took me so long to answer. These questions are food for thought and I've been so busy I've had little time for that!
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chatterbox-73 · 1 year
A New Years Kiss 2023.
Day 1 - Happy New Year, Dear. (Repost)
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Sohma Hatsuharu x Fem!reader.
This story is a smut story for the New Year, I’ll be writing more characters x reader one shots for the New Year and if you want to see a character please let me know...
I’m aware others may have different New Years celebrations and traditions, however I typically stay home with my niece and nephews… partly because I like looking after them, but mostly because I don’t drink or like going out into big/over crowded places… so I just sit and watched the New Years specials on TV and our suburb’s firework display.
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
A/N: Sohma Hatsuharu is aged up, this one shot it set after the curse is broken… p.s I ship Rin and Hatsuharu so much.
Summary: You and Hatsuharu celebrate the new year’s with a hot bath and a steamy exchange.
Word count: 1.1k
CW: NSFW and adult content, bath/bathroom sex, unprotected sex, established relationship, against the wall, slight fingering, implied aftercare and slightly angst (just reader being kinda jealous and insecure).
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“It’s a lot colder then usual” you smiled as you leaned further into Hatsuharu warm body, he hummed and tightened his grip on you, “I can’t believe the year of the tiger is soon to be over…” you looked up at him and cupped his face, “you should give Momiji a call to wish him a happy new year, after all its going to be the year of the rabbit… and besides that he was kind enough to call last New Year’s Eve to wish us a happy new year” you smiled and brushed a thumb over his lips. “I guess you’re right” Hatsuharu kissed the tip of your thumb before lifting you off his lap, however just as he was about to stand, he stopped and instead leaned into you and rested his face against your chest, “it’s too cold without you” he whispered as he snuggled his face between your breasts, you chuckled and ran your hands through his hair. “Don’t leave me, okay” Hatsuharu sighed, you hummed and kissed the top of his head, “Haru, you know Momiji isn’t the only person you have to call… she’s also excepting a call and I promised her, you would” you sighed sadly as you referred to Hatsuharu’s Ex, Sohma Isuzu.
Hatsuharu pulled back and gave to a tight lip smile, “you’re too nice for your own good” he held your face, “if me talking to Rin bothers you that much, stop setting up phone calls” Hatsuharu hummed and you shook your head, “look, I might be possessive and easily jealous, but I’m also extremely prideful and won’t let others know how much their actions affect me.” Your hands rested on his chest, before you leant in and kissed him, you looked at him with a soft smile. “I’m going to run a bath, join me when you’re done on the phone” you stood and held out your hands to Haru, he took them and stood as well, “okay, I’ll be quick” he walked past you to grab his phone.
You set the water temperature before sitting on the wooden stool next to the overly large tub, after scrubbing off your body and rinsing off any soap, you stepped into the tub and felt the hot water slightly sting your skin, this was because you had made the water hotter then usual, Hatsuharu was going to take a little time before coming to bathe and you still wanted it to be hot for him when he got there. You sat in the water with your legs pressed to your chest as you hug them and rested your head on your knees, your chin and lips were submerged and you anxiously sat there blowing bubbles just like a young child would as you waited for your boyfriend to join you.
“How cute… the water looks nice” Hatsuharu smiled while he stripped himself of all his clothes and jewellery, placing his clothes in a basket and his jewellery in a little tray on top of the towel cupboard. Hatsuharu walked over to the stool and started scrubbing himself, before rinsing all the soap off, while doing all this you watched his every movement intensely, “do you enjoy admiring my body that much, you’d stare so intently?” Haru questions with a smile as he stepped into the hot water and hummed, “it’s still hot” he smiled as he sat across from you and leaned back on the tub with his arms resting on the edge. Hatsuharu smiled at you and you could only blush and turn around facing the other way, you heard Haru chuckle and felt the water ripple as his hands rested on his shoulders, “why are you acting so shy?” He hummed and pressed his face against your ear, “let’s kiss… I want you to be with me” Haru whispered in your ear, you looked back at the white and black haired man. Hatsuharu had a slight smirk on his face as he leant in and lightly kissed your lips, before he sat back into his original spot, you turned your whole body towards him and leant into him before rested your hands on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You giggled as he pinched your hips and you lifted your butt, before wiggling it, “teasing me, huh?” Hatsuharu hummed before lightly smacked a hand down onto your ass and rubbed over the spot he smacked. Hatsuharu brought his hand down to your aching cunt, your moan echoed against the bathroom walls as his rough finger rubbed soft circles onto your clit, before he trailed his finger up to your wet entrance, Haru slipped his finger into you and immediately found your g-spot before he began to gently rub it with his finger tip. You moan louder and gripped Hatsuharu’s shoulders as you pushed yourself back onto his finger, “let me give you more” he sighed before pulling his finger out you and before you got the chance to whine, Haru pulled you onto his stiffness. You both threw your heads back and moaned as Hatsuharu slowly bounced you on his member, “Haru more… I want it all” you moan loud and dug your nails into his shoulders, he groaned as he stood and lifted you up, before pressing your back against the cold bathroom wall.
Hatsuharu thrusted into you and grunted as you scratched down his back, while you squeezed around him as you began to lose yourself in the pleasure and edged closer to your climax. Hatsuharu’s hands gripped tightly on your ass and rested his head in the crook of your neck as his hips faulted, before you both came with a loud moan.
Hatsuharu stilled himself inside you before he sat back down into the bath water and you rested your cheek on his shoulder, “Haru… hold me close and never let me go…” you hummed as you gripped onto his chest and kissed his neck. Hatsuharu wrapped his arm around you tightly and cupped your cheek before kissing you deeply, “I’ll never let you go… so don’t ever push me away…” he whispered against your lips, “I won’t” you whispered back before closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
When you wake again, you were lying naked in your bed with Hatsuharu’s arms wrapping you in a warm embrace, you both lies facing the large window in your bedroom, “the fireworks will start soon, just keep watching” Haru hummed and you watched the window, until suddenly the sky fulled with bright colours and light, you laughed and giggled as Haru kissed your neck.
“Happy new year, dear.”
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Day 2: New Year’s Sugar. - Gojo Satoru
New Years Kiss Masterlist (Coming soon)
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charislcarousel · 4 months
Fruits Basket Season 3 Ep 13 thoughts
AAAAA last ep I’ve been putting this off for years I’m not ready!!!
Not Uo and Hana with their dirty jokes😂
Aww Kyo realizing cats have no interest in him anymore
Not Machi punching Kakeru into NEXT WEEK
“If you call me Mama right now, I’ll forgive you.” SAKI WHAT WHY R U SO THIRSTY
Kyo comforting Tohru is EVERYRHING
“It’s the start of a new banquet, right?” Woaaat what a good quote, Kyo
“The evil one has fallen!” 💀
Ritsu’s hair!! So short!
Hiro cupping Kisa’s face makes me so soft
Momiji, cute as ever
His new dream🥰
Don’t worry Momiji I’ll be your amazing significant other
Kunimitsu, what’s with the “woah”?? The fact that Saki and Kazuma are talking and with each other😂 cus yeah that actually is the craziest age gap of this whole series
Ayame is still so funny I love him
Ooooooh we getting more Hatori and Maru content?👀
Maru’s sense of humor is great
Maru lamenting over the fact that she’s flat and Hatori saying “That’s no news” 💀💀💀
Yuki’s reminiscing is PRECIOUS
“I wanted to be loved and needed. And then you appeared and made it all come true.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 “You gave it to me. That’s how I’m standing here right now.”
He wanted a mother’s love all his life and she could give it😭😭😭😭
They all love her SO MUCH AWWWW
And that’s all SHE ever wanted!!!!
Awww her daughter and granddaughter look JUST like her
They’re old and happy aww
It’s over…
I waited like a decade for this and it’s finally over. So worth it. Loved every second.
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