#momoshiro & kaido & ryoma
kisaownworld · 26 days
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(Part 1) This took me a while to do but I"VE FINALLY DID IT!!!! YAHOO!!!!!
So this is my first impression of Prince of Tennis/Tenipuri characters, starting with the Seigaku team. For now, I've only watch playthroughs of Gakupuri and saw a bunch of clips from the show. (maybe i'll check out the series in the future) I've ended up really enjoying the characters which lead me to making these powerpoints just talking about them.
I've also discovered that u can draw in powerpoint so i decided to try it out and have some fun with it, Hope the doodles makes the slides more fun-looking!
(Part 2)
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alexoreality · 2 years
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Momo and Kaidoh: *casually arguing although a bit more tense*
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Suddenly turns to Ryoma who just asked a question
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Echizen "everyone's baby" Ryoma being taken back cause they don't glare at him like that
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Quickly ending their conversation so to not make baby of the first string worried
Istg these two...
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Tezuka Kunimitsu from The Prince of Tennis is a gay asexual cis person who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Fuji!
Oishi Shuichiro is a biromantic demisexual bigender person who uses he/him and she/her pronouns, and he's dating Kikumaru!
Fuji Shusuke is a GNC gay AFAB person who uses all pronouns!
Kikumaru Eiji is a pansexual catgender person who uses he/him and nya/nyas pronouns!
Kawamura Takashi is a heteroflexible asexual demiboy with social anxiety who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
Inui Sadaharu is an aromantic asexual boyflux person who uses he/him, ze/hir, they/them, and hx/hxm pronouns!
Momoshiro Takeshi is a pansexual cis person who uses he/him pronouns, and he has a crush on Kaido!
Kaido Kaoru is a gay demisexual trans man with bipolar disorder who uses he/him pronouns!
Echizen Ryoma is an autistic demiromantic asexual trans man who uses he/him pronouns!
dni link
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ryuichirou · 8 months
Whoa, Prince of Tennis? That's a classic! Do you have any favorite characters/ships?
Yesss! Prince of Tennis is another title that is dear and special to us despite the fact that it’s been literally more than 10 years since we’ve rewatched it lol And this is why it’s a bit difficult to talk about faves and especially favourite ships. I feel like if we revisit it now, we’ll have some new ships, plus there could be some old ones that just don’t excite us as much anymore.
Keeping that in mind, we really love Ryoma and a big chunk of the Seigaku team (Momoshiro, Kaido, Inui, Fuji…), a lot of the Hyotei guys and a lot of the Rikkai guys (especially Yukimura, Sanada and Kirihara). I have a couple of Atobe figurines, and I would still call him one of our favourites, he is just way too great. OshiAto used to be a big ship for us, so I would say that we love Yuushi too. And Hiyoshi, he is just fun in general.
Sanada and Yukimura are a nice ship, but they are one of those ships that we’re confused about right now: I’m not sure how their dynamic would click with us now. But in general, they are great characters, both of them are very enjoyable and we reference them a lot.
Oh, and we really like Momoshiro/Echizen. They just make us smile~ which means they are insufferable lol
These are the ones that came to mind first, but we also love Kamio, Ibu, Mizuki, Yuta, and probably some others that I’m forgetting.
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More Prince of Tennis headcanons (cause I finally found all 179 eps!):
Every once and a while Tezuka will look down at Echizen and go “I would take a bullet for you” and Echizen just responds with “k” every. single. time
The team has given up on getting answers out of Tezuka. They’ve asked him a million times why he says this and every single time he acts like it didn’t happen
Fuji says “it’s like a reflex for him at this point” and that’s the closest thing to an answer the team will ever get
Sometimes when Echizen is being a smug little shit Oishi will just pick him up by his collar and carry him away. Like a mama cat wrangling her baby
I was reminded that Oishi comes from a family of doctors but the idea that he doesn’t know how to use a first aid kit properly makes me laugh
Kaido, Eiji, and Echizen would be the funniest trio ever. Cause I’m just imagining Echizen being an arrogant little shit and pissing someone off
Kaido getting mad at at said person when they get pissed off at Echizen and trying to start a fight with them
And Eiji being dramatic as fuck (cause you know… youngest child) and yelling shit like “yeah Kaido fuck him up he made chibi cry” while Echizen is trying to make himself cry on command
Honestly I’m kind of convinced that Inui’s drinks have made the team immortal. It would honestly be the least surprising plot twist of the whole series if Inui said “I’ve made us Devine beings”
I think they also wouldn’t be surprised I think they would all have the same reaction that’s something along the lines of “with all the hell you put us through the next one better give me fucking super powers”
Now like the queer bitch I am I will bring sexuality into this
I think Echizen is aroace or demi. I’ve been watching this little brats dumpster fire of a love life for 100 episodes and I can safely say I don’t think he wants or needs one
Tezuka: that’s a pansexual man if I’ve ever seen one. I just have a feeling that he wouldn’t be tripped up by things like gender
Fuji: demi I don’t know I just have a guttural feeling like you have to reach level 100 of friendship for Fuji to even think about looking at you romantically
Eiji: bisexual when this bitch showed up on screen doing his little flips and tricks I was like “that is a raging bisexual” just something about doing the most in something as simple as tennis gives of bi energy
Oishi also pansexual like Tezuka I feel like he wouldn’t really care about gender if he thinks they’re cute the he thinks they’re cute you know?
Momo another raging bisexual emphasis on the raging. He’s gotten into actually fights with people about his sexuality
The team has had to pull him off of people while he kicks and screams
The whole team secretly thought it was hilarious but they still had to “scold” him afterwards just to keep up appearances
Kaido also gives me demi vibes I don’t really know how to explain it other than it fits him
Inui is demi and ace this man will fall for one person and will stay in love until they do something irredeemable
Kawamura I can’t really tell if he’s 100% gay or 100% straight but something tells me it’s one of the two. Cause I can’t really picture anything else
Also coach Ryuzaki is a lesbian. Does she have a granddaughter? Yeah. Does that prove anything? No
I also can’t imagine anyone on the team being neurotypical like something tells me they’ve all gotten an adhd or autism diagnosis at one point in their life
Am I just projecting at this point? Absolutely. Can you stop me? NEVER!
You know that one tiktok audio that goes “we’ve both got autism haven’t we?” “Yeah” “well that’s good to know”
That’s Seigaku’s dynamic and a nutshell and I love it
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I have one complaint: Momo is not the captain???
I mean, I love Kaido, I do, but they have been building Momo's analytical skills for a long time. I thought for sure they were developing him so he would be the next captain.
Also, it would be comedy gold: Momo as the captain, he's good, he's great even, but he's not the toughest and he, sometimes, can be unorganized, he doesn't like to be too hard on the members and he can be a bit of an air-head. That's why Kaido is his trusted vice-captain. The one that scares everyone right away, that delivers the punishment, the one that organizes stuff when Momoshiro messes up. He's a great captain at the end of the day, but he needs someone like Kaido to make him function. Also, he has the rest of Seigaku to lean on too! Also, it would be a breather from the serious captain (Tezuka) and caring vice-captain (Oishi).
So some people will think Kaido is the captain, and some people will say that just to annoy Momo (I'm looking at you, Ryoma! He'll definitely start it, but Kamio will follow immediately).
And! Momo calling Ryoma to complain: "They don't respect me, Echizen!!"
"Well, I wouldn't respect you either, if you showed up two hours late because you were 'saving a cat from a tree', Momo-senpai..."
"It's the truth!!"
"Echizen, we need your help!"
"Why don't you ask Kaido-senpai to do it? Or literally anyone that is in Japan?"
"Fshhhh, it's gotta be you, brat."
"Eh, Kaido-senpai is there too... Hmm, what will I gain from it?"
And so many more situations like that!!
In short: fun, clumsy, but also really good Captain Momoshiro and his awkward, serious, overworked Vice-Captain Kaido.
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echizen-ryoma-1224 · 3 years
When Seigaku Plays Among Us
Tezuka: *first one spotted the murder and pressed the emergency button* a murder have been reported. It was Shusuke's doing.
Fuji: Ara ara Tezuka. Are you sure you're not the one? *Smiles mysteriously*
Takeshi: Oi, where's Echizen?
Kaido: Ssssssssss~
Momo: Shut the fuck up Kaido. Who invited you here!?
Kaido: What the fuck did you say!?
Momo: *about to type cuss words*
Oishi: Ma, ma 😅 don't fight.....
Inui: According to my data, the suspect being Shusuke is 80%......
Eiji: *being the house cat
Takashi: BURNING!!!!!! (Don't ask me how he got the racket)
Ryoma: *somewhere napping* huh-?
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puffinsional · 4 years
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based on this post
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walnxtz · 4 years
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🎾 S E I G A K U 🎾
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ionic-compound · 4 years
Prince of Tennis Headcanons
semi-random headcanons in no particular order
Some Seigaku members carry Inui juice bc he forces them to take a bottle of whatever's left after practice.
Some just dump it (Ryoma, Momo) while others keep it to keep motivated (Kaido)
Everyone likes to ignore Mizuki. At first, it was always Fuji who blatantly denies his existence, but everyone found it funny so they adopted it too.
Mizuki is furious that this happened.
Yuuta feels bad that he thinks it's funny too.
The only reason they play reckless and have an extremely low amount of empathy (aka wrecking each other on the court) is because they're 12-15 and no one cares about the future or other people during that age
Ryoma never joins group hugs because he initially doesn't feel as connected to them.
He still cares but physical affection is difficult for someone as reserved as him, and he's only known them for a couple of months. Probably not enough time to get that chummy with them.
Doesn't mean he hates it though
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nekoclyo · 4 years
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The new regular...
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holycowbrowniekitty · 5 years
Another full houkago chapter!! 
Jump SQ 2017-9 Issue
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alexoreality · 2 years
The Princess of Tennis - Ryoma Echizen
Ryoma’s a girl! Surprise! Well, technically not a welcomed surprise since she apparently had a horrible experience in America tennis as a girl. 
“What are yo- HEY, LET GO OF MY HAIR!”  
“You sure like to play tennis with this long thing, what is it? Some sort of tradition in Japan? Hah!” 
“Hey, why do you have scissors-” 
Snip. Snip. 
“Pin her down boys.” 
“Whoops! I cut you instead, but this might be a suitable punishment for you! Why not stab you through the head while I’m at it?” 
“Y-You wouldn’t...” 
“Should’ve thought it through when you messed wih us!” 
“With that disgusting tennis play too, what are you?? A dancer?!” 
“Play tennis like its tennis you stupid girl!” 
“Aw, look! She’s crying!” 
“That’s right, cry! All girls cry over puny things, that’s why they’re so weak!” 
“If you play like that, you don’t deserve to play tennis!” 
Ryoma shot up into a sitting position, her eyes frantically searched her surroundings. Right, she was in Japan... In her room, safe and sound with her cat... 
Karupin stood up from her curled-up sleeping position and jumped up to her favorite’s bed, sensing that she has woken up from a horrible dream (or a recall of hellish memories) and urged her hand to pet her furry head. 
“Karupin...” The girl nicknamed ‘Prince’ smiled tiredly yet sweetly at the mischievous creature. 
The cat meowed in delight as her owner rubbed her palm over her head. “It’s just another nightmare, but I haven’t had it in ages ever since I joined the Tennis club and became a Regular. Neh, Karupin... I feel something bad is going to happen.” Ryoma took her family cat and scooped her into her arms, rubbing her head affectionately against her cat’s head to calm her anxiety. 
Karupin purred softly as she rubbed back, small sensations vibrating through her and sending it to Ryoma. “Well, I want to be early this time. So...” It was 6:10 AM, she settled her cat on her bed and swung her legs to the edge of her bed. 
“Morning, Karupin. Sorry I woke you up like that.” The dark green-haired highschooler stretched her limbs to get ready for the day. 
She opens her door from her room. Ryoma decides she’d take a bath first. 
“Oh, they’re going to be so surprised when they see me earl-” Ryoma cut herself off when she saw her reflection through the mirror. Her dark green strands were... Reaching her shoulders... 
“You sure like to play tennis with this long thing, what is it? Some sort of tradition in Japan? Hah!” 
Immediately going for the scissors in the bathroom, Ryoma starts to cut it short at an alarming rate. Her hazel eyes wide from fear at the thought of someone doing that to her again. 
She ignores the stinging from the cut she inflicted around her index finger, that wasn’t important, what was important was too keep her hair short so no one knew she was a girl no one knew she had long hair to forcefully brag from behind no one knew her at all and that was fine- 
“Ryoma-san? The food is ready. You should wake up soon.” The sound of her elder cousin’s voice snapped her out of her panic-like state. She now pays attention to the cut on her right palm and her left hand’s index finger. 
“I’m taking a bath!” Ryoma replied from the bathroom. 
“Really? Well then, I’ll wait for you downstairs!” 
Ryoma takes one glance at the strands of hair on the tiles surrounding her. She closes her eyes while furrowing her brows to will away the flashbacks of that horrible day. 
She went for a quick shower, reminiscing how she never told her family who even violently and practically shredded her hair off from her head. She remembers how worried her mom and dad had been when they got a call from the hospital ear her elementary school. She refused to speak; they would just hog her even more. She wouldn’t be able to have a normal high school life after that. Not like this current one is normal, she had weird senpais and that actually never bothered her the least. 
With her body on autopilot and drying herself up, quickly changing into her male school uniform. (She was thankful that he could also pass for a really short boy with a girlish face...) 
Taking her bag and happy with her new hair-cut, courtesy of herself of course. She walked down to the dining room and saw western food on her plate again, she could only sigh. “Sorry, Ryoma-san...” Nanako rubbed the back of her head. 
“It’s fine.” She drank half of her milk in one go, Ryoma started to eat to at least distract herself from her gut feeling telling her about something bad was about to happen. 
“You woke up, a bit early. What’s wrong?” Ryoma’s hand stopped mid-way from lifting the spoon into her mouth. She placed the utensil back down and breathed in. 
“I... Well, it's over now. Technically nothing to concern yourself about.” Ryoma put up her usual apathetic front, continuing to eat her breakfast. It was soon all consumed and she was ready for school. 
Nanako observed her younger cousin worriedly, her aunt filled her in on what happened to her back in America but... They simply didn’t know who or why caused it. Ryoma simply wouldn’t tell them. 
Her Aunt also said it was probably for the best since maybe Ryoma’s brain was managing heal the trauma on its own, maybe as long as they go on with their daily lives it would heal. However... 
Nanako knew it wasn’t like that. 
“You better get there in time!” 
“Yeah, I will!” 
Tezuka, the captain of the Tennis club watched the American tennis match provided by the coach attentively, what was she trying to convey? What is the coach trying to tellh him? 
As captain and currently the strongest regular on the first string. Tezuka has expectations he must meet or break through, what was the coach saying by ‘Watch the girl tennis player closely, she reminded me of someone on the team.’  
It was a girl, yet her tennis style doesn’t look similar to theirs. It was vastly different and felt enchanting to gaze at. Tezuka sometimes wipes his glasses every now and then to stop himself from fully immersing in the match and forgetting to observe her plays. 
It was finally her turn to serve... Tezuka thought of how she would do it but then- 
“A twist serve...?” It spun in another direction too, not like the traditional one... Could she be? 
No, no. There was no way. But... this match was aired before Ryoma even arrived in Japan... No, this was last year. This was live, last year...! A year before Ryoma attended this high school! 
The timelines mixed well. The techniques... The sudden change of movement... 
Was Ryoma hiding his- er...her identity? Was that the tennis only Ryoma Echizen can play? 
Tezuka rubbed the bridge of his nose, why though? Was Seigaku not trustworthy? Come to think of it, they didn’t have a girl's team and there was no rule that a girl can’t join. So, their tennis team was meant to be a mix. 
The captain sighed heavily; he needs to confront Ryoma with this. “Take it easy now. She needs time to talk.” Coach Ryuzaki reminded him. 
“I just need confirmation from her, that’s all. If she is hiding something, I won’t let it get out of hand, I give you, my word.” The captain stood up from the chair in front of the coach’s desk and left. 
“Hey, look who’s early!” Momoshiro called out to the only freshman regular who was in his uniform already. 
“Mh? That’s a bit of a surprise.” Eiji bluntly said, Ryoma had to resist the urge to throw her empty can at her senpai. 
“Well, you might as well keep doing it every day.” Kaidoh glanced at him, Inui was already instructing him on what they were going to do for morning training. Ryoma simply nodded. 
“Looks like we’ll be seeing you earlier from now on?” Fuji inquired, “I guess, If I keep at it...” Both of them apathetically nodded. 
“You actually came early for the first time in never, Ochibi!!” 
“Quit it!” 
Chapter 1 End.
Chapter 2 Soon...
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
Tezuka is a cis gay ace (he/him) and is dating Fuji.Oishi is a bigender biromantic demisexual (he/she) and is dating Kikumaru. Fuji S. is a GNC AFAB (all pronouns) and is gay. Kikumaru is a catgender (he/nya) pansexual. Kawamura is a cis heteroflexible ace (he/him) he has social anxiety. (Part 1 of ? all from Prince of Tennis)
Inui is a boyflux aro/ace (he/ze/they/hx) Momoshiro is a cis pansexual (he/him) with a crush on Kaido. Kaido is a gay demi sexual transman (he/him) with bipolar depression. Echizen Ryoma is a ace demi romantic transman (he/him) with autism. ( Part 2 I hope this is right I never done this before. All from Prince of Tennis.) Thank you
Hi Prince of Tennis requester here and I was wondering if you could change Kawamura from cis to demiboy and make his pronouns he/they. If not that’s okay. Thank you!
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nuisancehelicopter · 2 years
Seigaku-Gintama AU
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Tezuka as Gintoki
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Ryoma and Ryoga as Kagura and Kamui
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Fuji Syusuke as Shoyo and Otae, guest Yuuta as Shinpachi
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Oishi as Otose, Kikumaru as Catherine, Momoshiro as Hasegawa
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Kaido as Tama, Inui as Gengai, Kawamura as Firefighter Tatsuko
...i have no self control lol
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So I started watching the prince of tennis and I have head-canons:
So Echizen is undeniably the team baby right?
Well he abuses the fuck out of that power
Like every once and a while he’ll conveniently forget his wallet at home
And everyone on the first string will reach for their wallet
After the third time Inui picks up on it
But he won’t admit it cause he doesn’t want to admit that he’s the third fastest person to get his wallet out
He’s right after Ōishi and Tezuka
Nanjirō would absolutely sell Echizen’s baby pictures
And they sell like hot cakes
I was looking at Echizen’s wiki and apparently he had 1.5 vision in both eyes (which basically means he had mild nearsightedness)
But I’m just imagining him squinting at everyone
The first string has to explain to random individuals that no he’s not in fact trying to pick a fight (he can do that just fine without glaring at you) he’s just kind of blind
Apparently Tezuka has the same eyesight as Echizen
So I’m just imagining Echizen being handed Tezuka’s glasses when he’s squinting a little too much
If Oishi is the mom friend then Tezuka is undeniably the dad friend
And I’m saying that because I know for a fact that he never responds to texts
Knows how to make most furniture without instructions
And probably had a plethora of random facts up his sleeve that he will randomly blurt out when the first string hangs out
Like they’ll just be sitting around a table and he says “did you know the number of folds in a chefs hat represents the amount of ways they know how prepare an egg?”
And they all just sit and stew in that information
Eiji means every nickname he’s ever given so when he calls Echizen “our baby boy” (in the English dub) he fully means that shit
And because only Oishi knows this he teases Eiji mercilessly
Oishi is the only person that can tease Eiji and actually fluster him so he doesn’t do it often
Kaidō and Echizen often help each other and the rest of the team with English
It’s not uncommon for the first string to study together (because let’s face it it’s a team filled with himbos {excluding Inui and Tezuka})
Inui and Tezuka will supervise and the first person to fall asleep/lose focus has to drink Inui’s newest abomination
Because Eiji is the youngest of five and Echizen was raised as an only child for the majority of his childhood they’re both absolute terrors
The team doesn’t let them spend prolonged periods of time together cause they’re afraid they’ll teach each other their bratty ways
Eiji is the type of person to straight up glomp people
Which usually isn’t a problem until he try’s it with Echizen and next thing you know they both have to go to the hospital cause they have concussions
Both Momo and Eiji will drape their bodies over Echizen
From a far it looks like their just bent over but the closer and closer you get you just see some poor child trying to support the weight of someone who’s a head and shoulders taller than them
It’s not uncommon for the team to pick up Echizen and carry him around like luggage
Once he’s picked up he kind of acts like a ferret (in the sense that you can do basically anything to him and he won’t react)
The second or third years will often walk into his class pick him up and then walk out
It’s such a normal occurrence that his classmates won’t even react anymore they kind of just go about their business
It’s also normal for the teammates to fight over him
Business men and women will often find themselves having to walk around a group of teenage boys playing tug of war
With the youngest teenager often acting as the rope
He doesn’t care tho he even claims it helps with his posture
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