moneneki · 6 months
Yesterday I dreamt of The Icepick Joe scene, but it was part of the theatrical rendering of Goncharov. God I wish I could remember more
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slavicviking · 4 months
From the drabble ask game... May I ask for 38 for Sokka/Azula? :D
my first time writing anything atla :o
from this
“Are you not willing to address it, then?” Azula huffs.
“Would have to know what to address, princess,” Sokka replies, a lazy grin spreading over his face. He stretches over the comfortable couch. “I was very sick, you know.”
“I’m certain you were,” she says with a poignant roll of her eyes. Sokka yelps when a cold hand presses over his forehead. “Yes. So very sick.”
Azula stands up, fingers straightening her dress.
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
Sokka sits up. “Wait, what?”
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middleofnowhere92 · 2 years
Hello! For the writing ask, 22 (about when do you title your fics)
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
I come up with them as I'm posting to Ao3. It's usually a song or a phrase that relates to the story. I'm not creative with titles or summaries what so ever. I just jam something in there and hope for the best.
Send me a fanfic writing ask
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loudlyhappycupcake · 4 months
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Golbetty and statue betty @petrigrofmyfyp @shironezuninja @sakulovejulius12 @snowflake-owl @enchantedchocolatebars @walt-diego-rodriguez @bitter-yet-civilized @homuncvlus @untitled14360 @twinklemaddie @twiliartsdreams2017 @cartoonfan21 @collector-noceda-clawthorne @wolfie245 @serentiydraw5678 @rainbowlesbian @angrychenyu @rozalija1963 @evander2511 @moneneki @broadwaygirl918 @msking0 @clairaquos @classbigwig @lunewishes
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rabiosass · 6 months
challenge -> you’re starring in a movie with the last person you saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title.
Thank you @lemonhemlock for tagging me!
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I am envisioning some type of Hangover-style girls night Gone Wrong comedy. We go on vacation because Azula's brother Zuko is having a destination wedding and this song is playing in the trailer.
Then the morning after the bachelorette/bachelor party we discover he is missing and we have to find him before Mai finds out. (With the help of Aang, Ty Lee, and Momo). BOOM!
Tagging: @lynnbeth5172 @moneneki @de4dking @azulas-daddy-kink @sapphicrhaegon
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avatar-wtf-weekend · 2 years
Thank you!
A huge thank you to everyone who participated! We got some crazy cool new pairings and shined some light on some ultra underrated ones as well. The mods would like to say that this event was a success!
We are accepting late submissions through the end of September, so if you missed the event or are still working on some pieces, you’ve got time to submit them! (And honestly even after that—we just like to see content!)
A master list of all content produced for the event will be posted in October. In the mean time, here are the awesome creators who participated and the pairings we’ve seen so far:
The Pairings:
Izumi x Kuvira (Izuvira)
Jee x Ursa (Jursa)
Eska x Baatar Jr. (Eskaatar)
Sukibee (Suki x Smellerbee)
Mako x Jinora (Makonora)
Iroh II x Opal (Iropal)
Bumi x Piandao (Bumiandao)
Toph x Hahn (Hahnoph)
Yue x Kuei (Yuei)
Katara x Zhao (Zhaotara)
Kuviroh (Kuvira x Iroh II)
Tahno x Kuvira (Tahvira)
Tarlok x Bumi II (Tarrumi)
Jin x Sokka (Jinka)
Pakku x Hakoda (Pakoda)
Katara x Piandao (Piantara)
Sokka x Smellerbee (Sokkabee)
Kya II x Zuko (Kyuko)
The Boulder x Ursa (Bursa)
Jin x Jee (Jinjee)
Jet x Smellerbee (Jetbee)
Jin x Kuei (Jinuei)
Lu Ten x Suki (Lusuki)
Bato x Jeong Jeong (Bajeongjeong)
Katara x Longshot (Longtara)
Kuei x Ursa x Long Feng (Kurfeng)
Lin x The Lieutenant (Lintenant)
Iroh x Kanna (Kanroh)
The Creators:
Anonymous Creator
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Hi! 8 for the ask game 😄 I don't speak much on the discord server but I do associate you with the captaincy of the Kantoph ship ✨
Hello hello! :D Thank you for the ask, and I'm so honored that you consider me a captain of the Kantoph ship HAHA! :D I must say I do pop into the discord just to say KANTOPH so it makes sense... hehe :)
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
There aren't many scenes or dialogue bits that really stand out to me. But I gave it some thought (and asked some friends lmao) and this is one I came up with:
Toph exhaled deeply, disrupting his observations. “I’m letting her down, I know it.”
Zuko furrowed his eyebrows. “What makes you say that, Toph?”
“I just—” she hesitated. Time made her more closed off, and it always took her a moment longer to admit more feelings.
But Zuko was patient, and he knew if he waited long enough, she’d open up.
Toph took another labored breath. “She’s looking for him. Everywhere we go. She wants him, not me. Which, I get, because I’d want him instead of me, too. If that wasn’t hard enough, everything she does reminds me of him.
“And I can’t stand it. I can barely hold her or take care of her because every other word she says is ‘Dada’ and I nearly break down when he’s mentioned. What kind of mother can’t even take care of her kid without wishing her dead boyfriend was around instead? What does that say about me?!”
He glanced over at Lin, who was crouching down to the ground with her cousins and gently patting the shell of a baby turtleduck. She seemed happy, content. Even if her mother was struggling.
“You’ve just had to deal with a lot right now, no one expects you to be perfect, Toph,” he reassured her. “Lin’s okay, she’ll be okay.”
This excerpt is from The Long, Winding Road To You, which is a Kantoph fic (surprise hehe) that deals with Toph and the Gaang's life after Kanto dies. It's be very interesting to explore how Toph and her friends cope with his death, as well as what they try to do to help Toph and Lin move on. So, this is a conversation that explores what Toph thinks when it comes to being a single mother now, and what/how Zuko helps :)
Thank you again for the ask! Glad that I'm considered a captain of the Kantoph ship! It's been fun exploring their relationship hehe. Hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about writing!
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jasminedragonart · 2 years
Who's your favorite character to draw? 😄
@moneneki my favourite character to draw is probably Suki. I like the way her hair is styled. Which is surprising I know since I think I draw Sokka the most, but I always draw him a little differently here and there and it drives me crazy not being able to get him consistent every time.
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moneneki · 4 months
Hello friend!
Pairing Drabble #5: Yuezula
Ooooooh nice!
Hope you like the result!
“You’ve been very busy these last few days.”
Azula was not startled at the voice, only because it took a good deal to startle her at all. It could also be because Princess Yue’s voice was so impossibly soft that it was simply impossible to register it as a threat.
No. That was not it. Her father had never screamed at her, yet she’d always been very alert when listening to him.
Azula shook those thoughts and sighed.
“I’m sorry I missed tea this afternoon. It’s all the fault of my brother’s legislative project,” she said, succumbing to the temptation and falling into a nearby chair. She took off her bracelet, one of Yue’s gifts for their first year together; the delicate carvings under her fingers always helped her relax. “There are so many layers protecting those outdated laws… I was dying to get out and come visit you.”
There was a tension in Yue’s smile that immediately sent Azula’s mind into override.
“You’ve spent a lot of time meeting with one of the lawyers,” Yue finally sat down too, in her usual chair. 
“Well yes, he’s one of the main experts in royal decrees of the Second Dynasty…”
There was the tiniest huff coming from Yue’s direction. Azula forgot everything about the legal puzzles as something clicked inside her mind, like a key turning inside a lock. She stopped fiddling with the bracelet.
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
The Northern Water Tribe princess looked back at her, mouth agape, before blushing furiously. As furious as the glare she then directed to Azula.
“I will not dignify that nonsense with an answer.”
Azula could feel her smile growing into a grin.
“You already did. Who would have thought that the calm and collected Princess Yue could feel something like that?”
Yue got up from her chair in flustered indignation, but before she could say anything, Azula met her, placing both hands over her shoulders and looking at the –beautiful in their fury– blue eyes from the vantage point of her greater height.
“Don’t worry,” she whispered, lowering her face to the ear behind the white curls, and smiling once again at the shiver the whisper had provoked. “I am only yours.”
When she let go of Yue’s shoulders, there were no more recriminations, although the blush had intensified.
“Good,” was all Yue said, before busying herself with the teapot.
Yes, good indeed. Azula wouldn’t have it any other way.
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jetzula · 2 years
Master List of Jetzula Fics
The Legend of Aang: Book Four: Air by Atlafan23
blank space by badlucksav (Chapter 4)
invisible string by badlucksav (Chapter 32)
The Bodyguard by BarelyAware
where the light won't find you by cheschi
Burning by gemsofformenos 
Lies Of A City by gemsofformenos
Reach for the Gold, Land Among the Stars by HomeAgainRose
The Fire Prince Who Loves Me by HomeAgainRose
Safe Haven by JoyDragon (Chapter 177)
The Way You Look Tonight by JoyDragon
Round Triangle by justanotherbellyfan
All the Little Things by KrastBannert (Chapter 10)
Mythbrook School by kuukielkaa
For Honor's Sake by LJF 
The Palace by mango_jelly
An unlikely ally by Moneneki
interplay by platehate
Avatar World Week 2017 by PurplePlatypusBear21 (Chapter 6)
Azula Week 2018 by PurplePlatypusBear21 (Chapter 3)
Cold When You’re Not Around by PurplePlatypusBear21
Helter Skelter by PurplePlatypusBear21
Hey Jealousy by PurplePlatypusBear21 
Singles Table by PurplePlatypusBear21  
beautiful girl by sangi
On the Mend by soozen
Take Back Your Stones by TalesOfOnyxBats
not this time by The_Fyre
Man or Monster by TheLastSoulBender 
cultured and flattered by tiffaniesblews (Chapter 17)
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Hi! Thanks so much for organizing this event. I have a question, what's the time limit for late submissions?
Hi Moneneki! We're so glad you've enjoyed the event.
We will be keeping an eye on notifications until the end of November, so as long as you tag the blog we should see it and reblog it! If we miss anything, feel free to message us as well :)
-Mod Neva
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loudlyhappycupcake · 5 days
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UH Conman and the Owl Witch @shironezuninja @evander2511 @sakulovejulius12 @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @evaiskindaweird @violetrose-art @jacky-the-jack01 @cipedor @collector-noceda-clawthorne @cartoonfan21 @wolfie245 @untitled14360 @twiliartsdreams2017 @punk-63 @leo-x-u-raptor-fan @bitter-yet-civilized @homuncvlus @serentiydraw5678 @miniaturejudgeturkeytree @bloodmoon24 @bossbabyfan2 @monicaartsxd @moneneki @puffstarss
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barelyaware · 3 years
Yay, reveal time! Here's my piece for zkbigbang:
Zuko and Katara have been having terrible nightmares since the Agni Kai against Azula. When they find comfort in each other, Zuko has a hard time understanding the nature of their evolving relationship.
💕Special thanks💕
To betas:
@ahumanintraining @moneneki
And artists:
@lizanthium @mikitheswiftie @the-peregrine @proserpinabringerofdeath
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rabiosass · 6 months
Thank you for tagging me, @lemonhemlock
I took the What Color Is Your Aura quiz
After taking the quiz you make a moodboard based off of your results and post it together!
My answer was Navy!!
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Don't really agree with the description but oh well 😄
My sorry attempt at a moodboard:
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I do really like the ocean though, so I included at least one photo of it here ☺️
Tagging: @lynnbeth5172 @moneneki @sapphicrhaegon @de4dking @azulas-daddy-kink
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I think some of my submissions weren't reblogged:
Thanks for the event!
Hi! Apologies for the delay, for some reason tumblr eats our @s occasionally.
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Rules: Tag people you would like to know/catch up with.
Tagged by @moneneki
Last Song(s): The Devil went down to Georgia by Primus
Last movie: Aquaman by James Wan
Currently reading: The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly
Tagging: @featheredmoonwings @purple-garden-of
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