rebelcaptain-fanfic · 4 years
Alliance Industries
Alliance Industries by @moonprincess92nz
Author’s Summary: Cassian starts his 8 week internship at Alliance Industries with a goat in an elevator… oh yeah, and a hot receptionist.
Rating: Teen
Words: 15,133
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October Fic Recs: Kidfic!
To tell the truth, I'm actually kind of picky about kidfic. I work with kids in my day job, and it's hard to write kids that ring true in terms of realistic development and behavior, as well as being fully-fledged characters. Here are a few that nailed it.
Hush Little Darling by Moonprincess92 / @mooprincess92nz
Modern AU, 2.6k, one-shot
Featuring Jyn as a frazzled single parent with a very fussy baby and Cassian as her very hot neighbor who somehow manages to calm the wailing. 
Babies are hard, yo. Yes, they're cute, but they're also totally helpless and can't communicate their many needs with anything but howls. Throw in a serious lack of sleep and it's a wonder any parent survives the first year. This fic recognizes that, and the inherent adorableness of a man who's willing to give a tired mama a break, even if it's just for a few minutes.
Anecdotes (miracles) by @theputterer
One-shot, canon-verse, 4.7k
On the days of his children's tenth birthdays, Cassian is haunted by memories of his own childhood and the fate of his family of origin. But even as the darkness tries to drag him down, love and light buoy him back up again. 
This author builds off another fic of theirs about Cassian's fraught childhood, and shows how complex the feelings of parenthood are, especially as the children grow and hit milestones that looked very different in your own life. Sad and sweet and lovely, and Cassian is a wonderful dad even - maybe especially - because things are so hard.
Second Star to the Right and Straight On by spacenarwhal / @the-space-narwhal
5 connected one-shots and a 5 chapter WIP, currently 25k, canon-verse
When the war ends, Cassian and Jyn start their family. Kay, of course, is along for the ride, as well as everybody else they love, and as the years go by, that circle keeps expanding. 
For the first time, we have a recommendation that someone sent in! A lovely nonny writes "The balance of anxiety and gentleness Jyn & Cassian experience as new parents, and the support from their friends is lovely. The voices are spot on, especially K2, and bonus points for thinking of unique Star Wars-esque names for the kids without naming after Jyn or Cassian's parents or another pre-existing character."
As always, if you’re one of the authors featured and would like me to change anything about the way I’ve listed your story, please drop me a line via PM or ask and I would be pleased to edit.
With that, I'm ending the monthly recs series here on therebelcaptainnetwork. I've really enjoyed doing it, but life and work outside of fandom has been getting to me lately, and I haven't been reading much fanfiction. However, you're in luck, because there's a new blog focusing on rebelcaptain recs. Give @rebelcaptain-fanfic a read and a follow!
Happy reading! Love, @mosylufanfic
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hiriahb · 4 years
15, 38 and 98 for spotify 👌
15. Plans - Maude Latour
38. See Through - The Band CAMINO
98. Do U Wanna - Porches
Thank you Jordan! :D
Spotify Wrapped is here! Send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the number it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist
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fistful-of-fandom · 4 years
15, 29 and 70 for spotify!
Thank you Jordan! 🎶💕
15: “Punisher” (Phoebe Bridgers)
29: “Wingspan” (Prinze George)
70: “Game Show” (Majical Cloudz)
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doptimous · 4 years
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For the RebelCaptain Network fic rec day 6: Modern AU
A bad idea by @moonprincess92nz​
The typical rom-com without drama about Jyn and Cassian who are roommate and decide to cross the line. But of course, to avoid drama they set some rules, because it would be so bad to catch feelings. Or not. It’s sweet, it’s fun and I love how social inept Jyn is here.
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teamjacobthot · 4 years
Happy birthday, i love your blog! 😊
thanks sm love!!! 💕
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sleepykalena · 4 years
Sup bitch have u seen my rogue one as vines vid bc i think its very funny and u should watch it 😂😂😂😂
OKAY SO LIKE, i saw that someone else had reblogged it so it showed up right at the top of my dash just as I posted a response to these asks and oh my god, that shit is a fucking GODSEND I CAN’T EVEN
there’s too much good shit in there, god the world needs more rogue one vines (er tiktoks now i guess haha)
[I’m fuzzy and trying to blow off some steam! Ask Me Anything]
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 4 years
1 and 15!
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Well. Let’s be real, there would be little to no action, and if there was any actual plot happening it would probably be heavy on dialogue. It’d either be a quiet moment within an (unduly complicated) plot, or the plot would move at a glacial pace so I can revel in my special brand of quiet soft melancholy for entire chapters *lol* But at the same time, while it’s probably not what people remember me for, I always feel much more comfortable writing one-shots, because they can’t spiral out of control as much as my multi-chapters have. It’d probably a either a modern setting or a 20th century setting, with no magic/Force/sci-fi shenanigans at work probably, that just doesn’t come easy to me. It would 1000% be third-person, tense is a complete coin toss. It would be quietly shippy, but it would probably also feature a close platonic relationship (Jyn and Bodhi is, like, my safe space, whereas Cassian and Kay is where I draw most of the [rare] humour from). it would likely be inspired by a quote, or a line in a song. I still have not struggled free from the songfic. At all.
If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
See, this is kinda difficult, because I feel like there are three likely contestants:
“Sad and Lovely With Bright Things In It”, a Modern-ish ASoIaF AU that turned out really really atmospheric and kind of dream-like and that would actually make a decent-ish Oscar-bait political thriller/drama thing. It’s centred around a prime minister election and it is referencing The Great Gatsby so hard it’s almost plagiarism, and some white big name director would probably eat that right up. You could turn this into a hyper-stylised, polished, gorgeous movie that would be pretty paint-by numbers but could be very dark and cynical and cool. This one has the most realistic shot, I guess.
“The World Through a Scope”, mostly because the whole narrative feel of it is vaguely cinematic to me, and it has this big sprawling plot and a ton of flashbacks and some location scout could work their magic and turn this into a series of *gorgeous* setpieces. Like, you have all those scenes in the past set in Mexico City and in Juarez and in London and if you want even in like MIddle Eastern marketplaces and deserts and so on, and contrasted with that the main plot in some big US city (I never specified which one but in my mind it’s halfway between Chicago and New York? ish? So yeah, ALL the beautiful establishing shots. Thing is, it’d be this weird thing where it would be a super sad and quiet love story for two thirds, like with the mood of something like Moonlight crossed with the vibes of Before Sunrise, and then it would suddenly and very weirdly transition to a very weak episode of Narcos. Not sure if I could sell that to an executive tbh.
“Spiel ohne Grenzen” would upon reflection be my personal choice? Like, at least I *hope* the plot is going to be a lot more straightforward than TWTaS, and it could look super cool, late 80′s GDR would be difficult to make look super vibrant but hey, it’d be a challenge for someone! Plus the Elbe bridges at night are a really cool spy movie set-up in any case, you get like Stasi interrogation rooms and hikes through the Saxon Switzerland and so on.... I’m a sucker for history movies AND there is a scandalous lack of movies about that time. Plus towards the end there would be a bunch of really, really cool scenes (that would look INSANELY GOOD on screen fyi): the big peaceful protests in Leipzig, thousands of people carrying big signs through the streets on autumn nights, chanting and singing, carrying candles!! The “battle” between the police forces and the military and the protesters in and around the Dresden main station at night, cars on fire and water cannons all reflecting on riot shields and broken glass, it’d be terrifying but beautiful - not to mention the night of 11/09/89 in Berlin. It would be SO. Cool. And I demand movies about that time and that topic so, I kinda want that one, but it would probably be unreasonably expensive to make because you would have to use a *lot* of either CGI or creative location scouting to make Dresden look like 31 years ago, and there would probably not be a huge market for a movie like that. But hey, if I would get to just point at one - I think it’d be this one. (But you would have to cast people other than Diego and Felicity in the main roles, because they would be too old at this point. And also I would on the one hand want the Germans to be played by actual Germans but also nobody in Germany would pay for that movie to be made *lol*)
Fic writer asks!
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literatiruinedme · 4 years
Happy birthday!!!! Hope your day is wonderful!!! x
Thanks so much peanut!!!
Today was a rocky start but it really was a great one, thank you <3
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otterandterrier · 4 years
22, 27, 38!
22. What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc)
I honestly don’t know that I had a specific phase like any of those?? Or if I did I can’t remember and there are no traces of it so. Maybe a Lion King phase?? (but only the first movie)
27. What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore?
Young adult to see the Star Wars books and comics 🙈 Also planners.
38. Favorite mid-2000s song
Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine
Thank you!!
send me quarantine asks!
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thereigning-lorelai · 4 years
Came for the beautiful edits, stayed for the beautiful personality ✌✌✌ much love, girl!
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much love to you too, my dear. thanks for your lovely words. ♥️
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rebelcaptain-fanfic · 3 years
if i had to be stuck with anyone
if i had to be stuck with anyone by @moonprincess92​​​
i'm glad i'm stuck with you
time loop au
Rating: Teen
Words: 5,433
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crazy-fruit · 4 years
38 and 39!
Hey Jordan :) Thanks for asking. I already did 38, but I might add another moment:Missing lectures because of @thelightinthesky39. What was the worst?Listening to the voice message my mother left me that my grandmother has died.Hope you have lovely holidays Jordan, and that 2020 treats you very well!Ask me End of the years asks!
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hiriahb · 4 years
Ten songs I’ve been listening to lately
Thank you for the (optional) tag over on my Nancy Drew sideblog (@ghostdogsofwaverly), @hurricanesonny! :D (Hope you don’t mind that I decided to do it on my main blog instead)
1. The One That Got Away - RoadTrip
2. Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer
3. Therapist - Mae Muller
4. Can’t Have (Yoshy Wizer Remix) - EMMA WAHLIN
5. Like a Girl  - Lizzo
6. Cola - Foley
7. lovely - Billie Eilish & Khalid
8. Bad Decisions - Bastille
9. Pageant Material - Kacey Musgraves
10. Here’s to Us - Halestorm
I’m tagging (though you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to): @mabelmcbae @shalebridgecradle @greenteaparadise @problemlikelauren @moonprincess92nz and @jerkstorecalling
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imsfire2 · 6 years
Food/Travel AU continues!
Just posted chapter one of the Greek leg of the Food/Travel AU:
Epiphany and cake.
Cassian, Jyn and the team arrive in Athens for the next stage of their journey.  At least in the daytime it’s rather less cold than it was in Germany, and our heroes are starting to spend more time together.  Both pining and eating happen...
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leaiorganas · 6 years
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Alliance Industries by @moonprincess92nz
He had to ride 12 floors in an elevator with a hot girl and a goat.
Sure, he had no idea what he was getting into with this internship, but truth be told he really wasn’t expecting the goat. He’d squeezed onto the elevator on the ground floor of the Yavin Building with what felt like a billion other people and while not exactly comfortable, he’d figured that he’d been doing ok. Maybe even fairly well, considering it was his first day of this internship and all. It was somewhere around floor five, however, when she walked on dragging said goat behind her and literally no one batted an eye. Cassian stared at the goat, then at his phone open on the last email he’d been sent from his future supervisor, and back at the goat again.
This hadn’t been on the website.
Read it at @moonprincess92nz‘s AO3 here!
Ok, this The Office AU is absolutely hysterical. I cried! I cried laughing the whole way through. It was literally like reading an episode of the office come to life. The characters, situations, games, and surreal nature of this particular office is amazing. And the author stayed true to every single character in this AU. 11/10 *click images for full size
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