#morro apologist
jaybirdss · 2 years
idk if i can do amother one but i will bc i can (idk about that but ill pretend i do if jot) and i have nothing to do in my life except dreaming about plastic figures
SO uhh idk suddenly all ideas disappeared from my head
like YKK i love having a bit of contact with smn because it brings me comfort and im very touch starved💔 also bcs hugs and kisses are superior😋😋🦶
I speed ran this bitch now, i was on a ROLL. Thank you for requesting, it definitely kick-started my passion for writing for these lovely guys ❤️🫶🏻
No warnings, besides a bit of angsty lloyd, but that’s always suspected. Gender neutral reader!
Kai is the man with a plan when it comes to physical touch. He will always match your energy to the best of his ability!
He’s always open for it. Wether it be your arm wrapped around his or blatantly laying on top of him. He’s okay with all of it and rarely gets overwhelmed with what you feel like is smothering.
He specifically really enjoys the hugs you give him, where you’re nuzzled into his shoulder and your arms are wrapped tightly around him. he admired the security it brings him and makes him feel so dorky. For him, he enjoys picking you up just to hold you dramatically. Or smothering your face in kisses.
It surprises him at first, not expecting you to feel the same way as him with things such as physical touch. But once he understands, he craves it and gets all dramatic over it.
He will never be satisfied until you are basically crawling into his skin (not really).
But without your touch, he gets all upset, looking like a kicked puppy and he WILL in fact whine to you about how you aren’t close enough to him. And if he doesn’t get his way, by golly, there’s gonna be a fire.
Everything you do will always send him back, no matter how long you’ve been together. He is crushing on you so hard and will let you know every minute of the day.
Touch was something that was always fairly new to Lloyd.
He never received much as a child, when it was received, it wasn’t very positive affection.
When you started expressing your love for physical touch, you noticed all the small things he seemed to do because if it.
At first, he’d flinch when you moved a little too quick or anything. Physically tense up when you’d wrap your arms around him so suddenly. And he couldn’t bring himself to tell you that he enjoyed your affection, but didn’t know how to receive it.
Slowly but surely through your reassurance, he loosened up and started to learn that this was positive attention, and it’s something that he would eventually look forward to!
He was no longer startled with your big hugs, sudden kisses amongst his face, and other acts of affection you were so happy to give. It became routine, and now he’d be fairly upset if you were to lack in your affection department.
In all, Lloyd is a broken child who just needs to be reconnected with himself sometimes. He soon learns from you that he can relax and enjoy this. He isn’t just the green ninja, he’s Lloyd. Little Lloyd Garmadon who loves his hugs and kisses from his lover. And he’s slowly starting to thank you for healing his inner child.
Much like Lloyd, Morro never really received affection growing up. Nor could he receive it when he was, well, dead.
But soon enough, with many changes, forgiveness, and a physical form. He was able to receive such things, things you were over the moon about!
He’s fairly awkward with affection, and it’s just something so foreign to him that it’s hard to become so used to it like you are.
He doesn’t despise it, by any means, in all honesty it makes him feel all warm to see you so joyous about wanting to show him affection. But at first, he was in severe denial about it all. He’d reject your advances, and even had gotten a bit aggressive with it. Which he now apologizes for, and he’ll do his best to express his admiration for it when he can, in time. It takes long to heal from what he once had been.
The boy grew quite fond of you early on, and admired how you tried to express your affections to him even when he was a ghost. When he finally received his human form again, you wrapped your arms around him so tightly, he could barely breathe. (Which was also new to him once more).
Though he enjoys the affection, it can get overwhelming sometimes. When his frustrations get the better of him, he will express that he just can’t be touched in that moment. That he’ll return later on to apologize and attempt to hug and kiss you as you do him.
And it’ll get you every time! No matter how fussy he was, or how upset he had made you. His apologies feel so thorough and thoughtful that you can forget what you were mad about so easily. Morro deserves the world and more, and that’s what you’re gonna give him.
Benthomaar was someone who would always let his curiosity get the better of him. And from a young age, he was always curious. About things that matter, things that don’t matter. Things that don’t hold much importance to him, and things that he holds closely to him.
Currently, He was curious as to how you’re so enthusiastic and happy to express affection to someone such as him. Of course, he does his best to understand you and your sweet advances towards him.
He’d get caught up in thinking too harshly of himself, wondering if he deserved your attention. His skin surely wasn’t the softest to cuddle into or kiss, nor was he that understanding of how life was like above the surface like many like you. But all of that made you the curious one. Curious as to how this cinnamon roll was kept from you all your life.
Bentho was such a joy to know and be around, and it made you so happy to hug and kiss him so sweetly. Even though you knew he wasn’t sure if he deserved all of it. Or any of it, in fact.
But in time, he learned that it was something he deserved. Comfort, that is. He seemed to break through his barricade of awkwardness and denial and thoroughly enjoyed what you expressed to him.
He never finds it overwhelming, and if he did, he wouldn’t ever tell you in fear that it would upset you. You’re a treasure to him, and how you express your love and admiration will always leave him in awe of how great you are. He adores you too much to be bothered by anything more.
Tag List: @holycrimin @kazuhacumslut @marmalade-matcha @yukinarengoku
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little-lost-canary · 9 months
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Some more ghost gang, along w/ self notes for future styling of these characters
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
The “this character annoys me because they are undeveloped and their actions in the story are unreasonable” to “wait I actually love this character when I realise how much potential they had and how there is groundwork’s for explaining why they do many controversial decisions and as the story goes on they actually develop and grow like people which is admirable” and “I no longer know how much of the things that make me obsessed with this character is canon or manifested by my desire to rewrite the subject material I don’t like” pipeline is so strong
#tried to make readable#in other words I am now a Ninjago wu apologist lol#i don’t like Kai - Harumi - wu - Misako’s writing but I love the groundwork and potential they can live up too and#i spend more time thinking about them than I do about my favourite characters#lol#hot take: Rät by Penelope Scott but it’s not sung to wu it’s sung by Wu about his dad#Ik it looks like I’m favouriting him but think about it for a second#his dad started training him and garms when they were really young#Wu has had the pressure of feeling responsible over Garmadon in every aspect: he’s supposed to be the good one#he’s in control of his actions#it’s his fault Garmadon is like this#the fsm is dead so wu is the only childhood family men ever Garmadon has#and what’s more is that the fsm seemed to make everything about the constant battle between the balance#i mean the fsm didn’t even tell wu where his fucking grave was#he made it a test!#Wu was taught that parenting is the same thing as being a teacher and trainer of combat#and when we see him ultimately take a fatherly role he continues this generational trauma#he treats Morro and the ninja like his children but unfortunately he’s been told that the way you treat children is prepare them for battle#and obviously he becomes aware that’s not entirely useful bc times change and whilst Ninjago is still frequently attacked#they aren’t in full blown wars anymore#but breaking out of toxic cycles is a process#and Wu frequently goes through arcs of feeling useless and going off on his own#which is major parallels with Lloyd Morro Kai#and also like everyone else#every ninja has daddy issues even the ninja’s dads have daddy issues#ninjago#ahahah
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dontlookforme00 · 1 year
💚ninjaa4a4afan192288 Follow
Ok but is it actually too soon about the whole Stiix thing. Like whenever I make a joke about it there's always people who look at me weird.
My brother in FSM, that happened like 5 years ago. Get over it. For all our sakes. Pls
☄️theplantenjoyer Follow
What the fuck.is wrong with yuo. My uncle died in that little green pricks shitshow. Shwo some respedt for the dead
🚨spiderronmyphon Follow
which green prick. there's a few, be more specific
💚ninjaa4a4afan192288 Follow
I am showing respect for the dead. Massive respect to Morro. What a fucking plan.
Imagine you get banished to hell and the MOMENT that the nations saviour sacrifices his dad, you escape. Attack ur teacher, the students ur teacher was cheating on u with, (academically) and then immediately graverob god.
Why have none of us talked about this. This is insane.
He graverobbed God, normal-robbed whatever place had the SOS, normal-robbed some ginger in Stiix. And then beat up the students like three times.
I can't get my head around this. This topic has always fascinated me and I really need us as a society to normalise it so I can fucking talk about this.
Also your spelling is shit and idc about your uncle
🤝theuhhbrobrogoogoo Follow
He was,,,a terrorist?? Why are we glamourising this. Morro killed people and ruined lives. Stop throwing an Internet tantrum and divert your attention to the REAL one deserving of it. And that is Nadakhan
💚ninjaa4a4afan192288 Follow
Fucking who
☄️theplantenjoyer Follow
Fucking who
🚨spiderronmyphon Follow
What. Who??
🕓whi7g-8919-9 Follow
💚ninjaa4a4afan192288 Follow
🚨spiderronmyphon Follow
Ok, this is interesting. Article 3.4 C of the "Humanity" Section of the Ninjago City Department of Law Archive of 2017 states that, "Nindroids are legally recognised as on the same status as all other biological humans by the following criteria: " and then its fucking blank??? This city is a joke. The audacity. What was the point. How the fuck did this pass
And the implications of this, if it wasn't just some stupid error? Neither Zane nor Pixal can face legal justice for being discriminated against in workplace, or anywhere else. They can't buy things under their name, because they aren't recognised as citizens. Only as advanced AI (pretty fucked up but uh). They can't get married, own intellectual property, or . Anything. That's wild.
🐭technosharpieesz Follow
I mean yah. They're bots. They'd hack the economy or sm idk . I'm not going to explain to you why we shouldn't be integrating literal AI into our society??
🚨spiderronmyphon Follow
💚ninjaa4a4afan192288 Follow
🕓whi7g-8919-9 Follow
Shut up apologist wer talking abt Pixane now
✨️ninja-heritageposts Follow
Ninja heritage post
💔realsestreal-ninjafanacc Follow
Everybody on this post is a fucking lunatic.
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ceoofmorro · 11 months
I love how ure a ninjago fan and a swiftie… anyways top 5 songs you associate with lloyd and why
i thrive on being a ninjago fan and a swiftie! i wish more people toke that route.
also all my reasoning to these songs are for me to flesh out the characters and give them more personality because this show is doomed lol
5– with dragons rising, i have been associating it heavily with “The Great War” not sure why but i feel like it fits the vibe very well. also with the one trilogy especially season ten.
4– “Haunted” as much of a morro apologist as i am, he fucked goldie locks up and i just have a feeling it would have been in the soundtrack
3– i feel like lloyd would listen to “my tears ricochet” because it literally describes his whole situation with harumi
2– “The Archer” is him and he is “The Archer”.
1– with the release of speak now tv i just cannot listen to “Castles Crumbling” without thinking of lloyd. i feel like from seasons 1-7, he was the prodigy. even during moments where the ninja weren’t liked, he was still the most valued.
so i always hc that during season eight-nine-ten, there was a unanimous hatred towards lloyd because he just couldn’t see the signs of evil in harumi.
also i think it’s good character development that the chooses one and the ‘main’ hero of the story has an arc where they are loved then suddenly are not and that’s basically what “Castles Crumbling” is about.
that’s all the ones i can think of now bit there are WAY more.
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dez-ocine · 2 years
can we take a second to talk about morro's genius?
yeah sure he failed with his take-over-ninjago plan but only because he didn't prophesies a water ninja to suddenly emerge. had nya not been forced to awaken her element, morro likely would have been successful.
he managed to essentially kidnap the green ninja (who was supposed to be the most powerful of ninja) and hold him captive through almost the whole season. of course lloyd is not as trained as the others as he's younger .. technically, but it is shown AND stated many times he's more powerful than all of them combined,, yet he couldn't beat morro nor have the strength to overcome the possession - something which is possible as shown by the short appearance lloyd's voice makes before being taken over again. now this could only be because the ninja had not encountered ghosts before and wouldn't have known what to do in this situation but they train for the unknown ESPECIALLY the mind. or lloyd is just weak lol
clearly morro has been plotting this for a long while in the cursed realm and his plan worked almost perfectly had it not been for nya and the new technology the ninja had (i'm talking the mechs they used on the mountain). such a thing definitely would not have been around when he was still alive so there is almost no way he could have known about them and yet he immediately began commanding the summoned ghosts to sabotage the ninja, slowing them down. yes, they still got to the peak before him but such quick leadership is impressive is it not? even then, he had a backup plan, which worked out.
the sword of sanctuary debacle would have been smooth sailing if it weren't for ronin's shitfuckery (affectionate <3) but in the end he also worked it out fairly swiftly and managed to get his hands on it.
even in the face of defeat he managed to pull through and establish the preeminent in stiix, of all places. how risky to try and commit to a task with ghosts who are vulnerable to water, surrounded by water. was it stupid? or was it genius to put off the ninja by going to the one place that this procedure surely wouldn't be set up?
throughout season 5, morro made quick, smart decisions while still progressing and sticking to his intentions.
i think we underestimate how much of a threat he truly was.
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badboychaser · 2 years
Y’all ain’t gonna like this but I don’t think Morro is redeemed sorry everyone
He may be redeemed in the eyes of Wu (and possibly Cole since dotd) but he still has a long way to go before he’s stable. He’s still a villain
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ninja-oh-no · 3 years
Yknow what fuck u all of Morro's crimes r forgiven
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nightshadowhawk · 3 years
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Mfs that would be best friends
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nxghtmareprince · 3 years
currently thinking about how season 5 could have had an interesting arc with Lloyd and Morro sharing a body/mind and talking about how they both were put under immense pressure to be someone they weren’t but instead we got some stupid arc about the ninja deciding who’s the new leader and ronin creeping on nya
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remmys · 3 years
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morro apologist
guess im posting twice in one day
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jaybirdss · 2 years
How it feels to fall for Morro
alr so ik Morro is kinda dead but we’re rolling with it. In my right ending, Morro escapes the clutches of the preeminent and is given a second chance at life(aka doing the same ritual as cole to get his physical form back). and yeah.
Mentions of yelling, pic from pinterest, comment to be added to the tag list
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Now Playing…Dancer in the Dark, by Chase Atlantic
Falling for Morro is something that hurts so bad but feels so so good
Something tender and joyful that could tense up and become something so less than it’s led on to be. But overall, Love hurts but it’s an addiction you’ll always crave.
Morro holds in so much internal damage he’s taken over the years. The betrayal he felt by being abandoned so young, every worthless lie told by Wu, every broken promise he’d been told bottled up inside of him until he was a volcano filled with rage and was ready to erupt with his revenge in mind.
But then you were there. His level ground. His angel. His saving grace.
A nonbeliever at heart, but he thanks every deity there may be out there that you’ve come to him.
And for a second, he can’t help but think God doesn’t hate me too much, huh.
What he craves is time and attention from you, to touch and be close to you. Anything you have to offer, he wants, and by golly he’s gonna fuckin get it.
When he’s with you, he loves holding you close, comfortably tight with barely enough space for free movement. He’ll inhale the scent of your new shampoo, making a mental note to snatch it when he’s feeling lonely. He’ll stroke your hair softly and kiss the top of your head so sweetly you’ll almost forget he tried to unleash the cursed realm upon Ninjago. But hey, people make mistakes all the time.
His love language surprisingly is touch. Simple and gentle touches can mean a lot to him.
When he was a ghost, all he longed for was touch. he hadn’t felt anything in so long and now he can finally feel again. everything feels so real and he’s so glad he gets to hold you.
When he’s near, his hand is tucked into your back pocket, enveloped around your hand, wrapped around your waist, etc. He loves holding you whenever he can, any moment of the day. And he seems to ache greatly when he’s away from you.
A precious ecstasy is all he’s felt with you. Like a perfect drug trip you never want to come down from.
But with all these great moments, the eye of the storm still rages within him.
Morro has a tendency to raise his voice often, without even realizing it. He feels terrible if he’s yelled at you, even more if it’s upset you.
When he’s yelling, the moment he sees you his voice tends to break and he fumbled as he gets quieter. there are nights where he’s done nothing but wept overseeing you frightened by his angry outbursts. and he holds you and promises you that he’s trying his best to get it under control.
He whispers do you softly and kisses you all over.
“I’m so sorry my love, please forgive me.”
Deep down you know he’ll never be able to control it, and it hurts. but it hurts so good
It feels nice to be on edge on the occasion, to have a bit of danger in your average life
(you’re fucking crazy.)
But it’s good to see Morro drive to get better for someone he truly cares about.
The others(ninja) never will truly understand why you fell for a man like him. they often question you about it. asking you if he’s forcing you to be in this relationship. if he’s manipulated you into thinking you love him.
When you laugh and say “Of course he hasn’t.”, they’ll always think of you as a lost cause. like him.
But they’ll come around.
The only person who won’t? Sensei Wu himself.
He’ll forever be in denial that Morro has managed to keep an actual relationship. He’s so far in denial, he’s gotten to where he just pretends you don’t exist.
(which you’re okay with, fuck him)
None of that matters to the both of you when all you need is each other.
You’re Morro’s soulmate, his twin flame.
He praises you like a godsend every time you breathe and would drop everything and everyone just to make you happy.
In his eyes. You need to be spoiled with love, gifts, soft and rough touches alike. It’s something you deserve and something he longs for.
Falling for Morro is loving as long as the sun burns in the sky, and the moon is shining bright in the sky.
Loving on the bad days where you sleep in separate rooms and the good where he gets you flowers and kisses you softly in the morning.
Don’t give up on him, he’s trying so hard for you.
Tag List: @holycrimin
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prime-pulse · 3 years
KAI.... Kai is DEFINITELY a character I have quite a few Thoughts on. When I originally watched the show at like, 6 years old, I hated him SO much but ever since s5 I’ve learned to appreciate and love him more. He’s definitely not one of my favorites but I wouldn’t change him for the world.
- Much like Jay, he tends to be watered down just to how “stupid” he is, when in reality he’s just as smart as anyone else is on the team. People underestimate how smart EVERYONE on the team is; Zane is an intellectual type of smart, Nya is tech-savvy and people-smart, Jay is mechanical-smart and world-smart, Cole is people AND world smart, and Kai is people-smart, world-smart, mechanical-smart, and tech-savvy on occasion. People tend to boil him down to being stupid when he’s like... One of the smartest on the team, really. 
- I think Kai’s confidence is wrongfully assumed to be arrogance and his arrogance wrongly assumed to be confidence a lot of the time. Early seasons Kai was ARROGANT, he was not sure of himself but he made sure to let everyone know he thought he was the baddest bitch to ever live. However, after s4, he started to... Mature, a little more. Let down that “I’m the strongest member of the team and nobody can do anything about it!” act and realize he could be goofy and funny and take a joke; and realize he could be confident in HIMSELF. Then is s5 when he had to face Lloyd, someone he sees like a little brother getting captured (parallel to Nya’s kidnapping in the pilots) he learned to use his head more versus only letting his emotions guide him. He’s had such an amazing development through the seasons tbh I couldn’t put it all into words.
- Kai is very selfless! He has selfish tendencies and I feel like that’s all that’s talked about, but in reality he’s very selfless. In s4 he was willing to sacrifice the team’s, his mentor’s, and his own sisters perspective of himself in order to assure they were safe by putting on a rather convincing act of joining Chen. He also nearly entirely dropped his whole green-Ninja obsession after learning Lloyd was the green ninja, and even though he babied him at first, he ended up helping Lloyd the most when it came to training (personally I think it’s Bc they have the same learning style). He does have times where he’s arrogant and selfish, but I think he deserves to have those moments. Kid’s had a rough life!
- I refuse to believe he doesn’t have a crippling fear of gingerbread men and elves after the whole s1 thing
- As a Morro apologist I think he should’ve been allowed to punch Morro in the face like. At least once.
- I think his hair is naturally spiky. If anything I think he uses hair gel to make it LESS so even. I used to know a kid who’s hair was like the back of a hedgehog; that is Kai’s hair WITHOUT the hair gel
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i-hate-jay · 7 years
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presenting: milk ninja apologies for bad handwriting. the green and blue represents the color coding for whole milk (blue) and semi skinmed (green, his preference)
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thelonelynindroid · 4 years
Good morning thirsty bisexuals, closeted enbies, ppl who can’t keep plants alive for longer than a week, mutuals who were in the same fandom as me 1000000 years ago, Morro apologists, ex Ninjago stans, ppl whose childhood crush was Peter Pan, villain simps, gays who had an intense Panic! At the disco phase, eldest daughters, and ppl who can’t sleep til 4am
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ninjamelissajulien · 5 years
Hey, uh, why what's wrong with people calling Harumi a b***h??? I'm not against you or anything, I just want to know
I’m against it for several reasons:
Sure, she’s done some horrible things and I’m not an apologist for that, but morro did horrible things too and people call him a “sinnamon roll” or a sweet boi or a smol boi. Basically morro and harumi are male/female versions of each other, but people call her a bitch and thot while morro seems to get off easily
Harumi is either around the same age or slightly younger than the ninja, and calling her a thot (that hoe over there) or a bitch is derogatory
Harumi has been the ONLY major female villain we’ve EVER HAD. yet, people seem pretty chill with calling her a bitch for doing basically the same fucking thing Morro did (esp to Lloyd). It’s frustrating, annoying, and feels a little sexist.
Now, I’m not saying Harumi didn’t do anything wrong. She did horrible things and I wish she got a redemption, as many people wish Morro did/got, but it seems very disrespectful to such an interesting character to continually call her derogatory terms.
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