#motley crue x ofc
tobybestupid · 6 months
We need headcannons of what dating Motley Crue would be like
Ofc!! I'm gonna guess you meant individually....but why not all the boys together?🤯
Mötley Crüe x Reader
Mick Mars, Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil, Tommy Lee ♡
Tw: topics surrounding drugs, alcohol, smut, and fluff!!
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Lets start off with jealously.
Y'know, these boys get pretty jealous and needy for you attention (or each other's attention??).
Tommy and Nikki..god.
They'll get into literally cat fights, and hurt each other. It'll either be play fighting, or fighting over you. No in-between.
Vince doesn't mind.. sometimes.
If he's drunk or high he'll be all over you, all of them will!
Mick is jealous, really. Jealous, he just tends to keep it to himself.
Also showering with them... it's hell.
They put their hair on the walls, they use so much shampoo + conditioner. (Let's pretend they actually showered..)
Also they're like teenage boys. Horny asf, all the time. They WILL. Grab your chest, ass, ECT.
But they can be sweet!...most the time!
They love cuddling, it's a little silly. And if they're drunk they're so clingy...
"mick- wha-"
"HE'S GONNA LIGHT ME ON FIRE!" Mick would yell as he fell out of the chair, Nikki was laughing loudly on the ground.
"Tommy's crying in the corner again!" Vince yelled.
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gogobo0ts · 10 months
About + Rules
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you can call me Ani (she/her) <3 I write fanfics mainly for rockstars but I'm open to discussing just about anyone.
Requests are open!!
I'll write some blurbs, one-shots, or scenarios, you can request longer fics, but those will take longer :) i'm open to smut (ahaha ofc), fluff, angst whatever really, or just talking <3
here are the bands/rockstars I write for:
Guns 'n Roses
Hanoi Rocks
Van Halen
Motley crue
Bon Jovi
Led Zeppelin
L.A. Guns
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
I am VERY open to discussing anyone though <3
What I WON'T write for
Anything too extreme, piss, scat, super public sex (i'm fine with some exhibition) or the likes
m x m (I can do GN, but I'm afab and mxm is not what I'm used to)
I'm sure you get it. be respectful and everything's cool.
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robinsnest2111 · 3 months
Hey! Fic anon here, omg!! I'm so pleased you like my au my soul is so full🥺 it means so much, and also the meme that I will now forever association with that scene is the lemonade meme, like those are the vibes, immaculate dude you hit the nail on the head with that one😂 I'm compelled to share a bit more but I don't wanna get into straight up spoiler terrority, I will say that I'm trying to write them in character as possible which is quite a challenge, and it doesn't help that I'm a perfectionist. Thank you so much for your kind words and ideas!! It means so much to have someone actually be interested in my silly little fics.
I also have a few other Mick/ poly!Crue fics I'm working on right now but Eternally is taking priorty (after my actual real life work ofc😅) , still working on the title but I think eternally has a nice ring to it.
Other Motley fics I'm working on:
Detective Mick au, Mick is a detective on his last case before he's to be forced into retirement because of his condition and his last case is figuring out who keeps murdering the guitar players in bands in the LA club scene bands, so obviously he goes undercover without his bosses permission as a guitar player in a band called X-mass (shitty name), because their leader owes him a favour (he let Nikki go without bail for an inserious crime) and they need a guitarist as because of the murders surrounding guitarists suddenly the applications to become on is. Don't got any more real plot for this one still very early development.😅
Age swap AU, the dirt retold but all the characters have swapped age's with Mick, so like Nikki, Tommy and Vince are all Mick's age when Motley first starts out so like in their early thirties and Mick is like eighteen. This was just a funny idea for a character study of how different Motley would have been, acted and proceived by the public if things had been a bit different.
Motley mental asylum AU, Mick is a fresh faced graduate with a psych degree that gets his first job at an asylum. The rest of the guys are patients and he's forced to work with them.(Mick has skitsofrenia but doesn't know that himself yet). This is based on that one photo shoot they did with the straightjackets.
I think these ideas are kinda mid as of right now, but they do have some potential 😂
Once again I'm so excited to read once you publish something for this au <333333 I also like the preliminary title :3
ohhhh the detective mick au and the age swap au sound SO INTRIGUING TOO!!!!! 👀 (not as much a fan of the asylum au but that's just me, I'm sure it can be great too!)
anon, you're gonna feed us crüeheads So Well with all your awesome ideas/aus!!!!
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portaltothevoid · 2 years
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Chapter Five - Veteran of the Psychic Wars
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OFC (Kat Ramsay), sequel to Foolin’
Summary: Eddie and Kat have a heart to heart about when she had to deal with these symptoms before. Afterwards, she tries to show Eddie exactly how she feels and what happened. She gives her uncle a call to explain how the severity of the issues in Hawkins has increased.
Warnings: established relationship, unhealthy coping mechanisms, insecurities, hard drug use mentioned, dialogue heavy
Word count: 4.1k
Chapter song: Veteran of the Psychic Wars by Blue Oyster Cult
Tag list: @munchabunch @madaboutmunson2​ @michele131​ @riffcrusader​ @prettyboyeddiemunson​ @idiot-parade
Eddie slammed his van into park, turned it off, and let out a sigh as he sat there for a moment. The deals took longer than expected. That happens sometimes. People from the party clique get chatty with him when they’re high enough. Usually he politely finds a way to excuse himself, but today he found himself dragging his feet to get back home. Case in point, he was still sitting in his van, just staring at his trailer.
He didn’t know what to expect. It’s not that he didn’t trust Kat, it’s that he couldn’t bear to see her go down the road that so many other people in and around his life did. Not only that, he’s heard the stories and rumors of what goes on at Hollywood parties. The unknown of what he would walk into spiked his anxiety.
His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he leaned forward to rest his forehead on it. He started nodding his head while chewing on his bottom lip. Releasing the steering wheel, he hit it once, not out of anger, but as a way to psych himself up. Having gathered enough strength, he exited his vehicle. As he walked up to the front door, he could hear the thumping beat of whatever Kat was jamming out to grow louder. 
Kat was somehow doing a mixture of headbanging and dancing as she was vacuuming the living room area when Eddie walked in. Her soundtrack for her cleaning extravaganza was inspired by her flashback of her party days. It wasn’t until she turned around to perform the air guitar to the solo in “Looks that Kill” by Motley Crue that she noticed Eddie. In her state, she had practically forgotten about their fight as her eyes lit up when she saw him. 
He looked around, almost in disbelief, at his home. He hadn’t even been gone an hour.  Wayne’s mugs had been dusted. The sink was glistening and empty with no dishes in sight. A light lemon scent nestled itself above the smell of stale smoke that stuck to the walls. The floor in the kitchen looked brighter and somehow glistened. 
“Eddie!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air. After shutting off the vacuum, she trotted over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Okay so I promise I didn’t move any piles of anything. Well, I mean, I did, so I guess that’s a lie. But I swear, I put it in the same exact spot it was in after I cleaned. Um, except for the dishes though. Those I put away. I feel like it smells a little better, don’t you? You aren’t mad at me for cleaning, are you? I just, I couldn’t sit still and I just thought it would be nice to, ya know, spruce the place up. Just a little. It smells better in here. Not that it smelled bad before! It didn’t!” She was talking a mile a minute. It took Eddie a couple extra seconds to even process what she was saying. Despite it all, she seemed… happy. Not too happy, just normal albeit hyper.
“Can you, uh, turn that down?” he asked.
“Oh! Yeah, sorry,” she said as she went to turn off the music. 
“I… I’m not mad that you cleaned…” he spoke with hesitation in his voice.
“Oh good. I was a little worried, but I couldn’t stop. The bathroom’s clean too,” she nodded. “And,” she pointed at Eddie, “I’ll have you know, I didn’t even have a bump. I’m not gonna need one. This was enough,” she nodded again, this time triumphantly. “Jesus, you have no idea. It’s like there’s this quiet in my mind. Like… like it’s just me in here.” She tapped the side of her temple, before she started singing, “Nobody else can bind me, Take a good look around me, Now I’m breaking the chains!” Emphasizing the last three words, she punched the air with each syllable. “I fucking sound like I should be in Pennhurst. Christ,” she let out a breathy laugh.
When she burst into song, Eddie couldn’t help but shake his head and let out a small chuckle of his own. “I’m, uh, gonna go sort this out, ‘kay?” he said as he held up the black lunchbox. “You just, uh, finish doing your thing…”
“Okay!” she said with such elated enthusiasm. “Mind if I put the music back on?”
“Knock yourself out,” he responded as he shook his head. Before he was in his room, the music was back on and she continued vacuuming. He took his time sorting his money and going through what he had left over from tonight’s party, which was just a couple baggies of special K. He tucked those away in a lockbox in his desk drawer. One of his personal rules was that he never kept the harder drugs he sold in the lunchbox unless there was a planned sale after school or he was dealing at a party like tonight. Usually he hurried through this process, but tonight he really wasn’t in any rush. Kat seemed perfectly content with the cleaning job she bestowed on herself so, really, what was the harm in procrastinating a bit?
She seemed to be doing okay. She was functional and, based on the quick glances he stole at the coffee table when he first got back, she really didn’t take much from the bag. Did he make assumptions about her past and jump to conclusions? Sure he did, but it was because of his own history. Since she had the first nightmare, Kat hadn’t been the same girl he met a little over half a year ago. Her increasing anxiety was palpable and as much as he tried to bury himself in this last campaign, even he was starting to sense that something was afoot in Hawkins.
Over and over and over again the same thoughts kept cycling through Eddie’s mind. Yes, she could handle herself. He was sure she knew her limits. He knew she never fully wanted to lose control. Christ, the girl had superpowers. She didn’t need him; she just wanted him around. He’d never cared about anyone like he cared for her, so just having to sit back and watch from the sidelines… It gnawed at him. The only thing he could do was try to understand. If he couldn’t physically stop her pain and hunt down her demons, at least he could be her rock. The one solid thing in her life that she could always depend on. 
He was torn away from his thoughts when Kat poked her head through his doorway. At the pace she was talking, her words all but blended together when she said, “Hey, so, um, I’m kinda done with everything out there. I cleaned the outside of the fridge. I really hope you aren’t insulted, I didn’t–”
“Why would I be insulted?” He cut her off.
“Um, I don’t know? Because you’d think I thought this place was dirty or something. Like in a repulsive way, not in, like, the place just needed a deep cleaning kind of way. You know, spring does start next week. So, it’s like I did your spring cleaning for you already!”
“Sweetheart, it’s fine, really. A little, uh, surprising to come back to that, but I mean, it needed it. Wayne’ll probably be happy about it when he gets home,” he said with a reassuring look in his eyes.
“Okay, good. I don’t like upsetting you. So I wanted to make sure. Can I, uh… Do you mind if I hang out in here? With you?” She mustered her best puppy dog eyes for him. 
“I’m done with all this. We can go into the living room, watch a movie or somethin’.” He started to get up and leave his room. Kat broke out into a giant smile and giddily clapped her hands before she went to turn off the stereo and set up shop on the couch. “What was with the music choice? You haven’t listened to that in a while,” Eddie inquired, trying to make conversation to keep her buzzing mind occupied. 
“Well, I was thinking about the first time I did that,” she pointed to the bag on the coffee table, “and Nikki showed me. And I missed home. Or maybe not home. Just when I went through this without the nightmares. So I thought I’d listen to that.”
“Nikki? As in…?”
“Nikki Sixx, yep. Like the time after a WASP show, him and Blackie would look out for me like I was the little sister of the group,” she recalled with a fond smile. “I mean, mainly it was Blackie. Nikki would get way too fucked up. When they brought out the heroin, that was my cue to leave. Definitely not touching that shit. Ever.”
A brief lull of silence fell between them. Eddie furrowed his brows at her words. “Kat… you know I just worry about you, right? Earlier I was just–” he started until she cut him off.
“I know. I know it’s serious shit. And I know I didn’t tell you everything. Not because I didn’t want to, just… I just couldn’t. I mean, it’s heavy shit. And I’m not used to having someone to talk about everything with. It’s just way easier to keep it to myself and get through it. Which is totally wrong to do to you. Like, I see that now.” While she didn’t outright say it, her expression was apologetic.
“I’ll be honest, some of the sorceress shit you got going on, I can’t really wrap my head around? But that doesn’t mean I can’t try. Or that I won’t. I’ll listen.” He took her hand in his. “You aren’t alone anymore. You have me. Always.”
She took her hand back only so she could wrap him into a hug. “I love you,” she mumbled into his neck.
“I love you, too. In case that wasn’t apparent,” he lightly chuckled.
Kat swung her legs around, resting them on top of Eddie’s, making herself comfortable as she nestled into his side. “You know how I said I went through this before?” she asked.
“Mhm,” he hummed.
“It… it’s weird. Like… I think this would be the third time something like this happened. I just thought it was something to add to the list of things I thought were wrong with me. But…” She grabbed his hand as she trailed off and started to fidget with his rings. “This time, it feels…serious. Ugh, I don’t know how to describe it.”
“Just start at the beginning. When was the first time it happened?” he encouraged.
“Um… right before I turned sixteen so November of ‘83. When it started it was really bad, but then it kinda tapered off. Just the headaches lingered. You know what’s the weirdest part about it? Music was the only thing that helped. Like, when I would go to shows or work them? I felt fine. That’s how I know it’s gotta be connected to whatever was going on at the lab.” 
“Is it reverse brainwashing?”
Kat let out a short laugh. “I don’t think so. It was less brainwashing and more like making us super spies, which I still can’t figure out how it all could even be related.”
Eddie looked around with a pensive expression mirroring how he was trying to connect the dots in his mind. “Were there other times when it was really bad?”
“It was the end of June in ‘84 that I did coke for the first time. It didn’t get really bad until that fall, like around Halloween. Again, weird, because it was pretty much exactly a year from when this all started. And that was my second go of junior year too. I was hanging on by threads. The drugs mellowed me out during class though and then I was always listening to music in between, so somehow I managed to scrape by. It slowed down again, but this summer? It was so bad. Luckily I used Fourth of July parties as an excuse to, uh, cope. Til I fucked that up and my father found out,” she paused to roll her eyes. “Nothing he could really do though, because it was already set that I was coming here. Right before that though, the headaches and stuff were gone. Then when I was here, I actually forgot about them until now. So… I dunno, I just feel that it’s gonna be really, really bad,” Kat sighed as she started chewing on the inner corner of her lip.
“Okay, I think you might be right about the lab connection, I just have no idea how. Hear me out though. You’ve heard how really weird shit happens here, right?” Kat nodded in response, leaving the floor for him to continue. “I wanna say it was like the first week of November in ‘83 when the Byers kid went missing. I can’t remember what I told you about that, but the government literally covered it up. They said he was dead, but he wasn’t, because they found him, like, a week later? Then this girl a grade below me went missing. A year later was when we found out she was actually killed at the fault of the lab. That’s how it got shut down.”
“That’s how it got shut down?” Kat asked, shocked by the news.
“Yep. Some investigative reporter got a confession out of someone from there and the whole place was axed. It’s abandoned now. But it gets weirder. Fourth of July this year there was a fire at this brand new mall that just opened. A lot of people died. The fire was after hours though. And sure the mall is a big place, but the people that died were random. Like one guy from my grade – you know the redhead that lives in the trailer kind of across from me?” Kat nodded again. “It was her brother. He was an absolute prick. Bought a lot off me, but he was a prick. Anyway, there was no way he would have been at the mall at that time. He woulda been at some party getting absolutely fucked up. I don’t know if it’s connected to the lab, but why else would they have to cover up something again?”
“And those were all the times my headaches were the worst… Wait, Eddie, remember what happened at the pumpkin patch?”
“Uh, yeah, you were really freaked out, because…” His face lit up as he realized the connection. “You had a nightmare! You saw that thing you’re seeing now, right?”
“I touched that weird, dead vine. And it brought me into what I remember now is, like, the void. It was reaching out to me then. Only now, it’s talking to me. It was like touching the vine made it realize I was back.” Kat’s stomach dropped like she just started a descent on the world’s tallest roller coaster. She got up and went straight to the stereo. It took a few moments of shuffling through Wayne’s box of tapes, but she eventually found Blue Oyster Cult’s Fire of Unknown Origin to replace the Motley Crue one already in there. She pressed play and returned to sitting in the same way she was before. 
“Blue Oyster Cult?”
“Yeah, I didn’t have time to go look through yours for something. Plus I really just love this album.” She gave Eddie a half smile. “You know I don’t only listen to metal. It’s my favorite, but I listen to other stuff too. You should try it sometime,” she laughed as she playfully nudged him in his side.
A light silence fell between the two with just the music in the background, both lost in their own thoughts until Eddie broke it. “Hey what’s the void?” he wondered.
“Oh, um… Well, it’s this place I can go to in my mind and, like, I can see where people are and what they’re doing,” she said sheepishly, almost embarrassed by how it sounded. “It was… It was one of the last things I was working on… when I was at the lab.”
“I don’t really get it. You… mind travel?”
“Like if I’m at home, in my room, I can go into the void and I can see exactly what you’re doing. Like I could hear you practicing for example and freak you out by then calling you and asking why you decided to practice that song. I think, I don’t know, I always had this feeling though if I knew the person they could sense me around. They wouldn’t really know it was me, but they could feel someone watching them sort of thing? Like I said… They wanted us to be super spies.”
“You’re rad as hell, you know that?” he said as he lightly ruffled her hair which made her giggle.
“I can show you, I think. You want me to try?”
“I mean only if you want to, if you’re up for it.”
Kat got up and shut the music off again, only to turn the radio on until all they heard was white noise. “Can I see your bandana?” she asked as she sat cross-legged on the couch. Eddie handed it to her and she tied it over her eyes like a blindfold. She took a deep breath and started to concentrate, falling into the white noise. 
“So what happens now? Am I gonna see you floating the cor–”
“Eddie, shut up. I need silence.”
“Oh, right, that makes sense. Sorry.”
She took a deep breath again and let mind quiet as much as it could until she felt herself fall. Her feet landed in a never ending pool of blackness. She was surrounded by darkness. Then she focused on Eddie. Eventually his couch came into view.
She watched him watching her. It was weird to see herself. He was looking at her so intently with so much concern. She walked right in front of him and put her hand on his arm. 
“What the… How?” He whispered as he felt some sort of electricity where she was touching his arm.
‘I think I can show you what I’ve been seeing,’ he heard her say in his mind. 
“This is fucking wild. Uh, yeah, show me. I wanna know. I wanna understand.” She focused her energy on speaking to him in the void instead of narrating what was happening, so her words appeared in his mind. With his response, she knew it was working and even surprised herself that she could do this.
In the void, she stood in front of him. Eddie heard her deep breath beside him. Gently she placed her hands on his temples. She could see him look her in the eyes. He could feel her essence in front of him even as she was physically beside him. Closing her eyes, she pulled up the images of her nightmares from her mind. She drew on her own emotions that surrounded them. As she applied pressure to his head, she felt the memories course through her and flow into him.
Eddie’s eyes snapped shut as he felt himself free falling backwards into nothing. As much as he wanted to escape the feeling, Kat’s energy kept him in place. Eventually he found himself in places that seemed familiar, but were nothing like they seemed. 
First, she took him through her times in LA. He was in her memories. He could feel everything that she felt from the pounding ache in her skull to the relief she felt at shows and at the parties. Then, he saw himself, which was a trippy thing to experience. These weren’t memories though. He was now in her nightmares. Actually seeing how everyone changed from laughing faces to deaden eyes, his stomach dropped. Her most recent one sent chills down his spine. 
Kat stepped away from him. Slowly she brought herself back into her own body. She pulled the bandana away from her eyes to meet Eddie’s which were glossy with tears threatening to fall. “Kat…” he whispered as he reached for her. “I had no idea, I had– I’m so sorry,” he muttered, holding her.
“There’s no way you could have known,” she whispered back, wiping the blood from her nose. “But now, now you know.”
“How? How are you… How the hell are you even functioning?” he asked. He couldn't even hide his complete shock and near terror in his voice.
“I barely am. I mean, I wouldn’t really call doing coke again totally functioning. Self-medicating, maybe,” she gently scoffed. His grip around her tightened. “Eddie, I’m gonna be okay. Whatever happens, I’ll be able to handle it…” her voice was slightly unsteady enough so that Eddie caught on. He knew he wasn’t the only one she was trying to convince with that sentiment.
As he sat there trying his best to soothe her, to show her it was safe, he couldn’t ignore the fear that gripped him by the throat. This was far, far bigger than anything he could have even imagined she was going through. It was one thing when he was playing D&D. There, he was unstoppable. But this? This was real. That figure, he could feel it from her nightmares. Somehow, somewhere it was waiting. He wasn’t sure if it was just waiting for Kat or to strike its wrath on the whole world. He felt inadequate. He felt defenseless. He felt utterly powerless.
Every alarm in his body was going off and telling him to run. As he looked down at her as she pressed herself against him, he vowed to stay by her side. He would stay and fight and he would fight only for her. 
– – – – – – – – – –
Kat sat at the kitchen counter, wringing her hands, waiting for her aunt to get home. The constant feeling of dread was consuming her. She couldn’t stand idly around, waiting for this… this thing to make the first move. There had to be something she could do.
Eventually she heard her aunt enter. She greeted her niece happily, but when she saw Kat’s serious demeanor, her face fell. “Honey, what’s wrong?” she asked with such concern.
“I need to talk to Hank. I– I’m having nightmares again. And they’re… they’re getting more and more intense. I just– We need to find 011. It’s just… Things are going to get bad. Like, end of the world bad.”
Linda didn’t press Kat for more information or ask any questions. She went straight to the phone to get Hank on the line. The look of concern never left her face. Soon enough, she handed the phone to Kat.
“What’s going on, Kiddo?” he asked.
“The nightmares are getting worse. That thing is getting more… confident. Look, I know weird shit has been happening here. I know the lab was active until two years ago. My headaches are back.”
“I know, I know. I’ve been trying to get your Uncle Sam to tell us where he sent 011.”
“You know Sam is too soft! We need 011. I can find her, you know. This shit is only going to get worse.”
“Kat, I know. I keep trying to tell him, but he says we need to wait. It’s not time yet. 011 still needs time before she gets her powers back.”
“What? She doesn’t even have her powers?! Who is he to decide if we wait or not?! I am telling you, this is going to be horrific. People are going to die. I just… I don’t know what it’s planning, but I know it can’t do whatever it’s doing and spare people’s lives.”
“Look, I’ll try to talk to him again. I’ll tell him 001 is trying to get to you through the nightmares.”
“Wait, 001? That’s who… oh my god…” Kat was left speechless as she pieced everything together. The man from the first nightmare she had at the beginning of the month. The power that she had felt. The evil she picked up on from the vines at the pumpkin patch. 
“Yes, 001. That’s why I tried to go slow bringing your memories back. There’s a lot to all of this.”
“I don’t care how you do it, just… Get 011 back in the game. I can’t do this alone.” Without waiting for his response, she hung up the phone. She had thought talking to him would have put her at ease, even if it was just slightly. Her feelings of dread and apprehension weren’t solely in the back of her mind anymore. They were consuming her.
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iluvkirk · 1 year
Nikki x Reader!
I Love You
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please don't read it's my first one so it may be bad but if you are you may continue to read the reader is Nikki's bestfriend
Me and Nikki have been best friends before Motley Crue before he ran away and shit I have this major crush on him I wanna tell me but idk if he likes back he's ju- I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a voice "y/n you ok?" He said "hmm?" I said looking at him "you were zoning out" he said snuggling into me "oh yeah I'm ok?" I said as I wrap my arms around him. it was silent for a few seconds "y/n can I tell you something" he said sounding a bit nervous "sure" I said looking at him "y/n I really really like you but I know you probably don't like me back and I understand I just don't wanna ruin our friendship so I understand" he said looking all sad "i- Nikki i-" I was shocked "I like you too, I always had since the 6th grade" I said too him smiling a bit "you....you do!!???" He said a bit shocked that I like him back "yeah! I do" I said smiling "do you wanna be my girlfriend y/n" He said "Ofc I do!!" I said they both kiss "I love you" he said his famous adorable smile "I love you too"
Sorry it's short this was my first ff on here I really didn't have a plot I did this is school we didn't do any work I had to think of it being a smut or a Nikki x daughter I didn't know 😭😭 I hope you like this
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just letting you know i love live wire so much! it’s great!!
I’m so glad!!! I’m working on Ch 15 right now and 16 is half way done! I’m always down to hear thoughts and theories on what’s going to happen bc I haven’t decided what will happen yet, so please reach out. I love talking about The Dirt and Live Wire
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ginny-rose-sixx · 4 years
What the Fork? Ch 2
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A/N: Well it’s ADHD awareness month and to be honest I have been having a real beast of a time these past 1.5 months. I still have not been able to be in the perfect mind space for writing lately. For example, I will sit down to write and half-way through a sentence I will start to hyper-fixate on trying to remember what Roman Numeral I had to write to when I was in 1st grade. Was it 1 thousand? 2 thousand? 10 thousand? 1 million?? Then by the time I get back to the sentence I was writing, I am so lost. Sometimes it frightens and discourages me so much that I immediately shut the document down. I will also just break down and cry or I will hyper-fixate on some inane object. I have had hours pass that seem to be minutes and vice versa.
Thankfully, I have been able to write more. Chapter 12 is out on WattPad and AO3. Also, I am now finally putting chapter 2 here on Tumblr. Read, reblog, tell me what you think… pretty please? 🥺
Pairing: Not disclosed to reader yet
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 1542
Chapter summary: It’s Roz’s first morning in 1981.
Roz woke slowly. *Gaahh, that is such a gross smell. And why on Earth is there someone in my bed?* Roz cracked an eye open and peeked around the room. *WHAAAT THE FUUUCK???* She started to silently freak the fuck out. *Not good. Not good. Not good at all. Wait, seriously who the fuck is in bed with me??* Roz was done being silent. Now was the time for ear splitting screams. Roz also lashed out at the stranger elbowing him in the stomach and kicking him a few times in the shins. For good measure, she also kicked him twice in the balls.
Tommy sleepily stumbled out of his bed. “Roz?! Roz are you ok?!” Tommy saw Vince on the floor groaning and clutching his crotch. “Vinnie, dude, did you seriously get into bed with Roz after getting home? Are you ok Roz? Did he hurt you or anything?”
“Seriously T-bone? I’m over here in major pain and you think I did something to her?” Vince groaned.
As she listened to Tommy and Vince, Roz became more alert and remembered where she was. “Mornin’ Tommy. Hey Vince, if I catch you cuddling me in my sleep again without my permission, I WILL hurt you. I will shove my wand up your nose and scramble your brain.”
Nikki stood in the doorway laughing, “Well Vince, I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you kicked out of bed by a chick. I thought you’d have freaked out a little less Roz, you know, being the time traveling witch that you are.”
Roz stood up and glared at him, “Shut up Nikki! You had me go into his bed and didn’t warn him I was there to… what? Mess with me?! Were you hoping that he’d do something to me in my sleep?”
Nikki rolled his eyes, “I knew he wouldn’t, and it was a fucking joke.”
“Not a very good one if you ask me,” said Roz crossing her arms. “Ugh whatever.”
Vince looked between Roz and Nikki. “Is anyone gonna fill me in on the babe from the future?”
“Watch it buddy. I’ve got my eye on you,” Roz stuck her tongue out at Vince. “Anyways, shouldn’t we wait for Mick in case he thought of anything else he wants to know? The less I gotta repeat myself the better.”
Tommy looked at the alarm clock, “Well it’s almost 11:30 so he should be here soon for practice. What do you want to do until then?”
*I wonder why I’m even here. What do I want to do anyways? I can’t always just sit here on my ass with the guys. It’s too bad that to get a job or anything I would need a fake ID or something. I know, I could be their babysitter and maid.* Roz snickered to herself at the thought.
“Earth to Roz….1981 to Roz, are you there?” Tommy said poking her on her right shoulder right where she had a giant bruise.
Roz tried to keep from wincing. “Um sorry I guess I spaced out there. I guess we should come up with some sleeping arrangements because I don’t want to wake up to unexpected people in the same bed as me. No offence Vince. Also, I’m sorry for literally kicking your ass outta bed. So, who wants to share a bed with a witch?”
The guys looked between each other. Just as Vince was about to try saying something, Nikki elbowed him and said “Unless we can get another mattress, you should get your own bed. These two goons can either share or fight each other for who gets the couch. Although, you could always share with one of them.”
“Nik seriously? I’ll just try to be at my girlfriend’s more often. I don’t want to risk my brain getting scrambled.” Vince shrugged and walked out to the living room.
Roz was starting to feel the need for some time to herself. “Hey Tommy, do you have another shirt that I can wear? I don’t feel like being in these shorts all day.”
“Sure thing Roz,” Tommy said tossing her a shirt as he walked out of the room.
Nikki just stood there with his arms crossed analyzing Roz. Starting to feel a little hot under the collar, she cleared has throat and said, “Um Nikki, I don’t exactly want an audience while I change.”
With a wink and a smirk Nikki left the room. Roz shut the door behind him. Roz started to think as she got her skirt and started to change. *Ok, seriously, Nikki was being a little weird just now. He didn’t act this nice last night at all. Maybe he’s just trying to get me rattled.* When she took the shirt off she saw that her whole right shoulder was bruised. *Geez did I fall or something when I blacked out?* Roz did her hair in a messy bun and tied the oversized t-shirt at the waist. Knowing how gross the carpet is, she decided to put her boots on. Once she was satisfied with her clothes, she walked out to the living room to find that Mick had already arrived.
“Hey cuz,” she said as she skipped in and plopped onto the couch between Mick and Tommy.
“So teen witch, I hear you kicked Vince out of bed. Good job kid.” Mick said with a small smile.
Roz laughed, “If he tries anything while I’m asleep I’ll treat him like he’s an Egyptian being prepared for burial”
Vince looked at her like she had 2 heads, “What the hell does that mean?”
“It means that I would shove a white-hot poker up your nose and scramble your brain before I pull it out through your nose.” Roz was having a hard time not laughing at the look on Vince’s face. Taking pity on him, she conceded, “Weeeeellllll I would actually be more likely to punch or kick someone I’m not expecting to be in my bed.”
“So, Roz, what did happen before you appeared under the table?” Tommy asked turning on the couch to look at her.
“Well I was supposed to go to a Harry Potter convention where a bunch of fans get together. That’s why I was dressed the way that I was. My friend Katy was supposed to pick me up but she didn’t show up so I started to watch a movie. I was fiddling around with my time turner necklace and then a blue light started creeping up my arms. I couldn’t drop the necklace, or even move at all. Around the time that it was reaching my head I blacked out. I must have fallen because I have a giant bruise on my right shoulder. Next thing I know I’m under your table.”
“What movie were you watching?” Nikki asked suspiciously.
Roz crinkled her nose and questioned, “Why do you care what movie I was watching?”
Nikki scoffed, “Of course I want to know because it might explain why you ended up here of all places.”
Roz thought *I can’t tell them too much about it. I can’t cause some sort of time paradox or change the future. He probably won’t believe whatever I say anyways* She took a steadying breath and said, “It was a movie with a killer rabbit, French people flinging insults and throwing cows, horny nuns in a convent, and empty halves of coconuts. I was also trying to do some research into the classic physics problem of ‘What is the air speed velocity of an un-laden swallow?’”
Nikki snorted, “Well that’s bull shit. You were probably watching something lame and embarrassing, or something really important. Either way, you don’t want to tell us the truth.”
Roz snorted and shook her head at his response, “Of course you just keep on thinking that Nikki. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is just pure awesome, not crazy. Oh and, Vince, my full name is Eva Rozlyn Roberts. I prefer Roz. Also, Nikki decided that I am Mick’s cousin from Wisconsin. Any questions anyone?”
“Well Roz, that’s all well and good, but we might need more of a back story than that. We gotta have a plausible reason why Mick’s adult cousin moved from Wisconsin. Also, we probably should have a good reason why you stay here and not with him.” Vince said.
Roz thought for a moment then said, “Well as to the moving states, I guess we could say I’m recently parentless and that Mick’s the only family member I have. As to why I’m here and not with him would be his girlfriend doesn’t like me.”
“What will you do during the day?” asked Tommy.
“I guess I’ll help you guys with stuff around here. I would cook and clean, ugh I wish I was actually a witch; magic would come in handy when cleaning this place up.” Roz looked around. She saw copious amounts of trash, broken shit, and burnt cockroaches everywhere.
Nikki watched Roz as she looked around. He thought that she might be a little too tame at the moment. With a wicked glint in his eye he asked her, “What about when we party? Are you gonna be joining in?”
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
Wendy and The Lost Boys -Finished
Wendy and The Lost Boys (Nikki Sixx X OFC)- FINISHED
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
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bitter-13-suite · 4 years
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Some fanart I drew, inspired by a fanfic that @niksixx wrote -- Treasure. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely works!
I know that the Mick in the fic is technically Iwan Rheon's, so, I apologise for drawing him in a style closer to that of the real Mick Mars.
Hope these do your work at least some justice.
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coffeeandcannolis · 5 years
Piece Of Your Action
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Beautiful gif by @confidenceandpower!
“God, can they just fuck already?” Vince groaned from the front row of seats. Nikki and Mick followed his attention backstage to a full view of the scene before them. 
Tommy and I were goofing around like it was just the two of us. Giggles and lingering touches and flirty smiles. I laughed at something Tommy said, and as I tossed my head back, I shot an arm out to grip his bicep for support. I held onto his arm for a moment - a bit too long, in Nikki’s opinion. 
After Nikki introduced me and Tommy at the party a few weeks earlier, I was all the drummer ever talked about. He didn’t know how to keep it cool with Nikki - couldn’t even try - and was too excited to help himself. It was no secret that Tommy was a hopeless romantic. The characteristic didn’t mesh well with the Mötley circus, and more often than not it worked to his detriment. The rest of the band watched Tommy fall too hard and too fast more times than they could count. 
And more than that? Nikki was always the one left behind to pick up the broken pieces. Tommy loved - or what he thought was love, at the time - deeper than most. It ignited and spread like wildfire for a few weeks before it burned out in a grizzled, charcoaled mess. 
For once, Tommy wasn’t the one Nikki worried about. 
Nikki and I had gone through the trenches together, way before I was filming blockbusters with Tom Cruise and Mötley Crüe ever existed. He was used to fending off skeevy men at parties and bars (a full-time job, as far as my looks and Nikki’s brotherly nature were concerned), but he also stuck with me through my fair share of heartbreak. One in particular, about two years back, left me in pieces and questioning everything I thought I knew about love. Nikki spent months pulling me out of it. 
Was he ecstatic me and Tommy hit it off? Yes. Was he kicking himself for not thinking of it sooner? Absolutely. But the concept of his best friend and his brother dating, when he knew more than he’d like to about our respective dating histories, made him nervous. 
He didn’t want to lose either of us. 
“Kid’s gone and fallen in love,” Mick drawled. He glanced our way while he tuned his guitar. “Again.”
“Tommy’s been such a pussy since he met her.” Vince glanced at Nikki. “Sorry.” Nikki waved it off and Vince continued. “He has zero interest in the chicks we bring on the bus and he hasn’t gone to a fuckin’ strip club with us in weeks. He never pulled that shit with other girls.”
Vince’s rant was cut short when me and Tommy made our way over.
“Alright, Nik, I’m heading out. Big table read and all,” I said. 
I bent down to kiss Nikki on the cheek and ruffled his hair. He wrapped an arm around me and smacked a wet kiss on my cheek in return. I sent a small, private small Tommy’s way and hopped off the stage. 
Nikki called after me as I weaved through the aisles toward the exit. “Knock ‘em dead, honey! Make me proud!”
The boys laughed when, without turning around, I threw up my middle finger. “Fuck you, Sixx!” The double doors slammed shut behind me.
“Faith’s the only one who calls you out on your bullshit, Sixx, I swear.” Mick chuckled to himself. 
“Smokin’ hot, too.” Vince smirked. “I’d love to hit that.” He knew what he was doing - the crude remark was largely to rile Tommy up, but it was also true. 
Nikki cut his eyes up to the drummer and noticed his jaw clench at Vince’s comment. To be fair, Nikki would react the same way: Vince had a long-standing habit of listening to his dick first and brain second. 
Nikki stood and hiked his leather pants higher up on his hips. “Tommy, can I talk to you for a second?” He started for the green room without bothering to see if Tommy followed, and missed the smart-assed remarks Mick and Vince threw at Tommy on their way out. 
“Someone’s in trouble!” Vince booed at Tommy and wiggled his fingers after him. 
“Shut up, Vince,” Tommy hissed. His heart was in his throat - though he couldn’t be positive what was going on, he had a damned good idea. And that idea was small, blonde, and smelled like vanilla. 
Tommy closed the door behind them. Nikki could feel the anxiety radiating from him. Tommy twirled his drumsticks around his fingers, a vain attempt to ground himself in whatever was about to happen. He quickly tucked them in his back pocket when he saw the look on Nikki’s face. 
Nikki sat on the couch and nodded to the space next to him. “Sit down, drummer.”
“Nikki, listen -”
“No, you listen, Tommy.” Nikki ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not blind here, man. I know there’s something going on with you and Faith.” He held up a hand when Tommy opened his mouth. “Let me speak, man.”
All the color drained from Tommy’s face. He sat down.
Nikki leaned forward. “Trust me - I know how great Faith is. I don’t blame you for falling for her. But she’s like my fucking little sister, man. I know both of you so fucking well, and - I mean, I know how you are. You fall hard and fast.” He sighed. “I just... I’m not stupid, dude. I can see you guys have a connection, but I want you to be sure. Before you do anything, I need you to be sure.”
Tommy cleared his throat. His knees wouldn’t stop bouncing. “Fuck, Nikki, I just... I mean?” He shook his head to himself. He thought for a moment and, when he spoke again, his entire demeanor changed. 
“This is different, dude. Like... I feel like I know her? Like I’ve always known her? And not in a fuckin’ cheesy way, but like she’s just always been there. I don’t know - I mean, I can’t describe it.” Tommy chuckled to himself. “I can’t fucking stand when she’s not around and I haven’t even kissed her yet.” He looked up at Nikki. “What the fuck is happening to me, dude?”
Nikki softened as soon as he saw the look on Tommy’s face. Every concern evaporated into the air. “Tommy, I’m -”
“I think I’m gonna marry this girl, man.” Tommy laughed in disbelief in at himself, surprised at his own comment.
Nikki looked in Tommy’s eyes and knew it was true. He clapped a hand on Tommy’s shoulder. “As long as I’m your best man, dude.”
Tag List: @iluvmesomemarvelndc @marvelismylifffe @mutualmendes1998
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earthfire-75 · 3 years
Call me
Mick Mars x OFC
Author’s notes: just an idea I got based off on one of @thesmokingguns headcanons, cover songs
Call me (call me) on the line
Call me, call me any, anytime
Call me (call me) I'll arrive
When you're ready we can share the wine
Call me
Anjelika takes the same path to and from work every day, passing by the Seventh Veil. She’s used to seeing people coming in and out of the strip club every night. Tonight, however, she finds her path blocked on her way home. Literal barricades surrounded the area and she noticed a film crew as she looked around. If there were signs, she had clearly missed them. She was about to look for a way around all this so she could get home.
Anjelika was tired, hungry and her feet hurt, but then she saw four guys walking towards the entrance to the club and one of them caught her eyes. Long black hair, a little shorter than what she normally preferred, but he was wearing aviator sunglasses, so she couldn’t see his eyes.
She couldn’t stop herself from following him with her eyes until he disappeared behind the door and she let out a sigh. Then the man beside her spoke, making her jump since she hadn’t noticed him before.
“Would you like to meet them?” He asked with a knowing smile.
Her brows furrowed in confusion. “Who-“
He nodded his head in the direction of the door. “Don’t tell me you don’t know who they are!” He added when he noticed my confusion.
She thought about it and something clicked. “They did look familiar…”
“It’s Motley Crue!”
“Oh…” she breathed like she couldn’t quite believe it. “I knew they lived around here, but I never thought I would ever actually run into any of them…”
“So…did you want to? Meet them, I mean.”
“I-I would love to, but I need to get home before I pass out where I stand. I just got off work.”
He didn’t say anything, just nodded. Anjelika didn’t move though and he raised an eyebrow at her. She bit her lip as a thought came to her and She dug into her purse for paper and pen. “This is probably crazy…” She mumbled as she wrote down my name and number. “Please give this to Mick.” she instructed, handing the guy the paper and hoping she hadn’t just given away her information to a crazy person.
“Mick?” He asked, sounding a bit surprised.
“You heard me,” she said with a smile. “Now, I really do need to get home.” She looked around and saw that the camera crew was no longer there, probably gone inside as well. There were still some security guards outside and the barricades were still up.
The guy next to me waved over one of the guards. “See to it this lady gets across the barricades, she’s just trying to get home.” The guard nodded and escorted Anjelika to the other side. She thanked him and continued on her way. When she did finally get home, she just took off her heels and crashed on the couch.
Anjelika was woken early the next morning by the ringing of her phone. She crawled to the other end of the couch where the phone was on the end table and picked up the receiver. “Hello?” She asked, cringing at herself because of how rough her voice sounded.
“Uh, hi. Is this Anjelika?” A vaguely familiar male voice on the other end responded.
“Speaking. How can I help you?”
There was what sounded like a sigh of relief. “Thank God…sorry, but I was half expecting this to be some kind of twisted joke by my friends.”
“Wait…Mick? Mick Mars? Please tell me it’s you.”
“Uh…yes, that’s me.”
“Oh, thank God I didn’t hand my name and phone number over to some random stalker or some shit!”
They shared a laugh. “I promise you, Doc isn’t a stalker. Um, that’s our manager. The band’s, I mean.”
“Your manager? I am surprised he actually gave you my number.”
“If Doc says he’s going to do something, he does it.”
“Good to know.”
“Hey, listen,” he began, sounding so nervous it was kind of adorable. “Would you like to meet up sometime?”
Anjelika couldn’t quite believe her ears “I’d love to. I’m actually off work today. If-if you’re available?”
“I will be, though not until late this afternoon. Do you just want to go for coffee? Or-or maybe dinner?”
Anjelika couldn’t help but smile at this man’s adorable awkwardness. “I think coffee first.”
“Consider it a test, Mr. Mars.”
He chuckled. “And what do I get if I pass?”
“That dinner. And if you play your cards right…me.” Anjelika immediately wanted to kick herself . What was she thinking saying that? It didn’t help when Mick remained silent on his end. “I’m sorry, I-“
“No! No, it’s alright. I just…wasn’t expecting that response. There’s-there’s this hole in the wall cafe a couple of blocks down from the Seventh Veil. Well, two blocks and around the corner.”
“You mean Maurice’s?
“Yeah! You know it?”
“Yeah, I usually go there on my days off for some time to myself for lunch.”
“How the hell have we never met before?”
“Shitty timing. That’s my kind of luck.”
“Meet me there at 3?”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”
“See you then, Anjelika.”
“Bye, Mick.”
They hung up the phone and Anjelika got up to make herself some breakfast and coffee before starting to clean up her apartment since she hadn’t really done so all week. She took a shower and then started to get ready, agonizing over what to wear. She still wasn’t sure if it really was Mick she was talking to on the phone and she wouldn’t know until she met him. Finally, she decided on a pair of leather pants paired with a white blouse and heeled boots. Anjelika left her hair down and kept her makeup light. She grabbed her purse and headed to the cafe.
When she got inside the building, she looked around and sure enough, there he was, sitting at a table towards the back. Mick fucking Mars. Anjelika held her shit together, surprisingly, and approached him.
“Mick?” There was still disbelief in her voice.
“Yeah. Anjelika?”
Mick immediately got up from his seat and came around the table, embracing her in a gentle hug before releasing her and putting out her chair for her.
@nature-and-music @mickmarstookmyheart @lady-jane-revisited @sinning-sixx @niksixx (let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from)the tag list for any future Mick Mars fics)
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dazed ‘n’ confused (part 1)
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A/N: Literally this is just a combination of frustration and gender envy I have for rodrick heffley. both characters are 18 :)
Ship: rodrick heffley x OFC
Warnings: none in this part, probably NSFW in later chapters
Nicole had never had a more boring summer.
She and her family, (Mom, Dad, and two younger sisters) had moved to this rinky-dink town in April, and Nicole squeezed in two months of school without making any friends before summer hit in a disgusting, sweltering mess of dry lawns and humid nights.
She managed to get a job life-guarding, and that was the highlight of her days through July and August. Her initial blistering sunburn on the tops of her feet and legs turned into a nice tan, and she usually walked the two miles from her house to the pool, so she stayed in good shape (minus the five or six ice-pops she would eat during her shifts).
Mainly, the reason she enjoyed life-guarding so much was because her neighbor, Rodrick Heffley, would come to the pool almost every day and stay until closing time (which also happened to be the end of Nicole’s shift). She tried not to think too much into it.
Nicole wouldn’t usually be attracted to boys like Rodrick. He was loud, and generally harassed the other kids in the pool, and splashed the old ladies when he cannon-balled off the diving board. He and his friends were always goofing off and violating pool rules. Nicole blew her whistle more times for him than she did for anyone else. Every time she did, she would point at him silently, and slowly give him a thumbs down.
And every time, he would give her a salute back and a shit-eating grin. It made her heart flutter funnily, and she would glower at him from behind her sunglasses.
Still, Nicole only worked at the pool four days a week - that meant her Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays were all abysmally, utterly free. Nicole tried to do things that made her happy - she practiced bass, and even a little guitar, and learned a few songs by heart. She redecorated her room, twice. 
From her window, she could occasionally see Rodrick pass by in his attic room - never anything indecent of course, but it always made her tummy feel funny to think of him, in his room, doing Rodrick things. She knew he was in a band, and played the drums - the whole block could hear their band practice on Friday nights. It was a little cringe, she knew, but she moved her bed under the window so she could glimpse his shadow when he walked by, coltish and gangly as it was.
She wanted to know more about him though - his favorite song, what he put on his burgers, even what his sheets looked like (which she blushed to think about. Get a grip.)
One blisteringly hot Thursday in August, Nicole decided to bike to work instead of walking. It would take less time, and would hopefully generate a little breeze to cool her off instead of trudging along on the soft asphalt. And, of course, right as she was about to turn off her street, her tire blew.
“Are you shitting me?” Nicole said under her breath, moving her long hair out of her eyes to look at what could’ve possibly punctured her tire. 
As she knelt down, a voice called “Need some help?” from behind her.
She turned to see Rodrick on his own bike, standing on the pedals and arms braced in front of him on the handle bars. He was wearing cargo shorts and a DIY tank top, obviously an old t-shirt with the arms cut off. Nicole’s eyes were drawn to his toned brown arms and the slip of torso she could see. She swallowed heavily before replying.
“Yeah, stupid tire blew out. Do you have a spare?” she asked, not really thinking about it. She didn’t know why she felt so comfortable asking Rodrick for help. They had never really talked before - only passing on the street, raising a hand to each other in greeting. The only other consistent interaction they had was Nicole reprimanding Rodrick for pouring cherry slushies in the kiddie pool.
“For sure - follow me. I'm Rodrick, by the way,” he said. "I know who you are - everyone at school told me to stay the hell away from you," Nicole teased, and began to follow Rodrick back toward his house, Nicole carrying her gimp bike over her shoulders and Rodrick walking his bike beside her.
"And all my friends said to avoid Nicole Tagliaferi like the plague,"
"It's Tagliani, dipshit. It's Italian."
"Sure, sure, whatever," Rodrick said teasingly, before turning to look at her, “You like lifeguarding?”. She could tell he was trying to make conversation, and it made a small secret smile appear on her lips.
“It’s alright - when you aren’t making trouble for me,” she replied, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. She saw his signature devilish grin appear, white teeth flashing.
“But otherwise, you’d just be sitting in the hot sun all day, watching old ladies do aqua-cize or whatever they call it.”
“Do you mean water aerobics?” Nicole laughed, trying not to let her mirth get away from her and let out a snort of amusement.
“Exactly. At least I bring something good-looking to the table,” Rodrick preened, jumping on his bike and riding it up the last leg of his drive way. Nicole followed him into the open garage - it smelled as most garages do, of rubber and dust and wood projects that the men of the family have yet to finish.
Nicole watched as Rodrick moved some boxes aside and reached up to grab a spare bike tire off the wall - her gaze slipped down to see his shirt ride up over his hip bones, revealing a flat stomach and a dark happy trail. Her mouth went dry, and she became increasingly aware of how hot the back of her neck felt, even in the dim shade of the garage.
“Let me grab a wrench and I can get started. You want anything to drink? Coke, lemonade?”
“Coke sounds good - thanks,” Nicole replied after a moment, still recovering from her earlier lapse of concentration.
While she waited, Nicole decided it wouldn’t be the worst thing to look for some music - she found an old radio in the corner and found her favorite classic rock channel. Luckily, they happened to be playing Led Zeppelin, and one of Nicole’s favorites, too. The slow, wailing guitar guided her hips as she started to dance a little around the garage. Being the nosy busy-body she was, Nicole had no qualms about letting herself get comfortable in other peoples houses. She was always looking in boxes and admiring little trinkets, imagining what it would be like to live there. Not that there was anything particularly interesting in the garage besides Rodrick’s drum set.
She swayed over to the shiny instruments and picked up the sticks, sliding around the back to the seat and beginning to try and replicate the beat from the song. 
“Sorry, neighbor, there's only room for one hot drummer in this band,” Rodrick said as he came back in the garage. Nicole stopped playing immediately, feeling flustered at being caught and simultaneously being called “hot”.
“Is that the noise I hear coming from this garage? You call that music?” 
Rodrick rolled his eyes, handing her the ice-cold coke. “You sound like my Dad. Let me guess - you listen to Taylor Swift?”
Nicole shrugged, taking a sip of her coke. “Taylor Swift is fine. So is classic rock, and nu-metal, and Mozart. I’m not picky.”
Rodrick gave her a funny look, wandering over to her bike and beginning to unscrew the washers from the flat tire.
“So what's your favorite classic rock band, then?”
“The same as many others, I suppose. Zeppelin, AC/DC, the occasional Metallica. My dad raised me on Rob Zombie and Bob Marley, and my mom learned more toward The Beatles and Carly Simon.”
Rodrick stopped what he was doing to look back at her, his mouth slightly agape. Nicole felt a swell of smugness at flooring this over-confident boy with her knowledge of music he obviously thought was “superior”. 
“Loded Diper was originally a Motley Crue cover band, did you know?”
Nicole hid a laugh behind another sip of coke. “No, I didn’t know that. I’m assuming now you write your own songs?”
Rodrick blushed, turning his gaze back to the task of fitting the new tire onto the frame of the bike. “Yeah, I dabble in song writing. Mostly the chords, I’m shit with lyrics.”
“That’s a good skill. It takes practice to learn how music sounds good together. You can’t just throw random chords together and expect it to sound good.”
“You talk like you know music,” Rodrick said, looking over his shoulder at Nicole. 
“Yeah, I dabble.” Nicole replied, throwing his own words back at him. Rodrick tightened the last screw on the tire and reattached the chain.
“There. Good as new,” he said, swinging the bike back around toward Nicole. She reached for the seat and the handlebars at the same time, and without thinking about where she placed her hands, ended up putting them right over Rodrick’s. It only lasted for a moment, but she swore she could feel all the air leave the room. Her eyes met his liquid dark ones. 
“Thanks,” she said breathlessly, and hopped on her bike without another word, coasting down the driveway and pedaling as nonchalantly and quickly as she could toward the pool. 
Rodrick didn’t follow her. She wished that he had.
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snarkwrites · 3 years
ssw | juice ortiz ; when he can't go any deeper | m
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Okay so here's the thing.. This is a bit of a glimpse into the future / what if for a fic I'm about to start writing.. well, re-writing. Despite me knowing jack fuckall about strip clubs / exotic dancing / how to describe someone giving or getting a lapdance or pole work, I got the idea to have Hazel working two nights a week in a club, idk why.. Anyway.. The idea wouldn't leave me alone so here we are, loves.
Also.. I'm no longer just dipping my toes in the filth pool anymore. I went all in with this, oops rip. If anyone wants me to actually write the fic I have in mind for this... Pls.. I beg.. LMK.
taken from either [ HERE ] or [ HERE ] give or take. It could be one or the other or a mix of both at my own choosing.
kiss me up against the wall // moan my name as you come // when he can't go any deeper. - those were all the inspiration / prompts for this.
Fandom / Character:
Sons Of Anarchy / Juice Ortiz x Teller Morrow!OFC, Hazel
Fics Hazel can be found in:
** the one I've used her in is being discontinued to do a rewrite.**
No minors, full stop. There is NSFW / adult content ahead. If you're underage, this was not meant for you -nor should you be reading this. If you choose to stick around after my warnings, this is strictly a you thing and it's not my problem or fault.
If you choose to go on and read this, these are the things present you need to be aware of: stripper!ofc - I admit.. I really am not too sure on how strip clubs operate, so.. if I'm wrong, sorry. lap dancing. thigh riding. body fluids tw. unprotected sex. That's pretty much it.
Other Stuff:
I swear I wanted to melt into the floor when I happened to glance out in the crowd and see Juice Ortiz sitting in the back with his eyes glued to the stage. I froze where I stood behind the curtain peering out and for a good five seconds, I heavily contemplated just bolting out the back door of the club.
But if I did that, I’d be out of the killer tips I’ve been told I could get dancing at this place. I wouldn’t have an outlet to express myself freely, either.
,, I had to know this would happen sooner or later. Charming is a small town and the guys from Samcro do come to this club. Even taking the audition and showing up tonight was me, taking a huge risk… So I had to know this would’ve happened at some point if I actually get the gig.” the thought came and I took three deep breaths. The hope was that I’d center myself.
Spoiler alert… it did not happen.
But I did catch sight of a brunette wig. And I convinced myself that between the wig and the dim lighting and the fact that Juice was so far away from the front of the club where I’d be dancing on the stage, he wouldn’t figure it out.
I’d just finished putting on the wig when the club owner cleared his throat and nodded to the curtains in front of me. “You’re up, kid. Do this right and Tuesdays and Thursdays are yours. Fuck it up and you can forget ever getting a chance to try again.”
I scoffed at him for a second or two but he stared me down, humorless.
My favorite Motley Crue song began to play and I stepped through the curtain. Out onto the stage and just as I did, I happened to see that prick AJ Weston and the guy who bought one of the shops downtown making their way to the table right in front of me.
My stomach dropped.
Those cold and emotionless eyes locked on me and he smirked. Nodding to me and leaning in to the shop owner. His best buddy or whatever. I don’t try and keep up with whose pissed off my father day by day, so I didn’t exactly know names.
All I did know was that for whatever reason, my mother’s scared to death of AJ Weston. She thinks she hides it, but she doesn’t. And my mother is not a woman who scares easily.
Suddenly, my biggest worry wasn’t Juice sitting in the back of the club anymore. It was the prick sitting right in front of the stage. I strutted out on the stage, not bothering to make eye contact with AJ Weston, no matter how hard I could feel him staring at me, willing me to do so. I tore off the cropped leather jacket I wore over my favorite red lace bra and after twirling it in the air a time or two, I tossed it onto the stage, hitting the floor. Writhing. Arching my back and crawling around, whipping my hair around to the song playing. I kept away from the center of the stage because I did not want to lock eyes with AJ Weston. I literally had zero desire.
The crowd was starting to get into it. I started to feel that rush like I used to feel when I danced in Las Vegas. I completely forgot about AJ Weston, thankfully. And what started off as a bumpy dance got smoother. Even more so when I found myself searching the crowd. Finding Juice in the back and locking eyes with him. That seemed to cut out a lot of my nervousness.
My hands drifted down my body, and I caught myself pretending they weren’t my hands but Juice’s. Just the thought of him feeling me up, his hands pinning my hands over my head. Pressing into me. The way he’d feel strained against those baggy jeans when he bucked against me in the heat of the moment. I used my dirty mind to fuel the dance. Letting my hands wander down to the waistband of my leather pants, working them down.
The crowd was really getting vocal now. They usually do when the clothing starts to actually come off. My stomach fluttered nervously when I locked eyes with Juice in the back of the club and I actually saw the way what I was doing on stage was affecting him.
He sat up a little straighter in his seat. Spread his legs a little. Squirming around. He nursed a glass of whiskey and his eyes wandered up and down my body slowly. When I hit the floor and started to writhe around, my back arching and my ass up in the air, he bit his lip. Watching intently. Rubbing his chin in thought.
Out towards the front of the club, right in front of me, I heard AJ swearing. Laughing out loud. I wanted to strangle the asshole, especially when he really got started with all his stupid filthy commentary as if he were mocking me, as if he were somehow better than this place even though he was willingly sitting here, of his own volition… But I went back to blocking him out. Focusing all my attention on Juice all over again instead.
Imagining what I’d do if I truly had half the nerve. What I’d let him do to me if I weren’t so damn afraid of falling in love with a Samcro man.
Because if I were going to love one, I’d choose him. Hands down. If I were ever to settle, I’d want to settle with Juice Ortiz.
My song was nearing an end. My dance was slowing down. I made my way up the pole again, grinding it as I inched up it. Slowly. Seductively as I could... Eyes locked on Juice the entire time as I flipped myself upside down and started to wind around the pole, spinning slowly with my arm outstretched as the other arm gripped the pole to hold myself. And just before the official end of my song, I dropped to the ground, crawling away from the pole. Towards the front of the stage, bolder. Getting closer in the hopes I could at least get a little better look at Juice’s face because I was dying to see the expression on it right now.
I smirked in his direction and gave a teasing wink as I pulled myself off the floor and slunk towards the red velvet curtain separating the back of the club from the front.
“Stormy Knight, ladies and gentlemen. If anyone wants the VIP experience, find Vinnie.” the announcer called out over the rowdy crowd. I was just about to reach for the doorknob on the door that lead into the dressing room when a throat cleared behind me.
“Not bad, kid. If you can bring that every single Tuesday and Thursday, gigs yours.” the club owner was standing there, smirking. He almost looked like he felt bad for doubting me in the first place. He added casually, “Had three guys come to me about VIP dances. I usually leave all that to my girls to work out. That’s extra dough in your pocket, makes no difference to me. I know half of ya have extra mouths to feed.”
I eyed him, my mouth falling open.
“Three guys? Like.. altogether?”
“No, no.. Two were together. One was by himself. Belonged to one of the MCs. Just do me a favor and at least attempt to obey club rules, kid. Don’t go gettin knocked up on the clock.” the man laughed and I took a deep breath.
At best, I figured that the biker in question was probably one of the Mayans I’d seen sitting towards the middle of the club.
I was pretty damn sure I knew exactly who the two men were and after mulling it over because it seemed as if my new boss was awaiting a decision from me, I decided I wanted no part of the risk of having to give AJ Weston and his slimy friend a private show.
“I’ll take the biker tonight, man. I’m not feelin up to a three way.”
The owner nodded and mused thoughtfully, “Good idea, kid.. That one guy out of the two of ‘em looked like his elevator didn’t go all the way to the top floor. I’ll go get your biker and bring him back. You got room 3. That was Gina’s old room.” before walking away, disappearing out into the front of the club again.
“Please god… at least let it be the J.D Pardo look alike if it’s one of the Mayans.” I muttered to myself, not daring to get my hopes up that it’d be Juice.
A throat cleared from behind me. I nearly shit myself when I heard Tig Trager mumble with a laugh, “Okay Ortiz. Go get your girl.” before walking away. I did not dare turn around until I knew Tig was long gone.
“Stormy, huh? That’s one hell of a name, baby girl.” he mused aloud.
I turned around slowly. Found myself body to body with him. He was staring down at me intently, licking his lips. Chuckling as he shook his head and leaned in a little closer to whisper, “Does daddy know you dance, Hazelynn? Because if he’d been here… Seen all that…” he fanned himself and gave me a teasing smirk.
My mouth dropped open.
“How? How’d you know?” I stammered out.
“I saw your car parked outside… Life pro tip, princess.. If you wanna keep this a secret, I’d suggest parking around back. Or catching a ride. Because your car? Kind of hard to forget.” Juice’s hand settled on my hip and he pulled me just a little closer. His eyes dipped down, settling on my lips, a quiet groan coming when his intent stare made me lick my lips and fidget a little.. Melting against him a little before I could stop myself from doing it. Giving a sheepish laugh as I glanced up at him.
“Your secret’s safe with me. Relax.” he chuckled. He must have felt how tense my body was as I pressed against him. I let out a shaky breath. Parts of me wanted to ask the logical question, if he came here a lot, but also, at the same time parts of me definitely didn’t want to know. Those parts of me knew that if I did ask and he said he did, I’d get just a little jealous. Because it already happened whenever I’d see him at the bar and he’d have Croweaters flocking to him.
“Guess I owe you a VIP.” I teased gently, nodding towards the door with the gold star and the black number 3 painted on it. I reached down, grabbing hold of his hand, starting to lead him in the direction of the room.
“If you don’t wanna do this…” Juice frowned slightly and acted like he was going to walk away, but I stopped him. Made him look at me.
“It’s fine. It’s part of the job.” I gave him a reassuring smile as I opened the door to the room, stepping inside. Letting him step inside.
He closed the door behind him and we found ourselves body to body all over again. He muttered quietly, “Confession… I saw that Weston asshole and his idiot friend talking to the owner about a VIP dance with you so I went over and offered more money.”
Between the goofy little shit eating grin he gave me as he said it and the fact that he did that because he knows the guy creeps me right the fuck out, I was blown away. Before I could stop myself, I rose to tiptoe, gently pressing my lips against the corner of his mouth. “You’re an actual angel come to Earth, sir. You have definitely earned that dance.” I muttered softly as I pulled back to look up at him.
He bit his lip and my eyes followed the movement helplessly.
If I thought I was making myself wet on stage with my own dirty imagination, it was nothing compared to how wet I got when I locked eyes with him and realized that he was fully aware that I’d been staring at his mouth like a proper idiot.
I stepped close to him again and placed my palm on the front of his cutte, gently shoving him so that he settled in the chair right behind him.
Right away, his hands went to my hips. I lowered my hands, pushing his hands back down as I shook my head. “No touching. Club rules, Juice.”
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, sorry.” he gave an awkward laugh and I giggled softly. Sinking down into his lap slowly.
Maybe I was slightly exaggerating out in the hallway when I told him I could do this and made it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. The second I settled in his lap and started to grind against it, I could feel myself dripping just a little more. I rose up slightly and he sucked in a breath. His knuckles went white with the way he was gripping the arms of the chair. His eyes were absolutely glued to me and I smirked. Teasing a little. Acting as if I’d take off the cropped leather jacket over my bra only to pull it back up.
The third time I did this, he growled quietly. Bucked himself against me. When I whimpered and grinded myself down harder against his lap, he muttered in a heated whisper, “You feel what you’re doing to me right now, baby girl?”
Oh. I felt it alright. The way he strained at his jeans, cock still twitching and growing harder and harder. The little friction I was allowing myself wasn’t enough. My cunt was throbbing and I was getting so wet that I was pretty sure when I finished giving him his lapdance the poor guy was going to have a wet spot on his jeans.
“Mhm.” I answered in a daze, leaning in so that my lips brushed against the shell of his ear and my tits rubbed right against him. He whimpered and bucked into me all over again and when I slipped out of his lap, he frowned. I hit my knees, parting his legs. Staring up at him from where I kneeled on the floor and he shifted in his seat, gripping the arms of the chair tighter when I started to rise up. Swaying my hips side to side. Leaning in. Rubbing against him as much as I could get away with. Oh, I was definitely using this little VIP dance he paid for as an excuse to do as much touching and teasing as I thought I could get away with.
All those urges to touch him I normally kept at bay were finally being allowed free reign and it felt so good.
I settled on his lap again. He let out a long and shaky breath and we locked eyes. He was staring at me like he wanted to ask me something or he wanted to say something but he wasn’t sure how.
“What’s up?” I asked quietly.
“Nothin, it’s nothin.” he said it quickly. Too quick. I gripped his cutte and pulled him in closer. My mouth inching dangerously close to his as I muttered against it, “Whatever you want to say, say it. Trust me. I can handle it.”
“Okay, you asked for it.” he muttered. After a second or two of staring at his lap, he looked up at me again and asked quietly, “Did you wanna dance for me?”
“I got the owner to come get you, didn’t I?” my heart was beating faster. I thought it’d jump right out of my chest. I did my best to play as cool and casual as I could but every single part of me wanted to tell him that dancing was not all I wanted to do for him.
“I know that… what I mean is.. Forget it.” he went quiet. Looked down again and I gripped his jaw, making him look up at my face. “Eyes up here, Ortiz.” I teased gently, my smile falling away when I saw the serious and somber look in his eyes. I scooted away a little, an attempt to give him some space. Settling myself over his thigh instead of fully positioned on his lap as I had been.
“Talk to me.” the words left my mouth in a whimper as I pressed myself right against his thigh, rocking my throbbing sex back and forth over it. Getting wetter and wetter with each second that passed. And the ache. Oh god, the ache. I was on the brink of frustrated tears. And I couldn’t break down, I couldn’t act anything less than totally professional, because this was my night job and I was on the clock but God.. did I ever want to.
He spread his legs wider and took a deep breath. Trying not to touch me, but I could tell with the way he kept raising his hands only to put them back down on the arm rests of the velvet covered chair he sat in that he wanted nothing more than to do that very thing.
And the thought of those hands on me had me flooded in a split second. If there was any doubt before that I’d leave a wet spot behind on his jeans at the end of this dance, there wasn’t going to be by the time it was over.
Anticipation and desire had my stomach coiled tightly. I wanted, more than anything, to be able to pick up with this back home… Behind closed doors. Just him and I.
But I knew that tonight was most likely just going to be an awkward little secret. Kept between two friends. And it bothered me, because I wanted so much more than that but I was afraid to cross lines and let myself have that… I doubted it was even an option anyway because I just didn’t think Juice even saw me like that.
Sure, we flirted now and then, but nothing ever came of it.
God, did I want it to.
This heavy tension seemed to settle in all around us and I picked up on it. Juice groaned quietly, and after he nearly broke the no touch rule again and very nearly reached out to grab hold of my ass and rock me against his thigh faster, I leaned in.. Pressed against him as I continued to grind against his leg and muttered against his ear, “Most guys put their arms behind their head… Til they’re used to not being allowed to touch.. They get verbal too…” my words hitching in my throat, rushing out over each other breathlessly.
He raised his hands, locking them behind his head. Sprawling back against the chair. It seemed to help ease the tension built in his body too, because I felt him sort of melting into the chair a little and I smiled.
“C’mon.. Tell me what you want me to do.” I coaxed, fixing my eyes on him and biting my lip when I immediately found myself getting sucked far too deep into his gaze.
“Touch yourself.” he muttered. Raising up a little. Leaning forward. “Touch yourself for me, baby girl… Like you were when you were dancin out front.”
I let my hands wander.
They were shaking slightly and I just hoped to God that it wasn’t noticed.
Juice took a few shaky breaths and bucked a little in the seat. “Come closer.. Get on my lap.”
I moved so that I was straddling his lap and the way his cock strained against his jeans and I tried to stop myself, but as I started to rock myself back and forth over it, I whimpered quietly. My breath caught in my throat a time or two and my heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to beat out of my chest.
“I normally don’t buy dances if I come here.” he muttered quietly, shattering through my own current internal struggle.
Knowing this relaxed me a little. It was obvious he didn’t just going off the way he acted, but.. I still wondered. Some guys like to pretend it’s their first lap dance because it gets them going.
I’m not here to judge anyone.
I mean.. I have a good paying day job as a legal assistant and here I am.. Dancing two nights a week whenever I can find a club to take me just so I have some form of release.. Just so I can feel intimacy that for whatever reason, I tend to deny myself in reality.
I almost asked him why, but I remembered what he told me out in the hallway about outbidding AJ because he knew the guy scared me. And I stopped myself, even though parts of me hoped there was more to it than that.
My hands moved over my chest and I rocked myself over him faster. My breath catching in my throat as I felt myself rushing straight into an orgasm I’d been trying like hell to hold back the whole time we’d been in the VIP room.
I could feel my body burning up under his gaze and he leaned in again. Muttered breathlessly against my ear, “If you’re nervous..”
“It’s fine.” I pretended to brush it off. I acted as chill about doing this for him as I possibly could.
“Turn away.. I wanna watch you movin from behind, baby girl.” he muttered. The request caught me by surprise a little, but I kind of realized that he was doing it more for me than for himself.
I did what he asked, turning in his lap so that I faced away. My eyes caught his in the reflection of the mirrored wall in front of us. As I started to rock my ass over his bulge, he growled quietly. Bucking himself up into me. Biting his lip as he did it three more times. Muttered in a lust filled daze “Fuck yeah, baby girl.. Work that ass.”
Just the way he said it had me dripping all over again.
“Faster.” he panted, bucking himself up into me all over again. Harder.
I tried not to, but I found myself imagining that he was taking me from behind. A fist full of my hair and my tits pressed right against the mirrored wall in front of us. And I rocked myself back and forth over his cock, pressing down even harder. Moving even faster. Almost close to a blinding orgasm.
“Fuck.” I swore quietly.
Juice sat up in the chair. Pressing his chest into my back. Muttering against my ear, “ Did you wanna dance for me like this?”
“Juice, I told you already.” my head fell back and my eyes fluttered open and shut. I squeezed my tits and rolled my hips faster. My breath came in short pants because I was so close to an orgasm that I was throbbing. He was leaning in again to whisper. “What I mean is if this wasn’t your job.. And it was just me and you… Would you wanna..” he rocked himself against me all over again. Harder. With more urgency as he swore under his breath and muttered that if I kept it up, he was going to come all over himself.
“ Turn around facin me.” he panted, his lips brushing against my ear and sending a shiver rushing through me. I turned back around in his lap to face him. Raising up a little. Teasing him by putting my tits at level with his mouth. Squeezing them together before lowering my hand. Toying with the waistband of my leather pants. Teasing him like I’d take them off.
“ Tease.” he pouted up at me.
“ That’s kind of what you’re paying me for right now, Juice.” I gave a soft laugh as I tucked a finger beneath his chin. Pulling his mouth dangerously close to mine. He licked his lips in anticipation and when he did, his tongue brushed right against my mouth. I whimpered helplessly.
And I just barely kept myself from exploding.
“You’re tensin up on me, Haze… Somethin wrong?” Juice asked quietly.
Looking at me as if he were bracing himself for something bad to be said.
By this point, I was so caught up in the moment, in the way it felt to grind myself against his cock and get out all these long denied urges to touch him to my hearts content.. It slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it.
“Honestly? I’m a breath away from coming and this never.. Ever… happens to me when I’m givin a private dance.” my words came in a breathless rush and as soon as I realized what I’d just said, I lost my groove for a second or two. Slowing down. Trying to pull myself together.
Hoping to God that I didn’t just make things awkward for him and I in the future because I’d rather have him as a friend than not have him at all.
His mouth opened and closed and his hands gripped the arm rests again. Tighter.
“Do you know how hard it is for me? Feelin you dancin on my cock like this? Knowin I.. Knowin that this is probably as close as I’m ever gonna get? Fuck… If I were ever lucky enough to have you all to myself, baby girl...”
His words caught me by surprise. My heart fluttered a little and I swallowed hard. Going still in his lap just to stare at him.
The lights getting brighter and the music in the room going quiet had both of us jumping apart. I realized that probably meant my time in the room was done and before I could give myself a chance to back out, I slipped off his lap and held out my hand to him.
“ C’mon.”
He eyed my hand and took hold of it, standing. I practically drug him out of the room and then down the hall. Out the door and into the back lot behind the club. Once the door was shut behind us, I started to pace in front of him. Just trying to put it all together.
Torn between continuing to fight what I felt for him and caving in.
When he stepped in front of me and placed his hands on my upper arms, staring down into my eyes intently, something in me snapped and before I could stop myself, I had his back pressed against the door of the building. My hands caught his, holding them over his head as I rose up slightly and crashed my mouth against his mouth.
Devouring. Hungry.
At first, he didn’t really react. But when the shock cleared and he realized what I was doing, he came alive. I melted against him and he growled into my mouth, deepening the kiss. Teeth latching onto my bottom lip and tugging until I felt it starting to bruise. I let his hands go and they were all over me. Settling on my ass. Rocking me up against him and making me whimper and dig my fingers into his shoulders. I couldn’t melt into him any more if I tried. I was so exhausted from trying to hold back in more ways than one at this point that my filter was totally shot. I rocked myself against him clumsily, a begging and needy whine filling the space between our mouths as the kiss broke when I just couldn’t hold it back.
“Do you know why I almost got off giving you a lap dance? Do you know what you do to me, Juice? I.. I tried so hard not to fall for you and yet.. Here I am.”
He blinked in shock. For a few seconds we stared at each other, panting for our next breath. Neither of us saying a word.
Then he bent and scooped me up. Started to carry me towards the end of the alley where he’d parked his Dyna Glide.
I didn’t do or say anything to try to stop him. I didn’t want to.
I’m so tired of keeping him at arms length. I’m tired of fighting the way I feel.
He sat me on the back of his bike and I grabbed hold of the front of his vest, pulling him down. Pulling his mouth down against mine all over again because I just.. I was needy. I craved him on this level I couldn’t even begin to get my head around.
His bike came to a stop in front of his apartment building and he got off. Scooping me up all over again. Stopping just outside the doors leading into the building to grope and kiss me. Letting his lips stray down the side of my neck. Sucking a mark deep into my skin. I clung to him and begged breathlessly, “Juice, please..”
Neither of us was really stopping to think. I didn’t want to.
I wanted him.
More importantly, I wanted to be with him. And tonight just proved to me that I couldn’t fight it anymore.
The whole time he was trying to unlock his apartment door, he kept fumbling with the keys. Rutting right against me. Stopping to kiss or touch me. When he finally got it unlocked, he stepped through the door and stepped over to the couch. Tossing me down onto it gently. Following close behind. Pressing himself down into me and snapping his hips against mine, making me whimper. My whimper echoing off the walls of the quiet room. I reached down between us, tugging at the hem of his white t shirt and he rose up, pulling off his vest and tossing it at a chair nearby. Then pulling his shirt off and tossing it too. It settled on the floor in front of the chair. Then he was pulling me up. Tearing my bra away and tossing it out into the room. My hands lowered, tugging at the waistband of his jeans and he bit his lip. Gazing at me for a second or two with this look of lust and adoration in his eyes. Savoring the moment and what was about to happen.
Because it’s been building for a while, apparently. I just focused so damn hard on keeping myself from caving in and letting myself have what I wanted, with him, that somehow, I missed all the signs.
“Baby, c’mon.” I begged.
The term of endearment slipped out.
He gave me that little smirk. Rubbed his chin in thought as he let his eyes wander.
He worked his way down my body, using his body to part my legs. He worked my leather pants down my legs and I kicked them free at my ankles.
His fingers caught in the thin strap of my panties and they came away with a quiet tear. I tried to get him out of his pants again and he lowered my hands. Slipping off the sofa. I watched intently as he teased me, pouting about it. Begging.
I needed him buried inside me. Fucking me. Slow. Deep. All night long.
His pants fell to his ankles and he kicked off his boots and then kicked his pants free from his legs. When he dropped his boxers, I swallowed hard as my eyes settled on the way his cock stood at attention once it was free from fabric. He was pressing himself down into me all over again.
His mouth roaming over my tits. Tongue teasing my nipples as my back arched away from the sofa and I rocked myself against him. His free hand settled between us, circling his thick cock. Teasing it between my folds and making me shiver and cling to him. Try to rock myself against him urgently.
And then he buried his cock inside me. Shallow at first. Going still to let me adjust to him. I felt like I was being split in two and the feeling had me whining. Nipping at his chest, at any patch of skin I could get my mouth on just so I could muffle the way I wanted to scream his name at the top of my lungs.
I rocked into him clumsily and he growled quietly. His hands going down to my hips. Holding them still as he started to pound me harder. Deeper. So deep he couldn’t go any deeper. When he bottomed out, I dragged my nails down his back.
“Not yet, baby girl. C’mon, hold out just a little longer for me.” Juice coaxed breathlessly as his hips crashed against me with a bruising pace. I begged for release, on the verge of tears. The more I begged, the more he’d slow down. Stop to kiss me or leave marks on me. Torture.
Slow, steady and deep torture.
“You gonna moan my name when you cum?” he questioned, slamming his cock deep into my womb. Going still and capturing my mouth in a deep and passionate kiss. “ God. You’re so.” he panted, snapping his hips against mine, cock pistoning in and out of me with steady deep thrusts, “So fuckin wet I can barely stay in. Fuck. Shit. Shiiiit, baby girl. I wanna cum so bad.”
“Juice! Ah, -ah fuck. Right there.” my back arched away from the couch and my orgasm ripped through me, leaving me weak and dazed, clinging to him as I tried desperately to keep up with his pace, spent. Dripping. My walls vising his cock and clenched around it. Tears flooding my eyes because holy fuck, all I’ve wanted for the entire time was to finally be allowed to let go.
Juice stared down at me from above, a soft gaze. He caught a tear as it made a black trail down my cheek. Chuckling quietly. Going still to pepper kisses soft against my mouth and then trail them down the front of my throat. When he started to move again, he muttered against my lips softly, “It’s okay, baby girl. I got you. I’m right here.” as he pistoned in and out, the wet sloshing sounds accompanying each thrust he made seeming to make him move just a little faster. His hands were all over me and all I could really do was lie there, pinned beneath him. Whimpering his name as I tried to come down from the high. Stare up at him softly as my mind spun, replaying every single thing that led us here, to this exact moment.
“Oh fuck. Fuck baby girl. You want it?” his hips stammered, smashing against mine in a bruising pace and his words were swallowed by another hungry kiss and I nodded. Just when I thought he couldn’t get any deeper, he did. Striking against my throbbing g-spot a time or two and growling, biting. Locking his lips against my neck and sucking yet another big,deep mark into soft flesh. The warmth of his release flooded me, making me whimper. Overfilling me, because I could feel the excess slowly leak down. Puddle beneath me on the sofa.. I bucked my hips against him greedily trying to take it all because I wanted it. I needed it. I craved him so badly I couldn’t have put it to words if I tried. He leaned into me heavily, panting for his next breath. Spent. A fine sheen of sweat gathered on our bodies. I grabbed hold of his face and pulled his mouth against mine. Our foreheads pressed together and he muttered quietly, “Mine?”
“Yours.” it shocked me when the word bubbled out. It shocked me because a, I was saying it and b, I meant it. With everything in me. As soon as I said it, he gave me a soft and lazy grin. Pressing his lips to my forehead. He collapsed onto the couch settling behind me. Pulling me on top of him.
Quiet little soft kisses. Caressing my face as he stared up at me and caught sight of one of the bigger marks he left on my throat, grimacing as he chuckled about it quietly.
“Fuck me. Baby, that was amazing...” I groaned out in a daze, making him laugh and gaze up at me. “Give me an hour, babe.” he teased…
“Careful. I might take you up on that.” I teased back, melting against his body. Letting his arms wrap around me and hold me tight.
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She’s Out To Please
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By Request: (x)
! Smut Warning !
Tommy Lee x Slash x OFC
The short Motley Crue/Guns ‘N’ Roses tour had a day off, which meant the guys were free to get fucked up. Tommy Lee and Slash had teamed up to wreak some havoc upon the city, but in their current state of alcoholic haze, the only havoc they could wreak would be upon their own selves.
They entered a small bar that practically screamed “rock ‘n’ roll” and slowly walked in, looking around for a free table. The place was a fucking mess, since it was past midnight. There were people passed out on the tables, there were women dancing on the tables as if that was a fucking strip club and the scene looked like a movie come to life. The guys finally picked a table and a long-legged waitress walked up to them. Despite their daze, their dicks could still think for themselves and the guys eyed the woman from head to toe.
“What would it be, gentlemen?” The woman asked with a polite smile, which contained a hint of obscenity.
“Two glasses of those legs…I mean…two glasses…of whiskey,” Tommy corrected himself and shook his head in attempt to clear his thoughts. The waitress bashfully tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and walked away with a slight smirk.
“I’ve got some things on my mind,” Slash pointed out.
“Oh, believe me, so do I,” Tommy smirked.
“Yeah, I could tell,” Slash said, implying Tommy’s little mistake from a few seconds back and they both laughed. A minute later the waitress returned with their drinks of choice and they didn’t miss the chance to stare her down again as she walked away.
After a couple more drinks, the destructive team decided they should call it a night, unless they wanted to crawl back to the hotel on all fours. They asked for the bill and the long-legged beauty came to serve them once more.
“Is there anything else I can help you with, gentlemen?” The woman raised her eyebrows.
“Actually, there might be something…” Tommy smirked as he looked to Slash for confirmation.
They hadn’t even opened the door to the apartment when their hands started crawling all over the waitress’ body. Slash even started undressing her before they decided it would be a good idea to actually get inside the hotel room. Slash worked on undressing the woman completely, while Tommy had raised his bottle of beer to the sky as he carelessly closed the door behind himself. The waitress found herself sprawled out on the bed while Slash and Tommy were both struggling with the unzipping of their leather pants. They didn’t even care to take them off, they just let them hang around their knees. Slash positioned himself at her mouth, while Tommy positioned himself behind her. The girl was more than aware that she was there for their amusement and that was totally ok with her, so she figured she might as well get some work done. She took Slash’ semi-hard member in her mouth and she moaned as she felt the drummer’s considerably sized dick entering her.
“That’s a good girl!” Slash remarked at the girl’s eagerness. Tommy smirked and took a sip from his beer, which he held in his left hand, while he was holding on the girl’s hip with the right one. “Pass me that,” Saul reached out for the bottle of beer without taking the smug smile off his face. Tommy snickered at something, even he didn’t know at what. His hands both being free allowed him to grab her hips tighter and he made a few deep, hard thrusts inside her, which earned him a few loud moans from her. “You definitely give her the bone right, T-Bone,” Slash laughed drunkenly as he returned the beer bottle to Tommy. Of course, Tommy being not any less drunk, laughed back at the guitarist.
The three were definitely quite a picture. The waitress was giving her best at sucking Saul off, not giving a damn she was being taken advantage of. And why would she? After all it was fucking Tommy Lee and fucking Slash taking advantage of her. The boys weren’t drunk enough not to get hard, but still drunk enough to have the sloppiest moves during sex.
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american-satanxx · 4 years
Writing Masterpost!
I do accept requests. Message me to see if I write in your particular fandom! Mostly I’ll be writing about Ben Hardy, Douglas Booth, Colson Baker, Nikki Sixx, Slash, Duff McKagan...the list is long. So there is a good chance I’m in your fandom.
6 Underground
Immortal Lowlife
Motley Crue
Nikki Sixx
Animal in Me
Rebel Love Song
Ben Hardy
Request #1 Request #2
Joe Mazzello
You’re My Best Friend
San Fran 49ers
Jimmy G Hell of a Night Request #1
Kansas City Chiefs
Patrick Mahomes Just Patrick
Dean Winchester Hellfire Heaven’s a Lie
Guns N Roses
Slash Welcome to the Jungle
DC Comics
Dick Grayson Phoenix Rises
The Weeping Monk Juggernaut Child
All the King’s Men
Daniel Sharman
King in Your Story
Teen Wolf
Isaac Lahey
Game of Survival
Reggie Mantle x OFC x Sweet Pea Baby I Call Hell
Damien Jones I’ll Love You Through a Periscope
Albert Bishop Gave Your Heart to a Hurricane
Rory O’Brien Lullaby Singer
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 years
Waste Love: Part Fifteen
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Pairing: Colson Baker|Machine Gun Kelly x OFC Warnings: Language, Alcohol and Drug Use, Smut, Violence, Angst, Fluff A/N: This is definately a shorter chapter, and I’m sorry for it. The series is wrapping up and I have a plan for the ending, just trying to make everything work the way I want it to.  
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Three weeks had passed since Colson had headed back to California to get everything situated before he went back on tour. Tiffany had heard from him every day, but the incessant loneliness still lingered around her like a fog. After their argument, he’d tried to convince her to come see him multiple times, but she always declined with the excuse she had way too many responsibilities at the gallery. Which she did, of course, but there was also something deep inside her that was keeping herself guarded. She knew if she went to California she wouldn’t come back, and she wasn’t ready for that yet. She knew better. She knew that despite all his declarations of love and marriage, he was still MGK. 
She did love him, and she did want to marry him, she just wasn’t stupid. She wasn’t going to uproot her entire life and have nothing again if things didn’t work out.
Work was mundane and empty without Norman around, and with him being her only friend in the city, her social life was non existent. After spending all day in the office editing or setting up shoots, she’d simply come home, order dinner, curl up on the couch, and wait for Colson to call. 
Tonight, however, was different. It was the night of the concert and Ashleigh and the band had come over as soon as their plane had landed and spent the day with Tiffany while they waited on Colson and the others to arrive. 
“Shot time, bitch!” Ashleigh laughed, leaning against the door jam of the bathroom with a glass in her hand as Tiffany finished drawing a pointed black line across her eyelid. 
Tiffany smiled at Ash through the mirror as she replaced the cap to the liner, running her hands through her purple waves before turning around and facing the woman with her hand extended. They tapped their glasses together before downing the tequila, the acrylic-flavored burn making both of them wince. 
“You know, for having a millionaire for a fiancé, you sure do have some cheap fuckin’ liquor.” Ash hissed , shaking her head back and forth with the taste.
Tiffany narrowed her eyes at her friend at the use of the ‘f word,’ but didn’t comment on it, instead just sticking her tongue out at her before turning back around to finish her hair. When she was done, the two women made their way into the kitchen where everyone else was. Baze was pouring more shots for everyone while AJ and her brother were rolling blunts at the breakfast bar. 
Rook turned around as he ran the rillo over his tongue, his eyes widening for a second as he took in her appearance before a grunt of protest could be heard.
“Oh fuck no! Ain’t no fuckin’ way you’re wearing that!” Rook scolded, placing the blunt on the counter before grabbing Tiffany by her shoulders and pushing her backwards. 
Tiffany slapped his hands away and stopped in her tracks, pushing on his chest with a perfectly manicured fingernail, “The fuck are you talking about?”
“You're going on stage tonight, dumbass,” Rook stared, gesturing with his hands to her outfit, “You can’t crowd surf in a fuckin, skirt and hooker heels.”
“Since when and who said?” She responded annoyed, her brow furrowing as she placed her hands on her hips, “This is the first time I’m hearing of this.”
Shrugging, AJ replied, “That’s what Kels said.”
Tiffany groaned in response while stealing the shot from the counter, downing it quickly before turning around and stomping towards her room to change.
Once she’d replaced her outfit with a cropped Motley Crue shirt and shorts with her Chucks, it was time to be on the way to the venue to meet up with everyone else. 
“Alright, alright, guys,” Kels began, raising the mic to his lips as his other hand gestured for the crowd to settle down as the ending of Candy drifted off through the auditorium, “I’ve got one song left off of Hotel Diablo before we play some old shit for y’all.”
The audience’s screams echoed through the building once more, bringing a smile to Colson’s face as he looked back behind him to Slim and the rest of the band. They beamed at each other for a moment before Kels raised his hand again, the cheers calming almost instantly. 
“This is a song that I wrote for someone extremely special to me.” He began, looking out to the crowd once more before continuing, “If you guys don’t mind, I would like to bring her out so I could perform it for her for the first time.”
The crowd roared again, and Kels looked over to the side as the stage as Tiffany made her way towards him. She waved to everyone as they cheered for her, Colson wrapping her up in his sweaty embrace before kissing her deeply. 
The intro to the song began once they pulled away from each other, Colson tangling their hands together after putting the mic in the stand between them. He sang the first verse into the mic while staring straight into her eyes, they’re hands swinging back and forth slowly. 
Tiffany couldn’t help the tears that rolled silently down her cheeks as his voice captivated her, the lyrics holding so much more meaning than they normally did. Colsons eyes widened in surprise when she stepped forward for Madison’s part, her voice shaking with emotions as she sang the words.
Colson pulled away from her as he began the last verse, detaching the mic from the stand as he took a step back. 
“Why you tryna run when I feel like you the one sometimes? I guess a little bit of pain kinda make it feel good” 
As the last word drifted off, Colson pulled the small box out of his pocket and kneeled down. His fingers were trembling with nerves as he fumbled with the lid, jerking it open to reveal the perfect diamond ring. He looked up to the woman he loved in pure fear, his pupils encased by the oceanic blue of his irises. 
Tiffany’s breath caught in her throat with a gasp, her hands covering her mouth as she looked from Colson to the audience, back to him before turning towards her brother and the others who had gathered around. Rook held out his phone to her to reveal her father on the screen, the old man himself choked up as they all watched and waited. 
“Tiffany Marie Cappelletty, will you marry me?”
Tiffany’s body shook with a sob as she nodded her head, the crowd erupting instantly with the rest of her friends around her. Colson’s eyes shined with the brightness of all the stars as he jumped to his feet and enveloped her in his arms, squeezing her as tight as he possibly could. 
His fingers were practically vibrating as he ripped the ring from the box, almost dropping it as he shoved it on her hand before jerking her wrist up to show off the flashy ornament. 
Tiffany laughed as she watched his excitement feed into the audience, letting him bask in the moment before pulling him to her lips. She snaked her tongue in his mouth to savor him for a second before pulling away and hugging him again. 
“I can’t believe you,” she said into his ear, her heart beating a thousand miles an hour. 
“You told me I had to do it right.” He replied smugly, kissing her again before turning back to the audience
“Thank you all for being apart of this.” He spoke into the mic, looking out at all the fans as he pulled Tiffany into his side, “This is something I wanted the family to be apart of.” 
“If just to ensure she wouldn’t say ‘no!’” Slim teased as he wrapped a long arm around Colson from the other side, bright smile beaming at the two of them. 
“Hey, it worked, didn’t it?” Colson chuckled back, shrugging his shoulders while dodging a slap from Tiff before continuing with the show.
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Tags:  @cobainscocaiine @coffee-obsessed-writer @through-thesilver-lining @daryldixonandfrogs @buckyscrystalqueen @mgkobsessed @iamdorka @creatureofthen1ght-v3 @xxencagedxx @xxkellsvixen19xx  @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @bvibunny138 @crystalbaby12
*credit for the bomb ass banner is to best friend @coffee-obsessed-writer
beta’d by @buckyscrystalqueen
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