#moxie!!! what a sweetheart
jasperscringepit · 9 months
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I hope this picture of my puppy (Moxie) brings you some comfort today and I hope everything smooths itself out soon <3!
ANOTHER wonderful submission. Moxie seems like the cutest creature!! I wish I could send pets through the screen!
things have sort of fallen a bit more into place but I still have all my packing to do :')
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absurdthirst · 1 month
Hollywood Happiness {Dieter Bravo x Actress!F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 15.5k
Warnings: 1950's Hollywood AU, mentions of homophobia, sex clubs, hedonism, threesomes, bisexuality, orgies, oral sex (male and female receiving), vaginal sex, secret relationship, secret marriage, hidden pregnancy, labor, mentions of forced abortions, traumatic births
Comments: Hired by the studio to be Dieter Bravo's co-star, you are also tasked with taming Hollywood's bad boy and keep the negative press away. Do that, and the studio will green light your passion project. Easy enough, until you fall for Dieter and end up pregnant.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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Dieter looks up from his script, his cigarette dangling between his lips until he reaches up to take it in between his fingers. His eyes appraising you as you walk in to meet him for the first time. His new co-star and the woman that’s going to be his leading lady. This motion picture is moodier, romance with a tragic ending. No dance numbers. No songs. It's a drama and what Dieter has been craving for so long. One can only tapdance in so many numbers until they can demand something more serious. This is his follow up to his Oscar win so he needs it to be good. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He says as he stands up, setting his script down to take your hand in his and press a soft kiss to the back of it. He’s hoping you aren’t one of those virginal, angelic actresses who has never seen cocaine or a naked man before. He doesn’t need to be babying you throughout this process. He wants to enjoy the production and be able to be himself…well, mainly himself. Rock walks by on his way to his own production and winks at Dieter, a shared look between “good friends” and Dieter smiles at him before turning his attention back to you. “So…what’s your story?” He asks, knowing everyone has one.
You know all about Dieter Bravo, apprised of it by the studio and exactly what you need to do in order to keep the head man happy where his star was concerned. Dieter has a problem. Nasty rumors seemed to follow him around, although it was all hearsay and the studio wanted it nipped in the bud yesterday. Dieter was rumored to be enjoying too many drugs and there are the scandalous rumors about wild orgies involving both sexes. You were brought in to make sure those rumors are squashed and their star was kept busy and out of trouble, with you. Smiling, you bat your lashes at the handsome man. “My story is one that you’ve probably heard a hundred times.” You titter slightly. “But I also have a script that I want the studio to film.” 
Dieter raises his eyebrows, surprised that you aren’t the usual Hollywood starlet they grab from some podunk town, operate on to transform them, and ensure that they have but one brain cell so they can learn their lines and blocking. You don’t seem to be the vapid, stupid actress he encounters. “A script? Perhaps you can enlighten me on the plot? Maybe I’ll be your lead one day.” He winks, noticing how pretty your eyes are and he briefly wonders what they’d look like watery while you suck his cock.
You smirk slightly and bite your lip. “It would take much too long to explain now.” You tell him. “Perhaps I can detail it to you over dinner?” You boldly ask, willing to take the opportunity to get closer to Dieter, hoping that you impress him with your boldness. 
He can’t stop the smirk that appears on his face, liking your moxie. You’re not shy and he enjoys that. He licks his lips and steps closer to you, “name the time and place, sweetheart. I’ll be there.” He promises, leaning down to snub out his smoke. He needs to change, dressing in his day suit, the one that he’s worn far too many times that the lining has holes in it but damn, it’s comfortable, and his sunglasses are perched on his head.
“Cole’s, 7 o’clock.” You insist, placing your hand on his chest and rubbing gently. “Bring a big appetite, we might close the place down.” You flirt, winking at him and then leaning in slightly to give Dieter a look down your dress.
Fuck, his cock twitches at the thought and he loves how you seem to be confident in what you want. That’s what’s been missing in other actresses he’s met. So many of them wanted to appear innocent and demure. You are sexy and he loves that. “See you at seven, baby doll.” He winks, licking his lower lip until he’s flipping his sunglasses down, “I better get to reading this script, be prepared for filming.” He says, knowing he is tempted to stay but he likes to keep a little mystery.
You watch Dieter saunter away, confident and sure as he greets other actors and actresses. You bite your lips, finding him far more interesting than you had imagined when you accepted the contract terms. Not that you had much choice if you wanted to be on screen. The studios make all the rules and you just follow them. You turn to walk towards costuming so you can be fitted to your wardrobe as the leading lady of this drama.
Dieter adjusts his evening jacket as he walks in Cole’s, the room already buzzing with conversation and the band playing in the corner. He tells the maitre d his name and he’s escorted to the private booths in the back. People look up as he walks by and he offers them a charming smile but inside he’s anxious, hating eyes on him. He swallows harshly and sits down at the booth, thanking the host who nods and leans in, “you were incredible in Hunger Strike.” He says and Dieter smiles, “thank you.” 
The man reaches into his pocket for his card and slides it to Dieter, “I’d like to show you how great I thought you were.” He murmurs and Dieter looks up at him with a smirk, “we can arrange that.” He promises with a wink and slides the card into his pocket. The man grins and walks off, Dieter watching his ass until the waiter comes over to take his drinks order.
Before you walk into the restaurant, you pull out your compact and powder your nose, checking your lipstick and hair. You are about to walk in and give the host Dieter’s name so you can actually get closer to the actor. “Be charming.” You remind yourself as you open the door and walk inside, aware that you were going to be photographed tonight.
Dieter stands up when you approach his table, a friendly smile on his face, and he takes your hand in his to press a kiss to the back of it. “You look gorgeous, baby doll.” He says, his eyes sliding along your figure and he gestures for you to sit.
“Thank you.” Your brow raises and you smirk slightly as you sit down with a clear view for Dieter down your cleavage and hum. “I have to say that the rumored charm of Dieter Bravo has not disappointed.”
He smirks as he takes his seat, picking up his whiskey, “glad to hear I don’t disappoint.” He flirts softly, knowing he’s walking a fine line when you are to be his costar for the next year. “So…who’d you fuck to get the job?” He half teases, half tests. He wonders if you’re someone looking to step on his head to get up the ladder or if you’re just that good of an actress.
You snort playfully and roll your eyes. “Who should I tell you? The director or the producer? Maybe both?” You joke and lean in. “Or maybe I got the roll on my acting skills alone? Is that the unbelievable story?” The waiter delivers a whiskey on the rocks. You order a neat whiskey with a lemon twist and smirk when the waiter rushes off, looking back at Dieter for his answer.
“Ain’t no shame in it, honey. Lord knows I’ve fucked enough people to get ahead in this business. I haven’t seen you act so I can’t say which story is the true one. Perhaps when we get on set I can ascertain which one is the reality but in the meantime, I’m gonna jerk off thinking of you getting split roasted by the director and producer.” He smirks, knowing you’ll think he’s scandalous.
You gasp, giving him the appropriate response that he is looking for. You know that he expects you to be offended, but you also know that he will be intrigued if you weren’t. Your lips twist into a smug smirk. “Isn’t that the only way to properly take two cocks?” You ask, picking up his own whiskey and taking a small sip of the liquor. “Maybe I will have to satisfy myself thinking about that tonight.”
Dieter chuckles, dirty and drawn out, and he smirks as he leans closer to you, reaching for your hand. “It appears we are going to get along just fine, baby. Tell me, have you ever been to an orgy before?” He asks, curious to see how dirty you truly are.
You tut and swat at his shoulder with your free hand playfully. “A lady never tells.” You hum and lift an eyebrow suggestively. “Discretion is the name of the game when you have fun with special friends.”
Dieter slides his foot across the floor to slide against yours, a devious grin on his face. “I can tell you and I are going to get along famously.” He hums, picking up his whiskey just as the waiter brings yours over. You order your food not long after and you and Dieter discuss the script for a bit, expanding your thoughts on your characters and the needed chemistry. “Forgive me if I speak too boldly but I think we have the chemistry down.” Dieter hums.
“I don’t think that is too bold.” You slide your foot out of your heel and rub it against his ankle. “Sometimes you just instantly know that you are going to fit well with someone.” You have flirted with him outrageously all night, but there have been some interesting conversations about the script that impressed you. Dieter is more than just a pretty face, there is a smart intellect behind those mischievous eyes.
“How do you fancy coming to a party tonight? My friend is throwing a shindig. Apparently Dean will be singing tonight.” He says and your eyes widen.
“Dean Martin?” You ask and he nods, “the one and only. Whatcha say, baby doll? Wanna come check out the Hollywood parties with me?”
How could you possibly say no to that? An evening with the top Hollywood stars? It’s exactly what you wanted and it could allow you to form some key friendships down the line. It’s not what you know in Hollywood, it’s who you know. “I say you should get the check.” You tease, biting your lip.
Dieter grins, gesturing for the waiter to come over and he quickly hands over the cash needed to pay the bill and then some. The waiter winks at him, “don’t forget to find me again.” He says and Dieter nods, “I’ll be sure to reach out.” He smirks and offers you his arm to guide you out of the restaurant and to his awaiting car.
“Are you sure that I’m the one you want to spend tonight with?” You ask as the porter opens the passenger side to allow you to step in.
Dieter scoffs, rolling his eyes, “are you fucking serious, baby? Look at you, you’re goddamn gorgeous. I’m gonna be the envy of everyone in the joint.” He assures you after he slides into the seat beside you.
You hum happily and turn so you can brush one of his curls back. “I will be the one getting the envious looks.” You coo. “I’ll be with the sexiest man there. Maybe anywhere.”
Dieter leans into your touch, almost purring as you scratch his scalp. “Fuck. Keep doing that, baby.” He pleads, his hand finding your thigh to squeeze. You’re something different and he loves it.
His plea for such an innocent touch is very revealing and you tuck it away for future speculation. “Touch a gorgeous man? My pleasure.” You assure him, keeping your hand in his hair as you lean close and kiss his cheek. “Drive baby and I’ll make you feel good.”
He nearly closes his eyes as he drives down Sunset Boulevard to the club he frequents. He pulls up and the valet takes the vehicle, opening the door for him and Dieter makes a show of rounding the car to open the door for you, holding his hand out towards you. “Welcome to Ciros.” Dieter days as he guides you inside.
Your eyes widen at the glitz and glamour of the exclusive club. “Dieter.” You gasp, clinging to him as you take it all in. Cary Grant is over in one corner, playing billiards with Jimmy Stewart, drinks on the edge of the table.
Dieter grins, loving how in awe you are of the club and he is happy you are enjoying it already. He knows he loves seeing all his fellow actors enjoying themselves and the back of the club is his particular favorite thing about this place. “You wanna get a drink?” Dieter asks, leaning in close so his lips brush your ear.
You turn towards him, so your lips are almost touching. “Whiskey, with a twist.” You tell him, looking into his lovely light brown eyes that seem to hold a thousand secrets. “Or whatever you want me to drink.”
“You have what you want to have.” He says and guides you to a booth in the back. He shuffles in and calls over the waitress, his eyes dipping down to her cleavage as he orders your drinks.  His arm is thrown over the back of the booth, his fingers playing with the strap of your dress as he leans towards you.
“So tell me about Dieter Bravo.” You coo as you run a finger down the smooth line of his jaw. “The real Dieter, not the persona”
He smirks, “the persona is the Hollywood golden boy. The real Dieter? He’s a dirty bastard. I love sex. Men, women. Both. I love sex and I love pleasure. I take drugs to numb the pain of being alone and I’m alone because I take drugs. I’m a typical Hollywood disaster and my manager and the studio desperately want me to settle and be a good boy, but that’s not me.”
“You should be you.” You pout at him, although you really mean your words. He should be free to be who he wants to be. Leaning in and kissing his chin. “Love who you want, fuck who you want.”
Dieter snorts, reaching up with his free hand to gently grip your chin, “it’s the 50’s. No one can truly be who they want to be. I couldn’t love a man, or publicly announcing that I’m fucking one. My career would be over. Just like you couldn’t be known to be anything but a perfect angelic virgin. It’s the social standard so we smile and wave and pretend but at night, we crawl to our dens of dissolute and allow ourselves the pleasures we deny during the daylight hours. It’s the life we lead and it’s fine.” He promises, leaning in to softly kiss your lips, “you understand, don’t you baby?”
Your heart aches because you know that he’s telling the truth. “I understand.” You whisper quietly, nodding as you break the kiss. “Though I believe in being happy, as much as you can be.” Hopefully he will find happiness around you and that will make your assignment easier.
He nods, leaning in to nudge his nose against yours. “We can be happy tonight if you want.” He pulls back when the waiter sets the drinks down and he pulls a note from his wallet to hand it to him. When he leaves, he turns back to you, “there’s a private area in the back. Men and women…all for our pleasure. Do you want to explore with me?” Dieter asks, raising his eyebrows with hopefully eyes while he bites his lip.
You know that the studio would prefer that he not go back to the back, but you can’t deny him. “Do you want to be split roasted or do you want to be on the giving end of split roasting me?” You ask, curious as to the answer he will give you.
Dieter’s eyebrows raise even more and he can’t stop the naughty grin that appears on his face. “Well, Jesus Christ, you are a naughty little girl.” He teases and leans in to softly kiss your ear, “I want to be on the giving end with you. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how tight and wet your little cunt must be so if you want me, baby doll, I wanna fuck you and have some help to ensure you leave here high on pleasure.”
He smirks, cock already hardening, and he nods, picking up his glass to clink it against yours. “I say we better drink up and get back there.” He winks and downs the whiskey, slamming the glass down on the table then he shuffles out of the booth and holds his hand out towards you, “come on baby doll, let’s have some fun.”
You give him your hand and flash him a smile. “I’m ready to have fun with you.” You promise, biting your lip as he helps you to your feet. You curl into his embrace and look excited even though butterflies swim in your stomach.
Dieter guides you back through the throng of people and he knocks three times on the door, the peephole in the middle opens and finally the door is opened to the private rooms of the club. He winks at the doorman and takes your hand in his to guide you to the main room, full of men and women in various states of undress. Some kissing, some sucking, some fucking. It’s a den of desire and you don’t know where to look. “Okay?” Dieter asks, wanting to make sure you’re comfortable.
“There are private rooms. Let’s find a space in the observers and see who you wish to share your delicious cunt with.” Dieter suggests and guides you over to the lush seating area with large chairs. Dieter sits down and wastes no time pulling you into his lap, his hand sliding along your stocking clad leg under your skirt, “you see anyone you like?” He murmurs into your ear, pressing a kiss against your neck.
It’s hard to concentrate and look around the club as you enjoy his hand on your body. You shiver and hum speculatively as you manage to take a look at all the men and women that are milling around. You spot several famous faces and you bite your lip, cunt bottoming out when you see someone you have always admired pull off a robe and lay down on a table to let any and all touch her. You spot a man in the corner of the room, still dressed and watching as he sips a drink. “What about him?” You ask, turning and nudging your nose against Dieter’s cheek as you speak. “Have you fucked him? Does he have a nice cock?” 
Dieter smirks, “no. I haven’t. He’s nice though. Pensive. Moody. I like that. Those are the ones that fuck well. You wanna call him over?” Dieter asks, knowing the man will come over. You nod, catching the man’s eyes and you gesture for him to come over with a sultry smile. Dieter’s hand slides higher, “you excited to get fucked?” He hums into your ear, biting down on the lobe.
You moan softly, enjoying the sharp nip of his teeth. “Yes.” You admit breathlessly. “I’ve wondered what you were like in bed, watching you onscreen.” You might not have before, but it seems that he likes your answer.
The man gracefully makes his way through the gyrating crowd. Dieter pulls away from you, standing up to greet the man. "Lance." He greets the stunt man who he has seen around the studios. ‘"Bravo." He nods at Dieter, shaking his hand. 
"Have you two met?" Dieter asks, saying your name and the stunt man shakes his head. 
He reaches for your hand, bringing it to his lips, "I would definitely remember if I had met her." He winks at you after he stands up straight but keeps your hand in.
“Flatterer.” You tease, even though you find him even more handsome in person than you had from afar. “Can we buy you drink, Lance?” You ask playfully, looking over to Dieter for approval. “Have you sit down and discuss all manner of pleasurable things?” Dieter approves, the way he is leaning in to hear Lance’s answer is indicative of that.
Lance nods and Dieter gestures to the passing cocktail waitress. He orders your whiskey with a twist, his own tipple, and Lance orders a whiskey too. The waitress rushes off and Dieter shuffles down the couch, pulling you into his lap to show his possession of you while Lance sits beside you both. “So are you seeking here tonight?” Dieter asks Lance whose hand finds your knee. “I want you both.” Lance says, “I want to taste you, to fuck you.” He says and Dieter leans in to press his lips to Lance’s.
You should be discouraging the behavior that Dieter is displaying, that’s what the studio wants you to do, but you moan at the sight of the two men kissing. “Yes.” You whimper, sliding your hand into Lance’s lap and squeezing his hardening cock as you grind your as against Dieter’s. “Why don’t we find a private room?”
Lance pulls away from Dieter’s mouth to look at you, “let’s, but first.” He surges forward to press his lips to yours and Dieter groans as he watches the kiss, getting a little greedy as he surges forward to join the kiss, his tongue sliding against yours and Lance’s.
You’ve never had a kiss that involved three people but it’s intoxicating. Gasping, your tongue joins the fray and you enthusiastically kiss each of them as you massage Lance’s cock even more. You feel Dieter’s fingers pressing against your clit, making you whine softly, grinding against his hand for friction.
The kiss ends when Lance and Dieter pull back, their cocks aching, and Dieter looks up as the cocktail waitress appears, “thanks doll. We want a private room.” He says and she nods, taking the crisp bills he gives her and she tells you to follow her to the private room, she will take your drinks.
Standing, you smirk when both men need to adjust their cocks when they stand and you make sure that you sway your hips enticingly as you follow the waitress. You want both men to have their eyes fixed on your ass as they trail behind you. Feeling emboldened by their obvious lust, you walk into the private room eagerly and spin around to watch them walk on.
Dieter thanks the waitress when she sets the drinks down and she shuts the door behind her, the bed in the middle of the room is clean and made up, and there’s chairs and a small bathroom attached. “Now, where were we?” Dieter smirks, picking up his whiskey. 
“We were talking about pleasure.” Lance says and you smirk, fingering the buttons of your dress. “Are you gonna give us a show, baby girl?” Dieter asks, sitting down on the foot of the bed while Lance sits in the nearby chair.
You hadn’t anticipated stripping in front of them, but the excitement in Dieter’s eyes has you nodding, but you smirk slightly. “Both of you take something off first, then I will.” You tease, flicking open the first button of your dress and revealing more of your cleavage.
Dieter chuckles, liking your moxie again, and he shrugs off his jacket, working on his tie and the buttons of his shirt so he is shirtless, his slacks still on. Lance follows suit, shrugging off his blazer and he sits back down on the bed, his chiseled chest on display..
Dieter groans, his fingers twitching at how gorgeous you are. A true movie star. Beautiful and so fucking sexy. He hisses your name and Lance swallows harshly, cock throbbing in his pants. “Are you going to show us what’s beneath that pretty brassier?” He asks and Dieter shakes his head. “We should assist.” He says as he sets his whiskey down and stands up, kneeling down in front of his knees so he can reach out to unclip your stocking, slowly rolling it down your leg until he removes your heel and the silk.
“Dieter.” You whisper as his lips graze your thighs. It’s hedonistic and thrilling to feel both men’s eyes on your body and know that despite they want each other, they also want you. Your core is throbbing and you crook your finger towards Lance suggestively. “You want to remove it, baby?” You coo.
He nods, “I’ll take it off.” He steps behind you, placing soft kisses to the nape of your neck as his fingers work on removing your bra. “So fucking beautiful.” He murmurs, kissing along your neck and he tosses your bra aside so he can cup your tits. Dieter has rolled your other stocking down and is pressing his nose to your underwear, groaning at the heady scent of you before he mouthes at your cunt through the silk.
You feel deliciously cared for and moan when Dieter’s hot breath washes over your covered cunt. “Do you do that?” You lean back against Lance and tangle your fingers into Dieter’s curly hair. “Eat a woman’s cunt?” He’s mentioned sucking a cock, but perhaps he is like most men who find a cunt unappealing to lick. It was hypocritical of them in your opinion, but you also never insisted.
Dieter snorts, pulling back to look up at you. “Are you fucking kidding me, baby doll? I love pussy. I love eating pussy.”  He promises and hooks his fingers in your panties so he can pull them down, his face soon buried in your cunt as his tongue slides through your folds. “Fuck you taste good.” He groans while Lance pinches your nipples.
“Fuck, Dieter.” His name is a sob on your lips as he manages to make your entire body shake. You turn your head and kiss Lance’s jaw as he palms your tits and makes you feel like you are the star of your own show. “Feel even better inside.”
Dieter doesn’t deny you, grabbing your leg to lift your thigh onto his shoulder so he can slide his tongue inside of you, his nose pressing against your clit. “Fuck, does she taste good?” Lance asks and Dieter pulls back to smack his lips, “she’s fucking delicious.” He groans, diving back in.
“Oh fuck.” You moan, turning and pressing your lips to Lance’s desperately. Wanting to do more than just take from the men. Your hand slides down behind you and you fumble with the zipper of Lance’s slacks. Desperate to pull his hard cock out and stroke it while Dieter licks your cunt. “Pull- pull your cock out.” You beg against his lips.
Lance won’t deny you. He lets go of you, reaching down to fumble with his slacks, opening them to pull his cock out for you. His hands find your tits again and you whimper, wrapping your fingers around his cock. Dieter continues lapping at your cunt, sucking on your clit as he tries to send you over the edge.
Your eyes flutter closed, twisting your wrist so you can pump the thick girth in your hand and your hips cant towards Dieter’s mouth. “Oh fuck, oh this is- this is so good.” You moan quietly. “I- I’m gonna cum.” You warn the men.
Dieter desperately wants you to cum. His tongue diving deep, curling inside of you while his fingers grip your thigh and he groans when you finally cum, clamping down on his tongue and soaking his face with your juices. He laps up every drop he can get while you moan his name. Lance groans at the sounds you make, twitching in your loosened grip and he reluctantly pushes your hand away so he can pull Dieter up after the actor lowers your leg. He pulls Dieter close so he can press his lips to his, wanting to taste you.
You pant, watching the two men kiss and you decide you want a taste of your own. Dropping down to your knees, you wrap your fingers around Lance’s cock before you press your tongue to the leaking tip to lap at the juices building up. Making him groan and push into your mouth a little more.
Lance groans into Dieter’s mouth and the actor fumbles to unbutton his pants, pulling his aching cock out. Lance immediately takes his hard cock in his hard, jerking him off while you suck on the stuntman’s length. Dieter’s tongue tangles with Lance’s while he pleasures and gets pleasured.
You pull off Lance’s cock after a moment and take the head of Dieter’s length into your mouth after batting the other man’s hand away from it. Groaning as you have a hand on each man’s cock and start to massage the base of each one. You flick your tongue over the tip of Dieter’s before you pull back and take Lance back into your mouth.
“Jesus Christ.” Dieter groans, looking down at you and Lance takes the chance to kiss along his neck, biting down softly on his jaw. “She’s gorgeous.” He murmurs, stroking your cheek as you look up at the men. “I want to fuck you baby doll. Get on the bed and Lance can fuck your throat while I fuck you if you want that.” Dieter murmurs, giving you the choice.
You kiss the tip of Dieter’s cock and nod as you let go of both men’s girth. “I want that.” You promise breathlessly, biting your lip. Lance helps you up and you move over to the bed and get onto it, on all fours. Looking over your shoulder, you shake your ass at both men. “Come on, pretty boys, I’m starting to get lonely over here.”
Lance comes over, smacking your ass, and he wastes no time kneeling on the bed so you can take his cock back into his mouth. Dieter comes over, kneeling on the bed behind you and he caresses your spine. “I’ll pull out.” He promises, smacking your ass cheek before he’s gripping his cock, positioning himself at your entrance and slowly pushing inside of you.
You moan sounds out around the stuntman’s length, your back bowing slightly as Dieter stretches you out. It’s been longer than you care to admit since you’ve had a lover, appearances needing to be kept up for the studios. Still, you enjoy the fullness and push your hips back as he bottoms out inside you.
Dieter closes his eyes, jaw dropping at the feel of you, and he starts to move inside of you. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He murmurs, caressing your hips before he grabs them, rocking inside of you and each rock pushes Lance’s cock deeper down your throat.
It’s filthy and wicked, while you aren’t pure, this is the first time you have been between two men. Your acting making you seem much more confident than you actually are, but you find that you love it. Moaning, you wrap your hand around Lance’s cock and pump the base while you take him deeper.
Dieter groans as he watches you take the other man’s cock into your mouth. It’s dirty and so naughty, everything the studio doesn’t want you to be. He fucking loves it. Lance does too by the look on his face and Dieter can’t help but reach for him, grabbing his neck to pull him across to press his lips to his.
Both men coming together means that they are surging deeper inside you. Pressing close and you feel yourself start to gag on the cock in your mouth but you quickly start to swallow around him. Enjoying the way they moan together above you and you wish that you had a studio camera to film this so you can see how they look.
Your cunt tightens around Dieter and he chuckles into Lance’s mouth, pulling back for a second. “Oh she loves this.” He murmurs and moves forward again to slide his tongue against Lance’s, his hands finding your hips again, his cock pushing harder and faster. He wants to feel you cum around him.
It’s hard to concentrate on the cock in your mouth when Dieter starts to fuck you hard and fast. His cock shredding up inside you and pressing against something wonderful that makes you eager to push back. Eyes watering and your lipstick smeared, you don’t care how you look as long as the delicious pressure continues to build up inside you.
Dieter and Lance pull back from the kiss, looking down at you and Lance groans as you hollow your cheeks around his cock. “That’s it baby. That’s it. Fuck, gonna make me cum.” He warns you, not sure if you want to swallow his cum or not.
You hum, looking up at him through your lashes and you continue to press him deeper into your throat. Pressing the tip of your nose to his torso and barely being tickled by the groomed hairs around his cock. You want him to cum down your throat, wanting to taste him.
“Fuck fuck fuckkkk.” Lance groans, his cock throbbing as he cums down your throat. You swallow as much as you can and Dieter watches in awe as Lance cums. “That’s it baby doll. Good girl. So good.” Dieter coos, caressing your back and he groans when your cunt flutters around his cock.
You want Dieter to cum, to have him moan in pleasure like Lance is. You clench down around him and while you are still swallowing, you push your hips back to encourage him to fuck you harder.
Dieter doesn’t want to cum until you do, his hand sliding under you to find your clit and he rubs it while he’s fucking into you. Lance groans, needing to pleasure you so he shifts onto his back, sliding under you and his tongue finds your clit, pushing Dieter’s hand aside. “Fuck.” Dieter groans as he grabs your hip again to fuck you harder, needing you to cum.
“Oh my goddddddd.” You whine, rocking your hips down and panting. You can’t take much more, the pleasure building up to the point where you screaming out when you start to cum.
Dieter hisses when you clamp down on his cock, making him groan your name and Lance shifts, licking at where you and Dieter are joined, your cum dripping into his mouth and he reaches up to fondle Dieter's balls. "Fuck, fuck, I'm gonna -" Dieter barely managers to pull out, gripping his cock as he spurts his hot seed onto your ass and lower back.
You whine, enjoying the way that he had felt inside you. Missing the way he had filled you as you continue to come. “Dieter, fuck baby.” You pant, dropping down to your elbows.
Lance groans, shifting out from under you and he leans in to lick a line of Dieter's cum from your flesh. "Fuck baby." Dieter grunts, leaning down to bite your ass cheek, lapping at your quivering pussy to taste you again.
Lance nods, "so fucking good." He agrees and when Dieter lifts his head, he surges forward to kiss the actor again. Dieter grabs the back of his neck, keeping him close so he can kiss him passionately, both men still tingling from their orgasms.
Turning on your side, Dieter’s cum still on your ass, you watch the two men kiss. Still feeling euphoric at the sensations you experienced and wondering why this could be so wrong.
“So fucking good.” Dieter groans and leans down to kiss you after Lance pulls back. He shifts off of the bed and goes into the bathroom to grab a rag for you to clean up. Lance follows him, caressing his back and he washes himself up while Dieter takes care of you. “You enjoy yourself, baby doll?” He asks while he cleans his cum off of you.
“I did.” You bite your lip and are a little unsure of how well you managed to satisfy the two men. “Did you both enjoy yourselves?” You ask, looking between Dieter and Lance.
Lance nods, “I enjoyed it, sweetheart. I don’t - I don’t usually like to penetrate unless it’s someone like him.” Lance winks at Dieter, hoping you catch his drift, “but you were fucking delicious.” He leans down to softly kiss you. “Hopefully we do this again sometime.”
You kiss him back, reaching up to caress his cheek. “Anytime.” You tell him saucily and winking when he pulls back. You stretch out and hum contentedly. “What do you think, Dieter baby?” You coo, trailing a finger down your breast.
Dieter bites his lip, “it was fucking fantastic baby.” He promises and admires your form as you stretch out. Lance grabs his clothes, starting to redress. “I better go. I have an early call tomorrow.” Lance says and pecks your lips once he’s dressed and he kisses Dieter once again. “See you around handsome.” He winks and carefully exits the room, leaving you and Dieter alone. “You wanna get dressed and get back out there or do you wanna order some drinks and stay in here?” He asks, grabbing his briefs to pull them up.
“What do you want to do?” You ask softly. “I’m with you tonight. Whatever you want, I’m game.” You promise. Your goal is to make him want to be around you and you can’t do that if you make him annoyed or bored.
Dieter leans in to kiss you, his hand caressing your body. “I wanna stay with you. Right here. I wanna make you cum again and then I want to take you home and make you cum again.” He smirks, knowing he’s not gonna want to let you go now that he’s got you. You’re gorgeous and kinky and everything he loves in a woman. This is the beginning of something beautiful.
“Fuck baby.” You moan, looking over your shoulder at Dieter as he rocks into you. Your hands are wrapped around the posts of the headboard of the bed you spend more time in than your own. For the past three months, you and Dieter have constantly been together, onset and off and the studio execs are happy that their star has been staying out of trouble. “Harder, baby.” You beg, clenching down around him. “Want to cum all over you.”
“Take it. Oh fuck. Give it to me. Wanna feel you gush, baby doll.” Dieter groans, his fingers digging into your hips and his mouth hanging open as his stomach tingles with his own near climax. “Cum for me.” He chokes, needing you to do it.
You don’t have too much longer before you are doing just that. Your legs kick up between Dieter’s and your toes curl in pleasure. Your cry of his name is something his neighbors around him should be well used to hearing now, since you cry it out every night. “Cum inside me.” You begs, twisting the sheets up in your hands. “It’s safe. Please baby, let me feel you.”
He can’t deny. Fuck, he can’t deny you anything. He pants, his hips pushing into your ass and he clenches his eyes shut as he cums, burying his cock deep inside of you. He groans loud and proud as he paints your walls for the first time. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuckkkkk.” He groans, his hips slamming against your ass and he pants as he rides out his high.
The liquid heat of his pleasure fills you. Making you moan as it reaches every inch of your womb and coats your insides. “Fuck baby.” You whimper, biting your lip to keep from saying something stupid, something you know you shouldn’t say or feel but you do anyway. “So good, you’re so good to me, Dee.” You pant instead.
He kisses along your spine, “you’re so goddamn perfect, baby doll.” He murmurs between kisses, reluctant to pull out of you. He wants to stay buried inside of your warmth forever. He grunts as he pulls out of you, leaning back on his haunches to see his cum drip from your pussy and that makes his spent cock drip. “Goddamn beautiful.” He sighs and shifts to lay down beside you. “Darling girl, you want something to eat?” He asks, pulling you into his chest.
You curl up on his chest and sigh, smiling slightly. Dieter is surprisingly attentive for someone who had honed such a bad boy, playboy persona. “Later.” You hum softly. “I was thinking we could stay in tonight?” You caress his chest and bask in the pleasurable afterglow of his attention. Your entire body is lovingly sore from how pent up he was. Apparently you had been teasing him all day on set. “Maybe I could make you dinner? Or a midnight snack?” 
Dieter caresses your spine, “sure. You wanna have pasta? My housekeeper made me some. We can heat it up.” He suggests and you shake your head. “I can’t eat pasta. I - the studio has given me a list of things to eat. Salads, boiled chicken. Vodka or water. I need to keep my weight down.” You explain and Dieter pulls back to look down at you, “what the fuck? Boiled chicken? You’re joking, right?” He shakes his head in disbelief.
Snorting, you roll your eyes. “You know how it is. All the female actresses are strictly controlled. Why do you think I never eat anything but a salad when we go out?” You ask. “They measure me every morning and put me on a scale. If I’m too heavy, I cannot have lunch. Just smokes.”
“Jesus. I- I didn’t know it was that bad. I thought that they had you taking pills.” He shakes his head again, “you can’t not eat. Salad? That’s fucking rabbit food. You should be able to control your body, not the studio. That’s bullshit, baby.”
“I refused the pills.” You admit. “I didn’t like how they made me feel.” You’ve avoided doing any drugs with Dieter and surprisingly, he’s been okay with that. “That’s why my whiskey order changed to vodka. I hate vodka, but it’s all I can have.”
Dieter nods, having noticed you switched to clear liquor. “Baby doll, it’s crazy they dictate like that. I wish there was something I could do.” He sighs, pouring slightly as he looks at you. He does drugs, coke mainly, and you are such a good girl compared to him, so sweet and kind. He doesn’t deserve you really.
He sighs, knowing this isn’t the end of the conversation but he can’t do anything about it tonight so he pulls you closer, kissing your forehead and he closes his eyes as he breathes you in. You’ve become his home, his safe space, and he’d do anything to protect you. Z
You know that he’s relaxed now and you sigh softly. It’s gotten more complicated now. Far different from the day you had met Dieter. You were shown a side of him that no one else got to see except for in small glimpses. You’ve fallen in love even though you know that the studio has an expiration date set for your relationship. They want him single, so the press knew nothing of your nights out on the town.
“You want a drink, baby doll?” Dieter asks, walking over to his bar cart to pour himself a whiskey. You have taken to staying at his place nearly every night and he doesn’t complain when he gets to have you in his bed. The movie is coming along, the romance going extremely well thanks to your chemistry on set and Dieter finds himself more centered on his character, able to remember his lines better. Probably because he’s not out until the early hours having sex with strangers and snorting cocaine. He doesn’t know when it happened but he only wants you, can only think of you.
You shake your head, giving him a soft smile. “I shouldn’t.” You tell him, pressing your hand to your stomach. “They said I’m gaining some weight so I need to cut back on the drinking.” You roll your eyes and shrug. “But if you kiss me after you drink, I can taste it from your tongue.”
Dieter frowns, "gaining weight? You look fucking gorgeous. I can't wait to see the edits of you from today." He says, leaning in to peck your lips after he prepares a whiskey, sliding his tongue into your mouth so you can taste the liquor.
You moan over the taste of the liquor and Dieter combined. It’s intoxicating, and you know that you need him. Curling your hand around his neck, you pour yourself into the kiss and slide another hand down to cup his flaccid cock through his pants.
He groans into your mouth, cock starting to harden under your grip. He can’t help it, you’re too tempting for him. “Fuck baby doll. You want me to fuck you?” He asks breathlessly, kissing along your jaw, careful to not leave any marks.
“Always want you to fuck me.” You whine, closing your eyes and enjoying the way that his lips map the perfect spots to make you hum in pleasure.
Dieter doesn't deny you, wanting you just as much. His hands are everywhere, squeezing your tits, squeezing your ass. He can't touch enough of you as he hardens in your grip. “Let me fuck you baby.” He pleads, his hands sliding under your dress to push under your silk panties, finding your clit. “Already wet for me.”
“Always wet for you.” You pant breathlessly. Holding onto his arms as he rubs your clit exactly how you like for it to be rubbed. “Baby, you do that so good. Always make me feel so good.” You’ve been insatiable lately and luckily Dieter has been completely up to fucking you whenever you want.
He hums, loving hearing your praise. So unlike the harshness he experienced in the industry. Almost everything he does is wrong. He shifts his fingers to push Teo inside of you, wanting you to cum first for him like this. “Baby doll. You’re so good to me. Always- fuck - always want you.” He murmurs when you squeeze his cock.
You ignore the worries that you have, the truth that you are hiding from him as the magic of his touch takes over. Pushing it away to focus on him. “Fuck Dee,” you whimper softly. “Love this, love you.”
It’s the first time you’ve said you love him and it makes him feel like he’s on top of the world, his heart pounding in his chest. “Wait-” He withdraws his fingers and pulls your hand away from his cock. “Did you- did you just say you love me?” He asks and you nod, biting your lip and he can see you’re nervous. He surges forward to press his lips to yours. “I love you, baby doll. I- fuck - you love me?” He asks, wanting to hear you say it.
“I love you, Dieter.” You cup his cheek and kiss him again. “I love you.” You do love him, even if you didn’t start out with this under the most honest of pretenses, you know that you do love him. Shocked that he loves you too, you beam at him.
He pulls you close, guiding you over to the sofa. “I want you to ride me.” He 
says, caressing your back until he’s working the zipper of your dress down to expose more skin to his eager eyes. “I want you to cum on my cock, baby.” He says, pushing the dress off of your shoulders until it’s pooling at your feet and he sits down on the sofa.
You watch as he starts to unzip his pants, pulling the shirttails out and up his stomach as he lifts his hips to push them and his briefs down. His cock is hard, springing up to slap against his skin as he watches you push your panties down and instead of taking off your bra, you straddle his thighs, eager to sink down on him. “Fuck I love your cock.” you coo softly. “You fill me up so fucking good.” 
He groans when you grip his cock, sinking down on top of him. “Fuck baby doll. Look at you.” He hisses, watching you take his length inside of you. He could do this for hours, just watch you ride his dick. “So fucking pretty.” He coos, cupping your cheek and he brings you close so he can press his lips to yours again.
Kissing Dieter has become so very natural to you. Both on set and off. You seemingly always are nearing to kissing him or just coming from kissing him. Still, every time makes you shiver slightly and wish that you were able to keep him. “I love you.” you murmur softly as you start to move, riding him slowly and enjoying the way he stretches you out. Perhaps this will count as exercise. 
His hands caress you, wanting to touch more of you, and he’s quick to unclasp your bra while you work on unbuttoning his shirt. He leans in to kiss along your chest once your bra is slung across the room and his lips are wrapping around your nipple as you start to slowly ride him.
“Dee!” Your fingers dig into his hair and you try to gently pull him away. You’re sensitive and want to kiss him again. “So good baby, kiss me.” You beg softly, knowing he will give in if you want your lips on his.
He reluctantly pulls away from your breast so he can lean in to kiss you. His tongue immediately slides into your mouth. The shitty tattoos on his chest he got while drunk during his brief stint in the army before he was dismissed just after training are under your touch and he knows you can feel his heart beating.
It becomes soft and sweet. Something that is very different from the energetic fucking that normally happens. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you rise and sink on his cock while you kiss him. It’s as close to making love as you’ve ever had with him and you want to savor it. 
It’s slower than usual but he loves it. He honestly never imagined he’d find someone to love in this hell hole of a town. The majority of people just wanted him to see where he could take them. He doesn’t want that. He wants someone to want him, Dieter, not the actor. His tongue slides against yours, languid and leisurely as you ride his cock. His hands caress your back and come up to squeeze your breast.
You moan softly, not hurt but it’s still tender as he squeezes. You don’t stop him from enjoying your breasts, knowing how much he enjoys playing with your tits. Your walls clench down around him and you whimper when he pinches your nipple softer than he normally does. “Dee,” You bite his ear lobe and scratch your nails against his scalp as you bury them into his hair. “Love you.” 
“Love you. Fucking love you.” He murmurs and his cock twitches inside of you. “I want you to cum for me.” He pleads softly, reaching down to rub your clit, wanting to feel you soak him. “Cum for me baby doll.” He begs, his voice a little whiny but he can’t help himself.
Instead of being explosive so you gush all over him, your orgasm is soft. Still no less devastating than your normally orgasms in his arms. Stiffening, your cunt clamps down around him and you moan his name softly.
Your orgasm is slow but you clamp down on his cock and he loves it. “Fuck. So beautiful, baby. So fucking beautiful.” He groans and he grabs your hips, thrusting up into you. He is close, overwhelmed by the emotion, and he thrusts a half dozen more times before he’s pulling you down onto his cock and painting your walls with his seed.
He smiles, feeling like he’s finally home when he’s in your arms. You caress him and he feels like he can take on anything as long as he has you. He gets to spend all his time with you and he’s worried that when the movie is finished filming, that you won’t want to see him anymore. A silly fear that’s been abated by you saying you love him but it’s still there, his insecurities. He pulls you close, breathing you in, and he kisses your hair.
“I have to tell the producer, I need to let out your dress.” The head of the wardrobe department shakes her head as she looks at you in the mirror. Your skintight dress doesn’t zip up end you know why, although you hadn’t said a word to anyone, not even Dieter. “You can’t tell them.” You beg immediately, nearly frozen in fear. “Please, I’m- im pregnant.”
She looks at you for a second, eyes wide, and she knows what will happen if the studio finds out. “How far along are you?” She asks, “about five months.” Her eyes dip down, “you’re carrying small. Just looks like you’ve eaten a big meal. Is it- it’s Bravo’s?” She guesses. Everyone on set knows about your dalliance with the leading man. You nod and she bites her lip, knowing that if she tattles, you’ll be forced to abort, even at five months. “I’ll let the dress out. I won’t tell anyone.” She vows, knowing she can’t betray you when you’re such a kind woman in an industry full of demanding witches.
“Thank you- thank you.” You turn around and reach for her hands. “I cannot ever repay you.” You gush, nearly in tears with gratitude. You know what this industry is like and what they will do. They forced Judy to get an abortion, and they wouldn’t hesitate to do it to you. “I promise I have been watching what I eat so I don’t gain much.” You promise her quietly. “But my breasts are getting bigger.”
“We will fix it, sweetheart.” She promises, knowing she can’t do much but she can take the dresses out. “Only five more weeks of shooting. You will need to be careful.” She warns you, having seen too many tragedies when it comes to pregnant actresses. You nod, squeezing her hands in thanks and she grabs her measuring tape to take your new measurements so she can take out your costumes.
It doesn’t take long for her to re-measure you, making you feel a lot better and you put on your dressing gown when she’s done. If anyone asks, the costume ripped and she’s mending it while she’s letting it out. You leave wardrobe and move over to the beverage cart, pouring yourself a water and resisting the urge to light a cigarette. You’ve heard it could be bad for babies, so you’ve quit.
Dieter walks through the halls of the studio looking for you. Script in hand and smoke hanging from his mouth, he’s trying to find you to discuss the script changes from the writers and he finds you in your dressing room. “Damn baby girl.” He murmurs, setting his script down and taking a drag of his smoke as his eyes trail along your front. “Gorgeous as always.”
You smile as you look at him, handsome as always and it’s by sheer will that you don’t reach down to touch your stomach. The baby has started moving and it makes you feel incredibly emotional every time. It also seems to be when Dieter is around. “Hey baby.” You walk over to him, trying to ignore the smell of the smoke, it’s started disagreeing with you. “They are having to work on my dress, there was a tear in it.”
He hums, leaning in to kiss you. “Probably me.” He jokes, knowing you’ve had a few quickies between shooting scenes. You chuckle and he kisses along your neck, “you read the revisions?” He asks, picking up the script. “They want us to do some running shit. Want you to run after me.” He says, handing the paper to you.
“Running?” You hadn’t looked at the revisions, too busy with the wardrobe department, but you take the script and look it over as Dieter continues to kiss you. “Why? There shouldn’t be running.”
“It’s some new love scene. They want you to chase me when I get into the taxi. Want you to scream at me that you love me but I don’t hear you. I ride off until we reunite.” He says between kisses to your neck, “you gotta scream out that you loveeee me.” He teases against your skin.
“Ohhhh noooo.” You hum, smiling because you know he is grinning as he continues to kiss you. “It will be so hard to act that out.” Your hands on his waist slide around his back and you lean into him for a moment. You are worried about the running, but it shouldn’t be too bad. You’ve been moving a lot and it’s not like you have to be in bed the entire time you are pregnant. As long as you don’t fall, you should be good.
Dieter smirks, leaning in to softly kiss you. “You are so beautiful.” He murmurs, “you fucking know that, right?” He asks you, his dark eyes burning into yours. “Most beautiful woman here and I’m so lucky to have you, baby doll.” Dieter murmurs against your jaw.
“I love you, Dieter.” You whisper softly, wanting him to know that you love him and not just something you are saying for the movie. “I think we need to lock the door of my dressing room and have some fun before we film. What do you say?”
“I like the way you think.” Dieter smirks, pulling away from you to lock your dressing room door behind him and he reaches for you, pulling you into his arms so he can kiss you properly. Smoke spirals from the smoke he abandoned in the ashtray and his tongue slides against yours while his hands squeeze your ass.
You moan softly, aware that you have to be quiet. Everyone is aware of your relationship on set but you don’t publicly display it. Your body aches for him, the boost to your libido insane during the pregnancy that the father of your child doesn’t even know about. Dieter’s hand dives for the ties to your dressing gown but you shake your head. “No time to get undressed.” You murmur.
He can’t deny you anything. His hips pressing against your ass as he sets a harsh pace, the slapping sounds and your combined moans and pants the only sounds in the dressing room. “Always feel so fucking good.” He grunts, knowing that he can’t be anywhere else. He stopped going to orgies, stopped seeking out others. All he can think about is you. You. You. You.
“I love- fuck, I love you, Dee.” You will have to tell him. You need to tell him now, but you can’t. You’re afraid of what he might say, what he might tell the studio if you do. It won’t be too much longer until the movie is in the can and then you can tell him. If he decides he wants to leave you, so be it.
“Love you. So much, baby doll. Jesus, you - can’t stop thinking about you. All I fucking think about. Stopped taking goddamn drugs because they don’t compare to you. Only get high on you now.” He confesses, “I love you.” He grits his teeth, fucking into you a little faster.
His confession makes you cry out. Falling over the edge and clamping down around his cock, you soak him with your juices. Feeling the incredible flood of warmth seep through your veins and makes you slump against the table.
He hisses when you clamp down on him, never getting tired of how you feel, how you sound when you cum. “Fuck. Oh shit. Shit.” He curses as he thrusts a half dozen more times before he’s pushes deep and cumming inside of you with a hiss of your name. Painting your walls, he leans over you to kiss your neck.
“So good baby.” You whimper, closing your eyes and enjoying the way that he fills you up. “Fuck, I’ll never get tired of that.” You murmur quietly. “We should get married.”
He pulls out of you, spinning you around so you are looking at him. “You serious?” He asks, wondering if you are just rambling in the haze of your orgasm. “You want to be my wife?” He asks breathlessly. He knows he’s a difficult man to love. Hell, he changes his religion every other week. He isn’t easy to be around yet here you are, still here months later. “You wanna marry me?”
“I want to marry you.” You promise breathlessly. “I want nothing more than to marry you.” You want to tell him about the baby but you don’t. Figuring there will be time for that later. You don’t want him to think the only reason you ask him to marry him is because of the baby. “We can go to Vegas.”
Dieter cups your cheeks, “yeah? You wanna elope? I won’t have your daddy trying to shoot my ass?” He jokes softly and you shake your head, reaching up to caress his wrists. “I want to marry you.” You declare and Dieter grins, leaning in to softly kiss you. “I wanna marry you too. Let’s tell them you’re sick so we can get off set today. We can be in Vegas tonight to get married tomorrow.”
“Okay.” You giggle against his lips and nod. “I’ll tell them that I’m having horrible bleeding and cramps and cannot possibly run.” You tease,
Kissing him once more before pulling away. Everything seems perfect, completely in love with Dieter and about to go elope with him. You hope he never finds out about your deal with the studio because he would never forgive you.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The officiant declares and Dieter wastes no time in pressing his lips to yours. “Mrs. Bravo.” He coos when he pulls back, grinning in awe that he’s married to you.
You kiss him desperately, clinging to his arms. “Mr. Bravo.” You bat your lashes at him playfully. “How does it feel to be a married man?” You ask, blissfully happy that he wanted to marry you.
He grins, kissing you softly. “It - it’s like I’m finally where I belong.” He admits quietly, the weight of his wedding ring on his finger is welcome and he leans in to press his forehead against yours. “I love you baby doll. Let’s go celebrate. Champagne!” He says, pulling back from you.
You giggle, knowing that you cannot have more than a sip of champagne but you can’t deny him. “Champagne and then I want to go back to the hotel with my husband.” You beg. Once you get back to L.A. you will have to pretend that you aren’t Dieter’s wife and take off the gorgeous ring he has slipped on your finger.
The champagne is popped once you’re back in your suite and Dieter wants tonight to be all about you both. No movie, no press, nothing but the two of you. He leans in to kiss you, loving how it feels to belong to you.
“I love you.” You promise him, smiling at him as you set your champagne down. You had one tiny sip, but you know that Dieter won’t notice once you start kissing. “I love my husband. Dieter Bravo.”
Fuck, he can’t get enough of hearing that. “Come on baby. Wanna make love to my wife.” He says, “my beautiful movie star wife.” He coos, “I’m a lucky son of a bitch.” He murmurs, pulling you into his lap.
You hum, making sure that you don’t squish your belly, and wrap your arms around him. “You love me?” You ask playfully. “Will you still love me when I’m old and fat?” You ask it as a joke, but you are worried that he won’t like your body once you have had your baby. He’s used to gorgeous men and women and it would break your heart if he rejected you.
Dieter snorts, “you gonna love me when I’m old and fat too? Im gonna be a miserable old fucker. You ready to deal with me?” He asks, caressing your back, “I’ll love you no matter what, baby doll.” He vows, knowing he’s been fickle his entire life but that’s because he was searching for something, for you.
“You are going to be distinguished.” You argue, running your fingers through his hair. “Your hair will be salt and pepper and you’ll still have adoring fans throwing themselves at you.” You pout, kissing his lips. “And I’ll still think you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever met.”
Dieter grins, pleased that you are saying that. “And you’d still be the most gorgeous fucking woman in Hollywood.” He assures you, his hands sliding down to squeeze your ass. “Are you gonna ride my cock, sweetheart? You wanna have married sex?” He teases, his fingers dipping beneath your dress.
“Yes.” You moan breathlessly. You have been riding him more, scared of him discovering your belly so it has been easier to mount him. He finds your panties easily and push them to the side. The short, white, sheath dress that was your wedding dress is bunched at your hips and covers your belly wonderfully.
Dieter groans when you reach down to take him out of his pants. He’s hard and aching for you. “Take what’s yours.” He orders, his brown eyes wide in awe as you sink down onto him. “Fuckkkk.” He hisses, head tilting back as you take him inside of you.
“I love you.” You pant breathlessly. “I love this cock. I love how you feel inside me, how you make me feel like the only woman in the world.” You babble as you take him deeper, spilling all the thoughts you’ve had since you’ve fallen in love with him. “I want you, only you.”
Dieter swears that his heart is about to explode out of his chest. He hisses, hands fumbling to squeeze your ass and he pants when you clench around him. “I love you. I want you, only you baby doll. Had me since the moment we met. The night we shared Lance. You are - fuck - the woman I’ve been waiting for. I love you. I love you.” He pants, swallowing harshly as he struggles to put into words how he feels about you. Ironic considering he’s an actor.
You moan his name and kiss along his neck. “I know, I love you. I love you too.” It’s all you can say, all you can feel beyond the utter bliss of having him inside you.
Your whimpers make him groan and he rocks up into you. “Cum for me baby. Want my wife to cum for me.” He pleads, his fingers digging into your flesh and he desperately wants to feel you cum for him.
Your body is sensitive, primed for an orgasm and it doesn’t take many more thrusts to give into it. Tossing your head back, you are confident that he will catch you as you cry his name. Riding out your orgasm with a whimper chant of it again and again.
“Good girl, baby doll. Such a good girl for me.” Dieter grunts as you flutter around his cock. He can’t help it, he needs to cum. Seeing his ring on your finger has him feral and he braces his feet so he can push up into you, “fuck fuck fuck. I love you, I love you, I love you.” He spits out at once until he’s cumming, painting your walls with his hot seed. Panting, he rests his forehead against your sternum, feeling surrounded by you.
You sigh happily, closing your eyes and smiling. Feeling like this is the perfect moment. Nothing is going to change the way you feel about Dieter and you know that he is the love of your life. “Perfect, baby.” You coo softly. “You are perfect and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“You okay?” Dieter asks when you down the glass of water in between scenes. It’s been two months since you have been married, still living apart due to the studio but as soon as you are finished, you’ll be moving in with Dieter. Today is the last day of filming, the final scenes that got pushed back. You running after the cab.
“I don’t feel that good.” You admit, taking a handkerchief and patting your face where you are sweating. You’ve been feeling off since you woke up but you are still another month and a half from being due. The studio still has no idea, since you are carrying so small. It still just looks like you have eaten a large lunch and the wardrobe department has been magical at concealing your baby bump. “I’ll be okay.”
Dieter frowns, “maybe we shouldn’t do the scene today. I’m sure we can move it to tomorrow.” He doesn’t want you to exert yourself. It’s been a long shoot and he knows you must be exhausted. He is. 
The director shakes his head, “no, no. We get this done now. The studio is pissed off that we have gone over budget and time. This gets done today.”
“I’ll be fine.” You insist, shaking your head. You know that the sooner you get the movie in the can, the sooner you can tell the studio that you aren’t adhering to their deal anymore. You don’t care if the movie you’ve wanted to make forever never gets done or if you never work in Hollywood again. You want a life with your husband, your child. “What’s one scene? We’ll be done in no time.”
Dieter is concerned for his wife, the wedding ring he slides onto his finger every night and takes off every morning is in his pocket and he sighs as he steps aside, knowing you can’t be argued with. “ Honey, if it’s too much, we can move this to tomorrow. I don’t want you to get sick.“
Giving him a weak smile as another uncomfortable pain passes through you, you shake your head again. He has seemed to worry more about you since your elopement. It’s very sweet. “I’ll be fine. I want this movie to be done.” You give him a pointed look. “I have plans for this weekend.”
Dieter smirks, knowing what you’re talking about. You decided to take a mini break and rent a house on the beach, spend the weekend together since you are having to live apart. He winks at you and reaches for your hand to squeeze it. “Let’s get it done and then we are finished.” He says, offering you a smile despite the worry still being there.
After listening to the director’s wants for the scene, you step on your mark and wait as the car is started and Dieter climbs inside. “Action!” The call prompts you to cry out for your husband’s character and start waving your hands. “Stop! Stop! I love you!” As the car takes off, you start running forward.
Dieter is supposed to drive off but he looks behind him to wave like he’s supposed to and he sees you collapse. “Stop the fucking car!” He hisses, jolting when the driver slams on the brakes and he gets out, rushing over to you. “Baby, baby doll. What’s wrong? You okay?” He asks and the director shouts ‘cut’ but Dieter doesn’t hear it.
You are grasping your stomach and sobbing out in pain. “I- I’m pregnant!” You cry out and you know there is no way for everyone to find out now. There is a puddle of water underneath you where your water broke. Despite how early it is, the baby is coming. “I- I need - Dieter!” You scream as another pain rips through you, harder and more intense than any of the others.
“Pre-pregnant?” Dieter gasps, shocked and he shakes his head, “when? How? I- fuck. You’re pregnant?” Dieter yells and kneels down beside you, eyes wide with fear. “You’re pregnant?” He chokes, knowing it’s only him who could be the father.
“I’m- I’m sorry, I should have- have told you.” You pant out, trying to catch your breath. “I-I didn’t want- the studio- they- you know-“ you break off when another pain rushes over you and your teeth gnash together to keep from screaming again.
Dieter cannot believe you kept this from him. He’s beyond hurt but he can’t show that, knowing he has to keep strong in front of the studio. “Will someone call a fucking ambulance?” He shouts, getting desperate to make sure you’re okay. However upset he is, you’re his wife and he needs to make sure you’re okay.
A crowd is gathering around you, people wide eyes and whispering. You know there is no way this isn’t getting out. Reaching out, you grab Dieter’s hand, terrified that something had gone wrong and you’ve hurt your baby. “I-I love you.” You gasp out. “It’s- the baby is early.”
Dieter doesn’t respond, his mind whirling and he can’t focus when all he can think is “you’re pregnant.” His child. With his child. He can barely breathe himself and he squeezes your hand back, terrified and relieved when the paramedics make their way through the crowd to get to you.
Everyone gasps, glancing over at the producers and director who are equally shocked. Dieter ignores them, knowing he has to be with you, even if it’s to get answers, so he gets into the ambulance and holds your hand as the ambulance speeds away from the studio. “Eight months?” Dieter chokes, closing his eyes.
He hates the idea of being a father, your heart sinks and you close your own eyes to try to hold back a sob. “I’m sorry.” You whimper. “I-I was scared. I didn’t realize it until I- until we were serious and I didn’t want to sc-scare you too.” Tears of agony and sorrow leak out of the corner of your eyes.
“Why - why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” He chokes, confused and wondering why you haven’t told him. “We - we got married and you didn’t - you didn’t tell me. Jesus Christ, we have had sex. How didn’t I know?” He shakes his head, “I should’ve known. Jesus. Fuck. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I- if the studio found out, they would- you know they would have had me terminate it.” You need him to understand. “I didn’t- I know that I - I couldn’t risk them- I-“ you are cut off by the low, inhuman hiss that you let out, squeezing his hand. You sigh and pant when it passes. “I didn’t know until I was too far along and I knew the studio would tell you about the deal I made with them.”
Dieter frowns, “the deal? What deal?” He is confused, unsure of what the hell you’re talking about when you’re in labor with a baby he knew nothing about. He’s in pain and he wants to know what the fuck is going on.
Everything will come out and Dieter will hate you so it doesn’t matter now. You are crying and you hold onto his hand tightly. “When- when I met you, the studio told me that if I kept you out of the press, from-from behaving badly, they would finance the script I had written.” You confess, immediately rolling into another contraction that takes your breath away and leaves you unable to beg him for forgiveness.
Dieter rears back, his eyes wide and he slowly shakes his head in disbelief. “You- I- I don’t understand. You- we are married? We are - what the fuck?” He hisses, furious with the studio and with you for lying to him. You’re his wife and you didn’t think he deserved to know that you have been bribed into spending time with him.
“I know. I love you Dee, I love you, I promise.” You know he won’t believe you but you have to tell him. Your eyes beg him to believe you, “I don’t care if they blacklist me. I want to be with you. I want our baby. Our baby, Deeeeeeeee!” You cry out when another pain slams into you.
Dieter shakes his head, “I can’t believe - fuck.” He winces, feeling betrayed and yet you’re his wife. You’re about to have his baby. “I wish- why didn’t you tell me?” He chokes, tears stinging in his eyes. The ambulance comes to a stop at that moment and Dieter leans back so the paramedics can take you into the hospital.
You don’t answer him, you can’t answer him as you get caught up in the business of getting into the hospital. You want him with you but they won’t let him come back behind the double doors and you know that he has every reason to leave you. You might never see Dieter again.
Dieter is escorted to the father’s waiting room. He is itching for a smoke and one of the other dads-to-be hands him one.
“First?” He guesses and Dieter pauses for a second so he can light up the cigarette and he nods, exhaling the smoke. 
“Yeah.” He is still reeling from the barrage of bad news you’ve dumped on him and he swallows harshly, pacing as he tries to process what you’ve told him.
“It’ll be fine.” The man takes a drag off his own cigarette and blows it out. “My wife’s having our third. Little girl.” He looks over at the stack of magazines. “Bring a newspaper, though. Those magazines are at least five months old.”
Dieter rubs his forehead as he sits down, leaning between his legs, cigarette dangling between his fingers, the smoke curling into the air as he struggles to come to grips with the fact that he’s about to become a father, and his wife lied to him. “Thanks for the advice.” He snorts and the guy squints, adjusting his glasses. “Hey, ain’t you that actor guy?” He asks and Dieter sighs, “yeah. That’s me.” The guy grins, “no kidding. Wait till I tell my old lady who I met. Who’s the lucky lady?” He jerks his chin towards the ring Dieter subconsciously takes out of his pocket and slides onto his finger. Dieter says your name, knowing that the press will get hold of the news so it doesn't matter anymore to keep it a secret. “Her? She’s gorgeous. You’re a lucky son a bitch.” He says and Dieter snorts, taking another drag of his cigarette.
Inside the delivery room, you are sobbing for Dieter, panicked and desperate to talk to him, to have him nearby as the doctors refuse to tell you if the baby is okay. After too long pitching a fit, they knocked you out, drugging you.
Dieter hasn’t heard anything, starting to panic as he waits to hear from a doctor or nurse about you and the baby. His foot bounces up and down as the minutes tick by and he can’t take it. He stands up, the chair scrapping and he grabs the passing nurse. “I need to know what’s happening with my wife. Right now.” He demands, unable to take it any longer.
The nurse pulls her arm away from him and turns to start lecturing him, eyes widening when she recognizes the face of her favorite movie star. “M-Mr. Bravo.” Everyone in the labor department knows that the famous actress in labor had been calling for him until you were put to sleep to rest. The fact that you were married almost makes her speechless, but giddy to know something that hasn’t been reported. “Your wife has been unsettled and distressed so the doctor gave her something to help her rest. The baby was almost ready to come out. It will be just a little longer.” She assured him, taking his hand because she can say she touched a movie star.
Dieter looks down at her hand gripping his and immediately pulls it away. “So are they okay? No one is telling me anything.” He hisses, “I need to know if they are okay. Has the baby been born yet?” He asks and she shakes her head, “not yet.” Just as Dieter opens his mouth to respond, he hears his name called behind him. Turning, he sees the executives from the studio and he narrows his eyes, “what are you doing here?” He hisses, feeling betrayed by the producers and director who persuaded you to lie to him, to babysit him.
“Trying to contain this disaster.” The producer shakes his head, frowning heavily. “Luckily, the hospital staff can’t say anything, but have you talked to anyone? I don’t want this getting out. Stupid girl. She should have aborted the damn thing the second she found out she was pregnant. Her career is over.” His cold eyes flicker over to Dieter. “Although you will come away unscathed.”
Dieter can’t believe what they are saying. “Are you- are you fucking joking? This is my wife. My child. I- I didn’t know she was pregnant but I’m not just gonna walk away. We are married.” Dieter announces and the execs shake their heads. “No one gave you permission to be married.” Dieter snorts, “no because we didn’t need it because we are adults.”
“Well, we will get the marriage annulled.” He tells you dismissively. “While she was good at keeping you from fucking half of Hollywood, she fucked up. Marrying you, getting pregnant.” He scoffs and shakes his head. “No wonder she’s been quiet when I ask how things are going. She knew she wasn’t going to get her movie made. Although I’m still going to make it, just without her.”
“No. No. You can’t do that. She - it was me who came inside of her. I knew the possible consequences.” He reasons, “You cannot annul my marriage to her. I love her.” He chokes, still worried about you. 
“Love? You have fucked half of Hollywood and you expect us to believe you love her? Come on now, we are doing you a favor.” 
Dieter growls, reaching out to grab the executive by his collar, “don’t fucking test me right now. My wife is having our child and I don’t know what’s going on. I’ll spread you over the fucking floor.”
The director looks ready to jump in but the producer shakes his head. “Think carefully, Dieter. You’re a star because I want you to be.” He warns him. “Fight me on this and you’ll never make another movie. You’ll lose everything.”
Dieter growls, “fuck you.” He pushes him away, “you think you own me but you don’t. I’ll get work outside of this studio. I’ll - I’ll go to Warner.” He threatens, “don’t you fucking mess with me or my family.”
The studio exec scoffs and shakes his head. “They won’t take you. You’re a liability, Bravo. Why do you think I had to bribe your wife to spend time with you?” He asks, smirking. “She’s probably going to leave you anyway so why don’t you make a deal for yourself? Save something from all this.” He suggests, needing Dieter to agree in order to get the annulment.
Dieter can’t stop himself, he pulls his hand back and surges forward to punch the exec. For voicing his fears, that you will leave him eventually everyone does. “Owwww.” Dieter whines as soon as he punches, his hand aching and he whimpers, cradling it to his chest. “Fuck, that hurt. You’re gonna fucking leave.” He growls, “get out of this hospital otherwise I’ll call the security.” The other men in the room stand up, having seen Dieter’s worry and are prepared to help him kick those assholes out.
Shaking his head, the producer reached up and rubs his jaw. “You’re finished Bravo.” He spits. “I’ll make sure you never film another scene and your habits are known around town.” He warns, turning on his heels and stomping out of the waiting room, the director on his heels.
Dieter pants, his hand throbbing but the doctor walks into the room and he doesn’t give a fuck about anything other than hearing how you are. “What’s happening? How is she?” He asks and the doctor smiles, “congratulations, Mr. Bravo. You have a son. He’s small, but healthy. Would you like to see him?” He asks and Dieter nods, the other dad patting him on the back. “Congrats.” Dieter follows the doctor, “and my wife?” He asks, “she’s recovering.” He guides Dieter to the nursery and Dieter looks down at the baby wrapped up in a blue blanket.
Slowly blinking, you feel heavy, lethargic. Your mouth is dry and your body hurts as you start to do a mental tally on yourself. Head throbbing, you look around to realize that you are still in the hospital. “Hello?” You start to panic when you don’t hear anyone or see anyone in your room. You don’t expect Dieter stayed but you realize your stomach is flat and there’s no bassinet in your room. “Hello! Where’s my baby!”
"He needs to be with her." Dieter insists and the nurse doesn't deny him, wheeling the baby into the room you are in and you are crying. "Baby doll, what's wrong?" He asks, leaning in to kiss your forehead and wrapping his arms around you. "He's here. Our son. We have a son, sweetheart." Dieter murmurs against your skin.
“A son? He’s okay?” You gasp out through your tears, struggling through the after effects of the medication to sit up. “I need- I need to hold him. Please, let me see him.” You beg, wanting to hold your son and touch him after the trauma of his birth. “A son.” Blinking through the tears, you can’t believe that Dieter is here.
He doesn't hesitate to cradle the baby, carrying him over to you and you take him into your arms.Dieter sees you holding the baby and his eyes sting. He understands now why you took the risk to hide the baby from him, from the studio. He wouldn't have wanted the child, not at first, and you would've been forced to have an abortion. Looking at his son, there's no way he could deny how much he already loves him. "He's small, but healthy. They want to observe him to make sure he's okay to go home in a few days." Dieter explains, sniffing as he reaches out to caress the baby's head.
“He’s okay.” You start crying again, relief and joy that your son is okay making you emotional. “Oh, baby boy. I’m so sorry that I didn’t hold you right away.” You coo, looking down at him. Counting fingers and unwrapping his blanket so you can count toes. “You are so precious, gorgeous.” Looking up at Dieter, you hope that he loves him as much as you do. “I’m so sorry baby, I know- I know you must hate me.”
Dieter swallows harshly, knowing he should because you kept it from him, lied to him about why you even wanted to be around him in the first place. “Baby. I- I should hate you. I should. But I can’t because - because I understand. Doll, I know why you had to keep him a secret. I just wish you’d told me. All those nights together…how didn’t I figure it out? I- I feel fucking stupid.” He shakes his head.
“No. You aren’t stupid.” You insist. “I was carrying small. The wardrobe head only knows because my dresses were a little tight. Even she says she’s not seen someone change so little carrying a baby.” You had worried, but the secret doctor you had seen assured you that the baby was healthy. You had visited him privately and paid him well to keep from reporting back to anyone who mattered.
Dieter shakes his head and closes his eyes, “I- I don’t know - fuck. A baby. I- I never imagined I’d be a father.” He confesses, closing his eyes in pain.
“Oh.” Your heart drops and you don’t have anyone to blame but yourself. You had hidden the pregnancy from Dieter and lied about why you were interested in him when you first met. “I understand.” You choke out, trying to keep from crying. “I- it’s okay.” You hold your son close. “I don’t- I’ll sign whatever you want. You can pretend that you never- that this is just a bad dream for you. I’m going to move out of L.A. Make it easier for you. My career is over anyway.”
Dieter shakes his head, hating that you misunderstood him. “Baby no. No. I- I don’t want you to go. I don’t want to lose you or the baby. I love you. I love you so much and I - you’re the best thing I’ve ever had. Baby doll, don’t leave. Stay with me. We will figure everything out.” He chokes, leaning in to press his forehead against yours.
“I was going to tell you this weekend.” You admit quietly. “I wanted to tell you, I almost did so many times.” You hate that he is hurt, hate that you hurt him. “I love you, I love you so much Dieter, and I was so afraid I was going to lose you. You are kind, funny, sweet, generous. So much more than you show everyone and I’m so lucky that you chose me.”
Dieter shifts to brush your lips with his. “I love you. You and our son. Fuck, we have a son.” Dieter says, reaching down to stroke the head of the baby at your breast. “I want to start my own studio.” He announces after a few moments.
“You do?” Your eyes widen in shock and despite that, you know Dieter would do well. During your late nights together, you had talked about different artistic shots you would add. He was talented in ways that would translate into director or producer well. “That’s great!”
Dieter is pleased that you think it’s a good idea. He agrees and leans in to kiss you, “we will figure it out baby. We have the contacts. No one gives a fuck about who’s behind the desk. They only care about who’s on the screen.
“We’ll figure it out.” You agree, knowing that there will be a lot to work out, but as long as Dieter wants to be a family, you will help however he needs. “But right now, we need to name our little boy.”
Dieter shifts to sit beside you, wrapping his arm around you and still stroking the baby’s head. “What names do you have in mind, baby doll? You’ve had longer to think about it than me.” He says that with no malice but it’s true.
“I didn’t think about names.” You admit. “I didn’t know what we were having and I couldn’t really decide names to pick. What name are you thinking?” You would love for your husband to name your son.
“What about Edward? Eddie for short?” He suggests, “it was, uh, it was my father’s name.” He reveals, knowing you have heard Dieter talk about his mom but no word about his father who died when he was a young man.
“What about your dad’s name? That way he has both of us.” Dieter smiles as he looks down at the now sleeping baby. You nod, repeating your father’s name. “I love it.” He grins, leaning in to softly kiss you. “So does this mean no sex for a while?” He teases, nudging his nose against yours.
You chuckle quietly as your son sleeps in your arms. “No sex, but I think I owe you quite a few blow jobs.” You admit, smirking. “To make up for keeping everything from you.”
Dieter chuckles, kissing your hair, “we have the rest of our lives for blowjobs, baby doll.” He promises, closing his eyes as he rests his head against yours. He adores you and he knows you need to have a serious talk about everything you kept from him but he loves you. He wouldn’t change anything now. You and Edward are his next big project. Hollywood can wait, Dieter has finally settled down and many in Hollywood will mourn the news (men and women alike) but he has found his leading lady and he intends to keep her for the rest of his life.
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lunnybunny12 · 4 months
Blitz x Reader (patching him up)
This is mostly word vomit but hope you enjoy it.
Blitz comes back from a job pretty beaten up.
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"Hey, Loona? its getting late I'm gonna head home," you said, closing your computer.
"kay. See you tomorrow " she answered while still looking at her phone.
When you and Millie moved to the pride ring, nether of you expected to be working at I.M.P. Millie got a job there pretty much right away. She would always come home to your apartment frustrated because of the lack of organisation of jobs.
One day you decided to meet her at work and walked into chaos. piles and piles of paperwork strewed everywhere. You offered to help and the boss offered you a job. Its been a few years since then.
"Thank you." you chimed.
Just as you were about to go file away the last few documents and head home, the portal to Earth opened. Moxie and Milie came through with a few scratches but Blitz took one step and then fell flat on his face.
"Holey fuck what happened?" you asked picking up Blits and dragging him to a chair.
"OW! ow ow. Some fucker got me a few times" Blitz said through his teeth.
"I'll say" Millie huffed " The guy practically had him on the ropes"
You looked at Blitz who had a look on his face that read: angry and embarrassed.
" Ah Thank you, Millie. Ever the ray of sunshine" Blitz growled at her.
"Ha ha well... Sir we're going to call it a night. It's uh getting kind of late" Moxie nervously chuckled
"Yea. You all go home. I'll lock up and see you tomorrow"
After that Blitz shuffled himself into his office and closed the door behind him. A few drops of blood followed behind him.
"How... bad was he hurt?" you asked walking to get the first aid kit from the shelf.
"Not bad enough to go to the hospital but he was definitely shaken"
"You want me to help you patch him up?"
"Nah Loona I'll be fine. Could you keep an eye on him when he gets home?"
The second that door closed behind him Blitz silently screamed in embarrassment.
He got his ass kicked, fell flat on his face and had Millie make him look like an absolute idiot. AND HE DIDN'T EVEN KILL THE GUY!
And to make things worse it happened all in front of you. He could've melted into that chair.
Since you were hired the two of you have flirted back and forth originally for Blitz it was entirely work place banter. Something to piss off Moxie and to keep up moral but as time went on he started to like you more and more.
Blitz was brought back to reality when he heard a knock on the door.
"Hey handsome, how you doing?" you chimed, closing the door behind you.
He felt heat rush to his face.
"I thought you went home?" he chuffed
"nope. Can't have my favourite boss die. who would sign my paycheck?" you winked.
Blitz laughed "And here I was thinking you liked me for my dazzling personality"
You smiled and gave him a quick look over. he had a few cuts on his face and arms but no sign of where the blood could be coming from. His face was pretty red too.
"Come on pretty boy, can sit on the desk?"
He sent you a pained look.
"Well...it's either you sit on the desk or I sit on your lap"
"OOO is that supposed to be a threat, sweetheart? He smiled wiggling his eyebrows making you blush.
You rolled your eyes and helped him to the desk. It was a bit of a struggle to lift him up there.
"Wow, your desk is huge!"
"Yeah, I get that a lot " He was about to stretch but then recoiled in pain making the pair of you chuckle again.
A while later he was all bandaged up and the bleeding had stopped.
"Ok. I'm gonna clean the cuts on your face and then I'm taking you home."
"You don't have to do that "
"Yea well it's gonna happen and I don't wanna hear you complain about it. Plus it gives me an excuse to hang out with you longer so that's that."
You had a cotton pad with antiseptic hovering over his face.
"This is gonna sting a little but I need you to stay still"
Your hand went under his chin to make him look at you. For a second your eyes locked. You could see so many emotions swirling around and you felt your face heat up.
"I-Im sorry" you stammerd
"Wha - no no you... do what you need to do"
That's when the pair of you saw the position you were in. You were stood between his legs. Your faces were inches away from each other and both your hands were on his face.
You both felt as if you were on fire.
Eventually, he swallowed his pride and asked "Can I uh... try something?"
You nodded.
He nervously wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you even closer into a hug. Suddenly ...his cuts didn't hurt anymore.
"Thank you, by the way. I haven't had someone care about me in a while"
A shakey sigh escaped you as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to hug him back. Resting your head on top of his.
You both stayed like that for a while but you could've stayed there forever.
After you calmed down a little you guided his face to look at you again.
"Uh oh. You're using my name. Am I in trouble?"
Your face went red again " Do you wanna be?" you asked leaning in closer, your eyes flickering to his lips.
He quickly realized what you were talking about and he smiled the biggest grin you'd ever seen.
"Fuck yes"
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chocosourlemon · 4 months
*drops this* Brainrot.
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I wanted to have a proper visual of Lou's physical appearance, and I ended up making this.
The 1st appearance is a small headcannon of mine when Lou was first created. I had a thought, since he was the first doll in the institute of perfection (in my own knowledge), the factory's original design of Lou was him in an old version of the perfect doll's uniform. Like the 90s kinda vibe uniform. But as the years passed, the Factory decided to update the uniform to the current modern style and give that design to the upcoming dolls, and change Lou into a high class suit since he's supposed to be the teacher or leader. His features were more robotic when he was first created. Believe me or not, I kinda liked the fact Lou was supposed to be an animatronic. But the design just gave me an off feeling(it's cool though, see look)
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so i did some headcannons of my own. Like i do agree with a certain someone (Kudos to them) that he may have been made in the 1970s-80s, the factory didn't have the technology they had today, and so Lou was more of uh-old? Idk-
The second one shows his final design of where he is more sharp and aware of what he is and what he's supposed to be. His robotic features are now covered in felt and fabric to seem like the other dolls and hide who he really is. (Cue the- "I've dedicated my entire life to make sure you go to the big world"-) and with the Factory evolved in years time, Lou looks more modern and like a "real doll" kinda thing??
And the third one, I think you all know. My man's clothes shrunk and dirty, and a mop with a bucket of dirty water as an accessory.
(I threw the comic as a WIP for a while. I wanna draw Lou in different clothes now.💗)
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For example, the concept art of him in that white sweater with a capital "L" in the middle. And some 90s clothes. And maybe what he would wear in his free time? Idk.
Also, I've been dying to see what the other dolls would say when they see Lou come out of the washer, and his skin looks like a robot's. Some may not be surprised since he did publicly explain he's a prototype. But he is yk, genuine metal in the inside with only small layers of stuffing. Not fully stuffed like the rest of them. Or maybe I'm just genuinely desperate to see someone help Lou feel the love and compassion they feel. I can see Moxy actually feeling bad and trying to take Lou's hand and comfort my boy. Telling him that no matter what he's made of, he's a doll like the rest of them. Mandy would hesitate, but she's a sweetheart and tries to see good in those who wronged her or if she gave Lou a second chance.
And Nolan, is..Nolan.
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ivy-plays · 8 months
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This was a request from @arsonayy on one of my old request posts!! Tho I did decide to do a few other characters as well I hope you do not mind!
Plot: see request
Reader type:Gn
Raiting: E
Story type: head cannon/bullet points
What you call him:
Sir (😏😉)
Horse boy
My love
Lover boy
Daddy sir
Clown boy
(save a horse ride a)Cowboy
What they call you
Main hoe( Stolas is the side hoe lmao)
My (queen/king/ royalty)
Sweetheart/ sweetie
Also call you my (king/queen/royalty)
A/n: I hope you like it! I'm horrible with coming up with nicknames and really tried to find ones that worked well with each character. I also only did the guys for this one bc. Well. I don't think I could have come up with anymore pet names lol.
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cherryrainn · 5 months
How would Striker react if his human friend was dressed nice and smelled really sweet because she was wearing perfume as she tried flirting with him? Also Millie and Moxie tries helping the human by talking to her on a ear piece.
━━ ✧ 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐟 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; striker + reader
─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; this is silly thank you
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; none
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the night was aglow with the soft glow of streetlights, casting a subtle radiance on the not-so-crowded street where you and striker found yourselves. you had taken extra care with your appearance tonight, dressing in an outfit that felt just right – a subtle blend of sophistication and allure. a cute, pink, floral blouse with a white skirt accentuated your curves, and the faint scent of sweet perfume lingered around you.
millie and moxxie, your imp friends from the underworld, were playing the role of undercover cupids, their voices buzzing discreetly in your earpiece. "remember, sweetheart, confidence is key," millie's encouraging voice whispered.
striker, clad in his typical cowboy attire, tilted his hat slightly as he looked you up and down. he was known for his arrogance, but tonight, even he couldn't deny the subtle change in the air. his yellow eyes lingered on you a beat longer than usual.
"alright, y/n, just be yourself. but a slightly flirty version of yourself," moxxie chimed in, attempting to ease your nerves.
as you approached striker, millie advised, "initiate casual conversation first. gauge his reaction before going full flirt mode."
striker, ever vigilant, raised an eyebrow as you strolled up. "well, ain't you lookin' fancy tonight. special occasion?"
you grinned, the earpiece conveying your friends' suggestions. "just felt like spicing up a regular night. what brings you here, striker?"
he smirked, "thought i'd check out this 'human nightlife' thing you're always talkin' about."
smooth, you thought. you could feel millie's approval through the earpiece. "well, lucky for you, you've got the best guide in town."
as the night progressed, the banter flowed effortlessly. millie and moxxie chimed in occasionally, like backstage directors guiding a live performance. the atmosphere was surprisingly light, the tension you anticipated gradually dissipating.
striker, normally brimming with arrogance, seemed a tad disarmed by your playful banter. you couldn't help but revel in the small victories – a chuckle here, a smile there.
but then came the moment you both knew was coming – the transition to a more direct approach. moxxie's voice was like a gentle nudge, "alright, y/n, now's the time. compliment him or something."
striker took a sip of his drink, his eyes fixed on you. you took a deep breath, channeling your newfound courage. "you know, striker, i can't help but notice – you're looking pretty nice tonight. i mean, even hotter than usual."
the corner of his mouth twitched upwards, the closest he came to a genuine smile. "you think so?"
"yeah, it's nice."
millie and moxxie shared a silent virtual high-five. striker, for once, seemed to be navigating uncharted waters. the dynamic had shifted, and you could almost sense the faintest trace of fluster in his demeanor.
as the night wore on, you found yourself genuinely enjoying each other's company. the flirtatious atmosphere had given way to genuine connection, the walls around striker's prideful exterior showing subtle cracks.
finally, as the evening winded down, millie and moxxie took a back seat. "looks like you're doing just fine on your own now," moxxie teased.
with a soft smile, you said your goodbyes to striker. as you walked away, his voice cut through the night, "maybe we can do this again sometime."
you glanced back, meeting his gaze with a grin. "count on it, striker."
and just like that, with a little help from your imp friends, you had successfully navigated the complexities of flirting with a prideful cowboy imp. the night ended, leaving a promise of potential adventures and maybe a few more banter sessions with striker.
as you walked away, you could hear striker's perplexed voice, "hotter than usual? i look the same every damn day." the comical realization in his tone made you burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the night as you left him pondering the mysteries of human flirting.
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notmorbid · 8 months
my government means to kill me.
dialogue prompts from my government means to kill me: a novel by rasheed newson.
i didn't miss the money. not at first.
you can stay as long as you want.
i'll scream if i need you.
i grew up starved for affection.
lust is a universal language.
you're the exact opposite of my father.
you'll do the right things in your own time.
i've seen enough evil in men to smell it on the ones who try to hide it inside.
closet cases love me.
close the door, sit down, and tell me everything.
your challenges are different, but no less legitimate.
it's not a lie if you live up to it, make it true.
neighbors are naturally curious about each other. you can ask me anything.
we're all adults here. we can't talk about sex?
you need to keep your inner smart-ass in check.
all the wrong people are dead.
you're an evil bastard, but you're not stupid.
don't punk out now.
you split on me.
it was your plan, and you left me holding the bag.
do you go around writing sad stories for everyone?
you got moxie, no doubt about that.
why'd you go through with it?
do you do whatever you're ordered to do?
what keeps driving you? what keeps you from burning out?
i don't know what makes you tick. what's your selfish goal?
i just want to wake up one morning and feel like a good person.
when death decides to come for you, it's out of your hands.
you don't have to admit i'm right. i already know i am.
how do you keep going?
how much are they paying you to torture me with this nonsense?
women feel the need because they see a need.
you're a sweetheart, i can tell.
since when do you back down from a fight?
goodie, i love long stories. tell it to me.
i wasn't prepared to like you so damn much.
don't promise anything. i like surprises.
what am i walking into?
good intentions will not sustain you.
i'd say 'no offense taken', but i really mean 'fuck you'.
it is difficult for the young to understand the structures of the past.
i'm too poor to be a smart-ass.
you've got a lot going for you.
no one takes their principles to work with them.
i can't afford to indulge my grief.
i haven't cried yet.
i'm glad you weren't alone.
do you wish you'd done more?
there isn't much time left to save you.
the law doesn't apply to law enforcement.
i'm not even convinced 'better' is possible.
this is a hell of a time to joke, even for you.
keep your eye on the sparrow, not the lost lamb.
i didn't realize i was meant to chase after you.
let's have a real conversation for once.
your life will improve tenfold the day you learn to listen.
pick a story, any story, that you can accept. and move on.
i've made it my business to learn how to read you.
i'm trying to be a hero, but what if i'm a villain?
villains never stop to consider that they did anything wrong.
you caught feelings for a mark.
'sorry' would mean i'd do it differently, and i wouldn't.
you'll land on your feet. you always do.
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lousirs · 8 months
It’s me again and I was wondering what is the solution for Lou’s situation?
Like he was alone for who knows how long (with short amount of time with Ox, but that ended terribly) teaching these dolls. Of course that time he was probably isolated from the rest of the doll’s. And in the end of the movie he is basically degraded to janitor so he lost his purpose (train dolls) and I guess to identity (he isn’t perfect anymore, everyone hates him) is basically unneeded. And of course he still can’t go to the Big world.
Like I know he should face punishment for what he did. But still what do you think they should do with him? (They can’t just leave him to do the janitor job, at least I don’t think that’s the solution.)
Thank you for your answer and have a good day:)
hello again :)
yeah, lou's situation is literal hell.
he's stuck in doll purgatory, he's lost his purpose as a mentor and teacher, he's forced to clean up after everyone (which must suck because i'm guessing the prettydolls and uglydolls are going wild with messiness)(lydia literally covered her face in green paint for the hell of it so)...
my solution? MAKE HIS SITUATION LESS UNBEARABLE. he'll never be able to leave, so why not at least make him feel welcome? he did wrong, of course, but in the end he was probably following protocol. because who would want a doll that is below standard? not the factory, that's for sure. that'll ruin their reputation.
i want lou to have a friend so bad. like, someone that isn't concerned about the big world as much as everyone else, who reaches out to lou despite how others treat him, and show genuine kindess to him, which allows him to become a better doll because of it. i want someone to stick up for him, realise that what he did was wrong, but also realise that constantly humiliating him and isolating him isn't going to help anything. i want lou to open up to this friend, about the years of lonliness and pain he's suffered through being a prototype, having to watch endless dolls leave him to gain the love he will never obtain.
the friend could be anyone, really. my personal take is that it's nolan. yes, i know that lou called him ugly and left him to the dog, but lou called loads of prettydolls (and the uglydolls) ugly (so it wasn't really targeted)(nolan was just one example out of many) and he left his own henchmen (tuesday) to take the bullet for him during the gauntlet, not just nolan. lou only cared about the uglydolls failing, he didn't care at the time about anything else. nolan sending lou to the washer was karma for lou sending the uglydolls (and perhaps the prettydolls) to the washer as well. and besides, the other dolls were wanting lou dead with his stuffing teared out. nolan basically saved him there. also, lou being captured by the dog is additional karma for not saving nolan (and stopping tuesday from saving him) earlier.
anywho, i think nolan would be the best option for pre-existing characters (since nolan seemed to like lou despite lou's insults)(and nolan seems like an empathetic sweetheart)...
i may be slightly biased as a nolou shipper and nolan and lou being my favourites, but i've always thought that they would become friends. not instantly though, lou would probably still be hostile to everyone (because of trust issues and general anger) and get mad at nolan for throwing him in the washer, but ya know. it's a slow-cooked friendship.
moxy or ox or mandy are also decent options, though i think with them, they have more history with lou, and were treated worse (just my opinion though)(but he did try to recycle all three of them at some point). they could work, but it would need for lou to realise his mistakes, and for the other doll to forgive him (either after he apologises or they do some reflecting idk).
a totally new character could also work.
but i want in the end for lou to apologise to the dolls he's hurt, and for them to eventually forgive him (or at least tolerate him) and allow him to feel included. to feel loved. that would be nice.
...or just do what the doll jail AU is doing. send that silly doll to jail why not--
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kaunis-sielu · 1 year
Sidelines: More Than a Headache
Thanks for the request @laurellaa
It’s time to get up. You know it’s time to get up but your head is pounding. You’re supposed to do this charity thing with Steve later but god you feel like shit. Steve is still asleep next to you, your alarm buzzing softly as he snores. He’d had a late flight home last night after a late game, you were happy to see him still asleep though. You sit up slowly and your vision swims. You don’t know how long you sit there, long enough for Steve to wake up.
“Mornin’ Sweetheart.” Steve says softly and you can’t help the groan that falls past your lips. Despite being together for almost three years now you don’t think he’s ever seen an actual migraine from you before.
“Morning.” You murmur back and he laughs gently before getting out of bed. Goose follows Steve as you sit on the side of the bed and focus on not throwing up.
“I’ll get the coffee going.”
“No.” You whimper and he laughs again heading out of your room. It takes every ounce of your self control not to lay back down,
“Go get her Goose.” You hear Steve say and your dog comes bounding back into the room but she halts before she collides with you. Instead she seems to know that something is off and stares at you while wagging her tail lowly.
“Hi Goose. Good girl.” You whisper and she wags her tail.
“Sweetheart? Coffee?” Steve calls and you wince, you attempt to stand up and make your way to the bathroom but you feel so dizzy that you immediately sink back down. Goose whines then heads back out of the room and you stand again gripping the nightstand. You move slowly toward the wall, vision swimming when Steve comes into the doorway. “Sweetheart?”
“Shh.” You breathe you focus on walking but sway with every step and when you’re halfway to the bathroom you stumble. Steve’s arms are around you faster than you can right yourself.
“Sweetheart?” He whispers and you hum softly. “What’s wrong?”
“Migraine.” You whisper and he scoops you up off of your feet then carries you back to bed. Steve does his best not to jostle you as he sets you down on the bed,
“What can I do?”
“Ice pack, water, pain killers.” You whisper and he kisses the palm of your hand before leaving the room. You close your eyes and wait for him to come back, he’s so quiet that you don’t hear him enter the room. He puts the ice pack in your hand and you put it on the base of your head, then the painkillers are set in your hand and a straw brought to your lips.
“I’m so sorry.” You whisper, tears pricking your eyes.
“What for?” He whispers back crouching down to be level with you.
“Charity event tonight.”
“Sweetheart, it doesn’t matter. If you’re sick you’re my priority okay? Don’t worry about it. Thor is going, I think he’s gonna try and convince Moxie to be his date, Bucky and Sarah will be there. It’s nothing. What can I do?”
“Just, stay with me?”
“Okay. Let me let Goose out and run her a bit then I’ll be back okay?”
“Okay.” You hear him leave the room, his feet are soft but the floor creaks under him and Goose’s toenails click. The alarm chimes with the open door then you close your eyes.
You can hear them playing in the backyard, Goose’s sharp barks make you wince but there’s not much you can do about it. She’s just so excited to be playing with Steve so early in the morning.
You’re glad he’s not upset about missing the charity event. You don’t know what excuse he gave everyone else but if they find out it’s because of you that he didn’t show up you’re going to catch so much shit from his fans. Especially ones that have paid to meet him at this charity event, oh god they’re going to be so mad if they find out you’re the reason why.
When Steve comes back into the house the door chimes again, he creeps into your room and you hear him removing clothing, then he slides into bed with you. Even though he’s careful not to jostle the bed too much you still wince from the movement.
“I’m sorry Sweetheart.” He whispers moving flush against your back, one of his arms curls around your waist and you intertwine your fingers with his before falling asleep. When you wake up again your headache is mostly gone. It’s more a lingering ache than a pounding throbbing, and you want him to go to the event. Even if he is a little late and goes alone.
“I want you to go to the event.”
“I want you to go. I’ll be fine here.”
“Cat you couldn’t even walk earlier.” He argues softly, still matching your volume.
“If I can show you I can get around will you go?”
“Why do you want me to leave you so badly? I thought I did a good job staying quiet.”
“I don’t want your fans to hate me. I get so much shit from them already, it’s just a headache. Honestly I could go.”
“I think that’s a bad idea.”
“I won’t be blamed for this.” You argue sitting up and swinging your feet over the side of the bed, “besides, if I take some more painkillers I can come.”
“Sweetheart you’re being ridiculous.”
“No, I’m not.” You’re a little unsteady on your legs and Steve is out of bed after you in an instant. “I’m fine. We need to hurry or we’re going to be late.” You tell him moving to the bathroom. You grab a shower cap and turn the shower on but before you can peel off your pajama shirt and get in Steve has you pinned between him and the sink.
“What’s goin’ on Sweetheart?”
“I don’t want your fans to hate me.”
“They don’t.”
“Peggy made sure that I know that plenty of them do.”
“She’s still giving you shit?”
“Are you really surprised?” You ask with a sigh and he frowns.
“You don’t even work together anymore.”
“She sends me stuff online, I’ve blocked her on social media but she sends me emails at work. I block one email account and she makes a new one.”
“How do you know it’s her?”
“She usually makes some sort of snide comment about how you were better with her or some shit like that.”
“Let’s get a restraining order.”
“I can’t. She hasn’t threatened me.”
“Sweetheart, you’re a public figure. The rules are a little different.”
“Yea, I think that’d be nice.” You admit and he kisses you softly, “but we’re still going to this charity event.”
“I will go alone.” You warn him and Steve sighs,
“Okay we can go on one condition.”
“When I say it’s time to go we go. No arguments.” You know that you’re not going to be changing his mind on this one so you sigh and nod.
You shower together quickly then head to the charity event. Steve isn’t pleased about it, but you’re going to be fine.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” Moxie asks when you sit down at the table next to her. She looks stunning in a cream colored ball gown with flowers embroidered all over the fitted bodice.
“You look beautiful.”
“Astrid picked,”
“Yea, like a princess.” You tell her and Moxie rolls her eyes at you.
“I repeat, what are you doing here?”
“It was just a headache, Steve got over protective I’m totally fine.”
“A migraine isn’t nothing.” She counters and when you go to reach for your wine she plucks it from your hand. “That is a bad idea.” She swaps your drink for water.
“Great, now people are going to think I’m pregnant.” You mumble and she raises her eyebrows at you.
“You’re not right?”
“No! We’re not planning on kids until he’s almost done playing football.”
“And there’s no way?”
“No Moxie.” She eyes you hesitantly but you’re positive you’re not pregnant, you just got done with your period. “But now, if anyone saw that, they’re going to assume I am.”
“Sorry, just one glass then? You need to stay hydrated or that migraine will be back with a vengeance tomorrow.”
“I told Steve about Peggy.”
“Good. How did he take it?”
“I think he’s unhappy that I took so long to tell him but he’s going to look into a restraining order.”
“Good!” Moxie has always been one of your best friends and it’s so nice to have her here with you. “You look great.” You glance down at the pale blue dress, with an off the shoulder top and several layers of tulle. You love how it fits and how you feel in it. You see Thor and Steve at the bar chatting and when they look over at you and Moxie you give Steve an amused look, he grins back at you.
“Thank you. I think our boys are up to something.” Moxie follows your gaze and sighs.
“Oh they’re absolutely up to something. Sif found out about me.”
“What! What happened?”
“It’s a long story, she’s not thrilled is the short story.”
“Of course not. I think she always thought that she’d have her claws in him. We should have a girls night soon.”
“Please, I have so much to tell you.” Steve and Thor join you then and Steve takes you to your table.
It’s a pleasant night. The people that have won the bids to sit at your table are nice. They’re friendly and you enjoy the night with them, you’re glad that you came because you would’ve felt horrible with them paying so much money to meet Steve.
You get home and your headache is starting to rear it’s ugly head again, Steve brings you back to the master bath and starts the bath.
“You are going to get in this bath, I’m going to feed and let out Goose then I’m going to come and join you.”
“I love you.” You tell him and Steve laughs,
“I love you too. Now, I want this place to smell like a lavender field when I get back. Deal?”
“Yes bossy.” You sass him and he laughs before pulling you gently toward him with a hand around the back of your neck.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice that your head is hurting you again. I’ll be back soon.” He kisses you softly then slips out of the bathroom.
God you love him.
This is a series of one shots, the series isn’t posted in order. If you have ideas for Steve and Cat please let me know.
Tag list:
@foxyjwls007 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @killcomet @wonderlandfandomkingdom @abschaffer2 @capsiclesdoll @patzammit @sass-masterkittenmama @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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the-diabolist · 2 years
37 Hours
-part 1-
Title subject to change. No idea how long this will be either xD let me know if you enjoy it, if there's an audience for it I'll put more effort into continuing.
c.w: fem reader with moxie, everyday-life Jack (canon compliant), innuendo. 1.3k
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"Can you draw a frog?"
"Of course I can. They don't let you graduate art school unless you can draw a frog."
The little girl giggles.
"What about a toad?"
"Well that's just a brown frog, basically."
"A snake?"
"That's just a line! And what're you, the queen of reptiles and amphibians? Don't you know any other animals?" You tease, punctuating your question with a goofy face. Maeve giggles again.
Your best friend had decided to take advantage of your art degree and your fond regard for her by asking you to draw portraits at her daughter's birthday party. Luckily for her, you had plenty of fond regard for her daughter, too.
"Will you draw my dress again?" She asks, showing off her princess dress with a twirl.
"I've drawn your dress twice," you say, booping her on the nose with your pencil. She crosses her eyes to watch it approach. "I gotta save paper for any guests who haven't had a turn yet."
This seems to give her an idea. She releases a little gasp.
"Wait!" She yells, and bolts toward the house. You chuckle and decide to take the opportunity to sharpen your pencils a bit.
Before long, she returns, towing a grumpy-looking man behind her.
"Draw Uncle Jack!" Maeve yells, practically shoving the man into the chair in front of you. This must be her father's brother, the one you sometimes hear mentioned. You look him up and down.
He's tall (enough), broad-shouldered - whole upper body looks quite good, actually, you bet he works out - and square-jawed. He's probably in his mid- to late-forties, prematurely grey, but wears it very well and complements it with a modern-looking undercut. When he meets your appraising gaze, he does it with eyes so light brown that they're almost gold - and a scowl. Grumpy, definitely, but... well. You wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers.
But you're getting ahead of yourself. You haven't even gotten him into bed yet.
"Hmm, I dunno, Uncle Jack looks like he might bite me," you tease with a crooked grin and shameless eye contact. He doesn't seem fazed at all; in fact, the shadow of a smirk graces his features.
"Maybe if you ask nicely, sweetheart," he says, voice rough - and deeper than you had expected. The timbre of it, combined with the implication of his words and the term of endearment, is almost enough to make your toes curl. Suddenly you don't feel like you should be talking to this man with children present.
Maeve, however, completely ignores his response.
"No, that's just his face," she argues guilelessly. You stifle a laugh behind your hand.
"Well come over here, then, and make sure I don't mess it up," you tell her, and she immediately bounds over to your side of the easel.
Maeve watches with rapt attention as you start with an outline of his face - paying special attention to that glorious jawline of his - before gradually filling in details.
His eyes - arresting in color and predatory in gaze, alert despite his obvious exhaustion. Every time you glance back up at them for reference, they're locked on you with an intensity that causes butterflies to take flight in your stomach.
"Status report, pillbug," he says, finally taking his eyes off of you to light a cigarette.
"It looks great!" Maeve yells, jumping up and down.
"Maybe don't smoke around 'pillbug?'" You say, smiling, but with considerable side-eye and a decidedly passive-aggressive tone. He meets your gaze with that same hard focus.
"Do me a favor and grab me a juice box, Maevie," he says, and the little girl gasps in delight before taking off at a sprint.
"Don't draw without me!" She calls back as she goes.
You expect... something. A stern talking-to for sassing him, or something, but all he does is take a long drag from his cigarette - and then blow smoke into your face. You sputter, waving your hand in front of you to clear the smog.
"Better be careful with that smart mouth of yours, angel," he rumbles, smirking, "or you'll get yourself in trouble."
Ah, there's the talking-to. You reach across the empty space and pluck the lit cigarette from his fingers.
"I'm no angel," you fire back, mirroring his smug expression, "and trouble doesn't scare me." You take a drag and blow the smoke back out in his direction, then, still smiling, throw the cigarette to the ground and crush it under the heel of your shoe. "Don't fucking smoke around Maeve, dollface."
A proper grin splits his face this time - albeit a crooked, mean-looking one.
"That spine looks good on you," he purrs. "Maybe I'll get you to arch it for me sometime."
Maeve returns then - thankfully after his inappropriate comment - practically throwing the juice box at his chest... and helpfully distracting him from seeing the way your thighs press together.
"Okay, go," the girl says, returning to your side of the easel. You notice she's holding two other boxes of juice, and you assume one is for you - but then she takes a sip of each.
"Where's mine, young lady?" You ask, pointing at the boxes.
"You didn't ask for one," she replies imperiously.
"Tch. I thought we were friends," you pout. She giggles.
You return to the portrait at hand, moving on to his nose, then his mouth - which spawns plenty of unholy thoughts. You bet he's good with his tongue. Your thighs clench again, absentmindedly seeking friction - and when you glance back up from your paper, you catch him smirking again.
"Everything okay?" He asks, with an expression of the decidedly shit-eating variety.
"Of course," you reply coolly, as Maeve, assuming he's asking about the picture, gives him a thumbs-up.
"You sure? You look like you could use a hand. Or even just a finger or two?"
He laughs outright when your jaw drops, heat rushing to your face in an unavoidable but unfortunate show of arousal. You give him a stern look followed by a glance at his niece, but luckily the girl is engrossed in your pencil kit - and, anyway, way too young to pick up on innuendo.
"It's nothing I can't take care of myself," you reply, pleased to watch his eyes glaze over as he mentally explores that little scenario you laid out for him. You're sure his imagination is filthy, but at least he keeps it to himself this time, lapsing into silence.
You finally sketch his hair, then add his five-o-clock shadow, and you're finished.
"Pick his ears," you whisper to Maeve conspiratorially.
"Big bad wolf!" She yells, completely missing the clandestine memo.
All of the kids had wanted animal ears drawn on their pictures (following the birthday girl's suggestion), so it had become the theme of the series.
The shout had startled Jack, who now looked lightly confused, out of his raunchy reverie. As he looked back up at you with those predatory eyes, you had to admit it was a fitting choice.
You give him the wolf ears and tear the large piece of paper from the easel, folding it into quarters as Maeve bounces excitedly over to her uncle. Quickly, you scribble your name and number on the bottom right corner, and then stand up to hand him the picture.
"Okay, the artist is taking a break," you announce, immediately heading toward the house - your little shadow follows, skipping beside you.
"Try not to give yourself carpal tunnel tonight," he calls after you.
You flip him off behind Maeve's back, but his grin only widens as he pulls another cigarette from his pocket.
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fangirlstorycreator · 1 month
it sounds like you really like helluva boss. I have a question for you then. What would the characters of helluva boss do if you asked them to keep your drink safe at a night club? XxX
Oooooo! 😃 what a great question! I'm more than happy to answer this for you 🤗💚
Blitz would defend your drink with his life! If you handed it to him and asked him to watch it, he would be that guy who would suspect anyone around him would be a danger. He'd probably be overbearing too, like: "Hey! Don't even think about it f#ckwad!" Or maybe: "If you dare try and take her drink, I'll cut that poor excuse of a d#ck of yours, and shove it up your #ss!" This is Blitz after all, he is very blunt with words and even more with his weapons. He may even just pull out a gun on anyone who tried to get or spike your drink.
Stolas is a sweetheart, and he would absolutely hold your drink for you if you were to leave for a moment. But just because he's sweet, don't think that he isn't scary when he wants to be. He is a Goetia of course, and has many abilities. If someone tried to spike your drink, he wouldn't think twice before using his power to turn them into stone. Or if someone tried to take it away, at first he would politely say they couldn't have it. But if a stranger wouldn't accept that, Stolas would turn into his demon form and scare the sh#t out of them, making them run away in fear. But the second you would come back, he would be all sweetness and light.
Loona wouldn't say yes at first, but she would eventually agree to hold your drink. She is definitely not someone to mess with, so if someone tried to spike your drink, very simply, Loona would resort to violence. In my mind, she'd just bite them, or get into a full on fight, she tends to go straight to that option most of the time. Basically, anyone who tried to take or do something to your drink, lets just say they're leaving on a stretcher, or worse! But Loona would definitely keep your drink safe.
Millie is a lovely and quirky girl, and would love that you asked her to hold your drink. Even though she's married, she would do exactly the same for Moxie, despite him being a man. I think if someone were to try and take your drink from her, she'd kick them in the balls, or just plain knock them out. And if they tried to spike it, she'd unleash her animalistic side! Full on beating the sh#t out of the guy, and maybe making him take the drug we was going to use in the drink, karma in the best way. I can also see her throwing this guy in the bins outside, leaving him where he belongs, with the rest of the rubbish.
Moxie is a very calm man (occasionally) and would be more than happy to hold your drink for you. However, he is very protective of Millie and any other woman who he is hanging out with. So if he were to see someone going for your drink with some kind of drug, he would take a deep breath, give your drink to Millie, then drag this guy outside to take care of him. He wouldn't want to spoil the evening where the rest of you were, so he'd beat this guy up outside, and once he would finish, just walk back in like nothing happened. Millie would applaud him of course, but he wouldn't want to brag about it, so he'd probably ask Millie not to tell you, he wouldn't want to put a damper on the evening.
She would not give a sh#t! She would probably just flat out refuse and make up some cr#p about not needing to do the job of an imp or peasant. If you were to leave your drink next to her and someone wanted to take it, she'd just ignore it while they took it for themselves. If someone wanted to spike it! She would see them slip something in there, and just shrug, all she cares about is herself. If you came back and drank it, she'd probably just laugh at you and reveal what a stranger did, she probably wouldn't hide it, Stella loves to revel in fear and confusion of others around her. So yeh, not trustworthy with your drink.
Octavia can be moody and to herself, but she will know the importance of keeping another girls drink safe. If someone tried to take it, she'd tell them to f#ck off, not caring what she'd say, as long as this person would just leave. If someone wanted to spike it however, she'd probably take after her dad, and turn them to stone by using her unique skills as a Goetia. She'd smirk if she did that, and take a picture of it, posting it to her sistagram. And when you would come back, she'd explain what happened, and you'd both take turns, doing stupid phone filters on this guy, posting it online.
Absolutely one of the worse people you could trust with your drink! The evil and cruel nature of this pr#ck is not someone you want out with you, or near something you'd drink. All he cares about is fun and using people for a good time, I think maybe he wouldn't initially let someone take your drink, because he wants you to get really drunk, and maybe take advantage of that my manipulating you. A drunk person can't make good decisions, and Mamon thrives on people making bad decisions, if your not careful, he could make you sign a contract so you work for him! If someone was to spike your drink, he'd watch, but say nothing to you. If you were drugged and unable to move, he'd take you to his home, he'd let you sleep it off of course, but he would stage a scene, making it look like a bomb had gone off in his home, and blame you for it! Then he'd probably guilt trip you into repaying him, and falling into his web.
To be honest, Verosika wouldn't even pay attention if you asked her to watch your drink. She's too busy doing her own thing and drinking enough alcohol to k#ll 10 humans. So if you left and your drink was next to hers, if someone tried to take it, odds are she'll drink it herself, not caring what you or anyone else would think. If someone was to spike it, she's call the guy and #sshole, and mention it in conversation to you as you were about to take a sip. So Verosika is not the best person to have when you need someone trust worthy.
He would be a very caring and protective friend, so if you asked him to hold your drink, he'd do it in a heartbeat. I think it's a stupid idea to try and take a drink from the King Of Lust, but if someone tried, he would scare the sh#t out of them and grow to triple his size, flames and all. I can't think of anyone who would be mad enough to try Ozzie when he's mad. If on the other hand, he saw someone trying to spike it, he would use his incredible strength and crush this guy with one fist! Weather it's punching or crushing someone with his enormous hand, he wouldn't think twice about removing that kind of scum. Anyone like that who thinks they can drug an innocent person, is not someone Ozzie wants around, especially not around his friends.
STRIKER! GOD DAMN STRIKER! I think he is the worst person person (along with Mamon) who you want watching your drink! Striker only cares about himself and doing whatever the f#ck he wants! If you gave him your drink, HE'D probably do something to it! Let alone a stranger! Weather it's a party drug to get you high, something to f#ck you up, or worse! He'd do it just for the hell of it! Striker is a show off, and loves attention from anyone he can see. So if he drugged you and took you out of there, he'd play the concerned (friend) and because you came in with him before hand and were fine at that time, noone would take much notice. Hell no! Striker is not someone you want around your drink, or at all!
Vortex looks big and tough, and he IS! But he does have a soft side. So if you were hanging out and you asked him to hold your drink, he'd happily do that for you. And being someone who works in keeping people safe, it's like second nature to him. If someone tried to take your drink, he'd tell them to back off. And if that didn't work, he'd push them to the ground with one swing of his arm, telling this guy he wouldn't be as gentle next time. If someone tried to spike your drink however, he would instantly get this #sshole in a head lock and drag him out of the place you all were. He's beat this guy into the ground and make sure he wouldn't be able to walk for weeks. He won't take any kind of sh#t like that. When you would return, he would tell you what happened, but would reassure you that the guy wouldn't do that again, to you or anyone else. I think one warning from Vortex is enough for anyone.
Now Crimson is an interesting one for me. Yes, he is a bad guy and I really don't like him. But when it comes to this kind of situation, I think he wouldn't be the worst person to have around. He is the mafia boss, and business as well as trusted associates are very important to him, he wants to make sure his company and employees are doing there job and kept alive to do his bidding. If you were to ask him to watch your drink, he would accept, but probably only do it if he saw someone trying to take it. If he saw someone trying to spike it, he wouldn't hesitate in what to do. I can imagine Crimson seeing someone doing this, clicking his fingers and a few of his men grab this guy and bring him closer to the table. He'd probably say something like "Bad move #sshole" or "That was the last mistake you'll ever make. Boys....take care of him"
Chaz?..........No.....Just no......😬😂
Paimon wouldn't listen to you at all, unless your someone of royal blood or great importance. If you were a commoner and you asked him to watch your drink, he'd most likely pretend to. Act all happy to hold it, and the second you turn your back, he just tips it up and goes back to doing whatever it was he was doing before. However, if you were a royal or someone of great importance, he would be a little different. Firstly, if you asked him that, he would agree, but the second you would leave, he would get one of his minions to do it for him, and would take the credit for it when you came back. If someone tried to spike it, he'd order the bouncers or guards to come and take then away, and again, take all the credit and make himself look like the most important person in the room.
FIZZ! I love fizzy! One of my favourite characters in the show. He's someone who would insist on holding your drink if you needed to excuse yourself, he's worked and been in many places like the place you are now, and he would be very protective of you. If you gave him your drink and walked away for a moment, his hand would be covering this drink like his life depended on in. If someone were to try and take it, he'd respond with verbally abusive language, there ain't no way some random stranger is taking something that belongs to you. "Don't even try it f#ckface!" I think he would be more verbally abusive, or even physically abusive if he saw someone trying to put something in your drink instead. Because of his long arms and legs, he would use that to his advantage. He'd lift your drink up so high it could touch the ceiling, and with his other hand, he would circle it around this guy, squeeze really tight and then throw him out of there! Again, probably shouting some harsh things to him as be flew out, but that's just fizz. He would tell you about it when you got back, but to cheer you up, he'd buy you a completely new drink, maybe even try and invent a new one behind the bar, and give it a cool name just to make you smile.
Andrealphus thankfully isn't as spiteful or hurtful as his sister Stella, but I'm not 100% sure in how he would be in this situation. Andrealphus is cunning, smooth, in control, so I think if you asked him to watch your drink, he'd be very chilled about it. If someone were to try and take it, he'd probably just smirk or chuckle, asking the bouncers or guards go take him away, and take his money too. If some random guy tried to spike the drink, he'd give them a look that could kill, snap his fingers and this guy would either burst into flames, or simply be thrown against the wall with a simple click of his fingers. And the whole time that would be happening, Andrealphus would just watch, and smile.
Knowing the party girl she is, this kind of thing would take place at her own party, and there is no way she's letting anything bad happen. If you ask her to hold your drink, she'd instantly say yes, and wouldn't focus on anything else until you get back. She wouldn't allow anyone to take it, at all! She has special drinks for people she really likes and cares about, so no way is someone going to steal it. A party should be fun, with no dangerous moment, including unexpected drugs in drinks. So if someone were to try and slip something into your drink, she would go berserk! Growing to an enormous size and showing her true power, she would scare this guy to death and literally throw him out of the party. Once she would shrink back down, she'll ask Vortex to take care of him, and make sure he never came back again.
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absurdthirst · 1 year
Christmas Affair {Dave York x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7.4k
Warnings: Infidelity, oral sex (male receiving), vaginal sex, rough sex, breath play, one use of 'daddy', plot twist!, murder, road head, spanking, slight choking
Comments: Meeting a stranger in a hotel in London leads to a fantastic night right before Christmas Eve. Surprising you when he shows up at your husband's house in Glasgow to kill the man you are married to.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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Swirling your drink around in your hand, your eyes flicker up and down the bar. At least the decorations aren’t garish, white lights strung in garland accentuate the red bows and wreaths hanging over the expensive liquor of the posh hotel bar. The muted holiday music isn’t blurred like it is in every shopping center around the country, classic songs being played through the hidden speakers rather than the rock that the other establishments preferred. It’s all very tasteful and you appreciate this as a way of getting you in the holiday spirit as you travel. 
The man to your right interests you, his own drink at his elbow nearly untouched for the past half hour as he seemingly watches people through the mirror behind the barkeep. “Traveling for business or pleasure?” You ask, smirking slightly at the question that is slightly overdone when men want to hit on you but you’ve admired his sharp profile long enough. 
“Business. You?” Dave asks, turning to look at you. He’s been watching you through the mirror and he smiles at you. You’re a beautiful woman and he’s noticed you. 
“Pleasure.” You coo with a smirk, making him chuckle and pick up the drink he’s been nursing for a sip. “It’s beautiful here in London during Christmas. Warm fires in the pubs, the shopping is unrivaled.” You wink, making him grin. 
“Are you waiting on your husband?” Dave asks, noticing the ring.
You wrinkle your nose slightly and shake your head, lifting your glass to your lips for another sip of the burning cocktail. “Nope.” You give a small shrug and glance down at his hand to find that he has a solid gold band on his hand. “He’s away on business. So I’ve decided to travel a bit myself. Have some fun.” You emphasize the last word, looking up at his face under heavy lidded eyes. “Do you like fun?” 
Dave smirks, lifting his glass to take a drink, “I like fun. Depends on what kind of fun you mean, sweetheart. My wife isn’t here. Your husband isn’t here. It’s Christmas. I don’t want you to be lonely, especially bored and lonely.” His chuckle makes your pussy clench and he winks at you. 
“What about horny and lonely?” You counter with a wink as you lean in towards him. You aren’t the cheating type, but he might be worth it. Your eyes flicker down to his lips. “What’s your name?” You demand and he smirks. 
“Dave, when was the last time you got your cock sucked?” You ask breathlessly.
He fucking loves your moxie, the way you shamelessly ask him that question despite people drinking in the bar around you, Christmas music playing in the background. “Three weeks ago.” He answers with a little tinge on his cheeks. “My, uh, my wife doesn’t like to swallow.” He admits, “tell me sweetheart…do you spit or swallow?”
Scoffing at the insulting question, you lean in and lick your lips. “Swallow.” You purr. “Every drop. Never let a good thing go to waste.” You lean back and drain the rest of your drink, making sure to tip it back so that all of it slides into your mouth. “Want to come up to mine?” You ask as you set it back down. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been face fucked.”
Dave bites his lip, hesitating for a moment but he pushes aside any guilt he may have when he nods. He downs the rest of his whiskey and pushes away from the bar. He throws down some cash - enough for both your drinks and his - and smirks at you, “lead the way, sweetheart.” He gestures, wanting to watch your ass as you take him to your room.
There’s just enough alcohol in your system for this to be thrilling. You can feel Dave’s eyes on your ass and you make sure to sway your hips. Glancing over your shoulder as you walk to make sure he’s following you, you lead him down the hall, your room is on the first floor. When you reach right number, you pull out your keycard and let the door swing open.
Dave is a patient man, he likes a chase, and even if you are offering him yourself on a plate, he wants to savor this moment. He closes the door behind him and you go to push him against the door but he isn’t having it. “Slow down, sweetheart. Let’s sit.” He gestures to the sitting room in your suite, much fancier than his own. “Tell me about your husband.” His request is odd but he wants to know about the man whose wife he is about to fuck.
Frowning, you wonder why he wants to know about your husband. You want to fuck Dave, not have a therapy session. “Bill?” You give a small shrug and sigh when the man in front of you just waits for you to talk. Fuck. You apparently got targeted by a PI your husband hired or some shit. “He’s a government bureaucrat.” You give a small wave of your hand. “I don’t really know, honestly. It’s all very hush hush.”
Dave chuckles, “that’s not a bad thing. What you don’t know doesn’t hurt you. What he doesn’t know wont hurt him.” He shrugs, “I don’t know your husband, sweetheart. Don’t worry about it. I’m here for you.” He promises,shifting closer to you on the sofa.
“Yeah?” You ask, raising a brow and reaching down to squeeze his cock through his pants. You inhale sharply at how thick this man is, your mouth instantly watering as you imagine deep throating him. “You want your cock sucked?”
Dave chuckles, unable to stop himself as you reach for him, and he nods, “if a man ever stops you wanting to suck his cock…he’s probably dead.” He takes your hand and places it on his belt buckle, “take what you want sweetheart.” He orders, already half hard just at the thought of you.
You smirk and unbuckle his belt as you slide down to your knees in front of him. His thighs slide apart for you and biting your lip, you unbutton and unzip his pants. Dave lifts his hips so you can pull down his pants and boxers, leaving his hardening cock starting to rise into the air. “Hello.” You coo, leaning down and kissing the tip.
Dave snorts, “I’m not here for you to fucking tease me, baby.” He warns you, reaching out to caress your head as you look up at him. Your lips are pressed against the tip and he huffs with impatience. “Nobody likes a tease.”
You giggle slightly and look up at him saucily to give him a wink before you take the entire head into your mouth and roll your tongue about the tip. Dave groans and the sound of it makes your cunt clench around nothing. He tastes wonderful, musky and heady, like a favorite savory treat.
He hisses when you take him deeper, making him groan your name again. “Fuck. You like this, don’t you? You don’t get to suck your husband’s cock that often, do you? He is a fucking idiot. If you were mine, my cock would be down your throat every single day. You are such a dirty girl.” He rambles, pressing on the back of your head so you take him deeper.
Gagging, you pull off him with a sputter and smirk at him. “Yeah? You would fuck my throat every day?” You ask before you take him back into your mouth when he pushes your head back towards his cock again. Moaning around him, you feel him twitch in your mouth.
He groans, “fuck yes I would. Make you swallow every damn drop. You’d be my little cockslut.” He smirks and hisses when you swallow around him. “Come on, baby. Every drop. Need you to take every inch and swallow every drop.” He demands, thrusting a little harder into your mouth.
He hits the back of your throat and you almost gag around him but you manage to swallow and not lose the alcohol in your stomach. He’s thick and just long enough that he presses past your tonsils and down into your throat.
“Shit. That’s it baby. Take it. I know you can. You’re a good girl. A dirty good girl.” He teases, caressing your cheek before he slaps it lightly, making you whine around his length. “Yeah. You’re dirty. Hubby doesn’t fuck you the way you want, does he?” He asks a rhetorical question.
You moan again, loving the sting of his hand on your cheek. You’re soaking your panties as you bob on his cock and work him deeper with every pass. You want to take every inch, swallow him down and show him that he made the right choice in coming back to your hotel room.
“Fuck. You are good. So good at that. Love the way you take my cock. Your mouth…” He trails off, slapping your face again and your resounding moan makes him chuckle breathlessly. “Come on baby, make me cum.”
You want to make this good for him. Swallowing down the spit and precum, you brace your hands on his thighs and press down into your nose is pressed into the fabric of his pants and your chin hits his zipper.
“Fuck. Fu-“ Dave’s jaw drops and he hisses your name when he cums, spilling down your throat as his cock twitches while he releases down your throat. His fingers dig into your head and he keeps his cock pushed down your throat as he rides out his orgasm.
You swallow and swallow as he cum. Apparently it’s been a long time since he’s cum or he just produces a lot of cum. Some of it spills down the corners of your mouth and slides down your jaw. “Fuck.” You gasp, pulling back and licking your lips as you try to catch your breath.
He grunts as you work him through it until you are pulling back. He reaches out to scoop up the drops that slipped out of your mouth. “All of it, my little slut.” He says, shoving his fingers into your mouth. “Every fucking drop then I want you to strip down. Let me see what I am going to be making mine tonight.”
Moaning around his fingers, your tongue glides over them and cleans off every drop before you feel him pull his fingers free. Standing up, you start to undress, ready to feel his hands on your body.
Dave leans back against the chair, watching you as you start to strip down. His cock is soft against his thigh but he is watching you with lust as you start to strip off your dress. Dave is intrigued at the mischievous look in your eyes. He can tell you’re a bored housewife, eager to misbehave and he’s only too happy to indulge you. He is eager to pick you apart, see what makes you tick before he  walks out of your door tomorrow.
It’s thrilling, to reveal yourself to him piece by piece. He’s a predator, you can see it in his eyes as he watches you. Used to taking what he wants and making it his own. It soaks your panties even more until you are standing in front of him in just that. “All of it.” He demands, making you shiver at the command in his voice as you hook your thumbs under the band of lace as you start to pull them down your thighs.
Dave bites his lip, smothering his smirk as you push your panties down to your ankles. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous, aren’t you?” He murmurs, “if you were mine, I’d never let you out of the house.” He winks and he works on pulling on his tie. You stand there and he doesn’t give you another order until you fidget with impatience. “Stand still. I want you to watch me undress.” He stands up, tossing aside his tie as he works on unbuttoning his shirt.
It’s frustrating when you want to touch him. He’s broad, his shoulders making you drool as he shrugs off his shift and reveals the expanse of skin. Not particularly hairy, his skin is smooth and unblemished save for a few scars that should be interesting to hear about. Biting your lip, you have to wait as he kicks off his shoes.
He takes his time but eventually, he’s standing naked in front of you. His cock is half hard when his dark eyes trail along the length of your body. “Beautiful.” He murmurs, “sexy and all mine for tonight. Your husband is stupid to let you out of his sight. Now, lay down on the bed and spread your legs. I want to see how wet sucking my cock got you.”
Quickly moving over to the bed, you have zero shame as you spread out. Making sure that your legs are wide open to let Dave see your dripping cunt, you bite your lip as you slide your hands up your sides to cup your breasts. “Very wet.” You coo. “It was so good, sucking your cock.”
“Good. I'm glad you enjoyed it.” He shifts closer so he can kneel on the bed, his hand running along your calf and up your thigh until he’s plunging two fingers inside of you. Curling them deep to drag a cry of surprise from your lips, and he grins at the way your eyes roll into the back of your head. “You’re a dirty girl, getting so wet while sucking the cock of a man who isn’t your husband.”
Moaning, your walls tighten around his fingers as they curl up to press deep inside you. “F-fuck.” You gasp, squeezing your tits harshly and rolling your nipples between your fingers for extra stimulation. “L-loved it. Wa-wanted my husband to c-catch me doing it. Show him how much I love it.”
“Yeah? You’d want your husband to see what a little slut his good little wifey is? How much you enjoyed sucking my cock and you’d want him to sit there and watch it? You little whore.” Dave fucking loves that, pushing his fingers inside of you a little faster and he adds a third finger, curling them until you are crying out. “There’s the spot.” He smirks, pushing his fingers into you over and over again.
You are writhing under the pace of his fingers, rolling your hips down wantonly. You don’t care about anything but chasing the fantastic feeling of him thrusting his fingers into you over and over again and building that sweet ache in your core. You’re going to cum, clawing at the bedsheet, you manage a strangled cry before your walls are soaking his fingers, chest heaving as you come apart.
Dave chuckles, “you are fucking desperate, aren’t you? Desperate to cum, desperate to have my fingers, my cock.” He works you through it before he pulls his fingers out of you, “come on baby. Beg for me to fuck you.” He grips your neck with his wet fingers, “tell me how much you need my cock.”
Surprised, your eyes widen and your cunt bottoms out again at the slight pressure that his fingers exert on your windpipe. “I need it.” You rush out, nearly frantic with the way you whine. “Please fuck me, oh God, I want to feel it.” Your thighs widen even more in invitation. “Please Dave, fuck me, fuck me hard, I want to feel it.” 
Your pleading has Dave throbbing for you, his cock aches and he hisses when you whine his name again. With a growl, he releases your neck and grabs your hips, flipping you over onto your stomach. He straddles your thighs, smacking your ass and you cry out, “yes. Yes. Please.” He growls your name and grips his cock, notching himself at your entrance and he pushes inside of you in one deep thrust.
Gasping at how deep he plunges into you, your ass tries to push up. The weight of him keeping you down and his hand lets go of your hip to swat the side of your ass and make you whimper. “Stay still.” He growls, his teeth clenched together and you swear that he’s about to spill before he pulls back and makes you whimper and the loss of his cock stretching out your walls. He takes a moment to gather himself, stop himself from cumming, and he exhales deeply. After a moment, he slams back into you, hissing your name and he clenches his teeth at how tight you are as he sets a harsh pace, pushing into you and slamming his hips against your ass over and over again,
All you can do is take it. Fingers curling up in the bedding and turning your head to cry out into it as he batters his cock into at a pace that steals the very air from your lungs. Every time his hips slap against your ass, you choke out a sound and your walls spasm around him. Rocking you forward before his hands drag you back so he can thrust into you again. Using you just like you wanted when you had opened your mouth to him at the bar. “Fuuuuck.” You manage breathlessly. 
Your cries spur him on, his hips pushing against your ass in an effort to get even deeper inside of you. He chuckles breathlessly at your squeaks, his thrusts fucking the words out of you. He grabs the back of your neck, keeping you pushed down to keep you still, “I’m gonna ruin you for your stupid fucking husband. You’re gonna hate his cock by the time I’m done with you. You’re gonna be longing for my dick.”
Your moan is warbled, pitching up with the rough thrusts and you think that he might have already done that. Ruined you for anyone else. Your cunt starts to flutter, pulsing wildly when he strikes against your g-spot with devastating accuracy and pushes you closer and closer to cumming as he growls above you. 
Dave is relentless, thrusting deep and hard into you, his hips no doubt going to leave bruises from how hard he pushes into your cunt. He’s desperate to make you cum. His hand comes down on your ass, again and again, his other hand squeezing your neck as he urges you to cum around his cock.
Squealing, your cunt locks down around him. Soaking him in a hot torrent of juices while your body spasms and your choked cries fill the hotel room. You don’t care who hears or what they think as they pass by, all you can think about is how good he feels inside you. “Fuck, fuck, Dave!”
Dave grits his teeth at the way you soak his cock, gripping him so hard it’s difficult for him to work you through it. He grabs your hips as you try to writhe beneath him, and he wants to destroy you for any other man, even your own husband. He pulls out, making you whine at the loss, and he flips you over onto your back, immediately pushing back into you and thrusting hard despite your quivering walls.
“Shit!” Your hands grip his shoulders and your legs wrap around his waist. Loving how rough he is with you and wanting more. Lifting your head, you press your lips to his and slide your tongue into his mouth. Kissing him desperately while he rams into you over and over again and keeps working you towards another orgasm before you fully finish cumming the first time.
Dave just keeps thrusting, desperate to make you cum, “so pretty taking my cock like a good girl. You’re not a good girl though, are you? You’re a dirty little whore. Letting me fuck you while your husband isn’t here. Soaking my cock. He doesn’t make you cum like this, does he?” He asks, shifting so he can squeeze your throat again .
Whining, all you can do is try to nod, his hand tightening around your throat even more as you move and your fingers claw at the bedding underneath you. Sucking in a breath when his hand flexes, you practically wail when he changes the angle and pushes deep, his cock punching against that spongy little spot deep inside you. Choking out another cry of his name while you bear down around his cock the second time in as many minutes. 
Dave hisses at the way you clamp down around his cock, making him chuckle and he grins when you shake beneath him. “That’s it, my little slut. Cumming for daddy? You gonna cum again? One more. You can give me one more.” He demands, grabbing your thighs to lift your calves onto his shoulders, folding you over so he can sink even deeper inside of you.
You can’t move, you can barely take a breath from the way that your body is positioned. All you can do is take the harsh, deep thrusts and seem to do even deeper and squeal out little cries when he strikes against pure nirvana inside you. Toes curled, Dave punches against your back wall and you wail out again, cunt soaking him in a rush of liquid.
Dave rams into you, your pussy squelching with his thrusts, and he loves the squeal that escapes your lips as he seeks his own climax. Having ruined you for anyone else, he pushes deep several times before he cums, painting your walls with his hot seed.
Whining, you feel him coat your insides, the hot rush of his warmth filling you and your eyes slip closed. Smiling to yourself while he rides out his pleasure, rocking his hips as he grinds every lost drop into you. “Fuck.”
Dave pants, closing his eyes as he leans down to bury his face in your neck. “Fuck that was good. Jesus Christ baby. You are  - that was -” He cuts himself off before he gets too into this. You’ll be gone by morning and soppy words won’t get him anywhere. “It was good.” He settles on that, kissing your neck before he pulls back.
You hum, looking up at him blearily and give him a soft smile. “It was worth it.” You coo, your hands sliding down his chest as he stands up. You know this is just for tonight but your cunt is still throbbing and you have a feeling you will ache tomorrow. “You can clean up and go call your wife or we can order room service and go another round when you’ve recovered.”
Dave hums, never one to hang around, and although you tempt him, he reaches for his boxers and pulls them on. He will shower when he gets back to his room. “I gotta call my wife. Time difference, you know?” He shrugs, reaching for his shirt and he starts to button it up. He isn’t rushing, not wanting to insult you, but he’s also got what he wanted and he doesn’t need to hang around. You got what you wanted from him too. He quickly finished getting dressed. “It was great meeting you.” He says, leaning over to kiss your cheek, “merry Christmas, baby.” He winks after he grabs his tie and opens your door, stepping into the hall.
Watching him go, you smirk to yourself as you climb out of the bed and groan quietly to yourself at how well he fucked you. Picking up your phone, you check to make sure you haven’t missed any calls and take it with you into the bathroom so you can clean up and maybe indulge in a bath.
Dave strips off as soon as he gets into the room, those clothes will need to be thrown away as he doesn’t need to go home smelling of perfume with lipstick on his collar. He’s not an amateur at this game. He turns on the shower, stepping in and groaning as he moves under the hot water.
There is a smile on your face when your phone rings. Happy that you’re already in your bath and soaking when you answer. “Hey sweetheart.” You purr into the phone. “How are you? I’ve been missing you.”
Dave shivers as the cold air hits his neck, the winter is in full swing in Glasgow and he is glad it’s easy to get here from London. Just a train ride and he will be far away from his crimes. The gun in his hand is heavy but he loves the reassuring nature of it. He looks into the window, the homely Christmas decorations and serene dinner scene make him eager to ruin the evening. His own longing for a beautiful Christmas Eve has him ready to finish this mission. He flicks the window lock, rolling his eyes at the lack of security his target has despite his team of security guards, and Dave quietly makes his way into the hallway, creeping down it until he strides into the dining room, gun aimed…at your husband.
“The rolls are done so let’s-“ You come barreling through the door with a bowl of freshly baked rolls in your hands, screeching to a halt and dropping them on the floor. The expensive crystal shatters as you gasp loudly, eyes wide in both recognition and horror. “What’s- holy shit!” You curse, slapping your hand over your mouth so you don’t scream. He’s here. He’s tracked you down and your eyes immediately fill with tears and you let out a muffled sob. 
Dave chuckles, keeping his gun aimed at your husband, “hey sweetheart. Nice to see you again.” He winks and your husband frowns, “you- you know this man?” 
Dave snorts, “oh she knows me. I had her legs over my shoulders last night while she screamed my name. Your little wife was very naughty in London. She led me right to you. You’re a hard man to find, a lot of people want you dead.” Dave clicks his tongue.
You shake your head, trying to deny it but your husband turns accusing eyes on you. “Whore.” He hisses, glaring at you furiously as if your betrayal is worse than the gun that is being pointed at his head. “I knew you were nothing but a cheap slut. I should have never married you.” He spits.
Dave presses the gun harder against his temple, “that’s what you think pal. You’re not even married to her.” Dave snorts, looking at you, “that’s not her real name. Her real last name is York. She’s mine. My wife. She’s just been ensnaring you so we could achieve this moment since you’ve been such an elusive bastard. She’s mine. She’s my wife. She cums on my cock. Not yours.”
You drop your hand from your mouth, facade no longer necessary. You had played your part, getting close to the man who was on the top of everyone’s Christmas hit wish list and handing him to Dave on a silver platter. “Like I would ever actually marry a scumbag like you.” You sneer, stepping over towards Dave with a smirk on your face. “Sorry ‘honey’ but I want to be a widow for Christmas.”
“Easily arranged baby.” Dave chuckles, not even hesitating as he pulls the trigger. Blood and brains fly across the room but Dave and you pay it no mind as your husband slumps over his expensive china dinner plate. “I missed you.” Dave murmurs, lowering the gun and grabbing the back of your neck to pull you close, pressing his lips to yours. 
Before last night, he hadn't seen you for months while you played your way into being a wife to the target Dave has been hunting for years. A target that would allow Dave to finally give up killing, the money is more than what he could spend in lifetimes and he just wants to settle down with you now. “The guards.” You gasp when you pull back, making Dave snort. 
“Baby…they’re unconscious…most likely.” He had hit them pretty hard over the head with the butt of his gun.
“Thank god you showed up when you did.” You murmur, pressing your lips to Dave’s again and sighing happily. “I know the bastard was going to want to fuck me after dinner and I couldn’t stomach the thought.” You shudder, aware that Dave knows what you have done to get into the target’s home, his bed, but you hated touching him. He wasn’t Dave. “I’m ready to get the fuck out of here for good.”
Dave slides his hands down to squeeze your ass. He knows what you’ve had to do to get this target but he doesn’t care, especially since you know what he’s done to get a kill. You understand him, his job, and he loves you even more for it. Especially considering you kill too. That’s how you met…aiming guns at each other. Now, you’re his wife. His. “He’s never gonna touch you again, baby. I’m gonna make sure I replace every fucking touch he ever placed on your skin. You’re mine.” Dave leans in to bite down on your lower lip while his hands knead your ass.
Moaning softly into the kiss, you press yourself closer to Dave and let him grope you however he wants. “Let’s get out of here.” You suggest breathlessly when you break off the kiss. “I want to spend Christmas with my husband, my real husband.” Your own hands slide down to cup his cock. “Last night wasn’t enough for me. I need more.”
“You’re killing me, baby.” Dave groans, gently pushing your hand away before shoving his gun into the back of his pants and he shrugs off his jacket, handing it to you. “Put this on, it’s freezing outside.” He helps you into it just as he hears the footsteps coming down the hall. “Quick baby. This way.” He ushers you down the opposite hall, away from the guards.
Happy to be leaving this place, you hurry down the hall with Dave, heart pounding. You know that your husband will protect you since you are unarmed. Still, you want to be away from this house, eager to celebrate the holiday with your husband. “The back door?” You ask, following his lead as he takes you through the house.
Dave smirks, “whatever you want, baby.” He winks and opens the door for you. “Come on.” He takes your hand once you’re outside in the freezing cold, guiding you to the car he has waiting for you to take you away after not being with you for several months while you set the scene for your “husband’s” murder. “Get in. I have a safe house for us.” Dave tells you, shutting your door after you get in the car and he slides into the driver’s side.
You know there will be a flurry of activity around the house for the next few hours and it’s possible that they will be looking for you so a safe house is the best option. “I’ve missed you.” Your hand lands on Dave’s thigh as he pulls away and checks the rear view mirror to make sure no one is watching. You know he will have taken care of the cameras in the house and there will be no evidence tying the hit back to the two of you beyond the proof Dave has that he committed the murder so he can receive payment.
Dave focuses for a moment on getting you away from the scene then he picks up your hand from his thigh, bringing it to his lips. “I’ve missed you too, baby. You have no idea how much it killed me to know you were in his bed. Wanted to come in and just shoot him in the face, get it over with, but I know we couldn’t do it without making him suspicious. He had to completely trust you and it killed me to know you were with him.”
“I know, baby.” You had hated it too, telling yourself every time he touched you that it was for the grand prize. “This is the last time I’m ever in someone else’s bed but yours. I’m done with that.” You promise, leaning over and pressing your lips to his neck. “Thought about you every time. Wishing it was you.”
“Only me from now on. We don’t need to do this shit again. Let’s go find somewhere across the world we can settle. Maybe a beach so I can fuck you every day under the sun and we can spend the money.” He tries to concentrate on driving but you’re so damn irresistible.
“Every day.” You hum, sliding your hand down to cup his cock as he drives. “Let me- fuck, I want to suck your cock while you drive. I missed having you down my throat.” You purr, squeezing him gently.
“Jesus.” Dave hisses, trying to concentrate and failing as you squeeze his cock through his pants, making him hiss. “Come on baby, you can have my cock. It’s yours.” He promises, gripping the steering wheel to control himself.
Smirking, you let go of his cock so you can unbuckle his belt. Not caring that you are speeding down the roads, you want to taste him again. To show him how much you have missed him. Half hard when you pull him from his underwear, you hum happily as he hisses, leaning down to take him into your mouth. He’s still pent up with adrenaline so he will cum quickly.
Dave’s knuckles are white when you take him into your mouth, making him groan your name. “Fuck baby. I’ve missed your mouth.” He murmurs, forcing himself to concentrate on the road. “Fuck. I - I love you.” He murmurs, navigating the road.
Last night was fun, thrilling even, but this is rapturous. Hearing him moan and tell you that he loves you is exactly what you need after so long apart. Hollowing your cheeks, you feel the head of his cock hit the back of your throat and you swallow, wanting to feel him throb in your mouth.
Dave grunts when you hollow your cheek, making him almost close his eyes as he forces himself to stay alert to the road. He needs to get you to the safe house before he fucking destroys you. Reminds you how you belong to him.
Your chuckle is muffled, mouth full of his cock because you know exactly what you are doing to him. The tires screech and the only thing keeping you from jostling around is your grip on his thighs as you suck his cock.
“Jesus Christ baby. You are - you’re enthusiastic.” He chuckles breathlessly before muttering to himself, “fucking hell.” He is close, the car barely keeping on the road as he tries to focus but fails when you take him deeper. “Oh fuck.” The car screeches as he barely manages to pull over and stop the car just as his cock twitches and he spills down your throat.
Fuck, you love it. You love the salty, tangy taste of his cum as it bursts on your tastebuds and fills your mouth up. Moaning as you gulp him down, your cunt is already soaked and you know that when you finally get to the safe house, you will be able to have Dave like you need him.
Dave hisses, looking down at the back of your head while you swallow around him. His head tilts back to hit the head rest as you work him through his orgasm. “Fuck, missed that pretty mouth.” He groans, stroking your upper back and neck while you greedily suck up every drop until you cheekily nip his thigh after letting his cock drop from your mouth.
Smirking as you sit up, you lick your lips for a moment to make sure you didn’t miss a drop before you press your lips to his eagerly. “Missed you.” You pant into his mouth, fingers sinking into his hair to tug on it before you pull back. “Get us to the safe house, baby.” You order breathlessly. “I need to have you inside me.”
Dave nods, soft cock resting on his thigh and he squeals back onto the road, making his way to the safe house. “Don’t worry baby. I’ll be inside of you soon enough. Tell me…how do you want me to fuck you first?” He asks, wanting you to distract him a little.
You give a small laugh at how determined he is to get to the safe house now. Leaning back in your seat, you pull your skirt up and run your fingers down the front of your cloth covered cunt. “Bend me over. Like the first time you fucked me. Remember Kiev?” You whimper, remembering the trip the DIA had sent you on to make sure that you were up to snuff, sending Dave to observe. There had been a lot of sexual tension between you and once the job was done, Dave had pounced on you.
Dave smirks, caressing the wheel as he remembers how you screamed for him that night after the target was dead. “You were so desperate for my cock. Practically smelt how wet you were the entire time. Had to eventually give you what you wanted…” He makes you pout until he continues, “but it turns out your cunt was too fucking good. You got me addicted and now here we are.” His dark eyes flick over to where you are rubbing yourself through your panties, “you wanna touch yourself? Or wait for me ?“
Whimpering, you know Dave is in a teasing mood, if you don’t stop he won’t fuck you until you are begging and nearly crying for him. “I’ll wait.” You decide, pulling your fingers away from your clit.
Dave hums, “good girl” and continues to focus on driving to the safe house. He goes down a dark road overhung with trees and he scans a card when he arrives at the gate. The gate opens and Dave drives through, checking the rear view mirror for the gate closing behind him. When he’s satisfied, he continues driving along the road until he pulls into a garage door that he opens with a push of a button and once he’s inside, that closes behind him. The home is in the middle of nowhere, sheltered, and no one will be able to find you. Dave is quiet as he parks, kills the engine, and rounds the car to open the door for you, his dark eyes flashing but he remains quiet until he is punching in the alarm code for access to the house.
There is that sense of anticipation and tension in the air, just like the first time. Although you are Dave’s wife and know what will happen. The house is so still you can hear water dripping out of a faucet upstairs as the door swings shut behind you. The quiet snick of the automatic lock whirls while your shoes click on the floor. The house is bare of homey decor, set up to be functional, but secure. A literal fortress from the outside world. “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” You murmur, turning around and reaching for the zipper of your dress.
Dave watches you, a smirk on his face at the way you strip down, your naked back making his cock harden from where he had tucked himself back into his pants. He steps towards you, kissing the back of your neck while pushing your dress off of your shoulders. “Fuck I missed you.”
That is the theme of tonight. Yesterday had been a spur of the moment, neither one of you wanted to acknowledge the reality before the mission was over, but you needed him. Whimpering, you turn your head to chase his lips. “I missed you. Every second.”
Dave shoves your dress down, “missed you, baby. Gonna show you how much.” He promises, finally pressing his lips to yours. His hands grab your ass, pulling you close, and his tongue slides into your mouth, making him groan at how he feels like he’s home.
You don’t even try to find one of the bedrooms, needing him. You shove at your panties, pushing them down and wiggling so they drop down to your ankles. “Dave.” You moan when he breaks away and starts kissing down your neck. Pushing your ass against his tented trouser, you bite your lip and moan again. “I- fuck me, fuck me right now.”
“No baby. No. It’s been so long. I - shit. I want you- want you in a bed.” When you squeeze his cock, he gives in. With a growl, he spins you around and pushes you up against the wall. His hands fumbling to unbutton the pants he didn’t bother to zip up, his cock already hard again with need for you.
You whine, pushing back against him. “Dave, please.” You beg, loving how needy you both are. His hand is harsh on your neck as he grips it, his other hand around his cock as he guides himself to your cunt. “Oh fuuuuuuuck!” You squeal when he pushes inside you.
Dave grunts at how fucking tight you are around him. “Baby. Shit. I’ve missed you, baby girl. So much.” He murmurs, pulling you flush against him so there isn’t a gap between you and he begins to set a harsh pace, hips slamming against your ass as his hand squeezes your neck.
Now you can be as loud as you want. Not worrying about endearments being heard or calling out his name. You are alone. “Fuck baby, fuck your wife.” You pant out. “Need you to remind me that I’m yours.” It’s fucking magical, the brutal punch of his hips and his cock scrubbing through your walls like he’s scratching an itch you couldn’t satisfy yourself.
Dave growls at your words, his cock twitching inside of you. “You’re mine. Only mine. Not that fucking asshole. Mine.” His teeth sink into your shoulder as he reminds you who you belong to. “You’re. Fucking. Mine.” He growls, pushing his cock deep as his fingers tighten around your neck.
You gasp out, barely able to breath but it just makes his cock feel that much better inside you. His possessive tone rolls through you along with the thrust of his cock up into your spasming walls. It only takes another couple of thrusts, a well timed, feral growl from Dave and you are flying apart with a cry. “Fuck, Dave!”
“That’s it. That’s it baby.” Dave grunts as you clamp down around his cock, soaking him, and he is so fucking happy you’re back in his arms for you. It killed him to give you up for several months and now, he’s never going to let you go again. He thrusts hard, trying to both work you through it and find his own orgasm, his emotions taking over which is a rarity for him. Within a dozen thrusts, Dave is done. He pushes deep and his cock pulses as he cums inside of you, painting your walls.
You whine at the familiar heat that floods you, closing your eyes with a small smile on your lips. “God, I love you.” You whisper breathlessly, hearing a clock somewhere inside the house chime with the time. “Are we staying here or are we leaving?” You don’t want to move from this spot, hate the idea of Dave pulling out, but you also want to spend the holiday with your husband.
“Staying here. I had them stock it with food and I had a tree decorated so we are spending Christmas here, sweetheart.” He grunts, reluctantly pulling out of you and he spins you around so he can kiss you. “I even have a present for you.” He murmurs, thinking about that beautiful diamond bracelet he bought on the way here. He checks his watch, grinning when he sees it is midnight. “Merry Christmas, baby.”
“Merry Christmas, Dave.” You press your lips to his softly and smile. This Christmas will be the last time you have the possibility of being apart during the holidays. Dave is retiring after this last target, your bank accounts nicely padded. “My favorite one is this one, because it’s the beginning of the rest of our lives.”
Dave kisses your hair, “exactly. No more missions or targets. Just you and me and a peaceful Christmas. Then a peaceful new year, Valentine’s Day…” He trails off with a smile, “I’m so ready to be with you. It’s the best Christmas present I could’ve ever gotten: you.” He murmurs, pulling you close and breathing you in. Dave is done with killing for money…he hopes.
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
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Saw this wonderful template by @doctorpasta and since I’ve been trying to work out how to talk about Valerius’ (complicated) relationships with a lot of his companions, I thought this was a good way to do it. Explanation for each relationship under the cut:
Seelah: for lack of a better word, he sees her as gullible. Easy to manipulate considering she wants to see the best in everyone (she even goes as far to call him a kind/nice person in act 5 which is...so very wrong), but they stand at odds with one another in acts 3 through to the beginning of act 5 due to him being on the Lich Mythic Path.
Greybor: Enough said - Valerius respects him for what he does, and during act 4 they begin to value each other as more than just patron and hired killer, with ultimately them becoming best friends in act 5 and beyond, with Valerius often contracting him for assassin work in the years after the Worldwound’s close.
Arueshalae: being from a country that has also suffered from the Worldwound (Ustalav), Valerius naturally doesn’t trust Arueshalae, and nor does he necessarily buy in her story of redemption; after Arueshalae becomes a pure succubus once more, they start to see eye to eye, but nothing more than that.
Sosiel: oh, Sosiel, what a sweetheart. Valerius has to respect the soft-hearted cleric for trying to hold onto his ideals during a bitter war, but the temptation of corrupting him was...rather intriguing as an inquisitor of Urgathoa. They had a brief flirtation in act 3, with Sosiel crushing hard on the charming Commander, though that crush was snuffed out rather quickly when it became clear to him that Valerius wasn’t interested in anything serious and that he was not as kind a man as he thought he was.
Wenduag: and why, exactly, should he trust Wenduag? Sure, she led him and the survivors through the Shield Maze, even if she omitted the truth. Time and time again he caught her attempting her machinations against him, and honestly - he had to respect it. Eventually, the respect gave way to an uneasy friendship, and post-game they maintian an alliance between Drezen and the Saltlands, the home of Wenduag’s people. They had a brief sexual encounter in act 3, though he cut it off rather abruptly after a certain encounter.
Lann: naive, and foolish, though he has to respect his tenacity.
Woljif: for the most part, Valerius isn’t the type to trust a thief, but Woljif’s moxy and connections to the Mendevian black market made him useful, and so he tolerated him. That tolerance gave way to a mutually beneficial arrangement between the two and after Woljif took his grandfather’s power for himself, inspired by Valerius, they are now allies and Woljif remains a reliable contact in Alushinyrra.
Nenio: perhaps the strangest relationship growth on them all. First unimpressed and irritated by Nenio’s insatiable need for knowledge, he realized this was a boon, and she was one of the only ones who approved of Valerius’ initial decision to walk the path of the Lich. He endured her experiments, first because her knowledge was useful and her magic powerful, but then out of his own curiosity - and became an unlikely pair of friends following the events in the Enigma. As of the post-game, Nenio holds an unofficial position of Arcane Advisor in Valerius’ court in exchange of having a place to stay while she writes her Encylopedia.
Daeran: they should have gotten along. Two hedonistic nobles, but Valerius found himself having little patience for his frivolousness and Daeran saw him as too dull. They outright despise each other by act 5, ending with Valerius - hypocritically so - executing him for the deaths of Liotr Hawkblade and his fellow inquisitors.
Regill: the respect runs deep between these two. They see eye to eye on many things, and once Valerius rejects his mythic power, it is Regill who he goes to to speak about training as an Armiger. And while Regill Derenge does not have friends, he does have closer allies and the two of them remain in contact until Regill finally succumbs to the Bleaching.
Camellia: if Valerius believed in soul mates, then Camellia would be his. That night down in the basement proved that even though she may not be his sister in faith, she certainly acts like it and thus began their tumultuous, hot-and-cold relationship, characterized by blood and bliss. It is rumoured he cared for her so dearly that he angered his Goddess for her, and they would finally be together for good, three years after the closing of the Worldwound.
Galfrey: any respect for Galfrey died the moment she sent Prelate Hulrun knocking on his door, and hated set in when she stripped him of his rank for necromancy, despite the fact he had been the most successful in any crusade attempt against the demons. She paid for that mistake with her life in Iz, and with both her and Daeran’s deaths, it threw Mendev into chaos, leaving Valerius’ Drezen a power with little political opposition.
Ember: Redemption seems like such a naive thing to him, and his dislike for Ember set in early after she tried to insist that the cultists who kidnapped her were worth saving. Her congregation was a breeding ground for cultists, and he couldn’t have that later exposing his own congregation of Urgathoans and Gebbite necromancers who resided in the ziggurat. Ember later went mad.
Delamere: Valerius took a special delight in desecrating the sacred bones of a devoted follower of Erastil as her god often opposes his own. But he admired her fervour, and twisted it into his own bidding - until the moment he no longer had control over her, and Delamere - his Captain of the Graveguard against her will - took the opportunity to attack him, along with the other members of the Graveguard: and in the end, they were greeted by death once more. Permanently.
Symbols (masc. symbol, scythes, crosses) are from flaticon
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prettytm · 1 year
Want some love? Get In The Box ;; Accepting
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Bella, oh Bella.
I adore you. Not only do I love how much thought you put into your portrayal of Karen, I'm a stalker and have snooped on a few of your other blogs and you take just as much time and care into writing them as you do our darling Ms. Page. You breathe new life into Karen, giving her more than what the show did, in your hands she's alive. A living, breathing reporter bothering Billy whenever she can get the chance. [ He secretly likes her too. She had moxie. ]
And outside of how well you write all your muses, you're a fucking sweetheart. Who reads all my threads and headcanons and will just come.. Threaten me with violence when I break your heart. You're the best. And I will fight anyone who thinks otherwise.
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jaguarbandit · 4 days
starting to (been... for a year) have a crush on a boy who has a lot of potential for his future but as an artist has no portfolio/reel to his name so what's the POINT and i keep going back and forth between "he's adorable and he's got moxy and a real sweetheart" and "he ain't shit"
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