leatafandom · 4 days
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Richard Speight Jr.
Dick Jr. & The Volunteers Show, at Exit/In, in Nashville. Photo taken by @mrswhozeewhatsis.
Photos: 1 2 3 _5
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negans-lucille-tblr · 5 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your day is filled with lots of good stuff like cake!
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Thank you lovely! Definitely cake!
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heavenssexiestangel · 11 months
#91 for the ask game! 😁
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
I'd like to be able to go to Alternate Universes. I want to go to the SPN World. I wanna meet Ree 😂
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 1 year
Shifted - The Humbug (Chapter 5/?)
A/N: Still no end in sight. Been sitting on this chapter for a while because it's short and posting takes TIME, and I just haven't had the time to post what with life, the universe, and everything. Again, this is a Secret Santa fic for @jensengirl83, who I can only hope will forgive me for how long this is taking me to throw together. Also, not beta-read because we die like men and all that. (Since no one follows me on ko-fi, I've kind of abandoned it, so y'all get to read it here first!)
Story summary: The Winchesters are meeting your family for the first time when you all visit for Christmas. Things don’t go quite to plan.
Chapter summary: Everything just feels hopeless.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word count (chapter/story): 1178/7213
Warnings: Just a lot of humbug with a smidge of fluff.
Previous chapter - Series masterlist
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“Y/N?” she whispered loudly, her eyes wide and jaw tense. “What were you doing in there with Dean while your boyfriend is across the hall asleep?!?”
You gave your sister the most annoyed sibling bitchface you could muster and hoped it covered your nerves while you lied through your teeth.
“I went in there to wake him up because he sleeps like an angry bear with a gun under his pillow and I didn’t want you or Mom or Dad getting shot. Also, I needed to talk to him about a gag gift we’re getting for Sam after we’re back home. I was considering adding a clown element, but Dean thought that might be taking things a step too far.” You snorted a little giggle at the idea and hoped that would further sell your lie to your all-knowing sister.
Your sister’s expression didn’t waver, however.
“The man you love has a serious phobia of clowns, but you want to get him a gag gift involving clowns?” Tracey shook her head at you disapprovingly, threw her hands up in the air, and turned back towards her bedroom. “I can’t believe I’m related to you!” she snapped as she walked back into her room and slammed the door behind her.
Nearly dropping to the floor with relief, you patted yourself on the back for managing to fool your sister.
Breakfast was relaxed and made you finally feel like you were back at home with your family, mostly because Dean was in the shower and Sam was out for a run. At one point, you thought you saw Dean approach the doorway, but when you turned to look, he wasn’t there. Your mom distracted you with a story about Christmas when you were five and started a food fight with Tracey during breakfast, making everyone laugh.
Sadly, it didn’t last long. The mood took another nosedive when Sam returned from his run, even though he only grabbed a muffin from the table, kissed your cheek, and headed directly towards the shower. The table went quiet as everyone ate their pancakes and bacon, and you wondered what more you could possibly do to fix things.
Why couldn’t your family trust that you knew what you were doing? Why couldn’t they just believe you when you told them that Dean and Sam were good people?
Maybe because you were lying to them.
Suddenly, you didn’t want to be there, anymore. If you couldn’t be honest with your family, then you just shouldn’t have come to visit at all. It had just seemed so easy to have the man you love and his brother in the same room as your family. You’d thought you could give the brothers something they’d never had: a real Christmas with people who cared about them. You wanted them to see parents who remembered to buy presents and were there, because they didn’t have to get revenge or hunt evil. You wanted to give them silly traditions like wearing stupid sweaters and making each other guess their presents before they could open them. But that wasn’t what was happening because you’d lied.
Dean came in, sat down next to you at the head of the table like he’d been the night before, and put way less food on his plate than he normally would. Breakfast continued in near silence, with only occasional attempts at small talk between your parents. By the time Sam had returned, Tracey was helping your parents with the dishes while you and Dean were leaving with the excuse that you needed to shower, and Dean had to put finishing touches on his presents. With a tug of his sleeve, Sam turned right around with you and followed you and Dean to the guest room.
“I take it breakfast was about as comfortable as dinner last night?” Sam asked with a sad sigh as you all sat down on the bed. You and Sam settled with your backs against the headboard, and Dean sat next to you on the side of the bed, stroking your leg with his hand.
“It was fine until I showed up,” Dean replied, grimacing. “They were even laughing until I got there, and then it all went silent again.”
Giving the boys a sad smile, you slumped where you sat. “Normally, we’d put on our sweaters, open presents, then go into town for a Christmas market thing they do in the afternoon, then come home for dinner. However, I’m beginning to think we should just say that a job came up that we can’t refuse and leave. I mean, nobody is happy this way, and maybe we can all salvage a little joy if we’re just not together. Tracey already caught me coming out of Dean’s room this morning and then yelled at me for considering giving you a clown-related gift, Sam. They can’t possibly think any worse of me if we just leave.”
Sam looked thoughtful, but Dean slid up the bed so he could put his arms around your shoulders and hold you close. “I’m so sorry this is such a shitshow, pretty girl. If you weren’t with me, then none of this would be happening.”
With a little shove, you sat up straight and looked Dean dead in the eyes. “Don’t you even go down that road, mister! You are not the problem here! You are the best man I know, and I wouldn’t trade a minute with you for anything in the world. Especially not just for some stupid Hallmark holiday crap. This is happening because I lied to my family.”
Dean tried to interrupt, but you shushed him with a hand and shook your head.
“Maybe it was your idea, but I went along with it. I could have put a stop to it right at the start, and I didn’t. And now we’re deep in it, and I don’t see a way out besides just leaving. And, although I’ll be a little sad that this didn’t work out the way I’d hoped, I think it’s the best possible choice, right now. I love you, and I love our life, and I wouldn’t change a thing, so just stop whatever self-deprecating bullshit you’ve got running through your head right this minute!”
Sam snickered while Dean looked properly chastised.
“Alright, darlin’. If you say so,” Dean said, leaning in and giving you a chaste peck on your lips. “Then you go give your regrets to your family and we’ll get packed up. We leave in ten.”
“Wait,” you said, stopping Dean from standing up. “Make it thirty. I really do want to shower and put on clean clothes before we start the drive back to the bunker. Someone got me all hot and sweaty this morning, and I still feel a little gross,” you joked.
Sam closed his eyes and turned his head, putting a hand up so he couldn’t see you. “I don’t want to hear that, guys!!!” You and Dean both chuckled and took advantage of Sam not looking to share a kiss.
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Ye olde forever tags list: @manawhaat @sammit-janet @littlegreenplasticsoldier @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @iwantthedean @growningupgeek @feelmyroarrrr @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @helvonasche @rizlowwritessortof @wheresthekillswitch @sandlee44 @icequeen1371 @tistai @pie-and-pudding @thelittleredwhocould @supernaturallymarvellous @ellen-reincarnated1967 @notnaturalanahi @salt-n-burn-em-all @fumar-et-flores-blog @chalicia @smalltowndivaj @littlefreakingfangirl @straightestgay-voice @percywinchester27 @vanessa-monique-blog @gallxntdean @antares1980 @hunterpuff @beffyblueeyes-blog @sammiesamness @cassieraider @emoryhemsworth @speakinvain @andkatiethings @latetothewinchesterparty @winchesterprincessbride @drakelover78 @calaofnoldor @idreamofplaid @akshi8278 
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Rainy Day Spoonie Style
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Do You Want To Be Tagged?
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I have created a Reader Tag List.
If you have Liked, Commented on, or Reblogged anything I've posted in the last few months, I have added you to this list.
Please take a look at the list and remove or add yourself to the appropriate column(s).
Many thanks to @waynes-multiverse for sharing your system with me!
@brrose-apothecary @stusbunker @mrswhozeewhatsis @talltalesandbedtimestories @sam-is-my-safe-word
@yvonneeeee @hobby27 @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @blackcherrywhiskey
@lacilou @foxyjwls007 @ladysparkles78 @roseblue373 @suckitands33
@syrma-sensei @deanwinchesterswitch @deans-baby-momma @mrsjenniferwinchester @illicithallways
@muhahaha303 @ultimatecin73 @nancymcl @k-slla @leigh70
@kazsrm67 @hotpeoplesimp1 @crashlyrose @pamhr @winharry
@barewithme02 @deadlydivergentgirl @goldenmaknaes @lolololagrey @waters-2567
@candy-coated-misery0731 @pycobutterpie @littlegreenplasticsoldier @rizlowwritessortof @viktoriiaaker
@skyeasnothere @kenzieloulou17 @lovelyunjinn @starry-dahl @lanassmarty
@sevendevilsinmyimpala @anonymouswall @urfav-human7756 @hoe4lilyrabe @artemys-ackles
@lisah-over18 @jizzmans-world @mariefandom @technicallyeclecticblaze @yo222222
@srtadong @grimtherula @cc00897 @jackles010378 @123passwort
@amanduhjean @w33p1ng @rubberducky999 @monstrousmars @fangirling-instead-of-working
@am222444 @winchester-sinchester @kickingitwithkirk @indecisive30something @deans-psych
@fullwattpadmusictree @panders91 @motherofevee @thoughts-and-funnies @perpetualabsurdity
@iliser @krazykelly @he-touched-the-but @jensenackles-makes-life-better @hotmessmageereads
@cemmia @sofiasommariva @solariklees @ladywinchester1967 @bumbleb10
@vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @rainy-darling @rachiem4-blog @nothingtodobutdrink @waywardlass-blog
@idiotdyslexic @muchamusedaboutnothing @cutestdolans @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @harleysninja
@kdfrqqg @tumbler-tidbits @hoboal87 @ushistorylover1018 @waywardgypsy
@missannwinchester @cosmicspacewitch @readingsins @sammylinda @leeahpeters12
@pascal-rascal424 @likhelbentin @mere-mortifer @mylovelydame21 @squirrelnotsam
@hell0ag0ny @phirephly09 @redbarn1995 @alleiradayne @wayward-and-worn
@anspgene @fallwhisper @socalgem1124 @deanismybaby67 @purpleunicorn166
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deanwinchesterswitch · 4 months
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Need reading material for the weekend?
Check out these fabulous blogs.
@thinkinghardhardlythinking // @wayward-and-worn @princessmisery666 // @waywardbaby // @impala-dreamer // @muchamusedaboutnothing // @calaofnoldor // @justagirlinafandomworld // @zepskies // @stusbunker // @thoughtslikeaminefield // @watermelonlipstick // @carryonmywaywardcaptain // @avanatural // @amanda-teaches // @coffee-obsessed-writer // @deanwanddamons // @jawritter // @cleighwrites // @kittenofdoomage // @atwistoffate // @covered-byroses // @hoboal87 //@cockslutpadalecki // @girl-next-door-writes // @idreamofplaid // @talesmaniac89 // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @winchest09 // @jensengirl83 // @kickingitwithkirk // @my-proof-is-you // @risingphoenix761 // @soaringeag1e // @smol-and-grumpy // @mrswhozeewhatsis // @angelkurenai // @rizlowwritessortof // @there-must-be-a-lock // @littlegreenplasticsoldier // @katelyn--renee // @enigmalynne //@our-jensen-ackles-love // @wingedcatninja // @fictionalabyss // @atc74 // @talltalesandbedtimestories // @navybrat817 // @trexrambling // @little-diable // @lipstickandwhiskey // @sunlightdances // @wkemeup
There are also over seventy stories posted on @jacklesversebingo!
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spnfanficpond · 3 months
February 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Pack by @spnexploration
I love this story. I love the pack dynamics and how they all are despite Dean being the Pack Alpha. I love that they even have an extended pack as well (Claire, for example). I love that the reader has to learn the world and shows a very real world freak out over the information as well as how the pack dynamic and tactics work with and without Dean and Sam. I love how gentle and human Dean and the Reader are together. It’s a very relatable story with new relationships. I related to the Reader’s self-view very, very much. I’m gonna start including pack dynamics in my own a/b/o fics. I love that idea, so so much. Evolution is slow to change, so even if a/b/o was an evolutionary change, it doesn’t mean that all aspects would change with modern day society. Please check the story out and the author. Thanks!
The Cala Lillies of Winchester by @littleangelcassie
This is such an amazing story! Castiel instantly connects with Dean who falls asleep on him while on the bus and Cas being Cas decides to take him home and keep him. Doesnt take long for Dean to agree. It’s an amazing, challenging love story from there that encompasses family, children, health and home, and the challenges of in-laws for their personal and religious views. It’s beautiful and terrifying, and worth the tears.
The Heartbreak Hotel by @naughtystiel
You have to read this is such a fluffy story. It’s like so heart warming, chest squeezing, heart racing and so angsty. I love it. It’s so fluffy that it’s schmoopy. That’s how affectionate and caring it is. Let the story take care of you. Trigger Warning: cheating, survivor’s guilt, bad parent Mary Winchester
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
If you don't look good, we don't look good by @talltalesandbedtimestories
HOLY HELL!!! This is SO HOT! With feelings, and hair, and brotherly Sam, and HOLY HOTNESS DEAN. *wipes sweat from brow*
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
Mutually Beneficial by @kittenofdoomage
It's cute, fresh, and I can't wait to see where it goes!!
Nominated by @spencereliotwinchester
Flash by Ellia (AO3)
It’s so simple, yet extremely deep. An amazing take on the masks we wear
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
(K)not For Sale by @sam-is-my-safe-word
I don’t even go to the school of ABO, but, Kasey, love, you killed me. It’s emotional and anxious and hot, and SB is the Omega. Yes. Good.
Spotless by @stusbunker
FAKE. DATING. I’m epically behind in college comments for this, but it’s so fun and sexy and Stuie!
Nominated by @glygriffe
Wait for the Ricochet by @bobwess
I nominate this fic - first, because it is by Bob Wess and I think everybody in the SPN fandom should read at least one Bob Wess story - second, because it’s a time travel WIP where Dean and Sam meet their younger selves. 16-year-old Dean getting all big brother-y with 36-year-old Sam is precious, and Castiel serving as a buffer between the two versions of Dean is quite an interesting read.
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 months
hello! i'm sorry if this is super random, but i was wondering if you could possibly rec soem of yuor favorite spn blogs? writitng or gifs or anything related to spn?
(if this isn't okay, i do apoligize)
Hi! I'm going to do a bit of a hodge podge of recs for you!
@spnfanficpond - The SPN fanfic pond is an awesome source of TONS of blogs that write for SPN and they have multiple posts of fic recs!
@mrswhozeewhatsis - Look, another Michelle! Michelle has her own writing along with being an AMAZING fic recommender. She often reblogs others works and there's something there for everyone!
@supernatural-imagine-oneshot - Okay, this blog hasn't been active in a long time but the stories here are all incredible. This blog in particular is a big reason for getting me into fanfic and wanting to write it.
@supernatural-jackles - I'll happily recommend Jen's entire catalogue for your Dean and Jensen loving heart. She's not around much these days but I never read a bad fic from her and she handled writing about hard topics wonderfully.
@torn-and-frayed - Just go and do yourself a favor and read Steph's series Send The Pain Below right now. This series was one of my first forays into reading RPF and hot damn it doesn't dissapoint.
@kittenofdoomage - Rhi is pretty much on AO3 now but you can get to her stuff there. This is where I discovered ABO and fell in love! Iron Heart made my apocalyptic story loving heart so very happy and still does!
@campingmonkey - Elaina writes for not only multiple fandoms including SPN but she makes gifs too! Single handedly has saved me when I'm looking for the perfect gif but can't find it in existence. She's got another blog too @acklesmallville for all your Jason Teague needs!
@beaujensen - Because we all need more gifs of Beau Arlen in our lives
@justjensenanddean - The reason I get distracted on my timeline and forget to write sometimes lol. They got gifs, pics, keep up to date with news, cons, etc. and reblog other Jensen stuff too so yeah, this is one of my favorite blogs.
@zepskies - Zep is my new addiction. There's SPN stuff along with other shows Jensen's been in like The Boys and Big Sky. She does canon, she does AU and her writing is just damn good (aka this is the kind of writer that makes me want to step up my game). And I love how responsive she is to literally every comment, reblog, ask, etc. She sets the bar high for the rest of us!
I hope that gives you some good stuff to dig into!
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Fic Taglist
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Should I start using a tag list again for my fics? I used to do it, but it became a pain. I think Tumblr is better about it now, though.
Let me know!
@stusbunker @deanwinchesterswitch @deans-spinster-witch @mrswhozeewhatsis
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leatafandom · 4 days
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Richard Speight Jr.
Dick Jr. & The Volunteers Show, at Exit/In, in Nashville. Photo taken by @mrswhozeewhatsis.
Photos: 1 _ 3 4 5
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princessmisery666 · 8 months
Coin Toss
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Bingo:@jacklesversebingo Prompt: Coin Toss 
A/N: the muses are AWOL but I liked this little idea so ran with it and made the title card. 
Images: Canva and Entertainment Weekly.
You and Dean can't decide where to go during some rare downtime. Vegas is good for hustling people and mindless entertainment. Or there's the cabin; secluded, cozy and far enough away from the real world you can pretend it doesn't exist for a while.
Regardless of where you go, Dean is driving and picking the music, obviously. 
Dean flips the coin, you call out heads for the cabin. Honestly, he doesn't care where you go, as long as he's with you, tucked up under his arm while he drives, feeding him snacks, stealing kisses when the road permits, he'll happily go anywhere with you.
Master Lists: Main / Dean Winchester / JAcklesVerse Bingo
Tags below the cut:
@alexxavicry / @b3autyfuldisast3r-blog / @deandreamernp / @deanwinchesterswitch / @fandom-princess-forevermore / @foxyjwls007 / @jc-winchester / @justagirlinafandomworld / @katbratsupernaturalwhore / @leigh70 / @letsbys-library / @lyarr24 / @mrswhozeewhatsis / @nancymcl / @shanimallina87 / @stoneyggirl2 / @waywardbaby / @wildbornsiren / @writercole / @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior / @pank0w / @kmc1989/ @deans-spinster-witch / @spnbaby-67 / @roseblue373
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spnexploration · 1 year
Collared part 17
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: Things are not going well for you.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence and injuries, objectification and poor treatment, slavery, restraints, forced isolation, panic attack, negative self-talk
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: Big thanks to @mrswhozeewhatsis who helped with an idea in the big show down (I won't spoil it!)
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 16 <- -> Part 18
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You held in a sob, knowing it was exactly what he wanted. He had you on your knees, using his knife to cut strips in your clothes, every so often nicking you so that you’d bleed but not be too badly damaged. He was toying with you.  
Your mistress walked in. “Oh Room 14, you found her!” She clapped her hands together like a child excited by a toy. “Oh, I have missed her.” You shuddered. 
She turned to your tormentor. “What happened with the hunters?” 
“Told the others to deal with them. I've got more important things to focus on,” he said as he cut your bra strap.  
Your mistress seemed displeased. “Can you think with something other than your dick for 5 minutes?! Those are the Winchesters, they are not done until they're dead and even then it's debatable!” 
He huffed, taking a long swing with his knife and cutting the rest of your tattered shirt clean off. Your bra cup flopped around on the side it was cut but your breasts were still mostly covered.  
You knew that wouldn't last.  
“Now, Azaneth,” your mistress said impatiently.  
“We’ll have to finish this later,” he taunted you. He snapped his fingers and some random henchman appeared with a leash. You shivered at the sound of it clicking into the waiting ring on your collar. 
The henchman dragged you to a nearby cupboard and shoved you in, attacking the leash to a hook inside. He shut the door and then you heard a lock click.  
Tears welled in your eyes as you huddled, crouched in the tiny space, unable to leave.  
You heard yelling. You were worried about your master, but you knew that he and Sam were likely dead. There was no point in hoping. 
That was definitely a gun shot. 
Your back ached from being crouched over inside the cupboard. You reminded yourself to get used to it, you had gotten altogether too lax being with the brothers. The real world was back and that meant pain. Suck it up, princess. 
It was impossible to know what was happening. Every so often you heard sounds of violence, and then it would go quiet.  
You weren't sure whether to hope that no one would forget you, or to hope that they would.  
You heard footsteps close by. You tightened your posture, dropped your eyes to the ground, and readied yourself.  
The cupboard was opened. The shoes looked like your mistress’s. She unhooked the end of the leash and tugged you out of the cupboard, without saying a word. Who would speak to a slave when you didn’t have to? 
She took you into a room, grabbed a small brown book out of a compartment in a desk, then started dragging you back to the corridor. You were crawling behind her, not permitted to stand. She kept tugging to make you go faster, and once painfully slapped your face when you weren’t keeping up.  
You reminded yourself that you deserved this. You were a slave. You should expect no less.  
She turned a corner and then you felt your leash dragged to the floor, painfully pulling your neck down. You quickly pressed your forehead to the ground, thinking that was what she wanted, when you heard fighting noises. Your leash pulled harder, dragging you forward, before eventually going slack.  
You crawled to the corner and saw your mistress and your master fighting. You froze.  
You started to panic, not sure what was going on. You couldn’t follow the fight, too many limbs moving too fast. You felt like you weren’t meant to be watching anyway, and tried to keep looking at the ground in case your mistress saw you, but stole many glances up at the melee.  
Your breathing was getting faster, shallower. You dimly remembered Cas referring to this as a ‘panic attack’, and felt almost like you were an outsider watching your body.  
You hadn’t noticed at first, but Sam was fighting some of the handlers and henchmen, further down the corridor. You didn’t want to have to witness both of them dying, but you were sure that was going to happen.  
It was almost getting hard to breathe now, you were taking such short, sharp breaths that didn’t seem to be doing anything.  
You noticed that your mistress had dropped the little book, and it was accidentally kicked towards you, coming to rest against your leg.  
You stayed where you were. Your mistress would be angry if you moved.  
A gunshot rang out, hurting your ears.  
The fighting seemed to get quieter. You were staring at the ground, trying to fight the dizziness you were feeling. And if the fight was over, you didn’t want to be caught doing the wrong thing, like watching.  
“Try that again and the next one goes through your temple,” your master growled. You felt a sense of elation that he was still alive.  
“And the one after that will go through your brother’s,” another voice called out, from further down the corridor. You kept your eyes down, not sure what was going on. 
“Well now, a nice impasse we've reached,” your mistress taunted. “Or have we!” She went up at the end of her sentence, like she was flourishing something. You couldn't hear anything happen though.  
“That all you got? Lost your mojo?” your master said cockily. “Guess these witch-killer bullets pack a bit of a punch even when they don't kill.” 
Your mistress seemed to feign indifference, but you thought you could hear frustration in her voice. “No matter, I can still cast spells from my book, I'll be fixed in no time.” 
“You'll be dead before you can touch it.” 
“You shoot me and you'll be walking out of here down a brother, remember? Now, Room 14, give me the book.” 
You reached your hands out and picked it up, then looked up. Your mistress was on the ground, your master’s hand wrapped around her upper arm and a gun against her forehead. Her free hand was clutched against a bleeding wound on her leg. Further up the corridor, two guys had Sam, one with a gun against his head.  
You shivered.  
“Now, 14,” she demanded.  
“Y/N, I need you to give the book to me,” your master said gently.  
You glanced between them, unsure what to do.  
“You want to spend the next month with as many punishments as I can think of? Give me the book, NOW!” You took a tiny step towards her, your mind conjuring memories of all of the things she'd done to you in the past.  
“You don't have to listen to her, sweetheart.” Your eyes flicked back to your master, who was watching your mistress. You remembered his gentle touches, being comforted when you were upset, your cushion on the floor and blankets for a bed.  
It seemed like if you gave the book to your mistress, she would win and be able to hurt your master. If you gave it to your master, he might win. You flicked your eyes to Sam, not really sure what would happen to him either way.  
You suddenly realised that the collar wasn't forcing you to obey either of them. It must not recognise your mistress as your mistress any more, and your master had told you that all of his orders in this building weren't orders. You felt adrift at being able to make your own decision, a heavy responsibility that wasn't normally yours. 
“What are you, deaf? Stupid? I ordered you to give me the book!”  
Your master's eyes flicked to yours. He didn't say anything, just looked at you for a moment. Truly looked at you.  
You took a step forward.  
Your master and your mistress probably couldn't tell who you were walking to, and your indecision meant that you almost couldn't either.  
You took another step.  
Your master shifted his grip on your mistress, and in the process tapped his heel on the ground twice. You didn't really think anything of it, he was just shuffling his position.  
You were nearly at them now. Time to commit.  
You held it out to your master. 
A/N: I'm going to try doing tags in the reblog, will see how it goes!
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heavenssexiestangel · 11 months
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 1 year
Shifted - The Plan (Chapter 1/?)
A/N: This is my Secret Santa gift for @jensengirl83 for @spnfanficpond's Secret Santa Fic Exchange! This is just Part 1 and I honestly don't know how many parts there will be or how often I'll get to post them. I have goals, but we'll see if I meet them. Anyway, Brandy mentioned in her list of wishes, "established relationship, fake dating, [that sort of thing]," and my brain did what it always does and became that girl from the taco ads. "Why not both?" I hope this makes you smile in spite of what I've done!
A/N2: This is not beta read by anyone, but both @torn-and-frayed and @katbratsupernaturalwhore have helped with brainstorming for this one!!
Summary: The Winchesters are meeting your family for the first time when you all visit for Christmas. Things don't go quite to plan.
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word count: 1354 words in this part.
Warnings: So far, nothing. This will be updated as I go, though, if anything crops up. I'm posting as I write, for the first time EVER, so I can only say I hope this will be more fluff/crack than anything else.
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Nerves fluttered in your belly as you directed Dean through your old neighborhood to your childhood home. Maybe the holidays weren’t the best time for your family to meet your boyfriend for the first time, but hunts had been keeping you away since you’d joined the Winchesters. Your parents didn’t know what you did, and you wanted to keep it that way so they wouldn’t worry about you. As far as they knew, you and the boys were private investigators, with the boys doing the more dangerous cases and you finding lost relatives and cheating spouses. Your family had no idea that you’d decapitated a vampire just the other day.
Sitting forward in the back seat so your head was almost in line with the brothers’, you tapped an erratic beat into Baby’s leather while you noted the changes since you’d been in town last.
“Honey?” Dean said to prod you out of your worried thoughts, “want me to turn on some music so you have a beat, or do you prefer the whacky drum solo you’ve got going on?”
Reflexively stilling your fingers by curling your hands into fists, you gulped and mumbled an apology. “Sorry. Just nervous. I’m not good at lying to my parents and my sister. I’m taking bets in my own head about how long into the weekend we’ll make it before they figure out I’m lying about almost everything.”
Sam turned back in his seat to look at you. “Hey, don’t stress about it too much or it will just get worse. Remember, keep the lies honest and—”
“—the extra details to a minimum,” you finished with him. Sam had been helping you get past your mile-wide honest streak so you could present yourself as an FBI agent without giving everything away in the first conversation with local law enforcement. Dean had always found subterfuge in those cases easy, but it was hard for you. Sam had taken you under his wing and coached you on how to improve without feeling like you were doing something bad. “I know, Obi-wan. But this is my family. They know all of my tells! I never got away with anything growing up! And they’re going to be judging how Dean and I are with each other to make sure we’re happy and everything, so anything that makes them doubt me will blow up in Dean’s face. And I like Dean’s face!” Giving Sam a playful smirk, you said, “It makes up for his hair!”
Dean’s injured outcry mingled with Sam’s laugh and your gigglesnort. “Since when are long, flowing locks a good idea in our profession, huh? My hair makes way more sense than Sam’s ridiculous mop.” He pouted in such a way that you knew he wasn’t hurt, but glad that you were able to joke around through your nerves.
Baby pulled onto the street where you grew up and into your parents’ driveway as you extolled the virtues of longer hair on men. “Yeah, but it’s nice to have something to hold onto sometimes, you know?” You winked as Dean glanced back at you and rolled his eyes with a smile while Sam groaned.
“I don’t need to know about what you guys do during your private time!” With a wave of his hand, he shifted away from you and Dean and looked out the window at the big house looming above the car. “Wow. Big house!”
“Yeah, it’s been in the family for generations. The taxes are hell. Anyway, there’s plenty of room for all of us.”
Just then, as Dean turned off the ignition, the door opened and your sister came out carrying a big box followed by your parents with more boxes and bags, heading to the garage. A million feelings swelled in your chest and made you smile. It had been a while, and you were happy to see your family again, in spite of your fears.
“Oh, shit,” Dean swore, looking at your family.
Your eyes nearly bugging out in worry, you looked at your boyfriend with panic. “What? What shit? No shit! There can’t be shit! What shit could there be? What shit, Dean???”
The panic on Dean’s face only made yours worse. “I think I met your sister before. Long story short, a while back, before we met you, a shifter decided to see how much tail Dean Winchester actually gets. He hit on a girl while wearing my face, went back to her place with her, and they started making out. I followed them, of course, looking for a chance to take him out and save her. She got a little too frisky, clawed him a little too roughly, and got an extra handful she didn’t want, because, you know, shifters shed. As she freaked out, he tried to calm her down, and when it didn’t work, he hit her. That’s when I busted in, grabbed him, dragged him out, and never looked back. I have no idea if she saw me clearly enough to know that I looked just like him. Who knows what she’ll think when she sees me!!”
Both you and Sam were staring at Dean, now, with jaws dropped, only half words coming out of your mouths. It took a couple of seconds for your brain to fully comprehend what Dean was saying.
“You mean, my sister thinks she picked you up in a bar, took you home, literally scratched your skin off, and then you were dragged off by your twin brother?
Your family was now exiting the garage, chatting amiably about something you couldn’t hear while you sat in Baby, trying to reconcile everything Dean was saying. Panic flooded your system.
“Yeah?” Dean answered though he sounded nervous and unsure. “She won’t hold it against me and tell your parents and make life difficult for us, will she?”
You turned on your boyfriend with panic in your eyes. “Of course, she will!! I’m her little sister, and you’re a douchebag with a skin condition!!! She’s going to rip you apart! Considering what she thinks she knows about your skin condition, she may try to actually rip you apart, thinking she can!”
Dean paled, while Sam focused on your family quickly approaching the car.
“Okay, so we’re just going to have to explain everything to at least your sister. Monsters, hunting, shifters, everything,” Sam said. “Maybe we can get your sister alone before she blows everything up to your parents.”
As Sam spoke, your sister stalled halfway across the driveway, staring at Dean. Your parents stopped walking a step later, turning back to see what had stopped your sister. Tracy gestured at Dean and said a few words, which was enough for your parents to stiffen up.
“Yeah, too late for that, I think,” you said, despair overtaking your panic. Your parents would never understand your need to hunt monsters. That was assuming they’d even accept that monsters exist and not throw you in the nuthouse immediately.
Half a second passed before Dean spoke up. “New plan: Sam, you’re Y/N’s boyfriend. I’m the shitheel brother who may or not be rapey. They won’t accept me as your boyfriend, but you can’t choose your boyfriend’s brother. I’ll figure out a story to apologize to your sister, get her to think I just look like the guy but I’m not the guy, or maybe that I’m the hero and not the molting rapist, so they at least don’t call the cops.”
Sam made a weird choking noise in chorus with an unusual whimper that came out of your mouth. But there was no time to argue. Your family was now standing outside the car and Dean was opening his door to get out. This was the worst plan, ever. Explaining that monsters were real would be faster and easier than this. But Dean was already out of the car, heading to the trunk to get your bags. You and Sam looked at each other with wide eyes but silently agreed that there was nothing you could do at this point but go along with the plan.
Part 2
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Ye olde forever tags list: @datfandombitch @manawhaat @sammit-janet @littlegreenplasticsoldier @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @iwantthedean @growningupgeek @feelmyroarrrr @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @chelsea072498 @helvonasche @rizlowwritessortof @wheresthekillswitch @sandlee44 @icequeen1371 @tistai @pie-and-pudding @thelittleredwhocould @supernaturallymarvellous @ellen-reincarnated1967 @notnaturalanahi @salt-n-burn-em-all @fumar-et-flores @chalicia @smalltowndivaj @littlefreakingfangirl @straightestgay-voice @percywinchester27 @vanessa-monique-blog @lynn1712 @gallxntdean @antares1980 @hunterpuff @beffyblueeyes-blog @sammiesamness @cassieraider @emoryhemsworth @speakinvain @andkatiethings @latetothewinchesterparty @winchesterprincessbride @drakelover78 @calaofnoldor @idreamofplaid @akshi8278
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lovelyzealousangel · 1 year
What will we tell Dean?
Pairing: Sam Winchester x GN!Reader Warnings: Fluff with suggestive content A/N: It's me @emilyshurley posting from my main. (Also no I'll not explain what led to this)
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You and Sam were cuddled up together on the couch in the 'Dean Cave'. Your bodies were entwined, and you both wore big smiles on your faces. It was clear that you had just shared a moment of deep intimacy, and the warmth of your connection filled the room.
As you lay there in each other's arms, Sam turned to you and took your hand. He looked into your eyes with a look of pure adoration and whispered, "I can't imagine my life without you. You make everything better."
Your heart skipped a beat at Sam's words, and you felt your own love for him swell within you. You turned to him and smiled, "I feel the same way, Sam. You make everything in my life better too."
Sam took a deep breath and sat up, still holding your hand. "There's something I've been wanting to ask you," he said, looking into your eyes. "But first, I need to tell you how much I love you."
He leaned in and kissed you softly, his hands roaming over your body. You felt a shiver run down your spine as his touch sent sparks through your veins. It was clear that this wasn't just any proposal, but a moment of pure passion and desire.
Finally, Sam pulled away and looked deeply into your eyes. "Will you marry me?" he asked, his voice filled with hope.
You gasped, your heart pounding with excitement. "Yes, Sam! Of course, I will," you replied, throwing your arms around him.
Sam pulled you close, and you felt his strong arms envelop you, his body pressed tightly against yours. It was clear that this moment would be one that you would both cherish forever.
As the two of you lay entwined on the couch, your bare skin pressed against his. The warmth of your bodies filled the room, and the afterglow of your intimate moment still lingered in the air.
You asked him something that was on your mind, "What will we tell Dean?". All the possibilities of how he would react racing through your mind.
Sam's face went from surprise to amusement as he understood your question, and he chuckled softly.
"We can tell him anything you want, but I think he'd kill us if we told him I asked you to marry me, in the...in his 'Dean Cave' while we were..." he trailed off, his face going red as he gestured to your still bare skin.
You raised an eyebrow at him, a teasing grin playing at the corners of your mouth. "You really want him to know that part?" you asked, your voice filled with mock disbelief.
Sam smiled at your little tease and nodded. "I mean... yeah... That's exactly what we did, after all. It's a fact. Can't hide that one," he said with a chuckle, leaning in to give you a soft kiss on the cheek.
"But yeah, after a while he'll think it's hilarious and he's gonna tease us about it forever, you know that right?" Sam continued, his voice filled with amusement.
You laughed, feeling a wave of joy wash over you.
Tags: @myinconnelly1 @mrswhozeewhatsis @mariekoukie6661
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