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Love a lady with a rapier wit.
creaturesfromelsewhere 9-2-2022
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theintrovertowl · 1 month
(jumps in here) HIIIIIII!!! i am so so interested in ur wamuu au. ur art fucking eats and I love how u draw him <3333 pls pls pls tell me everything i am so interested
HELOOOO, fellow Wamuu fan! <3 I hope you're ready for the whole novel, because it's a lot of lore :'D (warning for long post)
I'll first start with the wifey and her family! I went with the idea that there would be survivors after Kars' massacre. There was one among them who actually felt compassion for humans and believed they were equals instead of inferior. This fella is called Zdub and he had beef with Kars 24/7 so they couldn't stand each other. Zdub married Blaxia, this redhead lady who was one of the elite warriors from the tribe. Unfortunately, Blaxia died during the massacre, so Zdub ran away as far as possible from Kars and his bloodthirst. The couple has two children: Phoenix (elder brother) and Iris (little sister, who will soon become Wamuu's wife ♥)
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Iris is the total opposite from her peers; she is kind, gentle and very maternal . Zdub ran away with both his children and settled in Europe, Ancient Dacia to be exact (now Romania - and that can be noticed in Iris' attire).
Her Mode is the Water Mode, which is mostly manifested in her luscious hair locks, in the same manner as the waves of the sea. At about 7000 years of age, she finally leaves Dacia for a journey to the Roman Empire. There, she meets the Pillarmen and saves one of the last survivors from the Hamon tribe (That kid from the flashbacks who got killed by Kars in canon </3). Meanwhile, she dates Wamuu more often, resulting in a beautiful and sincere relationship.
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After the first night together, Iris is shunned by Kars upon discovering the relationship, but she remains pregnant with the first child, Mysphite. As soon as the peace is established in the 20th century, the lovebirds finally move in together in St Moritz with their little daughter. (Yes, Caesar doesn't die and the chase for the Red Aja is stopped; this is how Wamuu first met his little girl...after 4 years :'D he even took off those spikes to be able to hug her)
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And now, KIDS TIME!!! (from the eldest to the youngest)
Mysphite - aka "Ladybug" 🐞
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Born in 1934, 4 years before Wamuu awakened
Literal gentle giant (200 cm/6ft 6 tall; also very jacked, just like dad - blame Pillar puberty)
Snow Mode! ❄️
Kars hates her the most because she is not as ruthless by his standards (but he can kick rocks :3)
Big Sister™ and girly as hell! 🎀
Lesbian!!! 🏳️‍🌈 (had one human wife and a Pillar gf)
Favourite animal is the cow 🐮
Future career: Preschool teacher 👩🏼‍🏫
Volta and Calliope (TWINS!!! 👦👧)
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Volta is the twin boy, Calliope is the twin girl; the latter is named after one of the muses from Greek mythology (I hc Wamuu is a huge nerd about Greek history <3)
Volta is Goth and works in IT; also he is very intelligent and proficient in technology. He invented a bracelet that can help his kind stay in the sun without the help of the Red Stone of Aja. Also, he has a driver's license. He's got the Lightning Mode through his hair and fingertips. 🖥️🌩️
Calliope/Callie is into Pastel colours and fashion design, just like her mama <3 She is literally a Pillar Barbie; however, she doesn't have a Mode, which often makes her insecure in the family. She inherits Wamuu's warrior spirit though 👗🎀
Despite their opposite aesthetics, the twins get along very well and support each other anytime; even in dumb stuff XD (mostly Callie's idea)
The pink eyes are inherited from grandma Blaxia 💕
Both are crazy about Asian food because it was Iris' main craving while pregnant with them both 🥺
DEMETRA (The Prodigy 🤓)
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Youngest sister
Space-themed gal 🪐🌟🌌🔭
She was the fussiest of all as a baby; poor Iris couldn't catch a break, and neither Wamuu. However, Mysphite was the only one who could soothe her somehow XD
A bit of a meanie, especially to Calliope; has a lot of respect for Mysphite and Volta though
Very intelligent and ambitious, literally has a PhD in Astrophysics in her adulthood
Works at NASA
Not very close to her father :( she also sucks at expressing her emotions, she often bottles it up
Aapo (The cinnamon roll 🍰)
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(This is all I got, I have to draw him more often 😭)
Youngest brother and child of the Wind Family
Gentle Giant number 2
Also Wamuu v.2.0.
has a great admiration for his elder brother, Volta (even though big bro is a bit distant, but he'll soon warm up)
Professional bodybuilder 🏋️‍♂️💪 He enjoys working out to the bits
Has a human girlfriend, Samantha
Hope you like them! Feel free to ask more about them if you want, thank you for reading <3
Also bonus pics:
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milkshaketg · 7 months
pandoric resistant horses new breed like cold resistant horses. starter horse plus new breed for line of quests in pandoria.
multiple stables, keep different horses in different stables. no paddock? or limited paddock, and you gotta buy each barn.
SSO separately paid DLCs
Briar’s magic is different than Jorvik magic, giving her a different perspective. whether there’s a global network and Briar is a part of it and Jorvik is different, or they’re both outside it but different, or they’re from two different pockets. Briar can’t go back to her native magic source bc half blood something something idk.
River taught Midnight a specific skill (bow/arrow, throwing knives? specific type of magic) and Midnight thought she killed River with it and swore it off. but then like River comes back and :0 >:0 >:{
Flora was part of a pack of rogues
Silverpaw is injured and has to be taken in and cared for by Flora, maybe joins her group a bit before being able to rejoin her clan. still meets with her even after they “part ways” but Flora stops coming and she gets worried and goes back to find out what happened.
Flora gives Florastar a life
Silverpaw was training to be a med cat. she was kidnapped bc rogues need that sweet sweet knowledge. medical and spiritual. maybe also as random. Flora also has littermates bc she was born there.
Silverdusk is an elder once Florastar receives her nine lives. Flora mentions she’s so happy Silverdusk still remembered her and named Floradawn after her. before she can think about what that means Flora goes and suddenly gives her the life. Florastar obv goes to Silverdusk and is like what. maybe the story is told from that perspective of Florastar learning about the story.
their clan is fr just “the clan”
Silverpaw was gifted as a medicine cat from the beginning(spiritually). her mentor isn’t even fully trained, just some kit forced into the situation and half trained by another clan’s medicine cat. they acquire another apprentice by the time Silverpaw returns moons later; and Silverpaw is trained as a warrior because she’s already been taught many of the skills by Flora. her style of fighting and hunting always remains distinct from the rest of the clan. maybe she was already pregnant by the time she returned so she couldn’t become a medicine cat again. still regularly shares tongues with at least rogues ancestors, if not starclan.
previous leader of rogues died abruptly and they need to speak to them for Reasons so that’s why they snatch Silverpaw.
warrior cats except time hijinks.
two Whitepaws except presented as one except it becomes apparent pretty quickly there’s contradictions between the two.
goth clown girl(w bow?) sitting in boy’s lap who’s got his face buried in her shoulder and she’s glaring protectively. she protecting him.
“Nothing Rots on the Moon”
char trained in magic who’s kicked out and memories(and thought to be magic) erased, but they slowly rediscover it. they wake up having been already given a job and monotonous life so they don’t ask questions. just comically boring asf.
royal who is hopelessly in love with their servant. it’s one sided and they try and subtly woo them but keep fucking up bc class differences or whatever and they learn more and ofc eventually wind up together. lesbians?
HS oc named Muse who’s part of a prophecy but then it’s discovered that no it meant a muse of smth like classpect
getting stronger Cosmic is using Wasps Wing as a puppet to talk to Flora projecting onto her as if she were Universe
Universe grooming Flora just as Cosmic is grooming Wasp
Cosmic intends to make Flora and Wasp next generation main elements to continue his and Universe’s feud, but it falls through. he tells Wasp to kill Flora(not only she’s dead but yanno breed contemptment) but she doesn’t so he kills her instead, then goes to kill Flora but Twill jumps in the way and after she dies it’s too late to get Flora and he ends pissed. Twill tried to save Flora but wound up solidifying her death instead.
Universe “aren’t dying, they’re ending” as if there’s an actual difference.
chats with map tattoos. used as a human map idk among other things
isekai w guy in world of girls expect they’re all normal abt it and he’s a super cool dude. he’s got black hair with clowncore triangles under eyes and longer hair in front but short hair overall mayb beads in front(girl puts in?) he’s a wolf guy (but not kekonimi or were) and has to actually earn the girls trust.
girl stranded on ghost island but comes back doesn’t speak what she wants to say aloud bc she’s used to telepathy and covered in bumps and bruises because constantly running into things bc oops they’re actually corporeal now.
mechanism only able to be unlocked by an immortal bc they have all the time in the world to scour every book for a key to unlock it but some dumbass does it by accident without even intending to. they’re just like “huh,,, crazy how many corpses are here” of those who tried and failed them they just kinda do it.
Unicorn(Moon esque name? beautiful) Euphemia
Snap Dragon who becomes Snappaw
outside clan cat who’s named X, comes in and is forced to be stripped of their identity by kinda asshole leader and named Ypaw. that leader dies, and next one who warriors them gives back their identity as YX. X is unconventional suffix. they become leader, but can’t give up either name so just go by warrior name while officially name is Ystar. it’s not really known which, Xstar or Ystar it is.
this is seen as controversial, bc first off rejecting Starclan blah blah but second off, insisting on keeping around your kittypet identity instead of embracing Starclan fully.
ooo also another clan where who the leader is is a secret so they also go by warrior name. deputy acts as leader.
“nightmare leader from hell” Nightstar?
basically inherits big clan and kidnaps kits and kills to keep control. kinda mf crazy, and uses psychological torture and brainwashing to control her clan. she, after a LONG reign of terror(she was born before even the elders were apprentices) then eventually is defeated, and another is somehow appointed leader. mayb by starclan. Thunderclan. the thing abt the next leader is he’s young, maybe her kit or relayed? and constantly hears her voice in his head.
she cuts a deal with a clan or two to leave them alone if they don’t stand in her way.
territory with, like… a TON of clans like 6+ at least two in twoleg place, one on a farm? multiple in wilderness. cross clan kits okay, but they are raised in mothers clan. medicine cats can have kits if toms, there’s a foster mother, or there’s another second fully trained medicine cat already.
pirate Cassandra somehow grows her crystals on her body somewhere and just snaps them off. or at least has to shatter a crystal to use it’s power.
Krystal and Treasure
Universe and Cosmic
Nova and Solaris
Twill and Wasp Wing
Lovelace and Terra
guardian angel who’s person is essentially sex trafficked and they take revenge on everyone who wronged her, and her ghost goes and helps the other women those men(and women) hurt.
it’s slow. they don’t get to go fast. they have to go through what those women went through.
fire flower
murder mystery where the narrator knows just a little too much… slowly realize they’re the murderer
Wasp Wing wakes up after being revived, and gets up… there’s someone behind her, someone also revived. it’s Flora. she knows it’s Flora, it’s all hyped up and she goes to grasp for her but. it’s Twill. or maybe she’s terrified to see Flora, but is devastated when it isn’t her. she’s like where’s Flora and Twill is like yeah where’s Flora but it’s like “Twill you ARE Flora, or at least you took her place.” this time bc Wasp is older and much more mature, she doesn’t blame Twill for taking Flora from her. she understands it wasn’t intended, or her fault. it was Cosmic’s, but even more just the laws of their universe.
mayb she becomes so grieved and just upset and unhappy near the end of her and Twill’s reign. but then is so at peace when she finally gets to go. they have a celebration of their cycle, and everyone gets to go out together, loved and surrounded by others.
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eclipsecrowned · 2 years
Cath, always wondering who that fellow goth she shared a smoke with was, why he ultimately followed her into the venue in a brave attempt to keep her from witnessing the horror that followed GB’s show. She haunted the local goth clubs and meet-ups for months as part of her obsession with her trauma, trying to find him, trying to figure out what he knew.
Her being friends with Leah over at @sinnhelmingr who is for all intents and purposes his cool big sis via found family, and never thinking to ask said elder goth if she knows a skinny wretch with poorly dyed hair who knows how to hop a fence like a pro. It’s the little things that compel me to keep all my muses interconnected, really.
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datastate · 3 years
man, the grimm troupe is so fucked up. imagine your parent literally stole something from g-d and now you and your kids are in an endless loop of trying to sustain this makeshift machine feeding on essence that keeps you alive, which you must die to hand over.
later on, one of these iterations of grimm realizes it would've been better to end it while the troupe was still small, but now you have all of these lives tied to you and the king's heart as well. do you curse those who came before you? will you take the burden of letting the heart weaken and the vessels its taken begin to fade away? will you know, with certainty, that this route will kill them? or would you dare to let the feeding falter with that slim hope some of them may be allowed to live outside of the troupe even after decades dedicated to its cause?
not to mention what may be (re)born on these lands, should you fail to gather what is rotting. you'd not only damn your kin, but these people you're helping put to rest so nothing dangerous festers to harm whoever comes to replace it (but who said this was your duty, anyhow? a traitor to a god whose name you were never given besides vague titles. who says you are doing what must be done? what if you render lands barren, having done more harm in this attempt to satiate the heart? but that can't be right, for you've seen kingdoms rebuild in places where the lantern's first spark still lingers . . . even still, there is that fear you have ravaged these lands, however unintentional in your quest to clear the dead)
it's even worse if you were connected to the summoner, assumed from how the charm would be built from the nightmare king's image and whoever the summoner was, fueled on the essence and those involved in the ritual. would you grow to hate the summoner? would you come to terms if it wasn't them, that the heart would've found this scattered essence regardless? would've pulled in someone unwilling for its purposes?
no, better to accept this is the role you must take on, even if you are ambivalent on the person who committed themself to continuing this cycle (but it's not as if they knew. it's not malicious. they don't know how long the nightmare heart has stubbornly persisted; and the heart would find another to take should they not follow through)
would any of the elder grimmkin look at you w that somber expectation you know what to do, as they've seen you do it countless times before? but that wasn't you, was it ? you're built from the discarded essence of your forefathers, crafted to be the heart's vessel, to keep the troupe alive in whatever it demands of you, with divine preserving the troupe while you're with the summoner. your purpose was imprinted upon you from the moment your parent cursed you, but you grow to fill some sentiment similar so what if you are the hypocrite here?
like yea "haha goth clowns" but also holy shit!
[musing a bit more abt brumm + essence specifically under the cut]
ik people like to pair them off and. fine, sure, for the first grimm that brumm met, however,
i wonder if the heart’s vessel spawned from brumm’s summon (assumedly) was what really began to break him down? i talked vaguely abt this a while back, the tl;dr of it is that brumm was still similar to nymm even after joining the troupe, just w his values shifted for the troupe's benefit... it's really depressing to imagine like, trying to keep this kid alive as if to make it up to the person you were first friendly with, only to see them grow up and die. they are to fill this role through their own death and continue it again once another summoner comes around. the troupe puts the lands to rest, they allow themselves to become nothing but ash for what remains of the lands which once fueled them and allowed them to grow (and therefore powered the heart as well), but it's this inevitable emphasis on death that really . made brumm feel hopeless, i imagine, especially if the vessels following had to be the ones who reminded him of their inevitable fate.
just like... this younger iteration of grimm becomes all serious and admits they know what their duty is, to the heart, whether or not they're willing to be entirely compliant. fact is, they have to follow through to keep him, as well as the others in the troupe, alive. and it's not like he can tell them that's idiotic, especially if they're still young, or that he’d rather die with the troupe than witness someone resign themself to this fate again, it's half the reason he was so willing to banish the troupe even while knowing he was 'hollowed out' for the heart's purpose, so what would happen if he was cut from it entirely? he doesn't care at this point, but he can’t keep watching this show and dance out of his friends’ suffering; and it cuts him to the core to lose his warm regard as the cycles go on and on. he’s become desensitized and wants an out; he doesn’t let himself attach to grimm as much anymore because he knows they’ll just die again, no matter the years he once spent trying to keep that fact as background noise.
watching someone grow up, esp if they've already accepted their fate, knowing you can only try to bring happiness to the moment... fucked up. but even still it's what he tries for cycles on end until it proves hopeless, and the grimms he knew were erased as one of several sustaining the ritual in the past. as one of the several to be blamed, for no more than wanting him and those others of the troupe to live on.
i do wonder how hollow knight’s world worked before the troupe began... radiance is assumed to be one of the first gods who harnessed essence, having been based in hallownest which seems to be the core of higher beings? hallownest drew at least two wyrms due to its power, as well as the godseeker. this is a powerful area, and i imagine the dream realm the nightmare king stole carries that weight, it's really interesting to try to figure out how they would sustain the weight of that dream realm, which is seen through the scattered essence that the grimmkin turn into 'flames' for the heart (through the child; inevitably becoming part of the heart upon grimm’s death)
were there people who were once so weighed down by this that it turned to 'regret' as jiji would put it? or was it something that let other more 'minor gods' form from? is the grimm troupe helping there be safer areas for mortals to stay, free reign without the gods? - that seems to be the point of the first grimm breaking off from the radiance (betraying her trust in her seers... hm.), taking their fate into their own hands regardless of the toll on those to come. the first grimm may have had a ‘take your fate in your own hands’ view.
it could be possible that there were some instances similar to the infection, albeit smaller, because that more. “negative essence” had to be filtered out somehow to bring lands back to neutrality, especially in wastelands? - ooh, or maybe they were shifted into the wastelands, having killed off those areas between where civilizations now flourish....imo it’s just interesting seeing how the troupe would've begun to influence areas around and if it was more lively than before when the essence had to deal w itself / fade on its own, however that was. it is not only feeding the heart, but acting as a scavenger (grimmkin) and decomposer (nightmare heart) for this. similar to the role vultures and fungi take irl
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imaginariumrpc · 3 years
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imaginarium : a place devoted to the imagination, largely devoted to simulating and cultivating the imagination, towards scientific, artistic, commercial, recreational and/or spiritual ends.
Hello, bonjour and pusu’l, lovelies! My name’s Arcana, I’m twenty years old, a Canadian, a Solar Cancererian, a Lunar Sagittarian and a Rising Libra, according to the Western Zodiac, and a Dragon according to the Chinese Zodiac, Genderfluid, Multigender, Transgender, Non-Binary, Intersex, Queer, Autigender, Pearlian, Two Spirit, Androgynos, Draoidhe,  DemiOmniBiromantic/DemiOmniBisexual, Autistic and otherwise neurodivergent, ENFP, Ravenpuff, Thunderbird, Otherkin, Therian, an Animist, a Pagan and I’m intrigued in the occult and witchcraft and I am additionally a white passing mixed triracial multi-indigenous person of color or more specifically, of Mi’kmaw, Wyandot, Wolastoqiyik, Métis and Sephardi Jewish heritage! I like cuddling and playing with cats and dogs and animals, eating pizza, taking pictures, music, reading, writing, gushing about friends and helping others. So with that said, I’m here to present you guys my new rpc / rph / aesthetic / inspiration / resource / personal / edit blog ! It’s for my own use but it can also be for your use ( provided you don’t take any of my original content off of this blog without my express permission ), the rpc and anyone else who wishes to use it, too! It features musings, codes, psd’s, psa’s, memes and a LOT more sprinkled with the occasional original content from me.
a discord server affliated with this blog.
faceclaim help. ( poc, lgbtqia2+ and underused faceclaims included! )
alternate faceclaim suggestions ( send me a faceclaim that you don’t want to use and I’ll make a list of alternates. )
fancasts ( send me a character and i’ll make a post of potential faceclaims. )
name help.
label help.
plot help.
admin advice.
url help.
muse help. ( i.e names, concepts, character creation, worldbuilding, lore, etc. )
guides &&. tutorials.
general advice and being here to talk to.
rp advice.
opinions. ( depending on what it is. )
muse inspo.
base icon batches ( uncommon, but will open on occasion. )
psd recommendations.
promo’s. ( provided you submit it to me as a photo. )
unpopular opinions.
character metas. ( occasionally, depending on the muse and on the fandom. )
positivity. ( muses — be they canon or original, fandom aligned or otherwise, and muns. )
venting. ( nothing hateful or discriminatory ! )
rants. ( nothing hateful or discriminatory ! )
first look reviews. ( on occasion. )
critiques. ( on occasion. )
in-depth blog reviews. ( on occasion. )
muse archetype aesthetic edits / moodboards. ( i.e the artist, the femme fatale, etc. )
dynamic / bond / family / friendship / squad / ship edits / moodboards ( poc, interracial and lgbtqia2+, polyamorous, m/m / mlm, f/f / wlw and nblnb included! )
faceless muse edits. ( muses of color and ships included! )
character emotional traits.
multiple genres, time periods and settings. ( i.e: historical, antiquity, medieval, vintage, modern, supernatural, fantasy, apocalypse, action, horror, science fiction, etc. )
aesthetics. ( i.e dark academia, solarpunk, retro, goth, lovecore, etc. )
theme recommendations.
template recommendations.
family templates ( occasional. )
fandom lists ( eventually. )
masculine, feminine and nonbinary.
cultural awareness.
locations ( including but not limited to interiors, exteriors, homes, and all the continents. ).
religion ( specifically for muses from certain religions i.e jewish and muslim muses, etc. )
disabled and neurodivergent muse representation and resources.
resources and representation for the lgbtqia2+ / mogai community and its muses, i.e lesbian muses, gay muses, bi muses, trans* ( including nonbinary, genderfluid, genderless and other non-cisgender ) muses, queer muses, intersex muses, aromantic / asexual muses and two spirited muses, among other muses that are considered queer.
resources and representation for all muses of color, including black muses, indigenous / native muses, latinx muses, asian muses ( all asians, not just east asians ! ), pasifika muses, jewish muses, etc., that overpower than that of white muses, there are still resources for white muses, though muses of color will always be a priority on this blog.
resources for portraying pregnant muses ( will be tagged! ).
resources for portraying muses who practice witchcraft.
resources for portraying muses who are sex workers.
resources for muses of all ages, including children, adolescents, adults and elders.
resources for animated muses.
resources for nonhuman muses.
makeup ( for muses of all genders ! ).
nsfw. ( will be tagged ! )
pride flags.
imagine your otp/ot3/etc.
“make me choose” events.
physique ( friendly to all skin tones, body types, shapes and sizes! ).
mun stuff.
music playlists ( including my own spotify playlists ).
aesthetics and edits of my own muses.
resources and character tags for my muses.
occasionally post some of my fanfiction / drabble works.
occasional drabble / fanfic requests.
occasionally post some of my music works.
possibly post specific music edits when i figure out how to do so.
more to be added when i think of something.
callout posts.
drama posts.
get involved in discourse.
flame other people.
bash on characters, fandoms and/or ships.
post recent spoilers of a series without tagging it.
tolerate bigoted, homophobic, lesbophobic, biphobic, omniphobic, panphobic, aphobic, arophobic, transphobic, enbyphobic, queerphobic, racist, colorist, sexist, exorsexist, intersexist, heterosexist, anti-polyamory, anti-mogai, anti-neopronouns, anti-nounself pronouns, anti-emojiself pronouns, anti-self diagnosis or mental health gatekeeper, victim blaming, gender/orientation/mental health gatekeeping, anti-otherkin, anti-feminist, ageist, speciesist, ableist, fatphobic, anti-black, anti-native, islamophobic, antisemitic, antiromani, xenophobic, exclusionist, transmeds/truscum, terfs/swerfs, radfems, heightist, sizeist, discrimination on cultures and subcultures, discrimination on religion or lack thereof, mysogynist/misandrist, white supremacist or any kind of supremacist honestly, nationalist, linguistic discrimination, or otherwise hateful, discriminatory, derogatory, vulgar and just overall dumb language, speech, behaviors and attitudes.
gif requests.
gif hunts.
crackship edit requests ( unless stated otherwise. )
edited icon batches ( unless if i’m releasing my own that i no longer use. )
theme / page / code making.
psd making.
more to be added if i think of something.
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So, with that said, PLEASE like and/or reblog this if you’re interested in using it or at the very least spread the word! I really want to try and help people and have fun with you guys, but I can’t do that if this doesn’t get any notes. You can find out more information by reading my F.A.QHERE! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you all have a wonderful morning/day/evening/night! Yours truly, with all of my love, Arcana.
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rurpleplayssims · 3 years
I have a couple of character asks for you - Roselyn and Zoey!
Thank you for the character asks @pixeldolly ! You chose Roselyn Young and Zoey Cooper so here are their responses!
Let's start with Roselyn!
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual - she's been with both men and women in the past but has only had 'serious' relationships with males.
Gender Headcanon: She is Cisgender (female).
A ship I have with said character: I'm shipping the Roselyn/Zoey ship!
A BROTP I have with said character: She gets on with quite a few people, having always been a confident individual who isn't intimidated easily. Feisty is another word that comes to mind to describe Roselyn. She is best friends with her elder sister Emily and is happy to support her whenever she can, hence why she's helping out with the restaurant. She gets on well with her ex-boyfriend Jasper Morgan who is her closest male friend in town. She also gets on extremely well with their founder Althea.
A NOTP I have with said character: Her relationship with Jasper is well and truly over but thankfully they had a very amicable breakup, especially given they are in a very small town where everyone knows and talks to each other! I know various people liked the idea of Roselyn getting pregnant from Jasper before their breakup but Roselyn is very serious about her birth control. It also doesn't fit Jasper's character to have children outside a dedicated relationship. Roselyn is not fussed about having children herself, she has no desire to help populate a town like her sister does!
A random headcanon: I LOVE the map that @potentialfate-sims made up for her series and I believe the various maxis and fan-made sims are all in the same world as the folk in Campbell Quay. So, for example, Pleasantview exists in the 'world' my sims live in. Sounds really obvious to say it as it's the same game. They just don't interact as I like having my own ideas and creativity flow. This would also help the immersion in my head about Ellen Ripley moving in from a neighbourhood/university that actually isn't in my game. I'm not exactly sure whereabouts CQ will be on that map however, anywhere next to a big river! 🤣 I would also love it if @moocha-muses 's Owl Creek and @pixeldolly 's Walden was canon as well!
General Opinion over said character: Roselyn has a past and I've barely scratched the surface so far. Half of it I'm not 100% sure of yet but I let my characters speak for themselves. What I love about Roselyn, other than being a walking model of Bella Goth, (red outfits/black hair) is that you can already see how far she has come. She was very confident, physically and as a person when she first moved to CQ. Now, through her past experiences and her love for Zoey, you see a gentler but insecure side of her. Hands down one of my favourite characters to write. Random fun fact, I pronounce her name Ros-Lyn. (silent E)
Now let's do Zoey's answers!
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Sexuality Headcanon: Zoey is bisexual and she has had a couple serious relationships in the past, each with a male and female respectively.
Gender Headcanon: She is Cisgender (female).
A ship I have with said character: As stated above, I ship Zoey with Roselyn. In many ways, they compliment each other and they both have quite feisty tempers.
A BROTP I have with said character: Besides Roselyn, Zoey has had very few females friends that didn't become lovers or distant before she moved to CQ. She gets on well with everyone in town and is actually *spoiler* becoming good friends with the newer females in town.
A NOTP I have with said character: Her engagement with Tyler. If you're up to speed with the series, you know why. Tyler fundamentally is quite childish and not in the way that is acceptable, especially for an expectant-father. Zoey is at the exasperated stage or anger where she is fast losing the faith that he will be there to support her at all. I think we're all feeling the same to be honest.
A random headcanon: Also I am not sure what date/year to mark each of the events other than the seasons/years. I think that breaks too much immersion in my eyes, and I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that.
General Opinion over said character: Zoey is sweet, kind and very caring. Great characteristics in a person who still dreams of becoming a fully qualified doctor. She is also a massive fan of pets and is considering getting a cat. Ever since she was a child (and both her parents are in the medical profession) she wanted to be a vet. But when she realised some of the depressing facts of being a vet, she reconsidered and decided on healing people instead.
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opxngravxs-archive · 3 years
👩👨😤👌 for goth dad
Family Headcanons 
👩 = What’s your muse’s relationship with their mother, what made it that way?
Mortimer was always very close to his mother. She was his first and most trusted confidant and she was always there to either help back him up when him and his father butted heads or be the negotiator between the two. As her only child, she doted on Mortimer’s greatly. Mortimer’s sense of elegance, poise, and grace (along with much of his physical appearance) comes from here.
👨 = What’s your muse’s relationship with their father, what made it that way?
Mortimer Graves III and Mortimer Graves IV rarely saw eye-to-eye. The elder saw his son, especially in his late childhood and teenage years, as foolhardy, flamboyant and with his head far too high up in the clouds, while the younger felt like he was always stuck under the pressing shadow of his father. His father had specific expectations of him that he often fell far, far from. As the younger Mort got older and began to ‘mellow out’, his father slowly started to see him as a trusted business partner and not just a wayward son. They still had their disagreements, of course, but their relationship eventually smoothed out.
😤 = How would/does your muse handle unruly, difficult or dangerous behavior from their children?
With the patience of a saint, honestly. From dealing with all types of bereaved, he understands that people act out for a reason and he would try his best to figure out why his child is acting the way they do and gently confront them about it.
👌 = Does your muse thing they are/would be a good parent?
With as attentive and caring he is with people in general already, he personally thinks that he would be a wonderful parent. (It also stands to mention that one of his greatest wants in life is to be a parent.) He might end up being a tiny bit of a helicopter parent, but over all I think he’d be a really good dad.
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fardell24b · 3 years
Brittany - Esteem of the Transfer Student - Conclusion
Esteem of the Transfer Student – Conclusion
Angela Li heard the knock at her office door. “Come in,” she said.
 Brittany entered. “Hi, Ms. Li.”
 “Ah, Ms. Taylor! You’re here for an update?”
 “Yes,” Brittany answered as she took a seat.
 “So, how is Ms. Morgendorffer progressing?”
 Brittany handed a sheet over to the Principal. “It was difficult at first, but we made friends. She has also got along with Kevin and Donna. She’s starting to fit in.”
 Ms. Li read the sheet. She saw that Daria had started to fit in. “It seems to be in order, Ms. Taylor.”
 “However, I’ll need to interview her to see if things are in order on her end.”
  Brittany noticed Daria as she approached the table. “Hey, Daria.”
 “Hey, Brittany,” Daria responded as she sat with Brittany, Donna, Kevin and a gothic girl whom she didn’t know yet.
 “How did it go with Ms. Li?” Donna asked.
 “She said that I ‘fitted in better than expected,’ and that I don’t need to do the Peer Support Program full time.
 “That’s great news,” Donna said.
 “Yeah,” Brittany said.
 Daria took a bite from the ‘meatloaf’ and looked to the goth. “I’ve seen you in class,” she said.
 “Daria, this is my friend, Andrea,” Brittany said.
 “Brittany told me that you thought she was stereotypical,” Andrea said. “I don’t think a stereotypical cheerleader would keep hanging out with someone like me.”
 ‘They aren’t going to let me live it down, aren’t they?’ Daria mused.
 “However,” Andrea added. “She also said you were willing to look past your preconceived notions.”
 “I came to Lawndale not expecting to make friends, but Brittany managed to get through my shell.”
 “Cool,” Andrea said. “That’s all she really said,” she added with a look at Brittany. “Other than you being from a bad town in Texas.”
 “It’s more rough than Lawndale that’s for sure…”
  The next day, Ms. Li called up Brittany and Daria at Assembly. “And once again, the bake sale was a tremendous success. We raised more than $400, which was subsequently stolen from the office, but I am confident we will get that money back. In a related note, the school nurse will be visiting homerooms tomorrow to collect DNA samples. Now, our Peer Support Program has proven successful, with one misfit transfer student being able to connect with a couple other students. Here is Brittany Taylor with an explanation.
 Brittany gave a succinct explanation of the Program, before handing over to Daria.
 “Thanks, Brittany. I have to say, that I hadn’t expected to make friends in Lawndale, but I now know that judging on first impressions isn’t the way to approach moving to a new school. But then a family environment in which the younger sister isn’t willing to acknowledge the elder sister as such wouldn’t be conducive to one’s social development, wouldn’t it, Quinn.”
 Brittany could see, Daria’s sister, Quinn, shrink down between the two boys she was sitting between.
 “Thank you,” Daria said before going back to the seat.
 “That was, an unexpected twist,” Ms. Li said.
 “You’re going to annoy Quinn more?” Brittany asked Daria as Ms. Li went on.
 “Not today. She’s embarrassed enough. For now,” Daria said with a smirk.
 ‘It’s just beginning,’ Brittany thought.
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Dammit Bobby, propane & propane accessories are NOT Halloween decorations! (But, I tell you h'wut - those are kinda cool.)
creaturesfromelsewhere 10-2-2022
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thebibliosphere · 6 years
An entirely random question: in a modern au, what sort of music would Vlad, Nathan, and Ursula like, respectively?
Oh boy I love asks like these cause it means I get to pull up my obscure character notes.
In the modern human AU, Vlad’s mother was a classical pianist and taught him how to play, as well as the violin. Ursula once remarked that he plays with a beautiful kind of heavy sorrow. His taste in music is predictably, somewhat moody and more than a little bit eclectic. He went through an emo goth phase in high school and never really left and still listens to things like JJ72 and Staind when he’s working, but draws the line at “The Sound of Silence” because he’s actively trying to stay sober these days and he still remembers the way his mother’s voice would crack on certain notes while listening to the original. He still can’t really listen to Joni Mitchell because of this, and God help anyone who tries to play Don McLean without warning him first cause you’re going to have to pick him up off the floor afterwards.
When he wants to be angry but upbeat while he works he has things like Muse and Awolnation on a loop. He’s more than a little in love with Hozier and refers to him as “my other boyfriend” in conversation. You’ll also hear a lot of Jefferson Airplane coming from his art studio, something he’s managed to reclaim from his mother’s collection without breaking his heart listening to it, more recently however it’s been this song on a loop, for obvious reasons. It makes him happy despite the gently melancholic tone of it.
If he were a Queen song he’d be Under Pressure.
Nathan is a total mess when it comes to music, it doesn’t matter what is playing, he’s here for it and ready to dance whether it’s Brittany Spears Toxic or Electric Six’s Danger! High Voltage. That said his phone is primarily loaded with theme songs from films and video games. The battle themes from Elder Scrolls makes great running tunes on the treadmill as far as he’s concerned. As does the main theme for Pacific Rim. Ursula got him addicted to Florence and the Machine sometime around the first week they started dating and he apologetically listens to Howl all the time while wearing his “do you even shift bro” werewolf t-shirt. Ursula likes to joke that his love song for Vlad is Jace Everett’s Bad Things. And not just because it was on True Blood and he’s never gotten over his vampire fixation from early adolescence and Vlad is absolutely 100% his Type in that regard, aka romantic sad goth in skinny jeans who looks good in fangs, nope, nope, nope, how very dare. (He feels attacked. This is slander. But yea, actually, no that’s...fair...)
He’s also got about 20 nieces and nephews at this point (or is it twelve, feels like a hundred) so he’s also got a million and one Disney songs stuck in his head at any given moment and can sing them all on command. Right now he’s had Shakira’s Try Everything from Zootopia on a loop in the kitchen for the last six months and the other two are on the verge of forming an intervention. Again. 
If he were a Queen song he’d be Don’t Stop Me Now
Ursula identifies with Florence Welch on a spiritual level because she too is both the aesthetic of Here Comes The Hurricane To Fuck Up Your Life and Ethereal Early Morning Light Glinting On Still Waters.
On the flipside of this she’s pretty certain Hozier is her patronus and also refers to him as “my other, other, boyfriend” in unity with Vlad. Him and Jeff Buckley, who she’s not unconvinced wasn’t a celestial being who decided to grace this world with his voice before he was called back to beyond the ether.
Like the other two she’ll listen to pretty much anything, but tends to avoid the more melancholy choices Vlad makes. She’s more of a “burn the sadness out of your veins with rage” sort of person than a “I need to sit down and have a good cry”. You always know when she’s annoyed at something because she likes to scream along to the opening of Immigrant Song regardless of the time of day or night. It’s best to just let her get on with it. (Their neighbors are mercifully old and deaf.) If the boys hear Martha Wainwright's Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole coming from the crafting room however it’s usually a good idea to go in armed with chocolate and a blanket because she’s probably under the desk not crying. She never cries. Vlad finds it unnerving and wishes she would. He thinks it’d help.
There’s a lot of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks in there too, as well as  Loreena Mckennitt and the occasional insertion of Bill Hicks (yes the comedian) singing his song, The Moon Is Smiling.
She also likes the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and listens to Sacrilege fairly often. It’s the song she left on her ultra conservative adopted family’s voice mail when they found out about both Nathan and Vlad and called her a sinner. Immediately followed by Millie Jackson’s Fuck You Symphony. They haven’t tried to speak to her since and their voicemail appears to be deactivated. She can’t imagine why.
At the moment her personal anthem is What's Up by 4 Non Blondes and you’ll often find her gently singing it to herself while she works. Vlad tends to join in, not even realizing he’s doing it. It’s easy for them to harmonize together and Nathan enjoys listening to them both.
If she were a Queen song she’d undeniably be Killer Queen.
Regardless of their differing tastes, no matter where they are in the house if The Killers Mister Brightside comes on they’ll all bust into the same room singing it. They’re aware the lyrics are ironic for them but it’s impossible not to sing along. 
If the trio were a Queen Song it’d probably be Bohemian Rhapsody. They take turns singing all the parts. Nathan’s family have banned the song on long car rides for this reason. No. Once is enough. Don’t put it on a loop. Stop. Don’t make us split you up between cars. Again.
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yesevls · 4 years
❅: our muses have a snowball fight / cass!
a masterlist of prompts and sentence starters — ( closed ig ?? )
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the showdown of the century, or at least that’s what yeseul considered it to be with the water balloon fight having started this fucking war.
the current february weather of ohio brought with it plenty of snow to hold up classes for the younger people in their group and work for the rest on this particular tuesday, the light flurries falling now mere remnants of the thick blanket that fell overnight. the recent events bring childlike excitement and relief to most of the block, with seul finding herself being DRAGGED out of her goddamn house by an eager kerry, recruiting the three houses to partake in ‘ fun ’ winter activities when all the elder girl cared to do was half-heartedly sext the couple of desperate, horny guys messaging her before shutting them down; it brought her far too much joy to toy with the emotions of the sexually frustrated, she’d been fairly certain nothing would compare to that before realizing what a snowball fight would MEAN.
she’s focused solely on one thing: revenge. she can take her pick of most of the guys with that in mind, but limits her options to jaesung, kerry and cas’ SAD excuse for a man, and cas himself. she already has a feeling that the first two will be primary targets for the others, so she makes it her mission to try to corner cas in the chaos of it all; she gets hit by a snowball that takes dylan out more than herself as she weaves around the humps of white that have formed on kerry’s front yard and bends down to quickly pack a small amount of snow together. though she can see she’s not the only one gunning for the lanky fuck — most of them probably aren’t SET on hitting a particular person — she quickly dodges a hit from jeremy and is close enough to cas to engage in a conversation of sorts.
“ you know, i think you owe me this much — taking a good SHOT on you — don’t you agree ? ” it’s a quick taunt, not really leaving an ample response time before she’s throwing the snowball in her bare hand square at his shoulder and letting out a victorious laugh; though, something to the effect of her getting it results in a calculated back-and-forth while both fend off attacks from the others. “ you can do better than that, babe, ” yeseul scoffs, brushing stray clumps of snow out of her hair before flipping it over her shoulder, crouching down to restock her ammunition. it’s a purposeful tease, wanting to elicit some kind of reaction out of both cas and the goth just a few feet away — her eyes shifting to the latter to see if she should expect to become his target as a result. 
she completely misses chim hitting her back in the meantime.
her concentration goes to shit for but a MOMENT when cas puts an end to their impasse, yeseul snapping back to the man in front of her and donning a cocky grin. “ come close to hitting me in the fucking tit again and you’re gonna have water in your ears for the rest of the week, ” she threatens in a prepared stance to continue their little battle, however she decides to slip in another daring proposal with the fucking MESS of a tattoo artist within earshot, laying a flirty tone on thick to kill two birds with one stone, “ or you could make it up to me by keeping me WARM after all of this and spare yourself the torture. ”
as EXPECTED as it is, she can’t help but to roll her fucking eyes at the non-verbal rejection. she also can’t help but to bombard cas with snowballs until the group decides to put this shit to an end and warm up in their respective homes, sending a couple of pictures of herself in a hot bath to show him what he passed up on.
she bites her lip to hold back a laugh, sinking deeper into the water after sending a backtracking reply to jeremy when he takes the bait for her accidental text of the same message.
[ yeseul —> just.. vermin | sent at 3:32 pm ] : fuck’s sake, wrong person. don’t know how i got c and j twisted like that, let’s just blame it on the fucking chill i’m just getting rid of 😷
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medleymisty · 7 years
Guys, guess what guess what? I made some words tonight! It’s not at all ready for me to hit post, but there is a pic with a paragraph of the darkness musing in my drafts now. It’s a start. :)
Also I spent much of the night setting up a new save file, filling in all the empty lots in all the towns, and the plan was for it to be on the normal lifespan as a break from the long lifespan in my other current save, and to explore some of the premades I’ve never played before.
But then I loaded up the Goth house for the first time since I got Sims 4, and with this new beast of a computer it was stunning. Like the floors gleamed, guys. And then the Goths themselves were so pretty, and with the normal lifespan it said that Bella only had 26 days before becoming an elder, and I’ve gotten used to both adult stages being 96 days, and well - it made me sad and I realized I couldn’t play them on the normal lifespan and I shut the game down and made some words.
I will try to make more words tomorrow night, and maybe, sentence by sentence, I’ll get out of this funk.
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sinkingorswimming · 7 years
My Boy Builds Coffins (3/? aka Mortician Yuuri and Goth Victor)
“Victor glides into his office thirteen minutes late, Wayfarers on, velvet lapels billowing, and “Friday I’m In Love” sung in a low whisper.
“It’s Wednesday,” calls the bitter and world-weary child intern Yuri Plisetsky. “Also I’m revoking your Goth card.”
“The Cure is technically Goth,” calls his CFO/CPA Chris Giacometti. Chris has a blond undercut and leans more towards jewel tones as he’s firmly a winter. “Though I mean, maybe not that specific song.”
Victor smiles at him as he opens the door to his office. The space is industrial and minimalist save for the decor choices---velvet sofas with sleek lines and an aubergine chandelier commissioned by a hipster artist Victor saw on display in SoHo. 
If Yuri hadn’t interviewed in a suit, Victor wouldn’t have hired him because the lemon-yellow leopard print he sports upends the curated aesthetic.
Georgi, who depending on how well his partnership with ladylove Anya is going, matches or not. When they’re well, he’s more in bright colors and Halsey. When they are having strife, he’s in grays and Lana del Ray. Right now there’s murmurings of Anya wanting to explore romantic anarchy so he’s kind of somewhere in between.
Victor fell into a google and r/relationships hole for two hours to make heads or tails of “romantic anarchy” before he gave up and contemplated suggesting Georgi put them on a break. Call him old fashioned but being an Elder Goth with a lifelong partner and their herd of fabulous poodles sounds much preferable.
The lifelong partner in this fantasy now represented by a stunningly beautiful man with coal-black hair, glasses, and warm eyes the color of a fine piece of cherry wood. Victor wakes up his iMac and blares baroque styled love songs by long-gone cult artists.
“Oh my God,” cries Mila as she comes into the room in all her lipstick-lesbian glory. She’s the rare redhead that works the hell out of pink, choosing to do so today in a dress she got from Mod Cloth on sale and a pair of gold heels. “What did you do? Who is he?”
“He’s named Yuuri,” Victor says with a grin. “He wears mostly black, drives a hearse, and likes Dragon Frappucinos.” His eyes twinkle at her. “Annnnd he’s meeting me for lunnnnchhhhhh. Pookkeeeee bowlllllssss!”
Mila laughs and grins. “Sounds like you should be playing ‘At Last’ instead of...” she trails off as she walks around the desk to look at his Spotify. “’You Are the One’ by Shiny Toy Guns.”
“I contain multitudes,” Victor huffs. “And he is perfect. I want six.”
“Six what?” Mila asks as she unlocks the company iPhone.
Victor gives her a blank look. “Six...Yuuris? One for every day and one for the weekend? Duh.”
Mila sighs and laughs at once. “God. Young love.”
Victor pouts as she exits his office with a chirp of congratulations.
He wants to Postmates bagels and cream cheese or maybe fancy doughnuts because he’s in such high spirits when Chris knocks on his open door. “Got a few?” he asks. He’s wearing his glasses today, round metal frames akin to John Lennon that are both chic and outdated, a warm emerald shirt showing off his wushu and pilates toned chest, and a pair of dark jeans. 
It’s fairly casual at Living Legend Enterprises. Victor is only so formally attired because of the chance to see Yuuri again. Generally he lets them wear whatever, he doesn’t care as long as they aren’t unwashed or overly sloppy. 
Yuri mentioned possibly dying streaks in his hair, and Victor cheerfully said for him to go for it. He only cares if it’s ugly.
“Yes, Chris,” Victor says. He lowers the volume of his music.
“Well,” Chris says. “I’m reviewing our budget, end of the fiscal year thing. And...I think it’s okay to bring one another full timer on board. That deal with the wineries in Napa is gonna help us out for a long time, and we can handle the overhead without much risk.”
Victor smiles. “Amazing! Get with Mila for the ad.”
“Of course,” Chris replies. He winks, his glasses making it cute but also roguish. “We’ll run the finer points by you for qualifications.”
“Since they’re a second Georgi, just follow his,” Victor says. “It’s neater.”
“Makes sense,” Chris says with a nod.
“Let me know when we have viable applicants, so the three of us can kvetch over who to interview,” Victor says. “No LinkedIns without photos. I mean it.”
Chris gives him a saucy face as he exits.
Victor gets approximately 100% jack shit accomplished. He’s too busy mooning over Yuuri’s beautiful face, his slighty soft round cheeks, the flecks of amber in his brown eyes, the careful messiness of his hair. He’s so cute and perfect. Victor can’t wait for lunch.
Fortunately, at 1:09 Yuri comes in unannounced. “Ugh, there’s some square here in a suit with my name, says he’s picking you up for some kind of dorky bs.”
“It’s lunch, Yuri,” Victor says as he rockets out of his seat. He fixes himself in the full length black framed mirror. Ah yes. 10/10 would date, heckin’ handsome.
“Whatever,” Yuri grumbles. “The guy is a pocket protector and a math book short of being shaken down for his lunch money.”
“Does that still happen?” Victor wonders.
“Nah, it’s a lot worse and meaner, too,” Yuri responds. “Regardless, that geek you ordered from Amazon Now has arrived.”
Victor rolls his eyes. When he enters the lounge, he sees Yuuri perched on the midnight blue velvet chaise thumbing through Nylon on the iPad. His suit jacket rests over the arm, and his dress shirt’s sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. His forearms are nicely toned. His light blue tie is horrendous. “Hiii,” Victor coos.
Yuuri looks up and adjusts his glasses. He’s cute, rosy cheeked and with a bashful smile. “Hi, Victor. Ready?”
“Born ready,” Victor says. 
Yuuri flushes deeper and clears his throat. “Walk or drive?”
Victor spots that Yuuri managed to get rock star parking. The cafe is a half a block. “Walk,” he says though he longs to ride in that fabulous hearse. It’s not fair for Yuuri to lose prime parking real estate. Victor takes the jacket and hangs it in their black wardrobe. He reaches out and takes Yuuri’s hand in his. 
“Come with me,” he says with a bright smile.
Yuuri hesitates but lets Victor escort him down the sidewalk to The Ramen Bar. It’s crowded but not so bad they can’t manage the wait, and when they get a  table, Victor orders a Boozy Boba for himself. Yuuri gets a Lychee Oolong tea with rosewater jelly. 
“Do you not drink?” Victor asks. He’s curious, not picking.
“Not during the work day,” Yuuri replies as he sips his tea. He swirls the straw around clockwise five times. “I don’t want to risk forfeiture or suspension of my license.”
“License,” Victor muses. His index finger touches his lips. “Sales? Insurance? Cosmetology?”
Yuuri bites his lip, and Victor wants to do the same, tug on the plush pink skin  with his teeth while he wrecks Yuuri’s hair and shirt collar. “Um, well...my family has a funeral home. It’s been ours since my grandparents immigrated here. My father owns it now that they’ve passed, and my sister and I will be the joint owners when he retires with our mom.”
Oh. Oh wow. Victor’s more in love than he has been his entire life ignoring the first moment NorCal Poodle Rescue introduced him to a puffy brown puppy he now calls Makkachin. 
Makka gets his ears dyed pink or purple every time Victor has him groomed.
“That’s so amazing!” Victor exclaims. “What a cool line of work. I’m so intrigued.”
Yuuri stares at Victor as if he’s never been told anything like that in his life. Actually, it’s more like he’s staring as if Victor just informed him he’s suffering from upside-down face disorder. 
“Really?” Yuuri squeaks.
They order their food---Victor gets the poke trio bowl, Yuuri the octopus by itself. It’s far too warm for ramen or anything hot to eat. 
“Yes! I’ve always found funerals calming. There’s something soothing about them, especially the religious ones. Like Catholic funerals with all the Latin rites. I don’t know. I don’t want people to die---” Victor is careful to clarify. “But the actual ritual of grief and letting go...I find it quite lovely.”
Yuuri keeps staring, eyes wide and bright like a startled cat. He cracks the knuckles on his index fingers. Yuuri fidgets a lot, Victor notes. He also looks at Victor when he thinks he won’t notice, and turns his eyes away when he’s caught. It’s cute, like he’s a schoolboy with his first crush. At least, Victor hopes.
Victor rests his chin on his right hand. He unabashedly stares at Yuuri, his eyes focused on him intently to catch every movement. Yuuri avoids his gaze as he licks his lips, his cheeks staining like someone brushed a wash of red watercolors over his skin. Victor watches him run his hand through his hair, though it just falls back how it was, and he swallows as he meets Victor’s eyes.
Their food arrives and before Victor can break the silence, Yuuri breaks apart his chopsticks and digs in. He’s elegant and careful when he eats, Victor notes. Almost meticulous, but then his occupation requires attention to a lot of fine detail. Why should his eating habits be different? 
Victor can’t help but wonder if it extends to sex. He really wants to know, he thinks as he breaks apart his own chopsticks and selects a piece of tuna for his first bite. 
Yuuri washes down his food with a sip of the tea. “Um---” he starts. “Well. No one’s ever...people tend to not care for my work.”
“Narrow minded simpletons,” Victor responds without looking up. He can feel Yuuri’s eyes on his face as he combs through his bowl for the next morsel.
“And...you’re right,” Yuuri says. “Funerals are supposed to reassure the ones you leave behind. They’re supposed to enable you to say goodbye, let go, and move on. Sometimes when someone comes to us, like a wife grieving a husband of fifty years, they have a really hard time. They can’t make choices or even fully grasp the situation. It’s my job to help them make sense of it and voice their love out loud one last time.”
Victor looks at him. “That’s beautiful,” he replies.
Yuuri smiles, though his lips are closed. It’s sweet without being sickening, and Victor gives him an expression that amounts to a heart eyes emoji.
They finish their food, and with a refill in a to-go cup for Yuuri and a new non-boozy drink for Victor, he pays their bill. They stroll back to the office, and Victor halfway reaches down and entwines their fingers.
Yuuri chokes on his drink, stumbling, and almost taking them both down hard on the pavement. Victor manages to save the day as he tugs him back, but Yuuri lands half clutching Victor’s blazer. He blinks up at him and Victor’s blue eyes widen a bit in awe as they stare at each other. 
Yuuri blushes again and Victor can’t stop, won’t stop, as he kisses him just a centimeter away from his lips. Yuuri gasps. “Oh.”
Victor pulls away. “Please,” he says. “May I have dinner with you soon? Somewhere with white tablecloths and----”
“Yes!” Yuuri blurts. He coughs. “Um. Yes.”
Victor is pleased. Victor is so pleased that right outside his office he pulls Yuuri close a second time and after wrapping his hands in his hair, he kisses him for at least ten minutes by his estimation. Yuuri kisses back with skill and equal amounts of affection, his hands clinging tight to Victor’s biceps like he thinks he’ll become a bat and fly away.
God Victor loves bats.
What Victor does not love is his entire staff cat-calling them and pounding on the glass windows of their office front. He actually didn’t even know Mila’s voice could pitch that high, and of particular note in terms of obnoxiousness is Georgi blaring “Young and Beautiful” from Yuri’s desk.
Yuuri breaks the kiss and hides as best he can behind the recycling bin a few feet away. Victor glares at his staff, sending them scurrying away like roaches. He pulls Yuuri out of the not-subtle hiding place and walks him inside to get his blazer. He puts it on him, Yuuri holding out his arms after a moment’s confusion, and Victor may or may not get a bit frisky with his (strong, corpse-lifting) shoulders.
Yuuri faces him and he hands Victor a white business card with an austere typeset. “Here.”
It’s his card with his information, like Victor gave the day before.
Yuuri runs his hand through his hair. “Um...call me. Whenever. I’ll go to dinner.”
He bites his bottom lip and exits, though when he pushes the door open he turns, opens his mouth, and closes it. Victor watches him go to the point where he sees the hearse disappear into the rest of the FiDi.
He looks at the card and grins.
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zip001 · 7 years
inspired by the picture reblogged in https://zip00198704.tumblr.com/image/162613934714
sorry in advance for the rushed (and yet incomplete) ending. i decided to post but will likely tinker with it more (maybe).
for awesome mlle karen - hopefully this bit of fluff will make her smile!
Goodness, not only were her shorts a horrid bright purple color that did nothing for her pale long, gangly legs (her nan clicked her tongue, telling her that she looked like a wobbly filly) but she had the worst PE teacher in all of the universe! She so wanted to be in Ms. Brienne Tarth’s class but just missed out, being first in the wait list.
It was destiny her traitorous mind told her. Coach Clegane was Robb’s and Jon’s PE teacher last year, their senior year, and the years before he taught PE in elementary school for all of her younger siblings. Her siblings were all athletes unlike herself but all shuddered when they talked about the Coach, saying that he was the absolute worst. He even rolled Arya up in one of the paddings like a burrito because of her bad attitude.
Sansa tried to blend in with the other waiting students but she was a good foot or two taller than everyone, even the guys who all called her giraffe (or worst). She hunched down even though she heard her mother’s voice in her heqd reminding her to have good posture and be poised.
When the gym door swung open, the biggest man she ever saw stomped in. He looked them over and then down his clipboard. He looked straight at her, and Sansa tried to not flinch at his scowl. It was her turn to be tortured. Jon and Robb told her of their class running laps for a whole month because Theon made fun of the Coach’s gruesome scars and everyone snickered.
Suddenly Coach Clegane shouted that there would be no talking, no gum chewing and no laughing in his gym. It was his rules or detention, no bloody exceptions. He sneered and glared at Joffrey and Margaery who were holding court on the side, both from wealthy families but were not “titles” like herself or Dany Targaryen, who hung with goths. Hunching further down, Sanse held her breath and hoped he forget about her.
“Get up here! I want you to climb that rope and ring the bell. Then you come down slowly and in control. Show the class how it is done.”
Sansa heard snickerings from Joffrey’s crowd as she walked towards Coach Clegane and the dreaded rope. Staring at the bell that seemed so far away, she wiped the sweat from her hands on those hideous shorts. She gulped, praying that she would not fall.
He got close to her, and he told her that the key was using her legs. She got it.
Her body was shaking when she was slightly above the mid-way point.
“Stark, push, push with those legs!”
Sansa knew that her sister, Rickon and especially Bran probably shimmied up the rope like monkeys. Both her elder brothers would have no problems she was sure. She couldn’t quit even though she felt her grip slipping. She had to do it! She was a Stark.
“Stark, you are almost there! Rest your arms using your feet, your legs should do most of the work!”
She wanted to cry as she felt she could not go on! But every time she heard his growly voice exhorting her forward, she surged up. Up. Sniffle. Up. Sniffle. Up.
“The bell! Stark!!!”
It was there, just within her reach. She barely saw it, through her tears. Her long arm waved at it and the ding was the sweetest sound she heard. Sansa almost giggled in relief until she made the mistake of looking down. She was gonna die!
“Stark! Hand over hand down, use your feet to slow your descent.”
Frozen still with fear, Sansa thought of all she wanted to do, that she wished she told Arya that she was not horse faced but kinda cute in a way, that she wanted to kiss a true prince, that she wanted to -
“Stark! Down! Down! Hands! Feet! Hands! Feet!”
When Sansa thought she could not go on and started to slide down, she was easily plucked from the rope and gently put down by the Coach, with his large body blocking her from the class. Sandor grunted in her ear that she did good, that she should not psych herself out. Wiping away her tears, she nodded as he looked at her raw red hands as she slid down the last few feet. Up close, Sansa thought his scars would be more hideous but all she saw was the concern and pride in his brown eyes. He rubbed her hands with his large thumbs, muttering no broken skin, that’s a good thing.
It was weird but she could not help but sniff him, wrinkling her nose at the smell of smoke that permeated off of him even though he had a lot of cologne on. She shook her head, thinking that was an unhealthy habit, that as a gym teacher, he should know better, that smoking would shorten his life. But she thought better to voice her concern, as it was unsolicited and rude if she said anything. She was her mother’s daughter.
“Starks never give up,” he grunted approvingly. “Baratheon, what are you laughing about? Get up here!”
“Baratheon, you call that climbing! Move it! Not so easy, eh, now that you are on the rope.”
“Pathetic! Just pathetic!”
When she got back to her friends, they quietly cheered her and then giggled at Joffrey’s failed attempt but she saw and heard nothing but Coach Clegane in his yellow track suit that she originally agreed with Myranda that it made him look like a Guido but now she saw was like a golden armour and heard his low rumbly voice that seemed to go through her body.
Her teachers (with the exceptions of maths) had always praised her academic accomplishments but somehow it meant so much more coming from his scarred mouth. She knew that he was not one to praise and yet he exhorted the class to be like Stark, not give up. Every time he said Stark, he would look at her and nod, making her stand taller. She was a Stark.
And she was so lost in her thoughts that Jeyne had to push her as Coach Clegane made them all run laps the last ten minutes of class.
Sansa no longer dreaded PE and stood in the front. But unlike the first day, he did not call on her first. She was not the top student in the class but she tried her best, each time doing much better than she expected, especially with his shouting her last name, telling her that she could do it.
And her confidence grew. Instead of crying when the cool kids teased her, trying to shrink and hide, she stood up to them until they stopped bothering her and her friends. It was fun mocking them using words Joffrey and his goon friends did not understand. Sansa shook her head in disbelief that she once thought Joffrey was cute (ugh!).
She blushes, thinking of how her heart raced when she saw the tuff of black hair that sprouted out of the Coach’s gold track suit. Was he wearing anything underneath his track suit other than his gold chains? She dared not to lower her eyes downward as that would be untoward, but did peek surreptitiously at his tight buns whenever he turned around.
She almost died of mortification the day they learnt first aid. As she was practicing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, she kept imagining that it was Coach’s lips! Oh, how sweet that would be! If only he was not her teacher, if only she was older, if only she was not this awkward gangly “ginger” scarecrow who just got her braces and was bloated with her period, if only.
She heard him bark at the boys next to her who were sniggering as Joffrey pretended to French kiss (so much tongue and those wormy lips - yuck!) the male-ish (no dick as Myranda checked) mannequin. Coach called Joffrey and his followers dumb shits and made them run laps, threatening them that they would run laps all of next class if he heard another word from them.
“Word,” Joffrey loudly said.
“Fucking high step the bleachers!” the Coach barked. She heard the boys groaned - that was the absolute worst!
Then the Coach came behind her which made her blush like mad.
“Stark, long, deep breaths. Tight seal.”
She pressed her lips onto the mannequin’s lips, deeply inhaled, and then everything went blank.
When she opened her eyes, she say his eyes looking sadly at her. She was lying down on the bed in the school nurse’s office.
“Stark, I-I was too tough on you. I realize that now.”
“Sansa,” she whispered.
“My name is Sansa.”
Coach smiled, shaking his head.
When his deep voice spoke her first name, Sansa shivered and could not help smiling at him in adoration.
Coach froze at that and slightly pulled away.
“I’m not what you think I am - I’m no hero.”
“You are to me.”
So my muse (mlle karen) thought of an awesome ending for this piece (much better than anything I could imagine):
Seven years later, he doesn’t recognize her.
She says “I’m Sansa. Sansa …”
His eyes get huge round and blurts “STARK!!”
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blankrslate07 · 7 years
Sparkle Within Chapter 7
IT’S FINALLY HERE GUYS!!! @crossroadsdimension @happy-fazzbear-ponies2 @howtotrainyournana Enjoy!~ +D
“WH-“ Robbie’s mouth was immediately covered by Wendy. “Don’t shout!” She whispered in a hiss at him. “Mabel will hear you!” The goth nodded at that.
 Ghost-Eyes sighed heavily. “Listen, I’ll explain myself after the party. I don’t want to ruin it for Mabel and neither do any of you.” The ghosts looked at each other and nod in agreement. “Fine, but you better cough up a good explanation to why you can see us pal.” Stan said with a serious tone.
 The atmosphere was tense until Mabel and Melody came back into the room. The birthday girl was smiling brightly looking at her necklace. “Does it look good on me?” She asked with excitement. “It looks great on ya pumpkin!...Even though it came from Gideon...” Stan tells her. Gideon rolled his eyes at his comment.
 Mabel giggled with glee. “Thanks Grunkle Stan! And thanks for the gift Gideon!” The white haired boy blushed and stuttered. “Y-You’re welcome Mabel.”
After the party was done, Mabel was put to bed with a happy smile on her face. Making sure that she’s in a deep sleep, the ghosts went out of the Shack to meet up with Ghost-Eyes. “Makes even more sense as to why he’s called 'Ghost-Eyes' now.” Dipper mused before the white eyed man finally arrived.
 “’Bout time ya showed up.” Stan said in a snappy way. “Yeah yeah. Now sit down so I can explain.“ The ghosts either sat on the couch or the porch floor while the burly man sat on on the ground.
 “Alright then, back when I was just a teen...my eyes were like everyone else’s. With pupils and stuff....That’s until I came to this town...." He flashbacks to that time, just a seventeen year old  looking for some excitement. “After sometime, I realized that this town was weird...supernatural weird.”
 “I explored the town more until I found a book of spells.” He remembered how thrilling it felt when he casted fire spells or firework spells. “It was pretty great trying them out at first...But then I saw it....the very spell that gave me these eyes I’ve got now....”
 He takes a deep breath before continuing. “When I casted it, my eyes started to burn. And let me tell you. It. Hurt. Like. HELL.” His fist clenches, vividly remembering the horrible pain.
 "After that happened I burned that book and was about to leave town until...a ghost came to me asking for help. Turns out the spell gave me the ability to see ghosts that couldn’t be seen with normal eyes.”
 The ghost saw what I did and begged me to help her in her last deed so she can move on, and I couldn’t refuse with the puppy eyes she was giving me. After I helped her out more ghosts came to me for help, and help them I did. I even got some rewards.” He gestured to his bandana. "The first ghost gave me this."
 “It was going well....But then HE came...” He gritted his teeth in utter rage and hatred. “He came begging to me to kill a man who wronged and violated him......and I did...But it was the other way around...That ghost was the one who wronged and violated the man but was killed when the man fought back...That ghost tricked me into getting him his vengeance.....”
 After taking another deep breath, this one deeper then the last, Ghost-Eyes continued. “The police found out what I did and arrested me....While I was in prison, that bastard came to me and revealed the true story before laughing in my face and moved on..."
 The nine ghosts were stunned by this story. “I-I’m so, so sorry Ghost-Eyes...” Gideon said to his friend. The man shakes his head a little. “Ah it’s okay. I’m pretty sure the bastard went to hell so I'm the one that got the last laugh in the end."
 “.....Are you going to te-“
 “No. Not after what the she’s been through...”
 They were relieved by this before standing up. “It’s best to take our leave now...and thank you Ghost-Eyes for not planning to tell Mabel what we are now.” Ford said before he and the others leave.
Ghost-Eyes nods at what the elder ghost said and leaves as well.
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